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revaldistributor · 10 months
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yashmarketing · 2 years
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When private equity destroys your hospital
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW in PHOENIX (Changing Hands, Feb 29) then Tucson (Mar 9-10), San Francisco (Mar 13), and more!
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As someone who writes a lot of fiction about corporate crime, I naturally end up spending a lot of time being angry about corporate crime. It's pretty goddamned enraging. But the fiction writer in me is especially upset at how cartoonishly evil the perps are – routinely doing things that I couldn't ever get away with putting in a novel.
Beyond a doubt, the most cartoonishly evil characters are the private equity looters. And the most cartoonishly evil private equity looters are the ones who get involved in health care.
(Buckle up.)
Writing for The American Prospect, Maureen Tcacik details a national scandal: the collapse of PE-backed hospital chain Steward Health, a company that bought and looted hospitals up and down the country, starving them of everything from heart valves to prescription paper, ripping off suppliers, doctors and nurses, and callously exposing patients to deadly risk:
Steward occupies a very special place in the private equity looting cycle. Private equity companies arrange themselves on a continuum of indiscriminate depravity. At the start of the continuum are PE funds that buy productive and useful firms (everything from hospitals to car-washes) using "leveraged buyouts." That means that they borrow money to buy the company and use the company itself as collateral: it's like you getting a bank-loan to buy your neighbor's mortgage out from under them, and using your neighbor's house as collateral for that loan.
Once the buyout is done, the PE fund pays itself a "special dividend" (stealing money the business needs to survive) and then starts charging the business a "management fee" for the PE fund's expertise. To pay for all this, the PE bosses start to hack away at the company. Quality declines. So do wages. Prices go up. The company changes suppliers, opting for cheaper alternatives, often stiffing the old company. There are mass layoffs. The remaining employees end up doing three peoples' jobs, for lower wages, with fewer materials of lower quality.
Eventually, that top-feeding PE company finds a more desperate, more ham-fisted PE company to unload the business onto. That middle-feeding company also does a leveraged buyout, pays itself another special dividend, cuts wages, staffing and quality even further. They switch to even worse suppliers and stiff the last batch. Prices go up even higher.
Then – you guessed it – the middle-feeding PE company finds an even more awful PE bottom-feeder to unload the company onto. That bottom feeder does it all again, without even pretending to leave the business in condition to do its job. The company is a shambling zombie at this point, often producing literal garbage in place of the products that made its reputation. Employees' paychecks bounce, or don't show up at all. The company stops bothering to pay the lawyers that have been fending off its creditors. Those lawyers sue the company, too.
That's the kind of PE company Steward Health was, and, as the name suggests, Steward Health is in the business of stripping away the very last residue of value from community hospitals. As you might imagine, this gets pretty fucking ugly.
Steward owns 32 hospitals up and down the country, though its holdings are dwindling as the company walks away from its debt-burdened holdings, after years of neglect that have rendered them unfit for use as health facilities – or for any other purpose. Tcacik's piece offers a snapshot of one such hospital: Florida's Rockledge Regional Medical Center, just eight miles from Cape Canaveral.
Rockledge is a disaster. The fifth floor was, at one point, home to 5,000 bats.
(Rockledge stiffed the exterminators.)
The bats were just the beginning. One of the internal sewage pipes ruptured. Whole sections of the hospital were literally full of shit, oozing out of the walls and ceiling, slopping over medical equipment.
That's an urgent situation for any hospital, but for Rockledge, it's catastrophic, because Rockledge is a hospital without any hospital supplies. Steward has stiffed the companies that supply "heart valves, urology lasers, Impella catheters, cardiac catheterization balloons, slings for lifting heavier patients, blood and urine test reagents, and most recently, prescription paper." Key medical equipment has been repossessed. So have the Pepsi machines. The hospital cafeteria had its supply of cold cuts repossessed:
It's not just Steward's nonpayments that reek of impending doom. Its payments also bear the hallmarks of a scam artist on the brink of blowing off the con. The company recently paid off a vendor with five separate checks for $1m, each drawn on "a random hospital in Utah" (Steward recently walked away from its Utah hospitals; its partners there are suing it for stealing $18m on their way out the door).
This company – which owns 32 hospitals! – has resorted to gambits like sending photos of fake checks to doctors it hasn't paid in months as "proof" that the money was coming (the checks arrived 22 days later).
Steward owes so much money to its employees – $1.66m to just one doctors' group. But the medical staff keep doing their jobs, and are reluctant to speak on the record, thanks to Steward's reputation for vicious retaliation. Those health workers keep showing up to take care of patients, even as the hospital crumbles around them. One clinician told Tcacik: "I watched a bed collapse underneath a [patient] who had just undergone hip surgery."
Rockledge has nine elevators, but only five of them work – the other four have been broken for a year. The hospital's fourth floor has been converted to "a graveyard of broken beds." The sinks are clogged, or filled with foul gunk. There's black mold. Nurses have noted on the maintenance tags that the repair service refuses to attend the hospital until their overdue bills are paid. The fifteen-person on-site maintenance team was cut to just two workers.
Steward is just the latest looting owner of Rockledge. After the Great Financial Crisis, private equity consultants helped sell it to Health Management Associates. The hospital's CEO took home a $10m bonus for that sale and exited; Health Management Associates then quickly became embroiled in a Medicare fraud and kickback scandal. Soon after, Rockledge was passed on to Community Health Systems, who then sold it on to Rockledge.
Steward, meanwhile, was at that time owned by an even bigger private equity giant, Cerberus, which then sold Steward off. That deal was performatively complex and hid all kinds of mischief. Prior to Cerberus's sell-off of Steward, they sold off Steward's real-estate. The buyer was Medical Properties Trust, who gave Cerberus $1.25b for the real-estate: three hospitals in Florida and three more in Ohio. Steward then contracted to operate these hospitals on MPT's behalf, and pay MPT rent for the real-estate.
This complex arrangement was key to siphoning value out of the hospital and to keeping angry creditors at bay – if you can't figure out who owes you money, it's a lot harder to collect on the debt. The scheme was masterminded by Steward founder/CEO Ralph de la Torre. De la Torre is notorious for taking a massive dividend out of the company while it owed $1.4b to its creditors. He bought a $40m yacht with the money.
De la Torre was once feted as a business genius who would "disrupt" healthcare. But as Steward's private jet hops around "Corfu, Santorini, St. Maarten and Antigua" as its hospitals literally crumble, he's becoming less popular. In Massachusetts, politicians have railed against Steward and de la Torre (Governor Healey wants the company to leave the state "as soon as possible").
Florida, by contrast, is much more friendly to Steward. The state Health and Human Services Committee chair Randy Fine is an ardent admirer of hospital privatization and is currently campaigning to sell off the last community hospital in Brevard County. The state inspectors are likewise remarkably tolerant of Steward's little peccadillos. The quasi-governmental agency that inspects hospitals has awarded this shit-and-bat-filled, elevator-free, understaffed rotting hulk "A" grades for quality.
These inspectors jointly represent a mismatched assortment of private and public agencies, dominated by a nonprofit called Leapfrog, the brainchild of Harvard public-health prof Lucian Leape, who founded it in 2000. Leapfrog likes to tout its "transparent" assessment criteria, and Steward are experts at hitting those criteria, spending the exact minimum to tick every box that Leapfrog inspectors use as proxies for overall quality and safety.
This is a pretty great example of Goodhart's Law: "every measurement eventually becomes a target, whereupon it ceases to be a good measurement":
But despite Steward's increasingly furious creditors and its decaying facilities, the company remains bullish on its ability to continue operations. Medical Properties Trust – the real estate investment trust that is nominally a separate company from Steward – recently hosted a conference call to reassure Wall Street investors that it would be a going concern. When a Bank of America analyst asked MPT's CFO how this could possibly be, given the facility's dire condition and Steward's degraded state, the CFO blithely assured him that the company would get bailouts: "We own hospitals no one wants to see closed."
That's the thing about PE and health-care. The looters who buy out every health-care facility in a region understand that this makes them too big to fail: no matter how dangerous the companies they drain become, local governments will continue to prop them up. Look at dialysis, a market that's been cornered by private equity rollups. Today, if you need this lifesaving therapy, there's a good chance that every accessible facility is owned by a private equity fund that has fired all its qualified staff and ceased sterilizing its needles. Otherwise healthy people who visit these clinics sometimes die due to operator error. But they chug along, because no dialysis clinics is worse that "dialysis clinics where unqualified sadists sometimes kill you with dirty needles":
The bad news is that private equity has thoroughly colonized the entire medical system. They took hospitals, fired the doctors, then took over the doctors' groups that provided outsource staff to the hospital:
It's illegal for private equity companies to own doctors' practices (doctors have to own these), but they obfuscated the crime with a paper-thin pretext that they got away with despite its obvious bullshittery:
The financier who decides whether you live or die depends on an algorithm that literally sets a tolerable level of preventable deaths for the patients trapped in the practice:
Private equity also took over emergency rooms and boobytrapped them with "surprise billing" – junk fees that ran to thousands of dollars that you had to pay even if the hospital was in network with your insurer. They made billions from this, and spent a many millions from that booty keeping the scam alive with scare ads:
The whole health stack is colonized by private equity-backed monopolies. Even your hospital bed!
Then there's residential care. Private equity cornered many regional markets on nursing homes and turned them into slaughterhouses, places where you go to die, not live:
The palliative care sector is also captured by private equity. PE bosses hire vast teams of fast-talking salespeople who con vulnerable older people into entering an end-of-life system before they are ready to die. Thanks to loose regulation, the nation is filled with fake hospices that can rake in millions from Medicare while denying all care to their patients (hospice patients don't get life-extending medication or procedures, by definition):
If you survive this long enough, Medicare eventually tells the hospice that you're clearly not dying and you get kicked off their rolls. Now you have to go through the lengthy bureaucratic nightmare of convincing the system – which was previously informed that you were at death's door – that you are actually viable and need to start getting care again (good luck with that).
If that kills you, guess what? Private equity has rolled up funeral homes up and down the country, and they will scam your survivors just as hard as the medical system that killed you did:
The PE sector spent more than a trillion dollars over the past decade buying up healthcare companies, and it has trillions more in "dry powder" allocated for further medical acquisitions. Why not? As the CFO of Medical Properties Trust told that Bank of America analyst last week, when you "own hospitals no one wants to see closed." you literally can't fail, no matter how many people you murder.
The PE sector is a reminder that the crimes people commit for money far outstrip the crimes they commit for ideology. Even the most ideological killers are horrified by the murders their profit-motivated colleagues commit.
Last year, Tkacic wrote about the history of IG Farben, the German company that built Monowitz, a private slave-labor camp up the road from Auschwitz to make the materiel it was gouging Hitler's Wehrmacht on:
Farben bought the cheapest possible slaves from Auschwitz, preferentially sourcing women and children. These slaves were worked to death at a rate that put Auschwitz's wholesale murder in the shade. Farben's slaves died an average of just three months after starting work at Monowitz. The situation was so abominable, so unconscionable, that the SS officers who provided outsource guard-labor to Monowitz actually wrote to Berlin to complain about the cruelty.
The Nuremberg trials are famous for the Nazi officers who insisted that they were "just following order" but were nonetheless executed for their crimes. 24 Farben executives were also tried at Nuremberg, where they offered a very different defense: "We had a fiduciary duty to our shareholders to maximize our profits." 19 of the 24 were acquitted on that basis.
PE is committed to an ideology that is far worse than any form of racial animus or other bias. As a sector, it is committed to profit above all other values. As a result, its brutality knows no bounds, no decency, no compassion. Even the worst crimes we commit for hate are nothing compared to the crimes we commit for greed.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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celesteficdreamland · 20 days
Bunny Hybrid Kyojuro Rengoku x F!Reader: Fuzzy (Modern AU, Pet Hybrid AU)
Summary: [Y/N] stumble across a Big Yellow Flemish Giant who is badly injured, [Y/N] acted fast to save the giant bun little does she knows the surprise that she's going into. Word Count: 4,255 words
Warnings: Blood, Adult Theme-ish (minor nudity)
"Well, you’re done with work [Y/N] and now it’s time to go home, or else your manager will demand for me to stay for night cleaning." You said to yourself as you clock out from your job.
Being a massage therapist is kind of hard but rewarding at the same time. Your family didn’t have much to spend money on from being a nurse so, 'Option B' was an option and you chose the path of helping people relax rather than saving them.
You spent 3 years learning in school sure it normally takes about 2 years to officially complete the course and apply for an official license but you added more years into the course to earn more benefits.
You receive the extra payments from both clients whether they are humans or hybrids. And let me tell you this people pay double for their pet hybrids to relax and help their body unwind from stress and gain more circulation in their blood flow.
As you leave the building the cold wind hits your body and you feel shiver from the night. Winter is right around the corner as once the season of fall ends snow will replace the environment. You get inside your car as you drive home to your apartment.
You turn on your heater to feel the warmth of your car as you drive home. It was a full moon tonight so luckily your sight on the road is a little lighter making you drive more safely.
As you were driving on the road at a distance you saw a rabbit hopping across as the rabbit stopped in its tracks it saw the light of the car and the rabbit’s eyes widened.
You immediately stomp your foot quickly on the brakes as the car immediately stops on the road. If you weren’t wearing your seatbelt you would have bumped your head against the steering wheel.
Your heart races as you are unsure if the bunny was hit or not. You shake your head as you leave your car to investigate the little creature.
You were expecting the rabbit to be small but, you saw with your eyes that it was a huge rabbit that was slumped on the road as the car was inches away from the big bun. You see it has yellow fur and with orange whiskers.
You check on the huge bunny if it was hurt as you get closer you see that it was covered with fresh scars and a bite mark. You were worried for the poor creature, you know that it wasn’t a wild rabbit because they’re mostly different from domestic ones, and the size of this rabbit shows you that his a domestic type.
You carefully place the big rabbit inside your car as you are careful about touching his injuries. You got blood on your hands as you worry about that later now it’s the rabbit's life you're worried about.
You drive your car towards the veterinary hospital where one of your friends Shinubo works as both a surgeon and chemist, it’s still early for the building to be close.
You better call her so that she can prepare some of the materials. You grab your phone and begin to type her number as press call, you hear only ringing on the other side as after a couple of seconds a Shinobu answered the phone.
"Hey [Y/N] I notice that you’re calling me, is it because your manager asked you to get more hybrid lotions since your supply run out?" Shinobu asked.
Sure, your workplace needs suppliers for some hybrid clients and Shinubo is a certified pet veterinarian for both hybrids and regular pets. The hospital also sells lotions, facemasks, and other care products for hybrids and pets.
And yes, Shinubo offers a discount to your facility as a benefit since you help her out with her projects and answer some research questioners during college. You mentioned this to your boss and got a raise from your job so that’s a plus on your point.
"No, it’s actually much more than work, I have a big injured rabbit with me so I’m taking it to your place if you can heal its wounds." You said as you drive faster.
"You said the rabbit is big it must be a Flemish giant and where did you find this kind of animal?" Shinubo asked more questions over the phone.
"I found this fella hopping across the middle of the road at night just a couple of minutes ago, I saw that it has scratches and bite marks on its body as soon as I take a closer look at the fella." You raised your voice out of concern.
You look out at the distance to see Shinubo’s veterinary, "I’m going to hang up now I’m going to have to park on the side of the entrance." You said.
"All right take the rabbit to room 104 second floor, I’ll be in that room preparing the material." Shinubo informed you before she ended the call.
You park on the side of the entrance of the veterinary hospital as you turn on the emergency light. You rushed out of the car and opened the back seat to take the big rabbit with you as the rabbit whimpers while unconscious.
You went inside and turned to the receptionist, as you briefly explained the situation and asked for help on which way is room 104 located on the second floor.
The receptionist guided you that there is a staircase on the left leading to the second floor unfortunately the elevator is down as the receptionist said. Once you see the door on the second floor someone will escort you there.
You thanked the receptionist as you followed her instructor, you arrived at the second floor while holding the big rabbit. You spot a male trainee as he holds a stretcher for the animal. You placed the rabbit on the stretcher and followed him.
He stopped at the particular room and opened the door. There you saw Shinubo with gloves and mask on as she beckoned you to come inside, there she handed you alcohol and wipes to clean your hands while the trainee transferred the rabbit onto the exam table as he set up the lights.
"You’ll be helping out to [Y/N]." Shinubo said as she reassured you of your worries before you got to complain, "Don’t worry you’ll be helping on shifting the rabbit and lifting some of the body parts."
"All right." You agreed as long as you don’t have to do surgery on the rabbit.
"Here, put this on." Shinubo handed you some medical gloves, an apron, and a mask. You put on the gloves and wear the apron and mask as you are ready to help.
Both you and Shinubo got ready as she asked the trainee for the gas to help the animal to fall asleep just in case if it wakes up during the procedure.
"Please bring me the scalpel and anesthesia" Shinubo requested the trainee to bring the materials.
You see Shinubo examined the rabbit’s body thoroughly, after a couple of minutes of studying the rabbit, she sighed and looked at you.
"I got good news and some bad news." Shinubo said while taking off her mask. "Which one would you like to hear first."
Shinubo gave you two options you would hear the good news first before the bad news.
"I want to hear the good news." You hope that it wasn’t going to be life-threatening.
"The good news is that the scars are not deep nor are they going to pose any danger to the flemish giant so there aren’t going to be any surgery today only ointment and some bandages." Shinubo gives out the lighter side of the topic
Okay so if that’s the good news then what could be the bad news "And the bad news?" You curiously said.
"As for the bad news this here flemish giant is not an animal but a hybrid in its animal form." Shinubo stated.
The information crashed into your mind as you never expected it to be a hybrid more or less out in the streets.
"How can you tell?" You wanted to know how Shinubo can tell the difference between a regular anima and a hybrid by their form.
"Okay if you want to know then lift one of its legs." Shinubo instructed you as you were obliged to do.
You lift its legs and saw that the bottom of the rabbit has dick well now you know that it’s a male.
"What am I looking for exactly?" You gave out a confusing look to your friend.
"The pattern of the hybrid’s legs is different take a look at its fur, it has a different pattern than a regular flemish giant." Shinubo then pointed out her finger as she continued.
"Like a normal rabbit, the fur would align down towards its bottom but for this fella here the small fur circling around some of its legs and its male genitals. Would help indicate that it can transform to its animal form and hybrid form." Shinubo explained.
Well, now you know how to distinguish between a regular rabbit and a hybrid rabbit.
"All right, enough talk let's help his wound now," Shinubo said as you gave out a nod.
Shinubo begins cleaning the wounds of the hybrid as she carefully wipes them. She then adds disinfection to the wound. Giving about a couple of minutes she began rubbing the ointment on the wound.
Shinubo asks for your help positioning the hybrid to cover its wound using the clothing bandage.
"It’s done for now I’ll pay your tabs with this so rest assured it's not coming out of your pockets [Y/N]." Shinubo said as she took off her gloves.
You were never expecting that "But Shinubo I’ll be paying I don’t like you to think that I’m taking advantage of you." You protested.
"No don’t you already help me out during my time in college with my ups and downs." Shinubo sighs.
You did remember that it was a hard time for her during her college life and you were always the one she opened up to and her sister as well.
"Are you planning on keeping the hybrid?" Shinubo asked you.
Shinubo’s question caught you off guard, you never had a hybrid before nor do you have any experience in taking care of them.
"I don’t really know. I thought maybe gave this fella to the hybrid pound or-" You were stopped from your mid-sentence as Shinubo interjects. "Or start taking care of this hybrid, the pound isn’t entirely good for this hybrid. The chances of getting adopted are low since many people prefer a baby version of hybrids rather than the adult ones."
"Besides you have a clean couch that can be turned into a bed so it’s a bit more hygienic for the hybrid to live in." Shinubo pointed.
"Fine, I’ll take care of the hybrid." You gave into Shinubo’s persuasion and adopted the hybrid yourself.
The trainee came back as Shinubo dismissed the intern in training.
You give your thanks to Shinubo for helping you. As you take the hybrid into your car making sure not to hurt him. You turn on your car as you drive home with your new hybrid.
You arrive at your apartment, turn off your car and carry the hybrid with you. Now that you weren’t in a panic, you started to feel how heavy the hybrid flemish giant is. Unlike earlier were you carried him into your car and hospital.
You unlock your door as you head straight into the couch and gently lay the yellow bunny down.
Even after the event that had happened, you still felt strange that this is the first time you had a hybrid into your home. You softly patted his head as the bunny form of the hybrid sleeps peacefully.
The sound of your stomach is calling out to you letting you know that it’s time for dinner. You leave the hybrid alone as you start heading towards the kitchen area.
You decided on making some mac and cheese with fruit salad on the side. As you prepared the ingredients on the counter and started cooking.
After a while, the food you made was now done as you served the mac and cheese on your plate and separated the fruit salad in a bowl.
As the spoon was almost at the entrance of your mouth, you suddenly heard the sound of something that dropped. You whip your head towards the sound as you spot the hybrid yellow bunny in a panic as it is on a corner staring directly at you.
The remote was on the ground along with some picture frames knocked down.
You were surprised that it was awake as you slowly headed your way toward the big fella. As soon you approach the rabbit it slowly tries to back itself more into the corner. His nose started shifting as the rabbit looked at the table with food.
You followed its gaze landing on your food as it was hungry. That gives you an idea, you take your fruit salad and slowly approach the hybrid, slowly putting down the bowl at the distance to make sure you aren’t being aggressive towards him.
"Come on big guy I’m not here to harm you" as you shifted the bowl towards him making sure that he would see the food in the bowl. "It’s for you if you’re hungry." You coed at the rabbit to eat.
As the hybrid was wary of you, he slowly hopped towards the food as his noose twitched every second as he came closer to the fruit salad.
You see the rabbit come closer and closer to the bowl as he begins to taste the fruits. Once he eats one of the sliced strawberries, the yellow rabbit quickly eats the whole fruit as every second he devours each and every piece of fruit leaving nothing behind.
The rabbit looks up directly at you, perhaps it knows that you’re not a threat.
"There are still more fruits and vegetables inside the fridge if you’re still hungry." You informed as you took the bowl and headed towards the kitchen and placed it on the sink.
You open the fridge and decided on picking two carrots as you encourage the hybrid rabbit to come closer, it was hesitant for a little but obliges as he is in front of you. You placed down the two carrots right by its front legs and you saw the big rabbit chewing happily at what you offered.
You can’t help that its bunny ears twitch every second as it eats, you gently pat its head. The moment your hand made contact with its body the bunny freezes before gently getting accustomed to the soft hands on its head.
You give him an extra carrot as you leave him to eat his meals while you start to eat your mac and cheese while looking at the hybrid bunny on the floor enjoying his carrots.
After finishing your meal, you grab a bowl and fill it with water as you place it near the hybrid bunny "Here you go big fella some water to help soothe your thirst."
As the bunny saw the water in front of him its cute tongue gently drinks the water. You can’t help how cute his interaction with the way his drinking the water makes you want to scoop him into your arms and snuggle around the big fella.
You stop yourself from pouncing on the rabbit as you decide to wash the dishes. Maybe this wasn’t so bad keeping the hybrid with you.
After a few minutes, you see the hybrid bunny begin to stand still, maybe it was still tired.
You go over to the couch as you change the sofa into a bed, you then go to your room and grab a few pillows and a blanket for your new hybrid. You lay them down, you make sure that it looks comfortable and cozy to sleep in.
"Hey there big fella." You said as you grabbed the attention of the hybrid bunny, you outstretch your hand, testing to see if the hybrid was comfortable with your presence.
The hybrid bunny approaches your hands and takes a couple of sniffs before standing still. You hope that means a sign that it's comfortable with you.
"I’m going to carry you now and place you on the bed, okay." You softly whisper to the hybrid as you mindfully avoid touching his bandages, you manage to carry the big rabbit into your arms as you approach the pile of pillows and blankets.
You were thankful that it didn’t squirm nor did it thrash around your arms, you gently laid him down. "It’s already late bun I hope that you will sleep peacefully tonight." You said as you give the hybrid bunny a few head pats before heading to your room.
You give one last look to see the giant rabbit being curios with the blankets and pillows before laying down as the bunny likes the bed that it’s going to sleep.
You were awake as the morning rays gently hits on your face. You open the door and head towards the kitchen for breakfast. You open the fridge to get some cereal and milk you look to your left and was faced with a person.
You jumped from his approach as he was near you all naked! And you swore you seen every inch of his private part! You were about to scream but soon noticed the bunny ears and his red eyes were the same as your hybrid bunny. Until you remembered the event from last night shot right back into your memories. This person who has a flame-like hair that transitioned from pale yellow at the roots to a vivid orange at the tips. His hair is also spikey that reach to his shoulder-length manner.
"Hello! Owner!" The naked hybrid in front of you has a plastered of confident and enthusiastic smile on his face.
His voice is also loud as he was yelling.
"Please lower down your voice I don’t want my next-door neighbors complaining to the landlord early in the morning" You requested at the hybrid man.
Before he could apologize to you, you told him to wait here as you went to your room. You came back and brought out a gray colored sweatpants and a black t-shirt from your brother as he forgot to bring some of his clothes back when he was crashing at your apartment.
"Here wear this." You hand over the clothes to the blond hybrid as you look away while he begins to put on the pants and clothes. You also felt bad that some of his body contains scars, good thing some of the bandages are wrapped around the wound while some are gone.
"Thank you for bringing me these wearable fabrics." The blond hybrid gives you, his thanks.
"You’re welcome." You said, "Do you have a name?"
The blond hybrid nodded his head, "My name is Kyojuro from the special breeds of Rengoku." Kyojuro passionately said.
"Huh? Rengoku special breeds?" You were curious about what Kyojuro meant by special breeds.
"The Rengoku breeds are special breeds of fighting rabbits. Such as me." Kyojuro said as his smile still plastered on his face.
Once you got the gist of fighting that means that Kyojuro was a fighter in an illegal hybrid match. It was declared illegal by the government that hybrids are not supposed to be used for fighting especially where it involves the winner to live and the loser to die.
"So, you escaped last night, weren’t you?" You wanted to confirm if Kyojuro escaped his captors.
As soon as you spoke those words out of your mouth, you can see Kyojuro’s face begin to falter as his smile slowly shifts into a pained expression.
"I don’t want to go back into the ring." Kyojuro voiced out his struggling words. "Please… I’ll do anything… anything that you want just don’t bring me back to the ring." Kyojuro painfully begged as he was on his knees, his hands gripping on your pajama.
Seeing his pained expression makes you pity him, you pat his head you feel his hair is sticky but you don’t mind, you gently touch his bunny ears.
"Don’t worry I’m not going to send you back and call me by my name [Y/N]." You softly said as you shifted on your hands switching your petting from his bunny ears and his head.
You feel Kyojuro begin to feel comfortable but you need both of you to eat breakfast as you help Kyojuro stand up. You better give Kyojuro a bath later.
"Now why don’t we eat breakfast." You announced as Kyojuro seemed to be excited at the mention of food.
You place bowls at the table, you look at Kyojuro crouching on the floor. "Why don’t you take a set Kyojuro." "But, owner only you humans get to have the privilege of eating on the table and we hybrids only eat from the floor." Kyojuro protested.
Okay so the people handling Kyojuro are a bunch of asses, you can’t believe that they would have to force him to eat from the floor.
"No, Kyojuro even hybrids have rights and refused to surrender with abuse. You are allowed to sit on the chair.." You patted on the chair for him to sit on, "It’s all right I won’t throw you out besides I have the responsibility of taking care of you."
You can see the Kyojuro widen his eyes from what you said. He then sat on the chair as you added cereal to his bowl and poured milk.
You did the same to yours as you begin to eat your cereal, you looked at Kyojuro as he wasn’t eating his cereal. "Is something wrong?"
"I’m just waiting for your permission for me to eat" Kyojuro stared at you.
You were shocked that they also wouldn’t allow him to eat without someone commanding him to. You will help Kyojuro get through with this and hope that he will recover and be a free hybrid.
"You know you don’t need my permission if I’m serving food to you." You confessed, "So, eat the cereal before it goes soggy." You smiled at the blond hybrid.
"Thank you, owner." Kyojuro said as he scoops the cereal with his hands. The milk and some cereal drips from his hands and onto the table.
You can’t help but feel sad for him, you rather guide him than letting him be. You stand up from your chair as Kyojuro seems to be tense as if he has done something to upset you.
You went closer to Kyojuro as you handed him a spoon. "Do you know how to use this?" You asked as Kyojuro responded by shaking his head.
"Here let me show you how to use a spoon." You said as you scooped the cereal with your spoon and hovered the spoon at the entrance of Kyojuro's mouth.
Kyojuro opens his mouth as you feed him. The interaction between the two of you was like spoon-feeding a baby. It's funny but you're determined to help Kyojuro as much as you can.
"See if you eat from the spoons it's easier to hold the milk with the cereal without spilling them. Why don’t you try." You said as you handed the spoon to Kyojuro’s hand, he took the spoon and began to eat from the utensil rather than his hands.
Kyojuro seemed to like this way of eating. "If all the cereal is gone from the bowl you can drink directly from it." You informed as you headed back to eating your own cereal.
You even showed him by taking both hands with the bowl and drinking from it, you want to avoid Kyojuro drinking the bowl with his face planted straight into the bowl of milk.
After both of you are done eating your cereal. You haven’t given it a thought that you need to buy Kyojuro some special needs for him, luckily it's your day off today until two days until Monday.
You look over at Kyojuro to see that he isn’t comfortable, "Is something the matter?" You asked.
"No owner I don’t want to bother you." Kyojuro Joyfully said but you weren’t having it. "I know something wrong and I’m here to make sure to attend to your needs."
Given that you prioritize your clients well being on what they’re comfortable to choose.
"It’s nothing to worry about owner. My tail felt uncomfortable around the pants" Kyojuro gave in.
Is that why he keeps on shifting his pants so and then. "Don’t worry I will cut some holes so your tail won’t be uncomfortable."
"Thank you so much, owner!" Kyojuro exclaimed with his loud voice as you covered your ears from his loudness, welp you better have a long nice talk with the landlord about this.
I guess you can say that this is a story [Y/N] the human and your Hybrid bunny Kyojuro from the Rengoku breed of rabbits
And that’s how you started your day with Kyojuro your new hybrid. Making sure that he is well cared for. Perhaps in the near future everything will change but you made sure to keep him happy and free.
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Meeting the new "King."
He didn’t like parties. Not the kind that came to mind when someone mentioned “high school parties,” anyway.
His idea of a good party was a small group of friends deep in the woods or overlooking the quarry at night, shooting the shit around a bonfire, music playing from the speakers of an open car door or a portable boombox, with a cooler full of beers and Mountain Dew, a few pizzas, bags of chips, and a few well rolled joints.
Good, close, safe company. Like-minded friends, with shared interests and compatibility based on trust.
A party with music so loud that it’s impossible to hear, mixed with the equally loud shouts of people fighting to be heard over it, in rooms packed with dancing bodies, couples doing everything but fucking in corners, and meat heads over-estimating their alcohol tolerance and yakking all over the floor- or in the bushes outside if they make it that far- was not his idea of a good time.
Eddie Munson was rarely, if ever invited to these kinds of parties- and even if he was, it’s not because anyone wants him there.
When Tina approached him between classes- after everyone had vacated the hallway, because she couldn’t be seen actually socializing with him- and handed him the flier, it wasn’t because she wanted him there. She wanted him to bring his product.
“Think you have enough for most of the senior and junior class?” she asked, only half-way joking.
He studied her for a moment, considering his options. He hated parties, he really did. He could say no, that Rick was in jail and as his main supplier, he simply didn’t have that kind of stock. He didn’t want to go, but the prospect of that many sales was too much to pass up.
He was so close to getting the last hundred bucks for that gorgeous guitar he’d seen in Chicago, and sales of that level would not only get him that last hundred, but enough for the gas to Chicago and back- and even some leftover for new picks, maybe, if he was lucky, even enough for a new amp.
The shopkeep told him he could only hold the guitar for him for so long, and Eddie was pushing that deadline to the very edge.
The truth was, he did have the stock- Rick had shown him where he grew the stuff, told him how to care for it. The cops hadn’t found it, and now the crop was his. At least until Rick got back.
So he’d told Tina he’d be there, but because it was late notice, his prices would be higher. Tina had reassured him she’d let interested parties know, and told him what time to be there, and where to “set up shop.”
So here he was, in the back yard, just on the edge of the light and dark from the back porch’s flood lamp, exchanging bud for bucks, grateful he was outside where it was nice and cool, and not nearly as loud and overwhelming.
He was vibrating with nerves and excitement. Nerves, because he’d seen Jason Carver, Tommy Hagan, and Steve Harrington- and he never could trust if they’d rat him out or not. Excitement, because he had sold over half the product he’d brought, and his pockets were full of cash.
He’d made close to two hundred bucks tonight, and he wasn’t sold out yet. That guitar was as good as his- he just had to finish selling and get the fuck out of dodge.
“Hey Freak.”
Eddie’s heart sank. He knew that voice. Hagan. Bully. Hot-head, obsessed with his girlfriend, and butt-buddy to Harrington, who was right beside him, approaching with Hagan. Great. Harrington. Goody two-shoes who lived in Loch Nora in a fucking brownstone with a heated pool, drove a BMW and wore designer clothes with his perfect hair.
Eddie had heard what Harrington did to Jonathan, and he wasn’t keen on letting him know what mattered to him, or what his hobbies were, lest the jock decide to do something similar to him.
“Tina invited me to sell, so don’t start shit, Hagan,” Eddie warned. “I’m staying out of sight, so I’m not tainting your precious party.”
Hagan gave him a shove to the chest, lifting his brows when Eddie kept his feet planted and didn’t budge. When Eddie knew he had every right to stand his ground, he did, and wouldn’t move- and he knew he had every right to be there in the capacity he had been invited for.
“Still peddling for Rick?” Hagan sneered. “Is it that garbage he sells for stupid high prices?”
“If you’re trying to get a sample, it isn’t gonna work, Hagan,” Eddie shot back. “You can pay like everyone else- it’s fifteen bucks per quarter ounce, cash only, no receipts, or fuck off.”
Harrington rolled his eyes as Hagan stepped closer.
“Tommy, it isn’t worth it, just leave him alone.”
Ignoring him, Hagan stepped closer, almost chest to chest with Eddie- who refused to back down.
“How about you give me enough for a joint, and I don’t call the cops on you, you little shit.”
“Yeah, call the cops on an entire house of folks drinking underage, ruin the party, make Tina mad at you, and end up in the doghouse with Carol. Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, man,” Harrington said, shaking his head. “If you want some that bad, pay the dude.”
“Level headed intelligence from you, Harrington?” Eddie asked, unable to stop himself- even if his tone was tinged with gratitude.
“Don’t push it, Munson,” Harrington shot back.
“Make way for the KING!” roared a very drunk voice, and Harrington immediately walked away as a shirtless guy in a kilt- whose name escaped Eddie- approached.
Hagan grinned wolfishly.
“Have fun dealing with the new King of Hawkins High, Freak. He probably won’t be as gentle and understanding as I am- not someone who does nearly a full minute keg stand.”
He followed Harrington back into the house, and Eddie turned his attention to the guy approaching him- the guy in the kilt had sat down hard on the stairs, too drunk to keep going.
Eddie felt his mouth go dry.
The new “King of Hawkins High” was probably the prettiest boy he’d ever seen in his life.
Golden skin and flaxen hair, sharp blue eyes and a chest and abs left bare under a black leather jacket, with his jeans practically painted onto his sculpted thighs, he looked like a gilded Rob Lowe, or a fairer, tanned Richard Marx.
A modern day Adonis, and Eddie felt his knees tremble a little before he remembered to lock them.
“So you’re the guy who has the good shit. Eddie Munson, right?” the gorgeous boy drawled, white teeth flashing brilliantly in his golden face, his grin wide, dangerous and gorgeous in equal measure with a Marlboro dangling carelessly from the corner of his mouth.
Eddie swallowed, hoping his throat didn’t give him away as he nodded.
“Yeah. Grow it, dry it, cure it, and sell it myself.”
“Folks say your supplier is some guy called Reefer Rick,” the boy said.
“He was. He’s in jail. I’m tending his shit until he’s out,” Eddie replied.
The boy nodded, his face serious.
“I get it. Gotta fill the void, make a buck, skip the middle man. Good business, if a bit risky.”
“You buying, or looking to invest?” Eddie joked, and his heart skipped a beat when the other boy laughed. It was like the pealing of a bell during a rolling clap of thunder.
“Invest? No, no, too much time involved. I don’t plan on staying in this shithole after I graduate- I’m just wanting to buy and enjoy a buzz to distract me from the misery that is being in a podunk like this pit.”
His blue eyes glittered, staring directly into Eddie’s like a wary, hungry wolf’s, and he felt pinned under that predatory gaze.
“So. What’s your rate?” he asked casually, flicking the butt of his cigarette with his tongue to move it from one side of his mouth to the other.
“Fifteen per quarter ounce,” Eddie replied, and the other boy pursed his lips, the cigarette flicking upwards as he reached into the impossibly tight back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He rummaged through it, frowning.
“All I’ve got is a twenty. Got change… or willing to do a special for a new customer?”
Eddie wanted to tell him he could have half an ounce for free if he’d tell him his name, but he swallowed his stupid star-struck feelings that would have him driven out of the state.
He put on a show of considering, frowning, putting a hand to his chin and rubbing at his lower lip with his index finger for a few moments before dropping it with a shrug.
“You’re new…. And I believe in good first impressions… so I can be generous,” he finally said, shrugging his bookbag off and opening it. He rummaged through his stock and pulled out a pre-packed and weighed bag containing half an ounce of weed.
“Twenty for half an ounce- but if anyone asks, you paid thirty for it. Can’t have anyone coming back for refunds,” he said, holding it out.
“Thanks,” the boy said, taking the bag and placing the twenty in his palm.
“Good doing business,” Eddie said, shoving the twenty into his pocket. “Just uh… go easy with that batch- that particular bag is pretty heavy. Don’t smoke any unless you don’t plan on going anywhere for a while.”
The boy grinned again.
“Just what I need- especially since there’s nowhere to go in this shithole.”
He put the back in the pocket of his leather jacket, and before Eddie could lower his hand, he grabbed it, shaking it. His grip was warm, firm, the tendons of his hands feeling like whipcord under the calloused skin.
“Name’s Billy Hargrove,” he drawled. “And I will likely see you again.”
Eddie sure as hell hoped he would.
He was no longer regretting coming to this party.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 10 months
Small talk
"We'll sell," he said; sizing Cathy up, as if she was the product for sale. "But not for less than thirty large."
The Family had asked her to handle negotiations. They always did, for deals of this size. Cathy had always fancied it was something in her background: she'd been clean, before they brought her in, working as an accountant in one of their fronts. She'd experienced real, legitimate business, and been on seminars for this sort of thing. She always knew how to get the best deal. Thirty was a lot, but she'd see if she couldn't haggle him down.
"Of course, Mr Ashford," she said, always speaking softly. "But why the rush? You're all business this morning, and we seem to have skipped the pleasantries. Tell me, for instance - how is your daughter doing? Has she settled nicely in her new school?"
The mood changed instantly; where Ashford had come bristling with bravado, the confidence fell out of him like a sail fallen slack. "Twenty," he said. "But that's as low as I can go, I promise you. Or they'll be the ones who come for me."
"Okay, fine." Cathy sighed, reading the drop in energy as impatience. "Have it your way. I'll shake on twenty, and hope for a more productive chat the next time that we meet."
They left early. Tommy ushered her out of the door, and into the car waiting outside; their driver unprepared to see them again so soon. The poor man had brought a book to read, but he could only have managed a couple of pages before he was rudely interrupted by hurried footsteps heading to the passenger side. Tommy opened the door for Cathy first, then circled around to join her.
"I think that went rather well," she said. "A little too efficient, perhaps - but he's a busy man. I can't force him talk to me."
"Of course." It had seemed to Tommy that she could have made Ashford do anything she wanted. "How did you know about his daughter's school?"
"He told me last time, remember? When I asked how old she was now." Tommy did remember. The poor man's face had gone white. "You see, it's all about taking an interest."
"I see that."
He stared out of the window, glad to be on her side: he couldn't imagine being researched in such a way, having the muck of his life raked for leverage to use against him. Cathy had just been an accountant, hadn't she? He couldn't imagine where she'd learnt such tactics: always prepared to cross the line into a rival's personal life, always ready with ammunition. Perhaps, coming from outside the business, she was more detached: able to see these people as nothing more than numbers in her ledger, needing to be balanced out.
For her part, Cathy sat back and enjoyed the satisfaction of a job well done. Coming from outside the business, she'd been shocked at the way they worked: terse exchanges, quoted prices and amounts, barely even meeting each other's eyes, as if neither party wanted to be there. They were afraid to open up, she realised - and so she did her best to help them.
She'd started with the eye contact, making a point in her first meetings with suppliers, and found them suddenly much more co-operative under her calm, unflinching gaze. Then she started asking about their lives outside the job: something that had been seen as normal in the office, when she'd made the effort to get to know her co-workers, and they'd done the same for her.
But here, such friendliness was foreign. It was no wonder that the Family asked her to take care of these deals, or that she always delivered a better result: she knew how to work with people, and that personal touch always saw them soften their stance. People like Ashford were more willing to work with her, to compromise, the more she took an interest in their lives. It was nice, to know the impact she was having: making even this dark corner of the world a warmer, more co-operative place.
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General Motors (GM.N) on Thursday made a counterproposal to the union representing its U.S. hourly workers in a bid to avoid a costly strike, but United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain called the offer "insulting."
The largest U.S. automaker said it offered workers a 10% wage hike and two additional 3% annual lump sum payments over four years in its offer to the union ahead of the Sept. 14 contract expiration.
Last week, Ford said it had offered a 9% wage increase through 2027 and 6% lump sump payments, much less than the 46% wage hike being sought by the union. The UAW has said 97% of members voted in favor of authorizing a strike if agreement is not reached.
Fain, who represents 146,000 workers at the Detroit Three, said GM's offer was "an insulting proposal that doesn’t come close to an equitable agreement for America’s autoworkers.... The clock is ticking. Stop wasting our members’ time. Tick tock."
GM shares were down 1.3% in mid-day trading.
GM said the wage hike is the largest proposed since 1999. It is also offering a $6,000 one-time inflation-related payment and $5,000 in inflation-protection bonuses over the life of the agreement, along with a $5,500 ratification bonus.
Chrysler-parent Stellantis said Wednesday it planned to make a counteroffer to the UAW this week.
GM said that under its offer, current temporary employees will receive a 20% increase to $20 per hour wage and it would shorten the time it takes to get to the maximum wage rate for permanent employees - mirroring proposals from Ford.
GM President Mark Reuss said in a video posted on Thursday "we need a fair contract that both rewards our employees and protects the long-term health of our business."
A UAW strike that shuts the Detroit Three manufacturers could cost carmakers, suppliers and workers over $5 billion, Michigan-based Anderson Economic Group estimated.
With new car inventories tight, consumer experts have said that could translate into higher car prices - an important component of inflation.
Last week, the UAW filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board against GM and Stellantis saying they refused to bargain in good faith.
The union's demands include a 20% immediate wage increase followed by four 5% annual wage hikes, defined-benefit pensions for all workers, 32-hour work weeks and additional cost of living hikes. GM is proposing to give employees an additional paid holiday.
The UAW also wants all temporary workers at U.S. automakers to be made permanent, seeks enhanced profit sharing and the restoration of retiree health-care benefits and cost-of-living adjustments.
The UAW said Ford's profit-sharing formula change would have cut payouts by 21% over the last two years.
J.P.Morgan on Thursday said supply chain disruptions from a potential UAW strike would cut new vehicle production, drive up used car prices and put pressure on margins in the personal auto insurance business.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Who owns the data generated by your car? And who controls access to it?
For almost a decade, right-to-repair activists, automakers, parts manufacturers, auto repair shop owners, technicians, and regular people who own cars have fought over those questions. How they are answered could radically change the cost and convenience of owning a modern camera-studded and cloud-enabled car—and, some say, the future of the increasingly tech-heavy auto industry.
Last week, a few trade groups announced they had finally figured it all out. In a letter to the US Congress, three industry organizations that together represent the major automakers and thousands of repair shops said they had signed a “memorandum of understanding” on the right to repair. In the agreement, the automakers commit to giving independent car repair shops access to the data, tools, and information necessary to diagnose and repair vehicles—the data, tools, and information provided to the automakers’ own dealership networks. “Competition is alive and well in the auto repair industry,” the letter said.
Right-to-repair advocates—who contend that consumers should be able to fix the products they buy—aren’t so sure. They say the agreement doesn’t give car owners full and unfettered control of the streams of data generated by the latest cars’ cameras and other sensors, which log data on location, speed, acceleration, and how a vehicle’s hardware and software are performing.
The advocates worry the new agreement gives automakers and automaker-associated repairers room to squeeze out smaller, independent shops and at-home tinkerers in the future, making it more difficult for car owners to find places to quickly and affordably fix their cars. And they say there are no enforcement mechanisms to guarantee automakers follow through on their promises.
“In terms of how automakers behave and whether vehicle owners or repair shops will get access to information—I don’t think this will change anything,” says Paul Roberts, the founder of SecuRepairs.org, an organization of IT and cyber professionals advocating for the right to repair.
Notably, the new agreement didn’t include the Auto Care Association, the largest US trade group for independent repair shops and aftermarket parts suppliers. The group's chair, Corey Bartlett, says the agreement doesn’t address some of the major barriers facing consumers looking to get a tech-heavy car repaired.
Smaller and especially rural repair shops sometimes can’t fix the newest models, because they can’t pay for the expensive tools, subscriptions, and training needed, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. As cars get more complex, and move more services into apps and onto the internet, they fear access will shrink. “We want easy and affordable access to that information for the independent repair shop,” says Bartlett, who is also president and CEO of Automotive Parts Headquarters, which sells aftermarket auto parts to repair shops across the northern and midwestern US.
DIY car repair and auto shops independent of automakers are a long-established tradition in car culture and the auto industry. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the trade group representing most global automakers, says that even today, 70 percent of their own certified networks of collision repair shops aren’t owned by dealers.
Many repair shops, especially those who opt in and pay to be part of those certified networks, say they have no trouble finding the information they need to fix cars, even before this week’s agreement. Michael Bradshaw, vice president of K & M Collision in Hickory, North Carolina, and vice chair of the Society of Collision Repair Specialists, one of the groups that signed the new agreement, says his shop pays to keep up with 30 automaker certification programs, including for Kia, General Motors, Bentley, and Rivian.
In a way, Bradshaw agrees with the right-to-repair advocates: This week’s agreement doesn’t give him anything he didn’t already have. “If there’s data out there, and repair information, we’ve always been able to get that,” Bradshaw says. But he disagrees that it’s a problem that repairers must pay, sometimes dearly, to get the tools, certifications, and information that allow them to fix cars.
Bradshaw thinks it’s reasonable that he must pay for automakers’ certification programs, because developing car technology—and the documentation needed to repair it—costs the carmaker plenty of money. He’s willing to shell out whatever is needed to make a safe and effective repair. “If it was a situation where there was no charge for the access, you’re going to see that the information is going to suffer,” he says, because automakers will have less incentive to devote resources to creating clear information for repairers. “The businesses that have trouble paying for the data that’s needed are the same businesses that are not investing in training or equipment.”
Other repairers worry that without an industry-wide overhaul that forces automakers to standardize and open up their data, car companies will find ways to limit access to repair information, or push customers towards their own dealership networks to boost profits. They say that if auto owners had clear and direct ownership over the data generated by their vehicles—without the involvement of automakers’ specialized tools or systems—they could use it themselves to diagnose and repair a car, or authorize the repair shop of their choice to do the work. “My fear, if no one gives some stronger guidelines, is that I know automakers are going to monetize car data in a way that’s unaffordable for us to gain access,” says Dwayne Myers, co-owner of Dynamic Automotive, an auto repair business with several locations in Maryland.
“You have to think not only about what the situation is now, but what the situation will be five or 10 years hence,” says Roberts, the right-to-repair advocate. “It’s easier to address this now, in the early days.”
Perhaps by design, the new agreement appeared just ahead of a hearing on right to repair by a US House of Representatives subcommittee on intellectual property and the internet. A bipartisan group of representatives have already introduced bills on the topic.
The hearing follows national wrangling over a Massachusetts law passed by a 2020 ballot measure that gave state car owners firmer control over the data generated by their cars. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation sued the state over the law, preventing lawmakers from enforcing it, and a judge has yet to decide the case. But last month, the Massachusetts attorney general announced she would begin to penalize automakers that withheld data for not complying with the rule. Days later, the US Department of Transportation warned automakers not to comply with the Massachusetts law, citing concerns it would open vehicles to hacking. The letter appeared to contradict the Biden administration’s prior commitments to right-to-repair issues.
Brian Weiss, a spokesperson for the Alliance, declined to comment on the Massachusetts law, citing the ongoing litigation. But how or whether the new agreement will affect other states’ right-to-repair policies is up to policymakers, he says. It commits the trade groups who signed to push for federal rules defining right to repair and against state legislation, which could create a patchwork of laws with different obligations to DIYers or independent repairers. That echoes an agreement signed earlier this year by tractor maker John Deere and a major agricultural trade group, which advocates said failed to give farmers clear access to the tools and software needed to fix their farm equipment.
Myers, the Maryland independent repairer, says that allowing customers to own their car's data today would, first and foremost, “give them the right to choose where they get their car fixed.” But he also has his eye on the future. “Down the road, we will find out what automakers are collecting,” he says—and why. He’d rather establish car owners’ right to control that information now, before they discover too late that it’s being used in ways they don’t like.
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tubetrading · 2 years
Applications of Stainless Steel Plates by various Industries
Stainless steel is a type of steel that has been treated such that it is both corrosion- and rust-resistant; it is simply referred to as stainless steel. Stainless steel is almost three times heavier than aluminium. 
Stainless steel is an alloy, just like steel. Alloys are always made up of many elements. While nickel, molybdenum, and other elements are sometimes added to non-corrosive stainless steel to meet specific needs, chrome is by far the most common alloying element. 
Different alloys regulate the magnetisability and the corrosion resistance, two of these needs.
Stainless steel has a chromium level of 10.5% or higher, in addition to a number of additional elements in much lesser amounts. When chromium and oxygen come together, they create a thin, fixed-adhering, and sealed chromic-oxide film that is also referred to as a passive layer. It is this passive layer that gives the material its resistance. Its resistance to corrosion means it can be utilised in places where other metals would rust. 
The characteristics of anodized aluminium and rust-resistant stainless steel manufactured by an excellent stainless steel plates supplier in Vadodara, Gujarat are extremely similar. If the material's external skin is damaged, the material and the surface itself will be severely compromised.
●      Transportation:
In the 1930s, Ford was the first automaker to use stainless steel in production. Since then, it's been utilised to make anything from exhaust systems to grilles to trim for cars. Manufacturers are increasingly gravitating toward using stainless steel for structural components as technology improves. 
It is also commonly used in the freight industry to construct cargo containers, road tankers, and garbage trucks. Because of its high corrosion resistance, it can be used to transport a wide variety of chemicals, liquids, and even food without spoilage. Stainless steel is a low-maintenance metal that is simple and inexpensive to care for.
●      Medical and Pharmaceutical:
Stainless steel is the metal of choice in hospitals, restaurants, and other hygienic settings because it is corrosion-resistant and easy to maintain. Surgical as well as dental instruments are just two of the many types of medical tools made from stainless steel. 
It's also utilised to make things like cannulas, MRI scanners, kidney dishes, and steam sterilisers. 
Stainless steel offered by the most prominent as well as trusted Stainless Steel plates dealer in Vadodara, Gujarat is used for many medical devices and implants, including artificial hips, artificial joints, and several types of bone screws and plates.
●      Building trade:
Because of its durability, resilience, and malleability, stainless steel is increasingly being used in construction. It is frequently seen indoors on countertops, backsplashes, and railings, and outdoors as a high-rise building’s cladding. 
Because of its weldability, ease of maintenance, and aesthetic finish, it is frequently employed in contemporary construction. Examples include London's Eurostar Terminal and Singapore's Helix Bridge. 
Stainless steel is a recyclable metal that is gaining favour in the construction industry due to the growing interest in eco-friendly building practices. Both its aesthetic qualities and its ability to increase natural light in a structure are enhanced by a grain or polished finish.
●      Aviation Industry and Airplane construction:
Stainless steel is also widely favoured in the aerospace sector. As a result of its durability and resistance to high temperatures, it finds employment in a wide range of industries, including the aerospace industry. Because of its anti-rust properties, it can also be used in jet engine components. If you are looking for the most reliable as well as noteworthy supplier of Stainless Steel plates in Vadodara, Gujarat, Tube Trading Co. is the name you can count on for all of your SS application needs. 
The landing gear, which is also an integral section of the ship, is made almost entirely of stainless steel. Because of its durability and sturdiness, it can support the landing aircraft's weight.
●    Food Catering:
Stainless steel is widely used for producing utensils, pots, and pans, as well as forks, knives, and spoons, in the culinary and catering industries. Less ductile SS grades are used to make utensils like knives. SS used in manufacturing stoves, grills, pans as well as pots is more ductile and hence it is also utilised in manufacturing sinks. 
Dishwashers, freezers, kitchen countertops, as well as refrigerators, are just some of the other appliances and surfaces that might benefit from a stainless steel finish. Stainless steel is perfect for use in the food industry since it does not impart any undesirable taste to the finished product. It is also resistant to corrosion, thus it can be used to store acidic beverages like orange juice. Stainless steel's low microbial retention and low cleaning requirements make it a great choice for food storage.
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dongguanqs · 2 years
Dongguan QS Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional producer of electric wire units. Our factory was established in 2001. We are located in Humen Town, Dongguan City, which is a very convenient location.
We produce cable connectors and harness which are widely used in RC HOBBY like plane model, car model, ship model, gun model equipment and all kinds of instruments.
Our products include connector (T plug series, golden connector, Tamiya connector, power connector, LED light, alligator, simulator cable, Futaba and JR connector, JST series connector, switch harness and multifunction cable) and wire (silicone wire, PVC signal wire and PVC parallel wire)
QS has done a great deal in aspect of plane model. Connectors and lines are interrelated. The specifications are quite complete, and we have certain superiority in this field.
We insist on the quality policy of "using advanced technology, caring out scientific management, producing quality products and offering the satisfactory service".
We also have advanced testing technology and devices. Accepting order, development, designing, production and service are worked in a line.
We have complete quality control from the supplier's audition, material testing, product testing on the production and final products check.
Based on the idea of "Client First", we supply all our clients the quality products of different sizes and types. We're trying to make the best products from the design to production. Corporate Culture Enterprise
Vision :
QS attaches great importance to structure platform for teams or individuals who promote RC business and tries our best to be one of the leading RC connector and harness brands in domestic market even all over the world.Enterprise
1. People Oriented, Respect for knowledge and talent
2. Team work, pioneering and innovative, the pursuit of excellence
3. Staff, customer, enterprise, supplier and society all win-win
4. Sustainable development, highly responsible and long term returns.Business Philosophy: Grate
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sommersinc · 5 days
Understanding Carded Staple Fiber: A Key Component in Nonwoven Fabrics
Carded staple fiber plays an essential role in the production of nonwoven fabrics used in various industries, from automotive and construction to medical and personal care. This versatile material is made by arranging loose fibers into a uniform web that can be bonded together through mechanical, chemical, or thermal processes. Its strength, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make it an indispensable material in the world of textiles and beyond.
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What is Carded Staple Fiber?
Carded staple fiber refers to fibers that have been cleaned, disentangled, and aligned into a continuous web. This process, called carding, involves passing the fibers through a series of rollers covered with wire teeth, which helps arrange them in a parallel fashion. The fibers used in carded staple fiber production can come from natural sources like cotton and wool or synthetic materials such as polyester, polypropylene, or nylon.
The carding process ensures that the fibers are well-mixed and uniformly distributed, which is crucial for producing nonwoven fabrics with consistent quality and performance. These fabrics are highly versatile and can be designed for various applications, including filters, insulation, upholstery, geotextiles, and hygiene products.
Advantages of Carded Staple Fiber
Durability: Nonwoven fabrics made from carded staple fibers offer exceptional durability, making them suitable for demanding applications such as automotive interiors, construction materials, and industrial filtration systems.
Cost-Effective: One of the key advantages of carded staple fiber is its cost-effectiveness. The carding process is efficient, resulting in a material that is affordable without compromising on quality.
Versatility: Carded staple fibers can be made from a wide range of natural and synthetic materials, giving manufacturers flexibility in choosing the right fibers for specific applications. This adaptability makes it a popular choice across various industries.
Customizable Properties: The composition and bonding process of carded staple fiber can be tailored to meet specific requirements. Whether you need a fabric with high tensile strength, breathability, or moisture resistance, carded staple fiber can be engineered to fit your needs.
Eco-Friendly Options: With increasing emphasis on sustainability, many manufacturers now offer eco-friendly carded staple fibers made from recycled or biodegradable materials. This contributes to the growing demand for environmentally responsible products.
Applications of Carded Staple Fiber
Carded staple fibers are used in several industries due to their ability to be formed into nonwoven fabrics with a wide range of properties:
Automotive: Used in the production of car interiors, insulation, and filtration systems.
Construction: Provides reinforcement in roofing materials, geotextiles, and soundproofing.
Medical: Utilized in medical disposables like gowns, masks, and wound dressings.
Hygiene: Essential in the production of diapers, wipes, and sanitary products.
Why Choose Sommers Inc. for Your Carded Staple Fiber Needs?
At Sommers Inc., we pride ourselves on being a leading supplier of carded staple fibers. Our state-of-the-art technology and expertise in fiber engineering allow us to produce high-quality, customizable fibers for your nonwoven fabric applications. We offer a wide range of materials, from traditional synthetic fibers to eco-friendly options, ensuring that you get the perfect solution for your needs.
Whether you’re in the automotive, construction, medical, or hygiene industry, Sommers Inc. has the expertise and products to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about our carded staple fiber offerings and how we can help enhance your product development process.
Visit Sommers Inc. today and explore our range of carded staple fibers. Let us help you find the right solution for your nonwoven fabric needs!
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susmithabusiness · 7 days
Top 100 Business Ideas for 2024
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Starting a business in 2024 offers a wealth of opportunities, driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer needs. From innovative fields to tech-driven ventures, here’s a comprehensive list of 100 business ideas to spark your entrepreneurial journey this year.
Home-Based Business Ideas
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Virtual Assistant : Provide remote administrative support such as scheduling, email management, and data entry. This role offers flexibility and a variety of client needs.
Freelance Writing : Create content for websites, blogs, and marketing materials. Requires strong writing skills and adaptability to different topics and styles.
Graphic Design: Design visual content for digital and print media, including logos, social media graphics, and advertisements. Creativity and proficiency in design software are essential.
Online Tutoring: Teach academic subjects or skills through video calls and online platforms. Offers flexibility and the chance to help students achieve their goals.
E-commerce Store: Sell products online through your own website or platforms like Etsy and Shopify. Involves inventory management, marketing, and customer service.
Social Media Management: Manage and create content for a business’s social media profiles to boost brand presence and engagement. Requires strategic planning and performance analysis.
Dropshipping Business: Operate an online store without holding inventory. Partner with suppliers who fulfill orders directly to customers. Requires strong marketing and customer service skills.
Blogging: Develop and post content on a personal or niche blog, monetizing through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing. Focus on quality content and audience engagement.
Online Course Creation: Design and sell educational courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Involves curriculum development, engaging content creation, and marketing.
Web Development: Build and maintain websites for clients, focusing on design, functionality, and user experience. Requires coding skills and knowledge of web technologies.
Part-Time Business Ideas
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Dog Walking/Pet Sitting: Provide care for pets while their owners are away, offering exercise and companionship. Ideal for animal lovers with flexible schedules.
Handmade Crafts: Create and sell unique crafts such as jewelry, home decor, or artwork. Platforms like Etsy make it easy to reach a global audience.
Freelance Photography: Offer photography services for events, portraits, or commercial needs. Requires a good eye for detail and professional equipment.
Personal Fitness Trainer: Provide personalized fitness plans and training sessions, either in-person or online. Requires fitness expertise and relevant certifications.
Home-Based Bakery: Bake and sell homemade goods like cakes, cookies, or bread. Perfect for those with baking skills and a passion for culinary arts.
Tutoring or Coaching: Offer educational support or personal coaching in areas of expertise. Flexible hours and the ability to work with students or clients one-on-one.
Real Estate Investing: Buy, rent, or sell properties for profit. Requires knowledge of the real estate market and investment strategies.
Event Planning: Organize and coordinate events such as weddings, parties, or corporate functions. Requires strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
Consulting Services: Provide expert advice in your field, helping businesses or individuals solve specific problems. Requires industry knowledge and experience.
Car Detailing: Offer cleaning and detailing services for vehicles, including interior and exterior care. Ideal for those who enjoy working with cars and have an eye for detail.
Online Business Ideas
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Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services from other companies and earn commissions on sales through your referral links. Requires building an audience and strategic marketing.
App Development:Create and monetize mobile apps. Involves coding skills, understanding user needs, and staying updated with technology trends.
YouTube Channel: Produce and upload video content to YouTube, monetizing through ads, sponsorships, or merchandise. Requires consistent content creation and audience engagement.
Digital Product Sales: Sell digital products like e-books, software, or printables. Ideal for those who can create valuable content or tools.
Subscription Box Service: Curate and deliver themed subscription boxes to customers on a regular basis. Requires product sourcing and logistics management.
Online Market Research: Provide market research services to help businesses understand consumer behavior and trends. Involves data collection and analysis.
SEO Consulting: Help businesses improve their search engine rankings with optimization strategies. Requires expertise in SEO techniques and industry trends.
Copywriting: Write compelling copy for websites, advertisements, or marketing materials. Strong writing skills and an understanding of marketing are crucial.
Virtual Fitness Classes: Conduct fitness classes online, offering workouts and wellness tips. Requires fitness knowledge and the ability to teach effectively via video.
Online Language School: Teach languages through online classes or one-on-one sessions. Ideal for multilingual individuals with teaching skills.
High-Investment Business Ideas
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Franchise Ownership: Invest in an established franchise with a proven business model and brand recognition. Requires significant capital for initial fees and ongoing royalties.
Real Estate Development: Develop residential or commercial properties, involving land acquisition, construction, and market analysis. High capital requirement with potential for substantial returns.
Manufacturing Facility: Set up a plant for producing goods, involving significant investments in machinery, facilities, and labor. Ideal for scaling production of in-demand products.
Tech Startup: Launch a technology company focusing on innovative solutions or software. Requires substantial investment in research, development, and marketing.
Luxury Restaurant: Open a high-end dining establishment offering gourmet cuisine and exceptional service. Requires substantial investment in location, decor, and staff.
High-End Retail Store: Establish a boutique or luxury retail store specializing in premium products. Involves significant capital for inventory, location, and branding.
Professional Services Firm: Create a firm offering specialized services such as legal, financial, or consulting. Requires investment in expertise, office space, and marketing.
Health and Wellness Spa: Set up a premium spa offering therapeutic treatments and wellness services. High investment in facilities, equipment, and skilled professionals.
Hotel or Resort: Invest in a property for hospitality services, including accommodations, dining, and recreational facilities. Requires significant capital for development and operation.
Specialty Coffee Roastery: Establish a roastery specializing in high-quality, niche coffee beans. Involves investment in roasting equipment, sourcing beans, and marketing.
Retail Business Ideas
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Specialty Food Store: Sell gourmet or unique food items, including organic produce, imported goods, or artisanal products. Focus on quality and niche markets.
Boutique Fashion Store: Offer curated collections of clothing and accessories, often featuring designer or unique items. Emphasize personalized service and exclusive selections.
Electronics Store: Retail gadgets, appliances, and tech accessories. Requires staying updated with the latest technology and providing excellent customer service.
Bookstore: Sell books across various genres and consider adding related products like stationery or hosting events. Create a cozy environment to attract book lovers.
Art Gallery: Exhibit and sell artwork, including paintings, sculptures, and prints. Engage with local artists and art enthusiasts to build a strong network.
Health and Beauty Store: Offer skincare products, cosmetics, and health items. Focus on quality products, brand reputation, and educating customers.
Pet Supplies Shop: Sell food, toys, and accessories for pets. Consider adding services like grooming or pet care advice to build a loyal customer base.
Home Goods Store: Retail furniture, decor, and kitchenware. Focus on style, functionality, and home improvement trends to attract customers.
Sports Equipment Store: Offer equipment and apparel for various sports. Provide expert advice and cater to both casual and serious athletes.
Antique Store: Sell vintage and collectible items, such as furniture, jewelry, or memorabilia. Focus on sourcing unique pieces and educating customers on their value.
Manufacturing Business Ideas
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Custom Furniture Production: Design and create bespoke furniture pieces tailored to individual customer specifications. Requires craftsmanship and access to quality materials.
Textile Manufacturing: Produce fabrics and textiles for clothing, upholstery, or industrial applications. Involves equipment for weaving, dyeing, and finishing.
Electronics Assembly: Assemble electronic components and devices, including consumer electronics or industrial equipment. Requires technical expertise and quality control.
Packaging Solutions: Develop and manufacture packaging materials for various industries, including custom designs and sustainable options. Focus on innovation and efficiency.
Toy Production: Create and manufacture toys for children, ensuring compliance with safety standards. Involves design, prototyping, and mass production.
Food Processing: Process raw food materials into packaged products, such as snacks, beverages, or ready-to-eat meals. Requires adherence to health and safety regulations.
3D Printing Services: Offer 3D printing for prototypes, custom parts, or product designs. Requires investment in advanced printing technology and materials.
Auto Parts Manufacturing: Produce components and parts for automobiles, such as engines, transmissions, or chassis elements. Requires precision engineering and adherence to industry standards.
Eco-Friendly Products: Manufacture products using sustainable materials and methods, focusing on reducing environmental impact. Appeals to the growing market for green solutions.
Metal Fabrication: Create metal parts and structures through cutting, welding, and bending. Suitable for industries like construction, automotive, and aerospace.
Rental Business Ideas
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Vacation Home Rentals: Lease properties to travelers seeking short-term accommodations. Requires property management and marketing on platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo.
Car Rentals: Provide vehicles for short-term use, ranging from economy cars to luxury options. Involves fleet maintenance and customer service.
Equipment Rentals: Rent out equipment for construction, landscaping, or other industries. Focus on maintenance and customer support.
Event Space Rental: Offer venues for weddings, corporate events, or parties. Includes managing bookings, catering to specific event needs, and maintaining the space.
Party Supplies Rental: Rent out items such as tents, tables, chairs, and decorations for events. Requires inventory management and logistics.
Storage Unit Rental: Provide secure storage spaces for individuals or businesses. Includes facility maintenance and access management.
Luxury Clothing Rentals: Offer high-end apparel and accessories for special occasions. Focus on inventory management and customer service.
Tool Rentals: Rent out hand tools and power equipment for DIY projects or professional use. Requires ensuring tools are in good condition.
Office Space Rental: Lease office or coworking spaces to businesses or freelancers. Involves maintaining facilities and providing amenities.
Photo Booth Rental: Rent out photo booths for events like weddings, parties, or corporate functions. Includes setup, maintenance, and customer service.
Low-Cost Business Ideas
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Dropshipping: Sell products online without managing inventory. Partner with suppliers who fulfill orders directly to customers.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services from other companies and earn commissions on sales through your referral links. Requires building an online presence.
Print-on-Demand Products: Create and sell custom-designed items like t-shirts or mugs, with printing and fulfillment handled by a third party.
Social Media Management: Manage and create content for businesses’ social media profiles. Requires expertise in social media platforms and marketing strategies.
Content Writing: Write articles, blogs, or website content for businesses or individuals. Offers flexibility and requires strong writing skills.
Mobile Car Wash: Provide car cleaning services at clients’ locations. Requires minimal startup equipment and offers flexible scheduling.
House Cleaning Services: Offer residential cleaning services. Involves basic cleaning supplies and can be scaled up with additional staff.
Personal Chef Services: Prepare meals for individuals or families, either for special events or regular meal preparation. Requires culinary skills and minimal startup costs.
Online Coaching: Offer educational or consulting services in areas like career development, health, or personal growth. Requires expertise in your field and marketing skills.
Pet Grooming: Provide grooming services for pets, including bathing, brushing, and nail trimming. Requires grooming tools and knowledge of pet care.
Creative Business Ideas
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Art and Craft Classes: Teach workshops on painting, sculpture, or other crafts. Ideal for sharing skills and creativity with others.
Custom Jewelry Design: Create and sell personalized jewelry pieces with unique designs tailored to customer preferences.
Event Decoration: Design and set up decorations for events such as weddings, parties, or corporate functions. Requires a flair for design and organization.
Creative Consulting: Offer advice on branding, marketing, or creative strategies for businesses. Leverage your expertise to help clients enhance their creative projects.
Personalized Gifts: Create and sell customized gifts, such as engraved items or bespoke products, for special occasions.
Digital Art Sales: Produce and sell digital artwork or designs online. Requires digital design skills and familiarity with online marketplaces.
Music Lessons: Teach musical instruments or vocal skills. Offers flexibility in teaching methods and can be done in-person or online.
Interior Design: Provide design services for residential or commercial spaces, focusing on aesthetics and functionality.
DIY Workshop Hosting: Organize and lead workshops where participants create their own projects, such as home decor or handmade crafts.
Photography Services: Offer professional photography for events, portraits, or commercial needs. Requires technical skills and a creative eye.
Small-Scale Business Ideas
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Coffee Cart: Serve coffee and beverages from a mobile cart at events, markets, or high-traffic areas. Requires minimal equipment and can be set up with a small investment.
Food Truck: Offer a variety of food items from a mobile truck. Provides flexibility in location and menu, with the potential to scale based on demand.
Mobile Repair Services: Provide repair services for electronics, appliances, or vehicles at customers’ locations. Low overhead and flexibility in scheduling.
Local Tour Guide: Offer guided tours of your city or region, highlighting local attractions and hidden gems. Ideal for those knowledgeable about local history and culture.
Home Organizing Services: Assist clients in decluttering and organizing their homes. Requires organizational skills and minimal startup costs.
Specialty Bakery: Create and sell baked goods with a unique focus, such as gluten-free or artisanal products. Can be operated from home or a small commercial kitchen.
Custom Printing Services: Offer personalized printing for items like t-shirts, mugs, or posters. Requires printing equipment and creative design skills.
Personalized Stationery: Design and sell custom stationery, such as invitations, cards, or letterheads. Ideal for those with graphic design skills.
Microbrewery: Produce small batches of craft beer. Requires brewing equipment and a focus on unique recipes and local markets.
Local Farming (e.g., Organic Vegetables): Grow and sell fresh, organic produce to local markets or through a subscription model. Requires land, farming knowledge, and minimal equipment.
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001smartparts · 8 days
Your Trusted Source for Genuine Auto Spare Parts – Smart Parts Exports
The automotive industry thrives on the seamless integration of genuine spare parts to ensure vehicles run efficiently and safely. For car owners, mechanics, and dealerships, finding a trusted supplier that offers high-quality, authentic auto spare parts is essential. Smart Parts Exports is a leading company specializing in manufacturing and distributing genuine spare parts for all automotive brands on a global scale. With a focus on wholesale distribution, they cater to clients worldwide, ensuring a smooth supply chain and reliable access to premium products. This article will explore why Smart Parts Exports is the go-to source for genuine auto spare parts, its benefits, and the variety of products it offers.
The Importance of Using Genuine Auto Spare Parts for Your Vehicle’s Performance and Longevity
Using genuine auto spare parts is crucial for maintaining the performance, safety, and longevity of your vehicle. Original parts are designed specifically for the make and model of your car, ensuring a perfect fit and compatibility. They also come with manufacturer warranties and undergo stringent quality checks to meet international standards. Installing counterfeit or substandard parts can cause significant damage to the vehicle, reducing its performance, and leading to costly repairs down the road. Smart Parts Exports provides only genuine spare parts, helping vehicle owners maintain the integrity and efficiency of their vehicles.
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How Smart Parts Exports Ensures Quality in Manufacturing Genuine Auto Spare Parts for All Brands
One of the hallmarks of Smart Parts Exports is its commitment to manufacturing high-quality spare parts for a wide range of automotive brands. By following strict quality control measures and utilizing advanced technology, they ensure that each part meets or exceeds industry standards. Whether you need engine components, electrical systems, or body parts, Smart Parts Exports guarantees that every product is made with precision and care. Their diverse manufacturing capabilities allow them to serve brands across the spectrum, including popular manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, Ford, and more.
Wholesale Distribution of Genuine Auto Spare Parts Across the Globe by Smart Parts Exports
Smart Parts Exports operates as a global player in the automotive spare parts market, providing wholesale distribution of genuine parts to clients around the world. With an extensive logistics network, they ensure timely and efficient delivery, regardless of location. Their bulk distribution model allows clients to purchase large quantities of spare parts at competitive prices, making Smart Parts Exports the preferred choice for dealerships, workshops, and retailers. This wide-reaching capability also ensures that no matter where you are, you can access the spare parts you need.
Why Choosing Smart Parts Exports for Genuine Auto Spare Parts Saves You Time and Money
When it comes to automotive maintenance, time and cost are critical factors. By choosing Smart Parts Exports as your trusted supplier for genuine spare parts, you not only ensure the quality of the product but also save on time and expenses. The company’s efficient manufacturing processes and global distribution network allow for quicker order fulfillment and cost-effective solutions. Buying from Smart Parts Exports means you can avoid the pitfalls of unreliable suppliers and get the right parts at the right time, preventing costly delays and vehicle downtime.
Comprehensive Range of Genuine Auto Spare Parts Available at Smart Parts Exports for Various Vehicle Types
Smart Parts Exports stands out for its wide selection of genuine auto spare parts, catering to various vehicle types including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and heavy-duty vehicles. Their comprehensive product range covers essential components such as engine parts, suspension systems, braking systems, electrical parts, filters, and accessories. With an inventory that serves both domestic and international brands, customers can find the exact part they need, whether it’s for a passenger car, commercial truck, or luxury vehicle.
How Smart Parts Exports Helps Mechanics and Workshops Maintain Reliable Access to Genuine Auto Spare Parts
Mechanics and auto repair workshops rely on a steady supply of genuine spare parts to meet their customers’ needs. Smart Parts Exports ensures that mechanics and workshops have reliable access to high-quality parts through their wholesale distribution model. This constant availability of parts helps service providers maintain quick turnaround times for repairs and services, which in turn increases customer satisfaction. By partnering with Smart Parts Exports, workshops can operate more efficiently and enhance their reputation for using genuine, trusted parts.
Smart Parts Exports: A Trusted Supplier of Genuine Auto Spare Parts for Dealerships Worldwide
Dealerships need a trusted supplier to maintain their inventory of genuine auto spare parts for both new and used vehicles. Smart Parts Exports is a trusted partner for dealerships around the world, offering wholesale quantities of high-quality parts for all major automotive brands. Their global distribution network ensures that dealerships can maintain stock levels and quickly fulfill customer orders. With Smart Parts Exports, dealerships can confidently provide their customers with authentic parts that enhance vehicle performance and ensure longevity.
Benefits of Partnering with Smart Parts Exports for Bulk Orders of Genuine Auto Spare Parts
Partnering with Smart Parts Exports for bulk orders of genuine auto spare parts comes with several benefits. First, it allows clients to take advantage of lower per-unit costs, resulting in significant savings. Second, bulk orders ensure that clients always have a ready supply of essential parts, reducing the risk of stock shortages. Third, Smart Parts Exports offers excellent customer support, ensuring that any issues with orders or shipments are resolved quickly. This combination of affordability, reliability, and support makes them the ideal partner for large-scale operations.
Smart Parts Exports’ Commitment to Sustainable Practices in the Auto Spare Parts Industry
In addition to their focus on quality and reliability, Smart Parts Exports is committed to sustainable practices in the manufacturing and distribution of auto spare parts. By implementing eco-friendly production techniques and minimizing waste, the company reduces its environmental footprint. They also work to ensure that their distribution processes are energy-efficient, contributing to a greener supply chain. Clients who value sustainability can trust Smart Parts Exports to provide high-quality parts without compromising on environmental responsibility.
The Future of Genuine Auto Spare Parts Distribution: How Smart Parts Exports is Leading the Way
As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the demand for genuine spare parts is growing. Smart Parts Exports is at the forefront of this industry, leading the way with innovative solutions in manufacturing and distribution. By leveraging advanced technology, expanding their product range, and enhancing their global distribution network, Smart Parts Exports is positioning itself as the future leader in genuine auto spare parts. Their dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability sets them apart as a forward-thinking company ready to meet the demands of tomorrow’s market.
Smart Parts Exports has established itself as a trusted source of genuine auto spare parts worldwide. Their expertise in manufacturing high-quality parts for all major automotive brands, coupled with their extensive global distribution network, makes them the go-to partner for mechanics, workshops, dealerships, and retailers. Whether you need Auto Spare parts for personal use or bulk orders for a commercial operation, Smart Parts Exports offers reliable, affordable, and timely solutions. With their commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, Smart Parts Exports is your best choice for genuine auto spare parts.
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Rejuvenate Your Vehicle: Best Services for Dent Repair in Melbourne
Several professional dent repair in Melbourne can bring your car back to its former splendour. Knowing your alternatives for dent repair will help you make wise selections and restore your automobile to its finest appearance, regardless of the severity of the crash or tiny bump you had in the parking lot. More than merely aesthetic problems, dents and dings on your automobile can compromise the integrity and possibly the total worth of the vehicle.
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Top Dent Repair Companies: Excellent Care for All Needs
Experts at car scratch repair in Canterbury are skilled in precisely matching paint colours and textures, producing a smoother, more visually pleasing surface. Certain do-it-yourself techniques, such as polishing or employing scratch removal products, may be enough for small scratches.
On the other hand, expert repair guarantees a more efficient and long-lasting remedy for more substantial damage. Choosing a reliable and skilled supplier will help you get the finest results, whether you pick paintless dent repair, conventional techniques, or the ease of mobile services.
The Significance of Expert Scratch Repair Services?
DIY projects might sound enticing, but there are several benefits to hiring a professional repair agency in Canterbury:
High-quality finish: Their products and methods are used by experts to guarantee a flawless finish that complements the original paintwork.
Experience: Knowledgeable specialists can precisely evaluate the damage and select the most appropriate repair technique, guaranteeing long-lasting and successful repair.
Stopping Additional Damage: Expert repairs can stop corrosion and other problems that might develop from scratches that aren't fixed.
The way an automobile looks affects both its value and your sense of pride in owning it. Any kind of scratch, from a small one from a stray shopping cart to a larger gouge from a mishap with a kerb, may take away from the beauty of your automobile and, if ignored, might develop into more significant problems.
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hospitalequip · 16 days
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Choosing the Right Hospital Bed: A Guide to Top Suppliers and Key Considerations for Healthcare Facilities
Hospital beds are a critical component of healthcare facilities, providing comfort, support, and functionality for patients during their recovery and treatment. The global hospital bed market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, driven by factors such as the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the aging population, and advancements in healthcare technology. In this article, we will explore some of the top hospital bed manufacturers and suppliers, their product offerings, and the key considerations for healthcare facilities when selecting hospital beds.
Top Hospital Bed Manufacturers and Suppliers
1. Hill-Rom: Hill-Rom is a leading global manufacturer of hospital beds, offering a wide range of products designed to enhance patient care and improve clinical outcomes. Their product portfolio includes acute care beds, critical care beds, and bariatric beds, all featuring advanced technology and innovative features.
2. Stryker: Stryker is another major player in the hospital bed market, known for its high-quality products and commitment to patient safety. Their bed offerings include the InTouch Critical Care Bed, the Prime TC Bed, and the Secure II Bed, each designed to meet the specific needs of different healthcare settings.
3. Getinge: Getinge is a Swedish medical technology company that specializes in hospital beds and other medical equipment. Their product range includes the Carena hospital bed, which features an ergonomic design and advanced functions to enhance patient comfort and caregiver efficiency.
4. Invacare: Invacare is a global manufacturer of medical equipment, including hospital beds, patient lifts, and wheelchairs. Their hospital bed offerings are designed to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for patients, while also prioritizing ease of use for caregivers.
5. Paramount Bed: Paramount Bed is a Japanese company that has been manufacturing hospital beds since 1947. They offer a range of beds designed for acute care, long-term care, and home healthcare settings, featuring advanced functions such as automatic height adjustment and built-in scales.
Key Considerations for Healthcare Facilities
When selecting hospital beds, healthcare facilities should consider several factors to ensure they are choosing the best products for their needs. These factors include:
1. Patient safety: The bed should be designed with patient safety in mind, featuring sturdy construction, reliable brakes, and adjustable side rails to prevent falls and entrapment.
2. Caregiver ergonomics: The bed should be easy for caregivers to operate, with intuitive controls and features that minimize the risk of back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders.
3. Functionality: The bed should be equipped with the necessary features to support the specific needs of the patient population, such as adjustable height, backrest, and leg rest.
4. Infection control: The bed should be designed with easy-to-clean surfaces and materials that resist the growth of bacteria and other pathogens, helping to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections.
5. Compatibility with other equipment: The bed should be compatible with other medical equipment used in the healthcare facility, such as patient lifts, mattresses, and monitoring devices.
Hospital beds are a critical component of healthcare facilities, providing comfort, support, and functionality for patients during their recovery and treatment. With a wide range of manufacturers and suppliers offering a variety of products, healthcare facilities have many options when selecting hospital beds. By considering factors such as patient safety, caregiver ergonomics, functionality, infection control, and compatibility with other equipment, healthcare facilities can choose the best hospital beds for their needs and ensure that their patients receive the highest quality of care.
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