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2. [맛 평가], [Taste Evaluation], [Avaliação de sabor]
ko: 상큼한 맛이 났고, 주문할 때 일부러 소스 를 빼서 맵지 않아서 다행이었다. 원래는 조금 맵지만 간장이 들어가서 조화롭고 괜찮았다. 식감도 나쁘지 않았고 버섯을 좋아해서 그런지 맛있게 먹었고 다이어트를 하는 사람들은 죄책감 없이 음식을 먹을 수 있을 것 같고 새로운 경험이었다. 원래 이 음식은 하와이 전통 요리이다.
En: It tasted refreshing, and I was glad that it wasn't spicy because I intentionally left out the sauce when I ordered it. It's usually a little spicy, but it was harmonious and good because of the soy sauce. The texture wasn't bad, and since I like mushrooms, I enjoyed it, and people on a diet can eat it without feeling guilty, and it was a new experience. This dish is originally a traditional Hawaiian dish. PT [BR]: O sabor era refrescante, e fiquei feliz que não fosse picante porque intencionalmente deixei de fora o molho quando pedi. Geralmente é um pouco picante, mas era harmonioso e bom por causa do molho de soja. A textura não era ruim, e como eu gosto de cogumelos, eu gostei, e as pessoas em dieta podem comê-lo sem se sentirem culpadas, e foi uma experiência nova. Este prato é originalmente um prato tradicional havaiano.
3. [영양성분], [Nutritional Information], [Ingredientes Nutricionais]
[셀러디] 머쉬룸 두부웜볼
사이즈: 1인분 (370g)
열량: 456 칼로리
탄수화물: 63.9g
설탕 5.9g
단백질: 13.8g
지방: 17.8g
포화지방: 2.8g
나트륨 183mg
[Celody] Mushroom Tofu Worm Ball
Size: 1 serving (370g)
Calories: 456 calories
Carbohydrates: 63.9g
Sugar 5.9g
Protein: 13.8g
Fat: 17.8g
Saturated Fat: 2.8g
Sodium 183mg
★ Celody is a Korean-only chain and is made for dieters.
[Celody] Mushroom Tofu Worm Ball
Tamanho: 1 porção (370g)
Calorias: 456 calorias
Carboidratos: 63,9g
Açúcar 5,9g
Proteína: 13,8g
Gordura: 17,8g
Gordura saturada: 2,8g
Sódio 183mg
★ Celody é uma rede somente coreana e é feita para quem está de dieta.
#머쉬룸 두부 웜볼#샐러디#저녁식사#배달음식#야식#12월13일#dinner#diet#Delivery food#food#Poke#Celody#Worm ball#Mushrooms#Tofu#dieters#Jantar#dieta#Comida para entrega#comida#Bola de minhoca#Cogumelos#dietistas
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Flips through my rolodex
Who can I project these emotions onto
#tetris ur new. and u got brain treatment happening. in a sense#r u the one?#no... no. i couldnt possibly. the fit is wrong#razzle? razzle is the vessel for my chronic illness feelings. this is fact#there was actually a time i planned to give candy mg#but i changed my mind on that very quickly#anyways. hmhmhm. plucks my guys outta the box#maybe celodi can join the 'my powers cause me grief but also i need them' club
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Callaghan Saves Elodie | Celodie
Elodie exited the library and pushed open the doors to walk into the courtyard, knowing it would be the shortest way back to her dorm. She was practically kicked out by the librarian since she had lost track of time, which happened more times than she'd like to admit. She walked quickly to her dorm, not enjoying being out in the dark all too much. "Hey, sweetheart!" And that was exactly why. Elodie quickly looked over her shoulder and saw three boys, picking up their pace to follow behind her. She tried to walk faster but it was no use. Before she knew it, she felt someone harshly pull back on her wrist and put her against the wall. Elodie dropped her things as soon as her back came in contact with the wall, the guy putting his face only inches from hers as his friends surrounded them. Then the panic set in. "Hey, hey. I just wanna talk." The guy began, smirking down at Elodie and moving to cup the side of her face gently. No. This wasn't happening. They were going to try and take advantage of her. "Help!" Elodie screamed desperately as tears brimmed her eyes, only to have a hand slapped over her mouth. "Shut the hell up!" The guy seethed as his other hand began working at removing Elodie's jacket. She shook her head and tried to squirm out of the two boys' grip but it was no use as they only tightened their hold on her. Elodies chest began heaving up and down quickly as the tears began falling quickly down her face, her heart now pounding against her chest. Someone had to have heard her. They just had to. Callaghan rarely ever went to the library, but he knew that was where his girlfriend basically lived in. So after a quick visit to her dorm and her roommate telling him thay she had yet to come back, Cal went back outside and started skating all the way to the library easily. In a change of events, he didn't do tricks, or anything, he just simply skated all the way. He was actually about to get to the entrance of the library when he heard her. A girl asking for help. He quickly stopped and picked up his skateboard, almost running to get to the girl. He immediately saw the group of boys cornering a girl against a wall. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" It didn't occur to him that this could be Elodie, until he walked closer and there she was. It was almost as if something came over him because he threw himself at the guys, pushing then back and away from Elodie as he could. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He said quickly. The guys stopped their movements and looked up as they heard another voice, looking over at Callaghan. One remained very close to Elodie, keeping a tight hold on her arm. "Dude, listen! If you want a part of this...we'll give you a turn." He suggested, hoping to get out of being caught. Elodie on the other hand, continued trying to focus on her breathing so she didn't suffocate herself in her own tears. "Fuck you," Callaghan said loud and clear before he immediately punched the guy square in the face, and pushed his as hard a she could, placing himself right in front of Elodie to shield her from all of them, his free arm holding his skateboard tightly. "You better get out of my sight now. I'm warning you." The guy who Callaghan had punched began bleeding immediately, scrambling to get to his feet after Callaghan pushed him. The three exchanged looks before taking off in the opposite direction. Elodie leaned against the wall, feeling as if her legs might give out at any second. And they did, just then. She collapsed to the floor, her chest heaving up rapidly as her breathing was heavy, quick, and jagged. She placed a hand on her chest to try and steady herself, closing her eyes tightly despite the tears that continued falling down her cheeks. She wasn't okay. In regards to her constant anxiety, this was her worst nightmare. Callaghan was tense depsite the fact that they had left. "Cowards." He muttered, before quickly turning to look back at his girlfriend and kneeling down next to her. "Hey, hey, it's me. Ellie, it's me." He whispered quickly, trying to take her hands but not wanting to startle her. Cal knew what was happening, but he didn't know what to do about it because he had never dealt with her like this. Still, he wasn't going to give up. He knew that he had to help her. Callaghan wrapped his arms around her carefully, pulling her into his chest to make her feel safer. "You're okay now...they didn't do anything, right?" He whispered slowly, swallowing hard. Elodie leaned into her boyfriend as he pulled her into his chest. She closed her eyes and breathed him in, focusing on her soft words which helped her to relax. "R-Right.." she forced out. She took several deep breaths before slipping her arms around him, holding him tightly as she slowly, but surely began calming down. Callaghan held her tightly, pressing his face to her head and breathing her in carefully to try to calm down as well. "I'm here now, baby. I'll stay with you." He whispered gently, trying to make her think about something else. Callaghan took a deep breath, puling back just a little to look down at her face, leaning his head against hers. "I'm here now." He whispered softly, nudging his nose against hers before speaking up again. "I'll stay with you." Elodie finally opened her eyes as he pulled back a little, looking up at him and nodding slowly. When Elodie got like this, she needed to hear things like that. So it was definitely effective. Her heart was still beating quickly but her breathing had slowed. Almost there. She swalllwed hard, nodding a little. "Again," she replied, almost desperately.
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Infinite Music Streams with IOTA. Celody Releases v1.0. More Info in the Comments.
Infinite Music Streams with IOTA. Celody Releases v1.0. More Info in the Comments.
from News http://bit.ly/2YNC8Cz
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(mjet <;3)
RNG has chosen:
CELODI MELZIL, the stone-cold bitch herself. She not really a bitch, but she sure wants you to view her as one; it ain't easy being an anon, and a sour attitude can make a killer defense.
Despite her colorful pigmentation, it's pretty obvious that Celodi is a violetblood, especially with the way she holds herself. Just don't go asking her about it– how dare you expect a highblood to prove herself to you?
Ironically, despite being a hemoanon, Celodi possesses the power of hemokinesis, though it's limited to her own blood. This power does tend to help her keep that pesky blood inside where it belongs, though she's had to use it as a weapon on occasion.
She's also a real-life horror slasher's chosen final girl, but that's not important.
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Rainbow fish is done and I'm more than a little in love... Here's Celodi :]
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Celodi, what’s your blood color?
> It’s usually the attitude that sells it.
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new troll in the oven
#she's gonna be my first hemoanon#i wanted her to have fins but didn't want them to reveal her blood#so i went 'of course! rainbow!'#doodles#celodi art
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Pun, buddy, we gotta talk about your definition of evil
#ty for the kind tags on my celodi art <3#she is not even a little bit evil hdjjtsjf#she’s a mutant trying to not get killed
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mmmm chell
i think she avoids clowns as much as possible. sees someone in paint while she's walking and just crosses the street
generally avoids seadweller spaces too, since she feels more likely to be found out
thinks people who kidnap mutants are 1000 times worse than the ones that hunt them. along the same vein, i think if chell ever met kiyana, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from punching her in the mouth
bozo is her insult of choice
if people question her about her blood, she's very good at adopting an attitude that says "i have nothing to hide and i'm not scared, but i'm offended at your sheer AUDACITY" which is usually enough to make people back off (provided they're lower than purple)
very strong and somewhat resistant to mind fuckery >:]
doesn't like swimming all that much
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“I need more mutant seadwellers”
- person (me) who has so many mutant seadwellers
#let’s see i have uhhh#celodi keppie kypres fausia fishie…. any others im forgetting?#i dont think so#maybe marlon if u stretch it#but he’s just a cusp#maybe i make a red one….#or another pastel#or another w shifty blood like chell n fishie….
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Scratches my chin
What if…. I gave Celodi hemokinesis……
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