#Chan Ho-Kei
sleepyminty · 1 year
Honkai spoilers
They really do give her a brick
Anyway congrats on returning to the meta senti
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riririnnnn · 8 months
It's a follow up post for this, but this post makes sense on its own too.
I have always been the younger sibling, so I can't understand an older sibling's feelings, but I wonder if Sae gets glimpses of what things used to be; if he sees Rin when the younger one isn't paying attention, and just reminiscences when they were kids.
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Way too many things are going on during the U-20 arc, so it's not uncommon for the readers to miss something especially if they are binge reading it. That's why, I never actually saw people talking about the fact that we DID, in a way, get a reason why Sae chose Shidou out of all the Blue Lock-ers.
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However, we didn't get this from a Narrator's POV or Sae's POV, that's why we can't FULLY trust it, so it makes me think if Sae chose Shidou because he couldn't choose Rin. Sae might've thought that there wasn't a better way to test out Rin until and unless he went against him instead of alongside.
Which brings me this panel again:
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Rin in that panel just.. I don't know how to articulate it. "I saw what I came for, and I'm satisfied." Was Sae talking about Rin?
Further, I think Sae got fired up when he heard Shidou was going to play too because he wanted to rub it on Rin's face like, "Look, I'm siding with him. I'm passing to him and not you. He is better than you that's why." And I believe that he was doing it purposely.
I'll explain why, look here:
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The above panel was before Rin went berserk, and you can clearly see that he was still trying to be like Sae. Like his Nii-chan.
But when he got free from this thing that was holding him back as he says, he went into his flow and ho, ho, ho, look what he said:
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He became himself instead of being someone of somebody.
Also, during the time he was going into his flow state, this is what his inner monologue said:
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Him going batshit crazy actually stole the spotlight from everything. It's clearly a new perspective of that flashback, and after that Sae was completely attentive to Rin. It was almost as if Sae WAS expecting this to happen, yet the intensity of it caught him off guard for a while too.
After that the focus of the game just became Sae Vs Rin, and the older Itoshi continued to rile the younger one by saying, "You still don't get it? You can't be the best in the world," and lalalalalalala.
This thing low-key took off the attention from the fact that Sae didn't pass to anyone during that time. He went along with Rin in their 1V1, and this thing was also pointed out by the news article where it said something along the line of, "The internet says Sae held the ball for too long and he should've passed." (Chapter 152)
It has to be purposely.
It was Rin who stole the ball from him and Isagi got to hit it.
Further, this:
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It's giving new perspective to everything now. Also, he says, "Nii-chan." It seems like a trivial thing to point out, but if you know, you know.
That's why, I kinda think that Sae knows that his words affects Rin a lot. That's why he praised Isagi, so that Rin wouldn't forget/lose his Ego. It makes more sense since in the same chapter (152), Rin says like, "In that moment, I won against Nii-chan." Which is true, he stole the ball, but his ending words of that monologue was, "But Isagi gained everything. He (Sae) recognised him and not me."
But what if Sae had recognised Rin verbally?
I bet Rin would've lost his new found real Ego, and would've ended up like Nagi did when he scored against Isagi in the BM Vs Manshine City match.
So, I think Sae wants Rin to be Rin. Not Itoshi Sae's younger brother Rin, but the real Rin because Sae didn't want him to be a mirror image of him since he wasn't enough in world stage of soccer.
Personally, I'm sorry for mixing my own emotions, but I have went through what Rin went through. No, I wasn't completely starstruck by my older sibling like him, but I indeed felt really humiliated, and that humiliation actually helped me improve. Everything is fine now, we got more trauma in our life, so we bonded over it and we are chill af now, but, deep in my heart, a little girl will always be present with a mild, gentle resentment for being treated unkindly.
That's why I think that Sae did what he had to do to help Rin improve which sadly, costed them their brotherhood.
I know I'm slightly backtracking from this post.
But I do want to believe that whatever Sae did, he did it FOR Rin and NOT for their shared dream to be the best striker in the world.
For a sports animanga, Rin-Sae relation is actually way complicated and deep. I hope Kaneshiro-san will do justice to everything.
But in the end, they are fictional and their realities will become whatever the author wants it to be.
Till then, we can only speculate.
It'd be funny if they go into therapy together and their trauma is just:
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justwonder113 · 11 months
Showering Han with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
Summary: when the love of your life comes down with a fever and is bummed out you do everything in your power to cheer him up.
Warnings: genders neutral reader, Han has a fever, Whipped reader as always, Han is feeling anxious and reader tries to comfort him. Fluffy ending bit angsty in the start. Loads of hugs and kisses I can't help myself. Please tell me if I missed anything Word count-2.1k
A/N- I wanted to say thank you for all the support, reblogs, notes, your comments everything! They literally make my whole day! I kept giggling in the subway like a lunatic the other day. I cannot describe how much it means to me that you like what I write. Thank you so much🩷🩷🩷
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It was one of those days where everything seemed normal and fine but you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Like you were chilling by yourself but it felt like something unknown loomed over you, something like sixth sense was tingling and bothering you. Like... there was no explanation for you to feel this off. Were you forgetting something? But you had everything listed and checked out, you even double checked it! You wondered what was up...
You sighed and started searching for your keys, which was prooved to be little hard when you had your hands full with groceries. Normally you went shopping with your boyfriend, but these days he seemed to be a little overwhelmed and you didn't want to stress him more on meaningless stuff. Also, you didn't have to buy so much stuff, you were only out to buy few of the nescesities, you just couldn't help yourself when you saw that your favorite bakery had Han's favorite cheescake on display in the window. So you bought it and couple of more snacks , which you knew he would appreciate. 
You finally fished out the keys and walked into your shared apartment. You wondered when Han would get home, hopefully, his schedule wasn't as packed today. You really wished he could get some chance to rest for a while.
You almost dropped everything and screamed when you noticed dark figure on your sofa. You calmed when you recognized the black hoodie of your boyfriend with the text on the back. It was the one you had gifted him on your anniversary, custom made and everything. He was dressed in all blacks no wonder it almost gave you a heart attack, he was blended into the darkness of the room. Was he asleep? How was he breathing laying face down like that?
"Baby?" You called out his name, but no answer. You got closer and examined him, he was dead asleep. Your heart ached, he was so tired he must've immediately fallen asleep. He didn't even go to your bedroom and just slept on this uncomfortable as hell sofa. The sofa wasn't the best when it was new, you still had no idea why you bought it, but now, it was in such a bad shape it felt like laying on bricks. You had to wake him up, who knew ho long he was aleep like this, he woud be all sore.
You gently placed a soft kiss on his squished up cheek, your eyebrows furrowed. Why was his skin so warm? To confirm your suspictions you sofly kissed his forehead, and, unfortunately, you were proved right. He was warm. He surely had a fever. You started inspecting him more, his skin felt damp, his breathing was shallow and rugged and he looked really uncomfortable, Why didn't he call you? You were doing nothing meaningful today, the least you could do was to take care of him.
"Jisung baby?" You tried to soothe him out of his slumber, your hand softly rubbed his waist, soon enough he did stir, he was staring to wake up, you decided to call some more "Sunshine wake up for me" you started littering kisses on his cheek while telling him to wake up between kisses. It worked, because now he was watching you, half dazed, but you noticed how the corners of his lips lifted up when he saw you. "Hey baby..." His voicse was raspy, it immediately sent shivers down your spine, and your heart did a flip when his hand brought the back of your hand and softly kissed it.
"How are you sweetie?" You decided to ask with a soft voice as he rubbed his eyes. Jisung looked at you for a second and then just shrugged his shoulders."I'm fine, just sleepy." You couldn't help but sigh, "tell me the truth Ji, you're clearly not feeling well." You were being a bit harsh, yes, but he didn't really expect you to believe him just like that did he? The first thing he did when he woke up was to squint his eyes and froqn as if he was in pain before noticing you and giving you a convincing smile. He was clearly pale, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't see himself but you had eyes for god's sake! You tried to approach him more softly so you lowered your voise "What's wrong love, please tell me, I'm worried..." Han looked at you for a second then just sighed and layed on his bed, his eyes closed, not enjoying harsh light.
"I wasn't feeling well since I woke up, but I thought nothing about it and decided to go to studio, I had some ideas and I wanted to try and incorporate it into the new song I'm working on. I spent most of my day working on it, after that we had dance practice..." You carefully listened, while softly patting his stomach, his hands were busy playing with the fingers of your other hand, you noticed quickly into your relationship that he loved to do so whenever he was feeling stressed. "I noticed I had some trouble with the choreo, but I thought it was because my muscules were sore from yesterdays workout. Minho noticed it and told us we could take five. I was chilling on the sofa when Felix approached me and hugged me, but like the second he touched me he immediately jumped up and bought Chan. In second everyone was around me, Chan kept worrying like a mother hen saying I'm burning up and stuff, then he got all stern and told me that he was bringing me home. He and Minho brought me here actually. The others also took day off, Chan said that we were overworked and needed a day off, Minho also agreed he said that schedule did allow it and we had plenty of time. So we got here, Minho even cooked and made me eat some soup. Chan also kept pestering me if there was something I needed help with, it got so overwhelming that I told them that I had just texted you and that you were over the block. Minho got the clue and so they left. Honesly I just wanted to be alone for a while, I guess I must've fallen asleep." Your heart ached as you listened to him talk.
"Why did you isolate yourself baby? What's up, please talk with me?" You tried to coax him into talking, he took a few deep breaths before he could look at you, and the second your eyes met his resolve broke and his eyes started watering up. You immediately got everything you needed to know so you layed nex to him and held him as tight as you could, letting him let go of his feelings. "It's okay my love, I'm here I've got you"- you kept muttering over and over as he cried his heart out, his each sob killing a part of you. You also kept pressing kisses against his temple to let him know you were here for him both physically and emotionally, -"You did nothing wrong, everything's fine, you'll be back in shape in no time! We just need to take care of you first. My precious baby always works so hard. You need to take a break sometimes my love, your body can't handle all that pressure. We will get you in shape in no time though, don't you worry!" You helt his face gently and made him look at you, your heart squeezed when you saw his tearful face. "I'm proud of you! You're doing absolutely amazing job! I'm beyond proud! I'm the luckiest person to have you in my life you hear me? Words can not express how much I love and adore you Ji, don't you ever forget that!" Jisungs eyes watered up even more if that was even possible, but now he was smiling so it eased your worries, he also held you so tightly you would wake up with bruises tomorrow, both from the couch and his hold on you. You felt him nod against you which made you smile. "Promise?" he pressed a kiss on your collarbone, "Promise, I love you baby." You pressed a kiss on his crown and held him just as tight.
You laid here for a while, before you noticed that his shoulders had stopped shaking and he was starting to calm down. You mentally prepared yourself it was time to act! "Sungie baby..." You softly called his name to get his attention, and when he looked at you with pretty doe eyes you started to talk, "what do you think we bath together and then we cuddle in the bed? I also bought you your favorite snacks we can eat them together too,"-your hand crept into his hair and started playing with his locks, Han immediately leaned into the touch,-" but of course after we check your temperature and take appropriate meds. What do you say? We can cuddle all you want after that."
"Okay, sounds good." He leaned up and helped you stand up before standing up himself, he stumbled for a second but he quickly regained his composure. His hand never once left yours. He looked at you as you headed towards your bedroom, mischief evident in his eyes, "Baby, since our sofa is broken what do you think we buy new one?" You looked at him clearly unamused, already knowing what he had in mind. " Absolutely we should buy new one but not that Lightning McQueen one!" Jisung pouted at you, "you're no fun sometimes." He grumbled, you laughed and kissed his pout away, his lips immediately chased after you the second you leaned back which made you laugh. You told him that you would kiss him as much as he wanted when you were done with your tasklist.
You led him into the bathroom and helped him bathe, you were spooning him from the back while he basically melted against you, feeling so content and relaxed. You also massaged the knots out of his back and shoulders and he almost melted into a puddle from the pleasure. It also didn't help that you kept pressing kisses on his neck and shoulders.
You didn't stay long in the bath tho, you quickly gave him the warm fluffy clothes and quickly did your skincare so you could go and snuggle in the bed. You took his temperature, gave him his meds and also brought some hot tea and snacks you had bought. Jisung munched on them like a happy quokka he is.
After you put away everything you joined him under the sheets, some movie played in the back. Both of you snuggled against each other, Jisung's head layed on your chest absolutely loving cuddling you and feeling of you softly scratching his scalp. "Thank you for everything baby, I don't know what I would do without you." He searched for your hand and bought it to his lips to kiss. "I love you." His voice was soft and raspy, he would surely fall asleep any second now.
"I love you too." You leaned in and pressed a kiss on his lips. He leaned back looking at you with confused eyes, you raised your eyebrow, what was up? "Baby I can get you sick if you kiss me like that!" His comment made you chuckle, did he now realize that after you kissed him gazillion times over the night? God, you loved this dumbass. You leaned in and whispered against his lips before sealing them again "I don't give a damn."
Jisung melted into the kiss and tried to kiss you with as much passion if not more. The kiss was slow, passionate, it made you feel full, complete, it made you feel like you were on top of the world. Every drag of your lips against his soft ones ignited something in you. You sometimes wondered how you were before him? Not that you could remember it any more, it's just, this boy made you feel so alive, you could never imagine yourself without him, he was an extension of your soul, your being, he was your other half, your soulmate and you would do anything for him .
You leaned back to get some more, Jisung whined at the loss of the feeling, his cheeks looked more flushed up, his lips were rosy red, his breathing was shallow, his hair all disheveled in the most delicious way. God you adored this man. You couldn't help but connect your lips once again, and once you felt like you couldn't breathe again you moved and kissed every corner of his face, his neck, his collarbones that peaked from his shirt, his hands... Absolutely adoring both kissing him and his adorable reactions, his soft giggles and shy smiles, his proclamations of love proving you once again that you two were made for each other.
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Masterlist: Seventeen 💎
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Key: ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕smut | ♥ completed works | ✍️ work in progress | 💯 written I just need to post it. 
Indi’s Note 1: I’m aware that this might be a very long masterlist hahah. Bear with me heheh 💎💕 Indi’s Note 2: These fics are most if not all NSFW and contains mature elements, if you are a minor please do not engage with my works. 💕 Quick member links below because this is a very long masterlist to save you some time💕...these will be updated accordingly!  Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Seokmin | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Chan © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved. Do not, copy, edit, translate, my works, on any platform. I work hard on these stories. If you find it absolutely imperative to translate anything, MESSAGE ME FIRST 💕
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🍒 Olive You ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend attempts to cook you breakfast after tiring you out the night before. Only problem? He’s not the most talented cook, but he’s a determined lover.
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🍒 All Too Well ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You thought you met the man of your dreams. He was everything you ever wanted, but what happens when that dream falls apart and when that man is no longer the one you recognise? You want to love him against all odds because you believe things can be better. 🍒 Bake a Wish ☆☀︎☁︎ ♕ Summary: Seungcheol knows it’s silly. Getting this mad that you forget his birthday, but it only happens once a year. He’s too prideful to let it go so quickly, and you’re too determined to continue letting your boyfriend sulk.
🍒 One Trick Peony ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Choi Seungcheol could only do one type of floral arrangement, and the rest he’d pawn off to you, granted he got a ton of orders, but he would always take the orders for arrangements that he could never do. This time he went too far. He took an ‘only peonies’ arrangement–a painfully delicate flower–and took an order for a wedding, and with your luck, you’re the only two florists available that weekend.
🍒 Silky ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Your boyfriend got his hair permed and wants to know if it still feels as soft when you tug on his hair, mainly when he’s laid between your thighs. 🍒Count for Me ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: You’re unsure what to get your boyfriend for Valentine’s. Thankfully, he has a plan, and you might just be very spent after giving him exactly what he wants. 🍒 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🍒 Setting the Mood ☆☀︎♕ Summary: After a gruelling day, you want to make your boyfriend feel better and care for him. You think you’re in charge, but that lasts only a little bit. 🍒 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🍒 Daddy Cheol (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: The one where you can't sleep, so you decide to text and tease your boyfriend until he snaps and tells you that you only come undone for him. 
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😇 Gotcha! ☆☀︎☁︎  Summary: Jeonghan loves pranks, creating chaos and mischief, and you love it too, but one day he goes too far, and he’s unsure how to fix it because how do you fix a broken heart?  😇 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦌 Relax ☆☀︎♥ Summary: You and Joshua try role-play. He’s not very good at it, but he’s hot, so it works out anyways. 🦌Teardrops on My Guitar ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You loved him, but he was your best friend, and while he sometimes blurred the lines, he never saw you more than a friend, but since he was your best friend and you were so in love, you’d break yourself apart for him. You watched him fall in love with everyone, but you, only question for how long?
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😼Crossing Lines ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: Your boss is a dangerous man, and you foolishly messed up his schedule, now he’s pissed and you’re the only one that can fix the problem you caused. 
😼 Lollipop! ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: You’re distracting your boyfriend while he’s working, and you do so by sucking a lollipop, but you’d much rather be sucking him. After a few moments of teasing, he snaps and decides to indulge you by tasting just how sweet you are. 😼Ugh! As If! ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend decided to take you into a drive-in movie for date night. Only problem? He looks scrumptious, and now your task is to ensure he knows just how good he looks without the others knowing.
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😼 Sulky Jun (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Jun looks incredible in his new drama, and you couldn't be more proud. You're just a little sulky about the amount of kisses. 
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🐯 There Was Only one Bed ☆☀︎♕☁︎ Summary: You like Soonyoung, and Soonyoung likes you. You won’t tell him, and he won’t confess either, and your friends are tired of the back and forth and after concocting an elaborate plan that leaves you to share a room with the man you’re hopelessly in love in the hopes of a confession, or at least a night of torrid lovemaking.
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🐱 Cuffed ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend’s latest photoshoot has you reeling and wanting more, and lucky for you, you have just the thing to keep him in place as you overstimulate him. 🐱Forgive Me? ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend is late and buys a giant teddy bear to help make his case. He just forgets how adorable he is. 🐱 Tasty ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend said the word tasty in a deep voice, and now he’s showing you what other things he likes to call tasty in that ocean deep voice.
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🐱 Leaf Me Alone ☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: Jeon Wonwoo is the newest hire at your flower shop, and he’s handsome, tall and painfully shy, and worst of all, in the last three months, you’ve exchanged three whole sentences and nods, you never know what he’s thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s annoyed by your presence. 🐱 Like a Cowboy ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend sang the line, “like a cowboy,” and that’s precisely how you want to ride him. 🐱 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐱 Super Shy ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend gets super shy when showered with affection, and it’s really adorable, so you won’t stop.
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🐱Collage BF Wonwoo (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Wonwoo has been sulking about the fact everyone is clowning his collage skills, so to show you how good he is, he decides to make a collage of your nudes. 
🐱Enough For You Social Media AU ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: You care for Wonwoo a lot, arguably more than a friend, but he has reservations and feels smothered and instead tries to push you away because he's scared he can't be enough for you.
🐱Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead. 
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🍚 Ruby Lips ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend looks incredibly hot while working and you can’t help but get distracted.
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⚔️ Dolphin Like ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend once screamed like a dolphin, and you want to know if he can scream like that during sex, too, so what do you do? Overstimulate him until he does. ⚔️ Saddle ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has gloriously thick and muscular thighs and accentuates them by wearing tight jeans, which only makes you want to climb and ride them.
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⚔️Buzz Buzz ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: Your boyfriend discovers your sex toys and is now wondering why you need them if you have him, but more importantly, he wants to see what they do to you.
⚔️Neural Networks ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary The Escape allowed Dokyeom to gain a new life, one full of feelings. When he meets you when you save him, he experiences all of them - but did you? Strange things start happening once Dokyeom meets you. You embrace him, love him, and protect him. But when the dust from the chaos settles, Dokyeom can't help but doubt you. You have needs different from his. It's almost as if you're not like him at all. ⚔️Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   ⚔️Sleep Talking ☆♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has a habit of talking in his sleep, and usually, it’s something very random, but tonight? He mumbled that he loved you in his sleep.  ⚔️ Stitches☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Seokmin is nothing if not the perfect boyfriend, so he decided to manscape a little to spice things up. Unfortunately, he wasn’t paying enough attention, and he’s been stitched up for a week. He’s determined not to let you in on why he’s rejecting your advances, but all it’s doing is making you think he’s not interested. Seokmin sees that you’re upset, but he just doesn’t know how to tell his girlfriend that he accidentally cut his penis and now has stitches in it. 
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⚔️Better Than Me (Social Media AU) ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You and Seokmin have been dating for a few years, but now you're the star of a new drama with your co-star Rowoon, which makes Seokmin insecure. Seokmin tries his best to be supportive and understanding, but sometimes it's too much, and you're both unsure if your relationship can survive the jealousy and fights.
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🐶 Pussy Drunk ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend loves your pussy. 
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🐶 Drift Away ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You made the biggest mistake of your life, and now, Mingyu is trying his hardest to forget and forgive you, but how long till your infidelity rips you both apart? Besides, it’s not like you’d blame him. You hurt him. You did the one thing you promised never to do.  🐶 Exile ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You two were high school sweethearts, and your love story was something only found in the scripts of a shitty teenage rom-com, but he was a jock, and you were shy and quiet. It shouldn’t have worked, but somehow it did. Now, fast forward ten years, and things aren’t the same. Your lives aren’t the same; he’s stuck in the past, and you only focus on the future. Neither of you has your priorities straight, and neither realises that your present is a complete and utter mess. You won’t let him go because he’s all you’ve ever known, and he won’t let you go because you’re the only thing right in his life, but will love and high school promises keep you two together?
🐶 Posey Bee ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥  Summary: Mingyu is the new hire and the walking definition of pretty privilege. His clumsy thumbs have broken more vases than you can count, yet he brings in the most orders to your shop. It's all thanks to his handsome face, it’s annoying and unfair, and you’ve vowed that if this week he breaks another vase, you’ll feed him a cactus.
🐶 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐶Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐶 Snuggly ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s cold outside, and your annoyingly handsome roommate keeps leaving his very comfy leather jacket everywhere around the apartment,  and you’ve returned it to him multiple times, but this time you’re sure you’ll just keep it if he forgets it again. Except for the one time he returns to retrieve the jacket, he finds you in the most compromising position possible. 🐶 Tall Boyfie and His Tall Friend (feat. Rowoon) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has been neglecting you for long enough, and you decide to take things into your own hands. Is it your fault that your boyfriend’s very attractive colleague is there the night you decide to do so?  🐶 The One in Red ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You had a plan for New Year, go out and find some hot guy, you found a hot guy, but he won't stop with his crappy puns and pick-up lines, but when he looks that good, you can ignore it.  🐶 Three’s a Company ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your best friend claims that she’s better in bed than you, and your fuck buddy Mingyu doesn’t like that, but he’s open to sharing and changing your mind as well as hers. 
🐶 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐶 Jealous Mingyu Texts (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu gets jealous about the outfit you're wearing to an event but can't do anything about it because no one knows you both are together. So what do you do? Naturally, you tease him until he snaps. 🐶 Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead.
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🐸 Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐸 Sweetest Kiss ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you and your boyfriend are determined to make it the best one ever, and a little edible lingerie never hurt anyone in the process. 🐸 Zen ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You have muscle soreness, so your boyfriend suggests yoga. It’s hard to stay calm and focus when he looks that good though.
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🍊Slide ☆♕♥ (On Hold) Summary: You are sore after a very intense night, but you’re still very horny. So your boyfriend proposes an alternate solution.  🍊Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐢 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦕 Taste of Metal & You ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend got his lip pierced and wants to know if you can feel it when he’s laying with his head between your thighs. 🦕The Best Day ☆♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your boyfriend has everything perfectly planned. 
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inniessick · 2 years
Thinking abt bf!Innie taking you to see a horror movie with his friends, but while watching the movie y/n gets rlly scared so Jeongin puts her on his lap and cuddles her. Then he fingers y/n in the car to make her happy💗🙁
oh ho ho nonnie... now you've put that idea in my head, and damn is it a good one.
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word count: 1.4k
warnings: smut, cussing, petnames (babe, baby, pretty, lovely, princess, jeonginnie, jeong, innie) dom!jeongin, semi-public fingering, idk that's probably it. let me know if I missed any!
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You were supposed to meet the guys at Hyunjin's place for your weekly movie night. there was only one problem, it was a horror movie. Despite yours and felix's protesting, it had been decided. You disliked horror movies, you were easily scared. You tried to convince Jeongin to not go this week, but he said he'd be right next to you so you didn't have to worry. That didnt help though, you didn't want to be scared.
"Baby, you almost ready to get goin'?" Jeongin knocked on the door to get your attention, peering his head into the room. You were picking up your phone from the bed, looking visibly pissed off. "Mhm, we can leave." your voice was flat as you opened the door fully, walking right past Jeongin. "Princess, dont be upset, it's just a movie. It's not supposed to be all that scary, anyways. We've been doing these movie nights for a year." You knew you shouldn't be this upset, but you hated scary things, you've always been that way. Jeongin hugged you from behind, murmuring into your neck, "Promise i'll keep you safe, pretty. it'll be over before you know it." You hummed, "If i scream its your fault! Lets leave before they get on your ass for being late again."
He held the door open for you, both of you making your way to the car. The ride wasn't long, you had started to relax a bit. You heard Jeongin take the keys out of the car, before he was making his way to open your door, holding his hand out, "C'mon, I know they're waiting for us." You both made your way up to the door, knocking and it being answered quickly. "Hyun!! They're both here, you can get the movie started!" Chan yelled to Hyunjin before greeting you both, "Made it on time this week?" You playfully hit his arm, "Shut up it was one time!" "You were literally an hour late!" "It was one time, Chan!" You both started laughing.
Everyone was figuring out their seats across the couch and floor. Chan spoke to the group, grabbing their attention, "Alright make room, the loverbirds have arrived." Han and Minho looking at each other before saying "Ew..." "Boo, tomato, nasty." Both of them teasing you two. Jeongin spoke, "Yea whatever, talk when you can actually get a girlfriend." Han rushing to defend himself, "Hey! I've had girlfriends before!" Seungmin turned to him, "When? In like 7th grade, for a week?" "You're supposed to be on my side dude!" "Just saying the tru-" Hyunjin clapped his hands, "Alright shut up, movies gonna start!" Everyone began to quiet down.
You and Jeongin sat on the far end of the couch, his arm holding your waist, giving you reassuring squeezes every time a jumpscare occurred. You weren't happy, but the movie seemed pretty tame. At least, that's what you thought before it started to get real gruesome. A loud noise coming from the tv causing you to gasp, "Fuckin hell.." Jeongin leaned his head down, "You alright babe?" "No Innie, it's getting too scary." "Cmere, sit in my lap, i'll hold you till its finished." You moved yourself onto his lap, still watching the screen, his hands holding your waist and thigh. Each time you got scared, you would push yourself into his chest, an involuntary reaction. What you hadn't noticed was each time you did that, your ass would move right against jeongin's crotch.
You felt his hands push your hips down, "Stop moving like that, we're in front of all the guys." You could finally feel how hard he was under you, your clothed cunt sitting right against it, you moved your hips forward slightly. He squeezed your hips again, pushing you down against him, leaning in towards your ear, "Behave, or I'll fuck you right in front of everyone." You nodded, focusing on the movie again, attempting to not move when you got scared. You had been doing a half-decent job, he knew you were trying your best. You gasped again, the main character getting dragged into a basement before having some not-so-pg13-things happen to them, you shook your head, grabbing jeongin's hands. "Shh, shh I got you." "No jeonginnie, it's too scary, dont wanna watch it anymore." "Movie is almost over, hang in there and i'll make sure you feel better in the car." "But-" You looked up at the screen, another jumpscare, making you push yourself against him, a feeble attempt to get away from the tv. "Just close your eyes baby, innie's got you. It's almost over, nothings gonna get you." You listened to him, closing your eyes and turning your head away.
It wasn't all that long before you started to hear everyone begin to speak. changbin spoke, "Alright, it wasn't that bad, look even felix was able to watch it." "Yea, could've been a lot worse." Felix looked over at you two, "Did it scare her?" He had asked Jeongin, "Mhm, she made it through most of it, though." Han patted your shoulder, "That's progress! Maybe next time you'll get through the whole thing." Your eyes widened, fuck that. "I'll stay home the next time if you guys wanna watch horror, Innie can go by himself." Jeongin squeezed your hand, "I think we'll both pass, don't want her getting freaked out again." Hyunjin chimed in, "That's probably a good idea, sorry we scared her." Jeongin tapped your leg, "C'mon, time to go home." You stood up from his lap, grabbing your belongings off the couch. "We're gonna head home, text me later so we know what were gonna do next week." "Yea! we'll make sure its some cringey romcom or something." You waved at the guys, wishing them all a goodnight.
You got into the car, holding Jeongin's hand. "Don't make me do that again Jeong, freaked me out too much." He moved his hand onto your thigh, "I know baby, 'm sorry." He moved his other hand to grab your chin, giving you a kiss. "Didnt think it'd be that bad, lovey." His hand ran up your thigh a bit more, your breath hitching because of how close he was to your core. "Want me to make it up to you? Make you feel good?" You looked at him, "But- We're in the car, what if someone sees?" "The boys are gonna stay inside, and its dark out, nobody's gonna know."
You nodded your head. "Want you to make it better innie.. was so scared." His hand moving to unbutton and unzip your jeans. "Mhm, I know. Let innie make it better." He leaned over more, kissing you while he slipped his hand into your panties. He moved his fingers right over your clit, rubbing it slowly, taking all your moans into his mouth. you moved away, trying to catch your breath, "Jeongin please, need your fingers, dont tease me." He moved his lips along your neck, "Alright, princess. Whatever you want." He gathered your slick onto his fingers, "So wet for me.." You moaned, bucking your hips against his hand. He pushed two fingers into your needy hole, causing you to gasp at the sudden stretch. "Gonna make sure you feel better," He curled his fingers, pressing against your sweet spot, slowly pumping the two digits into your pussy. "Fuck jeongin, there- need more, gimme more." "More what baby? What do you want?" "Innie~ Want you to go faster, need your fingers to make me cum." You threw your head back as he immediately fulfilled your request, fucking his fingers into you quicker, thumb making circles on your clit. "Can feel you clenching around me," "Fuck- Jeonginnie... mmm, please.." He curled his fingers again, grazing that gummy spot. Your back arched as he gripped your jaw, kissing you deeply before pushing his tongue past your lips. "Mmph.. mm-" You moaned into the kiss, moving your tongue against his. God you were so close, you were right there. He separated from your mouth, mumbling sweet nothings to you.He applied pressure to your clit, moving his thumb against it faster. "Innie.. baby wan' cum." "Go ahead, cum all over my fingers." "Shit.. ahh- cumming- innie~", gripping onto his wrist as you screwed your eyes shut, walls spasming around him.
"There you go, did so well for me." He removed his hand hand from between your legs, you whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness. He licked his fingers clean, "Always taste so good.." "Thank you, feel a lot better." He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, before turning the keys and starting the engine. He took your hand in his, "Lets get you home so I can properly fuck you." You squeezed his hand a little, giggling at his comment. He flashed you a cheesy grin before driving away from Hyunjin's house, eager to do just as he had said.
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a/n: thank you so much for being my first ask, nonnie! i loved writing this and may have gotten just a bit too carried away 😅😅.. I HOPE YOU ENJOY READING THIS AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED PUTTING IT TOGETHER!! YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME BACK INTO MY ASK BOX... remember, let's play ♡.
likes, reblogs and feedback are appreciated! ♡ my requests are open! let me know if you'd liked to added to a taglist for future works!
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skzcoffeemachine · 1 year
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It was silent, except for the
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sounds of the machine that was keeping her alive. He sat by her side, holding her hands that were once warm.
Anyone could tell that he had been crying. His swollen eyes, his tired expression, his long heavy breaths - he was alone. He miss her and the sound of her voice.
“Chan, do you believe in astrology? ”, she asked , waving his hands about, as they both walked back from the store.
“Eh? I guess not.. Do you ? ”, he was amused at her question, out-of-the-blue.
She hummed in response as they reached their favourite spot — somewhere up the path to their farm house, which gave a perfect view of the sun, slowly descending behind the hills. They were just in time to experience the golden rays.
“you know, one shaman said that your wife will have a short life”. She turned towards him, leaning on the railing.
“Oh, really? ” Chan was amused at her interest. He was never a big believer. Yet whatever his wife loved, he enjoyed.
“Umm and my shaman said that my husband will have a short life when he read my birth chart”, she let out a soft laugh. Probably because of the contrast between their charts.
“Ohh that means that both of our charts negate each other, right? ", he said, grabbing her hand and turning her in for a back hug.
As he hugged her, they overlook the beautiful sight.
“well, if it doesn't negate one another, if there is really a Creator who listens, I wish my long life goes to you and may you live long long looooong”, she quipped, moving her hands in a big circle.
The Creator really listened.
Tears started to fall , as if any were left.
At the way he had been crying, it was a wonder how he was still conscious.
The main door slides open to reveal a worried Minho, a bento box in hand.
“Hyung.. Let's eat something, please. I made you your favorite meal", he said.
His brother had been in the room, for weeks now. Everyone had been mourning her failing health and they had been preparing their hearts and minds for the final day - the day she gets off of life support - well, everyone except for Chan.
“ she said she wanted to give me her long years so that I could live for a long time.. ”, he gulped down tears. “she threw herself in front of me,Minho..she did that to save me... ”, he looked up to face Minho. Minho was taken aback for a moment at the sight of his hyung. Red , swollen eyes, pale skin, his dimple was nowhere to be seen. He looked weak. He was weak without her. His heart broke when Chan clung on to him and sobbed , painfully so.
“Is this Lee Min Ho? ”, the unfamiliar voice said frm the other end.
“Yes, it is. Who is this? "
“ Minho-ssi, i found your number in the emergency contact. Please head over to the hospital. The owner of this phone had been in a car accident. ”
Minho froze.
They were pregnant.
She was 8 months pregnant and they were coming over to Gimpo , to make him their unborn child's Godfather.
He grabbed his keys frantically and ran out the door.
Upon arrival, the doctors had said that Chan was alive because she took the whole impact with her body, because of which she had fractured her spinal cord and her lungs were punctured. When the paramedics came to the scene, she was found on top of him ; his head pressed against her chest,thus cushioning his impact. She had threw herself in front of him. She took the whole blow to save her love.
“it is difficult rn. She is technically brain dead because of the shock received on her head”, the doctor said.
“Hyung!! Are they okay?", Changbin rushed in with his loud voice , full of fear and concern. The rest of the kids followed him. They had ran all the way.
“She saved our hyung”, Minho looked down as his eyes started to well up.
The kids understood.
There was not much the kids can do, except take turns to try and feed their hyung.
Her parents had come down to see their beloved daughter for the last time. They had been in a state of mourning - more so, for the state of their son-in-law .
“The dead will be gone, but the living has to live, son”, they said when he begged them to forgive him for not saving their daughter, for not being able to taking care of her.
The voice startled him. Her voice. He could recognise it anywhere. He turned around to see the love of his life, standing at their favourite spot and she was smiling. But it was a sad smile. She was sad.
“Babe.. You have to let me go”
Her voice echoed but he did not heed. He tried to touch her hand, eyes blurry from the tears welling up.
“No.. ” he shook his head.
He could not hold her. But she felt cold.
“Let me go, baby. It's cold out here”, the voice continued.
“Take me with you”. His words, a mere whisper.
“You have to live.. for Isa ”.
It felt like he was snapped out of a trance with that name. He looked up to meet her eyes. But she was gone. She had done her part. Reminded him of a reason to live.
Their daughter.
His eyes opened to the sound of the flat line, as the nurse switched off the life support.
All of her beloved stood around her bed, mourning her demise. There, Minho came in the door, this time he did not have a bento box.
He had a beautiful baby, bundled up in his arms.
Chan got up from where he was laid down - he had lost consciousness for a while when he tried to stop the doctors from cutting off his lifeline, his wife. But that part of unconsciousness made him realise the gift she left for him.
As he took the baby in his own arms, the little 3 week old stirred in her sleep.
“Isa”, he whispered.
And the beautiful new life gave a small smile.
“Just like her mother”, the grandma said.
“Yeah, just like her”, he mouthed, smiling at his daughter.
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A/n : flashbacks written in purple.
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lisutarid-a · 3 months
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
Kotatsu Farewell Party
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[Translation under the cut]
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Shiro: Well, now let's start the farewell party for Kotatsu-san.
Neko: No! Wagahai don't want to say goodbye to kotatsu!
Saya: Neko-chan, today is the last day of school. It's going to be warmer tomorrow, I think it's time to put it away.
Neko: I don't understand that. It could be warm tomorrow, but cold the day after tomorrow!
Saya: (What should I do…)
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Choice: [Let's put it away]
Saya: I understand how Neko-chan feels, but it's important to draw the line.
Neko: To draw the line…?
Saya: Uhm. I think clearing up at the end of the school year is kind of drawing the line.
Saya: It's just like with the cleaning, if you keep putting it off, you'll never put it away.
Neko: U-uugh…I got it. If Gohan says so, put it away.
Saya: Thanks, Neko-chan.
Saya: (What a relief. Looks like she understood)
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Choice: [Should we leave it for a little longer?]
Saya: So Neko-chan saying, that we should leave the kotatsu for a little longer?
Kuroh: The weather forecast says that the temperature will continue to rise from the day after tomorrow onward. Neko's excuses won't work.
Neko: Kurosuke is super stingy!
Kuroh: Pf, say what you want. Well, let's putting it away.
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Shiro: I can't believe she could convince Neko. She's quite the beast tamer, isn't she?
Kuroh: There is nothing to be impressed about. It's originally your role.
Shiro: Ahaha, indeed.
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Saya: That's it. Neko, are you done washing the window?
Neko: Almost there!
Shiro: We're ho-ome.
Saya: Welcome back you two. Did they let you put the kotatsu in storage?
Kuroh: Yeah. …With strange connection.
Shiro: Don't call it strange. It's a great connection.
Neko: Window cleaning is complete! Whew…Wagahai is hungry!
Saya: Good work, Neko-chan.
Shiro: Neko, let's go to the school store. I'll buy you something.
Neko: Really!? Whoo-hoo! Wagahai want to eat onigiri and sandwiches and…
Shiro: Wow…so much? I wonder if I have enough money…Before that. Kuro, I'll give this to you.
Kuroh: Is this…a key to the Himmelreich?
Shiro: Need to move it for maintenance. Go ahead with her. Me and Neko will be there later.
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[Prev chapter][Next: Happy ending]
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rebeccadumaurier · 9 months
2023 Books in Review
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a tiered ranking of all the books i read in 2023! originally i was going to write up my commentary on each one but then i was like hahaha.....no, so below the cut is just a list of the titles/authors in each tier instead.
changed my brain chemistry
The Idiot, Elif Batuman
Land of Milk and Honey, C Pam Zhang
The Borrowed, Chan Ho-kei (trans. Jeremy Tiang)
My Cousin Rachel, Daphne du Maurier
Vagabonds, Hao Jingfang (trans. Ken Liu)
The Membranes, Chi Ta-wei (trans. Ari Larissa Heinrich)
Under the Pendulum Sun, Jeannette Ng
Severance, Ling Ma
He Who Drowned the World, Shelley Parker-Chan
Vita Nostra, Marina & Sergey Dyachenko (trans. Julia Meitov Hersey)
Network Effect, Martha Wells
top-tier stuff
Our Share of Night, Mariana Enriquez (trans. Megan McDowell)
Brainwyrms, Alison Rumfitt
The Door, Magda Szabo (trans. Len Rix)
The Lover, Marguerite Duras (trans. Barbara Bray)
Fun Home, Alison Bechdel
Strange Beasts of China, Yan Ge (trans. Jeremy Tiang)
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, Becky Chambers
Pachinko, Min Jin Lee
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century, Kim Fu
Tell Me I’m Worthless, Alison Rumfitt
Bliss Montage, Ling Ma
How to Read Now, Elaine Castillo
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
The Fifth Season, N. K. Jemisin
If Beale Street Could Talk, James Baldwin
My Brilliant Friend and The Story of a New Name, Elena Ferrante
The Jasmine Throne, Tasha Suri
good, well-written
Carmilla, Sheridan Le Fanu
Life Ceremony, Sayaka Murata (trans. Ginny Tapley Takemori)
Yellowface, R. F. Kuang
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine
Assassin of Reality, Marina & Sergey Dyachenko (trans. Julia Meitov Hersey)
Witch King, Martha Wells
Tokyo Ueno Station, Miri Yu (trans. Morgan Giles)
Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler
Peaces, Helen Oyeyemi
Gingerbread, Helen Oyeyemi
Project Hail Mary, Andy Weir
The Pachinko Parlor, Elisa Shua Dusapin (trans. Aneesa Abbas Higgins)
All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Fugitive Telemetry, and System Collapse (Murderbot #1-4, #6-7), Martha Wells
Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee
The Dry Heart, Natalia Ginzburg (trans. Frances Frenaye)
Gods of Want, K-Ming Chang
Paradais, Fernanda Melchor (trans. Sophie Hughes)
The Mushroom at the End of the World, Anna Tsing
Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced An Emergency, Chen Chen
The Hurting Kind, Ada Limon
Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie
An Unauthorised Fan Treatise, Lauren James
Upstream, Mary Oliver
The Art of Death, Edwidge Danticat
Meander, Spiral, Explode, Jane Alison
alphabet, Inger Christensen (trans. Susanna Nied)
Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates
flawed, but enjoyable
The Wicker King, K. Ancrum
Exit West, Mohsin Hamid
Detransition, Baby, Torrey Peters
Flux, Jinwoo Chong
Bang Bang Bodhisattva, Aubrey Wood
The Murder of Mr. Wickham, Claudia Gray
Natural Beauty, Ling Ling Huang
The Monster Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Certain Dark Things, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The Likeness, Tana French
The Cabinet, Un-su Kim (trans. Sean Lin Halbert)
The Kingdom of Surfaces, Sally Wen Mao
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On, Franny Choi
good, well-written, but not my cup of tea
The Good House, Tananarive Due
The Transmigration of Bodies, Yuri Herrera (trans. Lisa Dillman)
Roadside Picnic, Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (trans. Olena Bormashenko)
The School for Good Mothers, Jessamine Chan
At Night All Blood Is Black, David Diop (trans. Anna Moschovakis)
Family Lexicon, Natalia Ginzburg (trans. Jenny McPhee)
The Empress of Salt and Fortune, Nghi Vo
The Kingdom of This World, Alejo Carpentier (trans. Harriet de Onís)
Against Silence, Frank Bidart
flawed, less enjoyable
Tenth of December, George Saunders
Counterweight, Djuna (trans. Anton Hur)
Authority, Jeff VanderMeer
Comfort Me with Apples, Catherynne M. Valente
Babel, R. F. Kuang
The Genesis of Misery, Neon Yang
Carrie Soto Is Back, Taylor Jenkins Reid
not ranking
These are nonfiction and they aren’t literature-related, so it just felt weird trying to rank them.
Visual Thinking, Temple Grandin
On Web Typography, Jason Santa Maria
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo (trans. Cathy Hirano)
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disappointingyet · 1 year
Geomijip (Cobweb)
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Director Kim Jee-woon Stars Song Kang-Ho, Krystal Jung,  Jeon  Yeo-bin, Oh Jung-se, Lim Soo-jung South Korea 2023 Language Korean (with English subtitles) 2hr 15mins Colour, black & white
Pleasing wild film biz comedy
A key question with art about the artistic process is: how much you do show of the results? If you’re claiming that the painting or record or TV show is great, then it’s best if you keep it off screen. (I was listening to a podcast the other day where they digressed for over 10 minutes just remembering the sheer awfulness of the show within-the-show’s comedy sketches in Aaron Sorkin’s Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, which, to be clear, were supposed to be cutting-edge good.) If we’re meant to be laughing at it, though, you’ll need it front and centre.
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In Cobweb, we end up seeing a lot of the film director Kim Yeol (Song Kang-Ho) is reshooting. That film is in luscious black & white, with the behind-the-scenes stuff in colour. He’s reshooting because he’s had dreams with a better ending that he thinks will turn his film into a masterpiece. 
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He feels he needs it to be the best thing he’s ever done because the critics say he’s never escaped the shadow of his late mentor. But the owner of the studio doesn’t see the point of the reshoots and doesn’t want to pay for them. Plus, this is Korea in the 1970s, and tight censorship controls films before, during and after production – the original version was already struggling for approval and the radical rewrite is even less likely to get a pass. 
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In the end, Director Kim gets just frantic two days to reassemble the cast and crew (most of whom are busy working on other productions by this point) and rework the main storyline of the movie. Meanwhile, he doesn’t actually have the studio owner’s approval and he’s hoping the censors don’t find out what he’s up to. 
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We get filming mishaps, back-stage intrigue, lots of people getting very drunk, emergency cast substitutions… the full chaotic production experience. Woven in with this is the footage from the increasingly unhinged melodrama that Kim is filming, to the bafflement of much of the cast.
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A useful selling point for non-Korean audiences is Song Kang-Ho, who starred in Parasite, along with several other Bong Joon-ho and Park Chan-wook movies. He’s excellent value as a director with that familiar mix of intense insecurity and deluded self-belief.
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But is it funny? I laughed a lot. I’m sure there are specifically Korean and probably specifically Korean-film-buff gags I’m not getting, but Cobweb can face up to comparisons with film-set-set classics like Living In Oblivion and not be disgraced. And the film-within-a-film is a treat. 
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Author Appreciation/Study:
-Chan Ho-Kei
*This post is in regard to his only two books published in English ( The Borrowed and Second Sister). I will talk about them separately then his writing as whole*
The Borrowed:
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The Borrowed is a crime fiction novel set in Hong Kong. It consists of six cases (six short stories) in reverse chronological order following one detective. As an avid mystery fan I honestly didn’t expect much; The more I read more mystery novels the more likely they are to become less entertaining because formats and tropes are easier to see. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill police procedural to be honest but as I tasted the first story, that was more armchair detective-esque, I thought “Oh? You’re serious.”.
The plot/mystery in all six stories was rather well written besides maybe the last one. The last story still had a good but predictable reveal unfortunately everything leading up that felt a little boring. The characters were just okay but I do want to talk about our lead detective Kwan Chun-Dok. I rarely see a “genius detective” done well. They usually feel so disjointed by either jumping to conclusions in a foolhardy manner based on intuition or not seeing through things the reader can easily deduce. Kwan Chun-Dok is one of the best genius detectives I have seen in awhile. He is always one step ahead, pulling the strings, or completely aware and it is believable. 
The weaker parts were the setting and the overall message but the ladder was partially my fault. So let’s start with the former. Setting, this novel goes in reverse chronological order form 2013 to1967 and unfortunately if I wasn”t told this I hardly would have realized. Some of the events, like the Leftist Riots, were an important part of the story but some events, like the SARS epidemic, was mentioned only in passing and almost felt forced. Now for the overall message, I was expecting a more riveting tale of corruption and social power shifts especially because the reviews all over the cover ( I know, rookie mistake ) but I think the portrayal of a city’s shift through time was just average. 
Second Sister:
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Second Sister is a crime fiction novel set in Hong Kong. Nga-Yee who grew up in poverty finally loses everything when her younger sister commits suicide. Nga-Yee suspects her younger sister was coerced into taking her life so she enlists the help of an enigmatic detective/hacker to find the person responsible for her sister's death. The synopsis on the back of the book is a little misleading, it makes the book seem like it will cover a lot more ground than it actually does. 
The plot/mystery in this story was a little more flimsy but it is one against six. This was far less of a whodunnit type mystery and focused much more on getting to the heart of the matter and I think Chan Ho-Kei was able to do exactly that. I wasn’t sure of his character writing but now I am. I think just about every character in this book was well written, the main characters at least. Everyone’s heart and motives were exposed and he handled the topic of suicide with care and sympathy. 
The main weaker points in this were once again setting but also over explaining. There were plenty of tricks and traps used by the hacker coupled with Nga-Yee not being tech savvy which led to things being explained multiple times over which was tedious.
Although he doesn’t always paint a pretty picture or suck you into the setting, Chan Ho-Kei’s mystery writing and ability to misdirect is quite admirable. He seems to know the complexities of crime and the human heart. Knowing he was inspired by honkaku/shin-honkaku and shakai mysteries from Japan, I think he does a good job at blending the two and will be eagerly awaiting another translation.
His work will pair best with most black or dark teas :)
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naneundede · 1 year
타임어택 1분 자기소개 ✧ Time Attack, 1 Min. PR
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✧  K Group
Bak Do Ha : https://youtu.be/Bdm8bVWnYQg
Cha Woong Ki : https://youtu.be/I0oF3feyb4c
Choi Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/34W9BZ3ICcU
Choi Seung Hun : https://youtu.be/_eS1B-tSz-U
Choi Woo Jin : https://youtu.be/gNsA8SG7KCY
Han Seo Bin : https://youtu.be/-XFaIaj7Gxg
Han Yu Jin : https://youtu.be/yD-1-04n5yE
Han Yu Seop : https://youtu.be/xyY19-48mTo
Hong Keon Hee : https://youtu.be/RwQujHVRQO0
Jang Ji Ho : https://youtu.be/5tWf_9wEm2I
Jang Min Seo : https://youtu.be/LjVqpdL6-f4
Jang Yeo Jun : https://youtu.be/BcC3LL3HuTo
Jeon Ho Young : https://youtu.be/Pl5tIoHjj74
Jeon Woo Seok : https://youtu.be/T8GY0h0IOfU
Jeong I Chan : https://youtu.be/zoV37PdCaPk
Ji Yun Seo : https://youtu.be/iFVxRna3LKs
Jung Ho Jin : https://youtu.be/kSb6vgDqGPw
Jung Hwan Rok : https://youtu.be/ej6kiundfJc
Jung Min Gyu : https://youtu.be/-bwwMJ8vV9o
Jung Seyun : https://youtu.be/DB0MuZkkVVk
Kim Gyu Vin : https://youtu.be/xnw0sbiiyjg
Kim Ji Woong : https://youtu.be/pOP5k5JTD1c
Kim Min Hyuk : https://youtu.be/FRMfQi3Qvaw
Kim Min Seoung : https://youtu.be/xBRWY7UJzo4
Kim Tae Rae : https://youtu.be/D2sTOzPZ7gk
Kum Jun Hyeon : https://youtu.be/MVU5SDvjUkw
Lee Da Eul : https://youtu.be/ua2OeaQ14CE
Lee Dong Gun : https://youtu.be/LH_cvLtfuys
Lee Dong Yeol : https://youtu.be/zQy270g60LI
Lee Hoe Taek : https://youtu.be/BwxcboDCGxg
Lee Hwan Hee : https://youtu.be/nvk60sSGZiY
Lee Jeong Hyeon : https://youtu.be/bRlBhjGaZto
Lee Seung Hwan : https://youtu.be/ptsz-M1v1S0
Lee Ye Dam : https://youtu.be/hJSX8ZYUa14
Lim Jun Seo : https://youtu.be/0Iy-T0e2QIc
Mun Jung Hyun : https://youtu.be/lujLHn0dqiQ
Oh Sung Min : https://youtu.be/7YqqvKoyDoA
Park Gun Wook : https://youtu.be/tElDOgg1K-Y
Park Gwan Young : https://youtu.be/2IjpvV28vzM
Park Han Bin : https://youtu.be/qaCCMuM_JcI
Park Hyun Been : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Ji Hoo : https://youtu.be/vA_9Fc9XX4A
Park Min Seok : https://youtu.be/YBabjIH3iIE
Seo Won : https://youtu.be/l9qG5qp6Pi0
Sung Han Bin : https://youtu.be/suD2NfKRq3U
Yoo Seung Eon : https://youtu.be/tjO6v6XOYag
Yoon Jong Woo : https://youtu.be/pEAfs0m_ujE
✧  G Group
Anthonny : https://youtu.be/EcgeMI68oT0
Brian : https://youtu.be/sE3pw4scU0Q
Cai Jin Xin : https://youtu.be/sjHuJT6rZ-c
Chen Jian Yu : https://youtu.be/LAJHqARlasw
Chen Kuan Jui : https://youtu.be/EtCp9rUEqho
Chen Liang : https://youtu.be/vXwYCApgqcU
Chen Ren You : https://youtu.be/-PeKmKiZgFI
Chen Yu Geng : https://youtu.be/8F8Wg45RdiI
Cong : https://youtu.be/0ljIEXXa-NY
Dang Hong Hai : https://youtu.be/qgbIozwsp6s
Dong Dong : https://youtu.be/XSTsYc935-A
Feng Jun Lan : https://youtu.be/u7RjAM94N_w
Haru : https://youtu.be/uUAuI4m09-Y
Haruto : https://youtu.be/u_lc8HBM7lE
Hiroto : https://youtu.be/Wb0Q17Qq2MI
Hyo : https://youtu.be/lI_CF7RXhU0
Ichika : https://youtu.be/k5EkcmFEY7Q
Itsuki : https://youtu.be/kyEWK_t36No
Jay : https://youtu.be/iLibl6cbHbg
Kei : https://youtu.be/RVu6zlu5vjw
Keita : https://youtu.be/kSHT009TsFc
Krystian : https://youtu.be/03vCmVhf_E8
Lin Shi Yuan : https://youtu.be/fPtzEFb1gek
Ma Jing Xiang : https://youtu.be/wKwL12Oigks
Min : https://youtu.be/kqa0S2qfMiY
Na Kamden : https://youtu.be/InYMLYuN34g
Nice : https://youtu.be/TckeqHI5vKA
Ollie : https://youtu.be/lcXxF-U5Nqo
Osuke : https://youtu.be/2I-w1yoYnzs
Ouju : https://youtu.be/QsSfSZ8A18U
Qiu Sheng Yang : https://youtu.be/Y0PdpGbQivU
Ricky : https://youtu.be/a9fMfGigkPE
Riku : https://youtu.be/tpEuVhf-jLo
Seok Matthew : https://youtu.be/kF1NKaN3Z4s
Takuto : https://youtu.be/KdI9wZ_teW0
Toui : https://youtu.be/-4Cw-WDU-bI
Wang Yan Hong : https://youtu.be/o9RYNdHyqGU
Wang Zi Hao : https://youtu.be/KDQgcMZESXE
Wen Ye Chen : https://youtu.be/B6ec66Xa9bA
Winnie : https://youtu.be/PqNcGa0l5qU
Wumuti : https://youtu.be/q3vf-q7tP2w
Xuan Hao : https://youtu.be/_8Kjw-M5V8Y
Yang Jun : https://youtu.be/Vqiv8N0cens
Yuki : https://youtu.be/HFy1sbCtlUQ
Yutaka : https://youtu.be/dIJi6cNlbTI
Yuto : https://youtu.be/XGE7wqXTzr8
Zhang Hao : https://youtu.be/e4Y22OQbMU4
Zhang Shuai Bo : https://youtu.be/6XzEnGZB9n8
Let’s Shine! ✧
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plastic4trade · 14 days
International Plastics and Rubber Industry Fair in October at Vietnam
Vietnam Plas 2024 will be held from 16th - 19th October 2024 at Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center - SECC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  VietnamPlas has consistently stood as the foremost industrial exhibition in Vietnam. Serving as the bridge connecting the global supply chain with the Vietnamese market, the exhibition has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and catalyzing the growth of the plastics industry to meet global demands. The fair covers a wide range of topics and sectors within the plastics and rubber industry. This includes plastic machinery, chemicals and raw materials, machinery auxiliary industry, heating and control devices, hydraulic and pneumatic technologies, recycling techniques, and other relevant products and services.
VietnamPlas has brought together a diverse range of exhibition categories, including machinery equipment for plastics and rubber processing, manufacturing and distribution of injection moulding machines, film blowing machines, etc. VietnamPlas also bring the most promising businesses and exhibitors to participate, creating opportunities for the development of the plastics and rubber industry in Vietnam. VietnamPlas is not only an opportunity to access the latest technologies and products but also a chance to expand cooperation relations.
Visitors Profile:
Aerospace / Railway
Automobile / Auto Parts / Accessories
Building Materials
Chemicals & Raw Materials
Cosmetics / Daily Chemical Products
Environmental Protection / Recycling / Upcycling
Food & Beverages
Machinery & Testing Equipment
Moulds & Dies
Packaging / Printing
Pharmaceuticals / Medical Supplies & Equipment
Plastic Furniture / Lighting
Plastic Products & Parts
Plastics Recycling
Product / Industrial Design
Rubber Products & Parts
Exhibition Highlight
Exhibition Date: 16th To 19th Oct 2024
Time: 16 to 18 October 09.00 to 5.00 and 19 October 2024 09.00 to 3.00 PM.
Exhibition Location Address: 799 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hall No. – A1, A2 and B1, B2
Entry Fees – Free Ticket for Industry Professionals on advance booking.
Estimated Visitors: 60,000 Visitors
Estimated Exhibitors: 1000 Exhibitors
The most promising exhibitors will showcase their latest cutting-edge products based on global trends at the VietnamPlas exhibition. Here, leading suppliers from many countries will meet all your needs in the supply chain of the plastics and rubber industry. A distinguishing feature of the exhibition is its close ties to the local plastics industry, positioning itself as an ideal platform for entry into the Vietnamese market and for the international showcase of products and services.
Organizer Information. 
Organizer Name: Chan Chao International Co., Ltd
Organizer Address: 3F, No.185, Kangchien Road Nei-Hu Dist. Taipei, Taiwan
Organizer Phone No.: 886 2-26596000
Organizer Email Id: [email protected]
Stall Booking Number: +886-2-2659-6000 
Website: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/en/
Registration Link: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/en/preReg/index.asp?id=FPLSHCM2024&c=
The event fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange, enabling participants to address key challenges such as environmental sustainability, product innovation, and supply chain optimization. As the industry moves forward, the insights and partnerships developed at this event will play a crucial role in shaping the future of plastics and rubber manufacturing in Vietnam and beyond.
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makirinawa · 2 months
汝、星のごとく prologue (JPN->ENG)
I decided to translate part of a novel as practice. Even though I'm not at the level where I can always appreciate prose, I find Nagira Yu's writing very soothing and beautiful. I hope I conveyed that in the translation.
Once a month, my husband leaves to meet his lover.
Before he gets in the car he peeks into the mailbox, says something came, and hands it to me.
In the twilight of summer, I stop watering the garden momentarily and take the mail. Lost in the bills and advertisements is an envelope as thick as a book. It’s from Tokyo. There is no sender listed.
“Did you order something?”
Not in particular, I answer, and my husband nods, then gets into the car with an I’ll be back tomorrow.
Have a safe trip, I call out, then I go back to watering.
I press on the end of the hose with a finger, creating a thin film of water. The other day, the shower head broke. Oh, that’s right. I should have asked him to buy a new shower head. Should I call him? I thought, then stopped.
Until tomorrow, that man is not my husband. I adjust the angle of the hose, sending the thin film of water upwards. The glittering spray falls through the humid orange air. As I gaze at that beautiful sight, I wait for the morning star* that will shortly rise to the west in the night sky.
“The evening star —"
I closed my eyes, and strain my ears to hear the words left behind on my eardrums.
“It’s not getting much cooler, is it?”
I turn around to find Auntie Sakuma standing behind me. She wore a straw hat and long boots. Perhaps on her way back from working in the fields, she was pushing a wheelbarrow of vegetables in front of her. Zucchini, eggplants, pumpkins, tomatoes.
“Take what you’d like. Also, this is something gifted to me but…”
She hands over a neatly wrapped pound cake.
“If I leave it at home, my husband will eat the whole thing. I told him his blood sugar is too high, but he wouldn’t listen. Akimi, everyone in your house is young, so you don’t have to worry about those kinds of things.”
As we talk, Yuu-chan’s grass-green kei car pulls into the garden.
“Good morning, Auntie!”
After saying her greetings, Yuu-chan turns to me.
“I passed dad’s car earlier.”
“Tonight’s Imabari.”
“Oh, right. Dinner for the two of us is enough then. Oh, auntie, I’ll take these. Thank you for the gift.”
Bowing to Sakuma-san, she takes the basket of vegetables into the house.
“Are you alright?”
From under the brim of her straw hat, Sakuma-san casts a worried glance at me.
“Being a married couple isn’t always easy. Cheer up!”
“Don’t worry, I’m plenty happy.”
“Ah, well. You’ve always been like that, Akemi-chan.”
Sakuma-san looks a bit disappointed, then leaves pushing her wheelbarrow ahead of her.
I finished watering, then I carried the mail in my hand back to my workshop. Tonight, Yuu-chan is making dinner so I can work a little more. I sit by the window, and pick up my current livelihood: crochet. I thread a needle specialized for Haute Couture work, different from a regular embroidery needle, with a beaded string. Into cloth that evokes the night sky, I prick sparkling Swarovski crystals into a pattern. Delicately, quickly, precisely, the needle moves while my own existence fades into the background. Little by little, I feel that I am merging with the beautiful creation that emerges, and before I know it some time has passed me by.
But today I can’t seem to focus, and I leave the office carrying the mail I left on the table.
While heading toward the genkan, I hear Yuu-chan’s voice.
“Because dad isn’t here today. Yeah, he’s visiting the other woman in Imabari.”
“You guys are really something. Officially-approved cheating is so weird.”
Apparently the conversation is on speaker, so I can hear the sound of Yuu-chan’s friend’s voice. It mixes with the rhythmic chop, chop, chop of a kitchen knife cutting something. The delicious smell of garlic.
“I’m used to it now.”
“That’s what I’m saying is weird!”
Turning my back on their conversation, I leave the house in my sandals.
In the still-light twilight of August, the cries of cicadas — loud enough to make the air tremble, wash over me as I walk. A little ahead of me is a general goods store, with a bench for resting. A group of housewives sits talking. We exchange only bows as I pass, and like fish from two different habitats, part ways.
“I heard Kitahara-sensei is cheating too.”
“It’s because she started it.”
“I thought Kitahara-sensei forgave her for that.”
“No way! That’s why he got a new woman.”
Gossip that is exchanged across the island. On an island like this with little to do, the apparent failures of our household become reality TV available for all to view in real-time.
At the edge of my vision, I see the silver sea illuminated by the setting sun. The ocean is calm at this time, even the sound of waves can barely be heard. As I walk along the gently undulating coastline, a two-seater bicycle comes rushing from afar. I catch a glimpse of the uniform of the high school I attended. A boy with his foot on the hub step has his hand on the shoulder of a girl pedaling the bike. They pass by my side, hair fluttering in the wind, laughter riding on the salty wind.
In the fading back of that uniform I recall the sunlit halls of my high school in the afternoon, down to the faint smell of alcohol I once caught somewhere in the crowd of school-designated white T-shirts.
Notes: In the unlikely event that you've decided to pick up this book, it can be purchased on amazon japan, among others.
*The word here is 明星: morning star, venus, or an important person
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months
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🎬 “HAPPY TOGETHER” [Chun gwong cha sit]
🔎 Género: Romance / Drama / Homosexualidad / Amistad / Película de Culto
⏰ Duración: 98 minutos
✍️ Guión: Wong Kar-Wai
🎼 Música: Danny Chung
📷 Fotografía: Christopher Doyle
🗯 Argumento: Lai Yiu-Kai y Ho Po-Wing viven una apasionada relación. Viajan desde Hong Kong a Argentina, pero la llegada al nuevo país parece transformar las cosas y Ho, de repente, abandona a Lai. Éste comienza a trabajar como portero de un bar, con el único afán de reunir el dinero suficiente para volver a su país. Un día Ho reaparece, pero las cosas ya no son iguales.
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👥 Reparto: Tony Leung (Lai Yiu-fai), Leslie Cheung (Ho Po-Wing), Chang Chen (Chang),
Chan Ye-cheng (The Exhibitor), Shirley Kwan (Fai's Girlfriend), Gregory Dayton (Lover), Ho Chi-Moon y Shu-Kei Law.
📢 Dirección: Wong Kar-Wai
© Productoras: Block 2 Pictures, Jet Tone Production, Prénom H Co, Seowoo & Film Company
🌎 País: Hong Kong
📅 Año: 1997
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 21 de Mayo
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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meapandme · 5 months
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Người Trong Lưới ~ Chan Ho Kei
Lấy bối cảnh Hồng Kông những năm 2015 khi mà Internet phát triển mạnh mẽ, ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến con người, thay đổi cách sống, cách hành xử của từng cá nhân.
Tác phẩm không thiếu những suy luận xuất chúng, không thiếu những điều bất ngờ, những cú lừa mà tác giả đặt ra. Nhưng xuất sắc nhất là tính xã hội của tác phẩm, tác giả khắc họa rất rõ diễn biến tâm lý của nhân vật. Hiện thực dần dần phơi bày trước mắt người đọc, không chỉ hiện thực của nhân vật mà đâu đó còn là hiện thực của những đôi mắt đang nhìn vào từng câu chữ.
Mở đầu câu chuyện là cái chết của Tiểu Văn - em gái Di, cô chết là do tự sát vì bạo lực mạng. Theo chân Di tìm ra sự thật, câu chuyện mở ra cho người đọc sự nguy hiểm của không gian mạng và con người với không gian mạng.
Di từ một cô gái tần tảo lo cho cuộc sống dần dần thay đổi. Di hiểu hơn về thế giới mạng. Di hiểu ra tâm tư, tình cảm của em gái. Di hiểu dần về giới trẻ, hiểu về Gen Z. Di dần thay đổi cách nghĩ, cách sống. Và quan trọng nhất, Di học được cách cảm thông, rũ bỏ hận thù, hướng tới một cuộc sống tươi sáng hơn.
Nếu như chú tâm vào người bên cạnh hơn một chút thì có lẽ những bi kịch đó đã không xảy ra.
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silviayang · 6 months
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去温岭出差。Currently reading Second Sister by Chan Ho Kei. Really recommending this book if you like mystery novel 👍🏻
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