#Carwood Lipton x Reader
speirslore · 4 months
band of brothers flirting styles + reaction to you flirting back
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(this includes winters, nixon, speirs, lipton, roe, bull, and liebgott! but if your fav isn't here, feel free to send an ask and i'll add them!)
lmk if you would like to be on my taglist: @ronsparky @bcon24 @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck @beautifulbluejay
[dick winters]
dick feels kind of useless when trying to flirt
a lot of it is nix having very middle school vibes of 'hey, my friend over there thinks you're gorgeous btw'
it's very endearing
you waltz over to where dick is and his ears are already red before you even get to the table
he'll apologize abt lew instantly and you frown like, "oh, was it a joke?"
dick immediately is like "no, no, he- i meant it"
his nervous rambling is sooo cute to you, you can only smile and say, "i'm glad and by the way, i think you're pretty gorgeous too."
if his face can go any redder, it definitely does then
when you start talking, he's slowly getting less flushed and more comfortable
but he's an overthinker so he still isn't totally convinced that you're flirting
has to have lew pull him aside, shake him a little bit, and be like, yes they are absolutely into you, yes that is flirting
i do think dick can get super flirty once he's more comfortable, like once you're dating and it's just the two of you, he's so charming and sweet
but the first time you meet, he's just so shy but still very sincere with his compliments
dick is great about making eye contact because he just thinks your eyes are so beautiful
the night ends with his hand on the small of your back
and tbh the spiciest it will get after you first meet is a kiss to his cheek when he's leaving with a napkin with your number written on it
and nix is just watching like a proud father <3
[lewis nixon]
if there's one thing lewis nixon is, he is charming
he's very used to disarming others with said charm
he is such a gentleman... he was painstakingly subjected to a lot of manners and etiquette classes as a child/teenager
and lew now puts it to good use!
he's so good at flirting with his own brand of nihilistic, high society charm
so when you flirt back and respond... he's sooo excited like this is so fun for him
lew is very used to people being completely disarmed by him
but you're not... you grinned when he walked over to where you and your friends were talking and asked you to dance, and pressed a kiss to his cheek when you said yes
he does blush faintly, which is a huge deal for lew because that never really happens
once you're dancing, oh he's a menace
he's having SO much fun, hand on your waist maybeee moving lower
he thinks you’re so funny and lew’s grin and laugh... so top tier
it's so nice when it's genuine, and even though you just met him you want to hear it again and again
he can't stop smiling like it's soooo obvious, lew makes absolutely no effort to hide how attracted to you his is
does not try to play it cool at all like he wants you sooo bad
has absolutely no shame
and it does not take long before you're making out outside the pub, already feeling familiar and warm in his arms
[ron speirs]
ron honestly feels a little silly trying to flirt
it's very hard for him to get out of his own head about it
the most intense eye contact ever?
eye contact is ron's version of flirting
'like why don't they understand i want them in every possible way... i'm looking at them??'
ron really just does not understand, he's pulling out all the stops with his slightly unnerving eye contact
and also just talking, like if he's willingly having a longer than 5 minute conversation with you and actually talking about himself? ron is actually professing his undying love
a lot of just blunt complimenting too, i mean sweet compliments but just out of nowhere, like "you have beautiful eyes, you know."
when you flirt back, touch his arm, and look up at him, he's definitely melting inside
especially if you're normally more shy or reserved... oh he's hooked
he doesn't outwardly show it... at least not obviously... but you can tell from his eyes, the way they intensify, darken, widen, and focus on you
ron does love praise
"you know lieutenant, ron, you do have gorgeous eyes, too."
"and i love your hair, the sweetest curls"
oh he's yours entirely... please give him all the words of affirmation
it gets pretty obvious when he's really responding to your flirting, staring at your lips and biting his lip, moving closer to you
has this smirk that just subconsciously appears
like lew, escalates very quickly
ron is a very physical person and that's when he can really show his attraction ;)
[eugene roe]
eugene is not confident in his flirting at all
he's very very subtle
and he honestly does better talking to someone he's attracted to by just striking up normal conversation and learning about them and not approaching it as trying to flirt
his voice goes lower and raspier if that's even possible
especially if you're in a bar, with a lot of music and voices loud, he just instinctually leans closer to your ear, face so so close
then immediately realizes he's super close to you now and tries not to freak out
gene has to get out of his own head first and when he does that, he can be so charming
he just unintentionally has that sexy suave energy
especially when he drops certain pet names in french
you flirting back is a hugeeee relief for him
and repeating said french? like yes it’s cheesy and cliche but it sounds so nice coming from your lips!
he can't hide his smile at all like, laughing into the sip of his drink
"i'm impressed," he'll murmur
"you should be, i'm pulling out all the stops for you, eugene."
oh he blushes so badly
he lovessss hearing you say his name, he's so used to only being 'doc' or 'roe', it's so nice to actually hear his name, especially coming from you <3
[bull randleman]
oh he's so sweet!
that southern drawl... yeah it's super charming
and the cigar... sorry it's super sexy
i think he would be surprised, pleasantly surprised
and then would immediately proceed to get super shy though
he feels like he's got a good head on him, resourceful, smart, etc
but it all goes out the window when you're flirting with him!
yes he def blushes
also very observant to how you're reacting
i think he would be really into kisses but would be scared to initiate anything
especially the first time meeting you
would love to dance
is he that great... no... does he feel like his hands are way too sweaty... yes... does he step on your foot a few times... maybe
but it's very endearing!
very southern gentleman of course
like he is definitely holding the door open for you, standing up when you walk into the room, etc
[joe liebgott]
joe is incredibly charming
and very honest
like he lays it on pretty thick
there's never any questioning of 'is he actually into me? or is he just talking to me?'... he leaves absolutely no room for overthinking
like you definitely know... there is never a doubt
and when you flirt back he gets the biggest, cocky grin
joe gets into it extremely quickly, will definitely immediately match your energy (and then some)
"doll, angel, pretty, cutie.." he's pulling out all the stops
loves teasing and going back and forth with you
criminal "yeah?" usage by him
the BEST at keeping eye contact, props up head with his hand just watching you talk
skinny, tipper, smokey, tab, etc are all definitely watching from a few tables away, intrigued and impressed, and very obviously
you notice and grin, "wanna give them a show?"
joe would never say no to that! so you just lean forward and kiss him, hand pulling his chin gently closer
and this man is already feral... the noises??? he has range and he's a little freaky, a little spurred on by a crowd, by his friends watching, shaking their heads, caught up into the moment
but ofc when you pull away, oh now he's shy... like he's so red
but make no mistake joe is definitely into it... very very into you
[carwood lipton]
lip feels so weird trying to flirt tbh
very much like, is this allowed?
not as like... alien as ron, more similar to dick in he's just a little, a lot, self conscious
but he's also so naturally personable and kind
and he attracts so many people naturally because of that
including you
talking in a group with a bunch of other soldiers with your friends, you're immediately drawn to him
you smiling at him definitely makes him feel more at ease
you definitely do have to encourage him to relax because he has a littleee trouble holding eye contact, looking down a lot
and then suddenly there’s another man staring at you, approaching you, and standing a little too close
and even though you don't know carwood, you're still looking at him silently for help
and ofc he's very observant of people and situations
so his hand snakes around the small of your back
and lip is naturally protective and careful, guiding you through the crowd
"my prince charming," you say and he of course blushes, muttering a small “maybe.”
"i hope so," you grin and lip can't help but smile too
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luminouslywriting · 3 months
Falling asleep on the Bob guys
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Nonny, this is such a darling request! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to it :) I hope you really enjoy and are having a great day! Reminder that my requests are open and I love the spam!
Cut for length, paragraph format below:
Dick Winters:
Dick Winters is the type of man to be caught off guard in the softest of ways. He's not expecting you to fall asleep on him and he's still trying to talk over plans when he realizes that you're totally and completely out. It's at this point that he gets this really soft expression on his face and just decides to treasure the moment since you never know what will happen. He stays awake and keeps a wary eye out for any sort of danger that might befall the two of you. And he might murmur a few sweet nothings to you while you're asleep since there's no harm and foul for that.
Lewis Nixon:
Honestly, he's rambling and rambling and is waiting for you to reply to anything that he's said and mid-ramble, he looks down to find you asleep. Kinda makes this amused expression on his face and then presses a short and sweet kiss to your forehead. He's perfectly content as a kitten, curling up and falling asleep next to you. Especially if you're the one who fell asleep first—he's not about to move you or wake you up haha.
Ronald Speirs:
Realizes you're falling asleep very quickly and just goes kinda quiet. He doesn't have the heart to move you or wake you up so he can move, so he just sits there with your head on his shoulder and finally has a minute to just be calm and relax in peace. It's honestly a cathartic experience for him and he gets to reflect on your relationship, which endears the situation even more to him.
Buck Compton:
Gets this really goofy smile on his face at the fact that you're asleep on his shoulder. He absolutely adores seeing you this peaceful and will press a kiss to the crown of your head and snuggle in real close to you. He's the type to probably fall asleep with you, even more cuddled up and practically spooning at that point.
Carwood Lipton:
A softie who softly tells you a story until you are solidly asleep on his shoulder. And then he's slightly blushy and shy about the entire thing, but he's not about to move—he's no idiot. So he just wraps an arm around you and murmurs a soft goodnight. He'll treasure this memory for the rest of his life and wants to wake up next to you every single day henceforth.
Joe Liebgott:
Literally the sassiest mf—the minute that you fall asleep, he's out here glaring at anyone who walks by a little bit too loudly or is talking too much. He'll shush and tell someone to get the hell away from the situation bc no one is about to interrupt your beauty sleep. Not on his watch. He's also slightly smug and definitely thinking about sex in the future and how your married life would be.
Donald Malarkey:
10/10 a great person to fall asleep on. He's a solid choice, if only for the fact that he's ultra respectful and kind about things. He'll sit there patiently and untangle your hair while you're asleep and just relax. It's honestly just as calming getting to be around you while you're asleep and it becomes a tradition between the two of you.
Eugene Roe:
You cannot convince me that he isn't the best choice here. He gets super soft and almost emotional about the fact that you trust him enough to fall asleep near him and on him. He'll murmur lullabies in a half-whisper in French and stroke your hair and rub your back soothingly until you're totally asleep. He absolutely loves you and that'll be the last thing you hear before you're totally out for the count.
Bill Guarnere:
Doesn't realize you've fallen asleep until he turns to hear your reply or comments from a story he's been telling and then realizes that you're totally out. He gets this kinda goofy grin and just snuggles up real close to you. He's very honored that you feel safe enough to fall asleep in his presence—and he's not about to lose that trust for literally anything. You mean the world to him.
Joe Toye:
Slightly panicked?! Which doesn't really make sense, but you're literally asleep and he's just not about to let anyone interrupt that. He'll glare and make menacing motions to anyone who's too loud and he just wants to cuddle up next to you without anyone giving him shit. Not that anyone would—but you know, he's got some worries. Either way, he's real gentle about the entire thing.
George Luz:
Probably happens in a foxhole amidst some jokes and laughs to keep spirits up. And when you don't respond, he gets a little worried and then glances over to find out that you're just asleep on his shoulder. Gets this shit-eating grin on his face and he's definitely gonna tease you about it later (but not in front of anyone else). He's secretly very pleased that you fell asleep on him since he's got a big crush on you anyway haha.
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Easy Company HC's: Letters Home
A/n: I'm really rolling with these BofB headcanons! hope you enjoy :)
Characters included: Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, Buck Compton, David Webster, Joe Liebgott
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Dick Winters
Writes frequent, short letters
Meticulously dates his letters and includes a blurb about the weather. January 12th, 1945. It’s snowing outside, dark and cold. 
Starts each letter with My dear y/n 
Always asks how you are, even though he’s the one fighting a damn war
Follows up on every little question or story you include in your letters. How was the bake sale? Did you ever hear how Louise Graham’s brother is doing after taking that shrapnel to the shoulder? Hope you were able to get someone out to look at the washing machine.
Ends his letters with classic but sentimental sign-offs, like Affectionately yours and All my love
Makes sure not to include anything in his letters that would worry you. Doesn’t necessarily lie or fake being happy, but just gently side steps that. 
Although every once in a while you get a longer letter where Dick’s handwriting is a little messier. You know it’s from writing fast, you can almost feel the pressure behind the penmarks. He opens up more in those letters, talks about losing too many good men and sometimes will say things that just absolutely break your heart, like sometimes I wonder how all of this is really going to end for the men who are over here fighting. 
Even in these letters, Dick never says “I” or “Me”, always writes about the men and the boys. You know - and so does he - that he’s including himself in those boys.
His next letter he always makes sure to reassure you. And it’s genuine, you can tell. He’ll say something like I have to put some of these heavier thoughts somewhere, and there’s nowhere I trust more than with you. 
When he comes home, you find a stack of letters you wrote to him tied up in a neat bundle and stashed in an inside pocket of his Ike jacket that he sewed in especially for that purpose. You could tell by the flimsy, near-ripped creases and dirty paper that he’d read each one about a hundred times over. Buried in the middle of the stack was the picture you’d given him before he’d left for training. On the back, he’d written simply your name, the date the photo was taken, and a short instruction: in event of my death, please send all personal effects to with your home address. It made you sob but you never told him you found it.
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Lewis Nixon
Rarely writes. Actually drives you crazy with worry most of the time.
When he finally does, you can tell that he’s initially annoyed at having to put his thoughts down on paper. Letters start off with short, sarcastic sentences like nothing new here. Still fighting the war, in case you hadn’t heard. Enjoying German hospitality. 
But as the letters go on he relaxes into it and stops being so grouchy. 
Because he’s always grumpy at having to write (you should probably thank Dick for cajoling Lew into actually sitting down to write to you), he usually doesn’t write any sort of introduction or sweet address, just dives right into it.
His letters usually don’t say much, he just kind of rambles about how much he hates being away from you and how he can’t wait for the whole damn thing to be over. 
Sometimes he’ll write something so incredibly romantic it takes your breath away, like I’d fight a whole division of Panzers myself if I could just get one more sniff of your perfume. 
Those are the letters you save and reread to yourself over and over again when you’re waiting weeks for the next one.
Always signs off with something kind of sassy but also sweet?, like You know I love you or Keep our bed warm for me. 
Sometimes you feel like you can smell whiskey on the paper, which both worries you but also reminds you of Lew
When he finally gets home and you ask him about what he did with your letters, he kind of looks at you like you’ve gone crazy and says I read them of course, what else was I supposed to do with them? 
This hurts your feelings at first which of course he doesn’t understand, but after a few weeks you start to realize that he actually did read them and not only that he memorized their contents. Like he refers to your mother as “the Wicked Witch of Wichita” (something you called here after you wrote him a long rambling letter about how angry she made you at your sister’s bridal shower) and buys you a bouquet of daffodils because you wrote him a letter with a daffodil doodle in the margins of the page talking about the spring gardens. 
You realize that Lew shows his love in the little details, and it makes you appreciate him all the more.
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Ronald Speirs
Ron’s letters read like military bulletins. 
Doing well despite the cold. 1st sgt sick with pneumonia. Think of you often.
Writes predictably once per week. Never misses a letter. Ever. 
You always write him long, lengthy, romantic letters. Sometimes even a little raunchy, if you’ve had some wine. After one particularly *ahem* suggestive letter, you feel ridiculous and say so the next time you write.
In typical Ron fashion, you get a short, to-the-point reply, but it still puts a smile on your face and a blush on your cheeks: Loved your letter. Keep writing. 
Towards the end of the war, Ron starts a countdown to when he expects to be coming home. Two months now, maybe less. Home for the Fourth of July. 
Also signs off with R.S. Which makes you laugh, as if you could forget who was writing to you.
Whenever your girlfriends find a letter from Ron (you keep them all in a shoebox in your closet), they tease you and ask how you can possibly be in love with someone so stiff and formal. To which you can only chuckle to yourself, because you know it’s just that they don’t understand that Ron doesn’t tell you he loves you, he shows you. Writing a letter every single week. Updating you on everything going on, even short updates, because he wants you to know how he’s doing. That’s Ronald Speirs’ love language.
Maybe three weeks before Ron comes home, you start getting boxes of (stolen?) German silver at your door. At first it freaks you out and makes you feel slimy for having lavish riches from an enemy country, so you don’t unpack the boxes and you just stack them up in the back bedroom. When Ron gets home and sees the boxes unopened and shut away, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. You stammer out an explanation and without blinking an eye, Ron loads them into his truck and takes them to the dump. 
(Later you convince him that a better use of those would be to donate them to the local orphanage, so off he goes in his truck to get the boxes back out of the dump and bring them to shelter.)
One night when you’re lying awake, head on Ron’s chest, talking idly about things that don’t matter, he interrupts you to ask Can you guess which letter I kept? 
You instantly blush, thinking of that risque letter you wrote him when you were halfway through your second bottle of white wine. He shakes his head and pulls a letter out of his nightstand and hands it to you. You don’t recognize it immediately, although you do see that it’s too short to be one of the naughtier correspondences. 
It’s too dark to read, so you ask him which letter. He says it’s the one you wrote to me for my birthday. 
You don’t remember that one and you tell him as much, so you ask him why he kept that one instead of some of the others. He looks down at you with a serious look in his eyes, a little surprised that you can’t figure it out. Then he tells you: it’s the first time you wrote that you loved me. 
The next day, you sneak a peek at the letter and realize he’s right. You signed it, I love you Ron. 
From then on, you make sure to tell him that every night before he falls asleep.
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Carwood Lipton
Formal, sweet letters. This man is a king of romancing by words.
Writes as often as he can, but you know that Lip needs peace and quiet for an entire evening to get one of those letters done (he probably definitely writes a draft or two before he gets it right). And let’s face it, Easy Company doesn’t have the luxury of many quiet evenings. 
Always, always, always starts his letters off with Dear (future) Mrs. Lipton, which you honestly think is hopelessly corny but it’s way too adorable to tell him so. And besides, you secretly love it.
He always reminisces about home in his letters. Tells you how much he misses the smell of your baking, the squeak of the front porch swing that you two would sit on and watch the sunset. 
He worries a lot about you and his family. He always asks you to look in on his mother if it’s not too much trouble. 
Lip doesn’t talk much about the war, in fact he hardly acknowledges it at all. And he never uses the term ‘war’ or ‘battle’. Instead, he says things like The boys over here are still committed to doing the job or Easy presses on.  
Lip’s letters get a little shorter and less soft after Bastogne. He starts including the names of the casualties in his company in the P.S. Even though you don’t know these men except by name - and some of them, not even that - you feel honored that he trusts you with their memories. 
Lip has saved your letters and all the pictures you sent to him - he loves pictures, and asks for an updated one of you almost every month - tucked in his foot locker and safely between the pages of his Bible so they don’t get creased or dirty. 
You also find that he’s kept stacks of letters from some of his men that died in the field. When you ask him what he plans to do with the letters, he gets a heartbreaking, far-off look in his eyes and says I reckon I’ll try to get them back to their families. 
You take on the burden of doing that, and you write to some of the families introducing yourself and introducing Lip and offering to forward them the letters.
All the replies you get back mention that their soldier talked about how good a leader and friend Lip was. Their replies bring tears to your eyes. For some reason, you don’t show the letters to Lip, although you do tell him about them. He never asks to read the letters, he just kisses you on your forehead and tells you that he’s never loved you more. 
Even after he’s home, he’ll still write you a letter from time to time, usually at Christmastime or for your birthday in the summer. His letters are always talking about his favorite memories with you, and there’s always a paragraph at the end where he talks about how in love with you he is. It’s borderline poetry and it makes you cry every single time.
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Buck Compton
Basically just writes a list of questions for you to answer in every letter.
Wants to know everything about what’s going on at home. Especially sports teams.
Doesn’t write frequently, so sometimes it’s hard to feel like there’s a conversation happening. 
But he always includes sweet little notes about how much he’s thinking of you and how he’s counting down the days until he can hold you again, so you’re not complaining. 
Not the most poetic writer. Always says what he thinks and feels though. Completely honest and open. 
Does not tell you anything about the war. Basically ignores the entire thing. 
Sometimes you think about asking him about that, but you figure that he’s not talking about it for a reason, so you follow suit.
Calls you baby in his letters. 
Doesn’t actually say ‘I love you’ in his letters, although says everything else. Miss you baby. Dream about you all the time. When I get home, I’m putting a ring on your finger. 
One time he writes that he woke up last night out of a dream and swore I could taste you and it makes your toes curl.
You save that letter, tuck it in your underwear drawer. 
Signs his letters very simply: Buck. Sometimes he’ll put something in like until next time or I’ll write soon. But usually nothing super romantic or sentimental.
Doesn’t save your letters, but that really doesn’t bother you too much because all you wrote in them was basically just rambling details that Buck requested about your boring day-to-day. 
Buck’s always better in person than in writing - he’s a quality time and physical touch kind of guy - but you know that your letters were his only lifeline to normal during the war, and you’re just happy to have him back at all. 
He does surprise you one night when it’s really quiet in the house and you’re sitting on the couch together, each reading a book. He suddenly turns to you and says You know baby girl, your letters saved my sanity over there. It’s the most he’s really ever said about the war, but it’s enough, and you kiss him so he knows that you get it.  
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David Webster
Unsurprisingly, Web is probably the best letter writer in all of Easy Company. 
He helps a lot of the other guys write letters home, especially if they’re trying to say something important. Web just has a knack for words unlike any other. 
He writes a lot of letters home, not just to you, but to the rest of his family, his siblings, some of his friends, and definitely his professors. 
So because you’re close with Web’s family, you do get to read a lot of his writing. 
His letters to you are different though. They’re darker and a little less polished. Sometimes, they frighten you a little bit. Web talks about things you’re not you really understand - like how pointless death is, how empty it makes him feel to see his friends get KIA, how he carries around guilt about surviving this long like an anchor. 
Refers to you exclusively in his letters by your first name, his writing is always serious and somber and drenched with heavy emotions, so pet names just really don’t fit the vibe.
He quotes poetry and literature quite a bit when he writes. It all feels a bit Gothic, but you’ve always known that Web has found clarity in the world through books, so you don’t begrudge him a little poetic license.
Signs his letters Yours in perpetuity, David K. Webster. 
Asks you to send books. Sometimes he asks for something specific, but other times he’s happy to get whatever you pick out for him. Your tastes are different from his; you prefer to choose shorter, gentle pieces about life in the British countryside or Western adventure novels. Web would prefer Wadsworth or Hemingway, but he figures it’s probably in his best interests to read things that don’t tackle dark themes. You always tuck a letter for him into the first few pages. 
He doesn’t save your letters, per se, although he does save every single book you send to him. When he gets home, he puts them all up on the bookshelf in his office. Even though they’re beat up and stained and not at all fitting with the rest of his collection, they’re front and center. 
Sometimes he takes a stab at sketching in his letters. He’s not bad, either. You try to encourage him to take lessons when he gets home, which he never does. He secretly loves how much you love his drawings though.
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Joe Liebgott
You definitely like to re-read his letters… again and again…
Not every letter is a dirty one. But most are. Or at least have a dirty section in them. 
You don’t know how this man makes you feel wanted from halfway around the world, but somehow he does. Lord knows you love a lot about your Joey, but you didn’t realize how good he was with words until you found yourself practically stalking the mailman, hoping for another delivery from Joe.
Uses a lot of pet names in his letters. Baby girl, Doll, Princess are some of his favorites. Literally never calls you by your name.
Always signs off with Your Joey. 
Even when Joe is clearly in a dark place, his letters are saturated with how much he needs you and how he can’t stop thinking about all the ways he’s going to have you when he gets home. 
When your mother finds one of Joey’s letters to you, she throws an absolute shit fit and freaks out that you’re sleeping with someone before you’re married. It takes a long time for you to convince her that you haven’t slept with Joey yet, you’re just… really into dirty talking.
She kinda chills after that but still looks at you suspiciously every time you get a letter from him.
She never tells your dad though, which makes you think maybe she’s more supportive of your relationship with him than you realized.
After working up the courage, you write Joe a letter that is so sinful you actually doubt whether you should send it in the mail, it just feels so wrong.
When I say this man goes crazy for that letter, it is an understatement. He is out of his mind and immediately writes you a reply telling you so. Basically begs you for more.
Even though your letters back and forth with Joe are pretty raunchy, there’s also a sweetness to them. He’s always sure to mention that This ain’t just all talk, Doll. When you’re Mrs. Liebgott, you’re gonna see exactly what I’ve been writing about. Which you know is still pretty dirty, but hey, he’s basically proposing to you, right?
You are not the least bit surprised to know that he kept your naughtiest letters when he finally gets home.
But, Joseph Liebgott is a man of his word, and even though he is clearly dying to and you’re practically begging him to, he doesn’t make good on all those dirty promises until after you’re wearing his ring.
Much to your delight, you find that he is just as good with actions as he is with words.
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hi honey, I have to say I love your stuff. You write absolutely great. Could you do a headcannon on BoB and what type of love would you give them? I mean love at first sight, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. I'd be happiest with Winters and Nixon and Speirs, but do what you will. Thank you.
A/n: here you go my love. When I finally re read the request I realized you might have wanted the pov's reversed but it was too late. Hopefully it's not too bad. I will happily switch it to reader pov if you wish.
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Richard winters
-friends to lovers. I don't think that this man thought of romance when he first met you. Attractive? Most definitely. However he had bigger things preoccupying his mind. Yet somehow at some point, you wiggled your way to being one of his best friends. Don't tell nix. Something about you practically scrambled his brain. He doesn't know when in the friendship he fell or if he fell in the very beginning. But when he realized just how much he loved you it was like he jumped off a cliff without a parachute. He knew right then and there you were it for him. He probably felt nervous telling you due to the fact that he never gave off the impression that he likes you. But let's just say the feelings were reciprocated.
"Dick, I have been flirting with you this whole time."
Lewis nixon
- love at first sight. This man took one look at you and said yes. He may not immediately start flirting with you out of respect, but he will damn well be tied to your finger. Will always open doors for you, and give you his coat when you're cold. So many acts of services. At one point you two were at a bar and some private made his way to your side to start a flirty conversation where he swears he got to hands'y. He knew that you were single but he was extremely jealous nonetheless. Eventually he had to leave to get some air. You followed shortly to catch up with him. You confronted him asking what has gotten into him as of late. He never wanted it to come out like this but it sort of just spilled out of him. He rambled on about his feelings before you cut him off with a kiss and a huge grin on your face.
"Shut up nix and take me on a date"
Ronald speirs
-Distance attraction, I don't know what to call it, this is the closest I can get. It just feels right. Basically, Speirs isn't quite love at first sight, he's the guy who needs to really get to know you to start building a relationship like that. However this man has a MASSIVE crush on you. But he's too prideful to say anything seeing how simping for someone isn't exactly in Ron's profile. He just admires you from a distance while simultaneously stuffing his emotions deep down. Much better in his book. Yet he still does his very best to be by your side at every moment possible even though he spends a lot of time trying not to think about how perfect you are. It's you who makes the first move. You obviously like him and you know he does too. It's obvious to everyone but no-one says a single word. And before you can finish telling him if he wants to go out some time, he's already agreeing.
"You free Friday?"
Carwood lipton
-childhood friends to lovers. He was the boy next door. You two were friends from first grade through college. Sharing secrets, sleepovers, getting into mischief. Car started crushing on you when you two were teenagers. Said crush continued all the way until you two volunteer to join the paratroopers. War was hell but you seemed to make it just a little bit more manageable. His life in the war picked up significantly and he had a freight train worth of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Yet you never left his side. It wasn't until Austria that he confessed his feelings. He almost felt sick when he told you in fear of losing his best friend. It was short sweet at straight to the point. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lip almost took off in fear of rejection. He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of your laughter. He turned to hear you laughing with the biggest smile on your face.
"Clifford carwood Lipton, do you know how long I've been waiting for those words"
Joseph Leibgott
-Enemies to lovers. Your relationship started off Rocky. Your personality clashed and having a civilized conversation was seemingly impossible. Every time your paths crossed it was filled with banter, insults and tension. Sometimes it got to the point where someone needed to intervene. When you would walk into the same room that Joe would be in it's like the air seemed to thicken. The cold stares and passive aggressive comments. As the war progressed your comments never faulted but the tension you ask? It could be felt by an entire room. And all that hate seemed to not leave as bad as a taste in your mouth. Joe knew from the start that he hated and loved you. You know the type of enemies to lovers where it's like 'she's mine' and 'who did this to you?' It's giving that. He got so fed up with replacements trying to whisk you away so he simply grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.
"Don't lever leave with one of them alright sweetheart?"
"Wasn't planning on it"
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saint-petah-the-good · 3 months
I just discoverd that donnie whalberg ho plays lipton in band of brothers was in a boy band back in the late 80s early 90s ,not any boy band but THE new kids on the block ,wich were also the first worldwide famous boyband
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I think this is just hilarious ,I mean look at the fit with the peace and love chain
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softguarnere · 1 year
hi! i really love your writings!
i was wondering if you could make some headcannons for the easy boys breaking down and turning to the reader for comfort after a super hard week.
if you don’t wanna do this one/can’t think of anything, it’s totally fine!
i hope you’re doing well!
This has been sitting in my drafts forever now. I was worried about too many of them being too similar, so I didn't get to everybody. But here are the ones that I had the strongest feelings about:
Dick Winters: Okay, so I feel like maybe Winters doesn't quite reach a breaking point. You can tell that he's stressed and that he's going through a lot, so you let him know that you're here if he needs someone to talk to. It's actually kind of a shock when he comes to you, asking if you have a moment. Really, he just needs to unload, to have someone listen to him. It would be such a relief for him to know he can do that with you, and for you to know that he trusts you enough to confide in you.
Lewis Nixon: Nixon tends to go a different way. When he's stressed or upset, he kind of shuts down, becoming somewhat emotionally unavailable. He knows that he can - and that he should - go to you, but he's worried about how you'll react. When he does turn to you, when you listen to him, comfort him through what he's going through, he feels ten times lighter and ready to take on the world with you by his side.
Ronald Speirs: The rest of the company would probably be shocked if they knew how easily Speirs comes to you. It starts with him resting his head against your shoulder once you're alone together, and then sighing when you run a hand through his hair. He trusts you and knows he's safe, and then confides everything in you. There's not much that can be done to fix the week he's had, but if you just hold him like this, it'll give him the strength to pick himself up and give it another shot.
Carwood Lipton: He's so busy taking care of everyone, but who takes care of him? He's not really one for showing when he's at his limit, so when he comes to you, you know that he's reached a breaking point. Just let him talk it out. Maybe you both come up with a solution for where to go from here. Maybe you don't. He's just thankful for your company as he goes through this.
Babe Heffron: You know in Bastogne, how after Julian's death Babe just sort of . . . shuts down for a bit? That would be him after this week. He's stressed and doesn't really know how to process whatever is going on. When he comes to you, he's probably quiet and careful. But as soon as you see something is wrong, you take his hand, and he feels like he's able to tell you anything.
Eugene Roe: He feels guilty coming to you, because he doesn't want to feel like he's forcing his problems onto you. Once he starts sharing what's wrong, though, it's hard to stop; he didn't realize how much all of this was weighing on him. And when he's done talking, when you hold him and promise him that you'll always be there for him and will help him through it, he's glad that he spoke up.
Bill Guarnere: This boy is gonna hold it all in until he can't anymore - and when he finally breaks, it probably isn't going to be pretty. He doesn't know how to tell you what's wrong, but he decides to try. Some things can't always be fixed; sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. And knowing that he can confide in you makes all the difference to him, even if that's all you can do to help. Now he doesn't have to push himself to the limit anymore, and that makes all the difference.
Joe Liebgott: Listen, I think Joe is better with emotions than we tend to give him credit for. If he's bottling them up throughout the week, it's just because he doesn't want to worry you too much - after all, he loves you, and he doesn't want to feel like he's being a burden. When he finally does turn to you for help, he feels bad the entire time he's explaining his emotions to you. He's going to have to learn that he can open up to you, and this is his first time realizing that he can come to you when he needs to.
David Webster: Either bottles up his emotions until he feels like he's going to explode, or he comes to you the second he feels like he needs to talk things through - there's no in between. This may comes as a surprise, but Webster is a great listener, and if you give him advice or comfort for whatever he's going through, he's going to take it to heart. And he'll always remember how you were there for him.
Thank you for the request, Anon, and I hope you like these! 💕🕊️
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blurredcolour · 9 months
It's Better This Way | Part Two
It's Better This Way Masterlist
Carwood Lipton x Enlisted!Female Reader
They say time heals all wounds, but your love for Carwood Lipton simply lies dormant until fate brings you together again under very different circumstances.
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Warnings: MAJOR Canon Divergence, Angst, Pining For A Married Man, Alcohol Consumption, Language, Discussion of Divorce, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [fingering, hand job, unprotected vaginal sex, pull out method] - 18+ ONLY.
Author's Note: Self-indulgent canon divergence with little explanation ahead, read at your own risk. This applies not only to the existence of female paratroopers but Carwood Lipton's personal life. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the HBO series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 5242
‘Go home to your wife, sir, it’s better this way.’ Your harsh words echoed through your mind as you blindly navigated your way through the dark streets of Buchloe, unshed tears obscuring your vision.
Thankfully, you knew the way back to your platoon’s billet, managing to make it inside and hand off tomorrow’s orders to Sergeant Martin before retreating to the room you shared with another female paratrooper, Norma, and having a good cry on her shoulder. She easily believed it was related to what the Battalion had witnessed that day and you submitted yourself to her mothering, too emotionally spent to protest as she found you some tea and tucked you into bed.
That day marked the last time Lipton tried to break through your defences, giving you a wide berth for the rest of the war. That is not to say you did not catch his gaze from time to time nor feel his eyes lingering on you when he thought you unaware. For your part, you put in a more concerted effort to behave as people expected, hoping to quash any concerns about your wellbeing. To keep the attention of the likes of Winters and Speirs on more important things like the occupation, the Japanese surrender, everyone’s return to the States.
The gaping wound in your chest faded to a dull ache, your friendship with Norma blossomed, and the pair of you ultimately decided to make a go of it in New York City after the war. The likelihood of two ex-service women, one with a facial scar, getting jobs in your respective hometowns was slim to none, and so you had found an affordable apartment to share in the big city before going on the hunt for work. Norma had found employment immediately at a department store while it had taken you quite some time to secure a position at a bank across from the docks, run by a man who seemed unfazed by both your gender and the mark on your face.
It was not long before Norma had found herself a beau, who quickly became her fiancé, and then her husband. Every man that you met had the misfortune of being compared to the spectre of Carwood Lipton and never had a chance of fully measuring up. You chose instead to focus your efforts on your career, securing several promotions and a nicer apartment of your own, leaving Norma and her husband to their newly wedded bliss. You stayed in touch with a lot of the guys from Easy, of course, exchanging letters with Luz and Randleman frequently. By the time 1947 rolled around, the location of the second reunion of the 101st Airborne was chosen as the very city in which you lived and so began Luz’s campaign to convince you to attend.
You finally relented in June, if only to stop the overwhelming volume of postcards he was sending your way, but as you stood outside the New Yorker Hotel that Friday in August, you still found yourself utterly unsure. Though you’d been back in the country for less than two years, Europe felt like another lifetime. You’d forced yourself to move on, to become another person, if only for the sake of surviving the rest of your days without Lipton. Shaking your head with a sigh, you turned to go, running smack into the chest of some innocent bystander on the sidewalk.
“I’m so sorry!” You gasped out at the same time as his hands gripped your elbows to steady you.
“Excuse me, ma’am.” Lipton apologized and your eyes shot to his face to see him swallow in surprise.
In his defence he’d probably never once seen you wearing a dress as you were now, your hair styled, a touch of makeup on. An entirely different person to the one he would have recognized from the Airborne, while he stood there in his civilian suit looking every bit as handsome as he had in his Class A uniform.
“Liu–Lipton.” You corrected yourself quickly, watching a small smile pull at his mouth as he politely released your arms.
“It’s good to see you.” He glanced between you and the hotel before inclining his head curiously. “Not going in?”
“I, uh,” You looked over your shoulder before shaking your head as you turned back to him. “I don’t think so, no.”
His mouth pulled into a straight line, signalling his disappointment, but he made no verbal comment on it. “Need a cab?” He moved toward the curb, and you stepped forward quickly to stop him, shaking your head again.
“I live just a few blocks from here, I could use the walk. Thank you though.” You pressed your lips together as your fondness for him swelled to life beneath your sternum, reawakened by his presence.
“I’ll escort you then.” He insisted stubbornly and stood expectantly, waiting for your direction.
“You don’t have to, I’m sure you want to get inside…” You protested meekly, utterly out of character.
He raised an eyebrow. “I insist. Are we going left, or right?”
You pointed to your left and he nodded, turning to walk that way with you. You made your way together in silence for nearly a block, neither of your seeming to have any idea what to say after all this time. After the last time you had truly spoken to one another in Buchloe. Unable to stand the oppressive weight of the awkward silence between you a moment longer, you took a breath and turned to him as you waited for the walk light at the next corner.
“What’ve you been up to since you got back?”
“I’m working on that degree I put on hold.” He answered easily, arm hovering above your back protectively as a man darted behind you before dashing out across traffic, clearly in a hurry somewhere. “You?” He asked once you started walking again.
“Got a job, an apartment. The whole civilian life business.” You shrugged.
“All in New York City, very impressive.” He smiled softly and you looked to your feet quickly lest your eyes betray the way that melted your heart.
“Norma’s here too, working at Macy’s, got herself a husband.” You came to a stop after several blocks, standing in front of your building. “This is me.”
He looked up, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “You weren’t kidding when you said you live close by.”
“Yeah. Thanks again for walking me over, you ok to find your way back?”
The sound of a rowdy group of men spilling out from the bar across the street pulled his attention before looked back to you. “Could you bear to have one drink with me?”
“Bear it…” You repeated in disbelief, the gaping hole he’d left in your chest raw and aching once more. “Of course I can.” You swallowed roughly, willfully ignoring that pain beneath your ribs.
His smile grew a fraction, and he offered his arm, watching you carefully slide your forearm into the crook of his elbow before he led you across the street and into the busy establishment. The only open seats were at the very edge of the u-shaped counter, crammed into a corner, and he confidently weaved his way through the other patrons to help you onto one open stool before taking the other. You tucked your handbag against the wall with a huff of annoyance and he cocked his head.
“There are not many things I miss about being a paratrooper, but having a pocket for everything is certainly one of them.” You smirked a little as he laughed warmly, gesturing the bartender over.
“What would you like?” He turned to you to order first and then ordered a beer for himself. “So where do you work?” He leaned in to be sure you could hear him over the din of conversation.
“At a bank down by the docks, customers don’t seem to be put off by me, my boss is a stand-up guy.” You replied, nodding your thanks as your beverages arrived.
He nodded warmly, lifting his glass to take a sip. The movement caught your eye as you enjoyed the first taste of your own drink, gaze falling onto the bare ring finger on his left hand. Inhaling sharply, the burn of alcohol in your trachea set you coughing, and you quickly put down your glass lest you spill it all over yourself. Lipton looked to you quickly in concern before following your eyeline, holding up his left hand thoughtfully.
“Paperwork was finalized a few months ago.” He muttered once you calmed your spasming throat.
Guilt flooded you even though there had been no real transgression on your part aside from one half-accidental kiss in Germany. You looked at him with unmasked sorrow and shook your head, frowning as he set his hand over yours where it rested on the countertop.
“I’m a different person now and so is she, please don’t carry my burdens too.” He said gently, squeezing your hand in his.
“Lip I’m so sorry…” You uttered the well-worn phrase of sympathy, uncertain of what else you could possibly say.
“What about you? Anyone special in your life?” He asked as he lifted his hand from yours, reaching for his glass to take another sip.
You shook your head quickly “Hasn’t really been time, or worthwhile candidates.” You replied, taking a generous sip of your drink.
“Hmm.” He uttered noncommittally before glancing at his beer appreciatively. “It sure is nice to be back where they know how to serve one of these.”
You laughed softly. “Not a fan of tepid beer, Lipton?” You teased, leaning against the counter a little to turn and look at him better.
He wrinkled his nose a little and shook his head, making you laugh again. The pair of you began to reminisce then, reminding one another of funny moments you had shared, trading stories about the training you had endured separately. All the while the bar became more and more crowded, forcing you to lean closer together just to hear each other. You ordered another round as he seemed inclined to linger and you most certainly could not say no to more time basking in his presence. You had nearly finished your second drinks when he looked at you intently.
“You’ve never met a man you could spend the rest of your life with?” His knee brushed against yours as he turned closer to you on his stool.
“Not since I got home from Europe, no.” Your answer was careful, keeping it strictly truthful, hoping not to incriminate yourself.
“And before that?” He probed persistently and you pressed your lips together, looking at him meaningfully.
“I don’t know if you want the answer to that, Carwood.” You responded at last, fingers gripping your drink tighter as his eyes snapped to yours at the use of his preferred name.
“No, I really think I do.” He pinned you with a firm look and you took the final gulp of your drink, letting it sear its way down to your stomach.
“I did yeah, but the timing was all wrong.”
“And what about now?” He wet his lips with an almost-invisible flick of his tongue, but your eyes could not help but follow the movement.
“What about now, Carwood?” You challenged breathlessly.
“Keep using my name and it’s absolutely perfect.” He replied earnestly, leaning closer to you.
Your exhaled shakily. “You mean that?”
“I do.” He nodded firmly.
“It’s always been you, Carwood.” You sighed, eyes fluttering closed as he pressed his forehead against yours, finger entwining to hold your hand tightly.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to understand it.” He muttered, breath fanning across your face.
You shook your head quickly and looked at him, voice thick with emotion. “It wasn’t you, it was the timing of everything.”
Carwood nodded, cupping your cheek with his free hand and you leaned into his touch. “Still have a lot to make up for.” He countered.
“Call me stubborn.” You teased him fondly, ducking a quick kiss to his cheek. “Would you like to come up to my apartment?” You murmured against his ear, holding your breath until he nodded softly.
Once the tab was settled, by a very insistent Carwood, you made your way back across the street and up to your fifth-floor residence, never once letting go of his hand. Unlocking the door, you led him into your modest studio apartment, toeing off your shoes at the door, smiling as he did the same.
“We never actually ate dinner, are you hungry?” You asked as you locked the door behind him.
He shook his head and stepped forward to cup your cheeks gently, pressing his lips to your firmly. Your hands gripped his forearms tightly, shifting closer.
“I’m sorry I’ve just…” He murmured as he pulled back.
“Been dreaming of that for three years.” You cut him off gently, leaning in to kiss him once again, arms sliding around his neck.
Carwood’s arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close as his mouth moved against yours, the intensity of your kisses escalating to the exchanging of breath through parted lips before you slid your tongue against his wantonly. His fingers curled into the fabric of your dress as his chest rumbled in delight, years worth of simmering tension boiling over as you pressed him back into the door, tasting him thoroughly.
One of his hands slowly slid down to your lower back, making you arch closer to him still, gasping against his lips as you could feel the outline of his rapidly hardening length pressing against you. Hands shifting to grip the lapels of his jacket, you walked backward through the apartment easily, eyes locked on his, until you pivoted to press on his shoulders and sit him down on the end of your bed.
“Are you sure?” He murmured up at you thickly as you slid to straddle his thighs.
“Only if you are.” You swallowed, wondering if you were overwhelming the poor man.
“I love you.” Carwood smiled warmly and slid his fingers to the back of your neck to pull you in for a tender kiss.
Heart feeling as though it had broken free of your ribcage to soar through the clouds, you buried your fingers into his hair, returning the kiss fiercely. “God, I love you too.” You breathed against his mouth, voice rough with emotion.
A small noise of surprise left your lips as his hands gripped your thighs and he skillfully rolled you onto your back. Grinning with a hint of pride, his hands skimmed higher beneath the hem of your dress and slip to unfasten your stockings with practiced ease, rolling them down and off your legs one at a time, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of each calf once the skin was bared to him. He took a moment to shrug out of his suit jacket before crawling up your body to paint teasingly soft kisses down the column of your throat, working at the fastenings of your dress.
Not one to be idle, your fingers began to work at the buttons of his dress shirt, tugging it free of the waistband of his pants before pushing it down his arms. Carwood pulled back to deposit it onto the floor before gently sliding your dress down your body to join it. His hands skimmed along your silk-clad sides as he drank you in, features painted with wonder.
“All of this hiding under that uniform.” He uttered.
Biting your lip, you pushed up to kiss him warmly. “Could say the same about you, you know.” You traced your hands along the muscles of his shoulders and down his arms before shifting your focus to undoing his belt, delighting in the pink tinge of his cheeks in response.
He trailed open mouthed kisses along the neckline of your slip, brushing against the tops of your breasts, making you exhale shakily as you worked his pants open and off his body. Stepping free of them before crawling back onto the bed, he slid the straps of your slip down, revealing your lingerie to his heated gaze. “As if you couldn’t get any more beautiful…” He shook his head, slip discarded behind him before his lips descended onto yours once more, sealing off any glib reply you might have been able to muster.
Fingers skimming up your ribs, you whimpered into his mouth as his broad palm cupped your breast through the silky material of your brassiere, gripping at the back of his undershirt, insistently pulling the fabric up his skin. His tongue laved along your cleavage, shivers wracking your body at the sensation of his hot breath on your damp skin as he continued to knead at your sensitive flesh. Feeling him begin to sit up, you grabbed the gathered material of his undershirt in your fist and pulled it over his head, throwing it to the side somewhere as he worked your bra and garter belt free.
Caressing the still-defined muscles of his chest and abdomen, you cried out softly as his mouth sealed around first one nipple and then the other, always keeping a balance of pleasure between the two that was filling your veins with scorching desire. Delving past the waistline of his boxers, your hand sought his cock impatiently, and as your fingers wrapped around him, Carwood pressed his face to your sternum with a grunt. You were honestly taken aback when he gently but firmly gripped your wrist and pulled your hand free of him.
“You first, beautiful.” He murmured, leaning up to peck your lips before his mouth returned to its teasing work, pressing your wrist into the mattress before he cupped between the apex of your thighs.
“Carwood!” You gasped softly, hips bucking to his hand slightly before you sunk your teeth into your lower lip, fingers grasping at the bedding in an effort to respect his wishes.
His hazel eyes looked up to yours across the planes of your torso, pupils dilating rapidly as he traced your folds through the silken material of your underwear, your body writhing eagerly beneath his touch. Unable to both keep your eyes open for him and your mouth shut, you whimpered loudly, hips bucking more insistently as you desperately needed more of him. His eyes closed briefly, his mouth pressing a damp kiss to your side before he pulled back to strip you of your underwear, shifting to lay next to you. His fingers resumed their torment, the skin-on-skin contact with your slick core making your eyes roll back in your head.
“Look so pretty like this, beautiful.” He breathed against your ear, making you shudder. “Content and enjoying yourself.” His thumb zeroed in on your bundle of nerves, wrenching a moan from you. “Making all the loveliest sounds.”
“Mm! Car… so good…” You panted in reply, turning your head to kiss him deeply, mewling into his mouth as he sank his index finger into your needy warmth.
Turning his hand to grind the heel of his palm against your clit, he worked his finger in and out of you smoothly before adding a second, your back bowing as you started to clench tighter around him, breathless with impending climax. “Please show me how you fall apart, beautiful.”
Your eyelids fluttered open as he propped himself up on his free arm to get a better view of your face, licking his lips hungrily as he added a third finger, sending you hurtling into climax with a ragged cry. His fingers continued their movements, prolonging your pleasure until you grinned up at him languidly. “Just when I thought you could never surprise me again, Carwood…what a gentleman you are.” Your grin widened at the scarlet tinge to his cheeks in response to your praise.
Your eyes widened slightly as he licked his fingers clean, your teeth sinking into your ravaged lower lip at the sight.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” He murmured, thumb gently easing the plump flesh from beneath your incisor before he kissed you warmly.
Rolling onto your hip, you tugged at the waistband of his boxers, fighting the friction of the fabric against the bedding before you finally worked them free. Your hand once again wrapped around the length of him, eagerly drinking in his soft moan against your lips as you stroked along the velvety flesh. Sliding your leg over his hip you shuffled closer, rocking your pelvis forward to guide him into your welcoming body.
“Oh!” He breathed harshly as he rolled his hips forward, nestling into you fully.
“Ah, Car.” You sighed, burying your fingers into his hair, pressing your forehead against his.
The intensity of his eyes boring into yours as he thrust into and pulled from your body was nearly too much to bear, the agony of ecstasy bringing the dewy cling of teardrops to your eyelashes.
“Ok?” He whispered, hips stilling.
“God yes, just so fucking happy.” You sniffled and buried your face against his throat shyly, moaning richly as he began to move again, his fingers gripping the soft flesh of your buttock.
“I love you so much, beautiful.” He groaned into your hair, pelvis grinding against yours as your muscles involuntarily clenched around him at those words.
“You too, Car.” You whispered, pressing salty kisses against his neck.
You could feel the muscles of his jaw clenching against your temple as he struggled to maintain his pace, your body responding eagerly as you felt yourself ascending towards release. Crying out against his skin as you orgasmed, he quickly pulled out, his own release spilling across your inner thigh. He’d barely made it, but Carwood still did his best to be a gentleman. You lifted your tearstained face to kiss him deeply, caressing his cheek and down his back warmly.
Carwood’s lips brushed against your cheeks, kissing away any trace of your tears tenderly. “That was incredible…” He murmured and you nodded warmly, pressing your lips to the scar on his right cheek.
“You’re incredible.” You replied softly, unable to stop your lazy smile as he ducked his head a little under your open admiration of him.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, hmm?” He pressed a kiss to your scar in turn, knocking the wind out of you, leaving you staring up at him in stunned silence as he slid to his feet to find the washroom. “Bath?”
You simply nodded, having somehow lost the ability to form words as he grabbed your hands and led you there. Never having considered yourself ashamed of the mark you wore so prominently, you were honestly bewildered at your reaction to his tender gesture. Were still pondering it as you slid into the temperate water with him, neither of you wanting a terribly warm bath on a hot summer evening.
“You’re awful quiet, beautiful.” He murmured from behind you, fingers trailing water along the skin of your arms.
“Sorry Car, I just…when you kissed my face, I got all…”
“When I kissed your scar, you mean.” He corrected softly, pressing his cheek against yours and you nodded. “Did it bother you?”
“Not at all.” You breathed quickly. “It felt so lovely I just, never realized I wanted that?” You turned to look back at him, eyes fluttering shut as he pressed his lips to the mark once more, letting them linger there.
“You’ll always be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“Carwood…” You sighed and turned in his arms to kiss him firmly.
It took a lot of determination on his part to get the pair of you clean, dry, and fed but he managed to prevail despite your wandering hands. Sliding into bed with you in a set of summer pyjamas and him in his boxers and undershirt, he pulled you to his chest, holding you warmly. “Tonight has turned out far better than I could have ever imagined.”
You laughed against him drowsily. “Much better than speeches from Generals Taylor and McAuliffe while eating hotel food…”
He laughed warmly and squeezed your shoulder. “Sleep well, beautiful.”
“You too, Car.” You murmured, nestling against him contentedly.
The firm knocking at your door the next morning had you snuffling awake against Carwood’s hair, brows furrowed, thoroughly disgruntled to have your peaceful slumber interrupted. He lifted his head from where it was tucked beneath your chin and blinked up at you blearily, confusion etched on his features. There was another string of rapping knuckles against wood and you sighed heavily, unwrapping your arms from around him to peel yourself from the bed and grab your housecoat.
“Just a moment!” You slung it on, doing it up quickly to preserve your modesty as you walked towards the door, Carwood following at your side.
You turned the deadbolt but left the chain in place, Carwood standing on the other side of the doorframe as you cracked it open just enough to speak to whomever was there without revealing him.
Your eyes widened as there stood George Luz, grinning broadly with a warm cry of your name.
“We missed you last night! Just wanted to stop by and make sure you were still coming to the lunch that Bill arranged for Easy.” He looked at you sternly and you nodded quickly, pushing the door shut to slide the chain free, opening it again more widely and smiling at him softly.
“Of course I am. Sorry about last night work got out of hand.” You swallowed, hating to lie, but you and Carwood hadn’t really discussed much. “By the time I got out of there the banquet was half over and I didn’t want to make a fuss showing up late.”
His eyes twinkled a little. “Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Hey by any chance you seen Lip? He came in from West Virginia yesterday but didn’t show up at dinner and he’s not in his room at the hotel, either.”
You blinked in feigned innocence. “Why would I have seen him, George, I was working and then here.” You swallowed as you could see Carwood grimace out of the corner of your eye.
“Yeah right, of course. I’m real worried about him, might have to go to the cops…”
Carwood sighed deeply and grabbed the edge of the door, pulling it open wider to show his face as proof of life. “I’m here, Luz.”
Luz’s resulting grin was as blinding as the sun, making you bow your head. “Oh! Oh, I see this reunion is goin’ real well.”
“We’ll see you at lunch, Luz.” Carwood replied firmly, pushing the door shut in his face, turning to you slowly. “You ok?” He whispered, not wanting to be overheard.
You looked to him slowly before breaking out into a fit of laughter, nodding quickly. “Jesus, that man has been rooting for us since Haguenau…” You sighed fondly as Carwood’s eyes widened.
You cleared your throat and composed yourself, resting your hands on his shoulders. “I’m alright, are you?”
He nodded quickly before his brow furrowed. “George Luz knew before I did?”
“I didn’t tell him, if that’s what you mean, he just…figured it out somehow. Scared the hell out of me.”
Carwood frowned more and set his hands on your hips, stepping closer. “That’s why you left that day.” He breathed in realization, and you swallowed tightly.
“It was a contributing factor, yes.” You admitted, pulling your lower lip into your mouth with your teeth.
His thumb rose to gently free it, soothing the slight indentation. “Wish you would have talked to me, instead.”
Exhaling heavily, you pursed your lips in thought before replying. “I probably could have done things differently, I’ll admit, but at the time I felt like I had no choice. I am sorry for how much pain and confusion it must have caused you though, Car.” You pressed your lips to the pad of his thumb which had lingered at the corner of your mouth as you spoke.
“I’m sorry you felt that you had no choice – how lonely that must have been. I’m sorry I didn’t meet you sooner…” He swallowed harshly, blinking rapidly as his eyes grew damp.
“Hey, hey neither of us can change the past, Carwood.” You kissed between his brows warmly. “It’s behind us now, we have a whole future ahead.”
His eyes rosed to yours slowly, and he nodded. “What would you like that future to look like, beautiful?”
“I want you in it.” You replied easily, without hesitation, swallowing at his shy smile in return. “Don’t really care what it takes at this point.”
“Sounds perfect.” He nodded, sealing his statement with a deep kiss.
That afternoon as you sat surrounded by members of your old company, you nodded as Carwood excused himself to use to washroom, laughing brightly as Guarnere continued his story about their old commanding officer at Toccoa. You hadn’t realized how much you had missed each and every one of them until you’d arrived at the restaurant, greeted by a chorus of shouts of your name. Carwood was already there, having gone back to his hotel room to change beforehand, and no one but Luz seemed suspicious of how close the pair of you were sitting at the table. Couldn’t see the way your knee was pressed against his, unable to bear the separation.
“Can’t believe his wife ran off with some 4F milkman.” Guarnere shook his head and you looked to him sharply.
“Who…Carwood’s?!” You gasped out, eyes widening as he nodded in confirmation.
Carwood had had every opportunity to speak ill of his now ex-wife and yet remained a gentleman even after what she’d put him through. Impossible as it seemed, you somehow fell even further in love with the man right then.
Luz grinned at you knowingly from his seat to your right. “Sure seems like marriage just ain’t forever anymore these days, huh?” He winked and the other guys muttered their agreement.
You nodded silently, still processing the news, looking up as Powers started talking but sent a smile to Carwood as he slid back into his chair to your left. You were vaguely aware that Luz had risen from his seat but weren’t entirely certain what he was up to until his hand pressed against your right cheek, his other against Carwood’s left, pressing your neighboring cheeks together tightly to form one continuous line with your scars.
“See boys, what’d I tell ya? They were made for each other – their scars even match!” He crowed proudly as Guarnere and the others tilted their heads back to laugh richly.
You giggled softly while simultaneously swatting at Luz until he sat back down, jaw dropping as you felt Carwood’s lips find their way onto your scar, the boys roaring with glee. Turning quickly, you kissed the well faded mark on his cheek in turn, pressing your face against his shoulder as a few of them started clapping and at least one of them muttered ‘finally.’
“So, when’s the wedding?” Luz asked boldly and everyone leaned in with bated breath.
“I assure you your invites will be in the mail as soon as we know.” Carwood replied diplomatically and you gazed up at him in wonder as more cheers erupted around the table and someone started calling for champagne.
‘Ok?’ He mouthed silently and you nodded quickly.
“Everything is perfect.”
It's Better This Way Masterlist
Tag list: @bcon24 , @ronsparky
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captaincherrie · 4 months
But at least the war is over
Pairings: Carwood Lipton x nurse!reader Summary: Lip and reader have a difficult decision to make now that the war is over. Inspired by this song. warnings: heavy, HEAVY angst, feelings, no happy ending Disclaimer: any writing of Band of Brothers is strictly based of their fictional representation in the show. No disrespect to the true hero's.
Im trying out a new writing style, so bear with me as I figure it out. This came to me late last night and I couldn't stop thinking about it so here it is. Sweet Lip would never cheat, but sometimes feelings are complicated okay? Let me know what you think! Taking requests as well.
Happy D-Day!
You were leaving, you just had to. You started to have feelings, so did he. It wasn't on purpose, but it probably never is. What started out as a friendship, a camaraderie, a band of brothers, turned into something magnetic. Evenings in a foxhole, chatting away and sharing a blanket to keep warm, turned into longing stares and brushing hands. Life wasn’t fair, but Carwood Lipton was married and you would have to deal with it.
The talk with major Winters- or Dick- as he kept asking you to call him, was smooth. Together with three other nurses, you would be transferred to a hospital in England tomorrow. It’s not what you had in mind originally, but it was the best offer. The Nurse Corps had you, together with five other nurses, attached to Dog and Easy company shortly after D-Day but now the war was over. A new, fresh start after the death and despair you had seen during your time in Europe was much welcomed, and it’s exactly what you’d be getting. 
And then there was the fact that you loved him. The feeling overwhelmed you whenever you saw him. Every breath, every heartbeat, was for Lt. Lipton. When the German army surrendered there had been a night of drinking and celebrating as much as you were able to. It was that evening that he had found you outside, looked into your eyes and told you that he thought he loved you. It was the same night as you took a moment and sighed. It was the same night as he walked away and left you in tears because both of you came to the conclusion it was just something that the war had caused. He was far away from his wife, he was alone and freezing. You were there to talk, mend his lonely heart, and provide company as a substitute while he missed his wife, or at least that's what he had told you. It broke your heart, being seen as nothing more than a replacement for the person he truly yearned for.
It was over and now you just needed to tell him you were probably never going to see each other again. You haven't talked to him since that evening. It made you contemplate not telling him, a clean cut, walking away, taking the easy way out. But it didn’t feel right, not after everything you’ve been through together. He was a kind, caring man. He deserved to know, even if it wouldn’t really matter in the end.
You had said all your goodbyes the previous evening, promising to write and keep in contact with a few people. However, there is one person you didn’t get to talk to, making it impossible to get a good night's rest before leaving it all behind. You had your bags all packed and ready when you heard a knock at exactly 0700 AM, making you look up at the opening door. 
“Is it true? Are you leaving?” he asked, voice cracking midway. 
You looked at him, his face looked different. The peace that you saw on his face the last few days in Berchtesgaden now replaced something with a deep frown. His eyes were glossy as he looked at you with a slouched posture.
You sighed, “I wanted to tell you, I just-. I just didn’t know how.”
Taking a few steps forward, he entered the room. 
Standing face to face, he cupped your cheek while grazing his thumb over your face lightly.
“I love you Carwood Lipton. You are the most wonderful thing God could have given me during this time. You helped me survive, and although I might just have been a replacement for you, you were everything to me.” You confessed while avoiding his gaze. “I won’t make this any harder than it is, so I’m walking away. You deserve happiness and peace, and I hope with my whole being you’ll find it again.” 
Gently pushing your chin up to meet his gaze, you saw tears streaming down his face. Searching for your eyes, he blinked slowly. 
“I’m so sorry. I wish things were different. I love you.” He choked out.
You smiled at the confession. It was sweet, and gentle, exactly like how you knew him. Averting your eyes, they fell on the clock. It was 0714 AM. In one minute the truck would be outside, waiting for you.
Looking into his eyes again, you leaned forward. Your lips meeting his cheek softly before taking a step back. His hand dropped from your face as you walked out of reach to grab your bags. Walking towards the door, you turned around one last time.
“Maybe in another lifetime things will be different for us. But at least the war is over.” You smiled as you walked away, tears brimming in your eyes. 
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
hi i loved part 1 of the morning after,and wondered if you could do a part two including winters,gene,toye and liedgott,and if you want to add any one else feel free,and on another note i feel like liebgott would feel so smug the morning after and lord have mercy i could only imagine toye morning voice,either way thanks for doing my first request xx
thank you for the request! Honestly you’re one of my biggest supporters so I want to thank you for filling my inbox, it always keeps me so motivated and excited to write!! Also I can’t believe I missed out so many of the boys in part 1 wtf?!?!?!?
Anyway, on with the headcanons, this will include some swearing and mentions of sex, but nothing too graphic, it’s mainly just fluff and a bit of flirting :)
Easy Boys the morning after Part 2.
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Dick Winters:
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Ugh, like Shifty he’s just soooo respectful isn’t he??
I think he’d be quite shy? Like he’d 100% be blushing the day after, and when you wake up and let out a soft groan but cuddle further into his chest omg he’s so soft for you.
he’d run a hand over your back, and when you’re awake enough he’d ask if you wanted a hot drink or something.
Probably gets in the bath with you and you both relax together, maybe you go for a round 2 in there? Idk but for now let’s keep it fluffy, it’s just soooo sweet and gentle and omg he’s so in love with you after.
Eugene Roe:
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He’s sooo happy when he wakes up omg he’s smiling immediately remembering what happened the night before.
He really wants a cuddle and he’s feeling cheeky so even tho you’re asleep he’s sneaking a hand under you to pull your sleepy self onto his chest.
pulls the blankets over your naked chest just so you don’t feel exposed or weird when you wake up.
blushes when he sees your skimpy little underwear, like have you never seen a pair of knickers before Eugene? It’s been a really long time for him okay-
Sleepy kisses when you finally wake up.
he’d ask you if you’re okay, and later he’d probably double check he didn’t hurt you or anything?
genuinely cares about you and your comfort so so much, so if you were to go for round 2 he’d insist on pleasuring you, such a gentleman in bed seriously.
afterwards he’d probably do something really cute like wrap you in his army uniform and he can’t decide if it’s the hottest or cutest thing he’s ever seen.
Joe Liebgott:
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How did I miss out Lieb in part 1 seriously?
I feel like yes, Lieb probably would have a little smug smile on his face because the sex the night before was realllll good and he’s super impressed and over the moon.
Like Jheeze, how is he with somebody so perfect? Like your all his and he’s super happy.
but then I feel like as soon as you wake up slightly a softness completely melts his heart and all the smugness kinda vanishes.
his eyes go all hazy and he’s shuffling further under the covers with you, running a hand over your bare arm and he’s all like, “hey stranger, you awake now?”
ahhhh he’d bring you in for a gentle cuddle and his real soft side comes out omfg he’s so gentle and I think you’d genuinely see a new side of Liebgott that makes you even more attached to him.
If things got a little rough the night before, he’s double checking you’re okay and making sure he didn’t go too hard or anything.
I think Joe genuinely would feel enchanted by you, like he’s seriously asking if you’ve put some kinda spell on him. Nah, he’s just deep in loveeeeee.
Joe Toye:
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Why do I feel like he’d be trying to charm you all over again? Like I agree his raspy morning voice would be soooo sexy omg it’s hard to resist.
I feel like the two of you would be friends? Up until the point of last night (obviously) but you both finally cave into the tension between you both and it’s so good.
like even Joe would wake up with MF butterflies.
it’s all so romantic and sexy omfg- until Luz comes BARGING IN AND WOCOEMMFOEOW.
“Luz get the fuck outta here!!!!” Yeah the moments ruined but… Joe’s still down for cuddles and deffo would ask if you wanted to get breakfast with him?
George Luz:
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Speaking of Luz…
I feel the night before would be so fun, like seriously a rollercoaster of emotions- only the good kind.
yeah he’s a massive goofball but he’s a huge softie, I have absolutely 0 doubts. Like he’d be so attentive.
so when you both wake up the next morning he’d be so happy and giggly, maybe even a little shy? Like he’d literally say out loud ‘how did I get so lucky with you, huh?’
would be a master of making you blush.
he’d then point out that you’re blushing and make you even more flustered ahhh.
but nah he just wants to make you smile and loves seeing you happy, especially the morning after, he feels like the two of you have really bonded and I think sex is important for George in fully sealing your relationship.
it would probably be a confidence boost for him as well and 1000% lingers on his mind for days after omfg.
Carwood Lipton:
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Ahhhh omg such a handsome man. Waking up next to him would be a dream.
He’d be awake long before you, enjoying to wake up early and make the most of life, especially now he’s got you.
as soon as he sees your awake, he climbs back into bed with you. He’d be so chilled out and gentle, like he wouldn’t wanna embarrass you by bringing up how amazing last night was, so he just keeps it casual but he can’t hide the smile covering his face.
deep down getting laid makes Lip super frickin’ happy, but he’s so respectful, he’d never admit it out loud cos he’s just happy to be with you 😏.
he’s always cautious of squashing or hurting you, so the morning after he’s handing you a bottle of water and I think he’d 100% play with your hair because it’s so soothing.
Lingering, gentle kisses that are a reminder of the night before omg.
his hands remain a little too respectful, so if you want round 2 the morning after, just give his hands a little nudge in whatever direction and he’ll gain the confidence to take charge.
Bill Guarnere:
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He’s good in bed and he knows it.
but he’s too mature to be cocky about it, instead he’d like to tease and joke with you about the night before.
he isn’t afraid to bring it up and ask how you enjoyed it??? Like he’s confident but also wants to ensure you’ve thoroughly enjoyed yourself, like it’s important for Bill to know you gained pleasure out of the sex too, if not more than he did!
Would call you his Angel and I swear to god I think he’d love to take the position as your personal slave for the day.
you want a bath running? He’s got it. You want a drink? He’ll bring 5 different ones for you to choose from.
He loves you so much, and no matter how much he’d teases and jokes with you, he’d legit worship the ground you walk on.
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brassknucklespeirs · 1 year
Band of Brothers x soulmate au
screw it, i'm doing a soulmate au x band of brothers series. if there is anything specific y'all want...let me know but already have the metaphorical lightbulb flashing above my head (thank you @softguarnere for my swimming thoughts, everyone go read her Webster soulmate au it's *chefs kiss*)
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bastognee · 2 years
pda headcannons: speirs + lipton
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→ obviously he has his public image to maintain but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less
→ most likely only engages in pda if he’s jealous or really worried
→ 9/10 times it’s because he hears some of the guys trying to guess why you’re with him, due to all of the infamous stories
→ you’ll find his hand on the small of your back whenever he’s near you, sometimes with a little squeeze to your hip as he passes by
→ kisses in front of anyone are extremely rare
→ those are reserved for the very scarce moments that you two get alone
→ he’s a bit more comfortable with lip, nix, winters and harry, so they’re the ones subjected to the real speirs
→ dear lord does he love a good make out
→ he will sit you down and just go for it
→ they’re rare but you can just feel the pent up passion he’s dying to show you
→ if anyone in easy is trying to forget how much they miss their families, looking at the two of you will send them straight back to square one
→ always holding your hand or sneaking you little kisses
→ loves playing with your hair
→ cuddles up to you and let’s you trace the scar on his face (please kiss it, it makes him flustered)
→ ignores all the teasing from the men, and usually joins in if he notices you getting embarrassed
→ is always eager to give you the biggest kiss so the guys will just get jealous and stop their constant “ooh”-ing
→ will get a bit snarky if anyone intrudes on/interrupts his quiet time with you
→ so luz does it on purpose
→ lives vicariously through pda because it lets him imagine your life together outside of the war (his favourite pastime)
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speirslore · 9 months
band of brothers: types of kisses hc
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(a/n: sorry this is so long… i tried to include a lot of easy company... but if your fav isn't here, please just send an ask and i'll add them!)
send an ask if you would like to be on my taglist! :) (taglist: @ronsparky)
[dick winters]
cautious kisses
dick does not like pda only because he's extremely private and wants your relationship to be for the two of you only... no matter how nosy nix is
but there still are occasional kisses to your cheek when he’s more relaxed in front of other officers
he's tender and careful too; dick is always cupping your face, a thumb brushing across your cheek or brushing hair away from your face
dick is always very gentle and a little unsure at times
especially at the beginning of your relationship, he feels incredibly inexperienced, or at the very least, out of practice
he’s very okay with you taking the lead when kissing because he doesn't want to do anything wrong
dick is tentative and private but very into it... it's a good thing he has an insane amount self discipline because otherwise he would be kissing you 24/7
[lewis nixon]
speaking of self discipline… lew does have it but he also chooses to ignore it most of the time, if he wants to kiss you then he's going to kiss you
so many morning kisses
honestly just anytime in bed because lew plays fast and loose with 'morning' and sleep cycles
absolutely never wants to get up, has to be coaxed with a lot of kisses and cuddling, it is a huge ordeal
he always kisses with some degree of mess, a little uncontrolled, perhaps a little desperate
a lot of sudden kisses too like you think you're safe and then boom he’s all of the sudden in the room, pulling you towards him
will take advantage of any opportunity no matter how small... does he have any shame? (no, not really)
lew does shockingly get a little shy sometimes about pda though
“i don’t want to rub it in their faces…" he'll insist, "y'know... what they don’t have”
sureeee... the blush on his cheeks says otherwise though
[carwood lipton]
carwood's speciality is definitely comforting kisses
lip is always paying attention to you and what you need and how you feel and that extends to physical affection
always wants you to feel okay, better than okay, great
and if a kiss can make you feel better then he’s more than willing to oblige
affection between the two of you is every casual and common, always kissing, holding hands, some sort of physical touch
constantly smiling in between kisses
he’s just that happy and loves you so much
but the comforting kisses & affection goes both ways
kissing the stress and worry away from his face and tracing his scar with your thumb before kissing it gently, your noses almost touching after you pull away to catch your breath, the two of you wearing twin smiles
and whenever you say goodbye or reunite, you both try not to make a scene, but it's always a little bit of a scene tbh... like having to be without carwood's kisses for a week is basically criminal
all the other men think it's extremely cute though, don't worry
[ron speirs]
stolen kisses (haha)
even his kisses are stolen!
he will always come out of nowhere and will always find time for a smooch
every time you think surely ron isn't in this area, he's supposed to be somewhere else, he's not in this building... you are proven wrong
is incredibly good at carving out time to see you... and finding private places for the two of you
like he's definitely scoped a few places out before he goes to find you
one time you were in his office kissing and someone knocked on the door and he huffs and pouts because he has to break away from you, even if it's only for a second- he's not happy about it
ron barks out, “not now," before returning to you will a warm, soft smile
heavy on kisses instead of words
ron is very physical...whenever you finally pull away from a kiss... you can always see things/emotions in his eyes that you know he's not ready to say yet and finds difficult to articulate
[don malarkey]
soooo many shy kisses
okay yes, don is kind of unhinged (stealing a motorcycle, drinking methanol, etc) but not with relationships... like flirting?? kissing??
he's still incredibly enthusiastic about your relationship... very much so
but he gets really shy around you, especially with kissing
turns beet red so easily, like you love kissing him and pulling away to see him blushing all the way up to the tips of his ears <3
it's just so fun and he's having a great time... and don cannot hide his emotions or what he’s thinking so whatever he's thinking always comes out when you're kissing
"god, you're beautiful. you should bring this dress to paris when we go next weekend. oh- y'know what, skip still owes me that $40 i lent him. i really need that for next week's pass so-"
"don," you interrupt gently, brushing a hand across his jaw
he'll blush and smile sheepishly, "right, i'm shutting up, back to kissing..."
he's shy yet so excited and wants to do everything right, willing to learn and wants to learn, and just wants his inner emotions and love for you translate with physical affection
and it definitely does! don is extremely endearing and you love him for it
[joe toye]
joe's kisses are always very intense
his eye contact, his touch, his raspy voice… everything is intense in the best way possible
his hands already feel like fire, so warm against your own skin
he loves just laying next to you in bed, just observing you and taking it all in
his passion definitely goes along with the intensity
he's also extremely private about affection with you, just because it means so much to him
tends to get vulnerable and emotional very easily
and really likes pillow talk and just listening to your voice, your stories, and your perspective
he likes your reassurance too, your love, he's never felt anything like this before
so whenever he can manage to have free time alone with you, he's always savoring it
joe could kiss you for hours, he truly loves taking it all in, going slow, and savoring the time you have together
[george luz]
late night kisses are a staple for the two of you
george gets so excited being with you he doesn't want to sleep
the biggest sleepover vibes
like you both very seriously decide to go to bed but then george says something funny or does his dike impression and then you both start laughing and talking again
and kissing again, sometimes the impressions are so good you have to reward him
you guys have a lot of late nights because of this
also do kisses for warmth and sharing body heat count?
huddling in a foxhole together, in the thick of it together, like yes they don't have much food, supplies, or ammo but george is not going to let them take kisses away from him too
oh my god, laughing in between kisses
sometimes he really can’t take himself that seriously
george is like don and gets very excited
he just feels so lucky to have you and has to kiss you accordingly
kissing you and just being with you can make him a little emotional… a happy little high
cigarettes have nothing on you and your kisses!
[babe heffron]
babe is kind of like a baby deer, he's a little clumsy and sometimes unsure but he's definitely got the spirit
he is confident but he does tend to second guess himself when it comes to you, he just doesn't want to mess anything up.
like what if he uses too much tongue or he headbutts you on accident... he's just overthinking it
and sometimes you just have to grab his arm and pull him toward you and kiss him yourself
when you're alone, babe lovesss laying on your chest letting you run your fingers through his hair and kissing his forehead... but don't tell anyone
jk he doesn't care if anyone knows (and they absolutely do know)
and the guys can't even tease him that hard about it, that's much everyone loves babe... they're just happy for him tbh
babe definitely gets a little needy sometimes like where’s his daily kiss allotment :(
and he can get clingy... will 100% wrap his arms around, you pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder just because he hasn't seen you that much today
[eugene roe]
tired kisses are a doc roe staple
poor eugene, he's exhausted and jaded... a lot of the time… and the rest of the company gives the two of you space as often as they can because they know how much your presence helps him
tired kisses as in he is putting in effort but his lips don't move as fast or as needy
he's more languid and calm, and it's very enticing
forehead kisses too omg
he lovesss when you kiss his forehead; pull him against your body, your chest, your arms and he feels safe and secure
he likes kissing the top of your head too, his nose in the crown of your hair while murmuring something in french
you catch various words in french that after spending so much time with gene you can understand now
like mon ange, mon amour, ma moitié (my better half? sobbing)
your presence is so grounding for him and makes him feel more normal, like he's not constantly surrounded by death and pain
you make him feel like he doesn't have to be constantly on edge, like he can take his helmet off and not be on alert, like he hasn't totally lost himself in his job... your kisses are so grounding for him
[buck compton]
a lot of reassuring kisses
like sometimes he just has to kiss the worry off of your face
and vice versa, towards the end of the war it's not even just kisses but your presence and touch alone become extremely reassuring for him
but also... buck can be so cocky sometimes, he loves showing you off
you secretly (not so secretly) love it... like sorry it's hot
like once when the two of you were at a pub in england... he's gambling, he's drinking, he's smoking, and ofc he's kissing you!
what else is he supposed to do when he wins at darts or cards... come on
the guys hype him up and just hide their jealousy because you and buck very often seem like relationship goals
he's always touching you, like usually has a firm grip around your waist
always laughing together, everything you do together automatically seems so intimate
like in a room with the other guys... they do feel like they're intruding
just because you and buck are in the corner laughing and talking together, the love and intimacy feels like it takes over the entire room
it's just so passionate and obvious he's head over heels and that definitely comes across in his kisses
[joe liebgott]
joe's kisses strike me as tender but demanding and needy at the same time
he's a taker.... but also a giver so it evens out
some very, very eager kisses
like pushing you up against a wall, hand sliding up your thigh and mouth working down your neck...
joe is a great multitasker!
accidentally bites your lip once, it wasn't that hard or anything but he went bright red and was apologizing profusely, but also was like, "did you like it though..."
(you did but...)
bottom line is joe's just a tiny bit feral around you at all times honestly
you never know when he’s going to pull you into his lap and kiss you and you both loveeee when you sit on his lap
the men are very used to it by now
he also likes living on the edge, like who cares if the patrol's supposed to be back any minute now and could walk in at any time?
messy kisses like his mouth is just everywhere basically, he wastes absolutely no time
he is so noisy: whines, groans, moans, laughs, you get everything with joe
also loves when you tug and pull on his hair while kissing, he specifically requests it
but joe can also get incredibly soft and sweet and tender but that's strictly for your eyes only... he has a reputation to uphold ofc
he totally blows you kisses whenever one of you leaves the room... it starts ironically but now he really does enjoy doing it
[david webster]
oh david is just so romantic
like definitely over the top romantic... it's so serious to him
he's read enough (a lot) romance novels and craves that book and movie worthy relationship and love
his life IS a victorian romance novel and he will act accordingly
everyone else thinks it's incredibly cheesy but you think it’s really cute
it means so much passion whenever he's talking about you, talking to you, kissing you, etc
he's always trying to think of the right words to say and you’re like “david, just kiss me please”
ofc he obliges and he is very good at it
his touch is just always so tender, you can feel the passion and love through his kisses
he's a little hesitant sometimes, starts off slow but it's extremely easy to get him worked up and make him lose some of that self control that he works so hard to maintain and portray
[floyd talbert]
confident kisses
yeah... yeah, what more is there to say
floyd just has a way (from a lot of practice) with his mouth
he's also very attentive and is always surveying how you're reacting and feeling, always wants to make you feel good and lovesss watching your reactions
he loves when you make noises of surprise or pleasure, he always ends up grinning into your kiss, he just thinks it's sooo cute
however i do think the more serious your relationship gets and the more feelings that are attached, the more likely he gets nervous... just a little bit
but that's more with relationship things
the kissing he has down pat for sure
takes the lead, cups your cheek, always knows what to do with his hands and the perfect the angle to tilt his head
will sometimes stop super close to your lips and just grin, teasing kisses
floyd loves having all of your attention to himself, when you loop your arms around his neck, when your lips are on his face, when you're talking quietly only for him to hear, when you're the only one that actually calls him floyd, ugh he just melts
[shifty powers]
shifty is the absolute king of gentle kisses
like so so shy
especially at the beginning of your relationship, you definitely have to kiss him first and initiate everything
he's so scared of reading the moment wrong and messing everything up
which you always reassure him that he won't
he has literally the entire company hyping him up, they've been waiting for y'all to get together for basically years now
but once he's more comfortable, he's always wrapping his arms around you, smiling, and kissing you freely
he struggles to articulate all love and emotions he's feeling but you still love listening to him talk about it
he just blurts out "i love you so much" one day after kissing, when you're laying in bed in austria
and he immediately looks terrified, not that he regrets what he said because he most certainly means it, but he doesn't know what you're going to say
but it's only a few seconds before you grin and throw your arms around him, "i love you too," you mutter before kissing him, a little more intense, and with a little more fervor than your usual kisses
[bill guarnere]
his nick name of wild bill definitely applies to his kissing style
absolutely wild
sometimes borderline unhinged
especially if he's been drinking or partying
but also... if it's the two of you alone, having a mellow morning or night, bill does get soft
the other guys aren't even surprised by that, they know he has a soft and gentle side to him, they can see it whenever you're with him
bill is sporting a basically permanent smile while watching you
trying to burn the visual of you into his brain so he can keep it forever
his kisses are encapsulating and very distracting
he hates seeing you upset or stressed and he uses kisses and physical affection to help
loves holding you and being the big spoon
and you love it too
it's soooo comforting
and it's never easy to not be constantly reminded that you're in the middle of a war, about to jump into france, etc, but with him, his firm arms around you, it's a little easier to forget
[chuck grant]
chuck strikes me as very confident, kind of like tab
he just wants to appreciate you!
and shower you with love
he will never run out of ways and words to compliment you
he's been admiring you from afar for sooo long, now that your in his arms it feels incredibly surreal
his kisses are always firm and secure
and chuck really likes when you take the lead and take what you want from him
being away from you always stirs something extremely confident and desperate in him
really enjoys holding your hand
always having physical contact with you, that's a necessity
ooo... he loves having a hand on your thigh
especially if he can sneak it under the table during dinner or a meeting
just his hand sliding up and down, gripping and then releasing, and then looking at his innocent yet knowing smile...
that definitely leads to some intense kisses, your hands running through his hair, hand cupping his jawline, you leading the show
he lovesss getting a reaction from you
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
hello, i would like to place an order for BoB! how would they react if they dated a shy girl? ☺️
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Nonny, this is such a darling idea and I have SO MANY thoughts! I didn't include ALL of the Easy men because there's so many of them, so have a few and let me know what you think! Requests are open and I simply love getting BoB requests!
Dick Winters:
-A soft and sweet-natured man that doesn't push boundaries and is so so so respectful of your shy demeanor.
-Really tries to get to know you before he expresses any interest in dating you because he doesn't want to scare you off
-He's a very reassuring presence so if you're ever nervous in public, he's going to be right by your side the entire time
-Loves getting alone time with you and getting to hear all of the thoughts you don't feel comfortable sharing in public
-Isn't into PDA anyway, but definitely loves kissing your hand to say goodbye. It's just a sweet and tender gesture to let you know how much you mean to him.
-Would, in fact, write you love letters
Lewis Nixon:
-Super chill about it and not overly pushy when it comes to your boundaries; you're perfect the way that you are and he never misses an opportunity to express that
-Definitely gives some light teasing when you get shy around him and loves to see you blush
-Likes holding your hand when you're in public places so that you know you're not alone
-Doesn't like socializing much with other people ANYWAY, so he'll use you as an excuse to skip out and relax with you instead
-Kisses the crown of your head as a comforting gesture when you're anxious about things or overstimulated
-Really good at initiating conversations and getting you talking when it's just the two of you; plus he loves to see you laugh!
Ronald Speirs:
-This man is an introvert KING anyway, so there's definitely some comfortable silence between the two of you
-And if anyone is ever making you feel uncomfortable or anxious, it's the scary dog privilege (pun intended) that he gets to have as he glares at people
-Would guide you through a crowded room with his hand on the small of your back and keep an arm around you as a physical reassurance
-Gets really soft with you and is able to open up and get you talking/share his own thoughts and feelings. It's a sign that he's comfortable with you for sure.
-Not big on PDA at all, but eye contact is his thing if you're in public. He always has an eye on you and is making sure that you're okay.
-Prefers the quiet nights when it's just the two of you talking, most likely during pillow-talk and he just gets to be really intimate and open with you.
Buck Compton:
-This man is so extroverted and everyone just loves being around him but he loves being around you because you have such a calming effect on other people.
-He definitely is the chatterbox in this relationship, but he loves that you're such a good listener and he always tries to reciprocate that when you want to talk.
-Is very good at reading nonverbal cues and knows exactly when you want to leave somewhere or if you're getting overwhelmed
-Post-war, he's definitely a little more selectively social and gets flustered in social situations easily; you're able to be his rock and something as simple as holding his hand grounds him
-20/10 would rather be cuddling you than out with other people though
-Is respectfully pursuing you and trying to get to know you in the most genuinely sweet way possible—and loves when you share things with him
Carwood Lipton:
-A soft sweetheart who is rather introverted himself, though he's good with people. That being said, he's the perfect man to have an S/O that's shy.
-He's a great listener, knows how to communicate and ask the right sort of questions to get to the root of things, and never just offers solutions/advice unless you're asking for it
-Loves to be next to you and holding your hand in public
-Will hype you up for certain social situations that you have to go to; and never misses an opportunity to tell you how amazing and great you are
-Doesn't really care much what other people think, but he cares about what YOU think and what your thoughts are.
-Gives the best hugs after social interactions or things that cause anxiety
Joseph Liebgott:
-This man can and would and HAS thrown hands over people being mean or rude with how shy you are
-Is fiercely protective of you and your sweet demeanor—even if it's you putting yourself down, it's not going to fly with him
-He's a very verbal person and he's going to need you to tell him if you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, though he is doing his best to pay attention to such things
-A cuddler and a clingy boyfriend anyway?? So even if you're shy about PDA, there's no getting around how much he needs to be touching you or be around you
-Is an excellent hype-man in the sense that he's trash-talking everyone else for not being cool enough or man enough to talk to you or to try and get to know you
-Is very soft when it's just the two of you and loves kissing your brow
Donald Malarkey:
-Absolute sweetheart to you from the get-go and isn't pushy at all about trying to get to know you
-In fact, sharing something with you might just be the way that he captures your heart haha; a shared piece of chocolate, notes for a class, whatever it might be, he's doing something simple and sweet to get you to notice him
-Never pushes you to talk about things that you don't want to talk about; and definitely rambles about some random stuff in the relationship
-Loves seeing you smile and just wants you to be happy
-Isn't big on PDA either, but would definitely hold your hand in public
-Not about to throw hands but he will call people out if they're being rude or aggressive when you're feeling particularly shy
Eugene Roe:
-A genuine angel?? Like this man is already an introvert and so being with you is just heaven for him
-Speaks really soft in French to compliment you and will not translate, given the fact that you will surely blush and get all shy on him haha
-Leaves you sweet love notes all over the place
-Definitely doesn't leave your side when you're out in public and is really attentive to you being uncomfortable in situations or overstimulated
-Would be just as happy to dance with you in the backyard of your home as the sun is setting than to go out in public to a dance or something
-Compliments about your shyness and how it just makes you a kinder and more genuine person
Bill Guarnere:
-Mouthy king who DOES NOT understand how he even ended up with you in the first place???
-But worry not, because he's out here ready to defend your honor (or whatever he thinks that is) at any given time. No one gets to tease you about your shyness except for him.
-Nicknames related to your shy demeanor that are only lightly teasing
-Is really soft when it's just the two of you and wants to give you the entire world haha
-He knows when he needs to tone things down and when he just needs to be your person
-Definitely gets slightly dramatic when it's just the two of you and treats you like an actual princess
Joe Toye:
-Perfectly calm with a shy person and honestly prefers the quiet life that the two of you get to lead together
-He's not SUPER extroverted, but he's perfectly happy getting to be the person who orders things for you or who does the talking.
-Asks and checks on how you're doing when you're out in public and keeps an eye on how other people are interacting with you. If he so much as senses that other people are gonna be too much, he will insert himself into the conversation to mediate.
-Loves napping and cuddling with you after long social activities
-Figured out that music is a really good way to say things without having to say things—so dancing together quietly is a good way to initiate conversations
-Communication is really important to him and so is hearing what you're thinking about; it's the best part of his day
George Luz:
-How did you end up together anyhow?? This man probably joked and offended you, felt bad—did some romantic gesture—and then learned how to be soft in your presence and tone things down
-Would, in fact, verbally decimate people who decide to be stand-offish or rude
-Always makes it a point to make you laugh when you're nervous or particularly shy—it seems to help you relax in social interactions
-Cheek kisses in public
-Brags about you all of the time to anyone he talks to
-Never misses an opportunity to compliment you and let you know that he loves you
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maximoff-pan · 7 months
Follow up to my last post:
Okey so I’m definitely thinking of writing some band of brothers fics… Who would you guys like to see me write for first?
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Cooking for easy company pt 2
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Joe toye
-Joe would let you take the lead when it comes to the cooking part. However with the taste testing... that man is taste testing everything you make. I feel like once or twice he would make a dramatic 'mmmmmm' to make you smile. He might even grab some ingredients that he thinks would make it better. He called it 'the toye touch'
"Doll this is one step away from heaven you know that?"
"Shut up toye"
"No seriously you are an amazing cook"
Lewis nixon
- You could make the most awful meal and this man will gulf it down. You could make cereal for dinner every day and he would not complain. He. Eats. Everything. You would just make a healthy serving of whatever you like and he would be along for the ride. Appreciating whatever food was served.
"this is delicious sweetheart thank you"
"Lew, this is microwave spaghetti"
Carwood lipton
-He trusts you fully. He would let you take the lead in the kitchen while he takes a step back. He might read his book or talk with you as you do your thing. With Lipton I feel like he's kinda like nixon. Will eat whenever served. But in this case it's just how he was raised.
"You like it right?"
"Anything you make is delicious don't worry"
Eugene roe
-I feel like Eugene has a sweet tooth. And his favorite dessert is the different cookies you make. Always wondering what sweet treat you might make next. He loves seeing the proud smile on your face when you finish doing some complicated design with frosting.
"What smells so good in here?"
"white chocolate chip cookies"
Bill Guarnere
- I so see you guys pulling an all nighter. You would make snacks and meals that satisfy any craving you two might have. You would run to the kitchen to make something. You would be whipping something up as you yelled at Bill to grab whatever you needed. I would say that it would be done surgical style.
"Whipped cream Stat"
"On it boss"
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Hey :) I stumbled over your side a few days ago and absolutly love your writing so I wanted to ask for a request. (This is the first time I'm doing something like this so I'm sorry if I do something wrong?) How about an angsty Lipton x reader in which the reader gets wounded badly in the battle field and he gets like super terefied and trys to talk her into staying awake. With maybe a fluff ending. You don't have to do it of course I just thought I'd ask since Lip's kinda underrated :)
From the Start
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Pairings: Carwood Lipton x f!reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, cold, bombs, bombing, reader nearly dies, swearing I imagine, reader is knocked unconcious
A/n: I am so sorry this took so long 😭 I was so conflicted while writing this and it turned out to take much longer than I intended. I had a blast writing this, even if it took a little longer than I'd have liked. I hope you like enjoy 🥺
Shivering within the confines of your foxhole, you listened half-heartedly to the world around you, the bitter wind was biting and silent. The forest seemed lonely, devoid of all human life and a true beauty of nature.
Except, it was anything but something of a 'beauty.' It was a place where you'd lost men — good Men, most fresh straight from America, just finished their basic; friends; too many, so, so many— in the devastating artillery the Germans bombarded you with.
Sitting in a foxhole farther from the front lines in desolate silence you listened. 
Listened, for nothing in particular; Listened for any sounds of wildlife in the frozen canopy above; Listened for the crunching of snow beneath a soldier's boots as he walked. You were taking the moment to relish the peace that settled over Bastogne.
But, unfortunately, the world had other plans. A shriek from further up in the large grouping of foxholes, followed by a thunderous boom that sent snow and dirt into the sky, signals the next wave of artillery.
The sky erupts in flashes of white –almost like lightning– followed by a deafening explosion –thunder.– 
The bombing is more intense this time, trees are exploding, the bark shooting outwards like bullets from the muzzle of a browning, sinking into unsuspecting victims with deadly precision. It's ironic in a sense, how, just a few minutes ago you'd been listening to the sounds of nature yet now you listened for incoming German mortars; Listened for the pleads and cries of help made by wounded soldiers.
Somewhere, in the vast sea of wounded, a faint scream of "Medic!" could be heard and you're already leaping out from the safest place you knew and over debris to answer their call. 
That's when the second wave hits.
You are unable to do anything when a mortar slams into the ground a few feet away, sending the ground beneath your feet shooting off into different directions, taking you with it. You felt the harsh impact when you inevitably collided with the ground, resonating in your bones, your helmet knocked free from your head while you lay on the ground motionless. The cold earth and snow pressed against your uniform as you lay. Your senses felt fuzzy; Your ears rang, blocking out all noises around you; arms and legs felt limp.
You don't want to move, but the scream for a medic you'd heard earlier echoes in your mind relentlessly, urging you on. Yet, when you try to get up, something doesn't feel right. Lifting your head slightly in confusion, pain shoots through your body. Your head pounds, it feels as if you can sense your brain smashing against your skull with every movement, prompting you to groan loudly and lay your head back down on the soft snow.
In your haze, you hear his voice, "Stay in your foxholes!" He’s screaming as he runs past disheveled men who are eager to get out of their only place of protection. But the minute he locks eyes on your slightly broken form, splayed on the forest floor, he can feel his heart stop.
In an instant he's at your side, dropped to his knees and eyes frantically searching your body.
He lifts his head up once more, head whipping to the side as he searches for help, yelling "Medic!" As loud as he can.
You can feel the adrenaline wearing off now, and feel the warm liquid that seeps from deep gashes on your stomach and legs. And in one horrific thought you realize, you've been wounded.
In seconds Eugene Roe, one of Easy companies medics, is at your side, pressing bandages into your wounds. They seem to be no use as they soak up blood quickly while more just keeps on seeping from the wounds and onto the once beautiful white snow.
Your head hurts so bad and it seems as if everything around you is so bright, urging you to close your eyes. You don't realize it, but death awaits on the other side of that deep void of acceptance, threatening to drag you into its depths.
"Hey-" You hear a fuzzy voice from above you, and register the feeling of warm fingers cupping your cheek, tapping you lightly in alarm, "c'mon," He whispers, "stay with me here."
If you were in the right consciousness you'd be appalled at the conflict you feel and the resignation you prepare to place forward. Staying in the real world… it feels painful, but there is another place, behind closed eyelids that beckons to you, offering comfort.
You can no longer resist the growing tiredness you feel, letting your consciousness slip away, but before you lose your senses you can hear the cracked, emotional voice of Carwood, "Don't die, please, I need you."
And everything goes black. You slip into a blissful, painless void of unconsciousness.
This morning, feels different. Your wound feels significantly better. Of course, there is still the sickly stench that wafts through the room, invading your nostrils when you wake every morning.
It reeks of death, and there is a biting chill to the morning air that makes your nose burn as your senses roar alive.
It's almost quiet when you stir, the only sound being the pained groans emitted by the many wounded soldiers forced to lie in the church basement. Something you've grown accustomed to over the 11 days you've been here.
With shaky hands, wobbly legs and an immense effort, you push yourself on your two feet. 
You can feel your wound stretch when you take a tentative step forwards. It certainly is not perfect, but you can feel the difference over the 11 days. It no longer shoots a pain so strong it forces you back down. That's certainly a relief. 
By now you are itching to get back to the frontline. Partially because, in the back of your mind, Carwoods earlier words echo. 'I need you.' 
What did he mean by that? 
The thought of asking him. Knowing what he meant, has made you impatient.
Taking a deep breath you make your way to the stairs, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, giving an unfamiliar nurse a tight-lipped smile as you passed, praying she wouldn’t catch you on your grand escape and send you back.
A sigh of relief passed through your nose as you reached the stairs.
I’m not free yet.
You winced as you took the first few steps up the stairs, but were quick to stifle the small shutter of pain that reverberated through you as much as you could.
You were nearly there. By now you could see the door, your way out and back to the frontline.
Your steps quickened, eager to escape, to leave. Excited at the prospect of getting back to your found family and the man you loved.
Yet you found yourself pausing at the door, hand hovering just above the door handle. He’d want you to stay and get better.
But your family. They were at risk of being killed every waking hour of the day. Everyone you’d seen get injured managed to find a way back.
Shoving your internal conflict down for good, you twisted the knob and finally, you were on the home stretch.
Waving down a passing truck, you climbed in, instructing him to bring you to the front lines, to which he thankfully obliged.
The truck came to a rumbling halt, and you clambered out, thanking the driver while you walked to the makeshift Battalion HQ they’d sent up - located a little farther away than the foxholes and front line, to avoid the artillery from striking. - 
Feet crunching beneath the snow, the air quiet, with no signs of life except the few tents set up ahead, it was a breath of fresh air from the hospital you’d been locked in for the past week and a half.
“Sir?” You asked, waiting for a moment before the raspy reply of, ‘Enter’ was exchanged.
Pushing the flap aside, you entered. “Good to have you back, doc.” Richard Winters, your former captain smiled at you.
“Good to be back,” you smiled back. For truly, you were happy to be home. Although, you had a certain someone you wanted to see, “Do you know where I’d find Carwood?” A light blush tints your face, but you hope Dick takes it as the cold.
He smiles knowingly at you, “Yeah, he’s at the frontline. Sorry I don’t know exactly where.”
Nodding, you turn and exit the tent, speed walking to the forest you know Easy is holed in.
Carwood nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears your very familiar voice, and his head whips to the side in alarm, “What are you doing back?” he asks in bewilderment, his eyes round as saucers, “You are supposed to be on bedrest, Y/n. You nearly died.”
You feel a little bit of shame as he frowns pointedly at you, his eyes hardened with disappointment. It makes you feel like a child, caught in the scolding gaze of their mother after being caught red handed. “I know,” you whisper. The thought never did leave you. Of course you knew you almost died.
Carwood sighs, and an awkward silence settles between you two when you slide into the foxhole beside him.
You try to look anywhere but him. The trees, the snow, a crater a few feet away in the trees, and lastly back to your feet, that seem extremely interesting to your ashamed gaze in the tension.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he breaks the silence. You turn your head towards him, acknowledging him and meeting his dark eyes.
For moments, you stare into his eyes, a thought forming on your mind that his eyes look like warm honey. Eyes that hold the warmth of an everlasting hearth.
Staring at him, you can feel the words forming on your tongue, the question you’ve been longing to ask, “What did you mean when you said I need you?”
He doesn’t say anything, just stares, and you can feel your nerves creeping up on you, “Please, Carwood, tell me it meant what I think it did.”
“I means that I can’t live without you.”
You feel your heart thumping wildly in your chest, and your breath hitches at his confession, butterflies exploding in your stomach.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, and you swear you are going to faint as everything you’ve ever dreamed of since meeting Carwood unfolds before you. Like a fairytale.
You can only nod, words lost in your throat as your eyes flutter closed.
He kisses you passionately, lips moving delicately against your own. His hands come up to cup your cheeks, further deeping the flood gate of passion he unleashes. Years of pent up love and adoration, spilled in one kiss. A kiss so withdrawn and repressed in fear of one breaking that oh-so-cherished friendship they’d built over the years of war, something unbeknownst to the other, they’d been longing to share. Ever since they’d met, the two had been swooning over the other, both too lost and oblivious to the blatantly obvious affection they held for eachother. Blind-sided by love.
Pulling away for a reluctant breath of air, your eyes meet his, and he smiles lovingly.
“I love you.” You whisper, breathless.
“I love you too.” He returns.
For a moment you just take time to think how much you’ve longed to do this. To kiss him. Every look you shared. The many times you were close. And thinking back, honestly? You think you did it at the perfect timing.
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