#Cephalopod Week
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 years ago
A second and very different piece from the Brooklyn Museum for #CephalopodWeek:
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Jesse Krimes (b. 1982) Blackwater, 2021 Assorted textiles Brooklyn Museum
“To counter the dehumanizing isolation of incarceration, Jesse Krimes works collaboratively with currently and formerly incarcerated individuals to create artworks out of old clothing and textiles that evoke memories of home. The artist developed his own practice while serving a six-year prison sentence. In this work, Krimes regards the tentacled animal as "a panoptic state of surveillance" and alludes to the eugenic and white supremacist ideas embedded in American zoology. The title, Blackwater, refers to a prison in Florida.”
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amygdalae · 10 months ago
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dailycephalopods · 5 months ago
Could we perhaps get a giant pacific or a mimic octopus? Those are my boyssss
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Daily Cephalopod #206
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bananahkim · 3 months ago
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Some svtfoe monster ocs!
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 1 year ago
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Results from the #paleostream
Huracan, Mandaloceras (that's a cephalopod), Megalancosaurus and Melanerpes shawi.
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 10 months ago
Flocking doodles!
Qianzhousaurus eating hot chip and lie
Yezoteuthis catching a baby mosasaur
Shastasaurus trying to break the shell of an ammonite
Ptychodus showing off it's weird ass teeth
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squephalopod · 2 years ago
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Sepia apama
PSA if you
• chunky
• are colorblind
• hrrrrrrnnnnnfffffyeeeaaaahhhhh
you may be at risk of being an giant australian cuttlefish
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squidthusiast · 9 months ago
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I’ve been learning how to play with chargers recently (specifically Z+F splat charger) and playing reg turf war to practice.
Let me tell you, nothing funnier & more intense than finding another (clearly also new) charger user and facing off against them.
We both were VERY silly & not only were face-to-face doing close quarter combat, but also shooting & missing each other until one of us fell in the water..
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color-palettes · 2 years ago
has there always been a squid in your profile picture?
yup! it's been years though and i'm wondering if it's time for a change...
Please let me know your specific animal suggestions in the replies/reblogs!! some resources to help you vote:
Cephalopod Wikipedia
Anime Girl Reference
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marinelifecatalogue · 3 months ago
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Name: Cuttlefish
Scientific Name: Ascarosepion latimanus
Family: Sepiidae
Location: "Found around all coasts of the UK, more common on south and west coasts."
Status: Least Concern
Fun Facts:
• Cuttlefish eggs are round and exist in clusters, earning them the nickname 'sea grapes'
• They can change color, they do it for both camouflage and mating rituals. They are the best at dramatic color changing of all cephalopods.
• Cuttlefish bones are used as dietary supplements for birds; it helps with things like beak maintenance, bone formation, and blood clotting.
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Sources: 🌊 / 🌊
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randomoceanfacts · 5 months ago
Today’s daily ocean fact: octopuses have three hearts!
Happy World Octopus Day!! To celebrate, I wanted to do a post about these amazing cephalopods. There are so many fun facts to choose from (hopefully I’ll get to them eventually) but I decided to talk about their hearts. Two of an octopus’s hearts pump blood to its gills to collect oxygen, while the other heart pumps blood through the rest of its body. This is a closed circulatory system-making them (and other cephalopods) unique among mollusks, as other members of this phylum have an open circulatory system. Octopuses really are one of the most unique animals out there!
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[Image ID: A pink octopus floating in water. Several of its arms are stretched out, and suction cups are visible on the underside of the arms.]
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 years ago
For #CephalopodWeek, seen today at Brooklyn Museum:
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Object from Crete - Minoan Decorated Jug Late Minoan IB Period, c. 1575-1500 BCE From Lower Egypt; presumably found in Egypt but made on Crete Pottery, painted
“This vessel, one of the world's most famous works of Minoan pottery, shows five mollusks called nautili [argonauts] floating above the sea floor. The sinuous, undulating lines of the water plants and nautili tentacles clearly demonstrate the Minoans' love of bold, sweeping designs. For the Egyptians, Minoan painting must have provided an exotic contrast to their own balanced, ordered designs.”
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neo-wolfe · 2 years ago
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Happy Lesbian Week, I made a flag with colors pulled from Agent 24 🧡💛🤍💗❤️🦑🐙
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aeriona · 10 months ago
Do you have a scientific(?) explaination for why octolings have suckers on the outside of their tentacles even though real octopuses have them on the underside?
Good question! the answer is: Hell if I know!
Normally I’m very much one to spit in the face of canon and come up with my own headcanons, but I decided to stick with the outward-facing sucker design cause I think it looks cool. From a character design perspective, it gives Octolings a very distinct and recognisable silhouette, and makes it easier and quicker to tell squids and octopuses apart.
As idiotic and nonsensical outward-facing suckers are, I usually just cope with the reasoning that the head tentacles aren’t exactly useful anymore for locomotion? Octolings don't use their tentacles for grabbing things nearly as often as their hands or feet, so maybe their dexterity (and sucker count) would go down accordingly.
Cephalopods can also taste and smell with their suckers, so it would made some sort of sense to have them facing outwards where they're exposed to the air to pick up smells and stuff.
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teamdays · 8 months ago
guess who got splat 3 for their birthday btw. If you couldn’t tell
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squephalopod · 2 years ago
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Euprymna berryi
what if we were both hummingbird bobtail squid and you saw my globular eyes peeking out of the sand and you told me i was the most beautiful babe in the whole benthic zone and we danced the night away and then you woke up in a cold sweat facedown in a Wendy’s parking lot wearing a michelin man costume. what would you do then
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