#Casimir The Blue-winged Angel
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( Author : Don't worry. I absolutely love this fic. Here's one from me too, which shows Zelda and Casimir's reactions to the letter. ^^)

It was early morning.
The birds were sleeping nicely in their nests, only the grasshoppers left to sing their songs to the world.
The horizon was still painted in dark, almost black, blueish and slight purple hues. Both colors blending together so perfectly with numerous stars sparkling in the sky like little diamonds, a painting wouldn't be able to replicate fully its breathtaking beauty.
Through the streets of Holistone the air was howling gently, traveling from one house to another, telling its owners that sunrise was approaching in a few hours.
Inside the Mystical House everything was quiet. Dolly, Chippy and Hammie were sleeping in their rooms, blankets covering their bodies like soft cocoons.
The fireplace in the huge living room was still twinkling with a leftover life force, slowly casting the space into darkness.
An oil lamp, which was sitting in the middle of a big and ornamented round table, emitted an orange-yellow light onto the face of Magister Zelda, whose red eyes were locked onto an unfinished painting on an easel in front of her figure.
Her legs were crossed, one over the other. Zelda's right foot tapped to a rhythm of a song, which only she was able to hear in her head.
Although her son, Casimir, could've probably guessed what it was.
The mage's snow-white hair was down and in a total mess.
Albino body covered in various shades of reds, blues and golds.
Brushes from various sizes were set on the table next to her. From delicate small ones to bigger types that were designed for covering large areas. Most were dirtied already from the Magister's painting process. Cleaning would be tough later.
Yes, she could use magic for this, but that wasn't in Zelda's preferences. Not everyone needed flashy spells for their everyday lives.
Casimir was sitting opposite of his mother's direction. His gaze focused on his own painting, tongue sticking out a bit as his light brown eyes squinted at the small details on the canvas. The eyes on his halos blinked a few times like they were trying to figure out if something else needed to be added into the painting.
The fallen angel's portrayed one of the many mini dragons, which were residing on Earth. The creature's size was probably as large as an apple, but when angered- it had the attitude of a honey badger, but multiplied by three.
Ironically that the species' name was ' Angel's Songbird '. It screamed more like a banshee in reality.
Casimir's painting showed Dolly's beautiful garden behind the Mystical House. It contained many flowers from various regions in Esperia and even ones that were native to planet Earth. The colors contrasting and blending together in perfect harmony.
The Magister's eyebrows furrowed at her artwork a bit.
" Do you think I should give them more feathers? "
" They have enough of it already. Remember that holding one of these dragons is like carrying a fluffball in your hands, " her son replied as he looked up at his mother.
" But I still think something is missing from the painting. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe is the tiny dots in their irises, " Zelda said and hummed in the process.
" Your perfectionism is showing up, mom. "
" I know. I know. It's just that... Ugh, " the mage groaned and put down her paintbrush in the water cup on the easel.
Cas stopped painting as well, sighing in return. Dark skin covered in warm and cool colored paints.
His clothes were a disaster. The angel's black hair was put back into a messy ponytail. Two dreadlocks hanging on each side of his soft face.
His golden eyeliner was smudged from him rubbing his eyes in attempts to stay awake.
The eyes on Cas' halos were droopy, showing his sleepiness as well.
Stretching out his stiffened body, the young man stood up from his chair. Two angelic wings flapping a bit from it, which also looked a lot like the blue-bellied roller bird ones. Brilliant blue hues that sparkled under the sunlight during the daytime.
Unlike other angels, though, Casimir lacked eyes on his wings. Angels, who were born on Earth and/or weren't created in Heaven, were known for this specific trait.
The albino smiled a bit as she considered her son's words. Maybe the painting didn't need extra details. It was as good as it was.
Just as the two decided to set the artworks on the huge table for the paints to dry out, a small crash was heard at one of the windows on the western side of the living room.
The blue-winged angel squinted his light brown eyes, seeing something glowing in red and orange near it. Like a flame dancing in the dark.
Zelda nodded to her son, who immediately flew up to the scene that caused this commotion. He noticed a firebird-rosella laying in front of the window. The poor parrot probably didn't see anything in the dark and collided with the ' invisible ' wall in front of it.
Casimir smiled and chuckled a bit, opening the window and picking up carefully the poor animal.
" Hey there, little one. You alright? " he spoke up with a gentle tone, scratching the flaming parrot on the head with a finger.
The firebird shook its head, flew up and landed on top of the angel's head with various squeaking sounds. A warm laughter left Casimir's throat from this and used his own wings to get down to his mother.
The young man rummaged around the lower shelves near the gigantic showcase full of books from all around Esperia until he found some rare exotic birdseeds, offering them to the adorable and mischievous creature as food.
" What's your name, buddy? " the angel asked as the troublemaker feasted on the treats.
With a loud shriek, the name ' Zhar ' was repeated one or two times, followed by a click and some other peculiar noises.
Zelda walked towards them and extended a right hand to the firebird-rosella. He hopped onto her index finger and looked at the Magister with a cute gaze, which held no thoughts behind that skull of his. The mage's red eyes spotted a rolled up parchment attached with a string to the animal's beak.
With delicate movements, she removed it from there and gave a few pets to the firey parrot, which he accepted immediately.
Putting on her reading glasses, the albino started reading the message.
At Pirin and Valen's parts a nod was given with a few smiles.
When it came to Soren's paragraph, though...
Blinking. Squinting her gaze and even lifting the glasses up in hopes of understanding the penmanship... Or whatever that was.
Casimir winced at the horrendous writing. Mentally taking notes to help Soren fix his grammar next time.
After 10 minutes of struggling with the bearman's part, the Magister finally finished reading the letter. Zhar tilted his head at the fallen angel like he was trying to understand her frustration at the end.
A silence fell in the large living room. The atmosphere dangling an awkward feeling around the three.
" Casimir. Please prepare the camera and a list with instructions for it. It'll be easier for the ursine Mauler. I hope so, " Zelda spoke, her scarred hands making movements a conductor in an orchestra would normally do.
" Yes, mom, " the lively angel replied and opened his wings, flying up to the tallest shelves in the Mystical House.
A thud from upstairs pulled the mage from her thinking. Her sharp gaze followed up to where the noise came from.
Only to be met by a scrawny and short figure with a Red-tailed Hawk mask looking at her from above. Crouched down behind the beautifully carved wodeen handrail.
Their mask blinked once or twice.
The hair - an absolute mess. The right side short till the shoulders. The left - braided loosely.
The figure's long and pointy feathered ears twitched once or twice at Casimir's shuffling in attempts to find the hidden electronics.
A warm smile graced Zelda's face. Pupils softening from the realization.
" Sweetie? Why are you up so late at night? "
She spoke delicately, making a sign for them to come to her.
Running down the stairs carefully like a bird, the mysterious person landed in front of the tall albino with a big jump.
The Magister gently fixed their messy bangs and other hair strands, which were sticking out like a bird's nest.
The figure's hands moved quickly in sign language, ' voicing ' out their thoughts.
' ... I had a nightmare, auntie. I'm sorry for bothering you. '
A shake from the older fallen angel was the response to this with a small chuckle.
" Dear, don't apologize for something like this. Come here now. Nothing can harm you while auntie is around. Do you understand, Raptor? " she opened her arms to invite their relative for a comfortable embrace.
The person, known as Raptor, immediately accepted the gesture. Wrapping their bony arms around the mage's muscular form.
Zelda shushed the 19 year old, caressing their head and avoiding the horns on it. A purr escaping their throat.
" Casimir will prepare the video camera for a recording message. I'm warning you so you won't be startled by it. You can stay while I'm delivering the speech. Only if you want to, of course. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, little feather. "
The Red-tailed Hawk fallen angel nodded to this.
Zhar flapped his wings and landed on their left shoulder, snuggling into the soft hoodie sweater they wore.
Raptor's bird mask blinked at the flaming parrot on their side, being lucky that their new clothes were fireproof.
A long and pointy claw petted carefully the rosella's head, earning satisfied calls from him.
The blue-winged angel, Casimir, flew down next to them after a bit, ruffling his cousin's feathers on their hair affectionately and in a greeting way. In his left hand, there laid an old video camera from the early 2010s back on Earth.
The device's years were clear. Small scratches and chipped off dark gray paint were present on the metal surface. The leathery handle for the object was definitely worn out but still in a decent shape. There were faded marker scribbles on it of various animals. Tarhe's, Zelda's daughter, handiwork from a decade or more ago. Good thing the batteries still worked.
The first time she showed this to Hugin after the war, he lost his marbles completely, to say the least. Asking the scarred woman numerous amount of questions about how it worked and what its purpose was.
Basically, talking her ears off to no end.
She hadn't met someone so fired up about something in a long time.
Heck! Sonja almost got worried about the energetic bearded man. It was like he was gonna jump to space, never to be seen again.
With a few more adjustments, the Magister's son put down the device on the huge round table in the room. Making it face the albino, himself and the masked fallen angel with Zhar on their shoulder.
All three-four individuals took their seats on the big silky couch near the fireplace.
Zelda had her legs crossed over one another as usual.
Casimir's pose was relaxed and happy. While
Raptor was hugging their knees close to their chest.
The firebird-rosella snuggled on their shoulder.
Pressing the start button on the camera, the blue-winged angel nodded when the red light turned on, indicating that it was already recording.
He immediately took a seat next to his mom and cousin. The mage clearing out her throat before speaking.
' Greetings, Pirin.
Hello to Valen, Soren, Sinbad and Alsa, if they are around you.
If you're watching this video, it means that you managed to follow the instructions on the parchment attached to the device.
This is a video camera from Earth. Quite old, but it still works very well.
I'm pleased to receive your letters and it warmed my heart a lot as well.
Although, on one note.
Soren, dear. You definitely need an upgrade in the writing department. I'm sorry if it sounds rude, but you definitely need help with it.
Also, Valen, I'm overjoyed to know you and the rest are taking good care of Pirin. He deserves it fully.
If you're wondering who the individuals are next to me, don't worry. I'll introduce them now.
The angel waving at the camera is Casimir. My son. He's the one who drew the artwork of the rose for you. Cas is a social butterfly, so beware if he tackles you in a hug next time, when you arrive at our Mystical House.
And on my left is my niephew, Raptor. They don't talk a lot, but use sign language instead most of the time. They're not deaf, but selectively mute. Also, yes. Their mask blinks and imitates their facial expressions underneath it. Please, don't feel spooked by them.
Another warning, just in case. They're the new leader of the Quicksand Claws here. Our little feather took down the previous tyrant, who came after Ferranc's death, and they turned the place into a safe haven for people, Maulers and other factions. They might look weak, but Raptor packs a good kick. Or a bullet to be more specific.
And they may or may not have murdered with their best friend, Cadmus... the entirety of all Adamant Syndicate camps as well.
Anyway. We're excited for your arrival, if you do decide to come here. Don't push yourself. Your feelings and opinions are on 1st place, after all.
I'll send the device through Zhar to deliver it right after the video ends. It's light enough for this beauty to not have a problem with it, when flying.
Also don't worry, if the birds break it. We have three more around the shelves. For emergencies, when things like these happen.
We all wish you happy winter holidays and hope to see you soon. You're always welcomed here, sweetie. Your friends and significant others too.
This is all for now.
Until next time.
Goodbye. '
------video recording has ended-----
(It was supposed to be a short fic, but eeeh... got carried away. I apologize for any mistakes in it.)
' Greetings, Pirin.
I would like to inform you that I've become aware of your struggles and how troubled you are.
It hurts my soul to see such a beautiful, kind and smart individual be in so much pain.
So I'm giving an invitation to you to visit my Mystical House whenever you want to.
I promise you that while you're at my place, no harm will reach you. You'll be able to relax fully without any nightmares plaguing your mind.
It'll be your own safe haven.
Rila may join you on this, but only on two conditions :
- To not cause trouble in any kind of way.
- And to not lie to my face.
As a fallen angel, I can detect lies easily. So let her keep this in mind.
Valen, Sinbad, Alsa and Soren are welcomed as well to visit.
This letter will reach you with the help of a golden mechanical pigeon. My son, Casimir, made these sweet things for this, but you can keep it as a pet if you want to. He doesn't mind it.
Despite them being robotic, they appreciate head scratches and are very cuddly. Also, these adorable birds are great companions to keep around. They'll bring down your stress levels by a lot.
My offer will always be opened for you, so don't feel rushed to answer immediately.
I wish you a great day/night, Pirin.
P. S. : There are two other little gifts for you with the letter. It's a hybrid rose from Dolly's garden. I think it's a mix between between Rosa damascena ( or the Bulgarian name version - Маслодайна роза ) and some kind of a flower with curvy spikes from the Ashen Wastes.
Casimir tried to draw it and he's sending you an artwork of it along with the flower in the letter. Cas also added a few extra things on the drawing.
He hopes the doodles won't bother you.

I hope this present brings a smile to your face. '
From : Magister Zelda 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℭ𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔯
To : Pirin
((Sorry for writing a full-blown fic, V! ^^')) _______________________________________________________-------- The swallows and sparrows outside chirp, caught in a jovial chase, flitting swiftly as the sun's warm rays seep through the window; bathing some of the improvised bookshelves lining the opposite wall in pale light. Seated on the carpeted floor in the corner of his small room within the humble wooden hut he's built over the years, the hunched over 'ghost' blinks blearily. I've almost dozed off again... How long has he been staring at the pages of the book sprawled in his lap again? Twenty minutes? Thirty...? The lines blur into a faceless stream of letters 'slurred' incoherency that barely makes any sense.
Pirin blinks to clear vision, focusing onto the script once more, rubbing at his eye with a hand, a tired held-back sigh-like hum stirring in his throat. There's so much more work to be done-- patrol the territories of the Dark Forest, locate potential rifts and anomalies lingering, write a thorough and extensive report to Merlin with updates regarding his progress on the memory-restoration spell and potion....It's still heavily in testing. Although it feels like the mage has deliberately thrown this specific task as a wild goose chase. Merlin clearly isn't as forgetful amnesiac as he wants others to believe.
More research, go to the market for grocery shopping else the fridge would be empty with nothing for the Songs.. Ingredients for potions...hunt.. A tall pile of letters sits next to his folded legs, all from family and friends, still to be red and replied to. A tap on the window snaps his attention out of the mental checklist, glossy eyes lifting up to stare at the mechanical bird perched on the sill.. Is it...waiting to be let it...? The violet budgie made of stardust snuggled in the crook of his neck and dozing off peacefully stirs, lifting his head to eye the newcomer....And a low, annoyed squawking rumble resonates-- Grumbling like an old grandpa at having his nap ruined. Which he is.
Some kind of noise slips from the other bird, peering inside the room. Slowly rising up from his bookshelf-lined corner, the vampire affectionately cards a clawed finger through the parakeet's cheek feathers, the bird leaning tilting his head contently. "Добре че поне ти чу.. ..Рий-Рий, да не ревнуваш, а душинко~?" The stardust little scamp was too busy enjoying the gentle 'scratches' like a cat, huddled in the crook of his neck. Totally unbothered by the teasing coo. Letting the robot in, 'Merlin' takes the envelope and opens it, taking out the letter as he settles back on his spot to read.
' Greetings, Magister Zelda. Please pardon my less than eligible penmanship, I hope it still reads well and isn't torturous to the eyes. Please, don't mourn my pains. I appreciate the sentiment, truly...however don't trouble yourself, somber your spirit(s) because of me. Your gracious invitation warms my heart, and will be surely considered with diligence. (I would not bring Rila anywhere, as she is too great of a hazard and listens to none but her own whims. But I will pass on the message to her. ...I fear she would 'invite' herself out of spite and attempt to spar with you, seeing your warning as a challenge-threat. On the note of your messenger: I admire your son's craftsmanship and artistic talent. However I'm afraid I can't keep the pigeon, as Rio and Zhar would not take kindly to the mechanical creation...or accidentally break it while playing and roughhousing. (Zhar being a most likely culprit; he's a rosella you see...was, prior to ascension into a real firebird. His beak is rather strong and he loves to beak rather hard, be it the person he loves or his toys.) As such, poor creation will not survive the hooligan. (I hope he has delivered my letter to you and hasn't given you trouble or your staff. He tends to adore perching atop heads and will randomly burst into 'a fit' before chattering normally.) I will, however, be sure to plant the gorgeous bloom in my garden! ..Ah, the memories, takes me back to when I wandered around Sokol, walking through our garden and studying the roses, the Bleeding heart flowers and lily-of-the-valleys.... Such fond times, even though in truth I experienced them through the Sun. Oh! Also the times I'd climb the apple trees in our orchard too! Best spot to relax, within the leaves and bloomed boughs, watching the clouds drift by and nap.. I'm rambling, sorry, I don't know what's gotten to me as of late. (^^')'
The letters are starting to blur and slur into one endless scribble again, vision unfocused. For the tenth time today, the world falling away to muffled fuzzy shapes of color-- His hearing betrays him, not registering the soft knock on the front door or the jovial call of familiar clear, ringing tenor, a nickname on the man's lips. The door creaks ever so slightly, footsteps padding on pelt-- it makes no sense. A warm, soft and slightly calloused palm carefully lands on his shoulder. Two familiar presences-- A knight, and a son of the desert. ("You've been going on a sleepless streak again, I see. You know you should really mind your duty-downtime balance more, right? It's seriously not good for your, already not ideal, health.") ("..Hm. So that's why we've been left on radio-silence this month. Makes sense. ...What a mess.") Eying the scattered books on the floor and parchments full of formulas, notes, calculations and... some hasty scribbles that hardly make much sense, the normally perfectly tidy room is.. Well it's like a hurricane flew through. Something that 'Pops' would freak out over if sober, given how much of neat-freak he is-- Always all about everything being perfectly in-line, organized by alphabet and also from left to right for the books and trinkets on the shelves; blank papers at the top of the bookshelf in the middle- opposite of the bed, a note specifically emphasizing this order tacked on. Letters next to that pile, documents on the blank-heap's right.
And can't forget how the bed must always be fixed, no wrinkles to the blanket, pillows or mattress. (Don't know why it's so important, but that's just something the Jinni does.) Now all of that is just wrong. Vanya would loose his shit if he sees this.
The teen's eyes flicker back to the 'zombie' on the floor, glossy-eyed and mumbling something under his breath. It sounds like gibberish of a madman. A few snippets are coherent...kinda. "...finish letter, answer....potion..Boss...much.. work"
"Alright, I'll tidy up here. You take the idiot to the couch." "Sounds fine by me. Holler if you need extra hands?" "Mhm."
Seated on the sofa with a slumbering night nymph is his arms, Valen reads over the two letters...Then picks up the quill and inkwell he'd moved over to the living area from the other room. The sound of soft scratching on parchment fills the air besides the quiet shuffling, free hand gently carding through the disheveled silk.
༼ ——————————-——---————---———---—-————————————————— ༽ ------------- ----------- ------------- -------
'Also ''Hello" from me too. I actually took over writing this letter- my Dove was very reluctant, but I managed to coax him into taking a nap. (Sheesh, emulating his handwriting is like pulling out the legendary Excalibur! I'm trying my best--) Anyway, I can confidently speak on his behalf when I say thank you, for your generous offer, and invitation. (Although Vanyusha really worries we would be potential anomalies in your realm and cause some form of damage.. I hope it's just paranoia talking, and in the event it is true, happens--I apologize on behalf of my teammates and my own, for any issues caused in advance. Unfortunately, due to being a terrible workaholic, he'd likely not take you up on it--Too busy with something, or more like somethings, all the time. As such, I would be glad to visit (and take Vanya along), as his personal knight. (Almost forgot to say 'hi' from Soren as well! Although he'd probably add his own two cents when he's done fixing up the room. It was in complete disarray- No need to give our Angel a heart-attack.) We got worried and came over, right in the nick of time as it seems. ....I sincerely hope he'll let himself rest every now and then. Regardless, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll call it a day here. (I mean, there's almost no space on the parchment for Soren's snippet.. Whoops!)'
Finally done tidying up the room and bringing it to its former order....as best he could, the warrior grins with arms crossed over his chest. It's nowhere near Pirin's level of orderly, but it's not a half-assed effort either. He'll fix his room to his liking later.
Padding back into the living area, the sight makes him roll his eyes. At least he's happy and not treated like shit. Approaching the desk with the letter, Soren reads it over, snorting at some parts, then the other one. At last, he picks up the quill and puts his scratchy, messy, jumbled penmanship on display with all of its grammatical errors. Out of all clanmates, Alsa is the only one who can properly write and read Lightbearer-lingo. It was about roughly three or six months ago, when he himself finally caved in to her pestering. And picked up learning how to read and write like a Lightbearer, thanks to Pirin's teaching. ..Plus some old languages on the side, namely Bulgarian and tiiiiny bit of French. (Poor Vanya had tried to teach Spanish, but just like French, that lingo just flew right over his head. And didn't wanna bother.)
༼ ——————————-——---————---———---—-————————————————— ༽
'Hi, Soren writing this part. I guess I wanna say thank you for the invitation too. Valen said best i got nothing else to add. i dont promise to visit, might just drag Little Finch over though, i dont know. if busy then its Valen, if no action then yea I'll stop by or that idiot will do something stupid. Ludovic got a chance to accompany him/Berial too i still dont get whats up with their thing. (I only recently was taut to write and rid. red?? reed???? look at letters and get them. exquse my shit gramar and punctuation. Lightbearer language suck. okey thats all bye. P.S? is this how you call it? : Vanyo attached a vial of numbing-calming potion saw his notes- it helps with all kinds of pain and heals + calms both injuries, pain and mind. He didnt actually attach i did but ya u get the gist. -Soren, Valen & Little Finch'
"Zhar!" -Immediately, a firebird-rosella emerges with a lively squawk of his own name, wings beating rapidly and the wind sways his fringe. The parrot lands onto the warrior's head, still squawking enthusiastically 'Zhar! Zhari!', making 'Uuooh!' noises and a click.
With a deadpan, Soren lifts a hand-- and sweeps it over the crown of his head where the lil hooligan perches. The bird makes a small 'Te-tee!' noise as if in protest but steps onto his finger anyways. And he lowers the parrot down, Zhar blinks up at him with that innocent 'no thoughts in that head' curious look...then cranes his neck up and rises on his tiptoes in a way, head tilted to the side. 'Uh!' "Yeah, yeah. Now listen up-- Here's the letter -don't drop it- and you'll give it to a woman called Zelda. Got it?" The rosella only eyes him with that same stare, then tries to beak his hand but he gently catches his beak, earning himself another 'Te-Tee!' and a flap of wings. "Not so fun, uh?" Placing the rolled up letter into the firebird's beak, the Mauler sharply raises his arm. And Zhar flies off, wings making loud fluttering noise and wind.
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Father Of Mine - Everclear
"Tell me how do you sleep, With the child you abandoned, And the wife I saw you beat, I will never be safe, I will never be sane, I will always be weird inside, I will always be lame, Now I am a grown man, With a child of my own, And I swear I'm not going to let her know, All the pain I have known"
Isn't She Lovely - Stevie Wonder
"Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful, Isn't she precious, Less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be, Making one as lovely as she, But isn't she lovely made from love"
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam
"I lifted her head, she looked at me and said, "Hold me darling just a little while." I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss, I found the love that I knew I had missed. Well now she's gone even though I hold her tight, I lost my love, my life that night."
Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats
"On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time, I was cold so I put on a sweater and I turned up the heat, And the walls began to close in and I felt so sad and frightened, I practically ran from the living room out into the street"
The Parting Glass - Celtic Woman
"Of all the comrades that e'er I had, They're sorry for my going away, And all the sweethearts that e'er I had, They'd wish me one more day to stay, But since it fell unto my lot, That I should rise and you should not, I gently rise and softly call, Good night and joy be to you all,Fill to me the parting glass, And drink a health whate’er befalls, And gently rise and softly call, Good night and joy be to you all"
Here Without you - 3 Doors Down
"But all the miles that separate, Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face, I'm here without you, baby, But you're still on my lonely mind, I think about you, baby, And I dream about you all the time, I'm here without you, baby, But you're still with me in my dreams, And tonight it's only you and me"
Crying - Roy Orbison
"Yes, now you're gone, And from this moment on, I'll be crying, crying, Crying, crying, Yeah, crying, crying, Over you"
Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens
"Sunday night when I cleaned the house, I found the card where you wrote it out, With the pictures of your mother, On the floor at the great divide, With my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied, I am crying in the bathroom, In the morning when you finally go, And the nurse runs in with her head hung low, And the cardinal hits the window"
You Be The Anchor - Mayday Parade
"And I'll be here by the ocean, Just waiting for proof that there's sunsets and silhouette dreams, All my sand castles fall like the ashes of cigarettes, And every wave drags me to sea, I could stand here for hours, Just to ask God the question, "Is everyone here make-believe?" With a tear in His voice, He says, "Son, that's the question." Does this deafening silence mean nothing to no one but me?"
The Void - Andy Black
"Through the void, through the void, through the endless void, I'll march on and on and on and on without you, Hear the voice, hear the voice, of the hearts destroyed, I'll march on and on and on and on without you, And I'll keep singing our song, 'till tomorrow"
Into The Ocean - Blue October
"Not knowing how to think, I scream aloud, begin to sink, My legs and arms are broken down, With envy for the solid ground, I'm reaching for the life within me, How can one man stop his ending, I thought of just your face, Relaxed, and floated into space"
The Trapeze Swinger - Iron & Wine
"But please remember me, my misery, And how it lost me all I wanted, Those dogs that love the rain and chasing trains, The colored birds above there running, In circles round the well and where it spells, On the wall behind St. Peter, So bright on cinder gray in spray paint, 'Who the hell can see forever?”
Found Missing - Juliet Simms
"I didn't know I lost it all, Didn't know I'd break and fall, This isn't who I'm meant to be, There's so much here that I found missing, Lost it all, You can hear the angels call, This isn't who you're meant to be, I lost it all now I'm found missing"
Brain Stew - Green Day
"My mind is set on overdrive, The clock is laughing in my face, A crooked spine, My sense's dulled, Passed the point of delirium, my own... here we go, eyes feel like they're gonna bleed, dried up and bulging out my skull, mouth is dry, my face is numb"
All That I've Loved - Lucy Spraggan
"Where do you go when your mind doesn't work with your soul? I had memories made, now I can't put a face to a name. Do you know who I am? Where did I go? And where have I been? Do you know who I am? All that I've loved and all that I've seen seems to go"
Yesterday - The Beatles
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they're here to stay, oh I believe in yesterday, suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, there's a shadow hanging over me, oh yesterday came suddenly."
King - Lauren Aquilina
"You've got it all, You lost your mind in the sound, There's so much more, You can reclaim your crown, You're in control, Rid of the monsters inside your head, Put all your faults to bed, You can be king again"
I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner
"Now this mountain I must climb, Feels like a world upon my shoulders, through the clouds I see love shine, It keeps me warm as life grows colder, In my life there's been heartache and pain, I don't know if I can face it again, Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, To change this lonely life"
Not While I'm Around - Sweeney Todd
"Nothing's gonna hurt you, no one's gonna dare, other's can desert you not to worry, whistle I'll be there, demon's will charm you with a smile, for a while, but in time, nothing can harm you, not while I'm around."
The Good Left Undone - Rise Against
"All because of you, I believe in angels. Not the kind with wings, No, not the kind with halos, The kind that bring you home, When home becomes a strange place. I'll follow your voice, All you have to do is shout it out."
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The Writing’s on the Wall (Part 2)
Timeline: The New Court - Daniel Nightengale Chronicles
Location: Luna’s Hell Realms
Characters: Mattea Cross, Evryn Blythe-Demmekke, Talyn Blythe-Demmekke, Daniel Nightengale // Noah Demmekke, Ashlae Summers, Astraea Demmekke, Alexei Demmekke, Daryn Cross-Demmekke, Millian Cross-Demmekke, Casimir Luce
Song Used: None
Summary: Mattea watched vigil over the Demmekke twins // Noah and Ashlae do their best to fend off an unseen and unheard threat while protecting the youngest group of their family
Mattea sat up in Evryn’s small bed, her long legs stretched out over the covers. She hadn’t changed into night clothes as everyone else had, choosing instead to stay in her leathers trews and finally giving in to the raven who said her shirt was too torn to belong anywhere but the trash. She’d taken the white button down handed to her off his own back, rolling the sleeves up to the elbows before settling down on the bed. Beside her, the raven haired prince now lay on his back, lost to sleep the moment his head had hit the pillow.
For hours now, the demon had kept her steady vigil over the sleeping angel beside her. She kept her eyes trained on the door, even when one of his hands found hers over the covers. Mae had let him lace his fingers through hers, allowing a light squeeze before he tumbled back to sleep.
He’d asked her once if she ever slept; she’d answered that, yes, she did sleep but didn’t need it as often as them. And he’d just nodded, carrying on as if she wasn’t an undead demon brought back to life as a pawn to a mentally unhinged Harbinger.
Mattea’s frown deepened as she crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the headboard as dark green eyes locked on the door. To her right, in a bed tucked into the corner of the room the other prince snored as he lay belly-down in a tangle of covers. Talyn was used to her silent presence now, moreso than the others. He never commented on finding the two of them alone anymore, or bothered to ask what they spent all their time doing. He just accepted his brother’s choice in mate, without question.
And the days leading up to the boys leaving Drigulia, Talyn had noticed the rings they wore. Didn’t comment on them, or act any different around the demon. It was a kindness she appreciated, as best she could.
So when Luna had told them to find rooms upstairs to sleep in for the night, neither twin had protested when Mae pointed to the only bedroom that housed two beds.
Her eyes shifted in the dark, drawing to the small phone Talyn had fallen asleep holding. It lit up the room, a call from the small mutant he’d been paired with no doubt. Mattea didn’t waste any time thinking about it, knowing that the exiled older brother of the angels would have Talyn’s mate safe after being given the warning.
It was well into the morning hours when she felt a pressure descend on the house. It was too familiar to her, the power a similar shade of her own, marinated in the fires of hell long forgotten by its new ruler. An ancient hum filled the room, and the demon tilted her head to listen. Like a film covered the door, she could no longer make out the steady sounds of sleep from the other rooms. They were being isolated, blocked off from one another.
It’s what she’d have done.
As one, both boys began turning in their beds. Beside her, Evryn shifted beneath his covers, brows drawing together as his dreams turned to nightmares. Across the room, Talyn kicked until his comforter fell to the floor in a heap.
But it was when the raven beside her gave a muffled cry, a call for the brother he’d lost long before she’d found him, that Mattea’s chin lowered. She created a barrier first, to lay over the princes that shared the room with her, before drawing in a deep breath. To center herself, finding the bottomless bit of hellfire that burned hot enough to boil her alive if she didn’t keep a careful watch on it at all times. She reached a hand inside, drawing from the well there.
It was opening the floodgates, letting her power out. Her whips were more of turning the faucet and letting water drip, but this was more focused. It burned through the power that brushed against her like a familiar caress, daring her to return the favor.
The demon turned as she felt it withdraw- felt the cry of pain as it left them- to glance down at the face of her mate beside her. Moments passed, but Mattea released the breath she’d been holding as the planes of his face relaxed once more. Across the room, tension left his brother’s body as Talyn settled back into a rhythm of snores.
Stormy green hues once again found the door, wondering how long it would be until the film lifted. She’d protected the princes with her, but didn’t consider leaving her mate to go looking in the other rooms.
Noah sat in the living room, huddled up in an armchair with a blanket thrown over his legs. In his lap he had a book open, reading it under the dim light of the lamp between glances at the toddlers asleep in their cots on the rug. Ashlae had taken the couch across from him, had been tapping away at her laptop for hours instead of following Luna up to bed as the pinkette had obviously wanted. They’d been arguing quietly all night, but over what Noah hadn’t bothered to ask. This family had it’s drama, and he chose to distance himself from it whenever possible.
The book Talyn had given him outlined the different element affinities some demons possessed, specifically healing for those who would manipulate ice. Noah had been aware of it, playing with the construct here and there, but Talyn had pushed for the deaf blond to see if he could hone the trait and possibly pull Astor from whatever coma she’d put herself in.
It was a long shot, but at the moment the best they had to go on.
He stopped at the end of a paragraph, glancing over the tip of the book to check on the children only to find them all sitting upright in their cots. Noah frowned, closing the book and adding it to the stack on the table before moving to get up. Ashlae followed suit with a frown, setting aside her laptop. Through lip reading, he made out the question she asked them; What’s wrong?
But it was Alexei who caught Noah’s interest. The small boy stood, letting his blanket fall to the ground as he walked over to his sister. He watched as Casimir and Millian did the same for Daryn, who scooted closer to Astraea and her brother.
From the couch, Noah saw Ashlae’s brows draw together. Luna?
He felt it then, in his chest. The bond he shared with his sister gave a light tug, as if she’d tapped the center of his abdomen. Yes? He sent down the bond, a skill that had taken them years to hone, to be able to communicate.
Something’s here.
Daryn turned, her mess of red curls bouncing as she locked eyes with Noah. Innocent eyes, looking for him to protect her. He motioned for Ashlae to come over, to join him on the floor with the toddlers.
It was times like these that he hated his handicaps, hated that he couldn’t hear or speak. He wasn’t like the rest of them, hadn’t been properly trained in combat. He was a weak link, stuck protecting five priceless children and a newborn demon without so much as the sense of hearing.
How was he supposed to fight off something he couldn’t see, couldn’t hear-
Feel it, in your bones.
Noah turned in a slow circle, drawing frost to cover the tips of his fingers. He slowed his breathing, feeling the air and it’s charge as he waited.
A blast of frost came shooting from behind him, followed a second later by a ball of electricity, to slam into the body of a man that materialized behind the loveseat. Noah chanced a glance back, eyes widening at the sight of Daryn and Millian standing by his leg, hands extended. Both Alexei and Astraea’s wings were out, hunched over each child’s back as they stood behind Millian and Daryn. Casimir stood as well, the small god staring at the man as if he were a question he couldn’t find the answer to.
Noah had known Karsyn had blessed the children before passing her throne to the twins, but he’d never imagined that it would result in power like this.
“Hello, little monsters. Would you like to play?”
Shock froze Noah where he stood as he heard the words inside his mind. When he turned back, the body of a man had fully materialized out of thin air. Shaggy black hair, pushed back from his scarred face. Blue eyes too vibrant to be anything but sinister watched them all above a smile that was too wide, too strained to be anything but maniacal.
But beneath the scars and the ugliness, Noah could find traces of Astor and Amelie in the planes of his face.
Daniel Nightengale lowered to crouch beside the loveseat, smiling at the children on their eye level. “Come on, don’t you want to pla-”
He was cut off by another round of power; a blue orb of ice, followed by pure energy, followed by a wave of almost matching power hurtled into the blackette, sending him flying into the wall behind him where his form scattered like ashes in the wind.
Yet when Noah turned back around, he found Daniel on his knees beside Astraea, one finger caressing a line down her cheek as she stared at the spot he’d just been. “Don’t you want to play with me? We could have lots of fun together.”
It was Alexei who raised a hand, mouth opened to let out a cry Noah couldn’t hear as he reached to pull his sister away- but Daniel was already gone, appearing now between Daryn and Millian.
The raven leaned in between the redheads, head bowed so Noah could only make out that too-wide grin as he whispered, “You stink of my mother, you all do.”
A blast of ice from Noah, but he was too late- Daniel was already gone.
Casimir stepped away from the group, away from Ashlae who had been holding him with one tight hand, to turn his face up to the ceiling. Noah watched the word form on his lips, Bad, before the room tilted with power. Noah and Ashlae dove at the same time, covering the other children on the floor as the room was filled with a pressure that even had the demon withering from; everything in his body screamed to obey it, overriding his free will even. Anything to succumb to the power that demanded full obedience.
But as quickly as it had begun, Noah felt the pressure begin to ease. He was left panting on the floor, finally able to raise his head and look around to find no trace of the raven haired psycho- just Casimir, standing with his hands balled into fists by his sides.
Ashlae locked eyes with him over the children she covered, mouth open as she gasped for air. He didn’t have to watch her mouth to read the question in her brown gaze; what was that?
And again, he glanced back to stare at the small blond demon standing at the edge of the rug. I don’t know.
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