#Cardiologist in Kharghar
drrishibhargava · 11 months
Are you worried about being at risk for cardiovascular disease and need an expert opinion? You have come to the right place. Heart problems are one of the major health concerns that majorly affect older patients as well as people from all walks of life. It may be genetic reasons, due to certain risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, or a sedentary lifestyle, and external factors like stress and pollution. With complete body and heart evaluation, he works with the patients to establish a personalized treatment plan that includes diet and lifestyle modifications, medications, and lower or eliminate the risk causing heart disease. For those who have recently undergone heart surgery, or have experienced heart attack, our rehabilitation team can help you rebuild a normal, healthy life with careful medically supervised physical activity and lifestyle management programs. Call us to visit and consult Dr. Rishi A Bhargava Cardiologist in Kharghar.
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echoinkhargh · 2 years
Understanding 2D Echo and Its Importance in Kharghar
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2D Echo, otherwise called echocardiography, is a harmless demonstrative test used to examine the design and capability of the heart using ultrasound waves. The test creates continuous pictures of the heart, allowing specialists to assess the heart's chambers, valves, and blood stream. In Kharghar, the importance of 2D Echo couldn't possibly be more significant as it helps specialists analyze and oversee different heart conditions.
The 2D Echo system involves placing a little gadget called a transducer on the patient's chest. The transducer emits high-recurrence sound waves that skip off the heart and make pictures on a screen. The test takes around 30 to an hour, and the patient is typically conscious and happy with during the whole interaction.
One of the essential purposes of 2D Echo is to analyze coronary illness. It can distinguish anomalies in the heart's design, for example, thickened or debilitated heart walls, extended heart chambers, or harmed heart valves. It can likewise distinguish the presence of blood clumps or liquid development around the heart. These circumstances can be early indicators of coronary illness, and early conclusion can prompt more compelling treatment.
2D Echo is likewise used to assess the heart's capability. It can quantify the heart's pumping limit, known as the launch portion, which indicates how much blood is being siphoned out of the heart with every heartbeat. A low discharge part can be an indication of cardiovascular breakdown, while a high launch portion might indicate an issue with the heart's valves.
As well as diagnosing and evaluating coronary illness, 2D Echo is utilized to screen the viability of treatment. For instance, it tends to be utilized to survey the effect of prescription on the heart's capability or to determine assuming a medical procedure or different interventions have been fruitful.
Given the importance of 2D Echo in diagnosing and managing coronary illness, it is pivotal that patients in Kharghar approach this test. Luckily, there are a few clinical offices in the space that offer 2D Echo administrations. Find more info 2D Echo in Kharghar
Patients who are alluded for 2D Echo ought to be ready to adhere to a few essential instructions. For instance, they might be approached to try not to eat or drinking for a certain period before the test, to wear free clothing, and to eliminate any gems or metallic items. Patients with a background marked by coronary illness ought to inform their PCP of any prescriptions they are taking and any side effects they are experiencing.
Taking everything into account, 2D Echo is a significant demonstrative device for evaluating heart capability and diagnosing coronary illness. A safe and painless methodology can create constant pictures of the heart. Patients in Kharghar ought to know about the importance of this test and ought to counsel their primary care physician assuming they have any worries about their heart wellbeing.
Title: Choosing the Right Clinical Office for 2D Echo in Kharghar
On the off chance that you are looking for a clinical office in Kharghar that offers 2D Echo administrations, there are a few variables to consider. Choosing the right office can assist with ensuring that you get exact and opportune analysis and treatment for your heart condition.
One of the main variables to consider is the capabilities and experience of the clinical staff. Search for an office that has trained and guaranteed cardiologists and experts who have practical experience in 2D Echo. They ought to have the important ability to play out the test precisely and interpret the outcomes.
One more significant variable to consider is the nature of the gear and offices. Search for an office that utilizations best in class 2D Echo machines and has current offices that are perfect and very much maintained. This can assist with ensuring that you get top notch care and that the consequences of your test are exact.
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sharptech101 · 3 years
Viviana Clinic Best Cardiologist In kharghar Contact Us On +91 9920969226 For An Appointment
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Doctors Speak: Most commonly asked questions about Coronavirus - Times of India
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Doctors Speak: Most commonly asked questions about Coronavirus - Times of India
Can the virus spread through non-vegetarian food? When should I be tested for COVID-19? What should I do if someone in my surroundings has the flu? We have tried getting answers to some widely circulating questions among the public about coronavirus.
Question: Are pregnant women safe? What precautions should they take? Answer by Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital Kharghar: Someone who’s pregnant is at an increased risk of suffering from viral respiratory infections such as the flu and can impact their health severely. This is so because; pregnant people tend to have weaker immunity and this can make them more susceptible to viral infections. Not only this, but pregnant women may also suffer from severe illness, morbidity and mortality compared to others. They have chances of getting other related coronavirus infections (including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)) and other viral respiratory infections, such as influenza, during pregnancy.
Currently, there is no evidence that suggests that pregnant women are at the risk of miscarriage or even of the virus passing to the developing baby while the mother is pregnant, the research is still going on. Thus, pregnant women should take precautions in order to keep coronavirus away. Also, avoid traveling, if you are pregnant. Thus, if you are pregnant and you feel sick then consult your doctor as your baby may also be vulnerable to coronavirus.
Some vital preventive measures are: Clean your hands often: Wash your hands often with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer; Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; Avoid close contact: Do not go to crowded places. Avoid close contact with people who are sick; Stay at home if you are sick; Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing or wear a face mask; Throw used tissues in the trash bin and wash your hands with soap; Clean and disinfect frequently touch surfaces; Do not keep tables, doorknobs, light switches, mobile phone, handles, countertops, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and desks dirty. And if possible, practice social distancing and avoid going out.
QUESTION: What should diabetics do during this pandemic? Answer by Dr Dhanashree Atre Singh, Consultant Physician, Jupiter Hospital: People with chronic illnesses must take extra precautions for their health and be on the lookout for minor and major symptoms. Diabetic patients must make sure to check blood sugar levels regularly and increase the frequency in case of an active COVID-19 infection since any symptom can possibly flare up blood glucose levels. Diabetic patients suffering from any viral disease must also be attended to at once because the pre-existing condition can make it difficult for the body to beat the infection naturally, if not taken care of in time and manifest into severe complications such as pneumonia and kidney failure (which have been linked to COVID-19 deaths).
Answer by Dr Anup Warrier, Sr. Consultant, Infectious diseases & Infection control, Aster Medcity hospital: Diabetics also fall under the vulnerable population and so they should practice social distancing too. However, since follow ups with the doctor are crucial in their case, they should try and resort to tele-medicine, which is basically a video conferencing facility that many hospitals are offering now.
QUESTION: Is this a deadly virus? Answer by Dr H K Chopra, president, Cardiological society of India, Cardiologist Moolchand Medcity: I must tell you today that this virus is not a deadly virus. It is a flu virus. The only problem with this virus is, it is highly infectious, contagious and the infectivity rate is ten times more than a normal flu virus. That is the only matter of concern. If you see the mortality, the mortality is only 2.5 to 3 per cent, that too in elderly patients, beyond 60 or 70. And it is only in those patients who have underlying co-morbidity like hypertension or chronic heart disease or diabetes or cancer or they are immunologically compromised. So, I don’t think everybody is vulnerable. 80-85% of patients have very minor infection. They recover. They just need quarantine. They need isolation. They need rest at home.
I just saw some data emerging out of China, from Wuhan. Since this virus affects the respiratory system, it is limited to the respiratory system. There was some element of fibrosis in the lungs, heart was absolutely normal. There was no mild carditis or infection. So, in short, if I see the mode of spread of this virus infection, after having an incubation period of two to three weeks, it affects the respiratory tract. It affects the nose, throat, airway and lungs.
QUESTION: Is it safe to eat meat and poultry during coronavirus outspread? Answer by Dr. Laxman Jessani, Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Apollo Hospitals , Navi Mumbai: No food is actually unsafe, as long as you practice some needed precautions. As far as food is concerned, there is currently no evidence that food can be a route of transmission of the virus or a determinant of any form of infection. So eating non-vegetarian food is perfectly safe. However, we can take some extra precautions and make sure any meat is washed and cooked thoroughly at a high temperature. Good hygienic practices must also be followed before consuming raw fruits and vegetables. We can also avoid going to slaughterhouses as a precautionary habit for the time being until the infection is controlled fully.”
Answer by Dr Randeep Guleria, Director of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS): Consumption of any kind of meat or poultry doesn’t pose any risk. As a common healthcare precaution, all kinds of meat should be thoroughly washed and properly cooked. As long as you ensure that the food passes through necessary quality checks, is washed and cooked thoroughly, you should be guaranteed that what you are eating is absolutely safe for consumption.
QUESTION: I have to go to the hospital twice a week for dialysis. What should I do? Answer by Dr Anup Warrier, Sr. Consultant, Infectious diseases & Infection control, Aster Medcity hospital: I understand that this is completely unavoidable. And that is the reason I want to urge hospitals to have wider and more open waiting areas. Even during dialysis, beds should be at a safe distance from each other so no two people catch infection. Also, keep sanitizing and washing your hands and do not forget to wear a mask. Moreover, avoid public transport as far as possible.
QUESTION: Ibuprofen vs Paracetamol: Which medicine to take in case you suspect coronavirus symptoms? A senior doctor from Apollo who didn’t want to be quoted said, “We prefer to give Paracetamol in all viral infections as it is safe for patients.” Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen and cortisone, are known to be of high risk for those who have contracted illnesses because they tend to diminish the response of the body’s immune system. Paracetamol is preferred as it is not only a mild medicine but also because of its ability to tone down fever without counter attacking the inflammation.
QUESTION: What should you do if you catch coronavirus infection? Answer by Dr Yugal Kishore Mishra, Chief of Clinical Services, Head of Cardiac Sciences and Chief Cardiovascular Surgeon, Manipal Hospital: Individuals who have a travel history to countries severely affected by the virus should get themselves tested even if they do not have any symptoms.People who have been in contact with such people and display some symptoms, should be vigilant and get themselves tested. People who have severe and moderate infection must be immediately hospitalised without any delay. People with mild symptoms can be kept at home. But in such cases, people around them must be very careful.
QUESTION: What should I do if someone around me is sick? Answer by India’s leading cardiologist Dr Naresh Trehan: We may not have the complete realisation of the infection in India yet. There could be many more cases we don’t even know about. This could be just the tip of the iceberg. And that is the reason worrying is important as it leads to consciousness. The moment you see symptoms in someone, however benign, it is a sign enough for you to stay away from that person. Maintaining a distance of 6 meters from an infected person can safeguard you. So use caution and practice your discretion when you are in contact with a seemingly infected person. Also, stop shaking hands and go back to the traditional ‘Namaste’. It is one of the best ways to prohibit the spread of the virus.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers that have alcohol content of more than 70 percent and keep a mask for times when you see someone around you coughing or sneezing. Wash your hands frequently and do not put your fingers in your eyes and mouth.
Not only for your own self, you also owe some responsibility to your surroundings. So report if you find someone suspicious of having contracted the infection. Report the case and rush them to the hospital for supportive treatment.
QUESTION: Coronavirus symptoms: How do I know if it is just cold or coronavirus? Answer by Dr Karan Madan, pulmonologist, AIIMS: Most coronavirus symptoms are similar to common cold and flu. If you have mild symptoms, we would not recommend testing for coronavirus. If you have low grade fever, cough, it is best to rest and have lots of fluids. This isn’t the first coronavirus. There are 4 coronavirus types that are already in circulation and may cause slight respiratory issues. This is the 7th one and we need to look for patients demonstrating serious symptoms like high grade fever, breathlessness. Influenza and coronavirus have similar symptoms. Right now it is difficult to substantiate it medically. So if you have a runny nose, slight cold and fever, you just need to focus on recovering by taking ample rest and maybe antiviral medicines.
Answer by Professor Ramanan Laxminarayan, director for Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy: If you are an elderly with other comorbidities, or have a heart issue, are a stroker or have severe respiratory issue, then you have more to worry about because unlike the 1982 pandemic which attacked most young population, this one is impacting more of elderly.” QUESTION: Do I need to change my diet to stay protected? Answer by Ameve Sharma, Founder & Managing Director, Kapiva: You must think of the nourishment required. Internal nourishment is just as important as external skin/hair care regimes. Consume herbs that are rich in antioxidants or those that have antimicrobial properties that help keep sickness at bay. You can try Amla, which is ideal for boosting immunity as it has more Vitamin C than oranges or lemons! Apart from herbs, you also need to ensure that you have a face mask on, before stepping out. To prevent contamination, following mindful hygiene like carrying a sanitizer or covering your mouth while coughing and sneezing, is crucial. We need to remember, safety needs to be our topmost priority, especially during this flu season.
QUESTION: Apart from maintaining hand hygiene, what else can people do to protect themselves? Answer by Dr K K Aggarwal, President, Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) and Confederation of Medical Associations of Asia and Oceania (CMAAO): It is very important to maintain respiratory hygiene. Whenever you have a cough, don’t cough on your hands or handkerchief, either use a tissue paper or cough on your sleeve. Whoever has fever, cough and cold should maintain a distance of 1 metre or 3 feet from others. And third is maintain your hand hygiene. Moreover, if you are rubbing your eyes continuously, you may be suffering from computer vision syndrome, so use eye drops. If you are picking your nose again and again, you have an allergy and you must get yourself treated for it.
QUESTION: Can drinking alcohol protect people from COVID-19? Answer by Dr K K Aggarwal, President, Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) and Confederation of Medical Associations of Asia and Oceania (CMAAO): It is a big no. Alcohol cannot protect you from any infection. It is being said that alcohol is a sterilizer and it can kill any virus or bacteria in the blood. If that was true, they would be giving alcohol by intra nasal tube in every hospital. This is absolutely wrong. You must use hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol, not drink it!
QUESTION: What should I do if I suspect having caught the virus? Answer by Dr K K Aggarwal, President, Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) and Confederation of Medical Associations of Asia and Oceania (CMAAO): Whenever you have fever, with or without cough, or breathlessness, call your doctor or call the helpline number. They will advise you whether you need to undergo a coronavirus test or not. Specifically, if you have travelled abroad or have come in contact with anybody who has travelled to affected countries such as Iran, Italy, Dubai etc – you may consult a medical professional on phone. They will tell you how to come and where to come for the test. Till then wear a surgical mask and maintain hand hygiene. The government will do your tests, throat swab twice and screening test. If it comes positive, they will send it for a confirmation and if it comes as positive, you will be called a red case. This means you will be isolated for 14 days. Isolation does not mean jail, it means social distance of 3 feet, wearing a mask.
If you have any coronavirus-related queries, you can write to us at [email protected]
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drrishibhargava · 11 months
If you are looking for an experienced Cardiologist in Kharghar, then you should consult Dr. Rishi Bhargava, the heart specialist and interventional cardiologist at Medwin Heart Care Clinic in Navi Mumbai. With specialized cardiac care and treatments using cutting-edge diagnostic technology, the latest interventional techniques, and preventive cardiology and rehabilitation, Dr Rishi Bhargava has emerged as a pioneer in the cardiology field. He has vast clinical experience, especially in catheter-based procedures and the cardiovascular treatment for coronary artery, vascular, and valvular disease. He is available as a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at various multispecialty hospitals in Navi Mumbai like Apollo Hospital, Medicover Hospital, MGM Hospital in Vashi and Belapur, and Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Koparkhairane.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
Our heart is one of the most important organs pumping blood to our body and keeping us alive. That is why it is necessary to go for regular check-ups, especially as you get older. You can take preventive actions and keep your heart healthy with our experienced cardiologist – the heart specialist at Medwin Heart Care Clinic in Navi Mumbai. Led by the prominent Interventional Cardiologist in Kharghar, Dr. Rishi Bhargava specializes in cardiac emergencies, evaluation, diagnostic tests, chronic cardiac conditions, pre and post-rehabilitation, Pacemaker & ICD Implantation, Balloon Valvuloplasty, Pericardial Diseases and more. His achievements are recognized with his continuous dedication, experience, collaborations, and knowledge making extraordinary advancements in his area of expertise.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
With life-threatening events such as heart attack, cardiovascular disease, and severe risk factors conditions such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, etc., diagnosis and routine check-up can help you keep up with your heart health. In case you notice certain common symptoms of heart disease such as irregular heartbeats, chest pain, breathlessness, and excessive sweating, you should immediately consult an experienced cardiologist. Dr. Rishi A. Bhargava is a recognized medical professional and the best Cardiologist in Kharghar specializing in various cardiac diagnoses and treatments for all ages. Dr. Rishi also treats arrhythmias (heart rhythm disease), valvular disease, vascular disease, and congenital heart conditions (inborn heart defects). Seek our preventive cardiology treatment at Medwin Heart Care Clinic to recognize and eliminate the risk of growing any heart disease and improve your quality of life.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
As a leading cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, Dr. Bhargava practices at his healthcare facility, Medwin Heart Care Clinic, situated at a convenient location in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offers a comprehensive range of cardiac services, including non-invasive procedures, cardiac rehabilitation, and preventive care. Dr. Bhargava utilizes advanced diagnostic tools and the latest treatment modalities such as ECG, Strain Echo, Holter Monitoring, 24-Hour BP Monitoring, Treadmill Stress Test, and 2d Echocardiography in Kharghar to deliver accurate diagnoses and effective treatments, keeping up with the ever-evolving field of cardiology.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
Medwin Heart Care clinic is an advanced heart clinic located at a convenient location in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai for treating heart ailments. Under the leadership of Dr Rishi Bhargava, a prominent Cardiologist in Navi Mumbai who has optimal expertise along with his insights of modern medical science, the clinic offers highest quality patient care through state-of-the-art technology and holistic approach in evaluation of heart problems across all age group. Our range of treatment expertise includes entire spectrum of cardiac conditions like congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorders, heart failure, and valvular disease. Our commitment to excellence, compassion and innovation is rooted in our dedication to the art and science of healing that underpins every aspect of our mission and patient care. If you are looking for the Best Cardiologist in Navi Mumbai or Heart Specialist in Kharghar, get in touch with us today for the finest cardiology advice and treatment.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
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Dr. Rishi Bhargava is a prominent Interventional Cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, known for his exceptional medical skills and compassionate patient care. With a decade years of experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of cardiac conditions, including congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular heart disease, his main clinical focus areas are coronary Angiography, Angioplasty, Pacemaker, Balloon Valvuloplasty, Stent implantation, Biventricular Pacing, and other cardiology procedures. Patients across all age groups can expect personalized and comprehensive care that is tailored to their individual needs at Medwin Heart Care Clinic, an advanced cardiologist clinic in Kharghar.
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drrishibhargava · 1 year
Dr. Rishi Bhargava is one of the best Cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, Kharghar, known for his expertise in healing acute and chronic heart disease.
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drrishibhargava · 2 months
Dr. Rishi Bhargava is a highly esteemed cardiologist practicing in Navi Mumbai, renowned for his expertise and dedication in the field of cardiology. With a robust background in cardiovascular medicine, Dr. Bhargava brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his practice, ensuring comprehensive care for his patients.
His commitment to cardiac health is reflected in his patient-centered approach, where he prioritizes accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and compassionate care. Dr. Bhargava specializes in managing a wide range of cardiac conditions, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, and arrhythmias, among others.
Beyond clinical practice, Dr. Rishi Bhargava is actively involved in research and academic pursuits, contributing to advancements in cardiology. His continuous pursuit of excellence and patient advocacy makes him a trusted choice for individuals seeking top-tier cardiac care in Navi Mumbai.
If you're looking for a cardiologist in navi mumbai who combines expertise with empathy, Dr. Rishi Bhargava stands out for his unwavering commitment to cardiac health and well-being
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drrishibhargava · 6 months
Medwin Heart Care Clinic, situated in the heart of Kharghar, is an advanced diagnostic and cardiac care clinic led by Dr. Rishi A. Bhargava. Known as a well-known Interventional Cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, Dr. Bhargava along with a team of cardiac professionals help you provide guidance for your cardiac issues at Medwin Heart Care Clinic, committed to providing individualized programs, diagnostic tests and compassionate care. With years of experience, modern diagnostic techniques and interventional treatments tailored to each patient’s requirements are ensured by Dr. Rishi Bhargava, while increasing the chances of recovery for heart attack or heart failure.
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drrishibhargava · 6 months
Looking for a Cardiologist in navi mumbai? Meet Dr. Rishi Bhargava, your go-to cardiologist for all heart-related concerns. Whether it's chest pain, high blood pressure, or any other heart issue, Dr. Bhargava is here to help. With his expertise and care, you can trust him to diagnose, treat, and manage your heart condition effectively. Don't let heart problems hold you back – schedule an appointment with Dr. Bhargava today for top-notch heart care in Navi Mumbai.
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drrishibhargava · 9 months
Medwin Heart Care Clinic is an advanced diagnostic and cardiology clinic in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai led by the best cardiologist in Navi Mumbai Dr. Rishi Bhargava and Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at various multispecialty hospitals in Navi Mumbai. He specializes in acute and chronic heart illness such as heart rhythm issues, coronary artery disease, myocardial infections and more. His main focus area is diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. He has specialized knowledge in paediatric cardiology that address heart ailments in children. For adult patients, he dedicates his expertise to interventional approaches such as angiography, angioplasty, pacemaker implantation, stenting, TAVR, valvular heart disease interventions and more.
Dr. Rishi, the best cardiologist in Navi Mumbai, has studied MBBS, MD (MEDICINE) and DM in CARDIOLOGY. He focuses on researching, managing, and preventing cardiovascular conditions. He has published more than 10 research publications in Cardiology. He has mentored medical students as an Assistant Professor in the medical colleges in Mumbai and also worked as a Consultant in Department of Cardiology and Incharge. He has also carried out insightful sessions regarding cardiology in various medical conferences.
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drrishibhargava · 10 months
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, or CABG surgery is a major procedure and can bring a huge change in your overall quality of life. Hence, it is important to consult experienced cardiologist to offer comprehensive resources and treatment options to help you overcome with any heart related disease. Dr. Rishi Bhargava, a consultant interventional cardiologist at Medwin Heart Care Clinic in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai has a decade years of experience in treating complex and acute heart ailments. You can find the best facilities, top class treatments and complete personalized attention from the cardiologist at nominal cost. Book an appointment with Dr Rishi A. Bhargava at Medwin Heart Care Clinic and learn more about Coronary Artery Disease and Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.
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