#Cddwtd rose
mebeingachillbean · 10 months
idea was from @sk3let00nz so she made salmen (if I said her name right)spice and Cuphead as kid so i decided I will make rose as kid and here they are
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Rose as a kid
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asklilyandcuphead · 8 months
Hey Lily it's okay Cuphead how about Lily takes her time a moment before meeting the others
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Asked by @metzonall1!
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pja-party · 1 year
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Casino Cups but everyone hates to work
Lily Rose belongs to @asklilyandcuphead by @shortcakelils
Chai belongs to @ask-chai-and-casino-cups by @whosectype
-I tried my best on the translate
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shortcakelils · 11 months
cuplily, but angst
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cameo with Chai, who belongs to @whosectype (the green one)
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whosectype · 11 months
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Some silly doodles with marigold (@shortcakelils cuplily fanchild) because she is so cute grgrgrgr
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toontruelove · 1 year
The Last dance
(I hope you like it @shortcakelils  And sorry for taking so long! also hope you like the surprise at the end made by @sovereignspades) “Alright, ready!” Lily was looking at herself in the mirror as she made sure the dress she was wearing was perfect, it was a dress that complimented her body type perfectly, her make up was simple yet also eye-catching, her hair was working with her tonight thankfully when she was working with it. She had it up in a ponytail with the scrunchy cuphead gave her on her birthday, she only wears it on special occasions and this was one of them. As she gave herself one last look in the mirror she looked at the flier that was taped to the mirror's frame. With a smile she pulled it off and read it over once again just in case. “Come one come all to the Devil's casino for a rare event, singles night! There will be dancing, Live performances and so much more!. Everyone would be given cards with the suits on them, Hearts would be talking with other hearts, clubs with clubs and so on and so forth, but the Jokers will have free rein to talk to all of the groups. Just bring in this flier to gain admission. (this time you get to keep your souls).”
Lily can’t help but snicker at the last bit, you knew that the brothers convinced the devil or dice to add that as a way to entice people to come and join in on the fun. “Ok time to head out.” She said as she grabbed her coat, purse, keys,  phone and of course the flier. The walk to the casino was lovely as the city came to life around her and it was surprisingly a warm night for once on the island and Lily just soaked it up as she let it fill her confidence and determination. Tonight she hoped that Cuphead would be at this party, but with his love for parties he wouldn’t be caught dead not being there.as she got closer to the Casino she could see there was already a line out the door as toons and people made their way in, when she was close enough she could see the bouncers made sure that everyone behaved and assured them that they would all be getting in, as long as you had the flier that is. Once she showed the flier to the bouncers they ushered her in and directed her towards the coat check in and after saying thank you to them she checked in her coat and walked down the hall towards the main casino. Yes she may have been used to walking its halls as a worker but as a patron it was different. It felt exciting as if she was one of the high rollers looking for one of the tables. When she got to the red doors adorned with gold and the card suits she took a deep breath and opened the doors and was greeted with what the night had to offer. But before she could fully walk in a toon to her left spoke up. “Hello miss” He said, making her jump a bit and look at him. The toon can’t help but laugh a bit. “Sorry for the fright miss, but here is your card.” he said as he handed her a card. After taking the card Lily looked at it and laughed a bit. “So I got the heart” she said and the toon smiled at her. “Seems to be the most popular one.” the toon said as he pointed to one of the areas. “The hearts are over there miss, but if you get confused the spotlights are there to help you find your spot.” he said making Lily lookup and sure enough there were spotlights over the groups each one in the shape of the suit. “Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.” Lily said as she made her way to the Hearts and as soon as she got there it was a mix of toons and humans. As soon as the group saw her a few people started to talk to her and were really friendly with her and soon Lily was having a good time talking to everyone and when the subject of jobs came up Lily proudly said she worked at the casino and that caught the attention of a few humans and toons. Sensing the vibe shift Lily politely excused herself to go to one of the bars and sat down at it. “Water please.” She said and was thankful that Ginette was working the bar and not one of the other two. “Surprised to see you here.” She said as she handed Lily the water and laid on the bar a bit. “I thought you would be at home with things like this.” she said as Lily took a sip of her water. “Normally I would but I'm hoping that I’ll catch his attention.” Lily said with a bit of a giggle. Ginette knew who she was talking to and just smiled at her. “Well Mugman and him are the Jokers so you might see them soon.” She said as she started to prepare a drink for another patron. “Not surprised, with all the pranks they pull all the time.” Lily said with a bit of a laugh, remembering the first prank cuphead played on her when she first started to work at the casino. He had put glue on the tray she was using and thankfully she was wearing gloves so it didn’t stick to her hand. but still she was a bit angry with him but even then she found the humor in it. “Are you here hoping to run into him?” Ginette asked as she continued to make drinks and Lily couldn't help but nod as she messed with a strand of hair a bit. “Is it that obvious?” she asked, making Ginette gently laugh. “You’re wearing the scrunchy he gave you on your birthday, and we all know you only wear it on special occasions, considering how often you lose hair ties.”
Hearing that Lily’s face turned a bright pink making her sip the water more as she looked away. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” she said playfully and with a smile.making Ginette just smile at her. “Well I hope you enjoy your night darling, even if you don’t run into him.” she said as she walked down the bar to help someone else. “I hope I run into him.” Lily said a bit under her breath. “Run into who?” Hearing his voice made Lily’s heart skip a beat as she turned to the owner of the voice. “Cuph-” but she stopped herself when yes, she was looking at Cuphead but he also had a woman on his arm. “Hey Lily’s, hope you’re having fun with the party.” he said with a smile but the woman hugged his arm a bit tighter. “Who is this cuppy?” she asked and that just made Lily scream internally at the nickname. “Oh this is my friend and coworker L-” before he could answer Lily got up and held her hand out to the woman. “Lily, my name’s lily”
The woman looked at Lily’s hand for a second before letting Cuphead’s arm go to take her hand, Both squeezing it tightly. “Fleur.” she said with a smirk. “Sorry but it’s fr-” Lily gently cut her off. “French for flower I’m guessing?” She asked surprising Cuphead. “I didn’t know you knew french.” he said with awe in his eyes. “I know a bit but not a lot.” Lily said not taking her eyes off of the woman. “A woman of culture I see.” Fleur said with a bit of a sneer. Lily just smiled back at her as she let her hand go. “So Cups what are your plans for the evening?” She asked as Fleur glared at her a bit. “Oh i wa-” once again cuphead was interrupted and honestly it was getting on his nerves. “He is going to the dance floor with me, gonna teach him some ballroom.” she said with a smirk but Lily put her hands on her hips. “I think he would be more comfortable with swing dancing.” Lil said and at that Cuphead’s eyes lit up. “Oh man swing! There is a contest for it soon! Lily, will you be my partner?” He asked surprising both of the women but Lily just smiled and nodded. “Sure!” She said happily, making Fleur huff a bit before letting Cuphead’s arm go and started to walk away. “Come and find me cuphead when you want to learn ballroom.” She said before disappearing into the crowd, confusing cuphead as he watched her go and then he looked at Lily with a shrug. “Was it something I said?” he asked with a bit of a smirk making Lily gasp at him. “Hold on, was all of that on purpose?” she asked as cuphead took a seat at the bar. “Ya i was talking with a few from the Diamond area and she just jumped me.” he said as he ordered a drink. “You ok?” Lily asked, her jealousy quickly fading away as she sat down next to him. “Honestly before I saw you no, she would not let me go and was being really pushy.” he said with a huff as he turned to her. “Like Lily’s she was so pushy that she wanted to get together after everything!” he said as he threw his hands into the air. “But when I saw that scrunchy of yours I knew you would have my back.” he said as he gave her playful finger guns. Lily on the other hand her face was a bright pink as she played with her hair a bit. “You know I'll always have your back Cups.” she said and Cuphead grinned at her and patted her shoulder. “I know, that’s why I came over as soon as I saw ya.” he said as he soon finished his drink and got up from his seat. “Well back to meeting others.” he said as he started to walk away but he stopped and turned to Lily. “Also, Lily” he said, making her look at him. “Ya cuphead?” He gave her a look over and grinned at her. “You look Amazing.” he said before wandering into the crowd. Lily felt as if she was on cloud nine for the rest of the night, even when she would be dancing with others on the dance floor. The only thing she could think of was what Cuphead had said to her and each time she would have a giggle fit and when asked she would say it was nothing, but to her it was everything.
The night was full of fun and surprises for her and she met new toons and new people all along the night, soon she was sitting with a few just talking about what they looked for in a partner and Lily named everything she liked about Cuphead and was thankful no one knew him. But when it was announced it was time for swing Lily excused herself from the others and made her way to the dance floor, excitement filled her chest when Cuphead found her, grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor with him. Both having wide smiles as they danced but when the tempo sped up Cuphead was soon throwing Lily around. Whenever he did Lily would yell happily making him laugh as well in the process. As soon as the music was over the two were breathing heavily from the dance and made their way to one of the tables, but all the while Cuphead never let her hand go as the two of them sat down at the table. “That was awesome!” Lily said, making Cuphead laugh as he loosened his tie. “Ya it was!” he said and that was when Lily really took in his outfit. He was wearing a wine red three piece suit, a black button up shirt and a black handkerchief was in his breast pocket and a black tie with black shoes. Lily’s face turned pink a bit as Cuphead stretched a bit. Soon the two were quiet as Cuphead moved his thumb a bit on the back of Lily’s hand making her smile and laugh a bit. “You ok cuphead?” she asked Cuphead who just smiled at her. “Just enjoying the moment with a close friend.” he said, making Lily just smile back at him before she looked over at the dance floor, watching people but soon Lily took a deep breath. “What if… we were more…?” she asked and just from that, Cuphead stiffened up and let her hand go before he set it on the table. “Like what..?” he asked as he side eyed her a bit. “Well… maybe…” Lily was feeling nervous at this now and started to play with her hair a bit. “As… a couple..?” she asked hopefully and looked at him.
That was when it happened, Cuphead could not help but laugh a bit as he looked at her with a smile. “Why would I want to be in a relationship with a dear friend? Won’t that… shake things up in a bad way?” he asked and something in Lily snapped as she just laughed a bit. “Oh ya like why would I wanna date a selfish cup? Ya know, wear something that may catch his eye, wear something that means the world to me that he gave me!” she said as she took the scrunchy out of her hair and slammed it down onto the table, making cuphead jump to fully turn to her. 
“Or well maybe! Ask him out to the movies, drop hints all the time to TRY and get his attention that I am interested in him.” She said as she messed with her hair a bit, fluffing it out a bit and making it a bit messy. “Or, how about this, tell him things that I haven’t told anyone before in confidence and feeling safe in his arms when he would hug me and tell me things will be ok, but ya know why would I wanna date him.” she said as she was holding back tears. Cuphead’s eyes were wide as he listened to everything and he wanted to say something but when he opened his mouth to say something he would close it. He didn’t know what to say at this point and he just looked away and tried to make a joke but it went over Lily’s head as she got up, and walked away. “Lily!” Cuphead yelled but she didn’t look back, it felt as if her heart was being torn in two as she sped walk to the check in to get back her jacket. Once she got her jacket Lily left the casino but as soon as she stepped out a bone chilling wind blew across the steps making Lily hold her jacket close to herself to try and stay warm. When the wind had calmed down she made her way to her home, the once lively night looking dull and lifeless. The walk home was a blur for Lily but when she got home she did her normal night routine on auto pilot and laid in bed to check her phone, normally she would talk to Cuphead before she would fall asleep but this time, there were no new messages. With a small hiccup Lily pulled close her pillow and held in her tears. “Just friends huh…” she whispered as the events of the night finally weighed down on her, making her fall asleep, but if she was awake a minute more she would have gotten the text from cuphead, asking if he could come over and a picture of her scrunchy on his wrist. “Just let me know if you want this back Lily… and I’m sorry for what I said, Hope to see you soon.”
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pencil-prince · 4 years
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And here it is! Thank you too everyone who made suggestions, this was really really fun to do!
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roseteasarts · 5 years
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Being a hero or a competitive fighter does not come without few scrapes and bruises. Rose Tea and Cup-Pup knew that the first hand.
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mebeingachillbean · 10 months
Rose Redesign Its almost done :3 so there full name is Rose sparkle latte (idk yet)
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mebeingachillbean · 11 months
Make a gift for @sk3let00nz
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So this is the babtqfim band au and it belongs to @midnightfire830
And pairs belongs to : @sk3let00nz
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mebeingachillbean · 11 months
So I been thinking about it and i decided what would my sona look like in @goldeyecafe Au and one more thing the au belongs to @zx3003001 (I just hope I got it right)
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(So I see rose as like an assistant manger or a baker yes rose dose have there pansexual and gender-fluid wrist band so yeah) ^^ Also rose is making a chocolate lava cake
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asklilyandcuphead · 11 months
Hey Lily! Apart from cuphead and mugman, what do you think of your other coworkers so far? (For example, Phear, Mr Wheezy, etc..)
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Asked by Anon!
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Meeting the Crew (part 1/2)
Next part here!
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whosectype · 1 year
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Oughghgh huge whiteboard doodle dump!!!!!
sorry for being so inactive, school and things have been taking up lots of my time asdjhaefhi
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asklilyandcuphead · 1 year
To lily: opinions on the cupbros?
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Asked by @gooeyspillz!
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shortcakelils · 11 months
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Draw this a few days ago for a video but the timelapse didn’t save so I’m posting it here
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shortcakelils · 1 year
Lily and Cup as Stolitz makes so much sense and idk why 😭
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