#Carl Brave
laragazzafortesworld2 · 4 months
Un altro tira e molla, tira e molla, tira e molla, no, ciao core👋
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maladie-d-amour · 1 year
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Che stai a fa', noi sempre al bar E siamo ancora in giro
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non ti vedo più qui intorno chissà se sei in un altro mondo
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birrette · 1 year
Se Polaroid non è nella tua top 5 album preferiti non parlarmi neanche
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vita-paranoia9 · 1 year
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Non ci credo al destino ma sento che adesso devo starti vicino e non mi serve un motivo per un ultimo giro.
In radio c'era "San Salvador" e mi sentivo l'opposto di quella canzone.
In un bar della zona sempre più distanti, brindo ai nostri rimpianti.
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hopelessheav · 2 years
Solo quando ci insultiamo e litighiamo Dopo esserci urlati la peggio merda addosso capiamo quanto ci amiamo
Carl Brave x Franco 126 x Ugo Borghetti
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inquietudin3 · 2 years
Ricominciare sarebbe uno sbaglio
Come spegne' il fuoco co' un ventaglio
Una macchina usata non ritorna nuova azzerandone il chilometraggio
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maladie-d-amour · 1 year
'Sta giornata s'è fatta depressa Che poi non so davvero che manca Stretto forte da un cerchio alla testa E un magone che smuove la pancia
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gxldchainnn · 9 months
me dite come funziona scusate
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dite a Frah Quintale che deve sistemare il testo perché a 8 miliardi ci siamo.
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Non trovarti ancora qua quando l'alba se ne vaa cosa che mi manca di te.
Forse ci è andata a schifio, sei cambiata e pure io.
Forse m'hai fatto il vudù, però l'hai preso pure tu.
Perché noi questo cielo blu ora lo vediamo grigio e tu vorresti solo che tutto torni all'inizio, l'inizio.
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sleepynegress · 2 months
Captain America: Brave New World Teaser
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annabolinas · 4 months
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May 19, 1536 - Anne Boleyn is Beheaded
"Good Christian people, I have come here to die. For according to the law, and by the law, I am judged to die and therefore, I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak of that whereof I am accused and condemned to die. But I pray God save the King and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never. And to me he was ever a good, a gentle, and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord, have mercy on me. To God, I commend my soul.' And then she knelt down, saying, 'To Christ I commend my soul, Jesu receive my soul', divers times, till that her head was stricken off with the sword.” - Anne's execution, as reported in Hall's Chronicle (1548)
""On a scaffold made there for the said execution, the said Queen Anne said thus: 'Masters, I here humbly submit me to the law, as the law hath judged me. And as for mine offenses, I here accuse no man; God knoweth them. I remit them to God, beseeching him to have mercy on my soul. And I beseech Jesu, save my sovereign and master, the King - the most godly, noble, and gentle prince that is, and long to reign over you.' Which words were spoken with a goodly smiling countenance. And this done, she knelt down on her knees and said: "To Jesu Christ, I commend my soul'. And suddenly, the hangman smote off her head at a stroke with a sword." - Anne's execution, as reported in Wriothesley's Chronicle (1559)
"And so she went to the place of her ordeal
To obey the will of justice,
Still showing a serene countenance,
As if she did not grieve for this world in any way;
For her coloring and face were such
That never before did she seem so beautiful ...
There was no one who does not have firm hope
That her spirit will not be in agony,
Given her great faith and wise patience,
Which rose above womanly courage.
Everyone, on the basis of her mightily steady end,
Judges her life to have been prudent
And believes they have committed a great offense
In having thought so ill of her." - Lancelot de Carle's The Story of the Fall of Anne Boleyn (1536, trans. Joann Dellaneva)
"Anne, the late Queen, suffered with sword this day within the Tower upon a new scaffold and died boldly. Jesu take them [i.e. Anne and the five men] to His mercy if it be His will." - John Husee to Lord Lisle, May 19, 1536
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ungoliantschilde · 6 months
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Batman by Jim Aparo (pencils, inks, and letters), with Colors by Carl Gafford, and a Script by Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn.
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