#lassie fic
Vagos pt.3 - Play nice ... or not
Part 1 Lassiter? More like Assiter!
Part 2 In the Chief's office
The medic clears her after a grueling thirty minutes of anesthetic-less stitchwork — even a local anesthetic would have sufficed — ordering her to rest, and to get the wound properly looked at in the hospital. Like that’s going to happen, she thinks, pushing off from her lean on the table, thankful that her gun holster is no longer digging into her back. She moves to give Smith, who is crouched over packing his equipment, a handshake. When she notices the blood still clinging to her fingers, she thinks better of it, opting to send the medic a nod, and a quick ‘ thank you’ instead. Jewel exits the conference room to the sound of Smith whistling some Top 40’s pop song, smiling to herself when he misses a note. 
She takes slow steps, eyes searching as she walks. She spots a uniform exiting the restroom, and heads that way, wanting to scrub her hands clean. The fluorescents of the bathroom do her no favors, highlighting the dark shadows under her eyes, and the even darker bruise blooming across her cheek. Jewel grimaces at her reflection, wanting nothing more than to shower the dust and grime away. She scrubs her hands, taking care to scrape blood from under her fingernails, until they’re pink from the hot water. After a moment's hesitation, she bends to wash her face, wiping the blood from her split lip, and eyebrow. She hears the thud of a utility belt being hooked on a stall, as she pats her face dry, studying herself in the mirror. 
Not my best , she thinks, licking her split lip, but definitely better than all that heavy makeup . Even without last night’s makeup, she looks a far cry better than she had walking into the precinct this morning, which is saying something given the impressive black eye and bruise high on her cheekbone.
She exits the restroom with a sigh, carefully slipping back into her leather jacket as she enters the bullpen on her journey to leave. She stops in her tracks when she spots Lassiter and O’Hara working at their desks, rerouting towards them, instead. Home, well the dingy apartment she’s undercover at, and blissful sleep.. after writing up my report, of course …will have to wait. She stops in front of Lassiter’s desk, standing patiently with her hands clasped behind her back. After a moment of him ignoring her, her boot begins tapping impatiently on the tile, eyes trained on his salt and pepper hair as he bends over a file.
She bites her tongue, hard breath pushing out of her nose, before turning away. “ Carlton ,” O’Hara chides, disapprovingly at her partner. Jewel makes a step towards the female detective’s desk, before turning slightly, pausing as Lassiter finally looks up, at his partner first, then locks eyes with Jewel.
With a put-upon sigh, his narrowed eyes piercing under his furrowed brow, he finally growls, “What do you want?” Jewel scoffs. So much for trying to smooth things out , she thinks, shaking her head before fully making her way towards O’Hara’s desk, watching as Lassiter throws his arms up, out of the corner of her eye. 
“Detective O’Hara,” Jewel nods amicably, projecting her voice enough that Lassiter can hear, a slight smile pulling at her split lip. “I figured it would be beneficial if the team saw the case file I’ve been putting together.” She glances at Detective Lassiter, who perks up at her words, face blank. “Would you like access to my files? I have them backed up securely online.” She and the other female detective share a smile, before O’Hara nods, moving to raise from her desk chair. “Oh no, please, sit. Sit . I’m sure you’re on your feet enough around here.” Jewel ignores the protest she can see forming on the blonde detective's kind face, opting to walk around the desk instead, so they both face the screen. 
Jewel leans over, fighting a wince at the stretch, as she logs into the encrypted site, ignoring the asinine argument about breakfast cereals that Spencer and Guster are having across the desk. Personally, she thinks cocoa puffs far outshine fruit loops , but she’s not going to entertain the discussion… not outwardly anyway, she has a reputation to maintain, afterall. She prompts O’Hara to enter her work email so that she can share the files to the computer. While she’s at it, she interrupts the debate, eyes turning to Guster, “What’s your email?”
“What about mine?” Spencer questions, offended. Guster puffs out his chest, a sneer on his face as he looks from her to Spencer. The two suck their teeth at each other, much like when she first arrived this morning, before Guster punches Spencer in the arm, promptly shutting him up. The psychic , she doesn’t buy it, whines, hand clutching his bicep. 
“I trust his internet security more than yours, Spencer.” Jewel hears a soft snort behind her, turning to find Assiter a few paces away, nonchalantly rifling through a filing cabinet. She rolls her eyes, turning back to the computer to share the files with the psychic duo. After a few moments of listening to Guster’s boasting over Spencer’s whining, she tunes her focus to behind her, listening to files rhythmically moving back and forth, scraping against the metal. “ Head Detective Lassiter ,” she drawls out, “would you like to deign us with your presence, and be granted access to my files?” 
“Might as well,” he replies, an air of nonchalance to his deep voice, as he slams the drawer to the filing cabinet, hands empty. She’s barely brought up the sharing page, before he’s bodily forcing her out of the way, leaning past her to type in his email. The jostling causes her to bump into the desk, the connection sending a jolt of pain up her abdomen. Gritting her teeth, she hums, forcing a steadying breath through her nose. Prick . 
“How bad is it,” O’Hara questions, kindly, motioning toward her stomach. Lassiter’s typing pauses for a moment as he, haughtily, glances back at Jewel, before he returns to his task. She shrugs, forcing the pain down, as she takes a step away from the Head Detective’s proximity.
“Stitching would’ve been better with some numbing cream, but a broken beer bottle can only do so much damage.”
“That is so cool,” Spencer exclaims, earning a glare from O’Hara and Guster.
Jewel chuckles around a wince. “It wasn’t cool when they smashed it on my face before stabbing me with it, but I agree…pretty cool.” They all freeze, even Assiter, turning to look at her with wide eyes. Spencer is the only one to smile back at her, offering her a fist bump, which she hesitantly returns, before he makes an explosion noise.
“Badass,” he beams, giving her a suggestive once over. She smirks back at him, before turning back to the others, who still seem perturbed.
“Oh, before I forget,” she starts, pulling out both of her phones, “I’ll need your contacts.” She steps around the desk, handing her work phone down the line, “this is the undercover one, so don’t use your full names, and please never use my name.” They finish going down the line, exchanging numbers, before she passes her second phone to repeat the process. “This is my personal, I guess, for normal working matters. I don’t carry it when undercover, so you might have to try both phones sometimes. And my name,” she air quotes, rolling her eyes, “is Gem , so it’s easy to remember, though all the bikers call me Brandy.” If it were her choice, it would have been something much cooler, but unfortunately, the ATF created the cover without her input. Maybe next time. 
“Really, Gem , and Brandy ” Lassiter intones, head rolling forward over his crossed arms, dark brows raised. “ Classy .” His sarcasm is thick, a mild contempt dripping from his cold voice. “Pretty sure I’ve arrested a few of those.”
“Wasn’t my choice,” she replies, straightening to look him in the eyes, “but don’t worry Head Detective , they’re supposed to sound like stripper names, it’s my backstory,” she sneers. They glare at one another, Jewel refusing to back down to the Head Detective’s cold eyes. She feels victory blooming in her chest when an angry flush starts to spread upwards on his neck. The reverie is broken, however, when she feels a large, warm hand tap her shoulder. She sends one last narrow-eyed glare, before turning to see the tall, dark haired officer from before.
He smiles at her widely, apprehension on his face, as he holds out a disposable coffee cup. “Thought you might need this.” She takes it from him gratefully, a small smile gracing her lips at his gangly great-dane puppy energy. “I didn’t know how you take it, so I figured a cream and sugar should be safe,” he pauses, eyes widening, “unless you're lactose intolerant, oh man .”
She cuts him off before he can fret too long, sipping at the hot coffee. “It’s perfect, and surprisingly thoughtful… Officer McNabb, was it?”
He nods, extending a hand to shake, “Yup, Buzz McNabb.”
“Detective Stewart,” she smiles, “Now, McNabb, is there a firing range here? And if so, could you help a girl out and lead the way?” The officer enthusiastically nods, stepping back to allow her to grab her phones, log out of the encrypted site, and nod a goodbye. 
“Shouldn’t you be going to relax,” O’Hara questions, concern in her kind blue eyes. 
“That’s what I’m doing.” Jewel chuckles, shaking O’Hara’s hand before sending a wink Spencer and Guster’s way, steadfastly ignoring the Head Detective’s eyes following her. Yes , she thinks, shooting off a few rounds is just what I need to relieve some stress .
“Wow Lassie,” Guster states disapprovingly, as she walks away.
“Lassiter, you simple, lanky, irishman,” Spencer continues, voice fading as she follows McNabb away, “You talked to her for less than an hour, and she already needs to shoot things.” 
Jewel chuckles around a mouthful of coffee. She can’t hear Lassiter’s reply, but can imagine the disdainful remark he surely throws her way. As if I'm the one who started it, Assiter.
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shassie fanfic writers need to take more advantage of the lie detector the hurt/comfort could be so could
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I just realized a thing
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And this:
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​(Anyway someone should make a Kurofai Psych AU of some kind or something with Detective Kurogane and pseudo psychic/psychic Fai…)
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the-oc-lass · 2 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova: Shadows and Gold
*Crawls out of my pit of lacking motivation* I HAVE RETURNED. CHARLOTTE'S BACK!
I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this first chapter! As that opening suggested, I've been really struggling to feel motivated to do...Well, just about everything. But I'm starting to get back into it (I'm almost done with the next page of my comic, so I should hopefully be able to post that before the end of the day)! Hoping to get out one more chapter and post some more art before I go on vacation on the 28th, but we'll have to see.
The first chapter of my new Charlotte fic, Shadows and Gold, is now on Ao3! Please enjoy Chapter 1: As My World Burns!
A quick summary in case you've forgotten what the hell this fic is actually about (it's been a hot second since I mentioned it): Six years before the Knighting Ceremony, Queen Valerian has been murdered. Having been framed for the queen's murder, Charlotte Corova is forced to flee from the Institute along with her half-brother, Ambrosius Goldenloin. While the duo struggles to survive as the kingdom hunts them down, friends and allies search for the truth to clear their names.
Lovely tagged people:
@sadgalwrites @floxu @em10-nimonafan2009
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Peanut Butter...Chocolate...Lyctoral Consumption...Murder?
So I just got done reading an interesting examination of a moment in Nona the Ninth where Alecto emerges from the depths of Nona's consciousness and chastises Pyrra "I'm not the Lyctor, I'm the (he) Or (she) who Lyct Up" Dve. It was good, it was solid, and it was done with the understanding that OP didn't know for sure as they're not Tasmuir.
So you can imagine what a baseball bat to the head it was to see a Psych AU post where Shawn is dead and haunting Gus.
So guess what fell out of the piñata that is my imagination:
Shawn and Gus were born on the Sixth. They weren't supposed to be doing anything with the lyctoral process, but you know how Shawn is...and Gus is always a step behind. You know how they're "Ride or Die"? Well, Shawn is just smart enough ("...a brilliant mind with no impulse control." -Palamedes, who upon meeting Gideon is eternally but silently grateful that she and Shawn never met) piece together how to become a lyctor just from the available material and a few clever questions to the currently living lyctors without ever stepping foot in Canaan House. Because Shawn's knowledge and understanding of the process is SUPER limited, even more so than Ianthe's when she ate Naberius, they're unaware that one of them's gonna die as part of the process, and it's not going to be the necromancer...which is Gus.
Gus goes along with it because he knows Shawn is going to loop in some other more gullible adept and doesn't want anyone to be dealing with Shawn on one of his hyperfixations that isn't used to dealing with him.
Things are going well...until they aren't, and Shawn realizes he's gonna die, but he figures out how to modify the process while they're in the middle of a failed ascension and they become a lyctor...sorta.
Shawn winds up 'haunting' a now ungodly powerful and immortal Gus. Shawn's spirit is inhabiting Gus' body at the same time as Gus' spirit is "consuming" Shawn's, but since Shawn isn't a braindead result of a transference that's intended to be strictly one way, Shawn is 'eating' Gus' spirit at the same time, creating a cycle where both are feeding each other in perfect lyctoral harmony. They don't twig the Resurrection Beasts because "sin" =/= "dumbass fuckup" and Shawn isn't, strictly speaking, dead. It's a symbiosis rather than a parasitic relationship.
So here these two dumbasses are, neo-lyctors, standing over Shawn's dead body. They figure out that they're going to be so screwed if they're caught and someone figures out what they did, so they destroy the body and bug out as fast as possible...
...landing in the midst of BoE on one of the non-Empire human-occupied systems. They're doing their best to lay low and not twig anyone to the fact that they're from the Empire (Gus, thanks to the neo-lyctorhood, looks like a fine, fit, and dare we say sexy man, so nobody pegs him for a necromancer) and Shawn figures out how to do a fancy kinda-sorta projection where he can actually interact with the physical world while still bonded to Gus.
One day there's a murder nearby and Shawn sees all the clues to figure out who-dun-it, and Gus is all, "Naw, man, they're gonna pick us out as Imperial the second those cops see us!"
Shawn, of course, does everything possible to draw attention to the clues, which catches the attention of (you guessed it) Lassie and his partner. Lasiter is suspicious but can't prove anything because the usual 'tells' for a necromancer or lyctor aren't turning anything up. Shawn feeds Gus some line about some grandparent from a few generations back being an expat from the Empire and so Gus is "able to receive messages from the spirit realm" (just Shawn, obvi) and because they can't prove there's a more direct connection to the Empire than that, the police are forced to let Gus go.
Things play out fairly similar to the pilot of Psych from that point forward, but with Gus having to be the point-man for the whole thing while Shawn is getting better and better at manipulating the world around him, including being able to visually manifest by the time Juliet arrives on-planet. She's one of the refugees of a planet destroyed by a lyctor and is absolutely the best officer ever when it comes to hunting down necros...but since none of her tools or experience include anything like what Shawn and Gus have become, she doesn't figure it out for several years, by which point she's fallen in love with Shawn.
Until we get AtN, I have no idea how this would shake out, but my ideal scenario is somehow Paul and Kirona wind up on this BoE planet that Shawn and Gus are on.
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sapphosclown · 1 year
Pink Ladies AU except they’re cowboys so they’re called the Pink Lassies
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gay-poet-gabriel · 4 months
i just read an agere fic where shawn needed his calico critters and aoguh...ough...so me...oguhgouhgh...
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but it's 3:45 am and i need to sleep
but shawn wanted to propose
but that scene of them kissing in the doorway
but despereaux
but he drunk dialed her and asked her to move in
but he wants to go to ikea
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kingtry · 2 months
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i won't say (i'm in love)
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Author: brutongaster (poison_angels) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Psych Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Language: English Stats: 1 Chapter (Completed)
“Don’t.” Spencer mumbles, so quiet he has to strain his ears to hear it. “What?” Spencer groans, eyes flickering open as he looks directly at Carlton, though his eyes are glassy and barely focused. “Don’t go,” He whispers, hand still wrapped around Carlton’s wrist, “Please.”
When Shawn shows up to work with a migraine, Carlton doesn't understand why he feels a sudden responsibility to take care of the man.
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Autor: brutongaster (poison_angels) Clasificación: Audiencias adolescentes y mayores Fandom: Psych Relaciones: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Idioma: Inglés Estado: 1 Capítulo (Terminada)
"No lo hagas". Spencer murmura, tan bajo que tiene que forzar el oído para oírlo. "¿Qué?" Spencer gime, con los ojos abiertos y mirando directamente a Carlton, aunque los tiene vidriosos y apenas enfocados. "No te vayas", susurra, con la mano todavía alrededor de la muñeca de Carlton, "Por favor".
Cuando Shawn llega al trabajo con migraña, Carlton no entiende por qué siente la repentina responsabilidad de cuidar de él.
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Divisores de  cafekitsune
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aut189 · 4 days
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grapebritain · 8 months
I love Jules and Lassies relationship so much I'm going to implode. He's like a big brother to her , and it will never not make me happy. I like to imagine what it would be like if they became friends as kids ,and how cute a little au of that would be. Just Jules being nice to little Lassie, and Lassie just getting majorly protective when anyone spoke a bad word about her after becoming friends because he seemed like such a lonely kid won't lie (particularly bc of that one wild west kinda ep). Bonus that if anyone did to her face, even little jules would act like the queen she is and would basically not care at all or have pure sas on her. RAH. my fav, sweet , opposite sex duo probably aside from doctor whos 10 and donna
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Ok guys, I posted the first chapter of one of my Shassy fics! I’m currently writing the second chapter, and I have 8 planned.
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the-oc-lass · 6 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova: Hearts of Gold
Hey, friends! I'm coming out you live on a Monday morning at 1:40 AM during my spring break. Woo!
Chapter 9: Downfall is on Ao3 and it's angsty as fuck! Like. Really sad. But hey, what would a Christine fic be without angst? Not a Christine fic, yes indeed. I'm currently working on Chapter 10 still but I should be able to get it done by next week. Wish me luck on that.
Lovely tagged people:
@madlad-sadgal @xxlunadrawsstuffxx @floxu @em10-nimonafan2009 @blackblooms
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okay so I have a Carlton Lassiter fanfic idea.
soooo I always tie music down to different ideas, characters, and shows. So me, being the Lassiter obsessed psycho I am, was listening to suburban legends by ts and had an idea…
so basically what if Lassiter and the psych crew are put on a case that takes place in lassie’s hometown (maybe even his school) and while working there he meets a…… old friend of sorts. If lassie grew up in Santa Barbara I’m sorry let’s just pretend he hasn’t bc I haven’t finished the series yet lol. But basically her name is Cassie and she’s my oc cause i mentioned I like psych. And lassie. A lot. Anyways if u haven’t heard suburban legends go listen cause it’ll help mold the idea of this fic.
example of why this song reminds me of a cool fic idea:
“I didn’t come here to make friends, we were born to be suburban legends~” or “I’m standing in a 1950’s gymnasium and it’s all coming back…~” “waves crashed through the shore, I dashed through the door, you don’t knock anymore~”
anyways lemme know if u likethis.
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aintgonnatakethis · 3 months
👽- What do you think is the weirdest thing about your WIP is?
Vampires in space is pretty weird! But let's go with a sneak peak of a bit of vampire lore that hasn't made it into the posted story yet.
My vampires are a very proud people. They have a structured society with rules, one of which is that they do not feed from the unwilling. This is their primary law and breaking it means death. A maker is responsible for any vampire they turn. When first turned, the bloodlust can be incredibly difficult to control, so the maker… locks the fledging up for 6 months and "teaches" them how to control their urges, in ways which a regular person would view as psychological torture! 🙃
Writing Ask Game
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adragonflys2peni · 4 months
Good morning it’s the first day of pride and I am thinking about Psych. Of course. Who could’ve predicted this? Anyway this is what I think they’d be doing at pride. <3
- Shawn and Gus go together (obviously)
- Shawn is decked out in merch, pins and stickers and little flags
-Gus dressed nice but wore a little pin. Eventually he became covered in rainbow paint. Shawn thinks this is hilarious and Gus is willing to let it slide because it’s pride
- Lassie is there as a cop (boo cops at pride) but he also has a pan pin
- If it’s later in the season then Marlowe comes and covers him in rainbow kiss marks
- Jules is in the parade with the roller derby girls on skates, she has a flag as a cape and rolls around to people to give them hugs
- Chief Vick is there with daughter handing out informational packets on how to stay safe (water, whistle, don’t get separated, wear sunscreen, etc.)
- Husband is still never seen, she tells them that he’s going around giving free dad hugs to people
- Mr. Vick (he took Karen’s last name) I know we’ve never met you but I know you’re a good man
- Henry is there and I think it’s so funny that Shawn is always shocked to see him out of the house “Dad!?!?? What are you doing here?!???”
- Shawn isn’t out to his dad yet and shits himself and tries to joke his way out of the situation
- “Kid, I’ve known you like boys since you were five, when you told me you were going to marry Gus.”
- IMMEDIATE embarrassment from Shawn (his ass doesn’t remember he blocked that out!! Denial!!!) but also very relieved
- Henry may be an asshole but he is not homophobic!!
- Also a murder happens at pride and they have to solve it because homophobes are trying to blame gay people, the pridegoers are saying it was a hate crime, and they have to figure out who killed the guy and why before the whole situation escalates
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