#Carlton Lassiter/OFC
Vagos pt.3 - Play nice ... or not
Part 1 Lassiter? More like Assiter!
Part 2 In the Chief's office
The medic clears her after a grueling thirty minutes of anesthetic-less stitchwork — even a local anesthetic would have sufficed — ordering her to rest, and to get the wound properly looked at in the hospital. Like that’s going to happen, she thinks, pushing off from her lean on the table, thankful that her gun holster is no longer digging into her back. She moves to give Smith, who is crouched over packing his equipment, a handshake. When she notices the blood still clinging to her fingers, she thinks better of it, opting to send the medic a nod, and a quick ‘ thank you’ instead. Jewel exits the conference room to the sound of Smith whistling some Top 40’s pop song, smiling to herself when he misses a note. 
She takes slow steps, eyes searching as she walks. She spots a uniform exiting the restroom, and heads that way, wanting to scrub her hands clean. The fluorescents of the bathroom do her no favors, highlighting the dark shadows under her eyes, and the even darker bruise blooming across her cheek. Jewel grimaces at her reflection, wanting nothing more than to shower the dust and grime away. She scrubs her hands, taking care to scrape blood from under her fingernails, until they’re pink from the hot water. After a moment's hesitation, she bends to wash her face, wiping the blood from her split lip, and eyebrow. She hears the thud of a utility belt being hooked on a stall, as she pats her face dry, studying herself in the mirror. 
Not my best , she thinks, licking her split lip, but definitely better than all that heavy makeup . Even without last night’s makeup, she looks a far cry better than she had walking into the precinct this morning, which is saying something given the impressive black eye and bruise high on her cheekbone.
She exits the restroom with a sigh, carefully slipping back into her leather jacket as she enters the bullpen on her journey to leave. She stops in her tracks when she spots Lassiter and O’Hara working at their desks, rerouting towards them, instead. Home, well the dingy apartment she’s undercover at, and blissful sleep.. after writing up my report, of course …will have to wait. She stops in front of Lassiter’s desk, standing patiently with her hands clasped behind her back. After a moment of him ignoring her, her boot begins tapping impatiently on the tile, eyes trained on his salt and pepper hair as he bends over a file.
She bites her tongue, hard breath pushing out of her nose, before turning away. “ Carlton ,” O’Hara chides, disapprovingly at her partner. Jewel makes a step towards the female detective’s desk, before turning slightly, pausing as Lassiter finally looks up, at his partner first, then locks eyes with Jewel.
With a put-upon sigh, his narrowed eyes piercing under his furrowed brow, he finally growls, “What do you want?” Jewel scoffs. So much for trying to smooth things out , she thinks, shaking her head before fully making her way towards O’Hara’s desk, watching as Lassiter throws his arms up, out of the corner of her eye. 
“Detective O’Hara,” Jewel nods amicably, projecting her voice enough that Lassiter can hear, a slight smile pulling at her split lip. “I figured it would be beneficial if the team saw the case file I’ve been putting together.” She glances at Detective Lassiter, who perks up at her words, face blank. “Would you like access to my files? I have them backed up securely online.” She and the other female detective share a smile, before O’Hara nods, moving to raise from her desk chair. “Oh no, please, sit. Sit . I’m sure you’re on your feet enough around here.” Jewel ignores the protest she can see forming on the blonde detective's kind face, opting to walk around the desk instead, so they both face the screen. 
Jewel leans over, fighting a wince at the stretch, as she logs into the encrypted site, ignoring the asinine argument about breakfast cereals that Spencer and Guster are having across the desk. Personally, she thinks cocoa puffs far outshine fruit loops , but she’s not going to entertain the discussion… not outwardly anyway, she has a reputation to maintain, afterall. She prompts O’Hara to enter her work email so that she can share the files to the computer. While she’s at it, she interrupts the debate, eyes turning to Guster, “What’s your email?”
“What about mine?” Spencer questions, offended. Guster puffs out his chest, a sneer on his face as he looks from her to Spencer. The two suck their teeth at each other, much like when she first arrived this morning, before Guster punches Spencer in the arm, promptly shutting him up. The psychic , she doesn’t buy it, whines, hand clutching his bicep. 
“I trust his internet security more than yours, Spencer.” Jewel hears a soft snort behind her, turning to find Assiter a few paces away, nonchalantly rifling through a filing cabinet. She rolls her eyes, turning back to the computer to share the files with the psychic duo. After a few moments of listening to Guster’s boasting over Spencer’s whining, she tunes her focus to behind her, listening to files rhythmically moving back and forth, scraping against the metal. “ Head Detective Lassiter ,” she drawls out, “would you like to deign us with your presence, and be granted access to my files?” 
“Might as well,” he replies, an air of nonchalance to his deep voice, as he slams the drawer to the filing cabinet, hands empty. She’s barely brought up the sharing page, before he’s bodily forcing her out of the way, leaning past her to type in his email. The jostling causes her to bump into the desk, the connection sending a jolt of pain up her abdomen. Gritting her teeth, she hums, forcing a steadying breath through her nose. Prick . 
“How bad is it,” O’Hara questions, kindly, motioning toward her stomach. Lassiter’s typing pauses for a moment as he, haughtily, glances back at Jewel, before he returns to his task. She shrugs, forcing the pain down, as she takes a step away from the Head Detective’s proximity.
“Stitching would’ve been better with some numbing cream, but a broken beer bottle can only do so much damage.”
“That is so cool,” Spencer exclaims, earning a glare from O’Hara and Guster.
Jewel chuckles around a wince. “It wasn’t cool when they smashed it on my face before stabbing me with it, but I agree…pretty cool.” They all freeze, even Assiter, turning to look at her with wide eyes. Spencer is the only one to smile back at her, offering her a fist bump, which she hesitantly returns, before he makes an explosion noise.
“Badass,” he beams, giving her a suggestive once over. She smirks back at him, before turning back to the others, who still seem perturbed.
“Oh, before I forget,” she starts, pulling out both of her phones, “I’ll need your contacts.” She steps around the desk, handing her work phone down the line, “this is the undercover one, so don’t use your full names, and please never use my name.” They finish going down the line, exchanging numbers, before she passes her second phone to repeat the process. “This is my personal, I guess, for normal working matters. I don’t carry it when undercover, so you might have to try both phones sometimes. And my name,” she air quotes, rolling her eyes, “is Gem , so it’s easy to remember, though all the bikers call me Brandy.” If it were her choice, it would have been something much cooler, but unfortunately, the ATF created the cover without her input. Maybe next time. 
“Really, Gem , and Brandy ” Lassiter intones, head rolling forward over his crossed arms, dark brows raised. “ Classy .” His sarcasm is thick, a mild contempt dripping from his cold voice. “Pretty sure I’ve arrested a few of those.”
“Wasn’t my choice,” she replies, straightening to look him in the eyes, “but don’t worry Head Detective , they’re supposed to sound like stripper names, it’s my backstory,” she sneers. They glare at one another, Jewel refusing to back down to the Head Detective’s cold eyes. She feels victory blooming in her chest when an angry flush starts to spread upwards on his neck. The reverie is broken, however, when she feels a large, warm hand tap her shoulder. She sends one last narrow-eyed glare, before turning to see the tall, dark haired officer from before.
He smiles at her widely, apprehension on his face, as he holds out a disposable coffee cup. “Thought you might need this.” She takes it from him gratefully, a small smile gracing her lips at his gangly great-dane puppy energy. “I didn’t know how you take it, so I figured a cream and sugar should be safe,” he pauses, eyes widening, “unless you're lactose intolerant, oh man .”
She cuts him off before he can fret too long, sipping at the hot coffee. “It’s perfect, and surprisingly thoughtful… Officer McNabb, was it?”
He nods, extending a hand to shake, “Yup, Buzz McNabb.”
“Detective Stewart,” she smiles, “Now, McNabb, is there a firing range here? And if so, could you help a girl out and lead the way?” The officer enthusiastically nods, stepping back to allow her to grab her phones, log out of the encrypted site, and nod a goodbye. 
“Shouldn’t you be going to relax,” O’Hara questions, concern in her kind blue eyes. 
“That’s what I’m doing.” Jewel chuckles, shaking O’Hara’s hand before sending a wink Spencer and Guster’s way, steadfastly ignoring the Head Detective’s eyes following her. Yes , she thinks, shooting off a few rounds is just what I need to relieve some stress .
“Wow Lassie,” Guster states disapprovingly, as she walks away.
“Lassiter, you simple, lanky, irishman,” Spencer continues, voice fading as she follows McNabb away, “You talked to her for less than an hour, and she already needs to shoot things.” 
Jewel chuckles around a mouthful of coffee. She can’t hear Lassiter’s reply, but can imagine the disdainful remark he surely throws her way. As if I'm the one who started it, Assiter.
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stilldisqualified · 1 year
Ok but just. Shawn and Lassiter getting together and Shawn telling him in so many words that he’s not psychic. Lassiter understanding why he does what he does, not loving it ofc but he gets it. So Shawn still does his usual theatrics and Carlton still shows his annoyance, but when they’re alone Shawn breaks down his thought process and Carlton can finally be amazed at how Shawn does things bc he knows the truth. Bonus points if he finds it rlly hot
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maybankwrites · 2 months
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
5 Men and a Baby: Pt 12 Good Intentions
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Rating : explicit for the series A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: mentions of previous smut. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 783
Reid sat in Chief Vicks’ office with three books open and not reading any of them.  Rossi had told him to cool off, while he smoothed things over with the agent that Reid had punched.  His hand hurt, his mind was racing, and the pain he felt in his heart drowned all of that out.
Gia had been a great girlfriend.  She was understanding of Reid’s crazy schedule and didn’t ask a lot of questions about his work.  He didn’t want to bring those horrors home and she felt the same way about what she saw at the hospital.  They had been living next door to each other for a little while before he had started hunting Thomas, and Reid felt they were pretty serious.  But as he saw his luck with women, something horrible at work bled over into his normal life and Gia had been hurt.
He hadn’t been fast enough to get Thomas when he had attacked Gia.  And Gia had to go over horrific encounter with two men who had broken into her apartment shortly thereafter.  He had read the report several times coldly and distant from the connection he shared with the woman he’d needed to think of as the victim.  Reid had tried to convince her to move in with him, but she said she needed to get away from D.C. for a while and she had packed her things up and moved away.  It had been startling to walk into the Santa Barbara Hospital and find her guarding the ICU.  She looked well.  Healthy and all things considered happy.
“I’ve got some ice for your hand,” Juliet O’Hara said kindly as she came into the office and drew Reid out of his thoughts.
“Thanks,” He said half-heartedly as he took the small baggie.
“Wanna talk about it?” she offered as she sat next to him.
“I’ve never really hit someone on the same side of the law as me,” He chuckled ruefully.  “But he just admitted to doing something awful and I really just lost my cool.  Did Rossi get things settled down?”  Spencer grimaced as he realized he was still going to need to come out of this room and deal with Sam and Dean.
“I think so.  Sam and Dean seemed to understand where you were coming from and just didn’t want to make a big deal about it.”  Juliet said.  “This Thomas guy must be really bad to have all four of you FBI guys after him.  Why does he think he is a witch?”
“He uses a mixture of drugs and other things create the perfect scenarios with his victims and this power mixed with his delusions has given him this superiority complex.”  Reid explained.
“Well how does Gia and her baby fit into this?”  Jules asked then covered her mouth and stared wide eyed at Reid.  Spencer looked like he had been struck by lightning before he stood and jogged out the office to find Rossi.
“I know why things changed for him in D.C.  Why he seemed to follow Gia,”  Reid said as he found the older man.  Dean and Sam were nearby and leaned into hear the information.
“Gia’s pregnant.  I think that Thomas might think the baby is his in some kind of sick way.  Like she conceived the child while in the throes of his spell.  I think he might actually be angry about this.  Which is why he’s escalated,”  Reid said in a rush.
“He might be impotent,”  Rossi nodded thinking it through.
“Wait, Gia’s pregnant?”  Gus asked as he and Shawn approached the group.  Shawn lifted his finger to his temple thinking about all the clues that he had seen but not really understood until the revelation was said out loud.
“Of course, Gus!  I can’t believe you stole her donut,”  Shawn said giving his friend a push.
“Can it Spencer,”  Lassiter said as he came over to join the group with Juliet in tow.  “Your witch struck again.  Whatever he is doing it’s getting bigger.  There’s three bodies downtown.”
“That’s not far from the hospital,”  Sam said looking over at Dean.
“We just left there, Gia is safe.”  Gus said, as Shawn answered his phone.
“Dad?”  Shawn asked putting the call on speaker.
“Shawn, I had to go for a cat-scan and when I came back Gia was gone.  I probably wouldn’t have thought too much about it but you got me thinking about that John Winchester guy, and there was piece of paper in my room with a drawing that I had seen from when he was at large.  I think something bad happened to your friend.”  Henry sighed heavily.
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@maliburenee @itsthebeckyzone @thoughts-and-funnies @ladywinchester1967 @lyarr24 @kickingitwithkirk @donnaintx @perfectluminarylight @deandreamernp @deangirl7695 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @akshi8278 @snffbeebee @woodworthti666​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
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crazyk-imagine · 4 years
The Call
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Pairings: Shawn Spencer/ Seraphina Hayes (OC)
Characters: Shawn Spencer, Seraphina Hayes, Burton “Gus” Guster, Carlton Lassitor, Juliet O’Hara, Chief Vicks
Warning: Jail, classic Shawn and Gus, weird/ bad nicknames, foul language? (brief) 
Word count: 1,551
“Someone’s bailing you two asshats out.” Lassiter told Shawn and Gus who were standing in a holding cell. 
“Is it my dad?” Shawn asked him. 
“Nope.” Lassiter replied all nonchalant. 
Shawn and Gus turned to each other, both looking puzzled. They don’t know who else the station would call it was only Shawn’s dad that usually would bail them out. 
“All I know is that O’Hara said they were very nice and not all shocked that you two have done this before.” Lassiter was looking at the file for the case they were working on, not paying too much attention to the two in the cell. 
“Who could they have called? It’s only your dad that’s bailed us out. Why would they call someone else to bail us out?” Gus started to rapid fire questions to Shawn. 
Shawn threw his hands up. “Oh and you think I know.” 
“You’re the psychic.” 
“Good point. Do you think they’ll bring us something with pineapple or a pineapple?” 
“Shawn now is not the time to be thinking about food. We are stuck in a holding cell.” 
“Gus, please. There is always a time to be thinking about food besides aren’t you like a sympathetic food wanter.” 
“No Shawn I eat when I’m nervous, there’s a difference.” 
“And don’t say you’ve heard it both ways.” 
“Fine but I have heard it both ways.” Shawn mumbled the end of his sentence. 
Gus did his classic lip popping (Idk what you call it.) and smacked Shawn’s shoulder. 
“You did not just do that.” 
“Oh I think I did.” Shawn smacked Gus’s stomach and then they started smacking each other. 
“Are you guys trying to make the other your bitch? Because if so, you both suck at it.” An “unknown” female voice said. 
Shawn and Gus stopped smacking each other. They raised their heads, turning to look at one another. They turned to face the “unknown” female. 
“Ser!?” They shouted confusedly. 
“Been a while hasn’t it boys.” She stated, rummaging through her purse. 
Lassiter looked up from the case file. “You’re the person that’s bailing these two bozos out? Why on earth would you do that?” 
She was laughing as she pulled her phone out her purse. “I’m still debating on if I actually want to bail them out. I asked the chief if I could talk to them before I actually made my decision.” 
She held her phone up. “Smile boys.” The guys groaned because of the flash. “I’m thinking of doing Christmas cards this year.” 
Seraphina was looking at the photo. “Gus you blinked. Oh well, it'll be fine.” 
“How’d you know we were here?” Shawn asked her. 
“Your dad.” She said smiling. 
“My dad? You talked to my dad?” 
“Oh great.” 
“Yeah, we meet up a few times a week for coffee.” 
“You meet up with my dad.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“A few times a week and that’s every week?” 
“And you have coffee?” 
“Yeah, although sometimes we’ll have breakfast or lunch.” 
“You guys talk about anything specific by any chance?” He asked, trying to be nonchalant. 
“If you mean you then yes. We have at least one Shawn topic every time we talk. That’s how I know about all about the stupid things you’ve done lately.” 
Shawn smiled sarcastically. “Oh good. Here I was worried that I would have to tell you all those things myself. Silly me for not realizing that you two would talk.” 
“It’s okay Shawn you can still exaggerate as much as you want when you two get out.” 
“You mean it?” Shawn asked, trying to look innocent. Seraphina raised her eyebrows with a small smile. 
She rolled her eyes. “Yes Shawn I mean it.” 
“You me-” 
“If you could hold off on the flirting that would be appreciated.” Gus interrupted. 
“Aww Gus, don’t think I forgot about you. We also talk about you. I even talked to your mom, she’s still so sweet.” 
Gus got closer to the cell bars, his face smushed in one of the spaces. “You talked to my mom?” 
“No you didn’t. She didn’t. You didn’t.” Gus said looking at Seraphina turning to face Shawn and then back at Seraphina. 
Seraphina walked closer to the cell. “Oh I did. And I know that when you we-” 
Gus started screaming. Like when he and Shawn run away or he finds a body. 
Gus tried shaking the cell bars but he couldn’t. 
“Believe me now Gus-Gus.” 
“I do. I believe you.” Gus squealed. 
Seraphina turned to Lassiter who was still trying to make sense of this whole situation. 
“Why are Shawn and Gus still in the cell? Didn’t Shawn’s dad post bail?” Juliet asked. 
“He did, didn’t he? Oops, must have... slipped my mind.” Seraphina smiled as she began back away. 
“You... we could have been out of this cell a long time ago and you say it slipped your mind?!” Gus started losing his cool. 
“Hey, you can’t talk to me like that. I know too much about you Gus-Gus, don’t make me expose your secrets. You too Shawn.” 
“Don’t drag me into this.” Shawn whined. 
“It’s only fair you two dragged me into this. I was only asked to come here.” 
“We called Henry first and then she came in.” Juliet thought out loud. 
“I wanted to surprise you guys. Surprise!” Seraphina yelled as she ran away towards the chief’s office. 
“Hello Miss Seraphina. As you know I’m Chief Vicks.” 
Shawn and Gus ran up looking for her, knowing she wasn’t too far away. 
“There she is.” Gus pointed towards the chiefs office. 
“Why is she with the chief?” 
“How should I know?” 
“I don’t know, aren't you psychic?” 
“That’s you Shawn.” 
“Right. Let’s get- act natural.” Shawn was looking somewhere random while Gus was looking at a random figurine. 
“I hope you enjoy it here Miss Hayes.” Chief Vicks said as they exited her office. 
Seraphina glanced off to the side seeing Shawn and Gus “act natural” smiling. “I think I will.” 
Chief Vicks went back into her office. 
Seraphina turned towards the two. “Really? Are you guys doing “act natural” right now?” 
“What? No. Anyways what was that about?” Shawn asked. 
She leaned closer to him. “Shouldn’t you know psychic?” 
Shawn leaned closer. “I do know but I want to hear it from you.” He booped her nose. 
She swatted his hand away. “It just so happens that I got a job.” 
"Well, that’s great.” He hugged her. “I sensed it had something to do with a job.” 
She and Gus rolled their eyes. 
“Give me a hug Gus-Gus.” She opened her arms for a hug. 
Shawn hugged her again. “Shawn.” 
“I said I want a hug from Gus-Gus.” 
“Why my hugs are so much better than his.” Hugging her tighter. 
“I haven’t seen you two in a while. It’s not fair for you to hog my hugs while Gus gets none.” 
“I find it fair because it was Gus’s fault we were in cell.” 
“Shawn that’s not true and you know it.” Gus defended himself. 
“If you let me long enough for me to give Gus a hug, you can hug me for as long as you want.” 
“Are you sure you want to do that Ser? You know he’ll hu-” 
“Deal.” Shawn let her go. 
“Gus-Gus.” They pulled each other in for a hug. 
“Are you gonna start calling me that again?” 
“Of course I am.” 
“Ok that’s enough hugging.” Shawn tried separating the two. 
“Hey you made a deal.” 
She sighed. “Fine.” 
“I’m hungry.” 
“You know what so am I? Gus?” 
“I could eat.” 
“What should we get?” 
“Jerk chicken.” “Pineapple smoothie.” Shawn and Gus said at the same time. 
“Shhh. Let’s go Gus.” 
“Yes hug buddy?” 
“I hope you know that you’re gonna have to let go of me so we can walk out of here.” 
“No? How else are we going to walk out of here?” 
“Hmm. Turn around.” 
“Turn around.”
“No! You turn around.” 
“Just turn around.” 
“So I can still hug you.” 
“You want to turn around so I can walk while you continue to hug me?” 
“Yes.” She sighed. 
“Fine, you better not yank on my hair.” 
“I won’t, scouts honor.” 
“Didn’t you get kicked out of the scouts.” She asked as they began walking as best as they could. 
“That is neither here nor there.” 
“Okay Shawnie.” She patted his shoulder. 
“Are we taking the blueberry or my car?” 
“Your car.” “Blueberry.” Shawn and Gus said at the same time. 
“Why would we take Phi-Phi’s car?” Seraphina groaned at the nickname. She smiled, it felt as if she never left something she was grateful for. She was worried it would be awkward between the three of them, in the end it wasn't, not at all. She happy she decided to come back. 
“It’s a company car Shawn.”
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ao3feed-shassie · 6 years
do i know you?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Qa6nTC
by laurencathryn
"were we friends?" shawn asks me as he sits in the too-white hospital bed.
i think for a moment, memoried clouding my head and my eyes, and i smile.
"yeah shawn, we were."
he contemplates this, but then he turns to me with a huge smile on his face.
Words: 1774, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Psych
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shawn Spencer, Carlton Lassiter, Burton 'Gus' Guster, Juliet O'Hara, Karen Vick, Henry Spencer, Buzz McNab
Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer
Additional Tags: Memory Loss, Amnesia, Feels, Fluff, Angst, Lots of Angst, Why are they so cute?, Car Accidents, Shawn Whump, lassie is actually a soft little bean, only when it comes to shawn ofc
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Qa6nTC
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brunchcrush · 7 years
thank you!!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. standrew ofc, as well as reddie (richie tozier/eddie kaspbrak), stanlon (stan uris/mike hanlon) preller (brian zeller/jimmy price), chillywilly (frederick chilton/will graham) and alana bloom/margot verger and shassie (shawn spencer/carlton lassiter) and gules (gus/jules)….. thats a lot 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? nope, other than a rewrite of a friends ep to include chandler/joey
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? idk? i love one direction and the chill 1d stans…….some are not fun tho
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? let’s stay together - slothrust for one of my standrew playlists
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. 
all time fave character: brian zeller from hannibal , i just……love him so much and his little arrogance 
next, eddie kaspbrak from it - i just love the concept of his character  (like what hes afraid of n stuff) and his lines were the funniest in the 2017 movie
and then???? carlton “lassie” lassiter from psych. just…what a man
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? the only one that comes to mind is homestuck bc my bff is in it and bc of it i will defend john and sollux (bc im a gemini) to the death and vriska/terezi. outside of that i know nothing else (well i know a lot abt davekat bc of her too) 
send me a letter
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maybankwrites · 2 months
Story Idea Battle: Round Two, Battle One
Option One: OFC, Strangers to (Friends to) Lovers, Shawn's older sister, Defense Attorney
Option Two: OFC, starts with young Leofric (probably 19 to early 20s)
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby Pt 1
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Square Filled: Cross-over Rating : teen (for now) A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: none for now. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 461 Created for @anyfandomgoesbingo
“You should just call him, Gia,”  Juliet said as she hugged her friend.  “It might be awkward, but it’s best to get it over with.”
“Jules!  What are you doing here?”  Shawn asked as he and Gus walked near the nurse’s station at the hospital.
“Uh, I’m seeing my friend, Gia.  What are you two doing here?”  Juliet asked as she looked at Shawn.
“And what are you doing here Gia?”  Shawn asked.
“I work here,”  Gia said looking at him curiously.  “I thought the scrubs gave it away.”
“I often wear scrubs to places I don’t work,”  Shawn said in mock seriousness.
“No you don’t, Shawn,”  Gus said waving at the two women.  “Shawn’s dad had an Appendectomy.  We’re here visiting.”
“Oh that’s nice, Gus, but this isn’t the right building,”  Gia smiled sweetly.
“See, I told you,”  Gus said crossing his arms and turning his back on his friend.
“Well there must have been some reason that I felt compelled to come to this building,”  Shawn said as he put his finger to his forehead.
“Cause you can’t read a sign,”  Gus said snarkily over his shoulder.
“I’m sensing there are donuts, or bagels, perhaps somewhere near here,”  Shawn continued ignoring his friend.
“Actually,”  Gia started, but she was interrupted as a group of nurses and doctors ran through the hospital with a man on a gurney.  Gia stepped out in front of several people who obviously didn’t work at the hospital.
“FBI,”  All of them said over the top of each other, pulling out credentials and pushing them in front of her face.
“I don’t care if you’re the grim reaper, you can’t go back into ICU unless a doctor says you can.”  She stood her ground in front of the 4 men, blocking them with a stare.  The oldest man turned and pulled out a cellphone, before walking away.
“Which department are you two with again?”  The young man in the vest asked the other two FBI agents in suits.
“Gus, just cause the feds are here doesn’t mean you can steal the girl's donuts!”  Shawn exclaimed at his friend who had picked up a blueberry crawler from her desk.
“It’s alright, it was making me sick anyway,”  Gia said looking quite pale true to her word.  “Anne, can you hold down the fort for me please,”  She called to one of her coworkers as she and Juliet walked away and to a bathroom.
“Detective Lassiter, I need to… Oh crap, why are you two here?”  Lassie asked Shawn as he got to the nurse’s station as Juliet left.
“You’re too late detective, you missed all the action,”  Shawn gloated.  “Jules’ friend stood up to the FBI.”
“FBI?”  Carlton turned around to see the three FBI agents.
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@waywardbaby @destielhoneybee @snffbeebee @deangirl7695 @spnbaby-67 @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas​ 
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby - Need to Know
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Rating : explicit for the series A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: pregnancy Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 479
“I was so embarrassed by the entire situation,”  Gia said as she looked around the hospital to see if anyone else could hear her.  “I had to tell my boyfriend that I had cheated on him, but couldn’t tell him why.  It wasn’t easy for me after you and Sam left.”
“I know, I’m sorry,”  Dean said, rubbing her arm gently before pulling her in for a short hug.  “We didn’t want you to be defenseless, but we needed to catch back up with that witch.
“I guess you guys missed him,”  Gia said sullenly.
“Gia, I hate to ask this, but can you get me in to see the body before it leaves for the morgue?”  Dean asked quietly.
“Follow me,”  She said leading him around the door.  Dean saw the sonogram Gia had shown Juliet as he passed the desk but didn’t have time to deal with his thoughts on that at the moment.
“We think the witch has a new method,” Dean said as they entered the room that had to body and they were alone.
“The mark on his arm?”  Gia asked moving the cloth.  His body was still warm from the fever that Gia was all too familiar with.
“Right, we think it is to make it harder to break the curse, like we were eventually able to do in your case,”  Dean glanced up at her guiltily.  It had always bothered him how long she had to suffer before they were able to find the hex bag.
“Do this mean that he is getting more skilled?”  Gia asked a hint of terror clinging to the edges of her words.
“Maybe,”  Dean said shrugging slightly.  “So you’re pregnant?”  He asked trying to organize his thoughts as he snapped some more pictures of the branded sigil on Mr. Kamden’s arm.
“Yes,”  Gia answered sharply.
“Got a new boyfriend?”  He asked sounding almost hopeful.
“No,”  She answered defensively.  “Haven’t been with anyone since I left D.C.”  Gia remarked.
“Hm,”  Dean’s heart rate increased a bit.  “I think that’s all I need down here.  I should get this to Sam and then we can try and track down that witch.”
“Right,”  Gia said.  “Are you gonna tell anyone?”
“About the witch?”  Dean asked putting his phone away and looking up at her.
“About the baby,”  She corrected.  “I’ve been putting off telling anyone.  Juliet is the only one else who knows.”
“I won’t tell anyone until they need to know,”  Dean said pulling her in and kissing her on the top of her head.  “Do you know who the father is?”
“Not sure yet,”  Gia sniffled as she looked at Dean’s green eyes.  “Everything happened so fast and a lot of it is hard to remember.”
Dean walked out of the ER and joined Sam in the impala before they drove to the Santa Barbara Police Station.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls​ @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies​ @becky-srs @lyarr24​​
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby Pt 3: Real and Fake
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Rating : teen (for now) A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: adult language, use of the word rape (that’s it nothing else about it.) Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 560
“Dude, you have to get me into that ICU,”  Shawn muttered at Gus a few hours after the feds had followed the gurney in.
“I am not doing that,”  Gus said pursing his lips.  “It’s illegal, Shawn.”  Shawn clicked his tongue at his friend but dropped the issue in favor of one that was more pressing.
“That nurse friend of Jules is talking to those feds.  But not to the scrawny one,”  He elbowed Gus to get him to look over there.
“Why aren’t the other feds working with that one I wonder?”  Gus said connecting a dot that Shawn had ignored as obvious.
“Cause they’re not real feds.  Come on, look at the way they are dressed,”  Shawn gestured a hand at the two tall men.
“Shawn, they look like feds, don’t make things up.  I’m sure they are just in different departments,”  Gus was rationalizing.
“They aren’t in different departments.  Those guys obviously had fake badges.  The serial numbers weren’t real,”  Shawn was starting to ramble and Gus was sensing the lines between fact and B.S. was starting to blur for his friend.
“You don’t know that,”  He clicked his tongue back at Shawn.
“Man, fine,”  Shawn shook his head in disappointment.  “Their names are band members from Led Zeppelin.”
“You don’t like Led Zeppelin,”  Gus looked confused as he turned to stare at Shawn.
“No, I don’t they are too mainstream.  My dad likes them,”  Shawn lifted his finger to explain matter of factly.  “But I think you’re missing the point.  If they aren’t real FBI then why are they here?”
“Um, Detective Lassiter, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me?”  The scrawny FBI agent addressed Lassie.
“Uh, look, Twiggy, let the adults figure this out.  I’m not sure where your babysitter is but,”  Lassiter was about to dismiss the fed when he spoke up.
“Actually, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit,”  Reid said interrupting him.  “Can you tell me about any recent murders or rapes in the area that no one seems to be able to explain?”
“No one can explain rape,”  Lassiter snarled at the younger man before stomping off in a huff.  “I’ll have Dobson send you files.”
“Dr. Write,”  Shawn said as he and Gus came up to Reid.
“Dr. Reid,”  Gus corrected in an irritated fashion.
“I’ve heard it both ways,”  Shawn muttered.  “I am able to explain rape.”
“No you can’t,”  Gus said over the top of Shawn.
“And I am a Psychic, Jack.  Maybe I can help you.  Also, I don’t think you resemble Twiggy at all.”
“That’s for sure,”  Gus said turning to look at Reid.
“I’m Shawn Spencer and this is my partner the most-trusted, Merriam Webster,”  Shawn gestured to Gus.
“And the Word of the Day is!”  Gus drew out the last word as he flipped through an imaginary book.  “Mendacious.  But wait! There’s a second one: Equivocate!”
“Right,”  Reid said looking between the two of them.  “Psychics.”
“No, just me,”  Shawn corrected.
“Gia,”  Reid whispered as he noticed the nurse had separated herself from Juliet and the fake feds.  He walked away to talk to her.
“Something is definitely going on there.  Mendacious?  Really?”  Shawn scoffed at Gus.
“Someone likely to tell lies,”  Gus responded shrugging.
“That’s fair,”  Shawn responded before walking up to the fake feds.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls​ @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas​
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby pt. 4 Doctor’s Orders
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Rating : teen (for now) A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: adult language, use of the word rape (that’s it nothing else about it.) Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 583
created for @spencerreidbingo​
Square filled: Lovers to Friends
“You’re really not gonna help me get back there are you?”  Shawn asked as Reid walked away.
“Come on, Son,”  Gus clicked his tongue at his friend before then followed Reid.
“Agent Reid,”  Gia gasped as Spencer walked over to her, and her eyes widened.
“I didn’t know you had moved out here,”  Reid said.
“Yeah, that was kinda the point.  What are you doing here?”  Gia sounded flustered as she brushed the hair out of her face.
“Gia,”  Spencer reached out and touched her hand as it was on her ear.  “I think he’s here.”
“You chased him here, or you think he followed me?”  Gia whispered the question but looked distrustfully at Shawn and Gus.
“Who are the other Feds that came with you, Dr. Reid,”  Gus asked managing to separate Spencer and Gia so that Shawn could talk to her alone.
“I know something is going on,”  Shawn said raising his finger to his temple as he whispered to Gia.
“Between Spence and I?”  Gia asked surprised and calling him by his nickname.
“Well, I didn’t pick up on that until now, but no, about the person in ICU and the killer he chased here.”  Shawn looked Gia up and down, noticing everything about her.  “You need to let me back there so I can figure out what is going on.”
“Look, Mr. Spencer, I know you are Juliet’s friend, and you sound like a pretty attentive person, but as I said before, I can’t let anyone into ICU without a Doctor’s order,”  Gia shrugged uselessly.
“Right,”  Shawn said before walking away from her quickly with his new idea.
“Dr. Reid, I have an idea,”  He said, walking up to him and Gus.  “But it will involve a high level of subterfuge on your part.”
“I don’t really think that’s what Gia meant,”  Spencer said after Shawn had explained his plan.
“Probably not,”  Shawn agreed.
“Definitely not,”  Gus corrected.
“Will you do it?”  Shawn asked the important question.
“Alright,”  Reid said before walking over to where Gia was talking in a hushed voice to Juliet.
“I can’t just tell him now,”  Gia whispered fiercely at her friend before cutting off as the three men approached.
“Nurse Gia, Jules, you have to let us in there,”  Shawn faked a psychic episode.
“Oh here we go,”  Lassiter huffed from where he was standing by the other two ‘fake’ feds.
“The spirits!  They say I have to go back there!”  Shawn started to convulse slightly.  Juliet crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as Shawn’s performance started, and Gia took a double look, off-put and surprised by the display.
“I don’t care what the spirits say,”  Gia said finally as she stood up.  “Doctor’s order or no admittance.”
“Alright then,”  Shawn said dropping his tizzy and turning to Reid.  “Thank you Dr. Reid for giving us a doctor’s order to go into the ICU.”
“No!  No, that’s not what I meant!”  Gia jumped from her chair to chase after Shawn who had reached over to buzz the doors to ICU open.  “You can’t go in there,”  Gia looked quite pale for a moment and put her hand to her head.
“I’m sorry, agent,”  A nurse said as she walked out of the ICU.  “He died.  The doctor did everything he could.  Worked on him a long time.  He just kinda overheated.”  She shrugged uselessly.  Shawn didn’t miss the discreet glance between Gia and the two fake feds that were no close by.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls​ @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas
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myinconnelly1 · 3 years
5 Men and a Baby pt 10 - Somewhere Safe
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Rating : explicit for the series A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: none really in this chapter. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 746
“So what do we know about this guy?”  Dean asked as the group walked into the Santa Barbara police station.
“The unsub is a white man in his thirties, who has identified himself as Thomas, with a delusion that he is a witch.  The BAU has been tracking him across several states.  And he disappeared for a short time.  It was too short for any reasonable prison time, so we think that he was hiding from some other threat,”  Spencer said formally.  Sam and Dean shared a look when Reid mentioned the time that Thomas had been in hiding.  They had been the ones pursuing Thomas the witch after he had attacked Gia in D.C. and they had tracked him here.
“A white dude with delusions that he is supernatural, imagine that,”  Gus said sarcastically, giving Shawn a knowing look.  Sam and Dean looked at him slightly confused.
“He probably has great hair,”  Shawn said elbowing Gus.
“Actually statistically there is a higher chance that his hair is thinning or falling out due to his psychotic break,”  Spencer said and the other men all missed the slight gloat in his voice as he put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels for a moment.
“Alright so despite the quality of his hair, some of us know what he looks at least roughly we could get a BOLO out for him, right?”  Dean asked looking over at Lassiter.
“What about his other victims?”  Juliet asked.  “We know that this wasn’t his first, are there any survivors?”
“There is only one that we know about,”  Rossi said darkly.  “I’m not sure she will be willing to get tangled up in this mess again.  She just got her life back.”  Sam and Dean dropped their eyes to look at their feet, and Spencer rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably.
“Reid and I will sit down with the sketch artist and see if we can get something to put out,”  Sam said looking at Lassiter.  “You put together the BOLO and have it ready for when the sketch is done.”
“I’ll call Hotch and check in with the team back at headquarters,”  Rossi said, giving Reid a look.
“Detective O’Hara, I was hoping we could look into the other cases maybe a fresh set of eyes would be good,”  Dean said looking at Juliet.  He wanted to ask her something else but he needed to do this too.
“Sounds like everyone has their tasks, let’s bring it in,”  Shawn said putting his hand in the middle with Gus’s on top of it.  The others all walked away without looking at Shawn.  “Come on, buddy.  We need to go talk with Gia, and get her side of the story.”
“We just left the hospital, you want to go back?”  Gus said as he saw Shawn walked out of the police station.
“Here is the records room, Agent,”  Juliet showed Dean in and closed the door.  “What did you really want to talk about.”
“You’re Gia’s friend,”  Dean said turning toward Juliet seriously.  “I think she could be in danger.  Her and the baby.”  Juliet’s eyes went wide at the mention of her friend.
“You’re that FBI agent!”  Juliet exclaimed.  “The one from D.C., she told you about the baby.  I’m the one that told her to tell you about your baby,” Juliet said girlishly as she played with her hair.  Dean didn’t notice as he tried to piece out the bomb she had just dropped on him.
“I thought she didn’t know who’s baby it was?”  Dean said flabbergasted.
“Yeah, okay, so she still has her doubts, but it has to be yours.  Based on the story that she told me, in way too much detail honestly, you were the only one that made sense.”
“You have to get her someplace safe.  Somewhere she won’t be found by this psycho.”  Dean said steeling himself again his emotions.
“She probably safest at the hospital.  No one would be able to sneak up on her there.  And she could get medical treatment really fast there.”
“Yeah but it’s not like they can just give her a room to sleep in,”  Dean said.
“Actually,”  Juliet said lingering as she pulled out her cellphone and called Gia.
Shawn and Gus had just gotten to the hospital and were looking for Gia.
“Dad?!”  Shawn yelped in surprise as he found Gia sitting on the second bed in Henry Spencer’s recovery room.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls​ @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies​ @becky-srs​
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
5 Men and a Baby pt 8 - Awkward...
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Rating : explicit for the series A/N: This is a Supernatural, Psych, and Criminal Minds crossover, so hold on to the reigns as it gets crazy Warnings: none really in this chapter. Summary: A case in Santa Barbara gets some special attention from several highly trained investigators as it rolls into the ER on a gurney. Word Count: 565
“Well that was awkward,”  Shawn made a face of confusion and mild disgust.
“I did not need to hear that,”  Gus shook his head and turned around to not face the group.
“You slept with her?”  Dean asked in confusion after Sam explained to them what had happened when he first met Gia.
“It wasn’t on purpose,”  Sam confessed, looking guilty.  “She had a hex on her, and there was something else going on.  It was like I wasn’t in control,”  He finished.  Gus tapped Shawn’s arm and Shawn turned around to look at what he saw while Sam and Dean continued to discuss what happened with Sam and Gia.
“What is she doing?”  Gus asked as he and Shawn looked at Gia showing Juliet something.  Jules was fawning over a black and white picture that was hard to see.
“Looks like a sonogram,”  Shawn whispered leaning close to Gus.
“Why would Gia be showing it to Juliet?”  Gus asked confused.  “It’s against HIPAA laws to give out patient information, even to police officers unless they have a warrant.  Juliet wouldn’t have had time to get one yet.”
“Unless the patient gave permission for Juliet to see it,”  Shawn agreed, trying to remember something that would help.  He squinted his eyes only a single thought came to him.
“You should just call him, Gia,”  Juliet said as she hugged her friend.  “It might be awkward, but it’s best to get it over with.”
“Got anything?”  Gus asked sarcastically.
“Nothing that makes any sense,”  Shawn pouted.  “Here comes Reid, act natural,”  Shawn ordered to Gus and the Winchesters.  Shawn turned and threw an elbow onto Dean’s shoulder and Gus looked at Sam as if he had said something interesting.
“Uh, hey guys, listen, the coroner is gonna do an autopsy, but until that is over there really isn’t anything that we can do here at the hospital.  They want us to leave the ER cause we are causing a scene,”  Spencer said as he saw Rossi walk back into the ER and wave him over.
“Well then we’ll see you back at the station,”  Shawn said as he walked away.  Dean looked from Shawn’s arm over to see Sam’s expression before pushing Shawn’s arm off of him.
“Don’t touch me,”  Dean said.  “I need to ask Gia something.  Get the car ready Sam.”  He walked over to Gia and Juliet and Sam went out the front door to the Impala.
“Oh, hey Agent,”  Gia said taking a paper away from Juliet and putting it in her pocket.  “Juliet can you give me a minute.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna head back to work, call if you need anything.  Oh, and you should just tell him,”  Juliet hugged her friend before heading off to follow Lassiter out of the hospital.
“Dean, what is going on?  Why are you guys here?”  Gia asked looking up into his green eyes.
“Sam and I think the witch is here,”  Dean put a comforting hand on her shoulder.  “How are you holding up?  I know we left in a hurry last time.”
“It’s been hard, I had to leave my life back in D.C.  Needed something new and safe.  I saw the mark on his arm, do you think he is here for me again?”  Gia asked quietly.
“I’m not sure.  Gia, why didn’t you tell me about Sam?”  Dean asked looking hurt.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants @ladywinchester1967 @woodworthti666 @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits @emilyshurley @akshi8278 @mannls​ @wendibird @bobasheebaby  @chelsea072498 @donnaintx @justsomedreaming @supernaturalenchanted @kalesrebellion @prettydeaneyes @emoryhemsworth  @dontshootmespence @its-a-spn-thing @vicmc624 @idreamofplaid @anaelsbrunette  @lovealways-j @kickingitwithkirk @wayward-mikaelson @electraphyng @mariekoukie6661  @katelynw93 @deandreamernp @thoughts-and-funnies​ @becky-srs​
@mrswhozeewhatsis @writethelifeyouwant @impala-1979 @kadet-jb​ @rose-demica​ @zombitch-cas
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