#Challenge Yamaha bLU cRU
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pertamax7 · 1 month ago
Rekor 147 Starter di Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Salatiga : WR155R Semakin Populer
Rekor 147 Starter di Shell bLU cRU Yamaha ., salam pertamax7.com, Rekor 147 Starter di Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Salatiga : WR155R Semakin Populer Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Yamaha WR Mania Ada info resmi dari Pulau Jakarta sana, Gelaran Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge 2024 di sirkuit area Taman Wisata Sejarah (TWS) di kota Salatiga Jawa Tengah menorehkan catatan…
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terasbiker · 2 months ago
Perdana Hadir di Jawa Tengah, Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Digelar di Salatiga
TerasBiker.com – Seri ke-3 kompetisi balap ketahanan Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge (YEC) 2024 akan berlangsung di area Taman Wisata Sejarah Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, akhir pekan ini (9-10 November).  Jadi untuk pertama kalinya gelaran YEC hadir di Jawa Tengah. Musim 2023 lalu event tersebut pernah digelar di Sleman Yogyakarta. Lokasi perhelatan ajang One Make Race Yamaha ini ada di beragam…
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iwan-fadila · 2 years ago
Yamaha bLU cRU Fans Experience Kembali Menyapa di MXGP Samota
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Ajang Motocross Grand Prix atau MXGP of Indonesia tahun 2023 yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 24-25 Juni 2023 di Samota International Circuit Sumbawa sudah di depan mata. PT. Surya Timur Sakti Jatim (Yamaha STSJ) selaku main dealer motor Yamaha area Jawa Timur, Kalselteng,…
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motocrossaddiction · 2 years ago
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Team BBR Offroad – 2022 CI MX Junior – FINALE #02, Esanatoglia: Press Release
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Il Campionato Italiano MX Junior fa tappa presso il ‘Gina Libani Repetti’ di Esanatoglia per la seconda FINALE in calendario. Sul tracciato marchigiano, buona prestazione per Regis nella 85 Junior, ancora una volta nella ‘top 20’. Nella 85 Senior, una condizione fisica non al ‘top’ penalizza Cogoli, soprattutto in gara 2.
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totalmotorcycle · 7 years ago
Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge Riders for 2018 Announced
Trending: Yamaha Motor Europe is pleased to announce the six young riders that will compete in the Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge within the 2018 FIM Supersport 300 World Championship. After impressing throughout the season in [...] The post Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge Riders for 2018 Announced appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/PzMPVJ
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yamahamotorusa · 7 years ago
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Round 3 of the 2018 @motoamerica series launches this weekend @virnow with Yamaha bLU cRU Road Racers ready to take victory by the wheels. ⠀ �� “I am really looking forward to getting back on the bike at VIR. I really enjoy the track, and my R1 likes it, too. I was happy to get out of Texas with two podiums, and we are planning to build from there!” - @cameronbeaubier ⠀ ⠀ “I'm excited to head back to Virginia. It's a track that I really enjoy and that I've done well at in the past. It's probably going to feel like a whole different beast on the R1, but I'm ready for the challenge and the crazy fast front straight, and I’m looking forward to getting things started!” - @garrettgerloff ⠀ ⠀ “After having a great opening round at Road Atlanta, I can't wait to get back on my Graves R6 at VIR. It's a track I enjoy and I’ve had great battles there in years past. I'm feeling awesome and have been jonesin’ to get back on my road racer!” - @jdbeach95 ⠀ ⠀ All your favorite Yamaha U.S. bLU cRU road racers will be available for autographs at their Team Transporters during the Dunlop Paddock Autograph Session on Saturday from Noon to 12:45 p.m., and again on Sunday during the Dunlop Hot Pit Walk & Autograph Session on pit lane from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.⠀ ⠀ (Link in Bio) #yamaha #bLUcRU #roadracing #motoamerica #rworld #yamahar1 #yamahar6 #superbike #supersport #motocycle #r1 #r6 #wheelie 📷 #BrianJNelsonPhoto
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pertamax7 · 4 months ago
Pengunjung Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sintang Jadi Yang Terbanyak
Pengunjung Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sintang Jadi Yang Terbanyak ., salam pertamax7.com, Pengunjung Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sintang Jadi Yang Terbanyak Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Terabasan Mania Ada info resmi dari Pulau Jakarta berjudul Gebyar Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge di Sintang, Catat Jumlah Pengunjung Terbanyak Sampai Puluhan Ribu  Event seri 2…
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terasbiker · 7 months ago
Keseruan Seri 1 Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge 2024, Ada Pembalap Top dan Kelas Baru YZ Series Open!
TerasBiker.com – Halo Sobat Bikers, Seri pertama balap ketahanan Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge tahun ini akan diselenggarakan di sirkuit area stadion Si Jalak Harupat, Kabupaten Bandung, 1-2 Juni 2024. Kompetisi Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge sendiri sudah masuk tahun ke-3 penyelenggaraan (sejak 2022) dan ini menjadi bukti konsistensi PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM)…
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iwan-fadila · 2 years ago
Tingkatkan Skill bLU cRU Rider Lewat Off Road Riding Experience
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Kegiatan Off Road seperti trabasan merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang digemari oleh para pengguna WR 155 R. Oleh karena itu, PT. Surya Timur Sakti Jatim (Yamaha STSJ) selaku main dealer motor Yamaha area Jawa Timur, Kalselteng, Kaltim, dan Nusa Tenggara bersama dengan Yamaha…
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motocrossaddiction · 2 years ago
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Team BBR Offroad – 2022 CI MX Junior – FINALE #01, Montevarchi: Press Release
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Con Giulio Cogoli e Lorenzo Regis, il Team BBR Offroad presente alla prima Finale del Campionato Italiano MX Junior di Montevarchi. Nella 85 Junior, nonostante un po’ di sfortuna, Regis centra la ‘top 20’. Nella 85 Senior, fine settimana da dimenticare per Cogoli.
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totalmotorcycle · 7 years ago
Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge Riders for 2018 Announced
Yamaha Motor Europe is pleased to announce the six young riders that will compete in the Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge within the 2018 FIM Supersport 300 World Championship. After impressing throughout the season in [...] The post Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge Riders for 2018 Announced appeared first on TotalMotorcycle. http://dlvr.it/Pz2sX0
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yamahamotorusa · 7 years ago
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bLU cRU Rock River Yamaha rider @kadejohnson177 became the first #YZ65 rider to qualify for @LorettaLynnMX at the Muddy Creek SE Regional in very challenging conditions. Congrats! 🏁 #Yamaha #bLUcRU #VictorYZone #YZ #motocross #thisismoto #LLMX 📸 @b.o.bphotography
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italianaradio · 6 years ago
MotoGP: è spagnola la prima donna pilota alla corte di Valentino Rossi
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MotoGP: è spagnola la prima donna pilota alla corte di Valentino Rossi
MotoGP: è spagnola la prima donna pilota alla corte di Valentino Rossi
Il Motomondiale 2019 è in pausa in attesa di riprendere il 19 maggio prossimo con il Gran Premio di Francia sul circuito Bugatti. Nel frattempo, il nuovo Yamaha Master Camp è pronto a scattare per la settima edizione che andrà in scena dal 22 al 26 maggio prossimi. I cinque piloti emergenti selezionati sono tutti amici e rivali in quanto stanno attualmente gareggiando nel campionato WorldSSP300 nell’ambito della Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge di Yamaha Motor Europe. Tra loro c’è anche una ragazza di origine madrilena, Beatriz Neila, che sarà la prima donna a partecipare al Master Camp Yamaha VR46. La lista completa dei piloti che frequentano questo corso di guida ad alta intensità sono: l’olandese Finn de Bruin (18), gli italiani Kevin Sabatucci (20 anni) e Jacopo Facco (19), il francese Andy Verdoia (16) e appunto la spagnola Beatriz Neila (17 anni), che attualmente gareggia nel WSSP300 con il BCD Yamaha MS Racing Team.
La gioia del Dottore. I piloti potranno beneficiare degli insegnamenti di Marco Belli e Carlo Casabianca. La formazione si svolgerà sul circuito di Galliano Park all’Autodromo di Modena e in altri contesti in cui si allenano anche i piloti dell’Accademia VR46. E Valentino Rossi dichiara: “È incredibile che il Master Camp Yamaha VR46 stia già iniziando la sua settima edizione. Onestamente, è fantastico che siamo riusciti a rendere questo programma un successo e che possiamo formare tanti giovani piloti di talento. È un piacere dare il benvenuto a questi cinque piloti del World SSP300 bLU cRU 2019 nella mia città natale, Tavullia”.
Le precisazioni di Vale e i ringraziamenti di rito. Pensando a questa settima edizione, sia Rossi che la Yamaha hanno fatto alcuni cambiamenti nel metodo di allenamento per i cinque piloti iscritti nei cinque giorni. E il Dottore aggiunge: “Abbiamo voluto fare alcune modifiche nelle attività e qualcosa di speciale. Negli ultimi tre anni, abbiamo visto cosa funziona e cosa non funziona e abbiamo sentito tutti i vostri commenti. Sono certo che il nuovo programma sarà molto interessante per loro e anche molto divertente. Vorrei ringraziare Yamaha, VR46 e gli sponsor e i partner, che hanno contribuito a organizzare l’intero progetto del Master Camp. Aiutare i giovani piloti è stato un mio progetto dal 2014, quando ho iniziato la VR46 Riders Academy. Vedere i progressi dei giovani piloti è davvero una grande ricompensa e anche una grande motivazione per continuare a spingere e godersi le corse”. In bocca al lupo a tutti i giovani piloti. 
Il Motomondiale 2019 è in pausa in attesa di riprendere il 19 maggio prossimo con il Gran Premio di Francia sul circuito Bugatti. Nel frattempo, il nuovo Yamaha Master Camp è pronto a scattare per la settima edizione che andrà in scena dal 22 al 26 maggio prossimi. I cinque piloti emergenti selezion…
Fabio Camillacci
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irfanazis · 7 years ago
Galang Hendra Tampil Mengesankan Dalam Superpole 2 (SP2) WSSP300 Imola
Galang Hendra Tampil Mengesankan Dalam Superpole 2 (SP2) WSSP300 Imola
Imola – Pembalap Yamaha R3 bLU cRU Challenge, Galang Hendra Pratama kembali tampil mengesankan dalam sesi Superpole 2 (SP2) di Kejuaraan Dunia Supersport 300 FIM 2018 di Sirkuit Imola, Italia, Sabtu (12/5). Rider usia 19 tahun asal Yogyakarta ini berjuang optimal dalam durasi waktu 15 menit hingga membukukan catatan waktu 2 menit 09.635 detik.
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usamotorscycle-blog · 8 years ago
Yamaha Fan Activities For COTA This Weekend
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Lots going on with Yamaha for the race weekend. Begin Press Release: Yamaha Previews bLU cRU Road Racing And Fan Activities Scheduled For The Circuit of The Americas This Weekend Cypress, CA (April 19, 2017) – Beginning tomorrow through Sunday, the Yamaha bLU cRU road racing teams will be on the world stage as they join the stars of MotoGP in Austin, TX. Round 1 of the MotoAmerica AMA/FIM North American Road Racing Championship gets under way Thursday morning at the 3.426-mile, 20-turn Circuit of The Americas (COTA). Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Factory Racing: Beaubier & Hayes Two-time and defending MotoAmerica Superbike Champion Cameron Beaubier has a stylish, new red, white, and blue #1 adorning his Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Factory Racing YZF-R1 Superbike this season, and the northern California native is raring to add a third-consecutive Superbike title to his world-class racing resume. “The first Championship was tough, the second one was even tougher, and I expect the quest for this third-consecutive MotoAmerica Superbike title to be the toughest one yet,” Cameron commented. “But, I am more than up to the challenge. We got in a few tests on my #1 R1 this off-season, and I am definitely ready to go!” Meanwhile, his teammate Josh “Mississippi Madman” Hayes, who is a four-time AMA Superbike Champion, is as motivated as ever to take Cameron to task in hot pursuit of a fifth Superbike title. “My crew and I have had a very positive off-season adapting to the new rules structure, and I’m feeling more racy and comfortable than I’ve felt in quite some time,” Josh said. “I’m looking forward to an arduous and competitive season, starting this weekend, and I’m ready to show the level of riding that I am capable of. Game on!” Superbike Race 1 will go green at COTA on Saturday, April 22, at 5 PM CST, and Race 2 is scheduled for Sunday, April 23, at 3:45 PM CST. Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Extended Service/Graves/Yamaha: Gerloff & Beach What better way for a Texas-born, raised, and residing road racer to begin the defense of his MotoAmerica Supersport Championship than on a world-class racetrack right in Texas? The only way to improve on that dream scenario is if that Champion–Garrett Gerloff–is aboard a brand-new-for-2017 motorcycle. Garrett will be debuting the 2017 Yamaha YZF-R6, with the big #1 on it, this weekend at COTA. Incidentally, Garrett was the fastest Supersport rider at the recent MotoAmerica Official Test held last month at COTA. “I love everything about COTA,” said Garrett. “The challenge that the track presents, the electric atmosphere with MotoGP there, and the awesome Texas fans! We had a great test there a couple weeks ago, and the 2017 R6 is a dream, I really feel like I mesh with this bike. It gives me a lot of confidence every time I swing a leg over it. This season is definitely going to be a challenge but I’m more prepared than ever, and I can’t wait to start my Championship title ‘offense’ close to home!” A few states up the road from Texas is the great state of Kentucky and the town of Philpot, home to a certain rider who goes by the nickname “Jiggy Dog,” which is a playful reference to the trademark initials of JD Beach. JD had the #1 on his R6 all through the 2016 MotoAmerica Supersport season. And, as much as he loves to run the #95 on his bike, as he will this MotoAmerica Supersport season, he wants that number one back, in a big way. “We came so close last year, and it went all the way to the final race of the season to decide it all,” JD said. “But, this isn’t horseshoes, and we were just not close enough. There isn’t anything in life that you want more than something that’s been taken away from you. And I want that #1 back! The only way it could be closer than on my teammate’s R6 is if it were back on MY R6, and that’s my motivation this season. It can’t get any clearer than that!” The first Supersport Race of the 2017 MotoAmerica season is scheduled for this Saturday, April 22, at 4:15 PM CST. Meet The Yamaha bLU cRU Road Racers All your favorite Yamaha U.S. bLU cRU road racers will be available for autographs at their Team Transporters in the MotoAmerica Paddock on Saturday morning, April 22, from 10:40 to 11:40 AM. Cameron and Josh from Monster Energy/Yamalube/Yamaha Factory Racing, Garrett and JD from Monster Energy/Yamalube/Y.E.S./Graves/Yamaha, and the other bLU cRU riders will all be on hand, along with the Monster Energy and Y.E.S. Umbrella Girls. See The 2017 Yamaha YZF-R6, FZ-09, Sport Boats, WaveRunners, Golf Cars, And More Two of Yamaha’s newest motorcycles will be showcased in the Yamaha Display at COTA. The refined, redesigned and remarkable YZF-R6 and the updated FZ-09 will be featured, along with the YZF-R3, FZ-07 ABS, WR250F, and YZ450F. Plus, Yamaha Sport Boats, WaveRunners, and Golf Cars will also be available for viewing. The Yamaha Display will be open in the Fan Zone at COTA on Friday, April 21, from 8:30 AM to 5 PM; Saturday, April 22, from 8 AM to 6 PM; and Sunday, April 23, from 8 AM to 5 PM. Hats, T-shirts, and other Yamaha apparel–including Valentino Rossi and Maverick Viñales merchandise–will be available for purchase. Take A Ride On A 2017 Yamaha Motorcycle To demo a 2017 Yamaha YZF-R6, Bolt R-Spec, SCR950, XSR900, FZ-07 ABS, FZ-09, FJ-09, FZ-10, YZF-R1S, Super Ténéré ES, FJR1300, or V Star 1300 Deluxe, go to the Fan Zone at COTA on Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21 from 9 AM to 4 PM, or Sunday, April 22 from 9 AM to 1 PM. You must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid motorcycle license (permits are not allowed), a DOT-approved helmet, long pants, enclosed shoes, a shirt, and eye protection. To ride the FZ-10 or YZF-R1S, you also must be at least 25 years of age. Learn “Champion’s Habits” From The Yamaha Champions Riding School Keith Culver and his YCRS staff will be conducting special seminars throughout the race weekend in the Yamaha Display Area. Their presentation, titled “Champion’s Habits,” can help every level of rider improve their skills both on the track and the street (check the schedules posted in the Yamaha Display Area for presentation times). Enter For A Chance To Win A Customized “Urban Ops” Yamaha YZF-R1S In a random drawing from all entries received in the “Yamaha R1S Urban Ops Sweepstakes,” Yamaha will select one winner who will receive a one-of-a-kind 2017 Yamaha YZF-R1S that has been tricked out with a complete assortment of Genuine Yamaha Accessories, select aftermarket upgrades, special graphics, and custom lighting. See the bike in person this weekend at the Yamaha Display in the Fan Zone at COTA. No purchase is necessary to enter or win. For official Sweepstakes rules, and to enter online, please visit: http://yamaha.us/fR1sUrbOps Enter To Win A 2017 Yamaha YZ250F Or YZF-R3 In Yamalube 50th Anniversary Graphics! Enter to WIN our Monthly Free Giveaway! 150cc Gas Scooters or $50 Amazon gift cards. eepurl.com/b5liDP Look for the Yamalube Umbrella Girls at the Yamaha Display, and ask them to enter your name in the Yamalube 50th Anniversary Sweepstakes. FIRST PRIZE: 2017 Yamaha YZ250F decked out in Yamalube 50th Anniversary vintage graphics and GYTR accessories SECOND PRIZE: 2017 Yamaha YZF-R3 in Yamalube 50th Anniversary vintage livery and equipped with GYTR accessories WEEKLY PRIZE: One Free Case of Yamalube On Monday following the race weekend, one lucky winner’s name will be drawn for the Free Case of Yamalube, and all names collected on the race weekends will be automatically entered in the drawing for the 2017 Yamalube 50th Anniversary YZ250F or YZF-R3. A First Prize Winner and Second Prize Winner will be selected in a random drawing on October 2, 2017 from among all eligible and qualified entries. No purchase is necessary to enter win. For official Sweepstakes rules, please visit: https://www.shopyamaha.com/yamalubebikegiveaway https://www.shopyamaha.com/yamalubeoilgiveaway Get A Free Monster Energy/Yamalube/Y.E.S./Graves/Yamaha T-Shirt Or Hat Complete a brief survey at the Yamaha Financial Services canopy in the Yamaha Display Area, and you’ll receive a Free Team T-Shirt or Hat (while supplies last) from Monster Energy/Yamalube/Y.E.S./Graves/Yamaha, compliments of Yamaha Financial Services and Yamaha Extended Service. Other attractions in the Yamaha Display Area include Free Yamaha Commemorative Visors, which will be given away on Friday, April 20 at 12:30 PM; Saturday, April 21 at 12 PM and 4 PM; and on Sunday, April 22 at 10:30 AM. Also, there’ll be a Music DJ playing tunes and Free Airbrushed Temporary Tattoos throughout the weekend. For more information on all Yamaha models–including features, specifications, photos, and videos–please visit www.YamahaMotorsports.com For more Yamaha racing news, results, photos, and videos, visit http://www.YamahaMotorsports.com/Racing Also, check out “YamahaMotorUSA” on your favorite social media site. Click to Post
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pertamax7 · 4 months ago
Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sambangi Sintang Kalbar
 Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sambangi Sintang Kalbar ., salam pertamax7.com,  Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sambangi Sintang Kalbar Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam terabasan mania Ada info resmi dari pulau Jakarta sana berjudul Semakin di Depan di Tahun ke-3 Penyelenggaraan, Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge Sambangi Sintang Kalbar Balap ketahanan Shell bLU cRU Yamaha Enduro Challenge (YEC) 2024…
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