#Car Service DC for New Year 2023
dccarserviceandlimo · 2 years
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DC Car Service for New Year Party - New Year's Eve is just around the corner. This day comes once a year, and you can make your New Year's Eve more special with Car Service DC. As long as you choose the right company, you should get highly experienced and knowledgeable drivers who can point out the area, its history, and best places to visit. Celebrate the holiday with Car Service DC for New Year Party and the end of the year. Plan your evening with DC Car Service and you will have a great time. Please call DC Car Service to schedule your next holiday or seasonal event transportation service for any upcoming event. Call us today at (202)888-7833 to rent your New Year's luxury transportation, and make this year unforgettable.
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dclimoandcarservice · 2 years
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DC Limo Service for New Year - New Year's Eve is just around the corner. This day comes once a year, and you can make your New Year's Eve more special with Limo Service DC. As long as you choose the right company, you should get highly experienced and knowledgeable drivers who can point out the area, its history, and best places to visit. Celebrate the holiday with Limo Service DC for New Year Party and the end of the year. Plan your evening with DC Limo Service and you will have a great time. Make this New Year even more special by choosing a limo to drive you to this year's greatest events. Call us Now at (202) 765-2350 to rent your New Year's luxury transportation, and make this year unforgettable or Get Instant free quotes now! We make it easy to book a limo in Washington, DC.
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batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #18
May 10-17 2024
The Justice Department endorses lifting many restrictions on marijuana. Since the 1970s marijuana has been classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restrictive classification for drugs that are highly addictive, dangerous and have no medical use, like heroin. Schedule I drugs are nearly impossible to get approval for research studies greatly hampering attempts to understand marijuana and any medical benefits it may have. The DoJ recommends moving it to Schedule III, drugs with low risk of abuse like anabolic steroids, and testosterone. This will allow for greater research, likely allow medical marijuana, and make marijuana a much less serious offense. President Biden welcomed DoJ's decision, a result a review of policy he ordered. Biden in his message talked about how he's pardoned everyone convicted of marijuana possession federally. The President repeated a phrase he's said many times "No-one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana,"
The Department of Interior announced no new coal mining in America's largest coal producing region. The moratorium on new coal leases has been hailed as the single biggest step so fair toward ending coal in the US. The Powder River Basin area of Wyoming and Montana produces 40% of the nations coal, the whole state of West Virginia is just 14%. The new rule is estimated to reduce emissions by the equivalent of 293 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, the same as taking 63 million gas powered cars off the road.
Vice-President Harris announced that the Biden-Harris Administration had broken records by investing $16 billion in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Harris, a graduate of Howard University, is the first President or Vice-President to have gone to a HBCU. The Administration's investment of $900 million so far in 2024 brought the total investment of the Biden-Harris administration in HBCUs to $16 billion more than double the record $7 billion. HBCUs produce 40% of black engineers, 50% of black teachers, 70% of black doctors and dentists, and 80% of black judges. HBCUs also have a much better record of helping social mobility and moving people out of generational poverty than other colleges and universities.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $30 billion dollars in renewal funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The program supports 2.3 million families that are in need of housing with vouchers that help pay rent. This funding represents a $2 billion dollar increase over last year.
The Department of Agriculture announced $671.4 million in investments in rural infrastructure. The money will go to project to improve rural electric grids, as well as drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure. The money will go to 47 projects across 23 states.
HUD announced a record breaking $1.1 billion dollar investment in Tribal housing and community development. HUD plans just over 1 billion dollars for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. This is a 40% increase in funding over 2023 and marks the largest ever funding investment in Indian housing. HUD also is investing $75 million in community development, supporting building and rehabbing community buildings in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The Department of Transportation announced $2 billion in investments in America's busiest passenger rail route, the Northeast Corridor between Washington DC and Boston. This is part of a 15 year, $176 billion plan to rebuild the corridor’s infrastructure and prepare for increased ridership and more trains. So far investments have seen a 25% increase, 7 million riders, over figures last year. a fully funded plan would almost double Amtrak service between New York City and Washington, D.C., and increase service between New York City and Boston by 50%. It would also allow a 60% increase in commuter trains.
HUD announced plans to streamline its HOME program. Currently the largest federal program to help build affordable housing, the streamlining of the rules will speed up building and help meet the Biden Administration's goal of 2 million new affordable housing units. HUD announced last week $1.3 billion dollars for the HOME program, which built 13,000 new units of housing in 2023 and helped 13,000 families with rental assistance
The Department of Interior announced $520 million in new water projects to help protect against drought in the western states. The funding will support 57 water related projects across 18 western states. The projects focus on climate resilience and drought prevention, as well as improving aging water delivery systems, and improving hydropower generation.
The Departments of Agriculture and HHS have stepped up efforts to wipe out the H5N1 virus prevent its spread to humans while protecting farmers livelihoods. The virus is currently effecting dairy cattle in the Texas panhandle region. The USDA and HSS are releasing wide ranging funds to help support farms equipping workers with Personal Protective Equipment, covering Veterinary costs, as well as compensating farmers for lost revenue. HHS and the CDC announced $101 million in testing an monitoring. This early detection and action is key to preventing another Covid style pandemic.
The Senate confirmed Sanket Bulsara to a life time federal judgeship in New York and Eric Schulte and Camela Theeler to lifetime federal judgeships in South Dakota. This brings the total number of judges appointed by President Biden to 197. For the first time in history the majority of a President's judicial nominees have not been white men.
Bonus: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that transgender health insurance exclusions were illegal. The ruling came from a case first filed in 2019 where an employer refused to cover an employee's gender affirming surgery. The court in its ruling sited new guidance from the Biden Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that declared that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects trans people in the work place. These kinds of guidelines are often sited in court and carry great weight.
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deluxewhump · 6 months
Erik's Journals pt 8 (2023)
16. Cetus
Cw: self harm mentions, scars, and NSFW - this chapter contains explicit sexual material I would not at face value call dubcon, but the nature of this story makes it something that deserves a word of warning anyway.
April, 2023
It was a blue spring day when Carlo tossed a duffel bag into my car and ducked quickly inside like a fugitive. Always unexpectedly tall and dressed like an Ivy League student, on spring break of his senior year at MVU. He glanced at me like the boy who once accompanied me to Germany, back when he was still my pet. He's something different now, something that is both Max’s and his own. Does he feel his own? I asked him.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” I said, and pulled away from the gray curb, still dirty from winter’s salt and gravel trucks. He looked unsettled by my strange question. “You’re fine, Lo,” I added, smiling at him. He smiled back and his shoulder blades relaxed into my leather seat.
I took him to my lake house in Virginia. It was only an hour's drive, and we listened to an NPR broadcast on Japanese cuisine and the concept of umami to fill the silence that always seemed uncomfortable at first until we settled into some old routine, of which we have only momentarily forgotten the first steps.
The highway took us west out of the bleak steel and concrete of Baltimore, a city that always seemed to me precariously perched between north and south, having qualities of both but belonging to neither. It is a precocious weed, struggling from the crack of the sidewalk, trodden and thirsty for light. 
“So…where are we going?” he asked when we pulled off pavement and continued more slowly down a narrow gravel road, the trees that overhang in summer like a jungle canopy still bare and skeletal in the slow spring we were having. I slowed and swerved to straddle a washed out section of road. Sparrows flitted in front of us, one side to another like brown arrows shot from a thrumming bowstring.
I hadn’t told him where I was taking him this weekend. He probably assumed DC, or New York. Was he nervous? Did he think I was taking him to some secluded patch of woods, some gravel pit to do him harm? If I wished him harm I could inflict it from the convenience of my living room.
“I have a new piece of property out here,” I told him. “It’s pretty, and quiet. I think you’ll like it.”
He watched the choked eastern woods crawl by from the passenger window. “Hey. There was a doe. Maybe twenty feet in,” he said with a quiet sense of appreciation, almost a tinge of wonder.
“Max’s property must be crawling with them, up there in the hills?”
He avoided talk of Max with a dismissive “mm” of general agreement. He checked his phone. No bars. He set it facedown in his lap.
“I know,” I said. “No service. You can connect to my Wi-Fi when we get there.”
The road arched its back over rolling wooded hills. I hugged right in case another car crested suddenly in our path, though I’d never yet run into another soul in this blissfully underdeveloped Virginian hinterland. Finally the road forked and I pulled right onto a second, smaller stretch of dirt. We curved a copse of saplings and before us appeared the two story house. It was glass from floor to ceiling, like a lantern box. We could see inside the bones of my living room furniture, the light fixtures hanging in the kitchen right through to the lake beyond, reflecting the trees that flank it like a glass bowl.
“Wow. Is this new?”
“Built last year. I closed on it in August.”
“Why?” he asked innocently, looking at me. I parked, the sleek engine idling silently as a snake in grass.
“It’s what old men do. They buy property in the middle of nowhere and sit and watch the water.”
“It’s your Walden Pond.”
On impulse, I reached over the center console and touched his hair. He let me. I fingered one dark curl, velvet as a rabbit's foot.
“What are we doing here?”
“We can take the boat out. I have good food to cook. Good scotch to drink. I have a TV. I’m sure you’re sick of books by this point in your semester.”
“Little bit.”
I remembered a time when he was young, maybe sixteen. He had come to me complaining about his tutors putting too much work on him in too short a timespan. It was winter, and he was doing a shift every day in the warehouse as well as his schooling and practicing piano. I'd been distracted, irritated, and snapped at him to learn some better time management. Surprised at my tone with him, his eyes had immediately welled with tears and he'd gotten angry. He tried to storm off and I said after him, "Go to my office. Now, please." I wondered if he would, or if he’d ignore my request. 
Sure enough, I found him there a few minutes later and shut the door behind me. He was sitting at the swivel chair in front of my desk like he was an inmate sent to the warden, picking his cuticles with his head hung low. Gently, apologetically, I asked him to explain again. He'd done so, reluctantly, and I took the next six shifts in the warehouse off his schedule for him. Focus on your studies, I’d said. The warehouse has its lessons, but it is not your main concern. 
I'd felt badly for yelling at him, when he'd come to me overwhelmed and looking for help. I couldn’t treat him like a whining manager at O&H, or a warehouse employee who’s no-showed to a shift. He was too sensitive to my moods, my criticism. I knew I oscillated between strict and soft with him, but he never took advantage of my lenience. 
“You’re not afraid to be way out here in the woods with me, are you?," I asked now, only partly teasing. 
His neck colored, and I resisted the urge to touch it to feel its heat. A curious thing, my attraction to him. It is not explicitly sexual, but it is a cousin to it now. Possessive. Hungry.
“No. I’m not.”
“Good. You shouldn’t be.”
He huffed through his nose, perhaps just to dispel the tension between us with any sort of levity. “Thanks for the reassurance.”
“Of course,” I said, and opened the driver's side door. We collected our things and went inside. It smelled of newly laid flooring still, a delicate cedar scent that reminded me of my childhood home, of winter and my father gathering split wood for the stove, how the cold gust of air from the back door would make the fire shiver in the yawning hearth.
I took his coat, told him where he could put his things. He wandered around for a bit, looking at the features and design of the house. He touched the leaf of a Christmas cactus, still flowering in provocative pink buds, between his long fingers, his neck bent so the weak April light played over the knob of his spine from a skylight above him.
“The architect was Swedish,” I said. “His fixation, for all architects have one, is light. I had my reservations about all the glass but out here, it works.”
“It’s like we’re outside but inside. A greenhouse.”
“The stars are incredible out here at night. No light pollution. It’s like being in the Alps.”
He eyed the copper espresso machine on a marbled countertop.
“Would you like a coffee?”
“Yes, Sir. Please.”
Sir. It was his way of calling back the old days. Our old dynamic, Master and Pet. Innocent enough to be a common honorific, addressing someone far his senior with a title of respect. Something a waiter might say to a guest. A student to a professor. A salesman on a phone call. But it was not just that. Not for him. Not to me.
I made us each a short black cup of espresso, and put a piece of vanilla biscotti on the saucer of his cup like a fat golden finger.
“Is this East?” he asked, facing the lake.
“Yes. Great sunrises.”
He sipped his coffee.
“Does Max know where you are?” I asked casually.
“Nope,” he answered, making the p sound pop like chewing gum on his lips. A confident, casual sound. He is young still, twenty three and still possessing the quality of a boy underneath the part of him that is a man.
“What did you tell him?”
“That I was with Jude. But Jude’s in Michigan. I’ll message him with the Wi-Fi at some point. He won’t call.”
“No. My leash, as you called it, is very long now. I’ve proven to him that I can take care of myself, or whatever.”
“You’ve always been able to take care of yourself.”
He widened his eyes over the rim of his cup briefly. “Sort of. I had a rough start because of… separation anxiety, I guess.
“By choice, I bet. I seem to remember you navigating Berlin all by your lonesome just fine. I never worried you wouldn’t come back.”
“I was always coming back,” he said in a low register that suggested he wasn’t just talking about Berlin. “I’m here, aren’t I? Of my own free will, if there’s such a thing?”
“There is. For our intents and purposes, anyway.”
He sat on my sofa and I leaned on the counter, sipping espresso.
“What is your major again?”
“I don’t know that I ever told you. English. Minor in psych.”
“What will you do with it?”
“Everyone asks me that. Strangers ask me that. I haven’t gotten that far. Max just wanted me to go.”
“So you went.”
“Yep. But I like it. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. I probably should’ve done something more practical. I think Max thinks that too. But he’s just happy I’m going. I graduate this December.”
It was more than he usually spoke of Max. I was always so curious, but it didn’t really matter, my curiosity. Just a morbid interest I’d taken up in the man who’d bought my Carlo and set him free, and yet kept him all the same like a little brother. Or a child.
“Practicality is in the eye of the beholder.”
He snorted.
“It is. The purpose of higher education was never and should not be now to produce a brainless army of workers. A certificated proletariat.”
“What is it then?”
“To produce a well informed, well rounded citizen. It’s not a product to be bought. You are a student, not a customer.”
He regarded me slowly, in his catlike way. “So you think English is a good choice? Chaucer and poetry and the history of rhetoric?” He enunciated harshly, belittling his own field.
“If you have an affinity for it. Which I have no doubt you do, knowing you like I do.”
He seemed pleased with that, but like he was trying to hide it from me. Did he still crave my approval? Of course. I pressed on.
“What else would you do? Weld? Go into sales? Middle management at a credit reporting bureau? No. You’re right where you belong . Leave the key turning and penny pinching to the rest of them.”
He gave me a wry look. Max is middle management at a credit reporting bureau. And does well for himself by the looks of Carlo’s clothes and leather bag and car. But I had told him what he wanted to hear, so he forgave me the backhanded slight to his younger former keeper.
“Can we go out on your boat today?”
“Of course. Sooner rather than later, while we still have the light. It’s chilly. Bring your coat, and I’ll get you a hat and gloves.”
That night I fed him tender steak with mushrooms and onion, crispy skinned, pillowy potatoes with rosemary, and tiramisu from a bakery downtown. After the brisk fresh air of the lake and having drunk half a bottle of red wine, he fell asleep under a blanket on my cream leather sofa with the fireplace crackling in the hearth.
I was glad I’d chosen a real fireplace for this house of glass and wrought iron, though mine at home were all gas and remote controlled now. Outside, our woodsmoke smudged the perfect white stars.
He woke at midnight with bleary eyes and let me take him to his room, a brand new queen bed, never slept in. He let himself be guided under crisp virgin covers, and I sat on the side of the bed. He didn’t question that, or my hand in his hair, petting him back to sleep.
Saturday morning, Carlo had gone for a swim in the lake before sunrise. He was at the kitchen table with his breakfast when I came downstairs and discovered what he’d done. He was in fresh clothes, but his hair was only partially toweled off, lips still pale from the freezing water. 
“In April, Carlo? ” I chided him, heating water for the French press. “The coldest April in twenty years?”
“It wasn’t so bad.”
“It’s hardly forty-three degrees out. And the sun wasn’t even up. I can’t begin to guess what the water temperature is. That lake is deep. It drops off to thirty feet almost immediately. I told you that yesterday on the boat. What if you got a muscle cramp?”
“I like the cold.”
“Since when?”
His spoon paused halfway to his mouth— almond granola and a handful of sugared raspberries in whole milk. 
He knew he had me. 
“Since you taught me to like it.”
The cold shower rule, from that distant winter, back to haunt me. 
I thought mildly of slapping his perfect face. I’d done it before. It would be out of line now. It almost was then. I imagined his wounded, startled look and an upside down bowl of granola on the floor, raspberries rolling toward the cracks in the black tiles.
”Oh you liked it, now? Is that your story?” I asked calmly. 
“Eventually,” he said quietly, matter-of-fact. “If you just submit to the cold it is more bearable. It hurts at first, and then your brain gives you endorphins to combat the discomfort. If you start associating the source of discomfort with the endorphins…” he shrugged. “Masochism 101.” 
His spoon was still paused patiently in the air, elbow on my table. Talking to me about masochism. 
“Is that your psych minor talking?”
“Was that not what I was supposed to learn from it?” he asked with a mimicry of sincerity. 
I turned from the stovetop and poured hot water into the press. “Willful little brat.”
He frowned. “Are you really mad at me? I didn’t do it to upset you, I swear. It was an impulse.”
I waved in a dismissive gesture. 
He dropped his spoon back into the bowl, unsatisfied. 
“I’m not mad at you, Lo. Don’t be so sensitive. You surprised me. Worried me.”
He lifted his eyes to me and I thought of the doe he’d seen in the woods. What a foolish dance this was. And yet here I was, on my mark. 
He rubbed his chin. “You sound mad.”
I came closer and he straightened, unsure of me. I picked a raspberry out of his bowl and placed it close to his lips. He pulled back an inch to glance down at it, then back up at me. 
Another reminder of his old games. 
“Please,” I said in a tender tone that went almost completely unused now, reserved for Carlo. He opened his mouth and let me place the berry on his tongue, wet magenta on wet pink.
“So am I allowed to swim?” He dropped his voice on the word allowed, almost to a whisper. 
“You can do whatever you want. But it is a deep, cold lake. And we are in the middle of nowhere. Please just tell me when you’re going. Hm?”
“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”
”Don’t be sorry. You’re young, and apparently fearless. Someone needs to keep you safe.”
I don’t believe the irony of those statements was lost on either of us. 
Saturday night he cleaned the kitchen after a long and unhurried dinner until it gleamed and climbed up next to me when I put a movie on. I had my laptop on my lap at first, but finished an email and set it aside, pulling him closer. He came, soft and pliant, and laid against me as the temperature dropped outside and the wind made the thin, long limbs of barely budding trees scrape the gutters of the house. 
A few minutes later he surprised me by undoing the button of my pants and looking up at me, asking, wondering. 
I tilted my head at him. “Now, what is it you think you want?”
He shrugged. “I could… if you want.”
I admit the boldness and the shape of his mouth around the word want stirred me. It would be pleasant, I had no doubt. I imagined my fingers tightening in his hair and the sweethot slickness of his tongue.
I wouldn’t even fuck his mouth like I did sometimes to Tatiana, when I called on her. Carlo was of course more sensitive than even my favorite whore, more tuned in to my every move. More emotionally delicate, as I’d explained to Martin Olson half a dozen times. I’d let him go at his own pace, let him have his head, figuratively and literally, and see what he’d do. 
“A tempting offer,” I murmured, slipping my thumb over his bottom lip, over the scrape of his bottom teeth. He let his mouth hang partially open. Eyes lifted. I was already half hard. 
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. 
“I don’t know,” he said around my thumb. I placed my other hand on his chest and felt the tumbled thudding of his heart against his ribs. 
“It feels to me like a point of no return, Lo,” I said carefully, running my hand up his gray t-shirt to settle at the base of his throat. I thought of licking the little hollow there, sucking the taste of his skin and sweat and holding it in my mouth like a Biblically ancient pour of wine. 
Possession. That's what was rising in me. Like holding in my hands a delicate paper crane I could crush and something in me wanted to— but something else wanted to keep close to me, away from other influence and all harm. Even my own. 
He squirmed, rocking his hips into nothing. “I want to… I don’t know. Serve you.”
“You do. More than you realize.”
“Like this,” he said, and sucked the length of my thumb delicately. 
”I never would have asked you for this. Do you know that? Never.” 
”Yes,” he answered. “I know.”
“You’re hard to say no to. Are you nervous?”
“Yeah. But it doesn’t matter.”
I took my thumb from his mouth. Nodded at my unbuttoned lap. “Well.”
His chest rose and fell faster, and he turned to better position himself, undoing my fly and awkwardly, gingerly pulling me free from all constraints. There is something more lewd about having your cock out while fully dressed than being naked. I was hopelessly hard now, had been since he rocked his hips against the air at my words. 
He took my swollen length in his hand, his broad palm and long fingers so unlike the jeweled and acrylic-nailed hands of the girls I often chose. I put my arms behind my head, resting my laced palms on the back of my neck. I could see us in the reflection of the east wall of the living room, bathed in buttery lamp glow against the backdrop of the frigid black lake. He put his mouth on the tip of me and I watched him, turning from the reflection on the glass to see him directly. 
Sweethot, yes. Slick and wet and perfect. A debauched and ever wicked ex-pet back at his master’s feet, toying with his own free will and riding up to the gate with it like a banner. With one perfect fist closed at the base he took me in his mouth, slow and unsure at first. With my murmured encouragement he took me a little deeper, a little more surely. 
He’d done this before, I guessed. That was for the best. 
As he bobbed his head he rocked his hand in motion with himself, not shy of the way his saliva ran down my shaft and onto his knuckles, not shy of the wet sucking noises he made as he served me in the only new way he could think of now. I fumbled for the remote and muted the TV. I wanted to hear this. 
“Just like that,” I told him by way of encouragement. “Good boy.”
I lowered a hand to snake it in his hair and he slowed, faltering to see what I wanted. I guided him back down, at the same pace he’d been doing before. He continued, glancing up at me in a moment that almost made me lose my composure. I moaned, handful of dark curls, catching our glimpse in the reflection every so often like watching pornography, committing the scene to memory.  
I warned him I was close, giving him the chance to back off and finish with his hand. He didn’t. I came in his eager mouth, a perfect moment of whiteout pleasure, a bloody steak thrown to a creature I’d kept starved and tame in the back of my mind these last half dozen times I’d seen him. He came up for air only when I let go of his hair, lips pink and swollen, eyes wet. 
I held his face in my palms. “You’re really something.”
He smiled, pleased. 
I tucked myself back into my pants and convinced him to take off his clothes. He lay on his back naked, clutching a soft throw I kept on the back of the sofa over his hips modestly. I noticed a lattice of white, raised scars on his upper thighs. He saw my eyes on them and winced almost imperceptibly, miserably resigned to the likelihood that I’d mention it. 
They were minor cuts, had probably been done with a razor and bled for only a few minutes. They were nowhere near any vital veins, and I had no intention of making it a bigger deal than it was, even though it was an act I considered both girlish and juvenile. I ignored them and looked at his face instead, his eyes watching me closely. 
He let me kiss him everywhere else— the quivering well at the center of his ribcage, his silky thighs, the inner softness of his ankle. When his answering shivers and panting breaths quieted, I looked up to find him crying without a sound. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I feel good. I’m sorry.”
I opened my arms to him, offering. He came into them, tucking his head under my chin. I petted his hair, the base of his neck. He was still hard. I touched him there, silky and beautiful and leaking from the tip. He moved to better let me. I stroked him slowly, until he was done with tears and let his head fall back on my shoulder, whimpering like a pup and grasping the fabric of my pants at my knee. 
“It’s alright,” I whispered low in his ear. “Let me make you feel good. I’ve got you.” 
It was the talking that did it for him, I noticed. It was my words that made him writhe and tense in my hand. I kept talking to him as he gasped and came, slowing my hand until he was done and I was just holding him, sensitive as a beating heart turned inside out. 
I wondered— what cards had I just played? What cards did I let him believe he held? And whyever the tears? He still wanted things from me, things he couldn’t get from Max or that Max, in all his decent simplicity, would not give him.
Perhaps it was decency that stayed Max’s hand where it moved mine. Perhaps he was only interested in women. Could be it was a little of both. In any case. Here Carlo was. 
I leaned down to fish Carlo’s cotton shirt from the floor and cleaned him, then my hand. I always hated the mess, afterward. It throws cold water on the thrumming nectar of any moment, turning what was only moments before the tilting zenith of a symphony into something animal and mundane. I tossed the soiled shirt to the floor and pulled the forgotten blanket over his bare skin, kissed his warm forehead. 
“I don’t feel like that was a point of no return,” he said drowsily, leaning against me. “I don’t know why it’s any different.”
“Hush,” I told him gently, and turned the television back on. I’d hold him if he wished, but I wasn’t going to pillow talk to him about it like a woman, or a virgin, of which he was neither. “Then it isn’t.” 
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aeautoevcharger · 11 months
Rome Airport in Italy successfully cooperates with Nanjing AE
To encourage the purchase of electric vehicles and EV charging stations, the Italian government approved a new incentive measure, which has officially come into effect in 2023. The incentive measure is part of dedicated funding for the automotive industry, with about $8.7 billion expected to be spent in the year 2023-2024 to provide subsidies for the purchase of  vehicles of low-pollution and low-emission and charging infrastructure. The introduction of this incentive measure will inject new vitality into Italian electric vehicle market.
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Policy subsidies:
What incentives are there for buying an electric car in Italy?
The most important new content of the electric vehicle incentives announced officially in 2023 include subsidies for the purchase of charging stations and a list of beneficiaries. For example, the long-term rental companies offer double subsidies for those whose income is below 30,000 euros .The total fiscal coverage of electric vehicle incentives in 2023 is $150 million.This move will further expand the user groups of electric vehicles and allow more people to enjoy the convenience and benefits of environmentally friendly travel.
Additionally, further donations are expected to be used to purchase and install electric vehicle charging stations. 40 million euros will be used to subsidize the installation of EV chargers. The policy aims to reduce net emissions to zero by the year 2050 and replace diesel vehicles by 2035 or earlier.
Current status of charging infrastructure:
By the end of 2022 , Italy had 36,772 EV chargers installed at 19,334 charging stations (stations or poles) and 14,048 public locations. Equally important, the output power of charging point is also growing.The number of ultra-fast charging points has been tripled, with the output power ranging from 100kW to 350kW. This improvement measures will greatly improve charging efficiency and meet the growing charging demand. 
The number of charging stations close to city centers and major cities is growing rapidly . There are more than 600 charging stations every 10 kilometers, aiming to solve the charging problem in the popularization of electric vehicles and provide users with more convenient charging services. Motorway charging points increase rapidly compared to the previous year. In one year, the number of charging stations has been quadrupled , with 64% of them having the power of 150kW or more, providing drivers with shorter charging times for long-distance journeys.
AE system (AEAUTO) signed a batch order of #120kW DC fast charging stations with Italian bus operators in the first half of this year. The EV chargers will be used for the airport internal bus fleet, buses, and luggage transport vehicles, to improve the overall operational efficiency of the airport and make it convenient for passengers. Meanwhile, this will reduce carbon emissions and provides employees with environmentally friendly and efficient charging service.
There are a lot of fleets in Rome airport in Italy. Including land transportation services and passenger and baggage transport vehicles within the airport area, which require dedicated base locations for maintenance and charging. These vehicles play a vital role in airport operations, providing indispensable support for maintaining flight operations and comfortable passenger travel. Therefore, providing efficient charging solutions for these electric ground service vehicles and employee electric vehicles is crucial for airports.
Selection process:
Airport management began looking for the right charging station product to meet their needs. After visiting Nanjing AE(AEAUTO) #charging station samples at an international trade show , they contacted the local dealer and decided to cooperate with AE system . AEAUTO has a high reputation in the field of charging infrastructure and is committed to #providing the best charging solutions to electric vehicle customers. The products not only provide the perfect combination of functionality, efficiency and convenience, but also meet economic efficiency requirements.
Nanjing AE (AEAUTO)#electric vehicle charging stations are equipped with #V2G technology, which not only provides fast charging but also enables two-way flow of energy. It can be realized that the electric energy from the line network can be charged into the power battery of the electric vehicle during the low power load period, and the electric energy in the electric vehicle power battery can be fed back to the line network during the peak electric load period. It can help the line network achieve peak-cutting and valley-filling and frequency modulation functions. It is also equipped with multiple charging method options such as #APP/OCPP/RFID; multiple standard insertion guns can be customized, including #CCS/CHAdeMO/GBT; it also has high-efficiency charging capabilities, with a #charging efficiency of up to 97%. It only takes 20 minutes to fully charge. AE system (AEAUTO)#dc charging stations are carefully designed to be durable, reliable and comply with all relevant safety and technical standards. The dealer and installation teams strategically placed these #charging stations in the airport’s on-site parking lots to ensure that the charging needs of ground service electric vehicles and employee electric vehicles are met without affecting daily operations of the airport.
The AE system(AEAUTO)#dc fast charger was put into use at the Italian airport, it #successfully solved the problem of bus operators charging their bus fleets. In follow-up feedback, the airport management expressed appreciation for Nanjing AE(AEAUTO) #fleet charging solution and believed that the solution complies with international charging standards and regulatory requirements. It not only helps reduce carbon emissions and is in line with the airport's sustainable development goals , but also meets their economic needs .The customer expressed great satisfaction with this cooperation.
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Nanjing AE systemalways adheres to the concept of innovation, constantly improves product quality and service levels , and creates more business opportunities for customers! Whether you are an operator or an individual car owner,AE system will wholeheartedly provide you with the highest quality #ev charging solutions. Make your travel more pleasant and convenient!
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6b07 · 1 month
The 6B07 Newsletter (Issue 3, 2024-08-24)
Welcome again to the 6B07 newsletter, courtesy of your elected representative to Advisory Neighborhood Commission single member district 6B07, Vince Mareino.  If you don’t want to get any future emails, just reply "unsubscribe".
School News
Our two DCPS schools, Watkins and Payne, will start the new school year on Monday, August 26.  Watkins’s Principal Berkowitz asked me to let you know that the school is adjusting the drop-off and pick-up protocol, in response to our concerns that last year’s policy wasn’t safe for pedestrians.  Morning drop-off and aftercare pick-up will now revert to the old system, where any drivers dropping off kids should use the DDOT-designated spots on 12th St SE.  The 3:15-3:30 pick-up will keep using the controversial system of requiring parents to fetch their kids from the football field.  However, the school is going to ask drivers to park on all four sides of the school instead of encouraging them to crowd their cars onto E St SE.  The school is also going to have staff stand at the intersection of 12th & E and prohibit cars from driving eastbound on the 1200 block of E St SE from 3:15-3:30.  My assessment is that this won’t be as safe as the good old days when the DC government provided shuttle bus service, but it should be a heck of a lot safer than the 2023-24 school year was.  Neighbors, let me know what you see, especially after the inevitable first-week jitters wear off and parents learn the system.
Payne is in the process of finishing up an ambitious gardening project.  I know a lot of people have been complaining that, for most of the summer, 14th St SE has had a malarial puddle of muddy water, while 15th St SE has been so dry that some bushes have died.  But they’re working on it, and I’m expecting it’ll look great in a month or so.
Gardening News
An invasive species, the spotted lanternfly, has the potential to harm a lot of local plants.  If you’ve seen any, please contact DDOT Urban Forestry!  The contact form – along with photos and other helpful info about the spotted lanternfly – can be found at https://trees.dc.gov/pages/invasive-species-spotted-lantern-fly .
Home Repair News
The new DC Dept of Buildings, which took over housing permits from the DCRA, is trying to make it easier to get permission to do simple home repairs like repairing your porch, installing new outlets, or replacing gas appliances with electric ones. Many of these repairs can be done with a “postcard” permit, which usually cost $33.  What you might not know is that you can get these postcard permits in a couple minutes without getting out of your pajamas – just go to https://dob.dc.gov/node/1616046 .
Driving Safety News
DDOT plans to rebuild 8th St SE, just like how they rebuilt Pennsylvania Ave SE, to make it safer and easier to use for drivers, pedestrians, bikers, and especially bus riders.  ANC 6B has worked with them on the first planning phase, and now they’re entering the proposal phase.  Read more at https://buspriority.ddot.dc.gov/pages/8thstse or attend the ANC 6B Transportation Meeting at 7 pm on Sept 4th.
ANC Meeting News
Last but not least, we’re ending the summer vacation and getting back to business.  Here’s our busy schedule over the next two weeks:
Monday August 26, 6:30 pm – Library Task Force, https://anc6b.org/meetings/august-southeast-library-taskforce-meeting/
Tuesday August 27, 7 pm – Executive Planning, https://anc6b.org/meetings/august-2024-anc-6b-executive-committee-meeting/
Tuesday September 3, 7 pm – Alcohol & Cannabis Review, https://anc6b.org/event/alcoholic-beverage-cannabis-committee-meeting-8/
Wednesday September 4, 7 pm – Transportation, https://anc6b.org/event/transportation-committee-meeting-33/?instance_id=504
Thursday September 5, 7 pm – Planning & Zoning, https://anc6b.org/event/planning-zoning-committee-meeting-32/?instance_id=517
Monday September 9, 7 pm – ANC 6B Full Monthly Meeting, https://anc6b.org/event/anc-6b-full-monthly-meeting-8/?instance_id=609
Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or opinions to share on any local topics, please drop me a line!
Vince Mareino, ANC Rep for 6B07
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dccarserviceandlimo · 2 years
Car Service DC for New Year Party - New Year's Eve is just around the corner. This day comes once a year, and you can make your New Year's Eve more special with Car Service DC. As long as you choose the right company, you should get highly experienced and knowledgeable drivers who can point out the area, its history, and best places to visit. Celebrate the holiday with Car Service DC for New Year Party and the end of the year. Plan your evening with DC Car Service and you will have a great time. Please call DC Car Service to schedule your next holiday or seasonal event transportation service for any upcoming event. Call us today at (202)888-7833 to rent your New Year's luxury transportation, and make this year unforgettable.
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dclimoandcarservice · 2 years
DC Limo Rental for New Year -   - New Year's Eve is just around the corner. This day comes once a year, and you can make your New Year's Eve more special with Limo Service DC. As long as you choose the right company, you should get highly experienced and knowledgeable drivers who can point out the area, its history, and best places to visit. Celebrate the holiday with Limo Service DC for New Year Party and the end of the year. Plan your evening with DC Limo Service and you will have a great time. Make this New Year even more special by choosing a limo to drive you to this year's greatest events. Call us Now at (202) 765-2350 to rent your New Year's luxury transportation, and make this year unforgettable or Get Instant free quotes now! We make it easy to book a limo in Washington, DC. 
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aeautoevcharger · 10 months
Reliable EV Charging Station for Outdoor
In terms of electric vehicle sales, Sweden continues to maintain its leading position in the world: the sales penetration rate is 60%, behind only Norway. That number is likely to continue to rise as Sweden pledges to ban the sale of new internal combustion engine cars by 2030. Moreover, duty-free workplace charging of electric vehicles (EV) is a tax incentive policy decided by the Swedish government on May 31, 2023, to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and support the development of charging infrastructure. This policy change will have a significant impact on Sweden's electric vehicle market as it will provide financial benefits to employees, reduce CO2 emissions and make electric vehicles more popular.
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Cumulative car registrations in Europe in 2023
As can be seen from the figure, new car registrations in the Swedish auto market in the third quarter increased by 13.8% compared to last year, of which pure electric vehicles accounted for 41.9%. It can be seen that the electric vehicle craze in this country has been going on for several months, but the growth rate of 57.5% is still amazing, increasing the market share by 11.6 percentage points in just one year. Moreover, the sales of gasoline vehicles and diesel vehicles showed a downward trend locally, with a decrease of 4.1% and 18.8% respectively. Judging from the cumulative data for 2023, new registrations of passenger cars increased by 2.4% within one year, totaling 209,343 units, of which pure electric vehicles accounted for 38.8%, an increase of 10.4 percentage points from the first nine months of 2022. 
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What are the commonly used electric cars in Sweden? According to official statistics, in the first seven months of 2023, the number of electric vehicles in Sweden increased by 13.8% compared with last year. In the first half of this year, this business grew 57.5% year-on-year. As of August this year, the top three sales of pure electric vehicles are Tesla Model Y Volvo, followed by Volkswagen. It can be seen that Tesla occupies a major position in the Swedish electric vehicle market.
The 60-160kW fast DC electric vehicle charging piles produced by AEAUTO can not only meet the needs of local customers for electric vehicle charging technology in the region but also adapt to the needs of various local models. Not only does the product have a 97% efficient charging capacity,but it can fully charge your electric car and set off within 20 minutes, allowing you to enjoy a pleasant journey! It also supports multiple charging methods such as APP/OCPP/RFID, making the charging process more convenient.
At the same time, AEAUTO has newly launched 60-160kW V2G ev charging piles, which not only provide fast charging but also enable a two-way flow of energy. It can be realized that the electric energy from the line network can be charged into the power battery of the electric vehicle during the low power load period, and the electric energy in the electric vehicle power battery can be fed back to the line network during the peak electric load period. It can help the line network achieve peak-cutting and valley-filling frequency modulation functions. Whether it is local office buildings, hospitals, schools, logistics centers, car repair shops, or supermarkets, AEAUTO's ev charging piles provide one-stop electric vehicle charging services. Therefore, whether at work or shopping, it can fully meet all customers' fast charging station needs for electric vehicles, thereby improving charging efficiency and saving time and cost. After the AEAUTO dc electric car charger station was put into use in Sweden, it greatly solved the electric vehicle charging problems of residents and companies. AEAUTO will continue to uphold innovative concepts, continuously improve product quality and service levels, and create more business opportunities for you!
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For more information, please visit our website at http://www.autopilotes.com or contact us directly!
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prajwalseo · 1 year
Automotive Power System Market Research Reports 2023-2030
United States - The market research carried out in this large scale Automotive Power System market report succors clients to forecast investment in an emerging market, expansion of market share or success of a new product. Multifarious Automotive Power System market insights are turned into simpler version with the well-established tools & techniques in this credible marketing report. For a clear & better understanding of facts & figures, the data is characterized using graphs & charts. Integrated approaches & latest technology have been employed for the best results while generating such Automotive Power System market report. Automotive Power System market research report identifies & analyses the up-and-coming trends along with major drivers, restraints, challenges & opportunities in the market for this industry.
The worldwide Automotive Power System market is expected to grow at a booming CAGR of 2023-2030, rising from USD billion in 2023 to USD billion in 2030. It also shows the importance of the Automotive Power System market main players in the sector, including their business overviews, financial summaries, and SWOT assessments.
Get Free Sample PDF Copy of Latest Research on Automotive Power System Market 2030 Before the Purchase: https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/request_sample.php?id=1208225&PJ08
This winning Automotive Power System market report deals with plentiful important market related aspects which can be listed as follows; market size estimations, company & market best practices, entry level strategies, market dynamics, positioning, segmentations, competitive landscaping & benchmarking, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, roadmap analysis, & in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings. Excellent practice models & method of research applied for this business report unearths the best opportunities to succeed in the market. Automotive Power System market research report not only saves valuable time but also add credibility to the work.
Some of the key players involved in the Market are: ABB, Siemens, Emerson, Delta (Eltek), Jenoptik, Atlas Marine Systems, Thales Group, Lite-On Technology, Acbel Polytech, Salcomp, Fischer Panda
The segments and sub-section of Automotive Power System market is shown below:
The Study is segmented by the following Product/Service Type:
Automotive AC Power System
Automotive DC Power Syste
Major applications/end-users industry are as follows:
Passenger Car
Commercial Vehicl
Historical year – 2018-2022;
Base year – 2022;
Forecast period – 2023 to 2030
Get This Report (Flat 20% DISCOUNT): https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/checkout?id=1208225&price=&discount=20&PJ08
Important years considered in the Automotive Power System study:
If opting for the Global version of Automotive Power System Market; then the below country analysis would be included:
North America (the USA, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Nordic Nations, Spain, Switzerland, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and the Rest of APAC)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Rest of the countries, etc.)
the Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Report Highlights:
Comprehensive pricing analysis on the basis of product, application, and regional segments
The detailed assessment of the key vendors landscape and leading companies to help understand the level of competition in the global Automotive Power System market
Deep insights about regulatory and investment scenarios of the global Automotive Power System market
Analysis of market effect factors and their impact on the forecast and outlook of the global Automotive Power System market
Growth opportunities roadmap available in the global Automotive Power System market with the identification of key factors
Automotive Power System market analysis of various trends to help identify market developments
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bronze-gamin-o · 1 year
Today's Shopping Treasury in Sagamino City--June 14th & 15th 2023 Daytime( Rates at 06/18/2023 9PM--UTC+9)
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FamilyMart [Sagami Women's University-Front Store] ¥179 $1.26 -- AQUARIUS, 950ml pet bottle [w/ campaign free coupon] -¥179 -$1.26 -- Campaign Free Coupon [You win this coupon for buying an AQUARIUS, 500ml pet bottle the earlier week.]
FamilyMart [Sagami JoshiDai-Mae Store] ADDRESS: 5-17-26 Sagami-Ono Sagamihara Minami-ku, Kanagawa 252-0303 JAPAN TEL: 042-767-5085 OPEN: 24h, everyday PAYMENT: cash; credit card( VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club INTERNATIONAL, DISCOVER, Famima T Card; FamiPay, iD, WAON, QUICPay,Rakuten Edy,T Money, Transportation IC card( Suica, PASMO), d Pay, LINE Pay, PayPay, Rakuten Pay, au Pay, J-Coin Pay, Yucho Pay{Japan Post Bank Pay}, Mɛrpay, pring, Smart Code, Alipay+, WeChat Pay SERVICE: ATM, multi-copy, Wi-Fi, tobacco, alcohol
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LIFE Super [Sagami Oh-No Station-Front Store] ¥288 $2.03 -- Eggs( 1 pack of 10 white eggs) ¥236 $1.66 -- Hard Tofu{Momin Tofu}( 4 packs, 1 pack ¥59) ¥556 $3.92 -- PEPSI ZERO, 1.5L pet bottle( 4 bottles, 1 bottle ¥139) ¥178 $1.25 -- Buckwheat Tea{Soba Wheat Tea}, 500ml pet bottle( 2 bottles, 1 bottle ¥89) ¥180 $1.27 -- Corn Tea, 500ml pet bottle( 2 bottles, 1 bottle ¥90) ¥198 $1.40 -- Canned Sardine Boiled in Miso( 2 cans, 1 can ¥99) ¥198 $1.40 -- Canned Sardine Seasoned in Soy Sauce( 2 cans, 1 can ¥99) ¥398 $2.80 -- Dried Small Fish, NO salt added ¥15 $0.11 -- Big Plastic Bag( 3 bags, 1 bag ¥5) ¥2232 $15.73 -- w/ 8% sales tax ¥178 $1.25 -- 8% sales tax ¥15 $0.11 -- w/ 10% sales tax ¥1 $0.01 -- 10% sales tax ¥2426 $17.09 -- Total
LIFE CORPORATION Super Market [Sagami-Ono Station-Front Store] ADDRESS: 3-2-1 Sagami-Ono Sagamihara Minami-ku, Kanagawa 252-0303 JAPAN TEL: 042-748-7400 OPEN: 9:00a.m-0:00a.m, closed after sold out CLOSED: Tuesdays PAYMENT: cash; credit card( MasterCard, VISA, DC, Nicos, etc.); transportation IC card( PASMO, Suica); R Edy, iD, nanaco, WAON; etc. PARKING LOT: up to 698 cars, 3hrs free w/ ¥3000 purchase using BONO MEMBERS CARD
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Fit Care DEPOT [Sagami Oh-No Store] ¥118 $0.83 -- Chinese Dumplings{Gyoza}, raw ¥268 $1.89 -- Toilet Paper( 1 pack of 12 rolls) ¥10 $0.07 -- Big Plastic Bag( 2 bags, 1 bag ¥5) ¥512 $3.61 -- PEPSI ZERO, 1.5L pet bottle( 4 bottles, 1 bottle ¥128) ¥216 $1.52 -- Soakin-Beecha, 500ml pet bottle( 2 bottles, 1 bottle ¥108) ¥88 $0.62 -- Orange Jelly( 1 pack of 3 cups) ¥78 $0.55 -- Custard Pudding( 1 pack of 3 cups) ¥278 $1.96 -- Canned Corn, NO salt added( 1 case of 3 small cans) ¥108 $0.76 -- DANON Aloe Yogurt( 1 pack of 4 cups) ¥108 $0.76 -- DANON 3 Berries Yogurt( 1 pack of 4 cups) ¥138 $0.97 -- Mo-zuckoo Seaweed, pickled in vinegar( 1 pack of 3 small trays) ¥178 $1.25 -- Kim-oochi ¥139 $0.98 -- Non-Fat Milk( originally ¥198, 30% off for being close to expiration date) ¥98 $0.69 -- PASCO Apple Pie ¥33 $0.23 -- Bean Sprouts( 2 bags, 1 bag ¥19, 30% off on 1 bag for being close to expiration date) ¥298 $2.10 -- European Sugar Cone, ice cream( 1box, 5 cones) ¥248 $1.75 -- Home Run Bar, vanilla & chocolate ice cream( 1 box, 10 bars) ¥156 $1.10 -- Can of Chopped Tomatoes( 2 cans, 1 can ¥78) ¥58 $0.41 -- Small Beans Natto( 1 pack of 3 small trays) ¥138 $0.97 -- Levain Butter Roll, w/ trapped margarine( 1 bag, 5 rolls) ¥178 $1.25 -- Nam-Echo Mushroom( 2 bags, 1 bag ¥89) ¥70 $0.49 -- Finely Cut Green Spring Onions, 1 small tray( originally ¥100, 30% off for being close to expiration date) ¥174 $1.23 -- Cherry Tomatoes( originally ¥248, 30% off for being close to expiration date) ¥3412 $24.04 -- w/ 8% sales tax ¥272 $1.92 -- 8% sales tax ¥278 $1.96 -- w/ 10% sales tax ¥27 $0.19 -- 10% sales tax ¥3989 $28.11 -- Total
Kamegaya Fit Care DEPOT [Sagami-Ono Store] ADDRESS: 14-5 Yutaka-cho Sagamihara Minami-ku, Kanagawa 252-0305 JAPAN TEL: 042-702-2333 OPEN: 9:00a.m-10:30p.m, CLOSED New Years PAYMENT: cash; Kamigaya money, d Point Card; transportation IC card( Suica, PASMO); iD, WAON, QUICPay, R Edy, nanaco, credit card( JCB, Union Pay International, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club INTERNATIONAL, SAISON CARD, VISA, MasterCard, DISCOVER); R Pay, PayPay, LINE Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay, d Pay, Mɛrpay, au PAY, Smart Code, Hama Pay, Fami Pay, atone, pring; EPOS Pay, K Plus, etc. PARKING LOT: free parking for purchases SERVICE: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, parcel receival
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Additional Info [Rabbit Pet Food & PetCare Goods] Amazon.co.jp [Internet Store] ¥3510 $24.73 -- Alfalfa, 500g( 5 bags, 1 bag ¥702) ¥790 $5.57 -- Pet Non-Alcohol Wet Tissues( 80 sheets) ¥346 $2.44 -- Hearty Dried Green Mango, fine cut 30g ¥486 $3.42 -- Pasture Oat Hay, 400g -¥119 -$0.84 -- Discount ¥5013 $35.32 -- Total
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Cheap Limo Service DC Offers Party Bus Rental DC as Well
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With One of The Largest Fleets of Limo and Buses, No Other Limo Company Compares. Looking for an affordable limo service in DC? Look no further! Cheap Limo Service DC offers cheap limo service options that don't compromise on quality. Enjoy a luxurious and comfortable ride in our stylish limousines, all at competitive rates. Book your budget-friendly limo service with us today and arrive in style!
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It’s easy to assume that a company with the name like Party Bus DC is only going to specialize in party buses. That may be true for some small, relatively new companies, but for this one, they have been family owned and operated since 1994. For more than 25 years they have been providing the best transportation, including for those looking for a limo service DC.
In reality, this company has one of largest fleets of limos and buses. We have stretch limousines, gorgeous Lincoln Town Cars and other sedans, Hummer limos, party buses, executive minibuses, coach buses, and more. We also have some of the safest drivers in the industry.
Our drivers are put through a rigorous interview, a background screening check, safe driver training, and random drug testing to ensure continued safety.
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This company also has the latest GPS navigation technology installed in every single one of their limos and buses. That means for those looking for a Party Bus Rental DC, they can sit back, work, relax, make phone calls, or do anything else they want and rest assured knowing we will reach the airport on time.
This company also monitors all incoming flights to ensure somebody will be there to greet the passenger when their flight arrives, even if it gets in several hours late due to mechanical issues or weather delays.
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We provide immediate billing, short notice availability, and 24/7 customer support. For those who know anything about the transportation industry, they realize that 24/7 support is not that common. If anyone is in need of a Cheap Limo Rental, for an airport trip, anniversary dinner, prom, a wedding, or anything else, they should make Party Bus DC their first call at (800) 371-1434. They can also visit out website to make a reservation or learn more about the services we offer by visiting.
Source: https://cheaplimoandcarservicedc.blogspot.com/2023/06/Cheap-Limo-Service-DC-Offers-Party-Bus-Rental-DC-as-Well.html
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theultimatefan · 1 year
Motobyo Launches Crowdfunded Capital Raise Campaigns with Netcapital and Fundable
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Motobyo, the tech-driven used car marketplace designed for everyday consumers, not dealers, today launched two crowdfunded capital raise campaigns for individual investors with industry leaders Netcapital and Fundable.
The auto industry tech leader is raising $4 million to power the future growth of Motobyo, including expansion into other regions of the United States.
Interested investors can view up-to-the-minute updates on Motobyo starting today on Netcapital at https://netcapital.com/companies/motobyo and on Fundable at https://www.fundable.com/motobyo.
Motobyo’s founders committed $1.1 million in capital investment to support itds early pre-launch efforts and then raised $2.5 million in additional funds to support the Company’s August 2022 beta launch in the Greater Philadelphia DMA.
During that beta launch, Motobyo gained greater brand awareness and organic customer growth with increasing use of its online auction marketplace that connects used car sellers and buyers.
“We are pleased with the traction of the business during our beta launch,” said Ron Averett, Chief Executive Officer of Motobyo. “We are already experiencing more than 3,500 individuals requesting our vehicle liquidation services monthly. Although our primary focus has been on the Philadelphia DMA we have been actively conducting tests nationally and now have account holders in more than 40 states across the country. Looking ahead, we see a clear roadmap to accelerate our expansion and growth.”
Providing services and products to everyday consumers that are traditionally associated with automobile dealerships, Motobyo’s national partnership network includes Firestone Complete Auto Care, Tires Plus and Wheel Works, Meineke, Midas and Your Mechanic (car inspection and service); Credible (financing); The Zebra (insurance); Acertus (titling); Carfax and AutoCheck (car history); Ekata (customer ID verification); and uShip (vehicle transport).
Motobyo has also partnered with over 30 Philadelphia-area dealers as buying centers to support its cash offer solution.
Plans for 2023 include more focused expansion beyond the Philadelphia DMA into other markets, including all of Pennsylvania, North Jersey and New York as well as metro markets such as Baltimore, DC / northern Virginia, Chicago, Dallas, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Birmingham and more.
“While the general theme of the business this year will be on expansion, our overriding focus will continue to be on demonstrating how Motobyo can assist vehicle sellers in maximizing their value and providing our buyers access to a fantastic selection of inventory,” Averett said.
Motobyo enables private party individuals to buy and sell vehicles, without the typical inefficiencies associated with the used car industry. Empowering both sides of the transaction, sellers get top dollar value without leaving money on the table, while buyers have access to services typically only provided by a dealer.
Providing a platform unparalleled in the used car industry – Motobyo is directly connecting vehicle supply to demand – saving time, avoiding the normal hassles and headaches and providing consumers with value not available anywhere else in the industry.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
314 of 2023
Acronyms [True or False]
Created by joybucket
You often type "lol." 😂 You often type "idk." You often type "idr." You've typed "ily." 😘 You've never typed "ily," because you think it looks stupid. You have or have had ADD or ADHD. You think you may have ADD or ADHD, but you're not sure. You've been tested for ADD/ADHD at a doctor's office. You've taken prescription medication for ADD or ADHD. 💊 You have OCD. You think you may have OCD, but you're not sure. You've typed "ikr." You've done the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and uploaded a video of you doing it to social media. 🧊 You know someone who has had ALS. You've been certified in CPR. You remember learning how to do CPR on a plastic dummy in health class. You've actually had to give CPR to someone in an emergency situation. You've typed "aka." You've typed "iso." You often type "smh." 🤦‍♀️ You have the health condition POTS. You've wondered if you had POTS. You've worked as an RA when you were in college. You've applied to be an RA when you were in college, but you didn't get the position. You've been roommates with an RA when you were in college. You've been friends with an RA when you were in college. When you were in college, you were friends with your RD. You've worked as an RD at a college. You think working as an RD in a college dorm sounds like it would be a fun job. When you were in college, the Dining Commons was called the DC. When you were in college, the place where you ate was called something other than "the DC." You've never been to college or eaten at a college DC. You've never been to college, and you don't know what an RA or an RD is. You have something you're waiting for, and you wish it would get here ASAP. You own a NASA t-shirt. You've typed "ttyl." 👋 You like the song "Sk8r Boi" by Avril Lavigne. 🎸 You've dated a sk8r boi. 🛹 You've attended a college called SAU. You've attended a college called MSU. You've attended a college called FSU. You enjoy watching DIY Room Decor videos on YouTube. You've done a craft project that you first saw in a DIY Room Decor video on YouTube. You've made your own DIY Room Decor video for YouTube. You want to make your own DIY Room Decor video for YouTube. You've completed a lot of DIY projects over the years. You've burnt yourself with a glue gun while trying to do a DIY project. You're wanted by the FBI. 🕵️‍♀️ You've considered working for the FBI. 🕵️‍♀️ You've referred to your significant other as your "SO." You've driven an SUV. 🚙 You currently drive an SUV. 🚙 You've driven a car, but you've never driven an SUV. You've never driven any kind of car or SUV. You have a PhD. You've seen a UFO. 🛸 You want to see a UFO. 🛸 You know someone who claims to have seen a UFO. 🛸 You can remember a time when you were hooked up to an IV at the hospital. 🏥 You've recently been hooked up to an IV at the hospital. You've received IVF treatments to try and get pregnant. You've written P.S. at the end of a letter. 📝 You've used the acronym "GOAT." 🐐 You've driven across the country in an RV. You've recently RSVP'd to an event. You often get junk mail from the AARP. You've been to an AA meeting. 🍾 You frequently take OTC medication. 💊 You've taken an OTC medication within the last 24 hours. 💊 You're happy with your current PCP. 🩺 You're thinking of switching to a new PCP. You've recently switched to a new PCP. You've had the same PCP your whole life. You've had to wait for hours before being seen at the ER. You've been miraculously healed of something while sitting in the ER waiting room. Where you live, the ER is called A&E. You were a fan of the BSB when you were younger. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺 You've been to an NBA game. 🏀 You've been to an NFL game. 🏈 You watch ESPN. You've taken a test that said you had a high IQ. You've taken a test that said you had a normal IQ. You've taken a test that said you had a low IQ. You've recently seen a UPS truck drive by. You grew up watching PBS Kids. AT&T is your Internet service provider. You remember learning about WWII in school. 🏫 You've recently eaten a BLT. 🥪 You've recently eaten a PB & J sandwich. You listened to Aly & AJ when you were younger. You've owned an Aly & AJ CD. 💿 You've met someone named PJ. You've met someone named BJ. You've met someone named AJ. You like to drink OJ with breakfast. 🍊 You often stay in your pjs all day. You are currently in your pjs. You've gone out in public in your pjs. You have a TV in your living room. You have a TV in your bedroom. You have the TV turned on right now. You own a VCR. You own a collection of CDs. 💿 You own a collection of DVDs. 📀 You've made a mix CD. 💿 You've tested positive for HIV/AIDS. You've tested positive for COVID19. 🦠 You have IBS. You think you may have IBS, but you're not sure. Sometimes you have IBS symptoms, but they're caused by another disorder. You live in the USA. 🇺🇸 You live in the UK. 🇬🇧 You have a USB cord hooked up to your computer right now. You've been to a PTA meeting. You can think of at least one song you like by ABBA. You've experienced PMS. You hate PMS. You have PMDD. You love spending time with your BFF. You don't currently have a BFF. You consider your SO your BFF. You have a BF. You have a GF. You own an NIV Bible. 📖 You own a KJV or NKJV Bible. 📖 You own another version of the Bible besides NIV, KJV, or NKJV. 📖 You frequently watch MTV. You remember when everyone was preparing for the Y2K. You had a flashlight ready before we entered into the Y2K. 🔦 You thought this survey was awesome AF (or just A-OK 👌) and think I should make another.
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ecodweeb · 2 years
Karen: 2019 Hyundai Kona Electric Ultimate
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With Albert the Audi out of service for a whining coming from the rear motor, I was finally cornered into the reality that we needed a second road car in our household. Since this was going to be “my” car, input from my husband was neither required nor desired. 
Service Stats
In Service Date: 1/28/2023 In Service Mileage: 18,353 Current Mileage (Jan 2023): 18,353 Out of Service Date: -- Out of Service Mileage: -- Service Life: ongoing Avg. Miles/yr: ?
The History & Story
My husband and I had been sharing a single out of town car, our 2019 Audi etron named Albert, for over two years when the fates stepped in and let me know it was time to have a plan B. With the Audi sitting at the dealer waiting for repair and a Turo experience that went to hell in a handbasket, it became clear that we needed another out of town vehicle that we could depend on. Enter Karen, a lightly used 2019 Kona Electric Ultimate with head up display, ventilated seats, and a heated steering wheel -- finally, I get to have a heated steering wheel!
So why the name Karen? Well, when we arrived at the dealer the 12v was dead. The dealer put in a new aftermarket 12v and the car starts, but it also has a dead HV battery. They push it up the hill to their 50kW DC charger and charge it up so that I can take it for a test run. After buying the car, my best friend Brad and I had intended on taking the forgotten birthday gift my husband left at the house up to my father-in-law. Except that one of Karen’s fobs had a dying battery and would randomly set off the alarm. While we were charging in Greensboro to make it up to Virginia, the alarm went off. I hit the unlock button on the door and the alarm stopped, so I closed the door. Seconds later the lights blinked and the car had locked itself. Luckily this car has roadside until Oct/2024, so they sent AAA out to pop the lock. This delay killed our plans to go to my father-in-law’s birthday dinner. As a result, this car is a Karen because only a Karen would ask to speak to the manager (alarm going off) while being fed (she was charging).
Karen’s seen less than 700 miles so far, but her efficiency is magical: 3.6 to 4.2 miles per kWh - we averaged 4.0mi/kWh running 70MPH with the adaptive cruise control set and the heat at 68F coming home from Greensboro. I took a trip to Winston-Salem and saw the coldgating of 56kW until around 70% with the temps only in the 40s (overnight was lower and car was left unplugged). I have a lot of learning to do with this car, and I’m slated to go to Florida for work any day now... so it won’t be long before I know how she does on a truly long trip.
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themculibrary · 3 years
Disabled Characters Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 19th, 2023
A Couple Dumbasses Courting (ao3) - Takara_Phoenix clint/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony always thought that Clint was a huge fan of AC/DC. That’s why he always stayed in the lab, regardless of how loud Tony’s music was, even when others had long since fled the scene. Now, he learns that that’s not entirely true. Or, well, not at all actually.
Afterimage (ao3) - everythingispoetry pepper/tony, background clint/phil T, 143k
Summary: Sometimes, people and objects just suddenly appear and it's frightening.
as they learned to see (ao3) - often_adamanta steve/tony T, 11k
Summary: Tony stayed silent through her terse explanation, anger growing. When Natasha was finished, he asked, “So you’re telling me that Steve’s been missing for almost two months, most likely kidnapped by an unknown organization, a force which employs two brilliant but completely crazy scientists that hate Stark Industries because they were refused jobs on the basis of their psych evals, and I’m only hearing about this now?”
Begin Again (ao3) - maikurosaki steve/bucky T, 42k
Summary: Breaking up with the love of his life? Gut-wrenching. Believe him, Bucky knows what he is talking about. After all, he is the guy that lost his arm in a terrible car accident, went through intense and painful physiotherapy, and almost lost his dream of becoming a professional engineer.
But life has a funny way of mocking Bucky's plans. When an accident brings the said love of his life back into his life, Bucky isn't surprised to notice that his feelings aren't as buried as he thought they were. However, there's just as much resentment and pain, not to mention a secret or two, and Bucky doesn't think he can be brave again. Not when it comes to Steve Rogers. Not when he might get his heart broken all over again. – Or the one in which Bucky and Steve try to find their way back to each other.
Bright Eyes (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight clint/tony T, 3k
Summary: After being hurt in a fight, Tony ends up temporarily blind and tries to hide it from the team so they don't worry.
Clint is the only one to notice, and an honest conversation between the two about exactly how much Tony matters to the team leads to unexpected kisses.
caring accomodations (ao3) - punyparker G, 59k
Summary: Peter Stark starts his first year at Midtown alongside his service dog, Friday.
(Don't Wanna Be) All By Myself (ao3) - Tito11 steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: In which Tony is deaf, but that was never really the problem.
"Get Up, Steve" (ao3) - NataliaJane steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: After a tragic accident during a mission Steve Rodgers falls into a temporary paralysis. Not only does his condition leave him feeling alone and depressed, his marriage with Tony and relationship with their son falls apart. Three simple words help Steve realize what he's about to loose if he doesn't make a change "Get up, Steve"
Half the Man I Used To Be But Twice the Man I Was (ao3) - pengke T, 68k
Summary: What if Tony Stark suffered more than just shrapnel injuries in Afghanistan? What if he came home less than whole? A series of open-ended, non-linear ficlets focusing on the butterfly effect of Stark's disability.
I Don't Want the World to See Me (ao3) - AngeNoir tony/thor G, 5k
Summary: Tony has a secret, one that is harder and harder to keep from observant teammates.
Lucky Pennies (ao3) - IamShadow21 clint/phil G, 6k
Summary: In Clint Barton's official SHIELD file, there is a supplemental form with a string of letters and numbers indicating a superhuman ability. On it, there are two pieces of information. The first is 'Asset-Reported Ability (unverified)'. The second is 'Combat/Field Applicable Ability Y/N'. 'N' is circled.
Signs of Life (ao3) -aven_garde steve/tony, bruce/natasha, bucky/clint M, 40k
Summary: Tony Stark gets thrown into a new world when a one- night stand ends with him having a son. When it's discovered that Peter is deaf due to his mother's mistakes while pregnant, Tony vows to become the father he never had. Fortunately, he's got the Avengers to step up as a team— and a family.
Slips Like Sighs (ao3) - felinefelicitations loki/steve G, 5k
Summary: They've just got a new long-term patient scheduled, and the care plans already been decided, gone over with family—an older brother. Steve's looked at the file and the charts: car accident, lawyer, some brain damage, and some damage to his left side.
Take All The Courage (ao3) - prettybirdy979 T, 16k
Summary: When what should have been a straight forward mission in Hell's Kitchen goes pear shaped due to lack of communication, teaching his teammates sign language seems like a logical step to Clint. Communication when their comms are down - great plan! And including the local vigilante, who's been working closely with them on this, is a real no-brainer.
Until it turns out said vigilante is an asshole that thinks sign language is beneath him, judging by the way he's stubbornly refusing to learn it.
(Conversely - Matt's trying, he really is but damn it, those two signs are exactly the same... what do you mean they mean completely different things?!)
The Problem With Communication (ao3) - itsallAvengers steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Steve is terrible at flirting, but when he finally picks up the courage to talk to the adorable barista who makes his drinks, he finds himself hitting a small snag:
That being, Tony is deaf. He doesn't know what Steve is saying.
But never say Steve Rogers does not rise to a challenge.
Thumb, Index, and Pinky Extended (ao3) - Eudoxia steve/tony N/R, 4k
Summary: Tony Stark is twenty-one when he loses his voice. It shouldn't matter, but in a world where the first words your Soulmate says to you are marked on your skin, it can be pretty damn annoying.
Undertones and Overtures (ao3) - RockSaltAndRoll steve/bucky E, 106k
Summary: In which Steve is deaf and Bucky is an amputee.
Bucky Barnes is studying for his masters in Music Composition at Juilliard when he unexpectedly meets skinny little artist Steve Rogers in a book store one Saturday. They both have their issues and it’s going to take a lot to understand each other, but with a little help from friends and family, they might be able to make this work.
You Make Me Feel.. (ao3) - instagrims (hermanwazlib), kalika_999 steve/bucky M, 21k
Summary: All Steve wanted was to take a breather, decompress after a mission and go out for a jog in the rain. He wasn't expecting to hide out in a bookstore filled with new and used books or that the employee that worked there thought he was an absolute loser and didn't even realize he was insulting Captain America.
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