#Carpe Diem should be yellow
puuta-heinaa · 8 months
Joker Out -sweater series Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4
Happy Carpe diem's birthday!
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As promised, here's the chart now that I've finished the yoke! The four rows I added on the go (20, 22, 29, 31) are now part of the chart, so no need to knit any row twice. I did alter the most annoying cloud rows slightly.
There's "colours only" chart at the end of this post.
What you'll need:
Technique Ladderback jacquard/invisible stranding technique is a MUST, and honestly it makes following the chart easier as well! If you don't feel like learning it, you might want to mark the blue lines with stitch markers. Here's an EXCELLENT video of the technique in Finnish, it's very visual + auto-translated subtitles seemed to work reasonably well, so it might work even for non-Finnish speaking people! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtapBYocY80&t
Yarn I'm using Drops Alaska, 17s/10cm in color 15 and 58 and 3. It is widely available and affordable yarn. It's not soft but it's not worst either, somewhere around 29-33 microns I'd say.
In reality I'm using Drops Nepal 0501 for the grey, as I was going to use Nepal in the first place as it is a lovely yarn!!!! I'd say around 25-27 microns, and 35% alpaca, makes even warmer sweater! Colours are sold out in most places in Jan and Feb as it's always on big sale in Nov-Dec, but 6790 or 1709 would work for blue, and 2923 for the yellow.
I used one skein of grey, 1(2) skeins of yellow and as I'm making a crop version like I always do, about 8 skeins of main colour. If you want a regular sweater, you'll need 10-12 skeins of blue depending on your height.
Friendly reminder to check your local shepherd's and local mills' yarns before buying Drops, if that is something you financially can afford.
Needles 5 mm needles. I've recenlty fallen in love with addi's unicorn needles. They're easy for the hands as they are slightly shaped. No need to grip hard = more knitting time per day! And they're pretty! You want to use lacquered or metallic needles for this yarn, you will struggle with bamboo needles.
Some adjustments The chart is not scaled. It's one size. It makes size M/L. The widest part of the yoke is 150 cm, and I'm aiming for 100-105cm for the body. If you need a bigger sweater, use yarn that has 15 or 12 s/10cm and bigger needles, or add a few (blue) stitches on each side of the chart. If you need a smaller sweater, use yarn that has 18-20 s/10 cm and smaller needles. Do some math before choosing your yarn. And please swatch!! It's boring and annoying but you will thank yourself later.
+ stitch markers (you can use yarn loops)
I'll write up the whole pattern once I have energy to do that. I started with 86 stitches, knit rib for 5 rows, placed the stitch markers (17,17,17,17,18), did some shaping for the neck (5 short rows with 42 stitches in total) and moved on to the chart. 1-2 rows with just blue to cast off the ladders, and then I'll move on to sleeves. I don't promise my pattern will be any clearer than these quick notes right here, but if you know someone who knits or have already knit few sweaters, these should give you a decent starting point.
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One with only the colours. The numbers on the cloud are upside down when you're knitting, but they still help somewhat (I had put them in the same table/layer with the colours, and couldn't hide them easily, so we'll just have to live with them.)
Dark grey boxes are stitches that don't exist yet, but where will be a stitch later on on the chart. You add the stitches on rows where the boxes turn white.
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And the second; what you might want to embroider on the suns and clouds as finishing touches.
And yoke part of the sweater for those who hadn't yet seen it yet and didn't click the links:
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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jiara | drabble | post-s2 + john b is oblivious™ | title: changes // david bowie
John B had no clue when it happened, but suddenly he couldn't unsee it, and by then it was almost too embarrassing to ask.
Sarah has told him he was the biggest dreamer of all the Pogues (“And I love that about you! I swear!”), but that those tendencies usually made him understand the joke... last. Or apparently, how in the hell JJ and Kie got together.
He knew they were close — duh, P4L — but he had never made the connection that sharing a J would lead to Kie throwing her legs across JJ's lap and giggling in his shoulder. Yeah. Kie was giggling now.
It started when they were rescued from the island and resumed normal life, or as normal as a life for a Pogue good be. Sarah broke into her trust fund to afford an apartment for her and Cleo, Kie and Pope went home to their family, and JJ and John B found their way back to the Château. They all clung together, but he reckoned he'd been more focused on Sarah — they decided to lay off on the husband and wife thing for a bit — that he didn't notice JJ and Kie hanging out alone.
But Pope knew. Cleo knew. And Sarah definitely knew.
John B gawked at the pair from the threshold of the Château, perfectly able to see them snuggled up in the hammock. Sarah appeared behind him.
“What're you looking at?” she asked.
“Uh...” He scratched his cheek, confused. “JJ and Kiara... apparently.”
“Oh, yeah,” she breezily retorted, making him gaze at her in surprise. “They're cute, huh?”
“Whoa, you knew?!”
The girl chuckled and moved back inside. He followed her. “You didn't?”
“No!” he exclaimed. “Wha– what about Pope?”
“I mean... it doesn't seem like Pope really cares,” she shrugged. Rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, she found a bag of tortilla chips and then went searching for salsa. “How did you not know?”
“'Cause I'm focused on you!” His arms spread out, unsure why he was so shocked, or if he was maybe ashamed he didn't see that JJ was whipped for Kie.
It actually made sense. They were both super slow, smoked weed and made the same terrible jokes. He was bad, but the two of them together? Worst fucking comedy special.
Dumping the chips in a bowl, Sarah sent him a sweet smile. The bandana necklace laid comfortably on her skin. “You should talk to JJ, after Kie's gone home. They probably thought you were aware of it all.”
If he really thought about it, he guessed he always kind of knew. They all, at one point, had a crush on her, but he never considered her to be attainable. (“No Pogue on Pogue macking!”) But JJ? He always flirted. He always looked at her, went for her, sought her out. Of course JJ liked her.
And the fact that Kie allowed JJ to pursue her, meant that their relationship was a big fucking deal. This was no summer fling.
(Man, John B really needed to get his head out of the clouds.)
“How long have you known?” he eventually asked, when both were seated outside on the plastic chairs. The couple swung nearby, their voices hushed and their laughter chiming in the sweet, humid air.
Sarah pondered for a moment. Her head was tilted towards the sun, its light filtering through the trees, and he wondered if JJ had that moment as well — where he looked at Kie and felt that quiet awe washing over him; what he always felt around Sarah.
“Well, Kiara's hot, he'd be an idiot if he wasn't into her,” she began, causing him to chuckle. “but... I think on the lifeboat? When Kiara saved him?”
He frowned. “Anyone of us would've saved him.”
“It's what happened when he gained consciousness, John B,” she gently explained. “He looked at her like she was a literal goddess. Major heart-eyes.”
“You are so blind!” she laughed. Her hand reached out to graze beneath his eyes. “Do you need glasses?”
“Bro! John B needs fuckin' glasses!” JJ yelled, having caught the tail end of their conversation. Kie's bright face popped up beside him.
“He's always squinting at the board,” Kie added. “At first it's endearing, but now...”
“Thanks, guys,” John B deadpanned, “so supportive.”
The two crawled out the hammock at the sight of the chips and six-packs of beers.
“What were you guys talking about?” John B casually probed as they plopped down opposite of them. Cleo and Pope would probably be here soon.
They shared a look, something he couldn't read — oh, man, they had their own lingo already? — and then JJ uttered, “Surfing.”
“That's it?” Sarah mused.
“And beaches. And bunk beds,” JJ continued with a lazy drawl. Kiara rolled her eyes and mumbled seriously? at Sarah, to which the girl grinned and shrugged.
Slapping her hand over JJ's mouth, Kie said, “It's just a dream at this point, but, like, maybe going on a surf trip one day.” A wry smile ticked up her lips. “With the gold we don't have.”
“Fuckin' Cameron,” JJ grumbled. “No offense, Sarah.”
“None taken.”
John B smirked, “She's a Routledge now.”
Sarah grimaced. “Really?”
“It's a very specific name, JB,” she tried, but her amusement gave her away. There it was, exposed: he had a shit last name.
After Pope and Cleo arrived, they all moved to the boat and went out for a relaxed day in the marsh; free of dead bodies for once. John B lived for these days — him and his family, forged in fire and blood and shit talking, lounging in the sun as Kie played Marley from her speaker and passed the J around the group. Salt pricked his tongue and the buzz of booze got him all competitive with the boys.
Carpe diem, or whatever.
And that was when he got a clear picture of them. Of Kie and JJ curled together, her giggling in his shoulder and his wide grin solely fixed on her, how she later snatched the trucker hat from his head and used it to hide a smooch.
Sarah whistled regardless, Cleo catcalling along as John B snuck a glance at Pope. He seemed fine, like Sarah had said. Smiling, laughing, his face tilted to the sun and completely unbothered.
Damn, he'd been so clueless.
He carefully approached the subject that night, the two standing side by side in the cramped bathroom brushing their teeth. “So... you and Kie.”
“Yup,” he quipped.
JJ eyed him through the mirror. “You good, bro?”
John B smirked, leaning against the wall. “Yeah. I just thought that 'door was closed'.”
“You and me both,” the boy puffed. It could be the piss yellow lighting, but John B believed he spotted a slight flush on the boy's cheeks.
He kept pushing. “So? It's going well? Gimme something, JJ.”
He was gone when Kie and Pope were trying to make it work and JJ never had a legit girlfriend (Haley from second grade didn't count), so he felt like he had to make up for lost time. JJ was his fucking brother. If someone had to act like a little shit, it was him.
His blue eyes narrowed to slits. Spitting out the toothpaste, he wiped off his mouth and didn't lose his distinct JJ swagger as he said, “She drives me damn crazy, but it's worth it. That enough?”
John B grinned. That was more than enough. His thumb and index finger pressed together and mumbled a toothy goodnight, shouldering past the blonde to his bedroom.
Kiara and JJ together. Maybe the biggest twist of all.
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eobeth · 3 years
Complete list of Reverse Flash comics 1963-2020 (updated)
I have revamped the list and brought it up to date. This is a list of every comic that Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash / Professor Zoom has been featured in. I have excluded reprint stories and flashbacks that have no plot relevance.
Reverse Flash Comics
The Flash 1963 – 1985
Issue 139 Menace of the reverse flash
Issue 147 Our Enemy the Flash
Issue 153 The Mightiest punch of all time
Issue 165 One bridegroom too many!
Issue 175 Race to the end of the universe
Issue 186 Time times three equals
Issue 225 Green Lantern Master criminal pf the 25th century
Issue 233 The deadly secret of the Flash
Issue 237 The 1000 year separation
Issue 281 Deadly Games
Issue 282 Mishmash
Issue 283 Flashback
Issue 284 Run Flash, Run for your life
Issue 300 A flash odyssey
Issue 321 Hell in the fast lane
Issue 322 Burning a speedster at both ends
Issue 323 Run Flash, Run for your wife
Issue 324 The slayer and the slain
DC Comics Presents:1978
Issue 1 Superman and The Flash: Chase to the end of time!
Issue 2 Superman and The Flash: Race to the end of time!
The Secret Society of Super-Villains 1978
Issue 12 The Plunder Plan
Issue 13 One earth too many
Issue 14 Crisis on Earth 3
Issue 15 The Wizard’s war of the worlds
Justice League of America 1979
Issue 166 The long way home
Issue 167 The league that defeated itself
Issue 168 The last great Switcheroo
The Flash 1993-2008
73-79 is one arc and you need to read all of it.
Issue 73 One perfect gift
Issue 74 Trust
Issue 75 Running behind
Issue 76 Identity crisis
Issue 77 Suicide Run
Issue 78 Blitzkrieg
Issue 79 The once and future Flash
Issue 146 Time like a river
Issue 147 Shooting the Rapids
Issue 148 Undertow
Issue 223 The RF vs the Rogues
Issue 224 reverse time
Issue 225 the final run
DC Universe Halloween Special 09 (its only one panel but it’s so Eobard)
The Flash: Rebirth 2009 (Eobard isn’t in all of these but they are one plot arc)
Issue 1 Lightning strikes twice
Issue 2 Dead Run
Issue 3 Rear view mirrors
Issue 4 Flash Facts
Issue 5 Mother, May I
Issue 6 Fastest man alive
DC Super Friends 2010
Issue 27 Double Trouble
Batman Beyond 2010
Issue 6 Hush Beyond Part 6: Deep Down. There is a Dr Thawne hired as a geneticist at the end of the comic but no implication that it is Eobard and the future is not far enough to be him, but time travel, so yeah, why not. The same Dr Thawne appears in Batman Beyond 2011 issue 8, still working for Cadmus.
The Flash 2010 Blackest Night
Issue 1, 2 & 3
Brightest Day 2010-2011 (Very minor parts)
Issue 0 Carpe Diem
Issue 7 The secret of life
The Flash 2011 – Brightest Day & Road to Flashpoint
Issue 7 What goes around, comes around
Issue 8 Reverse Flash: Rebirth
Issue 10 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 2
Issue 11 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 3
Issue 12 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 4
Flashpoint 2011
Issue 1, 4 & 5 specifically though you should read all of them for context.
Flashpoint: Reverse Flash
Time Masters: Vanishing Point
Issue 5 Reversing time
Issue 6 Start time/ end point
DC Universe Online: Legends
Issue 23 Victory! (It’s only one panel of Eobard trying to feed Barry to Killer Croc)
Flash 2015 N52 (this is all one plot)
Flash Annual 4
Issue 40 The end of the road
Issue 41 Yellow
Issue 42 Blood is thicker
Issue 43 Getting the drop
Issue 44 Bubble
Issue 45 Thunderdrome
Issue 46 End of the Hunt
Issue 47 Reunion
The Flash 2016 - 2021
Issue 7 Lightning strikes twice part 7: No more speedsters (Really minor, 1 panel)
Issue 19 Sins of the father pt 2 (The ending is the start of The Button arc that crosses with Batman)
Batman: Issue 21 The button pt1
Issue 21 The button pt 2
Batman: Issue 22 The button pt3
Issue 22 The button pt4
Issue 23 The color of fear pt 1: Hello
Issue 24 The color of fear pt 2: Run for your life
Issue 25 Running scared pt 1: Every breath you take
Issue 26 Running scared pt 2: One way or another
Issue 27 Running scared conclusion: I will possess your heart
Issue 46 Road to Flash war
Issue 81 Death and the Speedforce (only one flashback panel)
Deathstroke 2018
Issue 25 The Society
DC Nuclear Winter special 2019
The Flash 2016 – 2021 – Continued
Issue 88 Flash Age Prelude: Paradox
Issue 750 Flash Age 1: Extra size spectacular (They changed the numbering at this point, going from 88 to 750)
Issue 751 The Flash Age 2 (Eobard isn’t really in this one but it is part of the arc)
Issue 752 The Flash Age 3
Issue 753 The Flash Age 4: Search for Reverse Flash
Issue 754 The Flash Age 5: The last temptation of the Flash
Issue 755 The Flash Age Finale
Issue 756 Reverse Flash Family
Issue 757
Issue 758 Legion of Zoom
Issue 759 Finish Line pt 1
Issue 760 Finish Line pt 2
Issue 761 Finish Line pt 3
Issue 762 Finish Line pt 4
Tales from the Dark Multiverse
Issue 8 Flashpoint
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A Do you live in America?: Yes Favorite Animal?: Wolf Do you like Apples?: They’re not my favorite fruit but they’re not bad Would you ever be an Astronaut?: Probably not Do you shop at American Eagle?: No
B Who is your Best Friend?: Right now I’d say Cristi Do you have a Boyfriend?: Yes Are you Bisexual?: Maybe just a little bit, but still like 98% straight Did/Do you play with Barbies?: Yeah Do you have a Baby?: No
C What is your favorite type of Chocolate?: Dark chocolate. What’s your favorite Candle scent?: Cinnamon Do you celebrate Christmas?: No What’s your favorite Color?: Green or pink Do you like Cats?: Yes
D What holidays do you Decorate for?: Hanukkah and sometimes halloween Are you scared of the Dentist?: No Do you like doing DIYs?: Yeah sometimes, but not for like household stuff When was the last time you went to the Doctor?: In december What’s your favorite alcoholic drink?: Moscato
E What do you do for Easter?: Nothing or sometimes an easter egg hunt when I was a kid What is one thing you do Every day?: Check my phone Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?: Yes Would you say you’re Emotional?: Yes What’s your favorite thing to Eat?: Chocolate
F How many Friends do you have?: Idk? Have you ever been Frisked by the police?: No Do you enjoy French Fries?: Yes How often do you Forget things?: A decent amount Have you ever gotten into a Fight?: Not a physical one
G Are you a Girl?: Yes Do you believe in God?: No Do you have a Girlfriend?: No Are you Gay?: No Are you Glad to be taking this survey?: Yeah it’s different
H Do you dress up for Halloween?: Yes, I love halloween Hello, How are you today?: Eh Do you like Horses?: Yeah Have you ever been High?: A couple times Do you like Hot weather?: Not really, I like warm but over 85 kinda sucks
I Do you think this survey is Incredible?: Nah What’s your favorite flavor of Ice cream?: Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch What is one of your Interests?: Jewelry Did you do the Ice Bucket Challenge?: No Have you ever been Ice skating?: Yes
J Tell me a Joke.: Knock knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t tell the long version of this joke? What is your favorite Junk Food?: Chocolate Is there any Jewelry you wear every day?: No What’s your favorite type of Juice?: orange juics Do you believe in Jesus?: No
K Who was the last person you Kissed?: My boyfriend Describe your first Kiss.: We were hanging out in my room and cuddling on my bed so I figured we should kiss, it wasn’t the best Have you every Kicked someone in the balls?: Not on purpose Will you break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar?: Not in this pandemic What’s your favorite Kids’ show?: Drake and Josh
L Are you a Lesbian?: No Are you in Love?: I’m not sure Do you like Lemons?: I like them in things, but not plain What do you eat for Lunch?: I had eggs in toast for brunch Do you Lose things often?: Kinda, but mostly just in my own house
M Do you watch Markiplier?: No Do you know someone named Michael?: Yes Do you play Minecraft?: No Do you Miss someone?: I miss everyone I can’t see in person Do you like Mozzarella sticks?: Yes
N Would you consider yourself a Nice person?: I guess so What’s your Nickname?: Star Do you get your Nails done?: Not too often Do you listen to Nickelback?: Not really Have you bought anything New?: Yeah I buy new stuff all the time. Most recent was the DVD of Galavant
O Do you sleep with your door Open?: No, that’s awful Do you know anyone who has really bad Odor?: Kinda Would you ever be in an Open relationship?: No Do you like being at the Ocean?: Yes How Old are you?: 26
P Do you watch Pewdiepie?: No Have you ever Puked mid blowjob?: Lol no Do you like People?: They’re ok What are your favorite Pizza toppings?: Cheese, pineapple, and garlic Do you have any Piercings?: Just my ears
Q Are you a Quiet person?: I am until I am comfortable with you Have you ever Quit a job?: Not really, I got laid off with the option to change positions but I declined that option How Quick are you getting ready to leave the house?: I’m terrible at it, it takes at least 2 hours What is your favorite Quote?: Carpe diem Have you ever met a Queen?: No but I saw the queen of England in a parade
R Have you ever had Rabies?: No Are you close to your Relatives?: Only my parents What ended your last Relationship?: He said didn’t have time for a girlfriend Do people call you a Redneck?: No Rate this survey.: 6
S Do you like sports?: Mostly not What is your favorite Sex position?: Missionary Do you like to go to Six Flags?: Yes Is Summer your favorite Season?: probably not, I like fall Do you like to Shout?: Not usually
T Do you Toast your Poptarts?: No Do you like to be Terrified?: Not usually Are you on Tinder?: I used to be and I still have my profile Do you like Tacos?: No Have you ever played Tennis?: Only in gym class, and not well
U Are you wearing Underwear?: Yes At a restaurant, What’s your Usual?: Depends on the restaurant Quick! Look Under your bed. What’s there?: A box of toiletries Have you seen the movie Up?: Yes Would you say you’re an unorganized person?: In my personal life
V Do you like Velcro?: Not particularly, I don’t like the scratchy sound it makes What would be your perfect Valentine’s day?: A romantic date Have you ever seen a Velociraptor?: No Have you ever Visited a Volcano?: No What Vehicle do you drive?: Subaru Forester
W Do you like the Water?: Yes Do you like Wendy’s?: I like the nuggets Do you like Walruses?: I have no opinion Do you hate Waiting?: Yes Do you like Waffles?: Yes
X Have you ever played with a Xylophone?: Only when I was little Have you ever had an Xray?: Yes Did you ever wish you had Xray vision?: No Do you still love your EX?: No Do you hate the letter X?: No, it’s just a letter
Y Is your favorite color Yellow?: No What has been your favorite Year?: 2nd grade or junior year of college Do you hate being Yelled at?: Who doesn’t? What did you do Yesterday?: Had an interview and then watched a lot of New Girl What was your favorite thing to do when you were Younger?: Play story games with my friends
Z Have you ever went to the Zoo?: Yeah Do you hate getting Zits?: Yes Do you like Zebras?: They’re fine Do you like eating Zebra cakes?: Never had one Do you use Zedge?: I don’t know what that is
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doedreamss · 5 years
The Cowboy and the Mustang (Part Two)
Ship: Hangman Adam Page x Jane (FOC)
Summary: Jane’s decided to carpe that diem and linger in the small Montana town for a night, intent on meeting the handsome cowboy Adam Page for drinks at the local bar.  Their already complicated relationship gets even more so. 
Rating: Explicit (there’s a descriptive smut scene)
Length: 8,308  words
Available below the cut or on AO3 HERE
Harry’s Bar was the only place open passed five o’clock in the evening on a weekday in the tiny Montana town they were stopped in.  The heavy, big wood doors were propped open to help let some cool, fresh air into the packed inside.  Laughter, music and general chatter spilled from within bathed in yellow light.  It tried to touch the few groups of patrons who’d ducked outside for a smoke and laughed and took pauses as they sucked in deep breaths and poured smoke up into the sky.
As Jane and Kate made their way down the sidewalk toward the open doors, one of the men smoking reached to pinch the brim of his white cowboy hat and dipped his head respectfully. He was handsome enough for Kate’s eyes to linger, and she wore a smile as mischievous as his quickly became. She lifted her hand and gave her fingers a little wave at him before turning away and walking with Jane into the bar.
“I don’t know how you do that so effortlessly.”
“Do what?”
“Wrap men around your finger with just a look.  It’s like a superpower.”
Kate laughed, but Jane could tell she was flattered by the compliment.  She was wild and adventurous, far more so than Jane, and often thrived on playing games with the men who tried their luck with her.  Jane wondered if Kate would ever actually find someone captivating enough to keep her interest for long.  She moved through men like she was going through seasons, never completely satisfied with who she found.
“The way that handsome blond-haired cowboy was watching you earlier, I’d say you have a bit of that superpower yourself.”  Kate teased as they sidled up to the bar and Jane blushed immediately, still unable to believe she’d somehow caught his attention enough for him to ask her out for a drink. Jane turned away from the bar, scanning the crowd to see if she could see Adam anywhere.  They’d run a little late.  It was already a half-hour past when he’d said he’d be here.  What if he thought she’d decided not to come and left?
“You know how bad I am with this kind of stuff,” Jane said, frowning as she failed to spot him among the crowd, “you know how atrocious some of those dates you’ve forced me to go on have been.”
Kate made a small, sympathetic murmur of agreement.
“This was weird Kate,” Jane said, shaking her head and glancing back at her friend.  Thankfully on the opposite side of the bar from the juke box and dance floor, the girls didn’t need to yell at one another to have a conversation.  “I’ve never felt like this before with any guy I’ve been with.”  She blinked and met Kate’s eyes.  “It’s a little scary.”
“Okay buttercup,” Kate said, taking a breath and reaching out to comfortingly rub Jane’s shoulders, “I think you might be close to spinning out about this and ruining something great for yourself.  It’s scary, yes, but it’s also exciting, right?  We said this trip was going to help us learn something about ourselves, didn’t we?  You owe it to yourself to at least have a drink with him and see where the night takes you.  If you wind up going home with him, well… we can call this a huge success.”
“Wait, aren’t you going to stay here with me?”
“No!  Besides,” Kate jerked her chin over Jane’s shoulder, “handsome cowboy dead ahead.”
“What?”  Jane asked and turned to look.  Adam was walking toward her, through the crowd.  As soon as their eyes met, he lit up in a smile that made her heart race.  She looked back and saw Kate ducking through the crowd, making her way toward a cowboy lingering near the dance floor.  Kate winked and grinned, to which Jane rolled her eyes and glanced back at Adam as he approached.
He was wearing a vintage western style long-sleeve button-up, pitch black with bold, shiny gold embroidery.  A large gold belt buckle held his leather belt closed, and she imagined when he sat it would bite gently into the soft fat on his stomach.  The belt was strapped through a pair of perfectly fitted black Wrangler jeans and the ensemble was completed with a black cowboy hat on his let-down blond curls and black-dyed ostrich leather boots.  
Damn.  The man knew how to dress to impress.  Jane suddenly worried her boho-style, flowy white and floral print dress with her brown leather cowgirl boots wasn’t enough.  If she’d known she was going to be meeting an attractive cowboy for a date, she might have thought twice about what outfits she needed to pack before she started this road trip.
“Jane, you look… amazing.” His country drawl stalled for a moment as astonishment warmed his tone.  He hesitated with his hand, it’d been clear he wanted to slide it along her hip with familiarity, as if they’d been dating for ages, and pull her in to press her body along his.  But he remembered how much they were practically strangers and stopped instead, letting the flicker of want to play out across his face.  They shared a hug that was all too brief instead and smiled shyly at each other.
“No!  You look, I mean,” Jane waved her hand up and down him, “Wow.”  Could she sound any more stupid?  This was what she’d meant when she told Kate she didn’t have what she had with men. Kate would have said something suave enough to knock Adam off his feet.
Adam grinned anyways and managed to somehow look a little bashful, which only endeared Jane to him more. “I’m sorry I’m late by the way,” he began, brows dipping further inward.  “I hope you weren’t waiting too long?”
“Oh!  No, I wasn’t.  Kate and I were running a little behind anyways, so it kind of worked out.”
“Alright!  Come on, let me buy you that whiskey I promised you.”
Adam stepped up at the bar and slammed the flat of his palm against the bar top, drawing the attention of the bartender who’d been distracted joking around with a few other patrons.
“Adam!  Let me get your beer,” the bartender said with a grin, happy to see Adam, and turned to grab a glass.
“Actually – wait, Wade, instead of the usual, can I get two glasses and a bottle of… hell, whatever whiskey you’d recommend.”
“Oh?  I can’t remember the last time you drank with anyone other than yourself.  Which sucker did you offer to buy booze for tonight?”  Wade asked and swept his eyes over to Jane who was standing beside Adam. Something seemed to click, and his gaze flashed a little wider back on Adam. “Oh… Oh, alright.  Sure Adam.”  He turned, fighting a smile as he went to fetch them glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
Why did Adam always drink alone?  Why was it such a surprise for the bartender to see him with her?  Jane glanced toward Adam’s profile with a gently confused frown across her brow, but he didn’t turn toward her or say anything.  She decided it must be a topic he didn’t want to discuss.
After getting the glasses and bottle, they found a secluded booth toward the back of the bar, tucked away from the music and the dance floor where they could drink and talk with some privacy.  Adam poured a splash of deep, golden whiskey into each glass and handed hers before lifting his own.
“We should say cheers to something.”
“Alright,” Jane agreed, frowning, “cheers to…Whiskey, the horse that brought us together.”  
“Actually,” Adam lifted a finger from his glass and pointed it at her, “he told me his name, and it isn’t Whiskey.”
“Oh no?”  Jane grinned.  “What did he tell you his name was?”
“Lucky.”  Adam replied, and there was a bit of softness there. “We both figured he must be my good luck charm if the same day I got him and started working him was the day you showed up.”
Jane’s cheeks were warm as she glanced at the cowboy sitting across from her.  A smile turned the corner of her lips before she softly decreed, “Cheers to random moments that lead us to something unexpectedly wonderful.”
Adam was smiling too, and he raised his glass toward hers, clinking them gently.  “Cheers.”
After they’d each taken a sip and admired the smooth depth of the whiskey – Adam had waved his hand at Wade and complimented his choice– they fell into easy conversation.  At first it was the basic stuff.  Jane learned Adam had grown up in this town but moved away when he went to college.  He’d come back a few years ago to be close to his parents again, and for a moment he went a little quiet, and Jane suspected that wasn’t the only reason he’d decided to come home.  She wondered what could have happened to him.  
Before she had the opportunity to think about prying further, Adam had turned a new question on her, wondering where she was from.  Jane had told Adam she was from Oregon.  They talked about the mountain, the forests, how she’d come to love horses and how he’d come to love them; Adam had been raised around horses, his father had tamed wild horses just like Adam did now, and that’s where he’d learned it from.  Jane had always wanted a horse but came from a family that couldn’t afford one.  She’d studied horses from afar and been lucky the few times her parents had the money to put her in riding lessons.  She’d eventually earned scholarships for school and worked hard to keep herself exactly where she wanted to be. Adam found that admirable, and she’d blushed and chewed at her bottom lip when he rained the sweetest compliments on her.
The night continued as they drank and laughed and talked and drank.  The more time passed and the drunker they both got, the more times they stopped talking to wander toward the dance floor.  Adam would pinch her hips with his broad palms and pull her in tight against him and get a little bit braver every song they went out to.  The next time he spun her, his hand slid firm and with purpose down the curve of her ass.   As his fingers gripped into the fat he hissed in a hard breath through his nose, lips pressed in a thin line together and jaw clenched.
Jane swallowed thick; her body pressed up against his.  The room was spinning and warm.  She felt sticky with sweat.  She curled her fingers into his shirt and looked up into his hungry face.  “Can we step outside?  I think all the dancing is… getting to me.”
“Of course, darlin,” Adam said softly and put an arm around her waist as he walked her outside the bar.
The cool night air was exactly what she needed to steady her racing heart.  She smiled over at Adam, tilting her head at how pretty he looked beneath the sign’s neon light.  He’d tugged his hat off and run his thick fingers through his long, curly blond hair, and it made her want to do it, too.  She giggled.
“What?”  He asked, watching her curiously.
“I just can’t believe how handsome you are.”
“Ah, I…”  He grinned and ducked his eyes down, giving her that sweet reaction she’d grown to love since she’d seen how shy he’d get. “Thank you.  Means a lot, especially coming from a woman as beautiful as you,” he managed, glancing up at her and smiling as though dazed.
“God… you are too much.” The last words Jane managed before she flung herself forward, drunk and crashing her body into his thick, sturdy frame before laying her arms across his broad shoulders.  Her lips smashed against his.  His shocked surprise melted away quick and soon he was kissing her back with as much need as she’d demanded from him, if not more.  Desperation paused at the edges of his touch, like he’d been a man starved of affection for too long and was having trouble holding himself back from devouring it all at once.
It’d been a long time since Jane had been kissed, let alone like this.  Adam’s hands were all over her body and he’d backed her against the brick wall to the bar, digging his hips up against hers.  He was rough, but somehow Jane still knew he was doing everything he could to hold back, and he could be rougher.  The way that storm brewed inside him and he tried his best to contain it made her heart pound.  Adam pressed his tongue into her mouth and a soft moan vibrated in her throat as he dug his hips up between her legs.
A few snickers and whistles from down the way quickly reminded them both they weren’t alone.  Adam jumped away from her as though she burned – or he burned her – and blinked until he’d cleared himself of the haze their desire had laid over them.
“I –”
“Are you sober?” Before he could get through his thoughts, Jane pressed, knowing exactly what she wanted now.  She’d never felt this way before and Kate had been right. She was going to take full control of this experience and she had a feeling Adam needed to let go too.
Jane suppressed a groan, knowing she was still too drunk to safely drive.  “Please tell me this town has a cab service.”
“Actually, on Friday and Saturday nights, old Earl runs a little complimentary service to give free rides to people who can’t drive themselves home.”
“Oh, perfect.  Can we…” she realized then that she didn’t want to bring him back to the hotel room.  What if Kate had gone back early?  What if she already had someone there?  What if she arrived there later when Jane and Adam were… busy?  She felt awkward, suddenly, realizing she was essentially inviting herself over to his place.  “I mean, if you wanted to,” she stumbled out through kiss-swollen lips that still tasted like him, “I figured I could come to your place and we could… keep… going.”
Adam looked at her for only a moment and then nodded quick.  “Yep.  C’mon.” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and quickly hit a number, dialing the man who offered rides and letting him know how much they’d appreciate one.  As soon as he hung up the phone, he was pulling her toward him, letting her body gently crash and settle against his.  His hand slid greedy down her backside and rested against the side-curve of her ass.  
“I don’t really do this.” Her alcohol loose tongue spilled the beans but before she could be embarrassed, Adam was nodding.
“I don’t either.”
“I don’t know if I believe you,” Jane said, tilting her head and looking up at him.  “You’re… ridiculously handsome, you’re sweet, you’re funny… wait, did I say how hot you were?”
“I think handsome counts toward that.”
“No.  No, handsome and hot are two things.  You are both.”
“You’re quite the flatterer when you’re drunk.”
“And it’s adorable how shy you are about your good qualities, but also very frustrating. Stop dodging my compliments, cowboy.” Jane pressed up on the tip of her toes and pecked a quick kiss against his lips.  They smiled at each other when she pulled away.
“Actually, Jane, I –” Adam began, but Jane shook her head firmly.
“Nu-uh.  I said no arguing.”
“I wasn’t, I needed to tell you –” but before it could register that Adam was talking, someone honked their car horn behind her, and Jane jumped to look at an old man in a pick-up waving his hand toward them.
“Hey Adam!”  It must’ve been Earl, the man who was going to give them a ride.  Jane grinned and, hand in Adam’s, turned to head toward the truck.  Adam didn’t follow.
“Wait, Jane, before we go, I needed to tell you –”
“Adam,” Jane said as she turned back toward him.  “Whatever you have to say won’t change my mind.  I… there’s something about you, about the way I feel about you, that I just can’t explain.  I’m always logical, I always follow the path I can clearly see.  I told Kate I wanted to learn to take risks and be brave, and I think fate led me here at the right moment so I could meet you.  I don’t want to think about what tomorrow morning means, or that eventually I’m going to have to leave.  I just want to be in the moment with you.  Tonight.  Please?”
Adam drew in a breath; he opened his mouth but seemed lost for words.  His hand squeezed hers tight before nodding and following her toward the waiting pick-up truck.
Somehow Adam managed to hold a casual conversation with Earl on the short drive back to his property. Earl shot a few questions at her which Jane managed to answer despite being distracted eyeing Adam every chance she got.  She needed those firm hands on her body again.  She needed his mouth searing kisses into her skin.  She needed to feel him pull her close as if every second they spent apart was a kind of torture for him to endure.  That passionate storm was inside him, and Jane wanted to be the one he unleashed it on.
She needn’t suffer long, since the town was small, and Adam’s small ranch wasn’t too far outside the main streets.  Earl pulled the truck into the driveway and let Adam know to give him a call if he needed a ride to get his pick-up the next day.  He bid farewell to Jane and told her it was a pleasure meeting her. As he rolled his pick-up truck out of the driveway, leaving them standing hand-in-hand in front of Adam’s house, a horse nickered gently from the pine-wood arena.
“Looks like we woke Lucky up.” Adam said with a grin, gesturing toward the bay colt who stood at the fence, watching them with ears perked.
“Sorry Lucky!” Jane waved, and Lucky snorted, bobbing his head and giving another rumbling nicker.
“He’s telling you,” Adam whispered playfully, and jane laughed.
“I said sorry!”
Lucky snorted, swished his tail against his flanks and turned around, clearly deciding he’d heard enough and was done talking with her.
“Come on,” Adam whispered in her ear, pressing his lips against her neck.  “Let’s go inside.”  He turned her toward the door, fishing into his pocket for the house keys.
After fumbling a little with the lock, Adam managed to open the door and the pair of them spilled into the living area without any grace.  The door slammed shut as she pushed him into it and fell against him, lips hot on his and tongue slipping in his mouth.  Adam groaned, fingers pinching her skin and tracing over her curves. Jane’s hands dropped between their bodies, and her fingers brushed the shape of his cock, semi-hard and trapped in the tight denim of his jeans.  Adam grunted and clenched his jaw, pouring a hot breath out of flared nostrils.
“God woman,” he managed in a tight voice as she ran her fingers up and down its shape, teasing more blood to fill it.
Drunk and giddy on the boldness inside her, Jane kept pushing the more Adam responded.  She tugged his shirt from his jeans and slipped her fingers up beneath the material where she could feel his warm skin.  Adam groaned.  His wide palms skimmed down her backside until they could grip and squeeze into the fat on her ass.  He pushed her into him, and Jane went without a fuss.
While she had been the one to lose control initially, Adam turned the tides quickly.  He pushed off the door and bullied her willing body backwards, one hand lifting to the back of her hair, guiding her mouth against his. His tongue pushed into her mouth just as the arm of the couch touched the back of her knees.  Adam didn’t stop and they toppled over, him falling as a shadowed blanket over her body.  Their laughter and giggling were breathless and short-lived as their mouths crashed together again.
A knee between her legs parted them, and Adam’s hips sank dominantly.  He pressed the bulge of his hard cock, painfully trapped beneath his denim jeans, against the rucked-up fabric of her flowy dress and the cotton of her panties.  He thrusted and groaned.  Jane’s eyelashes fluttered, chin jutting out toward him as the back of her head pressed into the couch cushion she was laid on.  When his mouth left hers – he panted in warm breaths above her as he grinded between her legs – Jane moaned unashamedly.  It melted into a needy whine, and her fingers left his thick, muscled arms to run down the shape of his back, nails pushing into the material of his shirt.
Adam lowered his mouth, caught her lips greedily and with enough force to bruise, but didn’t stay long. He left her lips tingling as he began to kiss along her jawline and down her neck.  Jane’s hands went to the buttons on his shirt, eagerly and blindly slipping them out of their holes until the material hung open.  Her fingers were immediately on his chest, smoothing down the firm shape of his pecs and over the soft fat on his stomach that lay atop the firm muscle below.  She arched her nails into his skin just to feel him tremble, and to hear him moan against her as he took his mouth from her collarbone.
Pushing his palm into the couch for leverage, Adam lifted himself off the couch and away from her.  He stood, breathing in great, heaving gasps, with his shirt hung open at his sides and showing that delicious torso and chest underneath.  His cock was a hard and thick defined shape trapped in his Wranglers.  His long, fluffy blond curls had been tousled by her greedy fingers and lay in wild directions around his face.  He reached down, easily grabbing her up and swinging her over his shoulder.  He was strong…  Jane squealed and laughed, kicking her feet out. “C’mon, wild thing.  I think it’s time you were tamed.” He said while playfully jostling her up and onto his shoulder.  He reached with the hand not holding her and smacked her ass.  Hard.
“Adam!”  Jane squealed, gasping at the soft sting of contact that made her nerves sing.
Adam chuckled with a raspy breath and kicked the door to his bedroom open with his boot, walking quickly across the open space to dump her gently onto the bed.  Jane bounced into the soft give of the mattress, laughter in her mouth as she turned on the duvet and laid herself out in front of him.  The flowy, flirty material of her dress had ridden up her thighs and left them bare and pale for him to look at.  Adam stood at the end of the bed, knees brushing its edge, and stared down at her with his blue eyes gone black in hunger.
Jane had never had a man look at her like that, let alone one who looked like Adam.  She was breathless, skin flush and patched with red from where his mouth, tongue and teeth had already tasted her all down her neck and over the soft cleavage of her breasts.  Lying out on his bed, Jane propped herself up on her elbows as Adam slowly began to strip from his clothes in front of her.  He pushed the shirt still hanging open off first, revealing those thick, work-muscle curved arms, broad chest and thick torso.  His fingers fell to his belt buckle next, which caught a shimmer of light from the moon outside when he tugged it from the clasp and left the leather of the belt hanging open in his well-fitting jeans.  
She drew a breath as he slipped the button free on his jeans, tugging the stiff denim off his hips. She could easily see the thick bulge of his cock pressed hard and needy against his boxer-briefs, tip of the head skimming the elastic band.  He hooked them on his thumbs and tugged, pulling them down his thick, blond-hair dusted thighs.  His cock swung forward, heavy, and he grunted before sighing with relief at finally having no restrictions holding it tight.  He was big… bigger than Jane had ever been with (not that she’d been with many men to compare him to).  Her eyes widened, and she forced herself to pull them from his cock, so their eyes could meet.
Jane swore the alcohol should have all but burned up in her veins but thought she must still be at least buzzed for the bravado she suddenly grasped.  Beneath the steadfast eyes of a handsome, naked blond-haired angel cowboy in front of her, Jane slowly pushed herself up on the bed until she was on her knees.  She reached down, grabbing the material of her dress, heart pounding in her throat and skin hot.  Forcing herself to hold his eyes, Jane pulled it upright slowly, pulling the fabric away until she was kneeling in front of him in her cute matching set of baby blue and white pinstripe bra and panties.  She didn’t stop or hesitate, even when Adam’s tongue wet his lips in anticipation and made the muscles in her belly squeeze tight.   She twisted an arm behind her back and easily popped the clasp to her bra, shrugging the material off completely.  Her fingers went to her panties.
“Wait,” he could barely talk, his throat was so tight, but that command fell hard between them.  She watched his large chest rise and fall with needed breaths and slowly pulled her hands away from her hips.
Adam leaned his weight onto the bed, setting his bare knees atop the duvet.  He crawled over her and Jane laid back until her head was on the pillows and he was a dark shadow above her.  Horses, the outdoors, a faint wisp of unoffensive cologne and the clean smell of whatever he used for his curly, blond hair drifted off him and wrapped itself around her.  She sighed into it, too wrapped up in the emotions to realize that though they were practically strangers, that smell made her soul feel as if she was home.
His fingertips lay gentle touches on her body, down her arms, along her sides, to her hips.  They stilled in the elastic of her panties, and Adam pressed his lips against hers, suppressing a groan on her tongue as he pulled that last bit of clothing that lay as a barrier between them.  As soon as they were cast aside, his hands returned to her body, skimming her curves, fingers curling in to where fat naturally rested on her figure and giving it a greedy squeeze.  His calloused palms slipped from her ass to her breasts, where he devoted time, tongue, and touch to making her nipples hard and her moans sing one after the other from her caught-open mouth.  Jane arched her back toward his touch and reached to slip her fingers into his blond curls, pulling tight.
His mouth popped wet off her right breast, the skin tingling from where his beard had gently scratched it. One hand was used to prop his large body over her, so he didn’t squish her beneath his weight, but the other reached so his thumb and forefinger clasped her chin.  Adam turned her eyes toward his – barely discernible, but for the moonlight pouring in the window to the left of the bed – and slowly lowered his hips between her parted legs.  His cock skimmed her thigh before the head pressed at the warm, wet, tender lips between her legs.  He found where she parted, their eyes locked, and his open mouth poured a warm, long moan over her as he slowly sank inch after inch inside her.
Only once there was no more room left for him to press in did Adam release her chin.  He dipped and smeared his lips over hers.  His tongue pushed into her mouth at the same time he drew his hips back and pushed in again.  His moan was a vibration in against her tongue and to hear it made her eyes want to roll.  Jane arched toward him, taking him more eagerly at his next thrust.  Together, they found a pace that drew passionate moans spilling freely from her kiss-swollen lips and ones from him in hot, heavy breaths above her.
For a moment, that’s what it was.  Fucking. The pair of them lost in the sensation of being in that intimate, special place with someone their hearts were deeply moved by.   Jane watched him over her, what she could see of him in eyes adjusted to the dark and moonlight spilled through glass pane.  She watched the hard dip of his brow, the intense dark of his blue eyes staring down at her, and the jerk of his gold curls over her, the ends just brushing her bare shoulders every time he thrust inside.  She could feel how tight she was around him.  How wet.
Adam’s eyes met hers, and they were pulled back into the moment and away from their individual, romantic thoughts.  Adam’s hips slowed, and each stroke was full, languid, and enjoyed.  He dipped, brushing his lips across hers with a brief touch that sent tingles through them.  Once.  Twice. He teased these kisses, but never fully pressed his mouth against hers.  She ached for it.  The tips of her brows pulled inward and the noise she made became half a moan, half a whine.  Adam responded with a chuckle that was merely a breath and sank into kissing her as deeply and fully as she’d wanted.  His tongue stroked hers as his cock pressed inside, and she moaned, arching beneath him.
Only when their lungs were near starved of air did their lips break, and each drew desperate, shared breaths as Adam’s forehead pressed against hers.
“Jane,” he moaned, and to hear him say her name nearly pushed her to the edge.
“Oh,” she whined, brow pinched tight, face warm with his breath, “Adam… Adam…”
The slow pace dissipated as he pulled them toward delectation, his hips swinging wildly into hers, their moans and grunts and panting mixing together.  Sweat stuck their skin close and blood sang through their veins, every nerve in their bodies on fire, sensitive to the faintest touch.  Jane’s eyes closed tight, her mouth hung open, and the velvet muscles wrapped around his cock squeezed tight before, victim to the whims of her body, she went still as stone.
“Adam!”  One last cry strangled from her throat as the crash came. Fireworks behind her eyes.  Jane’s thighs trembled and shook, clapping against his hips as Adam grunted and drove himself deep inside her, going still. His thick fingers curled tight into the sheets, muscled arms squeezing her arms tight.  The heat of him poured inside her, and it was only then she realized they’d been too wrapped up in the moment and hadn’t thought to use protection. Strangely enough, for a girl who never took risks, Jane wasn’t the slightest bit bothered.
Adam slumped on top of her for a moment, drew a breath, and slowly eased his weight from suffocating her. Sensitive and coming down from their individual highs, they maneuvered their bodies carefully to relax into the aftermath.  Gingerly, Adam pulled himself from her, bent to lay a soft kiss against her forehead, and walked barefoot across the room to what appeared to be the master bathroom. The light pooled white and gentle from the open door and he left it on as he returned clutching a small washcloth which he’d lightly dampened with warm water.
“If you’d like?”  A question in his voice as he handed it toward her.
Jane smiled and took it from him, trying not to be touched that his first thought after sex was to get her a washcloth to clean up with.  It was an act that should be commonplace, but she knew from experience it often wasn’t.  As she cleaned away the sticky webs of their joined cum from her thighs, Adam returned to the bathroom to presumably wash himself up, came back to pull on his boxer-briefs and turned to rummage around in the nearby dresser.
“I can give you one of my shirts to sleep in, if you’d like?”
Jane had just started gathering up her clothes when she looked up and saw him smiling gently, hand extended with a white cotton t-shirt in hand.  She smiled and nodded, taking it with a thank you and went to clean herself up, pulling on her panties and pulling his shirt on before glancing at herself in the bathroom mirror.  Had she ever seen herself look so carefree and happy?  A smile crawled across her face before she could stop it, and she ran her fingers through her hair, fixing it from where it’d bunched and tangled during their lovemaking.  Her heart felt as if it skipped, thinking of going back into the room and snuggling into his arms for the evening.
That smile again.
She turned away and clicked off the light, stepping into the moonlit room where her cowboy had gingerly taken her dress and bra, setting them on the dresser beside where he’d propped her boots.  He was laying in bed beneath the cover and, when she entered the room, threw the other side back and gently patted the mattress.
“C’mere beautiful,” he said, voice gentle and sweet.
Jane slipped into bed and cuddled up against his side as he opened his arm for her to tuck in.  That arm wrapped around her body as Jane turned into him, head resting on his broad, warm chest.  For a moment they said nothing, only existed.  Adam’s breath was warm against her hair.  Everything in Jane began to relax, her entire body feeling as if it were made of jelly.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this content.  Her eyelids began to gently close and she fought them, not wanting to waste a moment they had together on sleep.  Adam’s fingers began to skim up and down her bicep and shoulder.
“Can I say something super cheesy?”  Jane asked quietly, eyes still closed.
“Mm?”  His voice rumbled in his chest where her cheek rested.
“The way I feel with you… I’ve never felt this way with anyone.”  Too astonished, too happy, and too relaxed, Jane couldn’t pause to worry about whether that was something she should have kept to herself.  Those were the kind of things you said to a man you’d been seriously dating, not a one night stand you met on a quick stop-off on a road trip where you’d likely never return.
It was only when Adam didn’t say anything immediately that worry pinched at her heart.  Jane stirred on his chest, tilting her head up to look at him.  She found him watching her, blond curls a fluffy mane around his handsome face, blue eyes filled with a myriad of emotions all tangled up in one.  He was smiling, though, and he shook his head gently back and forth before leaning forward and pulling her in with his arm, so he could press his lips in a kiss against the top of her head.
“I feel the same way about you,” he confessed once he’d laid back and relaxed his arm, letting them return to how they’d been snuggling.
Without it needing to be said, they both were smart enough to see that this wasn’t easy.  In the morning, Kate would likely be ready to drive on, and they’d continue to their destination.  Maybe on the way back they could stop again… but Jane still had a semester left before graduating university and from there, she’d planned on job hunting closer to home to stay near her parents, siblings, and nephews and nieces.  Adam had his parents here and his small horse ranch and horse training business.  Their lives were set in opposite directions.
It was with that unfortunate echo of an ache, wrapped up in Adam’s arms, that Jane drifted off to sleep, her mind unable to grasp to a solution, but too comfortable being held by him to do anything but surrender to the peace it inspired.
Sleep came and stayed until the soft, gentle chiming of an alarm began to pull her back to consciousness. She groaned gently.
“Sorry darlin’,” Adam whispered in a soft voice, gently easing himself out from where they’d still been tucked up close together, so he could grab his phone and cut the alarm.  “I have to go feed the horses.”  It was still dark outside, judging by the lack of light in the room.  He slipped out of the bed and the immediate lack of his warmth made her shiver. Gently, he set the cover back around her before rummaging around for clothes.
“Do you want me to help?” It was mumbled into the crook of her arm, where she hadn’t managed to lift her head.  Despite offering, she could feel sleep pulling her back.
Adam leaned over and placed a kiss on her temple, thumb gently tucking a wayward lock of her hair behind her ear.  Jane lifted her sleepy eyes toward him and raised a brow.
“No, that’s alright sweetheart,” his gently spoken terms of endearment were making her heart ache in the most wonderful ways.  He was still bent toward her, holding her face in the palm of his hand as if he couldn’t pull away.  “When I get done we’ll go get some breakfast.  Sound good?”
“Mm, mhm.”  Jane nodded, and Adam brushed his lips against hers, sank into a deeper kiss, smiled and finally let her go.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up when I’m done.”
“Mmkay,” she barely managed, eyelids already drooping, and curled her arms around the blanket in his absence, inhaling his smell that sat in the sheets and drifting back off to sleep. His gentle laugh at her sleepy antics where the greeting to her dreams.
Jane wasn’t sure how long she slept for, but the soft light of early morning pushing in through the curtains pried at her eyes and she slowly opened them, wiping the sleep away and blinking the room into focus.  Adam still hadn’t returned, but she wasn’t entirely surprised and felt a small stab of guilt, thinking she should have forced him to let her help him.  It would’ve gone faster with the two of them.  Slowly she moved from the bed, pulling the covers back and going to the bathroom to splash a bit of water on her face and run her fingers through her hair.  She was just beginning to debate whether she should steal a pair of sweatpants from his drawers and go out to help him when she realized she could hear noises from somewhere in the house.
It sounded like a skillet being put on the stove, and she wondered if Adam had decided to surprise her by cooking breakfast instead of them going out.  Smiling, Jane moved quickly from the bathroom, still dressed only in her panties and his shirt (it was large on her, the hem just barely covering the curve of her rear), she decided she’d let him know she was awake and spend time with him while he cooked.  
Jane started down the hallway, not trying to be particularly quiet.  From around a turn, where she assumed the kitchen was, there came a sudden voice.
“Adam?  You must’ve slept in late!  Those horses are pry starving!”
A woman’s voice.
“I didn’t see your truck in the driveway!  Did Earl Brown have to drive you home last night?”
Jane froze in step, eyes wide.  What…? Who…?
“I’m making biscuits and gravy; it’ll be ready by the time you’re through feeding!”
Standing near the end of the hallway, Jane glanced back down at the end where the bedroom was, fingers pulling the hem of his shirt down and wondering what she should do.  Should she go hide in the room until Adam came back in and explained what was happening?  Should she go grab her dress, see if she could sneak out the window and call Kate to come pick her up?  Shit… she couldn’t do that, she’d left her purse with her cellphone next to the couch when they’d first started making out.
Was he… with another woman? No… that couldn’t be it…  Adam didn’t seem like the kind of man capable of cheating.  Jane didn’t understand.
“Adam?”  Concern and confusion now, and the voice was closer than before.  When Jane hadn’t answered they’d apparently decided to come investigate.
Fuck.  Fuck, fuck, fuck…  It was too late for Jane to duck back down the hall.  They’d see her scurrying away.
“Oh!”  An older woman appeared around the corner of the hallway and stopped dead in her tracks, blinking with wide eyes and staring at Jane. “Oh… Oh my dear, I am so sorry… I thought you were…”  She turned red in the face at the sight of Jane’s lack of dress.
“Um…”  Jane took a small step back, dying inside and trying to figure out what to do.
At that exact moment someone else joined them.  A young girl, maybe six or seven, with long curly blond hair set like a wild, untamable mane around her fair face and the prettiest set of blue eyes.  She was holding a small, stuffed pony and dressed in a long cotton purple shirt with frilly fabric at the end and pink heart patterned leggings.
“Why are you wearing my daddy’s shirt?”
“Uhh…”  Jane’s eyes were wide and jumped to the woman, who she now assumed must be Adam’s mother.  Oh god… oh god…
“Avery, sweetheart,” the older woman blinked and snapped her realizations in place, turning with a smile at her granddaughter.  “Can you help grandma set the table?  Three places, alright?”
“But grandma,” the little girl argued in a whisper, glancing back at Jane with a confused and suspicious look across her young face, “she’s wearing my daddy’s shirt.”
“Avery be a good girl, alright.  Listen to grandma.  Go set the table.”
Avery looked from her grandma to the stranger in the house – Jane – and a look of frustration crossed her face before she turned around and headed back the way they’d come.
“I’m so sorry dear,” Adam’s mother started with hushed apologies, shaking her head and waving over Jane’s shoulder, “You just go back and get yourself decent.  Breakfast will be ready in a little while.”  With one last look that was both confused and apologetic, the older woman turned and followed the way Avery had gone, leaving Jane standing alone in the hallway, struggling to process what had just happened.
Adam… had a daughter?
Jane had ducked quickly into the living room to grab her purse, retreated to the bedroom to put on her bra and dress and was sitting on the bed, trying to figure out what she was going to do, by the time Adam slowly came into the room.  He looked embarrassed and closed the door with a soft click behind him.
“Jane… I…”
“You have a daughter.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Confused, she searched his face for answers.
“I don’t know…” He glanced from the floor at his feet to her and shook his head slowly.  “I… I was going to, before we got into Earl’s truck, but… what you said about not wanting to worry about the consequences, and it just being about last night… I was drunk… I…”  He paused and blew out a breath, walking across the room to sit on the end of the bed.  They were in reach, but still sitting apart.  “I don’t have a good enough reason, Jane.  I just felt something for you I haven’t felt for anyone in a long time, and I was afraid if you knew I was a single father, you wouldn’t want to get involved with me.  I should have said something, I know.  I just… wanted to let go for once and enjoy something good that crossed my path.  I don’t get that very often, if ever.”
There was an ache in his voice.  A sorrow. It transcended across his body and his shoulders were hunched, eyes dark and troubled.  
“Well…”  Jane drew a breath, “it’s not like anyone got hurt… I mean, I’m horrifyingly embarrassed knowing the first time your mother and daughter saw me, I was only wearing your t-shirt and my panties, but I’ll be fine as long as your daughter isn’t mentally scarred.”
Adam’s brows dipped apologetically.  “God, Jane, I’m so sorry… my mom was going to keep Avery for the day, but she had a nightmare and wanted me, so they decided to come over and cook up breakfast.  I was out in the barn and didn’t hear them pull up, and I never have anyone over, so she didn’t think…”
Immediately, Jane thought of that adorable little girl with his fluffy blond curls and lovely blue eyes, scared and needing her father, and nothing else mattered.  Who cared if she’d suffered some embarrassment?  It wasn’t the first time.  It would have been nice to have Adam tell her about his daughter, but Jane could see his side of things.  Why bother talking about her if it was obvious, they weren’t going to see one another again?  
“Can I ask about her mother?”
A look crossed Adam’s face. It was that same one he’d had briefly last night, when Wade had been surprised to see he was with a girl, and when he’d started talking about moving back home after college.  It was pain and sadness and regret.
“She’s out of the picture. For good.”  His voice clipped at the end.
“Oh…”  Jane said softly and glanced at her hands in her lap.
“It was her choice.”
She looked over at him. Adam licked his lips and ran a frustrated hand through his curls, offsetting them.  It made Jane’s fingers itch, wanting to reach across the distance between them to tuck the hair back in place.  He wore his pain so close to the surface, it was impossible not to see it.
“How old was Avery when she left?”
“It was a month before she turned two.  I moved back home so my mom could help me with raising her.”
“Oh…”  Jane blinked, trying to think of a reason a woman would leave her year-old daughter and a man like Adam behind.  She just kept drawing blanks.
Suddenly, there came a wild flurry of little knocks on the door.  “Daddy and Daddy’s friend, Grandma says breakfast is ready!  Come get it while it’s hot!”  The little voice yelled behind the door, and despite the heavy atmosphere in the room, Jane smiled.  They could hear the little patter of her feet as she ran back away, returning to the kitchen.
Adam looked over at Jane.
“If you just want to leave, I wouldn’t blame you.  I can wait with you until your friend arrives… I’d hate to subject you to sitting down for breakfast with my mama and my daughter after all this.”
Those were the sort of things you did after you’d been dating for a while, when you talked about maybe becoming a little more serious and kept going back and forth about when and how you’d meet them.  Their already complicated story got a whole lot more complicated.
“Do you want me to leave?” Jane asked, watching him quietly.
“No,” he said it too quickly, realized he did, and drew a breath.  It slipped out slow and he shook his head, staring at her.  “I don’t ever want you to leave.”  He hesitated, as if realizing he’d said it, and then decided to charge full steam ahead.  “Actually, I uh… I’ve been trying to sort it out the whole morning while I was feeding the horses, I might have some ideas how we could make this work…”
“Make… what work?” Jane could barely breathe.
“Us…”  Adam’s blue eyes were soft on her.  “If… if you wanted to try it, that is.”
Talk about complicated. Jane blinked, envisioning her strict plan she’d kept herself diligently on, pushing herself through university to earn her degree, and how close she was to finally checking everything off her to-do list.  Nowhere did it say she’d start dating a single father in Montana.
But when was the last time anyone made her feel this way?
Jane stood up slowly. A look of sorrow touched Adam’s face as he assumed, she meant to leave, but he pushed it away, as if he wanted to do everything he could to help ease the burden of making this decision  He didn’t even want her knowing he was upset about the choice he made, trying to respect what she chose.  Jane’s heart ached, but she didn’t leave the room. Instead, she walked around to his front to face him, put her hands on his shoulders and smiled when his eyes lifted and met hers.
“Let’s hear those ideas,” Jane said, and was about to say more when Avery’s little voice yelled through the house.
They both broke out into grins.
“After breakfast.” Jane concluded.  “I’d hate to let a man’s biscuits go cold.”
Adam stood up, and his wide, warm, calloused palms wrapped around her hands.  He pulled her in and leaned down, kissing her gently.
“After breakfast.”
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, March 24 - Wednesday, March 25
JASMINE: Oh, it's all so— ANGEL: Unworthy? JASMINE: Wonderful. (kneels beside Cordelia) Cordelia, thank you for protecting me and nourishing me. Your spirit has been my shelter, but you can rest peacefully now. I'm here. CONNOR: That's all she wanted—to give you life. JASMINE: And I can feel all of it: the cold floor, the air, this skin. Everything is perfect. ANGEL: No, it's not. I came here to kill you. I should be punished. JASMINE: Angel, I can feel your suffering, but now that suffering is going to end.
~~Shiny Happy People (Season 4)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Carpe Diem (Buffy, Willow, Angel, T) by badly_knitted
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One Night in a Cemetery (Buffy/Spike, G, Doctor Who xover) by spikesgirl58
Becoming Undone (Buffy/Angel(us), Xander, G) by Kenophobia
Don’t Send Me Home (Giles/Xander, G) by TheDapperDelinquent
[podfic] Five Things About Nikita Spike Would Love by gwyneth rhys (gwyneth). (Spike, T, La Femme Nikita xover) by reena_jenkins
[podfic] Leaving Town Alive by inlovewithnight (Fred/Gunn, T) by reena_jenkins
Super Powers (Faith, T) by ASnobbishCat
[podfic] Five Things Xander Wishes He Didn't Know About Anya by gwyneth rhys (gwyneth) (Xander/Anya, G) by reena_jenkins
[podfic] Chance Encounter by secondalto (Angel, Lorne, Bones xover, G) by reena_jenkins
You Will Be Okay (Buffy, Giles, M) by Anonymous
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Basement (Xander, OC, unrated) by Aaron
College (Willow, OC, unrated) by Aaron
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Learning To Fall Ch. 1-2/? (Dawn, unrated, Teen Wolf xover) by LyssaNicoleRayne
The White Queen Ch. 1-2/9 (Cordelia, T, multiple xovers) by steeleye
Losing Touch (Ensemble, multiple pairings, M) by lumione_xox
Ladies of Letters - Chapter 5 (Buffy, Giles, G) by DHW & Quaggy
Fire and Ashes Ch. 1-3/3 (COMPLETE) (Ensemble, G, Percy Jackson xover) by Cynder2013
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Quiet Among the Dead, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Puppet
Weird Love, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, M) by EllieRose101
Help Wanted, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Baphrosia
Jump, Chapter 35 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
Turning the Tables, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MaggieLaFey
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Fighting the Darkness Ch. 16 (Ensemble, M, DCU xover) by Fighting the Darkness
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Episodes 101 & 102 – Bargaining (Poem) (Buffy, unrated) by Buffyverse
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Buffy Summers by sourweather-art
Artwork:Willow & Tara by dinosartt
Artwork:wishverse scoobs by artsying-ifer
Manip:Quarantine Buffy memes by changetookhold
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The Zeppo Episode Poster by swallowedshark
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Video: BtVS Speedpaint: Yellow Crayon by Artsy Ifer
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PUBLICATION: Rewatching Buffy – Episode 124 Beneath You by Confusing Middle
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 67 Deep Down by Confusing Middle
PODCAST: S5 E21 "The Weight of the World" by Buffy Virgin
PODCAST: S2E13 Happy Anniversary by Angel on Top
PODCAST: 061 - The Beer of Evil Thinking (S04E05 Beer Bad) by Buffy Boys
[Fandom Discussions]
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The Duty of Care: Morality in Buffyverse by avrelia
David Fury Q&A at the James Marsters Con, Originally posted November 9, 2006. by yourlibrarian
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Faith in S4 by derrygirlstateofmind
You know that scene where Buffy criticizes a Kung Fu movie by mybitca
buffy season six imagery: alcohol by impalementation
So I rewatched Once More With Feeling a couple days ago and I watched Tabula Rasa too by myassgoodbye
Is it bad if I didn’t want Buffy to be with Angel or Spike?? by dudebroreg
Buffy Summers and Jo March by innvcence
Top five reasons you love Angel as a character by we-pay-for-everything
I ship Giles and Ethan by wisteria-lodge
top 5 favourite bangel scenes and top 5 favourite angel scenes by sulietsexual
how my perception of certain characters has changed by lockley-kate
Cordelia and Angel by PhilipSPeep
Cordelia and Buffy in Out of Mind, Out of Sight by visitingthefuneralhome
Some Notes on Out of Mind, Out of Sight by visitingthefuneralhome
One of the sources I cite a lot in shaping my perspectives on Buffy by visitingthefuneralhome
2002 original xbox buffy game by benevolentscars
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 episode 9 by mothmanlovingmen
Rec: The Hidden, Revealed by Spikedluv by lupines-slash-recs
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Fade to Black by HardlyThere
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Underrated fight scenes in the Buffyverse by jdpm1991
Did The First Evil pose as Darla to Connor in Season 4? by jdpm1991
Buffy in her prime (Season 3) vs Caleb - Who would win? by jdpm1991
Does anyone else forget that Wes is a Brit? by jdpm1991
Is it just me or is Cordelia‘s intelligence a little inconsistent especially in the earlier seasons by BettyPurple
Could Buffy defeat The Circle of The Black Thorn from Angel Season 5? by jdpm1991
Potentially unpopular opinion: Willow was not gay, she was bisexual by dragonsrawesomesauce
Not trying to justify the ickiness of Cordelia and Connor sleeping together; but... by jdpm1991
Do you show sympathy to the Wolfram & Hart employees being slaughtered by The Beast in season 4? by jdpm1991
Did Wolfram and Hart know that the amulet would close the Hellmouth in "Chosen" by jdpm1991
Was the demon Clem from S6-S7 inspired by Angel's Lorne? by jdpm1991
Did Buffy ever tell Riley she loved him? by madmaxx2
Darla and Spike by HuffleHeccPrincess
On rewatch, Riley is so much more than white bread. by movieman94
If Disney or Fox don't want to give us a proper HD remaster then we can do it ourselves. by CaptainAnonymous92
Why was the master so harsh on the three? by shonenhikada
Xander season 5 by bratholym
Was Willow or Giles suppose to be in Damage? by matt-89
BtVS 'Would You Rather' by itmeyourfaveblobfish
The Body by EverydayIsEggDay
Midget with gun in Underneath by anothername1145
Doyle and Angel’s Relationship by SadCrayon
Disney+ is polling subscribers about adding Whedonverse shows to the service by maedocc
Buffy-Angel viewing guide by MODLdn
What do you think of The First posing as Buffy? by jdpm1991
Do you think Mayor Wilkinson’s and Faith’s relationship was purely platonic / fatherly? by johnjaye05
Any Andrew/Anya fans? by jdpm1991
The Buffy Musical episode, Once More With Feeling. Ahhhh how is it sooooo goooood!!??!!! by alxx11
Season 5 episode 18 by BettyPurple
S3: Beauty and the Beasts by Mattastico
Song suggestions for Buffy fan music videos on YouTube? by LiaBrooksy
Warren was a total incel... by midnight_sparrow
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Why you should watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer right now by Culturess
PUBLICATION: Lewis Call discusses pop culture scholarship and his book “Sexualities in the Works of Joss Whedon” by Nicholas Yanes
PUBLICATION: Buffy Summers, Clara Oswald, and How to Pull Off a Chosen One Story by thethreepennyguignol
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Quotes From Villains (Right Before They Died) by Screen Rant
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myownprivatcidaho · 4 years
G, Fb, B#, F# 🌝
 G: share a song lyric or verse that doesn’t make sense to you (or sounds weird)
Should I Stay Or Should I Go by The Clash has backing vocals in the 2nd verse where i highkey dont know what’s going on there
Wango Tango by Ted Nugent has a bridge where he’s kinda rambling but it’s still fun jbkjsdf 
Human by The Killers is kinda funny bc a lot of people can’t tell if the lyrics are 
“Are we human/or are we dancer” or “are we human/or are we denser”, though “dancer” is usually what most say
Fb: share a song that makes you want to dance
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA 
The King of Rock and Roll by Prefab Sprout - channelling my inner Stanley Barber
and Boss Bitch by Doja Cat which sticks out from most of my music but still goes hard bskjafd
B#: share a favorite song without lyrics (instrumental)
alright lets do this
It: Blood Oath, Kiss, Beverly, Yellow Raincoat, and Nothing Lasts Forever 
Doctor Who: Gallifrey, Infinite Potential, The Impossible Astronaut, The Enigma of River Song, This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home, The Mad Man With a Box, The Dream of a Normal Death, and The Lone Dalek
Other: Concerning Hobbits from Lord of the Rings, Carpe Diem from Dead Poets Society, and Across the Stars and Binary Sunset from Star Wars
Tchaikovsky: In the Pine Forest and Waltz of the Snowflakes from The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Serenade in Strings (i Cannot recommend Serenade enough holy shit its so beautiful and there’s a ballet with it that’s Astounding there’s actually a crater on mercury thats name is related to that ballet but thats another story jskjf), and Album for the Young
also Pachelbel’s Canon in D
- btw I have playlists for Doctor Who scores, all my favorite soundtrack scores, and classical music  if anyone’s interested 👀
F#: share a favorite meme/joke song
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torestoreamends · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Recap: Cast Four – 22/23 & 26 May (Part Two)
Because my recap of these two shows got so long, I split it in half for ease of reading. You can read Part One and my first impressions for Cast Four here, and Part Two is below!
Death Eater Dance (Act Three, Scene One)
I had the nerdiest way of figuring out they’d changed this bit of choreography. At the very start, before anyone comes onstage, a wall of white light unfurls across the back of the stage, and I looked at it and thought ‘wow, that light doesn’t normally move so fast’. About two seconds later, the lead Death Eater stepped through it, which he’s never done before, casting a shadow, and I realised I had been right.
My first thought was is nothing sacred? On reflection, however, I absolutely love this new version of the dance (and I love how this cast performs it — I’ll say it again, they’re all great movers). 
The lead Death Eater stands at the back initially, watching and occasionally gesturing to direct those walking across the stage. It reminded me of a darker version of the Sorting Hat’s choreography from the opening of the show. 
After that things proceed in a very similar way to how they always have, but there are just enough little changes to throw the whole thing off kilter slightly, and I mean that in a good way. There’s a vibe that there’s something unsettling going on here, something slightly unexpected. The lines are clean and precise, but there’s an occasional lean or spiky gesture that throws the lines out of place. As a viewer you feel like Scorpius in that world — like the whole thing is unpredictable and untrustworthy, dangerous almost, and it leaves you on edge. 
My favourite moment for that is when all the Death Eaters are walking in their arrow head towards the back of the stage, and they suddenly all lean to the side. It’s a sharp movement that comes out of nowhere. Very jarring, as it should be. 
The other fun little detail at the end is that the Death Eaters sort of bow to Umbridge. It’s not quite a bow, more a sort of arms in the air, lean forward ‘all hail’ kind of motion, that feels so true to the dictatorial nature of this world and of Umbridge’s hold over the school. 
Inside Hogwarts (Act Three, Scenes Two, Four, and Five)
This section in the Voldemort timeline really emphasised for me how much I enjoy this cast’s Yann, Polly, and Karl. On Thursday we had Craig’s Karl doing a badass jumping, spinning high kick as he came on stage, and on Sunday we had Gordon’s brilliance (and slightly more restraint), which matched really well with Luke’s Yann. I noticed in both shows as well that Yann and Polly share a moment of eye contact as Yann goes off after confronting Scorpius. I like the idea that those two come as a pair. 
Polly’s scene on the stairs was really nice too. She seemed truly confused by Scorpius. At the end of the scene she starts walking down the stairs, but as the staircase is swept towards the wings she starts running back up them again, peering over the bannister and frowning down at Scorpius, like she wants to keep watching him for as long as possible to try and figure him out. It’s almost as if she realises that this isn’t her Scorpius, it implies a relationship with and knowledge of the Scorpion King that’s really interesting. There’s a lot to think about there. 
Have I mentioned before that Ronnie as Craig is wonderful? Even if I have it bears repeating a thousand more times. In the scene with Scorpius in the library he’s sort of skittish, constantly keeping his distance, shying away, head bowed. He’s just very sweet, with a soft northern accent. Not really pompous in any of the timelines. Just a good kid who wants to get on with his quiet life. Sadly it’s never going to happen for him...
My love affair with David’s blackboard writing is well documented, and over cast change he really delivered with some appropriately feelingsy Latin phrases. For cast four’s first show we had the perfect Carpe Diem — seize the day. It was such a sweet little message from Snape to a brilliant incoming cast, and I hope this will become a tradition now (just assuming that David will stay as Snape forever, which hopefully he will). 
Scorpius joins Dumbledore’s Army (Act Three, Scenes Eight and Nine)
There were definitely a few things to mention in the second half of the Voldemort timeline, so here’s a quick rundown:
It is an inescapable fact that on Thursday the Dementor trick didn’t work for Michelle. As far as I’m aware that’s only happened now three times in the history of the show, and it was heartbreaking to see it happen to someone on their first show in front of an audience. Thankfully on Sunday it worked, and I can only assume they practiced it about a thousand times on Friday because she was almost as quick as Tom that time (which is saying something because Tom has got really good at it).
There are some interesting new colours going on with the Time-Turner in Part Two, which I have a very underdeveloped theory for (I’ll work on it). It looks like whenever the Time-Turner is used in the past or an alternative timeline, the face is blue not yellow. Having said that, when Delphi uses it to take the boys back to the maze it’s also blue, and technically that’s from the restored timeline, so who knows! Also, just for fun, the gold Time-Turner (which is an entirely different entity) flashes pink when the adults arrive in Godric’s Hollow.
Jonathan feels like he’s pushing himself really hard and trying so many new things. I absolutely loved his interactions with the Dementors and hiding from Umbridge. He’s doing a wonderful job, and I think acting with Dom is going to bring some really fun new stuff out of him. 
On Broadway the Patronus is sort of lifted out of the floor already lit (I’ve only seen it once, but that was how I remember it and how it was described to me as well), and I think that might have made it to London now. From further back on Sunday I saw the Patronus very distinctly being lifted from the ground, and the clunky ignition is definitely a thing of the past. I’m not sure if the London trick is now exactly identical to Broadway’s (I doubt it, just because the abilities of the spaces are slightly different), but it’s certainly more similar now. 
Edge of the lake and McGonagall’s office (Act Three, Scenes Nine cont. and Ten)
Blythe’s McGonagall is so gorgeous, just a sunshiney human being. I loved how on Thursday she couldn’t stop herself from smiling at Scorpius’s antics as he came out of the lake. For as stern as she is, she also recognises a boy thrashing around in complete joy (and how can you not smile at Scorpius’s happiness? You’d have to be heartless).
No one will be surprised to hear that the gossip choreography has changed, just like everything else. There are a lot more people on stage at once, so there’s a lot going on. For me sometimes the interactions seem a little less clear, there’s no longer one message being passed in a clear sequence, but the chaos isn’t bad either. The weirdest bit for me is that Yann now, instead of being lifted off the stairs, sort of falls sideways over the bannisters. Also, at the end of the dance, the kids now end up on the stairs in a different order, with Karl at the bottom, below Rose, James above her, and then Yann and Craig at the top as they always were.
Once they’re all in McGonagall’s office, I have to mention Draco because he’s wonderful. When McGonagall called Scorpius brave, Draco lit up smiling at his son. He looked so unbelievably proud, it was stunning. Also, we all know about how he puts his hand up when he says ‘seems fair’, but it’s worth mentioning that Harry now also raises a hand to mock him. Petty idiots that they are. 
The dorm scene with Harry (Act Three, Scene Eleven)
I absolutely adored the dorm scene between Harry and Albus. It was a beautiful example of how similar Harry and Albus are. Not until they’re together on stage do you realise that Dom and Jamie B’s mannerisms are almost identical. They both twist their hands together and make a lot of gestures. At times they seemed to mirror each other. And then of course there’s the similarity in how heated they get. 
One of my favourite Dom lines in both of these two shows was ‘I know, okay? I know’. I don’t know why, but the word okay is a real speciality of his. It’s guaranteed to hit you in the feels no matter when or why he’s saying it. 
In this scene it was an explosion, accompanied by this big gesture with his hands. He’s so frustrated by Harry, all wound up and taught (his shoulders are constantly hunched, chin sticking out, a bit like a little turtle), you can see the tension in his body, and at a moment like this he can’t keep it all contained. The emotion bursts out in his tone of voice and in his gestures. 
The other really interesting thing from this scene is right at the end, when Harry mentions that Ginny was really scared by Albus running away. It seems as though Dom’s Albus takes that to mean that Harry wasn’t scared or worried. Harry didn’t really care. Ginny did, but he knew that already. And then of course Harry realises how Albus has received that and the mention of him being scared too comes almost as an afterthought, a clarification. Which is why Albus scoffs at it. ‘I thought Harry Potter wasn’t afraid of anything.’ 
This scoffing, sarcastic sharp Albus is so wonderful. He doesn’t have time for his dad’s crap. He doesn’t have the energy. Everything Harry says seems to confirm the worst for him, so while in this scene other versions of Harry and Albus have begun to connect, these two are driven even further apart.
The dorm scene with Scorpius (Act Three, Scene Fourteen)
Oh the glorious new antics that come with a cast change. This scene is a prime example of Jonathan trying new things and them working delightfully well. On Thursday not much was different, but by Sunday it was completely new.
Albus sleeps on his side most of the time, and in this scene he slept on right side, so he was facing into the room and towards Scorpius. So when Scorpius woke up he got off the bed and crawled across the floor to Albus, at exactly face height with him, and when he finally shouted Albus’s name, he was inches from Albus’s face. Albus essentially woke up to a face full of Scorpius attempting to be scary — as if the poor kid needed any more trauma. 
It’s the closest I’ve seen Jonathan (possibly any Scorpius) get to Albus when he’s yelling in his face, and it actually did look scary. It’s one of the most effective versions of the waking up yet, so I hope it stays.
There’s a really nice new line in this scene. When Scorpius tells Albus that he was fighting alongside him, Albus asks ‘really?’ I think it just emphasises how much Albus needs to hear Scorpius’s story. He’s so deep in his own despair, and feeling so guilty about having caused all this, that to hear that he had some hand in sorting it out is a real boost for him. It’s exactly what he needs to hear right then, and isn’t that what Delphi says? ‘You don’t know what he needs, you only know that he needs it.’
Owlery Scene (Act Three, Scene Sixteen)
There are some new lines in this scene! As if anyone didn’t know. 
Essentially, the order in which Albus and Scorpius exchange lines throughout the scene has been switched (I think in its entirety, but I can’t be sure because I keep forgetting there are new lines until ‘and wake up everyone in Hogwarts’ jars me halfway through). But basically, now Scorpius is the one making all the suggestions (even the stupid ones) while Albus shoots them down, and I’m still not sure what I think of that.
Before I really enjoyed that Albus was making ridiculous suggestions and Scorpius was vetoing them, because then it came to Godric’s Hollow there was a nice switch, with Scorpius making all the suggestions until Albus came up with the big one. So now it feels like Albus doesn’t really suggest anything until he solves it right at the end.
I suppose you could argue that that makes sense character wise. Scorpius is the more magically knowledgeable, Albus at that point is lacking in confidence, and I feel like as a planner Albus is probably the more inclined of the two to sit in silence and think before speaking. 
But at the same time I liked how Albus’s reckless energy came out in this scene. Particularly with Joe there was a sense of fun and freedom, that they were about to end at least some of their problems. It was nice to see the two of them unleash their more ridiculous sides, and it showed so much of their friendship. Perhaps the scene still does that, but I don’t think it does it in quite the same way.
I know we get ‘let’s make history’ out of it so we can’t really complain, but as nice as that line is, and as strong as it is as a line that sums up their relationship, I don’t know if even that has the power of what’s been taken away. I’ll have to have a few more watches.
A quick shoutout to Jonathan in this scene though. I love how his Scorpius sits up straight, crosses his legs, and prepares to go into full, slightly sanctimonious, lecture mode as he says ‘I think it’s a much underestimated part of modern witchcraft’. We’ve always known that if Delphi didn’t interrupt the scene would go on with the boys arguing for hours, but it’s never been more apparent. That lecture alone is about to last at least a good ten minutes until Albus gets bored and threatens to do something stupid to make him stop.
But Delphi does interrupt, and that’s when the fun begins. 
I mentioned earlier that Madeleine’s Delphi curtsies a couple of times during the show, and this is the second of those. When Scorpius calls her The Augurey she acknowledges it with a little bob. She also emphasises the ‘The’ in The Augurey when she repeats the title. She seems so pleased by the idea of being the one and only, someone really unique and important. 
The interesting thing about Madeleine’s Delphi is that she doesn’t seem to change much after the reveal. When I first saw her I was almost disappointed by that, because she seemed to be playing Albus and Scorpius so hard, but now I actually love it. The fact that she can be bubbly and nerdy and young but also a heartless torturer is really creepy, and it seems quite real too. She’s someone with a mask so good that it’s part of her, and even once she’s shown her true nature, that thing that was attractive to Albus and Scorpius never quite goes away. That’s still in there. 
Sunday’s Owlery Scene provided the perfect start to the torture sequence, setting a momentum that never let up. It was one of the most exciting torture scenes I’ve seen, and I’m willing to bet that it won’t be long before we see some of the wildest torture scenes ever from this cast. 
Torture Scene & the maze (Act Three, Scenes Nineteen and Twenty)
This whole sequence is one of the most difficult for a new cast to nail, and on Thursday I didn’t particularly like it much, but on Sunday it absolutely blew me away. 
It all began with Delphi kissing Scorpius on the cheek. It’s always particularly gross to see her kiss him, not Albus, probably because she has no interest in him whatsoever, but also because it psychologically affects both boys, and that’s her ultimate aim. To break them both.
There was a great rhythm to this version of the scene. Each element was given time, but it didn’t feel slow. Delphi torturing Scorpius for the first time and Albus running at her were two very distinct actions. You could hear exactly what Albus yelled, and it meant that when he was knocked back by her spell and collapsed in a heap on the ground, all eyes were on him. (Dominic makes that knockback spell look much more lethal than anyone else ever has, and I love that because it’s just like her. She wouldn’t not hurt Albus simply because he’s useful, and I like that he gets his fair share of pain.)
Once Albus is on the ground he stays there through the second torture and Craig’s death. There’s a new scream of Albus’s name before Craig runs on, and I’m convinced it’s Craig, but others have reckoned it’s Scorpius. It’s very difficult to tell, but I’ll keep an eye on it (cause I’d love to know who it is). 
When Ronnie dies, he throws himself straight back onto the table that catches him, and he ends up falling with both feet off the floor. I love the idea of the AK blasting Craig off his feet, and there’s something morbidly beautiful about him falling to the ground in slow motion (which in a way mirrors Delphi’s fall from grace later). It could be that the boys are just seeing it in slow motion thanks to their horror, or it could be that the AK really does slow everything down like that. 
There were a couple of other noteworthily creepy bits and pieces in this scene. On both Thursday and Sunday, Delphi held Scorpius by the chin while she talked to him and Albus, before throwing him aside like a piece of rubbish so he collapsed to the ground. Also on Sunday she held him so close to her face that they were inches apart, while telling Albus that if he didn’t help her, Scorpius would die. It was horrifying. 
Moving into the next scene, I have to give a shoutout to Gordon as Krum. He was perfect. Clean and sharp and precise. The other person who was perfect was Ryan as Cedric. On Sunday we had the most beautiful little interaction between him and Albus.
Dom’s Albus doesn’t sit or kneel down in this scene, so when he interacts with Cedric he’s standing. He still looks small and nervous, shoulder rounded, but it takes so much boldness to reach out like he does. It’s so brave. And on Sunday it was said with just the right amount of softness. Sort of stammered, blurted out at first, but then more considered the second time. I don’t think Dom’s Albus will ever be quiet, but he’s thoughtful and gentle as well as fierce. It’s such a perfect mix, and it makes this scene work so well. 
With cast three Ryan was good, but he’s really come into his own this year already. His Cedric has just the right nobility, but he also seems perplexed by Albus. He doesn’t know what to make of this strange boy, and that confusion is tangible throughout the scene, even when he says thank you. But he has courage too, because as uncertain as he is (he even thinks twice before freeing the boys), he still accepts Albus’s words. These are two boys putting themselves out there and blindly trusting, even in the midst of so much fear and uncertainty. It’s gorgeous to watch.
On Sunday this whole sequence finished perfectly with a shower of glitter in the air (on Thursday it all fell straight to the floor). The boys had so much energy and dynamism as they tried to work out what to do. The whole thing was fabulous. Full of life and interest, and it’s only going to get better. 
Delphi’s room (Act Three, Scene Twenty-One)
There’s a really cool new creepy purple light in Delphi’s room. When Ginny takes the lightbulb off the wall, the diamond behind it starts glowing with the purple light, ready to spread and illuminate the whole room. It also emits puffs of smoke that curl across the scene. It really works, accompanying the Parseltongue to instantly suggest that they’ve found something here. 
Godric’s Hollow (Act Four, Scenes Three and Five)
There were some really sweet little moments throughout the two Godric’s Hollow scenes (as there always are).
I love watching how Albus hides (or attempted to hide) from Bathilda. His idiot side comes out, and he does delightful things like freezing in plain view and pretending not to exist. Dom was no exception, and he went pretty much face first into the wall. If she can only see his back, he’s not there, right? (Wrong, Albus, but you’re adorable so we’ll let you off.)
When Scorpius was freaking out about Bathilda, Albus did a little ‘breathe’ gesture. It’s something that Joe used to do a long time ago, and James does it as Draco sometimes after Scorpius and Draco hug. I adore the fact that both Jonathan’s associated Albuses and his Draco have all agreed that he doesn’t breathe enough, and are all on a collective mission to remind him to do so. There’s something sweet about the fact that all these people have separately come to the same conclusion about the role they need to play in relationship with this boy. 
At the beginning of the second Godric’s Hollow section, Albus and Scorpius duck under their dads’ arms and walk in a circle around the stage before taking up their thinking positions. On Thursday they did this, and on Sunday Jonathan did it, but Dom did something way more interesting. Instead of walking in the circle, he paced back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing silently like he was thinking aloud. 
It reminded me of what Samuel used to do during the part of the Voldemort timeline where Scorpius is explaining to Ron and Hermione in slow mo about the Time-Turner and the other timelines. He’d pace around, making talking gestures with his hands, and ultimately arrive in his final position with the conversation almost mid-flow. 
When Dom finally sat down on the doorstep on Sunday, he started talking and it felt like he’d been thinking and talking for hours and that we just happened to have tuned in on this bit of the conversation. It was very cool to see an Albus so obviously mid-planning. That little bit of movement worked incredibly well, and I hope it stays. 
Dom and Jonathan’s version of the eureka moment felt more measured than others. There was still lots of energy, but there wasn’t lots of running and leaping around the stage. In a way that was quite nice, because it kept the focus on the fact that they actually had to make this plan happen now. 
One of the best bits of their celebration was actually the moment when they opened Bathilda’s door and did a delighted double high five. I love it when the boys do recognisable best friend things, and that one really resonated with me because just a week earlier in a moment of sheer joy I’d done exactly the same thing. It felt really right. 
My other favourite little detail from this scene was the fact that Dom’s Albus, exactly as it says in the script, didn’t seem entirely sure how to pronounce demiguises. There was a minute hesitation there, and he said it almost as a question. I think of all the Albus’s I’ve seen, Dom’s is instantly the one that most takes me back to those details from the script, which is lovely. 
The adults arrive in Godric’s Hollow (Act Four, Scenes Six, Seven, and Eight)
Ever since Cast Three, the scene where Harry and Ginny find the blanket, especially the line ‘we’re starting with Dad’, has become an absolute favourite of mine. Dom’s Albus is so adamant about that line, in his own firm, fierce way. I love how that line shows Albus starting to assert that he wants some sort of relationship with Harry. It’s such an important moment for the character, and when it’s delivered with such power it really sings out. 
I also want to talk about Harry and Ginny’s interaction at the start of this scene in Albus’s room, because it’s the culmination of an arc that really starts with that new silent interaction they have in the scene by the map back in Act One. There’s a really interesting conflict established in their relationship. Although Ginny understands that Harry is trying, her priority is Albus, and Harry keeps pushing him away. It happens in the blanket scene, in the second timeline, in the dorm scene, and now here he is in Albus’s room, and there’s almost a sense of judgement in Ginny’s ‘surprised to find you here’, which instantly puts Harry on the defensive. The conflict seems set to continue, but then, instead of fighting, they take a breath and start talking.
This is a scene that sees them, in a real mature way, address the conflict they’ve had and apologise to one another for it. They forgive each other in just a couple of short lines and instantly start working together and comforting one another. In a sense, it’s the strength of Harry and Ginny’s relationship that saves Albus and Scorpius. If they’d fought instead of coming together and talking maybe they’d have never found the message on the blanket.
I can’t write about the arrival in Godric’s Hollow without mentioning James Howard — you know how it is. Once the hug with Scorpius is over, Draco sets about trying to calm his son down. He puts a hand on his shoulder or reminds him to breathe. Recently, as part of this, he’s started cupping Scorpius’s cheek with his hand, as both a reminder to focus and a gesture of intimacy. 
I love the juxtaposition of that gesture. There’s the size of Draco’s hand, the heaviness of the rings on his fingers, the perception the world has of everything Draco is — dark and dangerous, maybe even cruel. And yet the gesture is so tender and gentle. It’s his past versus his present almost, everything coming together in this one moment to show the person he’s become. I love that something so simple can mean so much, especially coming from that particular character.
As the action moves into St Jerome’s Church, it’s worth a mention that the blocking in the transition has changed slightly. The pumpkins now all line up, and then form a sort of diamond shape, instead of the blob that they used to. 
St Jerome’s (Act Four, Scenes Nine, Ten, and Eleven)
Albus now sleeps the other way round on the bench in St Jerome’s. He used to have his head facing the audience, but now it faces the centre door. I was wondering whether it’s so people can see his face during the scene (not that it does much during that scene). Although the show sends very mixed messages on this. There’s a point in the scene where Ginny walks away from Albus to talk to Harry by the door, and when she does, the light that is on Albus slowly fades out so Albus is in shadow. We’re definitely not meant to be looking at Albus at the time (and I always feel like the lighting is calling me out for doing so) but in my defence, sometimes it’s nice to watch him all peaceful like that. 
There’s some slightly new positioning in the main St Jerome’s scene. Hermione now stands directly behind Scorpius, so when Albus asks what the history books say it could feasibly be a question directed at either of them. 
I adore how proud of Scorpius Draco looks when Ron says ‘blimey, there’s two of them’. Scorpius glances back at him, and Draco gives him a big, warm smile. It must be so nice for Scorpius to finally be bathed in his dad’s approval, especially after everything he’s been through. 
Jonno and Nicholas have ruined ‘Draco, trust my dad’ for me forever, so I was very grateful that Dominic made the decision to stand about as far from Draco as he could get when he said that line. In fact Albus was right next to Harry, and he kind of glanced at Harry as he said it too. I love it when that line is really for Harry, and when Harry takes it as the gift that it is. He sometimes looks at Ginny afterwards, who smiles at him to tell him he’s done well. 
I made it my business to make sure that I could see Albus and Scorpius at the back of the stage during Harry’s transformation, and I spotted Scorpius holding tight to Albus’s arm as Albus stared in horror at what was happening to his dad. Sometimes it feels like Scorpius is all that’s supporting Albus during that moment, and that Albus might collapse without him there. 
When the Malfoys are watching for Harry and Delphi by the door, Draco puts a hand on Scorpius’s shoulder, and Scorpius jumps out of his skin. It’s sad how unused to being touched he is. It’s like when he tries to run away when Draco goes over to hug him. Jonathan’s Scorpius is so skittish around physical touch (including from Albus).
The final battle (Act Four, Scene Eleven cont. and Twelve)
One of the changes with this cast is that Delphi’s voice manipulation has sort of come back. It’s not the same effect as it used to be, where she’d sort of throw her voice around the auditorium, now it’s a more subtle effect that’s applied directly to her speech. There’s a darker, hoarser voice beneath hers that’s a kind of homage to the original trick, and I’m actually really glad it’s back. 
There are a bunch of different possible inspirations for the name Delphi, but one of them is the oracle of Delphi, an Ancient Greek prophet. It links to the fact that she has a new prophecy, and obviously in Harry Potter, true prophecies are spoken in that hoarse, deep voice. I like the connection to that, and with the importance of a prophet as a speaker, a teller of truth and setter of agendas. 
Delphi’s voice manipulation always had real meaning to me. There was a reason to it being there, even if in a narrative sense it sort of came out of nowhere (the trick isn’t introduced to the show before St Jerome’s, which I think I most other things are). There’s no real foreshadowing of it, which is perhaps why it was originally cut. But I am very glad it’s back. 
In this show what I want is to see changes with meaning, purpose, and thought. Changes that have the same level of artistry and love to them as was applied to the original show. Not all of the new changes seem to have that, but I think this one does, so I’m very happy to have it. 
A less successful change in this scene is that they now very briefly unhook Delphi from the wires so she can walk to the front of the stage, before going back and getting hooked on again two seconds later. On Sunday the result was that her face was in darkness for some key bits of dialogue (they took the spotlight off her while someone was unhooking her). It seemed really random and unnecessary, and I get that it’s desirable to show her getting near the pool of light Harry is trying to entice her towards, but ultimately it seems like so much work and faff for very little gain. Hopefully it’ll be smoother next time I see it, but at the moment it’s not really working. 
At the end of this scene, I absolutely loved Delphi’s ‘fall from grace’. As she fell from the air she flapped around, and it looked like a bird whose wing had been injured, which worked so much better than her going horizontal and staying totally still — when she does that it looks like she’s dead, which she’s obviously not. 
Once Delphi had been bound she was really feisty. She snapped at Ron when he grabbed hold of her to keep her still, and then when Albus is telling the others he’s seen her murder she goaded him, giving him a big evil grin, daring him to do it. 
On the subject of Albus during that line, it was one of the most beautiful and effective deliveries I’ve seen. Dom’s Albus runs at Delphi, like he really does intend to try and kill her. It’s almost like Albus has forgotten his wand. All he wants is to get to her and strangle her with his bare hands for what she’s done. He was so desperate to get to her that Harry had to put real physical effort into holding him back, and even Ginny ran round to grab hold of Albus’s arm and help restrain him. 
I love that as a detail because this is the first moment that Albus has had physical power over Delphi since she first bound him and Scorpius. This is his first opportunity to get back at her for the torture she’s put them through and the fact that she murdered Craig. Everything he’s just seen and been through comes bubbling to the surface and he wants her to feel the same pain that he’s been feeling. It’s one of his most powerful moments, and even though it’s misguided, I love that grey side of Albus, the side that is desperate for revenge, the side that is in so much pain that he’s ready to snap. It’s what makes him human as a character. And the fact that Harry and Ginny fight to hold him back as hard as they do shows such love and commitment to him. They’re going to help him stay on the right path no matter what. There’s no judgement associated with it, they perfectly understand why Albus wants to do what he wants to do, but the simple fact is that it’s not the right thing, in fact it’s what Delphi wants, and they’re going to protect Albus from causing himself even more pain by acting emotionally in a moment when his trauma is still so fresh. 
When Albus did finally back off, he and Harry ended up gripping each other’s forearms for a moment, and there was something mutually supportive about that. It’s a band of brothers sort of gesture. They’re in this together. They understand each other. And they’re going to get through it together. 
Another moment of Albus supporting Harry comes during the death scene. I actually saw two different versions of this, because Dominic did it slightly different on both the Thursday and the Sunday. 
On Sunday he gently took Harry’s wand from his hand (Joe style) when he said ‘there is something you could do, to stop him. But you won’t’. It was like he was taking the lesson his parents had just taught him, and the compassion they’d shown him, and was passing it back to his dad by disarming him so he wasn’t tempted to do anything he’d regret. It was a beautiful little reflection of exactly what had gone before. Subtle and quiet and loving. 
On Thursday it was much more of an emotional struggle. When Harry collapsed to the ground after Lily was killed, Albus was holding onto Harry’s wand at the same time as Harry, and was trying to wrestle it out of his hand. Harry’s grip was so strong that it was impossible, so they ended up kneeling next to each other, struggling together, as they were spun away into darkness. Albus was much more desperate about trying to disarm Harry on Thursday, and he didn’t manage it, but just the attempt was really powerful. And the fact that it came at such an emotional moment was beautiful. It wasn’t clear what Harry was going to try and do about what he’d just seen, but he was in such desperation that perhaps anything would have done, and Albus was trying to relieve him of that desperate temptation. 
A big shout out has to go to Ryan, Lucy, and David for their death scene, particularly on Sunday. When I say that Ryan has come into his own with this cast this is the sort of thing I mean. The raw emotion of his performance was breathtaking and so powerful. Lucy was brilliant too, and David brought a creepy softness to parts of the scene that made it spine chilling. 
Penultimate scene (Act Four, Scene Fourteen)
The biggest thing to talk about in this scene is the hug, if that’s what it can be called. This Albus and Scorpius have some truly awkward hugs, which are very sweet but they’re a massive disaster. In this one they ended up doing a lot of patting of each other’s shoulders, chests, arms, hands, and just generally looking like they didn’t quite know what to do with their hands anymore once they’d hugged. Did they want a second hug? Did they want a friendly pat on the back? Who knows! Not me. Possibly not even them. 
The best thing about this scene though is that it was a return to happy Albus. When Dom’s Albus smiles you can see it from miles around. It’s this enormous oval grin, and it’s adorable. I love Dom’s Albus’s capacity for happiness, and it’s nice to see Albus have that side again after two very depressed Albuses in a row. 
Final scene (Act Four, Scene Fifteen)
The ending of the show is sprung upon you in this new version of the show, because they’ve arranged the order of the lines, so lines that used to mark the gateway to the end of the show have now been switched with lines that were a bit earlier on in the scene. It means that as a viewer you’re relaxed thinking you’ve got plenty of scene left to enjoy, and then suddenly Harry and Albus are looking at Cedric’s grave and it’s seconds from the end. 
Basically, the scene goes as normal until about halfway through the section where Albus is talking about his Slytherin side. At that point Harry addresses his names and why they shouldn’t be a burden before going back to the part where he tells Albus his heart is a good one. In a way, the names are used as an explanation of why Albus is fine just the way he is. They’re more integrated into the scene in a way, and I didn’t mind the change (although some people have argued that it interrupts the flow of the scene a bit). 
During this scene, Dom’s Albus sort of hid among the gravestones, keeping his distance from Harry until the very end. He was still clearly anxious around his dad, but when he eventually let go of his inhibitions he was rewarded with one of the most glorious final hugs we’ve ever seen. 
Jamie B and Joe used to share a really tight, warm hug as the lights faded at the end of the scene, but they would always wait until they were almost entirely in darkness. It felt more like them embracing as two actors who’ve just gone through something emotionally exhausting together, and I don’t think Joe’s version of Albus would have hugged his dad like that. However, with Dom, essentially the same hug now begins before the lights have started going down. It becomes much more part of the characters, and I think that shows a real different between Dom and Joe’s Albuses. 
By the end of the show Joe’s Albus still had a long way to go, and he was always going to be a bit of an awkward, miserable teenager. Whereas Dom’s Albus feels much more on the verge of things being okay. He’s happy to accept a hug like that and for it to feel like a sign of things to come. His ending of the show is less about hope and more about arrival — he and Harry are already there, and everything is okay. 
So that’s the recap (which got very long, sorry about that...). One final thing to mention before wrapping up is that when you think the show has run out of things to change, they go and make all the post-curtain call music different too. Typical. 
The changes this year are many and overwhelming. The first time I saw them they were almost exhausting because there was a feeling that nothing was the same anymore. But actually, I think a lot of them are good, and we’ll get used to them soon enough, especially when they’re being performed by a cast like this. 
Cast Four really are brilliant. I know there are mixed feelings among fandom about some portrayals, but I’m confident that after a settling in period everything will be wonderful. Already there’s so much detail and so many interesting thoughts. Once we get into the part of the year where the cast really start exploring and digging and playing around we’re going to get some really incredible shows. I think it’s going to be a nice year. 
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godzilla-reads · 5 years
11 Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging @thefandomtreatment, this looks fun!
1. What’s your favorite animated movie?
I have so many that this is really hard, so I’ll list off three. Watership Down, The Flight of Dragons, and The Secret of Kells. 
2. What’s a book you dislike that everyone seems to love?
At the time I was reading it, everyone in my school LOVED the Divergence series and I really didn’t see the hype about it and the books weren’t great for me. 
3. What’s a book you love that everyone seems to dislike?
In my English class I loved “The Catcher in the Rye” and how it was written. Although, I was the only one in class who felt that way. 
4. Are you a book buyer or do you like to use the library? Both?
I, honestly, am a book buyer. I buy all my books. I only go to the library to sit and read. I like having a copy that’s mine and I can possibly write in. 
5. What’s your favorite animal?
I’ve been waiting for this question. THE SPOTTED HYENA. It’s my favorite and it’s so fascinating to me. You guys should check out some facts about them. 
6. What was the last game you played?
7. What was the book that got you hooked on reading?
Ok, so there’s technically two. 
The first one was “The Tale of Despereaux”, which I read in second grade. That was the initial hook. 
The book that pushed me to read more currently was “The Hate U Give” because I read it when I was admitted to the hospital for a suicide attempt. 
8. Do you collect bookmarks? If so, which one’s your favorite?
I love collecting bookmarks. My favorite is one I made myself that’s yellow with a sun and it says “Carpe Diem”. 
9. Have you ever watched a film/TV/play adaptation before reading the book, or without knowing it was based on a book? If so, what was it?
When I was younger I saw the movie Eragon before I even knew it was a book. Once I figured it out, I read the series, which was so MUCH BETTER. 
10. Do you like to eat or drink while reading? If so, what is it?
I don’t like eating around my books, but I will drink tea. My go-to is Wild English Rose. 
11. Do you like to listen to something while reading? If so, what is it? 
I love listening to music, while I read. It goes between a lot of stuff. Benny Goodman, Bach, Portugal.The Man, Childish Gambino, and Sigur Ros. 
My Questions
Do you have a favorite book?
Do you have a book OTP?
Favorite book/movie adaptation?
What’s your favorite color?
Do you prefer cityscapes or naturescapes?
What music do you listen to when you drive/walk/bike?
Do you read inside or outside?
Do you prefer bookshelves or bookpiles?
What are some of your favorite children’s books.
Did you ever watch a movie/TV show and read books based on it. What one?
What’s your favorite flower?
I tag @all-about-books-and-authors, @emilienicolia, @fabulous-n-cynical
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 : the series
Big Hero 7 S2
Fate of Roommates
*At a sunny day, Heathcliff had just picked up Fred and Minimax from his comic book club and drives their way to SFIT.*
Heathcliff: I trust your funny book club was illuminating Master Frederickson.
Fred: Twas indeed Heathcliff! We took a deep dive into Captain Fancy!
MiniMax: Fred dazzled with his superior comic insights!
Fred: I was the only one who noticed that the artist A.J Doehertz drew himself into the issue as the nosy neighbor Mr. Cameo.
Heathcliff: Oh, delightful discovery sir.
Fred: Oh you should've seen Richardson's face when-Woah!
*Heathcliff suddenly takes sharp turn as a futuristic blue car sped past them. And in front of the limo is a girl on a moped.*
Minimax: Brace for impact.
*But Heathcliff simply dodges hitting the girl and continues driving, where two new futuristic cars are heading towards them.*
Heathcliff: You might wish to hang on.
*And so Heathcliff zooms past the speeding cars at a wild speed, Fred screaming at the top of his lungs over the driving while Minimax flies through the air.*
Minimax: this is exciting!
*Just up ahead is a mother pushing a baby stroller in the way of Heathcliff's car. With smooth moves Heathcliff avoids hitting the mother and child and getting hit by a truck. Soon they are back to normal driving as if nothing had happened. Like a boss.*
Fred: Whoah.
Heathcliff: My apologies sir. Please, continue your riveting story.
*Fred comes running through the doors of the dining hall towards the gang eating their lunch.*
Fred: Guys! Guys! Guys!
*Even when he slides past them and crashes, he gets back up again and runs to the group.*
Fred: Guys guys(x10)! You should have seen these cars! They look like they were from the future! *Gasp!* Maybe they are from the future!
*During his excitement he slams his fist to the table which spills Wasabi's drink onto Baymax and the floor. A Roomba comes by and cleans up the mess.*
Baymax: Oh no.
Wasabi: Fred that was a 12 dollar cold press juice.
Fred: My bad Wasabi, you know time travel gets me all worked up*Picks up Roomba to clean Baymax*Let me get that for you Baymax.
*Hiro pulls out his phone to see the cars Fred was talking about and sees the news.*
Hiro: There was a bank robbery last night. Maybe those were the getaway cars.
Fred: *Whispers* From the future.
Gogo: Or not.
Cora: But you have to admit they do look pretty advanced compared to every other vehicle.
Hiro: There's only one way to find out. Night Patrol.
Fred: *Whispers* In the future...*regular voice* Wait I mean tonight, lets do this tonight.
Honey Lemon: I feel terrible but I can't make it, I'm throwing a sticker party. Its BYOS. Bring your own stickers!
Gogo: *Mutters* Great, not another sticker party.
Honey Lemon: what was that Gogo?
Gogo: I was just saying how sad I am, to miss it... but duty calls.
Honey Lemon: Don't worry we'll have a sticker after-party! Just you and me!
Gogo:...*Sighs* Fine.
Honey Lemon: Fine is gogo for yay!
*Later on Gogo is cleaning her wheels as a drop of her sweat lands on it.*
Gogo: Ugh... its so hot.
Honey Lemon: Oh I turned on the heat! Warm stickers stick best!
Gogo:*Looking at the stickers in Honey's hands* Of course they do.
Honey Lemon: Also, I just got these mood stickers! They change colors!
*Honey Lemon places it on Gogo's forehead and it immediately changes to black.*
Gogo: Wow. Life changing.
Honey Lemon: Uh oh! Looks like someone needs a hug!
*While Honey Lemon hugs Gogo, the shorter one removes the sticker from her forehead and places it underneath the table. Later on the three futuristic cars zoom out of its garages and into the city, where Gogo meets up with the rest of the team as Baymax scans Gogo's wellbeing as she removes the stickers on her suit.*
Baymax: Gogo, your clenched jaw indicates you are frustrated.
Gogo: That's because I just can't with Honey Lemon's bajillion hobbies.
Wasabi: Oh come on how bad can they be?
Gogo: She also plays the electric harp, has a butterfly aviary in her closet, and don't forget her smile-lates.
Hiro: What are 'smile-lates'?
Gogo: Its Palates, but you have to grin like a nitwit through the entire workout.
Fred:*Testing out the smile-lates workout next to Gogo* Guys I can feel it. My cheeks are getting so swol.
Cora: OK...those are just things Honey Lemon does for herself-
Gogo: Oh and she keeps making portraits of me without my knowledge or permission!
Fred: OK, that last part is a little...overstepping your comfort zone.
Cora: How about you talk to her about these things? You've been roommates for some time so communication shouldn't be a problem right?
*Before Gogo could respond the three cars that nearly got Fred to a car crash zoom by the team.*
Hiro: Baymax! Lets go!
*Hiro and Cora jump on Baymax as Fred and Gogo zoom into the action.*
Wasabi: Wait! Can we go back to the surprise portraits for a sec?
Cora:*Via Comm link* Run now! Portraits later Wasabi!
*When the pink car goes off one street Baymax follows.*
Fred:*To cars* Hey Wait important question! What year are you from?!
Wasabi: Really should've brought my car!
Gogo: Hindsight sucks doesn't it?
*Hiro and Cora looks over the car's design and build to study for any weaknesses it could expose. Baymax lands in front of the car and holds out his hand to stop.*
Baymax: This is an unsafe speed.
*It was then that the car levitates above them and resumes speeding past them.*
Baymax: Good jump.
Hiro: Uh guys? These cars can jump.
Cora: And keep an eye out if they do any other stuff too.
*The blue car zooms through the street as Fred is closely behind.*
Fred: Yeah? Well so can I!
*He gets on top of the car and holds on for dear life as the driver tries to shake him off.*
Fred: Oh I should've come up with a second part of this plan!
*The car flips over and slams Fred into a bullseye billboard nearby.*
Fred: Whoa... my swol cheeks saved me.
*Now its Gogo and the yellow car in the streets. She strikes her disc into the side where the wheels are supposed to be one and knocks it off, leading it to skid through the streets. But up ahead is an elderly lady walking along, unaware of the car skidding towards her. But thankfully Baymax arrives with Hiro throwing his magnetic dics to repel the car away from the old lady and into the ground. Baymax lands as Hiro and Cora gets down, the girl's left fist slowly cackling with electricity just in case the driver means business. Soon Fred joins in.*
Gogo: Ok! Out of the car!
*But when there was no response Hiro goes over to the car and actvates the pod, revealing nothing inside.*
Hiro: Remote driver? huh...
Cora: Who's been operating these cars?
*Wasabi finally arrives at the scene from a taxi and joins the team.*
Wasabi: Sorry guys! there was a lot of traffic.
Fred: Whats that?
*Fred picks up a purple coin with an image of a car engraved to it.*
Cora: Good eye Fred.
Fred:*Reading the coin* Maximum insane driving challenge...*Gasps* Mr. Sparkles!
Hiro: He's back?!
*Meanwhile, Mr. Sparkles is talking to the remotes controlling the cars.*
Mr. Sparkles:*Laughs* Too bad so sad! Wha-Wha-whaaa~ Racer numero uno you are black flagged!
Racer 1: Not fair! Big Hero 7 got in my way!
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! The maximum insane driving challenge is a real time race! On the real life streets of San Fransokyo! There's gonna be obstacles and the occasional super hero!
Driver 1: Still not fair!
Mr. Sparkles: I know! Like life!
*The driver gets dunked onto a pool of water in response.*
Mr. Sparkles: All the winners of the Maximum Insane Driving Challenge win a pair of these fabulous, cashmere lined driving gloves! *To Driver one on the ground* Not you! You go now!
*The ex driver gets off the pool to head home in defeat.*
Mr. Sparkles: I'll find a new driver worthy of these luxurious, cashmere lined driving gloves!
*The other two drivers stare at Mr. Sparkles fawning over the gloves.*
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! this is a private moment between me and the gloves.
*Later on that night, Gogo is heading back to her apartment where she hears the sticker party happening and voices speaking.*
Honey Lemon: This is so exciting!
Gogo: Oh great, the sticker party is still here.
*Gogo opens the door to show instead, the gang with Esme and Miyuki, the two girls being SFAI students.*
Fred: Uh oh! Gogo's in the house!
*Honey Lemon runs up to Gogo and gives her a big hug.*
Gogo: Umm... What's going on?
Honey Lemon: Gogo, I know how much you treasure your space and I know I've invaded it with my stickers and my smile-lates and my surprise portraits.
Miyuki: *Looking at the portraits* Aside from the word surprise, you did a good job Honey Lemon!
Gogo: Honey Lemon... where are you getting at?
Honey Lemon: I asked Miyuki to defrost my dorm room and it worked! SFIT says I'm allowed back to my dorm which means you can have your apartment back!
*The gang cheer as Miyuki throws a puff of snowflakes to act as confetti.*
Gogo: Oh! Wow! Finally!
*But as the words sink in...so did Gogo's mood at the realization of Honey Lemon...not being at her apartment anymore.*
Gogo: I'm free..
*At Joe's diner the next day Hiro, Cora, Fred, and Baymax meet up with Felony Carl and Globby.*
Felony Carl: So, whats with airbags here?
Cora: He's Baymax remember?
Baymax: I am a personal, health care companion.
Felony Carl: You seem extremely huggable.
Hiro: Look, we need some information.
Fred: Globby said you know whats up when down, whats going around, pretty much all of the directions.
Globby: Felony Carl and I go way back. I knew him when he was just Misdemeanor Carl.
Felony Carl:Yeah, and you were still human. *To Hiro* Time flies, carpe diem so they day. Well the romans say anyway.
Fred: *Pulls out the coin* Recognize this?
Cora: He found it in the car we caught last night.
Felony Carl: I may or may not have heard about an emotionally unstable man boy handing them out. Mr. Sprinkles.
Hiro: Sparkles.
Felony Carl: If you say so. The freaks running some drone car race for well to do thrill seekers.
Fred: How 'well to do' are we talking?
Cora: And whats he offering as a price?
Felony Carl: Ascots... and monocles. and the price is a pair of fancy gloves.
Fred: Ascots and monocles...hmm.
Hiro: And all for a pair of gloves?
Felony Carl: Mr. Sprinkles is also working for some big fella, volatile, dry cleans his track suits.
Fred, Hiro, and Cora: Yama!
Hiro: Baymax, can you bring up the map of San Fransokyo?
*Baymax activates the map on his belly and shows the routes the cars had taken.*
Baymax: Tap to zoom.
Hiro: Felony Carl show us where you saw Yama and Sparkles.
Felony Carl: I'm not saying nothing, but...
*Felony Carl taps on the location of the meeting and leaves the table, but not before he looks at Cora.*
Felony Carl: By the way, there's been no funny business happening with your uncle right?
Cora: Nope. Nothing too serious, he is talking more. But still iffy about... *eyes Hiro and Fred* meeting other people.
Felony Carl: Close enough. Also, *Death glare* if I hear him doing any funny business with you and your boyfriend, he's gonna answer to me.
Hiro: *Nervously gulps* We'll keep it in mind Felony Carl.
Felony Carl: Good *To Baymax* Now we hug.
*And so Felony Carl and Baymax hug. Meanwhile Gogo Is studying over her blueprints when Honey Lemon pops by.*
Honey Lemon: Hey Gogo sorry for all the boxes. Hopefully with Esme and Miyuki helping me I'll be out by the end of the week.
Gogo: Really? So you're just going to stiff me for your half of the rent?
Honey Lemon: Of course not! *Pulls out her phone to show the rent money* I already cash-garoo you my half of the rent for three months.
Gogo: Oh! That's really nice of you.
*Honey Lemon smiles at Gogo before she leaves, where soon Hiro, Cora, and Baymax go over to Gogo to tell the news.*
Hiro: Hey we got a lead on sparkle.
Gogo: Yay...
Hiro: What did I say?
Cora: Hiro, could you go check on Gogo's hypercycle blueprints and see if its functional?
Hiro: Sure.
*Hiro walks over to tell the rest of the group while Baymax and Cora stay behind to check on Gogo.*
Cora: Something wrong Gogo?
Baymax: I am programmed to provide emotional support.
Gogo: Baymax, Cora, I'm fine.
Baymax: Your slumped shoulders and the lower pitch of your voice are indicators that you are not fine.
Cora: seriously Gogo, you can tell us.
Gogo: I don't need-
Baymax: Sharing feelings can be difficult, but can lead to a better outcome.
Cora: So spill, whats going on?
Gogo:... *sighs* You're right Baymax. *to Cora* and.. its about Honey Lemon... She's actually moving out... and I just feel...*grunts*.. I'm gonna miss her
Cora: OK, then go do what Baymax says and talk to Honey Lemon about the move.
* And so Gogo goes to Honey Lemon to talk.*
Gogo: Hey Honey Lemon, look it might be a good idea for me to share.
*Honey Lemon blinks as her as Gogo gathers her courage to confess to the peppy tall girl.*
Gogo:... My pencil!... there you go.
*Honey Lemon takes Gogo's pencil.*
Honey Lemon: Oh thanks!~ That's really sweet!
*As Honey Lemon walks away Baymax and Cora look at Gogo. Baymax blinks as Cora purse her lips in judgement.*
Gogo: Stop judging me with your blinks Baymax.
Hiro:*Walking up to Gogo* Hey Gogo! I ran some aerodynamics on your hypercycle and its good to go.
Gogo: Great.
*Gogo walks away as Baymax and Cora step out to talk to Hiro.*
Hiro: What'd I say?
Baymax: Gogo is emotionally vulnerable at the moment.
Cora: And it involves a certain chem genius.*Pulls out her phone and starts texting.*
Hiro: You're texting everyone about Yama and Sparkles?
Cora; Yup... and Miyuki and Esme about a certain Biker chick.
Hiro: Gogo would kill you, you know.
Cora: She could kill after we deal with Yama and Sparkles *Shudders in memory of her being in a bird cage.*
*Later on; Minimax, Wasabi, Fred, Hiro, and Cora are at Fred's room looking at the pictures of Yama and Mr. Sparkles.*
Fred: So whats the plan here?... I always wanted to say that!
Hiro: Normally we send someone in undercover to get more info but...
Wasabi: Mr. Sparkles and Yama would instantly recognize all of us.
Hiro: Exactly.
Cora: And I'm dead meat if I try to go Mystery Angel.
Wasabi: OK, so we need someone we can trust...
Hiro: who looks extremely rich...
Cora: Knows his way around the race tracks...
Fred: And is also a great driver.
*Just then Heathcliff comes through the door.*
Heathcliff: May I be of service Master Frederickson?
Fred: Wait! That's it! I know exactly who our driver should be!
Minimax: I'll do it!
Fred: I think somebody is ready for the nappity nap sleepity boop!
Minimax: I am not ready for my nappity nap sleepity boop! I am ready to defend justice!
Cora:*stern, warning tone* Minimax?
Minimax: I'm sorry Cora. I am ready for my nappity nap sleepity boop Fred.
*Fred picks up minimax and cradles him in his arms.*
Fred: Hush little Minimax, go to sleep. Boop!~
*And like that Minimax is out like a light.*
Cora: *Whispers* That was adorable.
Fred: *Whispers* Thanks.
*Soon all five of them, including a sleeping Minimax, contact Fred's father.*
Fred: Dad, you got any words of wisdom for our boy Heathcliff here before he faces Sparkles?
Frederickson the III: I've always hated fighting screwball villains. No respect for the game.
Hiro: Whatabout going undercover as a rich thrill seeker Mr. Frederickson?
Frederickson the III: Heathcliff doesn't need my advice; he's the best in the bizz. Back when I plucked Heathcliff out of butler school I schooled him on undercover work. Doctor, banker, hot air balloon enthusiast, he could pull the wool over his mother's eyes.
Heathcliff: Oh indeed sir. I relish the opportunity to serve Mr. Sparkles some hot justice underglass.
*That is when Minimax wakes from his nap and springs into action.*
Minimax: I like the way you talk about justice!
*Minimax brings out his fist to Heathcliff for a fistbump.*
Heathcliff: Oh um, thank you, Master Minimax.
*He fistbumps Minimax in return. Back at the lab, Gogo is setting up her hypercycle while Hiro and Cora are with Honey Lemon and Baymax.*
Hiro: Cora and I are gonna help Honey Lemon move her dresser Gogo, you good?
Gogo: Yeah, yeah. Thanks Hiro.
Cora: Esme and Miyuki are coming over soon bringing some lunch here. Just in case.
*With that, the three people leave. Baymax looks at Gogo before he sees Miyuki and Esme enter inside with some yaki tacos.*
Miyuki: Hi Baymax! How's it hanging?
Baymax: I am good. Thank you Miyuki.
Esme: So where's Gogo?
*Baymax points over to Gogo working on her project. Esme looks at Miyuki and nods at her; receiving a nod back the two girls put aside the food and walk over to Honey Lemon, with Baymax following them close.*
Esme: Hey, Gogo. Interesting project you got there.
Gogo; Thanks.. *Looks at Baymax* What now? More emotional support?
Baymax: Yes. Would you like a hug?
Gogo: I'm good. but thanks.
Hiro:*Through the door* Baymax, come on! *Sees the two girls* Oh! Esme! Miyuki!
Miyuki and Esme: Hiya Hiro.
Esme: *To Baymax* Yeah, you should go Baymax, this is something we girls need to discuss... alone.
Baymax:*Blinks* OK. Goodbye.
*As Baymax waddles towards Hiro, the two girls look at Gogo as Miyuki starts speaking.*
Miyuki: Ok, lets cut to the chase. You're being moody ever since Honey Lemon announced she is moving out and despite being annoyed at her hobbies, you're gonna miss her being there right?
*Gogo stops at her work and turns around.*
Gogo: Who told you?
Esme: Cora texted us about this. Said you chickened out telling Honey Lemon how you feel about this.
Gogo; Ugh. I swear I'm gonna kill her for this!
Miyuki: *Uses her finger to create an ice tipped fingernail* Not until you confess whats really going on in your head.
Gogo: *Grunts*...Fine! I... I...
Esme: You know for a chick who says woman up to make someone pull of the bandage and get it over with, you're pretty bad at acting on your own phrase.
Gogo: Fine! You want to know? I'm gonna miss Honey Lemon when she goes back to her dorm! I'm gonna miss her butterfly aviary! I'm gonna miss her electric harp playing! I'm gonna miss her smile-lates! I'm even gonna miss her stupid sticker parties! Maybe its cause I like how Honey Lemon brights up the room even if I didn't want to! Maybe its cause how I'll miss her showing me cat videos at 5 am! Maybe its because I gotten so used to her living with me and saying hello every morning! Maybe its cause I love her-!
*When Gogo sees the shocked expressions of esme and Miyuki, Gogo's face blushes into a giant tomato. She quickly gets up but Miyuki freezes her feet.*
Miyuki: Did you just say.. you love Honey Lemon?
Esme: As in... Love-Love?
*Gogo's glaring yet red face is enough of an answer than they need. Finally Miyuki brings over the taco and shoves it to Gogo. Esme then puts a hand on Gogo's shoulder.*
Esme: Gogo... you know more than anyone else, aside from Baymax, that not sharing these feelings will make you do something stupid right?
*Gogo does not say anything, her face remaining its embarrassed form.*
Miyuki: *sighs* You know what? You can't keep quiet about this forever. And who knows? Maybe Honey Lemon feels the same way.
*Gogo blinks as the frost on her feet disappears and sees Miyuki walk out the door, her eyes ringing with memory... about Tadashi. Esme then hands her a water bottle and walks out.*
Esme: So go out there, find Honey Lemon, and woman up.
*Gogo looks at her food and then to Honey Lemon's chem set, seeing through her minds eyes the memories of her crazy expirements, her joyful laughter, her enthusiasm, how she would attempt to cheer up their friends during troubling times. All this brings a warm smile to her face. Later that night, Heathcliff is with Fred, dressed in his Fredmelian costume in the limo near the place where the street racing begins.*
Heathcliff: Sir, we have arrived at the abandoned warehouse the felonious gentleman identified.
Fred: Great! Now remember, if you get in ant trouble, Fredmelian is nearby.
Heathcliff: Oh thank you sir. I'm sure we'll make a cracking good team.
*Fred activates his camouflage as Heathcliff goes towards the door and knocks on it. The slide eye opener opens to see Heathcliff.*
Heathcliff: Greetings, I am a well to do thrill seeker in pursuit of a pair of a new driving gloves. Cashmere lined perhaps?
*And with a monocle the guy lets in Heathcliff.*
Fred: *Whispers* Nice sell on the monocle!
*Fred slithers inside while the door is still open. Elsewhere Yama and Mr. Sparkles are hanging.*
Heathcliff: Good evening gentlemen. Rumor has it you're organizing a test of competence operating automobiles and high velocities.
Mr. Sparkles: Uncle Moneybags wants to race! You're in luck! My boyo here, just cranked up our ride so nobody can touch them. Not the heat! Not the superweirdos.
Heathcliff: Sounds peachy.
Yama: How peachy?
*Heathcliff pulls out his case and opens it to reveal it being filled up with cash.*
Mr. Sparkles: Extra peachy. Well well well, well-to do thrill seeker you're in!*Smothers himself in the gloves*
Fred: Ew!
*The two criminals hear a voice but don't see a body.*
Heathcliff: A thousand apologies sir, my monocle is squeaky. Needs Waxing.
Mr. Sparkles: Sure, that'll happen. I guess... Nine o'clock! Be ready for the ride of your life!
Heathcliff: I have dedication to acceleration.
*Heathcliff hands over the suitcase of case to Mr. Sparkles and walks off.*
Mr. Sparkles: Hey! Wax that monocle! Cha ching!
*He then throws it to Yama's face.*
Yama: Ouch!
Mr. Sparkles: Op! My bad, sorry! thought you were gonna catch it!
*Mr. Sparkles then walks into his 'office' with Yama.*
Yama: I'm not your boyo!
Mr. Sparkles: You're right! That gorgeous smile belongs to the world-
Yama: Sparkle! Be serious! Someone's going to-
: Figure out Maximum Insane Driving Challenge is just a diversion! To keep the law busy while we commit crimes? That's the insane part!
*Yama flips the switch on an old fan to show a vault of money behind a painting of money.*
Mr. Sparkles: But this time its going to be worth all the risk! Stealing Captain Fancy number 8!
*Unbeknownst to them Fred is in the room in camouflage mode, and he overheard it all.*
Yama: The comic book? I have a reputation!
Mr. Sparkles: Not just any comic book silly! The most valuable, comic book in the world!
Yama: Where is it?
Mr. Sparkles: Richardson's rare comics.
Yama: You sure the most valuable?
Mr. Sparkles: Ah ha! I knew you couldn't resist! Boyo!
Yama: Don't call me boyo! Freak.
*After the criminals leave the room, Fred turns off his camoflouge.*
Fred: Robbing banks is one thing, but comic books!? Now they've gone too far!
*After many hours, Gogo goes back to her apartment where she sees a majority of Honey Lemon's stuff neatly packed.*
Gogo: Looks like you're all packed up.
Honey Lemon: Yeah, almost! I should be out of your hair by tomorrow!
Gogo:Oh… that soon?... Honey Lemon?
Honey Lemon: Yeah?
Gogo: Look...*Sighs* I don't know how to say this... but-
Honey Lemon: *Pulls out the pencil Gogo gave her earlier* Do you want your pencil back? Cause, I really don't need it.
Gogo:No, I-
*Honey Lemon's phone buzzes and so she answers the call.*
Hiro: Yama and Sparkles are hitting Richardson's comic book store tonight. Meet us there.
Honey Lemon: Oh no! I'll go grab my chem purse!
*As Honey Lemon prepares herself for tonight, Gogo sighs at her failed attempt to talk to Honey Lemon.*
Gogo:... Well this is going well...*Pulls out the sticker underneath the desk and sighs*
*The remote controlled cars are up and ready for the road. The first two drivers put on their helmets as Heathcliff momentarily gets confused before Fred gently puts it on his head.*
Fred: Good luck!
Heathcliff: Thank you, invisible sir.
Mr. Sparkles: Ready roadsters? Time to play Maximum Insane Driving challenge! Who will win these silk soft cashmere lining driving gloves?
*The three drivers insert the special coin to start the race.*
Peter:*To Heathcliff* Anyone ever tell you that you look like a butler?
Dereck: *To Heathcliff* Yeah, can you fetch me an ice tea?
Peter:*Laughs* Nice on Dereck.
Dereck: Thanks Peter!
Heathcliff:*To self* I'm going to relish this.
*The three drivers set up their controllers as they prepare for the race.*
Mr. Sparkles: On your marks, get set, Go!
*And so pushing metal to the pedal all three zoom off their cars into the streets of San Fransokyo. Meanwhile, the rest of Big Hero 7 arrive across the street from Richardson's comic book store. Cora looks down and sees a flashlight coming from inside the already closed store.*
Cora: They're here already.
Hiro: We'll catch them by surprise.
*Yama is shuffling through the comic store, thankfully unaware of the mole hole entrance, when the light turn on to which Yama sees is Big Hero 7.*
Hiro: Looking for something?
Cora: A certain comic book perhaps?
Yama: Its not here!
Gogo: Nice try *pulls out disc* hand it over.
Yama: Its not here! I've looked everywhere!
Wasabi: Then why would Mr. Sparkles say it was here?
Gogo: Unless...
Cora: He set him up!
*Yama receives a text just then that confirms their suspicions.*
Yama: That little Freak did set me up!
*Meanwhile the police are after the cars as they drive through the streets. Up ahead being an elderly woman crossing the street. The three cars fly over the woman while the police cars stop barely in time to avoid hitting her. When the old woman turns her head to see that the cops had barely avoided hitting her, she smacks the hood and continues on her way. Which results in the airbags to activate. In an attempt to swerve Heathcliff off course, Dereck nearly knocks out his car before Heathcliff regains control. Heathcliff drives backwards to join the pink car, to which Dereck realizes that in that attempt, he went off course. *
Dereck: Ah F-
*His car drives into the bay, sinking to the deep.*
Mr. Sparkles: Game over loser!
*Dereck is dropped to the pool as a result. Leaving Heathcliff with the other lone driver to compete. *
Heathcliff: Be a dear and fetch me an ice tea.
Hiro: Fred, Mr. Sparkles double crossed Yama. He's gonna get away!
Fred: All good, Fredmeleon's on it!
*Using his tongue he swings over to office only to find it empty.*
Fred: *Whispers* Sparkles isn't here.*Regular voice* Wait Sparkles isn't here I don't know why I'm whispering. *Opens safe and finds it empty.* Oh boy, and he emptied the safe.
Honey Lemon: If Mr. Sparkles isn't there, where is he then?
*Turns out Mr. Sparkles got into the pink car with all the cash and driving gloves with him.*
Mr. Sparkles: *Admiring gloves* Oh like a butterfly's kiss. Maximum insane manual mode!
*He activates the car to be operated manually, leaving Peter no control of his car.*
Peter: I've lost control of my car!
Mr. Sparkles: Thanks for not playing loser!
*Peter is then dunked to the pool, now leaving Heathcliff alone to stop Mr. Sparkles at his game.*
Heathcliff:*Cracking knuckles* This is for all the butlers.
*He sets up his controller to catch up to Mr. Sparkles and land in front of him, forcing Mr. sparkles to skid aside to avoid hitting the green car.*
Mr. Sparkles: Eat my sparkles!
*Mr. Sparkles then summons forth the robotic chicken he had used for his escapes to take out Heathcliff with giant eggs. Although he did his best to avoid the falling eggs, the last one exploded in front of, the force pushing back the green car and destroying it, making him loose the race.*
Fred: Guys! Mr. Sparkles is in one of the cars and just took out Heathcliff!
Heathcliff: *Falling to the pool* Indeed!
*After an unseen battle which left Yama with an aching crotch and a black eye from Aqua Girl and Electro Alpha respectably, he turns to one of the team members and taunts.*
Yama: You'll never catch him!
Gogo: And you're wrong.
*Gogo fist bumps Hiro as soon as Gogo's skymax delivers her brand new mode of transportation: The Hyper cycle.*
Cora: Go get him Velocity!
Hiro: We'll stay with Yama! Sparkles is all yours!
*And so Gogo zooms off with her cycle. Soon she spots the car that has Sparkles inside.*
Mr. Sparkles: Welcome to the party Velocity! Too bad you weren't invited!
*He rams the car to her side to knock her out of the road. When he focuses on the mirror he thought he succeeded... only for Gogo and her hypercycle remaining intact. She opens up a weapon from her cycle which soon fries out the circuits of his car, leaving him vulnerable.*
Mr. Sparkles: Bet your cycle can't do this!
*He activates the eject button, the only one that works, and flies up to his get away chicken machine.*
Mr. Sparkles: You haven't seen the last of me!
*And so the chicken flies off with the coward on its back, leaving Gogo with the car to catch.*
Hiro: Chem Princess! Velocity!
Honey Lemon: On it Alpha!
*Honey Lemon throws three of her chemballs to cushion the car into a bubble, though Hiro pushes her out of the way as it bounces through the streets... which just so happens to be heading towards a mother and her baby crossing the street. Gogo zooms faster to save them as the mother stops in shock of the upcoming car. Luckily Heathcliff comes driving full course and uses the limousine to smack the car bubble to the billboard which so happens to have Mr. Sparkles face on it.*
Honey Lemon and Hiro: Wow!
*As the mother cradles her baby, Heathcliff steps out of the car and is greeted by Big Hero 7, congratulating him and Gogo.*
Wasabi: That was amazing!
Hiro: Nice driving!
Cora: Those were some Sick moves dude!
Yama: Yeah! We did it haha! Team work yeah!
*The team look at Yama before Cora zaps him again.*
Cora: You're still going to jail. Nice try though.
Yama: Not again.
*And the police arrives at the scene.*
Baymax: You failed because you and Mr. Sparkles did not communicate honestly.
*Baymax just so happens to look at Gogo when he said this.*
Gogo: Yeah, I get it.
Cora: *To Baymax* Did you just throw Shade at Gogo?
Baymax: My shadow does not shield Gogo from any lights blinding her.
*Cora shakes her head but smiles none the less. The next day, everyone, even Esme and Miyuki, are carrying the final boxes to move out of Gogo's apartment.*
Honey Lemon; Well, I think that's everything! Lets go!
Gogo: Wait!
*Everyone looks at Gogo, who is holding a box in her arms before taking a deep breath. Realizing whats going on, Esme and Miyuki push everyone else up the stairs.*
Fred: Hey whats going up?
Hiro: Why are we heading upstairs.
Esme: Giving them space!
*And so with the rest of the gang out of the room, leaving Gogo with Honey Lemon, she takes another deep breath before speaking to her.*
Honey Lemon: Gogo? Whats wrong?
Gogo: everyone knows I don't do feelings, but sometimes its worth it to make an exception...I've really gotten used to living with you and if you leave well... I'll feel...
Honey Lemon: You'll feel?
Gogo: Lonely... and not just cause you're not my roommate anymore... I've... *Sighs* I've gotten so used to you waking me up every morning and saying goodnight that if you go... a part of my heart will be empty...
Honey Lemon: *Blushing as she realizes what Gogo is saying* You mean...
Gogo: Yeah...*She then places the emote sticker over her heart, turning it to a bright red as well as her cheeks.*
*Honey Lemon lets out an airy gasp as she drops her box and rushes over and hugs her.*
Honey Lemon: I love you too Gogo! Of course I want to stay!
*This catches Gogo off guard in surprise, her heart pounding faster than any speed she could've imagined in her life.*
Gogo: You feel the same way too?
Honey Lemon; Yeah! Even if you're no-nonsense mood and cold shoulder can be a little off, every part of you that showed that you push others to be at their best and 'woman up' is what made me fall for you too.
Gogo: …*Giggling before laughing happily*
*That surprised Honey Lemon, to which she started laughing with her as well. Its around this time that the rest of the gang saw what happened between them and smile brightly.*
Hiro: Congrats Gogo.
Cora; You finally womaned up.
Baymax: She has finally communicated her emotions to Honey Lemon completely.
Wasabi: So now they're a couple?
Fred: This is the happiest day of my life!
*Cora sees Miyuki sketch out the scene between Gogo and Honey Lemon. To which they finally let go.*
Honey Lemon: Official Couple selfie!
*Gogo looks at Honey Lemon for a moment before she smiles and joins the selfie.*
Gogo: This does not get posted.
Honey Lemon: Sorry, already did!
*Honey Lemon then sets her way to unpack her things to which Gogo sees the rest of the gang smile at her and give their thumbs up. At first she considers scowlding them until she remembers Baymax's and Esme and Miyuki's words and simply gives a thumbs up back. Hiro and Cora then hug each other as they celebrate their two friends becoming girlfriends. And for that moment, nothing in their life was sweeter than now for Honey Lemon and Gogo...*
Mr. Sparkles: I can't even with Big Hero 7 anymore. But alas that's why I'm here.
*As it turns out Mr. Sparkles had went to Sycorax to meet with Liv Amara with a large duffle bag of cash for payment.*
: I hear you give villains interesting abilities...
*Liv Amara looks inside the bag before she gives a wide smile to the eccentric showman. Already conducting plans for his future*
A.N: Yup. I made Gogo and Honey Lemon girlfriends. Hope you enjoy it! Love you all and thank you for reading BH7!
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otter1962 · 5 years
A decision made on several fronts...
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There I sat in the massage chair at the gym this afternoon.  My mind wandered over the things that seem to be important to me at the moment: which chemo treatment to choose, being envious of others’ talents or look more closely for my own, and look at things positively or take the trail to a downward spiral...
I was mulling over the wise words of a friend who told me that he had no regrets for how he has lived his life.  He is a successful and extremely talented musician, has been with his husband since the early 80′s and has a wonderful life playing music, travelling and experiencing life. He’s an amazing person and has become a wonderful friend for me. As I reviewed what he had said, I felt a strong sense of regret on my part for what I thought were the “bad things” that had happened to me. Here is the beginning of the downward spiral; look at the cancer, getting dumped, not having someone in my life, money problems, and the list would go on and on and on.  So, I did something quite out of the norm: I decided to call myself on it and spoke to my friend I mentioned above and told him what was on my mind. Needless to say, after speaking to him, I knew that I was taking the more familiar road of negativity.  He challenged me to take the other less travelled path and look at all my talents and the wonderful things that have happened in my life. The envy turned into compassion for myself and allowed me to look myself square in the metaphorical face and see what my talents are and what wonderful things that I have in my life.
With those thoughts fresh in my mind, a decision was made about my chemo. Should I take the intravenous chemo or the pills?  My oncologist said he thinks the best choice is the intravenous. My choice takes the less travelled path. I am choosing the pills because they fit my lifestyle a lot better. I am willing to risk the gain of 3% of not having the cancer return for a life full of weights and work on myself and things for myself instead of for others.
I have used “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost in many situations in my life; some dire and horrendous, some of common sense and finally to choose to ignore the negative habits I have developed.  It is clear that I must take the path less worn because therein lies the positivity of change and a life of no regret.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Carpe diem everyone! May you take your less travelled path too!
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n0tenough4you · 5 years
Letter to someone who recently came into my life after nine years
The dictionary has over 1 million words, and there are infinite combinations of those words that i could say to you. A limitless algorithm, some words less well matched and others will slide perfectly into place. There is however a limit to the words I can say to you in this letter, and honestly I don’t feel that there are enough words to get across what i am trying to say. So many combinations, so many ways to try to say what is going through my head and so i write another draft and the words don’t fit. They are not in the right order; and so another letter is discarded and I fall asleep trying again the next day to scramble this internal dictionary in a way which will have the least painful ramifications and the truth is I think its a near impossible task. At the end of this, someone is going to be hurt, someone is going to end up with a hole in their chest and is it not jus  so selfish of me to pray that I am the one who leaves whole? and so there goes another draft and I am slowing peeling apart the layers to try to speak from a place that is not covered in the black tar of depression which i seem to be swimming in a lot. I am trying to write with words that plant seeds of happiness and flower in the most comforting way. So far all I seem to be doing is tying nots with metaphors and tripping over them in the natural rhythm of my writing. I know it can be confusing to understand but please i am trying to make my thoughts clear. But they are sand and the innumberability and infinity of them is rather overwhealming.
At the end of it all, when I close my eyes and think of our time together it is as soft as petals and as sweet at the most intoxicating perfume. It is not mine, your time is not mine and you are not mine. You belong to someone else.
We all want security, to feel safe, we need stability and consistency. It is an innate desire which is shared by all humans and trust. I trust you to make the right choice and to think with your head rather than that thing in your chest. In one year we will be different people, with different lives, in two  years the patchwork of ourselves will have expanded beyond our current horizons and in 7 years each cell in our body shall be replaced and fit into a mold left behind by who we used to be yet we are not the same. The grooves of day to day life will have altered us and in 7 years 2,557 grooves will have changed our true selves a lot
Nine years is a lot of change and it was so comforting to see the same spark of life that drew me to you all those years ago. Nine years is a combination of 3287 days, 78,888 hours and 283,996,800 seconds and somewhere in all those numbers I see the same smile I did before and that real was a ray of sunshine in my life, so thank you. To think that in 3287 days I was somewhere in your head, Girl in the back of your mind, maybe not always consciously but still to be thought of means so much.
“The best feeling in the world is knowing your presence and absence both mean something to someone.”
But maybe that is better? Maybe to remain in a box in the attic of your brain is a safe space and something that is easier to deal with. You have a plan, you may have doubts but all the best people doubt themselves and it is so natural. You will stay with what is safe, you will move in with this woman who you love who has been there physically for three years. Throwing all of this away for someone who you haven’t known since a child is ridiculous. I will forgive the wound in my chest and never forget the flowers of our time together. I will wish you nothing but happiness.
“Wherever I go, I will speak of you with love”
Clive Barker, The Thief of Always
Loosing me, I know it isn’t what you want. You care so much for me and i for you. I am not lost, I will continue to  be and to grow, to be me. I shall continue to live and blossom. I just won’t be in your bubble, so to speak. At the moment I am shipwrecked in this isolated state of absence and trying to fill the void with tangible substances. I am sewing myself a blanket of metaphors and grasping at others words to help me understand the path still so ambitious in front of me. I am tripping over the right choices and trying not to fall into bad decisions and maybe one day I shall find happiness and a way of live that feels like the small infinities I share with those I love before i return to my island.You are so lucky, to have two people who love you and a path to walk. You may doubt it, but you are so lucky. We collided in the most beautiful way but it is over. We left physically unscathed, and the wounds in our hearts will turn to scares and make up the fabric of our new selves.
Maybe  in five years, 8 years or 10 years we can see each other again, but I wouldn’t hold onto it. As it currently stands I don’t feel that I can be just friends, I can’t be in your life and not feel pain as I watch you with someone else. I don’t know if that will change but I feel something between us.
do you feel that? the cackling energy in the space between our fingertips as if the universe is begging for us to touch
Edgar Holmes, Her Favorite Color Was Yellow <https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36660045-her-favorite-color-was-yellow>
I have little experience with love, loss however is an old friend and a constant companion. Like I said before, I sit in this , the only constant I can have is myself. I can pulls myself through this tar surrounding my head, I can sail the ship across the ocean and find happiness. I do what i want so to speak.
Hope is dangerous, as is optimism, coming from someone who wears her heart proudly exposed for people to break I can tell you that no matter how many times hope is swept from under your feet and you are left with the pieces of youself shattered around you it never gets easier. In the end you become accustomed with the emotions and a stronger person emerges. I doubt that i will ever lock my heart away and refuse to allow anyone in. I probably should, it would save me from pain but when you lie to yourself you refuse to allow yourself to feel the good as well as the bad. If i had been closed to love i never would have found it within you and I don’t know who I would be right now if you hadn’t taken my hand and pulled me out from my tar and danced with me in the sunshine. I don’t know if I would have lines under my eyes from smiling or if the world would have looked so beautiful without the rose tinted glasses of your companionship.
“In your entire life, you can probably count your true friends on one hand. Maybe even on one finger. Those are the friends you need to cherish, and I wouldn’t trade one of them for a hundred of the other kind. I’d rather be completely alone than with a bunch of people who aren’t real. People who are just passing time.”
Sarah Ockler,  Fixing Delilah
I feel as though if i were to stay in your life I wouldn’t feel real. I would be passing time and caught in a web of hope, craving your hand in mine and that is not honest. I am still getting through each day, taking each second as it comes and fighting through a cloud of tar to embrace and love each moment [Carpe diem] I am sizing the moment, but you, you need to seize the future because I have 100% certainty that yours is going to be spectacular.
In summery
•You should choose your girlfriend
•I have a long way to go before I can be in your life
•Maybe our stories will cross again but don’t hold onto that
•be happy
I hope that you read this and that the combination of words makes sense this time. I hope that i got it right. I hope that you hold my words in your chest and that you never think badly of the girl in the back of your head and know that she forgives you for putting her in a box and ignoring her while you push through reality.  I hope that the boy in my head (you) will forgive me for boxing him away and allow me to continue navigating my way to somewhere happier.
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softscottlang · 6 years
Carpe Diem (Peter Parker) Part One
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You are starting high school with your best friends, but suddenly you notice Peter is changing, but so are you 
warning: You’re adopted by gay parents in honor of pride month, if that’s a problem, you should probably leave my page. Papa and Dad are the names you call your dads psa. 
word count: 4.5k
prologue - Part one  
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Being a teenager is hard, dealing with all the judgmental stares, the gossiping and lies. But Y/N Y/L/N didn’t let those things get to her. She was too busy reading books and writing her amateur music.
The morning started with a loud alarm, one that was quickly turned off by a bubbly brunette. She quickly bounced out of bed, throwing her blankets carelessly across the room before running to the bathroom to shower. She hurried while throwing a glop of shampoo into her hair and rinsing it out through the water beating down on her head. She washed her body and enjoyed getting herself prepared for the day.
She turned the water off and wrapped a towel around herself, walking back into her room. She put her phone on the speaker and listened to music as she picked her outfit out. After digging around aimlessly to find something that would look nice for her first day, she decided on a pair of skinny jeans, a white shirt and her favorite camouflage jacket. She quickly dressed in them and slipped a pair of socks and converse on, excitement seeping through everything she did.
She quickly brushed through her damp hair, put some mascara on and grabbed her phone and bookbag before rushing down to the kitchen where she found her papa chasing after her younger brother whom was lacking a pair of pants.
A smile found it’s way onto the teens face when a plate was placed in front of her. She looked up to see her dad smiling right back at her.
“Big day, are you ready?” he said while walking over to her little sister who had just joined the table for breakfast. The little twin girl was wearing her favorite red rain boots, despite the warm heat and a pair of jeans with a patterned shirt.
“Yeah!” Y/N said before taking a piece of toast and biting into it. Her dad gave her a small nod then went to help his husband get pants on her brother. Liam was still running around the living room, refusing to get dressed for school. Liam and London were twins, both adopted when Y/N was eleven.
She was happy being an older sister, it made her feel less lonely. Having been brought into her family when she was five left her with six years of being her fathers only child. They tried everything in their power to help their little girl become more and more like the energetic five-year-old she once was. They put her in piano lessons, which she excelled in. They got her to start doing science classes- those she didn’t like but did anyway.
But one day when she was getting ready for bed, her dads came into her room and said eight words that brought her the most joy she had ever felt.
“You are going to be a big sister”
Now all she can do is laugh as her little brother refuses to wear pants and her sister wears the craziest outfits imaginable.
Before she knew what was happening, Y/N was being swept off of her feet and out of her seat.
“We agreed to let you walk with Ned on your first day, but we did not agree for you to be late.” Her Papa shoved her bookbag into her arms and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before shooing her to the door.
“Okay, grouchy old man. I love you but it’s her first day of high school, don’t rush her so much.” Her dad rested his hands on her shoulder and kissed the top of the young girl’s cheek before opening the door. “okay, now go on, I can’t keep your papa from getting mad all the time. And remember to take a notebook to every class. I love you.”
“I love you too, bye London and Liam! Bye Papa” She threw the bookbag over her shoulder and walked out the door and across the hallway to the Leeds apartment. She opened the door, letting herself in. “Ned! We have to go; Peter and Briar are waiting for us!”
“Nice to see you too Y/N.” Mrs. Leeds said from her spot on the couch, head still in her book. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the woman’s response to the young girl’s actions. Suddenly, Ned comes barging out of the hallway and towards the door.
“Bye mom, love you.” He said before grabbing Y/N hand and slamming the door shut. The two were out of the apartment building as fast as their legs could carry them, laughs escaping their mouths uncontrollably.
Ned and Y/N had been best friend since they were six, Ned having just moved to Queens from Virginia with his parents. They met while he was bringing some of his toys from the car up, Y/N had been playing with her action figures in the hallway. Ned saw them and asked if she waned to play with his cars. Then suddenly the two were inseparable, thick as thieves.
“I can’t believe we are finally going to be high schoolers.” Ned said, jumping about slightly “Like I swear yesterday we were just getting dropped off at school for sixth grade. Do you remember the first day? You peed your pants, you were so scared of the eighth graders and it wasn’t even a little bit, it was like- “
“Okay Ned, thanks for the reminder but I really hated eighth graders.” Y/N said, her cheeks a vibrant red from the embarrassing memory. The pair had basically become sibling at this point but that didn’t mean that she wanted the whole block to know of the yellow mist-take of 2012.
“Yeah you did, it was like a waterfall in your pants!” Ned all but screamed at the top of his lungs. Y/N pushed the taller boy into the grass, almost knocking him over. “Okay, I get it. I’ll let it go”
“Wait, what was a waterfall in who’s pants?” The remaining party had finally arrived for the walk to school. Of course, Briar Rose would be the one to hear Ned and ask about it. Having been best friends with Ned and Y/N since they were all in seventh grade math together.
“Nothing Briar, let’s just go to school.” Y/N would have liked to say that her good mood from this morning couldn’t be ruined by anything, but that was all but true. The young teen was trying to fight back the negativity that she had been over come with due to the teasing, but she fought a losing battle.
“Bri, where’s Peter?” Ned said through the silence that was being held.
“Down the block, May made him brush his hair again before he left. I didn’t feel like waiting any longer for him.”  Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at her friend. The smile and happiness were slowly creeping back into the young teens mind. Ned quickly turned around and walked in the other direction towards Peter and Briar’s apartment buildings. “Ned, for real, he’s fine. He knows how to walk to school from here.”
“But that doesn’t mean he should have to walk alone.” Y/N said quietly underneath her breath. So, she started walking towards Ned who was closing in on the Parker boy.
Peter and Y/N had been friends since they were in the seventh grade. Y/N remembered walking into her first period math class and took a random seat in the middle of the class, this was the first time she had been in a class this big without Ned and she was definitely not looking forward to it.
As more of the students walked in and sat down, a young boy came and took the seat beside Y/N. She wanted to introduce herself, but he seemed like a shy kid, so she leaned over and looked at the name on his notebooks.
Peter Parker
Everyone in town knew what had happened to the Parker’s this summer, both parents were very influential in the community. Between the both of them, they had done community service for hours upon hours, giving back to their neighbors. So, when the two of them were killed, everyone was impacted.
Y/N knew that Peter was sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Queens, it was on the news that he would be moved there to be taken care of, but she didn’t know that he would be going to her school.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” She said to the boy in front of her. He turned around and his face slowly began to hold a shining smile. “What’s your name?”
“It’s Peter Parker.”
Now here they were two years later starting their first day of Freshmen year together. Y/N had finally reached the pair of boys with a smile on her face and a light-hearted feeling encasing her. Peter was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie with the words ‘I wear this hoodie periodically’, which had the periodic table on it.
“Hey Petey!” Y/N said to the Parker boy, he looked at her and pointed his smile that was upon his face towards the Y/L/N girl.
“Hello (insert a weird nickname some has called you and made you cringe)” The young girl felt herself cringe as the horrid nickname passed the Parker boy’s lips. Ned, whom was standing besides Peter started laughing when he saw Y/N’s face.
“Yeah, don’t call me that, Y/N fine, but that’s a no-go” Y/N said as the three continued to walk forward towards Briar, who looked to be very over all the nickname talk.
“Come on slow pokes! I have first period Biology, we all know I suck at science.” Briar called from a few -paces up.
“Then why are you going to Midtown, you know, a magnet school for science?” Ned asked his friend with no amusement in his voice. Ned and Briar had a complicated past that was confusing for Y/N to think about. Ned was now on the receiving end of the intense stares of the group.
“Because it’s the best school in the area and mom didn’t want me to go to a school where there was a fight every day.” Briar said as she started to lean the four of them to the next block towards the school. “Thanks for the concern though, I’m so glad I have a friend like you Ned.” She replied with sarcasm dripping in her voice.
“Anyways, I’m so ready for high school.” Y/N said over the awkward silence. Ned threw his arm over her shoulder and started skipping towards school.
“Me, I’m ready, let’s go!” Ned skipping was something that Y/N had only seen three times in the past and this just meant that he was extremely excited, and she was glad he felt that way.
“Wait for me!” Peter called up to the two of them.
They quickly all found their way to the entrance of the High school. As corny as it was, they all stood there and gazed up at the front door, anxious to go in. Briar was the one to start walking up the steps to go in.
“Midtown, here we come.”
The first day of school had come and gone for the group of four, it was finally the end of the first week. Friday was something that Y/N was very eager for, she knew that if she could make it to Friday then everything would be fine. But as she closed her locker and as headed toward Ned’s locker so that they could walk home together, Peter Parker bumped into her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Y/N. I should have watched where I was going.” Peter stammered his words out, looking down and blushing intensely.
“Peter, it’s no big deal. I was going to ask if you wanted to get ice cream on the walk home with the two doofuses.” Y/N said getting his attention from his shoes to her face. He smiled and nodded at her.
“Totally.” Peter replied before he turned to start walking toward the Leeds boy’s locker. Y/N walked besides him, and they continued with their small talk, discussing the different events that had happened through out the day.She would glance up at Peter every now and again, catching him staring at her with this doe like expression she couldn’t place. 
Ned was standing at his locker, packing it with all his science textbooks and notebooks. Ned had a tendency to over pack his bookbag, then complain about the weight of it. When the two friends had gotten to his locker, he looked up and smiled at them.
“Yo, what’s up home-slices?” Ned said before huffing and putting his bookbag on. “Where’s Briar? I’m ready to head home.”
“Probably already has detention if we’re being honest. I’ll call her real quick.” Peter said as he was working on pulling his phone out of his pants pocket. Y/N was leaning against the locker next to Ned’s watching him as he grabbed his English book and held it in his arms.
“How you doing pip squeak?” Ned asked as he closed his locker and looked at the girl who was pretty much his sister. She gave him a nudge and made a face.
“I just want ice cream, Dad gave me five dollars and said to celebrate our first week.” Y/N said as she began to think about the cold sweet that she wanted to devour but she had to wait for all the people in her group to get a move on.
“I mean we can just leave the Parker and co” Ned said before he was smacked by his practical sister. “Okay, I guess that’s a no.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely a no. I have crap to tell you all about.” Y/N said while twirling the necklace she’s had since birth around her fingers. A habit she had picked up awhile ago it tended to act as a stress reliever. Peter walked back to the duo and updated them that Briar was on her way to the front door to meet them. “What are we waiting for? The paint to dry? Let’s go children.”
Y/N quickly skipped through the halls, passed the upper-classmen giving her weird looks, the staff laughing at her enthusiasm to leave. When the Y/H/C girl spotted her best friend, she sprinted towards her and engulfed her in a hug, spinning her around quickly. The blonde had let out a screech but then started to giggle along with her.
“First week is done!” Briar screamed, causing other students to turn and look towards her.
“Hell is over for two days, I’m so relieved.” Y/N said before the boys had finally caught up with her. “Now, ice cream or you all don’t get to hang out at my house tonight.”
“okay, let’s go feed your addiction” Ned said before pushing the girls forward, Peter laughing at his friend’s actions.
“Hey, you don’t see me commenting on your Lego addiction, Nedward.” Y/N said in the most serious tone she could muster in the circumstances provided.
“First, never insult the building blocks of the imagination. Second, you and I both know that’s not my name.” Ned said in an equally serious voice.
“Plastic cubes do not mean that you are using your imagination.” Peter and Ned both were starting to defend their favorite pass time when they were shushed by the violent giggles of excitement from the two girls. They had finally reached the ice cream shoppe and Y/N all but ran through the door and up towards the counter.
Y/N ordered her cookie dough cone and paid, she then sat down in a booth waiting for the rest of the group to join her. Peter quickly occupying the spot in the booth next to her, their legs brushing against each other every so often. Once the foursome were all seated, they began to talk about all the classes that they liked and all the ones that they didn’t.
“So, I was thinking that we should all join the academic decathlon team. Yes, even you Briar.” Ned said before the blonde teen had a chance to get her words out. “Briar, we all know that you don’t like science, but you are fantastic at English literature.”
“Yeah, that sounds so cool!” Peter said looking at everyone around the table.
“Um, I was actually planning on joining the Science Olympiad robotics team.” Y/N said as she was trying to find a way to still hang out with her friends. “But I’m sure that I can do both. Even with the orchestra classes my dads are making me take.”
“Are you even going to have time for all that?” Briar said as she looked at the  girl across from her.
“I’m sure I will.” Y/N said looking down at her ice cream.
An hour had passed, and the group was now walking themselves back to the Y/L/N’s apartment where Delilah’s dads were planning on letting the teens study and hangout. Ned and Briar were arguing about something of no significance while the Parker boy and Y/N were about half a block behind them.
“Sometimes I wonder why they can’t just let things go.” Y/N said, commenting on the duo in front of them.
“Ned has the mental capacity of a five-year-old and Briar is more stubborn then anyone I’ve ever met.” Peter said laughing at his own comment. “hey, but at least we get to hangout.”
Delilah looked up at the boy who was around six inches taller than her, a smile plastered on his face.  A smile that made her chest warm up and feel fuzzy. She quickly tried to push the feelings down and leave a platonic smile on her face. She gave him a small nod and then quickly looked away trying not to make things weird between her and her friend.
It was then that she noticed the glasses wearing Parker teen had grown over the summer, he didn’t seem to have the awkward body that he held in middle school. 
“That assignment for engineering is making me all confused, can you help me?” Peter said to her, knowing that the girl had a gift for the technological sciences. Peter was the person who had the knowledge on the biological sciences, the two were like a science machine.
“Yeah! I got it done in class, but I can totally help you out Petey boy.”  said Y/N just as they had walked up to the entrance of her and Ned’s apartment building. The herd of people headed up to the third floor and opened the door so that they can all hoard in.
“Hello my beautiful daughter.” Y/N dad, Michael, said as the young teenager reached the living room with all of her friends in tow. “The twins are in their room playing with each other, hopefully not killing one another.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at her dad’s joke.
“Hey dad, we’re gonna head back to my room. Holler if you need anything bro.” Y/N said before she leads her friends down the hall and to her room.
“Okay, Papa’s going to be home in three hours.” She gave him a quick okay as a reply and opened the door to her room. “And don’t call me bro, I’m your dad!”
Her room held a bed, a window, a dresser and some loose ended items. Her room was an off-white cream color, the same color that it had been when they moved in. She hadn’t even bothered to ask her parents if she could change the paint or add some more picture frames to litter the walls. All she had was a poster of Iron Man and a band poster that happened to be popular when she was younger. She still hummed along to one of their songs when she remembered that she had known it.
“Okay, so are we doing homework or what?” Briar said before she was on the bean bag and opening her bookbag. She got her Biology textbook and notebook out. “Ned, come help me take notes, you meathead.” Ned decided not to retaliate but instead to get his own textbook and note book out. The two of them starting to read the chapter and then discussing which points would be the most important to write in their notebooks.
“Do you still want me to help you with engineering homework?” Y/N said as she looked at Peter and sat on her bed opening her laptop so that they could research his topic for the assignment. Peter gave her a quick nod then sat next to her, pulling his folder with his already started assignment in it.
Time had passed, and Peter’s assignment was finished and now the group of friends were talking about the gossip that Briar had heard from her other friends that she talked to in school.
“Apparently there is an opening for an internship for Tony Stark and he’s looking to hire someone from Midtown to fill that spot.”
“Just imagine how hard it has to be to get an interview for that position. Every kid in Midtown is probably fighting for that shot.” Ned said as he looked up at the Iron Man poster on Y/N’s wall.
“Y/N, you should see if your dad could get me an interview for it.” Briar commented under her breath, knowing that that her papa worked at Stark industries as one of the sales consultants for Tony Stark. Y/N just laughed at the desperate attempt her friend had made to try to get the job.
“Yeah, no.” she said before flopping back on her bed. She rested her head on Peter’s thigh, and Ned was leaning against the bed with his feet pointed towards the bean bag that Briar was seated on. “I really like cheese dip.” The group turned and laughed at the  girl that was staring off with a light feeling of happiness. “What did I do?”
“You have the weirdest taste in food Buzzfeed.” Briar said through her fits of giggles. Y/N glared at her blonde friend, scoffing at the annoying nickname that the girl had assigned her.
“Oh yeah? Well it looks like your face caught on fire and someone tried to put it out with a hammer.” Briar jumped up and stalked over to her friend, tackling her on the bed.
Briar tried to push Y/N face when the girl threw her friend off of her onto the other side of the bed. Both laughing at the playful nature of their fight, the boys both some how were on the other side of the room. They looked as if they were about to run through the door and leave but instead they were just laughing.
Later that night, Peter and Ned had to head across the hallway to his apartment for the night. They had planned to get together the next day, but Ned’s mom never let him stay the night at the Y/L/N’s despite being friends with her parents for the past ten years. So, Peter headed over with him. Dinner had come and gone, and her papa was due home any moment. Briar and Y/N were laying on the bed, Y/N was reading a book and Briar was listening to music with earbuds in.
“Y/N, you’re papa’s home.” She heard her dad say from the living room and went out to greet him. Her Papa had a smile on his face and a Liam in his arms. Luis was just over 40 years-old and worked for Stark industries under the management and marketing side of things. Tony Stark had met and talked to her father multiple times a day and the young girl would always ask about the brilliant engineer and his business.
“Hey Y/N! How was school?” her smiling father said to her.
“It was good. Briar is staying the night though, so I’ll just head back.” She answered attempting to flee the room.
“But you haven’t even heard the good news yet.” Her dad remarked, halting her in her path. “I think you’ll quite like it.”
“Go on” she replied with caution, her fathers laughing at their daughter’s response.
“Well I was talking to Tony today, you know, THE Tony Stark, about how you were excelling in your science classes and he said you should interview for his internship.” Y/N stood there, the information sinking in slowly. “You have to be there at one, Sunday.” It was then that the girl screeched, she jumped around and cheered.
“Are you serious?” She looked to see her papa nod his head and laugh at her daughter’s reaction to his good news. “I’m going to meet Tony Stark!”
Permanent Tags: @softspideyboy 
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eobeth · 5 years
Complete list of Reverse Flash comics
I have finally compiled the complete list of all comics with Eobard Thawne in. I have excluded reprint comics and ones where he is just an image or flashback and not specifically relevant. I hope people find this helpful.
Reverse Flash Comics
The Flash 1963 – 1985
Issue 139 Menace of the reverse flash
Issue 147 Our Enemy the Flash
Issue 153 The Mightiest punch of all time
Issue 165 One bridegroom too many!
Issue 175 Race to the end of the universe
Issue 186 Time times three equals
Issue 225 Green Lantern Master criminal pf the 25th century
Issue 233 The deadly secret of the Flash
Issue 237 The 1000 year separation
Issue 281 Deadly Games
Issue 282 Mishmash
Issue 283 Flashback
Issue 284 Run Flash, Run for your life
Issue 300 A flash odyssey
Issue 321 Hell in the fast lane
Issue 322 Burning a speedster at both ends
Issue 323 Run Flash, Run for your wife
Issue 324 The slayer and the slain
 DC Comics Presents:1978
Issue 1 Superman and The Flash: Chase to the end of time!
Issue 2 Superman and The Flash: Race to the end of time!
 The Secret Society of Super-Villains 1978
Issue 12 The Plunder Plan
Issue 13 One earth too many
Issue 14 Crisis on Earth 3
Issue 15 The Wizard’s war of the worlds
 Justice League of America 1979
Issue 166 The long way home
Issue 167 The league that defeated itself
Issue 168 The last great Switcheroo
 The Flash 1993-2008
73-79 is one arch and you need to read all of it.
Issue 73 One perfect gift
Issue 74 Trust
Issue 75 Running behind
Issue 76 Identity crisis
Issue 77 Suicide Run
Issue 78 Blitzkrieg
Issue 79 The once and future Flash
Issue 146 Time like a river
Issue 147 Shooting the Rapids
Issue 148 Undertow
Issue 223 The RF vs the Rogues
Issue 224 reverse time
Issue 225 the final run
 DC Universe Halloween Special 09 (its only one panel but its so Eobard)
 The Flash: Rebirth 2009 (Eobard isn’t in all of these but they are one plot)
Issue 1 Lightning strikes twice
Issue 2 Dead Run
Issue 3 Rear view mirrors
Issue 4 Flash Facts
Issue 5 Mother, May 1
Issue 6 Fastest man alive
 DC Super Friends 2010
Issue 27 Double Trouble
 Batman Beyond 2010
Issue 6 Hush Beyond Part 6: Deep Down. So there is a Dr Thawne hired as a geneticist at the end of the comic but no implication that it is Eobard and the future is not far enough to be him, but time travel, so yeah, why not. The same Dr Thawne appears in Batman Beyond 2011 issue 8, still working for Cadmus.
 The Flash 2010 Blackest Night
Issue 1, 2 & 3
 Brightest Day 2010-2011 (Very minor parts)
Issue 0 Carpe Diem
Issue 7 The secret of life
 The Flash 2011 – Brightest Day & Road to Flashpoint
Issue 7 What goes around, comes around
Issue 8 Reverse Flash: Rebirth
Issue 10 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 2
Issue 11 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 3
Issue 12 Case Two: The road to Flashpoint part 4
 Flashpoint 2011
Issue 1, 4 & 5 specifically though you should read all of them for context.
Flashpoint: Reverse Flash
Time Masters: Vanishing Point
Issue 5 Reversing time
Issue 6 Start time/ end point
 DC Universe Online: Legends
Issue 23 Victory! (Its only one panel of Eobard trying to feed Barry to Killer Croc)
 Flash 2015 N52 (this is all one plot)
Flash Annual 4
Issue 40 The end of the road
Issue 41 Yellow
Issue 42 Blood is thicker
Issue 43 Getting the drop
Issue 44 Bubble
Issue 45 Thunderdrome
Issue 46 End of the Hunt
Issue 47 Reunion
 Batman 2017
Issue 21 The button pt1
Issue 22 The button pt3
 The Flash 2016- now
Issue 7 Lightning strikes twice part 7: No more speedsters
Issue 19 Sins of the father pt 2
Issue 21 The button pt 2
Issue 22 The button pt4
Issue 23 The color of fear pt 1: Hello
Issue 24 The color of fear pt 2: Run for your life
Issue 25 Running scared pt 1: Every breath you take
Issue 26 Running scared pt 2: One way or another
Issue 27 Running scared conclusion: I will possess your heart
Issue 28 Negative
Issue 46 Road to Flash war
Issue 47 Flash war pt 1
Issue 81 Death and the Speedforce (only one flashback panel)
 Deathstroke 2018
Issue 25 The Society
 DC Nuclear Winter special 2019
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carterjcmeswtf · 6 years
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「 MATTHEW DADDARIO 」 Did you hear that 23 year old CARTER 'CJ' JAMES is back in Eastville? Yeah, the one we called THE BIBLE THUMPER back in high school now works as a TATTOO ARTIST around town. They identify as CIS MALE and use HE/HIM. They’re still the same person we knew them as, still +CHARISMATIC and -SHORT TEMPERED, but I guess they’re more mature now. I just hope that doesn’t affect the group.「 B,20,CST,SHE/HER
you love hoodies.  you love shorts.   dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.   shopping is torture.   sad movies suck.  you own a car racing game.   you played with hot wheels cars as a kid.   at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter.   you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega.  you used to be obsessed with power rangers.   you have watched sports on tv.  gory movies are cool.   you go to your dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps.   you used to collect hockey or baseball cards.   baggy sweats are cool to wear.   it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.  green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours.  you love to go crazy and not care what people think.   sports are fun.  you talk with food in your mouth.   you sleep with your socks on at night.   you have fished at least once.
you love to shop.   you wear eyeliner.   you wear the color pink.   you go to your mom to talk.   you consider cheerleading a sport.  you hate wearing the color black.   you like going to the mall.   you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.  you like wearing jewelry. you cried watching the notebook.   dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.   shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.  you don’t like the movie star wars.   you are/were in gymnastics.  it takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed   you smile a lot more than you should.   you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.   you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes.  you used to play with dolls as little kid.   you like putting make-up on others.   you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color.   i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night.  i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.  i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly.i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
casual hook ups ( previous & current )  
close friends 
ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend 
possible current relationship??
(¸.·´* do you fuck with the war / intro (¸.·´* what if aliens came and invaded our nation / starter (¸.·´* what do you do with a lost soul / musing (¸.·´* sorrow in his voice / interactions (¸.·´* bitterness on his face / thread (¸.·´* smiling during mugshots / photographs (¸.·´* carpe diem  / headcanon (¸.·´* relationship tag / name       (¸.·´* what do you meme / meme
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🌍 What makes #Santorini as one of the best islands in #Greece 🇬🇷
and why it should be your next Beach 🏖 Holiday.
Santorini is traditional Greece 🇬🇷 at its very best while still offering a high level of cosmopolitanism that gives the island a head-turning advantage that attracts visitors from all over the world. Romantic and playful, family-friendly and everything in between, World Lifetime Journeys is on hand to help you discover why Santorini is one of the best Greek islands. 🌍
🌟 Prices from £350pp* for 7 Nights. Prices will vary according to your details and preferences
Any destinations in #Europe and beyond are available. Please ask
👉 1. One of the best Sunsets:
The legendary Santorini sunset is unlike any other evening show you’ve ever experienced – it truly has to be seen to be believed. With a volcanic past and a unique geological make-up, a caldera has been formed on the island which is a large cauldron-like hollow that forms shortly after the emptying of a magma chamber in a volcanic eruption. This steep-edged crater peeps above the waves, and the natural disaster has now become the cause for one of the world’s most spectacular sights from the island’s hilltops. Oia takes pride of place on the caldera, an opulent northern town which is undoubtedly the best place to view the sunset in all its glory. When the sky begins to dim, take a stroll along the cliff path which sits 700 feet above sea level and admire the cascade of oranges, pinks and lilacs as the sun seemingly begins to dip in the ocean and the twinkling stars slowly begin to gently illuminate the town. Or, indulge in a delicious meal between 5pm and 7pm at one of Oia’s traditional tavernas on the clifftop with the sunset as the perfect backdrop – a feast for all the senses.
👉 2. Black sand Beaches:
Black is the new yellow! Say goodbye to traditional talcum powder sands and make your Greek beach holiday one that you’ll never forget. Santorini, thanks to its volcanic past, boasts beaches with sands that vary in colour from burnt orange to black. These dramatic beaches are nothing short of paradise with tranquil seas bordered by striking backdrops of jagged cliffs which make them the perfectly picturesque locations for swimming and sunbathing. Kamari and Perissa are lined with some of the best stretches of sand on the island, with Blue Flag statuses and some that are perfect for watersports. Don’t forget to pack your flip-flops – the dark sands and the beaming summer heat means that the surface can get very hot in the midday sun.
👉 3. Diversity and mixed villages:
Each and every village in Santorini is as spectacular as the last so you can imagine it’s a difficult feat to choose where to reside. On the east coast, Kamari is one of the most popular places to stay and is the largest resort on the island. A busy cosmopolitan town, although the area doesn’t face the sunset, you’ll be able to keep yourself occupied from morning until night with the likes of the black-sand beaches, mini-golf, an open-air cinema and plenty of restaurants varying in cuisines including traditional Greek to exotic Thai. Perissa is also on the east of the island, and has more of a laidback atmosphere. This beachfront resort is where you come to forget your troubles, lay back on a hammock and simply soak up the sun. A motorised land train whisks guests along the seafront where the beach gets increasingly quiet, so a perfect piece of Perissa paradise can always be found.
Just 20-minutes away from Perissa and Kamari lies Thira, and here is where the fun truly begins. The Santorini capital is more centrally located, a melting pot of sights, smells and sounds with all the comforts and excitement that a large holiday town has to offer. Peruse the museums, art galleries and churches by day and take a ride on the cable car down to the old port, and by night, join the masses of visitors navigating the streets of Thira to enjoy laidback shisha bars, bustling clubs and live music venues. In the mood for utter opulence on your Santorini holiday? Oia ticks all the boxes – and then some. With streets paved with marble and lined with bespoke boutiques, contemporary restaurants and exclusive cocktail loungers, here is where you can expect to rub shoulders with the rich and famous and walk around the picturesque Ammoudi Bay as if you’re the star in your very own movie.
👉 4. Food and Drinks:
Everything about Santorini is utterly majestic and beautifully indulgent, and what’s more indulgent than food and wine? With calories not counting on holiday, Santorini’s exceptional wineries and the proximity to the water resulting in delicious fresh seafood, it’s a miracle if you spend any time of your getaway outside of the tavernas. For the widest range of restaurants and bars, head to Thira, the island’s capital. The bustling square and the vibrant caldera are where you’ll find some of your new favourite establishments, but don’t leave without trying some of the local wines. Asyrtiko, Athiri and Aidani are crisp, dry white wines and the three most-loved varieties, paired dreamily with the delectable cuisine on offer throughout the region. Head to a waterside taverna for the very best of Santorini’s fish and seafood dishes, showcasing the likes of lobster pasta, grilled octopus and lemony garlicky shrimp while fresh produce is always used to create dishes such as pomegranate salads and stuffed aubergines. Oh, and if you’re a true budding sommelier, Santo Winery is the place to be. Located just on the outskirts of Pyrgos, embark on a guided tour of the property before savouring some samples along with a platter of complimentary cheese and olives. Santo Winery is perched right at the top of the caldera, so you guessed it – try to visit during the early evening so you can sit on the terrace, split a bottle of your new-found favourite wine and watch the spectacular sunset view across the sparkling waters of the Aegean.
👉 5. Romantic Holiday:
Falling in love with Santorini is inevitable, so a holiday here is perfect for those seeking a romantic getaway. The beautiful backdrops and spine-tingling sunsets provide the ideal location for weddings, honeymoons and vow renewals, or simply to rekindle the love with your significant other. The Santo Winery we mentioned earlier? It’s not just a place to sip your favourite tipple, but it’s also brilliantly catered for both indoor and outdoor wedding ceremonies and receptions. Heartfelt vows can be exchanged in direct view of the stunning volcano and striking Aegean Sea and your guests can celebrate your nuptials by dancing the night away in the illuminating light of the fiery sunset. If your wedding party is slightly smaller, the gorgeous Irini Church can cater for up to 25 guests and is located on the cliff edge of Thira. Cherish your wedding photos forever as you tie the knot in the gorgeous courtyard which is abundant with magical archways, neck-craning steeples and breath-taking features. Santorini also boasts plenty of high-end boutique hotels with beautiful architecture in-keeping with the vibrant white and blue palette of the island. Adults-only options also aren’t hard to come by – Santorini Secret Suites & Spa, Carpe Diem Santorini and San Antonio Hotel are among some of the finest establishments around, perfect for a heavenly stay in the most elegant and relaxing settings.
Santorini isn’t just a holiday – it’s an experience. An utterly out-of-this-world island where dark-as-night shores and whitewashed towns meet a spine-tingling sunset and a vibrant atmosphere, this is one getaway that you won’t forget in a hurry. Whether you’re embarking on a romantic Grecian escape, a holiday with a touch of luxury, or even a spectacular wedding day organised down to every detail, World Lifetime Journeys is where all your desires will be fulfilled at just the click of a button.
☎️ 07510 802413 or 01902 900897
📩 Direct message us https://www.facebook.com/WLJ2015 or website chat https://worldlifetimejourneys.com/
*T&Cs apply.
100% Financial Protection guaranteed. ATOL and ABTA/TTA Protected. TTA member Q5786
Holidays 🌞, tours 🌐 and cruises ⛴ at excellent prices!
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