#Cat Quest 2
thesoftnesssupreme · 1 month
Just started diving into Cat Quest 3, and I'm already loving it! The Gentlebros have truly outdone themselves with this one. They’ve expanded on their previous systems and made some fantastic improvements. The boss encounters are thoughtfully designed, the characters are as charming as ever, and the gameplay is a joy. If you’re looking for a game that’s perfect for playing with a non-gamer partner or even kids, Cat Quest 2 and 3 are definitely worth checking out. It’s a delightful experience all around!
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skylar-jay · 2 months
Hey so Cat Quest 3 is about two days from release, and the devs have, in the waiting time, dropped a WHOLE BUNCH of stuff that's making me go insane
To start, I love love LOVE making predictions for things I like, makes me go back and look for clues if I get it wrong, and gives me a little hit of dopamine if I get it right :)
With that being said, I had originally thought CQ3 would be the finale. Not the final game released, the devs had already said a Cat Quest 1.5 is planned, but the finale of the story.
My reasoning being: Desmond mentioned CQ3 would have two endings (which is already making me crazy but it gets worse(better)). I logically assumed, seeing as CQ3 will be about the third and final artifact needed for Aelius to start the Apawcalypse, that it would be a good and bad end. The good end, where you prevent Aelius from getting the artifact, and a bad one where he does. That would supposedly have to leave this as the final game, otherwise the devs would have to choose an ending to be canon (and usually the point of multiple endings is to let the player decide that), but seeing as Cat Quest is familiar with time travel shenanigans I can see how things might change a little bit here. Maybe one or two extra games for both endings' timelines. Or perhaps the difference in the endings isn't significant enough to warrant two separate timelines (either you help Aelius get the artifact or you fight him type thing, either way he ends up with the artifact (or doesn't! That's possible too!)).
But, also with how the story has been set up, this seems like a reasonable end! Cat Quest 1 being the prequel, Cat Quest 1.5 being the true start of the story, Cat Quest 2 being the middle, and Cat Quest 3 being end. A full rounded story, right?
as you've probably guessed (or if you pay attention to the Cat Quest discord server) that's not the case.
It's probably just one or two extra games, right?
According to Desmond, the Cat Quest franchise has a possibility for NINE games. Y'know, like how a a cat has nine lives! But!!! What are they gonna do with all those games when it feels like they have a completed story in just four? Especially since we know the devs already have all nine games planned.
If you would allow me to make yet another prediction:
As of right now (having not played Cat Quest 3 yet. This will probably change once I see both endings), I can see two things happening:
One, this is actually a multi-arc story. We've seen hints in the end of Cat Quest 2 that alludes to there being more Old Masters than just Aelius. As it seems he talks to someone else about the Apawcalypse. So perhaps there's something more at play here? Like, maybe Aelius wasn't the first or only one sealed in the Zero Dimension, and these other guys have plans of their own, or maybe one big plan that they're all working towards together. (Maybe trying to take the land back? They used to inhabit it after all, and we only know what happened to the Old Masters in Felinguard and The Lupus Empire) Either way, it's too soon for me to make complex predictions on what that may be, since we only have Aelius' plan to work with. But it does seem like he's working with at least one other person.
Second: perhaps some of these games will be more prequel stuff! We already know the devs are going back to make a Cat Quest 1.5, so why not other things? Maybe a game that takes place during the Dragon War where you play as Felinguard! Though, this one seems more unlikely. And while I'd love to learn more about Felinguard and Lupus, I also wouldn't mind learning more about the world as a whole!
So far the only locations we know are Felinguard, The Lupus Empire, and the Purribbean (I think that's what they called it, it could've been the Pawribbean). We definitely know there's more countries than just that, and also more species than just cats and dogs. Heck, in CQ3 we actually get introduced to two new species! Rats, which is what the game's main focus is, and rabbits. From one of the trailers, you catch a glimpse of a rabbit mage, so maybe the people of this world are actually all (or at least most) domesticated animals.
Whatever happens, I'm excited :3
I just hope my hyperfixation doesn't die before I'm satisfied (looking at you, Slime Rancher)
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someone teach him how to youth roll
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hardcoregamer · 3 months
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10 Purr-fect Games Where Cats Are The Focus
Cats are wonderful pets, regular featured stars of silly Tiktoks, and cute as can be. So, I can think of no better subject to build an entire game around, and if you agree, then you are in the right place, as we intend to highlight some purr-fect feline video games where cats take center stage. I've got the cat nip, so follow me!
Check them out!
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yurimartyr · 1 year
Fanart :3
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henlp · 1 year
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paranormal-potatoes · 3 months
today is RPG Caturday!
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tonight (June 29) at 5pm EST, I'll be streaming more Cat Quest 2!
see y'all tonight!
Twitch link
Cat Quest 2 VOD Playlist link
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retkurenotus · 10 days
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Stream (12.9.) at 18.00 (UTC+2)
Game: Cat Quest 2
Renotus twitch
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vintagewarhol · 15 days
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melancholy-thots · 3 months
Why is this Game so Good??
Apologies in advance: I don't have any pictures for this one. I played it with my partner on their laptop. And I was too self conscious to ask for screenshots.
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This ain't even my main blog, y'all. It's a side blog. That's how much I'm not used to like. Taking up room with all these thoughts and opinions. It's hard, man. Even harder when it's the person you're dating and there's so many internalized feelings that this is weird. Blogging is weird. Talking this much is weird. Idk, just explaining why I don't have pics and just had to copy the official artwork. It's really cute art though.
On to the main attraction though! This game! It's so good! It's got local co-op, which was perfect for some date-night-at-home fun. But also it seems that the game is very similar in the single player version, so if you don't have a player 2 on hand, I still think it's worth looking at this.
This isn't the super character driven narrative I normally rave about on here. There are cute characters, don't get me wrong. Kit Cat and Hot Doggo own my entire heart. But this is a more standard "there's evil kings, here's a sword and some magic" style main plot that's perfect for when you're just trying to vibe out and hit buttons.
The gameplay is really the bread and butter here. Smacking dudes with swords and putting together crazy spells is so rewarding. Even in the late game, we were still picking fights with random wandering enemies. Even if they were 40 levels lower than us. Just because it was so much fun.
What really amazed me is how the main story (and appropriately leveled side quests) still felt appropriately difficult while maintaining that fun. It never felt like we were roflstomping anything that was on our level, but like we always had consistent challenges to keep us going. Though occasionally curbstomping a level 10 quest when we were level 80 was it's own type of fun for sure.
Last thing I want to note, since this is looking so much more daunting without pictures, is the side quests. I know I said that the main quest was very basic, and it is. But if you want to meet zany characters in the weirdest situations I've seen in almost any game, play all the side quests you can get your paws on. (Pun intended there, you gotta be ready for puns if you're gonna play Cat Quest). Without spoiling too much, there's a quest where the quest giver realizes that they're in a video game and you've got to sort that out.
If that doesn't convince you to give this wacky little adventure game a try, I don't know what will.
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imperotenebre · 3 months
Cat Quest II PS4 gameplay - prime impressioni
Un ottimo sequel con l' aggiunta della coop
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redacteddude · 4 months
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skylar-jay · 5 months
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Did someone ask them to pose like that or...?
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7cfc00 · 1 year
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another GREAT normal oak moment
[alt ver. under the cut]
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i probably broke like 5000 different comic lettering rules in doing this. but,
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hardcoregamer · 2 months
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10 Best Co-Op RPGs
There's a general feeling that RPG adventures need to be a solitary experience to stand out from the crowd, and adding the ability to bring a friend alone only serves to dilute the experience. This can be the case in some situations, but it's not always the case, as some RPGs are much richer when you have a buddy alongside you to lend a blade in battle. So, to prove that point, we have created a list of the finest co-op RPG games in recent memory.
Check them out!
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limepooll · 4 months
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"And I've always heard it's what inside that counts"
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