#Cant wait until we move so I can get her a nice big cat tree and spoil her even more
in-peryl · 7 months
the best part of any day is that no matter what happens or how late or early I get home my cat is excited to see me
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faythelyse · 4 years
Joji x Reader {female reader} Apocalyptic Setting <Part One>
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The sound of your closest friends baby jolts you awake. You had fallen asleep sitting up in a chair near the window. You stand and stretch for a moment before walking into the kitchen. Jessica meets you at the doorway to the kitchen.
"We're officially out of food." She bounces her daughter on her knee.
"Alright, I'll grab Ashlee and we can hit that up this place we noticed coming back from our last haul. It looked like a department store or something. I have an extra cheese stick in my bag if Jade is hungry."
Jessica knods and sighs. You knew saving that cheese stick was a good call. After grabbing the snack for Jade you head to the garage where Ashlee was working on the truck we scored a few months ago. Ashlee notices you enter and slams her hand on the top. "We still need some gas for this bad boy!"
"No time like the present to go look for some?!" You add expecting a negative response.
Ashlees face turned sour. "We're out of food."
"Yep. You going."
"Well of course, but we just went on a trip 3 days ago. Those rations were supposed to last a week. Jess eats like a fucking pig." Ashlee starts throwing her gloves off onto the desk and prepares a bag for the emergency food trip we are underprepared for in all honesty.
"How much ammo do we have left?"
Ashlee sighs heavily "We were low last trip. We might have 5 or 6 shells left for the shotgun."
"And the handgun?" You interject.
"Fifteen." Ashlee finishes packing up leaving the shotgun for me to take. "I'm gonna take a smoke break. Meet me out front when your ready to roll." She puts the cigarette in her mouth and walks out.
Grabbing the gun you quickly head for your room to gather the essentials. Outside Ashlee was taking the last drag off her cigarette before flicking it to the road. I stare at the bikes in front of us wishing we had gas for the truck. "Jesus christ I hate these bikes, I'm wore out by the time we get to wherever we're going." Ashlee smiles. "Soon Y/N" Ashlee closes her eyes and daydreams for a moment. Imagining life with a car again.
About halfway there we stop and scout a bit. Make sure no one is out and about before we pull closer into this town.
Right on the edge of town we leave our bikes locked to a tree behind a small abandoned house. It was a soft pink color. It somewhat stood out making it easier to remember where we left our things. We chat quietly while making our way to a large department store.
The store was huge. The sign had fallen partially. A corner of the building was also caving in. Jessica, never going out on many supply trips didn't always realize the danger she put Ashlee and I in on a somewhat regular basis. Although we have become better at it over time.
As we arrived at the doors we became silent. Searching for any possible noises or animals that could get us in worse trouble than we were already putting ourselves in. Instead of going in through the front we found a side door that appeared quieter to open. Upon entering we were stunned to see lots of stuff still on the shelves. Why had this store not been hit so badly by looters. Shocked by the nostalgia and childlike joy we let our gaurd down. We casually walked down aisles and shared past memories that seemed insignificant then. We would give anything to be able to visit a store normally again. Buy a new dress to wear for date night or some shit.
"Holy shit, they have mother fucking WINE!!!"
Ashlee was almost in tears, and I couldn't contain my smile. We packed as many as we could. We still needed room for actual food.
Just then we both heard a single gunshot so we dropped immediately to the floor as quickly as possible. Readying our guns we slowly get up and sneak closer to the back of the store where the gun had fired. There is a hallway that leads back to the bathrooms and what I assume might be the head office or the workers lounge area. We see a shadow at first emerging from the hallway. We aim thinking it could be one of the infected, but it was just a man. He pulled out a walkie telling someone on the other end he's fine. Ashlee and I are frozen for a minute. We hadn't seen people in a long time. Hell it's even been awhile since we've seen an infected. They have been sparce lately. Probably just spreading out more. Although we weren't a very populated area anyway. Ashlee whispers "What do we do, ignore them?" I shrug not knowing myself. It would be risky to assume they are friendly. And if they were to rob us we would be left with nothing. Another man runs up, he has a large backpack on. Ashlee and I locked eyes for a moment. We had the same idea to potentially rob this man. I shake my head. "Maybe they will trade?" I whisper.
Ashlee shakes her head in disbelief that they would consider trading. We had not glanced back at the men for a minute, when we turned back to check on them they were gone. I turn back and shrug, if they were gone then we had no further issue. Ashlee and I nod knowing we should get a move on and wrap this up before we get spotted. While crouching we slowly walk around the nearest aisle where we are met face to face with the two men we had just spotted. Both shocked we all immediately stand, but none of us draw a weapon. After a solid 30 seconds of no speaking just staring I speak up
" We really just need to grab some food, we won't be any trouble." It was then that I noticed one of them was injured.
"You're hurt?" I said softly. Ashlee also softened her expression when she noticed the wound. Ashlee broke her silence as well, "Y/N is a healer of sorts, maybe we can help."
Ashlee and I are both suckers for wanting to help. The man with big sad brown eyes looked at me with some hope.
"Can you really hel-ehp" he stopped abruptly and grabbed the wound on his side that started to soak through his thick green coat. I couldn't tell the severity of it, I didn't want him to die though, so in the moment I just decided to say yes. His friend went alongside him to help support him. "My name is Ben" He proceeded to shake Ashlees hand and then my own. "This is George, nice to meet you. We were here looking for medical supplies, if you could help us out we would pay you back some how. Whatever you need, I promise. We'll work it off."
"I'm not a real doctor or anything man. I just started learning this stuff since the world went to shit. I've practiced on dogs, and cats, a few humans. Nothing too crazy. I've become pretty decent at sew up jobs. I just promise to do my best to help. If something goes wrong I just cant have you blaming me."
Ben smiled "Listen, its not like im going to find some heart surgeon out here. Anything you can do to help is better than whatever I could come up with."
Ashlee walks up to the other side of George and throws his arm over her neck. "I'll help walk him to the bikes."
I nod and quickly grab everything i can that is edible, even found a few seed packets. Elena will be stoked to add these to her garden.
We biked back to our little community that cosisted of 2 houses that have been conjoined by fencing in the two. Its somewhat protected by being hidden in the many trees that surround our community.
Jessica was sitting smoking outside. As she saw us pull up with two strangers she looked worried. I held up my hand to show her everything was okay and waved. We brought George in and laid him in a spare room we had set up for me to work on anyone who had been hurt. There was no bed, only a futon mattress had been laid on the floor.
"Set him down gently." Ben whispered.
Ashlee had a worried expression, I could tell she was worried about the blood loss. He appeared paler than before. I sat down and started preparing my equipment as fast as possible and urged Ashlee to grab some other things I needed.
As I neared being finished with sterilizing the needle I told everyone to leave the room. I can never concentrate while people watch. I had assumed George was knocked out when I reached down to start removing his jacket he grabbed my wrist.
"This is going to fucking hurt isn't it." He breathed. I nodded. I had nothing to numb him. Then I remembered the extra wine Ashlee and I had discovered. We had grabbed six bottles. I pulled out a bottle and handed it to George. He glanced it over.
"For the pain?"
"For the pain." I said as took it back from him to open it. After opening I asked if he would like a cup.
"Bottles fine, lets get this over with." He started to shrug off his jacket exposing the large gash on his side. Hopefully he hadn't punctured an organ or something I couldn't fix.
He took 3 large drinks and motioned for me to come to him. I started cleaning the wound to the best of my ability with what we had. It was time to start sewing. Sewing still makes me nervous.
I was ready to pierce skin when he interrupted.
"Do you have anything to bite on?"
I took the belt that was around my waist wrapped it up and handed it to him. He bit down and nodded to show he was ready.
I started and his eyes rolled back into his head, I kept going. I wanted this to be over as fast as possible. He started making a few small shrieks here and there but he was toughing it out rather well I thought.
As I was getting to the last few stitches his hand found my leg and grabbed it tightly. I felt horrible for causing him so much pain.
I started to just mumble I'm sorry over and over again until I had finally finished. His head fell back onto the pillow in exhaustion and agony. I leaned up and pressed my hand to his forehead and face and apologized some more. Trying to gauge how well he was actually doing. I stopped myself and realized I needed to finish by covering it with a bandage. I grabbed clean cloth from the cabinet and bandaged him. I look at him for a moment. I should grab his friend and let him know I've finished. He probably wants to wait with him until he wakes up. As I struggle to stand back up George's hand grabs mine and squeezes. I squeeze back giving him reasurrence, and leave to confront everyone.
Ben steps up to me immediately as i exit the room.
"What's the damage, is he cool? Are we good?"
I could tell he was nervous about the answer.
"I'm not sure yet honestly, he's all stiched up. He's also still alive and lucid which is a good sign. It's going to take a long time to heal. Maybe a month or two. It also needs to stay clean and free of infection. I recommend staying here until he's fully healed. Ben seemed pleased with my answers "Can I go see him now?" I nodded and he rushed in.
Ashlee pulled me to the side. "You reccomend they stay for two months?"
"Yes, that was my recommendation. He was hurt prerty bad, he shouldn't be moving at all for atleast 3 weeks. I think we should just chill. As long as he heals well, we could use their help."
Ashlee crosses her arms. "This is risky, but Im with you. It's nice to have new faces around."
"I agree" I smile, feeling slightly better that I may have saved someone's life.
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princeandreis · 7 years
I had this pretty spontaneous inspiration for a fluff thing where ev meets the reader in an au where he and heidi move away after the events in the musical
  A/N: hhhh um yea b l e a s e no judgement on this, I started and finished it at 1:30 in the morning
word count: idk but it’s l o o o n g because I CANT SEEM TO WRITE ANYTHING SJORTER THAN 1000 WORDS I (edit: 3315 holy sh) includes: angst, swearing probably, slow burn, Evan is probably really ooc I don’t even know pairing: Evan Hansen x reader
  Moving to a new city was always stressful. Evan knew the feeling well. The lump in your throat as you said goodbye to your home, the clutter and discomfort in the new house, the unfamiliar streets; he’d seen it all before. He and Heidi had had to move several times when her job could not support them.
    He’d hoped they would be able to stay in one place now, since his mom had a steady job at a doctor’s office. But now they were moving once again, and this time it was his fault. He’d royally screwed things up with the only friends he’d ever known, and now Heidi thought it was best they both move on. Evan had left on good enough terms with Jared, but he wasn’t naive enough to hope to carry on like nothing had ever happened.
  So here he was, in a brand new city, hundreds of miles away from the place he’d come to consider his home. This town was a place full of opportunity. There was a nice community college he was interested in, and he’d find a job soon enough. He knew that here he could make a new start.
  And he was absolutely miserable.
  Evan missed his friends, even though he realized things wouldn’t have been the same after the Connor Project.
  He sighed, looking around at his new room. So far it was bare. The walls were a light yellow, which he liked. A little light peaked through the blinds in the fading evening sun. He hefted the box he was holding, set it down in the corner, and went downstairs to get another.
  You heard the sounds of shuffling boxes outside and ran to your window to see. So the new neighbors were finally moving in. You watched the movers gradually unload the U-Haul truck for awhile, and finally they drove away. A woman in scrubs and a boy about your age were hauling boxes into their new home. You wondered vaguely what the boy was like, and if you would ever be friends.
  Whatever. It didn’t matter. People were all the same, anyway. Just as you were turning away from the window, your mother called from downstairs, “[Y/N]?”
  “Yes?” you yelled back. “Would you take these cookies next door and see if they need any help?” You rolled your eyes. “Why don’t you do it?”
  “Sweetie, I’m working right n– oh, would you just come downstairs?” she called again. You sighed and clomped into the living room, where your mother was sitting on the couch, typing on her laptop. She looked over at you. “Babe, like I said, I have to work, or I would definitely go over there myself. But my boss is going to kill me if I miss my deadline again.” Your mom was an online columnist for the local paper.
  “Would it really be so hard?” she asked, trying to hold your gaze. “All you have to do is bring the cookies over, ring the doorbell, and introduce yourself and offer to help them move in.” You twisted your silver bracelet, a parting gift from your dad. “Mom, this might sound surprising to you, but that’s more than some people can handle.” She leaned over to brush the hair out of your eyes. “Sweetie, I know things have been rough lately. And I’ve tried to give you some time to recover. But at some point, you’ll have to get back out into the world and try to live again. I know it feels like nothing will ever be the same without Dad. I feel that way, too. But we have to keep trying to live our lives, even when somebody we love leaves us.”
  Your eyes watered, and you quickly turned away to make it stop. You didn’t like thinking about Dad. Dad, with his prickly brown beard and his eyes full of laughter. Dad, with his big deep voice and his compassion. Dad, with his strong arms holding you tight. Until he was too weak to lift them, smiling tiredly at you from the hospital bed. And his eyes, once so alive and full of wit, now slowly closing one last time…
  You scrubbed at your eyes and wiped your nose hurriedly. Mom couldn’t see you crying. She’d worry even more if she knew how strongly your Dad’s death had affected you. It had been long enough, but it seemed like nothing without him would ever be right. Your world had gone completely dark after losing him, and you couldn’t imagine recovering from such a heavy blow.
  You snuffled and turned back around, sure your eyes were red. If she wanted you to socialize, then so be it. “Where are the cookies?”
  Evan was setting down a box marked “Kitchen supplies” when the doorbell rang. He froze. “Mom?” he called. “What?” came a muffled response from Heidi. He tiptoed into her room, where she was busy sorting clothing into piles. “There’s– there’s someone at the door.” he whispered, feeling petrified. The doorbell rang again. Whoever was there was getting tired of waiting.
  Heidi looked at her son. “Sweetie, you’re going to have to step out of your comfort zone a little bit and get to know some people. Meeting your neighbors is always a good start. Now, shoo!” And with that, she gave him a little shove toward the front door.
  Evan stumbled over and opened it. He stopped cold when he saw who was there. A girl, holding a plate of cookies. A very, very pretty girl. He felt his face grow hot as she snapped her gum and half-glared at him. “Hi, I’m Eban. I meap, mean, Evan. Evan.” He mumbled, flustered. He’d fallen in love once and he knew what it felt like. Now it was happening again.
  She rolled her eyes a little and held out the plate of cookies. “These are for you and your mom,” she said. “My mom baked them and made me take them over here. She thinks I need to learn to ‘socialize.’” Evan shifted a little, taking the plate of cookies nervously. Who was this girl?
  “My mom thinks that about me,” he said. “What’s your name?”
  “[Y/N]. [Y/L/N].”
  “[Y/N].” Evan repeated. “Nice name.” “Thanks, I made it myself,” she replied sarcastically. There was a small pause as he tried to figure out how to respond. “I’ll see you around, Evan. Enjoy the cookies.” And with that, his neighbor stalked off across the lawn, narrowly missing Heidi’s unplanted peonies.
  What a character, Evan thought to himself. And he turned and went back inside. In spite of himself, he blushed. She really was pretty, even if she had a terrible attitude.
  The next morning, Saturday, Evan was shaken awake by his mother. He had a job interview, since Heidi needed him to help support the two of them, at least for a little while. “Evan,” Heidi said urgently. “You’re late for your interview.”
  Evan shot out of bed. “Shit, shit, shit,” he whispered, looking for some clean pants. His mother said, “I’ll make you some coffee you can grab on your way out. Hurry!” and she rushed downstairs as Evan slipped on some jeans and mismatched socks.
  5 minutes later he was out the door, coffee in hand, hustling toward his car parked on the curb, when he slammed straight into someone. It was you. You’d been taking out the garbage in your pajama shorts and tank top when Evan, in his hurry to leave, didn’t see you and collided with you. “[Y/N],” he gasped. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you, I just, I’m late for an interv- interview, and I j–” He stopped. You were already walking away.
  Why had you walked away from Evan? It had been two days and you still weren’t really sure. Maybe it was because you were in your pajamas and looked awful. Maybe it was because you hadn’t been expecting to see him. Or maybe it was because you were entirely caught off-guard by his eyes. His enormous eyes… they were so blue and innocent. You could fall into those eyes if you didn’t watch your step.
  His eyes had flooded into you, making you wonder again what type of person he was, and if he would ever reach out to be friends. You didn’t like the intimate level of eye contact, since it made memories resurface. You didn’t like to remember. You didn’t like to feel. And somehow, in an instant, an accidental collision, he’d made you do just that.
  Somewhere inside you regretted being so rude to Evan, but you had to protect yourself. Any time you let others in or cared about someone, you got hurt. The person you’d loved most in the world was your dad, and look what had happened to him.
  Your dad would have loved Evan. He was extremely perceptive. He’d probably have your neighbor all figured out by now. You knew Evan was quiet and shy, and your dad had been that way, too. They probably would have had so much to talk about, everything from politics to trees to peanut butter and everything in between.
  You shook yourself. Why are you thinking about Dad? you scolded yourself. It doesn’t do you any good. So stop it.
  Evan was a safe subject to think about, more or less. You were curious about his mom and what his house looked like and if he had a cat and suddenly, you were seized with a desire to know everything about him. You couldn’t trust him (or anyone), but there was no harm in learning about him. Right?
  You meandered over to your bedroom window. It was Monday morning, two days after the trash incident. How did Evan feel? He probably hated you. Peeking cautiously through your blinds, you saw him. He was watering a few small potted plants on his windowsill, and his mouth was moving. Was he singing? Struck with an overpowering curiosity, you moved to open your window just a crack to listen.
  He was singing. His voice was a little reedy and so soft you could barely hear, but full of sweetness. It was a folk song you vaguely recognized, but you couldn’t put your finger on the title.
  “Through the forest down to your grave, where the birds wait and the tall grasses wave. They do not know you anymore…”
  Evan paused, looking up, and saw that you had been watching him. “Nice voice,” you called. “Color me impressed.” He turned beet-red and wiped his hands hurriedly on his jeans. “Thank y- thank you, [Y/N],” he stammered. “How long were you watching me?”
  “Not long,” you lied. There was an awkward pause as Evan shifted and set down his watering can. “So…”
  “So…” You swung your legs out and sat on the windowsill. “What song were you singing? It sounded really familiar.” Still flushed, Evan kneeled in front of his window to talk. “Tiger Mountain Peasant Song.”
  Now you remembered. “Oh, that’s Fleet Foxes, right?” He nodded and bit his lip. “Do you like their music?” You admitted not listening to them in a few years. Evan looked up and smiled shyly. “You should definitely try it out again. Their first album is their best one.”
  “Alright, I will,” you promised. “It’ll change your life.” “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah.”
  Another pause.
  A bird chattered from a tree nearby.
  “At least, I think so. I mean, um, I mean, if you don’t like th–” “Do you want to just come over?” you interrupted. “Talking like this is weird.”
  Evan looked surprised but tried to cover it up. “Uh, yeah, o-okay, sure, that sounds good. Totally.” “Okay.” You stood up. “Come over in five minutes.” And you shut your window.
  Was this real? Was Evan really about to visit [Y/N] and… hang out? He really couldn’t believe his luck. Already his hands were sweating like fuck, and he hadn’t even left the house. He pawed through a box of his CDs, looking for “Fleet Foxes.” There it was, among some Broadway soundtracks (“Legally Blonde” and “Les Misérables,” to name a few) and a John Mayer album. He really needed to unpack soon.
  Evan headed downstairs, CD in hand, wondering if he should bring something over. Coffee? Everyone liked coffee. Right? “Mom?” he called out.
  No answer. Of course. She was at work. It would be dumb to bother her with that kind of question, anyway. So he quickly fixed up two thermoses of hot English Breakfast coffee and headed out, locking the door behind him.
  Shaking, Evan shuffled up the sidewalk to [Y/N]’s house and rang the doorbell. After about a minute, she opened the door. Goodness, she was beautiful. “Hi,” he said timidly. “Hi.”
  She left the door open and turned back into her house and went to the kitchen. Evan followed. She was busy rummaging through the pantry for something, seemingly ignoring him. “I brought some coffee,” he offered. When this merited no response, he added, “English Breakfast…”
  “How did you know?” she demanded. “Know wh -at?”
  She softened a little at how scared he looked. “That’s my favorite kind of coffee.” (Oh worm?)
  Evan glanced shyly at her. “Lucky guess. It’s my favorite, too, so I just thought…”
  She nodded. “It’s the best, definitely. So do you want a donut?” she asked, pulling a bag out of the pantry. He blurted, “What kind?” “What?” “I just wanna see something. Wha- what kind of donuts do you have?”
  She smirked. “Only the best.” At the same time they said, “Cherry iced.”
  Evan’s mouth fell open. “No way.” Raising an eyebrow, she deadpanned, “The plot thickens.” He laughed at that.
  [Y/N] set the donuts on a plate and sat down at the kitchen table across from Evan. He handed her a thermos and they each silently took a donut and ate. Evan was nervous, but somehow the quiet with her wasn’t as bad as it was with others. He got the impression that she was thinking. Her eyes were far away, her chin rested absently in the cup of her hand.
  Evan cautiously reached out and tapped her other hand. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. She looked up and her eyes focused again. “Nothing.”
  She looked over at Evan. “Sorry for what happened the other day. That was shitty.” He smiled feebly. “Yeah. Thank you, though.” She spotted the Fleet Foxes CD. “Shall we give it a listen?”
  Evan was really starting to like this girl.
  You popped the CD out of its case and inserted it into the stereo in your living room. Soft, haunting strains of folk music floated from the speakers. You turned to Evan, whose eyes were sparkling. He really did love this album, and you could see why.
  As a song called “Blue Ridge Mountains” began to play, you sat with Evan on the couch. “So.” you said to him. “Mr. Just-Moved-In. Where do you come from?”
  He began to tell you about his hometown and Zoe and Jared and Alana and the Connor Project and everything else, until his breathing was labored and you could see tears welling up in his eyes. He was clearly still broken up about everything he’d done, and a part of him always would be.
  He sniffed hard and wiped his eyes on his sleeve, saying with a watery grin, “I didn’t expect for all of that to come out. I’m sorry, that’s a big burden to unload on you after we just met…”
  You shook your head. “No, it’s okay. I have a lot of baggage, too. We’ll just be emotionally fucked-up together.” He laughed, loud this time. It made you feel so good to make him smile, and you felt yourself laughing a little too. You chuckled again, and again, until you were both hysterically laughing at yourselves.
  Wiping a stray ironic tear from your eyes, you gushed, “Oh, we’re fucked up. We’re soooo fucked up, Evan.” He was still laughing a little. “Yeah. Yeah, we are.
  “Hey, what about you?” he asked. “What’s your damage?” You stopped laughing. “Oh, man, I don’t think so, bud. Not yet.” His smile faded. “Why not?” His eyes were fragile.
  You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair. “It’s too much to talk about right now. It didn’t happen very long ago.” He pressed a hand on yours gently, cautiously. “Neither did mine, [Y/N]. You’ll have to talk about it sometime. And I’m guessing your parents aren’t in the know about this, right?”
  You winced. Here we go. He pulled his hand back abruptly. “What is it?” he said, worried. “Did I say something wrong? Is this about your parents?” You nodded wordlessly, too distressed to speak. If you opened your mouth, it would all come tumbling out, and you couldn’t let that happen.
  Evan looked at you with concern. “[Y/N], you can tell me. It… it’s okay. I know we just met and everything but I’m - I’m your friend. I want to help.” You met his eyes, his huge, sincere, beautiful blue eyes, and in that moment you knew you had found someone you could finally trust.
  And so everything came pouring out of you, about your family and your dad, your best friend, and how his eyes were always laughing, and how they stayed that way even through the chemo, even through all the treatments and surgeries and pain; you told him about how your dad would wrap you up in his big arms and tickle your face with his scratchy beard and tell you everything would be just fine. And you remembered, breathlessly, the day the laughter left his eyes for good and his body relaxed and his monitors flatlined and…
  …and you found yourself sobbing onto Evan’s shoulder; Evan, whom you barely knew; Evan, who had betrayed everyone he loved, but who you still knew beyond a doubt that you could trust. He was stroking your hair as sobs wracked your body. You clung to his sweater and cried until you could cry no more, and then you snuffled and looked up at him.
  He smiled down at you and softly sang along as Fleet Foxes crooned in the background: "Your protector's coming home."
  “My mom has no idea how I feel,” you said. “I never tell her anything because all I get is a lecture.” He looked concerned. “[Y/N], you need to talk to your mom about this. There’s no way you’re gonna feel better until you get this figured out."
  "I mean, I guess."
  A pause.
  "[Y/N]?" "Yeah?" "Can I... hold your hand?" "Uhhh... okay." "Are you sure? Because I don't have to if you don't want to or if that would make you or uncomfortable or anything, I would totally get it if y--"
  You broke him off by reaching up and kissing him suddenly and quickly. You were surprised at yourself; you'd never done anything like that before. He made a surprised little "mmf!" but didn't pull away.
  When the kiss ended, his eyes were still closed and his eyebrows raised as if he were in shock. "[Y/N]," he breathed, his eyes fluttering open, "that was, uh..."
  "...nice," you finished for him. His cheeks were colored. "Yeah." He pulled you in for another kiss, deeper this time, but sweeter, too. Evan was better than anything you'd ever known.
  Could it be that he was sincere and could be there for you? It seemed the universe had given you a bit of luck at last. Evan could take care of you and help you through your heartbreak. You were ready to heal.
  Your protector's coming home.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
animal crossing wild world nintendo ds
animal crossing wild world nintendo ds
Animal Crossing: Wild World cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Animal Crossing: Wild World cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Also Known As: Wild World: Animal Crossing
Genre: Simulation, Pets
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: December 6, 2005
Get 99,999 Bells
To do this, you must have 50,000 bells or more, I recommend you have more, so you’ll get more money.
step 1. Change your DS date to the year 2000step 2. Get on animal crossing. step 3. Go to the phonestep 4. Change the date on your animal crossing game to the year 2000step 5. Click on your person, wait for it to loadstep 6. Go to town hall. step 7. Go to your bank account and put in 50,000 or more. step 8. Save the game and exit. step 9. Get back on animal crossing. step 10. Go to the phone. step 11. Change the date to 3 days into the future. step 12. Go to your person. step 13. When you appear outside, save and exit, turn off your DS. step 14. Turn your DS back on, go to your options, get on your calender, and change the date to the year 2011. step 15. Get on animal cossing, click on your person, let it load. step 16. Go to town hall, access account, look at your money now.
Wish Upon A Star
At night, you might see a shooting star. Thesecond you see it, quickly press the A button tomake a wish. Be sure you have nothing in your handor it won’t work. They next day, you should have agift from Wishy the Star after you’ve made the wish.
Some Fish Names And Prices
Carp 300 bellsdab 300 bellsolive flounder 800 bellsyellow perch 240 bellsbluegill 120 bellsblackbass 300 bellsseabass 150 bellskillifish 300 bellsbarblesteed 200 bellscrucian carp 120 bellshorse mackeral 150 bellsoctopus 500 bellspalechub 200 bellsredsnapper 3, 000 bellsbitterling 900 bellscheery salmon 1, 000 bellschar 3, 800 bells
Hairstyles For Boys And Girls
When Harriet asks you questions answer with these answers to get a certain hairstyle. “A” means top choice, “B” means bottom choiceand these are as accurate descriptions as I could think of, so sorry if you don’t understand
Choppy bangs–AAB
Mini mohawk–ABA
Curl in back–BAA
Parted in middle–BAB
Hair over eye–BBA
Points on side (one of the beginning styles)–AAA
Waves at bottom–AAB
(short)Tuck in behind ears–ABB
(long)–tuck in behind ears with bangs–BAA
3 Pigtails (also a starting style)–BBB.
Free Money
When you dig up fossils, catch fish and bugs, or find paintings, instead of giving them to the museum sell them to Tom Nook. He will give you from 3000-8000 bells for fossils.
Golden Shovel Benefits
You can get a golden shovel by burying a shovel, and watering it, then dig it up 24 hours later, pick up the shovel. The tip is white because its shiny, its not halfway finished or anything. Then you can dig a whole, put bells in, and create a bell tree based on how much you bury. It turns instantly into a baby bell tree. The bell tree grows, and eventually turns into a full tree. You shake the tree, bells fall down. (obviously, its hanging right there with 3 money bags in a tree) The second time bees fall out, along with the money, so I recommend you plant it near your house, the town hall, or especially the museum or city gates, because you don’t need to open a door there.
Annoying Animals
If one of your animals are really annoying stand A SMALL DISTANCE away from them and hit them with a shovel, eventually they’ll get extremely mad. Keep doing that everyday and they’ll finally leave your town.
Hair Colors
In Nookington’s there is the hair salon place. You can get your hair done in there but in the end, Harriet (the salon owner) asks for the hair color you want. They are a bunch of weird names that you might not have heard of so here is what they are:
Safe: Light BrownLighthearted: Blonde(whitish yellow)Young: BlueLush: GreenRadiant: WhiteMysterious: Dark BrownFiery: RedFlirty: Pink
Easy-Easy Time Travel
Instead of changing your time on the phone, you can quit playing your game and go to DS settings. This way your town won’t grow any weeds and you wont mess anything up. Easy as pie
Shoot Balloons
Sometimes at the top of the screen is a balloon. Use your slingshot to shoot itdown for items.
Lower Your Mortgage
Add a new resident to your town and after the new resident is finished working for Tom Nook. Tom Nook will lower your mortgage.
Getting The Golden Slingshot
Pop a yellow and violet stripe balloon that looks like a hot air balloon with a slingshot try it!
Tan Or Pale?
Are you a person who likes to be super tan? Or really pale? Well, you can be anyone of those on Animal Crossing Wild World DS. Just in the Summer and Spring, go outside all the time, and do that for a few weeks, and when you go to play again, you will be tanner. But, if you wanna be paler, then go outside in the winter and fall seasons. Hope this helps!
Able Sisters
Have you ever noticed when you go into the clothes store called Able Sisters, what Sable is sewing? Well, the pattern that she is creating, will end up in the store the next day! So, if the pattern is REALLY cool, and you say to yourself, “I’ve got to have this” you can! Just not then and there. But the next day, it will be in the store!
2 Or More Houses
Go on animal crossing and when you see that some animal is moving away, stay in the animals house for 2 days and make sure that your DS is charged. When that day happens (when its been 2 days)it will be your house but be careful it doesn’t always happen. Your DS has to be closed. Yay now you have more houses and room and you can keep doing this every time.
Flower Power Accessories!!!
If you want to add a little jazz to your style, then pick up a flower (press B) and drag it to your character. Different flowers do different things:
ROSES-in your mouth
DANDELIONS-in your hand
Make sure to pick the right color to match your outfit!
Lucky Items And Their Value
You may have heard of “Lucky Items” and thought, “What is so lucky about them? “Well, each lucky item is worth 7,777 points in HRA scoring. Kinda sounds lucky right? Here is a list of the lucky items:
4 leaf clover
Big festive tree
Birthday cake
Festive tree
Garden gnome
Ivory piano
Lefty lucky cat
Lovely phone
Lucky black cat
Lucky cat
Master sword
Music box
Piggy bank
Racoon figurine
Samurai Suit
Scarab beetle
Treasure chest
Tri force
Holiday Everyday
Once its the flea market [once a month]. You can play but when it turns too tomorrow just time warp it to yesterday and you could still be having the flea market.
New Stuff
If you want more new, and cool stuff, keep talkingto your animal friends and they’ll give yousomething if they’re a nice type of person! Makesure you keep talking to them and they’ll give youstuff to make you go away!
Hint: Stopping Dangerous Players
Ever hear of Dangerous Players? These are people who have an action replay and use codes to take items, destroy your town, and plant building seeds to prevent you from going somewhere or to destroy something else. To counter these, find out who these players are, get an AR and get the building seed code, and place the seed in front of the Town Gate entrance. When it has finished growing, the Dangerous Player will not be able to leave their town, stopping the havoc that they caused. STOP THE MADNESS!!! Also to stop a building seed from growing, get a shovel and if you find any small trees that you see after planting a seed, shovel it up. (unless you planted it!)
Make A Wish!
First, go around in your town until you find a dandelion puff. Pick it up and put it in your pocket. Then, go in your pockets and drag the dandelion puff to your character. It will appear in your hand. Then exit your pockets and turn your character so that it is facing you. Then press A and your character will blow the dandelion puff.
Feed The Walrus!
Every once in a while, the hobo walrus will come to your town and ask you to feed it. Instead of giving it fruit, you can give it fish. If you give him fish from the ocean, he will give you a REALLY cool pattern, like there’s one that is a fake star-thing that you dig up fossils and stuff from. You can put on the ground and fool your friends! It’s really cool!!!!
The Snowmen
During winter you will find snowballs. Roll two of them around in the snow. The first one roll it until you cant roll it anymore and the second one roll it until you think it is the size of a snowman head. Make sure the bigger one is on snow. Roll the second one into the first one and they will be on top of each other. And if it is perfect he will send you a letter with a snowman theme present.
Kaitlyn And Katie
If you have a person that has Animal Crossings too that you play with often you might get Kaitlyn or Katie in your town. Kaitlyn will be a big cat walking around in an apron. Katie is a small cat that will be standing in one spot and crying if you have Kaitlyn open your gate if you have Katie bring her into the town where her mom is (Kaitlyn is her mom). First you have to make sure each other knows first. The person who brings Katie to her mom will get a present the next day in their mail from Katie.Me and my sis did this all the time.
A Tree Full Of 30,000 Bells
First dig a hole. Bury 99,000 bells. Water everyday. Then eventually u will get 3 bags of 30,000bells. They will be hanging from the tree. Becareful. The next days a bee hive will be there. Soits a good idea to plant the money near your house.You need 99,000 bells for this to work.
Efficient Town
To make your town look more efficient you should go to Able sisters and make roadway pieces and then set them down on the ground.
Fruit Trade
If you mail a fruit to one of your neighbors, it is possible they will sent you a different fruit back. Should try with different animals.
Never Ever Sell Foreign Fruit!
Never sell fruit your town doesn’t have, insteadplant it. When that tree gives fruit, then you canplant that fruit. Wait until you have at leastfive of that kind of fruit tree before you sellit. Reasons to do this: you can sell it for 500bells each (five trees thats fifteen of that typeof fruit), also when u go to your friends townstrade your fruit for theirs (if they have a lot offruit like you it will be an equal trade). Theresa lot of bells in fruit thats not your native!
Wear Flowers
To wear flowers you first must pick one up. Onceit is in your pocket put it over your character initems, and it will either be: in your hair, inyour mouth,or you will be holding it. Depending onwhat type of flower it is.
Acorn Festival
The Acorn festival is November 6-13.
If you wait for about five days without playing you’ll have a coconut on the beach, and if you wait about ten days without playing you’ll have a message in a bottle and a coconut on the beach.
If you find a coconut on the beach go over to a tree by the beach cut it down digit up and bury the coconut. Then in a few days it will grow. Repeat this and get acoconut orchard, then each time you get all the coconuts go and sell them for $500each.
Pitfall Seed
Pitfall Seeds are little white circles with red exclamation points on them. They aren’t worth anything to Nook but they are funny. You can dig one up or check the lost and found. If you bury one then walk over it you’ll fall and have to press you character or “A” to get out. You can prank the animals in your town by burying them outside your door and they fall in them. It made me laugh. Have fun with them.
Bed Switchamaroo
To switch your bed first, go to Tom Nook’s and buy a bed (if he doesn’t have a bed check the catalogor you already have one skip this). Then go to the room where you save. Go to the foot (bottom) of the bed and press “A”. It will ask you if you want to switch your bed, say “yes”, then pick the bed you want to switch it with. You will have your old bed in your pockets sell it to Tom Nook or keep it.The bed you get is basic you can get all four colors of the basic bed (red, blue, green, yellow I think!) by making new people.
Backround Change
To change the background, open up your fashion designs page. Pick one and drag it into the bottom left hand conner. It will disappear and you background will change for ordering items and the main page.
Close Open Holes With Feet
If there is an open hole in the ground in stead of getting out your shovel you can just go up to the hole and press B and your Person will kick dirt in the hole and it will close. (Note: you can do this with an item in your hand.)
Money Tree
First, buy 2 shovels. Plant 1 shovel. Wait 24 hours and dig up the golden shovel. Then, put 100 bells in your pockets and plant a tree. You now have a money tree.
Time Travel Without Moving Residents
Instead of going to what ever time you want to go to right away, go 2 months at a time and check on your residents to make sure that they aren’t moving.
Make Your Character Go To Sleep Without Dr. Shrunk
Have someone come over to your town and close your DS. Look on the other persons screen and you will be sleeping. This can be done Vice-Versa.
Senor K.K. Song Goes Faster
If you request Senor K.K. the credits will go by faster.
When its raining on a Thursday go to the coffeeshop. You will see Rover sitting down. Talk to himfrom behind. If he’s not there, make sure its raining.
Sick Animals
To get your animal to be healthy again, feed it medicine or to DS to DS with a friend.
Sending in fossils takes forever and wastes your time, but you can get BIG BELLS if you have enough in the museum. First, after you check your mail, search for fossils. If you found some, give them to Blathers at the museum. Soon enough (if you do this everyday) you will have so many fossils, you’ll get doubles back. SELL THOSE DOUBLES! You can get around 1000-8000 bells! I went from 23,000 bells to 55,000 bells in just 5 days.
The Zebra Shirt
Most likely, if you donate 10,000 bells to Gracie after bothering her 3 or 4 times, you will get the zebra shirt. But beware! You might get an ugly ponytail. Don’t worry! Just click remove headgear when you are at your items pocket and you’ll get your regular hairstyle back.
Flea Market
The flea market is on September 1st. There, you can go into other people’s houses and buy stuff. Other people can also buy stuff in your house. It’s awesome!!!!
Snowballs In Water
If it’s winter, and you see a snowball close to the ocean or the river, make you person push the snowball into the water. It will just melt.But I thought it was pretty funny.
When Dr. Srunk Appears
Dr. Shrunk appears Jan. 16, 2007, 9:40
New Fruit
If you want new fruit do this. Mail a neighbor a fruit that you have on every tree. They will send you a different fruit. Plant the fruit with a shovel. Let the tree grow(It will take like 3 days). Send the same fruit to another neighbor and they will send you another fruit. Keep on planting the same fruit and you will have a town full with fruit. You will find counuts on the beaches.Sometimes if you send some fruit sometimes you will get the same fruit over again.Sell the fruit that is not native to your town,each fruit is 500 bells. So if you sell a whole pocet full of none native fruit you will get 7,500 bells. That is a way to get lots of money.
Get a shovel and go outside. If you find a person walking around dig holes around them. They will not be able to go past the holes. To make the holes disappear go inside or exit the game.
Flying Presents
Presents will fly over your town when the time ends in a “4”.
To trip, go to someone else’s town, like one of your friends. Then, have someone else come into that same town, so that there are two visters including you. Next, start running like crazy all over the place. Eventually, someone will fall. I fell once into the sand and when I got up my head print was in the sand!!!! Also, the person whose town you are vistiting will not trip. Lyle will also give 100 bells in the mail when you trip.
K.K Sliders Songs
At The Roost Cafe (basement of your museum) K.K. Slider will play music on Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Talk to him and he’ll play a song for you. You can also request a song. These are all of his songs:
Agent K.K. Aloha K.K. Cafe K.K. Comrade K.K. DJ K.K. Forest Life Go K.K. Rider I Love You Imperial K.K. K.K. Aria K.K. Ballad K.K. Blues K.K. Bossa K.K. Calypso K.K. Casbah K.K. Chorale K.K. Condor K.K. Country K.K. Cruisin' K.K. D & B K.K. Dirge K.K. Dixie K.K. Etude K.K. Faire K.K. Folk K.K. Fusion K.K. Gumbo K.K. Jazz K.K. Lament K.K. Love Song K.K. Lullaby K.K. Mambo K.K. Marathon K.K. March K.K. Metal K.K. Ragtime K.K. Rally K.K. Reggae K.K. Rock K.K. Rockabilly K.K. Safari K.K. Salsa K.K. Samba K.K. Ska K.K. Song K.K. Soul K.K. Steppe K.K. Swing K.K. Tango K.K. Technopop K.K. Waltz K.K. Western King K.K. Lucky K.K. Marine Song 2001 Mountain Song Mr. K.K. My Place Neapolitan Only Me Pondering Rockin' K.K. Senor K.K. Soulful K.K. Steep Hill Surfin' K.K. The K. Funk To the Edge Two Days Ago
Flower Breeding
In Animal Crossing Wild World, you have the ability to cross-breed flowers. Below is a list of combos:
Roses:Red+Red= Black rosesRed+Yellow= Orange rosesRed+White= Pink rosesWhite+White= Purple rosesBlack+Purple= Blue rosesWater a wilted Black rose with the golden watering can and the next day you'll have gold rose!Tulips:Red+Red= Black tulipsYellow+Yellow= Black tulipsRed+White= Pink tulipsRed+Yellow= Purple tulipsCosmos:Red+Red= Black cosmosRed+Yellow= Orange cosmosRed+White= Pink cosmosPansies:Red+Red= Purple pansies Red+Yellow= Orange pansiesWhite+White= Blue pansies
In order to achieve the golden watering can, you must have your town perfect for 14 days. (Hint: Jacob’s Ladders will appear)
Get Alot Of Money From Flea Markets
If a neighbor wants to buy a fish or bug from your house during a flea market, you can sell it to them for double what it’s worth. Arowana are worth 10,000 bells each, but I sold one to my neighbor during a flea market for 20,000 bells!!!
Keep Acorn Credit
NEVER give Cornimer a rotton acorn during the Acorn Festival. You will lose all acorns he has counted so far.
Free Stuff
IF a animal in your town asks you to deliver something to another player in the town well don’t. If you want to keep the item which normally is a clothing item keep the gift over night and the next morning you should be able to open it without them being mad at you. Or open the gift when you get it and have them mad at you its your call.
Firecracker Stock Up
When its the fireworks show go to tortimer and talk to him he will give you a roman candle and talk to him again to get a sparkler then put the roman candle and sparkler down on the ground on a letter or in your drawers then talk to him again and get a roman candle and sparkler. You can do it up to 10 times but you can’t have them in your pockets to obtain more. If you have more then one player do it with them to. If you have four players you can get 40 roman candles and sparklers combined.
Time Travel
Most people know what time travel is but for thoughs of you who don’t or are to unpatient to wait for a holiday don’t wait. Before you wake your player up theres a telephone well click on it and select reset clock. Simply reset the clock to the day you want to. But do not reset the clock if your house or store is getting remodeled it could effect it not that i did that (oops.) Also some town animals may have moved out and an enourmous amount of weeds will appear if you go back to far and cockroaches will be in your house but there easy to kill run over them and pick the weeds.I recommend to do it with a player you normally don’t play with if you have multiple players and if you get rare items mail it to them or leave it in your house for them to pick up. Well hope you enjoy the year 2007 in ACWW i know i did.
More Money
If you get fruit from another player or find a coconut on the beach, DO NOT SELL IT! Instead, find a place for a new tree and dig a hole with your shovel. In a few days you will have a tree with the fruit on it (so that’s like multiplying it by 3) but again, don’t sell any. Just plant them again and repeat until you have a forest of the fruit (figuratively speaking) and then sell them all and you will get much more.
Dr. Shrunk
When Dr. shrunk comes tell him you need help. You have to answer some questions and the tap hi forehead. He will give you an imotion icon, which you find in the “speech bubble” icon in your toolbar.
Easy Money
Sell all clocks, and unwanted items. If you sell a mix of fish, bugs, furniture, and shells you can get around 7,000 bells. Also look in the recycling bin and Booker’s lost and found for free items (the recycling bin is most likely other villagers furniture, so if you want them, be patcient and you may get it, I got a giant stereo that was once someone elses!)
Changing Your Hairstyle
You need to have the Tom Nook’s store called Nookington’s. Enter the store and go straight ahead to a doorway. That doorway leads the hair dresser. Talk to the poodle. Note: You need 3,000 bells to do this. After that answer her questions and then she will do your hair. Warning: She may give you a bad hairstyle.
Flea Market
When it’s time for the flea market when you are at home and someone comes in and it wants your stuff (they will want everything and I mean EVERYTHING!) take your favorite items, put them in your wardrobe or dresser and put the wardrobe or dresser in your pocket. When they want something crappy, offer it to them for 2,000 or 1,000 Bells and if they have yhe money, they will buy it. Also, if you want the animal to go away, walk to the door and they will leave.
Trick Resetti
If Resetti asks you to type in an apology, once you are in the typing screen, click off the power and start over. Resetti won’t make you type the next time! WOO HOO!
The Red Flower
If you time travel too much a giant red flower will appear in the center of your town. This red flower makes weeds and will fill your entire town with weeds. The only way you can get rid of it is to pick every single weed in your town.
K.K. Slider
K.K. Slider comes saturday at 7:30 in the coffe shop in the mueseum. To get one of the theme songs from animal crossing game cube, request Forest Life and you will have it.
Get Free Bells In The Mail
On Saturdays there will be a man named Lyle. If you talk to to him you can buy damage insurance. So when you get stung by a bee, Lyle will give you 100 bells in the mail.
How To Get A Golden Slingshot
When you see a present in the air attatched to aballoon, get right under it, and shot it with your slingshot (bought at Tom Nook’s). Do that every time you see that, shot it (ballons will randomly appear in the air any time, any season, and any weather). When you shot the presents in the air 15 different times (15 presents, more than one day to do so) you will be sent a GOLDEN SLINGSHOT!!!!!!!!
Golden Fishing Pole
To get the golden fishing pole you must first catch all the fish. Fish can all be caught in different seasons. To find out all the fish’s seasons get the animalcrossing cheat code book.
Golden Shovel
To get a Golden Shovel, buy 2 shovels, then bury one. Wait 24 hours, then go back to where you buried the shovel. Dig it up, and you get a golden shovel.
Endless Songs
In order to get endless songs from K.K. :
1) Make a new person2) Finish a few tasks from Tom Nook3) Go to the Museum and talk to K.K. for a song4) Go put the song in your radio5) Repeat if you have time
Having Red Cheeks
In order to have red cheeks, when you are creating your character, go to the first question that Kapp’n asks you. Choose the second answer to have the red cheeks.
How To Save Without Going To Bed
Instead of going to bed to save, you can press start. Then click save and end. The next time you come, you will wake up in your bed.
Waving Hi
When you see one of the animals in your town outside, don’t go up to them. When you are sort of far away, tap them and you will wave and they will wave back.
Get The Museum Model
If you donate almost all of the fish, fossils, inscts, and paintings, the museum will than send you the Museum Model. (Only works if you have “roommates” living with. Whoever donates most.)
New Fruit
If you send one of your native fruits to a neighbor, they may send you back a fruit that you don’t have. Do this to get different fruit. When you play wirelessly, you can overprice your fruit and sell to your friends that don’t have it!
Tree Shakin’
Go around shaking every non-fruit bearing tree that you see. Some random trees will yield money bags (100 gold) or items. The first item that I recieved from a tree was a cabin clock.
Meet Pete The Mailman
Around 9:00 am you can shoot Pete down with a slingshot and talk to him.
How To Obtain The Dirty Shirt/Uniform
Sometimes Gracie will attach a dirty shirt along with her evaluation. You can get the uniform when you get a part-time with Tom Nook.
Free Items!
Go to Booker at the Main Gate. Go to the lost and found. Take whatever you want.
Don’t Like Your Uniform?
If you hate the uniform you have to wear while working at Tom Nook’s shop, once you come back in after planting flowers, dont wear it. He’ll say you dont have to after that
Find A Four Leaf Clover
When your town is full of weeds, you will alsonotice some clovers. When you pick them up, youmay occasionly find a four leaf clover. When theyare found, they can be worn as an accessory orplaced in your house as a book mark.
Keep A Villager From Moving Away
Every once in a while, you’ll see that the insideof one of your villager’s houses are full ofcardboard boxes. This means they are packing up tomove away. If you don’t want that person to moveaway, talk to them and go to the choice that saysdon’t go, then keep going there until they saythey don’t want to go anymore.
Post Office Savings Acount Rewards
Box of Tissues Save-1,000,000 bells. Piggy Bank Save-10,000,000 bells. Pelly's Pic Save-100,000,000 bells. Phyllis's Pic Save-500,000,000 bells. Town Hall Model Save-999,999,999 bells.
Money Rock
Hit all the rocks in town with a shovel until you find one that releases a money bag. Continue to hit it as many times as you can until it finally stops releasing bags of money. With every hit you do, the rock will release more gold. This can be done once a day.
Jacob’s Ladder
To obtain the flower name Jacob’s Ladder, you must first have a “perfect town”. Once Pelly or Phyllis has told you that your town is perfect, then Jacob’s Ladders wll start appearing in random locations. If you town stops being perfect then you will no longer recieve anymore Jacob’s Ladders.
No Bees
There are no bees when playing on Wi-Fi.
Receive Birthday Cake Item
Go your town on your birthday and get a Birthday Cake item from one of your neighbors.
Donating To Boondox
Green Feather Donate-10,000 Bells Blue Feather Donate-200,000 Bells Yellow Feather Donate-500,000 Bells Red Feather Donate-800,000 Bells Purple Feather Donate-1,100,000 Bells White Feather Donate-1,400,000 Bells Rainbow Feather Donate-6,400,000 Bells
Nook Store Upgrades
Spend the said amount of money at Nook’s store and he will make the store larger.
Nooks Cranny-Available from start Nook 'n' Go-Spend 25000 bells Nookway -Spend 65000 bells Nookington's-Spend 240000 bells and have a friend shop at the store wirelessly.
Golden Watering Can
Keep the environment perfect for 16 days in a row. Pelly or Phyllis will reward you with the golden can.
Do well in these competitions to win these rare items.
The Fish Trophy-Catch the biggest fish.The Bug Trophy-Catch the biggest bug.The Flower Trophy-Create the best garden.
The Scallop
The scallop is used to get the golden axe from Pascal. Pascal walks around by the beach at a random time, once a week. First, you need to buy a red turnip from Joan. Next, give it to Wendel the next time he comes to town. Wendel gives you the Turban or Country Guitar. If you get the Turban, take it to Sahara when she comes to town. Sahara should give you either the Massage Chair or Red Vase. If you get the Massage Chair, let Tortimer have it the next holiday and he should give you the scallop. Then just wait for Pascal to sho wup and give him the scallop.But if you got the Country Guitar, give it to K.K. Slider to get K.K.’s PicAnd if you got the Red Vase, give it to Crazy Redd in exchange for the Safe. Give the safe to Tom Nook for the Tom Nook Pic.
HRA Bonus Items
Once you have reached enough points, the HRA will send you a letter saying you have earned a prize, which is a model of your house.
One-Story Model-70,000 points Two-Story Model-100,000 points Mansion Model-150,000 points
Hold 10 Extra Items
Buy 10 letters, leave them blank, than pull an item onto them so that it becomes a present.
Snowman Set
In the winter create a snowman by rolling up the snowballs you occasionally see laying around. Push one on to the other and a snowman is created with the correct proportions. The next day, the snowman will mail you a rare item from the snowman set.
Party Poppers
Talk to Tortimer any time during New Year’s Eve. He’ll give you Party Poppers.
Money Rock
Hit all the rocks in town with a shovel until you find one that releases a money bag. Continue to hit it as many times as you can until it finally stops releasing bags of money. With every hit you do, the rock will release more gold. This can be done once a day.
Get Different Items From Tom Nooks Shop
First, you need to save and quit. When you are at your save room where you choose your person choose the phone. Next, choose reset clock and than you choose the time you want and go back into the game to Nooks shop and you can see different furniture and items. Note: this will give your town many weeds.
Dotty Code
Get Dotty in your town. On Jan. 22, go find Dottyand talk to her a lot. Eventualy she will give youa code.
Mush Furniture
Get acorns at the Acorn Festival, then give Cornimer the indicated number of acorns to get the corresponding Mush furniture piece:
Mush Bed: 170 Acorns Mush Chair: 40 Acorns Mush Closet: 80 Acorns Mush Dresser: 60 Acorns Mush End Table: 10 Acorns Mush Lamp: 25 Acorns Mush Stand: 100 Acorns Mush Stool: 5 Acorns Mush Table: 120 Acorns Mush TV: 140 Acorns
Getting Furniture From Your Neighbors Houses
If an animal in your town has furniture in his or her house that you want, send them seashells, unwanted furniture, or fossils to them in the mail. They’ll usually put these gifts in their house, displacing whatever was there before. Check the recycle bin at your Town Hall and the item you wanted from their house may be in there.
How To Get The Golden Shovel
First off, get two shovels. Using one shovel, bury the other one in the ground, and leave it there for at least 24 hours. When you dig it up again, you should have the Golden Shovel.
Never Rotting Turnips
Place a table in your house. Place an item in the front of the table. Preferred item is a fishing rod or shovel. Stand on the item and try to place your turnips on the ground. They will go on the table. They should not rot.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Lost Kitten Picture
If you reunite the mom and the kitten, they will mail you a letter with a present. It may be her picture or a rare item.
Fashionista Badge
There are two or three different sets of questions that Gracie will ask you. Here are the answers to a few of the questions she will ask:
What do you think is your best asset- Long legs!
People who only wear designer labels. – Aren’t stylish
What is the essence of fashion? – Clothes!
If you have answered all the answers right, (Hint: Gracie doesn’t care about what’s popular, she want’s people to be individual) she will give you a certificate with no present attached, when you open it, it will read Dear fabulous [your name], You are truly fabulous, Gracie has to give it up to the one and only fashionista!
Unlock Golden Bug Net
Catch every type of bug at least once.
Watermelon Shirt
Do get the watermelon shirt, you have to talk to Gracie and after bothering her 3-4 times donate 1500 bells and you will get the bunny hood and the watermelon shirt! You can’t buy it in a store!!
Hair Colors
After talking to Harriet about what type of hair you want, comes the color part.
Safe. - BrownLighthearted! - YellowFiery! - RedFlirty. - PinkMysterious! - Dark BrownYoung! - Sky BlueLush! - GreenRadiant! - White
Trendy Hair
Once you have Nookington’s and are looking for a new hair style, you might want to consider going “trendy”. When Harriet is asking you questions, first say “Everyday.”, then “Sweaty!”, then “Oh, Yeah!”. For girls it should turn out as a cute bun on the top of the head, and for boys is will turn out as a nice, spikey look.
K.k. Sliders Picture
Buy a red turnip from Joan. Give it to Wendel. If he gives you a country guitar give it to K.K. for his picture.
Pascals Picture
Talk to Pascal, he’ll either give you a piece of pirate theme item or his picture.
Pellys Picture
Save 100,000,000 bells in your account.
Phyliss Picture
Save 500,000,000 bells in your account.
Tom Nooks Picture
Give Wendell a red turnip. If he gives you a Turban, give it to Saharah for either a red vase or a massage chair. Give the Vase to Redd for a Safe. Give the safe to Nook for his picture.
Townsfolk Picture
Become friends with it and when he has a exclamation point over there head talk to them they may give you there picture.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Animal Crossing: Wild World yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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