#Car rental jakarta
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autotranzcarrental26 · 1 day ago
Karir di AutoTranz | Bergabung dengan Tim Profesional Kami
Bergabunglah dengan AutoTranz dan kembangkan karier Anda di industri rental mobil. Kami mencari profesional terbaik untuk menghadirkan layanan sewa mobil terbaik di Jakarta dan Bogor.
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startransbdg · 4 months ago
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"Info paket tour ancol, Ready Paket Wisata Atlantis Waterpark Ancol dari bandung harga murah hanya di Star Trans Bandung 👉 0888-5558-485 . . . . www.sewabusbandung.com
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rentalmobiljakarta-com · 8 months ago
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rentalku · 11 months ago
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carrentaljakarta · 1 year ago
Daftar Bengkel Mobil Resmi di Jakarta Barat
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Mobil Operasional Kantor — Melakukan service mobil merupakan kewajiban pemilik untuk merawat kendaraan mereka agar kendaraan tetap optimal. Namun melakukan service mobil dapat lebih aman jika service tersebut dilakukan di bengkel resmi.
Mobil operasional kantor yang sering dipakai untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari sangat memerlukan service rutin rutin seperti ganti oli dll.
Untuk kalian yang bingung melakukan service mobil kalian dimana, Agungrent sebagai penyedia layanan sewa mobil perusahaan akan memberikan beberapa daftar bengkel mobil resmi yang sudah menjadi rekanan dengan kami. Berikut beberapa daftar bengkel mobil rekanan Agungrent lengkap dengan alamat dan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi, khusus di daerah Jakarta Barat.
Al. Isuzu
Bagi anda yang memiliki kendaraan niaga maupun mobil operasional sehari-hari namun mau melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan mobil Isuzu anda, dealer yang terletak di Jakarta barat menyediakan pelayanan service dan penggantian sparepart mobil.
Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan kualitas barang yang disediakan, karena barang-barang yang diberikan merupakan barang original. Dibawah ini adalah alamat yang bisa anda kunjungi beserta nomor telepon yang bisa anda hubungi.
JL. PLUIT KARANG TIMUR, BLOK B8; TIMUR NO. 76–77 (021–666–01928)
Tunas Toyota
Tunas Toyota adalah bengkel khusus mobil Toyota yang terletak di jalan Komp.Central Latumenten Blok. AA №31 Jl. Latumenten 30 Jakarta Barat. Layanan yang ditawarkan oleh Tunas Toyota selain service mobil adalah terdapat dealer mobil Toyota ditempat tersebut. Untuk melakukan service, anda dapat menelepon nomor ini (021–56966327) untuk membuat jadwal janji melakukan service mobil.
Auto 2000 Permata Hijau
Auto 2000 adalah salah satu dealer terkenal dan terbesar milik Toyota. Pelayanan yang diberikan Auto 2000 diantaranya penjualan unit, perbaikan, perawatan dan penyediaan suku cadang. Untuk anda yang memiliki mobil Toyota dan membutuhkan service mobil khususnya di daerah Jakarta Barat anda dapat mengunjungi Auto 200 Permata Hijau di Jl. Kebayoran Lama Raya №28 Kel. Sukabumi Selatan Kec. Kebon Jeruk atau anda dapat membuat jadwal janji melakukan service di nomor (021–53662000).
Nissan Pos Pengumbean
Berlokasi di jalan Pahlawan №81 Jakarta Barat, Nissan pos pengumbean adalah merupakan tempat service center miliki Nissan untuk melakukan service mobil. Anda dapat melakukan penggantian sparepart mobil dll. Jika anda berminat untuk melakukan service mobil Nissan, anda dapat menghubungi nomor (021–96554903) untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih detail.
Plaza Toyota
Selanjutnya, anda juga dapat mengunjungi Plaza Toyota jika membutuhkan perawatan mobil toyota ataupun melakukan service anda dapat melakukan di tempat-tempat berikut:
Komp. Green Garden Blok Z2 №44–45 (021–5830255)
Jl. Kyai Tapa №263 (021–56978118)
Jl.Panjang №25 Kedoya Utara Jakarta Barat 11520 (021 58302555)
Beberapa tempat diatas sudah terjamin dan telah bermitra dengan Agungrent sebagai rental mobil perusahaan terpercaya, jadi anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat di atas ketika mobil anda mengalami masalah.
Bagi anda yang melakukan rental mobil perusahaan dengan Agungrent, kalian tidak perlu khawatir karena kami pasti akan memastikan unit kami dalam keadaan prima. Jika anda ingin melakukan rental untuk mobil operasional kantor, anda dapat mengunjungi https://mobility.agungrent.co.id/ untuk melihat pelayanan dan produk yang kami berikan.
Sumber: https://mobility.agungrent.co.id/mobil-operasional-perusahaan-daftar-bengkel-mobil-jakarta-barat/
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boavista-rentcar · 2 months ago
087761987617 Boavista RentCar
Bali: Surga Tropis yang Menanti
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Bali, pulau dewata, adalah destinasi impian bagi banyak traveler. Dengan keindahan alam yang memukau, budaya yang kaya, dan keramahan penduduknya, Bali menawarkan pengalaman liburan yang tak terlupakan.
Mengapa Bali Begitu Populer?
Keindahan Alam: Pantai-pantai pasir putih, sawah terasering yang hijau, hutan hujan tropis, dan gunung-gunung berapi yang menjulang tinggi adalah beberapa keindahan alam yang bisa Anda nikmati di Bali.
Budaya yang Kaya: Bali terkenal dengan budaya Hindu yang unik, tarian tradisional, ukiran kayu, dan seni lukisnya yang indah.
Kuliner Lezat: Kuliner Bali menawarkan cita rasa yang kaya dan beragam, mulai dari makanan ringan seperti sate hingga hidangan utama seperti nasi campur.
Spa dan Wellness: Bali juga dikenal sebagai surganya spa dan wellness. Anda bisa memanjakan diri dengan berbagai perawatan tradisional seperti pijat Bali.
Destinasi Wajib di Bali
Selain tempat-tempat yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, berikut beberapa destinasi lain yang sayang untuk dilewatkan:
Tanah Lot: Pura laut yang indah dengan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang spektakuler.
Uluwatu: Tempat surfing yang populer dengan pemandangan tebing yang dramatis.
Kintamani: Desa yang menawarkan pemandangan Gunung Batur dan Danau Batur yang menakjubkan.
Nusa Penida: Pulau kecil di dekat Bali dengan pantai-pantai yang masih perawan dan spot snorkeling yang menarik.
Sewa Mobil Bulanan di Bali di Rental Mobil Jakarta
Untuk menjelajahi keindahan Bali secara maksimal, menyewa mobil adalah pilihan yang tepat. Anda bisa mengatur sendiri jadwal perjalanan dan mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang tidak terjangkau oleh transportasi umum.
Boavista Rent Car adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda yang ingin mencari harga sewa mobil luar kota untuk ke Bali. Dengan berbagai pilihan kendaraan yang berkualitas dan layanan pelanggan yang ramah, Boavista Rent Car siap menemani petualangan Anda di Bali.
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berbagai jenis mobil yang disewakan oleh Boavista Rent Car
Tips Sewa Mobil di Bali
Booking jauh-jauh hari: Terutama jika Anda berkunjung saat musim liburan.
Perhatikan kondisi mobil: Pastikan mobil dalam kondisi baik sebelum Anda menyewa.
Simpan semua dokumen penting: SIM, paspor, dan bukti sewa.
Patuhi peraturan lalu lintas: Mengemudi di Bali membutuhkan kewaspadaan ekstra.
Nikmati perjalanan Anda!
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sigithermawan · 5 months ago
Rental Mobil Jakarta untuk Acara Spesial: Wedding Car hingga Mobil Mewah
Menghadiri acara spesial di Jakarta seringkali memerlukan perencanaan yang matang, terutama ketika berbicara tentang transportasi. Rental mobil Jakarta untuk acara spesial seperti pernikahan, ulang tahun, atau acara formal lainnya dapat memberikan kesan yang tak terlupakan. Mari kita telusuri berbagai jenis mobil yang tersedia untuk disewa dan bagaimana Anda bisa memilih yang terbaik untuk…
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ahengantru-34 · 8 months ago
MURAH!!0878 4650 7506, Sewa Mobil Hiace Premio Murah Di Solo,
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0878 4606 7506, Rental Mobil Hiace Premio Di Solo,  Rental Mobil Pajero Sport Di Solo, Rental Mobil Alphart Solo, Rental Mobil Avanza Di Solo, Rental Mobil Fortuner Solo,   Persewaan Mobil Di Solo,  Rental Mobil Solo Murah, Rent Car Solo, Solo Rent Car,  Rental Mobil Solo, Rental Mobil Solo Lepas Kunci, Rental Mobil Solo Terdekat, Rental Mobil Solo Baru, Rental Mobil Solo Jogja, Rental Mobil Solo Murah Lepas Kunci, Sewa Mobil Solo, Sewa Mobil Solo Luar Kota, Sewa Mobil Solo Ada Car Rental, Persewaan Mobil Solo, Persewaan Mobil Solo Mobil Matic, Persewaan Mobil Solo Jakarta, Persewaan Mobil Di Solo Tanpa Driver, Sewa Mobil Solo Pacitan, Sewa Mobil Solo Bandara, Sewa Mobil Solo Lepas Kunci Murah, Sewa Mobil Solo Semarang, Sewa Mobil Solo Surabaya, Sewa Mobil Solo Jakarta Tanpa Sopir, Harga Sewa Mobil Solo Lepas Kunci, Harga Sewa Mobil Solo Semarang, Harga Sewa Mobil Malang Solo, Harga Sewa Mobil Jogja Solo, Harga Sewa Mobil Pick Uo Solo, Harga Sewa Mobil Bulanan Di Solo, Sewa Mobil Di Solo Dengan Sopir, Harga Sewa Mobil Solo Review, Sewa Mobil Di Solo Lepas Kunci, Sewa Mobil Solo Lepas Kunci Matic, Sewa Mobil Solo 24 Jam Lepas Kunci, Sewa Mobil Bulanan Solo, Sewa Mobil Solo 6 Jam, Sewa Mobil Di Solo Tanpa Driver, Harga Rental Mobil Di Solo, Rent A Car In Solo Without A Driver, Rental Mobil Solo Jogja Matic, Rental Mobil Solo Jakarta Lepas Kunci, Rental Mobil Solo Jakarta Murah, Rental Mobil Solo Jakarta Terdekat, Rental Mobil Solo Jakarta Tanpa Sopir, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya Lepas Kunci, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya Murah, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya Terdekat, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya Tanpa Sopir, Rental Mobil Solo Surabaya Matic, Persewaan Mobil Solo Jogja Lepas Kunci, Nomor Hp Rental Mobil Solo, Nomor Telepon Rental Mobil Solo, Alamat Rental Mobil Solo, Banjarsari Surakarta, Jebres Surakarta, Laweyan Surakarta, Pasar Kliwon Surakarta, Serengan Surakarta, Rental Mobil Sragen Murah, Rental Mobil Karanganyar Murah, Rental Mobil Klaten Murah, Rental Mobil Jakarta Murah, Rental Mobil Surabaya Murah, Rental Mobil Wonogiri Murah, Rental Mobil Sukoharjo Murah, Rental Mobil  Wonogiri Murah, Rental Mobil Surakarta Murah, Rental Mobil Semarang  Murah
Hubungi : Rental Mobil Solo Hagia
                 WA  0878 4650 7506
ig. sewa mobil solo hagia transport
fb. sewa mobil solo hagia transport
  Alamat : Jl. Cokrobaskoro V, Tipes, Kec. Serengan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57154
#rentcarsolomurah #solorentcarmurah
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chandrarentcar2024 · 8 months ago
Call 0811-973-778 Unit Terbaru, Rental Mobil Baru
Promosi Layanan Rental Mobil di Baru bersama Chandra Rent Car
Masalah yang Anda Alami
Apakah Anda sering kesulitan menemukan layanan rental mobil yang andal dan berkualitas di daerah Baru? Merasa bingung memilih solusi transportasi yang nyaman dan praktis untuk berbagai kebutuhan perjalanan Anda?
Solusi dari Chandra Rent Car
Kini, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi! Chandra Rent Car hadir untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan transportasi Anda di daerah Baru. Kami menawarkan layanan rental mobil yang lengkap dan terpercaya, siap mengantar Anda kemanapun dengan kenyamanan maksimal.
Menghubungkan Masalah dengan Solusi
Dengan armada mobil yang beragam dan layanan yang komprehensif, Chandra Rent Car memberikan solusi terbaik untuk semua kebutuhan transportasi Anda di daerah Baru. Mari lihat keunggulan layanan kami di bawah ini:
Lingkup Layanan Chandra Rent Car di Baru
Rental Mobil Lepas Kunci: Kebebasan berkendara sesuai keinginan Anda tanpa pengemudi.
Sewa Mobil Bulanan: Solusi hemat untuk kebutuhan transportasi jangka panjang.
Sewa Mobil Kontrak Perusahaan: Layanan khusus untuk kebutuhan korporat Anda.
Antar Jemput Bandara: Kemudahan perjalanan dari dan ke bandara dengan layanan profesional kami.
Sewa Mobil dengan Jasa Supir: Nikmati perjalanan nyaman dengan pengemudi berpengalaman.
Drop Off Luar Kota: Layanan antar jemput ke destinasi luar kota yang Anda inginkan.
Sewa Mobil Mewah: Pengalaman berkendara yang mewah dan eksklusif dengan mobil premium.
Transportasi Wisata: Temukan keindahan destinasi wisata dengan layanan wisata kami.
Daftar Unit Mobil yang Tersedia
Toyota Avanza
Suzuki Ertiga
Suzuki XL-7
Mitsubishi X-Pander
Hyundai Stargazer
Innova Reborn
Innova Zenix
Toyota Fortuner
Mitsubishi Pajero
Toyota Alphard
Hiace Commuter
Hiace Premio
Keunggulan Layanan Chandra Rent Car di Baru
Armada Mobil Terawat: Kendaraan kami selalu dalam kondisi prima untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan Anda.
Pelayanan Ramah dan Profesional: Tim kami siap membantu dan melayani Anda dengan baik.
Harga Kompetitif: Penawaran harga yang bersaing dan transparan.
Fleksibilitas Layanan: Layanan yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda.
Proses Pemesanan Mudah: Pesan mobil dengan cepat dan tanpa repot.
Pengemudi Berpengalaman: Nikmati perjalanan yang aman dan nyaman dengan pengemudi profesional kami.
Layanan 24/7: Dukungan pelanggan kami tersedia setiap saat untuk membantu Anda.
Beragam Pilihan Kendaraan: Pilihan kendaraan yang lengkap sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Hubungi kami sekarang di 0811-973-778 untuk memesan mobil atau informasi lebih lanjut. Percayakan perjalanan Anda kepada Chandra Rent Car dan rasakan pengalaman berkendara yang luar biasa di daerah Baru!
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shininwanderer · 9 months ago
Wandering in Bali
Last Saturday, I landed in Bali for the third time. This time I was wandering in Canggu, Tabanan, and Kuta area. So, Canggu and Tabanan is truly new place for me discover, coz I have no guidance other than g-maps.
After landed in Ngurah Rai International Airport, i took go-car to the place where I rented a car, coz as far as my research on how to get to Tabanan, there's no public bus AND the online car (go/gra b car), it cost too high for me the solo traveller :"))) So it's better to rent a car, it cost 300k for a day. The car is squeaky clean and it is younger than my car tho, so it is very comfortable to drive on. Shout out for my friends who helped me to find this rent car.
Long short story, I succeeded driving through the hectic Raya Canggu Rd and By Pass Tanah Lot :') and arrived safe and sound on my first accommodation, right in front of the parking lot of Nuanu, where my marathon took place. It is EHOA Boutique Hotel Bali. I love the room, bathroom, pool, service, and everything, thank you for the warm hospitality <3
After the marathon, I rushed to get ready and tidy up the thing and check out from EHOA on 11 o'clock. Then, I need to travel down the same road to Kuta for my next accommodation, fave hotel Kartika Plaza, the very best transit hotel because it is affordable and near to the airport, only took 8 mins.
On Sunday morning, the road is not as busy as on Saturday afternoon, so I arrived in near Denpasar way before 2 pm to check in at the hotel, so I was thinking to had a lunch at living world, THEN I changed my mind, because it is hell of TRAFFIC around there, I gave up, so I right away drove to Kuta hahaha. I am still not getting used to the traffic again, because in Mataram rarely have tight traffic like in Denpasar :))))
After checked in at the fave hotel, I drove the car back to the rental place for returning the car. Then, I took go-ride to Beachwalk mall in Kuta, that's the nearest mall from the hotel. I was having Genki sushi (for the first time, LOL). At Genki, I was like the bucolic person in the room hohoho, I asked how the train works (which is use for delivering the dish). I am not ashamed for that hehehe
Anyway, then after having my very late lunch, I looked on g-maps for the distance of my current location with the hotel, it showed only 2km, so I am down for the walk hahaha. Because of the walk, I finally discover what Kuta beach looked like. It is very wonderful and you can see planes taking off and landing vividly. It was a blast
When I arrived in my room, I was drench with sweat HAHA, it was windy yet hot and my body is very sweaty by a little exercise tho.
That is it for my story wandering in Bali I'll definitely going back to Bali and discovering another beach which I haven't been to.
Written by Shine Jakarta, June 4th 2024
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autotranzcarrental26 · 3 days ago
Sewa Mobil Operasional & Terbaik di Bekasi | Blog AutoTRANZ
emukan informasi terbaru tentang sewa mobil operasional, tips, dan layanan terbaik di Bekasi bersama AutoTRANZ. Dapatkan solusi sewa mobil yang andal dan profesional untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
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rentalmobiljakarta-com · 8 months ago
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geekpress · 10 months ago
Zipitrans: Your One-Stop Solution for Renting Cars from Jakarta to Bandung
Convenient Car Rental Services
Zipitrans stands out as the premier choice for car rentals between Jakarta and Bandung. Whether you're planning a business trip, a family vacation, or a special event, we offer a comprehensive range of vehicles to meet your needs. With our delivery and drop-off services in both Jakarta and Bandung, your journey becomes even more seamless.
Diverse Fleet Options
Our fleet is diverse and meticulously maintained to ensure safety and comfort. From compact sedans for solo travelers to spacious SUVs for families, we have something for everyone. Additionally, we specialize in Elf rentals, perfect for group travels, and wedding cars that add a touch of elegance to your special day.
Professional and Reliable Service
At Zipitrans, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing you with a hassle-free rental experience. From the moment you make a reservation to the time you return the vehicle, we are committed to offering top-notch service and support.
Affordable Rates with No Hidden Fees
We believe in transparent pricing, and there are no hidden fees when you rent with Zipitrans. Our competitive rates ensure that you get the best value for your money. Plus, we offer flexible rental terms to accommodate your schedule and budget.
Delivery and Drop-off Services
Our delivery and drop-off services in Jakarta and Bandung make renting a car with Zipitrans even more convenient. Whether you need the vehicle delivered to your doorstep or dropped off at a specific location, we've got you covered. Simply let us know your preferences, and we'll take care of the rest.
Elf Rentals for Group Travels
Planning a trip with a group? Our Elf rentals are the perfect solution. With spacious interiors and comfortable seating, these vehicles are ideal for group travels between Jakarta and Bandung. Whether you're traveling with friends, family, or colleagues, our Elf rentals offer ample space and convenience.
Wedding Cars for Your Special Day
Make your wedding day even more memorable with our wedding car rentals. We offer a stunning selection of luxury vehicles that are sure to impress. From classic limousines to modern sedans, we have something to suit every style and budget. Let us add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your special day.
Visit drop off jakarta bandung
Easy Online Booking Process
Booking a car with Zipitrans is quick and easy. Our online booking platform allows you to reserve your vehicle in just a few simple steps. Choose your desired pick-up and drop-off locations, select your preferred vehicle from our diverse fleet, and complete your reservation with ease. It's that simple!
When it comes to car rentals between Jakarta and Bandung, Zipitrans is the name you can trust. With our diverse fleet, professional service, and convenient delivery and drop-off options, we make renting a car a breeze. Whether you need a vehicle for a business trip, a family vacation, or a special event, we've got you covered. Experience the Zipitrans difference today!
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jasawebsitemurahh · 1 year ago
🚗✨ Ready for a Seamless Journey! Explore Jakarta to Solo with Expat Jakarta's Premium Car Rental Service. 🌐 Discover the ease and comfort of traveling solo or with friends. 🌟
Embark on a hassle-free adventure with our top-notch fleet and personalized services. Here's why our car rental is a game-changer:
🛣️ Effortless Travel: Navigate Jakarta to Solo effortlessly with our reliable rental options.
🚘 Luxurious Fleet: Choose from our diverse range of well-maintained vehicles for a comfortable ride.
🤝 Personalized Service: Experience a touch of excellence with our customer-centric approach.
Ready for the road trip of a lifetime? Share your favorite road trip memories or tag a friend you'd love to travel with! Let the journey begin! 🌍👫
#CarRental #JakartatoSolo #ExpatJakarta #TravelInStyle #RoadTripAdventure #SeamlessJourney #TravelSolo #PremiumTravel #ExploreWithUs #SoloAdventure
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a-cometinthesky · 1 year ago
Day 4 : Places you want to visit
This should've been written like...three years ago, but yeaa we're here anyway
● Oceans
Everywhere I go, the ocean is the only thing on my mind. To witness both the sunrise and sunset, to merely gaze at them, capture a couple of pictures, and afterward, fix my eyes on them until they disappear. I yearn to etch their beauty into my mind's film reel, to replay those breathtaking moments. The magnificence of the ocean and the sun, the melodies of the wind and waves - their tranquility compels me to plunge in and let everything inside my mind drown. I'm deeply in love with the ocean.
I remember planning a solo trip to Semarang, considering the idea of heading to Karimunjawa as it's relatively close. However, transportation to Karimunjawa proved challenging; the schedules didn't align, and there were no daily ferries. To convince myself to go, I playfully invited a friend, but they declined and suggested Yogyakarta instead. They agreed to Yogyakarta and asked me to find train tickets. I searched but couldn't find any. It's disheartening. Traveling during the Christmas holiday is always bustling, right? It just wasn't meant to be for us to go together. As my friend inspired me to consider Yogyakarta, I contemplated taking a travel service from Semarang to Yogyakarta. I began drafting an itinerary, intending to arrange accommodations, plan visits, decide on transportation, dining spots, and, most importantly, which beaches to visit. The itinerary is still a mess. I'll continue tomorrow.
Shortly after, while scrolling for solo travel ideas, I stumbled upon someone's brilliant suggestion to rent a car in Yogyakarta for a day trip exploring beaches. I began searching for car rental information, inquiring via WhatsApp, seeking advice, and emphasizing my desire for lesser-visited beaches. It's the Christmas holiday in Yogyakarta; undoubtedly, there will be crowds. Yet, my goal is to find serenity, hence my quest for secluded spots. It's truly enjoyable to wander around when there aren't many people. Once, during the onset of the COVID outbreak in Indonesia around early March, I traveled to a secluded spot. It was incredibly quiet, to the extent that there was a spot just for my friend, our guide, and me. It was paradise. Peace, for me, is seeking solace away from daily chaos. Isn't it exhausting to deal with traffic, crowded stations, and constantly chase after train and bus schedules every day? Embracing a slower pace in a comforting place is my idea of healing.
Let's get back to the story. After reconsidering, I didn't end up going to Yogyakarta; it's a bit disappointing. I decided to stroll around Semarang instead, spending time alone. I had work there, but I made time for solo exploration. I'd already mapped out places I wanted to visit, mainly for culinary experiences. In short, I truly fell in love with Semarang. Perhaps it's because I lived a slower life there. And the sunlight, GOD, the grace of the morning sunlight in Semarang is on a whole other level, but perhaps that's after the midnight rain tho hehe. When I returned to Jakarta, I felt like time was rushing, chasing invisible things, just as my GoCar driver once said. Indeed, time flies in Jakarta; it suddenly becomes evening, then morning again. I resonate with that feeling. I even feel like I've reached the end of 2024. You know, I've been waiting for the end of this year for two years now because it finally aligns with the New Year holiday. I'm utterly grateful, though.
● Coffeeshop
Now, onto coffee shops. Obviously, I adore coffee. It's gone beyond a liking; it's a kind of necessity, but I still love it. Skipping coffee for a day gives me a headache, and that's the truth, not a suggestion. During fasting, I struggled to decide when to have my coffee. I read that having caffeine during suhoor makes you thirsty quickly. Once, foolishly, I had an extra shot in the evening (we're dumb sometimes). Result? I couldn't sleep until 3 a.m. Haha, maybe I was overthinking or challenging myself, who knows. But after trying to have coffee after 4-5 p.m. from various coffee shops near me, I found two that don't disrupt my sleep: Starbucks and Fore. Yes, I conducted several experiments and, indeed, these two didn't affect my sleep. However, due to our current boycott of Starbucks, I've shifted to Fore. Yet, going to Fore is budget-dependent; their prices are quite high. But circling back to the 'Places you want to visit,' I'd love to explore all authentic local coffee shops in Indonesia if I had the chance. Recently, when I was in Malang, I stumbled upon a fascinating coffee shop called "Barrealloo." It was situated at the entrance of a lane, along the roadside. I accidentally found it while on my way to a meatball place. The dimming evening sunlight was captivating. I still regret not going in then because I eventually fell deeply in love with this coffee shop.
The following morning, after checking out, I went there. I recommended it to my friends who were looking for a nearby coffee shop. We were four, and as soon as we arrived, I declared my love for the place. The morning light was so natural there. The coffee shop's vintage theme echoed through its furniture, decor, walls, and almost everything. I went in and ordered the recommended drink, Butterscotch Coffee. And guess how much it cost? 18,000. Eighteen thousand!!! I asked if I could add a shot, but unfortunately, they couldn't. I also inquired about takeaway, which they also couldn't provide. I wanted to cry. Literally, I wanted to cry because I didn't bring my tumblr. Please :( I want to cry now. Okay. While waiting for my order, I took pictures of the exquisite spots. I could remember every corner of the coffee shop and hoped I wouldn't forget, praying for the chance to return, aameen. After taking numerous photos, I sat outside with my friends. The ambiance outside was fantastic, especially with the slightly cloudy weather; that day and that moment truly defined tranquility. Oh God, I really want to go back there now. Maybe we should just stay in Malang? Who are we, anyway? I don't know. Going back to my favorite coffee shop story, I wish I could visit many local coffee shops in this area, each with a unique vibe, different from Jakarta's. To me, that's what makes you miss a city, not just memories, but places that still exist there.
Ah, darn. Well, let's move on to other places, though this story could go on forever. I want to talk about three cities I hope to visit: Mecca, Kyoto, and Helsinki. I need to prepare well to write about them. But let's see ^^
Btw another couple pics from traveling around Semarang. Timeless something and the blueberry gelato (I like this one tho)
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travelbookingnow · 1 year ago
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Experience the enchanting land of Indonesia: a tropical paradise teeming with pristine beaches, lush rainforests, ancient temples, and vibrant cultural heritage. From the breathtaking landscapes of Bali to the bustling streets of Jakarta, embark on a journey that will ignite your senses and leave you with memories to last a lifetime. Get ready to immerse yourself in the warm hospitality, tantalizing cuisine, and awe-inspiring natural wonders of Indonesia. Start planning your adventure today and discover why this Southeast Asian gem is a must-visit destination for every traveler.
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