hitechsteel · 3 years
Where and why need temporary fencing?
What is temporary fencing?
A temporary fence is a periphery protection installed for a particular time such as for a day, weeks or months but at the end of the period will be dismantled and moved to another destination or storage. This is an ideal fencing where you need temporary protection for material, property, and events. Temporary fencing system is also very convenient especially where they are required for short operations and the need to avoid permanent fencing and save money.
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Here are the instances where you will need the temporary fencing:
Where do you need temporary fence?
Construction sites to protect materials and machinery. Construction is of temporary nature and once the construction work is completed the crew will move to another destination where again they will need the temporary protection
Concert site where you want the fencing to prevent people entering the arena without permission or tickets. It will also protect the concert from vandals and anti-social elements.
Sports events are for temporary periods and there is no point in installing permanent fence and wasting money, energy and time
Any social event where large number of people are expected to assemble. They could be private events that may need  permission or invitation and by installing the fence around the venue the organizers can easily control entry
The security fencing products UAE are easy to transport and install. They are made with separate components joined together. They can be transported to any site or event and installed at once without wasting time and equally dismantled quickly and removed.
The size, length and extent of the Fencing Saudi Arabia can be easily determined by their requirement so an organizer or building contractor can ask the manufacturers to fabricate and install the fence at a particular site with surprisingly short time. Buying such fences and keeping them for consequent projects will save a lot of money for people in construction business. If you are one you can always contact Hi-Tech Fencing, UAE, on +966 11 2080072, Fax: +966 11 2914419 or through mail [email protected] to place your requirements that are custom made.
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hitechsteel · 3 years
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hitechsteel · 3 years
Install anti drone fencing to protect your sensitive operations
Fencing is deployed generally for periphery protection and the chain link fencing is the most typical fencing used wide by industries and domestic applications. Chain link fence is made up of steel wire which is galvanized which is then bent and oven in a zig-zag pattern to form highly resilient wire mesh. There is hardly a gap in which an intruder will get a foothold and its thickly woven form is not easily penetrable or cut by heavy industrial cutters. Chain link fence Saudi Arabia is widely sought after by industries like petro chemicals and gas companies, mining and ore companies, manufacturing units, sensitive government and military installations, and periphery protection for warehouse, wild life sanctuaries, baseball fields and airports. The galvanized wire is weather resistant and is anti-corrosive making it a marvelous outdoor material for protection.
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The chain link fence with its transparent format allows plenty of light and visibility making it easy to supervise in industrial units. Whether it is a cattle farm or warehouse, oil field or airport it offers easy visibility and make it convenient for surveillance. If you are any one of the above industry you can use the fencing to great effect and avert major theft or intrusions.
Another fencing product that is gaining popularity in this part of the world is the anti drone fence Saudi Arabia which maims drone activities over a field or area. The fencing is installed in a sensitive installation to prevent spying by competitors, and enemies. When a drone flies close by the perimeter the fence jams the signals and prevents them from reaching the drone which in turn will lose direction and way.  the fence essentially interrupt radio signals sent by the drone operator and prevent it from reaching the drone navigation system and render it useless. The fencing can be built either horizontally or vertically and is capable of working in all weather conditions. The fencing is effective up to 500 meters in jamming radio signals. If you want chain link fencing for periphery protection or anti drone fencing to prevent spying call on Hi-Tech Fence And Steel Industries on phone numbers Tel: +966 11 2080072 Mob: +966 555015793 or mail [email protected].
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hitechsteel · 3 years
For military and government installation you can’t get a better protection than the Security fencing products UAE that include high-defense fencing with barbed wire coils, and concertina wire coils.
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hitechsteel · 3 years
Protect high security areas with Chain-link fencing
Chain link fencing is unassailable protection for a series of operations that include industries, warehouses, barns, cattle farms, military installations, penitentiaries, construction sites, sports and concert arenas and many others. The chain link design ensures that it is a tight formation of protective wall and is absolutely impenetrable by human or animals. The small gaps between the mesh allows both air and light in to the protected area and at the same time deter any climbers because they hardly allows any purchase for foothold.
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One of the benefits of installing chain link fence Saudi Arabia is its durability and its ability to withstand any kind of weather. The Wire Mesh in the system is galvanized thus does not rust or deteriorate by weather. Extremely heat conditions and dusts do not damage the fence and they are hard to scale as you can increase the height of fencing according to your specifications. Another feature of the chain like fence is that it is easy to install, assemble or dissemble. It can be assembled at the site or brought pre-fabricated to the site for install quickly. You can always dismantle them without damage and shift to another location where protection is needed however for sustained protection and durability it is advised that you install the fencing permanently.
Highways also need security fencing because racing motor vehicles could veer away from the road and crash into the sides where human settlement or industries are likely to be there. By installing highway security fence you not only protect vehicles from damaging country sides but also prevent people, children, and animals wandering on to the roads. Highways are usually infested with speeding vehicles and a split second decision on the part of the trespasser will end in tragedy. By installing highway fencing you protect both the highways and people and animals inhabiting the adjacent areas. These are stout fencing systems that are able to withstand high impact by vehicle or animals and also prevent people from scaling the fence.  For high quality chain link fencing and highway fencing call upon the services of Hi-Tech Fence And Steel Industries on phone numbers Tel: +966 11 2080072 Mob: +966 555015793 or mail [email protected].
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hitechsteel · 3 years
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hitechsteel · 5 years
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hitechsteel · 6 years
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hitechsteel · 6 years
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