#Cape Town Shuttle
shuttlecapetown · 1 year
CTSC Travel was established in 2008 and provides full transport services throughout South Africa. By applying sound business principals, CTSC Travel will create and secure a future for itself, our staff, our clients, and much needed employment.CTSC Travel offer honest, reliable transportation with no compromise on safety and confidentiality. Come and explore South Africa with CTSC Travel. B-BBEE level 1 contributor.We focus on creating a leading edge service in the Shuttle and Tours market. As a transportation company, CTSC Travel focuses all energy in meeting the required needs within the Western Cape as well as building and strengthening our economy.
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Find 5 star rated airport transfers in Cape Town. Airport transfers to any destination in Cape Town #airport taxi cape town #cape town airport taxi #cape town airport transfers #shuttle cape town airport #taxi cape town airport #taxi from cape town airport
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demifiendrsa · 10 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth details Gold Saucer, Corel Prison, Vincent Valentine, Cid Highwind, and more detailed
■ New Art
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■ Regions of the World
The world is comprised of multiple regions, each boasting unique environments for players to explore and experience on their adventure.
Gold Saucer
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Referred to as the gilded paradise, the Gold Saucer is a resplendent amusement park on an epic scale. It is divided into seven areas, called “squares,” each with their own unique attractions. One such is the Skywheel, which takes guests high above the Saucer for an unforgettable view of the park, and has proven to be a popular date spot.
Corel Prison
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A sprawling slum that infests the base of the Gold Saucer. It’s almost as if the Saucer’s glimmering façade acts a beacon for vagabonds and ne’er-do-wells the world over, as they have flocked there in droves. So dangerous is the Dustbowl—Corel Prison’s slightly kinder sobriquet–that those who enter its limits are said to never return.
■ New Characters
Vincent Valentine (voiced by Matthew Mercer in English)
“Who dares disturb my slumber?”
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A self-proclaimed “security” guard who hibernates in a coffin deep below Shinra Manor. This man of mystery is swathed in a red cape and boasts the genes of a monster—as well as a hidden connection to Sephiroth.
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Cid Highwind (voiced by J. Michael Tatum in English)
“Shinra don’t own the skies! They couldn’t stop me even if they tried.”
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This rogue pilot of reputable skill runs a shuttle service out of various abandoned airstrips. After Cloud and company flag him down, he flies them around the globe in his beloved Tiny Bronco.
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Dyne (voiced by Dave B. Mitchell in English)
“You took everything from me. Everything and everyone!”
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Dyne was once Barret’s closest friend, back when the two used to make their living in the coal mines of Corel. Now, he is a wanted man with a gun grafted to his left arm, and his current whereabouts are unknown.
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Dio (voiced by Ian James Corlett in English)
“As park director, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to our gilded paradise.”
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The charismatic owner of the Gold Saucer. Famous for his brawny physique and handlebar mustache, Dio is often found participating in his park’s parades, flexing his muscles before throngs of screaming guests.
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Doctor Sheiran (voiced by Lloyd Sherr in English)
“Won’t charge for my services, but I wouldn’t turn down a blood sample neither.”
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Though his clinic in North Corel may be small, Doctor Sheiran’s heart and intellect are anything but. Lately, he has been caring for the black-robed figures that have stumbled into town, and is attempting to uncover the truth behind their mysterious illness.
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Solemn Gus (voiced by Jonah Scott in English)
“I’ll help…but only if I get a little something from you first. Understand?”
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The sleazy kingpin of Corel Prison, Gus is as flamboyant as he is smooth-talking. Add to that a healthy dose of showmanship, and it’s little wonder that the dregs of the Dustbowl have flocked to him.
Biggs (voiced by Gideon Emery in English)
“Why in the hell did fate pick me?”
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After surviving the fall of the Sector 7 plate, Biggs awoke to find that he is the last remaining member of the ill-fated anti-Shinra rebels, Avalanche. Having recovered from his injuries, he now seeks revenge against the company that murdered his comrades.
■ Combat: Synergy Skills
Synergy Abilities
Powerful attacks in which two characters team up to turn the tide of battle. More abilities will unlock as you increase the party level─a numerical expression of how closely-knit your team is─and deepen the affinity between party members. Fill the synergy gauge by using abilities, then unleash a synchronized assault!
—Cloud / Aerith: “Firework Blade”
Cloud uses Aerith’s magic to unleash a ranged attack.
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—Tifa / Caith Sith: “Moogle Dunk Shot”
Tifa swings Cait Sith’s moogle around and launches it at an enemy.
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■ Combat: Summons
Setting summoning materia will grant access to the power of the gods. A conjured deity will follow the player’s lead and fight enemies automatically, but you can also instruct them to use special abilities. Before they depart the battlefield, summons will unleash one final attack that will wreak immense havoc.
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A titanic colossus whose arms of solid stone can rend the earth—and your enemies—asunder.
—Titan excels at both powerful melee strikes and area-of-effect attacks, such as Boulder Hurl.
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—Upon leaving the battlefield, Titan unleashes Earthen Fury, calling forth giant pillars of rock from deep within the earth. This imposing magic attack harnesses the power of nature to cleave your enemies’ resolve.
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Bahamut Arisen
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A massive dragon covered in resplendent red scales. It cuts off any possible escape routes with its lightning-quick speed, and decimates its enemies with both sharp claws and a veritable arsenal of weaponry.
—Bahamut Arisen excels at attacking in rapid succession, but can also obliterate foes with charged magic attacks from its limbs. Once its Umbral Bombardment lands, it releases two orbs of magic that fan out and annihilate all surrounding enemies.
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—When it leaves the battlefield, Bahamut Arisen activates Gigaflare—an extremely potent attack that sees the dragon unleash beams of magic from its wings and maw, burning any nearby foes alive.
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A bird possessed of exquisite beauty and wings of brilliant flame. Phoenix not only flies about the battlefield assailing foes with its blisteringly hot attacks, but also heals the party’s wounds.
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—In addition to engulfing enemies in flames with its wings of wildfire, Phoenix can grant buffs with healing effects. It can also revive incapacitated allies and fully recover their HP with Arise, allowing them to return to the front line and continue the fight.
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—When it departs the field of battle, Phoenix unleashes Rebirth Flame, which recovers the party’s HP and spells a fiery death any foes within its wide range. A single feather falls from Phoenix’s wings, enveloping the battlefield in burning flames, after which the bird rises from the cinders to deal the final blow.
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■ System: Relationships
Bonds of Friendship
Cloud’s actions and the way he responds to other party members while conversing with them will affect his relationship with them.
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With a strong enough bond, you may even reap some benefits, so whenever you’re faced with a decision, you might want to think hard before responding—especially if it concerns your favorite character.
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A theatrical production based on the classic epic poem Loveless.
It depicts a hero’s fight against the Dragon King, the tyrannical ruler of Guardia, as well as his love for Princess Rosa.
Thanks to the latest in VR technology, the Gold Saucer’s Golden Theatre brings this play to life like never before. Depending on your relationship with your fellow theatergoers, the person playing Rosa may even change—along with parts of the script.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second game in the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy, will launch for PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024.
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
Japanese Prefectures: Tohoku - Akita
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
秋 あき、シュウ autumn
田 た、デン rice field
県 ケン prefecture
東北 とうほく north-east, Tōhoku (northernmost six prefectures of Honshu)
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Akita (秋田市)
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Akita prefecture is known for the natural beauty of the sea and mountains, hot springs, and the preserved samurai district in the town of Kakunodate. The capital of Akita prefecture is Akita City, and the economy of the prefecture is structured around traditional industries such as fishing and agriculture, particularly rice cultivation, as well as high-quality sake. Akita's numerous seasonal festivals offer insight into traditional culture, especially the New Year's Eve Namahage Festival of Oga, which is unique to the Oga Peninsula area of Akita prefecture. The Namahage are demon-like beings which are portrayed by men dressed as masked ogres (oni) with traditional straw capes (mino), who go door-to-door in pairs or threes and admonish children who are lazy or who have been behaving badly. They are commonly shown on TV news making children cry as they visit homes in the neighbourhood during the New Year celebrations. Other, less traumatizing, festivals include the Yokote Kamakura Festival in February, where igloo-like snow houses (kamakura) are built across the city of Yokote, inside of each of which is a snow altar to the water deity to pray for ample water; or the Tsuchizaki Shinmeisha Shrine Float Festival, where floats with warrior dolls parade around the port area of Akita City. The women of the region are also famous as 秋田美人 (Akita bijin) or "beauties of Akita" and are known for their white skin, rounded faces and high voices.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット
Nyūtō Onsen - 乳頭温泉郷
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By Bjckashiwa
Nyūtō Onsen is a traditional hot spring town in the eastern mountains of Akita. The town has six ryokan, or traditional inns, some of which date from the Edo period, and a hotel. The most famous hot springs is Tsurunoyu, which is over 300 years old, and considered to be one of the best establishments in all of Japan for a traditional and authentic onsen ryokan experience in the countryside. The onsen in the town can also be visited with general admission for those not staying in the inns. Most of the ryokan have mixed-gender onsen in addition to the male-only and female-only baths. The Yumeguri Pass can be purchased at the ryokan, allowing access to all seven of the hot springs, and a reservation at the ryokan on a shuttle bus allows for easy access to all of the onsen. Nyūtō Onsen means "nipple hot spring" referring to the shape of Mount Nyūtō nearby. The mountains and the deepest lake in Japan, Tazawako, are only a 30-minute bus ride from Nyūtō Onsen.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理
Kiritampo Hot Pot - きりたんぽ鍋
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Photo from HIS
Kiritampo are tubes of rice mashed up into a paste, wrapped around a skewer, and grilled on an open flame. These traditional tubes of sticky rice are then placed in a nabe (hot pot) with local meats and vegetables and cooked together, creating a dish perfect for the frigid winter.
Akita Dialect・Akita-ben・秋田弁
泣く子はいねがぁ (naku ko wa ine gaa)
Standard Japanese: 泣く子はいないか (naku ko wa inai ka) English: Is there a crybaby here? Note: A standard line used by Namahage during the Namahage Festival
あい、しかだね (ai, shika dane)
Standard Japanese: ありゃ~、仕方ないなあ (arya, shikata nai naa) English: Oh no, it can't be helped Note: Said when the other person does something by accident (casual)
これをけ (kore o ke)
Standard Japanese: これを食べてください (kore o tabete kudasai) English: Please eat this
どでした (do deshita)
Standard Japanese: びっくりした (bikkuri shita) English: I was surprised
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charlesandmartine · 6 months
Monday 8th April 2024
After 11 hours 35 mins aloft in one of British Airways finest Airbus 350's we hit the tarmac in Cape Town airport with what I would have said was an alarming thump amidst autumnal leaded skies and evidence of very recent precipitation. 22° the display board said though. Having zigzagged through the ubiquitous endless queue, leading inevitably to a typically bored expressionless immigration officer who, mechanically rubber stamping our passports, seemingly reluctantly allowed us through to a crowded and confusing concourse beyond. With immediate effect we found ourselves people of interest from within the would be taxi driver community eagerly touting for our custom. Following a small diversion to purchase a local SIM card we selected the shuttle taxi option to take us to our accommodation on the Waterfront. Despite the shuttle people carefully copying the address from my booking dot com app, we soon found ourselves being whisked away to a far flung but erroneous destination, nice but not the one we desired. Nonetheless, our driver was very jolly and I think could see the funny side of it by the way he gritted his teeth when I pointed out his error (not before having a thorough tour of Cape Town first). He immediately explained the joke more fully over the phone to his office. No doubt they also had a good chuckle. Well that'll save on a hop on, hop off (HoHo) bus tour tomorrow!
Lovely accommodation forming part of the Radisson hotel complex, so very well appointed and appreciated. UK wind and rain has followed us here though. In the northern hemisphere a southerly wind is generally welcomed as balmy and warm. Here in the southern hemisphere we are reminded the southerly takes on a character of it's own, coming straight from Antarctica! The weather app seems optimistic for an improvement before long. In the meantime a well earned rest is called for I think.
ps Partial recuperation from our journeying experience allowed a short walk from the apartment to the harbour and specifically Tiger's Milk restaurant at the V&A Waterfront where a superb lamb burger was purchased along with a superb local draught pale ale. Then, so it was, that we found a supermarket for mundane shopping including a good local SB for less than £3! And even greater delight, a packet of Tim Tams! We also spotted a rubbery chicken for about £4. It can't get better than that.
Early night beckons.....
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auswalk · 1 year
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One of Victoria’s greatest walking tracks is the Great Ocean Walk. As it wraps around the coastline of the Southern Ocean, it gives those walking along it the rare opportunity to immerse themselves in this monumental location’s landscape, wildlife, and history. From sweeping ocean views to hidden rainforests, there is something for everyone.
For local and international visitors planning to travel along the Great Ocean Walk, many things are worth knowing before you set off. We have compiled a guide that will give you an insight into the location, what you can expect throughout your journey, and the important considerations to make as you plan.
The walk begins in Apollo Bay, a town in southwestern Victoria. Apollo Bay is a stop on the Great Ocean Road that winds along the coast, passing through the Great Otway National Park. Behind Apollo Bay are the mountains of Otway Ranges, partly forested and cleared for grazing and dairying. When you reach Apollo Bay, keep your eyes peeled for Apollo Bay Visitor Centre, as this will serve as the starting point for your journey.
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Arrange your transportation from the end of your walk, Port Campbell, back to Apollo Bay (or where you have chosen to park your car). Shuttle services and public transport are available; we suggest organising your preferred transportation option before setting off.
The Great Ocean Walk is often travelled across eight days, allowing travellers to slow down and appreciate the sounds and sights at a gentle pace. There are also daily and multi-day trip options for covering the entire distance in a shorter timeframe.
Camping and lodge accommodations are available for those covering the distance over several days. Seven camping sites have been designed to be reached at the end of a daily hike, approximately ten to sixteen kilometres apart. To secure a camping spot or lodge, check availability ahead of time and book your accommodation.
The majestic locations available as you traverse the Great Ocean Walk can be separated into eight sections:
One: Apollo Bay to Elliot Ridge
Two: Elliot Ridge to Blanket Bay
Three: Blanket Bay to Cape Otway
Four: Cape Otway to Aire River
Five: Aire River to Johanna Beach
Six: Johanna Beach to Ryan’s Den
Seven: Ryan’s Den to Devils Kitchen
Eight: Devils Kitchen to Twelve Apostles
The Great Ocean Walk’s sections are classified as a ‘Grade 3’ hike. This classification was given as it is ‘suitable for most ages and fitness levels’ though some experience in bushwalking is recommended. Some steep staircases and gradients are presented throughout the walk—challenging terrain and areas that require a distance to be covered along the beach. Hikers should remain vigilant of the path as it can be wet and slippery in different areas or due to changing weather conditions.
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One of the best ways to ensure a smooth and engaging experience on the Great Ocean Walk is by completing the trail with a licenced tour guide. When partnering with a tour company, of which there are over twenty locally, you have access to several services depending on your expected duration and personal needs. From transportation, guided tours, camping and safety equipment hire, supplying food, and more.
Engaging with a licenced tour operator means that a professional will complete all the planning and preparation, allowing you to relax and enjoy every moment of your journey.
If you are walking the Great Ocean Road Walk, whether in a group or independently, we recommend that you take some safety precautions:
There is limited phone reception along the walk, so ensure you mark the last location with reception to walk back to if you need to make an emergency call. We also advise being familiar with the emergency contact numbers 000 and 112.
Consider bringing a personal locator beacon or satellite radio to keep those waiting for you updated on your location or for emergencies.
It is essential to pack a First Aid kit or, where possible, travel with someone who is First Aid certified.
Be vigilant of snakes, especially in the warmer months. Keep your distance and make a wide berth if you come across one. Precautions include keeping your tent and belongings off the ground and secure, checking the area before sitting down, wearing hiking boots, gators, and pants, and more. See the Great Ocean Walk website for more details on ways you can keep safe along the trail.
Bushfires are a serious risk, and the Great Ocean Walk is a high-risk area, especially during the summer. We recommend checking the fire rating for the days you intend to be walking and being familiar with bushfire safety, which you can read more about through the Visit Victoria website.
Many beaches along the trail experience rogue waves and tide changes. Wreck Beach, in particular, is a high-risk area. Keep a minimum ten-metre distance from the water. We also recommend checking the tide timetable. Only travel down to the beach if it is low tide and safe, and remain aware of quickly changing conditions.
You will need expert guidance and organisation for a truly memorable experience on the Great Ocean Walk. With Auswalk, you can enjoy guided, self-guided and tailored walks across Australia. As your qualified travel companion, you can leave everything to us – from accommodation to food. It’s not just about getting you to the destination but also about the journey that leads to it. Come and see the hidden gems of the Great Ocean Walk with Auswalk; contact us today to start your journey.
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kamaandhallie · 1 year
The Dark Lord and the Savior: Chapter 1
Wander Over Yonder x Star Wars x Dune crossover fanfic
Chapter 1: The Better Bad Guy
The peaceful planet Goolopia rested in the void of a lone star system in the galaxy, a peaceful day like any other, and the inhabitants, the goolops, a race of small blobby one-eyed antennaed aliens, stroll their towns and streets minding their own business, until suddenly a giant skull-shaped spaceship dawned down on their sky. The Skullship landed hard on the ground that it shook the surrounding city, and the mouth of the ship opened up with a giant tongue rolling out, and out of the mouth came an army of small eyeball-headed guys called the Watchdogs. Behind them, the tall hooded skeleton villain Lord Hater emerged from the ship with Commander Peepers by his side.
It was another day of conquering planets for Hater and Peepers, and they were on a pretty good streak today, five planets so far, and this is the sixth one today. Hater and Peepers felt pretty proud of themselves as they high-fived each other seeing the ongoing invasions on the goolops, and they’re now becoming more confident they can make it in making Hater the greatest villain in the galaxy. 
 “We’re doing it, Lord Hater! Soon enough we’ll conquer enough planets to make you the greatest in the galaxy!” Commander Peepers said enthusiastically seeing the invasion.
“Pfftt! I already know I am, Peepers. I just gotta make sure everyone knows that too!” Hater said smugly, shrugging off Peepers’ comment.
Hater and Peepers walked down from their ship, following their army closely behind, trying to strike the best evil look and pose they could muster. Hater shouts with victory. “Your planet has just been conquered by…Lord Hater! The greatest villain the galaxy has ever se…wha…?” Hater’s speech gets interrupted as the sky suddenly darkened.
Above them, the sun has been partially blocked by a gigantic, grey, triangular-shaped spaceship. That spaceship easily made Hater’s Skullship look tiny, though a lot of villains’ ships did that, and could probably destroy it easily too. As the ship descended lower, everyone truly got a sense of how massive it was, feeling like it stretched all the way from the horizon behind you to the one in front of you. It eerily resembled Dominator's ship, but less colorful, and much bigger, which was terrifying since Dominator's ship already was large enough to dwarf many planets. The giant triangular ship never landed (thankfully, or else they’d all be crushed), instead, a giant hole opened up underneath it where several smaller but still large ships emerged and descended to the ground. 
The ships had a strange shape, with an elongated cockpit giving the impression of a snout, two long wings facing downwards in a diagonal angle and one large fin at the top of the ship, giving the wings and fin a triangular formation. The shuttle ships landed on the ground in front of the city, around nine of them in total, the middle one in the front being the smallest. The doors of the eight larger shuttles on either side of the smaller lead opened, looking like huge metal drawbridges slamming down on the ground, and out of the shuttles came a battalion of soldiers wearing white armor and helmets wielding blasters came rushing out of the ships. The soldiers chased the inhabitants around, firing their blasters, and the goolops all ran in terror from the sound of hundreds of marching feet and firing lasers.
The middle shuttle ship’s door finally opened, and out of it came a group of six troopers, followed close behind by what looked to be their leader, a tall caped figure in a black helmet and mask as well as robotic-looking armor whose black color made him stand out from the rest, and on either side of him are two unmasked men in dull green uniforms with their arms behind their backs, obviously pretty high-ranking too. The tall dark masked man pulled out and ignited a strange-looking weapon, a red laser sword, and with it he began to attack the inhabitants, slicing and destroying everything in his path, he was unstoppable and nothing could touch him, and all the goolops who stood in his way are sliced to smoldering pieces (though they’re not dead, being gelatinous creatures). The goolop soldiers and even the Watchdogs try shooting the masked caped man with their blasters, but to everyone’s surprise, he actually deflects every single blast with his laser sword, even deflecting a few back at the ones who fired, knocking them out, and the masked man didn’t even get a scratch on him, so of course, the goolop soldiers and the Watchdogs all fled in terror from the dark figure. But that wasn’t all the masked guy had to offer, in one astonishing display of power, he lifted an entire group of goolop soldiers using what appeared to be telekinesis, crushing them all into a big pile and throwing them through the gates of the castle, destroying the entire front entrance.
The masked caped guy, along with the green uniform guys and a group of the troopers in white helmets behind them, walked into the castle toward the Goolop King’s throne. The guards tried to attack but were quickly taken out with no effort at all, being thrown back and splattered against the wall with the dark helmeted guy’s telekinesis, sliced in half by his laser sword, or blasted by the white-armored troopers. The king sat on his thrown, quivering with fear as a pool of sweat (or whatever it is gelatinous creatures release when they’re scared), knowing that he was now completely defenseless and is now facing the invaders who are mere inches away from him. But the black-caped guy didn’t destroy the king, instead, he and the other officers and troopers forced the king to go outside with them, as a sign to all of Goolopia that their planet has been successfully conquered. The troops then planted their flag, which was a red flag with some black and white circles inside, and raised it high, and the other troops gathered all the conquered inhabitants into one large area in front of the castle, where the caped helmet guy and the two green-uniformed officers stood at the entrance with the captured king.
One of the green-uniformed guys now began to speak. “Citizens of Goolopia, your planet is now under the rule of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, and now an honorary member of the Galactic Empire, now officially expanded to become the Intergalactic Empire!” the Imperial Officer declared while pointing at the flag which flowed majestically and intimidatingly in the wind, and the goolops did nothing but bow their heads down in sadness while the white troopers cheered.
Hater and Peepers watched the entire thing from the tongue of the Skullship, never taking their eyes off all the crazy stuff happening due to the shock of what just happened, not even the hundreds of Watchdogs running past them panicking back into the ship was able to grab their attention. Commander Peepers knew what this meant, they had some serious competition now, and an extremely dangerous one too, from the way the caped helmeted man had easily taken down entire armies singlehandedly, it’s clear he and his forces would give a lot of the villains in the galaxy a run for their money. Hater had mixed feelings; one on hand, Hater felt mad and jealous of this caped guy, as he took the planet Hater was just about to conquer and made him look bad, but on the other hand:
“Peepers…” Hater muttered, not taking his eyes off his new adversary. “That guy…is so awesome! Did you see the way he just annihilated all those soldier guys?! The way he just took them out all brooding and quiet like he doesn’t care and is too cool to give them any attention while looking all epic, now that’s what a villain should be!” Hater rambled and fanboyed hardly.
“Sir, that guy just took over the planet we tried to take over…and he totally embarrassed you just now!” Peepers said, staring at Hater confused. This isn’t how he normally expected Hater to react to competition. 
“But that guy was so cooolll! He even has a laser sword! How come I’ve never had a laser sword?!” Hater whined like a spoiled teenage girl.
“You have plenty of swords and weapons in the ship, sir.”
 “Yeah, but not a laser sword! They’re all just regular boring swords!” Hater continued to whine. “Ooh! I wanna meet that guy so bad! I mean, I should be mad he just ruined my invasion, but he’s the most villainous villain to ever villains I’ve ever seen! Forget Major Threat! Oh, sorry, I mean…Jeff.” He said with absolute disgust.
“Sir, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. He is clearly a dangerous guy and a threat to our plans. Now let’s just get back in the ship and…” Peepers turns his back for one second only to turn back and find Hater disappeared from where he stood just a moment ago. Peepers looked in the direction of the new conquerors and sees Hater running toward them. “SIR, NO!!!”
One of the imperial officers read from a sheet of holograms, setting the new rules in place, while the dark helmet guy stood beside them in silence. “Imperial Law #77: All spaceships and interstellar travel in and out of the planet shall now have to have imperial approval to contin…”
 “Hey! Dark Helmet Guy!” Hater shouted as he ran towards them, interrupting the speech. Hater stopped right in front of the three leaders, first catching his breath from all the running he did. “Look, I know this is kinda sudden, but I’m like your biggest fa…OW!!!” Hater exclaimed as he was hit in the back of the head by one of the white-armored troopers using the butt of their blaster, causing him to fall to his knees. “That hurt, you jerk!” Hater yelled while rubbing the back of his head.
“Who are you that you think you can just run in front of and talk to officers of the Empire like that?!” the officer who was reading the rules yelled, probably mad because his reading got interrupted.
“Who am I? Who am I?! I am Lor… !” Hater got up on his feet again and was about to epically announce before remembering the dark helmet guy watching him, so he decided to tone it down and humble himself before the master. “Ahem…well, what I was trying to say before I was so ruuddelly interrupted…” Hater sneered while crossing his arms, before changing his demeanor to a more polite one. “I’m here trying to meet your leader, the black…caped…helmet…guy, over there.” Hater tripped over his own words while pointing at said person.
“What is your business with Lord Vader? Lord Vader, do you know this…creature?” the officer asked “Vader”.
Hater gasped dramatically as his eyes began to sparkle. “’Lord Vader’?! That totally rhymes with ‘Hater’! It’s like, it was meant to be.” Hater said in wonder, not realizing he said all that out loud which caused the officers to look at him weirdly.
“And who might you be, exactly?” Vader asked, which was the first time Hater heard him speak. Hater silently fanboyed over his voice, it was the perfect villain voice. So far, everything about him as a villain was flawless.
“Oh, right! How rude of me. You probably might’ve heard about me, I am Lord Hater, leader of the Hater Empire, Duke of Dread and Destruction, Number 1 Superstar, the Universe’s Awesomest Evildoer, I’ve got a lot of titles.”
 “’Lord Hater’?” the imperial officer asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yup, the one and only,” Hater said proudly and confidently.
“As in the Lord Hater who previously owned those five planets we’ve just conquered today?”
That one sentence was enough to make Hater’s entire act and confidence shatter as his smug face instantly dropped into a shocked one. “WHAT?!? B…but that’s not fair! We just conquered those planets today! Fair and square!” Hater yelled like a child.
Vader now stared at Hater with his arms crossed. “It seems your reputation does not precede you, Lord Hater.”
Hater began to panic upon hearing that comment. “Wait, no! Look, we all have at least one day where we mess up a bit.” Hater tried to downplay what had been said.
“That’s not what we heard.” The imperial officer commented.
“Be quiet!” Hater yelled quickly before remembering Vader right beside him and calmed himself down. “Uh…I just wanna let you know that I am your biggest fan, despite just seeing you today.” Hater whispered the last part. “But you’re like the coolest, the best bad guy I’ve ever seen in my life!”
“How flattering,” Vader said with what sounded like sarcasm in his tone.
“Like the way you pulled out a laser sword and sliced and diced those goolop losers and then you used your mind to lift up those soldiers to destroy the castle gates! How do you do that?! That was so…so…” Hater struggled to find the right words.
“’ Awesome’?” Vader finished Hater’s sentence, still with no emotion in his voice.
“Yeah, that! And you know, I’m actually a pretty awesome villain myself. So I wanna show you all the awesome stuff I’ve got and you can tell me what you think! Oh, and maybe ask stuff about you too, if that’s okay.” Hater asked nervously, like a school kid asking out their crush.
Vader remained silent for some time, doing nothing but staring at Hater through his emotionless but intimidating mask, making Hater a bit uncomfortable with all the awkward and tense silence going on. “Perhaps you might find a way to impress me.” Vader finally said and broke the silence.
Hater gasped excitedly. “Awesome! C’mon!” Hater grabbed Vader’s arm (which felt mechanical) and ran quickly back toward the Skullship, leaving the scene behind.
Back where Hater and Vader were standing, Peepers was squeezing through the army of Stormtroopers, and when he finally managed to get out of the crowd into the open area, he pulled out his blaster heroically. 
“Don’t worry, sir! I’ll save you!” Peepers declared. But he saw the spot where Hater and Vader should have been was now empty with only the two imperial officers remaining there. Peepers looked around confused, and then turned back to the Skullship to see Hater running back in dragging Vader with him. 
“Of course…” Peepers sighed before every stormtrooper around him pointed their blasters down at him and he could do nothing but shiver and raise his arms.
On the other side, Hater and Vader have arrived at the mouth of the Skullship and Hater has already started rambling about himself, starting with his spaceship.
“So this is my Skullship, which I can safely say say is the awesomest spaceship in this entire galaxy. It’s not too big, especially compared to your, uh…triangle ship up there, but trust me, it’s way bigger and cooler on the inside.” Hater explained.
“Hey, Hater!” a distant far-off voice called from the horizon.
“Oh, no…” Hater murmured with fear, as he knew exactly who that voice was.
Hater turned to look at the horizon and could see the silhouette of two figures, one smaller one being on top of the larger one, and even at this distance, the silhouette became clearer to reveal who it was.
Wander was sitting on top of his steed and best friend, the zbornak called Sylvia, and they stood on top of a faraway hill in front of the sun. Wander waved excitedly at Hater in the distance with the same stupid smile on his face.
“Hi, Lord Hater! What brings you here to Goolopia? Are you here to go to the annual Goolop Festival? ‘Cause I sure am!” Wander announced as he pulled out a promotional poster for the festival. “Hey, who’s your new friend over there? You have a friend?!”
“Who is that?” Vader asked, Hater only now remembering Vader can hear everything that’s being said.
“Uh, nobody! Nothing! Nobody important at all! Let’s just get on with the tour!” Hater panicked and hurriedly pushed Vader into the Skullship.
“Well, that was weird.” Sylvia said plainly. “Woah, what’s going on down there? Who are these guys?!” Sylvia exclaimed as she saw the conquered goolop city below them and then seeing the giant triangular ship hovering in the sky above them.
Wander gasped. “Sylvia, do you know what this means?!” Wander asked dramatically.
“We’ve got a new villain in the galaxy that’s gonna try to conquer it and we’re gonna have to stop them?” Sylvia asked back, looking at the conquered city with a look of determination.
“It means we’ve got some new visitors in the galaxy, and we should welcome them!” Wander exclaimed happily while pulling out his welcome fruit basket.
“Of course…” Sylvia murmured. “Wander, I don’t think these guys are exactly the welcoming ki…Wander?” Sylvia turned to look at her back only to see Wander missing from where he previously was, and turned back to see down the hill to see Wander strolling toward the army of troopers with the fruit basket in hand. “WANDER, NO!!!”
“Hey, there!” the stormtroopers turned to see the source of the sound, a small furry orange creature in a big green hat was walking towards them. “Folks call me Wander, what brings you to our humble little galaxy?”
“Stop right there! Or we’ll be forced to fire!” one of the troopers shouted as they all raised their blasters at Wander.
“Aw, come on, folks. There’s no need to act so jumpy, I just wanna give you all a warm welcome to our galaxy, and give you my special welcome fruit basket.” Wander ignored the troopers’ warning and still tried to be friendly to them by pulling out the fruit basket out of his hat.
“We’re gonna give you one more warning to stop right where you are!” one of the troopers shouted again, raising their blasters higher and closer to their eye, preparing to fire.
Far behind Wander, Sylvia rushed down the hill to where Wander is, trying to get to him before anything bad happens. “Don’t worry, Wander! I’m coming!”
“So let’s all just give each other a warm welcome, and let’s all hug it out and enjoy some nice fruit. Who’s the guy in charge here, by the way? ‘Cause I’d love to meet ‘em!” Wander said, still trying to be friendly.
“We warned you!” the trooper said again, as they raised their blasters, his time absolutely about to fire.
“WANDER!” Sylvia yelled, running faster to get to her friend. She was getting close, but not close enough. Could she make it in time?
“Blast ‘em!” the trooper shouted, as their fingers pulledon the trigger of their blasters.
Sylvia leaped toward Wander and tackled him, and they hugged tightly and shut their eyes as they hear the sounds of blasters firing toward them.
Sylvia felt confused, she expected to feel lasers rain down on her, and she could hear the sounds of many blasts passing them, yet she felt nothing at all. She opened one eye, then opened both, Wander did the same, and they saw laser blasts flying pass all around them, but none of them were hitting them. They turned to look at the troopers firing at them, and despite them only being several feet away from each other, not a single blast from the troopers manage to hit them, it was actually pretty funny and embarrassing to watch but also relieving.
“Ha! These guys’ aims are even worse than the Watchdogs.” Sylvia exclaimed happily and also mockingly. “Good news for me!” Sylvia said as she prepared to fight and got into a battle stance with her fists up, and she leaped in the air toward the troopers. “I’m gonna clobber you all for trying to hurt my friend!” Suddenly, Sylvia felt Wander grab her tail which ruined her leap and caused her to fall to the ground on her stomach. “Woah there, Sylvia. We shouldn’t fight these guys. Can’t you see they need our help?” Sylvia shook her head to regain her focus. “What?”
“They’re unable to do their jobs properly, can you imagine how disappointed and sad they must feel all the time and how often they must get yelled at just because they can’t shoot properly?” Wander said, which only caused Sylvia to become more confused.
The stormtroopers on the other hand, seemed to actually consider Wander’s words, as they lowered their blasters, relaxed their stance, and looked at each other weirdly. “We do, actually.” One of the troopers admitted with his head down.
“We never really received any proper training. Imperial budget all went to the Death Star or something like that.” Another said.
“Aw…hey! Maybe I can teach you guys how to aim better?” Wander suggested enthusiastically.
“Oh, no…” Sylvia murmured as her eyes widened upon hearing that.
“You’d do that for us?” one of the troopers asked happily.
“Of course! Anything to help a friend in need.” Wander said.
Sylvia came up to Wander’s side and whispered in his ear (if he does have them) “Wander, this is a really bad idea!” “Aw, come on, Sylvia. It never hurts to help.” Wander said one of his signature mottos as he walked off to the troopers.
“Yeah, well I get the feeling this helping is gonna hurt!...us!” Sylvia shouted.
Back at the Skullship, Hater is showing Vader around, giving him a tour of his battleship as well as his and Peepers and the Watchdogs’ home, trying to forget all about Wander. He showed Vader the cafeteria, the mall, the sleeping quarters, the control room, the meeting room, the torture room, the prisons, and pretty much every room Hater can think of. Hater even shows Vader all his favorite weapons, from his swords and other melee weapons in the torture room, the giant lasers in both the torture room and the control room, as well as Hater’s pet, Captain Tim. Oddly enough, Vader never reacted to anything (though it’s hard to tell since he was wearing a mask), Vader stands there in silence while Hater rambles on bragging about the stuff he has, only ever speaking to make an occasional short compliment that sounds more like emotionless sarcasm.
Finally, they arrived at Hater’s bedroom. Hater showed off his things to Vader, some were actually cool things like his weapons on the wall, but most of them are pretty pointless and trivial things like his skull lamp and his electric guitar, which Vader was not too intrigued by, but Hater either deliberately ignored this or he actually didn’t realize what was going on. Hater doesn’t seem bothered by Vader’s silence though, as he was too distracted by showing off and trying to impress Vader with anything he has. After Hater has finally even tired himself out from showing Vader everything on his ship, he can finally get to the point he’s been wanting to get to.
“So, uh, now that I’ve shown you all the awesome stuff I’ve got and told you all the evil stuff I’ve done,  what do you think?” Hater posed confidently as he said that.
“You certainly try very hard to be intimidating.” Vader answered monotonously. Hater couldn’t help but feel if he was being mocked.
“Uh, okay, well…what’s your secret to being such a cool villain? How did you become so evil and awesome?” Hater asked excitedly, immediately changing the subject.
“That is none of your concern.” Vader said plainly. “But what I can say is that letting the hate flow through you helps complete your journey to the Dark Side.” “Hey, my name’s Hater, and I’m already like…the best at hating so I think I’ve got that covered.” Hater said confidently, which Vader only stared at him in response.
Hater acted shy and nervous preparing to ask the big question. “So, uh…I’ve been wanting to ask you something for a bit now. We hung out for a bit and I think you’re really cool, so I just wanna ask…can I have your autograph?” Hater asked as he pulled out a pen and paper, handing it to Vader.
Vader took the pen and paper in one hand, yet did not sign it. In fact, Vader didn’t say or do anything for a few moments but stare at the pen and paper in his gloved robotic hand. “So you really admire me that much?” Vader asked.
“Uh…yeah?” Hater answered nervously.
“I once admired others as you did, but that turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made. So I shouldn’t be shocked that a fool like yourself would fall into the same trap.” “What?” Hater said.
“I can’t seem to understand how such an incompetent, pathetic excuse of a creature such as yourself could ever become the lord of a supposed ‘empire’.” Vader continued, his tone becoming more condescending with every word. “I’ve already thought you were a terrible warlord just seeing how poorly those planets you ‘conquered’ actually seemed to be conquered, but seeing you now and everything else you’ve just shown me, it’s clear that you are nothing but a pathetic excuse who doesn’t even know the first thing people like you are supposed to do. Usually I do not forgive anyone who wastes my time, and the only reason you’re still alive is because I find your foolishness somewhat amusing.”
“B…but…” Hater mumbled.
“Not to mention how I’ve heard most of your defeats was due to your hyperfixation on a wanted vigilante named Wander, who from what’s been described of him to me is nothing but a vagabond who carries nothing but a musical instrument around, and was never even fighting anyone.” Vader continued.
“But you don’t know Wander! He’s such an annoying goody-two shoes…!”
“Enough! You have wasted enough of my time.” Vader said, before crushing the pen and paper meant for autograph in his gloved fist and letting the pieces fall to the floor. “You aren’t worth my attention anymore. Try not to choke on your feelings of admirations next time, Lord Hater.” Vader said as he walked off, paying no more attention to Hater, who has now dropped to his knees in devastation from what happened, staring at the crushed up pen and paper on the floor.
Back outside, Wander has been doing a pretty fantastic job teaching the stormtroopers how to shoot better, most of it involving target practice given some sort of reward every time one of them manages to shoot the target (meaning every blast they shot didn’t even hit the target board). The first few hours were pretty exhausting, as none of the troopers could even hit a target that was merely six feet away, which caused them to be embarrassed seeing how bad they are. After a while ,though, their shots miraculously slowly getting better, starting to actually hit the target board, which was an achievement on its own after seeing how bad their first attempts were. Wander got along with the stormtroopers quite well, always motivating and cheering them on to improve themselves, and them thanking Wander for the rewards. Sylvia watched from the sidelines, she still thought this was a bad idea.
Finally, after long hours of practicing, trial and error, and hard work, the stormtroopers managed to improve themselves significantly, now becoming better shots than they’ve ever been in their lives, everyone hitting the center of their target boards, and some even managing to blast the shape of a smiley face on there, which even they are impressed they managed to do.
“We can’t thank you enough, Wander. This is the best we’ve ever felt in our lives! Now we can serve the Empire properly and be the great soldiers we’re meant to be!” one of the stormtroopers proclaimed.
“Aw, shucks, it was nothing, fellas.” Wander shrugged happily. “It never hurts to help new friends in need!” “What is going on here?!” a voice shouted, revealed to belong to one of the imperial officers, marching through a crowd of stormtroopers to see what all the fuss is about.
“Oh, uh, Commander! We were simple practicing for combat.” One of the stormtroopers answered nervously.
“And who is that?” the commander pointed at Wander.
“Hi! Are you the guy in charge here? I don’t think so. How about we take a picture together?” Wander said excitedly as he climbed onto the commander’s shoulders.
“What are you doing?! Get this creature off me!” the commander yelled before Wander took a flash photo of them together and causing the commander to shut his eyes in pain, which Sylvia couldn’t help but laugh at, even the stormtroopers kinda chuckled at it.
“Oh, gee, sorry about that.” Wander said, which would have sounded condescending coming from anyone else, but it sounded genuine coming from him.
“Lord Vader approaches!” a stormtrooper suddenly shouted from the midst of the crowd.
Another figure emerged as the stormtrooper army moved aside to make way for him, a tall, dark, helmeted and caped robotic figure marched forward from behind Wander and stared down at the weird furry creature before him.
It took Wander a few seconds to notice the shadow dawning over him and realize that someone was behind him. “Oh, hey, you must be the big cheese around here! Lord Vader, was it? Hey, I recognize you! You must be Hater’s new friend! Your names even rhyme together! Well any friend if Hater is a friend of mine. Folks call me Wander, and I’d like to welcome you to our galaxy!” Wander greeted the newcomer as he pulled out the fruit basket once again.
Vader stared at the fruit basket intently, as if remembering something by looking at the fruit.
Wander attempted to defuse the awkward silence. Wander attempted to suggest alternatives, with each suggestion he says he pops out of different corners around the supposed leader while holding the object in question. “Well, if you don’t like fruits, there’s other things we could try to get to know each other. What do ya like to do? Ring toss? Sack race? Fashion show? ‘Cause you are dashing with that cape. Oh! How about we you compete in the shooting practi…” Wander rambled before getting cut off as he suddenly felt as if his body was grasped tightly by an invisible force and he was lifted in the air in front of Vader.
“So you’re the vagabond vigilante known as ‘Wander’? You’re a lot smaller and harmless-looking than I expected, but I’ve seen many like the likes of you to know that looks and size do not matter.” Vader said as he released his telekinetic grip on Wander and let him fall to the ground.
“Wander!” Sylvia shouted as she rushed over towards Vader, she leaped up with her fists ready to fight. “I’m gonna clobber you for that, you…!” Sylvia shouted before her voice cut off and her body halted mid-air.
Vader had apparently used his telekinesis again and used it to stop Sylvia dead in her tracks, his telekinetic power grasping Sylvia by the throat as she struggled trying to pull off the non-existent grasping hands on the throat. Vader threw Sylvia back, causing her to hit a boulder back-first and landed with a splat on the ground, knocking her out immediately.
“Sylvia!” Wander shouted. Vader pulled out and ignited a red laser sword and pointed it at Wander, who now crawled on his back on the ground as Vader kept stepping closer.
“I’ve always wondered what could make a creature with the name of ‘Wander’ such a big threat to all the warlords of this galaxy, but now I have very mixed feelings about you. I can sense that the Force is strong with you, you seem to have a lot of unused power within you, one that can manage to outmaneuver powerful enemies. But you seem to still be nothing more than a naïve, childish, simple-minded pacifist, who’s overwhelming kindness seems to cloud your rational judgement and your potential for greatness. You’re not even armed with any weapons besides that blue brute friend of yours. It seems that that Lord Hater keeps becoming a bigger fool the more I learn about him.” Vader said.
Wander kept crawling back away from Vader. Wander was genuinely fearing for his life in this moment, he knew that the masked man wasn’t messing around, he fully intended to kill Wander. Wander finally felt his back hit a large rock, and he knew there was nowhere to run anymore.
“But I doubt the Emperor will see you as a valuable asset, and if you are as big a threat as everyone says you are, then I shall not hesitate to eliminate any enemies against the Empire.” Vader declared, as he lifted up his laser sword, preparing to strike Wander down with it.
Back at the Skullship, Hater sat on the open mouth of the ship, brooding by himself. Commander Peepers appeared, walking up the tongue to where Hater is sitting.
“There you are, sir! I had to outrun an entire army just to try and get to you! I was lucky their aim was unbelievably terrible and that Wander and Sylvia was there to distract them.” Peepers said, but Hater continued looking sad and clearly didn’t listen to anything Peepers was saying. “Uh…are you okay, sir?”
“Ugh, what’s the point, Peepers? Still trying to be the greatest villain? I try again and again but I keep failing every time because of that stupid Wander!...or, that’s what I thought at first. Turns out the problem’s with me. Vader’s right, I’m nothing but a joke now.” Hater said sadly.
Peepers was feeling pretty mixed emotions hearing what came out of Hater’s mouth, on one hand, he secretly felt ecstatic hearing his boss finally admit to his own flaws that he (and other villains) kept trying to point out about him; on the other hand though, he felt pretty bad seeing the state of the person he most admired, reduced to a sad brooding mess feeling sorry for himself. Peepers didn’t really know what to do at first, should he snap Hater out of his misery and attempt to motivate him by saying Vader’s words didn’t matter? Should he try to console him (which he probably shouldn’t do since Hater hated consoling)? Peepers didn’t know. That was until a solution miraculously presented itself in the distance.
“Sir, look!” Peepers pointed to something in the distance, which Hater’s eyes followed.
In the distance, Hater and Peepers saw Wander getting cornered by Vader, and Vader was raising his lightsaber to strike Wander down. Almost immediately, Hater was instantly filled with rage and energy that contrasted with his sad mood less than a second ago. Hater shouted loudly with his fists in the air, green lightning coming out from all around him, which he and Peepers saw got Vader’s attention and caused him to stop right before he could swing his sword.
“Nobody gets to destroy Wander…but ME!” Hater yelled.
The Skullship moved closer to Vader, and Hater, from the open mouth of the Skullship, blasted lightning from his hands towards Vader. Surprisingly, Vader managed to block Hater’s lightning with his laser sword, which would’ve impressed Hater if he wasn’t so angry at the moment. Hater blasted his lightning again and again, but Vader blocked each strike with his laser sword repeatedly, not getting a single scratch on him.
“Urgh! Peepers! Little help here!” Hater called.
Peepers immediately joined Hater by his side with a blaster in his hand. Peepers fired a shot at Vader, which Vader predictably blocks, but that’s exactly what they wanted to happen, as it gave Hater an open window to blast his lightning at Vader again and Vader wouldn’t be quick enough to block it. Hater did exactly that, as Vader blocked the laser blast that was coming towards him at eye level, Hater blasted his lightning lower, closer to Vader’s feet and the ground in front of him. The power of the blast knocked Vader back, sending him flying as he fell back-first on the side of the rock that he cornered Wander, the lightning even managed to electrocute him a bit as they saw a bit of green electricity zapping his suit.
“Yes!” Hater shouted as he high-fived Peepers. “How’s that for ‘not worth your attention’, Va-dur?!” Hater taunted Vader, who was still lying dazed on the ground, giving Wander a chance to run away and wake Sylvia up.
Hater went up to the Skullship’s control room, deciding he wants to get back at Vader even more. He takes control of the ship, steering it towards the Goolop city, and opened fire. Hater blasted every stormtrooper in the city, making all of them flee in terror from the onslaught of laser blasts coming their way, and they even ignored one of the imperial officer’s order to fight back. Hater even blasted the flags and banners for extra measure.
“Yeah! Who’s the ‘pathetic excuse’ now?!” Hater shouted as he kept on blasting, laughing with maniacal glee as he did.
Wander managed to wake Sylvia up a few moments ago. Now they’re watching the chaos happening before them, Hater’s Skullship blasting all the invading armies away.
“Could it be? Hater’s finally trying to do good and help people?!” Wander said with glee.
“Buddy, I think he’s just helping himself right now by getting rid of competition.” Sylvia said plainly.
“Oh, Sylvia, moments like this are usually the first step to renouncing evil. Once they get a feeling of how good it feels to help, they’ll keep wanting to do it and won’t be bad anymore.” Wander explained.
“Sure, buddy.” In the midst of the chaos, all the stormtroopers began running back to the shuttle ships. Two stormtroopers carried Vader, who was still to dazed from the lightning blast, back to his main shuttle, followed closely behind by the two imperial officers. After every trooper has entered the shuttles (a lot of them were overcrowded due to them all entering the shuttles at random, so they had to really stuff themselves in there), the shuttles immediately flew away, back towards the Star Destroyer hovering in the sky.
The citizens of Goolopia all cheered at the departure of their invaders, Hater and the Watchdogs did the same thing in the Skullship, as all of them chanted ‘Hate’s great! Best villain!’.  Wander stared at the Skullship from the ground with teary eyes, feeling proud of Hater. Sylvia didn’t believe for a second that what Hater did was actually selfless, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t impressed and glad it happened.
Something still felt wrong, though, as the Star Destroyer above them wasn’t flying away at all. They were later proved correct when six small spacecrafts came out of the giant triangular ship down to the planet below. The crafts were nothing more than huge metal balls with nothing but a big round window on the front and hexagonal panels for wings, except one of them had small C-shaped wings, which they knew to be the leading craft belonging to Vader. The crafts all fired on the Skullship and on Wander and Sylvia, which they all started fleeing from. Wander pulled out his bottle of orbble juice from his hat and formed an orbble around him and Sylvia so they can run up into space, Hater went in the same direction. Eventually, they split up, each hoping the fighters will chase the other.
Vader, in his TIE fighter, received an intercom from one of the other fighter pilots. “Sir, they’ve split up. Who should go after who?” the pilot over the intercom asked.
Vader took a moment to think, since both are reasonable options for him to chase down, with Wander being a potential enemy to the Empire, and Hater with him destroying everything just now. After a few seconds, Vader gave his order. “Two of you will follow me to chase the bubble, the rest will go after the skullship.” Vader commanded, deciding not to give Hater the attention he obviously desired. And with that, the six TIE fighters split up in two directions.
Three fighters tailed the Skullship in a high-speed chase, green lasers from the crafts all firing at Hater’s ship.
Hater starts panicking a bit. “Oh, Grop! Peepers, what do we do?!” Hater yelled as he picked up Peeper and shook him violently.
“Don’t worry, sir. They don’t know they’re not the only ones who have those kinds of ships. Eye Fighters, commence!” Peepers shouted.
Out of the Skullship flew dozens of similar looking fighter crafts, except with eyes at the center and the wings being on the top and bottom instead, and they all instantly blasted down all three of the enemy fighters with ease through their greater numbers and speed. Hater and Peepers momentarily celebrated again.
“Now, to take care of the real deal.” Hater said sinisterly as he looked at the direction Vader was in.
Back with Wander and Sylvia, Sylvia is trying to run as fast as she can, but the fighters are catching up every second. They’re surrounded by a hailstorm of green laser blasts coming from behind them, and they narrowly missed popping the orbble several times, especially considering Vader was the lead ship. They were running out if options, the fighters are getting closer and closer, and it’s only a matter of time before one of them makes a successful blast.
Vader’s aiming monitor has successfully locked on to the orbble, and he’s seconds away from pressing the firing button. “I have you now!” Suddenly, two laser blasts came from somewhere above him, blasting down the two TIE fighters beside him.
“What?!” Vader exclaimed in surprise, looking out the small corner windows to see where the blasts came from.
Hater laughed maniacally after blasting the two fighters away, now he is locking on his fire to the lead craft.
“Who’s the greater villain now, Vader?!” Hater yelled as he fired, the blast hitting Vader’s craft’s right wing, causing the craft to spin and spiral out of control, and Vader was forced to surrender and quickly fly back to the Star Destroyer.
Immediately after Hater’s fighter craft entered the Star Destroyer, the giant triangular ship turned around and entered hyperspace, flashing away into the distance and disappearing in the blink of an eye.
Hater laughed triumphantly as he, Peepers, and the Watchdogs all celebrated their victory, for real this time. Peepers felt so proud of Hater, as he finally got out of his depressive state and remembered his greater side.
“Congratulations, sir! You showed those guys who’s boss!” Peepers exclaimed happily.
“I totally did, Peepers! That’ll teach ya!” Hater shouted to a nonexistent Vader. “But it’s not over yet, Peepers. That dumb Vader’s still out there. But I’m gonna show him! I’ll prove him wrong! I’ll show him that he’s just a dumb wheezy robot freak, and I am…the greatest in all the galaxy!”
Wander and Sylvia strolled quietly through the void of space. It took them a few moments to catch their breath and wrap their heads around what just happened, but they’ve successfully calmed down by now.
“Did ya see that, Sylvia? Hater just saved our lives. He does care about us!” Wander said happily.
Sylvia wanted to respond to that by saying that Hater wasn’t being selfless again, but she decided not to waste her breath, she knew Wander wasn’t gonna listen. Wander was always gonna believe what he wanted to believe, and though it can lead to problems at times, she wouldn’t change that for anything.
“Who were those guys anyway? They were weird. Never seen the likes of them around here before. Not to mention I feel these guys are pretty dangerous, that Vader guy was deadset on destroying you.” Sylvia said.
“Well, Sylvia, I know those guys might be pretty dangerous. Believe me, I was scared for my life back there. But we shouldn’t always judge from first impressions. Who knows, maybe as we get to know them, we might find something to bring out the good in them! One more villain in the galaxy means one more friend to make!” Wander said with a lot of hope and enthusiasm in his voice.
“Heh, speak for yourself, buddy. I just hope we don’t have to deal with another weird, crazy, random villain coming to our galaxy anytime soon.” Sylvia said.
And on the other side of the galaxy, above a distant desert planet, dozens of gigantic spaceship materialized out of thin air.
Next Chapter
4 notes · View notes
jessehart · 1 year
12 +15
12. Did your muse go on any trips or vacations as a kid? Where did they go? How did they feel about traveling?
Yes, he went on many, especially when he was younger. His father was at the height of his popularity when Jesse was a boy. Back then, he'd been part of a more ensemble cast type show, so coming in during the later years as the hot new blood with an already established audience had been the recipe for success. He wanted to be seen everywhere, all the time. He wanted to be painted as the hero— a single dad taking his son on vacations, showering him in affection that only lasted as long as they could be seen. So, yes, he's been to lots of places. He used to love it as a little kid because it meant dad was going to be nice!
15. What's one childhood memory that has stuck with your muse over the years? What's its significance to your muse now?
When Jesse was younger, he did a lot of dumb attention-seeking-child things. At age ten, specifically, he ran through a party his dad was throwing (one that he'd been expressly told not to come out of his room for) slathered in chocolate sauce and wearing a Power Rangers towel as a cape and scream-singing The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers theme song. He'd thought it was hilarious and knew he'd be getting into trouble for it as his dad marched him back to his room, laughing it off as he passed by guests. Boys will be boys.
But his dad didn't yell at him. In fact, he didn't say anything to him at all. He was set to go out of town for one thing or another the next day and Jesse was shuttled off to his mom's for the week. The radio silence had been so unsettling and by the time his father came to collect him, he was nearly sick with anticipation. Still, his dad didn't say a single word to him, and as they sat around for dinner that night, Donovan announced to the room at large rather than Jesse himself that until Jesse figured out how to act like a proper son, Donovan didn't have a son. Jesse was to be ignored, treated like a ghost, forced to steal food from the kitchens when no one was around to see it. The treatment lasted for eleven days— long enough for the worst kind of loneliness to settle in. It's why he seeks attention now in any way he can get it, why he has to be seen and acknowledged.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 6th October 1938 the Maia flying boat took off from the River Tay with the Mercury seaplane on its shoulders, it flew 6,045 miles to South Africa creating the record for the longest seaplane flight.
After getting about six miles outside Dundee, between the city and Forfar, the planes separated and the Mercury headed towards Africa. It touched down on the River Orange, setting the then seaplane distance record.
Mercury and Maia were a composite aircraft, one aircraft fixed to the top of the other, very much like the 747/Space Shuttle combination which was used to move the shuttle around America.
In this case it was two seaplanes - both aircraft took off and the object of that exercise of carrying one piggyback was to reduce fuel consumption and therefore leave the maximum amount of fuel available to the smaller aircraft (the Mercury) which would separate from the large mothership below (the Maia).]
The flight was not straightforward.  During the separation, one of the engine cowlings was torn away, reducing the efficiency of the aircraft and adding to its fuel consumption. Heavy weather and thunderstorms were a frequent part of their journey, but most problematic was the failure of the electric fuel pumps, requiring the fuel to be pumped from the floats by hand.  At 12,000 feet, with oxygen in relatively short supply, both men became very tired and Ian Harvey began to hallucinate. 
During the second night of the flight it became clear to the pilots that a shortage of fuel would prevent them from reaching Cape Town, their intended destination.  However, they were well passed the world’s seaplane record and so, for safety reasons, they landed Alexander Bay on the Orange River, about 390 miles short of their target.  After 42½ hours flight, they had covered a distance of 6,041 miles; the record still stands today.
The second pic is a street sign near Dundee Airport commemorating the event, it reads…..
 “Mayo Avenue The street name at Dundee Airport commemorate the World Record for the longest uninterrupted flight by a seaplane. At noon on 6 October 1938 an Empire Flying boat called "Maia” took off from the River Tay carrying a smaller seaplane called “Mercury” on its back. This piggy-back method of launching long distance aircraft was called the “Mayo Composite” after Major Robert Mayo of Imperial Airways who devised the technique. The two planes separated over Dundee Law and Captain Donald C.T. Bennett (later to be founder of the Pathfinder bomber force) and his co-pilot Ian Harvey, proceeded to fly 6,045 miles in Mercury in 42 hours 26 minutes. The finishing point was the estuary of the Orange River at Alexander Bay in South Africa, as the aircraft had insufficient fuel to reach its intended destination of Capetown due to adverse weather on route. “
On the Tay Embankment close to the RRS Discovery there is a bronze plaque attached to the seawall.
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andre64 · 2 years
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Posted @withregram • @andrebeukes64 Ramasibi Guest Services 83 Uys Krige Drive, Panorama, Cape Town, South Africa Mobile +27 82 882 2104 E-mail: [email protected] https://ramasibi.co.za/ Ramasibi is located in the picturesque Northern Suburb of Cape Town in Panorama, Parow with easy access to and from the N1 Highway (750 meters away). We offer accommodation for the business traveller in seven double bedrooms with spectacular views. The owner, JayJay, who is a qualified Western Cape Provincial Tourist Guide and registered with the Department of Economic Affairs and Tourism, offers exclusive tailor-made tours to suit the interests and needs of the tourist. Our conference facility can seat up to 40 delegates in cinema style, 36 in two rows of tables, seating on both sides of the table, i.e. for dinner or 30 in classroom style or U-shape. All rooms have tea/coffee facilities and TV with DSTV & MNET as well as free Internet Wi-Fi. Breakfast consists of a full English breakfast and can be changed on request. Shuttle Service & Airport Transfers Room Facilities: Air Conditioned, Child Friendly, En-Suite, Satellite TV, Honesty Bar, Balcony/Patio, Safe Deposit Box, Hairdryer, Heater, Fan, International Adapters. #Ramasibi #guesthouse #accommodation #capetownnorthaccommodation #northernsuburb #parow #touristguide #tours #capeTours #shuttleservice #conference #capetownnorthconference https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUBrZkrVe0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brookstonalmanac · 15 days
Events 9.7 (after 1930)
1940 – Romania returns Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria under the Treaty of Craiova. 1940 – World War II: The German Luftwaffe begins the Blitz, bombing London and other British cities for over 50 consecutive nights. 1942 – World War II: Japanese marines are forced to withdraw during the Battle of Milne Bay. 1943 – A fire at the Gulf Hotel in Houston kills 55 people. 1943 – World War II: The German 17th Army begins its evacuation of the Kuban bridgehead (Taman Peninsula) in southern Russia and moves across the Strait of Kerch to the Crimea. 1945 – World War II: Japanese forces on Wake Island, which they had held since December 1941, surrender to U.S. Marines. 1945 – The Berlin Victory Parade of 1945 is held. 1953 – Nikita Khrushchev is elected first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1963 – The Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio with 17 charter members. 1965 – During an Indo-Pakistani War, China announces that it will reinforce its troops on the Indian border. 1965 – Vietnam War: In a follow-up to August's Operation Starlite, United States Marines and South Vietnamese forces initiate Operation Piranha on the Batangan Peninsula. 1970 – Fighting begins between Arab guerrillas and government forces in Jordan. 1970 – Vietnam Television was established. 1977 – The Torrijos–Carter Treaties between Panama and the United States on the status of the Panama Canal are signed. The United States agrees to transfer control of the canal to Panama at the end of the 20th century. 1977 – The 300-metre-tall CKVR-DT transmission tower in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, is hit by a light aircraft in a fog, causing it to collapse. All aboard the aircraft are killed. 1978 – While walking across Waterloo Bridge in London, Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov is assassinated by Bulgarian secret police agent Francesco Gullino by means of a ricin pellet fired from a specially-designed umbrella. 1979 – The Chrysler Corporation asks the United States government for US$1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy. 1984 – An explosion on board a Maltese patrol boat disposing of illegal fireworks at sea off Gozo kills seven soldiers and policemen. 1986 – Desmond Tutu becomes the first black man to lead the Anglican Diocese of Cape Town. 1986 – Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet survives an assassination attempt by the FPMR; 5 of Pinochet's bodyguards are killed. 1995 – Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on STS-69, the second flight of the Wake Shield Facility. 1997 – Maiden flight of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. 1999 – The 6.0 Mw  Athens earthquake affected the area with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), killing 143, injuring 800–1,600, and leaving 50,000 homeless. 2005 – Egypt holds its first-ever multi-party presidential election. 2008 – The United States government takes control of the two largest mortgage financing companies in the US, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 2010 – A Chinese fishing trawler collides with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats in disputed waters near the Senkaku Islands. 2011 – The Lokomotiv Yaroslavl plane crash in Russia kills 43 people, including nearly the entire roster of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Kontinental Hockey League team. 2012 – Canada officially cuts diplomatic ties with Iran by closing its embassy in Tehran and orders the expulsion of Iranian diplomats from Ottawa, over nuclear plans and purported human rights abuses. 2017 – The 8.2 Mw  2017 Chiapas earthquake strikes southern Mexico, killing at least 60 people. 2019 – Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov and 66 others are released in a prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia. 2021 – Bitcoin becomes legal tender in El Salvador. 2021 – The National Unity Government of Myanmar declares a people's defensive war against the military junta during the Myanmar civil war.
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tours2go · 23 days
Reliable and trustworthy transport Service with clean and neat vehicles. Friendly and trustworthy driver #Tours2Go #ToursToGo
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Hey there! 👋 Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We’re SuperShuttles Travel and Tours, and we’re here to make sure your journeys in Cape Town are nothing short of extraordinary. Whether you’re a local, a tourist, or a business traveler, we’ve got your transportation needs covered with our top-notch shuttle services. So buckle up and let’s dive into what makes us the best in the biz! 🚀 About Us 🏢 SuperShuttles Travel and Tours isn’t just a transportation company; we’re your partner in adventure, comfort, and convenience. We’re deeply rooted in the local culture and know the ins and outs of this beautiful city like the back of our hands. From the moment you step into one of our shuttles, you’ll feel the difference – we’re not just about getting you from point A to point B; we’re about making your journey an experience to remember. 🎉 Our Mission 🎯 Our mission is simple: to provide reliable, safe, and comfortable transport services that cater to your every need. We understand that travel can be stressful, whether it’s rushing to the airport or navigating a new city. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to taking the hassle out of transport, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. We’re all about giving you peace of mind and making sure you get to where you need to be on time, every time. ⏰ Our Fleet 🚗 At SuperShuttles, we take pride in our fleet of modern, well-maintained vehicles. Our shuttles are designed with your comfort in mind, featuring plush seating, air conditioning, and ample luggage space. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or in a large group, we’ve got the perfect vehicle to suit your needs. Our fleet includes everything from sleek sedans to spacious vans, ensuring that no matter your party size, you’ll travel in style and comfort. 😎 Meet Our Drivers 👨‍✈️👩‍✈️ Our drivers are the heart and soul of SuperShuttles. Friendly, professional, and always ready to go the extra mile (literally! ), they’re here to make your journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Each of our drivers is fully licensed, extensively trained, and has a deep knowledge of Cape Town’s roads. Whether you need a quick airport transfer or a full-day tour of the city, our drivers are your trusted companions on the road. 🚦 Our Services 🚀 Now, let’s talk about what we do best – getting you where you need to go! Here’s a breakdown of the services we offer: 1. Airport Transfers ✈️ Nothing says stress-free travel like a smooth airport transfer. Our airport shuttle services are designed to ensure that you start and end your trip on the right note. We offer 24/7 airport transfers to and from Cape Town International Airport, with real-time flight tracking to adjust for any delays. Whether you’re arriving early in the morning or late at night, you can count on us to be there, ready to whisk you away to your destination. 🌅🌙 2. City Tours & Sightseeing 🏙️ Cape Town is a city bursting with culture, history, and natural beauty. And there’s no better way to explore it all than with a personalized city tour from SuperShuttles. Whether you want to hike up Table Mountain 🏔️, stroll through the vibrant Bo-Kaap neighborhood, or visit the famous Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, our city tours are fully customizable to suit your interests. Our knowledgeable drivers double as tour guides, sharing fascinating insights and local tips along the way. 🌿 3. Wine Tours 🍷 The Cape Winelands are world-renowned for their stunning vineyards and award-winning wines. Our wine tours take you on a journey through the picturesque landscapes of Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, and Paarl, where you can indulge in wine tastings, gourmet dining, and more. Perfect for a romantic getaway or a fun day out with friends, our wine tours are all about relaxation, luxury, and, of course, some of the best wines South Africa has to offer. 🍇🥂 4. Group Transport 👥 Planning a group outing or event? Let SuperShuttles handle the transport logistics. We offer group transport services for corporate events, weddings, family reunions, and more. Our spacious vehicles can accommodate large groups comfortably, ensuring that everyone arrives together and on time. Plus, with our flexible booking options, we can easily adapt to any last-minute changes. 🎉 5. Corporate Travel 🗄️ For businesses, we provide tailored corporate travel solutions that are professional, reliable, and hassle-free. Whether you need daily shuttle services for your employees, VIP transport for clients, or logistics support for a large event, we’ve got the expertise and fleet to meet your needs. Impress your clients and take the stress out of business travel with our top-tier corporate services. 💼 6. Chauffeur Services 🚖 Need a bit more luxury? Our chauffeur services are perfect for those who prefer a more personalized experience. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just because you deserve it, our professional chauffeurs are at your service. With high-end vehicles and a focus on discretion and professionalism, our chauffeur services add a touch of elegance to your travels. 🌟 7. Event Transport 🎊 Hosting a big event? We specialize in event transport, ensuring your guests arrive safely and comfortably. From weddings to conferences, we work closely with event planners to coordinate seamless transport solutions that fit your schedule and budget. With SuperShuttles handling the logistics, you can focus on enjoying your event. 💍🎤 Why Choose Us? 🤔 There are plenty of transport options in Cape Town, so why should you choose SuperShuttles? Here’s what sets us apart: 1. Reliability You Can Trust 🤝 When you book with SuperShuttles, you’re not just getting a ride – you’re getting peace of mind. We pride ourselves on our punctuality and reliability, ensuring that you’re never left waiting. Whether it’s an early morning flight or a late-night event, we’re always on time, every time. 2. Local Knowledge 🗺️ As locals, we know Cape Town like the back of our hand. This means we can offer you the best routes, avoid traffic hotspots, and provide insider tips that you won’t find in any guidebook. Plus, our drivers are always happy to recommend hidden gems and must-see attractions. 3. Safety First 🛡️ Your safety is our top priority. Our vehicles are regularly serviced and maintained to the highest standards, and all our drivers are trained in defensive driving techniques. We’re also fully compliant with all local regulations and safety standards, so you can rest easy knowing you’re in safe hands. 4. Comfort & Convenience 🛋️ Traveling should be enjoyable, and that’s why we focus on comfort and convenience. From plush seating to climate control, our vehicles are designed to make your journey as pleasant as possible. And with features like Wi-Fi, charging ports, and child seats available on request, we’ve thought of everything to make your trip a breeze. 5. Eco-Friendly Initiatives 🌱 We care about the environment and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. That’s why we’ve implemented eco-friendly practices across our operations, including using fuel-efficient vehicles and optimizing our routes to reduce emissions. We’re constantly looking for new ways to go green and contribute to a sustainable future. 6. Competitive Pricing 💰 Quality service doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. We offer competitive rates on all our services, with transparent pricing and no hidden fees. Whether you’re booking a one-way airport transfer or a full-day tour, you’ll find our rates fair and affordable. How to Book 📲 Ready to book your next journey with SuperShuttles Travel and Tours? It’s easy! You can book directly through our website, give us a call, or send us an email. We’re here to help with any questions you might have and to ensure your booking process is smooth and stress-free. Website: www.supershuttles.co.za Email: [email protected]
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mikevaccaro · 1 month
Top Travel Spots in Florida
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Florida, the Sunshine State, is home to about 20 million people who enjoy 300 days of sunshine annually. However, the state's allure extends beyond its warm days and casual atmosphere. Visitors on vacation and those moving to the state can explore various notable destinations.
Tampa, Florida, offers visitors numerous attractions, activities, and entertainment options. Busch Gardens' theme parks and the opportunity to catch major league sporting events are a few ways to enjoy the city. Nature lovers can experience animal encounters at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, famous for the Dolphin Tale movies. For cultural immersion, Tampa hosts special events like the Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival (featuring enormous sand sculptures) and the Gasparilla Pirate Festival. The Tampa Bay area is also an arts and culture hotspot with world-class museums, including the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg.
Well-known beaches in Miami, Panama City, Naples, and Clearwater Beach, among others, attract tourists from across the globe every summer. Their white sandy coastlines and emerald waters are perfect for relaxation, swimming, kayaking, fishing, and boating trips. Numerous beach bars with vibrant nightlife and high-end hotels and restaurants along Florida's coasts and resort towns provide world-class dining choices, including ocean-fresh seafood.
Fort Lauderdale, also a beach town, has a vibrant culture, tropical weather, and beautiful gardens. Intimate natural settings like Hugh Taylor Birch State Park and Bonnet House Museum & Gardens offer couples idyllic strolling paths. The Flamingo Gardens Wildlife Sanctuary is also a tourist magnet with its over 3,000 animals and plant species. Ft. Lauderdale is also known for its network of canals along the coast, where visitors can enjoy gondola rides.
A hidden gem previously under the tourism radar is the rural island city of Cedar Key, a popular spot for visitors who enjoy beach excursions, lush greenery, and wildlife. This small culturally rich enclave invites guests to tours through Manatee Springs State Park, the Cedar Key Historical Society & Museum, and Cedar Key Museum State Park for a close encounter with animals and to learn about the area's history.
Everglades Park is the state's best known national park. With 1.5 million acres, it is the nation's most extensive subtropical wilderness, home to а unique and diverse ecosystem. Among the creatures inhabiting the park and its mangrove swamps and coastlines are alligators and Florida panthers. Visitors can take an airboat tour to observe wildlife, and can also hike the park's many trails.
Another famous attraction is Cape Canaveral. Commonly referred to as the "Space Coast," this place features the Kennedy Space Center facility, from which some of the most significant missions in history, such as the Apollo moon landings, were launched. The Space Center offers tours around the facility, where space shuttles and rockets can be seen up close. On launch days, visitors can watch the rockets blast off from the visitor complex. Cape Canaveral also features the Cape Canaveral Space Force Museum.
Florida is also widely recognized as a home to superstars. Jupiter, a high-profile town in Florida's Martin County, is home to Greg Norman and Tiger Woods, while soccer superstar Lionel Messi lives in Fort Lauderdale. Cementing its status as the nation's golfing capital, Florida has more than 1,300 golf courses, the most of any state. Year-round, celebrities and fans alike flock to the state to golf and explore the World Golf Hall of Fame in St. Augustine.
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🌟 Services Offered
- ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴘʀᴏᴠɪɴᴄɪᴀʟ -
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦: Cape Town
- Travelling through towns along R61 till
- Queenstown/Komani, Cofimvaba, Tsomo,
Ngcobo, uMtata, Ngqeleni.
𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗌 - 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗂𝖼𝖾𝗌 - 𝖤𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌 - 𝖳𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗅
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 > Cape Town
•🚏 𝖫𝖮𝖢𝖠𝖫 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝗪𝗖/𝗖𝗣𝗧
•🚏 𝖨𝖭𝖳𝖤𝖱𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖵𝖨𝖭𝖢𝖨𝖠𝖫 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝗥𝗦𝗔
-𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 : Cape Town 𝗧𝗼 :Eastern Cape (Along R61 Route)
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦: From Tsomo and Butterworth
- 𝐓𝐨: Cape Town 𝚆𝙲, Bloemfontein 𝙵𝚂 & Johannesburg 𝙶𝙿
𝗧𝗼 : 𝖠𝗇𝗒 𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗏𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖱𝖾𝗉𝗎𝖻𝗅𝗂𝖼 𝗈𝖿 𝖲𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗁 𝖠𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖺
𝖥𝖮𝖱 𝖡𝖮𝖮𝖪𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 𝖠𝖭𝖣 𝖨𝖭𝖰𝖴𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖤𝖲 , 𝖢𝖮𝖭𝖳𝖠𝖢𝖳 NOPSE TransLogistics Network 𝗏𝗂𝖺 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗌 Cwengile Masiza 𝗈𝗋 𝖵𝖨𝖲𝖨𝖳 𝖮𝖴𝖱 𝖶𝖤𝖡𝖲𝖨𝖳𝖤 𝖥𝖮𝖱 𝖬𝖮𝖱𝖤 𝖣𝖤𝖳𝖠𝖨𝖫𝖲 @nopsetn.net
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taketravel22 · 1 year
How Far is Cocoa Beach from Orlando?
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Cocoa Beach is approximately 60 miles east of Orlando. Known as the small waves capital of the world, Cocoa Beach has a rich surf history and is home to the 11-time world surfing champion, Kelly Slater. Visitors can explore the world's largest surf shop and enjoy other attractions in the area. Located on Florida's Space Coast, Cocoa Beach offers a beautiful coastline, plenty of outdoor activities, and a relaxed beach town atmosphere. Whether you're looking for a beach day bliss or want to explore the nearby attractions, Cocoa Beach is a great destination for both locals and tourists. Exploring The Distance Exploring the distance between Orlando and Cocoa Beach requires considering several factors. The driving distance from Orlando to Cocoa Beach is easily accessible and takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, the duration of the drive can vary depending on traffic conditions. Additionally, there are other transportation options available for those who prefer not to drive, such as shuttle services or public transportation. When calculating the distance between these two locations, it's important to take into account any potential delays or detours that may affect travel time. Ultimately, whether you choose to drive or explore alternative transportation options, Cocoa Beach is a popular destination known for its surf history and attractions, making it worth the visit. Attractions Of Cocoa Beach Cocoa Beach, known as the small waves capital of the world, is famous for its rich surf history. This beautiful beach has produced the 11-time world surfing champion, Kelly Slater. When visiting Cocoa Beach, make sure to check out the world's largest surf shop, a must-visit for surf enthusiasts. Apart from its surfing heritage, Cocoa Beach offers a range of other attractions for visitors to enjoy. Explore the stunning coastline, relax on the sandy beaches, or take part in various water sports activities. Cocoa Beach is also conveniently located near other popular tourist destinations. Just a short drive away, you can visit Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center. Additionally, Orlando's famous attractions, such as Walt Disney World and Universal Studios, are within easy reach from Cocoa Beach. Overall, Cocoa Beach is a fantastic destination for surf lovers and tourists looking to experience the best of Florida's beautiful coastlines and attractions. Frequently Asked Questions For How Far Is Cocoa Beach From Orlando Why Is Cocoa Beach So Famous? Cocoa Beach is famous as the small waves capital of the world, with a rich surf history and attractions like the world's largest surf shop. What Is The Closest And Nicest Beach To Orlando? The closest and nicest beach to Orlando is Cocoa Beach, known for its small waves and surf history. Is Cocoa Beach A Pretty Beach? Cocoa Beach is a beautiful beach known for its rich surf history and attractions like the world's largest surf shop. How Far Is Disney From Cocoa Beach? Disney is approximately 75 miles away from Cocoa Beach. Conclusion Cocoa Beach, located on Florida's Space Coast, is a popular destination for tourists seeking sun, sand, and surf. As we discussed in the blog post, Cocoa Beach is just over an hour's drive from Orlando, making it an accessible option for a beach day or weekend getaway. The proximity to Orlando, along with its beautiful coastline and rich surf history, has earned Cocoa Beach the title of the "Small Waves Capital of the World. " One of the highlights of Cocoa Beach is the world's largest surf shop, where visitors can immerse themselves in the surf culture and check out other area attractions. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or a first-time beachgoer, there is something for everyone to enjoy at Cocoa Beach. So, next time you find yourself in Orlando and craving some beach time, don't hesitate to make the short trip to Cocoa Beach. With its stunning beaches, laid-back atmosphere, and range of activities, it's the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a taste of the Florida coast. Read the full article
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