#Castello di sarre
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nncastle · 1 year ago
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Here are some of the rooms in the ostentatious Sarre Castle in the Aosta Valley.
Built in 1710 on the ruins of a fortress mentioned as early as 1242, having passed through various hands, the property was purchased by the King of Italy Victor Emanuel II, who renovated it and used it during hunting expeditions in Val d’Aosta.
The royal castle of Sarre, after becoming the private property of the Savoys, was used as their headquarters for expeditions in the valleys of Cogne, Rhêmes and Valsavarenche. As you can see, he hunted chamois, ibex and other game almost to extinction.
I think this is why having too much money ruins you.
I thought the grounds were unimaginative. I mean give me two years with that plot of land and you will see a stunning garden. The views of the mountains form a unique backdrop that deserves better than just four rectangles of lawn.
Wasn’t into the thousands of dead animal skulls and horns…but I can’t say it wasn’t unique.
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italiasparita · 9 months ago
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Mario Gabinio (1871-1938)
Castello di Sarre
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forumelettrico · 1 year ago
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La Colonnina Duferco da 22 kW situata a Sarre AO: non lontano dal municipio ed a circa 10-15 minuti a piedi dal Castello Reale di Sarre https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/duferco-frazione-saint-maurice-sarre-ao-quick-2x22kw-t18188.html #sarre #aosta #duferco
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Le Castello Reale di Sarre à Aoste Italie 🇮🇹
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Le château de Sarre se trouve à l’entrée ouest de la ville d’Aoste sur un promontoire qui domine la Doire Baltée.
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Le premier château a été construit en 1242 par Jacques de Bard. Après l’extinction de cette lignée, le château a appartenu à différentes familles sans que le château ne soit profondément modifié. Il faut attendre le XVIIIème siècle pour que les choses changent. Le baron Jean-François Ferrod d’Avier s’est enrichi en exploitant les mines de cuivre d’Ollomont qui se trouvent à une trentaine de kilomètres au nord d’Aoste. Il achète le domaine en 1710 et fait pratiquement reconstruire le château pour montrer sa puissance. Hélas, le cuivre d’Ollomont n’est pas l’or du Pérou et le baron, ruiné, doit vendre son château. De nouveau, une suite de propriétaires se succède.
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En 1869, le château est racheté par le roi d’Italie Victor-Emmanuel II, surnommé le roi chasseur
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qui fait construire une nouvelle écurie et surélever le donjon et le transforme en tour d’observation. Les chambres sont modernisées.
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Suivant la tradition, son successeur, Umberto 1er est aussi un chasseur acharné. C’est lui qui, vers 1890, fait installer la décoration délirante des salles de réception à partir des trophées de Victor-Emmanuel et de lui-même. Il est évident qu’aujourd’hui, ce type d’ornementation peut choquer mais à l’époque tous les souverains se devaient d’avoir une salle, voir un château consacré à l’activité cynégétique.
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Le château fut ensuite habité durant les vacances par la future reine Marie-Josée (1906-2001) épouse du dernier roi d’Italie Umberto II. Elle y passera ses derniers moments en Italie avant de s’exiler en Suisse. Le château est racheté en 1989 par la région autonome de la vallée d’Aoste. Après restauration, il est devenu un musée.
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December 8 2021
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martina-lm · 3 years ago
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Vittorio Emanuele II il Re cacciatore
Castello di Sarre, Valle D'Aosta 🌻❤
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jakecarson90 · 3 years ago
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 29mm | 1/250s | f/11 | ISO 100 {Photo 1}⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 24mm | 1/250s | f/9 | ISO 100 {Photo 2}⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 18mm | 1/100s | f/9 | ISO 100 {Photo 3}⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 22mm | 1/250s | f/9 | ISO 100 {Photo 4}⁣ All taken on 29/07/2021.⁣ ⁣ The capital of Valle d'Aosta, Italy's smallest region, harbours some of the country's best-preserved Roman ruins, including ancient roads, a crumbling theatre, city walls, bridges and old crypts.⁣ ⁣ Surrounded by the Alps which give access to the lovely valleys of the Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, ski and hiking resorts of Mont Blanc and a sprinkling of castles such as the impressive Castello di Sarre, Aosta's key attraction is perhaps its position—reminding us that there are all sorts of reasons to love the Aosta Valley.⁣ ⁣ Whatever the season, this region and its capital look absolutely fantastic.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ The easiest way is to reach Aosta by public transport is from Turin by train. If you're coming from Milan, you'll need to change at Chivasso.⁣ ⁣ Another way to get to Aosta is by bus from Milan (Milano Lampugnano station) or Turin (Torino Porta Susa station). Timetables can be found on www.aosta.arriva.it. ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Aosta #Mountains #AostaValley #ValdAosta #ValledAosta #Italia #Italy #YallersAosta #Photography #ValledAostaImmaginiEmozioni #IgersAosta #VolgoValledAosta #Montagna #Alps #VivoValledAosta #ValledAostaNelCuore #Travel #AostaGram #AostaLife #IgersVDA #LoveVDA #AostaRomana #Medievale #ThePrettyCities #PrettyLittleItaly #NatGeoTravel #AostaImmagina #Alpi #TravelBlogging #BBCTravel (at Aosta, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpE_VlIITe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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morelin · 7 years ago
Castelli e forti della Valle d’Aosta
La Valle d’Aosta è terra di castelli, circa 72 nella vallata principale. Durante un breve viaggio in questa regione ho potuto vederne alcuni solo esternamente come il castello di Aymavilles; invece, altri li ho visitati e sono tra i più famosi ed importanti.
Il castello di Issogne, appartenuto alla famiglia Challant, ha mantenuto i caratteri di una raffinata dimora signorile rinascimentale grazie ai restauri ed ai molti arredi che ricreano gli ambienti del tempo. Di particolare bellezza sono il porticato decorato con scene di vita quotidiana, l’albero di melograno posto al centro del cortile e gli affreschi delle sale interne; curiosi sono i numerosi graffiti lasciati dai visitatori e dagli ospiti del castello.
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Il castello di Fénis è forse il più famoso dei castelli medievali della Valle d’Aosta ed unisce ai caratteri della fortificazione quelli della residenza signorile in quanto fu la sede di rappresentanza dei maggiori esponenti della famiglia Challant. 
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Molto bella la sala d’armi e le altre sale interne ma è il cortile, ultima tappa della visita guidata, che stupisce con un ciclo di affreschi considerato capolavoro del gotico internazionale.
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Il castello di Sarre è di origine medievale e dopo diversi proprietari è stato acquistato nel 1869 dai Savoia che lo hanno utilizzato come residenza estiva e di caccia. Non a caso, la grande passione per la caccia è testimoniata dalla singolare decorazione della Galleria e del Salone dei trofei costituita da centinaia di corna di stambecco. Nelle altre sale è possibile vedere i ritratti della stirpe sabauda, gli ambienti e le stanze private.
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Il castello Sarriod de La Tour, di proprietà della famiglia omonima, ha subito nei secoli diversi interventi di ampliamento e sviluppo. Gli ambienti più interessanti sono la cappella con un importante ciclo di dipinti murali del Duecento e soprattutto la “sala delle teste” che prende il nome dalla decorazione del soffitto ligneo scolpito con figure mostruose e bizzarre.
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Il Forte di Bard, interamente ricostruito tra il 1830 ed il 1838 dopo esser stato distrutto da Napoleone, è uno dei migliori esempi di fortezza di sbarramento di primo Ottocento ed è costituito da diversi corpi di fabbrica posti a livelli diversi. Inoltre, ha ospitato le riprese del film “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.  
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odi-art · 4 years ago
From Aosta to Courmayeur by bus. Из Аосты до Курмайёра на автобусе.
En route: Saint-Pierre, Castello Reale di Sarre, Priorato di Saint Pierre, Castello di Saint-Pierre, Castello Sarriod de La Tour, Villeneuve, Arvier, Castello di Avise, Fiume Dora Baltea. По пути много замков и башен времён средневековья.
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lady-with-hat · 7 years ago
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#valledaosta #montagna #mountains #alpi #instamoment #instanature #vacation #vacanza #alps #italy #neve #snow #italianalps #sarre #castello #castle #castellodisarre #savoia #cultura #architecture #architettura #storia #history #instaarchitecture #vacation #vacanza #beautiful #settembre #september (presso Castello di Sarre)
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avv-cmg · 6 years ago
ITALIA - REGIONE VALLE D'AOSTA: IL CASTELLO DI SARRE. Una visita al famoso castello reale di Sarre. Un pagina di storia e curiosità. Buon viaggio. Cliccare sul link o sulla foto per visionare gli appunti di viaggio. https://viaggiarexsempreblogspot.com/italia-regione-valle-daosta-il-castello-di-sarre/
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armandfederico · 7 years ago
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PAGLIA O FIENO? La paglia è fatta dagli steli di grano e orzo, ed è usata come lettiera: non ha valore nutritivo. . Per fieno si intende l'erba tagliata, essiccata, raccolta e immagazzinata ai fini di alimentare di determinati animali bei periodi in cui non è possibile nutrirli in natura. . Il fieno è in genere utilizzato nella nutrizione di bovini, equini, caprini e ovini, o anche i piccoli animali domestici come conigli e piccoli roditori. . Indicativamente il prezzo va alla miria (=10 kg) sia per il fieno che per la paglia. . Per le balle grosse tonde o rettangolari: 1,50 euro la miria, e sono tra i 230 kg e i 400 kg a seconda della pressatura. . Le piccole, che sono attorno ai 20-30 kg, le vendono almeno a 2 euro la miria. . CURIOSITÀ 1 Il fieno per i conigli rappresenta l'alimento principe, importante anche per mantenere una corretta masticazione, consumando i denti ed evitando problemi di malocclusione. . CURIOSITÀ 2 Si dice che i maiali mangino tutto, invece non digeriscono molto bene le fibre vegetali. . CURIOSITÀ 3 Fieno di primo taglio: detto maggengo, perché viene raccolto in maggio (è il fieno migliore); Fieno di secondo taglio: detto agostano; Fieno di terzo taglio: detto settembrino o grumereccio o terzuolo è quello con qualità nutritive inferiori. . #fieno #paglia #animali #alimenti #balle #rotoballe #balledifieno #foraggio #alimentazione #animali #lettiera #fienagiobe #maggengo #essicazione #fibrealimentari #conigli #denti #foto #fotografare #fotografia #fotoinbiancoenero #biancoenero #bnw #blackandwhite #igersbnw #bnw_greatshots #federicoarmand #BANANASPONSOR www.armand.it (presso Castello di Sarre)
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outdoormagic · 11 years ago
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Castello di Sarre (AO) by Paola_Mazzoglio on Flickr.
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jakecarson90 · 3 years ago
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 135mm | 1/1600s | f/5.6 | ISO 100⁣ Taken on 06/09/2021.⁣ ⁣ West from Aosta, the main valley holds a number of castles, the best of which perhaps is the 13th-century Castello di Sarre.⁣ ⁣ Sarre is the former hunting lodge of Vittorio Emanuele II, who, the story goes, actually bought the castle by mistake. He had set his sights on the property of Aymaville opposite, but the agent sent to buy the castle was confused about the direction in which the river flowed and ended up buying Sarre instead.⁣ ⁣ The king made the best of a bad job, permanently stamping the halls of the castle with his astounding taste in interior decor, pushing the hunting-lodge motif to its limits, with horns of wild ibex lining the main gallery and thousands of white chamois skulls studding the stuccoed festoons.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ Catch a bus from Aosta to Sarre with 'SAVDA'. It's then a 10-minute walk up a hill covered with apple orchards. 🍎 ⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Sarre #Aosta #AostaValley #ValleedAoste #ValledAosta #ValledAostaNelCuore #ValledAostaImmaginiEmozioni #AostaImmagina #LoveVDA #Castles_OfTheWorld #CastlesOfInstagram #Italia #Italy #TreasureItaly #BrowsingItaly #Italian_Places #Rg_Wywh #NatGeoTravel #LensCulture #LonelyPlanet #BestDestinations #Wonderful_WonderfulPlaces #BestItalianSites #VolgoValledAosta #Italia_BestPhoto #BestInTravel #MadeInItaly #PromozioneDelTerritorio #BellezzedItalia #InstaPicOfTheDay (at Castello reale di Sarre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWVF_7pIN4E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jakecarson90 · 4 years ago
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⁣ Samsung Galaxy Note 10+⁣ Taken on 01/02/2020.⁣ ⁣ The 'Castello Reale di Sarre' (Royal Sarre Castle) is one of the most visited castles in the Aosta Valley region.⁣ ⁣ Built on a hillrock on the ruins of an even older settlement in the Aosta basin in 1710, the castle continues to dominate the valley to this day. In 1869 it was acquired by the King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, who rebuilt it to use as a summer residence during his frequent hunting trips.⁣ ⁣ Inside, the castle bears testimony to that of an Alpine residence and that of a museum of the Savoy family. Here you can visit the royal apartment, the games room ('la Gran Sala del Gioco'), the gallery of hunting trophies ('la Galleria dei Trofi Venatori'), richly decorated furnishings and finely painted portraits while learning about the history of the Savoy dynasty during the 20th century.⁣ ⁣ This corridor is the embodiment of the King's passion for hunting and is my favourite part of the castle. And you can see it more closely for yourself by making a booking for a guided tour at the castle.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ Take a train from Turin to Aosta (via Ivrea). Then catch a bus heading for Courmayeur with 'SAVDA' and get off the bus at Sarre. The castle is about a 20-minute walk from the bus stop.⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #RoadToValledAosta #ValledAosta #Castle #Sarre #Castello #Aosta #AostaValley #LoveVDA #AostaImmagina #Italia #Italy #Decor #BestDestinations #JustGoShoot #IgersItalia #YallersItalia #TravelGreen #SAVDA #Italian_Places #Italy_PhotoLovers #DoYouTravel #ForBesTravelGuide #CondeNastTraveller #Italy_Illife #Raw_Italy #Italy_Creative_Pictures #Corridor #Design #ItalyMagazine #AdventureCulture (at Castello di Sarre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSKV4dla2l/?igshid=vkcbnz2zvgk1
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jakecarson90 · 5 years ago
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 35mm | 1/80s | f/10 | ISO 100⁣ Taken on 01/02/2020.⁣ ⁣ * Repost *⁣ ⁣ Castello Sarriod de la Tour. It is one of the must-see castles in Valle D'Aosta that is open to visitors all year round.⁣ ⁣ One peculiarity of this castle is that, unlike the vast majority of castles in the valley, this one was built on a flat land area.⁣ ⁣ Despite having undergone a variety of works over the centuries, frescoes can still be seen and intricate details can still be admired such as the fine decorations on a large wooden ceiling.⁣ ⁣ So although it isn't one of the best-known castles in Aosta Valley, Castello Sarriod de la Tour is worth visiting.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ It's just a couple of bus stops from Castello di Sarre ('SAVDA'). You should definitely see this castle be promoted in Aosta and on the Internet, especially on "lovevda.it" — the official tourist board in Aosta Valley.⁣ ____________________________________⁣ ⁣ #lovevda #aosta #aostavalley #valledaosta #italia #italy #ilikeitaly #castelliditalia #igersaosta #yallersitalia #ig_italia #yallersaosta #volgoitalia #browsingitaly #italy_illife #travelblogger #solotravel #welivetoexplore #travelmore #loves_madeinitaly #best_italiansites #mountainscape #tv_travel #traveldrops #canonitalia #saintpierre #castellosarrioddelatour #beautifulmatters #doyoutravel #cnntravel (at Castello Sarriod de la Tour) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCArTJKoh6F/?igshid=1tag9ov4inres
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jakecarson90 · 5 years ago
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Canon EOS 250D | 18mm | 1/500s | f/9 | ISO 100 Taken on 01/02/2020. As I've written before in this travel blog, a tour of the fantastic castles of Aosta Valley – testimonies of a real rich and intense history in this northern Italian region – is an absolute must besides the beautiful surrounding nature. One of the most dominating castles in the Valley is the Royal Sarre castle. In this photo I attempted to capture the castle's unique features, that is to say the longitudinal body with a square tower in the centre, making the castle instantly recognisable as you pass through Valle d'Aosta. The history of the Sarre Royal Castle is also rather unique. Built in 1710 on a hillock in the Aosta basin, this castle became the summer residence of the House of Savoy after various owners. In 1869 the property was purchased by the King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, who renovated it and used it during hunting expeditions in Val d'Aosta, notably in the valleys of Rhêmes, Cogne and Valsavarenche. The King's successor, Umberto I, shared the same passion for hunting activities, which was evident to me when I saw the 'Gran Sala del Gioco' (games room) and the 'Galleria dei Trofei Venatori' (hunting trophies room), garnished with ibex and chamois trophies. The royal apartments on the second floor were very impressive and contained important decorations that money simply can't buy. You can get to Sarre on the Aosta–Courmayeur bus line with 'SAVDA'. Ask the driver to leave you at the nearest bus stop to the castle, which is about a 15-minute walk away. And when you reach the castle, make sure you take time to take in the beautiful panorama of the mountains and the village of Sarre. After visiting Sarre, why not move on to Saint-Pierre castle, too? 🏰 ________________________________________ #italia #italy #aostavalley #ig_aosta #yallersaosta #volgoaosta #castlesofinstagram #ilikeitaly #italycomestoyou #canonitalia #picoftheday #photooftheday #traveldiaries #italyiloveyou #lovevda #sarre #travelphotography #beautiful #ig_europa #madeinitaly #igersitalia #yallersitalia #history #valledaosta #instagood #instalike #travelblogger #insiemesipuò #italy_illife #raw_italy (at Castello di Sarre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HburPI-B9/?igshid=b2bzt35buk9k
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