#Card of the day
card-of-the-day · 14 hours
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Today's Card Is: Head of the Homestead
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priestessofuniverse · 2 months
Choose any one emoji and get your short message of the day
1. 🌼 2. ✨️ 3. 💚 4. 💞
1. You're bright . A really bright person who lights up the world easily . You're sad aren't you? Struggling to do things you want to do ... don't worry . The universe is with you . You'll get it done soon . For now , sit back , close your eyes , take a deep breath . Relax . Your work will be done . You're loved .
2. A bit weird but , do you like to sing ? Haha , if you do the universe is asking you to sing . It doesn't need to be loud . Just hum to yourself if needed . You'll find peace in your own voice. Problems ? Sing it away . Sounds unrealistic ? It's not . Your voice is magic . It will provide you the clarity you seek . So don't worry and sing for life is singing with you.
3. My my oh my you sweet soul ... oh how hurt you are ... caught in between affairs you do not wish to be a part of . You're troubled . You seek freedom , peace , life away from all that madness . Yet you're unable to . Fret not . For life is about to take you on a new journey . Brace yourself cuz you'll be taken to a new height . Do not be afraid of falling . Life will make sure you're cradled safely in it's arms . Just give in to the madness that exists within you . Let your mind and dreams run wild. You'll be shocked by the results it brings .
4. Tangled . Huh . Fascinating circumstances you're in . Tangled in some kind of unwanted situation. Or is it something you willingly walked into ? It's time to start accepting that you too might be at fault here . The universe doesn't punish people who are willing to look at their flaws and accept it . It rewards them instead . So stop . ✋️ take a deep breath and admit your mistake out loud . What got you into this deep trouble is what will bring you out of it . Don't worry . The universe will guide you back out and on the right track . 👣 it's observing you right now .
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3148: Counterattack Claws (Neo Destiny)
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Counterattack Claws was another new Tool in Neo Destiny, and it brought another potential coin flip. If the Pokemon this was attached to was your Active Pokemon and was damaged by an opponent's attack, you flipped a coin. A heads flip put 2 damage counters on the Defending Pokemon, then Counterattack Claws got discarded. You were using something for a 50% chance to get a bit of chip damage, and there was some argument for sing this in a few decks that commonly fell just short of KO numbers. Kingdra liked it against common Fire-types, for example. It was almost never better than just using Gold Berry or Focus Band for their stronger overall impacts, as a flip for an entire free turn was bigger than a flip for 20 damage and a big heal could also buy a turn pretty often. It was still decent enough when it worked in the right spot, but the one chance then discard thing was hard to overcome.
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snowandsage · 1 year
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I’ve really missed doing tarot ✨🥀
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thetarotwitch111 · 12 days
Here’s the advice of the day:
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Sep 11 2024
Advice of the day: be in your power!
It’s time to fully step into your power and realize that you have everything you need to create the life you desire. Whether you’re celebrating a harvest, making tough decisions, or clearing out old energies, it all comes down to believing in yourself and your abilities. The universe is opening doors for you, but you have to walk through them with confidence. Empowerment isn’t just about taking action—it’s about trusting yourself enough to know that whatever you do will lead you in the right direction. You’ve got this, so own it.
Witch’s empowerment tea: brew a tea that embodies strength, clarity, and confidence: rosemary, cinnamon, and orange. Rosemary sharpens your mind and enhances wisdom, cinnamon sparks inner fire and motivation, and orange adds a burst of joy and optimism. This will help you feel more grounded in your decisions and actions. Drink it when you’re planning your next move, or just when you need a reminder that you’re in control of your life.
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ladylopeztarot · 24 days
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📣 New Spread & Sale 📣
Exciting news: I'm now offering Celtic Cross readings! Gain valuable and deep insight into a specific area of your life such as career, love, family, and more.
In addition, tarot readings are on SALE through my website!
Visit www.leanilopez.com/shop/tarot to learn more.
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multimystica · 7 months
Card of the Day
The image of the 3 cards is the same as the last post but the results are different, I guarantee.
Here we go, take a deep breath, exhale relaxing, think of your situation of choice to get info/advice on and pick a card.
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Now we go for the long vertical line of dots so y'all can't see the results before actually choosing a card... Edited to remove the line and add keep reading button.
Card 1 - The Magician
Willpower and manifestation! This card pretty much means you can do whatever the fuck you want right now. If you have a goal, go for it, you have everything you need to succeed, just do it right now. Whatever goal you have in mind right now just picture Shia LaBeauf's JUST DO IT!!! Take a look at this card:
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Believe it or not, you're ready. Take control of your life, all it takes is maintaining your willpower. The advice for today is to align your intentions with your actions right now. Stay focused on your goals, have a vision of what you want, have the intent and take action. This is the right time to apply your power. Amazing or even miraculous things may happen for you today, the stars are aligned for you. Willpower, stepping into your power, being ambitious and determined, and showcasing your talents are main themes for today. It may also be quite useful to take a look at what resources you currently have available to you in this moment and make use of them. Again, step into your power.
Card 2 - IV of Pentacles
Caution. Okay, well, this card brings many different meanings with it (some of which may oppose each other), and it may be hard to tell which one applies to you right now. Both are about caution, security and control. I'll do my best to explain both meanings in a way you can figure out which is meant to you, but it may still be a tough one. Take a look at the card beforehand:
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If you've been controlling and holding tight what you currently have - This card may be a warning to loosen up a bit. While security and control may be great at bringing a sense of peace, it may also make you loose a lot of opportunities.
If you're in a relationship in which you're afraid of the person leaving - Beware, excess of control and holding too tightly onto this person might be what cause them to feel suffocated and drift apart, which would then be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just chill a bit and know when to give them space, do not be controlling over their friend groups, outings, etc or you might just cause the thing you fear is going to happen.
If you been just letting everything go or taking every risk you can lately - This might actually be the time to stop and hold on to some things, work on financial security, or just stay where you are and do not take a risk for today.
If your home has been cluttered - Today is the best day to declutter your home and make giveaways or yard-sales!
IN ANY CASE - Financial security is relevant at this moment, this can also be true in terms of emotional security, whatever your case may be, build a solid foundation, think twice when taking any risks today, this may also apply to communication as well. Proper balance of holding on and letting go, be it in any area of life, is very important right now. Being cautious is also relevant (if you're always TOO cautious, be less cautious. If you're not being cautious lately, THIS IS THE TIME TO BE).
Card 3 - V of Cups
Loss. The usual meaning of this card is quite short and simple, you lost (or are be about to loose) something important to you today (no shit sherlock!). This card speaks of emotional suffering and of how much attention is paid to that loss. Take a look at the card:
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The depiction of the card, in this case, speaks for itself. The loss is painful no matter what you lost (be it a thing or a person it was dear to you), and your attention is drawn to it. It is a tough time to look at the brighter side of things, I get how hard it can be, but the advice this card brings is to look around to what you still have. Find comfort and peace on that which you still have, value what's still there. It's okay to suffer that loss and process those feelings in your own time, but don't forget what you still have. Suffer at first, then pick yourself up and carry on valuing what you still have in a optimistic way. In case this was the death of a person: I'm sorry for your loss, it's okay to grief, and the advice here might be to look around for people you can rely on at this tough time, you don't have to go through this alone.
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notdelusionalatall · 5 months
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"Everything is going to turn out okay"
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littledogtarot · 3 months
Pick a card for the weekend of 6/14/24–6/16/24 (June garden edition)!
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Card reveals and discussion below the read more!
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The Two of Cups represents joyful new relationships, two open hearts connecting deeply with each other. This may be a romantic connection, or it may be more platonic. Regardless, it's important to remember who you are as an individual and to fight the urge to merge completely with this person. Stay true to yourself, and you will learn something from this life-changing relationship.
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The World is the last card in the major arcana, and it represents completion, fulfillment, and success. It may be something tangible, or it may be a more subtle sense of wholeness. Regardless, the World asks you to reflect on your hard work, and to be grateful. It reminds you that success means nothing without the support of those we love. Now that you've reached this point, where will you go next?
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The Eight of Wands represents swift action, sudden news or clarity, and opportunity. You may have been waiting for more information to come to light. Now, it finally has, and you can see the full picture. When you see this card, it suggests that now is the moment to act on something you've been debating over for a while. It augurs success if you go after what you want. So take the bull by the horns and carpe that diem.
Deck is Rider-Waite-Smith.
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asklunarkitty · 1 month
10 August 2024
Wheel of Fortune
To everything… (turn, turn, turn) There is a season… (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose under heaven…
The Wheel is always moving. Karma is always flowing. Everything that is meant to happen, will happen. Today, this card is reminding you to trust in the Universe and its divine plan for you. If you are in a down moment, know that it is only temporary and that the Wheel of destiny is turning in your favor!
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Deck: The Light Seer’s Tarot
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thetarotbitch · 4 months
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today's card is temperance, one of my personal favourites. it stands to remind us of our innate abundance, of power one finds when they ground themselves firmly in reality. we all have wishes, wants, desires, ambitions, etc. and sometimes they can seem as far away and impossible to grasp as the stars themselves. when we think about the kind of life we want, the stark contrast between that and where we actually are can make us acutely aware of all the things we lack. and if we spend too much time in that space, we stop seeing all that we do have. it takes away our hope, and without hope, there is no creation. you can't work with tools you don't have. however, if we come back down to earth with full awareness of ourselves and our surroundings, even the most mundane resources we thought to be useless will start revealing their potential to us. coincidentally, ace of pentacles was on the bottom of the deck. all aces represent little seeds we can accept and grow or decline and let go. pentacles manifest in the material world, which in this case aligns perfectly with temperance's symbolism of alchemy. however small you may feel, however little you may have, it is enough to start. even if it is just one seed, you can grow it into a beautiful garden with time and dedication. stay connected to the world around you, stay connected to it's rules and laws because they are not limitations, they are guidelines. you are enough.
if you enjoyed this, please consider supporting me on ko-fi or booking your own personal reading ✨️✨️✨️
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card-of-the-day · 3 days
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Today's Card Is: Flock Together
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Wednesday, July 10th 2024
Tarot Card of the day from spirit to complement the day’s energies.
Eight of Pentacles
Find work/life balance to protect your creativity. Themes of education, detail and perseverance.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3237: Mew (Expedition)
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Mew wasn't going to be hitting anything very hard or taking too many hits. It could, however, hit the opponent's Bench. This was a limited take on the concept, but Bench hits weren't that common back then. That could give at least a bit of a role, in theory, for Mew in Psychic decks. Enough to think about, anyway.
50 HP wasn't the best, as that was a very common damage number at the time. A Weakness to Psychic did make life a little easier on the likes of Espeon, though in most cases you wouldn't see the biggest difference. At least the Retreat Cost was just 1 if you had the chance to switch Mew out.
Super Psywave required a Psychic and a Colorless Energy. It had you choose 1 of the opponent's Pokemon, count the number of Energy cards attached to said Pokemon, and then put that many damage counters on. This could get some damage on attackers while they powered up, usually against decks without good acceleration. You could even use this in a pinch to get damage in on something like a Scizor that had stacked Metal Energy, though Mew wasn't exactly taking a return hit well.
Mew did something interesting for Psychic decks, though it was on a frail package that relied on hitting something with a lot of Energy attached. Its best job was probably being able to hit through Metal Energy since weakened Benched Pokemon tended to have little Energy on them in many cases. The idea was nice, but in reality you'd rarely include this in a deck.
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cupoftarot · 9 months
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Card of the Day: Knight of Cups
The first words that come to mind are charisma, idealist, messenger
The Knight of Cups is someone who listens to their heart above all else. No amount of logic will help change their perspective. This is someone who is in touch with their emotions and intuition and can turn them into action.
This card also represents a messenger, and marks the arrival is someone or something that will be a cause for celebration.
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shaniatarot · 5 months
Card of the day
I see that you could be manifesting something but you feel like it’s taking too long to come into fruition, I see that you could be doing everything you can but you’re not getting the progress/success you want. I see that you’re staying optimistic and you’re excited about the future, I see that you think a lot about the past and you may feel discouraged or insecure because of the past. I see that you don’t know when your success is coming and sometimes it’s hard to stay optimistic, initials- W, E, X
Personal readings always available
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