wonderjourneys · 1 year
Aachen - Germany
The home to the throne of Charlemagne.
A tour of the city of Aachen: the throne of the Holy Roman Empire is here, in the Cathedral. The Byzantine style cathedral was later decorated with the rich patterns we see now. In the days of Charlemagne those weren't there.
Aachen is a fascinating city with a rich history, and there are many interesting facts that most people don't know about.
First of all, Aachen is located in western Germany, near the border with Belgium and the Netherlands. It was once the capital of the Frankish Empire, and later the Holy Roman Empire. The city is known for its historic architecture, including the impressive Aachen Cathedral, which was built in the ninth century and served as the coronation church for German kings and queens for centuries.
One of the most interesting facts about Aachen is that it was the favorite city of Charlemagne, the famous Frankish king who ruled from 768 to 814. Charlemagne spent a great deal of time in Aachen, and it was here that he built his palace, which became the center of his empire. The palace was known as the Palatium Aquisgranum, and it was one of the most impressive buildings of its time. Unfortunately, very little of it remains today, but you can still see some of the original walls and foundations if you visit the city.
Aachen was also the site of one of the most important treaties in European history. In 843, the Treaty of Verdun was signed in Aachen, which divided the Frankish Empire into three parts and laid the foundation for the modern states of France, Germany, and Italy. The treaty was negotiated by Charlemagne's grandsons, who had been fighting for control of the empire for several years. The Treaty of Verdun is considered one of the most significant events in European history, and it marked the end of the Carolingian dynasty.
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geohistoarte · 7 days
Intervención de Carlomagno en la península Ibérica
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ancientoriginses · 5 months
Un equipo de investigadores ha revelado que la conversión de las monedas de oro a plata en la Inglaterra medieval fue una especie de antigua iniciativa de flexibilización cuantitativa, obtenida a través de la plata bizantina. Después de esto, Inglaterra dependió de la plata importada de Francia para fabricar sus monedas.
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orbesargentina · 1 year
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Un Papa y un emperador pudieron limpiar la memoria de 300 años de historia https://bit.ly/44Wx0O0
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whencyclopedes · 1 year
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Las guerras sajonas
Las guerras sajonas (772-804) fueron una serie de conflictos entre los francos bajo el mando de Carlomagno, que buscaba conquistar Sajonia y convertir la población al cristianismo, y los sajones que se resistieron. El conflicto duró más de 30 años a lo largo de 18 campañas y se cobró miles de vidas antes de la victoria de Carlomagno en 804 y la conversión/ asimilación sajona en la población general.
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massabios · 2 years
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El trono real de Aquisgrán, también llamado trono de Carlomagno, es un trono encargado por el emperador Carlomagno en la década de 790 y que formaba parte del mobiliario de la capilla palatina de su palacio de Aquisgrán (Alemania).
Sirvió como asiento de la coronación de más de 30 reyes romano-alemanes. Hoy ocupa el centro de la actual catedral de Aquisgrán, donde se exhibe desde la creación del mismo.
El trono descansa sobre cuatro pilares de piedra. Esto permitió a los visitantes de épocas posteriores arrastrarse bajo el trono, a la vez una demostración de humildad hacia el gobernante recién ungido y un acto de veneración a Jesucristo.
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polifema32 · 2 years
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Carlomagno (en latín, Carolus [Karolus] Magnus; 2 de abril de 742, 747 o 748-Aquisgrán, 28 de enero de 814), de nombre personal Carlos, como Carlos I el Grande fue rey de los francos desde 768, rey nominal de los lombardos desde 774 e Imperator Romanum gubernans IImperiu desde 800 hasta su muerte. #carlomagno 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🍂🍂🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁🍁🌰 Envíos y entregas 📦🚚📪📤 Te invitamos a visitar nuestra tienda en línea https://linktr.ee/Loslibrosdepolifema Entregas personales todos los sábados en estación revolución (línea 2 del STCM) #libros #bookstagram #books #librosrecomendados #literatura #leer #frases #lectura #book #libro #booklover #lectores #escritos #poesia #instabook #amoleer #bookstagrammer (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWw3wWve78/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesleepwalker2012 · 2 years
Storia della Chiesa - 3
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La nascita del regno
Durante il secolo VIII, il rapporto fra Carolingi e papato divenne più intimo; contemporaneamente il rapporto fra papato e Bisanzio si sciolse. L’avvicinamento è da collegarsi all’espansione longobarda, che rappresentò un grande problema per Roma e per il Pontefice; in conseguenza di ciò i Papi chiesero aiuto ai Carolingi. All’inizio i Franchi non assunsero una posizione a favore del papato. Dopo la morte di Carlo Martello, i suoi figli, Carlomanno e Pipino, rinforzarono la collaborazione fra la Chiesa franca e la Chiesa romana. La relazione ecclesiastica divenne un aspetto più importante a livello di fiducia su entrambi i lati. Sembra che Pipino avesse riconosciuto, contrariamente a suo padre, la possibilità di migliorare la propria posizione aiutando il papato. Sostenne i Papi nel respingere gli attacchi longobardi; fu eletto re nel 751. Tre anni dopo, il Papa gli diede il titolo di patrizio e Pipino, in cambio, promise gran parte dell’Italia centrale in caso di vittoria contro i longobardi. Questa promessa fu rinnovata nel 774 da Carlo Magno, incoronato a Natale dell’800 imperatore occidentale da Papa Leone III, che rinforzò il legame fra Roma e i Carolingi in modo forte. Read the full article
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Ultimate Spider-Man by French Carlomagno
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graphicpolicy · 16 days
Preview: Farscape 25th Anniversary Special #1
Farscape 25th Anniversary Special #1 preview. This 25th anniversary special is the first Farscape comic published since 2010, honoring the series' legacy with brand new stories featuring fan favorite characters! #comics #comicbooks #farscape
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artverso · 1 year
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French Carlomagno - Dead Lucky & Spawn
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wonderjourneys · 1 year
A tour of the city of Aachen: the throne of the Holy Roman Empire is here, in the Cathedral. The Byzantine style cathedral was later decorated with the rich patterns we see now. In the days of Charlemagne those weren't there.
Aachen is a fascinating city with a rich history, and there are many interesting facts that most people don't know about.
First of all, Aachen is located in western Germany, near the border with Belgium and the Netherlands. It was once the capital of the Frankish Empire, and later the Holy Roman Empire. The city is known for its historic architecture, including the impressive Aachen Cathedral, which was built in the ninth century and served as the coronation church for German kings and queens for centuries.
One of the most interesting facts about Aachen is that it was the favorite city of Charlemagne, the famous Frankish king who ruled from 768 to 814. Charlemagne spent a great deal of time in Aachen, and it was here that he built his palace, which became the center of his empire. The palace was known as the Palatium Aquisgranum, and it was one of the most impressive buildings of its time. Unfortunately, very little of it remains today, but you can still see some of the original walls and foundations if you visit the city.
Another little-known fact about Aachen is that it was once one of the most important centers of learning in Europe. Charlemagne was a great patron of the arts and sciences, and he brought many scholars to his court in Aachen. The city was home to one of the first schools of music in Europe, and it was also a center for the study of theology and law. Today, you can visit the Carolus Magnus Center, which is dedicated to the life and legacy of Charlemagne and includes a museum and a library.
Aachen was also the site of one of the most important treaties in European history. In 843, the Treaty of Verdun was signed in Aachen, which divided the Frankish Empire into three parts and laid the foundation for the modern states of France, Germany, and Italy. The treaty was negotiated by Charlemagne's grandsons, who had been fighting for control of the empire for several years. The Treaty of Verdun is considered one of the most significant events in European history, and it marked the end of the Carolingian dynasty.
#aachen #germany #deutschland #allemagne #charlemagne #history #cathedral #citytrip #city #architecture #tourism #travel #wanderlust #wonderjourneys #aken #carlomagno #byzantine #roman #rome #mittelalter #middleages #medieval #altstadt
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
“Magic Planeswalkers: Notorious” Announced
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BOOM! Studios has announced a new comic set in the Magic Planeswalkers universe. Magic Planeswalkers: Notorious is a one-shot from writers Cullen Bunn and Rich Douek, artists French Carlomagno and Carlos Pedro, colorists Mattia Iacono and Arianna Consonni, and letterer Ed Dukeshire.
The vampire Sorin Markov and the necromancer Liliana Vess will have to work together on a strange plane to prevent a diabolical figure from unleashing hell across the Multiverse. Meanwhile, Planeswalkers Oko and Calix will cross paths on another plane.
Magic Planeswalkers: Notorious #1 goes on sale on August 23, 2023. The comic features a main connecting cover by Jahnoy Lindsay and variant connecting cover by Frany that connect to Magic Planeswalkers: Nobel #1. The comic also features a variant cover by Justine Florentino.
(Image via BOOM! Studios - Jahnoy Lindsay’s Cover of Magic Planeswalkers: Notorious #1)
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ancientoriginses · 2 years
Las espadas son algunas de las armas de guerra más duraderas y visiblemente simbólicas a lo largo de la historia, y muy pocas espadas famosas sobreviven hasta el presente. Aquí hay seis.
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theantoniomabs · 8 days
REVIEW: The Dead Lucky #9
The Dead Lucky #9 continues the story as Bibi returns to base after being missing for 3 days after failing a contracted mission, and ghosts from the past begin to pop up again. This comic features a wonderful book design, wonderful characters, and a great story with equally fantastic lettering and coloring. Whilst being a little on the slow side, it still manages to pack a few funny jokes, some…
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whencyclopedes · 1 year
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Carlomagno (también conocido como Carlos I el Grande; 742-814) fue rey de los francos desde el 768, de los lombardos desde el 774 y del Sacro Imperio Romano desde 800 hasta su muerte en el 814. Es uno de los personajes históricos más conocidos y más influyentes de la Alta Edad Media por sus triunfos militares que unieron la mayor parte de la Europa occidental, las reformas educativas y eclesiásticas, y las políticas que sentaron los cimientos para el desarrollo de las naciones europeas posteriores.
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