#Cassidy was on a whim but lmao
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micechicken · 9 months ago
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Whiteboard doodles
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backlogbooks · 8 months ago
"read books I own" six months update (halfway through the year! wow!)
books read off my physical tbr: 30
current status of the tbr: 39
We've made it under forty books! And I think it'll stay that way--I don't have any plans to buy more books in the near future, and I won't get my next preorder in until July (I was a teenage slasher by Stephen Graham Jones, for the curious), and I'll definitely have finished a couple books before it comes in
I'm having a really good time with this goal! So far most of my tbr reading has been horror that I've gotten in the past couple of years and really been looking forward to, and niche nonfiction that I picked up on a whim and am finally actually reading. I do have some other genres mixed in, which I'm looking forward to, especially now that I've taken off some of the books that I'm no longer interested in and I have a better idea of what still appeals to me. (Shoutout to everyone who voted in my "read or give away" polls, I did tilt the scale in favor of giving away by making that option the much more fun "throw it to the wolves" lmao)
I have had to do check ins to make sure I'm more focused on the reading and enjoying than I am with the number going down. I've gotten rid of the overall reading goal in the past few years, so this has been the only stat I can focus on--as much as I love playing with my tbr spreadsheet and moving things from the "tbr" to the "read" section, I don't want to get wrapped up entirely in that. Part of that is letting myself/encouraging myself to read the longer books on my shelf, which are well worth the investment--I just finished Plain Bad Heroines, and I'm looking at Mary by Nat Cassidy in the near future! (Though that might wait until I've had a chance to read Carrie by Stephen King, since I'm pretty sure it was an inspiration and I'd love to see those connections.)
As I noted in another post, my book buying goal has expanded, so that instead of trying to buy only 12 books this year, I'm aiming for 24 or fewer. This was partially because this year I've been reading the books I buy pretty close to when I buy them, so I feel better about the purchase. So my update on the book buying front is that I've bought 15 books total, 4 of which I've since read and 3 of which I'd already read when I bought them. Book buying is gonna slow down again, with the next spike probably coming around the end of October (I'm already looking ahead to my library's annual book sale, I just can't help it.)
See y'all in two months for the next installment lol
"read books i own" two months in update:
Books read off my physical tbr: 6
Current status of my tbr: 60
feeling pretty good about this! if i keep going at this rate i'll end the year with 30 books on my shelf, but honestly i think i can do a little more since after this semester i'll have a little more freedom with what i read
Looking forward to swapping my horror and tbr shelves, because my horror collection is outgrowing its little corner, and I want to get out of the habit of buying books i havent read yet so my tbr can live in the little corner instead
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rebouks · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Curtis's Container Commune!
Or.. it will be a commune one day, but he needs a hand or two first! Technically seven extra pairs of hands... As of right now, all Curtis has is an empty container and a vision! That vision is a self-sufficient community, a greener world and hopefully some nicer digs.
Sure he has no money, the air is putrid, the soil barren... There's no stove, no proper bathroom, no beds, no food, no power, no water, uh.. we'll stop there, but you get the picture. It's gonna be great, right?!
Tired of the rat race? Want to get your hands dirty? Parents kicked you outta their basement? Wanna make some new friends.. maybe more?! Look no further!
Please send your applications to the former Cassidy residence as Curtis doesn't have a mailbox yet (warning: Cassie will read them all)
You might be asking; Becca, what the hell is this? Well... It's a rags to riches style mini "BC" I suppose.. though also, not really 🤔 The idea being that Curty here builds up a container community with seven other sims, since he's the jade generation of the NSB2 challenge... Maybe he finds love, maybe not? I guess you could consider it a rough take on a BC since he could fall in love with one of em? But obviously there's no roses, challenges, dates or eliminations and some sims may leave due to.. idk, not being able to cope, falling out with members of the community, whatever else?? We're wingin' it here as per, so we'll see what happens.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now I'm on patch and have no plans to update. Any submissions need to be made/have been made for this patch or earlier. I'm sorry to potentially cut some of you off from submitting but I'm just not willing to potentially break my game for this shit lmao.
Info: Curtis is a vegetarian, recycle disciple, green fiend with the Eco Innovator aspiration aka the Jade Gen of the NSB2.
Seven sims will be chosen! (I learnt my lesson last time, no more!!)
Occults are allowed but ehhh.. not preferred.
All sims/genders/sexualities are welcome! YA preferred.
Sims may have jobs, likes and dislikes, freelance careers etc if you wish but we're sticking it to the man for the most part, so..?
Curtis is a dummy so he's not screening this shit. Obviously handy sims, gardeners etc etc would be the most use but if you wanna throw a squeamish spanner in the works, go ahead!
In a similar vein, feel free to give 'em some skills!
Sims may not bring any money with them. We're starting from 0!
I have all packs/kits except journey to Shituu and High School whatever it is.
At least one outfit per category.
CC allowed but keep it light on the clothes plx, no alpha hair either.
Give 'em as much or as little backstory as you wish. They're ultimately just gameplay sims so you don't have to go nuts if you can't be arsed.
Any in game traits allowed but keep it real y'know.. 3 traits only and no custom traits plx!
Wicked Whims is in effect 👀
Non "winners" or sims that choose to leave may stay in my game as a townie or be returned to their creator.
Hmmmm.. I think that's it? Idk.. any questions or w/e shoot me a dm!
Bear in mind this is simple gameplay so posts will just be like my regular gp posts, it's not gonna be some big production with dialogue or anything. I just felt like bringing some other peoples sims along for a fun little experiment to spice things up.
Tag me and your simmies with #Curtis'sCommune so I can see em! Deadline for submissions is August 30th (ish). I have a busy two weeks coming up so this may be longer if I can't get my shit together.. or shorter if I get a ridiculous amount. Somnium is my baby and comes first so this is gonna be real chill! Curtis is still a teen atm so it's all gooood, I won't be starting straight away.
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iamnmbr3 · 4 years ago
Ok I have now watched it. Venom 2 trailer thoughts below! 
2) It looks really good. The effects and the cinematography look absolutely fabulous and I’m super pleased with it.
3) Also the story looks cool and looks like it’s gonna have a nice balance of semi-gritty action and comedy.
4) The domestic symbrock breakfast scene was hilarious. The best bit is that Venom is wrecking the entire apartment and Eddie just looks...so tired. It doesn’t really fit in the trailer in the flow of the more serious scenes but they put that in for us so I’m not gonna complain. Tho also it’s almost like a joke the way they put it in because the opening is quite similar to the (rather misleading) trailer for the first movie and then it does a jump cut to that scene so it’s kinda clever. (Not to mention the ketchup feels like foreshadowing). The “no eating people” sign was great lmao.
5) Cassidy looks like a promising antagonist so far. They seem to have toned down the over-the-top cringy stuff from the end credits scene of Venom 1. AND THEY GOT RID OF THE GOD AWFUL WIG! YAY! 
6) Venom. Sweetie. No offense. But please never sing ever again. Stick to other talents...like cooking lmao! (Also is it just me or does Venom’s voice sound slightly different from last movie? Maybe they’re not done with the effects yet. I think I liked the old frequency better. But that may be a non-issue in the actual final cut).
7) Just. THE BREAKFAST SCENE. The fact that Venom made 2 plates. The fact that he wanted to cook Eddie breakfast. And Eddie’s just sitting there looking so tired and resigned and low-key fond. Also the way he doesn’t even sound worried when he says they can’t eat Mrs. Chen; he’s basically just like ‘see what I have to put up with. Married life amirite?” I can’t. Thank you Sony for my symbrock rights. 
8) This trailer has watered my crops and once again healed me after the endless frustrations of having to deal with Disney/MCU fandom. I’m not saying studios need to pander or cater exclusively to fandom whims. But it’s nice when they treat their fandom with respect and appreciation and don’t actively punish them for caring about characters or engaging with their content. (Disney take note!)
9) HYPE!!!!
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