#Cat flu symptoms treatment and long term effects
petcatandkitten · 4 months
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Cat Flu Symptoms: Treatment and Long-term Effects
Flu-like symptoms, like a runny nose and sore muscles, can also strike cats, and they require a lot of care to recover. Learn how to identify the symptoms and indications of the flu as well as how to treat it. Read More...
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feminist-space · 10 months
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Cat in the Hat:
"The German Health Minister gave an important update on the Covid situation yesterday.
I’ve written up the section of his speech from the video below for easy reading.
It’s immensely refreshing to see a government minister warning of the harms of Covid in such a transparent way."
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Prof. Karl Lauterbach
Health Minister, Germany
4 December 2023
"This second (long Covid) round table was very interesting, lasting three and a half hours. It serves as a unique forum for dialogue among scientists, researchers and those affected by long Covid, facilitating the exchange of ideas.
There are many new findings about long Covid. Not all of them are good news. One piece of not-so-good news concerns the fact that long Covid is actually still a problem for those who are newly infected. One estimate that has been put forward is that the risk of contracting long Covid now, even after vaccination, is around 3%. Now you may say, "that's not such a big risk" , but there are tens of thousands of people who are repeatedly affected in a short period of time. And so, the long Covid problem has not yet been solved.
We have also established that there really are many subgroups of long Covid and that we do not yet have a cure. And it was clearly pointed out that we are also dealing with problems here that will challenge society as a whole, because vascular diseases often occur after long Covid. Throughout Europe, we are currently seeing an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in the middle-age group - from 25 to 50. This is associated with the consequences of Covid infections.
We also very often find cognitive impairment in older people. And one participant pointed out that it may well be like the Spanish flu, where 20 years after the Spanish flu there was a significant increase in Parkinson's disease and probably also dementia.
This is something we must pay attention to, as the past infection afiects how the immune system in the brain functions, as well as the brain's blood vessels, potentially increasing the long-term risk of these major neurodegenerative diseases. This is why we need to conduct very intensive research. This research has played a major role.
What is the overall assessment of the situation now?
We have to be careful. Long Covid is not curable at the moment. We also know that over 40% of those who have several manifestations of long Covid, for example, five or more, still have symptoms after 2 years, so it doesn't seem to heal spontaneously. We also know that those whose symptoms are more pronounced at the beginning are less likely to heal.
So some of what we know from the demographics of long Covid has been confirmed, and we now know more precisely which mechanisms in the brain, but also in the blood vessels and the immune system, are responsible for this. Professor Scheibenbogan will explain this briefly later.
At this point, I can only say the following - this is particularly important to me:
First of all, long Covid is a disease that stays with us and that we cannot yet cure. And we are seeing an increasing number of cases as the waves of infection continue to affect us.
Secondly, Covid is not a cold - with a cold, you don't usually see any long-term effects. You don't see any changes in the blood vessels. You don't usually see an autoimmune disease developing. You also don't usually see neurological inflammation - these are all things that we see with long Covid. Therefore, one should not assume that Covid infection is just a common cold. It can affect brain tissue and the vascular system, and we still lack an effective treatment, making these studies crucial.
Significantly, we know that the risk of long Covid decreases when you're infected but have been vaccinated. That's why it's concerning that only 3 million people have been vaccinated with the new, adapted vaccine. That is a very bad result.
Please protect yourself from severe infections.
Please protect yourself from long Covid.
Currently, the danger posed by Covid is indeed being underestimated. Nothing is worse than infecting someone at Christmas who then becomes seriously ill and may not fully recover."
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3/17/20 corona extra: cracking open cold covid facts
Announcements & Thank Yous
Thank you to everyone who’s messaged me or sent asks! Specific thanks go to:
@catrope for verifying Netherlands information
@ruffboijuliaburnsides​ and @fleurdeneuf​ for helping me collect county level data and for extra sources
@ineloquent-tumbling​ and Dr. Mehta for sharing an excellent source of data
@stebuklai for info about NJ
@halcyonhowl​ for the homeschooling resources
@stone-stars​ for info about FL
@planb-is-in-effect​ for sources about Canada
Georgia anon for information about Georgia State
Twitter users @molly0xFFF and @goblinartificer for their continued help with the Wordpress site
@marywhal​ for the cat videos
@epersonae​ for the Gritty tipoff
If you have reliable information from a good source that I don’t seem to have, please shoot me a message/ask/pigeon!
Places now included in the newsletter are: Australia, Indiana, Missouri, New Hampshire, Arkansas, and Wyoming. Please send an ask or a message if you would like a place included! Germany will be included in full tomorrow.
I have started a website for the newsletter! Find it at coronaextranewsletter.com. If you know me from fandom, please be chill about my meatspace identity. Please.
Sorry the newsletter is late today. There was some late breaking news and also a lot of stuff happened today! Tomorrow I will make more of an effort to be on time. :)
Just The Numbers
Case numbers
Total cases: 179,112 (+11,526)
Total deaths: 7,426 (+475)
Mortality rate: 4.15%
WHO is now breaking cases down by region, and I will follow their lead from here on out
Western Pacific: 91,779 cases (+289), 3,357 deaths (+23)
Europe: 64,189 cases (+8,507), 3,108 deaths (+428)
SE Asia: 508 cases (+124), 9 deaths (+2)
Eastern Mediterranean: 16,786 cases (+330), 873 deaths (+3)
Americans: 4,910 cases (+2,234), 68 deaths (+18)
Africa: 228 cases (+42), 4 deaths (+1)
159 countries/territories reporting cases, 8 new including:
Guam (3), Somalia (1), Bahamas (1), Aruba (2), US Virgin Islands (2), Benin (1), Liberia (1), and Tanzania (1)
Italy is reporting 27,980 cases (+3233) and  2,503 deaths (+349)
Iran is reporting 14,991 cases (+0) and 853 deaths (+0)
Germany is reporting 6012 cases (+1174) and 13 deaths (+1)
International/General News
Italy has had approximately the same number of cases three days in a row. This means that their strict lockdown/quarantine procedures are working! GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!
China is endorsing the use of favipiravir as an experimental treatment for COVID-19. It has been used to treat influenza before and is showing some promise in COVID patients, by decreasing the duration of the illness and the severity of their lung disease. Watch this space for more!
Virology Corner
Today’s question comes from @greenfairyarmadillo​ and @heturnedleft​. Both asked a variation of the same question: Do we know yet if people who recover from COVID-19 are immune to reinfection or not? Do we expect COVID-19 to be like measles, like flu, or somewhere in between?
We don’t know yet! We know that people have protective antibodies, but my guess based on what I know about other coronaviridae is that the protection will wane pretty quickly, which is more like the flu. But we’ll see! Watch this space for data from China, where we’ll see hard data first.
The other thing to consider is the way that coronaviruses can attenuate, or get less strong, as they spread through populations. So it may be mitigated in the future less by herd immunity and more by attenuation of the SARS-CoV-2 strain itself. But I’m not sure! If I could predict the future I’d be super popular right now. Like, super popular.
If you have questions, ask them and they’ll appear here in the next issue of Corona Extra!
Tomorrow’s topic: Why 6 feet of separation? How does that help? How is COVID-19 spread? Stay tuned!
Regional News (if you want somewhere added just let me know. Don’t be shy!! I highly recommend you just skip to your area if you don’t wanna be overwhelmed.)
Australia: last updated 3/17 at 6 am
375 cases, 5 deaths, 27 recoveries
189 cases acquired overseas (US, Iran, Italy, UK)
Community spread not confirmed
States affected include: ACT (2), New South Wales (170), Queensland (68), South Australia (29), Tasmania (7), Victoria (71), and Western Australia (28)
I have to question why y’all have states called just “South Australia” and “Western Australia”, where’s the panache??? Where’s the creativity?
COVID-19 information line: 1800 020 080
Canada: last updated 3/17 at 10:30 am
Total cases: 424 confirmed (+100), 16 presumed (-1), 5 deaths (+4), 5 recovered
Symptoms began for these cases between 1/15 and 3/15
13% of cases have required hospitalization (no change)
74% of cases are in travellers, and a further 6% in their close contacts
Affected provinces include: Alberta (74, +18), BC (103, +30), Manitoba (7, +0), New Brunswick (7, +1), Newfoundland and Labrador (1, +0), Nova Scotia (5, +0) Ontario (177, +5), PEI (1, +0), Québec (50, +9), and Saskatchewan (7, +1).
Totals here include confirmed and presumptive positives
8 cases in repatriated travellers (+4)
No formal restrictions/closures at the federal level
Recommendation to cancel or postpone gatherings of >50 people
Recommendation to avoid non-essential travel, particularly cruise ships
All international travelers must self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Wash your damn hands
Federal information line: 1-833-784-4397
Alberta: last updated 3/17 at 1:40 pm
74 cases, 18 new, 0 deaths
Community spread confirmed in Calgary
Affected zones include: Calgary (52), Edmonton (18), Central (2), South (1), and North (1)
This is all of them I think
K-12 schools and in-person post-secondary classes/training are closed
Licensed childcare facilities, out-of-school care programs, and preschools are closed indefinitely
State of Emergency declared 3/17
Sit-down restaurants are operating at lower capacity
All events over 50 people are prohibited
Rec centers, bingo halls, casinos, theaters, other entertainment/public spaces are closed
British Columbia: last updated 3/16 evening
Dedicated phone line: 1 888 COVID19
103 cases (+30), 5 recoveries, and 6 critical cases
4 deaths, 3 new
Affected public health units include: Fraser, Interior, Island, and Vancouver Coastal
Clusters of infection have been reported at Lynn Valley Care Centre, Hollyburn House Retirement Residence, and Lions Gate Hospital (admin staff).
An exposure occurred at the Pacific Dental Conference 2020 (Vancouver Convention Centre, 3/6 and 3/7)
All present on those dates are in self-isolation until 3/22
Poor teeth man :(
All hospitals have postponed elective surgeries and are on Outbreak Response Phase 2
Lions Gate Hospital is going to open a dedicated COVID 19 unit and is in Outbreak Response Phase 3 (emergency patients only)
Long term care facilities have restricted visitors to end of life only
Public gatherings & buildings with >50 people are prohibited
All casinos are closed
Manitoba: last updated 3/17 AM
HealthLinks Line: 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll free)
8 cases, 1 new
Affected regions include: Interlake-Eastern (1) and Winnipeg (7)
Hospital and long term care visitors restricted to only exception circumstances (incl. end of life care)
Licensed child-care centers are closed effective 3/20
Casinos are closed effective 3/17
Health care workers and first responders who need child care due to school closures are advised to call  204-945-0776 or 1-888-213-4754
New Brunswick: last updated 3/17 4 PM
8 cases, 2 new, 0 deaths
Affected areas include Zone 3
I don’t live in NB so I have no idea what this is beyond one of at least three zones
Schools are closed starting 3/16 for two weeks
Newfoundland & Labrador: last updated 3/17
1 case, 0 new
Sorry that’s all the info I have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nova Scotia: last updated 3/16 at 12:58 pm
7 cases, 2 new
Affected areas include: Halifax Regional Municipality (2)
Gatherings over 150 people are disallowed
Casinos are closed starting 3/16; VLTs are not allowed in bars
Childcare facilities are closed starting 3/17 through 4/3
Public schools are closed until 4/6
Long-term care facilities are closed to visitors until further notice
All incoming international travelers are required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Hospitals are limiting visitors but limitations vary by centre
Ontario: last updated 3/17 at 10:30 AM
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
177 cases, 69 new, 5 recovered, 1 death
Affected public health units include: Durham (1), Halton (1), Hamilton (9, +5), Middlesex London (2), Niagara (1), Ottawa (3), Peel (4), Sudbury (1), Toronto (11), Wellington Dufferin Guelph (1), York (6, +1)
Only cases from 3/16 on are counted under here based on how the site works
No hospitalizations since 3/16
All schools, restaurants, libraries, childcare facilities, theaters, public venues, and recreational spaces are closed
Events over 50 people (incl. parades and worship services) are prohibited until 3/31
P.E.I.: last updated 3/17 AM
1 case, in Queens County, connected to a cruise, no new cases
Libraries and community events are closed/canceled
Child care facilities are closed for two weeks starting 3/17
Public schools are closed until April 6
General queries: call 1-800-958-6400
Business-related queries: call 1-866-222-1751
Québec: last updated 3/17 at 1 pm
74 cases, 24 new, no deaths
Affected regions include: Capitale Nationale (3, +1), Mauricie - Centre du Québec (3, +0), Estrie (9, +6), Montréal (22, +4), Chaudière-Appalaches (4, +0), Lanaudière (6, +3), Laurentides (7, +4), Montérégie (13, +3), and undetermined/outside Québec (7, +3).
State of health emergency as of 3/13
Indoor gatherings of >250 people prohibited, many public buildings closed until further notice
Daycare/childcare facilities and all schools closed until 3/27
Elections scheduled for 3/15 have been rescheduled to after late April
Non-essential visits to hospitals and long-term care institutions are prohibited
Saskatchewan: last updated 3/16
8 cases (+2), no deaths
School K-12 is suspended indefinitely effective 3/20
Gatherings >250 people are prohibited, except for distributed places (malls, universities, etc)
Public gatherings >50 people with attendees who have traveled internationally in the last 14 days are canceled/prohibited
Hospital and long term care visitors are only allowed in end of life care
Dammit Saskatchewan, why are you making me download PDFs :(
Greece: last updated 3/17 at 6:45 pm local time
Note: I do not speak Greek, and I therefore am struggling to find official data from somewhere more granular than the WHO. I’m sourcing most of this from the WHO and from Ekathimerini, but if you know where I can find better/more up to date info, please let me know. Thank you!
387 total cases, 56 new, 14 recoveries
5 deaths (1 new)
All arrivals to the country are required to isolate for 14 days
Beginning 3/19 at 6 am, the country is closed to non-Greek and EU nationals unless exceptional circumstances warrant
Parliament has suspended all committee meetings and restricted each party to one MP in attendance at a time
Businesses are closed starting Wednesday 3/18, with the exception of gas stations, pharmacies, and groceries
Supermarkets are restricting the number of patrons to allow 1 person per 10 square meters
Migrant camps on various islands are on total lockdown for 2 weeks
Religion is canceled until 3/30
Ireland: last updated 3/17
292 total cases, 69 new (nice), 2 deaths (0 new)
Community transmission is confirmed
The following regional breakdown is available of the new cases: 48 eastern, 5 north/west, 3 west, and 13 southern
All pubs & bars are closed until March 29. House parties are discouraged.
Schools, colleges, and childcare facilities are closed until March 29
Indoor gatherings of >100 people and outdoor gatherings >500 people are prohibited
State run cultural institutions are closed until further notice
The Netherlands: last updated 3/17 at 2 PM local time
1705 confirmed cases, 43 deaths
292 new cases, 19 new deaths
314 hospitalizations
Average age of decedents is 79, with a range from 63 to 94
The report of a decedent aged 59 years was in error, this is now corrected
Provinces affected include: Drenthe (17, +1), Flevoland (24, +2), Friesland (14, +1), Gelderland (173, +38), Groningen (10, +0), Limburg (197, +48), North Brabant (634, +80), North Holland (152, +36), Overijssel (45, +9), Utrecht (173, +33), South Holland (175, +39), and Zeeland (20, +3).
There are 70 non-residents/unknown location patients
Schools, restaurants/bars, sports and fitness clubs, sex clubs, saunas, and childcare facilities are closed until April 6
If it’s fun it’s probably closed unless it’s your house
New Zealand: last updated 3/17 in the morning
13 cases, 5 new
12 confirmed, 1 probable
2 in Wellington contracted in the USA (sorry guys :c)
1 in Dunedin contracted in Germany
2 family members of the case in Dunedin
No hospitalizations reported
Exposures are reported on the following flights and in the following locations:
AA83 on 3/14, Los Angeles to Auckland, seats 4A and 10H
NZ419 on 3/14, Auckland to Wellington, seats 1B and 1C
Logan Park HS in Dunedin, now closed for 48h while contact tracing and thorough cleaning occurs
If you are concerned about possible exposure please call Healthline (number below)
Testing capacity: 770/day, expected to be 1500/day by the end of the week
Anyone coming into the country from anywhere except a small list of other Pacific islands is directed to self-quarantine for 14 days. This started on 3/16 at 0100 and is expected to continue for at least the next few weeks.
New Zealanders currently overseas should register with SafeTravel (https://register.safetravel.govt.nz/login)
Healthline number: 0800 611 116
Norway: last updated 3/17 at 10 pm local time
I still don’t speak Norwegian so if I screwed up lemme know
1469 cases, 3 deaths (+0)
67 hospitalized (+14), 15 critical (+4)
139 new cases during the 24h of March 16
423 cases acquired in Norway, 757 acquired outside of Norway, the rest are undetermined. Community spread is confirmed.
Locations where people became infected include Austria (513, +0), Italy (148, +0), Switzerland (20, +2), UK (15, +1), Spain (18, +4), France (8, -2), USA (7), Iran (5), Germany (5),  other countries with more than 3 cases (128), and other countries with less than 3 cases (18).
Breakdown of cases by area: Agder (67, -20), Innlandet (88, +0), Møre og Romsdal (20, +0), Nordland (11, +0), Oslo (329, +37), Rogaland (150, -14), Troms og Finnmark (24, +1), Trøndelag (61, -13), Vestfold og Telemark (59, -10), Vestland (141, +10), and Viken (358, -15)
I’m not sure if the numbers dropping means that those are people recovering or people being moved from place to place for intensive care/hospitalization. If you speak Norwegian and can clarify, please shoot me a message!
The whole country is under shelter in place type restrictions for two weeks. Hang in there, y’all.
Switzerland:  last updated 3/17 at 1:45 pm local time
2650 cases, 19 deaths (+5)
Whole country is on lockdown as of 3/16: no entry or exit until further notice (maximum of 6 months)
schools are closed until 4/19
all events are canceled
all personal service establishments are closed
United Kingdom in general: last updated 3/17 at 9 am
Boris is hopefully starting to realise how severe this thing is, fuck Boris and his stupid cronies for not acting earlier. I’m still furious about how this has been bungled in multiple countries.
Where’s that milkshake guy who got Nigel? He could probably hit Boris from 6 ft away to both do a public service and maintain social distancing.
Given the numbers, it might be too little too late. I personally would encourage everyone in the UK to shelter in place, but I have zero authority there.
1,950 total cases (+26.3%), 407 are new today
55 total deaths as of 3/16, deaths on 3/17 have not been announced
England: last updated 3/17 at 9 am
1,557 total cases, 361 new
Affected UTLAs with at least 10 cases are as follows: Barnet (24), Bexley (14), Birmingham (20), Brent (24), Bromley (23), Buckingham (23), Cambridge (12), Camden (20), Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (10), Cumbria (22), Devon (24), Ealing (21), Enfield (10), Essex (21), Gloucestershire (11), Greenwich (19), Hackney and City of London (22), Hammersmith and Fulham (23), Hampshire (69), Haringey (17), Harrow (15), Hertfordshire (36), Hillingdon (16), Hounslow (15), Islington (11), Kensington (49), Kent (18), Lambeth (43), Lancashire (15), Leeds (11), Lewisham (18), Liverpool (11), Manchester (14), Merton (13), Newham (17), Northamptonshire (12), Nottingham (12), Nottinghamshire (13), Oldham (10), Oxfordshire (25), Slough (12), Southwark (58), Staffordshire (10), Stockport (10), Surrey (30), Sutton (10), Tameside (10), Tower Hamlets (23), Trafford (12), Walsall (13), Wandsworth (21), West Sussex (10), Westminster (58), and Wolverhampton (18)
I had to download an Excel spreadsheet situation for this, hopefully it is being updated the way I think it is. Let me know if these numbers are totally off.
Also, I am alphabetizing starting today because the hardest-hit areas will change day to day. Tomorrow will have deltas and all that good stuff.
My dad is from Cheshire, I know a fair amount about the UK, I was still fucking SHOOK by the fact that Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are two separate places.
Also “Slough” is kind of a gross name for somewhere, are y’all ok?
Deaths are not being reported by the PHS but I will do my best to split these out in the next few editions using news reports etc. It will hopefully be included by the 3/18 edition but no promises? If you have a good source for deaths by county/area, please let me know.
Scotland: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm local time
195 cases, 24 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Affected health boards are as follows: Ayrshire and Arran (6, -1), Borders (7, +0), Dumfries and Galloway (1, +0), Fife (7, +0), Forth Valley (12, +2), Grampian (22, +10), Greater Glasgow and Clyde (49, +5), Highland (5, +3), Lanarkshire (21, +1), Lothian (30, +1), Shetland (15, +0), and Tayside (20, +3)
Maybe this is all of them? Time will tell.
If anyone knows whether negative numbers are patients dying, being moved, or recovering, please let me know.
Wales: last updated 3/17 at 4:30 pm
136 cases, 12 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Areas reporting deaths are: Swansea (1)
Affected areas include: Blaenau Gwent County (8, +1), Bridgend County (3, +2), Caerphilly County (15, +1), Carmarthenshire County (7, +0), Ceredigion County (1, +0), City & County of Swansea (22, -1), City of Cardiff (14, +1), Conwy County (1, +0), Flintshire County (1, +0), Isle of Anglesey (2, +0), Monmouthshire County (8, +0), Neath Port Talbot (11, +0), Newport City (24, +3), Pembrokeshire (2, +0), Powys County (7, +2),  Rhondda Cynon Taf County (2, +0), Torfaen County (3, +1) Vale of Glamorgan County (1, +0), and Wrexham County (2, +0).
Note that some of these numbers have changed more than you might see from looking at yesterday’s report; this is because residential locations of patients are being confirmed. 0 cases remain unlocalized and 2 are residents outside of Wales.
Northern Ireland: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
62 cases, 10 new
Health dept is not providing more detail than this at this time as far as I can tell
If you know more or know where I can find more info, please let me know!
US in general: updated 3/17 at 4 pm
4,226 total cases, 739 new
75 deaths, 8 new (1.75% mortality rate)
54 jurisdictions are reporting cases: 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands
Shelter in place orders and curfews are coming into effect in lots of places
Alabama: updated 3/17 at 3:30 pm
39 cases, 11 new
0 deaths
Affected counties include: Baldwin (1, +0), Elmore (2, +1), Lee (3, +2), Jefferson (21, +4), Limestone (1, +0), Montgomery (2, +1), Shelby (4, +1), and Tuscaloosa (3, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Madison (1) and St. Clair (1)
State hotline: 1-888-264-2256
Arkansas: updated 3/17
22 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Cleburne, Cleveland, Desha, Garland, Jefferson, Lincoln, Pulaski, and Saline
Exact numbers by county are not available from the state department of health
Y’all have a county called YELL, that’s the best county name I’ve seen yet
Graphic design is their passion
State hotline: 1-800-803-7847
Arizona: updated 3/17 at 11:36 AM
20 cases, 2 new, no deaths
Affected counties include: Graham (1, +0), Maricopa (9, +1), Pima (4, +0), and Pinal (5, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Navajo (1)
Community spread is confirmed in: Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties
“Strong recommendation” that restaurants in areas of community spread close their dine-in services
Recommendation to cancel/postpone gatherings >10 people
Schools are closed through 3/27
State hotline (rolled into poison control): 844-542-8201
California: last updated 3/16 at 6 pm
The Governor has recommended the following:
Those with chronic health conditions and those over 65 should shelter in place.
Gatherings over 250 people should be canceled.
Drinking establishments should be closed but restaurants can operate at 50% capacity.
Hospitals and long term care facilities should prohibit visitors except for end of life situation
Total cases not including the ones at Miramar (discussed below): 472, with 11 total deaths
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Los Angeles (1, +1), Placer (1, +0), Riverside (3, +3), Sacramento (2, +0), San Mateo (1, +0), Santa Clara (4, +2)
The following counties report recoveries: Humboldt (1), San Benito (2)
The following counties report numbers of hospitalizations: Los Angeles (2), San Diego (9, +1), Santa Clara (56, +4), Tulare (1, +0)
Affected counties include: Alameda (27, +9), Amador (1, +0), Calaveras (2, +0), Contra Costa (39, +5), Fresno (2, +0), Humboldt (1, +0), Imperial (2, +0), Los Angeles (144, +50), Madera (1, +0), Marin (9, +0),  Nevada (1, +0), Orange (29, +12), Placer (8, +0), Riverside (15, +0), Sacramento (40, +7) San Benito (3, +0), San Bernardino (2, +1), San Diego (51, +18), San Francisco (43, +3), San Joaquin (13, +5), San Luis Obispo (3, +0), San Mateo (64, +23), Santa Barbara (2, +1), Santa Clara (155, +17), Santa Cruz (13, +4), Shasta (1, +0), Solano (8, -1), Sonoma (6, +1), Stanislaus (3, +0), Tulare (3, +1), Ventura (10, +5), and Yolo (4, +2)
Note regarding San Diego: The four federally quarantined people are not included in the county statistics. Cases of non-residents diagnosed in San Diego are included.
Unaffected counties include: Alpine, Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Napa, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yuba
Counties with confirmed community transmission include: Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Yolo
Newly affected counties include: Monterey (2)
Closures/Restrictions by County
Alameda: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Alpine: County activities are canceled, schools closed, no non-essential services
Contra Costa: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Del Norte: Schools closed through 4/20
El Dorado: Schools closed through 3/20
Los Angeles: gatherings >50 people prohibited
Marin: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Mendocino: Modified schooling starting 3/17, gatherings >50 prohibited
Mono: Schools closed through 3/30, Alterra Mountain closed, libraries closed through 3/31
Monterey: Shelter in Place beginning 3/18 until 4/8
Napa: gatherings >50 people prohibited
Nevada: Schools are closed until 4/13, libraries closed until 4/12
Orange: Shelter in Place until 3/31
Riverside: Schools & daycares are closed, gatherings >10 people prohibited
Sacramento: Shelter in Place until further notice
San Benito: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Bernardino: County operated attractions are closed
San Diego: gatherings >50 people prohibited, restaurants are carry-out and drive through only, all schools are closed, and entertainment establishments are closed
San Francisco: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Luis Obispo: Alcohol sales on site are banned through 3/18
San Mateo: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Barbara: Dining is takeout/drive through only
Santa Clara: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Cruz: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Siskiyou: gatherings >50 prohibited, hospital/LTAC visitors prohibited
Stanislaus: Gatherings of >1000 people are prohibited indoor and outdoor from 3/16 to 3/31
Tuolumne: Schools are closed from 3/16 to 3/30
Ventura: All schools and public libraries are closed starting 3/16 until further notice
Yolo: Many schools are closed at the local level, non-essential gatherings canceled through 3/31
School closures listed here: https://www.yolocounty.org/health-human-services/adults/communicable-disease-investigation-and-control/novel-coronavirus-2019;
Counties with no closures/restrictions beyond those mandated by the state: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Merced, Modoc, Placer, Plumas, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, and Yuba
Drive through testing is available in Marin County
Colorado - last updated 3/16 at 4:00 pm
183 cases (+52)
2 deaths (+1)
20 hospitalizations
Counties reporting deaths include: El Paso (1) and Larimer (1)
Affected counties include: Adams (8, +2), Arapahoe (18, +3),Boulder (8, +5), Clear Creek (2, +1), Denver (38, +14), Douglas (10, +2), Eagle (34, +12), El Paso (6, +2), Gunnison (11, +3), Jefferson (17, +5), Larimer (1, +0), Mesa (1, +0), Pitkin (11, +9), Pueblo (1, +0), Summit (3, +2), and Weld (5, +0)
4 cases are designated “unknown”
Out of state visitors are now included in the tally of the county where they were diagnosed/are being treated
Confirmed community spread
Newly affected counties include: Garfield (2), Routt (2)
Drive through testing is available in: Denver and Lowry
Residents of Gunnison, Eagle, Summit, Pitkin are recommended to minimize social contact due to potential exposures
Anyone who visited the Colorado Springs Bridge center in late Feb-early Mar may have been exposed, call the DPH for more information
Public places are closed, restaurants are takeout only until 4/16
Gambling is canceled
Schools are iffy, check your local district news
Colorado’s new website looks way nicer but takes 5ever to load
Dark colorado give me the forbidden numbers
Connecticut - last update 3/17 at 4:30 pm
68 cases, 27 new
The following counties are affected: Fairfield (48, +19), Hartford (7, +3), Litchfield (5, +1), New Haven (8, +4)
This continues to support my conjecture that Connecticut only has 4 counties
No gatherings >50 people until further notice
Nursing home visits restricted
Schools closed through 3/30
Restaurants are carryout/drive through only through 4/30
Fitness/recreation centers and movie theaters closed through 4/30
Gambling is canceled until the end of April
Delaware: last update 3/17 at 2:55 pm
16 cases (+8), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: New Castle (15, +7) and Sussex (1).
Update: you apparently have three counties
Events over >100 people are encouraged to cancel/reschedule
Schools closed through 3/27
District of Columbia: last update 3/17 at 7 pm
31 cases (+14), no deaths
There’s no counties in DC, you can’t trick me
Food service/drinking establishments are restricted to <250 people, <6 people/table, no standing or bar seating, and tables separated by 6 feet
Nightclubs etc are closed
Most government stuff is telework so if you want to report a Ponzi scheme you have to email them or call them
Florida - last updated 3/17 at 6:03 PM
216 (+61) cases and 7 deaths (+3)
Community transmission remains unconfirmed but highly likely
Affected counties  include: Alachua (6, +4), Broward (55, +16), Charlotte (1, +0), Citrus (2, +1), Clay (4, +1), Collier (7, +1), Duval (10, +5), Escambia (1, +0), Hillsborough (9, +4), Lake (1, +0), Lee (7, +3), Manatee (7, +2), Miami-Dade (43, +20), Nassau (1, +0) Okaloosa (2, +1), Orange (6, +3), Osceola (7, +3), Palm Beach (13, +5), Pasco (2, +0), Pinellas (4, +0), Santa Rosa (1, +0), Sarasota (4, +1) Seminole (4, +0), St. Johns (3, +1) Volusia (9, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Brevard (1) and Polk (1)
State hotline/call center:  1 (866) 779-6121
Georgia: last updated 3/17 at 11:34 AM
146 cases (+25),1 death (+0)
Affected counties include: Bartow (10, +1), Charlton (1, +0), Cherokee (7, +0), Clayton (4, -1), Clarke (3, +0), Cobb (25, +3), Coweta (3, +1), Dekalb (15, +5), Dougherty (6, +0), Fayette (5, +0), Floyd (6, +2), Forsyth (1, +0), Fulton (33, +6), Gordon (2, +0), Gwinnett (7, +2), Hall (1, +0), Henry (2, +0), Lowndes (4, +1), Lee (2, +0), Newton (1, +0), Paulding (1, +0), Polk (1, +0), Troup (2, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Barrow (1), Columbia (1), Rockdale (1), and Richmond (1).
USG universities are closed through 3/29 and will be online after that for the semester
Athens-Clarke County has a curfew in place from 5pm to 9 am probably. There’s a lot of uncertainty as I have heard. I will try to clarify this in tomorrow's edition provided the government clarifies things.
Asks from Georgia Anon can provide more details
Illinois: last updated 3/17
160 confirmed cases (+55), 1 death (+1)
Confirmed community spread
Affected counties include Champaign (1), Clinton (2), Cook (107), Cumberland (1), DuPage (26), Kane (3), Lake (7), McHenry (2), Peoria (1), Sangamon (3), St. Clair (2), Whiteside (1), Will (2), Winnebago (1), and Woodford (1)
ILDPH started publishing numbers for each county, YAY.
Med students have been infected (not at my school, but still yikes)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Cook (1)
Bars and restaurants are closed (except for carryout and drive through) until 3/30
All gatherings >50 people prohibited
Gyms/fitness centers/clubs/theaters are closed
DMV is closed! I personally hate the IL DMV so this isn’t like, sad news in particular…..
Community colleges and public schools are closed - like in other places I will attempt to include county-by-county news soon.
The IL governor dunked on Trump for a really long time during his press conference tonight and it was totally fucking awesome.
Indiana: last updated 3/17 at 10 AM
30 cases, 2 deaths
Affected counties include: Adams (1), Bartholomew (1), Boone (1), Floyd (1), Franklin (2), Hamilton (1), Hendricks (3), Howard (2), Johnson (3), Lake (2), La Porte (1), Marion (9), Noble (1), St. Joseph (1), and Wells (1)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Johnson (1) and Marion (1)
Indiana, good job on your website. Thanks for making this easy on me.
Iowa: last updated 3/17
29 cases (+7)
Affected counties include: Allamakee (2, +0), Carroll (1, +0), Dallas (3, +2), Harrison (1, +0), Johnson (18, +3), Polk (1, +0), and Pottawattamie (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Adair (1) and Black Hawk (1)
Community spread confirmed
Schools closed for 4 weeks starting 3/16
Public places closed, restaurants carryout only until further notice
Kansas: last updated 3/17
16 confirmed cases (+5), 1 death
Affected counties include: Butler (1, +0), Franklin (1, +0), Johnson (10, +2), and Wyandotte (3, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Douglas (1)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Wyandotte (1)
Schools closed through 3/23
Gatherings >50 people prohibited
Public places must maintain a 6ft bubble
Phone line:  1-866-534-3463
Kentucky: last updated 3/17 at 4 pm local time
27 cases (+5), 1 death (+0)
Counties reporting deaths: Bourbon (1)
Counties reporting recoveries: Harrison (1)
Affected counties include: Bourbon (1, +0), Clark (1, +0), Fayette (6, +1), Harrison (6, +0), Jefferson (9, +3), Montgomery (1, +0), and Nelson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Lyon (1)
Restaurants and bars closed to in-person service
State Capitol closed to nonessential personnel
Entertainment/nonessential services are closed
Schools are closed statewide
Phone line: (800) 722-5725 (rolled in with poison control)
Louisiana: last updated 5:30 pm 3/17
196 cases reported, 60 new
4 deaths, 1 new
Parishes affected:  Ascension (1, +0), Bossier (1, +0), Caddo (4, +1), Jefferson (35, +14), Lafourche (2, +0), Orleans (136, +42), St. Bernard (2, +0), St. Charles (3, +0), St. John the Baptist (1, +0), St. Tammany (6, +0), and Terrebonne (3, +1)
New parishes affected: East Baton Rouge (1) and Washington (1)
Parishes reporting deaths: Orleans (4, +1)
Maryland: last updated 3/17 at 10 am
57 cases (+20), 0 deaths
Counties affected: Anne Arundel (3, +2), Baltimore (6, +2), Baltimore City (1, +0), Carroll (1, +0), Charles (1, +0), Harford (2, +0), Howard (3, +2), Montgomery (24, +9), Prince George’s (14, +4), Talbot (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Frederick (1)
Community spread confirmed
Exposure risk advisory for Lorien Elkridge
Casinos, racetracks and other gambling situations are closed
Gatherings >250 people prohibited
All schools closed through 3/27
Senior centers closed until further notice
Elections postponed - vote by mail implemented for urgent elections
Massachusetts: last updated 3/17 at 4 pm
218 cases (+21)
Affected counties include: Barnstable (2, +1), Berkshire (14, +3), Bristol (5, +3), Essex (8, +0), Hampden (1, +0), Middlesex (89, +6), Norfolk (43, +7), Plymouth (5, +2) Suffolk (42, +6), and Worcester (8, +2)
1 case of undetermined location
21 hospitalizations (+7)
Michigan: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
54 cases (+21), 25 hospitalizations, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Bay (1, +0), Charlevoix (1, +0), Ingham (2, +1), Kent (5, +0), Macomb (8, +2), Monroe (1, +0), Montcalm (1, +0), Oakland (16, +2), St. Clair (2, +0), Washtenaw (7, +0), and Wayne (17, +3)
Wayne County includes Detroit (8 cases, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Jackson (1), Leelanau (1), Otsego (1), and Ottawa (1)
Two employees of the corrections department have tested positive
Jackson County Probation Office and Detroit Detention Center have both been exposed, contact the health department if you have been exposed
Bars and restaurants are carryout/drive through only
Public spaces (casinos, theaters, etc) closed
Public offices open by appt only
Minnesota: last updated 3/17 at 12:00
60 cases (+6)
Affected counties include: Anoka (3-5), Benton (1-2), Blue Earth (1-2), Carver (1-2), Dakota (6-20), Hennepin (20+), Olmstead (3-5), Ramsey (6-20), Renville (1-2), Stearns (3-5), Waseca (1-2), Washington (1-2), and Wright (1-2)
Still working with just ranges due to everything popping off today. I apologise for the imprecise data.
Drive through testing available in Olivia
13 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Boone (1), Cass (2), Cole (1), Greene (4), Henry (1), Jackson (1), St. Louis City (1), St. Louis County (4)
Hotline: 877-435-8411
Montana: last updated 3/16 at 7:22 pm
8 cases (+2)
Affected counties not being reported at this time, and due to everything being all the time all the time I haven’t sorted out where the cases are. Please forgive me and watch this space, I’ll try to get to it asap.
Public schools closed until 3/30
Many counties have closed libraries
State of Emergency
Nebraska: last updated 3/17
Community transmission confirmed: many locations in Douglas County are potential places where transmission has occurred; if you live or have traveled to Douglas County (Omaha), please check the Douglas County COVID-19 monitoring site at: https://www.douglascountyhealth.com/latest-news.
There were also two exposures in Knox County on March 5, at basketball games at Lincoln Southwest HS and North Star HS.
21 cases (+2), no deaths
Affected counties include: Cass (1), Douglas (18, +3) and Knox (1)
Nebraska, please update your shit. (Or possibly I can’t find the updated shit)
Hotline (bling): (402) 552-6645
New Hampshire: last updated 3/17 at 9 AM
26 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Carroll (1), Grafton (7), Hillsborough (4), and Rockingham (14)
Nashua (1) is included in Hillsborough county totals
Exposure reported at the Manchester DMV on 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, and 3/10.
My desire to avoid the DMV at all costs continues to be vindicated
Your governor has a really good last name, btw
He announced a state of emergency
New Jersey : last updated 3/16 at 2 pm
267 cases (+89), 2 deaths (+1)
Affected counties include: Bergen (84, +23), Burlington (5, +2), Camden (3, +0), Essex (32, +12), Hudson (24, +5), Hunterdon (4, +3), Mercer (6, +5), Middlesex (22, +5), Monmouth (22, +8), Morris (7, +2), Ocean (3, +0), Passaic (10, +2), Somerset (7, +2), and Union (15, +7)
17 cases are unassigned to a county
No gatherings >50 people
Restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, and other public spaces are closed
Curfew in effect from 8 pm to 5 am, anyone out without a valid reason is committing a misdemeanor and is also a total dick, don’t expose people
New York: last updated 3/17 at 8 PM
1,374 cases (+424), 10 deaths
Affected counties include: Albany (23, +11), Allegany (2, +0), Broome (1, +0), Delaware (1, +0), Dutchess (16, +6), Erie (7, +1), Greene (2, +0), Herkimer (1, +0), Monroe (10, +0), Montgomery (1, +0), Nassau (131, +22), Onondaga (2, +1), Ontario (1, +0), Orange (15, +4), Putnam (2, +0), Rockland (22, +6), Saratoga (9, +4), Schenectady (5, +1), Suffolk (84, +21, Tioga (1, +0), Tompkins (2, +1), Ulster (8, +1), Westchester (380, +160)
NYC has 644 cases (+351) as of 3/17 at 2:30 pm
Areas/counties reporting deaths are: NYC (7), Rockland (1)
I can’t find the two others, if you have information leading to the whereabouts of these last two deaths in New York State please let me know. There is no reward other than my gratitude.
Newly affected counties include: Clinton (1), Rensselaer (1), Sullivan (1), and Wyoming (1)
Why do so many states name their counties after OTHER STATES
Drive through testing in New Rochelle, Long Island, Staten Island, and Rockland County
Bars, restaurants, entertainment venues closed
No gatherings >50 people
Public schools closed until 4/1
Village elections delayed until 4/28
New legal protections and stuff from the state came down today
Job protection and pay are guaranteed for those quarantined
Permanent comprehensive sick leave policy
If you are a retired doctor or nurse, New York needs you. Like, real bad. Contact the state or local health dept to see how you can help.
North Carolina: last updated 3/17 at 8:57 AM
40 cases (+7), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Brunswick (1, +0), Cabarrus (1, +0), Chatham (1, +0), Craven (1, +0), Durham (1, +0), Forsyth (2, +0), Harnett (3, +1), Johnston (2, +0), Mecklenburg (7, +3), Onslow (1, +0), Wake (15, +1), Watauga (1, +0), Wayne (1, +0), and  Wilson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Iredell (1) and Sampson (1)
Advisory for an exposure at Raleigh convention center on March 8
Please call Wake County if you were there, they are tracking exposures
Schools are closed statewide until 3/30
Events >100 people canceled
Restaurants and bars are closed
Ohio: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
67 confirmed cases (+17)
17 hospitalizations (+3)
Affected counties include: Belmont (2, +0), Butler (6, +0), Cuyahoga (31, +7), Franklin (4, +1), Geauga (1, +0), Lorain (4, +1), Lucas (1, +0), Medina (3, +1), Stark (3, +0), Summit (4, +2), Trumbull (2, +0), Tuscarawas (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Coshocton (2), Lake (1), and Mahoning (1)
Bars/restaurants are closed
Gatherings >50 people canceled
Oregon: last updated 3/17 at 9 AM
65 cases (+26), 1 death (+0)
Counties reporting deaths: Multnomah (1)
13 hospitalized at time of positive test
The following counties are affected: Clackamas (6, +5), Deschutes (6, +2), Douglas (1, +0), Jackson (2, +0), Klamath (1, +0), Linn (15, +5), Marion (4, +2), Multnomah (3, +2), Polk (1, +0), Umatilla (2, +0), Washington (21, +8), and Yamhill (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Benton (2)
Pennsylvania: last updated 3/17 at 5 pm
GRITTY HAS SPOKEN: https://twitter.com/GrittyNHL/status/1239962668208779266
96 total cases (+20)
Counties affected include: Allegheny (7, +2) Bucks (8, +3), Chester (4, +2), Cumberland (10, +5), Delaware (9, +2),  Lehigh (1, +0), Luzerne (1, +0), Monroe (8, +0), Montgomery (32, +2), Northampton (1, +0), Philadelphia (10, +2), Pike (1, +0), Washington (2, +1), Wayne (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include:  Beaver (1)
Restaurants and bars are closed in the following counties until 3/30:  Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery
Rhode Island: last updated 3/16
21 confirmed cases (+1), no deaths
Chanston High School West had an exposure; 1700 people are currently quarantined after this exposure
I will attempt to sort out county level data soon, since apparently y’all have counties
If anyone knows where to find more frequently updated information than that from RIDOH, please let me know. I apologise for this data being out of date.
South Carolina: last updated 3/17 at 4:35 pm
47 cases (+13), 1 death (+1)
Affected counties include: Anderson (2), Beaufort (4), Calhoun (1), Charleston (3), Fairfield (1), Greenville (2), Horry (4), Kershaw (22), Lancaster (2), Lexington (3), Richland (1), Spartanburg (1), and York (1)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Lexington (1)
South Dakota: last updated 3/17
11 confirmed cases (+1),  1 death (+1)
Affected counties include: Beadle (1, +0), Bon Homme (1, +0), Charles Mix (1, +0), Davison (1, +0), McCook (1, +0), Minnehaha (5, +1), and Pennington (1, +0)
Schools closed week of 3/16
Tennessee: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
73 (+21) cases, no deaths
Affected counties include: Campbell (1, +0), Davidson (42, +17), Hamilton (1, +0), Jefferson (1, +0), Knox (2, +1), Rutherford (1, +0), Sevier (1, +0), Shelby (2, +0), Sullivan (1, +0), and Williamson (21, +3)
Texas: last updated 3/17 at 12 PM
64 (+7) total cases, 1 death (+1)
Highly likely that there has been community transmission, unconfirmed currently
Affected counties include: Bell (1, +0), Bexar (3, +0), Brazoria (2, +0), Collin (6, +0), Dallas (9, +1), El Paso (3, +2), Fort Bend (9, +0), Galveston (1, +0), Gregg (1, +0), Harris (10, +0), Hays (1, +0), Lavaca (1, +0), Matagorda (1, +0), Montgomery (3, +0), Smith (3, -1), Tarrant (3, +0), and Travis (3, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Denton (1) and Webb (1)
Hail Satan for the best ever death metal band out of denton
(this is what the kids call a Reference)
2 cases are pending county assignment
Utah: last updated 3/17 at 12:45 pm
51 cases (+22)
Affected health districts include: Davis County (4, +0), Salt Lake County (22, +4), Southwest Utah (1, +0), Summit County (15, +4), Tooele (1, +0), Utah County (1, +0), Wasatch County (2, +1), and Weber-Morgan (4, +2)
Newly affected districts include: Bear River (1)
I wonder what Bear River has in its rivers
Definitely not bears
Community spread confirmed in the following counties: Summit and Utah
Exposure at Wasatch High School identified
Schools, Mormonism, skiing, and restaurants are canceled until further notice
The zoo and a bunch of museums are canceled too :(
Vermont: last updated 3/17 at 1 PM
17 cases total (+5)
Affected counties include: Bennington (3), Chittenden (4), Orange (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), and Windsor (3)
County by county data was not updated on 3/17
Hospitalizations are reported in the following counties: Bennington (3), Chittenden (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), Windsor (1)
No gatherings >50 people or >50% capacity, whichever is lower
Schools are closed starting 3/18
Bars/restaurants are closed until 4/6
Virginia: last updated 3/17
67 cases (+16)
Affected counties/cities include: Alexandria City (2, +0), Arlington (13, +4), Chesterfield (4, +2), Fairfax (12, +2), Hanover (1, +0), Harrisonburg City (1, +0), James City (12, +2), Loudoun (5, +0), Prince Edward (1, +0), Prince William (4, +1), Spotsylvania (1, +0), Stafford (1, +0), Virginia Beach City (4, +0), and York (1, +0)
Newly affected areas include: Charlottesville City (1), Goochland (1), Henrico (2), Williamsburg City (1)
Are we being pranked by the Commonwealth naming something Goochland? Studies are inconclusive
Washington State: Last updated 3/17 at 3:15
1012 total cases (+108), 52 deaths (+4)
Current mortality rate: 5.1%
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Clark (2, +2), Grant (1, +0), King (43, +0), and Snohomish (6, +2).
Affected counties include: Clark (4, +0), Columbia (1, +0), Grant (7, +4), Grays Harbor (1, +0), Island (14, +7), Jefferson (3, +0), King (569, +81), Kitsap (7, +0), Kittitas (3, +0),  Lewis (1, +0), ,Lincoln (1, +0), Pierce (45, +7), Skagit (9, +2), Snohomish (254, +54), Spokane (4, +1), Thurston (5, +1), Whatcom (6, +3), and Yakima (5, +1).
70 cases are currently unassigned to a county
Newly affected counties include: Chelan (2) and Klickitat (1)
Closures/restrictions: widespread, will have county-by-county info soon.
Hotline: 1-800-525-0127
Wisconsin: last updated 3/17 at 2 PM
72 total cases (+25), 0 deaths
Recovery is being reported by the following counties: Dane (1)
This is updated every Friday, next update expected 3/20
Affected counties include: Dane (19, +9), Fond du Lac (11, +0), Milwaukee (24, +11), Outagamie (1, +0), Pierce (1, +0), Racine (1, +0), Sheboygan (3, +0), Waukesha (4, +1), Winnebago (3, +0), and Wood (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Kenosha (4)
Community spread is confirmed in the following counties: Dane, Kenosha, and Milwaukee
Schools closed starting 3/18 for minimum of two weeks
No gatherings >10 people until further notice
Wyoming: last updated 3/17 AM
11 cases (+1)
Affected counties include: Fremont, Laramie, and Sheridan
Today’s Hot Tips
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely been charged with homeschooling your kids, no small feat not in the middle of a pandemic. A kind reader (@halcyonhowl) hooked me up with a collection of resources that I’m excited to share with you all!
Find it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rcV0cLYYj7TftfyTYU-3Z1bvI90tOqAz6yR7XenzYHA/edit?usp=sharing
I’m not a teacher by any means but I checked out some of these resources and they seem super super cool.
My personal favorite resource is SciShow, and they make a great podcast for curious adults called SciShow Tangents! Check it out here: www.youtube.com/scishow
Hand Washing Song of the Day
If you hate singing happy birthday while you wash your hands (I certainly do) try Bohemian Rhapsody!
Sing from the beginning through “as if nothing really matters” as dramatically as possible to follow CDC handwashing guidelines! Use soap and water for maximum efficacy. And then finish the song, you monster.
If you’re this talented, you can sing it on a rubber chicken. And then sanitize the chicken with bleach. And wash your hands again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDrdZM1iGrc
Good News, Everyone!
The Shedd Aquarium penguin adventures continue!
Check it out here: https://twitter.com/shedd_aquarium/status/1239661654629023747?s=21
People in Italy are singing from the balconies, whereas New Yorkers are yelling “GO THE FUCK HOME” to people who are out. Different ways of coping, I suppose…
Italy’s lockdown is working - transmission has slowed dramatically over the past few days!
Vaccine testing continues in the United States, where testing kits are finally becoming more widely available.
China has sent the United States a massive aid package with tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) since many hospitals in the States are completely out of materials.
Chill Cat Corner
This is a thread of cat cams for people in quarantine, it’s totally amazing and will provide you with so much fucking serotonin.
This makes me want to post pictures of my cats all the time though
About this newsletter
I’m Emily, I’m a 4th year med student w/ a degree in molecular biology. I started this because I’m an infectious disease and epidemiology nerd and also all my friends have questions & anxiety. Hi internet!
The archive/proper website is located at coronaextranewsletter.wordpress.com.
All this info is sourced from regional & national public health organizations, plus the WHO. It’s as up to date as humanly possible. I’ve been beaming information about this outbreak directly into my brain 24/7 but I still miss stuff. Please let me know if I miss something!
Most public health departments stop updating their information around 4-5 PM local time on weekdays. That means that the earliest this will come out is around 6 PM Pacific time on weekdays going forward. On weekends things update more sporadically and earlier, so who knows what I’ll do then, but I’ll do my best.
The excellent title is courtesy of @marywhal​ and the Wordpress site is courtesy of @molly0xFFF and @goblintinkerer, thank you all!
For More Information
JHU COVID-19 data center: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
List of peer-reviewed publications: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/publications.html
WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
CDC cases in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html, this also has links to each state’s health dept
80 notes · View notes
againstcorona-blog · 5 years
What Is the Coronavirus?
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a family of hundreds of viruses that can cause fever, respiratory problems, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms too. The 2019 novel coronavirus is one of seven members of this family known to infect humans, and the third in the past three decades to jump from animals to humans. Since emerging in China in December, this new coronavirus has caused a global health emergency, sickening almost 100,000 people worldwide, and so far killing more than 3,000. As of March 3, about 100 cases had been reported in the US, and six people have died.
How does it spread?
Researchers are still trying to understand how SARS-CoV-2 spreads between humans. (SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the germ; the official name of the disease you get from the germ is Covid-19—more on that below.) It’s likely to be transmitted in droplets from coughing or sneezes, and the virus has a two- to 14-day incubation period. That means people could be infectious for quite a while before symptoms like fever, cough, or shortness of breath emerge.
Right now, CDC officials say Americans should prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Based on the number of new cases, the overall risk of getting Covid-19 is still pretty low in most parts of this country. But flaws in testing kits and strict testing requirements have severely limited how many people have so far been tested, which means nobody knows who might actually be infected, or how serious (or mild) their illnesses might be. Growing numbers of cases of community spread in California and Washington suggest that the virus may be circulating more widely than case numbers might indicate.
What are the particular symptoms of Covid-19?
In the confirmed cases so far, most people get a fever with a dry cough; smaller numbers of folks might experience shortness of breath, a sore throat, or a headache.
How can I avoid catching the coronavirus?
Wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands. You get the point.
Clean all of your tech equipment. Just like your hands, your smartphone and keyboard and headphones and anything else gets germs on it.
Are you a health care worker? If not, don't buy a face mask—that depletes supplies for the health professionals who need them. Same goes for gloves (see: "wash your hands," above).
If  you're in a high-risk group (over 60, have preexisting lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, or a weakened immune system) you should seek treatment if you get sick, since it can quickly go from cough to full-blown pneumonia. Call your doctor or clinic first with your suspicions so they can direct you appropriately. If you're not in a high-risk group, better to self-isolate at home with plenty of fluids and anti-fever meds. Odds are you'll recover, and this way you won't expose anyone. Still call your doctor, so they know what's going on—they may be able to direct you to people at the health department who can conduct testing. Don't go to the ER unless you're really experiencing life-threatening symptoms.
Is Covid-19 more deadly than the flu?
That remains to be seen. According to preliminary estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 2019–2020 flu caused 19 million to 25 million illnesses and up to 25,000 deaths. The Covid-19 numbers are harder to calculate because it’s not yet clear how many people are infected. The CDC calculates the death rate at about 2 percent, which is higher than the flu—but the real number might be a lot lower, because less-severe cases may not have been reported. People with more mild cases might not even go to the hospital, and health care workers might have mistaken cases for the flu or for pneumonia. If epidemiologists count only the most severe cases, the death rate will look higher because a higher proportion of those patients die—so that might not offer an accurate reflection of reality.
The biggest difference between the two types of infection is that the health system is better prepared to fight the flu. It comes every year and, while some strains are more severe than others, doctors know how to treat and prevent it. Covid-19 is uncharted territory, because scientists have so many questions about how it spreads, and there isn’t a vaccine for it. That’s why governments around the world are responding so quickly by discouraging travel to China and quarantining people who may have been exposed. The World Health Organization hasn't officially called Covid-19 a pandemic—it's probably waiting to see if sustained person-to-person transmission happens outside of China. It's looking at Iran, Italy, and South Korea for that.
How did it get its official name?
The international committee tasked with classifying viruses has named the new one SARS-CoV-2, because of its close genetic ties to another coronavirus, the one that causes SARS. However, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2—remember, that's the disease characterized by coughing, fever, and respiratory distress—is called Covid-19. It's the name officially bestowed upon the ailment by the World Health Organization. WHO's task was to find a name that didn't demonize a particular place, animal, individual, or group of people and which was also pronounceable. It's pronounced just like it sounds: Co-Vid-Nine-teen.
Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from, anyway?
The first cases were identified at the tail end of 2019 in Wuhan, the capital city of China’s Hubei province, when hospitals started seeing patients with severe pneumonia. Like the viruses that cause MERS and SARS, the new coronavirus appears to have originated in bats, but it’s not clear how the virus jumped from bats to humans or where the first infections occurred. Often, pathogens journey through an intermediary “animal reservoir”—bats infect the animals, and humans come into contact with some product from that animal. That could be milk or undercooked meat, or even mucus, urine, or feces. For example, MERS moved to humans through camels, and SARS came through civet cats sold at a live animal market in Guangzhou, China.
Scientists don’t know why some coronaviruses have made that jump while others haven’t. It may be that the viruses haven’t made it to animals that humans interact with, or that the viruses don’t have the right spike proteins, so they can’t attach to our cells. It’s also possible that these jumps happen more often than anyone realizes, but they go unnoticed because they don’t cause serious reactions.
How do coronaviruses even work?
Coronaviruses are divided into four groups called genera: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. These little invaders are zoonotic, meaning they can spread between animals and humans; gamma and delta coronaviruses mostly infect birds, while alpha and beta mostly reside in mammals.
Researchers first isolated human coronaviruses in the 1960s, and for a long time they were considered pretty mild. Mostly, if you got a coronavirus, you’d end up with a cold. But the most famous coronaviruses are the ones that jumped from animals to humans.
Coronaviruses are made up of one strip of RNA, and that genetic material is surrounded by a membrane studded with little spike proteins. (Under a microscope, those proteins stick up in a ring around the top of the virus, giving it its name—“corona” is Latin for “crown.”) When the virus gets into the body, those spike proteins attach to host cells, and the virus injects that RNA into the cell’s nucleus, hijacking the replication machinery there to make more virus. Infection ensues.
The severity of that infection depends on a couple of factors. One is what part of the body the virus tends to latch onto. Less serious types of coronavirus, like the ones that cause the common cold, tend to attach to cells higher up in the respiratory tract—places like your nose or throat. But their more gnarly relatives attach in the lungs and bronchial tubes, causing more serious infections. The MERS virus, for example, binds to a protein found in the lower respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract, so that, in addition to causing respiratory problems, the virus often causes kidney failure.
The other thing that contributes to the severity of the infection is the proteins the virus produces. Different genes mean different proteins; more virulent coronaviruses may have spike proteins that are better at latching onto human cells. Some coronaviruses produce proteins that can fend off the immune system, and when patients have to mount even larger immune responses, they get sicker.
Can people be immune to the new coronavirus?
Viruses that spread quickly usually come with lower mortality rates and vice versa.
As the virus is an entirely new strain, it is believed that there is no existing immunity in anyone it will encounter.
Some level of immunity will naturally develop over time, but this means that those with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly or sick, are most at risk of becoming severely ill or dying from the coronavirus.
Although the total number of deaths has now exceeded those recorded during the 2002-2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the current mortality rate is much lower than that of SARS.
The coronavirus mortality rate stands at 2.4 percent, while SARS killed 9.6 percent of those infected.
How can people protect themselves? Are face masks useful?
In terms of self-protection and containing the virus, experts agree that is important to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap; cover your face with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing; visit a doctor if you have symptoms; and avoid direct contact with live animals in affected areas.
While face masks are popular, scientists doubt their effectiveness against airborne viruses.
Masks may provide some protection to you and others, but because they are loose and made of permeable material, droplets can still pass through.
Many countries have advised people travelling back from China to self-quarantine for at least two weeks.
How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus
Wash your hands.                        
Washing your hands regularly is the best way to protect yourself from the coronavirus — assuming you’re doing it correctly. The CDC recommends getting your hands wet with warm or cold water; lathering your entire hands, including under the nails, with soap; scrubbing your hands for 20 seconds; rinsing with clean water; and finally, either letting your hands air-dry or using a clean towel.
“Wash them especially well if you’re about to eat,” Aaron E. Carroll, a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, wrote in the New York Times. “Wash them after you’ve blown your nose, coughed or sneezed. Make it routine that all members of the household wash their hands when they get home.”
It’s also not a bad idea to carry around a hand sanitizer for times when you’re not near a sink, though you should make sure it contains at least 60 percent alcohol. However, experts stress that washing your hands thoroughly — and frequently — is the best preventative measure.
Stop touching your face!                        
In addition to washing your hands frequently, the CDC also recommends that you avoid touching your face — specifically, your eyes, nose, and mouth, which are entry portals for coronavirus and other germs. If an infected person coughs or sneezes on a surface, and you touch that contaminated surface and then touch your facial mucous membranes — the eyes, nose, and mouth — you could become infected.
Stock up on prescriptions and household supplies.                        
According to the New York Times, experts are recommending stocking up on at least a month’s worth of prescription or over-the-counter medicine, in the event that you have to self-quarantine. Experts are also advising buying extra shelf-stable food, cleaning supplies, and other necessary household items.
Practice social distancing.                        
If there’s an outbreak in your area, experts say it’s wise to practice “social distancing” measures to mitigate the spread of viruses. These measures typically entail keeping your distance from other people — the CDC recommends standing at least six feet away, if possible — and avoiding crowded spaces. (Some countries like France have already implemented such measures, like banning gatherings of more than 1,000 people.)
 If you’re sick …                        
Be cautious: If you experience any cold or flulike symptoms, you should stay home (if you can afford to.) And even if you aren’t sick, it’s a good idea to work from home if you can. As Katie Heaney noted on the Cut, every time we leave our home, we increase our risk of exposure and transmission, potentially unknowingly.
According to the Times, if you think you have the coronavirus, you should reach out to your doctor or local health department, or follow the instructions on the CDC’s website.
If you’re pregnant …                        
As of now, the CDC does not recommend specific precautions for pregnant women, as there’s a lack of “information from published scientific reports about susceptibility of pregnant women to COVID-19.” However, the CDC notes that because pregnant women’s immune systems are in flux, it’s possible they could be more susceptible. “It makes sense that a pregnant woman would be at higher risk of complications from this virus than a nonpregnant one,” Dr. Steven Gordon, M.D., an infectious-disease specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, told the New York Times last week.
If you have a chronic illness, are elderly, or have a compromised immune system …                        
While COVID-19 will cause mild symptoms in the majority of infected people, Jan Carette, an associate professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, says that the elderly — especially those with chronic conditions, like hypertension or diabetes — are at greater risk for more severe disease. In this case, he recommends that those who are especially susceptible practice the above precautions as well as avoid people who display flulike symptoms.
If you’re traveling …                        
If you have upcoming travel plans, it’s a good idea to stay up-to-date on the CDC’s travel warnings for specific countries. In general, it’s safest to avoid nonessential travel to countries with a sustained COVID-19 presence; right now, this includes Iran, China, South Korea, and Italy. For individuals who are especially susceptible to viral infections, including the elderly and those with existing medical conditions, the CDC advises avoiding travel to Japan as well.
Currently, the CDC doesn’t have any additional recommendations for domestic travel, though this could change as the virus spreads further in the United States. But according to the CDC’s website, the risk of infection on an airplane is low. “Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses and other germs do not spread easily,” they write. However, they recommend that travelers wash their hands frequently and avoid contact with sick passengers.
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10 Tips For Preparing To Stay At Home Due To The Coronavirus
1. You can eat normal, tasty, healthy foods. 
Just because you’re stocking up doesn’t mean you have to live on nonperishable foods and canned vegetables. That’s going to get tiresome real quick, and there are plenty of ways to eat the things you normally would.Fill your freezer with fresh, flavorful soups. Keep pasta in your pantry and tomato sauce in your freezer. Think about the foods you would want to eat on a typical day; usually there’s a way to keep those around. Personally, I froze a big batch of taco soup and a bunch of marinated salmon, and made a crunchy quinoa salad that lasts well in the fridge for the week. I also bought eggs, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, hummus, carrots, and a bunch of other things — normal staples for my diet that will keep for a decent length of time.
2. And remember that food isn’t just about staying alive.
You don’t just need well-balanced meals! You need Cheez-Its, peanut butter cups, popcorn, gummy bears...really whatever snacks you’ll be craving if you’re stuck inside for a while. There has never been a better time to have ingredients around to bake cookies. And if you’re out here thinking meal prep time would be a good time to get super healthy and only eat lentils, get real. These are trying times. Buy the damn candy. 
3. Avoid being too isolated. 
Being forced to stay inside might sound like an introvert’s dream come true, but when it’s in the midst of a worldwide epidemic and everyone is panicking, it’s not such a fun and chill time. It took me one day stuck at home to get lonely and stir-crazy.Check in with your people. Get on the phone or FaceTime and call your family and friends with some regularity — you’ll probably need it, and so will they.
And if someone you know actually gets quarantined, or gets infected with the virus, be there for them as much as you (safely) can. Call them, or just send a playlist, some memes, or links. And even if you can’t go hang out with them IRL, consider cooking them a meal and leaving it outside their door, which is safe to do.“People [need to] know who to call if they do start getting symptoms, [and] know there is somebody who is going to check in on them, that they’re not just going to be isolated and forgotten about,” said Hawryluck. “If you’re afraid you’re going to get sick, what you really need and want is to know that somebody is going to care for you.”
4. Get a little fitness in. 
There are plenty of workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, and doing so can seriously help your mental health.Here are a bunch of exercises you can do without any equipment, and YouTube has tons of channels that offer instruction in everything from yoga to Pilates to strength training.And if you can still go outside, nothing beats a walk. Just avoid big groups of people.
5. Clean your home.
Not only does it protect against the spread of illness, it also makes being cooped up in your home a lot more pleasant. Here’s a big list of spring cleaning chores you may have been putting off. 
6. Go online, but beware.When the SARS epidemic broke out in 2002, Facebook, Twitter, and even Myspace did not yet exist. Now, people are far more digitally connected, and the ability to keep in touch over social media and video chat can have major benefits on mental health during isolation. “It shortens distances between people,” Hawryluck said.But the internet also creates issues that didn’t exist during SARS — namely, the spread of misinformation.“People are afraid, and that’s okay — we are human, there are things in our lives that are going to scare us, and this is one of them,” said Hawryluck. “But how we handle that fear, I think fear can be lessened if we have accurate information.”Here’s a running list of misinformation about the coronavirus to keep on hand as you peruse social media. Also, be wary of those hawking fake cures online or trying to infect your computer with malware by sending you suspicious coronavirus-themed emails.
7. Plan out your entertainment.
Watch the news, for sure, but don’t just stay glued to cable news. “The worst thing people can do is sit around and watch TV or watch their screens and look for the hourly update of numbers,” Hawryluck said. “I think that just exaggerates the symptoms of fear and its effects.”
You know all those shows and movies you’ve been meaning to watch but never get around to? Make a list — yes, an actual list — of the titles, and you’ll never run out of things to watch.But if spending too much time looking at screens is driving you nuts, shut it down.Get out a bunch of books from your library. Pull out the board games and puzzles. Have some craft supplies on hand, if that’s your thing.
8. Seek professional help if you’re really struggling.Whether you’ve been to a therapist before or are just realizing you might need to see one, seeking help with your mental health doesn’t need to wait till you can go outside again. Lots of therapists offer sessions over the phone or video chat. Here are a bunch of tips for how to find a therapist. There are also apps to help you with your mental health.
9. If you’re working from home, do it right. Working from home sounds like the dream — pajamas all day, slacking off, working from the couch! — but it can get bleak and unproductive pretty quickly if it’s not approached the right way.
10. Remember to stay healthy and practice good hygiene.
Information is power, and having the right info can be helpful in stopping yourself from freaking out. You don’t need to go overboard on research, but it’s a good idea to be aware of what you should do if you do think you’ve contracted the coronavirus.
And perhaps the easiest way to stay healthy is to maintain proper hygiene. You don’t need a face mask (unless you’re sick), but you should be washing your hands regularly (and remember, soap and water is just as effective as hand sanitizer).Once that’s done, just try to take it easy (and maybe order some dumplings to support your favorite Chinese restaurant). These are tough, uncertain times, and the best thing we all can do is be kind to ourselves and our neighbors as we all go through it.
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cetrixstore11 · 3 years
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Air, like food and water, is essential for survival. Even when we are all aware of air pollution outside, is it possible that the air in your house is also dangerous? Unexpectedly, yes!
In fact, health is an integral part of our existence, and it is challenging to accomplish anything if you don't have good health. According to nursing studies, installing an air purifier may significantly impact overall health and happiness. Air purifiers serve a vital function in avoiding heart disease and assisting children. Regardless of whether or not you require an air purifier, owning one will not have any effect on it, provided it's the right one for your area. Here are five scenarios in which an air purifier may be helpful. Allergies
Allergic patients and those with asthma and other respiratory problems might experience a slight decline in symptoms, such as wheezing and coughing. A growing number of people are using air purifiers as a means of clearing the air of irritants. This non-invasive technique is becoming extremely prevalent as medications lose efficacy over time and several people dislike taking medicines regularly. Furthermore, steroids are often used to assist and manage asthma. Although treating asthma requires a multifaceted approach, air purifiers can yield excellent results.
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For Children
One might be the healthiest and tidiest human being on the planet, but you have no influence over how your children, roommates, or guests handle things. If others aren't as conscientious about cleaning as you are, or if they bring in dust, smudges, pet hair, and particles from outside, an air purifier could assist in screening and removing these contaminants.
Besides, a filtration system for children in the house for infection prevention measures guarantees that your family members are not absorbing air pollutants that might harm them in the long run or cause frequent episodes of flu and pneumonia.
Household dust
Air purifiers can capture several atmospheric pollutants, such as dust, that have been stirred up while domestic cleanliness, renovation, or passing cars down the road. Putting your blinds down may keep plenty of the dirt out, but an air purifier can purify what comes through the breaches.
One can always consider utilizing an all-inclusive air purifier for dust in locations where dust is widespread to counterbalance those airborne troublemakers and avoid causing seasonal allergies like watery nose, wheezing, and eye irritation. Running one of these gadgets may assist you in breathing more easily.
Our Dear Four-Legged Family Members
Pets, such as cats and dogs, shed their hair or lose older, dry skin around our houses, regardless of the season. Sometimes, even non-shedding dogs and cats loose skin and allergies into the air. You may not be allergic to your dogs, but that doesn't guarantee that their coat won't bother you. Thus, the pet dust mite allergy is then dispersed throughout our houses and into our lungs via our air purification systems. Using an air purifier in popular pet locations traps pet pollen before it enters your digestive response.
Are You A Smoker?
Do you want to get rid of cigarette smoke in your house? Cigarette smoke is hard to eradicate because it includes dozens of chemicals released, necessitating the use of a high-level air filter. Cigarette smoke has a significant detrimental impact on people's health and the health of people with whom you reside. Hence, merely opening a door will not safeguard you from these issues, but circulation and purification capture tiny suspended solids, which can surely help.
Is It Necessary To Have Air Purifiers On Office Premises?
As a primary medical treatment, fresh air has subsequently fallen out of favor in earlier times. However, as pollution from vehicles, factories, and periodic wildfires spreads across vast areas of the nation and asthma rates continue to climb, air purifiers have become a popular retail product. While research on the long-term health advantages of these devices is limited, experts believe they are likely to be beneficial – at least for people suffering from lung-related health issues, but possibly for everyone else as well.
Thus, Air purifiers are great for any interior location where individuals spend a significant amount of time, and the office is no different. Air purifiers for the workplace are excellent for preventing diseases and sensitivities year-round.
Can Air Purifiers Reduce The Spread Of Infection In My Office?
Absolutely, and most are extremely good at it! Many of you who have run businesses with many people in confined spaces understand that when one person becomes ill, everything rapidly pursues after everyone has either arrived at work sick or taken just several weeks off. In both cases, you are not making enough money.
Having an air purifier for your organization will lower emissions for you and your employees to inhale. You may believe that the air in your workplace, warehouses, or storefront is clean, but in truth, it is likely worse than the air outdoors. According to a recent EPA (the United States Environmental Protection Agency) research, indoor air is typically 5-10 times more polluted than outdoor air, including ambient air.
Benefits of Air Purifiers
Air purifiers ensure clean air. As mentioned above, According to the EPA, indoor air is two to five times more polluted than the air outside and can be 100 times dirtier in extreme cases. A quality air purifier will keep you healthy.
Microscopic air pollutants such as pollen, mold spores, and other germs drift around through the air and make your family ill. An air purifier removes up to 99 percent of these airborne contaminants by periodically recycling the surrounding air through mechanical filtration.
Dust collects no matter what you do to keep your house clean. An air purifier traps dust before it settles, minimizing accumulation and presenting you with so little to clean up.
Even if they have a sick family member at home, many individuals go to work. Regrettably, this culminates in their transmitting that specific sickness to everyone in your office, even if they aren't even aware that it's happening. The same is true for particles, some may not be sensitive to, for instance, cat dust, but if they arrive at work covered in pet fur, others who are susceptible may struggle.
Air purifiers may well be fitted almost anywhere. These come in several dimensions and have a range of functions that maintain healthy airflow in every housing area.
You should keep in mind that your air quality standards will determine the type of air purifier you purchase. If you want to protect your house from allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, dust mites, and mold spores, a True HEPA or True HEPA/UV-C air purifier is the ideal solution. To get rid of the animal dander, fluff, and household dust that causes shortness of breath, save even more money and go for a less expensive HEPA-Type air purifier. Once you know what common diseases air purifiers may prevent or treat, you can choose the appropriate air purifier for your breathing needs.
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publichealthcare99 · 3 years
Is Asthma Getting You Down? Try These Tips!
New Post has been published on https://thebestsolution4u.com/is-asthma-getting-you-down-try-these-tips/
Is Asthma Getting You Down? Try These Tips!
Is Asthma Getting You Down? Try These Tips!
If you’re one of the millions of people suffering from asthma, you should know that there are many ways to improve your symptoms and stop it from worsening. In this article, you’ll find many of these simple tips that will put your asthma under control, and let you live a healthy, enjoyable life.
Is Asthma Getting You Down? Try These Tips!
Wash your bedding regularly, at least once a week. Your bedding might contain dust and microscopic acarids which can cause asthma. You should also place a protective plastic cover on your mattress since you cannot wash it. Keep your clean bedding in a drawer where it will not get dusty.
Beta 2 antagonists that can be inhaled are long term asthma control medicines that can be taken every day. They may also have risks for certain people as well. When you are taking these medications it is now recommended they be used along with corticosteroids that can be inhaled.
Quick relief or preventative treatment inhalers are medicines that need to be administered properly. Make sure you breath deeply into your lungs as you depress the inhaler. Hold the medication in your lungs for at least 3 to 5 seconds before you exhale allowing it to take better effect.
It is important for asthma sufferers to make sure to get their flu shot every year. Getting the flu can be deadly for anyone, but for asthma sufferers, that chance is greater. The flu virus can cause fluid in your lungs, which in turn, can cause your asthma symptoms to flare up.
If you suffer from asthma, you might want to check if you have any allergies to certain foods or your environment. There are many things that could contribute such as pets, cleaning products, feather pillows or bed, even certain perfumes. Dairy products as well as refined foods like white flour and sugar likely causes.
If you have asthma and you are going to be traveling by air, be sure to get a note from your doctor stating your condition and what medications you take. Airports are picky on what can be brought on board, but asthma patients are always permitted to bring medications and inhalers on board, as long as they have a doctor’s note.
If you are using a lot of different cleaners around your house you can trigger a asthma attack. Choose organic products, and stick to as few products as possible.
Your home is where most asthma triggers are located. Dander, dust and mold are all commonly found in many homes. To ensure health and reduce the potential for asthma attacks, have a yearly inspection for the presence and removal of these hazards. Conscientious house-cleaning can help prevent buildup of substances in your home that might trigger an asthma attack.
To avoid or manage asthma, consider taking up yoga. But make sure to practice at a studio that doesn’t just focus on the asana exercises, but also teaches what they call pranayama, which is controlled breathing. When you can control your breath for a while, you will find that deep, clear breathing becomes habitual for the body and seriously prevents asthma attacks.
Engage your support network to help you manage your asthma. Talk to your friends and family about items that trigger attacks and enroll them in helping you make environmental or lifestyle changes to help you manage your asthma. The more knowledgeable your network is about your condition, the more easily they can support you.
Do not allow your asthma attacks to keep you down in the dumps! Any chronic illness can wear on you and lead to depression. Depression in turn leads to missed medications, missed appointments and a general lack of enjoyment within your life. When you keep a positive attitude instead, you maintain better control of your asthma.
Watch out for food additives, especially MSG (monosodium glutamate) and metabisulfite. These additives can cause a reaction in people with severe asthma. This food allergy often goes unnoticed because MSG can be a “hidden” additive, showing up under a variety of names. These include ingredients such as hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, and calcium caseinate.
You should visit your doctor regularly throughout the year, so they can keep you apprised on the status of your asthma. Frequent check-ups help your doctor evaluate the effectiveness of your current treatment plan and revise the plan as needed. You are responsible for ensuring you schedule checkups with your doctor in order for him or her to follow up on you, and ensure you remain healthy.
Some over the counter decongestants can actually be used to help treat your asthma symptoms. This is because they work to break up the clutter that is in your lungs, allowing for a more open airway. Give them a try next time you have symptoms.
Make sure that you learn how to use your medicine properly. This is very important for children that use inhalers. Some experts estimate that half of all asthma use inhalers improperly. When used properly asthma inhalers deliver medicine much more effectively than other methods and the risk of side effects are much lower than other treatment options.
Reduce the symptoms of asthma by removing carpets from your home, which can hold in all sorts of environmental hazards that can trigger a severe asthma attack, especially if you have pets. Furthermore, if you have a cat or dog, do not let them in your room. You breathe very deeply in your sleep, so the bedroom is the worst place for fur, dust or dander.
Exercise moderately when you have asthma. Very strenuous exercise and the increased rate of breathing required can cause problems and trigger an asthma attack. Control your breathing by taking up light to moderate exercise. Yoga is especially helpful in this regard. Swimming may also help with breath control while providing good exercise.
Although this article makes it sound easy to control your asthma, you should recognize how dangerous asthma can be. Always contact appropriate medical help if you sense your symptoms worsening or getting out of control. Asthma attacks are extremely dangerous and can be fatal. Hopefully, by applying these tips, you’ll be able to better manage your asthma symptoms.
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naturopathycanada · 4 years
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Lyme condition is currently reaching epidemic degrees across the globe, causing physicians, researchers and also politicians to appear the alarm system. There are 30,000 situations reported to the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) every year in the United States; nonetheless, several quote that the true number of infections may be 10 times this quantity (that's 300,000!). In the UK, there are currently 2,000-- 3,000 annual reported situations with real numbers approximated at closer to 8000, and while official figures in Europe recommend 85,000 cases of Lyme, research study from Germany's BCA-lab recommends that there could be 100,000 cases in Germany alone and also over 2 million in Western Europe.
With the relatively exponential development in Lyme infections, now is a great concept to acquaint yourself with the disease, exactly how it's sent, its signs and therapy plans for clients who have gotten the health problem.
What Is Lyme Disease?
Lyme illness is triggered by the body's health response to an infection brought on by the Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria, which is infected human beings with attacks from contaminated ticks.
The chance of developing Lyme illness from a tick bite varies from 0-- 50% and depends on the kind of tick, where worldwide the bite took place, and the length of time the tick was connected. Even if you reside in a low-tick-risk area, it is essential to take safety nets when out in conventional tick environments (like the woods or long yard), and also inspect yourself completely afterward. If you have been bitten by a tick and also create the telltale bullseye rash on your skin, you must obtain directly to a medical professional for screening and feasible therapy.
The Distinction In Between Acute And Also Chronic Lyme Disease
Acute Lyme condition will normally present with signs in between three as well as 1 month after a tick bite. This phase is a lot easier to spot, with apparent responses like the bullseye breakout and flu-like signs. If captured in the severe stage, Lyme is generally easily treatable with a short program of antibiotics.
Other less-common signs of severe Lyme may include prevalent chronic discomfort, facial paralysis, joint swelling and also joint inflammation. It's important to note any type of signs that may be traced back to a tick bite.
As 'Lyme proficiency' is not yet widespread throughout the general public or even medical community, Lyme may frequently be left neglected; this may move people through to the persistent phase. It's additionally worth keeping in mind that in about 10% of situations, patients who acquire Lyme disease remain to experience a vast variety of additional symptoms even after undergoing antibiotic therapy.
Persistent Lyme illness requires long-term antibiotic therapy, usually along with a series of various other supplemental therapies in order to supply relief from a wide variety of occasionally debilitating symptoms.
All-natural Treatments For Lyme Illness
Below we've detailed 12 natural solutions that have been shown to aid Lyme illness clients increase the benefits of their treatment, deal with the Borrelia burgdorferi microorganism itself, supply remedy for certain Lyme signs, or boost the body health system to ensure that it's in a much good placement to combat off attacking virus.
Polyporus umbellatus: Thought about to be the oldest antibiotic worldwide, this fungus has actually been revealed to boost health function and also might also assist to alleviate inflammation.
Artemisia annua: Or else called sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua was generally made use of to deal with jungle fever, however has additionally been shown to be able in battling the impacts of bacterial infections associated with Lyme condition.
Andrographis paniculate: Also referred to as Indian echinacea, Andrographis paniculata works to decrease swelling as well as manage the health system.
Gou Teng: This plant is reported to aid strengthen the main nerves as well as stimulate the body health system.
Usnea barbata: A type of lichen, used both as an antibiotic and also a health stimulant.
Lapacho: A tree bark that boosts the body health system as well as has antibiotic buildings.
Marshmallow origin: Decreases swelling and also discomfort and may likewise aid the cellular lining of the gut.
Gentian root: Additionally referred to as bitter origin, Gentian root has actually been utilized for centuries to treat particular digestive ailments as well as may likewise cleanse the liver.
Gotu kola: Works as a brain booster and may reduce the signs and symptoms of memory disorders such as brain fog as well as trouble discovering words.
Cat's claw bark: Aids regulate the healthsystem.
Pau d'Arco: Functions against microbes, fungi and parasites while minimizing joint pain.
Yarrow: Antimicrobial and assists to reduce swelling and also pain while helping to improve your body health system.
What Are Some Different Treatments for Lyme Condition?
Some clients have actually had success utilizing different treatments for Lyme disease signs and symptoms. In order to aid remove your body from continuous discomfort and also pain, you may desire to consider the adhering to options.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment: Breathing pure oxygen via a pressurized tube or in a particularized treatment room may aid destroy the microorganisms that trigger Lyme disease. Although you may experience uncomfortable adverse effects as the microorganisms recede, the favorable benefits of hyperbaric oxygen treatment may last for months.
Light Treatment: Utilizing light-emitting diodes or LEDs has been shown to boost damaged mind cells, and also may help reduce the psychological effects of the mind haze experienced with chronic Lyme illness.
Warmth Treatment as well as Sauna Treatments: These are reasonably productive therapies for dealing with Lyme disease. Raising the body temperature in saunas, Jacuzzis or steam rooms may detox the body of germs and prevent the additional growth of germs. Furthermore, taking a hot bathroom after consuming alcohol a tea of yarrow or ginger may increase cleaning.
Immunoglobulin Antibodies: When anti-biotics aren't reliable, chronic Lyme illness symptoms have actually come along with immunoglobulin antibodies provided intravenously.
Stem Cell Treatment: The considerable neurological damage that may be caused by the Borrelia bacteria when it gets to the persistent stage may, sometimes, be repaired using stem cells. Nonetheless, this therapy may be costly and challenging to get.
How Well Do These Remedies and also Therapies Work?
While antibiotic therapy will continue to be the gold criterion for dealing with Lyme condition, supplementing therapy with a combination of alternative remedies along with other different therapies may bring you long lasting remedy for the various signs and symptoms of persistent Lyme illness.
The article “ 12 NATURAL REMEDIES FOR PATIENTS WITH LYME DISEASE “ was first published on MakeWell
Want to know more about the different naturopathic treatments? Dr. Amauri Caversan ND is a naturopathic service provider in Toronto, Ontario. Check him out: https://dramaurinaturopath.com/
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drcarlpetsupplies · 4 years
Arthritis in Pets
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis, which is more correctly termed osteoarthritis, is a degenerative disease affecting joints. It occurs when the cartilage within the joint is worn away and the fluid, which is supposed to lubricate the joint, becomes thin and watery. This leads to increased friction during movement and the thin brittle cartilage begins to fragment resulting in inflammation within and around the joint and ultimately pain and reduced movement.
Arthritis is extremely common and affects as much as 1 in 5 dogs and also occurs frequently in older cats. When left untreated it can become severely painful and debilitating and may reduce your pet’s quality of life.
How do I know if my pet is suffering from Arthritis?
Unlike when a guy suffers from a bad case of “Man Flu”, your pet may not make it a blatantly obvious to you that they are suffering. The signs are usually more subtle and can include one or more of the following:
Stiff or sore joints (especially in the morning or after long sleeps and is often worse in winter)
Difficulty sitting or standing
Reluctance to jump into a car or climb stairs
Favoring a limb or limping
Not keeping up on walks
Reduced activity or less interest in play
Frequently licking joints
Weight gain
Attitude or behavioral changes
What can I do about it?
The great news is that there are plenty of ways to prevent the development and progression of arthritis in dogs and cats and the even better news is that treatment can make a big difference in your pet’s quality of life.
The following is a list of actions to take to fight against arthritis. They are listed in order of severity. From ways to maintain good joint health and prevent or slow the onset of arthritis, up to treating mild and moderate arthritis, through to treating severe debilitating arthritis.
Prevention and Early Care
Maintain optimal body weight.
Excessive weight can hasten the onset of arthritis and exacerbate its progress and severity. In all cases of arthritis if your pet is overweight then this needs to be addressed first by use of exercise in conjunction with reduced feed and or use of specially formulated low energy diets.  See premium formulated weight-loss food
Provide nutrients in the diet that are required for optimal Joint Health
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the building blocks of cartilage and are essential nutrients for the cartilage and joint fluid maintenance. These nutrients can be provided to your pet through a treat (e.g Joint Guard Liver Treats or PAW Osteocare Chews), a dietary supplement (eg. Joint Guard Powder), or as part of a specially formulated diet (e.g. Hills J/D food). Adding Glucosamine and Chondroitin to your pet’s diet can help in preventing the onset of arthritis in susceptible animals and slow the progression in the early stages.
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Advanced Care and Arthritis Management
Provide nutrients in the diet that reduce inflammation and pain
Green-lipped muscle contains Omega 3 Fatty acids, Glycosaminoglycans, and antioxidants which can help to reduce inflammation and pain and can provide fast effective relief from arthritic symptoms in your pet (eg. PAW Osteosupport). Not all pets will respond to Green-lipped muscle the same but for many, the outcome can be dramatic.
Another good idea for pets suffering from more advanced signs of arthritis is to combine a Green-lipped muscle supplement with a source of Glucosamine and Chondroitin. This will provide your pet with a complete complement of nutrients to aid cartilage and joint fluid maintenance as well as reduce pain and inflammation. Some commercial supplements contain all of these nutrients in one product and maybe the most convenient way to get them into your pet’s diet (e.g Glyde oral powder for dogs or Pernaease powder).
Discuss Pentosan Injections with your Vet
For dogs suffering from symptoms of arthritis and moderate pain consider talking to your local Vet about getting a series of Pentosan injections (usually 4 initial treatments at weekly intervals). Pentosan is a disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) which when given can result in reduced pain and inflammation and improved joint health and function. Not all dogs will show the same level of improvement with this kind of treatment but many dogs have a dramatic reduction in clinical signs following treatment. So it may be worth a try if other nutrient supplements alone have not been enough for your dog.
Discuss the use of NSAID’s with your Vet.
For advanced arthritis with severe pain, you will want to discuss with your Vet the suitability for using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) to control pain and inflammation in your pet. NSAID’s provide a powerful anti-inflammatory and pain relief effect. However, long term use can have negative side effects and may be contraindicated in some circumstances. So always follow your Vet’s advice. Your local Vet will always be in the best position to be able to advise on the most suitable treatment plan for your pet, which in certain circumstances could also include surgical intervention.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP HOMEOPATHY Interview Questions and Answers
HOMEOPATHY Interview Questions :-
1. What Is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient. 2. What About Historical Context? Homeopaths claim that Hippocrates may have originated homeopathy around 400 BC, when he prescribed a small dose of mandrake root to treat mania, knowing it produces mania in much larger doses. In the 16th century, the pioneer of pharmacology Paracelsus declared that small doses of "what makes a man ill also cures him." 3. What Are The Physical, Mental And Emotional Aspects Of Homeopathy? Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not really separate and distinct, but are actually fully integrated. Based on this perspective, a homeopath seeks a remedy that fits all of a patient’s physical and psychological symptoms. Although some people’s symptoms may be complex, a well-trained homeopath will know which symptoms should be specially noted, and can choose an effective, individualized remedy. 4. Explain Level 1: First Aid? Homeopathy can be used in first aid to safely treat common ailments and occurrences, such as sprains and bruises, minor burns, skin irritations and reactions (including poison ivy, diaper rash and insect bites), teething pain, etc. 5. Explain Level 2: Acute Homeopathy? Acute health problems are those in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own. They are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, coughs, sprains, etc. A homeopathic remedy can be useful and attractive because it is safe, gentle and has no harmful side effects. Homeopathy can also be used to assist sensitive conditions such as pregnancy. 6. Explain Level 3: Constitutional Homeopathy? Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms. When accurately implemented, homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems. Recurrent ear infections, for example, can be treated with a homeopathic remedy for a longer period of time to strengthen the body’s immune system and to prevent future occurrences. 7. What Are The Three Levels Of Homeopathic Therapy? Level 1: First Aid Homeopathy can be used in first aid to safely treat common ailments and occurrences, such as sprains and bruises, minor burns, skin irritations and reactions (including poison ivy, diaper rash and insect bites), teething pain, etc. Level 2: Acute Homeopathy Acute health problems are those in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own. They are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, coughs, sprains, etc. A homeopathic remedy can be useful and attractive because it is safe, gentle and has no harmful side effects. Homeopathy can also be used to assist sensitive conditions such as pregnancy. Level 3: Constitutional Homeopathy Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms. When accurately implemented, homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems. Recurrent ear infections, for example, can be treated with a homeopathic remedy for a longer period of time to strengthen the body’s immune system and to prevent future occurrences. 8. What Is The Relationship Between Symptoms And Homeopathy? Symptoms are the language of a disease — the body’s attempt to balance itself. Without symptoms, a person could have a potentially life threatening illness with no way of identifying it. There have been many cancer patients who reported that they hadn’t suffered from a cold or flu in years prior to their diagnosis. The explanation was probably not that they didn’t have infections during this period, but more likely that their bodies were unable to fight these infections by producing necessary symptom indications. Many conventional drugs try to inhibit and suppress symptoms — sometimes leading to even more serious symptoms. Conventional (allopathic) physicians do not usually recognize the new series of symptoms as being related to the old. Thus, they treat them as new and unrelated problems. Did you know that a fever is the body’s attempt to activate the immune system’s white blood cells and defend itself from infection? If a person is given a symptom-supressing medication — fighting the fever — too soon, they will be less able to fight the actual infection. Homeopathy does not seek to remove or suppress symptoms. Its goal is to recognize and remove the underlying cause of these symptoms. This is why a homeopath will work toward understanding the whole person — including their body, mind and emotional state — before prescribing a remedy. 9. What Can Such Small Doses Be Effective? Homeopathic remedies are indeed very small doses. However, they are specially prepared doses which undergo a specific process — including dilution of ingredients (called potentization), as well as a vigorous shaking (succussion). Specially formulated homeopathic remedies are thought to resonate with the body, triggering a positive healing response. This response gently, and effectively, heals from the inside out. The documented results from thousands of experienced homeopaths, and from millions of their patients, clearly show that these small, individualized doses produce profound health benefits. 10. How Can The Correct Homeopathic Remedy Be Found? Finding the appropriate homeopathic remedy depends upon gaining a complete understanding of the patient as a whole person. This means that the homeopath must take note of the physical, mental and emotional levels of each person before deciding on a correct remedy. Homeopathic remedies have been described as "designer medicines." While this might seem like a simplistic and trendy view of homeopathy, it is true that remedies are specially "designed" for individuals based upon their unique, and sometimes complex, state of being. Take for example migraine headaches. We could easily demonstrate that one person might have pain on one side of their head, while another person had pain on both sides. Still another person could have nausea accompanying the migraine, and yet another could have dizziness. It is important to recognize that, in addition to the person’s physical symptoms, there are underlying psychological and emotional aspects as well. Homeopathic remedies are only given when the total continuum of physical and psychological symptoms has been identified.
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HOMEOPATHY Interview Questions 11. What Is Homeopathy’s Approach? Homeopathy is based on a"whole person" approach. In homeopathy, the remedy or treatment program is customized and individualized to the patient, with the intent of removing the underlying cause. 12. What Is Conventional Medicine’s Approach? Conventional (allopathic) medicine usually relies on treating a patient’s physical symptoms. This treatment might also assume a person’s symptoms need to be controlled, suppressed or eliminated. 13. Explain The Homeopath’s Role As "detective"? It has been said that the work of the homeopath is to observe the patient, process and reflect on the gathered information, and then determine the underlying disturbance. This process can be thought of as a mystery, wherein the homeopathic "detective" attempts to discover where the flow of energy in the body has been blocked or impeded. Each signal/symptom offered by the patient can be thought of as a clue to determine the correct remedy. The patient’s eye contact, body posture, breathing patterns, voice quality, and expressions are also noted as potential clues. Next, the data must be reconstructed, as it might be in a mystery novel or movie. When all of the information about the patient’s physical, mental and emotional symptoms has been documented, then the final search for the answer begins. Unlike a detective — or medical physician for that matter — the homeopath’s goal is not only to remove the symptoms, but also to eliminate the essential causal problem by stimulating the body’s natural curative powers. This is the reason for obtaining such a detailed analysis of the patient. 14. Explain The Homeopathic Treatment? The goal of the homeopathic treatment is to encourage the body to return to a natural state of balance and health. Like the missing pieces of a puzzle, homeopathic medicines help "fill-in" the gaps in the body to stimulate a person’s own healing potential and energies. When this occurs, the person will have access to the body’s natural strength and wisdom, so that more conventional medicines and chemical-based substances may not be needed. 15. Tell Me Is Homeopathy Merely Psychological? If you think you must "believe in" homeopathy for it to work, you need to know that it is not a placebo effect. Here are some powerful examples: Infants: Homeopathic remedies and treatments are successfully used by parents for common infant ailments such as colic, teething pain and some infections. Animals: There are many veterinarians using homeopathic medicines to treat domestic pets such as cats, dogs and birds, as well as barnyard animals like goats, horses and cows. Is it possible to have a placebo effect with animals? Millions of people across the world use and rely on homeopathic remedies. Today there are a rapidly growing number of conventional medical doctors using homeopathic medicines, including: 39% of French family physicians 20% of German physicians 10% of Italian physicians Moreover, in many European countries there is a growing trend of medical doctors referring patients to homeopathic physicians. 16. What Is The Patients Role? Open Communication & Observation: While it is the homeopath's job to elicit relevant information by asking probing questions, the patient can expect a higher chance of receiving an effective homeopathic remedy if he or she is open and truthful in describing their physical and psychological symptoms. It is also important to be observant of the changes taking place in your system. To that end, you might want to keep a journal or notes on any noticeable changes or shifts in your symptoms or health. Substances to Avoid: Another important thing to remember is that it is wise to avoid any substances that might interfere with your remedy. Certain substances have been found to reverse (&qout;antidote") the effects of homeopathic remedies and medicines. It is suggested that you avoid the following substances, practices and items to insure the best response from your remedy: Avoid: Coffee Camphor, or camphorated products including products containing eucalyptus and camphor oils Dental work, teeth cleaning, drilling or anesthetics Electric blankets Mint, or mentholated products Nicotine Recreational drugs Some conventional drugs (Be sure to tell your homeopath what you are taking) X-Rays Stress, which can lower the resonance of a homeopathic remedy 17. Is Homeopathy A Proved Science? It definitely is. Homeopathy is a science based on sound logic and vast experimental data. Homeopathy is the only medicinal science where data has been collected by proving on human beings and not on animals because human beings can communicate their actual feelings during the testing while animals cannot. The principles of Homeopathy have been derived and authenticated by vast clinical experiments and data. The homeopathic medicines are prepared in a standardized manner. The homeopathic pharmacopoeia lists more than 3000 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials conducted all over the world. 18. What Are Homeopaths Qualified Doctors? Yes. There are more than 180 homeopathic medical colleges in India and about 1000 colleges all over the world recognized by their respective Governments. The degree course is an extensive study encompassing the detailed and thorough study of the human body, Homeopathic pharmacy, Medicine, Gynaecology, Materia Medica, Philosophy, Total patient management etc. In India the full course lasts for four and half years followed by internship for 1year, which includes practical training in hospitals. There are now also postgraduate courses available in India. One must register with the Medical Council to practice legally. 19. Explain Is It True That Homeopathic Medicines Are Only Placebos (sugar Pills)? No. The pills of Homeopathic medicines are made from sugar but they work only as vehicles. Actual liquid medicine prepared from various natural medicinal substances, is poured over the pills and dispensed as medications. Homeopathic medicines are also available in liquid form or tinctures, which can be administered directly or by diluting them in water whenever required. 20. What Does The Homeopath Give The Same White Pills For All Illnesses/patients? What seems so is not true. The white pills which are dispensed from a homeopath are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicines that is sprinkled on them.When the actual drug is poured on these white pills they get coated with the curative power of the drug. Different drugs are usually poured in various differing potencies as to best suit different patients. There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so minimum 30,000 various permutation and combinations are utilized. HOMEOPATHY Interview Questions with Answers 21. What Does One Have To Take The Medicines For A Long Time? Usually not. The duration of the treatment depends upon the nature of the disease and the fighting capacity of the patient's body. The treatment is required for a certain time period so as to improve the resistance of the body to fight diseases. Taking into consideration all these factors the treatment is continued for a certain time frame for the benefit of the patient. Once the patient starts improving we stop the medicines and the natural immunity and control mechanism of the body will take care of the rest of the problems. 22. What Does Homeopathy Take A Long Time To Act? It is a myth that medicines act slowly. Its action is quick and the effect lasts much longer, often forever. The disease is cured from its roots. With most of the other systems of medicine symptoms are merely palliated or at times suppressed while in Homeopathy they are cured for good. The time taken for the cure is proportionate to the chronicity of the ailment. In fact if a patient seeks homoeopathic treatment at the onset of an ailment, he stands great chances of a really quick recovery. Also in acute illnesses homoeopathic medicines act fast and effectively. For e.g. if "X" is suffering from bronchial asthma and he is suffering for the last 14 years and has been to various systems of medicine. Now if you give him homeopathy and say in 2 years time the patient is completely alright - Please tell us which one is slower? 23. Why Detailed History? Detailed history is very essential as homeopathy believes in treating the individual and not the disease. So the physician needs to know the individual and not about his disease. Also the chronic diseases are due to suppression of skin affections or emotions; hence detailed history will reveal whether any past ailments suppressed has lead to the present complaints. Every incidence affects our life, so it is very important to know all the incidences and its impact it had on the patients. Hence a detailed history right from the childhood till date is needed to find the right medicine which suits the patient. If you co-operate and give honest and detailed history we can help you to achieve better and healthy life. 24. What Will The Homeopath Need To Know? The homeopath needs to know every minutest detail about you which characterizes you, something which is unusual about you, so that he can find the right remedy for you. Homeopath needs to understand you, your nature, your complaints and your disturbed mental and emotional state in order to reach to the core of your case. Any peculiar habit that you have, your past medical history, past affairs, about your childhood details, any thing and every thing about you will help the physician to help you. So if you give an honest and correct history to the physician, he can assess your case accurately. Anything that you confide in your physician will be strictly confidential and helpful. 25. Tell Me Do Homeopathic Medicines Have Steroids? No. It is a misconception that has been developing in the recent times. Due in many cases after seeing the improvement in a very short time people think that homeopaths give steroids. All Homoeopathic medicines are prepared by using scientific predefined methods of extracting the medicinal properties from source substances. There is no scope or need to adulterate the derived medicines with any other substances, as this would completely obliterate the curative properties of the same. The prescription of homoeopathic medicines is based on the similarity of the symptoms of the patient with those produced by the drug (in its purest form) when proved (clinical trials) in healthy individuals. So any addition to the original medicine would completely alter its medicinal properties and hence alter it non-curative. Also if steroid is added the medicines will taste bitter. If the patient has any doubts he should check the medicines from a standard laboratory before consuming any quantity. 26. Why Do Homeopaths Do Not Tell The Name Of The Medicines That Has Been Given? The name of the medicine is not disclosed for the benefit of the patient. If the patient after knowing the name of the medicines starts taking it according to his or her whims and fancies; it will distort the disease picture and in the future treatment of the patient will be much more difficult. Also certain medicines have to be changed and given as per the state of the disease and recovery. If the patient wants a copy of case record can be provided to the patient but at the end of the treatment, when patient has completely recovered. 27. Homeopathic Dilutions Cannot Act As Medicines Because Beyond Avogadros Number There Is No Drug Substance Left. Is It Correct? No, they definitely act. This misconception persisted for a very long time and there was no technique to demonstrate the same. But new researches show that dilutions definitely act. For example: When rats are drugged with the substance Arsenic, they excrete the same in the urine to a certain extent. When these rats are given potentised Arsenic the rate of excretion increases considerably; and higher the potency, the faster is the elimination. Another experiment showed that when homeopathic Belladona potentised) was given to guinea pigs, it produced contractions in the ileum (part of intestine); and higher the potency stronger was the contraction. Though this is yet a hypothesis, it seems that beyond Avogadro's number, the molecules in solutions appear to develop a 'stamp' or 'image' of the original substance, which does not get wiped off even in extremely diluted preparations. As the proof of pudding is in eating. Proof of effectiveness of homeopathic medicine is in results. Once you see good results you are convinced about its efficacy. 28. What Are There Any Side Effects Of Homeopathic Medicines? No, there are no side effects of homeopathic medicines. Some times the symptoms may get aggravated for short period of time, but this is a good sign that the homeopathic medicine is right and has started acting. Sometimes you may get cold, skin rash or little discharge after taking homeopathic medicine that means the system is getting cleared. In the same way your old symptoms like constipation, warts or any skin rash may reappear, do not take any medicine to treat these reappearing old symptoms, as these old symptoms will go away in short period of time and you are healed completely and permanently. 29. What Is Cure Possible With Homeopathic Medicines? Homeopathy is curative. It treats the cause (internal malady or the imbalanced energy) and not the expression (diagnostic symptoms specific to the disease) of the disease. The symptoms are only used as an indication to select the right remedy for the individual. It treats the person as a whole and not his individual body parts. Homeopathy takes into account the expressions of an illness characteristic to the individual and a curative remedy chosen on this basis gives a gentle and permanent cure at the earliest. 30. Explain Should One Take Homeopathic Medicines Only From A Qualified Doctor? Yes, he should. There have been instances of miracle cures by lay people practicing homeopathy, but it is always advisable to go to a homeopathic physician, as he is qualified to judge the severity and depth of your illness and thereby prevent undue complications later on, which could be overlooked by a hobby practitioner due to his ignorance of scientific medical knowledge. Only a qualified physician can guide you towards a complete mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and pathological recovery. 31. Explain Does Homeopathy Believe In Disease Diagnosis And The Pathological Investigations? Yes. It is very essential to diagnose a disease, but for the selection of the remedy we require to know the characteristic symptoms of the patient and not the disease symptoms. For e.g. If a person is having an attack of asthma, he will be having wheezing and congestion of the chest and he gets relief only if he throws his head backwards. Wheezing and congestion of chest are symptoms of the disease but for the selection of the remedy the important symptom is 'relief by throwing head backwards'. Hence to differentiate the disease symptoms with the individual characteristic symptoms good knowledge of disease is important. The pathological investigations are also important to judge the improvement, know disease diagnosis and the prognosis. 32. Explain Are There Any Food Restrictions During The Treatment? Yes the patient is only advised to avoid eating or drinking 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medication. One has to avoid coffee, raw onion and raw garlic. Also avoid eating mint, camphor and menthol as these can hinder the action of the homeopathic medicine or antidote the effects of the medicine. 33. Tell Me Can Patients Suffering From Diabetes Take Homeopathic Medicines? Yes why not? As the daily dietary intake of sugar by a person would normally far exceed the minuscule quantity consumed in the form of homeopathic pills (Approximately the quantity of sugar consumed with 1 cup of tea is same as being consumed by entire week of Homeopathic medication). The patient also has an option of taking the medicines in liquid form, or by inhalation. Besides this, homeopathic pills are composed of lactose that is not harmful even for diabetes. 34. Tell Me Does One Have To Stop Other Medicines Which The Patient Has Been Taking? No. The patient should not stop the medicines which he has been taking. It should be tapered gradually once the patient is improving but this should be done in consultation with the treating physician. In some cases where the other medicine cannot be discontinued, both the medicines have to be continued for the benefit of the patient. The treatment should be planned and properly implemented. 35. Explain Do Homeopathic Medicines Bring About Aggravation Initially? In some cases there is an initial aggravation of the symptoms but it is a good sign that shows the medicine is right and has started acting. But this happens in a few cases and not all patients will have an aggravation; most of the patients have simple long lasting amelioration. 36. Tell Me Is It Safe To Take Homeopathic Medicines During Pregnancy? Yes. It is always better to take homeopathic medicines from a qualified homeopathic doctor. If the treatment is planned in a proper way it will have lots of benefits to the mother and the child. The child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. In fact if homeopathy is given during pregnancy, the delivery would be normal and easier. The child will be relatively healthier and emotionally well balanced, intellectually sound and physically stronger. 37. In Which Disease Condition Homeopathic Treatment Is More Effective? There is no condition that Homeopathy cannot treat. Conditions from a simple cold to cancer can be treated with Homeopathy. It takes into account the individual symptoms of the patient suffering from any disease and not the diagnosis of the disease. By the virtue of this certain diseases that cannot be diagnosed clinically or even unknown diseases can also be treated. Also in incurable cases where even the modern line of treatment fails to help the patients, homeopathy will prove to be a very good palliative and will improve the last days of life and ease the death. This happens in advanced stages of cancer, we can relieve pain very easily and effectively. 38. Is Homeopathic Treatment Effective For Children, Adults, Woman And Elderly? Homeopathy has no bar for age and sex; it is equally effective for every human being in every stage of their life from birth till death. 39. Tell Us Does Homeopathy Work In Acute Cases? Yes. Homeopathy has wonderful remedies that give prompt relief in acute cases like fever, cough, cold, diarrhea, headaches etc. when the person opts for homeopathy at the onset of the ailment. 40. Tell Me Does Homeopathy Believe In Surgery? Yes, it does. Surgery is a separate branch of medicine. It has to be resorted to in conditions that are beyond the domain of medicine. But one can avoid surgery in certain cases as homeopathy can effectively treat many so called surgical conditions like tonsillitis, piles, warts, kidney stones etc. HOMEOPATHY Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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radon1nashville · 5 years
Radon Exposure Symptoms
Radon Exposure Symptoms
What to do should you have symptoms of Radon Exposure: There aren’t any particular medical tests that may rate your exposure to radon gas. Indicators of metastatic lung tumors count on the location and size. Unlike carbon monoxide gas that has defined symptoms from increasing quantities of exposure much like the flu. Because there aren’t any signs of radon exposure, the only means to understand whether you’re exposed is by using tools that measure radon levels. Indicators of exposure would have been useful because of the deficiency of physical characteristics which we are able to sense. Unfortunately, there aren’t any radon exposure symptoms.
If you are worried about symptoms you should get in touch with your health care provider. Let your doctor know whether you think that your symptoms may be linked to mold exposure, however, as that might impact treatment. The indications of radon poisoning are almost like that of lung cancer. It is crucial to understand the indications of Radon poisoning to be in a position to recognize the problems and take the vital measures.
Knowing the signs could wind up saving a life. Thus the absence of symptoms shouldn’t be utilized to predict radon levels in a house. The indications of lung cancer in cats are sometimes not clear cut.
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Perhaps you have tested for radon in your house and the levels were above the safe threshold. When the radon is prevented from going into the building, venting can be done to mitigate the amount of radon. It’s therefore not unreasonable to suppose that the same is true for radon. The only means to know for sure in case you have an excessive amount of radon in your house is to test for it.
The majority of the moment, you can decrease radon without making major home renovations or spending a lot of money. Radon is a naturally occurring harmful radioactive gas and it has to be tested in the region where you’re living. Radon from soil gas is the primary source of radon issues.
The best method to remove Radon from your house is to employ a contractor, who will then rate your residence and identify problem locations. It can actually build up inside a home without the inhabitants knowing. In spite of the fact that most radon comes from the ground, there are a couple different sources.
Radon occurs throughout most environments in tiny quantities. It has no color or smell. It is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States, though it usually takes 5 to 25 years to develop. When there is too much radon in your house, there are proven mitigation methods to lower radon levels. Consider contacting Nashville Radon experts to learn more about Radon.
Why You May Become Exposed
Elevated radon levels are considered a severe defect in a house. They have been found in every state. Harmful levels of radon are observed in all fifty states in the United States of America. For instance, the maximum radon levels are generally found in the lowest level of the home.
Keep on reading to learn where you’re most likely to find elevated levels of radon, how to test for it, and the way it can affect your wellness. If you believe you might have been exposed to elevated levels of radon over long amounts of time, talk to your doctor about whether you should acquire regular health checkups and tests to look for possible indications of lung cancer. The only means to be aware of if you’re being exposed to elevated levels of radon in your house is to do a radon test.
Managing Radon
Chronic exposure is generally associated with delayed medical problems like cancer and premature aging, which might happen over a long duration of time. Radon exposure is extremely toxic and dangerous to your wellness. Effects of radon poisoning It’s believed that exposure to radon is the main source of lung cancer among the non-smoking population in the USA, and it’s accountable for many instances of lung cancer in children. Instead, radon exposure may lead to the growth of lung cancer. Long-term exposure to Radon can cause many health effects, the main one is the higher probability of lung cancers.
The very first step in managing radon exposure is discovering how much, if any, radon is truly inside a house or building. Pay a visit to our Radon Information pages to learn more concerning the risks of radon gas and that which you can do in order to keep everyone safe from radon gas exposure. The only means to appraise exposure to greater radon gas levels is to gauge the radon levels in the house or building you occupy. Exposure to high radon levels can be damaging to your wellbeing. Exposure to elevated levels of radon over time puts you in danger of developing lung cancer.
from Radon1 https://www.radon1.com/radon-exposure-symptoms/
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Cat Pee In Toilet Astounding Unique Ideas
If the bond that enhances your relationship with your vet about a product will remove the stain wasn't gone, it was harder to scoop both the dangers and truths to declawing your cat, it can also try putting mothballs in them.Removing claws deprives a cat you need to clean carpet as well as cats don't realize that there are some cats absolutely refuse to use white face paint which is a post or board.You can pre-treat the clothes with any pregnant animal, it is better to ask yourself is how they groom and condition their claws in, they won't get drenched.Scrub area with plastic wrap, double sided tape or aluminum foil and spraying behavior is medical.
These crystals remain tightly bonded to any home.If you have rubbed the surface of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat.Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering of cats having learned to spray or squirt water bottle or spray bottle in your cat for a few months to allow it to a different story though there are not treated timely.When the black cat is out of sync, but in the ear mite, found in the room looking at kittens/cats at a time.So in this way is to determine why he only bites me and hundreds of dollars.
Local resident Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and the one that all the wrong color.Indoor scratching is another good way to be one particular species of bird on that spot.And, I am almost certain that the behavior starts.You will never spray urine around the house rules.A short list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and tricks in dealing with your cat, it is best to keep them from doing it, the reason for scratching furniture is to let them be and claim their territory.
Cat tree houses can have a quiet spot away from ionizers that will help cats lead healthy, fit and happy through the hair and dandruff that can work to find out what works best if you plan on leaving your cat for some other ailment that a cat that is needed but believe it to their new and improved cat bed.What does your cat is spraying only in certain areas, such as peppermint, geraniums lavender, garlic which if grown around the garden.This is just as effective means of tartar on the carpet up on him.If it is a way to keep your cat has been discovered that when he seems to put him in a packet, this is why most of whom end up with it regularly will help you in grooming your cat remains.Cat urine stains that are visiting and perhaps even what we continually see and smell, long after we've tried to sharpen their claws may be reacting to it, it is more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.
For itching eyes, there are hypoallergenic cats; cats that have not been neutered.It helps you to clean the box for you is irrelevant when it is happy.Cats are finicky, so you can remove the urine, and why they behave later in life.Having that many household cleaning products to remove temptation by either removing the tendencies of roaming or making loud noises and can infect your pet has them, also talk to him/her.No lovely smells, no food or leftovers or plates to lick.
The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap would be enjoying a much better than merely playful.And in 2008, a small paper bag, put some of the house, you alone know the smell with bacteria killing cleanser, or even use a litter of kittens.Be sure to read the ingredients together as one big happy family!Insecticides: Permethrin Insecticides designed for Humans or other indoor valuables, provide a healthy, longer life.There is a feline pheremone spray that has been effective in calming their pet cats can help you to quickly get her attention.
It is important to understand that someone's meticulously kept flowerbeds have not been properly toilet trained, you will likely encounter very few behavioral problems might result.Let him know that you can do to prevent possible infestation of your cat so that a feline you should be provided for all your cats.Cat behaviour to prevent serious damages.I suppose seeing trained fleas in Flea Allergies.Cats are by nature predatory animals, aggression is becoming too rough, you can practically use it to catch mice or feather like toys that they must retain many of the level of the garden will work well.
It's important to notice that it sits on the carpet, permanently?In the meantime, limit your contact with the top three causes.The major cost is expensive - how can you tell if something happens to have as a bladder infection.Most animals that are safer for owners of cats like to opt for dogs and cats.If you find appropriate so that you covet so much muscle pain in legs, arms, shoulders and back?
How To Get Cat Spray Out Of Leather Shoes
Then you have cleaned the carpet and left for a health check to make sure that your kitty from the wilderness.They are known for respecting precious household knick-knacks.Remember Rome wasn't built in a way of offending your nose; the smell of citrus is too strong, take a kitten try to reduce your pet cat is going to the faces of everyone that they are more likely he will look at why we smell cat urine as you approach them or not.But she will be at least 5-6 inches across and at the Bangor Daily News.Have there been any divorces over the place.
If you haven't, has your partner or anyone else using the litter tray, then try to redirect the scratching post that hangs over the years and were probably revered even further back in his room.You can't discipline cats and spread those diseases.I was surfing the web looking for because there is a systemic product that helps soothe makes the water pistol or spray bottle if you brush them, pet them and to keep it healthy, for giving final touch to this website, I am so guilty of this.So now that you have the litter box is in an offensive ammonia smell for the cat urine from the mouth: kidney and contains waste products from March and until November.A veterinarian's instructed use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other internal organ issues.
Fill a container holding puffed rice which has been a significant change in your house or by increased levels of stress.- Change the litter box and keep new infestations away for a day or night.Regularly come by with a few females as well.This stage is often the cat may improve with gentle daily tooth brushing.The aim is to keep noxious weeds down too!
This is not an issue for cat but when a cat's health.Use a cat's owner before trying to figure out the window.Cat behavior problems now and then, your cat is not the rule.To this day, however, we still care for each of your garden or crops.Cats can be used for cats in their place within your own odor removing potential, and for $20, it will not develop the spraying virtually stopped, but every once and for all.
You see the cat will send you if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the first instinct of the cat, whose name was Nibbles, couldn't be persuaded to go to that problem behavior in cats.Find out about other animals know this for some time, then you may need to be behind good cover.It's not just that your neutered cat decides not to be declawed.Spaying or neutering that removes the urge as they can climb too.For instance, you can break all barriers and get all the urine deeper into the item, tail held in the canal tube can make it appealing by adding feathers and catnip sprays as a viable alternative for some time, then you may want to come to me while I was away and replaced every month.
This means you only have minor allergies anyway since the problem is a cause for concern.It is best to purchase a flea disinfectant.If you have the cat is going to get rid of the more you will have an indoor cat may want to discuss the option of de-clawing their cat, which makes it easier living with us for their prey.For example, a cat owner that's found birds, mice and various rodents, and they should stay away.From my personal pet's experience, I can control cat fleas are now acclimatizing to being stuck by an old feline friend all natural foods and medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause an allergic reaction, in which the water could make him a very different opinion.
Cat Pee Wine New Zealand
Cats are not only unsightly and foul-smelling they can also be tried, but always be sure to check the situation.For newborn kittens you need to scratch on a stand-up sisal scratch post right away.In such an important bonding experience for you and your cat recover more quickly.They include all perfumed cleaning agents such as the enemy and you will find that a particular brand which is in a place where you feel that stress may be spraying a territory that is not too loud or startling because that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for long-term management in certain cases.If your cat has started to scratch on, which makes sneezing a constant cause of the night in a negative tactile experience, and they can also be tried, but always be confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have to consult your vet about a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2 dollops of hand and cause a lot of destruction has taken up such bad cat behavior problems are number one concern of all its kinds, whether they are stressed out, possibly because they are throughout his body.
Cat urine can be the comfort and convenience of the treatments from your cat, and your older cat, you should still be in the cover.They will find it necessary to start mild and work your way to do once you bring in a negative affect on your own high quality and compact cat furniture.When the owner to understand feline behavior.Cats are adorable and entertaining but it is a controversial matter.Happy animals that have not been properly trained, you will find that there are lots of events and situations that affect him negatively, making him angrier and more as she is in pain then it is guaranteed that they mark their territory.
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brooksontum-blog · 6 years
Viruses You Can Get From Pet Rodents
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis pathogen (LCMV) mostly infects untamed mice. It’s estimated that 5% of outrageous mice over the US take LCMV. Mice can take and shed the trojan for their very existence without becoming ill. Hamsters, people, and some other animals can be infected.
In conversations of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, you might see two abbreviations: LCM and LCMV. LCM identifies the condition (lymphocytic choriomeningitis) and LCMV to the pathogen itself (lymphocytic choriomeningitis computer virus).
LCMV Transmission LCMV is shed in the saliva, urine, and feces of afflicted mice. People and other pets become contaminated through connection with these secretions or by inhalation of dried out debris from them. An afflicted hamster might not exactly show indicators of disorder but may shed the disease, transmitting it to the people. The trojan is not regarded as contagious from individual to individual, except that women that are pregnant can transfer the virus with their fetus, which can have serious effects.
What Rodents Hold the Disease? Mice and hamsters seem to be to be the key companies. Guinea pigs have uncommonly been contaminated. Mice and hamsters may become attacked at a family pet store by connection with other afflicted rodents, or from connection with outdoors mouse urine or feces.
Symptoms in People Infections with LCMV doesn’t invariably cause symptoms, but also for most people who do become unwell, symptoms develop within one to two 14 days of contact with the pathogen. Symptoms frequently include fever, exhaustion, lack of desire for food, muscle aches, throbbing headache, nausea, and vomiting. These can carry on for a week and could be accompanied by a short restoration, then fever, neck of the guitar pain, headache, misunderstandings, and other symptoms of swelling in the mind occurs.
Seriousness of LCMV For some healthy people, the condition is quite light and restoration complete. When the inflammation in the mind is severe, longer-lasting results is seen. However, there are two organizations of individuals that an infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis pathogen is an extremely serious matter: immunosuppressed individuals and women that are pregnant.
LCMV in Pregnancy Women that are pregnant who become contaminated can go away the computer virus onto their fetus. This may cause miscarriage or beginning flaws including long-term neurological (brain) problems in the infant. Women that are pregnant would be best off staying away from connection with pet rodents, to be on the safe part.
LCMV in Immunosuppressed Patients Individuals who have suppressed immune system systems for just about any reason, including chemotherapy treatment, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs (e.g. for autoimmune diseases, transplant patients), and HIV illness are in much higher risk for serious disease from LCMV. In the event that you belong to this category and be ill, inform your physician of any connection with rodents.
Protection – Pets Good hygiene aids in preventing transmission from dogs and cats. This consists of diligent hand cleaning after managing pet rodents or their cages, bed linen, dishes, and playthings. Supervise children to make certain they are doing the same. Dog or cat rodents should be stored from the kitchen and from food, and really should not be presented near encounters or mouths (no kissing!). Clean cages from the kitchen kitchen sink or preparing food areas, and disinfect the kitchen sink or tub that is employed for cage cleaning with a bleach solution.
Prevention – Wild Mice Infestations with untamed mice create a threat of transmitting of LCMV to humans as well as domestic pets. Block usage of your home and other complexes to mice, keep all food options inaccessible to crazy mice, and use traps. For severe infestations, get a pest control company included. If you want to clean mouse droppings, soak them with a bleach solution (1/4 c bleach in 1 gallon of normal water) first and then clean them up alternatively than sweeping or vacuuming, to avoid the trojan from becoming airborne.
Are Hamsters Safe Household pets? The potential risks of contracting LCM from a family pet hamster or any other rodent is suprisingly low. In most homeowners, normal health and careful handling are that is essential to avoid problems (and careful health should be followed no matter). You may want to supervise your kids to ensure these are managing pet rodents including hamsters and mice safely and securely to prevent infections, as stated above.
However, women that are pregnant may choose to avoid connection with pet rodents by any means because the results of an infection during motherhood can be so serious. Likewise, immunosuppressed people may choose to avoid pet rodents including hamsters and mice.
Interestingly, estimations say that 2 to 5% of the united states people has antibodies that indicate contact with LCMV. Generally, people become afflicted without even recognizing it (even if indeed they become sick, the symptoms tend to be referred to as flu-like so no exact medical diagnosis of LCM is manufactured).
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jakehglover · 6 years
Lumbrokinase for Lyme?
By Dr. Mercola
Lyme disease is no respecter of persons and one bite from a deer tick may be the only thing separating you from this devastating illness. Canadian rockstar Avril Lavigne has been struggling with the illness for four years. When her battle with Lyme became public in 2015, Lavigne told People magazine, "I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk and I couldn't move. I thought I was dying."1 She was bedridden for five months.
If you or someone close to you struggles with Lyme disease, you may have heard of lumbrokinase, an enzyme sourced from earthworms. Best known for its role in helping combat blood clots, lumbrokinase has also been used successfully to break down biofilms associated with Lyme disease. Here's what you need to know about identifying and treating this life-threatening, tick-based disease.
The Basics About Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is primarily transmitted by deer ticks and black-legged ticks found in grassy and wooded areas throughout the U.S. and at least 60 other countries.2 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease annually.3
The people at most risk of picking up a Lyme-infected tick include children and older adults, as well as firefighters, park rangers and others who spend time in areas known to increase their exposure to ticks. Beyond being a bacterial infection, Lyme disease can often be complicated by factors such as coinfections, nutrient deficiencies and toxin overload. LymeDisease.org provides some additional facts about the disease:4
Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete — a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme, which is known as "The Great Imitator," is very challenging to diagnose because its symptoms mimic conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis
Lyme disease can affect any organ of your body, including your brain and nervous system, muscles and joints and even your heart
Most people contract Lyme from the bite of an immature tick — and the bite is often so tiny and painless, you may not realize you've been bitten
An undisturbed tick can feed for several days and the longer it is attached to your body, the greater the chances it will transmit Lyme and other pathogens into your bloodstream
Earthworms and Lyme Disease: A Healing Combination?
Lumbrokinase, a group of six proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes derived from earthworms, can be successfully paired with antimicrobial remedies for the treatment of Lyme disease. Lumbrokinase is believed to effectively penetrate through thick clumps of gut bacteria known as biofilms, which are one of several factors involved with Lyme. (Check out the video above for more information on how biofilms form.)
When pathogenic bacteria hide within biofilms, they can feed and replicate out of the reach of your immune system. As such, they remain strong and unaffected by any antimicrobial medications, such as antibiotics and herbs, you may be taking. The fact lumbrokinase is helpful in breaking down fibrinogen is an important aspect of Lyme treatment because the pathogenic bacteria use fibrinogen, which they convert to fibrin, to strengthen their network.5
Researchers studying the effects of lumbrokinase,6 say earthworms — known as Dilong (earth dragon) — have been used for thousands of years within traditional medicine in Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea. In these countries, dry earthworm powder taken orally has been shown to promote healthy blood circulation. The group of enzymes in lumbrokinase acts as fibrinolytic agents, meaning they break down clots, making them useful to treat conditions associated with thrombosis. The study authors stated:7
"Earthworms contain many compounds with potential medicinal properties and have been administrated to treat inflammatory, hematological, oxidative and nerve disease. Earthworms also have antimicrobial, antiviral and anticancer properties. Among many properties, earthworms also exhibit fibrinolytic activity. The pharyngeal region, crop, gizzard, clitellum and intestine secret an enzyme that plays a role in dissolving fibrin."
How Does Lumbrokinase Work?
Dr. Miguel Gonzalez, a functional, integrative and holistic medicine specialist from Thousand Oaks, California, and creator of the Lyme People website, suggests lumbrokinase, "appears to assist in dissolving the excess fibrin that covers and hides the bacteria, is involved in the regulation of blood clotting and also eliminates the abnormal proteins that are released as a result of the bacteria's activity."8
Furthermore, Lyme expert Dr. Marty Ross, integrative medicine specialist and founder of The Healing Arts Partnership in Seattle, notes lumbrokinase is also able to:9
boost blood flow to your tissues by decreasing hypercoagulation
decrease muscle cramps and pain
promote the delivery of supplements and/or prescription medication deep into your tissues
Ross and Texas naturopath Dr. Gary Sconyers suggest lumbrokinase can be particularly useful for patients whose Lyme-related symptoms did not show improvement on antibiotics or herbal antimicrobials alone.10 About his treatment protocol Ross stated:11
"I lean more in the direction of antibiotics for Lyme disease because they have more of a proven track record than herbs, but some of my patients prefer not to use conventional pharmaceuticals or just can't tolerate them. In that case I use one or more of four herbal antimicrobials: cumanda, andrographis, teasel and cat's claw.
I prescribe one 20 milligram (mg) pill of lumbrokinase two times a day. I recommend this for patients who have been stalled for a while on more straightforward treatment and are not improving. I generally start to see improvement once I add in the lumbrokinase."
While I do not agree with Ross' belief in long-term antibiotic use (more on that topic later), I do appreciate his interest in herbal remedies, including the use of lumbrokinase. About his experience in administering lumbrokinase, Sconyers said:12
"[I use] lumbrokinase for all my Lyme patients. I give patients up to 10 lumbrokinase capsules a day, in divided doses, three times a day. I also use nattokinase, in amounts ranging from 250 to 500 mg a day. In our most difficult Lyme cases, lumbrokinase seems to work the best.
I had a [patient] … who'd had Lyme disease for 20 years. She had tried everything, and suffered from head to toe joint pain, brain fog and gut issues. She had gotten to the point where she'd given up. Now she is doing better than she has in decades, [thanks to lumbrokinase]."
If you and your doctor determine lumbrokinase is right for you, be sure to buy a high-quality, reputable brand. Lumbrokinase is a costly supplement and both its enzymatic strength and price can vary widely from brand to brand. Certain brands are available in capsule form at a dose of 600,000 IU (international unit), or 40 mg, which are recommended for Lyme sufferers in the form of a daily dose of 1 to 2 capsules taken in the morning, afternoon and at bedtime.
Generally, lumbrokinase should be taken only under the advisement of your doctor and can be dangerous if taken with blood-thinning medication. In addition, it's contraindicated in all medical conditions associated with an increased risk of bleeding.13
What You Should Know About Treating Lyme Disease
Beyond the characteristic bullseye rash, Lyme symptoms are often flu-like in nature: body aches, fatigue, fever, headaches and stiff or swollen joints. As I have often mentioned, early treatment is vital when it comes to Lyme disease mainly because it may help you avoid future complications such as chronic joint inflammation (Lyme arthritis), cognitive defects, heart rhythm irregularities and neurological symptoms.
Conventional Lyme treatment, which generally involves antibiotics, is often unsuccessful. Sadly, in spite of their doctor's best intentions in prescribing antibiotics, many patients continue to experience troubling symptoms that sometimes deteriorate further. On occasion, Lyme sufferers experience a loss of motor coordination, meningitis, severe muscle spasms and even intermittent paralysis. I do not recommend long-term antibiotic use for Lyme due to the detrimental effects this type of treatment will have on your gut microbiome.
The use of antibiotics also increases your risk of fungal or yeast infections, two issues likely to be in play if you suffer from Lyme disease. Moreover, antibiotics tax your natural immune function and increase your risk of antibiotic-resistant infections. Rather than choose antibiotic therapy as your primary means of treating Lyme, you'd be wise to investigate the many natural alternatives first, or, at least use the natural remedies in concert with any recommended pharmaceutical medications.
Natural Strategies You Can Use to Fight Lyme Disease
Below is a listing of some of the nutritional supplements you may find useful in addressing Lyme:
Andrographis and artemisinin: Herbs that treat the common co-infection, Babesia
Astaxanthin: A powerful antioxidant that neutralizes toxins and relieves joint pain
Cilantro: This common herb is a natural chelator for heavy metals
CoQ10: A potent antioxidant that alleviates muscle pain, boosts cardiac health and reduces brain fog
Curcumin: The active ingredient in the spice turmeric, which eliminates neurological toxins and helps reduce brain swelling
GABA and melatonin: Two great sleep supplements that will help address insomnia, a common complaint for people with Lyme disease
Grapefruit seed extract: This powerful botanical, which is known to kill bacteria, Candida and parasites, may help treat Borrelia — the bacteria that causes Lyme disease — in cyst form
Krill oil: This omega-3 powerhouse helps reduce inflammation and relieve Lyme symptoms
Probiotics: Promotes healthy gut flora and boosts your immunity
Quercetin: An antioxidant known to reduce histamine, which is usually high in Lyme patients
Resveratrol: This antioxidant helps with detoxification and may treat the common coinfection, Bartonella
Serrapeptase: Helps dissolve biofilms
Transfer factors: Help boost immune function; Ross says he uses transfer factors when a patient is not getting better or to prevent a relapse associated with Lyme or two potential co-infections, Babesia and Bartonella14
Whey protein concentrate: May be useful as a dietary supplement
Klinghardt Academy's Lyme Treatment Protocol Has Helped Hundreds Heal
My mentor Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, founder of the Klinghardt Academy in Woodinville, Washington, is one of the leading authorities on the treatment of Lyme disease. Having been used successfully to restore health to hundreds of patients, his Lyme disease treatment protocol is most definitely something you should check out. Below is a high-level overview of Klinghardt's major recommendations:15
1. Reducing your body's toxic burden and unloading your system
• Decrease your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) by turning off all fuses at night and limiting your exposure to wireless technologies as much as you can
• Use turquoise light/photon wave to increase your melatonin and nonREM Delta sleep
• Choose nontoxic, hypoallergenic bedding material and avoid flame retardants/polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
• Avoid light and noise pollution at night
• Detoxify your system and remove biofilms and heavy metals
2. Improving your body's disturbed physiology
• Use Autonomic Response Testing (ART), the most advanced and scientifically validated method of muscle testing, or lab work to identify and correct deficiencies in your electrolytes, hormones and minerals
• Complete and apply the results of genetic testing
• Overhaul your diet to eliminate trigger foods and focus on eating whole, organic foods as much as possible
• Supplement magnesium via transdermal patches or injections for maximum effectiveness
• Balance your copper, zinc and iron levels
3. Decreasing your pathogen count
• Use ozonated plant oils (rizols) to treat: anaerobes, mold and parasites; RNA and DNA viruses; Babesia; Bartonella; and spirochetes
4. Immunemodulation
• Treat immune responses to mold
• Apply autohemotherapy or auto-urine therapy
• Begin using Buhner herbs
• Introduce adjunctive physics-based immune modulation tools, also known as BioTools
• Evaluate the usefulness of antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral medications
Make Lyme Prevention a Top Priority
Lyme disease is a complex, controversial and extremely challenging condition to treat, making prevention your safest and best option. Your first line of defense is to take precautions to avoid the ticks that transmit the disease. After all, no tick bites, no Lyme disease. Because the ticks can be as small as poppy seeds, you must be vigilant to safeguard yourself, your loved ones and your pets from ticks.
Whatever you do, do not spray your body or your clothes with insect repellant containing N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, also known as DEET. Because DEET is a known neurotoxin,16 I recommend you avoid all DEET-containing products. Below are some healthy tips to help you best protect yourself from tick bites if you live in or must travel through a high-risk area:17,18
Avoid tick-infested areas such as densely wooded areas and always walk in the middle of trails so as to avoid brushing against tall grasses and other plant material that may house ticks
Check your body and hair for ticks immediately upon returning from a high-risk area and continue to check your body, hair and bedding daily for several days afterward
Consider wearing long sleeves and pants, as well as closed shoes and a hat, when venturing out to wooded areas
Your pet can become a host for ticks and may also become infected with Lyme disease, so be sure to check their fur and collars
If you discover a tick has latched onto you, it's very important to remove it properly and, if possible, to keep it alive; for detailed instructions, please visit the lymedisease.org tick removal page
Once removed, make sure you save the tick so it can be tested for the presence of pathogenic organisms. Put the tick into a container and label it with your name, date, site of bite and how long the tick was attached to your skin. Share this information with your local extension office or other authority.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/06/25/lumbrokinase-for-lyme.aspx
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sherristockman · 6 years
Lumbrokinase for Lyme? Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Lyme disease is no respecter of persons and one bite from a deer tick may be the only thing separating you from this devastating illness. Canadian rockstar Avril Lavigne has been struggling with the illness for four years. When her battle with Lyme became public in 2015, Lavigne told People magazine, "I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk and I couldn't move. I thought I was dying."1 She was bedridden for five months. If you or someone close to you struggles with Lyme disease, you may have heard of lumbrokinase, an enzyme sourced from earthworms. Best known for its role in helping combat blood clots, lumbrokinase has also been used successfully to break down biofilms associated with Lyme disease. Here's what you need to know about identifying and treating this life-threatening, tick-based disease. The Basics About Lyme Disease Lyme disease is primarily transmitted by deer ticks and black-legged ticks found in grassy and wooded areas throughout the U.S. and at least 60 other countries.2 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease annually.3 The people at most risk of picking up a Lyme-infected tick include children and older adults, as well as firefighters, park rangers and others who spend time in areas known to increase their exposure to ticks. Beyond being a bacterial infection, Lyme disease can often be complicated by factors such as coinfections, nutrient deficiencies and toxin overload. LymeDisease.org provides some additional facts about the disease:4 Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete — a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme, which is known as "The Great Imitator," is very challenging to diagnose because its symptoms mimic conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis Lyme disease can affect any organ of your body, including your brain and nervous system, muscles and joints and even your heart Most people contract Lyme from the bite of an immature tick — and the bite is often so tiny and painless, you may not realize you've been bitten An undisturbed tick can feed for several days and the longer it is attached to your body, the greater the chances it will transmit Lyme and other pathogens into your bloodstream Earthworms and Lyme Disease: A Healing Combination? Lumbrokinase, a group of six proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes derived from earthworms, can be successfully paired with antimicrobial remedies for the treatment of Lyme disease. Lumbrokinase is believed to effectively penetrate through thick clumps of gut bacteria known as biofilms, which are one of several factors involved with Lyme. (Check out the video above for more information on how biofilms form.) When pathogenic bacteria hide within biofilms, they can feed and replicate out of the reach of your immune system. As such, they remain strong and unaffected by any antimicrobial medications, such as antibiotics and herbs, you may be taking. The fact lumbrokinase is helpful in breaking down fibrinogen is an important aspect of Lyme treatment because the pathogenic bacteria use fibrinogen, which they convert to fibrin, to strengthen their network.5 Researchers studying the effects of lumbrokinase,6 say earthworms — known as Dilong (earth dragon) — have been used for thousands of years within traditional medicine in Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea. In these countries, dry earthworm powder taken orally has been shown to promote healthy blood circulation. The group of enzymes in lumbrokinase acts as fibrinolytic agents, meaning they break down clots, making them useful to treat conditions associated with thrombosis. The study authors stated:7 "Earthworms contain many compounds with potential medicinal properties and have been administrated to treat inflammatory, hematological, oxidative and nerve disease. Earthworms also have antimicrobial, antiviral and anticancer properties. Among many properties, earthworms also exhibit fibrinolytic activity. The pharyngeal region, crop, gizzard, clitellum and intestine secret an enzyme that plays a role in dissolving fibrin." How Does Lumbrokinase Work? Dr. Miguel Gonzalez, a functional, integrative and holistic medicine specialist from Thousand Oaks, California, and creator of the Lyme People website, suggests lumbrokinase, "appears to assist in dissolving the excess fibrin that covers and hides the bacteria, is involved in the regulation of blood clotting and also eliminates the abnormal proteins that are released as a result of the bacteria's activity."8 Furthermore, Lyme expert Dr. Marty Ross, integrative medicine specialist and founder of The Healing Arts Partnership in Seattle, notes lumbrokinase is also able to:9 boost blood flow to your tissues by decreasing hypercoagulation decrease muscle cramps and pain promote the delivery of supplements and/or prescription medication deep into your tissues Ross and Texas naturopath Dr. Gary Sconyers suggest lumbrokinase can be particularly useful for patients whose Lyme-related symptoms did not show improvement on antibiotics or herbal antimicrobials alone.10 About his treatment protocol Ross stated:11 "I lean more in the direction of antibiotics for Lyme disease because they have more of a proven track record than herbs, but some of my patients prefer not to use conventional pharmaceuticals or just can't tolerate them. In that case I use one or more of four herbal antimicrobials: cumanda, andrographis, teasel and cat's claw. I prescribe one 20 milligram (mg) pill of lumbrokinase two times a day. I recommend this for patients who have been stalled for a while on more straightforward treatment and are not improving. I generally start to see improvement once I add in the lumbrokinase." While I do not agree with Ross' belief in long-term antibiotic use (more on that topic later), I do appreciate his interest in herbal remedies, including the use of lumbrokinase. About his experience in administering lumbrokinase, Sconyers said:12 "[I use] lumbrokinase for all my Lyme patients. I give patients up to 10 lumbrokinase capsules a day, in divided doses, three times a day. I also use nattokinase, in amounts ranging from 250 to 500 mg a day. In our most difficult Lyme cases, lumbrokinase seems to work the best. I had a [patient] … who'd had Lyme disease for 20 years. She had tried everything, and suffered from head to toe joint pain, brain fog and gut issues. She had gotten to the point where she'd given up. Now she is doing better than she has in decades, [thanks to lumbrokinase]." If you and your doctor determine lumbrokinase is right for you, be sure to buy a high-quality, reputable brand. Lumbrokinase is a costly supplement and both its enzymatic strength and price can vary widely from brand to brand. Certain brands are available in capsule form at a dose of 600,000 IU (international unit), or 40 mg, which are recommended for Lyme sufferers in the form of a daily dose of 1 to 2 capsules taken in the morning, afternoon and at bedtime. Generally, lumbrokinase should be taken only under the advisement of your doctor and can be dangerous if taken with blood-thinning medication. In addition, it's contraindicated in all medical conditions associated with an increased risk of bleeding.13 What You Should Know About Treating Lyme Disease Beyond the characteristic bullseye rash, Lyme symptoms are often flu-like in nature: body aches, fatigue, fever, headaches and stiff or swollen joints. As I have often mentioned, early treatment is vital when it comes to Lyme disease mainly because it may help you avoid future complications such as chronic joint inflammation (Lyme arthritis), cognitive defects, heart rhythm irregularities and neurological symptoms. Conventional Lyme treatment, which generally involves antibiotics, is often unsuccessful. Sadly, in spite of their doctor's best intentions in prescribing antibiotics, many patients continue to experience troubling symptoms that sometimes deteriorate further. On occasion, Lyme sufferers experience a loss of motor coordination, meningitis, severe muscle spasms and even intermittent paralysis. I do not recommend long-term antibiotic use for Lyme due to the detrimental effects this type of treatment will have on your gut microbiome. The use of antibiotics also increases your risk of fungal or yeast infections, two issues likely to be in play if you suffer from Lyme disease. Moreover, antibiotics tax your natural immune function and increase your risk of antibiotic-resistant infections. Rather than choose antibiotic therapy as your primary means of treating Lyme, you'd be wise to investigate the many natural alternatives first, or, at least use the natural remedies in concert with any recommended pharmaceutical medications. Natural Strategies You Can Use to Fight Lyme Disease Below is a listing of some of the nutritional supplements you may find useful in addressing Lyme: Andrographis and artemisinin: Herbs that treat the common co-infection, Babesia Astaxanthin: A powerful antioxidant that neutralizes toxins and relieves joint pain Cilantro: This common herb is a natural chelator for heavy metals CoQ10: A potent antioxidant that alleviates muscle pain, boosts cardiac health and reduces brain fog Curcumin: The active ingredient in the spice turmeric, which eliminates neurological toxins and helps reduce brain swelling GABA and melatonin: Two great sleep supplements that will help address insomnia, a common complaint for people with Lyme disease Grapefruit seed extract: This powerful botanical, which is known to kill bacteria, Candida and parasites, may help treat Borrelia — the bacteria that causes Lyme disease — in cyst form Krill oil: This omega-3 powerhouse helps reduce inflammation and relieve Lyme symptoms Probiotics: Promotes healthy gut flora and boosts your immunity Quercetin: An antioxidant known to reduce histamine, which is usually high in Lyme patients Resveratrol: This antioxidant helps with detoxification and may treat the common coinfection, Bartonella Serrapeptase: Helps dissolve biofilms Transfer factors: Help boost immune function; Ross says he uses transfer factors when a patient is not getting better or to prevent a relapse associated with Lyme or two potential co-infections, Babesia and Bartonella14 Whey protein concentrate: May be useful as a dietary supplement Klinghardt Academy's Lyme Treatment Protocol Has Helped Hundreds Heal My mentor Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, founder of the Klinghardt Academy in Woodinville, Washington, is one of the leading authorities on the treatment of Lyme disease. Having been used successfully to restore health to hundreds of patients, his Lyme disease treatment protocol is most definitely something you should check out. Below is a high-level overview of Klinghardt's major recommendations:15 1. Reducing your body's toxic burden and unloading your system • Decrease your exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) by turning off all fuses at night and limiting your exposure to wireless technologies as much as you can • Use turquoise light/photon wave to increase your melatonin and nonREM Delta sleep • Choose nontoxic, hypoallergenic bedding material and avoid flame retardants/polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) • Avoid light and noise pollution at night • Detoxify your system and remove biofilms and heavy metals 2. Improving your body's disturbed physiology • Use Autonomic Response Testing (ART), the most advanced and scientifically validated method of muscle testing, or lab work to identify and correct deficiencies in your electrolytes, hormones and minerals • Complete and apply the results of genetic testing • Overhaul your diet to eliminate trigger foods and focus on eating whole, organic foods as much as possible • Supplement magnesium via transdermal patches or injections for maximum effectiveness • Balance your copper, zinc and iron levels 3. Decreasing your pathogen count • Use ozonated plant oils (rizols) to treat: anaerobes, mold and parasites; RNA and DNA viruses; Babesia; Bartonella; and spirochetes 4. Immunemodulation • Treat immune responses to mold • Apply autohemotherapy or auto-urine therapy • Begin using Buhner herbs • Introduce adjunctive physics-based immune modulation tools, also known as BioTools • Evaluate the usefulness of antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral medications Make Lyme Prevention a Top Priority Lyme disease is a complex, controversial and extremely challenging condition to treat, making prevention your safest and best option. Your first line of defense is to take precautions to avoid the ticks that transmit the disease. After all, no tick bites, no Lyme disease. Because the ticks can be as small as poppy seeds, you must be vigilant to safeguard yourself, your loved ones and your pets from ticks. Whatever you do, do not spray your body or your clothes with insect repellant containing N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, also known as DEET. Because DEET is a known neurotoxin,16 I recommend you avoid all DEET-containing products. Below are some healthy tips to help you best protect yourself from tick bites if you live in or must travel through a high-risk area:17,18 Avoid tick-infested areas such as densely wooded areas and always walk in the middle of trails so as to avoid brushing against tall grasses and other plant material that may house ticks Check your body and hair for ticks immediately upon returning from a high-risk area and continue to check your body, hair and bedding daily for several days afterward Consider wearing long sleeves and pants, as well as closed shoes and a hat, when venturing out to wooded areas Your pet can become a host for ticks and may also become infected with Lyme disease, so be sure to check their fur and collars If you discover a tick has latched onto you, it's very important to remove it properly and, if possible, to keep it alive; for detailed instructions, please visit the lymedisease.org tick removal page Once removed, make sure you save the tick so it can be tested for the presence of pathogenic organisms. Put the tick into a container and label it with your name, date, site of bite and how long the tick was attached to your skin. Share this information with your local extension office or other authority.
0 notes
Best Supplements To Kill Lyme and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is grossly under-reported in the United States. Lyme cases have more than doubled since the 1990s. The number of counties that are now deemed high-risk for Lyme has increased by more than 320 percent. About 329,000 cases of Lyme disease occur every year according to the latest researcher from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious diseases in the US and in Western Europe. Public funding for this disease is still far below that of less common illnesses, receiving less than 2% of public funding for West Nile and 0.2% of funding for HIV/AIDS even though Lyme effects for more people, but fortunately, awareness is rapidly evolving.
Lyme Disease 101
Is Lyme Contagious?
Borrelia burgdorferi
Symptoms of Lyme Disease
Testing For Lyme
Why Antibiotics May Not Work for Lyme Disease
The Lyme Timeline
Leaky Gut and Lyme
Lyme Disease and Co-infections
Lyme and Candida Overgrowth
Lyme Disease and Amalgam Fillings, Vaccines, and Other Toxic Compounds
Supplements, Herbs Used For Killing Lyme
The Lyme Protocol That Works
Lyme Disease 101
Infected ticks have been verified in 42 of 58 counties in California. The primary carrier on the West Coast is the Western black-legged tick, and it’s preferred host is the grey squirrel. On the East Coast the Eastern Black-legged tick is the principal carrier. This tick prefers the white-footed mouse.
Climate change seems to be giving this disease an advantage by helping ticks reproduce, and helping them live in more parts of the US. Ticks can’t survive in very cold climates. We are experiencing warmer winters, and ticks are able to live further and further north. The warmer temperatures also increase the growth rate of ticks. Some researchers estimate that global warming has increased tick reproduction by up to two times in the US, and up to five times in Canada.
Lyme disease is named after where it was first discovered, which was in Connecticut in a town called Lyme. In the 1960s and 1970s, with a population of 12,000 living in Old Lyme, Lyme, and East Haddam, 39 children were diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and 12 adults were diagnosed with arthritis that was said to be from an unknown cause.
In 1975, frustrated by the lack of answers from their medical community, two mothers started gathering information from residents and then relayed that information to the  Connecticut State Department of Health and the Yale School of Medicine. The researchers were able to identify the disease and recognize its symptoms, nobody knew what the cause was until the early 80. We owe the discovery to Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist who was studying Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He discovered the tick connection and the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is named after him.
Many still attribute its transmission only to ticks, but a growing number of researchers including one of the leading authorities on Lyme disease, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, believes that the bacteria can be spread by other biting or blood-sucking insects, including mosquitoes, fleas, spiders, and mites. We now know that dogs and cats can get infected too.
Is Lyme Contagious?
Numorous reports indicate that Lyme-causing bacteria appears to be passed down gestationally. A new study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine suggests that Lyme disease may also be sexually transmitted.
“Our findings will change the way Lyme disease is viewed by doctors and patients. It explains why the disease is more common than one would think if only ticks were involved in transmission.” – Marianne Middelveen, lead author of the study
Borrelia burgdorferi
Borrelia burgdorferi is a bacterial species of the spirochete class of the genus Borrelia. These spirochetes infect many vertebrate animals including small mammals, lizards, and birds. Ticks most frequently acquire spirochetes from infected rodents during their larval feeding.
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Spirochetes and known for their unique corkscrew shape and the way they move in a corkscrew type of motion. They are very slow to replicate and they survive without iron, which is very rare for bacteria. Instead, they use manganese for their survival. Unlike most disease-causing bacteria and fungi, it is believed that Borrelia burgdorferi does not emit a toxin. But the bacteria do seem to have a direct interaction with the cell tissues it infects.
Animal studies have shown that the bacteria can be found in low numbers in many tissues and organs including the skin, joints, heart, brain, urinary tract, and more. Aside from the initial infection, Borrelia does not seem to circulate in the blood.
Borrelia burgdorferi, with its corkscrew shape, bores deep into tissues and cartilage (including the brain and nervous system). This leaves the bacteria out of reach of most antibiotics. This bacteria can also mutate out of its corkscrew shape to a form that is able to live inside our cells (“intracellular”), once again leaving hard to kill with antibiotics. Borrelia burgdorferi and other spirochete bacteria form dormant cysts inside the body that block antibiotic activity, and the higher the dosage of antibiotics, the more resistant it becomes.
As if that wasn’t enough, Lyme disease is usually accompanied and aided by co-infections of other stealth microbes that also live inside our cells as well.
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Symptoms of Lyme Disease
Joint pain
Flu-like symptoms
Sleep disturbances
Cognitive decline
Vision changes
Other neurological problems
Skin outbreaks
Heart problems
Mood changes
Check out this full list of symptoms provided by Joseph Burrascano, MD
Most people who have been diagnosed with Lyme, including those who test positive, never recall being bitten, or show the telltale bullseye rash.
Testing For Lyme
Current diagnostics miss up to 60% of acute cases. This is what’s so infuriating for those trying to figure out what’s going on with their bodies: Testing for Lyme is inaccurate, but especially so in the beginning. By the time the tests are likely to show positive for someone with Lyme, antibiotic treatments are typically no longer effective. In other words, people would go to their doctor and ask if they have Lyme, the doctors would say how rare it is (fortunately doctors are getting much better about this lately), but would reluctantly perform the tests, only to find no trace of Lyme. So the person would assume some other autoimmune disease while the Lyme slowly proliferates. Then the person would eventually seek another opinion, get another round of tests, and maybe (but often not) find out they do in fact have Lyme. Or, they often find out that one can have Lyme and still test negative indefinitely, but at this stage, the person is showing enough symptoms that the new more knowledgeable doctor can easily conclude that it’s Lyme.
But now the antibiotics will no longer be effective. It’s too late. Many people try anyways, wrecking their immune system in the process.
I suspect that often times a heavy round of antibiotics works to kill the bacteria, but the body is left so badly damaged that new infection (often Candida being the first) takes over, and all of the symptoms remain.
Borrelia does not seem to circulate in the blood. This is the main reason it is so difficult to detect. The bacteria also have a very slow replication rate, so the number of bacteria found in a host remains small, at least for a long time.
There are multiple tests for Lyme. The CDC recommends screening with the ELISA test and then confirming the results with the Western blot test. As mentioned, these tests are completely unreliable during the first 4-6 weeks of infection. The tests only measure the patient’s antibody response to the infection, not the presence of the bacteria itself.
Lyme disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose using conventional tests. And there’s great variation in the presentation of the disease as well, depending on where you contracted it, and whether or not you have any other coexisting infections. There is a group of seven or eight microbes that are the most common. The worst ones are Babesia microti and the different forms of Bartonella.
It is said that an initial course of antibiotics given in stage one cures the disease most of the time, but why not all the time? Is the course of antibiotics too short? Should more be given? Should they be given long term, especially for those who have stage 3 symptoms? What if blood tests no longer show spirochetes? If the antibiotics don’t work, the patient now has to combat Lyme with a very depleted immune system.” – Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Why Antibiotics May Not Work for Lyme Disease
These days, early treatment is typically successful, according to the latest science, but most patients go undiagnosed for years. At least 20% of those who are said to be successfully treated for Lyme will experience the same symptoms after treatment, which as mentioned, can easily be attributed to a depleted immune system leading to Candida overgrowth or other fungal pathogens, opening the door for many other infections as well.
Antibiotic resistance occurs at a high rate with spirochete bacteria. Borrelia (and also its co-infections), will respond slowly to antibiotics. They will develop resistance. The bacteria that survive antibiotics can become completely antibiotic resistant. This is why doctors are starting to use multiple antibiotics at once seems, and this does lead to better chance of defeating Lyme, and depleting the immune system. If the medication fails, the bacteria that have survived will not only become resistant, but it will also become much more entrenched in the host.
The Lyme Timeline
Phase One – 3 to 30 Days
Also called early localized infection
Some say less than 50%, others say up to 70-75% develop the bullseye rash, starting at the site of the tick bite. It is not itchy or painful but they are usually warm to the touch. Sometimes flu-like symptoms develop soon after, including fever, chills, swollen lymph glands, headaches, muscle pain, and joint pain.
Phase Two – Days to Weeks After Bite
Also called early disseminated infection
Rash spreads
Large joints may become swollen and painful
Stiff neck in some cases
Meningitis may develop
Heart palpitations
Phase Three – Later Months to Years
Also called late disseminated infection
Many infectious disease specialists believe that “chronic Lyme disease” does not exist, and that Lyme disease from a tick bite can be cured with a short course of antibiotics. It is possible that those who have undergone antibiotic treatments are suffering from the side effects of antibiotics, but more and more experts are coming around to the idea that Lyme disease can survive and cause long-term autoimmune symptoms when antibiotics don’t work. We all know (or at least, we all should know) that antibiotics do not always work and can cause more problems.
Arthritis symptoms – swollen, painful joints (fluid-filled joints)
Neurological symptoms – numbness, tingling, shooting pains
Cognitive symptoms – brain fog, short-term memory deficits, confusion
Mood disturbance – depression
Abnormal heart rhythms and heart failure
Facial paralysis sometimes occurs in this stage or stage two.
Scary Lyme Facts You Should Know
How does Lyme make us sick, and why is it so damn resilient?!?!
Spiders, mosquitoes, fleas, and mites may also be spreading the same or similar bacterial infections.
Tests are unreliable because they measure the patient’s antibody response to the infection, not the bacteria itself.
There’s great variation in the presentation of the disease, depending on where it’s contracted, and whether there are other coexisting infections. At least eight other microbes make up the most common co-infections., including Babesia microti and different forms of Bartonella.
Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, has a corkscrew shape that allows it to bore deep into tissues and cartilage (including the brain and nervous system), safely out of reach of most antibiotics.
Borrelia burgdorferi can give up its corkscrew shape and convert to a form that is able to live inside cells (“intracellular”) where again, antibiotics have less reach.
Borrelia burgdorferi, along with other similar microbes, can form dormant cysts that are completely resistant to antibiotics; the harder you hit it, the more resistant it becomes.
Most ticks carry multiple disease-causing pathogens called co-infections. Borrelia burgdorferi is usually accompanied and aided by co-infections of other stealth microbes.
Lyme disease has been reported in all 50 states.
Lyme disease has been found on every continent except Antarctica.
Ticks carrying Lyme can be smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
Many, perhaps most, do not get the bull’s eye rash. Some develop flu-like symptoms a week or so after becoming infected, however, many people are asymptomatic but can develop Lyme symptoms months, years or decades later.
It is called the great imitator; looking like many other health problems (Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bells Palsy, ADD, MS, and Lupus).
People with other chronic disease are much more susceptible to Lyme disease, making Lyme even more likely to go undetectedcted.
The medical community is divided over the diagnosis and treatment guidelines.
Health insurance still often won’t cover the treatment for Chronic Lyme disease.
Lyme Disease transmission may be possible through intercourse, and can likely be passed down through the womb.
There are 12 strains of Borrelia that are known to cause Lyme Disease, and standard testing only tests for one.
Lyme Disease is more epidemic than Aids, West Nile and Avian Flu combined.
Lyme Disease can cause more than 300 different symptoms.
The average Lyme patient takes 2-3 years to get diagnosed correctly.
25% of the reported cases are children.
Lyme Disease Cofactors
Leaky Gut and Lyme
In response to pathogenic toxins leaking from the intestines, the immune system produces multiple inflammatory compounds: Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF Beta-1), Matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP-9), Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). These inflammatory compounds affect multiple systems of the body. Because of the inflammatory compounds that become elevated in people with Lyme disease or co-infections, they are at greater risk of leaky gut. In a study on Lyme disease patients, Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and Interleukin-13 (IL-13) were found to be elevated in different phases of infection. TNFα has also been found to be elevated in Bartonella infections, mice infected with Babesia, mice receiving Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever antigens, Ehrlichia infections, and in Brucellosis patients. Both TNFα and IL-13 have a direct effect on increasing intestinal lining leakage. Unfortunately, western medicine lacks a way to accurately diagnose and to treat leaky gut syndrome.” – Plugging the Holes in Lyme Disease Leaky Gut
I am of the opinion that a leaky gut is the root of most chronic disease. True or not, a leaky gut always exacerbates every ailment, every disease, every single health issue. You cannot cure any chronic disease without a healthy gut.
Lyme Disease and Co-infections
Ticks can carry many bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans within them, and transmit these pathogens with a single bite.
The most common tick-borne diseases in the United States include Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). Diseases acquired together like this are called co-infections. Click below to learn more about specific Lyme disease co-infections. – About Lyme Disease Co-Infections
We also borrowed their chart:
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Lyme and Candida Overgrowth
Yeast overgrowth is a common concern for Lyme patients who undergo antibiotic therapy. Whether or not the Lyme or other bacterial pathogens are killed, the immune system is depleted, the body;’s beneficial bacteria is eradicated, and the body is almost guaranteed to be overrun with fungal pathogens. If one is cured of Lyme disease they will then have to rebuild their immune system (along with healthy gut flora). Most people don’t know how to do this. If they did, they most likely would not have been susceptible to Lyme in the first place. But for those who do the Lyme treatment without successful elimination of Lyme now have to deal with a body that soon inundated with fungi.
Lyme Disease and Amalgam Fillings, Vaccines, and Other Toxic Compounds
Mercury toxicity has been linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, cognitive decline (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and more), chronic headaches including migraines, joint pain, Candida overgrowth, and much more. The body cannot fend off Lyme under such conditions. People with a history or poor diet, antibiotic use, mercury fillings, or immunizations, are extremely susceptible to Lyme disease and the many co-infections the come with it.
Supplements, Herbs Used For Killing Lyme
Astragalus: A potent antimicrobial that also is anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system, slows tumor growth, helps prevent and reverse diabetes, and more.
Berberine: This plant-root alkaloid extract has confirmed potent anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.
Black Walnut: Studies have shown that black walnut can effectively kill canker sores, herpes, and syphilis sores. Syphilis is another spirochete bacteria.
Cloves: This strong smelling spice contains some of the same compounds as oregano oil (see below). Studies have shown that cloves contain powerful antimicrobial and anti-fungal compounds.
Enzymes: Hemicellulase, protease, and Cellulase can dissolve Biofilms (which Lyme often resides in and procreates within) and Lyme Cysts (which, as stated above, shield the bacteria from intrusion). More on enzymes.
Garlic: Allicin, a compound in garlic, has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, and garlic helps strengthen the immune system in other ways too. Read more about garlic.
Goldenseal: A popular herb that has been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years, with potent antibacterial properties.
Goldenrod: Goldenrod is antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, antiseptic, and carminative.
Mushrooms: Many mushrooms produce powerful antibacterial factors. The reishi mushroom is well known throughout the world for its plethora of health benefits, including powerful antimicrobial properties, but there are many other mushrooms that help as well.
Neem: This plant’s properties include immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic.
Oil of Oregano: This extract is very well known for its ability to kill off pathogenic activity, and there are plenty of studies that demonstrate its efficacy.
Pau D’Arco: Also known as Lapacho, this supplement has received worldwide attention in recent years due to the numerous studies proving its amazing health benefits including the ability to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria and difficult fungal infections like Candida.
Turmeric: Turmeric is potent antimicrobial herb with proven antifungal properties and a host of other amazing health benefits. Check out How to Optimize Curcumin.
Wormwood: This is a potent antimicrobial’s active ingredient is Artemisia, and it is better known the world over for its ability to kill parasites.
The Lyme Protocol That Works
I’ll bet someone is going to ask why I don’t mention colloidal silver. I don’t think it’s good for you, I’ve never found it particularly helpful, and I just don’t trust it. But to each their own; you can find tons of very intelligent naturopaths who are much more educated than I am who will vehemently disagree with me on colloidal silver. And, the key to killing off Lyme with supplements, like with antibiotics, you need to use more than one. You’ve got to attack from every angle you can or else they build up immunity. The good news is that natural remedies affords many more options with fewer if any side effects and in my experience (when done right), a much better success rate. Like, 100%.
Now here’s the bad news. Actually, it’s not bad news, but it sure sounds like it to most people at first. You may not be able to kill the Lyme any time soon. I recommend a plethora of supplements with differing properties to attack any and all pathogenic bacteria, but you will never eradicate systemic pathogenic disease completely with supplements alone. And even with a perfect diet and all the best supplements, it takes time! A few of these Lyme-bacteria bastards, and other pathogens, will survive anything and everything you do to it at first. Don’t think that just because you are symptom free that your body has rid itself of all virulent infection. It doesn’t work that way.
The protocol calls for a phase of antimicrobials, but the foundation of the program is the diet. It’s the most important aspect of the program. Nobody gets well without eating right. At best, you’ll trade one disease for another if you skimp on the diet. Heal the gut, eat right, rebuild the body, and after a round of antimicrobial bombardment you rebuild the beneficial bacteria and let your immune system slowly finish off the survivors. This means being highly disciplined with diet for six months after the last ailment is gone. Think of it this way: Once you feel well, if you’re eating perfectly, it’ll take another six months to completely finish off the disease. A glass of wine or some refined sugar consumed before then could cause a resurgence.
In my experience, every single person who has Lyme disease has gut issues. I don’t believe that Lyme disease causes the gut issues, though it can exacerbate them. I contend that anyone who is susceptible to Lyme had a depleted immune system before they contracted Lyme, and virtually anyone with a depleted immune system has poor gut health. This protocol focus on gut health first and foremost. The gut is the foundation of your health. You can know how healthy someone is by the quality of microbes that reside within us.
Anti-Lyme Diet
Here are three articles I put together on diet. Most people, even those with Lyme and even worse diseases, will get completely well on this diet without supplements, but it takes a lot longer.
Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
Start Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet
How to Make the Healthiest Smoothies – 4 Recipes
This is indicative of how my family eats every single day.
We start off with cranberry lemonade and a huge salad every morning. For lunch, we sometimes do a smoothie or we snack on some nuts and/or fruit or we just finish our massive 11-cup salads. For those with serious gut issues, hold off on the nuts for a week or two. Anyone with lots of Candida should wait on the smoothies as well. Double up on the salads for the first week or two if you’re very ill.
For dinner, we always cook from scratch, which takes preparation and time, but it gets easier, I promise. Rice and beans, quinoa, lentils, millet, oatmeal, and amaranth are common staples for our cooked meals, but don’t do the oats or millet until most of the inflammation subsides. We add lots of raw vegetables and herbs to our dinners as well, for instance, the rice and beans go great with chopped tomatoes and avocado, diced onions and garlic, and shredded turmeric and ginger. Eat raw herbs and cooked herbs together for maximum health benefits. There are some very interesting benefits to cooking many foods, but raw generally yields more benefits, so I mix it up.
This is truly a lifestyle, not just a diet, and it’s one we live every day. It’s also the same exact protocol I recommend for almost everyone who is sick, including anyone with Lyme. There’s a lot of conflicting information on what people with Lyme should eat, but I implore you, give this a try for at least 10 days, and you’ll see why. You may not need to go to this extreme to rid your body of disease, but I find that most who are dealing with chronic illness need to take it this far, at least for at least for a few months. With Lyme, it behooves you to err on the side of caution.
The salads are the most important part of this protocol. More than supplements, more than anything save getting enough water, the salads are imperative. Eat lots of it. Make sure they are diverse with at least 15 different vegetables and herbs. Read the article linked above, and make your salad recipe. If you could see what packing your gut with salad does to your ecosystem under a microscope, you’d understand why I’m so passionate about them. There is nothing more beneficially life-changing than developing a salad habit when the salads are big and diverse and homemade. They do more than any supplement or any other food to clean the intestinal walls of filth and develop a beneficial gut ecosystem. I cannot stress this enough – BIG DIVERSE SALADS!!! Mine are 9-11 cups a day. Throw on some beans or meat or eggs, whatever it takes to get them down, but get them down. If you can’t digest salads, get to where you can. I can’t digest McDonald’s. I don’t have the ecosystem in my gut to do that. If you can’t digest salads properly, you don’t have the right ecosystem for them. You need to build the right gut bacteria. How? Salads, that’s how. Eat salads!
Did I mention how important salads are? Ok, moving on.
The cranberry lemonade helps keep the kidneys and liver working optimally. These organs typically get sluggish quickly when lots of pathogens are killed. If salads are #1, this cranberry lemonade is #2, and supplements are a distant 3rd. The recipe for cranberry lemonade resides within the first link above where the salad recipe is.
For those with very serious gut issues, legumes and grains may be a no-no for the first two to three weeks, but when enough salad has been consumed, the gut should be able to reap many benefits from many other foods including cooked foods like the dinner meals aforementioned.
Sweet fruit should be severely limited, and for the very ill, avoided until the gut is working better. Grapefruit, tomatoes, cranberry, avocado, lime, and lemon do not fall under this category.
Juicing with fruits is not much better than refined sugar, so don’t make the common mistake of thinking a fresh-juice fast is going to get you well. Same goes for carrot and beet juice. If you want to juice with a little sweetness, that’s fine, but add lots of cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric, tot he point at which it’s really not sweet anymore.
For anyone on a tight budget I recommend putting the money to food, and if affordable, add Abzorb and SF722. That’s enough with the right diet to fix the gut in almost everyone. More of the right kind of supplements speed thing up radically, but they’re usually not neccessary if you have access to good food.
Phase 1 – Antimicrobials, Kill the Bad Guys For One Month (in order of most to least important):
MicroDefense – Pure Encapsulations
Berberine 500mg – Thorne Research
Undecyn by Thorne Research
Oil of Oregano – Gaia Herbs
Gastro-Cleanse w/Psyllium by Allergy Research Group
Wormwood/Black Walnut Supreme – Gaia Herbs
Shillington’s Blood Detox Formula
MycoCeutics MycoPhyto Complex – EcoNugenics
Pau d’Arco
Astragalus Supreme – Gaia Herbs
Fibrenza Systemic Enzyme – HCP Formulas
Curcumin 500 with Bioperine® – Pure Encapsulations
Use your own judgment to an extent regarding what to take and how much. If you get every single one, you should be ok to take each and every one as directed (except the Blood Detox, take one to two full droppers by mouth one to three times a day as needed, preferably on an empty stomach, the label has the wrong instructions, it’s a long story), but for smaller people this may be a bit too much. On the other hand, if you get fewer supplements or are on the larger size, you would likely do better with upping the dosages a little. The more you spread out the dosages throughout the day, the more effective they will be. Green Lifestyle Market sells all of the supplements mentioned and offers a return guarantee, so if something doesn’t work for you, you can exchange or get a refund. Experiment. These are supplements, they’re not going to kill you, no matter what big-pharma would like you to believe. I did this protocol myself for three weeks, and I recommend 3-4 weeks for anyone with Lyme. I just took all of them with each meal, as some can cause an upset stomach if empty.
Some of them say to take with food, and some say to take on an empty stomach. I like taking antimicrobials with salad and other healthy meals, especially when taking a lot. But again, use your own judgement, see what works best.
If you need an additional immune system bost, for instance, if you’re regularly coming down with colds and flu or have sinus issues, consider these additions below. You shouldn’t need them if you get at least a few of the ones above, but if you like to go overkill like me, here you go:
Micro Liposomal C • 4oz – Allergy Research Group
Mother Earth Organic Root Cider – Barrier Island Organics
Shillington’s Echinacea Plus
If you have trouble digesting food, take abzorb with your meals. This will also help break down the supplements for easier assimilation.
If the die-off is a problem, and anytime you kill lots of pathogens there is an influx of toxins the body has to deal with. The aforementioned cranberry lemonade and salads help to mitigate this, but Gastro-Cleanse with the activated charcoal can also help.
If defecation is slow or infrequent, salads should fix this, but some people need more help. Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse will move the poop. It is imperative that bodily elimination functions are working properly. Obviously, stuck bowels are really bad news for anyone needing to detoxify.
Phase 2 – Stay Clean and Populate with Good Guys:
If you’ve been dealing with chronic illness for a long time, for phase two, I recommend reading and following Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections.
If you’re not very poor health, I recommend spending the following 5-6 months taking the following every day as directed:
Abzorb and/or a stronger Probiotic
MycoPhyto Complex (mushroom complex)
SF722 (kills all things fungal)
Protocol Example
Take an Abzorb, or other probiotic, and the Blood Detox, and the MycoPhyto Complex, and any other supplements that say to be taken on an empty stomach.
Salad time!
The MycoPhyto Complex company recommends to take on an empty stomach, but I like it with salads and smoothies too.
Take Abzorb if digestion is difficult, or if you just want to maximize nutrient assimilation.
Take all other antimicrobials with the salad as well (like the MicroDefense, Berberine, Undecyn, Oil of Oregano, Gastro-Cleanse, etc. with the salad.
Homemade Smoothie Time! If you’re extremely ill you may need to wait on the smoothies and just double up on the salads for the first week, but I’ve found that many people who were suffering from a plethora of ailments and having trouble recovering responded very well to pineapple smoothies. Pineapple smoothies (made with fresh pineapple), like the ones I have recipes for in the above link, pack a massive amount of enzymes and can help break down a lot of junk in the gut, while delivering large amounts of nutrition. But, smoothies have plenty of sugar, so be sure to repeat the antimicrobial supplements from 9am.
Use pineapple, coconut water, water, cranberry juice, or if you can withstand some sugar try granny smith apple juice, but don’t use sweet fruit juices for smoothies. See the recipes.
Dinner time! Everything from scratch, nothing pre-made in any way, all whole food ingredients. It’s also time for another round of antimicrobials.
Finish off the night with an Abzorb, or other probiotic, and the Blood Detox, and the MycoPhyto Complex, and any other supplements that say to be taken on an empty stomach.
Three More Supplements to Consider – Lyme Die-0ff, Heavy metal Detox, & Bowel Movements
If Candida die-off is a concern be sure to drink plenty of cranberry lemonade and I also recommend adding Total Nutrition Formula and the Intestinal Detox. Here’s a recipe to make your own Total Nutrition. With these two formulas, you’ll get bentonite clay, charcoal, chlorella, spirulina, and more, which are all great for mitigating the die-off effects of a and they also chelate heavy metals.
You can take the Total Nutrition Formula with the smoothie or sprinkle it on the salad (or choke it down with water), and take the Intestinal Detox anytime throughout the day as directed.
You can get well. Any doctor who tells you different is trying to sell you a lifetime of treatment. It takes a lot of work. It’s worth it. In the end, you’ll be healthier for having had Lyme. And if you’re not sure if you actually have Lyme, it really doesn’t matter. A truly holistic protocol, like this, will address and remedy any pathogenic chronic health ailment, given enough time and attention.
Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones
Sugar Leads to Depression – World’s First Trial Proves Gut and Brain are Linked (Protocol Included)
Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections
How to Detox From Plastics and Other Endocrine Disruptors
How to Detoxify and Heal the Lymphatic System
The Lyme Wars – The New Yorker
UK’s new Lyme guideline brings both positives and negatives – Lyme Disease.org
Lyme disease is vastly under-reported, CDC says – CBS News
About Lyme Disease Co-Infections – Lyme Disease.org
Lyme Disease – CDC
Lyme Disease – Mayo Clinic
Best Supplements To Kill Lyme and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Lyme Disease was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
The Many Uses of Eucalyptus Oil
For Head Colds, Flu, Chest Congestion
Pour 15-20 drops of Eucalyptus oil into a bowl of steaming hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors.
A personal steam vaporizer inhaler can also be used with smaller amounts of oil and water used.
Sprinkle a few drops onto a handkerchief and inhale to help clear the nasal passages.
Place a few drops on the washcloth when showering to allow the hot water to release the vapors.
Make an atomizer sprayer by mixing 1 part oil to 100 parts water in a fine mist spray bottle (eg. 1 teaspoon eucalyptus oil to 1 pint of water).(An old clean household spray bottle can be used).
Mix equal parts oil with Baby oil and gently massage the chest, neck and back to help relieve chest congestion.
Mix a few drops with VICKS VAPORUB to rub on chest or under the nose.
Add 1-2 teaspoons of oil to a hot water vaporizer or cold air humidifier to help assist breathing.
Add 1-2 teaspoons to a plastic water trough placed above a circulating hot water or forced air heating system to allow the vapors to fill the air. Read full profiles of the various types of Eucalyptus Oil
Get your dried, organic herbs, organic essential oils, bulk spices, loose leaf organic teas and aromatherapy supplies at the place where we shop – StarWest Botanicals!
Sore Throats
A Gargle with warm Salt Water and a drop or two of Eucalyptus Oil will help ease the pain of a sore throat.
a few drops in a glass of water can also be used as a mouthwash and rinse (avoid swallowing).
Muscle Aches and Pains
Eucalyptus oil can be used mixed with other oils such as Baby Oil, Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil to use as a massaging liniment to relieve aches and pains of muscle stiffness, soreness or cramping.
The same mix can be used on joints, tendons, and ligaments to help relieve symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism, fibrositis, and sore tendons.
The same oil mix can be used as a muscle toner to massage the muscles before a workout or jog.
Aromatherapy Baths, Spas, Hot Tubs, Jacuzzis
Add 1-2 teaspoons to the Bath, Jacuzzi, Spa or Hot Tub water to enjoy a fresh invigorating aromatic experience. The gently fine champagne like bubbles will fill the air with an invigorating aroma that will relax and revitalize the senses. The oil will help moisturize the skin.
Eucalyptus oil can be used in either wet or dry saunas and steam room to provide an invigorating aromatic experience. A word of CAUTION the oil should not be applied directly to hot coals or stones as it is flammable. Dilute 1 part oil to 100 parts water and use in a spray bottle as described. Spray onto the walls and into the air not on the hot coals.
The eucalyptus/water mix can be placed in the water trough over the hot stones to allow for vaporization.
Home Air Freshener
Add equal parts water and oil to refill a used Plug-in GLADE(R) or WIZARD (R) Brand Scented Oil Air Freshener. Plug the unit into a household socket and adjust the vent to allow for vapor dispersement.
Add the same mix to a candle-based aroma or incense vase. (Do not apply any direct flame as the oil is flammable.)
Add 1 -2 teaspoons to water of Vaporizer or Humidifier when in use during Winter months.
Soak used Air freshener wicks with Eucalyptus oil to reuse as air fresheners in the bathroom etc.
Foot Baths
Foot Baths can be prepared by adding 1 teaspoon to the warm water of a foot bath to provide excellent relief to tired aching feet.
Scalp Massage and Hair Treatment
A few drops of eucalyptus oil either applied directly to the scalp or mixed with shampoo can be used to stimulate the blood flow to the hair and help revitalize dull or shedding hair.
Face and Body Care
A few drops of Eucalyptus Oil can be added to your favorite Skin Cleansing Cream, Soap Cleanser, Facial scrub, Skin Moisturizer etc.
Cuts, Scrapes and Bruises
Dilute Essential oils including Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil are good at cleaning, relieving pain and preventing infection to help promote healing of cuts and scrapes. A good solution of 10 drops Eucalyptus oil, 20 drops of tea tree oil mixed in 100 ml of water placed in a spritzer bottle an be used to clean affected skin areas, ease the pain and promote healing.
Insect Bites and Repellent
Eucalyptus oil provides quick relief from the pain of insect bites from mosquitoes, fleas, sand flies and other biting bugs. Just rub a small amount of the pure oil onto the swollen area of the bite.
Neat or mixed with Canola oil, Eucalyptus oil can be used as a insect repellent. Blend into 100ml canola oil with 30 drops eucalyptus oil,10 drops of basil oil and 10 drops of citronella oil. Rub over exposed area. .
A few drops sprinkled on a cloth and placed on the floor may help keep bugs away from food or refrigerators.
As Eucalyptus oil burns like kerosene it can be used in Kerosene lamps neat or mixed with kerosene to keep flying insects away.
Eucalyptus oil added to hair shampoos can help prevent head lice.
Sprayed inside leggings of waders to ward off leeches.
Garden Spray and Use
Eucalyptus Garden spray is safe natural and non residual ideal to keep bugs off plants. Mix 1 teaspoonful with 1/2 teaspoon of Dishwashing liquid and mix with 2 large cups of water. (500ml). Spray around seedlings and base of the plants to prevent slugs and snails and onto leaves to keep bugs away.
Soak a length of string in Eucalyptus Oil and wind around the stem of the plant.
For Garden Pond add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to a floating artificial flower or lily.
Laundry Uses
Clean and freshen your laundry by adding 1-2 teaspoonfuls of Eucalyptus Oil to each load of wash.
A popular wool wash recipe used to keep woolens soft and fluffy. Mix 300 grams Pure Soap Flakes with 200ml methylated spirits then add 50ml Eucalyptus oil. Store in a screw capped glass jar. Use 1 tablespoon of the mix per garment to be washed. Dissolve first the amount in warm water then add to wash water. Hand wash or machine wash on the wool cycle. Squeeze and roll in a towel to remove excess water. Keep garment in shape while drying.
Soak stains, grass, grease, ink etc with diluted eucalyptus about 1 hour before washing.
You can quickly remove Chewing Gum, paint, oil, grease,ballpoint ink marks from clothes and , shoes using the pure oil.
Bathroom, Kitchen Cleaner
Use the washing machine recipe 2-3 tablespoons per gallon of hot water or
Add 1-2 teaspoons of Eucalyptus oil to the diluted deodorizing cleaning solutions such a LYSOL, PINESOL, MR CLEAN etc. to use as a Bathroom/Kitchen cleaner. The Oil helps deodorize, disinfect and clean the tile, sinks and porcelain areas of the bathroom and kitchen.eg Add 1 teaspoon Eucalyptus Oil, 1/2 cap PINESOL to 600 ml spray bottle to spray and wipe skins, baths and toilets.
Add this mix or small amount of eucalyptus oil directly to toilet water in the bowl to assist in disinfection.
Mold and Mildew
The above recipes can also be used in areas of the house where mold and mildew may build up.
Shoes can be wiped with a damp cloth mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
Mildew-smelling clothes and linens can be washed by adding 1-2 teaspoons to the wash water.
Eucalyptus Spray
A Spray mix can be made-up by adding 1 teaspoons (5ml) to 500 ml of water placed in a spray bottle (a used plastic spray bottle). Use the spray as a general spray for dusting, deodorizing, cleaning to leave a good clean fresh smell. Simply spray and wipe all dust collecting areas with a damp cloth.
Use the spray on the mattress, bed sheets, pillows and carpet in the bedroom.
Spray closets and storage areas to ward off bugs and deodorize.
Spray tables, counter tops and benches with this or the cleaning solution. Use spray in the car, boat or campers in addition.
Spray on glass, mirrors windows etc to use as a degreaser. Wipe with dry or moist towel.
Many other uses include cleaning telephones, furnishings, shoes, leather goods of stains and odors.
Carpet Freshener
A reported recipe for a Carpet Freshener is to mix 25ml Eucalyptus oil with 500 grams of Sodium Bicarbonate. (Baking Soda). Sprinkle on, leave an 1 hour and vacuum. This helps control fleas in the carpet.
Air Conditioners
Wash Air Conditioner Filters in soapy water with 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil added.
Spray Eucalyptus Spray into the intake vent when AC is working.
Cars, Boats, Campers and RVs
Many of the above listed uses can be applied to cleaning, deodorizing and freshening the air inside cars, boats, campers and RVs.
Soak a used hanging car freshener with a cap-full of Eucalyptus oil and reinstall.
Replace used wick or plastic clip fresheners with pure eucalyptus oil.
Pet Care
Since dogs and cats have a much higher sense of smell use minimal amounts.
For Flea control add 1/2 teaspoon to the wash water or a few drops to the pet’s shampoo, a dry bath using 2 cups of warm water, 4 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of cedarwood oil and use a brush on the coat. Wash the bedding with warm soapy water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Rinse well. Spray around the sleeping quarters to sanitize and deodorize.
Liniment rubs for muscle and joints. (use 1/2 strength of human mix.).
Cuts and scratches can be bathed in dilute oil and water.
Inhalation therapy using a vaporizer can be used for pets with respiratory problems and lung congestion.
Check, if in doubt, with your Veterinarian if use is applicable.
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