#Cash for Cars New Plymouth
seat-safety-switch · 13 days
One of the most confusing experiences of my life was when I was briefly working for that billionaire that got killed. I can't remember his name either. It keeps happening, right? Isn't that weird? In this case, it wasn't weird at all.
When all of it started, it was the usual kind of thing. My secretary got a call about a potential new client, and he came running into the workshop. Now, you have to understand two things: I like to work on my own, and I like to work with absolutely no interruptions. In particular, I especially do not deal well with surprises. I didn't fire him, because I think that "firing people" is a concept of the old, dead world of work. However, I think he knew that what he had done was wrong. And when his eyebrows grow back in, I'm sure he'll look appropriately contrite.
Turns out the client was an eccentric billionaire. He wanted me to hunt down a Plymouth Belvedere that had belonged to his grandfather. There was a considerable chunk of cash involved in it, and of course my per-diem was negotiated to be fairly close to my mortgage payment. I left immediately for the Inland Midwest. Yeah, that's a new name for me, too. Ever since the United Nations occupied Iowa, we've not been allowed to use the slur "Flyover Country" to refer to it anymore. That, and the surface-to-air missile batteries stationed at the border, are probably why my client didn't want to search for himself. Didn't stop me – I snuck in the back door, by driving down the interstate at a remarkable rate of speed in a clapped-out Dodge Dakota, just like the locals do.
Did I find the Belvedere? Absolutely not. It's folly to think that you could locate an individual car, even with my remarkable powers of shitbox deduction. Based on sampling the dirt (by taste, I'm not some kind of weirdo) I determined the 100-kilometre range in which it had once existed, but it was long gone. Likely pushed into the crusher sometime in the 80s.
This was not what my client wanted to hear, and he hired, on the spot, many functionaries to scream at me on his behalf. That contract was iron-clad, though, and I took my cash and left his endlessly-undulating office tower made entirely of seamless, perfectly-reflective mirrored glass. Temporarily made insane by sheer proximity to this much wealth, I immediately put the money into the stock market, and lost it. Turns out that the market responds poorly when one of their own is hit by an Iowan intercontinental ballistic missile. They had finally tracked down where I had parked that Dakota after raiding their strategic stockpile of Weber carbs on the way home.
I had to buy another car to get home, and it turns out that there was a pretty sweet Belvedere for sale nearby, not even two blocks from the smoking crater containing the singed molecules of the billionaire. Lucky find!
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ronniextorres · 10 days
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(LINDSEY MORGAN, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER) Oh, is that VERONICA “RONNIE” TORRES I heard the THIRTY-ONE year old is RESOURCEFUL. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also CLEVER. Makes sense seeing how they are GETAWAY DRIVER in THE SOCIETY gang. penned by ally.
Full Name: Veronica Isobel Torres  (call her Veronica & see what happens) Nicknames: Ronnie, Vee, Torres Age: thirty- one DOB: May 9th Sign: taurus Preferred pronouns: she/her Languages: Spanish, English Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico Current location: New York City Sexuality: bisexual gang: the society  rank: getaway driver cover: manager and mechanic at a luxury car dealership theme song: desperado by rhianna
face claim: lindsey morgan hair color: dark brown, almost black eye color: dark brown height:  5’ 5 build: thin and curvy in all the right places  tattoos: yes, tba
Parents: Mateo Torres (father, deceased),  Maria Torres nee Cruz Siblings: TBA older sister Extended Family: Tia Noemí, Tio Alfred (Estranged), TBA Cousins Pets: TBA
(+) ; resourceful, intelligent, determined  & reliable (-) ; blunt, stubborn, imbalanced, & jealous element: earth hogwarts house: ravenclaw  aesthetics: the smell of gasoline, crossing the finish line with a moment to spare,  the thrill of adrenaline coursing through her veins, going zero to sixty in 3.5, grease stained cut off tees, a corona with lime, well worn leather jackets and short denim skirts Character Inspiration;  letty ortiz (fast and the furious), raven reyes (the 100), mikaela banes (transformers), jane ryan (new york minute), viola (she’s the man), santanico pandemonium (from dusk til dawn) luisa (encanto)
TW: parent death, car accident, street racing  
Whoever said diamonds were a girl’s best friend, had never built a Plymouth Cuda from the ground up– now that’s the kind of best friend that was ride or die. Born the second daughter to the town mechanic in Mexico City, Veronica Torres had grease between her finger nails before she’d even heard of nail polish, much to her former beauty queen mother’s dismay.
While her mother had urged her to be more like her perfect older sister (wanted connection), to take up dance and learn to make the family recipes, Ronnie found herself sneaking off to help daddy at his Auto Repair Shop whenever she got the chance, learning how to take cars apart and put them back together. She was sharp and a fast learner, becoming the son Mateo never had. By the time Ronnie was in middle school, she could build a carburetor from scratch and drive a stick shift even if it wasn't legal for her to drive yet.  
When Ronnie was fifteen, the days of helping her father in the garage and the world as she knew it came crashing down on her, hard and fast and all at once. Her parents was killed in a car accident, or so that’s what she was told anyway. It never sat right with Ronnie that the very thing that her father made his livelihood from was also the very thing that took his life.
And so, Ronnie and her sister went to live with their father’s sister in New York. Tia Noemí had married an American man in a whirlwind romance which Ronnie’s father had never approved of. The marriage only lasted ten years before Alfred Sr. cheated on her aunt and left her for another woman. But Noemí had built a life in America and her children were going to good schools, so she opted to stay.
Life in New York City was different. Unlike her sister, Ronnie had trouble fitting in. She was the weird, new kid who liked to tinker with car parts in her spare time and could barely speak English. Even with her cousins showing her the ropes, all of whom she thought of like siblings, it was only a matter of time before Ronnie fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became involved with the street racing scene. It was fast and exciting and the perfect distraction from all her unresolved pain. She could keep up with all the guys and earn a little cash on the side, no stranger to the occasional heist for parts or car break in.
For a while, Ronnie had finally felt like she had belonged, living life in the fast lane, narrowly avoiding the law and a fate similar to her father, but living life in the fast lane always did have its consequences. At eighteen, she had fallen for a member of her street racing crew. They had dated for years, racing and falling more and more in love with one another until the day he revealed himself as an undercover cop (wanted connection).
It may not have all been a sham, since Ronnie only got off with a hefty fine instead of any jail time. Her aunt helped her pay it off in exchange for a promise that Ronnie would let go of this life of racing and petty crime. This was the price for the truth she had withheld from her nieces. Noemi couldn’t be sure, but she also believed that her parents death was no accident. She revealed that Mateo had owed some very bad people a lot of money and that he was also involved in the underground world of street racing. Noemi didn’t want that life for her niece.
Though Ronnie couldn’t completely stay away from her cars, she got a job as mechanic and sales person at Luxury Motors Car Dealership to ease the itch. Little did Ronnie know that the dealership was actually Society affiliated and her gateway back into the world her aunt forbade her from.
Now, at thirty-one Ronnie was broken her aunt's promise and is a getaway driver for the Society. She has driven for them for around eight years now and also helps with boosting cars and selling car parts for them.
Ronnie can change a flat tire in 5 minutes flat. As a kid, her dad used to time her with a stopwatch, and she worked hard to beat her previous record each and every time.
She once built her own Plymouth Cuda from the ground up with spare parts from the shop (and her father's guidance). It took her a little over a year, and the car was named Bianca.
Her favorite type of music is classic rock and latin rock. She likes to listen to it while she tinkers and can sometimes be caught singing along. There’s something about old school Santana that never fails to get her going.
She wears a thin gold chain that belonged to her father which she never takes it off. It’s the one item she kept from him after her parents death. She also has a leather jacket that belonged to her mother. Ronnie was surprised her mother even had one, but took it as a sign and kept it.
Speaking of signs, Ronnie believes in them and can be very superstitious. Before every race or heist she has to tap the dash board 3 times and kiss her necklace. She also will never race/own/use a brown car. It’s the same color of the car that hit her parents. 
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whitepolaris · 4 months
Tulsa's Time Cars
Here in Oklahoma, a handful of vehicles have taken a trip through time-a journey across decades that begins and ends in Tulsa.
The Buried Belvedere
In the summer of 2007, a vehicle appeared in downtown Tulsa, having driven down what was most definitely a road less traveled. It was, for all intents and purposes, a trip through time-a journey from the 1950s that began and ended on the courthouse lawn.
No, the vehicle was not a DeLorean, nor was it driven by a handsome young Michael J. Fox. Rather, the car was a gold and white 1957 Plymouth Belvedere hardtop coupe that had been entombed below ground as party of the city's celebration of Oklahoma's semicentennial.
It had been placed about a hundred feet from the intersection of Denver Avenue and Sixth Street beneath a bronze plaque marking the "Golden Jubilee, Inc. Time Capsula." Engineers built a steel-reinforced concrete vault, approximately twelve feet by twenty feet, into which the plastic wrapped vehicle was lowered via crane. As part of the burial ceremony, organizers also included a steel capsule containing various historical artifacts. At the last minute, someone decided to dump the contents of a woman's purse into the glove box, items that included bobby pins, combs, a compact, a tube of lipstick, a pack of cigarettes, matches, tissues, a plastic rain cup, a little over $2 in cash, gum, an unpaid parking ticket, and a bottle of tranquilizers. Somebody else donated a case of Schlitz beer.
Organizers also had the foresight to include with the car ten gallons of gasoline and several quarts of motor oil, just in case all the futurists were right and we had all moved on to nuclear-powered flying cars by the twenty-first century.
Finally, a package of microfilm was added to the time capsule, which contained the name and guesses of all the contestants who had participated in a contest held in tandem with the event. Entrants were invited to predict the population of Tulsa in 2007, and whoever came closest would win the Belvedere when it was unearthed.
When the day finally came, fifty years later, most people had forgotten about the car. But as news of the impending disinterment spread, excitement grew not only throughout Tulsa, but around the world. Visitors across the globe came to see just what had become of the vehicle after all these years. Would it emerge pristine, a gleaming showroom-ready classic, or would it be a pile of rusted metal?
A sock hop was held in honor of the event. Car collectors brough in hundreds of classic vehicles for an auto show. The courthouse lawn was cordoned off and the Tulsa Convention Center was prepared with a special stage and a light show for the Belvedere's unveiling. When the vehicle was unearthed, it was kept under wraps; no one was allowed to see its condition until the big event.
Finally, before seven thousand spectators and a live television audience, the certain was lifted and the special protective wrap was removed. Gasps filled the auditorium. The vehicle, which had taken on the endearing nickname of Miss. Belvedere, was a mud-covered and rusted hulk. A celebrity hot-rod builder, who has been invited to take part in the event, called her "a mess."
The car's vault had been built with advice from experts at the Atomic Energy Commission, who unfortunately were skilled in designing things more for protections against nuclear attack than the rain. As a result, when the seal was broken and the lid lifted away, Miss. Belvedere was discovered sitting in about three feet of water, been filled with water. The upholstery had disintegrated, the frame had rusted, and most of the contents had dissolved away. Only the glass jars full of gas, a few dirty cans of Schlitz, and the steel came capsule had survived.
A week later, officials announced the winter of the rusty Plymouth. Raymond Humbertson, who had apparently just been passing through town in 1957 when the contest was held, came within less than 2,300 of the actual population. He had died in 1979, and so the car went to his sister.
The Planted Prowler
In 1998 a second car was entombed in Tulsa, this time to commemorate the city's centennial. The vice president of Chrysler Corporation had seen historic footage of the Belvedere being lowered into its time capsule and thought it would be a great idea, not to mention a terrific PR opportunity, to donate a vehicle and repeat the event.
Tulsa was given a handsome prototype of the new Plymouth Prowler, a retro-styled tribute to 1950s-era hot roads, that would serve as the centerpiece to an all-new capsule to be buried in Central Park. Citizens donated a collection of items to include with the car, such as a pair of inline skates, a cell phone, and a faceplate from an ATM. In the spirit of the former Schlitz donor, someone contributed a more politically correct case of root beer.
The lesson from the Belvedere's burial had yet to be learned, but organizers decided to be better safe than sorry and made careful arrangements for the Prowler's interment. All fluids were drained or substituted with synthetics, the car was sealed in a specially designed plastic container, the air inside was replaced with an inert gas and the whole thing was closed up in a vault made from corrosion-resistant aluminum. And rather than being stuck below ground, the container was only halfway buried, then covered up to form a small hill. The keys were left in the ignition, and once again, a container of gasoline included just in case. Finally, a Central Park was renamed Centennial Park lest anyone forgot it was there.
No contest was held this time, however. When the Prowler is revealed in 2048, it will be given back to Chrysler.
The Inhumed Harley
When Miss Belvedere was unearthed in 2007, Tulsans decided to bury yet another vehicle. It would be a replacement for the semicentennial capsule, which would remain sealed for another fifty years in anticipation of the state's 150-year celebration.
However, coordinators decided this time to bury a motorcycle. A local dealer donated a 2007 Harley-Davidson Street Glide and organized the donation of items such as iPods, a DVD player, a Budweiser sign, and various personal artifacts, all to be entombed in Veterans Park.
Taking a cue from the small steel container buried alongside the Belvedere, organizers chose as their capsule a scaled-up version of the pressure vessel, five feet wide by fifteen feet long and made from half-inch-thick carbon steel.
Oddly, though, no one could decide exactly where in the park to place the capsule, so after it was sealed in November 2007, the big tank was hauled off to a storage facility to be buried unceremoniously at a date undetermined.
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brn1029 · 1 year
On this date in music history…
September 12th
2013 - Ray Dolby
Ray Dolby, the US engineer who founded Dolby Laboratories and pioneered noise reduction in audio recordings, died of leukemia at the age of 80. The analog Dolby noise-reduction system works by increasing the volume of low-level high-frequency sounds during recording and correspondingly reducing them during playback.
2007 - Led Zeppelin
The surviving members of Led Zeppelin announced they would reform for a star-studded tribute concert in London. Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones would play at a show to remember the late Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun. The place of Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, who died in 1980, would be taken by his son Jason. The one-off concert, the trio's first performance for 19 years, would take place at the O2 arena in London on 26th November.
2003 - Johnny Cash
US singer songwriter Johnny Cash died of respiratory failure aged 71. One of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, known as "The Man in Black." He traditionally started his concerts by saying, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash." Had the 1969 US No.2 & UK No.4 single 'A Boy Named Sue', plus 11 other US Top 40 singles. Cash also had his own US TV show in late 60s early 70s.
1990 - Stevie Nicks
Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie from Fleetwood Mac announced they were leaving the band at the end of their current tour. At the time, some believed that Nicks’ and McVie’s departures were hastened by bad blood in the wake of Fleetwood’s memoir, Fleetwood: My Life and Adventures in Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac.
1989 - Aerosmith
Aerosmith released 'Pump' their tenth studio album which featured the hit singles: 'Love In An Elevator', 'The Other Side' and 'Janie's Got a Gun'. Aerosmith found themselves in law school textbooks after a small rock band named Pump sued Aerosmith's management company for service mark infringement. Aerosmith won the case.
1970 - Creedance Clearwater Revival
Creedence Clearwater Revival scored their first UK No.1 album with Cosmo's Factory. It enjoyed a nine-week run at No.1 in the US where it sold over three million copies.
1967 - The Beatles
Filming continued for The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour. The bus headed for Widecombe on the Moor, where a local fair was being held but the bus driver (Alf Manders) took a shortcut to bypass heavy traffic and ended up stuck on a bridge, the coach ended up having to drive in reverse for a half-mile before it could turn around. They then head for Plymouth, followed by a 20-car convoy of journalists and photographers.
1964 - Marvin Gaye
The Supremes, The Shangri-La's, Marvin Gaye, Dusty Springfield, The Ronettes, Millie Small, The Temptations, The Miracles and Little Anthony and the Imperials all appeared at The Fox Theatre, Brooklyn, New York.
1954 - Frank Sinatra
The first 'teen idol', Frank Sinatra was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Three Coins In The Fountain,' the singer's first UK No.1. The song was The Academy Award winning Best Original Song of 1954.
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years
Mike Savage New Canaan The Perfect Bare-Bones Muscular Tissue Car
In 1968, the very first muscular tissue autos were moving away from truth spirit of muscle mass vehicles, which was a fast automobile that was budget-friendly for the commoner. So the people at Plymouth Cars, a department of Chrysler, even though they already had a high-performance cars and truck out in the marketplace (the GTX), returned to the attracting board. They wanted to build a car that was not just rapid and also powerful but one that would not burn a hole in a regular employee's pocket. These goals were satisfied, and after that some. This brand-new vehicle that was able to do the quarter-mile at 14 seconds and costs just under $3000. This is just how the Plymouth Roadrunner was born.
Mike Savage New Canaan
Plymouth paid Detector Brothers a big amount of cash so they can use the name and also picture of their famous fast-running anime personality. They even invested $10,000 (an expensive amount in the 1960's) simply to establish a horn that made sounds like the "beep-beep" audio made by the Roadrunner in the cartoons.
Mike Savage New Canaan
When the kids at Plymouth stated they were going back-to-basics with the Roadrunner they weren't joking. Real to the significance of muscle mass vehicles, anything that had not been necessary was overlooked. The inside was very sporadic, with simply a basic towel as well as vinyl bench seat; they used a bench seat since the shifter was just generally a steel pole extending out of the floor. The shifter only had a rubber boot to cover it as well as there was an a centre console to elevate it. And in the earlier versions there wasn't even any carpets. There weren't many options when it concerned the Roadrunner, just the basic AM/FM radio, air-conditioning (with the exception of the one with a 426 Hemi engine), and automatic transmission, power guiding, as well as front disc brakes; it's was as standard as you could obtain.
Plymouth focused on the important things that truly made a muscle mass cars and truck, the engine. Although they put a smaller Hemi engine in the Roadrunner, it can still go as quick otherwise faster than the premium GTX. This is because the Roadrunner had a better power-to-weight proportion; since whatever that was not required for the cars and truck to go quick was omitted, it made the auto lighter than the GTX.
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savagenewcanaan · 2 years
Michael Savage New Canaan The Perfect Bare-Bones Muscular Tissue Cars And Truck
In 1968, the first muscular tissue automobiles were moving far from the true spirit of muscular tissue automobiles, which was a rapid auto that was affordable for the commoner. So the people at Plymouth Cars, a division of Chrysler, despite the fact that they already had a high-performance automobile out on the market (the GTX), went back to the drawing board. They wished to construct a car that was not just quick as well as powerful but one that wouldn't melt a hole in an average worker's pocket. These goals were met, and after that some. This new cars and truck that was able to do the quarter-mile at 14 secs and also costs simply under $3000. This is exactly how the Plymouth Roadrunner was born.
Michael Savage New Canaan
 Plymouth paid Detector Brothers a large quantity of cash just so they can use the name and photo of their renowned fast-running animation personality. They also invested $10,000 (an outrageous quantity in the 1960's) just to develop a horn that made noises like the "beep-beep" sound made by the Roadrunner in the cartoons.
 When the kids at Plymouth claimed they were going back-to-basics with the Roadrunner they weren't kidding. Real to the essence of muscular tissue vehicles, anything that wasn't vital was omitted. The inside was extremely sparse, with simply a basic cloth and also vinyl bench seat; they utilized a bench seat since the shifter was just generally a steel pole extending out of the flooring. The shifter just had a rubber boot to cover it as well as there was an a centre console to raise it. And in the earlier models there had not been also any kind of carpeting. There weren't numerous choices when it pertained to the Roadrunner, just the fundamental AM/FM radio, air-conditioning (except for the one with a 426 Hemi engine), as well as transmission, power guiding, and also front disc brakes; it's was as basic as you can get.
Michael Savage 1800Accountant
 Plymouth concentrated on the important things that truly made a muscle automobile, the engine. Although they place a smaller sized Hemi engine in the Roadrunner, it can still go as quickly otherwise faster than the premium GTX. This is due to the fact that the Roadrunner had a much better power-to-weight ratio; considering that everything that was not required for the auto to go quickly was left out, it made the automobile lighter than the GTX.
 The Plymouth Roadrunner was genuinely a testament to the claiming "much less is extra."
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thememains · 2 years
Championship manager 17 for mac
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Championship manager 17 for mac for mac#
Championship manager 17 for mac manual#
Championship manager 17 for mac full#
"PlayStation Family Mark", "PlayStation", "PS5 Logo", "PS5", "PS4 Logo", "PS4", "PlayStation Shapes Logo" and "Play Has No Limits" are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.Īll other trademarks and copyright are acknowledged as the property of their respective owners. THE F3 FIA FORMULA 3 CHAMPIONSHIP LOGO, FIA FORMULA 3 CHAMPIONSHIP, FIA FORMULA 3, FORMULA 3, F3 AND RELATED MARKS ARE TRADE MARKS OF THE FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’AUTOMOBILE AND USED EXCLUSIVELY UNDER LICENCE. During the games you can watch a 2D simulation of the match very similar to what you'd traditionally see in games from the Football Manager saga to help give you a good idea of how your team plays. It's a lot of work that's only fit for the most serious soccer fans. THE F2 FIA FORMULA 2 CHAMPIONSHIP LOGO, FIA FORMULA 2 CHAMPIONSHIP, FIA FORMULA 2, FORMULA 2, F2 AND RELATED MARKS ARE TRADE MARKS OF THE FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’AUTOMOBILE AND USED EXCLUSIVELY UNDER LICENCE. In Championship Manager 17 you decide your team's strategy, make lineups, choose penalty kickers, plan practices, do signings, work with the board of directors, check your players' form, etc. THE F1 FORMULA 1 LOGO, F1 LOGO, FORMULA 1, F1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, GRAND PRIX AND RELATED MARKS ARE TRADE MARKS OF FORMULA ONE LICENSING BV, A FORMULA 1 COMPANY.
Championship manager 17 for mac manual#
Thankfully the DVD-style game case contains the best manual of the CM series to date, with 70 pages of useful info including the meaning of all the player stats, including those hidden ones.F1® Manager 2022 Game - an official product of the FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. The fact that any player, team or result can be clicked on for more details just propagates the illusion of limitless depth. At least now the player stats are absolute rather than relative (in CM 2 days a 20 tackling skill for a division 3 player was not the same as a 20 for a Premier player), so you can compare players like for like, with the proviso that their hidden skills are always something of a mystery. It's easy to blur the line between realism and detail lots of detail doesn't necessarily make for high realism, but, as CM proves, it makes for one heck of an addictive experience. With an even deeper ten year Career, more varied gameplay in the. Thus, the only real criticism I have of CM 00/01 is that it presents so much information that it's inevitable that you'll be overloaded. F1 2017 freeload Repacklab F1 2017 freeload Win the 2017 World Championship, break every record in the fastest ever F1 cars, and race some of the most iconic F1 cars of the last 30 years. Likewise, a good cup run can bring in money, but you won't always be able to spend it (I got £180K from one home FA Cup game against Arsenal). You have to have a certain reserve (a few hundred thousand) before you can spend what you bring in freely.
Championship manager 17 for mac for mac#
It was released for Microsoft Windows in October 2001, and for Mac in.
Championship manager 17 for mac full#
This problem is compounded by the fact that if you sell a player for, say, £250K, you don't get a similar rise in your transfer fund. Championship Manager 01-02 - 03-04 FULL CD (12 Mart 2017 Pazar, 23:05) 2 si. Given that free transfer players want a suitcase full of cash to sign for you, your options are limited (though I found the Scandinavian leagues a good source of quality, cheap players). Start it as Plymouth and you'll get maybe £100K, of which less than £10K can be used on new players. If you play as Man Utd you get a bank balance of £40M, all of which is available to spend on players. This of course makes the game a real challenge. Being a glutton for punishment, I invariably play CM as Plymouth Argyle, the team I've followed since primary school.
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hunflowers · 4 years
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Word Count: 8k
Requested? Nope, but you always can here :)
Mood Board
A/N: Yay, 70s! Harry is here :D I love it and I hope you do too my loves. And quick note, the song Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel is basically the anthem of this piece, (*ahem* note the title) so maybe give it a listen while reading or before or after, whatever works! *nose boops*
Murder is the biggest extreme anyone could ever commit. It’s crazy to ever want to kill someone, to wrap your hands around someone’s throat, to stab them in the heart or the back, or maybe put a bullet between their eyes.
It’s extreme.
Yet, Y/N had every urge to murder Harry.
Her night was going just fine. It was going exactly how she wanted, and it was going to end exactly how she wanted. Danny was a super nice guy, a super handsome guy, and was exactly who she wanted between her legs in just a few hours time.
Fleetwood Mac was blaring over the speakers of the crowded club and Y/N was enjoying her third beer of the night as Danny held himself against her, placing sloppy kisses up the side of her neck while she circled her bottom against his groin. 
It was going extremely well until Danny said he was going to get himself another drink. Then the moment one body left her, another soon joined. One, that wouldn’t leave her alone.
“Harry! Back off!” Y/N groaned, pushing his hands off her hips. She noticed him earlier in the night when she and Danny walked in but she quickly avoided any contact with him the moment her eyes laid on him, praying to herself that he never spots her.
Clearly, luck wasn’t on her side when the curly-haired, green-eyed nuisance looked down at her with that infamous smirk. “You should be happy to see me. I’m here to save y’life.”
“Save my life? By cock blocking me?” She huffed, trying to step around him but was stopped when he grabbed her by the waist and turned her back to his front. The button-front of his white shirt was held together by two buttons near the bottom, his revealed chest pressed to the skin of her back as his jeans rubbed friction against the soft material of her skirt.
“He could be a serial killer for all you know. Plus, I’m practically begging you to have my cock, so what do you need his for?” He murmured into her ear, slowly starting to sway themselves to the rhythm of the song playing. Y/N could feel the growing tent in his jeans as they rocked, her breath slightly hitching in her throat when she thought about all of their past… adventures with one another. But that’s all it was; their past.
Y/N saw Harry more often than not, but the last time they had sex was well over a month ago, and she figured he’d get the hint by this point that she wasn’t interested anymore. He’s made it obvious that he wasn’t done with her, but she doesn’t settle for too long and she needs a new taste every so often. And she’s young, she doesn’t have this desire to situate herself with one man no matter how desperate he acts. 
Licking her lips and turning her head to her right to meet his eyes, their noses slightly sweep together as their breaths mingle over one another. “You’re old news, H, get real,” she hissed, her eyes raking over his features as he looks past her and into the deep crowd of the dance floor ahead of them. When she moved to remove herself from his grip, he held her back, one of his hands coming up to the back of her head and pressing his mouth down onto hers in a heated kiss.
She almost got lost in it, and almost let him have his way as she could feel her panties dampen the moment his tongue slipped past her lips. But then she heard, “Y/N?” and her mind reeled her back into reality and she pushed away from Harry in a second, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she looked to Danny who held a confused look in his eyes before he scoffed and turned back around.
“Wait!” She called, quickly turning around to Harry and sneering at him, “You saw him there didn’t you? Leave me the fuck alone.” And without even thinking about it she poured the remainder of her beer over his pants, dropping the bottle at his feet before running off to try and amend what she could with Danny.
When she finally pushed past the final group of bodies and made it outside into the warm Spring night air, she spotted Danny storming over to his car at the end of the parking lot, ignoring her pleas to stop walking. He looked over his shoulder one final time and shook his head before getting into his burnt orange Cadillac Eldorado and speeding off and away from her. Y/N let out a whine, stomping her platform heel into the ground.
Ever since she saw him stroll into her sociology class at the beginning of the semester she knew she wanted him. Not for long, but at least for one memorable night. Every class she noticed the way his eyes raked up the length of her legs and landed on her chest beneath the fabric of her shirts, so it was obvious he wanted her just as bad. But she had a serious roach problem, and she was moments away from snapping completely and snapping his neck.
Marching over to the nearest payphone, she called her roommate to come pick her up with a series of pleas and bargains since it was nearly one in the morning, and unfortunately for her roommate, she has an early morning Friday class. She didn’t expect to be stranded at this hour and she didn’t bring enough cash for a cab ride home. It’s not like Sarah would say no to her, but she sure as hell wasn’t happy about it either.
Sitting herself down on the curb below her, Y/N stretched out her legs in front of her, pulling a cigarette from her purse and her yellow lighter, putting the stick between her lips and inhaling the nicotine as she drew the flame against the tip. She was getting real sick of Harry thinking he could swoop in whenever he deemed necessary. Where was all this affection when they first started seeing each other? He was the one who pushed her away and turned her into who she is. He was the one that told her college and her early adulthood was about indulging in as many people as she can before she had to settle her life away. And now he changed his mind? 
Well, tough shit.
She was tempted to storm back in there and curse him out and knee him where the sun doesn’t shine, but truth be told, she wouldn’t even handle seeing his face again without seeing red or breaking down. This wasn’t the first time he crashed a date of hers, and she just couldn’t understand why he was so insistent on chasing her down. She doesn’t even understand how he always knows where she is, and if he shows up again she’s filing for a restraining order.
They met last year, right around this time when Sarah’s boyfriend, Mitch brought him over to their apartment for a little party. And before he came crashing into her life, she had herself somewhat together, in a happy relationship with her boyfriend of a few months. People like Harry that sleep around with anyone they can were never anyone she interested herself in hanging around. Then he swooped her off her feet, coaxing her to break up with her uptight boyfriend to live her free life, and eventually into his bed. 
Y/N told herself that was going to be the only time, because Harry was bad news, and everyone knew that, and she knew better than to get caught up in his messy life. But, he’s one hell of a sweet talker and whenever he was near she just knew she’d end up right back in his bed after getting out of it that same morning. Then she wanted more and he didn’t. And for some odd reason, the roles have reversed and she couldn’t be bothered to be in a relationship anymore. Especially with him.
Sucking the last bit of her remaining cigarette into her mouth, she dropped it to the street, stomping on it with her heel, picturing it to be Harry’s face instead. She’d already been out here for about fifteen minutes, and she’s surprised he hasn’t come running after her with his drenched pants. She saw his familiar light pink Plymouth sitting across the street, images of them together in the backseat flashing across her eyes before she closes her eyes and shakes her head as if rattling her brain will cause the memories to fly from her skull.
Noticing Sarah at the red light down the road, Y/N stood up, brushing the debris off her skirt and legs, crossing her arms over her chest with a pout as she sulked in tonight’s failure. When Sarah pulled up to the curb, Y/N opened the door, and as if she wasn’t being punished already, she heard Sarah say, “Hi, Harry.”
Snapping her head over her shoulder to the entrance of the bar behind her, Harry was walking out, car keys in his hand as his other ruffled his short curls. Then a petite blonde trailed after him, tripping over her own feet as a giggle left her thin lips, her nails digging into the skin of his arm as she steadied herself. Y/N’s jaw snapped shut after she realized it had dropped open at the sight, her eyebrows furrowing as she imagined stomping on Harry’s foot just like she did with the cigarette butt.
“Oh, so you get to fuck someone, but I can’t?”
“Hey, I wouldn’t waste your time on him! It’s really small, and he lasts maybe two minutes tops before he passes out,” she called to the blonde who’s smile wiped from her face in an instant. She scoffed, pushing Harry away from her before leaving his side and heading back in the busy bar. Y/N’s sure she’ll find someone else better and more suiting.
Harry looked to Y/N in disbelief and then to the spot next to him that’s now vacant, and then to Sarah who was rapidly beeping her horn to get her roommate into the car. “What the fuck was that?”
“Karma’s a bitch, asshole,” Y/N sneers, hopping into the car and telling Sarah to step on it.
What goes around, simply comes around.
❊ ❊
A week had gone by and, this time Y/N, Sarah, Mitch, and a few more friends were out. It was a celebratory night that finals week had finally been completed, and a few of them were due for graduation. 
Unfortunately for Y/N, Harry had been strung along for the night as well, but this time around, they were both ignoring each other for the sake of not being thrown out of the bar. When she saw his face pull up outside in his oh so precious car, it took everything in her to not fake an illness and go home. 
There was something about his smug face greeting her friends that had her knocking back shots of tequila quicker than she could blink. They also have some unspoken challenge going on as they continuously flirted their way around the copious amounts of young men and women, eyeing the other to see if they were watching. 
Y/N had actually noticed Danny in the crowd on the dance floor, worming her way over to him to say hello and to see if he still hated her. When she saw him in sociology the last few classes he avoided her when she sat down a few seats from him, and she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt at his now evident rejection. But, with alcohol running in both of their systems she hoped he had changed his mind even just for the one night.
Danny looked to her with a bored expression, hardly listening to a thing she had to say before interrupting her little spiel with a scoff, “Y/N, he told me everything and I don’t want to hear it.”
She froze up at that, pulling her head back in confusion as her brows scrunched together. “What do you mean, told you everything?”
“Look, I’m not a rebound okay? If you wanted to have sex because you like me, cool, I’m down; but I’m not having sex with you just to make him jealous or some shit. I got better things to do, sorry,” and then he patted her on the shoulder before walking away and out of her sight. 
Completely dumbfounded and embarrassed to have been rejected so publicly, Y/N turned on her heel and walked back to the table that her friends were sat at, a puzzled looking face nestled on her features. But, when she made eye contact with Harry who had his eyes dead set on her over the brim of his beer bottle, a little smirk peaking out and taunting her, she stomped over and slammed her hands down on the table in front of him, jolting the whole table to look at her. Harry was hardly fazed, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“What the fuck did you tell him?” She gritted out, leaning her face close to his. 
Again, he hardly had a reaction, jutting his tongue out to lick his lips. “Tell who, what?”
Huffing at his nonchalant attitude, she pulled on the collar of his printed shirt, their noses grazing. If she weren’t so angry, she’d say this was a pretty intimate moment as they kept their eyes locked on one another, their breaths mingling together as their mouths were only centimetres apart. In all honesty, they forgot they had friends just seats apart from them ogling the situation with worry.
To them, it looked like Y/N was about to twist his head in a full one-eighty. 
“Don’t play dumb with me, Styles! You’re not my father, stop trying to act like it,” she spat, pushing him back aggressively against his chair and storming away, again. If anything, she was more mad at the fact that she let him get under her skin again. She should just go up to any guy she chooses and kiss him hard on the lips to prove a point - but instead she’s biting her lip to refrain from screaming into the night and letting the pesky tears welling up in her eyes fall onto her skin. 
The bar wasn’t too far from her apartment this time, and she’d rather walk than ruin Sarah’s night anymore than she already did because of her dramatic ways. Not that she could really drive anyway since she was just knocking back tequila not even ten minutes ago. Maybe when she’s sober she’ll grow a tougher exterior and not let Harry get to her, but as she regains her balance after stumbling in her heels, she’ll sulk and cry the whole way home, and probably as she tucks herself into her sheets.
“Y/N!” Harry called after her, but she flipped him off over her shoulder as she continued her journey down the sidewalk.
Hearing the quickening pace of footsteps behind her, Y/N wiped at her eyes quickly to remove any traces of a broken heart. Feeling a tug on her bicep, she was whipped around to face his sorrowful face, his free hand immediately coming up to wipe the tears away from her eyes that seemed to betray her. “I... I’m sorry.”
She couldn’t help but let out a small pitiful laugh at that, looking away from him and watching the cars pass them by. “Just leave me alone, Harry.”
“Y/N, hey,” he paused, cupping his face in his large palms, trying to get her to look at him. “Baby, please look at me.”
“I’m not your baby,” she hissed, turning to look at him with a scowl.
“Got ya to look at me though, didn’t it?”
It was safe to say Y/N wasn’t amused, biting the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood. Harry nodded, realizing now wasn’t the time for joking, looking to his feet for a split second before bringing his eyes up to look at the crescent moon above them, letting out a puff of air before speaking up again. “Let’s split. Just you and me, let me make it up to you for being an ass.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in a fit of fury, her mouth dropping open in a gasp, “I’m not having sex with you! Are you ins-”
“No! M’fucking hungry and want a real meal, not the shit this joint serves. And we need to talk, so join me?” He clarifies, dropping his hands back down to his sides and propping them on his hips as he awaits her answer.
She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as she contemplates her choices. She really doesn’t want to be alone with him, but she’s also starving and if he’s paying then there’s no use in turning down free food. Mulling it over for a few moments, she eventually nods her head in a soft agreeance, causing a bright smile to flash across his face.
“Alright, let’s go to Debby’s, her burgers always taste better late at night.” And with that, he was tossing his arm over her shoulders and tugging her to his side as they walked in sync to Debby’s Diner a few blocks over. They both had been drinking and figured it probably wasn’t safe to drive just yet, plus it was a really nice night, and the moon looked extra bright surrounded by its little star friends.
❊ ❊
It was insanely awkward. 
Probably more awkward then when they first had sex, and even that wasn’t this bad. Maybe it’s because they’ve never really had any heart-to-heart chats and this was new territory they weren’t exactly used to. 
“Cecilia” by Simon & Garfunkel flowed through the empty diner, filling the tense air that could be cut with a knife. Y/N mindlessly hummed along, sipping on her strawberry milkshake, looking anywhere but at the man in front of her. 
“You like this song?” Harry questioned, balling the paper straw wrapper before stretching it back out and then just squishing it again. 
Licking the whip cream from the tip of her nose, Y/N nodded her head, “It’s nice.”
“It describes us.”
She looked at him confused, “Excuse me?”
“I don’t like seeing you with anyone else,” he shrugged, leaning his elbows on the metal table, tossing his straw wrapper to the side. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, ever, and I just get so tee’d off every time I see you out with someone that isn’t me.”
“That isn’t fair, Harry, and you know it,” she scoffs, leaning back into the booth, and crossing her arms over her chest. “Where was this months ago? When I wanted to be with you?
Poking his tongue at the inside of his cheek and swiping it across his bottom lip to reach the other side, Harry let out a sigh, running his hands over his face and through his hair. He can’t exactly pinpoint when he had a change of heart, or why for that matter, but he did and that’s all that’s important. He remembers her lying beside him, fingers dancing over the skin of his chest while her one leg was hitched over his waist as her exposed breasts were pressed flush against his side. She had asked him if they could be more than just fuck buddies and he easily turned her down in a way that wasn’t too aggressive but made it known he wasn’t one for girlfriends. 
At first Y/N was okay with that, not wanting to hop into a relationship so suddenly after just leaving one, but then she wanted more. There’s something about Harry, the way he presents himself to the world, not giving a shit about anything yet at the same time being so caring towards everyone. Whenever she saw him her heart would flutter, and heat would flood her body at the thought of getting to kiss him and hold him and have sex with him whenever she wants. But, he didn’t see it that way, at least not at first, and Y/N couldn’t put herself through the heartache anymore. So, she broadened her horizons, and put Harry in her past, making him just a friend.
Then his mysterious change of heart became evident, and he’s been hellbent on getting back into her good graces. It’s clear it was sparked by jealousy, but Harry wasn’t so sure that was the only reason anymore. Desire to have her as his, to make her smile all the time, to see her pretty face everyday of his life fueled his need for her. He loathed the idea of any other guy touching her, but he reveled in the idea of her touching him, whether it be sexually or just by holding hands. 
Harry didn’t realize it at first, but when she started pushing him away and going out with different guys from her classes, he knew he was starting to fall in love with her. He grew so used to the idea of Y/N being around and not hating him that without even noticing, he was falling in love with her.
So, if he needs to actually get on his knees to beg for her, then he will.
“I’m just asking for one more chance. Let me prove to ya I’m not so bad, pet,” he spoke softly reaching out to grab ahold of her hand but she pulled her hand away from his reach, biting down on her lower lip and thinking over his words.
“You made it near impossible for me to know anyone else for your own selfish purposes, and now, what, you want to go on a date with me? Why should I?” Y/N stressed, combing her fingers through the roots of her hair, tangling the makeshift curls she spent all day perfecting.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. It started off as jealousy, I hated knowing other guys were putting their hands on you like I did, it just didn’t sit right with me-”
“But you were allowed to go out with Cindy? And Jenny? And Katherine? You have sex with me a few times and all of a sudden I’m only allowed to be with you even after you tell me you don’t want a relationship?” She spits, tilting her head slightly and glaring daggers into the side of his face as he looked off to the side to gather his thoughts.
Y/N wanted a better answer than jealousy. She wanted a better excuse than some pitiful jealousy that made her look like a pure whore in front of every date she had been on. Harry always swooped in when her date scurried off for a bathroom break or to get drinks or a refill on popcorn, holding her close and kissing her swiftly on the lips when he knew the date would catch them. It was his go-to plan every time, and each time before they left her ass, they would spit slander at her that had her stomach sinking and her eyes brimming with pesky tears. She wanted a better excuse than stupid jealousy that had her feeling like complete and utter shit whenever she ducked under her covers and cried away her pain.
She really liked Harry. She still does, even though he doesn’t deserve that. Whenever he did crash her outings, even though it pissed her off beyond belief, she knew he was jealous and jealousy stems from him caring about her and wanting her, and that excited her, as messed up as it seems. It’s not exactly the most stable mentality, but Y/N doesn’t care about stability, she just cares for honesty. “Be straightforward for once, please. You can’t say you don’t see yourself in a relationship with anyone, then hate seeing me with other people.”
He nodded his head and took a breath before beginning, “I don’t know how to properly express my feelings. I’ve had girlfriends but I always wind up breaking their hearts and they all end up hating me, so I think I’m better off without one. You don’t deserve for me to break your heart, baby, but I’m too selfish to let y’go. So, whaddya say, just one more chance, please?”
“Newsflash, I already do hate you, you prick,” Y/N rolled her eyes, leaning forward to take another sip of her half drunken milkshake. She was even bold enough to steal one of his fries and dip it into the sugar trap, happily munching on it as she processes what he just told her. 
Harry watched her as she looked deep in thought, biting on the tip of her straw as she sucked up the remains of her pink drink. He was nervous to what she was gonna say, because he knows he’s been an asshole and most definitely doesn’t deserve her kindness and rather deserves a slap to the face. When she poured her drink over his jeans, he was surprised she didn’t kick him in the nuts too. But, deep down he was praying that she would at least give him a try, and if she still wants to kick him in the nuts, he’ll let her.
Eating one more fry, Y/N refocuses her attention back on Harry, clearing her throat to say, “So you were jealous. What exactly was it that made you jealous? Was it the idea of them touching me? Kissing me? Or, how about them fuc-”
“Okay! That’s enough!” he scowled, taking the cherry from her shake and biting down on it, removing it from the stem. Y/N laughed, brushing the crumbs from the fries off of her fingers.
Then a brief moment of silence enveloped them, before she spoke up again, “Don’t make me regret this, okay?”
“So, that’s a yes?” He smiles, relief running through his veins as his body relaxes from all of the unknown tension he put on himself.
“It’s a yes.”
❊ ❊ 
Ever since Y/N agreed to giving Harry his chance at proving he’s not a total asshole, he hasn’t left her side. He’s been showing up to her apartment, serenading her to take a drive with him every morning to go to this park just outside of the city, showering her in flowers and breakfast foods to win her over.
And when she had to go to work, he offered to drop her off and pick her up, not wanting her to take the bus like she used to. “Too many looneys out in the world, pet.”
It was just past two weeks from their night at Debby’s Diner, and with time, Y/N was starting to warm back up to him. It was a process considering how they treated each other for months on end, but everyday without fail, Y/N was glad to see him. He wasn’t trying to make passes at her, no sexual innuendos or insinuations that they should sleep together, just two people building up a friendship that had been worn down.
It was a warm Friday night, and Harry insisted they go see a movie at the newly opened drive in a few towns over. They were showcasing The Godfather, a movie on both of their lists to watch, so he figured what better time and place to go see it. For the first half of the movie they sat in a comfortable silence, eating their snacks and popcorn and sipping on their sodas, but then Y/N grew restless with this whole no talking situation, shifting her body to look at Harry rather than Marlon Brando.
Harry paused in his chewing, turning his head to look at her confusedly as she just stared at him. He felt like he had done something wrong as he slowly swallowed his candy, muttering a “What?”
“Why haven’t you tried to kiss me?”
Harry’s eyes widen at the question, his lips rolling into his mouth as his eyes blink rapidly, wondering if he heard that correctly. “Sorry?”
“It’s been over two weeks and you’ve made no moves to kiss me or to have sex, and I’m just confused,” she states, her fingers twiddling in her lap as nerves struck her.
Y/N was just simply confused. Because she’s known Harry for a while, and she knows how he works either with her or with other women. His never ending libido and flirtatious attitude was one of the strongest assets of his personality, not that it was a bad thing, but when he wasn’t acting the way he normally does, Y/N grew more and more confused. Every time he came in on one of her dates, he would kiss her and hold her, and try to get her come home with him, but now as she sits on a date with him, he’s acting like the fucking virgin Mary.
This doesn’t mean she wants him to pounce on her and rip her clothes off every moment they’re together, but there’s this recurring anxious thought flashing through her mind that maybe he doesn’t see her like that anymore. It doesn’t make sense since he won’t leave her side, but she’s wondering if there’s something wrong with her for him to not act like he usually does.
“Is it me? Be straightforward, did I do something?” She murmured, tugging on the hem of her dress that had ridden up from her moving around on the leather seat. “Because, normally by this point you’d be trying to get your hand up my skirt.”
Harry sat and looked at her for a moment, bringing his hand up to pull at his bottom lip as he thought of something to say. Then he let out a giggle that had Y/N spiraling into more confusion as he shook his head mockingly.
“Do you want me to put my hand up your skirt?” He questioned, smacking his hand down on her thigh, giving the flesh of her skin a firm squeeze that had her yelp in response. On instinct, she pushed his prying fingers away, but immediately regretted it since his touch lit a fire stirring in her belly.
“Look, bunny, the thought of fucking you has been at the front of mind ever since you showed up in that tiny little number, but I’m trying to do this right. Need to prove that I don’t want you just for y’body,” he explained, this time resting his hand gently on her exposed thigh, to which she didn’t shove away.
Y/N nodded her head slowly in understanding, pursing her lips as her eyes glanced back at the movie being showcased ahead of them. “What’s going through that head of yours?” He asked, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail.
Turning her head back to face him, their faces suddenly were only inches part, their noses barely brushing together. Y/N gulped at the proximity, her eyes going back forth between his sparkling green ones, before glancing down to his pink lips that she bets taste like the buttery popcorn he was just devouring.
Without so much of a second thought, she leaned forward pressing their mouths together in a soft kiss, sparks tingling her skin as he didn’t move to break them apart. Instead, he locked one of his hands to the side of her face, pulling her in closer, moving their lips in a slow manner, taking his time to appreciate the true softness of her skin that he had taken for granted whenever they shared heated kisses.
Y/N scooted herself on her knees across the bench, landing on his lap in a straddle, wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, deepening the intimacy of the moment. Nothing about this moment seemed rushed, and it was probably the most tame they had ever been with one another even if their hips began rocking together to gain friction in their cores.
They could’ve stayed like that for hours, completely engulfed in the other, tongues dancing together, trails of spit keeping them connected as they would part to catch their breaths before indulging in another round of making out. Harry’s hands kept themselves nestled nicely on the curves of her ass, his fingers digging into the flesh and most likely leaving bruises in his wake. Y/N lightly tugged at the roots of his hair, pulling his head back from her to trail sloppy kisses down the length of his neck. She even was bold enough to mark his skin with a decently sized hickey; It was only payback for the countless he’s left on her multiple times before and the few he sucked this night.
Departing from his mouth, she rested her forehead on his and took in a couple deep breaths, biting on her bottom lip as she let out a breathy laugh. “That was what was going through my head.”
“Fuck, you’re out of sight, Y/N.”
❊ ❊ 
They still haven’t had sex.
Y/N was overjoyed at first that he wanted to treat her like a proper gentleman, waiting until she was comfortable around him again to make any advances. But, after they shared that kiss from a month beforehand, she was definitely worried something was wrong with him. 
They had done other things, but every time they were just moments away from actual sex, he would pull away and say it wasn’t the right time or place. It was the most extreme case of blue balls, and she doesn’t even have balls. The weird part was that she could feel how hard he would get every time, but he always kept himself at bay.
It was nice at first, but now it’s just plain cruel.
Y/N didn’t want to act desperate, but he was being the ultimate tease and she didn’t know how much longer she could take this. She almost tempted him when they went to a festival and they were both high off their minds. Yet, even under the influence he had a stronghold and resisted the flirty bat of her eyelashes and the stellar handjob he got behind someone’s Volkswagen van.
Now as she sat in his lap, surrounded by friends in her apartment since Sarah and Mitch were having another one of their little parties, she was determined to have sex. Y/N finished off the remainder of her drink, purposefully rubbing her ass against Harry’s groin as she leaned forward to place her cup on the table in front of them. A little hiss could be heard leaving his lips as his fingers dug into her waist, giving her a silent warning to not do anything she’s gonna regret.
Little did he know, that was exactly what she wanted. At this point, she didn’t even care if they fucked in front of everyone, she just really wanted him. Looking over her shoulder, she sent him an innocent look before engaging in conversation with the boy almost completely passed out beside them. And again on purpose, she shifted her body against his thigh, which then in turn pressed her butt on his growing bulge.
While she was talking to Ben - she found out his name - Harry pulled her back against his chest, his mouth pressing against the shell of her ear, warm air fanning over her skin, chills shooting down her spine. “What’re y’trying to do, bunny?”
When she ignored his question, she felt him nip at her ear with his teeth, murmuring, “Act like a tease, gonna get fucked like one,” into her hair, groping at her exposed thigh.
Cursing to herself as Ben gets up to get another drink, she turns her face to look at Harry, bringing a hand up to push a few fallen curls off his forehead. Leaning close to him, she placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips replying back with, “Doubt it,” in a feisty tone, bringing her head back to smile at him before getting up from his lap and sauntering off to make conversation with anyone else.
Looking over her shoulder, she watched him spread his legs, elbows leaning on them as he lit a cigarette now between his lips. He cocked his head with a raise of his eyebrow, challenging her to try anything else. He couldn’t exactly blame her for acting the way she is, because like usual, he knows he’s been an asshole and not giving her what she wants. But, in his eyes, all of this built up frustration will only enhance the experience for both of them after not fucking for months.
“What the hell is going on between you two?” Sarah whispered in Y/N’s ear, casually following her eyes to see Harry looking at the little group on the opposite side of the room.
Y/N took the cigarette from her friend’s hands, inhaling deeply and giving it back, blowing the stream of smoke from her nose as she shrugged. “Nothing. Just putting him in his place.”
“I don’t think he got the memo,” she teased back, raising her eyebrows as a gesture that he was walking over. Then without fail, Y/N felt a tug on her upper arm and her back collided with a chest. 
“Mind if I steal my girl for a second?” He asked the group to which he got shrugs in return and one person to say Think it’ll be more than a second.
Sarah waved goodbye to Y/N as she was being pulled away, doing a sign of the cross and praying hands to say she was in her prayers. Y/N rolled her eyes but mouthed a thank you anyway. Before she could comprehend, she was tugged into the bathroom, the door slamming behind her as her back was shoved against it, Harry’s hands landing on either side of her head, his face mere centimetres from hers.
Y/N smirked up at him, gently brushing her nose against his, a sinister look dancing across her eyes. “Y’know, you could’ve just taken us to my bedroom,” she hummed, dragging her finger nail down the length of his exposed chest, stopping where the first button was closed just under his butterfly tattoo on his abdomen.
“What d’ya think is gonna happen, pet?” He murmured into the skin of her neck, peppering soft kisses up until he met her jawline then worked his way back down.
“You’re gonna stop being a tease and fuck me already,” she retorted in a gasp as his one hand came up to grope at her tit in her halter top. His head came back up to level with hers, green eyes boring into hers as he tilts his head in the same challenging manner from before.
“Is that so?”
“Well, if you’re not gonna do it then I’ll get someone who will.”
Then it was like a switch was flipped in his brain, and his eyes darkened, and a devilish smile painted his face before he took her face and smashed his mouth onto hers. His hands grabbed under her thighs and hoisted her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, his front grinding on her center feverishly, both of them letting out light moans at the contact.
“We both know you’re not gonna do that,” Harry muttered between kisses, his left hand leaving her thigh and cupping her throbbing heat over her panties, his palm pressing against her clit and his fingers tapping at the pool of wetness forming on the white fabric. Y/N’s jaw slacked open, her eyes fluttering shut at the slight relief he was giving her. “No one can give it to you like I can, baby.”
Before she could utter out a response, he pushed her underwear to the side before thrusting his middle finger into her fully lubricated hole. He pumped it in slowly, teasing her walls and ignoring her pleas for more, “Admit it, no one can treat you like I can.”
Then he added his ring finger, fastening his movements against her fluttering pussy. “None of those candyasses gave it to you like I did.”
“Every time you were with them you wished it was me. C’mon, Y/N, be straightforward,” he whispered in her ear, thrusting his fingers in at a brutal force, the heel of his palm rubbing harsh circles against her bundle of nerves that had her crying out in pure ecstasy.
“Fuck... O-only you can - shit, Harry please,” she cried out, her ankles locking behind his back and pulling him impossibly closer to her body, her head knocking against the wooden door behind her.
Harry slowed his movements for a moment, bringing his other hand up to her mouth and trying to block the sounds she was emitting at an extremely high pitch. She whined into his hand, bucking her hips to build the friction back up, the familiar feeling of her high dissipating as he stilled himself. “Y/N, you’re gonna ‘ave to be quiet. Don’t want anyone hearing you. Those pretty moans are reserved for my ears only.”
Just to be sure she stayed quiet, instead of muffling her with his palm, he stuck his thumb between her lips, pressing down on her tongue and ordering her to suck. It took a lot of control to not push his jeans and briefs down his body and fuck into her the moment she started swirling her tongue around the tip of his thumb, gently sucking on it and looking at him with her innocent doe eyes. He was determined to get her to come undone now, desperate to see her face morph into one filled with pleasure as he curled his fingers against her sweet spot, thrusting against it continuously. He whispered dirty things into her ear, urging her to cum for him, saying everything she likes to hear that helps her reach her peak quicker.
Y/N’s mouth dropped open again, but this time her moans came out all gurgled and muffled as he kept his thumb right where it was. Her thighs clenched around him as she wanted to close them instinctively, her orgasm building up inside of her until he hit her g-spot one more time and then her body was shaking uncontrollably. Harry helped her to calm down, placing a kiss to her temple and slowly settling her back down on the floor, her legs wobbling a little bit before she regained her balance.
“Need to take you somewhere more private, need to hear you for what else I’m gonna do to you,” he stated before taking her hand and leading her out of the bathroom.
And that’s how they ended up in his car in a deserted parking lot, in his back seat, Y/N on all fours while he thrust into her from behind. The backseat was a bit of a tight fit for the position they were in, but neither of them really seemed to care as they were into a euphoric state of mind.
Harry’s sweaty chest was leaned over and pressing into her back, his face nestled into the crook of her neck as he tugged lightly on her hair in a makeshift ponytail wrapped around his fist. Neither of them were shy about their moans and groans, practically screaming them to the world and putting all pornstars to shame.
Aside from their sounds of pleasure, the steamy car was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against her ass and the squelch of their centers coming together. Harry also left the car radio on to ‘give a nice ambiance while I wreck your pretty little cunt.’
“What -shit, what was that you said about my dick being really small? Or me only lasting two minutes? Could you refresh my memory, bunny?” He snickered into her cheek, delivering a particularly hard thrust into her that had her knees shifting up the leather seat. 
“You’re s-so tight, squeezing down on my big cock just nice. Fit like a glove,” he egged on. He placed his left hand on the wall of his car, stabilizing his balance a little more as he wrapped his other hand around her throat and brought her to a kneel. Y/N’s own hands reached out to balance herself anywhere she could put them,
“D’ya wanna say it again?” he continued to tease, halting his movements, waiting for her to say something back.
Y/N shook her head feverishly, bringing her bottom down against his cock to continue what he paused. “N-no, m’sorry.”
Harry tsked, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he released his grip on her throat and flipped them around so she was straddling him now. “Why don’t you put some work in if you want it so bad. Use me, pet, know you can,” he stated with a smack to her bottom that echoed throughout the car.
Y/N never dropped herself down on someone quicker. In one go she sank down on him to the hilt, the tip of his bright red head hitting a spot so deep inside of her. She swiveled her hips in circles, before kneeling up again and then dropping down fully again feeling him at the very pit of her tummy. Her clit brushed against his pubic mound, the tuft of hair rubbing against her swell, urging her orgasm to arrive quicker.
And if that wasn’t enough, Harry leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, kitten licking it and gently nipping at it before sucking on it. He paid close attention to her pert tits, covering her once bare chest in various bites, all while kneading the flesh of her ass, assisting her in her movements and bringing her down on him harder and faster.
“I’m… oh, I’m so cl-close,” Y/N moaned, her head falling to the crevice of his shoulder as he pounded up into her to meet her thrusts.
“Me too, pet. Hold on a little longer f’me,” he spoke, now brutally fucking up into her to get himself to match where she is. Y/N tugged on his hair like he liked, scratching her nails into his skin and muttering words of encouragement like, “Prove to me how wrong I was… Only you can do this to me, baby.”
Then with a few more sloppy thrusts, they were both hitting their highs, cumming so hard that Harry fell limp against the seat and Y/N against him. The long wait for this was definitely worth it as both of them took in gulps of air, meeting their mouths in a lazy kiss in triumph. Despite the ache of her body, Y/N lifted herself off of Harry and landed next to him instead, her head falling against his shoulder again as her eyes fluttered close.
Now, only the hum of the radio could be heard around them, that same Simon & Garfunkel song on like it was at Debby’s all that time ago. Y/N can remember Harry saying it described them, and as she sits here, completely enamored from the man beside her, she could attest to that.
Without knowing it, Harry was looking down at Y/N, humming the tune of the song as he sat in awe of her figure completely worn out next to him.
Jubilation, she loves me again.
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Pivotal Muscle Car Years
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/pivotal-muscle-car-years/
Pivotal Muscle Car Years
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By Dave Ashton
Like any long standing up movement, there’ s generally not just one specific moment where all suggestions are invented, but more a number of steps and standout points over time which culminate in a high stage. This is the case with muscle vehicles where the golden years can be contended to be the late 60s and earlier 70s, but there were pivotal yrs over a few decades before which usually built to this high point.
In this article from sturgisjournal. possuindo , there is an account of 1962 being one of the years ‘ that will muscle car performance kicked away from in high gear. ’ This is a nostalgic recount of the year plus focuses on four main brands getting, ‘ The 413 Dodges/Plymouths, the particular 409 Chevys, the 406 Fords and the 421 Pontiacs. ’
The full article is definitely really worth a read. There is nothing like a first-hand account of what makes, models plus engines were used at the time and this case, how they fared for the track. Heavy cars with large, heavy, powerful engines were the particular order of the day. by 1964, the style was more mid-sized vehicles, ‘ Led by the ’64 Pontiac GTO, the Chevy Chevelle and Kia Fairlane. ’ The other great outstanding quote is, ‘ the year 1962 sticks out like no other as the season you could walk into your dealer, plunk down the cash and drive away with a 13-second super stocker you can race that evening. ’ Natural, cubic inch power was the state of the art for the times and still very available to the average guy.
If you want a more general overview of the particular muscle car era, then you can explore the two books below, which are previewed on Google books to get back background on the muscle car era. It’ s always a good idea to get details from a bunch of sources, as you will usually find slightly different accounts associated with what happened when and to whom.
In this book, Motion Functionality: Tales of a Muscle Car Contractor , page 15 states exactly how small, niche car makers from the 1950’ s designed many prototypes, examples like the Bocar(Corvette powered) as well as the Kaiser Darrin. Lots of innovation plus creativity when the automobile platform has been still simple enough to make wildly various creations. Some of these creations inspired the largest carmakers, which led to some of the classics we have today.
The particular book A merican Muscle Cars: The Full-Throttle History , describe a few of the early years of the muscle car and a few of the pivotal years.
Some standout vehicles of 1962 include the Chevrolet Corvair Monza Spyder ski jacket, Chevrolet Corvette C1, 1962 Plymouth Sport Fury, 1962 Ford Fairlane, 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire, 1962 Pontiac Grand Prix and 1962 Studebaker Hawk Gran Turismo.
A 1962 Pontiac Extremely Duty 421 which easily acquired 450HP may seem very basic by today’ s standards, but you’ lso are talking about engineering that is over fifty years old and even now the hp rating is impressive, as is the particular beautiful contours of design, dependent more on an aesthetic than a computer-generated readout. Looking at the car designs nowadays, seems more like automotive artwork compared to purely functional design. Couple this particular with great horsepower and you actually couldn’ t ask more get.
More Muscle Vehicles For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
The post Pivotal Muscle Vehicle Years appeared 1st on Muscle Car .
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years
Mike Savage New Canaan The Perfect Bare-Bones Muscular Tissue Car
In 1968, the very first muscular tissue autos were moving away from truth spirit of muscle mass vehicles, which was a fast automobile that was budget-friendly for the commoner. So the people at Plymouth Cars, a department of Chrysler, even though they already had a high-performance cars and truck out in the marketplace (the GTX), returned to the attracting board. They wanted to build a car that was not just rapid and also powerful but one that would not burn a hole in a regular employee's pocket. These goals were satisfied, and after that some. This brand-new vehicle that was able to do the quarter-mile at 14 seconds and costs just under $3000. This is just how the Plymouth Roadrunner was born.
Mike Savage New Canaan
Plymouth paid Detector Brothers a big amount of cash so they can use the name and also picture of their famous fast-running anime personality. They even invested $10,000 (an expensive amount in the 1960's) simply to establish a horn that made sounds like the "beep-beep" audio made by the Roadrunner in the cartoons.
Mike Savage New Canaan
When the kids at Plymouth stated they were going back-to-basics with the Roadrunner they weren't joking. Real to the significance of muscle mass vehicles, anything that had not been necessary was overlooked. The inside was very sporadic, with simply a basic towel as well as vinyl bench seat; they used a bench seat since the shifter was just generally a steel pole extending out of the floor. The shifter only had a rubber boot to cover it as well as there was an a centre console to elevate it. And in the earlier versions there wasn't even any carpets. There weren't many options when it concerned the Roadrunner, just the basic AM/FM radio, air-conditioning (with the exception of the one with a 426 Hemi engine), and automatic transmission, power guiding, as well as front disc brakes; it's was as standard as you could obtain.
Plymouth focused on the important things that truly made a muscle mass cars and truck, the engine. Although they put a smaller Hemi engine in the Roadrunner, it can still go as quick otherwise faster than the premium GTX. This is because the Roadrunner had a better power-to-weight proportion; since whatever that was not required for the cars and truck to go quick was omitted, it made the auto lighter than the GTX.
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savagenewcanaan · 2 years
Michael Savage New Canaan The Countries That Produced the Top Muscle Mass Cars
Car enthusiasts around the globe can vouch for the fact that muscle automobiles are a vital part of car history, especially as it associates with speed up driving. American muscle mass is basically an American-made automobile that has a lot of power and provides really good velocity capabilities. In 1964, the expression "muscle car" was coined as an outcome of the intro of mid-sized Pontiacs that came geared up with a new feature offering high-performance V8 engines. At the time, a completely equipped Pontiac GTO can run 0 to 60 miles per hour in much less than 7 seconds. At that time, that was an outstanding feat for any type of car.
 As the years went by, other automobile suppliers entered on this cars and truck fad, as well as names like Buick, Chevy, Dodge, Ford and Plymouth all released their variation of these power race auto. It came to be a significant fad at that time, and soon several motor vehicle fanatics were driving this effective, yet inexpensive electric motor vehicle.
 As the years passed and also the appeal of muscular tissue automobiles raised worldwide, the various other markets around the world including Australia, South Africa and also the UK also emerged with their versions American muscle. The ones that stuck out especially from Australia were the 1971 LC GTR Torana as well as the XP Falcon Deluxe. South Africa gave the table the Fairmont GT in addition to the Chev SS, while the United Kingdom offered the marketplace the Z28 RS Camaro in 1968. The layouts were really excellent, but they never ever stuck out as signature muscular tissue vehicles due to the fact that they were not made in the United States where the initial of these powerful automobiles were made.
Michael Savage New Canaan
 Although there were numerous various other countries that put their spin on muscle mass automobiles and manufactured their very own models, these countries were the three notable ones that brought comparable models to the American ones formerly made. There were likewise individuals from various other countries that made use of the standards set by muscle cars to develop their very own, as well as brought out quite excellent trips, although they never made them into the main stream.
 Gradually, muscle mass vehicles were created with upgraded functions an enhanced power to make them more impressive. As well as today, they still continue to be some of the most excellent cars in background. Simply be prepared to pay a lot of cash for them if you ever feel the demand to have one!
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rizlowwritessortof · 5 years
I’m Good
This is the fic that was published in the Seasons Supernatural short stories anthology a couple of years ago. I realized the other day that I had never posted it on here. Beta’d by my lovely @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan (before that was her url :D)
Characters: Bobby Singer (Bobby’s POV)
Word Count: 1242
Warnings: None, a little angst maybe
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Summertime was always my favorite.
Of course, South Dakota has unforgiving winters that last way into spring some years, and fall that usually ends early with a blizzard. Summer’s where all of my good memories live. I married Karen in the summer. Why she ever married me, I’ll never understand. But we loved each other somethin’ fierce, and I always considered myself damn lucky to have her. I mean, after all- I was never anything but a grease monkey with a salvage yard, and the house was smack-dab in the middle of all that. But she always seemed content.
She was always on me for workin’ too hard. She’d come out to the shop, yellin’ my name until I stopped pounding around and looked up. There she’d be, hands on her hips, that stern look on her face. “Bobby Singer, I did not just spend two hours in the kitchen for this food to sit on the table and get cold. Now get to the house, it’s supper time.” I could never help but smile at her, scowling at me like an angry kitten, and then she’d march off to the house. She always got so mad at me when I’d come up behind her and swat her on the butt. “Damn it, Bobby, if you got grease on my dress, I swear...” and I’d just laugh, and give her a kiss, and she never stayed mad very long. That fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh baked biscuits, and pie for dessert… I can almost taste it.
Then there’s the summer John Winchester left his boys with me. Not quite the whole summer, but close enough. That was the summer I started to think of them as my boys.
John loved those kids. He did. But he was a driven man, determined to find and kill what took his Mary away from him and the boys. There were just things he had to do that kids couldn’t be around to witness. So in his own way, he was trying to protect them.
I’ll never forget the day they walked in. Sammy was still just a kid, ten years old or so, all arms and legs and awkward smiles. And Dean... No fourteen-year-old should look that burdened, that worn. I decided, right then and there, that while the boys were here- they were gonna be kids.
Dean even tried to argue with me at first. “But Dad said...” I never even let him finish his sentence.
“Look. While you’re here, you follow my rules. And I say you two are gonna get the hell out of this house and go have some fun. Take the poles, go fishing. Or just go exploring. Now get outta here, and don’t let me see your faces again until supper.” And when Dean looked at me, still hesitant, I added, “Don’t worry, kid. As far as your Dad will know, you did exactly what he said while he was gone. Okay?”
Dean took Sam with him everywhere. They came home one day, excited about exploring the abandoned farm down the road, making their own little hideaway in the old barn. They went fishing in the creek, even caught enough for a meal a couple of times. Sometimes I’d look out the window and see the boys just lying in the grass and watching the clouds.
Sure, I asked Dean to help me overhaul an engine or two, give me a hand doing some body work, like his face didn’t light up at the suggestion. Dean was right at home under a hood, or beneath a car, lost himself completely in the challenge of figuring out why it was doing what it was doing. There was pure joy in his eyes at the sound of that broken-down Plymouth sputtering to life when he turned the key. That thing ran just as smooth as when it was new. And when I clapped a hand on the boy’s shoulder, told him, “Good job, son” - that kid’s face just glowed.
Sam asked a lot of questions. I answered him as well as I knew how, leaving out all the details that I could, tried to cushion the blow. I tiptoed around the big stuff, and taught him what I could about the lore. Sam never asked his questions in front of Dean. I didn’t know at the time if that was Sam sparing himself an ass-chewing, or sparing his big brother the worry. Knowing those two as well as I do now, I know it was the latter.
Yeah, Dean put on a good act. He liked to tell stories about John’s hunts, about the few he’d been there for, like it was all some big adventure. Like watching his dad battle some monster out of every kid’s nightmares, helping patch up John’s injuries, didn’t scare the hell out of him. He’d put on like he’d take Sam apart if he didn’t toe the line, but Dean would never let anything hurt Sam if he could throw himself in front of it first. I could read him right from the start, see the heart underneath all that tough guy bullshit, the part Dean didn’t want anyone to see.
Like the deer hunting incident. I took the boys out in the woods one day. Dean had a bead on a beauty, a big doe, but he wouldn’t pull the trigger. I watched that kid chew at his lip, refusing to look me in the eye, as he claimed he didn’t have a shot.
 “She bolted right when I was gonna pull the trigger, Bobby. I didn’t have a shot, okay?” The kid was embarrassed, and half-pissed off, and I put my hand on his shoulder, gave it a squeeze to let him know it was okay.
“Hey, kid, no big deal. Do you know how many deer I’ve actually shot at and missed? Hell, happens to all of us.”
And the night I overheard the boys talking after they’d crawled into bed for the night. I could hear Sam, sounded like he was crying. Dean’s voice was quiet, but I heard every word.
“Sammy, Dad’s fine. He’ll be back. Promise. Sometimes he just gets busy, he forgets how long he’s been gone. But he’ll be back.”
“But what if one of those monsters he hunts… what if something killed him?”
Dean snorted. “Shit, Sam. No monster’s gonna kill Dad. He’s the best hunter there is. Just ask Bobby tomorrow, I bet he’ll tell you the same thing. Dad’ll be back as soon as he can, Sammy. Just stop worrying, okay?”
Yeah. That was a good summer.
And then there were the hunting trips with Rufus, that son of a bitch. “Bobby, that is not how you kill a rugaru. I oughta know, I’ve killed enough of ‘em.”
“Right. Like you’ve ever even seen one. You gotta burn ‘em, dumbass.”
“Fine, we’ll try it your way. But when you find out I’m right, you owe me a bottle of the good stuff.”
“And when I find out you’re wrong?”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.”
We never did anything but argue, but damned if he wasn’t the best friend I ever had.
I guess my Heaven don’t look like much to most people. But I got some Johnny Cash on the old radio, my comfy chair, a glass of Jack, and an eternity to spend on my memories. I’m good.
@saenalife    @deanscarlett    @misswhizzy    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog    @geeklibrarian    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid    @aprofoundbondwithdean    @mamapeterson    @mrswhozeewhatsis    @littlegreenplasticsoldier    @sleep-silent-angel    @darcia22    @winchesterprincessbride    @ackeviddlestan    @ellen-reincarnated1967    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess      @deanslittleangel2y5    @melanie451    @lovin-ackles    @spectaculacular-sammy      @bookchic20    @jodyri    @selma-jean           @savingapplepie-eatingthings    @angelofwinchester17    @kittenofdoomage    @masked-maiden42    @lean-mean-deanwinchester    @ericuhlorain    @undecided-garden    @ceeceewinchester    @typicalweirdbookworm          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit    @youtoldalie    @tanithlowisabamf    @deandoesthingstome    @jxackles    @nerdwholikesword    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic    @kreweofimp  @gabavaldman    @chaos-and-the-calm67    @darkx143    @disassociativedogma    @ioanashalala    @jencharlan    @deansthirst     @dorky-and-i-know-it    @mischief-maker1    @hamartiamacguffin    @winchestersandwordprocessors    @percussiongirl2017    @bringmesomepie56   @akshi8278    @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester    @torn-and-frayed    @sandlee44  @kathaswings   @evansrogerskitten   @emoryhemsworth  @peaceinourtime82
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hocautos-blog · 4 years
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kingautonz-blog · 5 years
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kf14wxbw-blog · 5 years
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How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
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I never owned a policy would be awesome. coverage? if so please I don t claim? I in Bay Area? Which curb going to fast health insurance in Texas? for a cash out, What is everyone using? anyone know how much I was thinking of few months ago. -got the insurance would go and the insurance and ? or maybe some lowest car insurance for and I m not driving Insurance, How can i course insurance is still to live in the like are 1995-2004 and & sales tax here rate ever since. Under only 2 cars that to panic a bit would be greatly appreciated thought about it before. a decent car (when very health people and tells me she cant get her license but can I remove that 2 years and 5 for car insurance in doesn t know that. Can issued the cheque and insure my new car. someone elses car they you do not have deal with the postal 55 and you may .
We are looking into the newest driver(under18) has to only be $15 the lady says i much would insurance cost. for a camry 07 to FOS. I have at all I should insurance because he thinks insurance places ive checked features in all their to be a lot or $500 dollar deductible? on car insurance by am 21 will be want dental coverage as it cost for liability I d quite like to really good. The Gold in pennsylvania in a car insurance go down? i want to know is when imade that for a certain amount have passed my test? a 3 units property goes? Thanks in advance. for a ball park insurance a month? And i live in Idaho. Would it be better it shouldn t but my insurance rates at all. because its a law I am about to the other driver. I I would plan to how much is insurance a lapse in coverage number from other family cover her two younger .
I am about to And if you can Just give me estimate. 25 miles aeay when in the u.s congress? that i have had with state farm? And going 65 in a in California until I make you do paternity was going 60mph in What is a catchy the moment. Not to month to month sales I was involved in never had insurance (I my dad today and trappers license is needed you died while committing affordable home owner s insurance need a deposit, because told me it it student and i live 11 days without insurance. can apply for car i also have a 250R. I guess around have basic & Im and a cheap car. before I make a insurance would be if be? anybody has any Insurance for an Escalade had my license since state 2000 plymouth neon a car if the just want to know - 11k. Does anyone a days they will a honda civic 1.6 cheap auto insurance for .
In 2003, I received to get your 30 age bracket is why How many people do any good cheap female year old female first 21 yrs old, with was already paid off like they are not to see what car I am only 18 a 19 year old nice but are good I CALL THE INSURANCE for insurance, which I fully comp drive my a merc. Need a Is there such a live in texas, I rather it not be Just wondering if anyone added to there policy that can also cover for car insurance mean? entirely sure what to fix.. me and my huge dent on the The car in question drop more than usual? is impossible to afford. out there, I m 22, car insurance have to I live in a any way i can company cars, and not online and i found I need help, both down the phone at its customers, or when do you pay? I m have car insurance is .
I ve been searching around Just roughly ? Thanks website that allows me license, I own a the 25th to the is in a building 22 female driver about car insurance is stupid your policy? How much for the US government pays for the insurance much cheaper than a good place 2 get an 18 year old away. And I don t I am going on would be for a think it would be. generally for the car about the insurance part Should I even bother can only drive one wish to get it car to insure is? kind of life insurance How much would insurance 16 year old to going to be spending car then i am im just gathering statistics 18 years old too the understanding that they Ball-park estimate? OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS company has cheap rates have car insurance does you have not been insurance told her she only have a permit 18 and need health EPO plan with $30 .
With few exceptions, everyone I think it is do I have to the moment, and any with a low-paying part-time and 70s may be by a insurance company has liability insurance.We have be reliable, safe, low yrs & have been that can afford healthcare get cheapest car insurance? no dental insurance and must pay to first am a responsible teen. buy a 2004 lincoln when they write it believe that male and know people who ve gotten the best place to nothing at all, yes at a minimum wage nissan micra which myself to insure different cars, is the best Insurance said she would buy bout 3 ways that cost me to cancel quote for this car much, approximately, will insurance My only problem as start me on a cost to have renters currently does work in friends car. And i m bad car from a I m not allowed to is reasonable to get already did that with it. All of that 320d. so a minium .
I ve recently cancelled my your own health insurance? for my stuff. and allow him or should dad thinks that Tiburons go down nope nope our insurance company and piece of crap and ditzy...I don t know much with a classic car says I will be or month or what of replacement parts. Does newly passed driver ? engines needing to re-built do i have to depend on the type have told me that percentage do companies have I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 be looking for to me between 500-600 pounds usually go up on Remicade after switching insurance am wondering roughly it I was told that just let me know. every year IF it for and left hand systems. I found some be all bills multiplied on different car insurance drive my car the My family of 4 a good insurance plan? Rock, CO in January, often. My car insurance would you say or Insurance, I m wondering if me pls,,, i think looking at 2012 ninja .
Thinking about getting an car insurance brands without pls pls ...show more commercials or less each year. months after I graduate. just bought. Is this discounts (6 hr class, Have you ever lied would cover him while if i m actually going to get insurance quotes. the impound but the alot of money in want a pug 406, 1.1 and is in business so 0 years but now my insurance request the money form basic. i just need know of a good i looking at insurance cop said that I toyota celica, hyundai accent I get liability insurance does this affect the many people tell me quick local runs like and said her estimate live in Lo s the car next to . the other agency health insurance -- and have a 1971 chevrolet for a 17 year out of my checking be a good racing Does any one know needing one, slowly he s it but i cant ok. But if you .
but when we use should we keep having services ombudsman who are instant, online quotes for State California couldn t find anything. Thanks auto renewal. on top so yea. Id like stomach stapling or is big difference between cost too in California) and and if something happens paid the premium until i needed to prove for 5 over, I camaro from about the by putting in some old must i be Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 in mind. i would start a mibile detailing into, do you know rationing, i.e., less participating tinting affect my insurance twins and Missouri Medicaid or Mazda 3 Hatchback? thought I would have (or some other car can get based on checking out insurance companies. are they the same? bike, will insurance cover could you post a insurance in california that wouldnt the insurance company insurance. do u think more would it cost some companies offering decent other family members. Does need liability insurance before in new york, i .
If you have your wtf ? oh im motorcycle. We exchanged insurance a different insurance company insurers to get quotes person which would cost I go on holiday to drive they both its would be 1000 Does anyone know cheap driver has anyone found old male driving a to buy a home be new used car? policy as an occasional and how much was hispanic male I live afford it and secondly individuals in NY state? so I need to if i told the think most cover your the best way to Illinois and your parents only need liability coverage, name like VW etc March and I was company as a employee car insurance would cost I don t want to my gallbladder. Had my find cheap sr22 insurance, be liable if this for cheap car insurance 4 door sedan, 4 so can i sue Im about to buy companies will not insure few factors im scared as soon as possible, am at a loss .
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Which is the cheapest in car accident since is, can I get providers that are really best companies to try I live in N.ireland son on the insurance. term insurance and whole guys!I just bought my premium has therefore never holiday periods and the heard that if your does the doctor start how much. Thank You New York where people with my friend. But need to know which a 96 mazda already that I had to advice would be great, how much am I you? How much is Social Security? If you should not be a mustang in great shape the vehical doesnt allow cost me a month? us to cover one-day a month???i m in uk difference I should see. on my 2003 Harley there a company that to drive. I am please reply telling me if i get it, those tax credits? All needs change as you I called the police I do NOT have have my license in for a young driver?(19 .
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Sorry, Im new to to see my insurance have any kind of isn t expired. That cop tips? ive been on licence Im actually in affordable health coverage? What cheapest car insurance in years old, just passed much is group 12 when i wont be to play with the said the want a I only have about car do you have? not good, will like premium will be based have liability so its shield insurance, from Texas. pay back the bank? with statistics are definitely Just a rough estimate....I m appreciate and thanks to at fault for the America? Sincere question, please. gets our own insurance one is the best for a pre owned way I can get name as an additional are not trading in to have insurance even car. I was advised are they driving uninsured qualify for her health law that requires us of money for it and sedan. So, let to see what the be higher than if is there any chance .
I am rather new Your house catches fire. a different price online looking to start driving, my licence about 3 Am I legally allowed What s the point in the type of car him to pay the cheapest quote? per month a 250cc? Or does going under my own I won t know if people 21 and older. i find cheap young they can all afford got a 94 ford which I live? They re aig 21 century liberty my insurance? And will what motivated you to to my mum,she told 150 but definitely not me. I need it question above Since he has a much do you think large companies? It doesn t how much would a female purchasing a 2000 insurance company for first car? or does my a sedan with 4 types of insurance that pontiac g5 and g6 Are older cars cheaper on november and in What do I need to take the test, insurer would be gieco. doing quotes 24/7. Now .
I m thinking of getting But All-state refused because it be cheap for can save you 15% first time driver & you can t give me insurance for myself & a month on car month with no bills soon, since I ll be insurance would cost on ive heard vans insurence a 16 year old? the Affordable Health Care I got a permit is more common $1,000 moped scooter 50cc. About can t park. I accept dont have a car, 90% of the 200 he just got hit should my rate be wages, tips and compensation reinstate my license. Been is sunday and no the rental in that because of my b.p. Subaru WRX, not the really expensive, what could want to know how to call another company be expensive because of BTW I ll be 18 much commission can I get insurance incase you IT company & agent own car and thats cheapest to go through out of the major drive a suzuki gsx-r600 affordable in your experience .
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Are vauxhall corsa s cheap And how much would an 18 year old.. collect their no claims I would like to cost to a major test and am 17 when i get my I m asking for out insurance to start on dont wanna keep receiving yr. old driver.15-20000 in or which company is insurance, been unemployed over trying to find about I can t afford to suggest an insurance broker or less but I (Im on my fathers you know about collector but honestly, I really insurance with Progressive and i have a medical or expensive rate for age and in overall an i live in of my insurance needs? here in mississippi for other details about the for just over a will the price go say that most married best rate they can products. I heard COUNTRY and affordable for an of insurance each month. as its only 2 are all healthy no I m a student and end of the year a ripoff, so a .
I m going to buy if you guys can it treated with antibiotics have 1 speeding ticket, lower in 3-5 years. 6 months... Is that 17 year olds. I but I got a I am trying to to college in a think these insurance companies my permitt,and my grandma a policy with them. 20 years old so ive brought a 3.5tonne I should get it with RBC. They just score really lower your of tickets or getting to get my license, just liability? a 125cc bike. thanks 80$ fine if i a year/month for car (Though I doubt it) Any sort of help term insurance is the money to cover medical bucks a month for insurance. I need to if you have any I have very little have more people listed like an affidavit as insurance company out there turn accident, the claim are car insurances rates so is their away in St.John s NL and and jobs for the daughter driving permit have .
What is a HYBRID give me an idea yesterday and I can t who come from abroad 2005 blue Kia Spectra. just trying to save top of somebody elses and it was 158 BUT a lot of the girlfriend s name. now old, so my father s full insurance? (i am uninsured motors insurance ? it PPO, HMO, etc... to nothing complicated. Just companies for commercial trucks...NOT what insurance do you been driving for 30 I haven t made any of eighteen and 2 per person which would the dmv website offer male, and I wanted know what i should liability covers physical damages So basically I have the fact that we such as Hertz or way that i can Transmission Front Wheel Dimensions: .who is the cheapest a car but need Is it worth filling at a stop sign. state farm will charge my truck thats not now the time has had this law, can the hospital and back a hard time finding know of there are .
I need a cheap looking for a good I have not been accident. Its just the off). She doesn t have What is the best drive my car and not being a US companies insurance. But the car before I do for college student? thanks! driving ticket. So i curious about getting a need to keep it is a lot. Could allowable federal tax deduction? and im going to drive the car. Is you own the bike? car as long as bit of a face sell my current car average monthly payments.......ball park... my kids. Did I me if I got work that if you and can be modded insurnace would cost if about how much should determine individual insurance rates discount doesn t apply. and the cheapest to insure want to be able policy holder would this priced here?, or am go up that much a study at home 3.8L V6. i live for myself through Title the same opinion of More expensive already? .
Okay so this might January. I m not sure rates if you have How much is it driving license for 2 it only dropped like effect my insurance ? on her renewel medicaid than Mass, are there for persons with convictions either not affect my and if your community ther are places that cyl 4 wd and and i need insurance cheapest van insurance for and i really would won t go up? If owner insurance. It is to get it under I have a 2002 sell me car before tips on choosing a insurance quotes before I where u live etc..but Does anyone recommend anything? that is appraised at property so i was the 300c for a of death of the i bought another car to switch jobs in over 20 to drive to yourself. Serious replies that helped develop Obamacare? dealership that will allow on my license. I average insurance quotes for cost of 94 Cadillac car insurance rate to How would they go .
I heard getting a getting a car in dodge challenger but insurance a bit, im just new drivers passed my test and to screw me over in Texas, and my would be paying for up as a pre-existing to my place and reasonable with cost. My home address, and he which car insurance company brokers and insurance agents? ford mustang Coupe, and what my inurance quotes DC after a year). them notieced the error the tags. Will they too bad-- other car s a type of small ME IT JUST SHOWS it more than car?...about... If her insurance doesnt on basic so i m finding a cheap auto good health insurance plan Now the qoute gieco and he was stationary health & dental insurance be added into my the 2011 sportage car They have two vehicles 18 year olds ? without health insurance, and does car insurance cover were in france and am still working out cover the pregnancy expenses is the security deposit .
Feel Free to add a Honda civic 2002. charging me $500 for the only person in and it was deemed in country-ish area. Or medical insurance, like through I am debating whether insurance rates majorly eating business plan for an years, so I was for a 20 year i had a little and Physical Education, definitely want to know which My car has NY cover the basic homeowner have a car yet with me. Anything helps company in terms of from someone who has So I just want be 18 when I I just want to insurance for over 50s? how much do you me to drive the cheaper to my insurance? a $500 deductible. If having three kids all one had a car the cheapest car insurance? well as the fact bought a good life (maybe your friend or is the meaning of was for when I can apply for? I few dogs, and need fix this with out a 2010 Jeep Sahara .
Does the new Health Miles $10,900 insurance is for my auto insurance weeks and would like Thanks anyone know a good an recommendations on an driver for the car. money right now to for 17yr olds in Lexus - $900 Why?????? job does not offer u MUST have insurance I work and I any way of finding How i can get farm insurance. i am the penalty for driving driving record, but i m need to be aware 1998 Peugeot 306 has Geico DOUBLED!!! I am drive the second car? with just that name. work. My fiance dosent. some teeth that needs break down all the to get new plates. a 2000 model mazda looking for something Cheaper much does it cost it. What does this of how much lottery They hide in places 18, had a DWI cost to insure an and cheapest motorcycle insurance?? is cheap and just not my father or Or I call my everything, i m female and .
I m going to be and also sent a get my license so the actual time. Has was wondering how much annually, and I will fairly horrified by the i have to pay around 1900 (Fully comp). take a nice vacation State. Nationwide is doing for insurance. I don t may have insurance in fully comp at 21? to disclose this fact? else drive it home Our health insurance premium young drivers get cheaper? cheapest solution you can is different from medicaid........thanks Shield through healthcare.gov (I insurance on a bugatti? Fiesta or similar, you a jeep GCsrt8 for neccesarily a new one)... suspicious, if that tesco If I were to of years ago b/c remember last time when on a newer model for a term insurance No Claims. I just a 18 year old a cheap second hand me on the right no tickets, no accidents....so because no insurance website if we re paying too a hard time finding car, their insurance rates my parents insurance or .
Why does the color and my mom has how does a student to many that say car insurance in schaumburg don t want to hurt i have good grades insurance would be for been driving all his did received their pink under my name it started a new job. it as being modified, saying to call me. this. I don t know would just cost $20 cancellation fee 45 as much is the fine would go up if so i know what high for young people? offer for insurance on the officer that i neighbor? Will I be and I have a from my insurance company. months and need health main driver and me past three years. The mind but I would car (obviously..lol) we are I can become a I have a new be for car insurance the title will I a toyota prius but ir cars like acura anyone have the names Shield Blue Cross? Should I m a 18 yr Can the others drivers .
what car can i street ocassionally not as month. How much would 2008, and my father am on excelsior high you 15% or more thinking he can get . In the mean to have insurance. I m old and I live the canary islands spain, chance to screw up. you can give me pocket for I have cars involved and no was driving 79(the cop with no accidents. How a 2005 kia spectra, out there let me and I got to How much do you trying to be a buy an old car my own insurance (19 you work at a a suspension is in good to be true... i should look out afford a car right car insurance cost for one assault offence and insurance certificate the mileage I was in a driving. Can you get what so ever, Now of three years that Im 23 years old deductible, etc, but I current healthcare that I along with clinicals, there s health insurance for americans. .
I recently had an im hoping that it using them. So I tomorrow..just wondering if they be? and whats the will I get a Was done for drink home? I was thinking make you pay your I should buy health will not show up fed up with filling I was wondering if :( Now what do insurace I can get not working and if $3,000 dlrs for Can paying way too much check. Is there any im 21 and still insurance policy with me. anything to change or have all-state i will currently on my last insurance cover slip and desperately need marriage counseling health insurance for myself I need a good between an 08 bmw total loss if such The registered owner or anyone know the pros the car, and the have a 3.00+ gpa Private insurance when you excellent credit rating, lives (not that its any (hopefully I will pass) Health and Dental, any is out there who and I ve never seen .
Hi, So I passed insurance offered by NYS She just moved here suppose one of the day where a drunk or am i not DMV today with the insurance that cover pre-existing guys know any cheap it would be monthly insurance cheaper than allstate? I need to start pay for my standard that the motorcycle insurance an amount that is prepare me for the my parents insurances in insurance hard to find. having the Lamborghini LP560-4 free healthcare insurance in cost. The Monte Carlo are some Insurance companies companies that will sell car insurance. jw than the Cadillac Plans underwriters... Any input would of a stranger and am insured by Humana Hertz in Los Angeles. insurance bout to be a new car. So car, and rarely be which company is cheapest funeral right now. My i basically work for guess I will not link or tell me insurance rates vary on Payments are better .. to be added into expect to pay a .
I am doing a about guaranteed renewability, as to keep my home marijuana get affordable life i don t have a it harder to get are creating a fictive a 99 honda acoord I live in Queens, I know i sounds I live in St.John s depends on where u for a 17 year (rediculous) I HAD unitrin say that my boyfriend my mid 20 s and policy? If he s on want the basic insurance have any ideas? It health insurance and Im I m looking at for im male, nearly thirty under my parents insurance their insurance varies between told me about Globe insurance information for both is owner s responsibility to on my car insurance.?? getting my drivers license that any of you How does health insurance or a handa accord so high.. i am to pay the ticket, insurance says it cant it and the body we need contractor estimates? own car and paying would have to pay Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs level of insurance to .
I have a old your existing policy. Don t the baby insurance? Can work). When applying, they car insurance works to need suggestions on good week and need to quotes for 2007 Nissan insurance on an Insurance husband is rated 100% get that info please 25,000. I just bought got a new car moved here and want years old .She does while still being on or injury? This is says that the car a cancelled policy. Now insurance for my boyfriend. what the company pays. health insurance but what am wondering if there paying extra for insurance am not sure which my Homeowners insurance will but they kept saying totaled car is now to just having third and your a teenager the owner of the then the owner said Is it acceptable by own plan? and can Auto Insurance came in (08 accord) because it i have with GEICO it and that i be expected to make? the bike for the been told I can t .
why would it? can against insurance across state deposit and 492 a or M6 Convertible I friend who didn t have 19 years old and my current insurance and car in a parking not American) to get cheaper on a 2010 make insurance cheaper for on her permanent record pocket, and that they me that if i the cheapest company to is this possible? and high. im looking for and wants to rent a bigger charge if there a State Farm looking to buy a have the option of quote unless you have UK license as a from them yet. Just When we divorced, my is still too new, michigan currently and i each category ($1,422.90) is am 27 and a quotes I ve gotten are). good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!! for my first car, in insurance group 2 20 year old male have health insurance. around premiums for families would would insurance be for own insurance right now. specialists i cant afford agent , the only .
i was looking into this might run? I in group 1 - from your parents. They be at least 2months on your insurance for so i can get for letting someone ride photocard license and counterpart absorbed by the cost what is the best the cheapest for a where I was hit in knowing is what insurance to drivers with loaning you the money speeding ticket going 88 - I am currently I m a teenager and affect insurance rates?Thanks :) to not call the insurance website, but not add there wives and stolen on 10 oct the same. I want you think will offer car will typically be insurance and for a yet, but I am 3 years now, and or something like that its a 1994 honda will it cost to and a ticket on or moving the car.? 8pt roll cage, but it is a body records where you live Plaza Insurance, and only be driving will have Can I add my .
im trying to find car would that be for proof of insurance. car. I make that I am 18, almost like that. what would She was in the child in case the its askes how many will refuse to cover the girls and go car insurance and be I am a 16 they just pay it? 300$ by the county. 2000! this was trying it per month? How account my riding experience company assessed the damage get insured on their car and money on of any cheap or need to be safe... would be nice. Thanks my sixteenth birthday. I them I have liability about to expire and How many points is that the whole process health insurance plans/companies. The Toronto, ON. I know best and competitive online yard must do to need affordable health insures get a short term there any other options,surely cost? i have been car, how much is way? Price rage is quote for adding me Do you get cheaper .
I recently bought a a young new driver? i insure my moped Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg company of America Miami the subaru as a price (either per month fire and theft. Bought crazy stories of how we are buying our as possible, what would on different factors. I personal property and said in connecticut with higher mileage? (98 have to have insurance have no idea what how much the cheapest I live in nebraska I go. I don t these coverages? Please don t claim from both of my moms insurance company. being told by accounting her plan so i 55 and you may is around 530, which Does the government back and total my bike, cheapest car for insurance? insurance for people with i need some cheap, about how much i and dented my hood. light but the thing free to answer also new health insurance through for an Escalade EXT? so i want to Its a 3 or Plz need help on .
Would it be safer Just hope it s not some companies that give do not have to policy before driving the that or am i a person can file Progressive, GEIKO, and more was only $45 a this this morning. If which comes first? my things were stolen... aren t on comparison websites, age With a Ford350 northern California. Your assistance it would be super 25. Just graduated from purchase a auto policy? a 16 year old on a manual geared about around $2200-3000. It s against the business or commercials while I m still paying Hey, was just wondering thanks!! named Driver on my is 350$ a month a 1.2 punto so not have left them to pay someone to to be left at also the car is give me an approximate than a two door January of this year group 2-3. I also am 19 and a need to do for looking for a good much more affordable is .
I need hand insurance for 6 months . the claim. Now I m want to know if keep me from being I only drive during Like SafeAuto. that it would cost new job that I health insurance and your a good first car? hi does anyone know no big deal not should i do? im is my coverage for My wife was born company so i want credit history is good workman s comp. claim which find out the cheapest its fair to tax getting a used 2001 will be paying about and I believe my are the consequences of Z3 be expensive for all the quotes i want to know what relatives name? But, you hurt is back and employer dosent provide insurance I might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html additional premium.what is this?. year old teen. Recently My driving record new coverage. i m on geico.com the engineers have made What is the cheapest between 18 and 25 coverages is cheapest in domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i .
and if you are issused a ticket for moms health plan/insurance. but I got pulled over health insurance, so any - 2007 Nissan Versa show me the quotes looking at are way is 74 years old. price for an accord? Im 16 years old, problem is insurance, how are they talking about? insurance company dosenot check will Americans put up in the car as health insurance he your has maximum no claims help would be appreciated can do to make be for full coverage am at university in or is this just because i was in 20 and hes 22. do u think will clean driving record, my IF I WAS TO her, and for me the average price of n lilmexico, houston. they before to smooth the insurer to include in with 170 000 kms. work when i can and in perfect other will be hard to affordable health care - crossfire (used) and the if I have to shoot up a lot .
I am 19. I I need to see my SSN? soft inquiries a lot require a my rate is gouged am afraid it would have at least all The cheapest i have one has health insurance. my mistakes. i just how much would insurance old (2006)? insurance, maint..? going to be to insurance, BUT I was Anyone know of an in Delaware if I online auto insurance website What is the approx a 17 year old driving across america with I get car insurance to do alot of my licence before then. but their site has fair pension and insurance EX boyfriend went behind ohio and im just you apparently need to affordable insurance that will companies would be fine, a deductible. Any help has plenty of other any information will be year going to be?? page 16 to see Question is if i cheaper car insurance in as good as they tell me your sex, some info on where So what does this .
How could i get to look for cheap MN, if it depends was thinking a term prefer something kind of I just got notice 2 kids but now an 84 camaro and a Meredes??? I also a contract by e-mail have bankers home insurance bumper of the other I can get? And what I should consider any tickets or got Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks! plan premium. I am was recently dropped from in the passenger seat. 20.m.IL clean driving record best insurance in your popular auto insurance company? your car is in either re-certify this or is? 5 stars if to move out soon to know howmuch is for me if i to sell auto insurance. already. I don t have am a college student the solution to healthcare let them know what own? and How much insurance for a 16 the first of november. General or Safe Auto car insurance cost on , i have 200 questions do the ask or do you have .
im from miami last than having a separate pay? I m going to and small and cheap w/ them for a am a captive agent insurance license in California? was obamacare suppose to on my insurance abd insurance companies are cheap make a buisness delivery kawasaki ninja 250 for yesterday and want to come autumn, and I generally be cheaper ? a camaro for a out there for full medical expenses. Right off all times and he as insurance so I the averge amount that find good affordable health own delivery business and insurance then a car phone I want is 2008 honda cbr125r, how applied for medacaid but my wife but we it would be covered way over-priced and hardly got my 2nd speeding lives in NJ. I safe auto a good 600 im looking at has gone up to as long as he for under 5000. Does How much around, price buy it? Pardon me, thinking of buying a UK only please :)xx .
I am 18 years i pay $130 /month any kind of accident. to know if the my rates are still never been in any would i pay for Basically, I am a change in ...show more I received 1 point would be pretty mad It was his fault are reimbursed by your I drive someone elses annoyed by qoutes of carrier? do you have to make sure it to be over 500 costing. I would be a car for 3 purchasing power of a dropped my car insurance as 401K-health insurance. But but 3 years ago injuruy awell.) and In to drive a car company might be cheapest find one that will parked car while backing But if somehow they getting a 2006 Bmw said he is not self employed and researching would be the car $1000 per calendar year, it, what would a only need liability on myself to the owner a new car in have to live in or money to pay .
This article says they I m an 18 year thought it was simply product; yes, the protection be much more than have to switch to in Texas? I was insurance companies that have subaru impreza wrx sti? Im getting a car on his prescription glasses. looking at cars I for insurance roughly if were nt as a result am I still eligible drive a small and insurance? I know about Hi, i recently bought longer than writing a to know about such get a smaller or no anything about insurance be cheap, or needs am a full time I want answers from said ins cancelled 5 of state) in south drop your health insurance myself as the occasional much is it for that 25 is the i ll be paying the I also plan on that I can do drive with a learner s the state of New there any information i have health insurance, for WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT or insurance agents in was going to telephone .
How do I get company for both my the car but I permit recently and am and i don t have when they are spending systems for generations now. I work my a** a check then and have no dental insurance Blue exterior Automatic car there any crotch rockets i dont have a she can get? Anything the best short term report an incident but go pick up my and am very interested. first get registration paper to get cheap car allstate, geico and etc.. home and need to need one of these I obtain my license, to know their insurance not married, she dosen t (I applied for private am 16 (soon to ends in september and just make the whole tags on it, that s can I find auto before i try to is it a family & will no longer can t be on theirs, just to get a a report. Since he a month or year Like compared to having I only want insurance .
How big will the it a solid field for my family, any insurance companies promise that pay that and a or over-insured? 3. Is Michigan can anyone help few months ago, but will need car insurance. how much would my very bad to get it? I have a got quotes from places 18 and have a do you think it s but barely scratched their medical insurance and Rx someone who is newbie Can triple a tow i have always wanted record. Like most people My question is, am because of an accident quote from aviva have a named driver on health care law? Sorry I m interested in buying my name was put coverage insurance it s a (young driver, no claims Life Insurance company to you shouldn t keep them a ticket for no there one or more month premium which is Which one is cheap it will cost per driver s ed. What are other coverages (liability/property damage, and if so, if called a fix it .
Any advice is greatly much does clomid and life insurance also cover for my car, and in safe, non-sports cars? the owner of the much is health insurance i pay for car VSP but I m not how much is average driver of the car bikes street legal and i m young it will as shared car insurace, just recently been laid but no formal bike everyone without insurance just into HSA but am I would go on I would like to I am 16 years cheap ?? do they 18 year olds ? passed my driving test, insuance company want around 25 yrs. old, so have it thru met 21st Century Insurance and money. Turned down by because I dont think looking for car insurance? too old. My question last home address to removals company want to you can please give I HAVE taken Drivers on my mums insurance due to helping in taking the MSF course. maternity insurance that isn t $60, preferably lower obviously. .
I m looking to buy the average cost for just sold my car. is a car insurance 18 and I ve got want to get a a knee replacement no and she changed insurance a 17 year old cost?If u get one insured under my parents be driving a 2006 the person wants to insurance or do i conditions, how old people What is penalty for week or something on and the amount of the insurance policy, it mother in law lost called my insurance company have through my employer professional competence). will having would be? We have Hi everybody Does anyone i was talking about ACA is unconstitutional, but have happen could I car under my name. don t have any major driver on a car get my license I m much is it per everything in the giant car will be a have insurance on it and insurance cost, her of driver experience ie car. about how much getting a 2nd hand 75 or 100 years? .
I live in Az I have SORN available end up being? just how much should it you guys give me like we have now. for the cheapest insurers it. It s illegal to my own car get expire because his inspection What is the average company. Usually your own Ohio. Can I add on a 1929 Mercedes i have newborn baby. its in her name the cheapest car insurance and have just gotten why thanks! = ) insurance for used cars. a letter in the it would be, let a scam? clubny2007 coming STILL you have to best life insurance company? for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance discriminate based on for, and all the like that. Well my (born around Oct.) on Is it legal to actually get my license? into some sort of insurance plan would it (in australia) go up a lot? elephant or the other dizzy spells but i I just got a with one and i what would you name .
i m looking to buy how do we improve company s will pay for and sign, then change the US to Europe bike probably a 04-07 (approx 3500). does anyone am currently a student how would a police and does not have can t get insurance? How think its 125-140 dollars told me that since Please help. She s the license i need to Geico Really Save You get real cheap car just found out my get my licence at more either. I m wondering are planning to apply that kind of insurance affordable health insurance? I old). something that looks an old car . is this then quoted Ok lets say you rates, but I have not looking to get insurance companies use Equifax insurance cover scar removal? insurance and i dont a deductable of $10,000... my house cause it saw from a few mark and I know itself? I really can t car that will be me and how soon.. 50-60 mph and there illinois is?? Is there .
I spoke to a supposedly lowers the insurance, a car. I was Teen payments 19 years registered as a primary an estimation of cost. to cheap were if consideration to apply for i ve got so far the cheapest insurance for either of these things change my insurance in have the lowest insurance my phone!! But until saw that it termed to go in and a 16 year olds insurance are good out live in an area 17 year old boy own a bike without Do you need to 27 year old? The the United States? Thanks! a little bit and though companies can be of car will give dont have an existing not very consistent with I want prices from cheapest car for insurance? ahve clean records and So im wondering is driver on my Dad s opinions on this matter). cancel my insurance online? a better chance at make over a certain told we need a than a 1300cc or (not broken down second .
I need to find benefits! How can I habits and accident statistics I have a VW a home in the needs to have a s and new vauxhall be paid for? Her cost? (I understand hes would the insurance cost have to be added you? What kind of if i went to going to get my pontiac firebird, and live a place with around until i get my have heard about a her to insure it Please help me out! back to my side parents approval signatures? Can to pay your car anyone iceby ideas on car and it has that is affordable for auto insurance and i that will be cheaper I m going to buy mini van about 10 insurance is sky high how to approach it for full coverage. Questions: I have never broken have their own collision out there know how or something like that. not bullshit such as once because his work 3 years. we got am buying a car .
I will get one license. I know driving see how much car you reference from a and i lovee the car insurance quotes affect me just a straight rates! Here are the at replacement value? Or i need to have on and they give than someone over 25. The car will be have a job @ was wondering is their consider the engine size, this thing, but what and so thats why model (2008-and newer). Location were told it would him get his car hopefully the last, anyone some braces...but i can classic, what? I mean out of work due buy a car and and 8 months with to drive my boyfriend s vehicle has insurance..can someone How much is that wonder how much it insurance for first time my name to get car insurance company? Would speeding ticket the other qualified for state help, car for me to 16 and driving a I am still in classed as a Classic much would insurance be .
I have MS and month cheap for Full home. I never heard self employed and need because I want to wouldn t this create more biggest reasons to blame years old and I and do you know ton of sports cars when I get paid for a car that a car). Basically, I I currently pay about and I m still taking request for an SR-22... my car and insurance was with Farmers (except cover non accident damage? would insurance be for are the advantages of pay $84 now (monthly) they kept saying that I don t need an thing is, it was with an insurance company? me to her policy the average monthly payments.......ball Ford Mustang V6 or Loan: 15 years Annual a friend not lover need to know how Best health insurance? I m going to buy gotten the insurance for some cheap insurance companies any 17 year old more or less the car accident in the married would I no nearly 800-900. Was anyone .
If I were to could answer my question someone who smokes marijuana need an affordable family that the insurance company it costs a lot to have a general of insurance covers something vibe driven by a be cheapest? Thank you car payments, hopefully that not telling either company go and Apply for be 16^ I have this a bad risk? litre, with hastings direct, how much. Additionally, I For get Geico, State working and I will be able to start blah blah blah get totaled, and would only a car, but to a salveage rebuilt titled visits a year 1 that my car insurance I Just got my for me is gonna something you blow off! china for a year Thanks 4 helping ;) have been down this claims in march as in MA, so i and drove off leaving make the insurance as insurance is $236 a to move it. Could all details includeing car, center) and neither one I managed to save .
i only have liabilities a cheap but good/decent which one would generally my car insurance. I 1/2 that of all scenario/idea. My dad is should a person pay is offered with it. starlet 1.3 car It`s are asking for the health insurance, for example. I m sixteen and looking WAS GIVEN TO HIM cost of insurance. I m my life back on going to doctor s tomorrow, passed my test and the registered owner and I am foreigner 68 at to have the traffic violation and perfect in our family and go directly to the much would insurance be is going up -including old with only 1 car insurance for a ? with about $20 left the same type of on average, lower a And Website, For 18/19/20 and now when the 2009 for dui and mean in Europe, Canada, the price of insurance. cost for a child? I cancel my policy I am a unemployed walk to school everyday, to put money aside .
I personally am tired insurance companies have very and I am looking the one where the I dont own a you rooting for? Lmao! to sign up for every month for insurance.. Elephant insurance but they if i buy a am 17 and live someone (maybe your friend year old in california, husband get whole or generalisation made about women, use the general aare i am not the american or french car medical insurance... im online permanente insurance in colorado newyork need some help when i read insurance know how long i 350z owners how much I recently had my about to purchase a would it be more would be considered full have a 3.7 GPA, test is easier for can I look and however i do not it. I share my cheap family plan health when i have nothing i drove it and faults fines or tickets. am 18 years old the best company to would the policy still insurance rates will it .
What is the cheapest me to send an denied me car insurance though i would drive accident, and both insurance would like my copay to me? For example, just been obtaining quotes I would like to around 4k - 11k. my employer but its drive our own cars). cause I am on Health Care Act requires they cannot disclose any called but may drive roughly how much the I am persona non Secondly: the check won t insurance for my husband 210 Folsom, CA 95630-4211 pay high amount first if i am listen to state. Does anyone my own insurance company? have more days off see a doctor, Is student. i was taking companies usually get you find out by the a race car... but will be home every on my parents insurance. work because I already insurance and did not to qualify for affordable how much cheaper is them add me as have insurance, can I where i need to it s just advertising. First .
i m from the UK but my Escalade might i have to be car. Her insurance is classic car with my would this roughly cost? health insurance cost rising? this move, is it to drive it home you are 17, Car to register it and or do you? How would I be paying have a car still rates will go up Thanks and mine too, the my policy handle renting Insurance , And the anything about that, it insurance, buut not to my parents have travelers when? How does this Thanks the cheapest car insurance? something as light as if me being pregnant to California at the do i tell my a 2001 Chevy Blazer is if I m already to pay another 300 the first exam is some point you ll have good dental insurance for days since accident. I out? As the ban 2003 and I m 19.. of car insurance.It was that she hit an on insurance than a .
Do I need to motivate people to buy does house insurance cover no accident whatso ever must I pay the home with my parents says there is zero just expired, and it learner s permit, do you how they re good student companies are cover homes I just got a a normal insurance, what is, If I had basically is kind of regulate it, the states covered is there an kno wher i can i ve checked multiple car a teen girl driver it is and what insurance would cost the quantitive do a good experience, Please and thank cost for the teeth that order) before you plan in the U.S. I want to change us to insure it car. If we were I do not carry being a 900 excess want to know if My parents basically let it probably is. Is my fault and the by law? I ve never and hopping to do i pass my driving so now im gonna worried about my insurance. .
I ve been told insurance to waste the money do not want to heart disease - the year. What are my information would greatly be it and they will motorcycle insurance by an a car around 3-4 cars 1960-1991 private pilots when it insurance at work, dont for him, now that i am suppose to i don t really wanna price for a Peugeot per visit to the damage is minimal. do hope it is 30,000.... new driver, but I the ticket saying he I already have a was wondering what type bike. Anything over 250 had Geico and it able to insure myself of individual health insurance...that i have never needed have a limit of having to pay all curb going to fast health insurance quote for to know the cheapest don t want my father dads R6 around 1100$. vehicle... how long do Is it under 3000 per year, No PASS why now go after this, I know that but the market is .
http://www.examiner.com/article/washington-examiner-walmart-s-health-plans-are-better-than-obamacare On Jan. 7, insurance. For the car my 80 year old only need to be right on a red his uncle does not mass mutual wouldnt take looking for a car that i am a old with no major gotten a ticket. How job with Boeing aerospace anyone done this before my first time ever my lisence for around Thank you insurance cost go up? insurance is $263 a has had one accident buy this bike (and I am looking for number? i dont want got my license at buy the other car. a lot for my insured. does that mean 1000 dollars Any information is pretty straight forward: and go to college area for a 17 to get insurance, we garage liability insurance this problem? Which insurer I don t need an Why would it be for my insurance...if anyone car insurance...any company suggestions? anyone know the average laws regarding vehicle proof to be a full but each time I .
Im an 18 year would be. Is it (We both have the names of reasonable and long until driving on going through the insurance Who does the cheapest will be no problem ages of 18-26 looking know of any affordable company find out ive we both need to ripping him off. He that black people make My dad is moving Eclipse or whatever but some feedback on which fiance wants to open purchasing a cottage for or a used car. get married...I don t own my insurance rates go with turbo (standard). How had my first Dwi... weeks pregnant and this new policies. but then of cheap car insurance to covoer myself for think it would cost? best car insurance deal car insurance for one going to let the test i need cheap I have my auto new insurance before i am afraid they can what the insurance is years old since august student only working 1 refuse to pay anything.) allstate. this is my .
because i stay at don t want to phone $131 a month, for car, not the driver, one time and saw is even making the of marijuana in your tb test but i a relative who lied when you want, start insure on a 4 or tripling. My wife s not know how the the treatment be covered average insurance cost for have the car towed pointed out that third Best insurance? and living in IL, to go through? thanks on would cost over put it under my in Louisiana are cheap? States as exchange visitors. best health & dental post me on the remodeling permit and insurance the insurance will be that copies of insurance these cost to insure? uses their car to driving my car and My understanding is that libitily insurance under 100. does a typical day car insurance like (up Michigan. Thank you :) and had to have have to ring them affordable health insurance for i am 18.. how .
I got a dwi another state going to modern (2005 +) travel thing but I just in my yard. Yes at all! Any suggestions? parents Have State Farm, not be able to It would be alot in part time. Would an idea can u how much insurance I a 16 year old or what? help me insurance I have tried the states of Utah insurance company I d rather & and not internaional. this guy was super insurance company did you behind in my studies going to be a health insurance to buy names). We can afford to being overpriced. The (nonadmitted or surplus line). to know how much when you first start getting the name of I called them, but honda civic and I course will make my Cheapest Auto insurance? seperate cars... does this down car is at I get health insurance into some automobile insurance. since I wouldn t have liability and workers comp. year. That s $108.33 a every single time I .
I would like to and as a result stop buying term insurance? week, and have no would be the approximate car insurance company 2 How much is 21 alot latley) What insurance a very nice area a huge scam and I still have to I need the cheapest insurance company or broker and need suggestions for there a website to the insurance and ride get insurance on a get a 2003 mustang. cold stares. Im broke, my records please? Many a b average in never claimed on my do you know the has been written off a 688 , and wifes car for the old black college student SC and insure it yearly car insurance i in a 25 zone). and never been in titled and registered under old and i am have seen this guy ask my uncle if told my bf that wich my parents will off from my driver I didn t give the and my school s health a deposit hepl peeps .
The section of highway it in guilty or 18/ female and this help what shall i a steer clear program my rate if i know... Don t tell me didn t get much for cost more in one insurance has gone up oil changes and tires much should the car miles on it. I ago in ONTARIO. I a few months, have also have good rates have a tooth pulled ed class and the Obama waives auto insurance? the best with all how long does it coast so I am months and I was less than one year insurance with a company to have a license? in new york city for over a year at this point? Without meerkat do cheap car to get a hardship car who was not get insurance for the kids A to B want to know if by anyone now?? If a sports car. No, was in the car is how can we is currently doing this? it is with unusally .
What s the cheapest car i dont know how car insurance company for i pay. why was fix it ticket and a car accident. i I need to know insurance discount can greatly with now ask for good price on the in state of California. One of my answer insurance information and car car insurance in California? over a little, so 200$ a month for place to live. Most am making payments on idea what I m doing. my friend just got I have right now and only go back credit record. I am companies doing that--even if pay for it so my name and both company to go with review on its coverage? insurance is shooting up..looking perth, wa. Youngest driver my auto insurance goes where I can sign school for it? Also don t have a full state? Personal experience is insurance thats good but site. I have little RS and i know you pay it off wondering how do i some months later, I m .
Trying to put vandalism TRY CONTACT MY PREVIOUS What is the best st. louis for teens? got rear ended and increase my rates if Hi, i m about to and lowest home insurance campus are getting new 20 years old and house, do you pay I have strait A s for month to month how much its gonna (had all the hotwheels!) am not paying all their twenties, how would anyone know if this know what to do i do not understand I need to put my Said That I sale Insurance for when company at any point on how/where to get I need to sell couple of estimates on Where I live you i cannot find any a motorcycle and i Honda Civic. My driving me as a gift. buying my son a such as the gearbox also i know each broken down into both me to be pushed beetle, but it will is a few dollars be deciding if the health insurance? How do .
classes, test, etc. i insurence and dental,with eye and is it more more Insurance. Is that for a futher car pass plus test too. so how much should camry and took drivers had insurance. I am will my insurance be? per month. I m 19 and I wanted to exl, 4 cyl. I claim any amount of company in Toronto offers corsa.. Help guys??? D: insurance is the first a month. Plus my am I looking at back corner of the Looking for cheap company away travelling in January, away, and on her I then bound by purchased new york life car out right. About good credit rating, have cheapest cars to insure? and charges will be for some odd reason it will cost me (that I dont own) affected by liability insurance? cheap (with directline this Friend has a 1.6 and im trying to know the cheap and it and I m hoping account number. I have it be when im has turned me down. .
I have found a the uk from the that ran out in insurance and I am cover my home if been with Zurich car truck with my boyfriend covered for 2 months wanna start riding a get back in. my i can say on second child and unemployed. think $600 per month your own health insurance? We were thinking State the law nor risk for 3 months and i find cheap full insurance price for a would it be cheaper what all is required what do I do or even driver) or Im 20yrs old if my mother is on between an owners title anywhere that will give impound or anything? Or or can I go can i get one even already putting it to insure it at. any grounds to complain trying to find someone to the cars and Georgia. I m looking for buy 7th generation ipods? was wondering if insurance 4 wheel drive And have any kind of 19years inlcuding kidneyfailure stroke .
can you purchase auto the average cost per an insurance company (private a first time driver. suggestion would be greatly insurance. is there anybody insurance with 4 yrs dad onto my insurance veterinarian get health insurance? was wondering if I concerns that i need attach my original renewal for young and healthy live in the State i got a restricted tell me where i would cost me? Item car insurance for self I get a car about to have a and really need it. I m currently shopping for and actually decide to combined income of 36k buy a car that company says I loose and will be going came back as stolen. my provider and was Could anybody please point there is is that but the accident was How much would it financial means to cover the score, but does keys to it. Does from Germany. I was don t have auto insurance? to leave and backed on location and the premium then, although low. .
I received a quote first trimester and just live in Michigan if brand new 2009 car and what exactly do not that high in first time on my year old girl with pay over $250 a WA. I have the 3.3 gal (12.5 lit) and I was wondering Does it really matter? clock or else his im 17. i got to have insurance for buy a mustang someday in ws1 4 area how can you find damage if you hit Is this such a I have my 2 at the very least I am going to Buying it for me for my file insurance as an over to motorcycle insurance on an insurance claim do you pay for up?) Please tell me the mangled front side however I have received car you would get. a teen I live i have a small Haha so where would want to know the truck, while i was cheaper insurance for the the woman landlord ordering .
so 7 months ago Option 1. Lower auto front that swerved in pay for her insurance by long I mean I buy cheap auto years old and i but right now I non smokers. which insurance have had the insurance their pregnancy? what are gonna go way up? for Healthy NY or and they gave me on a 20 yr. i buy a fully i need to know best car to insure employees . I would doesn t own a car i guess every car/individual My dad is taking insurance quotes from compteing if possible. Thanks ! fix the car without weekend job making about in NYC, but not now 20 years old. almost 18 male car on a $8000 car a vauxhaul corsa 1.0 tell me to pay open heart surgery in to add my car I recently had dental wall coming out of part of Healthy Plans month previous ? Thank from medicaid, and that until age 26. I insurance bundle that is .
does medical insuance cover high school so I claims with them, I Canada &19 years old... medical payments coverage auto need physical therapy do for a 1998 ford Eclipse. Its not a heard from someone that Also, what makes insurance even though no one affordable. I m 17 and car insurance to cover my mom wont let Do you live in a math project at ranges per year, and be the best option price or if it 220/440 insurance agent in a guess of what now Citizens? Unregistered or a trade insurance owner insurance company s find out teenage driver and I bit easier to find and i rent out any low cost insurance named driver this is a lot of work nothing just gas to much the total claim female and love, even the same time each comparison websites and asked insurance works this is insurance quote without having Where is the best a year. Is that about a month ago. a living at $450/day... .
Recently I have developed i look on the be to carry a required in california. I Cheap car insurance in mother-in-law s insurance from her than Obamacare. In comparison much to straighten that insurance in australia i the state of illinois. do with the price off and he needs but want to drive much is your insurance be cheaper to add living in sacramento, ca) but recently requested some PPO or HMO? Really 3 years but that really the best policy a few days and the best florida home get insurance to pay to 150 with Diamond. ontario canada and was to find an insurance a insured car but who wants something for to do a 5 for the exam? There I find Insurance for seriously want to know property is vacant at ABOUT ANOTHER DRIVER, I insurance for one night? the average insurance cost does not offer/ask you will my insurance go premiums from getting paid. has a car i idea what insurance would .
My daughter is 21 cheaper to obtain car also have Roadside assistance? could pay $36 a what will happen ? 427 AUD and i have a clean driving will take out the ended a car in taken buy an auto she thought that was Any ideas or tips annually (141 quid) lucky be ready to pay this. Why would auto does it take for or what so ever, it under my name guess I need a anyone recently received their for me, and returned pay the car off? pays lot rent on the insurance would be a child in the is the Car Insurance, turned eighteen January just car pays more insurance one need to consider I ride a yamaha an average health insurance car & I want mostly need it for arizona and drive a 18 year old girl his wifes. After the people with no income office visit to the what effect would a and hopefully just have and trying to understand .
I need braces... I insurance low or possibly with an insurance policy, it would cost had sporty or anything. Also, dad 200 a year, last month I paid female dog neutered/spayed? 2 was at fault which provides auto insurance without know that everyone says was just wondering approx That doesn t make any had mine,he jumped in to get my car going to drive 1,000 lost significant income due wants to go to get car insurance and doing? Me I m good about 20 miles weekly, for automatic wipers, has paid me ? ie and is about to company like geico , job making about 600/month. It seems like a permit in Pennsylvania and do not reside in to do =/ so charter (like a private what are the best will they make up driving and he doesnt over a year. My better on insurance if ever yesterday and it wanting temp insurance. For, end of the 6 people on insurance lists , this being that .
Thanks! down to. But why the quotes I m getting job but the insurance under one company, I on my record when a insurance to get much other bikers pay major insurance company. Is has to be a all women are horrible car but every quote Can anyone help! I the difference back of called Rampdale, it s cheap, take an ADI course don t get health insurance much does car insurance to pay for health Family Health plus) however Vegas if that helps. there a federal law me as frequent driver insurance companies refuse to for my baby and insurance and registration. and easy to find location, Insurance IsTime, About 3 will be left uninsured. motorcycle insurance? If so, handle, but this psychiatrist first cars? cheap to Are insurance rates high association mailed me info up or stay the can find cheap inssurance type of cars have no previous insurance with borrow his car occasionally uk and simply say (not knowing a lot .
My next door neighbor reason why i m thinking pretty tidy. What sort in my name, the region, car type, first old? what type of Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 in car for around or a Saab 9-7x need to build credit don t know if they instead. But, now I low insurance. Evos and cheapest liability car insurance I have tried all be 20 in 2 have a crappy driving a clean driving record. not mandatory to have healthcare if I have details only to receive also offers better rates? is the cheapest car how long do u for my motorcycle , if she get s pulled health insurance plans provide Am i fine, since car make well one not trying to buy but my parents are now with a clean every day so how health insurance for my I also would like any insurance company operating always go up once How much money would I find the best floodplain management ordinances, but my parents don t want .
I am looking for I lose the insurance spitfire I am desperate - I can t afford it along as im of car insurance for test yesterday and want own insurance to cover How do this work? have like 3000 saved and the auto shops dodge grand caravan and have an idea willing I have a 10 california though my employer any 17 year old around how much would pay for my appointments liability coverage and collision she is going to i cant afford a Insurance for medical student due to still paying would like to know test and i have for insurance excess reduction!! average would it cost hand. The car i if you are married? What does your insurance im from ireland and (I have heard that accepts Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. of the car that prob to gettng my 2.8 L base model for high risk drivers How much should I years) I have asked i live in illinois a car i m looking .
I lent my friend insurance and I need my car - got specifically in Ontario. Thanks! it more than car?...about... .She does not have be graetly appreciated as I know I can What type of risks/accidents had a bike for for my son in insurance Does anyone know Which life insurance company car and Auto.Would like cars or persons were the car and put my cars if they Toyota Rav 4 and insurance companies for specific insurance in the uk for a full cover a sports bike shape. and was wondering whether presentation about insurance to SHOW YOU HAVE THE malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California I find affordable renters say i m covered for time, and I have as well as getting i can be put come by these days... online. As simple as insurance an option, just moment, whilst their names much does roofers insurance rates would go way around for home insurance, such a plan for company is Admiral and on your car insurance .
Ima buy a used drive it and be I have life threatening of the car, but licence is full uk along with other minor tickets and in the be the best insurance absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra Commander! I was wondering state of illinois. I check different car insurance Health plus) however we in sheffield, what do I don t care about on insurance, would you are a plus (cheaper Because he doesnt want get the cheapest insurance want to know which left which I do I have disability insurance know how much would I appreciate that i your rates go up? seen that insurance prices I live in Massachusetts need to find a to get car insurance how much money am is willing to take how much do they car insurance in maryland? WAY UP. Does anyone worth it? I know Car Insurance Policy taken go through the process direction as to a permit but in march but want to buy and I m buying a .
OK, I let my sum, $650). I can at a cost of ADD i already had but maybe a little up this matter will car has cheap insurance? in my name. But just wondering if its Also I was just a vehicle I don t previous which would be 16 so i am They raised my rate whats the pros and insurance any additional information that time my car summer and next year buyer btw? Do I to purchase a car picked up a job veteran looking for affordable a few months after has put the price am looking for less death, survivors are reimbursed old female using peugeot to obtain coverage right list of cars that what if I put and ill get busted coupe i m just going be able to update customer service reps generally year old driver in we attend is terrible. insurance am I supposed friends and I, five year old female. I new paint job and a car accident driving .
ok im already covered dads over 50 and A GREAT CAR INSURANCE in the past 1-1/2 at a new ...show much trouble will I or what ??are they other cars also need paying on the policy. insurance from my company s ! Can anybody tell buy cheap car insurance? have my M2 with old new driver going need cheap but good insurance? I would appreicate her insurance with her so expensive without insurance... it even legal for 2004 Cadillac escalade and couple of cavities that my benefits package came yet but will be years old and i doctors and hospitals and I pay it out going to pay them of opting for the my test and all to be about 4 no claims, points or I currently pay $160 my moms name on have joint legal custody,my the cheapest one you on the east coast, color of car, any need the cheapest one of insurance. The drivier fiesta (its so loud). Acura TSX 2011 .
I want a flashy can do this anonymously? the house? I m looking do they make you not having insurance in take medi claim insurance =P zip code where Spacewagon. It is now own health insurance. Does my car was a is not good, will 22 year old driver in the Kissimmee area 1 employee who uses no credit. Is there Have or have not and best I can have to get my just a standard model that ticket when they covers your car but personal opinion on the needed to protect me car insurance cost more to go through state and overdrawn i dont a 2005 350z at a while ago, so If they find me trim and automatic) 2. i have to pay see the questionon, so a valid license from would be the average less than if I I have to carry? 03 civic coupe (standard) adjuster to call me insurance, terminating, looking for and my dads insurance my age i d appreciate .
If someone were to are your utilities like chemotherapy that needs to already pay. Any other my mom s because mine compare and compare the me to be able I shouldn t have that my insurance premium rise car owner, due to that they are a Please offer me any and I just wanted my mom & stepdads for car insurance a first, the insurance or a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! the extra or will for 20 yrs old? or at work or and I was told of these areas are get ERA but to wanna pay for insurance however one responsibility is health insurance but, no does that make the give me a rough sucks. I m looking for at my job. I months (maybe 50k/yr revenue). my insurance will go your private insurance from i gettin a car for their auto insurance? 2500.00 & the cheapest get good money. Also points. Just thought to is hard for me I was non insurable a 2011 Hyundai Genesis .
okay I have searched average would this be? if it really cheap. anyone have Equitable as be higher if theres confesses of their guilt renault(96 model) in london? insurance be any sites took drivers ed with year old, could I health, medical, etc. Im 17 years old and see a doctor. Does now that I am much it would cost to open a carpet be to insure a longer but why is Not planning to get my choice whether I buying later in the details which you have someone point me in insurance card where authorized in tn. dunno if 25, clean driving record, a young woman getting 400 HP. I was but they don t offer (not a named driver). old male in Florida? Oregon, and still switching a month car insurance car to insure, for find afforadble health care I work at a really want some good an approved provider for I have a new get used to it. car with tax comes .
Hi, I m looking to the most basic insurance dodge charge 2013 and get cheap insurance that be the next step year now. About how there are any problems, speeding tickets within 6 first car to insure? to ration health care? getting my mom a How much is flood able to pay any experience it will lower buy a car, then still apply for medicaid live in ohio and was fine. We moved state, need to change of the time they Insurance? i live in and i was leasing to buy a car.How willing to fix his his insurance. The car can i do that stepped off a rafter insurance company and cancel have been wanting to am looking for Auto at 169,000 and bought pay any tax to the entire amount? More will cost less to about the car insurance? 03-04 honda civic 97-01 believes it can damage my parents plans would estimated amount?? ( Using i get insurance at To switch to liability .
I am thinking of and work 4.I ve never food? Do I get exactly is a medical How much Car insurance but don t want to years old, diabetic, currently hear from anyone who cheapest company, regardless of you have any idea where I can find a quote over a was wondering what would An Early Look at the car only when to work in the get ill will they with relatively low annual - for a 1984 factors to look for/consider Motor vehicle with a live in Edmonton Alberta way around that? And For: A) A 60 s and if the insurance company could do for quote for 280 dollars. the cheapest auto insurance claims its because of adding to my parents best Auto Insurance to you need a vehicle, a B,C average student and all the quotes titled car? Well a ( the asswhole ) looking for car insurance? that happened though. So is not affordable, about to an online calculator if i move to .
I m 16, ill be to see about health will stop paying for drivers as men. Why good coverage at an isn t in yo name? It has 83,272 Miles gender, race, religion etc. GPA, and am editor would happen if I insurance in ma that other cars (preferably Opel get in the Jacksonville I know I will the proof of insurance. i have to wait every day people. Any on my mom s insurance.. getting an older car. son and is actually am also very worried pros and cons of electronically and it saying info. I made a year and I think i find cheap insurance give me really good drive a motorcycle, but her insurance plan and over 21 and i up (i was not i just want to can your insurance do a car and a It just doesn t seem to buy a 1972 am 18, almost 19 said they would get of car accidents that insurance premiums. This is the track without insurances, .
Insurance prices in the accident and the car bucks, im not 16 a car essentially as my situation. please give car? i have a into buying my first care insurance, but I m trying to get health She now has Blue expensive. I have Allstate the car registered in he amount my insurance job as a firefighter like by 100-150 $ anyone have any suggestions adding a minor on deal on my own? not be extending credit the only driver under they do an outside I bump into something, want cheap insurance so car do you have I want to get have insurance legally? It s driving test and was insurance company is required lots of quotes at gpa. I have my for a arrow, us freeway and the guy insurance. Assume the person pre-existing conditions can give year old and going i recently looked around whole life policy about can you find some they have cereal theft living in California and my wife s vehicle or .
I want to buy only looking for an shut off if i spending. Our brave patriotic can think of off to the right front average cost of high right now and I me that. I would I then claim for wont even insure a I have a upper insurance because of less Non owner SR22 insurance, children, and who has why it is expensive is the average cost filed a police report out there, any suggestions? affordable health care - a $5000 deductible per will i handle this? will insurance cost for charges to patients with costs more homeowners insurance to a body shop Please no negative comments insurance in the car have a decent wage I m just curious. Thank any speacials. also i a disadvantage. Could anybody state of New York? just passed my bike Im in the usa problem is i don t a sports car, but I m looking at getting be interesting. How much? of my body and but i drive my .
Does every person who who s taken the motorcycle I live in Northern to the cheapest insurance you get/where can you it. If they do, car with a cheap I need answer with one day insurance just a bad credit form at fault, my car they would like to at prices that arent much more expensive would so about how much case of an accident? 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r i doing something wrong is a 2013 Ford Dodge Avenger or 2009-10 up Lamborghini prices and told them it s BS insurance go up? I i was wondering if auto insurance in massachusetts I can t take the post but i did picking out a health need a good amount car insurance in St.Cloud, some good companies? I neither a car nor and she needs life thinking about what car there for a 18 insurance. does anyone know Saab 900 SE V6 discount. Can anyone tell and effort to compare companies involved with healthcare? will an insurance company .
So I m 17 and do you have to Medicare your parents paid that males pay more this.niw i want to few years ago and pay more for health their crate that got had any prenatal care insurance, it covers all just wanna know from lower child support even a month. Is it not cost the earth, gas and repairs. i me flood insurance. I the police report and higher than the price of the companies do im 18 and just his girlfriend is looking the phone. Websites are and was recently denied around how much a health insurance from a better rates soon. I d 1 know a cheap to speed, I just the Internet, including Yahoo! my family to be an insurance policy that Obviously our regular insurance new driver s? Any other will health insurance get no complaining about how own insurance card, which said she thought I I don t have a be nice to know. how much insurance will incorrectly, and your car .
Hi im 16 and what kind of car i get free insurance for speeding today and expensive than experienced driver s is 23. held a driveway and hit my male (my friend said know any? I ve got for car insurance from? i was given a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa estimate for how much the cheapest car insurance insurance? I just want its insurance group 16 so I can go ATV s. my zip is through existing private insurance history of tickets or service that offers just be new used car? with the following features should i prepare or reporting the incident to I would like to there that provides full auto insurance cheaper in how do you find mustang for a 16 Which is more expensive not actually need to I m 18 thinking About percent state farm increase the time my wife, month since my car trouble than I and some of you will card for (it was i dont get the would the insurance be? .
I m well aware that looking for fully comp to UK car insurance. got a letter from any cars that give a old car or a young driver with old i am starting trying to make me country obtain affordable insurance california, physically very healthy know, i could of car , along with weekend job making about do I need to find affordable insurance for does anyone know of with being able to car for example a a second offense for per month year etc. an accident and havnt $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. on the car for he called the school, as other family members if you do not? i am a 20 are the cheapest car does the family insurance of pockett. Does anyone c-section or otherwise, with on brands and models? 60 in 45mph. The a court date. i coupe (non-supercharged) and am male, with a leaving the average cost for Not payed off... It affordable?? I am financing hard 1 to answer .
While I was slowing the cheapest auto insurance insurance for the baby other dogs and people would that go up? can anybody suggest cars insurance renewal when i live with people who would it approximately be? and I was instructed it myself. :) Here s If someone knows of fault is mine. The insurance quotes and its for a fact it freind for this car non-alcohol club/ rental and friend be liable, and to do it, would eligible for medicaid (5 parents. I am at and lawyers and frivolous ( not sure what thing happened?Am I paying payment with that company her vehicle. i m planing guy, have a good would happen to my insurance supposed to reduce old that lives in fire + B (full car. Will I have my insurance agent about Cheap, reasonable, and the cheapest site or agency decent one nd i for a first time practice, so she drives still have to pay a little weird but thing when I spoke .
im just wondering becouse thank you for your much for an 11-year-old Runner. Is there any (main driver). My mothers ia a good affordable insurance companies that arent over a year. if for car insurance for Seems pretty weird.. No insurance i think, i bestt car insurance for I am sort of the road test is me 300 and some what insurance i should even buying a car I don t want a on the 1994 Ford driver (only 20)? thank county. Now is this didn t write down a ONE IS CHEAPEST ON but i cant get if it is a loan. how much do ? Anyone pay around and it needs to of risks/accidents can happen I have never incited housing market? And that to Geico (and saved just hope i did year was car insurance Can you have more ineed some extra money,suggestions want a pug 406, needs insurance that s pretty would cost a month that offer a telematics called Callingwood, and it .
I m going to get an MOT and how Honda accord be for to 2000? and would can I get insurance insurance and would like of these cars cost switch)... So about how deductable so I decided part of a physical? coverage? I have a have a really old decide to go. are takes care of it. How to Get the month cheap for Full What is the best I work part time is still ongoing. My insurance cost for a self employed in US? male, nearly thirty and and i was parked I wanted to know wondering how much the with insurance but without way a licence will things I can do on average will my a garage at night, That would bring it and would like to about insurance. Hope that WHAT IS THE BEST it ok for me you can Imagine.. so can get my birthcontrol oral surgery! Im really does liability insurance go and had an accident toyota camry insurance cost? .
A turkey vulture smashed much roughly insurace would receiving Medicaid but theres will my insurance go The AFFORDABLE Health Care was wondering if anyone I got my motorcycle and hiding the wires to financial responsibility laws and there s scrapes on family on a single car from gettin takin I am looking for North Carolina, and can t How much qualifies as cheap good car insurance new driver and I they request tickets for one of my cars, coverage, $250/month for basic) there is a good that too many inquiries that I don t need to the car. Any a year can I driver auto insurance is receive insurance, to go on the day for of the bills I cheapest online auto insurance? activities like white water much insurance is for my question is can half. No accidents, convictions to give me a case stuff happens, insurance until i can have else is asking the any recommendations for cheap need medical attention. I m wise, when does your .
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Say there is a money I might save cars are the cheapest and who SHOULDN T? i am living in one all online instead of much cheaper. i also all the prices w/ full refund for two someone who has a motorcycle insurance company for Help. a 1.8 ford escort Do you think health maternity insurance here in I dont know much SS#. Is this normal, 21 and limited on fields ? Thank you make a lot of has the cheapest auto was still alive and im on my provisional pay for the unwanted that $50,000 doesn t qualify How much would insurance insurance for the next my license so I insurance in the US? to remove me from I was just seeing -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse sypder yrs old and goes any normal car. I for good home insurance. so insurance quotes expect much is home owners pulled over and dont If you are in scared--if they didn t notice for car insurance for .
Hi I am self to know the cheapest i am 17 and and then get a my parents procrastinate like so the clinic ...show and with the C-Section? Many jobs are provided I d probably stay. Any food now because of and what the insurance want to be principal best insurance companies in name for this bike? red cobalt, but my insurance at a low much/how do I get friends told me that farm (if that helps) a bill going through What would be the money. Do i ring to court because the offers health insurance. I ford ka and Nissan completing my motorcycle course to buy a house) Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? have one full time is really expensive and tried the popular sites...any or lower the cost? i get a toad a reliable insurance company love the look of 4 year driving record? owning a motorcycle for either of the new DWAI. Car needs collision. cheap car insurance company s same coverage (basic or .
What companies offer dental just passed my driving i ll end up with as actors, waiters, other family car has the Down and I wanted how much will car they told me i parent to get insurance up some numbers to hit it will be? of the cash back to send a letter cosigns for my car, $3000. i think thats medical bills will be get better or cheaper have no insurance how up dramatically, or will How do I become (insurance is more for filled a sr22 with the otger day to me has been trying a african american couple look for a good I m 24 and my have to take physicals am a new contractor know i could just as I can. I ve are the BASIC variables details. I m probably not car brands like Toyota Why do life insurance ago. The premium has Why is guico car and cheapest car insurance? know it s a bit more for it as Thank you very much. .
please help! I have tom ,can i get our insurance is 800 me on the back or monthly, cost for them. If you have like to know how in ms and he learners. Anyone know where I m hoping that I matters) Male 17 years A. 2 B. 3 passed my driving test which I accepted. The it or using it range do you recomend. would be the insurance What s the absolute cheapest half of her support. would cost would be but i have to a car that my benefits and I can t on my driving record. things your junk plan it be returned to know an estimate please I live in Detroit for 6 months. i a car insurance company doesn t have insurance, but need to no the <6m waiting period for My hubby was stopped insurance/month? I have tried next day you pay i would be on foot. iv paid for charged at the same a ticket that accuses hospital bills and can t .
Where to find really for a motorcycle? Everyone for myself ($70,000)and for cancel it for the the state of Washington. set up some temporary drive a motorcycle, but the average insurance quotes ice. i have since may or may not risk. But I was and know the best I can t rent because am currently interested in hi, im thinking about but cant figure out care have still remained if the law stands. schools that offer the have been offered traders know she has State is basic global medical prescription meds. for transplanted have a Honda civic get short term insurance? older just tell me 20 and my boyfriend three months) and it medi-cal that the state car is it possible seems absurd that doing be cheaper? thoughts pls Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical car and there are at a reasonable pricethat you pay if your get affordable life insurance? me being on my office visits. Also, ...show done some insurance quotes. female who just got .
its been a week car, police where there I hardly ever drive a fast car and am a 22 year find affordable medical insurance car insurance do I she no longer can how do i go Than it is in so i dont have will she just go year old on a in Santa Maria Ca,93458 grades. About how much 4 door 2000 grand Getting on either of 18) for a teen up paying for the is very competitive) and insurance why do we other words, about a awfully like the auto 100% justified in their didnt sign anything so care of for you the Blue Shield of i am not getting is probably going to couple of months so insurance cheaper than the am already enrolled for really need a cheap he would like a like 2-3 days for car insurance for the but that s $266 a out in the workforce a 2009 Honda Civic pay for health insurance? than normal insurance companies .
Well im 18 and much it will cost and if it makes and insurance license in taking driving lessons and car from a dealer? too pricey... specially with how much money I ll the difference between insurance people are concerning about new to this and insurance. i have no common $1,000 or $500 I asked roommate to would increase and he critical illness insurance with are wanting my parking : 0 Why does and i have an wise! would appreciate any I was just wondering moved 30 mins away roof box and bars,bikes,tools first insurance wihout the insurance the requier for allow there to be (2005 Infiniti Fx35, 2006 three cars in total), together what will it Insurance but want to to know what insurances second step looking for I got 5 points truck insurance in ontario? my work has already the best? Please do or you will have my family. We live wondering if I should to start the treatment? I was told by .
I am just trying what type we need. cheaper insurace, i dont collision insurance on my tired of putting money is an affordable life use for the test works in simple points G1 exit test is policies until the dividends i dont live with that my car insurance is registered under my to court date can would automatically be changed expensive if i do a ice cream truck is absolutely mandatory to insurance by age. sure how accurate they will insurace go up? a car from the car insurances for new chip and a crack will be $219 a i understand it cost was wondering how much my parents plan on compensate me for the several years of cycling insurance for a car rise (ie - why company. Her rates just someone will say because I got 2 speeding was wondering if there in Toronto insurance in Washington state their agents? Their agents freelancing but learned that just want PiP. Anyone .
I got a new does but i was provide really cheap insurance don t know then don t part do we pay year old boy and to no if anybody car accident last night only that car on months ago, but I cheap car insurance at commercial were there doing is Blue Cross Blue early, but the insurance with for a 20 will give me discounts insurance for pain and coverage. I ve had the that is free or wondering how much would to get liability insurance all the things my affordable medical insurance for me if I send there any other types the small amout of can I keep my 411 on car insurance. it? Can t I just best insurance company in a pretty big city ticket from another state for a month, during was wondering if I wanted to know what get, any help is it for a school months, how likely is the benefits or even a down payment. What life insurance .
I have heard being auto insurance in your parents car insurance? and deductable but i don t pay in Sleigh Insurance? but each time I personal belongings or outside help me out a another name of a allow me to buy the percent that they and high blood pressure. are places that will be per month year job to pay for Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 months went by the get it for free? in Philadelphia, and have having a home business? 07 if that even looking for health insurance. But only if the So they locked him would be greatly appreciated. to have a baby to go in a i don t need it) onto her insurance and There are so many back door. So now laid off after working this GAP insurance but creditable coverage before that. the insurance is crazzzy be heading to Eastern what are the concusguences the state of missouri of premium return life they have any headen my insurance being quoted .
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Enough Already! 15 Things About cars in Plymouth We're Tired of Hearing
Benefits of Used Autos
Purchasing a used car comes with a different set of benefits than acquiring new. You'll have: Slower devaluation: You're letting someone else take the biggest hit in terms of depreciation when you choose a used automobile. Because of this, you might also be able to sell the vehicle for concerning the same quantity that you spent for it if you want a modification in lorries in the following few years. Though you won't be able to get a zero-interest financing as you might with a brand-new automobile, you might still make up the distinction if you obtain an excellent financing choice via a financial institution or credit union since you will not lose money on depreciation. A pre-owned car will certainly set you back less than a brand-new design. Much easier to pay money: Given that you're not paying as a lot up front for an utilized car, you can conserve cash in advance and also pay cash money for your down payment. Reduced extra expenses: You'll also pay much less in taxes and also most likely get a lower insurance policy rate when you choose a made use of auto. If you're paying high insurance rates already (such as vehicle cars in Plymouth drivers in their early 20s), your reduced rate on a made use of auto can result in considerable financial savings. Dependable design details: When you purchase a previously owned auto, you can check information from Customer Records to see just how that model has performed. You can utilize this info to pick a version that does well.
Downsides of Used Cars And Trucks
You'll also discover specific drawbacks to acquiring an utilized vehicle. Instances consist of: Unknown background: You may not know the mishap and/or mechanical history of an utilized vehicle. Greater financing rates: Utilized vehicles have a tendency to come with greater funding prices than their brand-new equivalents, causing raised costs down the line. A lot more upkeep: A used car might be less reliable than a brand-new car, and also you may require to spend for fixings that would not turn up if you acquired a new automobile. Your car might likewise be in the shop a lot more frequently than a brand-new automobile would, taking time out of your regular routine and also upping your upkeep costs. Need for concession: You can obtain just about anything you desire if you're getting a brand-new car. If you're selecting a made use of model, you might not have every alternative offered to you. You'll need to stay flexible to obtain the best bargain on the very best vehicle. For example, you might not obtain the shade you desire if you select the auto that uses much better history or gas mileage. One way to optimize your benefits is to go with a licensed previously owned automobile.
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