#Certificate of Origin in Vietnam
How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
Vietnam has growing fast due to the opening policy of the government, and has been signing a number of free trade agreements with ASEAN, China, Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Russia, Belarus… with effectiveness. The expecting Europe Vietnam Free Trade Agreement has been signed but not yet effective at this moment. Having said that, Vietnam has become a destination for foreign investors to set up factory and set up company in Vietnam to undertake manufacturing for export and enjoy tax preference because of Vietnam origin.
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                        Certificate of Origin Law Firm in Vietnam
The applicant wishing to be granted the Certificate of Origin (“C/O”) needs to register the trader profile under Vietnam regulations before submitting the dossier applying for C/O.  There are steps to be followed at the State authorities to check the trader profile, its legal registration in Vietnam, manufacturing facilities that produce the goods which are subject of C/O. Further, additional information and proof will be required for verification at Vietnam State Authorities including the declaration of origin provided by manufacturer or supplier of originating materials or locally produced originating goods if such material is used in subsequent stage to produce another good, good manufacturing process. Not only checking the documents, the authority could undertake an inspection visit to the manufacturing facility of trader and request the applicant to submit evidence of customs declaration of materials imported and used in production of exported goods (if imported materials are used in the production process); a sale contract or VAT invoice of locally purchased materials (if locally purchased materials are used in the production process) and other documents as deemed necessary. If the documents, the process, and the conditions are met, the C/O will be issued.
In general, an originating good is a good which is originating in a country, group of countries, or territory where the last processing operation is performed and substantially transforms such good. To qualify for non-preferential goods, there will be required of:
1.“Change in tariff classification” (hereinafter referred to as CTC): means a change in two-digit, four-digit, or six-digit HS heading of a good as compared with the HS heading of non-originating materials (including imported materials and materials of undetermined origin) used for the production of such good.
2.“Local value content” (hereinafter referred to as LVC)
The applicant for C/O shall choose either direct formula or indirect formula at their own discretion to calculate LVC and apply the chosen formula throughout such financial year. The verification and identification of LVC criteria for exported goods of Vietnam shall be based on the aforesaid formula.
In order to calculate LVC according to the formula, value of materials and cost incurred in the production process of goods shall be determined as follows:
a) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is inclusive of CIF value of materials acquired or locally produced that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; direct labor cost, overhead cost, other costs and profits.
b) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is CIF value of materials imported that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; or the earliest ascertained price stated in the VAT invoices associated with materials of unidentifiable origin used for the production, processing of ultimate product.
c) “FOB” is the value stated in the export contract which is calculated as follows: “FOB = Ex-workshop price + other costs”.
-“Ex-workshop price” = Production cost + profit;
-“Production cost” = material cost + direct labor cost + overhead cost;
-“Material cost” covers expenses associated with purchase of materials, their cost of freight and insurance;
-“Direct labor cost” covers wages, bonuses and other welfare amounts related to the production process;
-“Overhead cost” covers: Overhead cost relates to production process (insurance for buildings, factory rents and hire-purchase cost, depreciation of buildings, repairs, taxes, collateral interests); hire-purchase cost and interests of factories and equipment; factory security; insurance (for factories and equipments used in the production process); expenses for essentials for production process (energy, electricity and other essentials to be used directly in the production process); research, development, design and workmanship; pressing molds, moulds, devices and amortization, maintenance and repairs of factories and equipment; patent royalties (in respect of patented machines or use of patented machines in production process or goods production licenses); testing of materials and goods; storage in factories; waste treatment; cost factors in calculating value of materials, such as port-related cost, good clearance and import duties on taxable components;
-“Other costs” are the costs incurred in placing the good in the ship or other means of transport for export including, but not limited to, domestic transport costs, storage and warehousing, port handling, brokerage fees, service charges and relevant costs incurred when loading goods onboard ships for export.
If the goods that do not qualify to be issued C/O in Vietnam, it can not be granted C/O.  Any violations of laws will be punished by the government.
It appears that many manufacturers are in the process to relocate significant manufacturing process to Vietnam to enjoy “Made-in-Vietnam”.
In the meantime, alarmingly, there are equal number of other manufactures whom wish to only transfer a small portion of manufacturing process to Vietnam i.e re-packaging, re-labeling which does not meed to qualifications above.
It is important that Vietnam authorities to alert and constantly monitor the C/O application process to ensure all responsible departments, officers to follow the rule as set by law to evaluate the C/O application documents, and proof given by trader, manufacturer carefully.
By doing that, Vietnam government will encourage the “real” transition of manufacturing from China to Vietnam, therefore increasing FDI, boosting the economy through encouraging manufacturing sectors.
By urging customs authority to investigate and punish violators, the Vietnam government is sending strong message to US that Vietnam is not standing to support unfair trade, and in the meantime take advantage of the situation to attract quality manufacturing projects into Vietnam. Therefore, more crackdowns are expected.
ANT Lawyers, as a law firm in Vietnam in international trade has been actively providing legal services through advisory to manufacturers on the C/O matters and assisting a number of investor to set up manufacturing company, review leasing contract at industrial zone as part of the process to transition manufacturing into Vietnam to seriously invest and do business taking advantage of origin, labour, opening policy of Vietnam government.
Source ANTLawyers:  https://antlawyers.vn/library/how-a-foreign-company-apply-for-certificate-of-origin-in-vietnam.html
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How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
Vietnam has growing fast due to the opening policy of the government, and has been signing a number of free trade agreements with ASEAN, China, Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Russia, Belarus… with effectiveness. The expecting Europe Vietnam Free Trade Agreement has been signed but not yet effective at this moment. Having said that, Vietnam has become a destination for foreign investors to set up factory and set up company in Vietnam to undertake manufacturing for export and enjoy tax preference because of Vietnam origin.
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                            Certificate of Origin Law Firm in Vietnam
The applicant wishing to be granted the Certificate of Origin (“C/O”) needs to register the trader profile under Vietnam regulations before submitting the dossier applying for C/O.  There are steps to be followed at the State authorities to check the trader profile, its legal registration in Vietnam, manufacturing facilities that produce the goods which are subject of C/O. Further, additional information and proof will be required for verification at Vietnam State Authorities including the declaration of origin provided by manufacturer or supplier of originating materials or locally produced originating goods if such material is used in subsequent stage to produce another good, good manufacturing process. Not only checking the documents, the authority could undertake an inspection visit to the manufacturing facility of trader and request the applicant to submit evidence of customs declaration of materials imported and used in production of exported goods (if imported materials are used in the production process); a sale contract or VAT invoice of locally purchased materials (if locally purchased materials are used in the production process) and other documents as deemed necessary. If the documents, the process, and the conditions are met, the C/O will be issued.
In general, an originating good is a good which is originating in a country, group of countries, or territory where the last processing operation is performed and substantially transforms such good. To qualify for non-preferential goods, there will be required of:
1.“Change in tariff classification” (hereinafter referred to as CTC): means a change in two-digit, four-digit, or six-digit HS heading of a good as compared with the HS heading of non-originating materials (including imported materials and materials of undetermined origin) used for the production of such good.
2.“Local value content” (hereinafter referred to as LVC)
The applicant for C/O shall choose either direct formula or indirect formula at their own discretion to calculate LVC and apply the chosen formula throughout such financial year. The verification and identification of LVC criteria for exported goods of Vietnam shall be based on the aforesaid formula.
In order to calculate LVC according to the formula, value of materials and cost incurred in the production process of goods shall be determined as follows:
a) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is inclusive of CIF value of materials acquired or locally produced that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; direct labor cost, overhead cost, other costs and profits.
b) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is CIF value of materials imported that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; or the earliest ascertained price stated in the VAT invoices associated with materials of unidentifiable origin used for the production, processing of ultimate product.
c) “FOB” is the value stated in the export contract which is calculated as follows: “FOB = Ex-workshop price + other costs”.
-“Ex-workshop price” = Production cost + profit;
-“Production cost” = material cost + direct labor cost + overhead cost;
-“Material cost” covers expenses associated with purchase of materials, their cost of freight and insurance;
-“Direct labor cost” covers wages, bonuses and other welfare amounts related to the production process;
-“Overhead cost” covers: Overhead cost relates to production process (insurance for buildings, factory rents and hire-purchase cost, depreciation of buildings, repairs, taxes, collateral interests); hire-purchase cost and interests of factories and equipment; factory security; insurance (for factories and equipments used in the production process); expenses for essentials for production process (energy, electricity and other essentials to be used directly in the production process); research, development, design and workmanship; pressing molds, moulds, devices and amortization, maintenance and repairs of factories and equipment; patent royalties (in respect of patented machines or use of patented machines in production process or goods production licenses); testing of materials and goods; storage in factories; waste treatment; cost factors in calculating value of materials, such as port-related cost, good clearance and import duties on taxable components;
-“Other costs” are the costs incurred in placing the good in the ship or other means of transport for export including, but not limited to, domestic transport costs, storage and warehousing, port handling, brokerage fees, service charges and relevant costs incurred when loading goods onboard ships for export.
If the goods that do not qualify to be issued C/O in Vietnam, it can not be granted C/O.  Any violations of laws will be punished by the government.
It appears that many manufacturers are in the process to relocate significant manufacturing process to Vietnam to enjoy “Made-in-Vietnam”.
In the meantime, alarmingly, there are equal number of other manufactures whom wish to only transfer a small portion of manufacturing process to Vietnam i.e re-packaging, re-labeling which does not meed to qualifications above.
It is important that Vietnam authorities to alert and constantly monitor the C/O application process to ensure all responsible departments, officers to follow the rule as set by law to evaluate the C/O application documents, and proof given by trader, manufacturer carefully.
By doing that, Vietnam government will encourage the “real” transition of manufacturing from China to Vietnam, therefore increasing FDI, boosting the economy through encouraging manufacturing sectors.
By urging customs authority to investigate and punish violators, the Vietnam government is sending strong message to US that Vietnam is not standing to support unfair trade, and in the meantime take advantage of the situation to attract quality manufacturing projects into Vietnam. Therefore, more crackdowns are expected.
ANT Lawyers, as a law firm in Vietnam in international trade has been actively providing legal services through advisory to manufacturers on the C/O matters and assisting a number of investor to set up manufacturing company, review leasing contract at industrial zone as part of the process to transition manufacturing into Vietnam to seriously invest and do business taking advantage of origin, labour, opening policy of Vietnam government.
Source ANTLawyers:  https://antlawyers.vn/library/how-a-foreign-company-apply-for-certificate-of-origin-in-vietnam.html
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How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
How a Foreign Company Apply for Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
Vietnam has growing fast due to the opening policy of the government, and has been signing a number of free trade agreements with ASEAN, China, Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Russia, Belarus… with effectiveness. The expecting Europe Vietnam Free Trade Agreement has been signed but not yet effective at this moment. Having said that, Vietnam has become a destination for foreign investors to set up factory and set up company in Vietnam to undertake manufacturing for export and enjoy tax preference because of Vietnam origin.
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                         Certificate of Origin Law Firm in Vietnam
The applicant wishing to be granted the Certificate of Origin (“C/O”) needs to register the trader profile under Vietnam regulations before submitting the dossier applying for C/O.  There are steps to be followed at the State authorities to check the trader profile, its legal registration in Vietnam, manufacturing facilities that produce the goods which are subject of C/O. Further, additional information and proof will be required for verification at Vietnam State Authorities including the declaration of origin provided by manufacturer or supplier of originating materials or locally produced originating goods if such material is used in subsequent stage to produce another good, good manufacturing process. Not only checking the documents, the authority could undertake an inspection visit to the manufacturing facility of trader and request the applicant to submit evidence of customs declaration of materials imported and used in production of exported goods (if imported materials are used in the production process); a sale contract or VAT invoice of locally purchased materials (if locally purchased materials are used in the production process) and other documents as deemed necessary. If the documents, the process, and the conditions are met, the C/O will be issued.
In general, an originating good is a good which is originating in a country, group of countries, or territory where the last processing operation is performed and substantially transforms such good. To qualify for non-preferential goods, there will be required of:
1.“Change in tariff classification” (hereinafter referred to as CTC): means a change in two-digit, four-digit, or six-digit HS heading of a good as compared with the HS heading of non-originating materials (including imported materials and materials of undetermined origin) used for the production of such good.
2.“Local value content” (hereinafter referred to as LVC)
The applicant for C/O shall choose either direct formula or indirect formula at their own discretion to calculate LVC and apply the chosen formula throughout such financial year. The verification and identification of LVC criteria for exported goods of Vietnam shall be based on the aforesaid formula.
In order to calculate LVC according to the formula, value of materials and cost incurred in the production process of goods shall be determined as follows:
a) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is inclusive of CIF value of materials acquired or locally produced that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; direct labor cost, overhead cost, other costs and profits.
b) “Value of materials originating in a country, group of countries, or territory of production” is CIF value of materials imported that are originating in a country, group of countries, or territory; or the earliest ascertained price stated in the VAT invoices associated with materials of unidentifiable origin used for the production, processing of ultimate product.
c) “FOB” is the value stated in the export contract which is calculated as follows: “FOB = Ex-workshop price + other costs”.
-“Ex-workshop price” = Production cost + profit;
-“Production cost” = material cost + direct labor cost + overhead cost;
-“Material cost” covers expenses associated with purchase of materials, their cost of freight and insurance;
-“Direct labor cost” covers wages, bonuses and other welfare amounts related to the production process;
-“Overhead cost” covers: Overhead cost relates to production process (insurance for buildings, factory rents and hire-purchase cost, depreciation of buildings, repairs, taxes, collateral interests); hire-purchase cost and interests of factories and equipment; factory security; insurance (for factories and equipments used in the production process); expenses for essentials for production process (energy, electricity and other essentials to be used directly in the production process); research, development, design and workmanship; pressing molds, moulds, devices and amortization, maintenance and repairs of factories and equipment; patent royalties (in respect of patented machines or use of patented machines in production process or goods production licenses); testing of materials and goods; storage in factories; waste treatment; cost factors in calculating value of materials, such as port-related cost, good clearance and import duties on taxable components;
-“Other costs” are the costs incurred in placing the good in the ship or other means of transport for export including, but not limited to, domestic transport costs, storage and warehousing, port handling, brokerage fees, service charges and relevant costs incurred when loading goods onboard ships for export.
If the goods that do not qualify to be issued C/O in Vietnam, it can not be granted C/O.  Any violations of laws will be punished by the government.
It appears that many manufacturers are in the process to relocate significant manufacturing process to Vietnam to enjoy “Made-in-Vietnam”.
In the meantime, alarmingly, there are equal number of other manufactures whom wish to only transfer a small portion of manufacturing process to Vietnam i.e re-packaging, re-labeling which does not meed to qualifications above.
It is important that Vietnam authorities to alert and constantly monitor the C/O application process to ensure all responsible departments, officers to follow the rule as set by law to evaluate the C/O application documents, and proof given by trader, manufacturer carefully.
By doing that, Vietnam government will encourage the “real” transition of manufacturing from China to Vietnam, therefore increasing FDI, boosting the economy through encouraging manufacturing sectors.
By urging customs authority to investigate and punish violators, the Vietnam government is sending strong message to US that Vietnam is not standing to support unfair trade, and in the meantime take advantage of the situation to attract quality manufacturing projects into Vietnam. Therefore, more crackdowns are expected.
ANT Lawyers, as a law firm in Vietnam in international trade has been actively providing legal services through advisory to manufacturers on the C/O matters and assisting a number of investor to set up manufacturing company, review leasing contract at industrial zone as part of the process to transition manufacturing into Vietnam to seriously invest and do business taking advantage of origin, labour, opening policy of Vietnam government.
Source ANTLawyers:  https://antlawyers.vn/library/how-a-foreign-company-apply-for-certificate-of-origin-in-vietnam.html
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cipherexists · 2 years
Documenting a few other details that ive found in the way back machine SPG dig
The Spine was originally created with a spinal column made up of smokestacks similar to a locomotive, thus he was appropriately named The Spine. In 1955, the US government invested millions of dollars into upgrading The Spine. Therein he received a brand new titanium alloy spine, and a multitude of highly classified weapons.
yeah, highly classified weapons?? what???
Eventually David entered high school. He was working towards his A+ Certification in computers and looking towards becoming an IT Technician. A sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce between his parents turned David's life upside down during his Junior year. The divorce didn't go well between parents.
This is not included in Bunny's...despite them being twins... i love the 'sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce'
David met Jerry Hager for the first time when he took his Beginning Acting class at the college. David knew of Jerry's "miming" down at Seaport Village and even visited his professor a few times while he was performing. It wasn't until his [Sister] [Bunny] took Jerry's mime class, and recommend that he take it with [her] again the following year, that David was introduced to the beauty of the art of mime and movement.
Yes you heard the man, The Jon, The Rabbit, The Spine and Upgrade only went through Three (3) mime classes before their first appearances in balboa park. And none more. (see; Steam Powered Giraffe started at the beginning of the second time David took Jerry's mime class.)
More P.A. Walter VI blog shinanigans
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*List of images including but not limited to: Giraffes, toothles (HTTYD), fantasy games and GG <3*
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wtf dude, 'Eggs of spider infancy within this meek little blog' ???
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Back to the website...2014
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Rabbit went on to fight against Becile's copper elephants in 1897, outfitted with a prototype blue matter laser lens array, a Gatling Gun attachment, and a collapsible buzz saw. Rabbit's combat history also spans WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam war.
btw they are still canonically fitted with these weapons, they just wont use them...
Hatchworth time >:)
After getting over that pesky omg-I'm-so-nervous-I'm-going-to-poop-out-all-my-guts feeling, he did ok in theater club. Soon there after, he decided anyone can play guitar, so he did
^^ Sam luke on performing <3
For a while after that, they drifted apart (which tends to happen to friends of Sam).
that is so sad, wth
Approximately junior year a tall, gangly fellow (by the name of David) joined the drama club and introduced himself as such. Sam spent many'a afternoon trying to discern the Bennett twins (one wears black and one wears dragons). The only way Sam chooses to explain the early days of "Hangin' With the Bennetts" is as follows:
"it was like being a supporting character on some weird sitcom within a sitcom."
Sam Luke on meeting the Bennet twins :')
Fast forward a bit and it turns out the Bennetts only got weirder with time. They were robots now and apparently they needed a drummer.
That sounds about right..
Somehow I also became a robot apparently.
Do we know how that happened...yes, will i explain that...not yet
When Peter Walter I began constructing an army of robots, he used whatever source of metal he could find. So it wasn't surprising when his own cast iron stove served as the base for a bronze-laden robot.
...that explains the insanity, i too would keep spaghetti in my pocket if i was made of a stove
upon examination Peter Walter II discovered a hairline fracture had been developing for years in the robot's power core. Hatchworth had been leaking a troublesome amount of concentrated blue matter energy[...]Mustache and all, the Walter boys locked Hatchworth in a lead vault deep within Walter Manor until they could find a solution. But months pouring over his original schematics proved fruitless for the boys and soon months turned into years...and then turned into decades.
Thats how hatchworth came about.... yeah no definitely would be insane at that point.
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follow-up-news · 2 months
William Laws Calley Jr., who as an Army lieutenant led the U.S. soldiers who killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre, the most notorious war crime in modern American military history, has died. He was 80. Calley died on April 28, according to his Florida death record, which said he had been living in an apartment in Gainesville. His death was first reported by The Washington Post on Monday, citing his death certificate. Calley had lived in obscurity in the decades since he was court-martialed and convicted in 1971, the only one of 25 men originally charged to be found guilty in the massacre, which helped turn American opinion against the war in Vietnam. On March 16, 1968, Calley led American soldiers of the Charlie Company on a mission to confront a crack outfit of their Vietcong enemies. Instead, over several hours, the soldiers killed 504 unresisting civilians, mostly women, children and elderly men, in My Lai and a neighboring community.
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antlawyers · 1 year
According to Law on Foreign Trade Management in terms of origin of goods: “The Certificate of Origin means a written form or other form of equivalent legal validity granted by competent authority belonged to country, group of countries or territories exporting the goods based on regulations and requirements of origin, specifying origin of this goods”.
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ahhh the Supreme Court
what a load of horse shit amiright? (dont cry dont cry dont cry dontcry dontcrydontcrydontcry)
Here's your local History Major who just took a course on the politics and workings of the Constitution coming at you with some takes on the Supreme Court that no one asked for or wanted:
(My certifications are I just sat through 6 weeks of torture debating what every word means in the fucking constitution. The air force is unconstitutional and we haven't been in a legal war since WWII. My brain WILL melt if I don't use this information)
SO the Supreme Court has to go right? Well, it can... But you are about to bring down the whole system of government with it. Which may be exciting for some but I raise you this:
The issues you have with the government have absolutely NOTHING to do with the government as laid out by the Constitution.
They more have to do with abuses of power taken by people in office that have created "norms" in our government.
Like i mentioned above we haven't been in a War since WWII. You want to know why? A President ages ago took a step too far in one direction and his successors have been pushing the limit ever since. In a simplified domino effect it looks kind of like this:
America announcing it will protect it's interests in the western hemisphere (The Monroe Doctrine) -> One of the fucks deciding that means Policing the Western Hemisphere (it was one of the ones before Teddy Roosevelt or Teddy himself) (Spanish American War) -> Teddy Roosevelt taking "Protecting America's interests" to mean show off the navy to the world (Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick) -> Needing to desperately take down communism in post-WWII because it impedes our "interests" (Red Scare/Cold War) -> General MacArthur wants to keep warmongering in the pacific post WWII (Korean War) -> Congress refuses to declare war formally and at some point signs off to allow the president to make war-like military actions without the need of congressional approval (I can't find the exact Law off the top of my head but this breaks the system of Checks and Balances in place to stop one branch from acting above it's station) Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan remain Military actions despite two of them being referred to as Wars and Vietnam utilizing the fucking DRAFT
Peachy, right?
The Supreme Court did the exact same thing except fucking immediately after our first justice was instated. John Jay (who famously wrote only 5 of the Federalist Papers and set a precedent for group projects that has outlived him) was our first chief justice and IMMEDIATELY just came up with Judicial Review during Marbury v. Madison (1803). SCOTUS's ability to just say shit is unconstitutional is made up.
"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more States;—between a State and Citizens of another State,—between Citizens of different States,—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed."
Judicial Review- the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution (from uscourts.gov) DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE CONSTITUTION
anyways for those that have stuck around:
The Air Force is unconstitutional because the powers of Congress ONLY mention raising and maintaining an Army and Navy. The Air Force was under the Army but has become it's own branch now. Unfortunately the founding fathers didn't plan for us to launch each other in the air at mach jesus.
also unfortunately, an argument can be made that the raising and maintaining of an Air Force falls under the necessary and proper clause.
This has been History Facts with Jericho
Good Luck, Godspeed, Gangnam Style, and all that jazz
Punch a Fascist for me <3
(this took 2 hours to write)
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seair · 2 months
India's Thriving Cashew Export Industry: Opportunities and Top Exporters
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India has emerged as one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of cashews and cashew-related products, thanks to its favorable climate and skilled workforce. With more than 15% of global cashew exports, India holds the top spot as the world's largest exporter. The cashew export industry in India is a lucrative business venture for entrepreneurs eager to enter the international trade market.
Is the Cashew Export Business Profitable?
Indeed, cashew export from India are highly profitable. However, the profit margin varies depending on several factors. On average, the revenue generated from 1 kg of value-added cashew goods is substantial, making it a promising venture for traders.
According to data, India, the US, and Germany are the top three cashew-importing countries. Cashew nuts are consumed globally, either as sweet or salty snacks or as ingredients in various culinary dishes. The global cashew market size is expected to reach USD 7.82 billion by 2024 and USD 9.20 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.31% during the forecast period, driven by the rising popularity of healthy food options and increasing health consciousness.
Top 10 Cashew-Producing Countries
India is one of the top cashew producers globally. Here’s a breakdown of the leading cashew-producing countries:
Ivory Coast - 970,000 tonnes
India - 743,000 tonnes
Vietnam - 283,328 tonnes
Indonesia - 170,000 tonnes
Benin - 120,000 tonnes
Burkina Faso - 115,000 tonnes
Guinea-Bissau - 90,000 tonnes
Tanzania - 80,000 tonnes
Mozambique - 70,000 tonnes
Philippines - 65,000 tonnes
India produces over 0.8 million metric tons of cashew nuts annually, with Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Orissa, West Bengal, and parts of the Northeast being the major cashew-growing states.
Cashew Export Data from India: 2023-24
India's dominance in the global cashew market is evident from its export statistics. According to cashew export data 2023, India exported 65,808.42 metric tons of cashews, valued at approximately USD 356 million. However, there was a slight decline in export value from USD 290.95 million in 2022 to USD 282.54 million in 2023.
The top export destinations for Indian cashews include the United Arab Emirates, Japan, and the Netherlands. The UAE was the largest buyer, accounting for USD 127 million in 2022-2023, representing 34.9% of total exports. The Netherlands and Japan also featured among the top three importers of Indian cashews, each accounting for 10% of exports.
Top Cashew Nut Exporting Countries
India remains the largest exporter of cashews, with an export value of USD 356.6 million. Other major cashew-exporting countries include:
Netherlands - USD 253.3 million
Germany - USD 213.3 million
Nigeria - USD 152.6 million
Brazil - USD 68.6 million
Ghana - USD 31.0 million
Turkey - USD 24.6 million
Benin - USD 21.8 million
Mozambique - USD 20.4 million
Tanzania - USD 18.6 million
Top Cashew Exporters in India
India boasts some of the largest cashew exporters in the world. Here are the top 10 cashew exporters in India:
Griva Enterprise - Gujarat
Yesraj Enterprises - Maharashtra
Sahyadri Cashew Processors - Karnataka
Virendra Haribhai Pansara - Gujarat
Puduvai Exports - Puducherry
Andalan Shakti Private Limited - Gujarat
Saa Vishnu Bakers Private Limited - Jharkhand
Amirtham Enterprises Private Limited - Tamil Nadu
Nayan Enterprises - Rajasthan
M. Madhavaraya Prabhu - Karnataka
These companies represent the best in India's cashew export industry, ensuring that the country maintains its strong position in the global market.
How to Start a Cashew Export Business from India
To establish a successful cashew export business in India, you need several documents, including export documentation, an export license, a certificate of origin, and an FSSAI food license. Here are the essential steps to get started:
Business Registration: Register your business with the appropriate legal structure and ensure compliance with India’s tax regulations.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the nature and qualities of the product. Understanding the market is crucial for success in the cashew export business.
Find Buyers or Distributors: Identifying reliable buyers or distributors is critical. Platforms like Seair Exim Solutions offer valuable insights and data on cashew export trends, helping you connect with potential trading partners.
The cashew export industry in India offers numerous opportunities for traders, farmers, and entrepreneurs. The industry is well-positioned for continued growth with the right approach, focusing on quality, and leveraging government support. Platforms like Seair Exim Solutions provide up-to-date trade data, making it easier to navigate the market and succeed in the global cashew trade.
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eximpedia1 · 3 months
How to Start Fruit Export Business from India?
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India's fruit sector is experiencing significant growth, presenting vast opportunities for exporters. From exotic kiwis to delectable mangoes, a world of flavors awaits discovery. India, with its diverse climate and long agricultural history, stands as a powerhouse in fruit production.
Why Export Fruits from India?
The high demand for premium fruits in countries like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, and Vietnam makes fruit export from India a lucrative business opportunity. Despite the challenges of navigating the fruit export industry, it remains a promising venture due to India's capacity to produce various fruits at competitive prices.
Fruit Export from India: Key Statistics and Facts
India is a major player in the global fruit export market. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the country exported 674,291.70 MT of fresh fruits (excluding grapes and mangoes), generating revenue of Rs. 2,736.99 crores, equivalent to 339.00 USD million. Projections suggest that by 2024, India's fruit export industry will achieve a gross production value of USD 41.19 billion.
Top Fruits Exported from India
India's mangoes, especially the Alphonso variety, are renowned worldwide for their rich, creamy texture and sweet, citrusy flavor. The demand for these mangoes is high in India and the Middle East, Europe, and the US.
As the world's largest producer of bananas, India's share in banana exports is steadily increasing. Besides fresh bananas, India also exports processed banana products like dried bananas, chips, and puree, catering to diverse culinary uses globally.
Known as the "jewels of winter," Indian pomegranates dominate over half of the world's production. Major export destinations include Greece, Israel, Russia, the UAE, and Italy.
Indian apples, appreciated for their crispness and nutritional value, are exported primarily to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Middle East. Varieties such as Green Apple, Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Envy, and Red Apple are well-known.
Indian oranges are versatile and in high demand for their use in food, perfumes, and cosmetics. Popular export varieties include Dancy, Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Kinnow Mandarin, and Darjeeling Mandarin.
Leading Fruit Exporters in India
Prominent fruit exporters in India include:
Pisum Foods
Indian Farmers Export (IFE Fruits & Vegetables)
Radha Krishan Fruit Company
Jadli Foods India
Mahindra Agri
Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Vardhan Exports Pvt Ltd
Golden Agri Exports Pvt Ltd
Vajreshwari Enterprises And Corp
Strategies for Successful Fruit Export from India
Establish an Export Firm:
Company Registration: Choose a suitable business structure (private limited, partnership, or sole proprietorship) and register with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Import Export Code (IEC): Obtain an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), certifying your business as an approved exporter.
Select Fruits for Export: Choose fruits with high export potential, considering factors like shelf life, export quantities, and market demand. Access real-time data from platforms like Eximpedia for insights.
Compliance and Documentation:
Registration and Licensing: Register with APEDA and secure necessary licenses.
Documentation: Ensure all export documents, including commercial invoices, origin certificates, and phytosanitary certifications, meet importing country specifications.
Access Reliable Export Data: Utilize platforms like Eximpedia to access market trends, competitor analysis, and potential buyer connections. This information is crucial for making informed export decisions.
India's fruit export industry is booming, driven by a diverse range of fruits and robust international trade relations. For new exporters, leveraging resources like Eximpedia can provide valuable insights and help establish a foothold in the global market. Whether you need updated fruit export data, a list of top fruit exporters, or information on fruit HS codes, Eximpedia offers comprehensive support to navigate the fruit export landscape. Connect with Eximpedia today for a free live demo and take the first step towards successful fruit exporting from India.
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mbbsblogsblog · 3 months
MBBS in Vietnam: Find the Best Opportunity for a Successful MBBS Career
Dear Visitors, if you are thinking of studying MBBS in Vietnam, it will be the right decision.
Ria Overseas is always with you in making decisions about where to join MBBS and how to join.
This page is to think of joining MBBS in Vietnam.
If you are enthusiastic about studying MBBS overseas, studying MBBS in Vietnam is the best opportunity for you. The medical universities in Vietnam provide six years of MBBS courses, including an internship program. The universities offer quality education at an affordable price. The final four years are dedicated to clinical study and practical training in various departments of hospitals and medical centres. Pursuing an MBBS degree in Vietnam might provide you with an adequate foundation to pursue a future in medicine.
 Why pursue MBBS in Vietnam?
The course prices are reasonable when compared to private institutions in India and other countries.
Customised course syllabus based on Indian regulations, with NMC as a source.
Five years of academic study, followed by a one-year paid internship that meets Indian norms
A high-quality education consistent with global norms.
There are several career options for those studying MBBS in Vietnam.
English-speaking cities with convenient and inexpensive transportation
Affordable student accommodation for Indian students doing MBBS in Vietnam
Part-time job is permitted (20 hours per week).
Indian academics were employed to help pupils comprehend.
Clinical training facilities include hospitals with a variety of specialties.
MBBS in Vietnam: The Admission Process: Enrolling in a premier institution in Vietnam for an MBBS programme is a stress-free experience, unlike in other countries where the admissions process may be lengthy and intimidating. So here's a summary of eligible entrance processes and documentation needed: MBBS in Vietnam Eligibility: The applicant must be at least 17 years old at the time of application.
Must have passed 10+2 education (English medium) with at least 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from a recognised board
Must be medically fit to travel and study in Vietnam.
To sustain your stay in Vietnam, you must have a strong financial base.
MBBS in Vietnam: Application Process:
Step 1: Complete the application form. Step 2: Submit academic papers like as X and XII mark sheets, NEET scores, and passport-sized pictures. Step 3: Apply for a passport (if you do not already have one). Step 4: You will get an admission letter from your selected university. Step 5: Apply for a Visa Invitation letter using your passport, medical fitness certificate, HIV report, passport-size images with a white background, and a bank statement from the last six months. Step 6: Have your visa stamped by the Embassy of Vietnam in New Delhi. Step 7: Pack your things and prepare to begin your medical trip in Vietnam.
MBBS in Vietnam: Documents Required: Please provide the original 12th grade mark sheet and a scanned copy of your passport front and back.
NEET Score Card
The digital photograph above the shoulder on white backdrop (clear scan copy will be given via email)
Six passport-sized pictures.
Aadhar Card and Student Pan Card Copy
To kick off your MBBS journey Ria Overseas offers you get support and guidance.
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How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
How to Protect Copyright in Vietnam?
Copyright refers to an individual or organization's rights to a work that they created or own, as defined by Vietnam's Intellectual Property Law. Additionally, works of literature, art, and science shall constitute the subject matter of copyright; Performances, audio and visual fixation, broadcasts, and satellite signals carrying coded programs are all eligible subjects for copyright-related rights.
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However, if there is no prior prepared evidence, it is difficult to demonstrate the owner's copyright. In the event of a dispute or violation, the most crucial piece of evidence is a copyright registration. When the owner can demonstrate that the Work is covered by copyright law, the registration of the copyright will prevent infringement.
ANT Lawyers – A registering copyright services in Vietnam would like to assist you in registering and safeguarding your copyright and related rights in Vietnam in the following ways with their highly skilled staff and extensive knowledge of the intellectual property landscape in Vietnam:
Our services in copyright registration
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Advising, preparation, drafting, filing and prosecution of registration of copyright and related copyright;
-Provision of professional opinions and advice in relation to license and assignment of copyright and related copyright;
-Appeal and cancellation;
-Proceedings before the judicial authorities.
How to register a copyright or related rights in Vietnam?
Condition of copyright registration
If a work meets the following requirements, its owner's copyright will be registered:
-The ideas of the Work shall be presented particularly in a visible material
-The Work shall be original (Be made directly by the author without copying from any other works or people).
Required information and document
-Original Power of Attorney (POA) from the Applicant;
-Information of the author such as: Full name, Identify Card Number, Current address, permanent address; …
-Information of the Works such as: Name, the date of publication (if any), the place of Publication (if any); …
–Business registration certificate or establishment certificate (if applicant is association or organization);
-Written promise of being ownership of the work of the applicant;
-Some other specialized document with each specified aspect.
Note: The POA must be signed by the applicant or a duly authorized representative on behalf of the Applicant and no further notarization or legalization is required.
Duration of copyright protection
-The following rights are protected forever:
-Right to give titles to their works.
-Right to attach their real names or pseudonyms to their works; to have their real names or pseudonyms acknowledged when their works are published or used.
-Right to protect the integrity of their works; and to forbid other persons to modify, edit or distort their works in whatever form, causing harm to the honor and reputation of the author.
The following rights are protected within the stipulated duration in law
-Right to make derivative works;
-Right to display their works to the public;
-Right to reproduce their works;
-Right to distribute or import the original or copies of their works;
-Right to communicate their works to the public by wireless or landline means, electronic information networks or other technical means;
-Right to lease the original or copies of cinematographic works and computer programs;
-Right to reproduce their works.
The duration of each type of work protected by the aforementioned rights will vary. The term of protection for cinematographic, photographic, stage, applied, and anonymous works, in particular, shall be fifty (50) years from the date of first publication. Other works are protected throughout the author's lifetime and for fifty (50) years after their death.
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What Are Tax Obligations of a Representative Office in Vietnam?
Vietnam-based representative office of a foreign trader means a dependent unit of the foreign trader, which is established under the provisions of Vietnamese law to conduct market survey and a number of commercial promotion activities permitted by Vietnamese law.
Representative office of foreign trader in Vietnam has the rights and obligations in accordance with the law of Vietnam. Foreign trader is responsible before the law of Vietnam for all operations of its representative office in Vietnam.
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                    International Trade Dispute Lawyers in Vietnam
Accordingly, representative office in Vietnam is not allowed to conduct business activities, nor carry out other activities for profit-generating purposes. The representative office in Vietnam only performs the activities for the right purposes, scope and duration specified in the certificate to establish the representative office. Besides, the representative office in Vietnam has the right to rent the head office, rent and buy the facilities and materials necessary for the operation of the representative office; to recruit Vietnamese and foreign employees to work at the representative office in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law; to use an account in foreign currency, in Vietnam dong of foreign currency origin opened by a foreign trader at a bank licensed to operate in Vietnam and only use this account for the operation of the representative office; to have a seal bearing the name of the representative office according to the provisions of Vietnamese law. Representative office in Vietnam can sign contracts, perform transactions with partners when authorized by the enterprise.
Hence, due to the limited scope of activities, the tax liability of a foreign representative office in Vietnam is narrower than that of an enterprise.  As the representative office does not produce or trade in goods and services, it is not required to pay license fees as prescribed. Representative office of foreign trader in Vietnam is dependent unit of foreign trader, established to investigate the market and carry out some trade promotion activities permitted by Vietnamese law, does not carry out production and business activities, so it is not required to pay license fees.
The fact that the representative office has the right to recruit Vietnamese or foreign employees to work at the office is the basis for arising personal income tax obligation. At the same time, representative office of foreign organization is subject to personal income tax registration. For employees working at foreign representative office in Vietnam, the taxable incomes are based on salaries and wages. Declaring, with holding, paying taxes and settling personal income tax of employees working at foreign representative office is the responsibility of such representative office.
ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City could help client to set up representative office in Vietnam and advise on the compliance on regular basis.
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/library/what-are-tax-obligations-of-a-representative-office-in-vietnam.html
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entryvihuseo · 5 months
Rush Vietnam Visa Service
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Vietnam is an amazing place with better opportunities to study, work, etc. Furthermore, it also welcomes the candidate to explore the beauty of their country or to take a tour, etc. Before applying for any Vietnam visa, it is mandatory to know the reason and the document requirements for visiting there. Applicants can use fast, reliable, accurate, and affordable Vietnam visa services. Rush Vietnam Visa is a leading visa services provider. Our team is always ready to offer Assistance, support, and guidance in visa processing and stamping. In addition, we provide hassle-free and convenient services to all needy governments - urgent vietnam visa.
Vietnam has relaxed and accelerated the process of applying for Vietnamese visas in general and Vietnam tourist visas in particular. Vietnam has allowed visitors to apply for a Visa at Rush Vietnam Visa, a Vietnam visa on arrival and e-Visa Vietnam. This allows people who want to visit Vietnam to apply for visas more easily than before. Travelers can use one of main methods below to get this type - vietnam visa.
We always work for the convenience of the applicants. We aim to make the entire visa application and visa processing easier for applicants. Moreover, using the below-listed steps, we complete the Vietnam visa processing on the candidate’s behalf. In the second step, we collect the documents and then confirm the originality and genuinity of all their submitted certificates. After checking the originality, we forward all the documents to the Vietnam embassy to get the visa stamp on the document. In the end, after getting the visa stamp on the certificate, we forward the final documents to the candidate through their selected mediums. For more information, please visit our site https://entryvietnamvisa.com/urgent-visa/
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The Green Revolution: Eco-Friendly Practices in Shrimp Farming
Shrimp, a beloved delicacy enjoyed by many around the world, has seen a surge in demand over the past few decades. The Asia-Pacific region, in particular, has been a hub for shrimp production and consumption, with countries like India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Bangladesh leading the market. However, with this growth comes the challenge of sustainability and environmental impact. In response to these concerns, the shrimp farming industry is undergoing a significant transformation towards more eco-friendly practices, heralding a new era: The Green Revolution in Shrimp Farming.
The Rise of Shrimp Farming in the Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Pacific region accounts for a substantial share of the global shrimp market, thanks to its favourable climate and ideal conditions for shrimp cultivation. This has led to rapid expansion, but traditional shrimp farming methods have often been criticised for their negative impacts on the environment. Issues such as mangrove destruction, water pollution, and disease outbreaks have raised alarms about the industry's sustainability.
Addressing Environmental Challenges
Recognizing the need for change, shrimp farmers and industry stakeholders have been actively implementing innovative and eco-friendly practices to mitigate these environmental challenges.
1. Sustainable Feed Practices
One significant area of improvement is in feed practices. Traditional shrimp feed often includes fishmeal, which contributes to overfishing and habitat destruction. However, there is a shift towards using alternative, more sustainable ingredients such as plant proteins and algae. This not only reduces the industry's reliance on wild-caught fish but also minimises waste and improves the nutritional value of the feed.
2. Water Management and Recycling
Water management is another critical aspect of sustainable shrimp farming. By implementing better pond designs, farmers can minimise water usage and reduce the risk of pollution. Additionally, the use of water treatment systems and the promotion of water recycling help maintain water quality and reduce the discharge of harmful effluents into surrounding ecosystems.
3. Mangrove Conservation
Mangroves play a crucial role in coastal ecosystems, providing habitats for diverse marine life and serving as natural buffers against storms and erosion. In the past, shrimp farming often led to the destruction of mangrove forests. However, there is now a growing emphasis on mangrove conservation and restoration within the industry. Some farms are incorporating mangrove areas into their operations, recognizing the benefits they provide in terms of biodiversity and sustainability.
4. Certification and Traceability
Certification programs such as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) are gaining traction in the shrimp farming industry. These programs set standards for environmentally and socially responsible practices, providing consumers with assurance that the shrimp they purchase comes from farms that meet these criteria. Additionally, improved traceability systems allow consumers to track the origins of their shrimp, promoting transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.
The Future of Eco-Friendly Shrimp Farming
The Green Revolution in shrimp farming is not just a passing trend; it is a necessary evolution towards a more sustainable future. As consumer awareness of environmental issues grows, there is a rising demand for responsibly sourced seafood products. Shrimp farmers in the Asia-Pacific region are adapting to these changing expectations, embracing innovation and sustainable practices to ensure the longevity of their industry.
The Asia-Pacific shrimp market is undergoing a profound transformation driven by the need for sustainability. The Green Revolution in shrimp farming is marked by a shift towards eco-friendly practices such as sustainable feed, efficient water management, mangrove conservation, and certification programs. These initiatives not only benefit the environment but also contribute to the long-term viability of the shrimp farming industry. As we continue to witness this evolution, consumers can enjoy their favourite crustaceans with the knowledge that they are supporting a more environmentally responsible seafood industry.
Keywords: Asia-Pacific Shrimp Market, Green Revolution, Shrimp Farming, Sustainable Practices, Environmental Impact, Aquaculture Stewardship Council, Certification, Water Management, Mangrove Conservation.
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congtyluat1 · 11 months
Extract of birth certificate is a document issued by a competent state agency to prove the birth fact of an individual registered at the civil status registry. According to the regulations in Vietnam, the original birth certificate cannot be  re-issued.  A birth extract is a certified true copy of the birth certificate.
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apostilleser · 1 year
When Vietnam Embassy Legalisation can be used
When establishing a formal entity or when the Vietnamese government requests official documents from the investor's nation to process a specific civil, legal, or business application on behalf of a foreign person or foreign entity, foreign investors in Vietnam frequently go through the procedure of consular legalization.
According to international law, Vietnam Embassy Legalisation is the process of authenticating or certifying a legal document so that a foreign country's legal system would recognize it and provide it full legal effect. In Vietnamese law, the process of certifying the stamps, signatures, and titles on foreign documents as having Vietnamese authority in order for them to be accepted and used in Vietnam is known as consular legalization.
In other words, the legalization procedure at the consulate helps to confirm the legitimacy of documents issued by one nation for use in another. When a document is legalized, the authority simply verifies the signatures and stamps that appear on it; it is not responsible for the veracity of the content. The entire process is handled jointly by the governments of both countries the Originating Country and the Destination Country with Vietnam serving.
Except for specific, unique documents provided by those nations with which Vietnam has an agreement, all documents issued by foreign governments must, in general, undergo the consular legalization process in order to be recognized and used in Vietnam. The following papers are typically required for consular legalization:
    The certificate of incorporation, the articles of association, the charter, a company extract, and a company profile are all necessary documents for the incorporation of an offshore business.
    Degrees, diplomas, birth and marriage certificates, criminal background checks, letters of employment experience or recommendations, chastity certificates, and other personal documents are examples of personal papers.
Documents exempt from consular legalization
Certain foreign documents could be exempt from consular legalization if certain conditions are met, including (i) treaties to which Vietnam and the foreign nation are parties, (ii) instances in which Vietnamese law permits the exemption.
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