#Carbon Price
anik211 · 1 year
Estimate Commercial Value of CO2 Storage
Carbon storage refers to the process of sequestering or storing carbon in various forms in the natural environment, including in plants, soil, oceans, and geologic formations. This can include processes such as photosynthesis, in which plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass, and the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged between different parts of the…
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
promo art by Jack Manning
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Between 5 and 21% emission reductions: this is the empirically measured effect of carbon pricing systems in their first few years of operation. A research team now identifies these findings for 17 real-world climate policies around the globe, condensing the state of knowledge more comprehensively than ever. The team uses artificial intelligence to collate existing surveys, making them comparable using a novel calculation concept. The major meta-study was led by the Berlin-based climate research institute MCC (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change) and published in the journal Nature Communications.
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If tax cuts give you $100 back in your wallet yet it gives the rich, $10,000 back in theirs, you are not $100 richer. Money is relative to wealth. When we give handouts or tax breaks and most of it goes to the rich YOU. GET. POORER. Tax the rich, don't just cut carbon taxes.
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daily-kinks1 · 2 months
The fact I pay almost $2/L for gas rn and my Q50 is a 65L tank is such bs, Ontario is a hell hole
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very-lost-hobbit · 6 months
I will not shut up about Ukraine until it is free of Russian tyranny. BTW.
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The lengths Swifties will go to to defend Taylor Swift is just astounding. They are on par with Elon Musk simps at this point
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Canada's national carbon price saw its largest hike yet on Saturday when it jumped from $50 per tonne of emissions to $65. But the rebates millions of households receive to compensate them for the surcharge are also set to rise. Usually, the national price increases annually by $10. This year, under the federal government's strengthened climate plan, it's rising by $15. Because carbon pricing differs from province to province and territory to territory, not everyone will feel the impact of this increase the same way.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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naamahdarling · 1 year
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moviemosaics · 9 months
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The Pit and the Pendulum
directed by Roger Corman, 1961
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danbrekke · 5 months
How Helper (Utah) Got Its Name, and Other Stories
Helper, Utah, and environs. (this is on the northern outskirts, and according to some maps, this was part of a hamlet, or maybe just a siding on the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, called Martin at some time in the past. Maybe the locals still call it that. In October 2022, I took a driving trip that took me to Salt Lake City, Moab, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, among other…
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leparoledelmondo · 6 months
Carbon pricing
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Il finanziamento per la lotta al cambiamento climatico lo stiamo sostenendo a suon di incentivi e sussidi ma ciò rischia di mettere in crisi i bilanci degli Stati, soprattutto quelli che già hanno un debito alto. Per un Paese mediamente rappresentativo e con alte emissioni, affidarsi in modo preponderante a investimenti pubblici diventerà sempre più costoso con la conseguenza di aumentare il debito. Un percorso non sostenibile considerando anche gli alti tassi di interesse e le prospettive di crescita molto deboli. C’è chi dice (Fmi) che affiancare ai sussidi una “tassa sull’inquinamento” allevierebbe il peso dei conti pubblici. Ma chi la pagherebbe questa tassa? Beh, chi inquina paga, come ad esempio le imprese che emettono CO2. La chiamano carbon pricing e alcuni Paesi l’hanno già adottata e il prezzo medio è di 20 dollari a tonnellata di CO2, molto al disotto dei livelli necessari. Con i soldi ricavati dal carbon pricing si potrebbero finanziare sostegni per le famiglie, lavoratori e le comunità più colpite, in nome di una transizione equa.
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mallowjiccesyt · 2 years
Talking to Victoria Chase be like: “Ugh...”
Chloe Price: “Fluorine, Uranium, Carbon, Potassium... and uh, Uranium again”
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very-lost-hobbit · 3 months
I'm so sick of dick measuring about carbon pricing in Canadian politics!!! I never want to hear the words "carbon tax" ever again!!!
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merrilark · 2 years
I did some of my Christmas shopping from BetterWorldBooks yesterday, and no matter how many times I get it, the little automated email they send you letting you know that your book has been shipped always makes me smile.
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It's very silly and very cute.
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butterppretzel · 1 year
god what I wouldn’t give for a can of coke rn
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