#Cell phone screen repair Navi
hereisleo · 4 years
stardust in our veins/
w/ s.mg x reader
g/ college!au, fluff, budding romance
w.count/ 2814
a.n/ in which upcoming astrophysicist and model song mingi is in a dilemma over the soon to be love of his life. a part of ‘back to school’ writing event with @kpopscape
t.w/ swearing
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“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
Well, fuck. Mingi thinks his luck is the worst. The one time he needed the universe to make sense of course it wouldn’t. Then again turning to his astrophysics texts for guidance in the matter of love is the wrong place to start. Love doesn’t make sense like the universe, much of it still undiscovered and will continue to remain so. There’s only so much humans can learn and that by no means is little. He’s simply too finite to understand all the ways the universe has to offer. The perks of being mortal in his opinion.
His phone lights up, a notification appears on his screen. Don’t be late, Min! Right, he has to model for his friend tonight. He sends a quick confirmation text, a little cute onomatopoeia of ‘ang!’ Out of place with his stoic exterior yet that’s how he is, best of both worlds. Mathematics and astrophysics. Fashion industry and music. He could make it anywhere he wants to be. Mingi is confident in himself, he knows he has most of the skills set required to pursue all of his dream occupations. So he straightens the loose pages of a printed pdf file and tuck them into its folder. He could buy the textbooks but why would he do that? He likes to eat the rich so to speak. All his earnings go to tuition and he would live smartly to make it through another year.
The chair squeaks in the quiet library and he winces, slightly apologetic at the flinches from students studying in the library. He doesn’t dwell much in it, he slings his back over his shoulder and pushes his chair in, lifting it a touch to prevent the grating noise. He nods at the librarian and mouths his, ‘bye.’ And it’s just him and his little kidney beans, AirPods, pumping music into his ears. He makes his way around the ground, weaving through passing students going to different classes, the stares he receives are not foreign. He’s used to it. He’s always a head and some more taller than the average or maybe it’s his clothes or his colourful hair or the way he carries himself is out of place within the Department of Astrophysics. Mingi looks like someone from the Department of Arts. A fashion or music student. Some would say he’s here because of an athletic scholarship. He is simply exercising his freedom to wear whatever he wants.
Sik-K’s “Habibi” starts playing and he mumbles his curses, a love and hate relationship he has with his playlist. He just managed to distract himself from thinking about love and here he is, back to wallow in his one-sided pining. Pitiful. You’re pathetic, Song Mingi. His strides languidly back to his shared apartment, not too far off from campus, he could take the car but he likes to walk when the weather is nice. He wonders when did he begin liking you. The first time he sees you is in the Arts building when you were fitting his feline-like friend into a stage costume. He thinks he fell for how your brow knits together in concentration as your fingers deftly repaired loose embellishment of pearls on the velvet suit jacket. He vividly recalls how inky the fabric was, similar to the sky that night, Mars was visible from the big window at the fashion studio. He would catch glimpses of you here and there and because of that, his visits to the Arts building increased. His friends caught on immediately and they wouldn’t live it down.
Before he knows it, he’s already punching the security codes on his door. A happy greeting of his name falls short with an amused laugh. Even his best friend could tell, he’s wallowing in his feelings. Mingi whines, kicking his shoes off before unceremoniously taking all the space on the couch. Good thing his playlist has come to its end, he takes out the little kidney beans from his ears and let it rest on the coffee table.
“Love doesn’t make sense, Yunho,” he groans, burying his face against the giant brown bear plushie. A hand pats his head, “Love doesn’t make sense and so does the universe yet you love them the same.” Mingi thinks Yunho has been skimming through his astrophysics texts but highly unlikely, Yunho doesn’t enjoy reading. He sighs and nuzzles deeper into the belly of the soft toy. Hell, he much rather snuggle with you but alas you’re a distant star out of his reach. He could only see you behind the lenses of his telescope. He will make do with the bear and his friends for now. He likes being alone, he likes his space but he hates the feeling of loneliness that comes out to play every once in a while. More often now since he has you to pin over. His friends could only do so much for him.
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Fuck you, Kim Hongjoong. Mingi keeps his head low and skirts around the photographer. You. He isn’t not aware you’ll be shooting him today, figuratively and literally. Yeosang has a shit eating grin on his face when Mingi sits on the chair to get his makeup done. “Not a word, Yeosang,” he mumbles and the grin widens. His friend only wipes his face clean before starting off with a quick skincare. He’s used to this, the gentle toner in white and blue packaging and the light cream patted into his skin. His friend went the length to purchase them specifically for him. He keeps his eyes trained on the mirror, tracking your movements all over the studio, talking to Hongjoong, toying with the navy and silver camera strap. He remembers buying the strap for Jongho when the old one was too worn out for use. It reminds him of the starry sky and it’s now in your hold. He bites his lip, it shouldn’t feel intimate yet here he is almost astral projecting because it feels as if you are holding part of his universe. Stop it, Mingi!
His pseudo makeup artist taps his abused lip with a warning tut, a red stain is smudged lightly before a clear gloss is patted over them so it doesn’t dry out his lips. Yeosang always scolds him for having chapped lips and this time Mingi sports dark smokey eyes, he could see hints of burgundy mixed into the brown shadows. Yeosang gives him a wink before sending him off to change. Hongjoong is a genius for designing outfits and he’s honoured to be one of the models walking in it. He wishes nothing but the best for the clothing line launch to be successful but he would be lying if he doesn’t want to wipe the smirk off the designer’s face right now.
Your fingers graze the skin of his back, his shoulders tensed and he presses his lips together to prevent any noise from escaping his mouth. Fuck this shoot. You’re just pinning his jeans because it’s slightly too big. Mingi wants to run home into the comfort of his bed and screams. Your radiating body heat is so warm and perhaps this is as close as he would ever to touch you, the human embodiment of the universe. He shouldn’t be this hypersensitive yet here he is flustered beyond his imagination. His lungs feel like they are collapsing. You are the 3-degree temperature difference in intergalactic space he learned about. His body couldn’t manage to reach equilibrium. Being around you makes his blood cells want to burst, the lack of atmospheric pressure puts a dizzy spell on him. Mingi thinks you’re an amazing being like the supercharged subatomic particles travelling almost just as fast as the speed of light. There’s only 0.1% difference. Magnificent.
Hongjoong and Yeosang smirk at his struggles. They are no strangers to his ‘internally screaming’ countenance. Mingi would have book it if they let him suffer any longer. He takes one look into the mirror, the long leather coat adds some invisible height to him, he appears taller than he already is and the chunky ribbed turtleneck accentuate his long neck. He glances over to the few more pieces hanging on the rack. Hongjoong kills it with the A/W capsule collection. He couldn’t wait to get into the patchwork trench coat and the purple overshirt that catches his attention since the prototype era. The universe has expanded further into infinity since then.
A gentle call of his name and the barely there touch on his back jolts him out of his reverie, eyes boring into yours almost bewitched. Your hand is right over where his birthmark is hidden under the layers of fabrics. “Mingi?” Your voice. Damnit, it’s so soft to his ears and the way his name rolls off your tongue raises the hairs on his arms. He dazedly hums in response, “Yes, stars?” The composition of a human being is as old as the universe itself, there are stardust running in the veins of mortals. He sees the brightest stars in your eyes. He doesn’t realise what he just called you, the term of endearment he refers you as in his head slips out to be immortalised. Sound waves travel into space and beyond, he can’t take back what he said. Your cheek is hot under his fingertips, in moments of bravery or stupidity, Mingi manages to string together a sentence, “Let’s take some pictures shall we?”
Bless Hongjoong for hooking up the music. He would run away if Taemin’s “Criminal” didn’t start playing. Don’t explode now. One more step to the front of the red backdrop. What foolish action did he do? How did he have the courage to talk to you and more over actually feel your skin under his fingers? He wants to scream and curl up on the floor. I did not just do that! Yeosang gives him a thumbs up for the corner of the studio. Thank heavens for his friends. He lets the electronic beats fill him and he loses himself in the act. His friends once told him, he’s a good actor. Now is the time for him to maximise the skill. A teasing drag of his bottom lip between his teeth, the smouldering gaze as he pierces through the camera lens straight at you just as the lyrics spews, ‘Destroy me more.’ Two can play this game and Mingi finds it relieving to find he’s not the one who is affected. It doesn’t quite make sense to you how he likes you and it doesn’t quite make sense to him how you like him. He’s not built for chasing love but now he knows you do have an interest in him, he takes the liberty to pursue it. He wouldn’t pour his love onto you yet. He has class and he’s not going to do anything that might spook you. Yes, he acts like an idiot sometimes but he’s not an idiot. He wants to make sure if you really have taken a liking of him or if he’s merely a passing interest. He doesn’t like getting hurt.
One wardrobe change and then two, the playlist continuous on, the hours blurred together. Mingi is in his last outfit, lying on the brown leather couch covered with colourful rugs and you’re hovering over him with the DSLR. He gives you, no, he means the camera, his best smirk and provocative lift of his eyebrow. From the corner of his eyes, Yeosang and Hongjoong are curling into each other to stifle bubbling laughter while monitoring all the shots appearing on the computer. The addictive riff of “Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer has him unbuttoning the purple overshirt. His friends are slapping each other and he hears you take sharp intake of breath. He is enjoying this way too much and he might as well. If he’s going to explode now is the time. Before the night ends, before the sky lightens, he would explode like a supernova, powerful and bright enough for its light to glow for more than a week. It’s rather selfish of him to make himself linger in your mind in a rather unorthodox fashion but he couldn’t help it, the opportunity is there for the taking. At some point the two nuclei would collide to create a new element, Mingi hopes it’s his and yours.
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The following day Mingi wakes up to a series of texts in the group chat. The sheer amount of caps lock yelling are not anything new so he didn’t check it yet. He raises his arms and lets his muscles sing with the stretch. His feet kiss the cool floor and he makes his way out to do his day off routine. “Morning, Yunho,” he greets, his voice still rough from sleep, it sounds deeper even to his own ears. He hears his roommate rustling about in the living room and feet padding hurriedly to his direction, “Afternoon already, Min! And you can’t say that nonchalantly after what you did last night! You didn’t tell me this!” What did he do last night? Ah, right! He was modelling for Hongjoong, saw you and flirted with you indirectly through the camera lens. Yunho shoves his phone in front of him.
An A-cut photograph from the shoot is attached in the chat by Hongjoong. He was in the half open purple overshirt and sunglasses hanging between his teeth, glaring straight at whoever is looking at the picture. Consecutive texts from his friend group are under it, nothing but praises and Yunho is always first to compliment him. My best friend right there! Following the trail of text bubbles, he finds a short video. He presses the play button and immediately blushes, hiding his face in his hands with an exasperated sound. Last night model Mingi was brave enough to reach for the camera. In fact, he reached past it and cradled your cheek in his palm. “It was for the shoot!” Yunho pockets his phone. “Mingi. You eye fucked the camera through and through. In fact, it’s not the camera, it’s your ‘stars’.” The mirth in Yunho’s voice is enough to draw another whine from him. He couldn’t find fault in his best friend’s statement.
He has to go back in again today and how is he supposed to face you? I should call in sick. Yet with that thought he still works the coffee machine, his body moving rotely and his friend sidles next to him to help him with lunch. He could still sense the excitement radiating from the puppy-like man. An avocado toast later, Mingi is sent out with a cheery, “Have fun!” The little kidney beans are back in his ears, a mellow summer song soothes his pounding heart. The moon peeks between buildings as if to tell him it’s rooting for him. In such an aspect, he thanked the pile of regolith and dead volcanoes hanging in space.
His takes longer strides to the campus ground, arriving earlier than expected, his body understands the excited energy simmering under his skin. To see you standing in front of the Arts building entrance sparks something in him. Don’t do or say anything weird, Mingi. He breaks into a jog, calling your name properly this time. It’s an exaggeration but this is what he thinks being struck by a space debris must feel like. The shy wave of your hand and the sunlight blanketing your skin are enough to set his heart racing. “You look different today.” He supposed he does look different to you. Your encounters with him are always within the confinement of Hongjoong’s studio. You never see him in his casual state, so the messy, half wet hair from the shower earlier, the all sweats get-up he is in and the glasses perched on the bridge of his nose are foreign to you. Hell, you never see him cooing at a soft toy or notice how slow he eats. “Have you eaten yet?” That’s good, Min, that’s a safe question. You nod with a smile, pocketing away your phone, “Just enough to get through the meeting.” Mingi wants to curl up on the floor, what is he going to do with your undivided attention on him?
“Shall we grab something together afterwards?” He curls his hands into fist within the pockets of his sweatpants. What the hell did he just ask you? He needs that space debris to smite him out of existence right now. The endearing shy smile on curving your cheeks upwards has him biting his tongue. Mingi thinks a space debris really has vaporised him, your answer leaving him a stuttering blushing mess. “It’s a date then.”
“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
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itsfonecare · 8 years
Just Repair Mobile
Fonecare is considered India's Finest Multi Brand chain of smartphone repair centers. Our company offer you one-stop solutions for smartphone fixes for any brands such as : Apple, Samsung, Micromax, Lenovo, HTC, Mototola, Lava, Intex, Blackberry, LG, Vivo, Karbonn, Panasonic, Gionee, Xiaomi, One Plus, Nokia, Microsoft, Xolo and all others. Our organization are committed to provide you best customer experience in the industry. Fonecare possesses state-of-art repair factory with most advanced tools and equipments to help to undertake repairs of practically all brands and models of smartphones. We organize absolutely free pick up and then drop facility of the Mobiles from the client?s house, and thus heading a stride ahead for the convenience of all of our valued consumers. Additionally, the charges charged by Fonecare for all fixes tend to be very cut-throat in comparison to the market place but still assuring quality repairing. Why you need to repair service all your LG cell phone with Fonecare- - 1. Absolutely free Pick up Drop Service 2. Reputable Spare Parts 3. Very fast Repairs 4. Properly trained and Qualified Techs 5. Guarantee on more or less all Fixes 6. Countrywide Support 7. Honest industry practices 8. Budget friendly repair Price 9. Best Consumer Experince So the very next time you experience any kind of problem with the cellphone, Please be sure to call at 022 4345 33 19
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boredstudent-blog · 7 years
Kakusaku Month 2017, Week Two: Homecoming
Summary: Sakura and Kakashi are two 16-year-olds at Konoha High. She is studious and he is the school bad boy. They meet through unexpected circumstances at the homecoming dance. Rated okay for teens and up, some cussing. Modern High School AU, Same Age prompt.
Sakura stood in front of the gym at Konoha High. She stood in her brand-new midnight blue dress, complete with sparkly blue high heels, her hair piled high on her head and bound in light blue ribbon. A couple of the ribbons just touched her shoulders. She glanced at her phone, impatient. She’d been waiting for twenty minutes for Sasuke Uchiha to join her for the homecoming dance. In that time, Sakura had texted him twice, then waited patiently. She wasn’t sure what could be keeping him, as traffic wasn’t bad, his parents had just bought him a new car, and the weather was clear!
Finally, after almost forty minutes, her cell buzzed. She looked down at the screen.
Sorry, Sakura. I’m not as interested in you as I thought, and I hate the idea of going to some stupid school dance. Have an enjoyable time tonight.
Tears welled up in Sakura’s eyes. Was she really not that interesting? And what was wrong with going to a dance? Sure, it was stupid, but it was better than doing nothing every weekend, which is all he ever wanted to do…
Sakura turned off her phone and put it in her purse, then sat down on the bench next to the gym door. What could she do now? She didn’t want to go in alone, and she didn’t want to go home early. She fought back tears, and looked down at her knees.
Unexpectedly, a shadow encompassed her view. She blinked and looked up into the face of Kakashi Hatake, the school bad boy. He wore his usual black turtleneck sweater and navy fatigue pants, and big black combat boots, with the neck of the sweater pulled up over his nose and mouth. He also wore his glasses with the mismatched lenses. One was clear and the other was tinted so you couldn’t see the eye beyond. He was intimidating, partially because of his look. The real reason why he was intimidating was due to his advanced fighting skills—he had broken Might Guy’s jaw in freshman year.
He was suspended for two weeks, his parents had to pay for the hospital bill, and everyone in school had to attend a PSA rally about fighting in school and how we needed to “use their words.” Kakashi had never told anyone why he hit Guy so hard.
The pair stared at one another for a minute, and then Kakashi cleared his throat.
“What are you doing out here?”
“Me? Oh, just um… hanging out,” Sakura said weakly. She wasn’t afraid of him and didn’t have a crush on him, but it was still odd for Kakashi to talk to anyone outside of his social circle. He only spoke to his teachers when required. She felt shy and on-the-spot.
“Hm. Kinda odd to be hanging out here instead of in there,” he said, pointing at the gym doors. The pair could just hear the hip hop music from within.
“Eh, its loud in there…”
“That’s true,” He conceded. “Might get cold out here, though. You gonna go in then?”
“Probably,” Sakura said, playing with one of the ribbons hanging from her hair. She wasn’t sure what to say to this strange loner, this guy who was known for his anger and who was probably some kind of bully.
“Mind if I sit here with you? I’m not really used to going to dances or school stuff like this.”
Sakura nodded and moved a little to give him room on the bench. She was surprised at his politeness, and at the clearness of his voice. She thought he would be slightly muffled by the fabric of his sweater, but it wasn’t.
He sat next to her, and they stayed in silence for a few minutes.
“Why are you here?” she said, breaking the quiet.
“Lost a bet I made with Might Guy. He wanted me to come here and stay until the dance was done.” That wasn’t all that he had to do, but he wasn’t going to tell Sakura Haruno that.
“You two are still friends? After what happened in ninth grade?” Sakura asked, curious.
“Oh, we’re good friends. He’s just a jackass,” Kakashi said dryly, stretching his arms over his head until his shoulders popped, then bringing them down until his elbows rested on his knees, leaning his upper body forward until his hand rested on one hand.
Sakura giggled at his response. “Then why be his friend?”
“He’s good people, for the most part. He was also my first friend in this area. I’ve only lived in Konoha proper since first grade. “
“Oh. That’s a good reason to be a friend with him, then. Loyalty is something one shouldn’t take lightly.”
“Absolutely,” Kakashi said seriously, leaning towards Sakura. “That’s part of why I don’t have many friends. Why should I bond with people when they might break a promise to me?”
“Yeah.” Sakura was surprised that the school bad boy would consider loyalty an issue, but she supposed if he had to take something seriously, at least he picked a good concept.
“Oh my God. I thought you said she wouldn’t be here, Sasuke!”
Sakura looked up and gasped in shock. Sasuke was there, arm in arm with Karin. Karin, the girl who liked bullying those in lower grades than her, who kissed up to all the teachers and cheated when they weren’t looking. Karin, who screamed and threw huge fits whenever she didn’t get her way. Sasuke looked at Sakura, surprised.
“I didn’t think she would be. Why don’t you go in ahead of me and get some punch, Karin?” Sasuke said, pulling slightly away from the redhead and toward Sakura.
“No way. I’m not going to give that bimbo a chance to talk you into something.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Fine, do what you want to do,” he snapped, turning to Sakura, who sat shocked on the bench. “What are you doing here, Sakura?”
“I—I should be asking you that question. You said a school dance was a stupid event.”
“Yes, it is. Karin insisted on going. I expected you to go home after I told you I wasn’t coming,” Sasuke replied coldly.
“You also said I wasn’t interesting for you. Look, if you wanted to go out with Karin, you could have just said that. You didn’t have to string me along like this.” Sakura was hurt, deeply hurt. She wondered how long Sasuke had been wanting out of their relationship, as they had dated for over a year.
She was so focused on Sasuke that she almost didn’t notice Kakashi get up and slip into the dance, only realizing he had when the music got loud for a minute. The doors closed and the music was again dulled.
“It’s nothing personal, Sakura. Look, you’re just not that interesting. You talk about nothing but health and medicine and stuff, and I’m not interested.”
“I’m going to college to be a doctor, Sasuke. I talk about medicine and stuff because that is what I am learning. You could have asked me to keep it to myself, or to talk about something else,” Sakura said. “You didn’t have to drag all this out. Why?”
“Because you’re boring, bitch,” Karin snapped. Sakura’s jaw dropped, and the tears began flowing.
“Hey, Karin and Sasuke,” Kakashi said, seeming to appear behind them. He held a glass of punch in each hand. He threw them on Karin and Sasuke, drenching the pair. Karin shrieked, launching herself at Kakashi. Kakashi pushed her away and into Sasuke with one hand.
“Disloyal asshole,” he said to Sasuke. “Leave, and both of you don’t talk to her again, or I’ll throw more than just overly sweet dance punch at you.”
Sasuke and Sakura both stared at Kakashi, Karin still wiggling and screaming, trying to fight her way out of Sasuke’s arms so she could go after the bad boy. After a moment, Sasuke noticed Guy and Genma Shiranui, another of Kakashi’s friends. Both were standing just outside of the gym doors, watching. Sasuke pulled Karin away, taking her to the parking lot and leaving the area.
“Everything cool, man?” Genma called out to Kakashi.
“Yeah. Head back inside. I’ll be there in a minute.”
They went back in, and Kakashi turned to Sakura, pulling a couple of napkins out of his pocket. He wiped the tears from Sakura’s cheeks with one, and gave her the other one. She turned slightly away from him and blew her nose, then turned back and smiled.
“You didn’t have to do that. But thank you.”
“Someone did,” Kakashi said. “He had no right to call someone who is passionate about their future boring, and he had no right to lie to you. He’s a disloyal fool.”
“And why did you throw the punch at Karin?”
Kakashi shrugged. “She was trying to hurt you, and she seemed to need a little cooling off.”
Sakura giggled, and he patted her shoulder gently.
“I should go home,” Sakura said.
“Why? You got all dressed up and ready. Don’t let him ruin your night.”
“I’m… I don’t know. My friends are going to ask questions, people are going to know and everyone wants to put in their own opinion once they know.”
“Fuck ‘em.”
Sakura gasped in shock at the cuss word, and at Kakashi’s uncaring tone.
“Seriously, who cares what they say? Who cares if they know? High school is a blip on your timeline, and on most of their timelines. We move past it, and move on. It’s what needs to be done about shit like this, honey.”
“Honey?” Sakura said.
Kakashi stared back at her, heart pounding. How could he have slipped up like that? What if she asked him about it?
They stood in silence for a moment, and then Sakura met Kakashi’s eye.
“I want you to tell me about yourself, first. Then maybe… maybe I’ll go in to the dance… with you.”
“What do you want to know?” Kakashi said.”
“I want to know why you wear a sunglass lens in the left side, but a regular one in the right?”
“I’m blind in my left eye. I caught a rare virus when I was a child, and it damaged that eye beyond repair. The other lens is prescription. It made no sense to wear glasses that had two prescriptions in both lens holders, so I asked my parents to get these made for me. They were nice about it.”
“And why do you keep your turtleneck up around your nose and mouth like that?” Sakura urged.
“Half the girls in this school bathe in perfume, and half the boys bathe in cologne. The other half of the boys don’t even bathe. That, and I get away with it.”
Sakura giggled. “Why did you break Guy’s jaw in freshman year?”
“I didn’t mean to break his jaw,” he replied. “Rat bastard told my mom about the porn stash in my locker. I hit him too hard.”
Sakura started laughing, and couldn’t stop for several minutes. She doubled over as Kakashi stood there, smiling despite himself.
“Better?” he said when she stopped and stood back up.
“Yeah. One last question?”
“You called me ‘honey’ earlier,” Sakura said. Kakashi’s heart thrummed hard against his ribs. “Why?”
“I … I like you. I have since you beat Ino at the debate last month. I like how strong you are and how smart you are.”
“Okay. Let’s go in. And after the dance, I’ll let you drive me home, and we’ll talk more, get to know each other,” Sakura said.
“Okay. One thing, though.”
Kakashi pulled down the neck of his sweater and grabbed Sakura around the waist, pulling her to him and kissing her. Their lips melded, and Sakura gasped, relaxing against him and leaning into the kiss. The door to the gym opened and then closed, but no one came out.
Kakashi set Sakura down, breaking the kiss.
“Well,” Sakura sighed, eyes wide and glassy.
“Sorry,” Kakashi said. “I should have waited.”
“No, no, it’s okay. Let’s just… go in to the dance.”
The couple went in, holding hands. Laer, when Sakura went to the bathroom with Hinata and Ino, Genma and Guy met with Kakashi at the snacks table.
“So, you and Haruno?”
“Yeah. And I did what I was supposed to do, Guy,” Kakashi said.
“Yeah, we saw. You really laid it on her. Does she know about the bet?”
“Not the whole part. She doesn’t need to know you dared me to kiss the girl I like, just that I was supposed to be here at the homecoming dance.”
“Fair enough,” Guy said. “Wanna make a new bet?”
“Not right now. Sakura’s coming back out.”
Guy and Genma watched as Sakura and Kakashi joined hands and walked outside together. Guy smiled. It was good to see his friend with the bad boy image finally get close to someone, especially someone who could see he wasn’t a bad boy at all.
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Fonecare- Mobile Repairs
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Fonecare- MobilePhone Fixing
Fonecare definitely is India's Very best Multi Brand chain of mobile phone service centers. We provide one stop remedies for cell phone repairs about any brands such as : Apple, Samsung, Micromax, Lenovo, HTC, Mototola, Lava, Intex, Blackberry, LG, Vivo, Karbonn, Panasonic, Gionee, Xiaomi, One Plus, Nokia, Microsoft, Xolo and all others. We all are devoted to offer you very best customer experience in the market. Fonecare has state-of-art repair factory with latest tools and equipments to help to undertake repairs of more or less all brands and models of mobile handsets. We manage 100 % free pick up and then drop facility of the Mobiles from the consumer?s house, therefore going a stride forward for the comfort of each of our loved customers. In addition, the fees charged by Fonecare for all fixing are actually very cut-throat as opposed to the market and nevertheless making certain good quality fixing. Why you must repair all your LG mobile with Fonecare-- 1. Totally free Pick up Drop Facility 2. Reliable Spare Parts 3. Super fast Repairs 4. Experienced and Qualified Technicians 5. Warranty on all of Fixes 6. All over the country Service Centers 7. Honest business practices 8. Very affordable repair Charge 9. Highest quality Customer Experince Consequently the next time you actually face any type of issue with the mobile, Take a moment to call us today on 022- 434533 01
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fixyourmobile · 8 years
Mobile Repairs Fonecare
Fonecare is undoubtedly India's No.1 Multi Brand chain of smartphone service centers. Our organization provide one stop remedies for cell phone fixes about any brands such as : Apple, Samsung, Micromax, Lenovo, HTC, Mototola, Lava, Intex, Blackberry, LG, Vivo, Karbonn, Panasonic, Gionee, Xiaomi, One Plus, Nokia, Microsoft, Xolo and all others. Our company are devoted to give you best customer experience in the market place. Fonecare possesses state-of-art repair factory along with latest tools and equipments to enable to take on repairs of pretty much all makes and models of mobiles. Fonecare manage zero cost pick up and drop facility of the Mobile Handsets from the client?s home, thereby heading a stride forward for the ease of our valued clients. Moreover, the costs charged by Fonecare for all services are really very aggressive when compared to the industry and yet guaranteeing superior quality repairing. Why you must repair your personal LG cell phone with Fonecare- - 1. Free of charge Pickup Drop Facility 2. Real Parts 3. High-speed Fixes 4. Competent and Qualified Specialists 5. Guaranty on every Repairs 6. All over the country Repair Centers 7. Honourable industry practices 8. Incredibly low repair Cost 9. Great Customer Experince Hence any time you actually encounter any type of difficulty with the smart phone, Take a moment to call on 022 43 45 33 02
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valuemobilerepairs · 8 years
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I actually specialize in servicing of the cell phones right across Mumbai.Take the time to phone us on 022- 434533 21
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promptmobilerepair · 8 years
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We have now one or more repair choices . . . Make sure to call at 022- 43 45 33 33
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If your gadget breaks or cracks, shouldn't strain and panic. We can provide you with large range of cellular phone fix services.Definitely call at 022 - 4345 33 01
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fonecare-mumai · 8 years
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Our company are leaders when it comes to repair of cell phones within Mumbai.You can contact on 022- 43 45 3333
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easycellrepair · 8 years
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Are you interested to fix your favorite phone? !. Always contact us at 1800 200 1500
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thefixsolution-blog · 4 years
This iPhone 12 Pro Concept in Navy Blue Looks Stunning
What's your opinion of the Navy Blue shading choice for the iPhone 12 Pro? Okay, get it if Apple discharges the up and coming Phone repair near me in Navy Blue, or would you pick a progressively traditional shading like dark or space dim? Tell us in the remarks area underneath.
Apple is relied upon to dispatch the iPhone 12 arrangement before the 2020 Christmas season, and there are a couple of months left before the authority uncovers. Nonetheless, a large portion of the equipment highlights of the up and coming iPhones have been spilled as of now and there are bits of gossip about a new shading for the lead iPhone model: Navy Blue. Presently, a shocking idea video gives us a more intensive glance at how a Navy Blue adaptation of the iPhone 12 Pro would look. 
It is being reputed that Apple may supplant the Midnight Green shade of the iPhone repair with the Navy-Blue shading for the iPhone 12 Pro arrangement. A few recordings of sham iPhone 12 units have just demonstrated to us the gadget in Navy Blue. Notwithstanding, there's not at all like a business-like idea video and that is the thing that we have here today. 
Base and expert adaptations of iPhones have for the most part been separated utilizing hues over recent years. Not exclusively does the Navy Blue shading glances amazingly wealthy in this video, yet it additionally flaunts the telephone's reputed structure with level sides. The video additionally shows a 'Super Retina Display XDR' high-revive rate screen on the iPhone 12 Pro alongside a little score. 
The idea video's maker has additionally envisioned the iPhone 12 Pro's quad-camera getting together to plan. It shows that Apple may at long last change to a periscope-style fax long range focal point that has been showing up on different top of the line Android cell phones. A wide-edge camera, an ultrawide camera, and a LiDAR sensor would likewise be a piece of the iPhone 12 Pro's camera arrangement, according to the idea. 
Different highlights of the iPhone 12 Pro, according to this idea video, incorporate an all the more impressive Apple A14 chipset, 6GB RAM, 5G availability, IP68 confirmation for residue and water obstruction, 512GB inward stockpiling, improved Face ID, and iOS 14. 
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zheerkhan123 · 5 years
What To Do When iPhone Screen Get Cracked?
If the screen of your iPhone gets cracked, you must get it repaired immediately. Here are the steps you need to follow if your iPhone screen gets cracked.
Cell phones have become an integral part of everyone’s lives, and it can be really frustrating when you drop it and get your screen cracked. Especially if you break your iPhone screen, it can be difficult for you to figure out what to do and which repair options you should opt for. It can be difficult to decide whether to repair or go for an iPhone X screen replacement. However, here are some tips you can follow when you face such a situation: -
The first thing to do when your screen cracks up is to take a clear piece of packing tape and put it over your screen. You should also stay safe as there might be sharp glasses shattered around and you might get cuts if you do not clean the surroundings properly. So, you should also clean the floor or other areas properly so that you do not get injured by the leftover pieces.
The next thing you should do is assess the damage to your phone screen, which means you need to check if the damage is minor or the entire screen is shattered. Depending on the level of damage you need to decide if you really have to visit the Apple service store or any other repair stores
When your I phone screen is cracked, do not try to fix it yourself as you might just worsen the situation. There are a number of DIY options available on the internet. But until you are 100% sure of the tips, do not try them as it will not help you in any way
Before you go to the service center, you also need to check if your phone insurance covers cracked screens. Most probably, the phone insurance will not entertain cracked screens but if you are lucky enough you can get your screen repaired under your phone’s warranty. However, if the warranty does not look into this matter you need to think of some other ways to get your screen fixed
Sometimes it can be really frustrating as you will not find an Apple service center around you, so you need to go to a local repair shop. But sometimes the damage might be extreme, which cannot be fixed at the local centers. In such cases, you can ship your phone to the official manufacturer to get a proper iPhone 7 plus screen replacement.
Nowadays, many sites are coming up which will buy and actually pay for your broken phone. So, if you have no other options left, you can make a deal for your broken phones in such websites and use that money in buying yourself a new phone instead of cracking your head in an iPhone 7 plus screen replacement
These were some of the tips you can follow when you have to deal with cracked iPhone screens. It is, however, better to be on the safe side and use protective phone equipment so that you do not fall into such situations.
Resource Box: - Apple Solution is a leading service centre and repair provider for Apple products in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane. They offer fast repairs under 30 minutes that comes with a two years warranty and that too at a reasonable cost.
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Car Stereo Exposed
Anybody who has ever had to attend a dealership's service department because their check engine light or another kind of indicator came on knows that in most cases there's a charge to diagnose the problem. While you buy a lot inside this unit, there are a number of nagging issues to take note of. The time necessary to charge the battery case is also quite dependent upon how you choose recharge it. Using Car Stereo Also, there are tons of websites which are certain to have the specific installation kit you need whether the selection locally is scarce. Alternatively you might need to work the connection around the rear of the dashboard as a way to hook up your phone and revel in the tunes you have stored on it. For those who download your media, be mindful of unsupported formats. Whenever your stuff breaks, they would like to be the only people allowed to repair it. Apparently, the current released Eonon V0036 is a sensible selection! Pay close attention to whatas required of you once you borrow money to cover school. The War Against Car Stereo Thatas why you need to always have a car you're thinking about buying to a mechanic to get it checked out. If you would like a high quality Android car stereo but don't need to devote a lot of money, maybe the Panlelo PA-09YZ16 is a more suitable option as it includes decent features at a sensible price. The purchase price is simply part of the equation. If you know anything about speakers, however, its the additional space in the box that offers you a rich sound. Factory head units are extremely basic and aren't potent enough to provide you crisp superior sound. Free air subwoofers appear to be an auto audio technology that not a lot of people take advantage of. Also, if there's a major leaking problem for instance and you need to bring in an insurance policy appraiser out for an inspection and they see you installed a unit which isn't certified and they will, you're screwed. According to my lawyer you're absolutely permitted to visit the grocery shop but must remain certain to have the receipt with the time and date. With just a little math, and a few numbers from your utility bill, you are able to easily calculate how much money spent leaving the lights on all of the moment. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Car Stereo Is Wrong Secondly make certain the touch screen can do the job greatly, then install it in your vehicle and connect with car capability to test again.2. It's a superb option if you have to have in-dash nav, but even this combo is readily outshined by the normal smartphone. Perhaps you want to have more features, or you would like to replace that factory stereo that came with your vehicle. It's possible to use our Auto Fit Guide to learn what stereos will fit. With that said, buying the auto audio components in one of the automobile subwoofer packages will make it possible for you to save a little money! Make a new CD for your auto stereo. It's better to bring an excess gas can so you will be ready if your vehicle runs out of gas. This vehicle is not difficult to drive, in case you have enough space. With dual camera inputs, parking your vehicle becomes a sheet of cake. Selecting a DAB radio provides you a lot more choice when compared to the standard analogue radio because they don't have white racket distortion when on the road travelling between radio stations. In case it works, it is going to get the job done just in addition to a cable that cost 10 times as much. Some strategies for you to realize that you are able to do in order to enhance the GPS signal on your head Android equipment. Regardless of the inadequate navigation signal might be a hardware problem, it's more often the stuff, you can fix your Android car audio set to resolve. If you're on the lookout for a more compact subwoofer, then I also highly suggest that you take a peek at my post on the greatest 10-inch subwoofers. Some external Bluetooth navi will permit the air too, which will further enhance your signal. Thankfully, there's an appreciable number of suppliers that create all sorts of fancy third-party in-dash units that let you to interface with your Android smartphones. Figure out which stores specialize in what you're searching for. At this phase, operations function of an automobile stereo manufacturer is supposed to have the ability to help the enterprise to perform better than competitors in some perspectives. The built-in Bluetooth hands-free feature enables simple, safe and legal cell phone communications from your vehicle. There's also a DVR dash camera that may be mounted effortlessly and it has a rather compact and unobtrusive design. This Kenwood unit features all you could need, with no frills. Another great use of the XAV-AX100 is the capability to observe how you park when you have a rear camera installed. It's buried in the trunk, not below the hood, and there are lots of items in the means of finding the work done. Most units will have adjustable legs if your floor isn't level but that's the very first big step to put in a unit properly. These years were quite productive. Should you ever chance to be in a location where it is possible to delight in a once in a life time adventure. Imagine your car waiting for you in the early hours, or following you go shopping or following a few drinks with dinner. It means that non-Americans will decide the economy of America. Some might feel there's an absence of underground stuff listed here but there's a reason for it. For people who don't understand the idea of attempting to work collaboratively with retail businesses like this one to help ensure a positive outcome, give it a go. One of the most typical ways is to get different components share parts. To start, it's necessary for you to know the Length, Width and Height of the region in your bathroom were you wish to put in a unit. A couple of minutes after you're finished using them, a little motor turns on automatically and drys all of the moisture, not just in the unit itself but also throughout all of the plumbing. Car Stereo - Overview Thatas the enjoyable part, where you get to take a look at a lot of amazing instruments and pick the one you enjoy the most. Using Motion detection, or continuous recording you may leave your home knowing that everything is going to be recorded as you are gone. The open road may be quiet and lonely location, so you are in need of a high excellent stereo to follow your favourite songs and broadcasts. What You Must Know About Car Stereo Girls of this age have a tendency to have lots of care with their overall look. There isn't Facts, Fiction and Car Stereo Reviews than not showing up in time. Test it next time that you are going through one.
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What is In The Long term For Electronics Recycling?
cameras Electronics recycling in the U.S. is expanding as the industry consolidates and matures. The foreseeable future of electronics recycling - at least in the U.S., and probably globally - will be pushed by electronics technologies, valuable metals, and sector framework, in distinct. Despite the fact that there are other items that can impact the business - this sort of as client electronics collections, laws and regulations and export problems - I imagine that these three aspects will have a a lot more profound effect on the future of electronics recycling. The most modern information on the sector - from a study carried out by the Worldwide Info Corporation (IDC) and sponsored by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) - discovered that the business (in 2010) dealt with approximately 3.5 million tons of electronics with revenues of $5 billion and straight utilized thirty,000 people - and that it has been expanding at about 20% each year for the earlier decade. But will this growth proceed? Electronics Technological innovation Personalized laptop gear has dominated volumes handled by the electronics recycling industry. The IDC research noted that over sixty% by bodyweight of market enter volumes was "computer products" (such as PCs and monitors). But recent stories by IDC and Gartner show that shipments of desktop and laptop computer computer systems have declined by a lot more than ten% and that the shipments of smartphones and tablets now every single exceed that of PCs. About 1 billion wise telephones will be transported in 2013 - and for the first time exceed the volumes of traditional cell telephones. And shipments of extremely-light-weight laptops and notebook-pill hybrids are rising swiftly. So, we are coming into the "Submit-Computer Era". In addition, CRT TVs and displays have been a substantial portion of the input volumes (by weight) in the recycling stream - up to 75% of the "customer electronics" stream. And the demise of the CRT means that fewer CRT TVs and screens will be coming into the recycling stream - replaced by scaled-down/lighter flat screens. So, what do these technologies traits suggest to the electronics recycling industry? Do these advancements in technologies, which lead to dimensions reduction, consequence in a "scaled-down components footprint" and much less overall quantity (by excess weight)? Given that cell products (e.g., wise phones, tablets) presently depict bigger volumes than PCs - and probably flip in excess of more quickly - they will possibly dominate the future volumes entering the recycling stream. And they are not only a lot scaled-down, but generally expense much less than PCs. And, conventional laptops are currently being replaced by extremely-textbooks as well as tablets - which indicates that the laptop equal is a whole lot more compact and weighs much less. So, even with constantly rising portions of electronics, the fat quantity getting into the recycling stream might begin reducing. Standard desktop computer processors weigh 15-20 lbs. Classic laptop computer systems weigh 5-7 lbs. But the new "ultra-publications" weigh 3-four lbs. So, if "computers" (including screens) have comprised about 60% of the whole market input volume by excess weight and TVs have comprised a big portion of the volume of "customer electronics" (about fifteen% of the business enter volume) - then up to 75% of the input volume could be subject matter to the fat reduction of new systems - probably as a lot as a fifty% reduction. And, equivalent technological innovation adjust and measurement reduction is taking place in other marketplaces - e.g., telecommunications, industrial, healthcare, and so forth. Nonetheless, the inherent value of these gadgets could be greater than PCs and CRTs (for resale as well as scrap - per device weight). So, industry fat volumes may lower, but revenues could carry on to enhance (with resale, materials restoration worth and solutions). And, considering that mobile products are anticipated to switch over much more speedily than PCs (which have generally turned above in three-five years), these adjustments in the electronics recycling stream could come about inside of 5 a long time or much less. Another aspect for the market to think about, as recently noted by E-Scrap Information - "The all round portability development in computing products, like conventional form-aspects, is characterised by built-in batteries, parts and non-repairable components. With restore and refurbishment ever more difficult for these types of units, e-scrap processors will encounter substantial issues in identifying the ideal way to handle these products responsibly, as they progressively compose an escalating share of the stop-of-daily life management stream." So, does that indicate that the resale possible for these scaled-down units may possibly be considerably less? The electronics recycling sector has traditionally concentrated on PCs and buyer electronics, but what about infrastructure products? - these kinds of as servers/information centers/cloud computing, telecom systems, cable community methods, satellite/navigation programs, defense/navy programs. These sectors normally use larger, increased value gear and have significant (and expanding?) volumes. They are not normally visible or believed of when considering the electronics recycling industry, but may be an ever more important and more substantial share of the volumes that it handles. And some, if not a lot, of this infrastructure is thanks to modify in engineering - which will outcome in a huge quantity turnover of products. GreenBiz.com stories that "... as the industry overhauls and replaces... servers, storage and networking gear to accommodate substantial consolidation and virtualization initiatives and put together for the age of cloud computing... the create-out of cloud computing, the inventory of physical IT assets will shift from the client to the data heart... Whilst the number of customer devices is growing, they are also acquiring smaller in dimension. In the meantime, data centers are getting upgraded and expanded, possibly creating a massive amount of long term e-squander." But, outside the house the U.S. - and in building international locations in particular - the enter volume fat to the electronics recycling stream will boost substantially - as the use of electronic products spreads to a broader industry and an infrastructure for recycling is created. In addition, developing countries will keep on to be desirable markets for the resale of used electronics. Cherished Metals In the IDC review, above seventy five% by weight of business output volumes was found to be "commodity grade scrap". And a lot more than 50 percent of that was "metals". Cherished metals symbolize a small portion of the quantity - the common concentration of treasured metals in electronics scrap is measured in grams for every ton. But their restoration benefit is a important portion of the overall benefit of commodity quality scrap from electronics. Cherished metals prices have enhanced significantly in current a long time. The market rates for gold, silver, palladium and platinum have each much more than doubled in excess of the past 5 years. However, gold and silver have traditionally been very volatile since their costs are pushed primarily by traders. Their prices appear to have peaked - and are now significantly below their high factors very last calendar year. Whilst, platinum and palladium charges have traditionally been driven by demand from customers (e.g., producing - like electronics and automotive apps) and typically more steady. Telecommunications products and mobile telephones normally have the optimum cherished metals articles - up to ten occasions the typical of scrap electronics based on for each device excess weight. As technological innovation developments, the precious metals articles of electronics tools typically decreases - due to cost reduction learning. However, the smaller, more recent devices (e.g., sensible telephones, tablets) have higher treasured metals material per device excess weight than typical electronics equipment - such as PCs. So, if the excess weight volume of electronics tools dealt with by the electronics business decreases, and the market place rates for valuable metals decreases - or at least does not boost - will the recovery value of precious metals from electronics scrap decrease? Almost certainly the restoration value of valuable metals from electronics scrap for each unit bodyweight will enhance given that far more electronics goods are obtaining scaled-down/lighter, but have a larger concentration of cherished metals (e.g., mobile phones) than classic e-scrap in complete. So, this aspect of the sector may possibly really turn into a lot more price successful. But the total business revenue from commodity scrap - and specially precious metals - could not proceed to increase. Business Structure The electronics recycling market in the U.S. can be believed of as comprising four tiers of businesses. From the very premier - that procedure properly in excessive of twenty up to more than 200 million lbs. per year - to medium, tiny and the extremely smallest organizations - that procedure considerably less than 1 million lbs. for each 12 months. The prime 2 tiers (which represent about 35% of the organizations) process about 75% of the sector quantity. The number of firms in "Tier one" has previously diminished due to consolidation - and continued business consolidation will almost certainly generate it a lot more in the direction of the common eighty/20 product. Although there are more than one thousand companies functioning in the electronics recycling business in the U.S., I estimate that the "Top 50" businesses method nearly 50 % of the total business quantity. What will happen to the more compact organizations? The mid-dimensions firms will either merge, get, get acquired or associate to compete with the greater businesses. The small and smallest companies will both uncover a specialized niche or vanish. So, the total number of companies in the electronics recycling market will almost certainly reduce. And far more of the volumes will be handled by the premier firms. As with any maturing market, the most expense efficient and worthwhile organizations will survive and develop.
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brooksmccann28-blog · 7 years
Save Money in Your apparel Budget - Tame The cabinet Monster!
An alternative would be to provide you applied technology to beyondthepod. The site will give you a fixed price for camera, your used game process or mp3 player. Just like cellforcash, the organization supplies a simple shopping fashion program that allows you to select the item you wish to sell, and establish its issue. You will get an instant value. Whilst the organization gives the highest cost for newer technology in good shape, some technology is also purchased by them even though they are shattered. For a few moments, nothing. Then he sees small twinkling from the ground spreading out from the hair in a web-like that is strange sample that becomes a shining band contracting ever-closer to hair's pile. The silent Cell Phone Recycle secret is that the namedoes not matter.If we want to shed weight, we don't eat pasta sauce, potato chips, candybars, or ice cream. Period. Regardless of what the package claims. Strong within our psyche, we all know what we can consume (almost no) and what we can not (tons of). Permitting ourselves to be misled is barely a fashionably acceptable way to fool ourselves, and we realize it. Because we wish, so terribly, to trust, we concur with the hype. We want to believe we're currently performing the best point, that we're definitely attempting, that our motivation is pure. With large amount of websites on the web you might use, what type of them is the greatest? Which is best for you? How do you create the most income? That's where the comparison comes in. in so doing you can search for your make and model of your cellular handset and get a value because of it by all of the top recycling solutions atone place. This can save trouble and your period in not having to examine independently one at a time on every single site to acquire the top value. Then there's paper Cell Phone Recycle. you do however need to be careful, although it's generally not as restricted as it used to be. Most will not want food stained report, paper towels. But it's typically not a problem to include glossy paper, papers with staples or plastic windows in with the paper. Tech Recycle MayWalmartdevelop their parking lots with this specificmaterial?They claim that they stand for sustainability, but are they? Will counties and cities? Will be the stimulus helpful to this sort of choice? For me, the solution to these concerns is yes. iPhone Screen Repair 's merely a subject of time. It is no longer a of " . " It is now simply a problem of when. It appears as though building green from your green could possibly be coming into its. The US corporations are governed US government and by the EPA. Great britain businesses are also protected the by their respectable authorities. We all take our devices with no consideration & most, i am not saying all, never believed that phones can be risky to our earth. The RECON devices subsequently are now just like new, the thing is, they are a tad too 'mature' searching for some children. The solution? Glamorize the devices with all the sparklers. There are lots of ways to try this: stick on drops specifically designed for the mobile phones, or with the old standby, beans and the old glue gun. The gleaming beads, a number of them are Swarovski crystals, might be wonderfully placed on the previous mobile phones. Instantly, a dark or black navy phone may become a white crystal phone.
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