#CarPlay for Ford Mondeo
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Headunit With Carplay For FORD Mondeo Semi-Automatic air conditioner | 2013 | 10 INCH
Headunit With Carplay For FORD Mondeo Semi-Automatic air conditioner | 2013 | 10 INCH
#Ford Mondeo Headunit#CarPlay for Ford Mondeo#Android Auto Ford Mondeo#10-inch Headunit#Wireless CarPlay#Wireless Android Auto#Reverse Camera Ford Mondeo#Front Camera Input#Digital Sound Processor#Steering Wheel Control#Climate Control Ford Mondeo#Bluetooth 4.2 Headunit#RCA Output Ford#FM/AM Radio Headunit#4.2V RCA Output#Premium Car Stereo
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أفضل السيارات للسائقين طويلي القامة
لا أحد يريد أن يشعر بالخوف من وراء عجلة القيادة ، وقد يكون العثور على السيارة المناسبة أمرًا صعبًا إذا كنت أطول من معظم الناس. العديد من السيارات الرياضية ومعظم سيارات المكشوفة غير واردة ، لكن هذا لا يعني أنه يجب عليك التمسك بأجهزة MPV المستندة إلى سيارات فان لتشعر بالراحة. سيارات الدفع الرباعي أكثر شعبية من أي وقت مضى وتوفر مساحة كبيرة ، في حين أن بعض العقارات والهاتشباك توفر الآن مساحة رأس كافية للركاب الأطول أيضًا. على الرغم من أن السيارات الحديثة عادة ما تكون واسعة بما يكفي لتوفير مساحة رأس كافية ، قد لا يكون وضع القيادة مريحًا للغاية إذا كنت طويل القامة. يستغرق بعض الوقت لمعرفة ما إذا كان المقعد وعجلة القيادة مضبوطين ليلائمك ؛ لن ترغب في الاحتفاظ بسيارة غير مريحة. تتمثل إحدى طرق زيادة المساحة الأمامية في تجنب فتحة السقف البانورامية. لا يقتصر الأمر على كونها غالية الثمن ، بل يمكنها أيضًا اقتحام مساحة رأس السيارة بشكل كبير. قد تعتقد أن السقف البانورامي سيزيد من مساحة السطح ، لكن المكونات الإضافية لجعل السقف تعمل على عكس ذلك . لا توفر جميع السيارات قياسًا للإرتفاع ، لذا قد يكون هناك بعض التجارب والخطأ عند اختيار سيارتك التالية. ومع ذلك ، فإن جميع السيارات المدرجة في هذه القائمة توفر شخصية تقاس من قاعدة المقعد إلى السقف. إليك بعض من أفضل السيارات التي يمكنك شراؤها إذا كنت طويل القامة (أو إذا كنت تحب ارتداء القبعات العليا):
أودي Q7 سيارة الدفع الرباعي
تعد Audi Q7 واحدة من أكثر سيارات الدفع الرباعي العادية شيوعًا للبيع ، ويخفي تصميمها البارد سيارة عملية للغاية. لا تحصل فقط على ثلاثة صفوف من المقاعد وصندوق ضخم عند طي المقاعد الخلفية ، ولكن يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أنك وأي مسافرين طويلين سيكونون مرتاحين للغاية. في الجزء الأمامي ، هناك مساحة هائلة تبلغ 1،71 ملم ، ويعني الشكل Q7 في الصندوق أن الإرتفاع الخلفي مذهل أيضًا. يتمتع ركاب المقعد الخلفي بـارتفاع 1016 مم ، بالإضافة إلى مساحة كبيرة للأرجل. كما أن Q7 تثير الإعجاب من خلال تصميمها الداخلي الفاخر وركوبها المتقنة ، فبغض النظر عن تصميمك ، فسيكون مريحًا وباردًا ومتصلًا ، حتى في أطول الرحلات. في الواقع ، فإن التصميم الداخلي جيد جدًا وبنيت بشكل جيد ، بحيث يتم مشاركته جزئيًا مع لامبورغيني أوروس وبنتلي بينتايغا .
مرسيدس الفئة E العقارية
التالية في هذه القائمة هي سيارة مرسيدس الفئة E الكهفية الحقيقية ، ��ع ارتفاع ضخم يبلغ 1061 مم مماثلة لشاغلي المقاعد الأمامية. سيشعر الأشخاص الأطول بأنهم في منازلهم في الخلف أيضًا ، حيث يوجد 1005 مم من الارتفاع العلوي في صف المقاعد الثاني في Estate. الداخل جوهره ، ونقطة قوية حقيقية من الفئة- E ؛ هناك عدد قليل من السيارات ذات كابينة أفضل ، خاصة وأن الفئة E تشترك في العديد من الأجزاء مع الفئة S الفخمة. في حين أنها ليست الكلمة الأخيرة في إثارة القيادة ، فإن E-Class Estate تعوض عن ذلك لأنها مريحة للغاية. إذا لم تكن في حاجة إلى مساحة التمهيد الكبيرة التي يوفرها العقار ، فإن صالون الفئة E يعمل بشكل جيد أيضًا على مساحة الإرتفاع. يوجد ما يصل إلى 1051 مم في المقدمة و 971 مم في الخلف.
سيات ليون هاتشباك
سيات ليون هو إظهار أنك لا تحتاج إلى سيارة دفع رباعي أو عقار كبير للاستمتاع بالارتفاع اللائق. على الرغم من كونها أحد سيارات hatchbacks الرياضية المعروضة ، إلا أن ليون لا يبخل على الإرتفاع - سواء كنت تجلس في المقدمة أو الخلف. تعتقد أن Q7 أعلاه ستوفر مساحة أكبر بكثير ، لكن ليون خلفه بـ 29 مم فقط في المقدمة ، بينما يمكن للمسافرين في المقاعد الخلفية الاستمتاع بـ 970 مم من ارتفاع الرأس الأمامي. تعد محركات ليون ، التي يتم مشاركتها مع سيارات VW Group الأخرى ، مثقبة بشكل مناسب ولكنها اقتصادية - حيث يمكن للبعض أن يغلق نصف أسطوانات المحرك عندما لا تكون الطاقة الكاملة مطلوبة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، جميع الإصدارات مجهزة تجهيزًا جيدًا - يتم تضمين النسخ المتطابق للهواتف الذكية وشاشة تعمل باللمس مقاس 8 بوصات والتحكم في السرعة والمساعدة الأمامية جميعها بشكل قياسي ، في حين أن جميع الزخارف المذكورة أعلاه تشتمل على أجهزة استشعار للتنقل عبر الأقمار الصناعية وأجهزة استشعار لوقوف السيارات الأمامية والخلفية ونوافذ ملونة. تقدم ملكية SEAT Leon ST شخصيات متطابقة تقريبًا.
سكودا كودياك
تعتبر Skoda Kodiaq واحدة من أفضل سيارات الدفع الرباعي التي يمكنك شراؤها. إنها تتسع لسبعة مقاعد مع مساحة كافية للبالغين في الصف الثالث من المقاعد ، على الرغم من أن الركاب الطويلين سوف يشعرون براحة أكبر في الصف الثاني الفسيح. على نحو غير معتاد ، هناك نفس المقدار تقريبًا من الارتفاع الأمامي في المقدمة (1020 مم) والصف الثاني (1،015 مم) ، لذلك سيكون لديك مساحة كبيرة في أي مكان تجلس فيه. تشعرك Kodiaq بالصلابة والبناء ، كما أن تصميمها الداخلي ، وإن لم يكن الأكثر فخامة ، فهو ذكي ومنطقي. هناك الكثير من المعدات القياسية ، وحتى Kodiaq تقود بشكل جيد - أفضل بكثير مما كنت تتوقع من سيارات الدفع الرباعي ذات السبعة مقاعد. إذا كنت قد تساءلت عن السبب في أن Kodiaq هو مشهد مشهور على طرق المملكة المتحدة ، فهذه هي بعض الأسباب المهمة.
بي ام دبليو 1 سلسلة هاتشباك
تعد الفئة الأولى الحالية من BMW الفئة الأكثر اتساعًا على الإطلاق ، مما يجعلها واحدة من أفضل سيارات هاتشباك للسائقين الطويلين. يوجد ارتفاع أمامي هائل يبلغ 1019 مم في المقدمة - أقل من ملليمتر من Kodiaq - و 972 ملم في الخلف ، على الرغم من خط السقف المنحدر قليلاً. سلسلة 1 هي سيارة للسائقين الحريصين. إنها واحدة من أفضل أنواع هاتشباك التي يمكنك شراؤها. إنها أيضًا الوحيدة التي تتمتع بالعجلات الخلفية ، على الرغم من أن هذا سيتغير عندما يصل الجيل الجديد في نهاية عام 2019. سيكون الأشخاص الأطول سعيدين في المقدمة ؛ على الرغم من وجود الكثير من المساحة العلوية في الخلف ، إلا أن مساحة الأرجل موصلة قليلاً حيث يجلس اثنان من البالغين خلف بعضهما البعض. إنه أم�� جيد بالنسبة للرحلات القصيرة ، ولكن قد يطلب ركاب المقاعد الخلفية الخروج وتمديد أرجلهم في رحلات أطول.
فولكس واجن بولو هاتشباك
توضح Volkswagen Polo أنك لا تحتاج بالضرورة إلى سيارة كبيرة إذا كنت أطول من المتوسط. إنها تتطابق مع الفئة الأولى من سيارات BMW من أجل توفير مساحة أمامية أمامية ، وتقدم أقل بمقدار 8 مم فقط في الخلف. بولو هاتشباك معقولة للغاية ، و تشعرك بالراحة في السرعة والداخل الفاخر إلى حد ما. إنها فتحة صغيرة ذات جودة بناء مماثلة للسيارات الأغلى ثمناً ، وتتميز بالكثير من المعدات بشكل قياسي. تم تجهيز شاشة تعمل باللمس مقاس 8 بوصات وراديو DAB وتكييف هواء عبر المجموعة ، لذلك لا يوجد لاعب غني عن لعبة بولو دون الضروريات. تتم إضافة ماسحات السيارات وأجهزة استشعار وقوف السيارات والتحكم في مناخ المنطقة المزدوجة في الطرز عالية المواصفات ، ويمكنك حتى اختيار لوحة معلومات رقمية من قائمة الخيارات. لا يوفر المقعد الخلفي مساحة كبيرة فحسب ، بل يوجد أيضًا صندوق كبير لملء الفراغ.
أودي A5 Sportback هاتشباك
في حين أن العديد من السيارات في هذه القائمة لها شكل يشبه الصندوق ، فإن Audi A5 Sportback كوبيه ذات الأبواب الأربعة بها الكثير من الإرتفاع أيضًا. يمكن لأولئك الذين في المقدمة الاستمتاع بمساحة تصل إلى 1001 مم بين قاعدة المقعد والسقف ، بينما لا يزال لدى ركاب المقاعد الخلفية مساحة كبيرة - 940 مم ، بدقة. يعد A5 Sportback خيارًا رائعًا إذا كنت تريد شيئًا ما يمكن أن يكون أكثر أناقة من صالون رجال الأعمال التقليديين �� وهو ينافس كل شيء بدءًا من Kia Stinger إلى BMW الفئة الرابعة Gran Coupe و Tesla Model S. الفرامل وأحدث اتصال الهاتف الذكي ، وإذا كنت لا تستخدم المقاعد الخلفية في كثير من الأحيان ، يمكنك أيضا النظر في كوبيه A5. تقدم الكوبيه ذات الأبواب الثلاثة 990 مم في المقدمة ، على الرغم من أن مساحة رأسها الخلفية أقل اتساعًا بشكل ملحوظ.
فورد مونديو هاتشباك
لقد كانت فورد مونديو ، التي كانت ذات مرة عنصرًا رئيسيًا في عالم الصالونات العائلية ، قد تم التغاضي عنها إلى حد ما في العامين الماضيين حيث يتدفق المشترون على سيارات الدفع الرباعي وسيوفرون صالونات تنفيذية بدلاً من ذلك. ومع ذلك ، لا يزال خيارًا رائعًا ، حيث إن Mondeo مجهز جيدًا وأسعار معقولة وواسعة جدًا. يوجد أقل من متر واحد من المساحة الأمامية في المقدمة و 965 مم في الجزء الخلفي من صالون مونديو. على الرغم من عدم توفر أحدث التصميمات الداخلية المتوفرة ، إلا أن Ford ما زال يقدم أحدث التقنيات ، بما في ذلك Apple CarPlay و Android Auto والتعرف على إشارات المرور والمساعدة في الحفاظ على الممرات وإضاءة LED الديناميكية. يوجد وكلاء فورد في كل مدينة ومدينة تقريبًا ، والخدمة بأسعار معقولة وقد تكون قادرًا على التفاوض على خصم رائع. يوفر Ford Mondeo Estate مساحة أكبر ، وهناك أيضًا طراز هجين.
Skoda Superb Estate
ترقب Skoda Superb Estate إلى اسمها - في الواقع ، قمنا بتصنيفها على أنها أفضل العقارات ال��ي يمكنك شراؤها الآن. من الجيد قيادة السيارة ، وهي مبنية بشكل جيد وسليم ، وتأتي مع بعض الميزات الرائعة مثل المظلات الموجودة في الأبواب الأمامية. يتميز فندق Superb بتصميم داخلي جميل للغاية ، كما أن Skoda تقلل بشكل كبير السيارات ذات الحجم المماثل - فهي تبدأ من أقل من 25000 جنيه إسترليني. لهذا ، ستحصل على صندوق داخلي ضخم ومساحة كبيرة في الداخل ، مع مساحة رأسية تبلغ 995 مم في المقدمة و 1001 مم في المقاعد الخلفية. تماما مثل Kodiaq أعلاه ، الداخلية ذكية وبديهية ولكنها ليست فاخرة للغاية. ومع ذلك ، يمكنك الحصول على مجموعة رائعة من الميزات ، بما في ذلك مجموعة أدوات رقمية واتصال WiFi ومستشعرات وقوف السيارات الشاملة واتصال هاتف Smart Link.
هوندا جاز هاتشباك
هوندا جاز هي السيارة الوحيدة في هذه القائمة دون قياسات رسمية في الإرتفاع ، لكننا نتوقع أن يكون لديك مساحة كبيرة لتمتد ، بغض النظر عن بنيتك. يبلغ الارتفاع الكلي للسيارة 1،550 مم ، وهو أكثر بكثير من VW Polo's 1،461mm. نتيجة لذلك ، فإن مساحة الإرتفاع هائلة بشكل مناسب - وتمتد موسيقى الجاز على تعريف نوع السوبر ميني إلى حد ما. تعتبر المساحة الخلفية للأرجل مفاجأة سارة ، نظرًا لوجود مساحة كبيرة تقريبًا في المقاعد الخلفية مثل سيارة مرسيدس S-Class. لن يواجه الركاب الطويلون مشكلة في الراحة ، ولا يزال هناك صندوق كبير خلف المقاعد الخلفية. أحدث موسيقى الجاز مصممة بذكاء للغاية ، وينبغي أن تكون الخيار الأفضل لأولئك الذين يريدون مساحة على الميزانية. Read the full article
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Android Auto: qué es y todos los modelos de coches compatibles
Android Auto: qué es y todos los modelos de coches compatibles
Hasta hace unos años, los coches no eran compatibles con nuestros teléfonos más allá de parcas conexiones mediante dispositivos manos libres de terceros a través de Bluetooth. Con el tiempo, llegaron soluciones como Android Auto o Apple CarPlay, con el objetivo de integrar nuestros móviles dentro del propio vehículo, con interfaces personalizadas que nos permiten controlar varios de sus apartados.
En concreto, Android Auto se encuentra disponible para más de 400 modelos de coches, por lo que procede comentar cuáles son dichos modelos compatibles, así como todo lo que conviene saber sobre Android Auto.
Qué es Android Auto
Android Auto es la solución de Google para integrar nuestro dispositivo Android con nuestro vehículo compatible. Lleva funcionando desde el año 2014, y cuenta con una interfaz bastante simple e intuitiva, que se combina con acciones de voz que minimizan el contacto físico del conductor con el propio panel del vehículo.
Esta solución nos proporciona información sobre las notificaciones que recibimos, permite utilizar Google Maps, reproducir nuestra música, y responder mensajes mediante nuestra voz. El principal objetivo es el de poder interactuar con nuestro teléfono sin necesidad de tocarlo, minimizando las distracciones al volante.
Android Auto puede utilizarse desde el propio teléfono mediante su aplicación, aunque para sacarle el máximo partido es recomendable conectarlo al vehículo
Para utilizar Android Auto es necesario un vehículo o dispositivo compatible (Alpine, Pioneer o Sony tienen radios compatibles), así como disponer de un dispositivo Android con la versión 5.0 Lollipop y superiores. Teniendo dicha compatibilidad en el vehículo, tan solo hace falta descargar la aplicación de Android Auto y empezar a utilizarlo.
A la hora de realizar la conexión, podemos hacerlo de forma inalámbrica o mediante un cable USB que conecte tu móvil al coche. Android Auto funciona tanto en la interfaz de nuestro móvil, así como adaptándose al panel de nuestro coche.
En Xataka
Qué soluciones tecnológicas están ofreciendo los fabricantes para la plaga del siglo XXI, distraernos continuamente con el móvil
Coches compatibles con Android Auto
Actualmente Android Auto es compatible con más de 400 vehículos. Algunas firmas como Acura (Honda), Holden, Buick o Holden no se comercializan de forma oficial en España, pero te dejamos con el listado completo de vehículos, marca por marca, ya que si tu dispositivo es compatible y se importa alguno de estos vehículos, Android Auto seguirá funcionando.
595 2017
695 2017
Acura MDX 2018
Acura NSX 2017
Acura TLX 2018
Alfa Romeo
Giulia 2018
Giulietta 2017
MiTo 2017
Stelvio 2018
Aston Martin
Rapide 2018
Vanquish 2018
Vantage 2018
Audi A1 2019
Audi A3 2017
Audi A4 2017
Audi A5 2017
Audi A6 2017
Audi A7 2017
Audi A8 2018
Audi Q3 2019
Audi Q2 2017
Audi Q3 2019
Audi Q8 2019
Audi Q5 2018
Audi Q7 2016
Disponible próximamente: Audi A1 Sportback 2019-
BX5 2019
BX7 2018
Próximamente disponible
Próximamente disponible
Encore 2017
Envision 2017
LaCrosse 2016
Regal 2016
ATS 2016
ATS Coupe 2016
ATS Sedan 2016
ATS V-Coupe 2016
ATS V-Sedan 2016
ATS-V 2016
CT6 2016
CT6 Plug-in 2017
CT6 Sedan 2016
CTS 2016
CTS Sedan 2016
CTS V-Sedan 2016
CTS-V 2016
ELR 2016
Escalade 2016
Escalade ESV 2016
XT5 2017
Aveo 2017
Bolt EV 2017
Camaro 2016
Camaro Convertible 2016
Colorado 2016
Colorado/S10 2017
Corvette 2016
Corvette Convertible 2016
Cruze 2016
Cruze Hatchback 2017
Equinox 2018
Impala 2016
Malibu 2016
Onix 2017
Prisma 2017
Silverado 2016
Silverado HD 2016
Sonic 2017
Spark 2016
Suburban 2016
Tahoe 2016
Trailblazer 2017
Traverse 2018
Trax 2017
Volt 2016
300 2017
Pacifica 2018
Berlingo 2018
C-Elysée 2017
C3 2017
C3 Aircross 2017
C4 2017
C4 Cactus 2018
C4 Picasso 2017
Grand C4 Picasso 2017
C4 SpaceTourer 2018
Grand C4 SpaceTourer 2018
C5 Aircross 2019
Jumpy 2017
SpaceTourer 2017
Próximamente disponible
Challenger 2017
Charger 2017
Durango 2018
DS4 2017
DS3 2018
DS5 2017
-Ferrari GTC4Lusso 2019 -Ferrari GTC4Lusso T 2019 -Ferrari Portofino 2019
500 2017
500L 2017
500X 2017
Argo 2017
Tipo 2017
C-MAX 2017
Edge 2017
Escape 2017
Everest 2017
Expedition 2017
Explorer 2017
F-150 2017
Flex 2017
Focus 2017
Fusion 2017
Galaxy 2017
Kuga 2017
Mondeo 2017
Mustang 2017
Ranger 2017
S-MAX 2017
Super Duty 2017
Taurus 2017
Tourneo Connect 2017
Transit 2017
Transit Connect 2017
Vignale 2017
G70 2017
G80 2016
G90 2018
Acadia 2017
Canyon 2016
Sierra 2016
Yukon 2016
Yukon Denali 2016
Yukon XL 2016
Acadia 2018
Astra 2017
Barina 2017
Captiva 2016
Colorado 2017
Commodore 2018
Equinox 2018
Spark 2016
Trailblazer 2017
Trax 2017
Accord 2016
Civic 2016
Clarity Fuel Cell 2017
CR-V 2017
Fit 2018
Freed 2017
Odyssey 2018
Pilot 2017
Ridgeline 2017
Avante 2017
Azera 2015
Creta 2016
Elantra 2017
Elantra GT 2016
Grand i10 2016
Grandeur 2015
i10 2016
i20 2016
i30 2016
i40 2016
Ioniq Electric 2016
Ioniq Hybrid 2016
Ioniq Plug-in Hybrid 2016
Kona 2017
Maxcruz 2017
Palisade 2018
Santa Fe 2017
Santa Fe Sport 2017
Sonata 2015
Sonata Hybrid 2016
Sonata Plug-in Hybrid 2016
Tucson 2016
Veloster 2017
Daily 2019
-Q50 2020 -Q60 2020 -QX50 2020 -QX80 2020
Jaguar XJ 2019
Jaguar XF 2019
Jaguar XE 2019
Jaguar F-Pace 2019
Jaguar F-Type 2019
Jaguar E-Pace 2019
Jaguar I-Pace 2019
Compass 2017
Grand Cherokee 2018
Wrangler 2018
Renegade 2017
Revero 2018
Cadenza 2017
Carens 2017
Carnival 2015
cee'd 2017
Forte 2017
Forte Koup 2017
Forte5 2017
K3 2017
K5 2015
K7 2017
K9 2018
Morning 2018
Niro 2017
Optima 2015
Optima Hybrid 2015
Optima Plug-in Hybrid 2017
Picanto 2018
Pride 2018
Rio 2018
Rondo 2017
Sedona 2015
Sorento 2016
Soul 2014
Soul Booster 2019
Soul Booster EV 2019
Soul EV 2015
Sportage 2017
Stinger 2018
Stonic 2018
Próximamente disponible
Próximamente disponible
Aventador 2018
Centenario 2016
Huracán 2019
Urus 2019
Land Rover
Range Rover 2019
Range Rover Sport 2019
Range Rover Velar 2019
Range Rover Evoque 2019
Land Rover Discovery 2019
Land Rover Discovery Sport 2019
-ES 2020 -NX 2020 -RC 2020 -RX 2020 -UX 2020
Continental 2017
MKC 2017
MKX 2017
MKZ 2017
MKZ Hybrid 2017
Navigator 2017
-XUV500 2015 -Marazzo 2018 -XUV300 2019
Baleno 2015
Ciaz 2014
Dzire 2017
Ertiga 2016
Ignis 2017
S-Cross 2015
Vitara Brezza 2016
Hustler 2016
Ignis 2016
Lapin 2016
Solio 2016
Solio Bandit 2016
Spacia 2016
Spacia Custom 2016
Spacia Custom Z 2016
Swift 2016
WagonR 2016
WagonR Stingray 2016
-Ghibli 2017 -GranCabrio 2018 -GranTurismo 2018 -Levante 2017 -Quattroporte 2017
-CX-3 2020 -CX-30 2020 -CX-5 2019 -CX-8 2019 -CX-9 2019 -Mazda2 2020 -Mazda3 2019 -Mazda6 2018 -MX-5 2019
A-Class 2017
B-Class 2017
C-Class Cabriolet 2018
C-Class Coupe 2018
C-Class Sedan 2018
C-Class Wagon 2018
CLA Coupe 2017
CLA Shooting Brake 2017
CLS Coupe 2017
CLS Shooting Brake 2017
E-Class Cabriolet 2017
E-Class Coupe 2017
E-Class Sedan 2017
E-Class Wagon 2017
G-Class 2018
GLA 2017
GLC Coupe 2018
GLC SUV 2018
GLE 2017
GLE Coupe 2017
GLS 2017
Mercedes-Maybach 2018
S-Class Cabriolet 2018
S-Class Coupé 2018
S-Class Sedan 2018
SL 2017
SLC 2017
-ASX 2017 -Delica D:2 2017 -Delica D:2 Custom 2017 -Pajero (Montero) 2016 -Pajero (Montero) Sport 2016 -Eclipse Cross 2018 -i-MiEV 2017 -Mirage 2017 -Mirage G4 2017 -Outlander 2017 -Outlander PHEV 2017 -Triton 2016 -Próximamente: Xpander 2019
Altima 2018
Kicks 2018
LEAF 2018
Maxima 2018
Murano 2018
Rogue 2018
Rogue Sport 2019
Sentra 2019
TITAN 2019
Versa Note 2019
Versa Sedan 2019
Adam 2016
Ampera-e 2017
Astra 2016
Combo 2018
Corsa 2016
Crossland X 2017
Grandland X 2018
Insignia 2016
Karl 2016
Mokka 2016
Zafira 2016 -Zafira Life 2019
208 2017
2008 2017
301 2017
308 2017
308 SW 2017
3008 2017
508 2017
508 SW 2017
5008 2017
Expert 2017
Partner 2018
Rifter 2018
Traveller 2017
1500 2018
2500 2018
3500 2018
Chassis Cab 2018
Captur 2017
Clio 2017
Clio Estate 2017
Espace 2017
Grand Scénic 2017
Kadjar 2017
Kangoo 2017
Koleos 2017
Master 2017
Mégane 2017
Mégane Estate 2017
Scénic 2017
Talisman 2017
Talisman Estate 2017
Trafic 2017
Twingo 2017
ZOE 2017
Alhambra 2016
Arona 2017
Ateca 2016
Ibiza 2016
León 2016
Toledo 2016
Fabia 2016
Fabia Combi 2016-
Karoq 2018
Kodiaq 2017
Octavia 2016
Octavia Combi 2016
Rapid 2016
Rapid Spaceback 2016
Superb 2016
Superb Combi 2016
Yeti 2016
fortwo 2017
fortwo cabrio 2017
forfour 2017
Rexton 2017
Musso Sports 2018
-Ascent 2019 -BRZ 2018 -Forester 2019 -Impreza 2017 -Legacy/Liberty 2018 -Outback 2018 -WRX 2019 -XV / Crosstrek 2018
-Harrier 2019 -Hexa 2019 -Nexon 2017 -Nexon 2019 -Tiago 2019 -Tigor 2018 -Próximamente: Altroz 2020
4Runner 2020
Aygo 2018
Sequoia 2020
Tacoma 2020
Tundra 2020
Yaris 2019
Adam 2016
Astra 2016
Combo 2018
Corsa 2016
Crossland X 2017
Grandland X 2018
Insignia 2016
Mokka 2016
Viva 2016
Zafira 2016
Arteon 2017
Atlas 2018
Beetle 2016
Beetle Cabriolet 2016-
CC 2016
CrossFox 2017
Fox 2017
Gol 2017
Golf 2016
Golf Cabriolet 2016
Golf Sportsvan 2016
Golf Variant 2016
Jetta 2016
NMS-Passat 2016
Passat 2016
Passat Variant 2016
Polo 2016
Sagitar 2016
Saveiro 2017
Scirocco 2016
Sharan 2016
Suran 2016
T-Roc 2018-
Teramont 2018
Tiguan 2016
Touareg 2018
Touran 2016
Voyage 2017
Amarok 2016
Caddy 2016
California 2016
Caravelle 2016
Crafter 2017
Multivan 2016
Transporter 2016
XC90 2017
S90 2017
V90 2017
V90 Cross Country 2017
XC60 2018
S60 2019
V60 2019
XC40 2018
- La noticia Android Auto: qué es y todos los modelos de coches compatibles fue publicada originalmente en Xataka Android por Ricardo Aguilar .
Xataka Android https://ift.tt/2YsBlak
0 notes
Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford
Os dois SUVs têm preço na casa dos R$ 260.000Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Vendo as linhas de produtos de Land Rover e Volvo e a transformação das duas marcas na última década, é até difícil acreditar que já pertenceram à mesma empresa.
As duas, ao lado de Aston Martin, Jaguar, Lincoln e da falecida Mercury, formavam o Premier Automotive Group, divisão das marcas de luxo comandadas pela Ford.
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A Land Rover foi comprada da BMW em 2000 e vendida em 2008 à Tata Motors, da Índia, junto com a Jaguar – que havia sido incorporada em 1989.
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Já a operação de automóveis da Volvo, comprada em 1999, só foi vendida em 2010 à fabricante Geely naquela que foi a maior aquisição de empresa estrangeira por uma chinesa na história até aquele momento.
As grandes lanternas de led do XC60 se destacam; Régua traseira e rodas pretas são exclusivas do Discovery Sport R-DynamicFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Faz tempo, mas a efetiva independência técnica das duas marcas é recente.
Os novos Land Rover Discovery Sport e Volvo XC60 ajudam a ilustrar o caminho das duas fabricantes, mas sem evitar agora o natural enfrentamento entre os dois SUVs médios de luxo.
O Discovery explora melhor as texturas e o visual dos materiais de acabamentoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O próprio Discovery Sport ocupa desde 2014 o posto que, nos tempos da Ford, era do Freelander. A linha 2020 marca a chegada de sua reestilização de meia-vida, com novos faróis full-led, para-choque frontal com tomadas de ar verticais e lanternas traseiras de led com elementos horizontais que ajudaram a dar ar de novidade ao modelo.
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A versão R-Dynamic é a única com costuras vermelhas nos bancos e no painelFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
No interior, há uma série de boas mudanças. É o caso do quadro de instrumentos digital com tela de 12,3 polegadas personalizável e da nova central InControl Touch Pro com tela de 10,25 polegadas, posicionada abaixo das saídas de ar centrais, que passa, enfim, a permitir ao dono de um Discovery Sport usar Android Auto ou Apple CarPlay, em vez de ficar dependente da integração da interface com aplicativos específicos.
<span class="hidden">–</span>Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Em nossa avaliação, contudo, o sistema apresentou travamentos e ficou mudo algumas vezes.
Volante e console central ganharam botões sensíveis ao toque e outros com funções duplas. É possível ajustar o volume do som deslizando os dedos ou pressionando o botão. Já o comando de temperatura do lado do motorista também controla a velocidade da ventilação.
O espaço na terceira fila do Discovery é bastante reduzidoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
E o do carona se transforma no seletor do modo de funcionamento do sistema de tração 4×4 Terrain Response 2 ao toque de um botão ao lado.
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A nova central InControl tem funções mais usáveisFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O seletor giratório do câmbio lembrava o do Ford Fusion, mas a versão que saltava do console ao ligar o carro e estreou no Evoque foi trocada por uma alavanca do tipo joystick, que sempre retorna ao centro e aciona automaticamente o freio de estacionamento.
omando do ar-condicionado vira seletor dos modos de atuação da traçãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Enquanto o Land Rover é montado no Brasil, em Itatiaia (RJ), o Volvo XC60 chega importado diretamente da China. E o toque oriental otimizou bastante a linha da marca.
O XC60 Momentum tem rodas aro 20 diamantadasFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Se a primeira geração do SUV era tão Ford que compartilhava a plataforma EUCD com o Mondeo e com o Land Rover Freelander 2, esta segunda é baseada na arquitetura modular SPA, criada sob a gestão da Geely, e já presente em todos os modelos da marca, exceto no XC40, que usa sua própria base compacta.
O XC60 Momentum exibe um visual mais discreto, mas ainda nobreFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
A SPA não só universaliza os parâmetros de segurança e os equipamentos como também uma família de motores 2.0 de quatro cilindros, com opções a diesel e gasolina criadas com a mesma arquitetura, o câmbio automático de oito marchas e a tração integral. Mas falaremos melhor deles adiante.
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Se os bancos dianteiros têm maior amplitude no Volvo, a direção nãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Por dentro, o XC60 Momentum não é tão requintado quanto o rival Discovery Sport, que usa couro de toque mais delicado e materiais mais macios no painel e nas portas, com direito a partes com costuras vermelhas na faixa central do painel e entre as peças que imitam algo como fibra de carbono.
Apoio de cabeça central fica camuflado no encostoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O SUV de ascendência sueca é mais comedido nos detalhes. Não abre mão de materiais de toque macio ou do couro, mas não há tantos detalhes vistosos, além da faixa de alumínio escovado no painel.
Posições diferentes
Por outro lado, o compartilhamento de arquitetura trouxe para o XC60 sistemas em comum com o irmão maior XC90.
A central Sensus é rápida e intuitiva e também controla o ar-condicionadoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
É o caso do quadro de instrumentos digital de 12,3 polegadas e da central multimídia Sensus Connect, com tela de 9 polegadas vertical e interface bastante rápida e intuitiva, e que também é compatível com Android Auto e CarPlay.
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Mas o mais importante é a presença do pacote IntelliSafe de série desde essa versão de entrada tabelada em R$ 260.950 com motor a gasolina.
Só o Volvo conta com seletor de modos de conduçãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Ele integra a leitura das placas de sinalização da via e o piloto automático adaptativo com funções semiautônomas, como correção da direção para manter o carro bem no centro da faixa de rolagem, tráfego cruzado e frenagem autônoma de emergência com visão noturna. Além dos airbags frontais, laterais e de cortina, tem um para pedestre em caso de atropelamento.
No caso do Discovery Sport SE R-Dynamic, versão topo de linha que custa R$ 266.985 com motor a gasolina, a oferta de sistemas tecnológicos é mais contida.
Tem frenagem de emergência, assistente de permanência em faixa e monitor de tráfego cruzado, mas piloto automático adaptativo nem sequer é opcional. Assistente de baliza, porém, é de série.
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Porta-malas do XC60 tem 505 litros de capacidadeFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O motorista não tem do que se queixar nos dois carros. Mas cada um conta com posição de dirigir completamente diferente. O XC60 dispõe de maior amplitude de ajuste de altura para o assento e permite sentar mais próximo do assoalho.
O ajuste é elétrico, mas só há memórias para o motorista, enquanto no rival o carona também tem. Por outro lado, se a posição de dirigir é bem mais elevada, a amplitude dos ajustes de altura e profundidade da direção do Land Rover é maior.
Motor 2.0 de 254 cv tão competente quanto eficienteFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Os dois SUVs têm espaço equivalente no banco traseiro, bom para ombros, cabeça e pernas de três pessoas, a despeito do túnel central um pouco mais elevado no Volvo.
O sueco vem com duas portas USB escondidas dentro do apoio de braço dianteiro e uma tomada 12 V para os ocupantes do banco de trás, com saídas de ar traseiras logo acima.
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No rival de origem inglesa, porém, há duas USBs no apoio de braço e mais duas traseiras, além da tomada 12 V. Já as saídas de ar de trás ficam na coluna das portas.
Não parece à primeira vista, mas o Discovery Sport é menor que o XC60Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O Discovery ainda tem a terceira fileira de bancos (com direito a saídas de ar independentes, frise-se), mas apenas crianças conseguem acessar e se acomodar confortavelmente ali.
Correr a segunda fila para a frente limita o espaço para pernas e não resolve a vida de um adulto, que só vai concordar em viajar ali em último caso. Por outro lado, os dois assentos extras se escondem no assoalho do porta-malas e não roubam espaço de carga.
Dupla dinâmica
A Land Rover se modernizou sem abandonar sua relação intrínseca com o off-road. Além do seletor dos modos de funcionamento da tração, o Discovery lida melhor com a buraqueira, mas nem tanto com a rolagem da carroceria.
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Já o XC60 demonstra acerto voltado para o prazer de dirigir: é mais apoiado e tem reações mais neutras em sequências de curvas, oferecendo em troca um rodar mais firme.
Sua direção não é tão rápida quanto a do Land Rover, mas é possível alternar seu peso, que também pode estar vinculado aos modos de condução – outro item que não existe no rival –, que atuam na resposta do pedal de acelerador e do câmbio.
Terceira fila de bancos fica escondida no assoalho do porta-malas de 454 litrosFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Por sinal, a mecânica dos dois é muito parecida, mas os resultados obtidos pelos veículos são completamente diferentes.
O Discovery Sport usou o motor 2.0 Ecoboost de 240 cv fornecido pela Ford – mesmo do Fusion – até o final de 2018. Foi quanto a Land Rover estreou a família de motores modulares Ingenium, com versões de três, quatro e seis cilindros e variantes a diesel e gasolina.
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No caso da versão SE R-Dynamic testada, o 2.0 turbo é flex e gera 249 cv e 37,2 kgfm de torque, com etanol ou gasolina, e está casado com câmbio automático de nove marchas.
Em nossa pista de testes, precisou de 9,4 s para levar os 1.864 kg aos 100 km/h. O consumo de ciclo urbano com gasolina ficou em 6,6 km/l e em 10 km/l no rodoviário.
2.0 Ingenium tem 249 cvFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O Volvo XC60 confia seus 1.863 kg ao 2.0 a gasolina de 254 cv e 35,7 kgfm combinado com o câmbio automático de oito marchas, que, juntos, fazem o que parece ser mágica: alcança os 100 km/h em 7,6 s, quase 2 s mais rápido que o Land Rover.
Números de consumo são consideravelmente melhores, com 8,7 km/l em ciclo urbano e 12,4 km/l no rodoviário. Também vale comparar os números de retomada e frenagem nas fichas ao lado, sempre melhores no Volvo.
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Mais Lidas
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Enquanto o Land Rover Dicovery Sport é mais fiel ao conceito original de um SUV de luxo, o Volvo XC60 mostra que é, sim, possível ter prazer e se divertir ao volante de um SUV, e vence este comparativo por não deixar de lado aspectos importantes como espaço interno e sistemas de segurança.
De tão diferentes, nem parece que no passado os dois poderiam ser considerados irmãos.
Ficha técnica
Discovery SportXC60PreçoR$ 266.985R$ 260.950Motorflex, diant., transv., 4 cil. em linha, 1.997 cm3, 16V, 83 x 92,3 mm, 10,5:1, 249 cv a 5.500 rpm, 37,2 kgfm a 1.250 rpmgas, diant., transv., 4 cil. em linha, 1.969 cm3, 16V, 82,0 x 93,2 mm, 10,8:1, 254 cv a 5.500 rpm, 35,7 kgfm a 1.500 rpmCâmbioautomático, 9 marchas, tração integral sob demandaautomático, 8 marchas, tração integral permanenteSuspensãoMcPherson (diant.) e multilink (tras.)duplo A (diant.)/ multilink (tras.)Freiosdisco ventilado (diant.), disco sólido (tras.)disco ventiladoDireçãoelétrica, diâm. de giro 11,8 melétrica, diâm. de giro 11,4 mPneus245/45 R20235/55 R19Dimensõescomprimento, 459,7 cm; largura, 189,6 cm; altura, 172,7 cm; entre-eixos, 274,1 cm; altura livre do solo, 21,1 cm; peso, 1.864 kg; tanque, 67 l; porta-malas 454 lcomprimento, 468,8 cm; largura, 190,2 cm; altura, 165,8 cm; entre-eixos, 286,5 cm; altura livre do solo, 21,6 cm; peso, 1.863 kg; tanque, 60 l; porta-malas, 505 l
Discovery SportXC60Aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h9,4 s7,6 sAceleração de 0 a 1.000 km/h30,8 s – 172,2 km/h28,8 s – 181,6 km/hRetomada de 40 a 80 km/h4,1 s3,4 sRetomada de 60 a 100 km/h5,1 s4,3 sRetomada de 80 a 120 km/h6,7 s5,4 sFrenagem 60/80/120 km/h15,3/27,8/63,8 m14,2/24,3/55,7 mConsumo urbano6,8 km/l8,7 km/lConsumo rodoviário 10 km/l12,4 km/l
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Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://quatrorodas.abril.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/
0 notes
Ford 13.února poprvé představil nový Mustang Mach-E evropskému publiku. Zároveň oznámil nový program „Go Electric“, který pomůže evropským zákazníkům s informovaným přechodem k elektrické budoucnosti.
Mustang Mach-E s čistě elektrickým pohonem stojí v čele rychle se rozšiřující nabídky elektrifikovaných vozů Ford. Na konci roku 2021 si evropští zákazníci značky budou moci vybírat z osmnácti elektrifikovaných modelů.
Společnost slíbila, že všechny nově uváděné modely nabídne i v elektrifikované variantě, a odhaduje, že jen elektrifikované varianty nejprodávanějších modelů Fiesta, Focus a Kuga by mohly zákazníkům ušetřit více než třicet milionů eur (v přepočtu přibližně 754 mil. Kč) ročně.
Elektrické a plug-in hybridní vozy Ford se budou moci spolehnout na propracovaný ekosystém Ford Charging Solutions, který zákazníkům přinese bezproblémový a integrovaný přístup k nabíjení doma i po celé Evropě. Dnes Ford oznámil, že v příštích třech letech vybuduje ve svých areálech po Evropě 1 000 nabíjecích stanic, aby usnadnil nabíjení zaměstnancům. Prezident Ford of Europe Stuart Rowley zároveň vyzval úřady, firmy a instituce ke společné podpoře elektrifikace a k rychlejšímu rozvoji veřejné nabíjecí infrastruktury.
„Ford přináší skutečnou změnu. Jsme odhodlání zajistit všem našim zákazníkům nejširší výběr elektrifikovaných vozů,“ říká Rowley. „K tomu, aby veřejnost elektromobilitu přijala, je kriticky důležitá infrastruktura, sami ji však vybudovat nemůžeme. Urychlení investic ze strany všech zúčastněných subjektů v Evropě i ve Spojeném království je důležitější než kdy dříve.“
Zdroj: Ford
Mustang Mach-E naladěný pro Evropu
Do vývoje elektrického SUV Ford Mustang Mach-E byly od počátku zapojeny také technické týmy evropského Fordu. Podvozek, řízení, elektronický stabilizační systém i pohon všech kol disponují pro Evropu specifickým naladěním, zohledňujícím profily zdejších silnic i řidičské zvyklosti.
Mustang Mach-E ve variantě s prodlouženým dojezdem a pohonem zadních kol nabídne podle předběžných údajů dojezd až 600 km podle homologačního cyklu WLTP3. Vůz je koncipovaný tak, aby zbavil veřejnost obav z nedostatečného dojezdu a umožnil nekomplikované cestování na dlouhé vzdálenosti. Pro variantu s prodlouženým dojezdem se rozhodlo 85 procent zákazníků, kteří si Mustang Mach-E předobjednali.
Při nabíjení výkonem až 150 kW na stanici IONITY získá Mustang Mach-E za pouhých 10 minut energii postačující k ujetí vzdálenosti 93 km.
Zabudovaný modem FordPass Connect se postará nejen o permanentní online připojení, ale také o průběžné zdokonalování Mustangu Mach-E. Zabezpečené aktualizace na dálku mohou zlepšit výkony vozu i funkce SYNC. Nová generace tohoto komunikačního a zábavního systému si díky strojovému učení rychle osvojí preference řidiče. Ovládat ji lze hlasem i prostřednictvím dotykové obrazovky o úhlopříčce 15,5“. Systém podporuje Apple CarPlay, Android Auto a AppLink, navíc i v bezdrátovém režimu.
„Tohle je Mustang pro novou generaci – a první, který si zákazníci mohou objednat, nakonfigurovat a zařídit jeho převzetí kompletně online,“ informuje Roelant de Waard, viceprezident Ford of Europe pro marketing, prodej a služby.
Zdroj: Ford
Různá řešení pro různé zákazníky
Každý model nově uváděný na evropské trhy plánuje Ford nabízet i v elektrifikované variantě. Využívá hned několik variant elektrifikace, aby uspokojil rozdílné potřeby zákazníků.
Například 48V mild-hybridní technologie nového Fordu Puma snižuje emise CO2 a spotřebu paliva, ale současně zlepšuje odezvu hnacího řetězce na pokyny řidiče. Mondeo Hybrid využívá full-hybridní řešení, které zejména v městském provozu s častým zastavováním umožňuje jízdu pouze na elektrický pohon. Stejnou schopností, ale v širším rozsahu provozních situací, disponuje Transit Custom Plug-in Hybrid, u nějž spalovací motor slouží k prodloužení dojezdu po vyčerpání energie z baterie, již lze nabíjet i z vnějšího zdroje. Mustang Mach-E pak využívá čistě elektrický pohon.
Ford očekává, že již ke konci roku 2022 budou elektrifikované varianty tvořit nadpoloviční většinu celkového prodejního objemu značky v Evropě. Tou dobou by už měl po evropských silnících jezdit milion elektrifikovaných vozů s modrým oválem ve znaku.
Ford zároveň intenzivně rozvíjí integrovanou nabíjecí infrastrukturu. Ve svých závodech buduje 1 000 nabíjecích míst a je zakládajícím členem konsorcia IONITY, jehož cílem je mít ke konci letošního roku v Evropě 400 rychlonabíjecích stanic. Zákazníci Fordu budou moci na stanicích IONITY nabíjet za zvýhodněnou sazbu.
Ve spolupráci se společností NewMotion získají zákazníci prostřednictvím aplikace FordPass přístup k největší a nejrychleji rostoucí síti nabíjecích stanic v Evropě. Aktuálně pokrývá 21 zemí a tvoří ji více než 125 000 nabíjecích míst. Zákazníci, kteří si rezervují Mustang Mach-E v průběhu roku 2020, obdrží bezplatně roční předplatné služeb FordPass.5 Ford nabídne zákazníkům rovněž výkonné nástěnné nabíječky, které umožňují nabíjet elektromobil či plug-in hybrid doma až pětkrát rychleji než z běžné zásuvky.
Zdroj: Ford
Roadshow „Go Electric“
Program Go Electric s první zastávkou u slavného mramorového oblouku v Londýně by měl během šestiměsíčního turné po Spojeném království oslovit na čtyři miliony zákazníků. Poté přicházejí na řadu Norsko, Švýcarsko, Německo, Francie a Nizozemsko. Cílem této roadshow je demystifikovat elektrifikaci a přesvědčit o jejích přednostech zákazníky, kteří se v jednotlivých typech elektrifikovaných pohonů ještě dokonale neorientují.
Podle nedávného průzkumu, vypracovaného na objednávku Fordu, aspirují na vlastnictví elektrifikovaného vozu někdy v budoucnu tři lidé ze čtyř. Čtyřicet procent respondentů však uvádí, že o elektrických automobilech vědí jen málo nebo vůbec nic. Téměř polovina (49 procent) dotazovaných považuje za největší problém nedostatek nabíjecích stanic.
„Ford vždy usiloval o demokratizaci automobilů i technických řešení. Nyní je naším záměrem udělat totéž pro elektrifikaci. Vzhledem k tomu, že ke konci roku 2021 budeme mít na evropském trhu osmnáct nových elektrifikovaných modelů, dokážeme nabídnout každému zákazníkovi elektrifikovaný vůz dle jeho rozpočtu a potřeb,“ dodává Rowley. „Naše panevropská roadshow pomůže odstranit převažující mýty o elektrifikovaných automobilech a umožní zákazníkům vybrat si správně.“
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New to the Used Market: Jaguar E-Pace
It is telling of just how dominant SUVs have become that even Jaguar, a company renowned for its saloons and sports cars, predicts its best selling model will soon be a family-sized crossover that shares its core underpinnings with a Land Rover.
That car is the E-Pace, which stormed into the new car market at the beginning of 2018 as a rival to the Volvo XC40, BMW X1 and Audi Q3. In other words it’s a premium-badged crossover designed to capitalise on the market’s insatiable appetite for SUVs of all sizes. As a side note, while most E-Paces are four-wheel drive, it is also available in front-wheel-drive form, making it the first Jaguar to be offered as such since the Ford Mondeo-based X-type of 2001.
As you’d expect of a modern Jaguar, the E-Pace is a striking piece of design, different enough from the company’s larger F-Pace SUV to have its own visual identity, but still a Jaguar through and through. The same goes for the interior layout, which borrows a fair few themes from the F-Type sports car – and to good effect. Admittedly, Audi isn’t going to be losing any sleep for fear Jaguar has eclipsed it for interior quality, but the E-Pace is still a very pleasant place to cover miles, as well as packed with practical storage spaces.
What’s more, if you’ve ever been tempted by the company’s XE saloon only to find the interior too cramped then the E-Pace won’t disappoint. This is a much roomier car, with loads of space for a couple of child seats or tall passengers in the back, and a boot that pretty much matches the XC40’s in terms of capacity if not useful features.
UNDER THE BONNET Regardless of what E-Pace takes your fancy, it’ll be powered by a 2.0-litre engine from Jaguar Land Rover’s ‘Ingenium’ family. This could be diesel or petrol and have a power output ranging from 148bhp to 297bhp, while gearbox options are a six-speed manual or an automatic with no fewer than nine gears.
Jaguar’s latest diesel unit is a smooth performer, and even in entry-level 148bhp guise pulls keenly enough to make the E-Pace feel brisk if not outright fast. On the petrol front meanwhile the 247bhp P250 can get from 0-62mph in 7 seconds, while in the 297bhp P300 the same sprint takes just 6.4 seconds.
It requires only a short time behind the wheel to appreciate that Jaguar has set the E-Pace up to be a much sportier drive than most other SUVs too. The steering is sharp and weighty, the body stays flat when you corner and the whole car positively spears into corners. To make this possible in such a tall vehicle has necessitated equipping the E-Pace with fairly firm suspension, but if want a compact SUV that thinks it’s a sports car and can live with the busy ride then this is the one to have.
EQUIPMENT The core E-Pace range is divided into standard, R-Dynamic, and (for the first year of production) First Edition trim levels. You’ll find examples of all three for sale on CarGurus, with the gadget count improving the higher you go.
It’s also worth being aware that Jaguar offers specification packs branded as S, SE and HSE. Depending which you choose, these add extras such as larger alloy wheels, leather seats, a powered boot lid and keyless entry to the already generous equipment list.
Connectivity is generally very good, with all cars featuring a 10-inch Touch Pro central touchscreen through which you can access many of your smartphone’s features by using Jaguar’s own app. Just be aware that Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are not supported.
BUYING A USED E-PACE While there is an undeniable thrill to specifying a new car to your precise your requirements, it is equally true to say that waiting months for it to turn up can be a touch frustrating. Buy a used car and the opposite is true, with the potential for not finding the exact combination of features you’re after tempered by the instant gratification of being able to drive it off the forecourt as soon as the paperwork is complete. Plus you’ll save a little bit of money in the process (it really is a little bit at present however, so in demand is the E-Pace).
Being such a new entrant to the used car market you’ll struggle to find an E-Pace with more than 10,000 miles on the clock, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t already a few from which to choose of both petrol and diesel varieties. All should of course still qualify for their original manufacturer warranty too, which means that if the car develops a fault within the first three years of its life a Jaguar dealer will fix it free of charge.
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from The CarGurus Blog http://blog.cargurus.com/2018/04/05/new-to-the-used-market-jaguar-e-pace via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2018/04/new-to-used-market-jaguar-e-pace.html via IFTTT
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How To Utilize Vehicle Polish.
I keep in mind when Ford unveiled the second-generation Combination (or fourth-generation Mondeo for those throughout the Atlantic) for the 2013 style year - it was drop-dead gorgeous. Operating the primary tool to and fro carried out remove several of the hairs, but it was actually quickly very clear the rear of the vehicle wasn't visiting be pristine whenever soon without some much heavier cleaning firepower. Tomorrow's innovation is actually below today, as well as along with concerns like ethics and also liability now impossible to stay clear of, auto creators can not manage certainly not to become ready. Whereas standalone Android Automotive or even CarPlay scalp devices may set drivers back hundreds, this over-the-air update happens entirely cost free. Once the car resides in the center from the gulf straighten out the vehicle as well as reverse back up until you are in the auto parking gulf. From twist, yet the car I steered had the optionally available AWD body, which adds even more body weight. Apart from Apple's iUber will possess glossy electrical vehicles as well as higher levels from consistency in the driver (software program). Rao mentioned that vehicle sales this year can expand by an additional 20% as long as China's economic recovery carried on and also oil prices continued to be stable. In his chat, he admits our team are right now observing a change off possession to accessing flexibility", and that youths are actually less very likely to own autos than previously. DC rate is actually much better when this concerns a feeling of rate, i uncommitted if it's 60fps or 30fps ... to say various programs you've never ever participated in DC. That indicates if you're buying a brand-new diesel-powered cars and truck now, it is actually highly not likely you'll be influenced by any potential policy modifications. You will then encounter the numerous elements to look at when you wish to acquire an auto insurance coverage plan when you browse online for your favored car insurance coverage quote. Automotive da Fé describes the burning from apostates due to the Portuguese and spanish inquiry. Additionally this is a definitely long publication and there were some parts that were a little slow-moving as well as dull. So off a gameplay perspective, you'll get all the cars and trucks as well as monitors and also improvements our experts've produced, the only thing that sort of stuff. Google.com's suggestion is actually that you'll mobilize its own driverless autos with your cellphone. MirrorLink is actually fairly well-known in Europe, supposedly, yet besides those rocking older Symbian-based Nokia phones, you are actually better off making use of Android Car. Because there merely isn't enough real-life road screening and also information to produce a reputable projection, lots of researchers say forecasting the effect of self-driving automobiles on minimizing crashes is actually tough. Considering that this is the first vehicle show of the year, plenty - like, more than a baker's lots - from brand-new cars and trucks were actually presented. Forty per-cent from the components that make up the ordinary motor vehicle imported to the US coming from Mexico were actually made in the US. Our experts are actually delivering all of them parts, motors, transmissions that then return to us as lorries that have been actually put together," said Dziczek. Say you review each your auto insurance coverage and your bank card records, hundreds of opportunity. Certified cars can easily cost you and added $1,000 or even additional versus a traditional used cars and truck. Communication between drivers as well as motorcyclists, between other cars as well as in between cars and also infrastructure is delivering transportation in to a new age, according to Allan Clelland, elderly vice president at Iteris, a firm building new transit innovation. In 2015, Tesla's complete vehicle production was actually 76,230 cars - about 40,000 in the United States. You may additionally utilize these to brighten your vehicle when it's stationed, if you hesitate various other motorists could certainly not view that. Their low illumination means they will not drain the electric battery as swiftly as normal headlights. If no policies have actually been broken, there is a technique to acquire your automobile back after repossession even. That implies a couple of points: That is actually achievable to maintain exploring as well as searching for a service till a more affordable quote is actually located. These autos are actually still significantly in the very early model stage still, and also Google is still attempting to figure out how to help make a product away from the modern technology, how much that is likely to cost when that will definitely be actually offered. The good news is actually that vehicle managers along with extensive protection are covered for water occasions, and also probably will not encounter the exact same kind of difficulties along with insurance carriers as residents who could possess various aspect of protection refused or even bargained over. Within this scenario, the greatest means to validate that the vehicle is latched is to scan the home windows to check the internal locking mechanism. Perhaps you are guarded along with your credit card and your vehicle insurance plan, yet if you enter an accident as well as have primary insurance coverage elsewhere, you may leave your insurance carrier from the loophole entirely, staying clear of any kind of prospective rate rises. Substituting major units is actually expensive, as is actually receiving an entirely brand new vehicle if all yours breaks down past reasonable fixing faster than it would possess if you had dealt with that. As an example, according to the study, a 20-year-old chauffeur pays for 41 per-cent greater than a 20-year-old motorist for vehicle insurance coverage If you have any thoughts about wherever and how to use greymater.info, you can make contact with us at our own web-page. .
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Since outdated Wolfbelly himself will grudgingly acknowledge struggling that the mommy of Give had been actually the half-caste little girl from Wolfbelly's sis, white colored guys remembered the taint when they were angry, and contacted him Injun. That is actually the awkward Trolley Complication, as well as this gets thornier: the significant tourist attraction of self-governing motor vehicles for urban area planners is actually the option that they'll reduce the variety of cars and trucks while driving, through transforming the rule from private possession to a kind of driverless Uber. Having said that, inning accordance with many auto makers, existing sensor technology is actually satisfactory. Dr Caroline Watt of the University from Edinburgh mentions that this is the idea in the Friday 13th false belief that could, in fact, prove the greatest risk to the ordinary individual: If folks believe in the false belief of Friday the 13th at that point they feel they reside in better threat about that day. And also keep in mind to constantly inquire the car repair shop whether they collaborate with your insurance policy provider. That future is a little bit distressing, a little bit rough, but CES is actually showing us that everybody from conventional automobile creators to Amazon is concentrating about where vehicles are goinged, and all are actually operating to get certainly there quick. My dad tells me that a really good learning is more vital in comparison to sports and various other points that I intend to carry out. Lou creates me understand that my dad could correct as well as a good education and learning is crucial. Existing requirements are that these self-driving vehicles are at the very least 5 years out of being mature enough to make a real, non-prototype item, yet this could be far much longer up until you can easily get or hire one for personal usage. If you want to read more info in regards to her comment is here stop by the webpage. His workdesk dealt with a wall that showcased his job growth with wonderfully mounted publication covers, Forbes, Service, Company Weekly. Merchandise Pyongyang has actually come to be larger than in past years when visitors were actually frequently attacked due to the absence of automobiles on the funds's vast methods. And also if awful takes place ... and also your auto is swiped, receive a buddy or an about drive you around the town. If you like an excellent afraid, then secure your doors, locate your favorite quilt, as well as settle in for a frighteningly exciting time. As long as a stock is out the selling whole lot it is actually not competing with their various other autos. The explanation for this is that Google - which has actually been actually examining driverless vehicle modern technology amongst its staff members for time right now - doesn't presume giving management back to people in an urgent scenario is actually such a brilliant concept. Its president, Peter Shaw, claimed modern technology that allows vehicle drivers to drop out from the loophole" for component of the journey would be actually readily available once 2021. Having said that, some off-airport long-stay car parks run a various device, wherein you do not park your automobile your own self. Pair of other courses of driverless car will be under the spotlight right here in the UK coming from January. That has actually mentioned before that it is actually definitely looking for automobile manufacturing companions, which indicates we might view a Toyota, Ford or even Fiat-made Google vehicle down the road, however that is all quite still unsettled. Always remember, however, you only possess a restricted volume of your time to act as soon as the car has actually been had. Apple CarPlay extends to complete the display entirely as well as appears comically huge along with substantial symbol space on the E300 display screen, but Android Vehicle appears in a smaller sized 16:9 location of the display along with a stationary black carton that fills out the uninhabited areas. These cars and trucks consist of the Chevrolet SS, Ford Fusion as well as Toyota Camry, which include for the very first time in the series. Discover an accredited medical care practitioner who focuses on useful medicine and autoimmune disease. They were cheap, but as cars came to be even more cost effective across the board, the poorer-quality cyclecars lapsed before 1920. So there you go ... that is actually just how dealerships which are on a floorplan contract with their financial institutions may really sell you autos at just what is practically at or even listed below the real amount that is actually related to the billing. Insurance coverage, tax obligation and servicing expenses are actually all of reduced, creating this a good selection for private buyers and company vehicle chauffeurs identical. When you possess several quotes you will definitely be able to make your plans as well as you will possess a great means to move your cars and truck. If you're steering an automobile that possesses automatic fronts lights, as a result, you need to consistently inspect that the lights have actually definitely activated when you believe they should possess. Factor is actually, the hiddening vehicles are commonly pretty good; we know the S-Max as well as Mondeo are, as well as the new Kuga as well as Edge surely look the part. This will provide you a really good insight in order to what sort of. company the car dealership supplies that's clients. That is actually a mild nuisance, but along with the Entune app, the automobile utilizes your phone as a web connection instead of the application's API, which will flow sound by means of Bluetooth along with some quality loss. Sales from diesel-powered autos have actually struck report amounts regardless of federal governments around the globe looking into ways to get all of them off the roadway. Where Forza aims to blend points up with one-off challenges as well as sneak peeks from handles ahead, Job Cars merely includes the weird invitational to expose the cars and trucks and tracks it's always keeping back in the meantime. Block, a documentary filmmaker, and also his better half, a law lecturer which instructs on Long Island, are right now trying to rent out a cars and truck so she can come to function, however accessible cars as well as fuel are thin in New york. Ford's SYNC 3 infomercial body electrical powers the Continental, thus anticipate Android Automotive and also Apple CarPlay support.
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Anthologies Works.
I always remember when Ford introduced the second-generation Fusion (or fourth-generation Mondeo for those throughout the Atlantic) for the 2013 design year - it was glamorous. Functioning the main tool to and fro performed displace several of the hairs, yet that was actually soon crystal clear the back from the vehicle wasn't visiting be spick-and-span whenever very soon without some much heavier cleansing firepower. Tomorrow's technology is actually listed below today, as well as along with concerns like principles and liability now difficult to stay away from, auto creators can not manage certainly not to be ready. When Michael discovers just how negative Kevin's circumstance is actually, he performs every little thing he can easily to help him out, spending his rear rental payment, buying him a phone and afterwards obtaining the car wash to ensure Kevin doesn't need to have contact with his terrifying employer. All you would certainly need to carry out is be sure they have a cars and truck that works for your wants/ requirements. An expertly human-driven lorry leads the way while various other cars fall in at the back of under individual management prior to switching to self-governing command as well as using along like virtual vehicles of a rail learn. Just in case of any issue along with any one of these components, obtain the components switched out to make certain effective functioning of the auto cooling system. On top of that, the automobile money management firm are going to likely intend to observe a copy from the designed phase 13 planning indicating that the gotten financial institution is detailed at the appropriate buck amount at the correct rates of interest. If you have any inquiries with regards to exactly where and how to use Suggested Reading, you can make contact with us at our own page. But there is actually a choice for stressed vehicle owners expecting airbag replacement: Ask for a loaner auto. This is crucial to note that the vehicle is actually still a prototype, nevertheless that carries out highlight the fact that Mercedes is very seriously working on self-driving technology. Like the majority of electric vehicles this shouldn't be your very first long-distance choice - it possesses a series of approximately 161 kilometres (ONE HUNDRED kilometers) - yet if most of your driving revolves around losing the kids off at university and reaching as well as coming from the workplace, the e-Golf will certainly take care of that with no nervous eye the electric battery's fee degree. For a while when our team resided in London I didn't also own a vehicle and also merrily took the bus or even the cylinder basically just about everywhere. That is actually likewise significant to consider whether your extended guarantee will definitely cover the parts probably to fall short. Trump hit out at the vehicle industry last week like a drive-by shooting, shooting off a series of furious tweets concerning their outsourcing of US jobs. We're still not 100% availabled on the occupation framework, which seems like a work over longer sessions, as well as this's telling that, with the PC version, our team have actually typically stuck to singular competition events. Definitely, car manufacturers will definitely should conquer notable challenges to earn the imagine a genuinely clever vehicle a reality. The worth of auto loan in the UK nearly trebled to ₤ 31.6 billion in between 2009 as well as 2016 according to the Leasing and also Lending Organization. Good pacing and more powerful narrative with a lot to do. Visuals work well for dealing with plenty of opponents on-screen as well as the general presentation is fair. Most easily, when CarPlay or Android Vehicle is connected, your phone has top priority so a solitary press of the vocal appreciation button triggers Siri or Google.com Right now. However there is actually loads of fiddly little bit of guidelines and also nested behaviors concerning steering, acceleration, just how the controls function in other scenarios, like if the car is actually moving forwards or in reverse, changing vehicle attributes around (including the volume from drag), depending on just how quickly the automobile is going, or even which method this is actually encountering compared to that's genuine activity vector. The prime minister needs to get on the side of usual auto chauffeurs and take on the cars and truck business by dedicating to a program from compulsory auto repeal, remuneration, arbitrary on-road screening and a clean-car tag accordinged to real-world discharges," claimed ClientEarth leader James Thornton. Many required to Twitter to suffer seeing people's titles, automobile registrations, e-mail deals with or even charge card particulars. His opinions urged worry amongst chauffeurs, a number of who acquired diesel-powered vehicles thinking that they were actually a more eco-friendly choice compared to gasoline. Before you get all cozy and fuzzy about a particular cars and truck that you are looking as well as head off to the car dealership to perform fight for the desired chrome, get you financing aligned first. Much of the motor vehicles use just what is actually called Lidar (Light Diagnosis as well as Ranging) - a revolving laser device, often installed on the roof covering, that regularly browses the atmosphere around the car. Dedring says London has constantly been actually modern in terms of social transportation - its own narrow, altering roads were actually never ever conducive to the automotive domination that took place in many United States and International cities in the 1960s as well as 70s, when the vehicle was actually master.
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Jogging (every other sort of long, slow, proximity instruction) is not an ideal instruction method. I saw this actually beautiful dark dress, it was quite brief however I adored it. That was bustier and also tight around my midsection (good idea I'm slim), and also That went above my legs. Approaching such an individual along with an offer to take control of their lease with no additional circumstances is actually no less official or even binding than signing a cope with an auto dealership. In the event you loved this informative article and you would like to receive more info relating to http://mojeszczescie.info/najlepsze-cwiczenia-na-przyspieszenie-metabolizmu-i-titan-gel-jak-stosowac i implore you to visit our web site. More use combined 4G cellular media is another excellent wager for CES this year, though numerous companies could opt to leave information connectivity to mobile phones via greater combination. The 2017 Combination gets Ford's SYNC 3 infomercial unit, which supports Android Automobile and Apple CarPlay, and also the SYNC Hook up telematics system to from another location access the auto via a smart device app. Aspect of the glamor from driverless vehicles is actually the fact that this dispatches individual error, which AXA feels represent 94% of all driving accidents. Most importantly, that begins automatically when you begin your service making use of that card. After the tanning treatments go in for moisturizing the skin layer yet stay away from a moisturizer along with a mineral oil as this will avoid you off obtaining a good tan. In the New Proof there were actually 13 folks found for Jesus's last supper on Maundy Thursday, the time prior to Christ's crucifixion on Really good Friday. Making use of a house bettor to pull out the nicks in the motor vehicle's body system is one of the earliest and very most trusted methods to repair cars and truck damages. When he needs to have job performed, Russel Spinella looks for brake as well as automobile service discount coupons so he may save a load of cash. In lengthy competitions where you have actually pushed the vehicle tough For example you'll notice an extremely refined reduction of brake functionality or the gear changes taking longer. Naturally the personality that the heroine makes an effort the hardest to convince herself is good individuals misbehaves individuals. As well as there is always heading to be your insurance coverage premium, servicing prices (utilized automobiles will be greater), and so on If you locate yourself in a treatment where you don't possess an automobile, you are actually free of charge to funding one - there are no constraints below either. Guide is actually split right into three parts: A Scalp Without an Is going to Automobile da Fé was actually posted as Pass away Blendung in 1935 and also was converted in 1946 by C.V. Wedgwood (Dame Cicely Veronica Wedgwood) as well as was equated 'under the private oversight from the author'. The water energy car is certainly not being actually promoted by every person but then again, many individuals possess a lot to lose coming from a system that would minimize the demand for fuel. Lighting fixtures is remarkable, track particulars are actually stunning, as well as the cars intercross free throw line from photorealism. You can find a selection of providers around, including Fla vehicle delivery business in Florida, Texas cars and truck freight business in Texas, and also numerous various other providers in other various conditions. I discovered myself utilizing the motor less when coming back home, when I uncommitted as a lot if I get sweating and warm. In fact, the least expensive automobile begins at under ₤ 6,000 for the entry-level model. That has mentioned over the last that this is actually actively looking for vehicle making companions, which implies our company might view a Toyota, Ford or even Fiat-made Google.com cars and truck later on, but that is actually all quite still chancy. Bear in mind, however, you merely possess a minimal volume of your time to behave once the vehicle has been actually taken. Lincoln ultimately has a deserving main auto with the new creation Continental, which was a concept cars and truck launching at the 2015 Nyc Auto Series. Ticla camping tents are actually designed to cover the car camping gap, much heavier and even more huge compared to you would certainly lug in to the hinterlands, but still simple to suit the boot and put together. Each labels have a well-deserved online reputation for creating attractive as well as trustworthy cars backed by industry-leading guarantees. Although I had not been actually meeting up with Linda recently, the fact that I had been at the motion pictures was true. In a likeness that compared his car-to-car communication layout with one in position in Singapore - where a toll body scans for dashboard-mounted transponders in automobiles and also fees vehicle drivers for getting in a busy region - Gao stated his unit could possibly raise the auto speed through an average of 8%. Given that they could collaborate the website traffic circulation via the congestion area amongst on their own in progression, autos might travel much faster. As soon as you have a number of quotes you are going to be able to create your plans and you will certainly have a wonderful method to relocate your car. If you are actually driving an automobile that possesses automated headlights, as a result, you need to regularly examine that the illuminations have certainly switched on when you presume they ought to possess. Point is, the rooting cars and trucks are commonly pretty good; we understand the S-Max and also Mondeo are, and the brand-new Kuga as well as Edge certainly look the component. This are going to offer you a great knowledge in order to exactly what kind of. service the dealership delivers this's consumers. In the meantime, while our company question Apple is intending to have actually iOS entirely integrated into vehicles, CES 2014 could possibly see automobile suppliers utilizing iphone tools to electrical power in-car interfaces. With the very same great force comments as the Thrustmaster T300RS, the Ferrrari 458 Italia Version believes very smooth, and also has the power to create managing your cars and truck a pleasing struggle. Obviously, the creators are on the situation, yet our company still experience that Job Vehicles really isn't rather as refined as this should be. Our hope is that the team will definitely deal with these as well as any other issues before it turns its attention to the follow up. Seeing angles are terrific, with only slight brightness drop-off at a perspective and also illumination is good enough to manage outsides utilize.
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Developing Disagreements.
I always remember when Ford introduced the second-generation Fusion (or even fourth-generation Mondeo for those around the Atlantic) for the 2013 model year - it was actually glamorous. Operating the primary resource to and fro performed displace some of the hairs, but that was soon very clear the rear from the car had not been visiting be actually spick-and-span at any time soon without some heavier cleansing firepower. Tomorrow's innovation is actually listed below today, as well as along with problems like principles and also responsibility currently impossible to prevent, car makers can not pay for not to become prepared. I tested this with my Nexus 6 as well as my steering companion's Samsung Universe S6 Edge And The Nexus 6 worked flawlessly upon first plug-in, but the S6 Edge And required some finagling within environments to obtain the Android Automobile triggers to show up on the phone. You additionally acquire great shoes area and rear backsides that may be folded entirely level to create space for a bike or chest from drawers. Other than Apple's iUber will definitely have glossy electrical autos as well as high degrees of consistency in the motorist (software program). Rao mentioned that car sales this year can expand by another 20% as long as China's financial recovery continued as well as oil costs continued to be steady. In his talk, he acknowledges our company are currently finding a change off possession to accessing range of motion", and that youths are actually much less very likely to own cars than earlier. Providing for the PC group which the game is actually precisely seeking to make an impression on, Venture Cars crams in nearly every type from graphic alternatives you can easily toss at it. MSAA, FXAA, Setting Chart, Fragment Level, Particle Quality, Appearance Resolution and Filtering, Shadow Particular, the listing takes place. Where the video game prolongs after this nonetheless, lies within its Graphic FX food selection. Permitting personalization is essential to possessing the adventure interest each clients and vehicle suppliers, Thomas describes. They have a great red wine checklist, but in my expertise your home reddish as well as white colored is actually extremely drinkable. Android Vehicle and Apple CarPlay assistance making use of an auto's FAMILY DOCTOR aerial to supply turn-by-turn navigation, which offers better receiving. You do not would like to feel thus indebted to the supplier for offering" you a funding that you cannot arrange on the price of the cars and truck, he claimed. In this way you can change all of them just before a significant issue turns up. It merely takes a few minutes to check the brake pads making certain they are actually still healthy and having all of them changed merely has a hr or so. Not only is that a great deal cheaper to have the brakes replaced when required rather than having a primary repair later on, yet it conserves loan in the brief operate as a result of much better fuel usage. You will assume such a thing would certainly be good for everyone, yet actually it triggers all kind of problems the human race is certainly not prepared to deal with in such a brief period of time. As high as this discomforts our company to deal with fact, our experts cannot all be driving around in automobiles that correspond to little greater than electricity boxer planes on wheels. Most likely Dylan sister-in-law is my beloved additional character, yet once more, difficult to select just one, all were actually terrific. The UK Department of Transport currently recommends that responsibility for a car in self-governing method resides the auto maker, but when the motorist has reclaimed command, the chauffeur needs to think obligation instead. This post copes with an element of a car dealer's income typically called floor plan or even floor preparation. Carlos Ghosn, Nissan's leader, claimed he can scrap a potential brand new assets in the UK's most significant automobile plant in Sunderland if the federal government chooses not to pledge remuneration for any type of post-Brexit tolls. The response has actually been to remove all assistance for all honors, which leads to some subterfuge to obtain grip from examination vehicles. In his evidence, Mr McSpadden mentioned there had actually been actually no worry till 2009, when the placement from autos in Mr Bradbury's space started to squeeze out those wishing to make use of the middle area, currently owned by Dr Hanina. Kia uses premium easy touch materials on the top fifty percent of the dashboard while the reduced parts consist of less costly challenging plastics, but this is actually reasonably normal for various other mid-size automobiles as well. 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Disruption is happening - particularly if Google.com and Apple deliver their explores driverless automobiles to success - and also there are sure to be casualties, but for the instant the suppliers are actually presenting the outdated expression that every problems is a possibility. That would be actually the 3rd time because I had that. Maybe I ought to spend more focus to the hygiene of my vehicle, after my moms and dads had devoted money on the vehicle and also complained just about each day, when they found that filling in the garage after job, about its state. I like Hyundai's Feature Sound infotainment unit, even without Android Car or Apple CarPlay.
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Új Ford EcoSport: tovább javított minőség, kényelem, fejlettebb technológia
Az új, sokoldalúbb és kifinomultabb stílusú Ford EcoSport kompakt SUV most még modernebb technológiákat kínál az európai vásárlók számára.
Az új Ford EcoSport kínálatában most szerepel első ízben a terepen és közúton egyaránt jobb tapadást kínáló Ford Intelligens Összkerékhajtás, amely az új, modern 1.5 literes EcoBlue dízelmotorral, 125 lóerős teljesítménnyel és optimális CO₂-kibocsátással* lesz elérhető.
Ugyancsak először rendelhető meg a Ford Performance autói által ihletett, sportos EcoSport ST-Line modellváltozat, és az új EcoSport vásárlói olyan vezetősegítő technológiákra számíthatnak, mint a SYNC 3 kapcsolódási rendszer, az Állítható Sebességhatárolóval kiegészített Sebességtartó Automatika és a Tolatókamera.
A dinamikusabb, keményebb kisugárzású, mégis kifinomultabb külsővel megjelenő új modell 12 látványos fényezéssel, és minden eddiginél több, a személyre szabhatóságot biztosító opcióval rendelhető meg; ez utóbbiak közé tartozik a kontrasztos árnyalatúra festett tető, tetőoszlop, felső ajtókeret, hátsó tetőlégterelő és külső tükörburkolat. A felhasználó-központú, frissebb hatású kabin komfortját ‘lebegő hatású’ 8 colos érintőképernyő és fűthető kormánykerék fokozza, nem beszélve az intelligens tárolási megoldásokról, amelyek közt a több szinten rögzíthető csomagtérpadló is szerepel.
“A modell 2014-es bemutatása óta a Ford 166.000 darab EcoSport kompakt SUV-t értékesített Európában, és az autó eladásai tavaly 40 százalékkal nőttek” – mondta el Steven Armstrong, a Ford Motor Company csoportszintű alelnöke és az Európáért, a Közel-Keletért és Afrikáért felelős elnöke. „Az új Ford EcoSport még karakteresebb stílust, még több kényelmet, sokoldalúságot és választási lehetőséget kínál a vásárlóknak – s mindezt egy SUV funkcionalitásával és egy városi kisautó praktikumával ötvözi.”
Az új Ford EcoSportot a romániai Krajova üzemben készül, amit 200 millió eurós befektetéssel készítettek fel a legmodernebb gyártási folyamatokra; az autó most jelenik meg az európai piacokon, kiegészítve a márka Ford Edge és a Ford Kuga modellekből álló SUV-kínálatát. Az év későbbi szakaszában várható még a SUV-hangulatú Fiesta Active crossover bemutatása is, aminek forgalmazása jövőre kezdődik Európában.
Európában az SUV-szegmens növekszik a leggyorsabban. A forgalomba helyezett SUV-k száma egyetlen év leforgása alatt 21 százalékkal nőtt. Magyarországon idén ez a szám még magasabb, 38 százalék. 2016-ban már ezek a típusok tették ki Európában a teljes személyautó-értékesítés több mint egynegyedét. Itthon tavaly az SUV szegmens piacrésze 29 százalék, míg az idén már 33 százalék az össz személyautó piacon. Tavaly a Ford több mint 30 százalékkal növelte SUV-eladásait az európai piacon.
Erős és takarékos
A 2018 közepétől megrendelhető Ford Intelligens Összkerékhajtásnak köszönhetően az új EcoSport még jobb vezetési élményt kínál. A technológiát a vadonatúj 1,5 literes Ford EcoBlue dízelmotor és egy hatfokozatú manuális sebességváltó egészíti ki; az erőforrás teljesítménye 125 lóerő, forgatónyomatéka pedig 300 Nm.
A Ford Intelligens Összkerékhajtása észrevétlenül osztja meg a forgatónyomatékot a négy kerék között, automatikusan javítva az autó úttartását és tapadását a csúszós utakon. A rendszer 20 ezredmásodperc alatt – vagyis az emberi szempillantásnál hússzor gyorsabban – képes egészen 50/50 arányig megváltoztatni a forgatónyomaték elosztását az első és a hátsó kerekek között.
A Ford vadonatúj 1,5 literes EcoBlue dízelmotorját arra tervezték, hogy csekélyebb CO₂-emisszió mellett is magasabb teljesítményt adjon le. A kifinomult négyhengeres blokkban innovatív technológiák működnek:
Alacsony nyomású kipufogógáz-visszavezetés víz-levegő töltésű hűtőrendszerrel a hatékonyabb égésért és a csekélyebb károsanyag-kibocsátásért
Integrált szívórendszer a motor optimális levegőellátásához
Magas hőmérsékleti tartományokra tervezett rakétahajtóművek anyagából készített, kis tehetetlenségű turbótöltő a gyorsabb és kontrolláltabb turbó-reakciókért
Gyorsabb, csendesebb és precízebb üzemanyag-ellátást biztosító nagy nyomású üzemanyag-befecskendezési rendszer
2018 közepétől jelenik meg a modell kínálatában egy 125 lóerős 1,5 literes EcoBlue dízelből és egy vadonatúj, kis belső súrlódású, hatfokozatú manuális sebességváltóból összeállított elsőkerékhajtású hajtáslánc, ami még csekélyebb CO₂-kibocsátást és üzemanyag-fogyasztást biztosít. Az új EcoSport bemutatásakor ez az elsőkerékhajtású kombináció még a Ford 100 lóerős, 1,5 literes TDCi motorjával lesz megrendelhető, amelynek üzemanyag-fogyasztása 4,1 l/100 km, CO₂-kibocsátása pedig 107 g/km.
Ugyancsak szerepel a kínálatban a Ford többszörösen díjnyertes 1,0 literes EcoBoost benzinmotorjának 140 és 125 lóerős változata is 5,2 l/100 km üzemanyag-fogyasztással és 119 g/km CO₂-kibocsátással. A palettán 2018 közepén jelenik meg a 100 lóerős 1,0 literes EcoBoost blokk, amihez hatfokozatú manuális sebességváltó csatlakozik.
A 125 lóerős 1.0 EcoBoost verzióhoz egy hatfokozatú automata is választható lesz, amellyel a vezető kényelmesen, a kormányoszlopra szerelt váltófülekkel is kapcsolhatja a sebességfokozatokat. E változat üzemanyag-fogyasztása 5,8 l/100 km, CO₂-kibocsátása pedig 134 g/km lesz.
Az új EcoSport rugózását és irányíthatóságát kifejezetten az európai vásárlók elvárásaihoz igazították a mérnökök, optimalizálva a rugók, a lengéscsillapítók, a kormánymű, a hátsó csatolt lengőkar és az Elektronikus Stabilitásprogram beállításait és a kormányrásegítés mértékét.
Kemény, mégis kifinomult stílus
Az új Ford EcoSport külső megjelenését a merész és dinamikus SUV-stílus jellemzi, így méltó párja a közepes méretű Kugának és a nagyméretű Edge-nek.
A középen domborúra formált motorháztető letisztultabbá varázsolja az autó orr-részének összhatását; annál is inkább, mert a fűtött ablakmosó-fúvókák a gépháztető alatt rejtőznek. Az EcoSport első részét az új, nagyméretű, trapéz alakú hűtőrács és a látványosan megdöntött fényszórók uralják; ez utóbbiak gázkisüléses technológiával működnek, és a stílusos LED nappali menetfényt is magukban foglalják. A ködfényszórók döntött foglalatának formájához a hátizsákok hevedere adta az ötletet, ami szintén egyértelmű dizájn-utalás az autó kalandkedvelő hangulatára.
A formatervezők az EcoSport hátsó lökhárítóját és hátsó világítását is átalakították, hogy letisztultabb és harmonikusabb látványt teremtsenek. A vásárlók 12 mutatós fényezés közül választhatnak, köztük a Lightning Blue és Ruby Red színeket, illetve egy élénk narancssárga Tiger Eye árnyalatot; ráadásul az új, kontrasztos tetőfényezésekkel még inkább saját egyéniségükhöz alakíthatják az autó megjelenését.
Az EcoSport különleges karakterét hatásosan hangsúlyozzák ki az új 17 és 18 colos könnyűfém keréktárcsák, amelyek sokféle felülettel (Magnetic Low Gloss, Shadow Silver, Flash Grey és High Gloss Black) választhatók. Az autó képe még egyedibbé varázsolható a különleges, csomagtérajtóra szerelt pótkerék-opcióval.
Könnyebben használható kezelőszerveivel és lágy tapintású anyagaival az utastér a kifinomultság új szintjét kínálja, ráadásul az ergonomikus kialakítású középkonzolon is kevesebb gomb található. Az új tervezésű ülések mind az első, mind a hátsó sorban kényelmesebbek lettek, és az opcionális részleges bőrkárpitozás minőségibb benyomást kelt. Az állítható kabinvilágítás segítségével az utasok pillanatnyi hangulatukhoz igazíthatják az utastér fényeit; ehhez hétféle szín közül választhatnak.
Az utastér intelligens tárolási megoldásokat kínál, köztük az állítható magasságú raktérpadlót, amit magasabbra emelve növelhető a rejtett rakodórekesz mérete, lejjebb engedve pedig nagyobb – 334 literes – csomagtér alakítható ki. A különleges, acélnál is szilárdabb méhsejt-szerkezetű csomagtérpadló több mint 300 kilogrammal terhelhető. Az első ülések közti konzol tetején felnyitható és csúsztatható kartámasz található; a konzol ideális helyet kínál a tableteknek vagy a rágcsálnivalóknak, a CD-tartó pedig új helyre, a kesztyűtartó fölé került.
Az új EcoSport kínálatában először jelenik meg a sportos EcoSport ST-Line kivitel, csatlakozva az Edge ST-Line, Fiesta ST-Line, Focus ST-Line, Kuga ST-Line, Mondeo ST-Line és S-MAX ST-Line modellváltozatok sorához. A merész kiállású verzió sportos menetdinamikájáról erős és takarékos EcoBoost benzin- és TDCi dízelmotorok gondoskodnak.
Az EcoSport ST-Line látványos elemei a Ford Performance izomautóinak formavilágát idéző lökhárítók és oldalsó légterelő szoknyák, a feketére fényezett tetősínek és fényszórókeretek, a 17 colos Dark Tarnish könnyűfém keréktárcsák, az ST-Line emblémák, az eltérő színű tető és külső tükörházak; mindez az autó alapfelszereltségéhez tartozik. Az utastérből sem hiányozhatnak az ST-Line megoldások: a bőrborítású és alul lapított karimájú kormánykerék, a vörös ültésekkel varrott, környezetbarát reciklált poliészterből készült Miko®-Dinamica betétekkel díszített részleges bőrkárpitozás, a bőrborítású kézifékkar és váltógomb, az ST-Line emblémával díszített küszöbdíszlécek, valamint a rozsdamentes acélból készített sportpedálok.
Kifinomult vezetősegítő technológia
Az új Ford EcoSport erősségei közé tartozik a magas, SUV-stílusú üléshelyzet és az élvezetes Ford-menetdinamika, ám még ezek az előnyök is tovább fokozhatók a fejlett technológiák segítségével.
A Ford kifinomult SYNC 3 kommunikációs és fedélzeti szórakoztató rendszere kompatibilis az Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™ rendszerekkel. A SYNC 3 az EcoSport ‘lebegő kialakítású’ 8 colos érintőképernyőjéről vezérelhető, amit a felhasználók a kétujjas csippentés és a végigsimításos mozdulatokkal is kezelhetnek. A SYNC 3 rendszer 6,5 colos színes érintőképernyővel is megrendelhető, és a kínálatban egy 4,2 colos színes kijelző is szerepel Bluetooth-kompatibilitással és két USB-bemenettel.
A zenehallgatás élményét egy új B&O PLAY hangrendszer emeli új szintre; a tíz hangszórót (köztük egy csomagtérben elhelyezett mélynyomót és egy műszerfalba épített középhang-sugárzót) kifejezetten az EcoSport utasteréhez kalibrálták, és a legmodernebb digitális jelerősítővel kötötték össze a precíz kiegyenlítés és hangkeverés, valamint a surround hanghatás érdekében.
Az EcoSport kínálatában most először jelenik meg a sebességkorlátozások betartását segítő Állítható Sebességhatárolóval kiegészített Sebességtartó Automatika, valamint a magabiztos és biztonságos parkolást biztosító Tolatókamera is.
Az automatikus fényszórók és az esőérzékelő ablaktörlők sok terhet levesznek az autós válláról, aki így jobban összpontosíthat a forgalomra, miközben élvezi a fűtött kormánykerék és az Elektronikus Automatikus Hőmérsékletszabályozás kényelmét. A vezetés kényelmét olyan megoldások is növelik, mint az új, 4,2 colos digitális műszeregység, amelyen könnyen áttekinthetők a legfontosabb információk, vagy a motorosan behajtható külső visszapillantók, amelyek fűthetők is, így az autós hamarabb indulhat útnak a fagyos reggeleken.
A vezetősegítő technológiák kínálatában megtalálható még a Holttérfigyelő is, ami jelzi, ha egy autó jelenik meg a Ford holtterében, valamint az alapfelszereltséghez tartozó Borulásvédelem, ami a motor forgatónyomatékának szabályozásával segít, hogy a vezető mindig megőrizze uralmát a jármű fölött.
Az utasvédelem elemei közt fontos megemlíteni a vezető- és utasoldali első légzsákokat, a vezetőoldali térdlégzsákot, az új oldallégzsákot, ami extra védelmet biztosít a mellkasnak, és különleges tervezésével elmozdítja az utasok testét a behatástól, valamint az új függönylégzsákot, ami maximális oldalirányú védelmet biztosít. Az EcoSport védelme is minden eddiginél hatásosabb lett: az alapfelszereltségnek a riasztórendszer is része.
“Még jobb minőség, fejlettebb technológia és még sokoldalúbb szolgáltatások; az új EcoSportot minden szempontból a kompakt SUV-vásárlók legújabb elvárásaihoz formáltuk” – jelentette ki Szamosi Viktor, a Ford Magyarország ügyvezető igazgatója, majd így folytatta: “Az autósok minden eddiginél több SUV-t vásároltak idén, és várakozásain szerint az SUV szegmens jövőre tovább növekszik. Ezért is vagyunk büszkék arra, hogy ebben a szegmensben a prémium Edge és az idén nagyon sikeresen bevezetett megújult Kuga mellé jövőre egy ízig vérig európai kompakt SUV-t vezetünk be B szegmensbe.”
0 notes
Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford
Os dois SUVs têm preço na casa dos R$ 260.000Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Vendo as linhas de produtos de Land Rover e Volvo e a transformação das duas marcas na última década, é até difícil acreditar que já pertenceram à mesma empresa.
As duas, ao lado de Aston Martin, Jaguar, Lincoln e da falecida Mercury, formavam o Premier Automotive Group, divisão das marcas de luxo comandadas pela Ford.
Quer ter acesso a todos os conteúdos exclusivos de QUATRO RODAS? Clique aqui e assine com 64% de desconto.
A Land Rover foi comprada da BMW em 2000 e vendida em 2008 à Tata Motors, da Índia, junto com a Jaguar – que havia sido incorporada em 1989.
Continua após a publicidade
Já a operação de automóveis da Volvo, comprada em 1999, só foi vendida em 2010 à fabricante Geely naquela que foi a maior aquisição de empresa estrangeira por uma chinesa na história até aquele momento.
As grandes lanternas de led do XC60 se destacam; Régua traseira e rodas pretas são exclusivas do Discovery Sport R-DynamicFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Faz tempo, mas a efetiva independência técnica das duas marcas é recente.
Os novos Land Rover Discovery Sport e Volvo XC60 ajudam a ilustrar o caminho das duas fabricantes, mas sem evitar agora o natural enfrentamento entre os dois SUVs médios de luxo.
O Discovery explora melhor as texturas e o visual dos materiais de acabamentoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O próprio Discovery Sport ocupa desde 2014 o posto que, nos tempos da Ford, era do Freelander. A linha 2020 marca a chegada de sua reestilização de meia-vida, com novos faróis full-led, para-choque frontal com tomadas de ar verticais e lanternas traseiras de led com elementos horizontais que ajudaram a dar ar de novidade ao modelo.
Continua após a publicidade
A versão R-Dynamic é a única com costuras vermelhas nos bancos e no painelFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
No interior, há uma série de boas mudanças. É o caso do quadro de instrumentos digital com tela de 12,3 polegadas personalizável e da nova central InControl Touch Pro com tela de 10,25 polegadas, posicionada abaixo das saídas de ar centrais, que passa, enfim, a permitir ao dono de um Discovery Sport usar Android Auto ou Apple CarPlay, em vez de ficar dependente da integração da interface com aplicativos específicos.
<span class="hidden">–</span>Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Em nossa avaliação, contudo, o sistema apresentou travamentos e ficou mudo algumas vezes.
Volante e console central ganharam botões sensíveis ao toque e outros com funções duplas. É possível ajustar o volume do som deslizando os dedos ou pressionando o botão. Já o comando de temperatura do lado do motorista também controla a velocidade da ventilação.
O espaço na terceira fila do Discovery é bastante reduzidoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
E o do carona se transforma no seletor do modo de funcionamento do sistema de tração 4×4 Terrain Response 2 ao toque de um botão ao lado.
Continua após a publicidade
A nova central InControl tem funções mais usáveisFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O seletor giratório do câmbio lembrava o do Ford Fusion, mas a versão que saltava do console ao ligar o carro e estreou no Evoque foi trocada por uma alavanca do tipo joystick, que sempre retorna ao centro e aciona automaticamente o freio de estacionamento.
omando do ar-condicionado vira seletor dos modos de atuação da traçãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Enquanto o Land Rover é montado no Brasil, em Itatiaia (RJ), o Volvo XC60 chega importado diretamente da China. E o toque oriental otimizou bastante a linha da marca.
O XC60 Momentum tem rodas aro 20 diamantadasFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Se a primeira geração do SUV era tão Ford que compartilhava a plataforma EUCD com o Mondeo e com o Land Rover Freelander 2, esta segunda é baseada na arquitetura modular SPA, criada sob a gestão da Geely, e já presente em todos os modelos da marca, exceto no XC40, que usa sua própria base compacta.
O XC60 Momentum exibe um visual mais discreto, mas ainda nobreFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
A SPA não só universaliza os parâmetros de segurança e os equipamentos como também uma família de motores 2.0 de quatro cilindros, com opções a diesel e gasolina criadas com a mesma arquitetura, o câmbio automático de oito marchas e a tração integral. Mas falaremos melhor deles adiante.
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Se os bancos dianteiros têm maior amplitude no Volvo, a direção nãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Por dentro, o XC60 Momentum não é tão requintado quanto o rival Discovery Sport, que usa couro de toque mais delicado e materiais mais macios no painel e nas portas, com direito a partes com costuras vermelhas na faixa central do painel e entre as peças que imitam algo como fibra de carbono.
Apoio de cabeça central fica camuflado no encostoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O SUV de ascendência sueca é mais comedido nos detalhes. Não abre mão de materiais de toque macio ou do couro, mas não há tantos detalhes vistosos, além da faixa de alumínio escovado no painel.
Posições diferentes
Por outro lado, o compartilhamento de arquitetura trouxe para o XC60 sistemas em comum com o irmão maior XC90.
A central Sensus é rápida e intuitiva e também controla o ar-condicionadoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
É o caso do quadro de instrumentos digital de 12,3 polegadas e da central multimídia Sensus Connect, com tela de 9 polegadas vertical e interface bastante rápida e intuitiva, e que também é compatível com Android Auto e CarPlay.
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Mas o mais importante é a presença do pacote IntelliSafe de série desde essa versão de entrada tabelada em R$ 260.950 com motor a gasolina.
Só o Volvo conta com seletor de modos de conduçãoFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Ele integra a leitura das placas de sinalização da via e o piloto automático adaptativo com funções semiautônomas, como correção da direção para manter o carro bem no centro da faixa de rolagem, tráfego cruzado e frenagem autônoma de emergência com visão noturna. Além dos airbags frontais, laterais e de cortina, tem um para pedestre em caso de atropelamento.
No caso do Discovery Sport SE R-Dynamic, versão topo de linha que custa R$ 266.985 com motor a gasolina, a oferta de sistemas tecnológicos é mais contida.
Tem frenagem de emergência, assistente de permanência em faixa e monitor de tráfego cruzado, mas piloto automático adaptativo nem sequer é opcional. Assistente de baliza, porém, é de série.
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Porta-malas do XC60 tem 505 litros de capacidadeFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O motorista não tem do que se queixar nos dois carros. Mas cada um conta com posição de dirigir completamente diferente. O XC60 dispõe de maior amplitude de ajuste de altura para o assento e permite sentar mais próximo do assoalho.
O ajuste é elétrico, mas só há memórias para o motorista, enquanto no rival o carona também tem. Por outro lado, se a posição de dirigir é bem mais elevada, a amplitude dos ajustes de altura e profundidade da direção do Land Rover é maior.
Motor 2.0 de 254 cv tão competente quanto eficienteFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Os dois SUVs têm espaço equivalente no banco traseiro, bom para ombros, cabeça e pernas de três pessoas, a despeito do túnel central um pouco mais elevado no Volvo.
O sueco vem com duas portas USB escondidas dentro do apoio de braço dianteiro e uma tomada 12 V para os ocupantes do banco de trás, com saídas de ar traseiras logo acima.
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No rival de origem inglesa, porém, há duas USBs no apoio de braço e mais duas traseiras, além da tomada 12 V. Já as saídas de ar de trás ficam na coluna das portas.
Não parece à primeira vista, mas o Discovery Sport é menor que o XC60Fernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O Discovery ainda tem a terceira fileira de bancos (com direito a saídas de ar independentes, frise-se), mas apenas crianças conseguem acessar e se acomodar confortavelmente ali.
Correr a segunda fila para a frente limita o espaço para pernas e não resolve a vida de um adulto, que só vai concordar em viajar ali em último caso. Por outro lado, os dois assentos extras se escondem no assoalho do porta-malas e não roubam espaço de carga.
Dupla dinâmica
A Land Rover se modernizou sem abandonar sua relação intrínseca com o off-road. Além do seletor dos modos de funcionamento da tração, o Discovery lida melhor com a buraqueira, mas nem tanto com a rolagem da carroceria.
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Já o XC60 demonstra acerto voltado para o prazer de dirigir: é mais apoiado e tem reações mais neutras em sequências de curvas, oferecendo em troca um rodar mais firme.
Sua direção não é tão rápida quanto a do Land Rover, mas é possível alternar seu peso, que também pode estar vinculado aos modos de condução – outro item que não existe no rival –, que atuam na resposta do pedal de acelerador e do câmbio.
Terceira fila de bancos fica escondida no assoalho do porta-malas de 454 litrosFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
Por sinal, a mecânica dos dois é muito parecida, mas os resultados obtidos pelos veículos são completamente diferentes.
O Discovery Sport usou o motor 2.0 Ecoboost de 240 cv fornecido pela Ford – mesmo do Fusion – até o final de 2018. Foi quanto a Land Rover estreou a família de motores modulares Ingenium, com versões de três, quatro e seis cilindros e variantes a diesel e gasolina.
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No caso da versão SE R-Dynamic testada, o 2.0 turbo é flex e gera 249 cv e 37,2 kgfm de torque, com etanol ou gasolina, e está casado com câmbio automático de nove marchas.
Em nossa pista de testes, precisou de 9,4 s para levar os 1.864 kg aos 100 km/h. O consumo de ciclo urbano com gasolina ficou em 6,6 km/l e em 10 km/l no rodoviário.
2.0 Ingenium tem 249 cvFernando Pires/Quatro Rodas
O Volvo XC60 confia seus 1.863 kg ao 2.0 a gasolina de 254 cv e 35,7 kgfm combinado com o câmbio automático de oito marchas, que, juntos, fazem o que parece ser mágica: alcança os 100 km/h em 7,6 s, quase 2 s mais rápido que o Land Rover.
Números de consumo são consideravelmente melhores, com 8,7 km/l em ciclo urbano e 12,4 km/l no rodoviário. Também vale comparar os números de retomada e frenagem nas fichas ao lado, sempre melhores no Volvo.
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Enquanto o Land Rover Dicovery Sport é mais fiel ao conceito original de um SUV de luxo, o Volvo XC60 mostra que é, sim, possível ter prazer e se divertir ao volante de um SUV, e vence este comparativo por não deixar de lado aspectos importantes como espaço interno e sistemas de segurança.
De tão diferentes, nem parece que no passado os dois poderiam ser considerados irmãos.
Ficha técnica
Discovery SportXC60PreçoR$ 266.985R$ 260.950Motorflex, diant., transv., 4 cil. em linha, 1.997 cm3, 16V, 83 x 92,3 mm, 10,5:1, 249 cv a 5.500 rpm, 37,2 kgfm a 1.250 rpmgas, diant., transv., 4 cil. em linha, 1.969 cm3, 16V, 82,0 x 93,2 mm, 10,8:1, 254 cv a 5.500 rpm, 35,7 kgfm a 1.500 rpmCâmbioautomático, 9 marchas, tração integral sob demandaautomático, 8 marchas, tração integral permanenteSuspensãoMcPherson (diant.) e multilink (tras.)duplo A (diant.)/ multilink (tras.)Freiosdisco ventilado (diant.), disco sólido (tras.)disco ventiladoDireçãoelétrica, diâm. de giro 11,8 melétrica, diâm. de giro 11,4 mPneus245/45 R20235/55 R19Dimensõescomprimento, 459,7 cm; largura, 189,6 cm; altura, 172,7 cm; entre-eixos, 274,1 cm; altura livre do solo, 21,1 cm; peso, 1.864 kg; tanque, 67 l; porta-malas 454 lcomprimento, 468,8 cm; largura, 190,2 cm; altura, 165,8 cm; entre-eixos, 286,5 cm; altura livre do solo, 21,6 cm; peso, 1.863 kg; tanque, 60 l; porta-malas, 505 l
Discovery SportXC60Aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h9,4 s7,6 sAceleração de 0 a 1.000 km/h30,8 s – 172,2 km/h28,8 s – 181,6 km/hRetomada de 40 a 80 km/h4,1 s3,4 sRetomada de 60 a 100 km/h5,1 s4,3 sRetomada de 80 a 120 km/h6,7 s5,4 sFrenagem 60/80/120 km/h15,3/27,8/63,8 m14,2/24,3/55,7 mConsumo urbano6,8 km/l8,7 km/lConsumo rodoviário 10 km/l12,4 km/l
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Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://quatrorodas.abril.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/ Comparativo: Volvo XC60, Discovery Sport e o elo perdido com a Ford publicado primeiro em https://carangoslegais.com.br/
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Zákazníci v České republice si mohou objednat modernizovaný Ford Mondeo s novými designovými detaily a zejména s novou variantou Mondeo Hybrid kombi, která je v daném segmentu jedinečná.
Mondeo prodělalo několik významných změn v oblasti pohonu:
Úsporná varianta Mondeo Hybrid Kombi má nyní kultivovanější projev a nabízí mimořádně objemný zavazadlový prostor
Do Mondea přicházejí vznětové motory Ford 2.0 EcoBlue
Na přání je k dispozici nová osmistupňová samočinná převodovka se stylovým a ergonomickým otočným ovladačem
Soubor pokročilých asistenčních technologií Fordu Mondeo je doplněn adaptivním tempomatem, rozšířeným o funkci Stop & Go, která usnadňuje jízdu v hustém provozu s častým zastavováním, a inteligentní omezovač rychlosti.
Mondeo se vyrábí v moderním montážním závodu Fordu ve španělské Valencii. Čtvrtá generace Mondea, která se začala prodávat v roce 2015, má v Evropě na kontě již více než 250 000 prodaných vozů.
Všestrannost kombi a hospodárnost hybridu
Nové Mondeo Hybrid kombi zpřístupňuje přednosti hybridního pohonu i zákazníkům, kteří potřebují větší přepravní kapacitu. Použitá hnací soustava umožňuje v mnoha provozních scénářích jízdu na tichý a úsporný elektrický pohon, přitom však zachovává dojezd a svobodu tradičního spalovacího motoru.
Mondeo Hybrid může jezdit i v čistě elektrickém režimu. Zejména při popojíždění v městském provozu nabízí tichý a mimořádně hospodárný provoz. Zvolená koncepce hybridního ústrojí eliminuje obavy z nedostatečného dojezdu a nevyžaduje dobíjení baterie z externího zdroje.
Řídicí software hnacího ústrojí nyní zajišťuje plynulejší akceleraci i efektivnější využití točivého momentu zážehového motoru. Hnací soustavu Fordu Mondeo Hybrid tvoří speciálně vyvinutý zážehový motor 2,0 l, který pracuje v Atkinsonově cyklu, elektromotor sloužící jako podpora spalovacího motoru a generátor, jenž umožňuje rekuperační dobíjení kapalinou chlazené, recyklovatelné lithium-ion baterie o kapacitě 1,4 kWh, uložené za zadními sedadly.
Celkový výkon hybridní soustavy činí 138 kW/187 koní, kola jsou poháněna přes automatickou převodovku s plynule měnitelným převodem.
Rekuperací lze zachytit až 90 procent energie, která se při zpomalování či brzdění jinak ztrácí. I díky tomu nabízí Mondeo kombi HEV mimořádně nízkou spotřebu paliva. Očekávané hodnoty jsou 4,4 l/100 km, respektive 101 gramů CO2 na kilometr.
K úspornější jízdě řidičům pomáhají rovněž podpůrné systémy jako ukazatel Smartgauge, který usnadňuje sledování spotřeby paliva a elektrické energie; řízení s elektrickým posilovačem; a elektrický pohon klimatizace, chladicí soustavy a podtlakových systémů, který výrazně snižuje zatížení motoru.
Nová karosářská varianta kombi nabízí zavazadlový prostor o objemu 403 litrů v základní konfiguraci a až 1 508 litrů po sklopení zadních sedadel. Pod podlahou zavazadelníku se nachází další úložný prostor. Mondeo Kombi HEV tak představuje jednu z nejatraktivnějších nabídek v segmentu hybridních manažerských vozů – navíc často finančně výhodnější než hybridní automobily nižších tříd.
Velmi zajímavou výhodu nabízí Mondeo HEV pražským řidičům: může totiž po zaplacení velmi nízkého registračního poplatku zdarma parkovat kdekoli na modrých i fialových parkovacích zónách.* Svému majiteli přitom hybridní Mondeo nabízí stejnou záruku jako ostatní varianty tohoto modelu, tedy pět let nebo 120 000 km.
Výkonné a úsporné motory
Do Mondea poprvé přichází technicky pokročilý vznětový motor 2.0 EcoBlue. K dispozici bude ve třech variantách:
88 kW/120 koní, předpokládaná spotřeba paliva od 4,5 l/100 km a předpokládané emise CO2 od 120 g/km
110 kW/150 koní, hodnoty od 4,7 l/100 km, respektive 120 g/km
140 kW/190 koní, hodnoty od 4,9 l/100 km, respektive 130 g/km
Ke splnění přísných požadavků emisní normy Euro 6d Temp motoru pomáhá integrované sání s leštěnými povrchy kanálů, turbodmychadlo s nízkou setrvačností a vysokotlaké přímé vstřikování, které je ještě preciznější, tišší a pohotovější než dříve. Redukci emisí NOx zajišťuje sériově montovaný systém selektivní katalytické redukce.
Varianty 110 kW a 140 kW bude možné kombinovat s novou osmistupňovou samočinnou převodovkou, jež se vyznačuje následujícími funkcemi:
Adaptivní časování řazení, které zohledňuje individuální jízdní styl řidiče a tomu přizpůsobuje načasování změn převodových stupňů. Systém dokáže rozeznat jízdu do kopce i z kopce nebo průjezd ostrou zatáčkou a podle toho nastaví vhodný převodový stupeň pro plynulou a bezpečnou jízdu
Adaptivní kvalita řazení, upravující tlak spojek s cílem dosáhnout co nejjemnější změny převodového stupně na základě údajů o vozidle a prostředí, v jakém se pohybuje. Tato technologie také reguluje plynulost řazení v závislosti na jízdním stylu řidiče
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Ve vybraných motorizacích lze Mondeo 2.0 EcoBlue objednávat také s inteligentním pohonem všech kol, který průběžně sleduje záběr (trakci) jednotlivých pneumatik a podle toho upravuje rozdělení hnací síly mezi přední a zadní nápravu až do poměru 50:50. Zareagovat dokáže za pouhých 20 milisekund – tedy dvacetkrát rychleji, než trvá mrknutí oka. Výsledkem je vyšší jistota řidiče a bezpečnost jízdy zejména na kluzkém povrchu.
V nabídce nadále zůstává zážehový motor 1.5 EcoBoost o výkonu 121 kW/165 koní s integrovaným sběrným potrubím a vodním mezichladičem stlačeného vzduchu. Má spotřebu paliva od 6,4 l/100 km a emise CO2 od 147 g/km.
Jasnější rozdíly
Designové změny na exteriéru i v interiéru posilují prémiové vyznění všech tří karosářských variant a současně přinášejí výraznější vizuální odlišení výbavových stupňů Titanium, ST-Line Vignale.
Moderně tvarované přední partie se vyznačují těmito designovými prvky:
Aktualizovaný tvar lichoběžníkové horní mřížky s hlubším optickým efektem v přední části vozu; chromované provedení horizontálních lišt u modelů Titanium, černé drážkované provedení u ST-Line a exkluzivní matně stříbrné u Vignale
Upravený design spodní mřížky, která u modelů Titanium a Vignale plynule přechází do vybrání pro mlhová světla a u ST-Line je orámovaná sportovními křidélky
Nový design mlhových světel a LED denního svícení
Sportovní provedení nárazníku se zvýrazněným spoilerem ve spodní části.
Vzadu se objevují nové koncové svítilny ve tvaru písmene V, protnuté stylovým dekoračním prvkem v matně stříbrné nebo chromované povrchové úpravě. Mondeo si i nadále zachovává dynamický boční profil, atleticky tvarovanou kapotu a protažený design předních světlometů.
Zájemcům o Mondeo se nově nabízejí širší možnosti individualizace vozu. K dispozici jsou nové vzory kol z lehké slitiny o průměru 17 nebo 18 palců, stejně jako 19palcová kola v prémiové úpravě třpytivý nikl. Paletu laků karoserie rozšiřují nové odstíny modrá Panther (exkluzivně pro Vignale), šedá Stealth (exkluzivně pro ST-Line) a modrá Urban Teal.
Novinky v interiéru představují nové látky potahů sedadel a nové dekorační prvky ve specifických provedeních pro varianty Titanium, ST‑Line a Vignale.
Díky přechodu na prostorově úsporný otočný ovladač samočinné převodovky se na středové konzole vytvořilo více volného místa. Působivost kvality vozu podtrhuje vylepšené dílenské zpracování komponentů mezi středovou konzolou a palubní deskou.
Příjemnější cestování
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Osmistupňová samočinná převodovka umožnila zástavbu zdokonaleného adaptivního tempomatu s funkcí Stop & Go, která významně usnadňuje popojíždění v hustém provozu s častým zastavováním a opětovnými rozjezdy. Pokud vůz stojí méně než tři sekundy, rozjede se zcela automaticky. Při delší prodlevě stačí, aby řidič stiskl tlačítko na volantu, nebo krátce sešlápl pedál akcelerátoru.
Komunikační a zábavní systém Ford SYNC 3 umožňuje řidičům Mondea ovládat audio, navigaci, klimatizaci i připojený chytrý telefon jednoduchými hlasovými pokyny, popřípadě prostřednictvím dotykové obrazovky o úhlopříčce osm palců. SYNC 3 podporuje gesta zažitá z chytrých telefonů a je kompatibilní s Apple CarPlay i Android Auto.
Příspěvek Faceliftovaný Ford Mondeo je možné objednávat, přichází také jako hybrid kombi pochází z auto-mania.cz
0 notes
New Ford ECOSPORT SUV has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/09/new-ford-ecosport-suv/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/12/09/new-ford-ecosport-suv/
New Ford EcoSport compact SUV debuts powerful, fuel-efficient all-new 1.5-litre Ford EcoBlue diesel engine; is more versatile and capable with Intelligent All Wheel Drive Rugged, stylish new EcoSport exterior offers more personalisation options including contrast extended roof colours; is available as sporty EcoSport ST-Line version for the first time Refined, ergonomic interior features floating central touchscreens up to 8-inches, heated steering wheel and premium B&O PLAY sound system Sophisticated technologies include SYNC 3 connectivity, Cruise Control with Adjustable Speed Limiter, and Rear View Camera for more confident reversing The new Ford EcoSport compact sports utility vehicle (SUV) delivers enhanced versatility and capability, more refined styling and sophisticated technologies for customers in Europe. The new Ford EcoSport for the first time offers Ford Intelligent All Wheel Drive technology for improved traction on- and off-road, combined with an advanced new 1.5-litre EcoBlue diesel engine, delivering up to 125 PS and optimised CO2 emissions.* Also available for the first time as a sporty, Ford Performance-inspired EcoSport ST‑Line model, the new Ford EcoSport delivers driver assistance technologies including SYNC 3 connectivity, Cruise Control with Adjustable Speed Limiter and Rear View Camera. Featuring enhanced dynamic, rugged and refined exterior styling, the new model is offered in 12 bold colours and offers even more personalisation options – including contrasting painted roof colour options that extend to the window pillars, upper door frames, rear roof spoiler and door mirrors. A user-centric, upscale new interior offers a superior occupant experience with floating central 8-inch touchscreen, heated steering wheel and smart stowage solutions including an adjustable boot floor. “Ford has sold more than 166,000 EcoSport compact SUVs in Europe since we first introduced the model to the region in 2014, and last year sales grew 40 per cent,” said Steven Armstrong, group vice president and president, Europe Middle East and Africa, Ford Motor Company. “The new Ford EcoSport offers customers even more style, comfort, capability and choice – blending rugged SUV functionality with city car practicality.” The new Ford EcoSport for Europe is built at Ford's manufacturing facility in Craiova, Romania, following a €200 million investment, and joins the Ford Edge and Kuga SUV models on sale in Europe. A new SUV-inspired Fiesta Active crossover model also goes on sale in Europe next year. The SUV segment is the fastest growing in Europe. Registrations of SUV models grew by more than 21 per cent year-on-year to account for more than one quarter of all new passenger car registrations in 2016. Last year, Ford’s SUV sales in Europe grew by more than 30 per cent. In the UK, over 40,000 EcoSports have been sold since its original introduction in 2013, with the Titanium model reaching 70 per cent of sales. Powerful and efficient The new Ford EcoSport will deliver an optimised driving experience equipped with Ford Intelligent All Wheel Drive from mid-2018. The technology will be offered in combination with the all-new 1.5-litre Ford EcoBlue diesel engine and a six-speed manual gearbox, delivering 125 PS and 300 Nm of torque. Intelligent All Wheel Drive measures how the car’s wheels are gripping the road surface and can adjust torque delivery up to 50/50 between the front and rear wheels in under 20 milliseconds – twenty times quicker than it takes to blink. The system seamlessly transitions torque between all four wheels and provides a more secure footing on the road especially in slippery conditions. Ford’s all-new 1.5-litre EcoBlue diesel engine is designed to deliver higher power for improved performance, alongside reduced CO2 emissions. The refined four-cylinder engine features innovative technologies, including: Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation combined with water-air charge cooling for more efficient combustion and reduced emissions An integrated intake manifold for optimised engine breathing Low-inertia turbocharging for faster, more controllable turbo response, featuring rocket engine materials designed for high temperature applications A high-pressure fuel injection system that is more responsive, quieter, and offers more precise fuel delivery A 125 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue diesel model with front-wheel drive and all-new, low-friction six-speed manual gearbox will offer even lower CO2 and greater fuel efficiency from mid-2018. Ford’s 100 PS 1.5-litre TDCi diesel engine combined with front-wheel drive and all-new six-speed manual gearbox is available from launch, offering 4.1 l/100 km fuel efficiency and 107 g/km CO2 emissions. Also available are 140 PS and 125 PS versions of Ford’s multi-award-winning 1.0-litre EcoBoost petrol engine delivering 5.2 l/100 km fuel efficiency and 119 g/km CO2 emissions. From mid-2018, a 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost model will be offered with a six-speed manual gearbox. The 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost is also offered from launch with a six-speed automatic gearbox featuring steering-column mounted paddle-shifters for convenient gear-shifting, and delivering 5.8 l/100 km fuel efficiency and 134 g/km CO2 emissions. The new EcoSport continues to deliver ride and handling tuned specifically for customers in Europe, with optimised springs, dampers, spring aids, steering gear, rear axle twist beam, Electronic Stability Programme settings and steering assistance profiles. Rugged and refined styling The new Ford EcoSport features bold, dynamic Ford SUV styling, reflecting that of the mid-sized Kuga and large Edge. A sculpted bonnet with a central bulge delivers a cleaner front-end appearance, supported by heated washer nozzles hidden beneath the upper bonnet lip. The front-end design is dominated by a new large trapezoidal grille design and distinctive angular headlights that are now offered with a High Intensity Discharge lighting system, and incorporate stylish LED daytime running lights. Angular fog light housings complete a front three quarter profile that was inspired by the straps of a rucksack and designed to reflect an adventurous character. EcoSport’s rear bumper and tail light designs also are revised to deliver a cleaner, more sculpted appearance. Customers can choose from 12 bold exterior colours, including Lightning Blue, Ruby Red and vibrant metallic orange shade, Tiger Eye; and can further personalise their SUV with the new contrasting extended painted roof colour option. New 17- and 18-inch alloy wheel designs complement the rugged, sporty character, and are offered in a number of finishes, including Magnetic Low Gloss, Shadow Silver, Flash Grey and High Gloss Black. Customers continue to be able to choose a distinctive, boot-mounted spare wheel option. EcoSport now also delivers a new level of interior refinement with easier to use controls and soft-touch materials, and a new centre console ergonomically designed for easy operation and featuring fewer buttons. New seats designs are optimised for greater front and rear occupant comfort, and deliver a more upscale feel including available partial leather. Occupants can also match the ambience to their mood with adjustable interior lighting that can be set to one of seven colours. The interior features a host of smart stowage solutions, including a new height adjustable boot floor that can be raised to provide concealed storage, or lowered to increase luggage capacity to 334 litres. The boot floor uses a special honeycomb construction that makes it gramme-for-gramme stronger than steel, and able to support more than 300 kg. A new centre console features a built-in folding, sliding passenger armrest with a storage compartment ideal for tablet computers or snacks, and the CD-player is relocated to a new position above the glovebox to minimise impact on storage space. The new EcoSport line-up will for the first time include the sporty new EcoSport ST-Line variant, joining the Edge ST-Line, Fiesta ST-Line, Focus ST-Line, Kuga ST-Line, Mondeo ST-Line and S-MAX ST-Line models that offer bold styling and sports-tuned driving dynamics alongside powerful and efficient EcoBoost petrol and TDCi diesel engines. The EcoSport ST-Line delivers unique Ford Performance-inspired bumpers and side skirts, black-finish roof rails and headlight bezels, 17-inch Dark Tarnish alloy wheels, ST-Line badging and extended painted roof and door mirrors as standard. The interior offers a unique ST-Line leather-trimmed flat-bottomed steering wheel; unique partial leather seats featuring Miko®-Dinamica inserts – an ecological suede made from recycled polyester – and red stitching; leather handbrake lever and gear knob; ST-Line branded scuff plates; and stainless steel sports pedals. Sophisticated driver assistance technology The new Ford EcoSport builds on the commanding SUV driving position and rewarding Ford driving dynamics to deliver an even easier and more enjoyable driving experience using advanced technologies. Ford’s sophisticated SYNC 3 communications and entertainment system is compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™. SYNC 3 is supported by EcoSport’s floating, 8-inch colour touchscreen, which can be operated with pinch and swipe gestures. Also offered with SYNC 3 is a floating 6.5-inch colour touchscreen. A 4.2-inch colour screen is offered in combination with Bluetooth connectivity and two USB inputs. A new B&O PLAY sound system offers an elevated audio experience; featuring ten speakers, including boot-mounted subwoofer and a mid-range speaker in the centre of the dash, the system has been specifically calibrated for EcoSport, and is controlled by the latest Digital Signal Processing Amplifier that allows for precise equalisation and audio mixing, including a Surround Sound setting. EcoSport for the first time delivers Cruise Control with Adjustable Speed Limiter that helps drivers keep within speed limits, and a Rear View Camera that makes parking more efficient and safer. Available automatic headlights and rain-sensing wipers remove some of the stresses of driving and enable customers to better concentrate on the road ahead, while a heated steering wheel and Electronic Automatic Temperature Control further improve comfort. More convenience is offered with a new 4.2-inch digital instrument cluster that makes key driving information easier to access, and power-foldable mirrors that are heated for quicker getaways on frosty mornings. Further driver assistance technologies include Ford’s Blind Spot Information System that can alert the driver to vehicles approaching alongside, and standard Roll Stability Control that adjusts engine torque and braking to help drivers maintain control. Improved occupant protection now includes driver and passenger front airbags; a driver knee airbag; new side airbags that provide extra thorax protection and are designed to direct the occupant away from an impact; and new curtain airbags that provide maximum side-impact coverage. EcoSport is also more secure than ever before, with a standard perimeter alarm. “We’ve enhanced the quality, technology and versatility of the new Ford EcoSport to deliver more of the confidence and control that compact SUV customers want,” said Gary Boes, global B-car vehicle line director, Ford Motor Company. “Drivers will feel more comfortable and self-assured than ever at the wheel.”
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