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aigle-suisse · 1 year ago
Girl and Horse par MISC PICS2010
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geno-mondo · 3 years ago
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L'Aventure Continue avec Hervé Carsalade qui tombe bien car c'est un passionné de Cinéma, mais surtout de notre grand Bébel, il ne s'en remet pas, il l'a connu à Paris dans son métier de commercial, Hervé rentre donc dans le cercle de "L'Homme qui aimait le Cinéma"... aux Editions RIC : PDG : Patrick Lecointe Auteur : Geno Mondo alias THIERRY GENOVESE #thierrygenovese #auteur #livre #éditionsric #patricklecointe #éditeur #distributeur #auteur #lhommequiaimaitlecinéma #hervécarsalade #lecteur #belmondo #theend
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tepiddreamer · 7 years ago
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If you have Amazon Prime the Titans of the Deep series is back on prime and free to watch. This is a great series with fantastic underwater filmography and drone use in the last episode.
I do have to say that some things were lost a bit in the french to english translation, but overall the wording is great. I like that it introduces how whales used to be millions of years ago and what they have evolved to be today.
Episode 1: Mainly about Sperm whales, but interesting notes about how the juvenile whales wanted to participate in interacting with the divers. Also the scene where the skin falls off is interesting, a unique way for science to collect DNA samples without actually touching the whales. The humpback whale and calf footage is especially well done.
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Episode 2: Covers communication, mainly between Humpbacks and Dolphins. The team travels to the Bahamas and meets some wild and captive dolphins. They talk about how each mother has a unique call for each calf (hesitant to say name) and another scientist is using the theory that sound can produce a picture. This idea is that the dolphins can see a item in all its detail using echo location and ‘possibly’ share this echo picture to other animals.
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Episode 3: all about orcas, primarily the Maga clan who hunt seals. This episode is where I think the translation got a bit lost. They show footage of several different orcas hunting seals, especially Mel, but never mention their names. Excellent drone footage in this one of the family sharing the seal between themselves and the calf, and the females teaching the young how to beach themselves in calmer waters towards the end. A small section is devoted to Ingrid Vissers footage of Antartic orca producing waves to knock a seal off a ice flow, and is more in depth than the brief footage shown on Frozen Planet. I can see where some will have an issue with the scientists who stood in the shallows and played ‘fetch’ with the whales, however he knew the line he crossed and isn’t taking others out to do the same thing.
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jloisse · 5 years ago
« La loi du repos dominical est le droit de Dieu, elle est aussi le droit de celui qui travaille, elle est le patrimoine sacré de son corps et de son âme. » Mgr Jules de Carsalade du Pont
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pavlovpalavee-blog · 6 years ago
Beached whale
Aimiera does not like me to say that she changed my life, she would squeeze her brows together and tell me that no one thing is capable of changing anything so great as a life. She might be right philosophically, but she litterally did save my life, so, without her, I would be nothing. When I tell her that, she usually just huffs and tells me I should thank her broken coffee pot that made her go to Starbucks in the first place. So, being the brat I am, I do. And she smacks me.
And before you start thinking about romantic overtures made after performing Heimlich manuvers on choking chocolate-covered coffee bean connoisseurs. That is not what happened. Aimi is totally into dick and I was on my way home from the dentist.
I don't remember much, but Aimi and the police helped fill in the blanks. My car was hit, thrown, rolled, and sprinkled with wild herbs. #carsalad. The person who hit me was pronounced dead on arrival, and I spent a couple days in a medically induced coma while the doctors tried very hard not to have me end up the same way. Aimi is the one who pulled me out of my vehicle and kept me from dying while the ambulance arrived. And that is how we met, but definitely not the end of the story.
Things only got weirder from there.
But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Maura Walker, and I believe in miracles.
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workingfreelancer · 6 years ago
O que você precisa saber sobre cota condominial
O que você precisa saber sobre cota condominial
Fatores que interferem no valor, importância da Previsão Orçamentária e por que os moradores devem comparecer às assembleias Por Thais Matuzaki
Por Pedro Carsalade*
Muito se fala sobre o valor das cotas condominiais, a dificuldade que elas representam na hora de se vender ou colocar um imóvel para locação, porém, em meio a suposições, interpretações, achismos sem fundamento técnico e algumas…
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mireille-noyer · 6 years ago
via Feminin Bio
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citationsdumonde · 7 years ago
Monsieur Tout-le-monde est plus riche que Monsieur de Rothschild.
Henri Germain, maxime du créateur du Crédit Lyonnais en 1863, in Yves Carsalade, Les Grandes Etapes de l’histoire économique, 2002.
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salaamandart · 8 years ago
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mireille-noyer · 6 years ago
via Feminin Bio
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mireille-noyer · 6 years ago
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mireille-noyer · 6 years ago
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