#Candice Stowe
toobelieverperson · 3 months
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rpking99 · 5 months
Gym Leaders
There are Twelve different Gym's in Luxure, however you only need to win Eight badges to qualify to face the Elite 4. The Gyms have no order and can be faced at any point in nay order, the Leader's shifting their teams depending on how many badges you currently possess
The Gym circit is just for fun so the Gym's all have a secondary, recreational, purpose. And defeating the Champion gives you a speical badge, a badge that lets you hang out with the Elite 4 whenever you desire. Basically a key to their secret club house
In Gym Battles, the Luxure Gym Leaders must be faced in Pleasure Battles (for more info, read here). This also applies to the Elite 4 and Champion, although the Elite 4 increase the strength and the Champion pushes it even further.
Sabrina (Psychic)
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Sabrina's Gym also acts as a meditation dojo and yoga spar. To help clear the mind and body.
The dominant and powerful Gym Leader tends not to play 100% fair, using her psycic powers to project sensual images in her opponents mind to weaken them in the battle.
Whitney (Normal)
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Whitney runs a farm as her gyms extra action. The farm helping to support all of Luxure, reducing the amount of food that is needed to be imported.
Whitney is the most fair when it comes to Pleasure Battles, however she does act bratty in hopes of distracting her foes and make them want to 'punish' her
Clair (Dragon)
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The dominant Clair runs a museum, her gym dedicated to Dragon Pokemon and the history of many tribes focused around the mystical type of Pokemon
An added twist to the Pleasure Battles with Clair is the fact the buzzing never stops.
Flannery (Fire)
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Flannery runs a hot spring with her gym. And the twist she runs, well the passioante and hot headed girl has herself and her challenger naked
Candice (Ice)
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Candice runs a skii lodge at her Gym. And like Whitney, does not have a twist to her Pleasure Battles
Elesa (Electric)
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Elesa being a model and a star, she has her gym at PokeStar's Studio. A more... adult branch. And the twist she uses is... you and her are being filmed while it happens. You get to keep the tape afterwards, lol
Skyla (Flying)
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Handgliding is an event held at Skyla's gym, gliding across the vast oceans of the region. And for her Pleasure Battle twist, she has some Gym Attendents groping both herself and you during the battle.
Mallow (Grass)
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Mallow runs an outsdie kitchen slash exotic garden, the kind girl being a bit kinky with her twist to the Pleasure Battles. Mallow and her challenger edge each other three times before the Battle starts
Olivia (Rock)
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Olivia does rock climbing with the cliff face near her Gym, both artifical and real. Seeing no reason, she has no twists on her Pleasure Battles. Although herself and her challenger do fuck before the battle.
Bae (Fighting)
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Bea, The Galar karate prodigy, is the Fighting type Gym Leader of Galar. Living in Stow-on-Side, she is a serious fighter. Trying not to show weakness she hides her emotions, emotions that some times leak out during the height of battle. She also loves sweets.
Her Gym in Luxure is an actual gym. Weights, treadmills, all that stuff. And you have to have a work out before you challenge her to a Pleasure Battle.
Nessa (Water)
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Nessa is the raging wave, the Water Gym Leader of Galar. From Hulbury, she is a fashion model on the side. She is very calm, but still highly competitive.
Her Gym is a small Water Resort. And the twist she puts on Pleasure Battles? There is none.
Klara (Poison)
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Klara's Gym works as a sex club. The bully bitch of a Poison Master enjoying the fun
And her trial during a Pleasure Battle has both contestents be under the effects of an Aphrodisiac during the battle.
Elite 4
When facing the Elite 4, there is no gimicks to the Pleasure Battles. The intensity is just increased between each level. And after you defeat them, well it is sexy time. It is a test on your stamina, endurance and will as well as your battle skills
Lorelai (Ice)
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Karen (Dark)
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Phoebe (Ghost)
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Rika (Ground)
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Against Cynthia, the devices used for Pleasure Battles might as well be called f-machines. The pleasure they give pushed to the ultimate limit. And at most, you have a half an hour break between the four and her.
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Cynthia is the Champion of the Sinnoh Region. Somehow radiates MILF energy without being a mother. A serious badass Pokémon trainer
Total Muses: 17
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lesmiserabelles · 2 years
for the book ask thing: nr 3 please :)
3. what were your top five books of the year?
thanks for asking!! in no particular order...
all the white spaces by ally wilkes - a young trans lad stows away on an interwar polar expedition and it does not end well for anyone. this one was a much-anticipated release for me and it delivered!! some terrifyingly spooky antarctic horror with a real 'you're my son now' main character
people person by candice carty-williams - a group of estranged adult half-siblings are brought together when one of them accidentally kills(?) her boyfriend and needs help covering it up. a really fun read with a delightful cast of characters
the remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro - i know i'm coming to this one very late but it was brilliant! after a very long career, a repressed butler takes a road trip across england and reflects on his life at darlington hall. we stan an unreliable narrator in this household
the vampire lestat by anne rice - obviously prompted by watching the new iwtv tv series and multiple friends telling me i'd like this book. and they were right!! an absolute banger of a story, just complete balls-to-the-wall unhinged shit on every page. this is what vampire fiction should be
dracula by bram stoker - thank you dracula daily for finally making me give dracula another chance after failing to read it as a teenager. i expect a LOT of the enjoyment came from reading it at the same place as the rest of tumblr but i had a great old time
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beommiya · 8 months
( ✉️ : abel ) it probably should have been, but why can't you just be nice to me?!? tsk.
( ✉️ : abel ) okay, so let's pop over to italy and find our dream winery. do i need to stow you away in a suitcase or can i trust you not to disappear with the prettiest flight attendant you can find?
( ✉️ : abel ) why do you need me to set you up with the most beautiful women in the world? are you saying you have no game?
( ✉️ : abel ) do you feel like drinking about your emotions because i could go for that, too.
( ✉️ : abel ) i'm trying to be a better, kinder person. actually, i think i am a kind person but i decided to try extending that kindness to you. i can go back to annoying you, if you'd like.
( ✉️ : candice ) i am extremely nice to you? i have no idea what you're talking about
( ✉️ : candice ) was that an odd way to flex on the fact that you are taller than me? besides, we're flying business, if i wanna do anything with a flight attendant, which is none of your god damn business, i can very easily do so without disappearing if you know what i mean
( ✉️ : candice ) with each message you're becoming more and more sassy, im starting to reconsider everything
( ✉️ : candice ) then come over, if you think you can handle it
( ✉️ : candice ) please do read the last conversation cause it's the oposite of everything you just described lol
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jackbatchelor3 · 5 years
Hollyoaks' Nikki Sanderson Reveals Whether She'd Return to Coronation Street Lorraine
🏘️🏪🏫 - 🏪🏠🚋
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duchessfics · 4 years
Business and Pleasure Part 4
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Billie x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): NSFW, Cunninlingus, D/s dynamics, Semi-public sex
Summary: After spending the night with Billie, the reader is still trying to figure out her place in Billie’s world. But she is slowly finding her footing as well as seeing parts of Billie that reveal more than just her smooth smiles and witty remarks.
Word Count: 7351
A/n: I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything, but I promise I’m working on stuff behind the scenes. I just need to actually edit it all 😅 but here’s part 4! I hope you enjoy it 😌
Part 3
The blare of your phone’s alarm drags you out of blissful sleep and you haphazardly reach out to grab your phone, brushing your fingers along the cool, smooth marble surface of nightstand until they bump up against the side of your device. That’s when it registers in your mind dulled by sleep that you and Billie still hold each other close in her wonderful-feeling bed. She inhales deeply as you wince and groan at the bright light of your phone screen working to turn off the obnoxiously loud alarm.
Then she snuggles closer into your chest and mumbles against your neck, “What time is it?” Too early. You would love to stay where you are nestled. But you start to untangle from her embrace before you fall back asleep as you murmur, “It’s time for me to get up. But you keep sleeping. I’ll wake you up in a bit. Ok?” 
The medium lazily reaches out for you and manages to grip your arm, but you press a soothing kiss to her forehead and retuck the covers around her while whispering, “Get some sleep. I’ll be back in a little bit.” In her drowsy state she easily lets you go and mumbles, “Ok.” And before you even grab your toiletry bag and step into her bathroom you can already hear her deep breaths of sleep in the darkness.
Once the door is shut, you flick on the fluorescent lights and shield your eyes with your hand. After a moment your eyes adjust to the bright setting and you look into the bathroom mirror. Your eyes automatically find the small hickeys on the side of your neck. 
You’re definitely going to have to wear your hair down today. 
The darkened skin feels sensitive when your fingers skim over it and you find your face flushing as the memories of last night come back to you. Billie is right. She does have a stamina that is unmatched, and you still feel exhausted from having sex far too late into the night.
After assessing the bruises and determining how much concealer you’ll need to use, you unlock your phone to see the time is 5:05 in the morning. You need to be out of the bathroom no later than 6:00. In an effort to stay on time you keep your clock open while rushing through your morning routine. 
Fortunately you stay on time and step out to the main bedroom at 6:00 exactly. In the sliver of bathroom light you see your employer snuggled under the plush duvet with her honey-colored hair spilling over the pillow she sleeps on.
Even though you hate to disturb the peacefully sleeping blonde, you turn on the bedside lamp and sit on the edge of the bed before resting your hand on her shoulder. Then you gently shake her and murmur, “Billie, it’s time to wake up.” 
She lets out a low groan and makes a big cat-like stretch before opening her eyes and huskily asking, “How much time do I have?” You scoot back a little to encourage her to sit up while answering, “About an hour.”
The medium drowsily sits up and leans back against the cushioned headboard as you assure her, “They’ll do your hair and makeup on set. So at least you don’t have to worry about that.” She reaches her hands up towards the ceiling and doesn’t miss the way your eyes catch on her nearly exposed chest due to the generous v-neck of her stain maroon negligee. And your eyes only shift to watch her her nimble fingers comb through her tousled locks. 
While you look to her face she smiles at you and teases, “Can I at least get a good morning kiss?” You chuckle, shaking your head at her mischievous behavior. But seeing her look so attractive and sleepy from just waking up leads you to relent, “Ok, One kiss.” Those words make her smirk and she leans forward to meet you halfway. Her lips lazily move against yours and you feel her hands come up to cup your face. But when you go to back up, her lips chase yours and her hands keep a solid grip on your face.
You squeak in shock and manage to back up enough to mumble against her lips, “Billie.” But she quickly silences your words and shifts to her knees, so she towers over you. The now significant height difference complicates things. However you bring your hands up to her shoulders and go to push her away before your resolve melts and you run late.
But before you can move against the medium, she breaks from your lips to kiss along your jaw and neck well aware of how her lips on the sensitive skin of your neck can turn you into melted butter in her hands. 
Your hands reflexively squeeze her shoulders as she keeps going and it takes everything in you to not moan. And even then your voice sounds strained when you plead, “Billie, you need to get ready or we’re gonna—”
But your sentence is cut short by your own laughter when her lips suck and tease that one ticklish spot in the bend of your neck. Before last night you never even knew about that spot. But Billie found it and has teased it ever since. She keeps going and chuckles against your skin as you beg between your laughter, “Billie, please...please don’t! You know how—ah! Ticklish I am…come on Billie! Have mercy on me!”
Thankfully she listens to your cries and moves to press one soft kiss to the shell of your ear before purring, “Sorry, sweetheart. But your laugh is just too cute.” Then she backs up and briefly pecks your lips before asking, “What time will the driver be here?” Your chest heaves as you catch your breath and your cheeks burn in arousal as you whimper, “7:00.” The blonde grins at your flustered state and teases with a smug smirk, “Well I guess I should start getting ready then.” 
You watch her push aside the remaining covers off of herself and start to slide towards the bed’s edge, completely dumbfounded. However she pauses to peck your cheek and taunts with her innocent voice, “Oh, and you may need to conceal those hickeys again. That’s my bad.”
Your hand reflexively comes up to cover the love marks and you gasp, cheeks flaming as you look to Billie who grins at your embarrassment. Then she stands up and you watch her hips sway as she walks to the bathroom while saying, “I’ll see you at 7:00, sweetheart.” And when she turns back to shut the door, she gives you a flirtatious wink before disappearing.
For a moment you sit in shock at all that just happened in less than 5 minutes. You may have had control yesterday, but Billie easily took the reins back and you’re once again just trying to keep up. In the next hour you pack a bag of anything Billie may need for today before gathering your own belongings and stowing them away in your car…
By 7:00 you’re on your way to the TV studio and you pull out your phone as you ask what Billie would like for breakfast. The blonde automatically nibbles on the tips of her acrylic nails in thought while looking out the window. However she stops almost as soon as she starts, still working on amending that nasty habit she has dealt with since childhood. Instead Billie busies her hands with adjusting her designer sunglasses as she answers, “I’ll take a breakfast sandwich with eggs and bacon, an iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and almond milk, and a cup of water too.”
After you type her order into your notes app you ask, “Do you want it from any specific place?” Her fingers flick as if she has an imaginary cigarette and she tells you to go to a local restaurant close to the studio. 
Once all of that’s sorted, you open your calendar app and tell her, “The schedule for today isn’t terribly busy. You’ll be filming from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon and that includes an hour lunch break and time for hair and makeup. Then you have a meeting with your producers at 4:30. It shouldn’t be too long. They’re mainly talking about plans for the next two weeks and the anticipated viewing numbers. After that you’ll go home and Candice will be there to give you a fresh set of acrylic nails. While you’re getting that done, I’ll give Jared your order and he will be cooking dinner so when you're finished it’s fresh for you to eat.”
After reading through the itinerary, you look up from your phone to see Billie staring out the window with her chin resting on the hand of her arm that’s propped up on the window ledge. Even though you said the schedule isn’t too hectic, you know this will be a long day and try to soothe, “After that you’ll be free as a bird.” The blonde lets out a sound of amusement but doesn’t smile or have a witty comeback. 
But in the next moment she snaps out of it and turns to face you with a smirk on her lips, asking, “What color should I pick?”
What in the world is she talking about?
Your brows furrow at her question and you slowly answer, “Color? I-I’m not sure what you mean.” The response makes her chuckle and she replies, “For my nails.” You’re confused at this comment too. Billie only does red nails. However, rather than questioning her again, you look down and fiddle with your seatbelt as you cautiously reply, “Oh…well your red color is nice.” 
But your movements still when she leans closer so it looks like she’s showing you her nails. Then she murmurs so only you can hear, 
“I want better than ‘nice.’ I want something fierce, something sexy.” And she leans even closer to whisper, 
“Something domineering that makes you wet just looking at it.”
Your eyes widen and you look to her, hissing, “Billie!” She laughs at how easily flustered you get and backs away to where she was while casually asking, “Do you have any ideas, sweetheart?” Her layered suggestions cause your face to burn. Meanwhile your employer doesn’t seem fazed at all. So you try to pull yourself together, clearing your throat and shifting in your seat as you reply with a strained voice, “Not at the moment.” 
Your bashful demeanor makes her smile and she innocently suggests, “Well, how about you think about it and tell me tonight.” Your eyes dart to the driver, wondering if they are picking up on anything going on in the backseats. But if they are, they show no sign, looking forward and seemingly focused on navigating LA’s traffic. So you return your gaze to the medium and answer, “Ok.”
After getting Billie to the TV studio and setting her up with hair and makeup, you nearly run to the breakfast place she requested and purchase her breakfast. Then you return as fast as you can without spilling her drinks that are in your hands. 
By the time you get back to the set the blonde is nearly done with her hair and makeup, but she eats her sandwich and drinks her two beverages as they work. When she’s finished you throw away her trash and less than a half hour later the cameras are rolling on Billie.
The medium looks all done up with her freshly blown out curls and immaculate makeup. She wears a fashionable outfit made up of a cream-colored tea dress with blue-green flowers printed all over it and heels that are nearly the same color as her bronzed legs. You remember her mentioning something about wanting her legs to look elongated, so the stylist suggested the choice. And let’s just say, her legs look excellent in your opinion. Between getting powdered and having her hair and clothes adjusted, Billie does multiple takes promoting her TV show and the channel.
In the middle of her filming, your phone vibrates in your pocket and you pull it out to see it’s her manager. So you step out of the working area and answer their call.
Instead of going through the formalities of greeting you, they cut to the chase and say, “Listen, I pulled a couple strings, made a few phone calls and got Billie a spot on the tonight show this Friday.” You gasp in shock and nearly drop the phone while stammering, “You—You mean the tonight show…with Jimmy Fallon?” Her manager laughs and replies, “Yeah, kid. Who else? You got what you wanted. I’ll let you tell Billie the news since it was your idea.” 
You’re speechless in surprise at this whole thing, to the point that the manager asks, “You still there?” Coming back to your senses, you nod your head and  quickly answer, “Yeah. Sorry about that. Thank you so much for looking into it. I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic.”
So they tell you the details of when to be there and what to expect and you write everything down in your notebook, making sure you have every detail right. Just as you jot down the last bits of information, you hear the director call for a lunch break. So you gather your stuff together while explaining, “I gotta go. They just called for lunch and I still have to get hers, but I want to thank you for everything, and I’ll make sure to tell her everything.” So they say a quick goodbye and you dash over to the spread of lunch food, grabbing some of Billie’s favorite items in addition to a cup of water.
When you have everything, you see Billie’s eyes scanning the group of people looking for you, so you make a small wave with your hand holding her silverware to get her attention. Her eyes light up in recognition and she walks over with her pleasant but artificial smile she uses while working. However when she gets closer she looks around the room while softly asking, “Can you get somewhere quieter to have my lunch?” 
As an experienced personal assistant you’re used to requests like this. So even though you have no plan of action yet, you automatically nod and answer, “Of course.” Then you go to walk away, but the blond gently takes your upper arm and murmurs, “I can hold my lunch, sweetheart.”
That makes you look back to her and ask, “Are you sure? I really don’t mind—”
But she softly shushes you and takes the plate, silverware, and beverage. So you give an affirmative nod and say, “I’ll have something in a minute.” Now she gives you a more genuine smile and you run off to find a private place for her to eat.
A couple conversations later, you are holding the door open for Billie to enter one of the smaller, but quiet unused dressing rooms. After closing the door, the blonde lets out a sigh of relief at the privacy and walks over to sit in the cushioned chair where someone would normally get their hair and makeup done. 
Rather than facing the mirror, she turns around to face you so the mirror reflects her honey-blonde hair. Once she’s settled you ask her, “Do you need anything else?” Billie takes a seductive bite of the strawberry she holds, and when she takes the fruit away you see a slight tint of red on her lips. Your eyes then trail down to her neck as she swallows and you can’t help but lick your own lips wishing you were the strawberry she so delicately savors. All this time the medium looks up to you with doe eyes and when she finishes her bite she purrs, “I can think of a couple things.” 
You’re sure she can ‘think of a couple things.’
You let a smile slip at her seductive insinuation and answer, “No.” Your response makes her lower lip jut out and she looks through her darkened lashes while pouting, “No fun.” Now you chuckle at her shameless flirting and shake your head while telling her, “Still no. But I have something to tell you.”
She perks up at that statement and asks, “What is it?” You can’t conceal your grin as you reply, “Your manager called while you were filming and said they got you a place on the tonight show this Friday.” 
Now she smiles with you and exclaims, “Are you serious? That will be amazing publicity. You’re sure it’s legit?” You nod, giggling as you answer, “Yeah. Your manager told me all of the details. You’re gonna be on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!”
Your happiness is contagious and Billie laughs with you before saying, “Thank you for pushing them to do it even when they didn’t want to consider it.”
Your cheeks warm at her compliment and you find yourself looking to the floor as you reply, “You’re welcome.” After a moment you venture to look up and aren’t surprised to see her dark brown eyes looking over you. You have gotten used to the feeling...somewhat, and pull out your notebook before keeping eye contact for too long. Then you explain the main details while she eats. 
When Billie finishes up her light lunch she rolls her shoulders back and sighs, “I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t filmed in awhile or something else, but I’m glad we don’t have much more to do. I feel so…tense.” The admission catches you off guard simply because she is not one to complain. However it’s in that moment a devilish idea pops into your head. 
What if you could help her relax a little? People say an orgasm can relieve stress and tension.  Should you offer to do that? No. But would it be amazing? Yes. No! Y/n L/n, no you need to be professional and rational—
��I think I could help you feel less tense.” You blurt out before gasping at the words that left your mouth and  bringing your hand up to cover your mouth so you don’t say any other foolish thing. The medium looks up to you with a raised eyebrow and smirks at your wide eyes as she inquires, “Do you now?” Her lower voice makes your knees weak and you slowly take your hand away. 
Originally you planned to use your own sultry voice. Instead you weakly squeak, “Yeah.” before sinking down to your knees.
Her darkened eyes follow your descent and she asks, “And just what do you think you’re doing, sweetheart?” You kneel beside her legs and the luxe material of her dress brushes against you. Then you do your best to look up through your own lashes as you shyly tease, “I thought I could help you...release some tension. And I won’t even mess up your makeup.” 
However the moment of bravery ends and your gaze falters when you stutter, “U-unless you don’t want to. Which is totally fine as well--”
Billie softly shushes you and brings one of her hands down to cup your cheek. You automatically lean into her soft, inviting touch and she chuckles in amusement before murmuring, “I would love nothing more. Do you think 10 minutes is enough though?” 
Your cheeks burn with arousal at the challenge and you nibble on your bottom lip as you nod. So the blonde sets her plate to the side where makeup would normally go and pulls her skirt up just enough for you to get up under it. 
Let’s hope you didn’t overestimate your skills. 
You look up to her shadowed face as you slowly kiss up the inside of one of her legs. She easily relaxes into your touch and watches you disappear under her skirt. However when you continue to press light kisses, she leans back and sighs with a smirk, “Don’t take too long with your foreplay, sweetheart. We wouldn’t want you to get caught in such a compromised posi—Fuck y/n!”
You giggle at her reaction and Billie can feel the vibration of your face since your face is suddenly buried in her folds. Rather than going through the trouble of removing her panties, you hold them to the side and lick at every part of her your tongue can reach. Her skirt obscures your vision so you can’t see her face, but the way her thighs clench up around your head and she breathily moans you would be surprised if she lasted 5 minutes.
Because you’re short on time and you really don’t want to be caught like this, as soon as you find her clit you latch onto it sucking and nibbling at a relentless pace. However she tenses up a little at the intensity and whimpers, “Jesus Christ, sweetheart, you’re gonna kill me if you keep going that hard.” 
Her unusually higher tone makes you slow down a little and when your lips and tongue decide to play nicer she lets out a sigh, spreading her legs once again and relaxing further into the chair.
While the medium can’t slide her hand over your hair she uses her hands to keep her skirt out of your way while murmuring in that low voice you love, “Good girl.” And you smile against her, practically squeaking in pleasure at the praise. She chuckles at your reaction to her words of affirmation, however her voice dies off when you hear a group of crew members laughing and talking as they pass the room.
Holy fucking shit. 
Billie must sense you tensing up because she soothes, “You still got 7 minutes, baby. Go ahead and give me everything you got. I can take it.” So you take a deep breath to get back in the zone and speed up your movements while her body twitches and shudders in arousal.
Within seconds her thighs spasm around your head and she lets out muffled moans, trying to keep quiet by covering her mouth with the back of her hand. There is a part of you right now that feels pretty proud of making her moan and whimper so much. However, you also know time is of the essence so you don’t tease her too much after her orgasm like you did to her last night. But you do take the time to lap up her arousal with your tongue before replacing her panties and backing up.
Upon coming out from under her skirt you see the blonde’s cheeks are naturally flushed and her chest heaves as she catches her breath. Seeing her so blissed makes you grin and after licking her excess arousal off of your lips, you ask, “Feel less tense?” 
Billie gives you a breathy laugh and murmurs in her warm, rich tone, “Far less tense. You’re such a dear to me, Y/n.” Your whole body warms at her praise and while she smooths her skirt down you stand up and readjust your clothing and hair to where they were before replying, “You deserve it.”
Now you’re the one who has to look down to keep eye contact and for a moment you silently watch each other. Billie’s milk chocolate colored orbs scan over you, but it isn’t the same feeling as when she looked over you earlier. Instead of lust clouding her eyes, something else does, but you can’t tell what it is. 
Then Billie goes to tell you something when someone knocks at the door before opening it a crack and peeking their head in.
The production assistant looks to Billie and quickly says, “Sorry for interrupting, but they want you back on set in 5.” She gives them her trademark friendly smile and smoothly replies, “Of course. I’ll be out in a minute.” Then the PA leaves you two alone.
After the door closes, the medium looks to you and teases with a grin, “That was close.” 
Yeah. Too close. What the hell were you thinking?! 
You give a nervous half-laugh in return and nod in response because the surprise of someone walking in left your throat completely dry. Then you walk over to take her empty plate and cup. Billie stands up as well, but before she walks out the door, she comes up to peck your lips and gives you a knowing wink while purring, “I owe you one.” Immediately you shake your head and stammer, “No, really. T-that’s ok. I’m good—”
But she places a finger on your lips, effectively silencing you and repeating with an arched brow, “Y/n I owe you one. No ifs, ands, or buts. Do you understand me?” Her dominant tone makes your insides melt into submission and you nod. She smiles at your agreement and pulls her finger away while saying, “Good. I’ll talk to you in a bit.” You nod again, still unable to form a coherent sentence and just like that she is gone once more.
Billie continues to film, sharing exclusive behind the scenes tidbits and making some additional promo work for the TV channel. And without prompting the director comments on how the medium seems to be glowing. Thank god she can’t see your face as you swallow your giggles by taking a drink of your second iced coffee. 
Meanwhile she just smiles and throws out some random excuse. By 3:00 they wrap and she changes back into her own clothes. Then you make the short drive to the network's corporate offices and go up to one of the conference rooms filled with multiple producers and their own assistants.
You always dread these meetings because you find the producers to be pretty intimidating. However, Billie always has a natural ease and is never dissuaded by their slighted offers. She can be just as stubborn and hard-headed, if not more so.
You keep notes for her while they speak about different topics including the predicted number of viewers for the season’s premier and publicity for it. That’s when the medium announces, “My assistant actually informed me today that I have a spot on the tonight show Friday night. So that’s another opportunity for publicity.” 
For a moment everyone looks at you and you would like nothing more than to duck under the table and hide. Instead you give a small smile and they all move on. But even that small moment is enough to send adrenaline coursing through you. 
After going through additional upcoming interviews and events, the head producer tells her that they hired a publicity manager to help her and that they will call her after each event to make sure she’s on the right track and in the good graces of the public. Billie scoffs at that idea and asks, “Is that really necessary? I mean, my assistant has that covered.”
When answering the head producer looks to you when he says, “With all due respect,” then his eyes return to Billie’s and he continues, “This individual’s specialty is publicity. They know all the things that draw people in, how to work the crowd, and even the most effective posture to maintain during interviews.” 
For a second the blonde’s fingers twitch in her desire to nibble her nails while thinking. Instead she settles for tapping the tips of them on the glass tabletop as she relents with a labored sigh, “Fine.” The producers go on to speak about tentative future plans and contracts with Billie, but don’t make any decisions yet. First her show has to perform well. 
By the end of the hour, the medium is saying her goodbyes so you step out and text Candice about coming over saying you’ll be home in an hour. Then you and Billie head to the car and her driver takes you to her house.
On the car ride there she leans her head back against the plush, leather seat and closes her eyes before asking, “Did you think of a color yet, sweetheart?” Because her eyes are closed, you allow yourself to look at her hand that rests on the middle cushion and you would like nothing more than to hold it with your own. 
But you turn away to ignore the desire and look out the window as you answer, “This isn’t too different, but I think pink would look good. Not like a barbie or bubblegum pink color, but a baby pink. The pastel color would suit your undertone. If you wanted something outside of the red spectrum you could try ivory or chartreuse. The colors you see in nature are generally well-suited to…”
But you cut yourself off and look down to your hands resting on your lap as you apologize, “Sorry, I was rambling.” 
Billie had opened her eyes as you spoke and didn’t miss the spark of excitement in your eyes when watching your reflection in the window. You miss her smile at your words, and she soothes, “It’s no problem, Y/n. Actually I found it interesting.” 
That prompts you to look over to see she smiles at you. And not that artificial one that she wears more often than not. No, this is a genuine smile where her dimples are prominent, and her eyes have an unusually warm and vulnerable tone.
Your cheeks warm at the undivided attention and you find yourself looking down to the seat’s cushions as you reply, “Thanks.” When you do venture to look up, the blonde gives you a wink and much cheekier smile. But the same genuine nature of her eyes remains and you can’t help but smile back. Both of you stay quiet the rest of the ride going between looking out the window and sneaking glances at the other. 
Now that the day is wrapping up you have time to appreciate her peach-colored knee length pencil skirt that nearly matches the approaching sunset and her ivory silk blouse that buttons up the front. But she keeps the top one undone. Today she doesn’t wear her string of pearls, but does have pearl stud earrings on. And of course she wears her trademark jasmine perfume.
When you get to Billie’s home Candice is already there and greets Billie before whisking her away to the sunroom. However, before you can head to the kitchen, the medium calls out your name and curls her finger in a beckoning motion. So you dutifully follow the pair but keep back a little to give personal space.
Once you step in the room both women sit on either side of the portable nail station and Billie looks to the nail tech before asking, “Candice, honey, do you happen to have any light pink nail polishes on you?” Her brows furrow at the question, but she looks down to rummage through her kit while answering, “I think I’ve got a couple options.” And she takes out 4 bottles in various shades of light pink. Then Billie looks at you and asks, “Ok Y/n, which one would suit me best?”
Your eyes widen and you reflexively take a step back while stuttering, “M-miss Howard I’m not the one to ask. I’m sure Candice knows more than me.” The blonde lets out a low chuckle and she looks to Candice before speaking in a soft tone as if sharing a secret but loud enough for you to hear, “She’s always so formal.” 
The nail tech smiles, and Billie returns her gaze to you before saying, “Hypothetically which one would you choose? Just for shits and giggles.” In working with Billie for nearly a year you are very aware of how stubborn she is. So instead of trying to resist, you take a couple tentative steps forward.
Then you look to Candice and softly ask, “May I pick them up to see them closer?” She chuckles at your timid behavior and replies, “Of course. Knock yourself out sweetie.” You smile and whisper thank you before cautiously picking up the bottles and looking them over in the evening glow pouring in from the expansive windows. As you closely observe them, the two women share a smile at your soft demeanor which is very uncommon in Los Angeles.
After a moment you carefully set each one down, but keep one separate as you say, “I think this one would be most complimentary for your undertone.” But you quickly sputter out, “But that’s just my opinion.” 
Billie picks up your choice of polish and says, “I’ll use this one.” Automatically you open your mouth to protest, but after seeing Billie give you a stern look with a raised eyebrow as if challenging you to say something you clear your throat in an attempt to cover up your original sentiment and ask, “What would you like for dinner?”
Her teeth worry her lower lip for a moment and when she releases it you try to not stare at her pouty lips as she replies, “I’ll take grilled chicken and some kind of vegetable. He can pick.” Before you can do anything else that’s stupid you nod and assure her, “I’ll let him know.” Then you make your way to the kitchen to give the order to her personal chef.
As he cooks dinner you sit at the breakfast nook and catch up on the emails, phone calls, and texts for Billie so she doesn’t have to go through what can be up to 100  or more emails on a daily basis. And just about the time Jared is finished cooking, Billie saunters in with a familiar smirk on her lips.
She murmurs a warm greeting to the chef before her eyes zero in on you and she strolls over to the breakfast nook. In response you scoot over to let her in and tell her, “I’ve responded to any phone calls or emails you had. So you’re free for the night.” The blonde gives you a smile and murmurs, “Thank you, Y/n.” 
Do not let one thank you ruin your composure. Keep calm, cool, and collected.
You give her your practiced smile back and reply, “You’re welcome.” Then the chef brings over two plates of her dinner choice and after pouring Billie a glass of red wine that compliments tonight’s meal and getting you a glass of water you both thank him. Of course he replies you’re welcome with a smile primarily directed towards his employer. And as you both eat dinner he collects the dirty dishes he used to cook and begins to wash them. However when you see the medium’s hand that holds her fork you notice she doesn’t wear acrylics. In fact her pale pink nails are filed down to a smooth rounded tip.
The observation makes you pause and comment, “Your nails…you don’t have acrylics on.” Now she stops eating and looks at you with a wicked grin as she smoothly replies, “I thought I could let my nails have a break. Plus they were getting in the way of…daily activities.”
Your eyes reflexively dart over to the sink where the chef washes the dishes. But he doesn’t pay attention. In fact he may not have even heard. So you return your gaze to Billie’s and her golden eyes gleam with mischief. 
Well you must mean something to her. She doesn’t just take off her acrylic nails for anyone. Actually this may be the first time you’ve seen her without them on.
Your face feels hot at her explanation and you clear your throat only to squeak, “Oh.” It’s at that moment the tap water stops running making you both look to see the chef drying his hands. Then he looks to Billie and says, “I put the leftovers in the fridge and the soap is already in the dishwasher so all you have to do is put your dishes in and press start. Do you need anything else?” She gives him her trademark smile and replies, “I think we’re good. Thank you so much Jared. Have a good night.” 
His eyes flicked over to you when she said ‘we’ and even you are taken aback by your inclusion. For the most part, a personal assistant is a shadow of their superior. A helpful shadow, but a shadow nonetheless. However both of you keep quiet. You’re not about to correct your boss and he isn’t either. So he gives the medium a smile and tells her good night before gathering his things and walking out.
Once he’s out of the room, Billie snakes her arm around your waist and pulls you as close to her as possible. Being tucked into her side fills you with a warm feeling of safety and security that you haven’t really felt before. Or at least not in a long time. Her heat radiates through the layers of both of your clothes and you’re tired of resisting what you truly desire. So you let out the breath of resistance you’ve made yourself hold since the car ride home and relax into her.
Anytime you’re wrapped up in Billie’s embrace, she no longer feels like your employer, but a lover. And the burden on your chest of keeping professional is alleviated if only for a moment. She hums in approval when you lean into her and you feel the reverberation of her sound within yourself as if you’re one. At the same time her thumb casually brushes up and down your side in a steady motion.
You look to her face, studying her profile as she drinks the rest of her wine and sets down the glass. Then the blonde turns to you so your faces nearly touch, and she unabashedly looks to your lips with sultry hooded eyes. 
Just having her undivided attention drives you wild and you whimper in need making her let out that wonderfully low chuckle of amusement. As she presses her lips against yours you end up getting a taste of her wine and the flavor layers perfectly with her already sweet taste. You let her lead, twisting your body towards her so your chest rests against hers and in the process your hand comes up to cup the side of her face.
Her lips smile against yours at the tender touch, provoking you to smile too. And the tips of your fingers lightly thread through her silky locks, but you stay gentle today and don’t tug at her. 
Billie is the one to break the long-lasting kiss and both of her arms wrap around your middle so you feel her hands on the small of your back and she pulls you closer so you’re flush against her body. Then the tip of her nose brushes against the tip of yours while she whispers, “Stay the night.” 
You would love to. God you want to stay so, so much. But you haven’t packed anything at all and you’re flying to New York City tomorrow.
So you close your eyes and go against everything you desire as you whisper, “I-I have to pack for New York. I’m sorry Billie.” She gently shushes your plea for understanding by pecking your lips and her thumbs make small circles against the small of your back. Then she gently soothes, “It’s ok sweetheart. We’ll have plenty of time to catch up in New York.”
Her forehead feels comforting against yours and you venture to open your eyes. However you bite your lip and rasp, “Y-you’re not mad at me, right?” The question makes Billie hug you closer and give your cheek a comforting kiss before answering, “No. I would never be upset at that.” Then she leans in to place feather-light butterfly kisses along your cheek while saying, “Ok?” 
Her concern and touch relieves your nerves and you nod while whispering, “Ok.” After your soft affirmation the medium pulls back enough for you to see her beautiful smile. You smile back and feel warmth blossom in your chest when she purrs, “There’s that gorgeous smile.”
Then she lets you backup a little so you can breathe. Even though you turn your head away from Billie to finagle your phone out of your pocket, your body stays close as you tell her, “There’s a couple things to go over before I leave.” Billie’s lips move to rest against your temple and her voice vibrates against your skin as she murmurs, “Fire when ready.”
You smile at her comment and look down to your screen before saying, “You’re personal trainer will be here at 7:30 for a 60 minute session so you’ll have enough time for a—”
But you pause as her lips start to make a slow and deliberate descent down the side of your face and ask, “Are you paying attention?” The medium smiles against your jawline and replies between gentle kisses, “Of course.”
In an attempt to get her attention, you turn to face her effectively removing her lips from your flushed skin and ask, “Then what did I say?” She comes back up to peck your lips and answers between small kisses, “Personal trainer is coming. 7:30. 60 minutes.” 
After the last peck you respond with narrowed eyes, “Ok.” Then you turn back to look at your phone. Billie takes the opportunity to start kissing down your chin and along your jawline as you try to keep on task when saying, “Because your session ends at 8:30, you’ll be able to take a quick shower.” 
However you pause again when Billie’s lips start to travel down to your neck, sucking at your sensitive spots like no one else can.
And before you can even ask she pauses to murmur against your skin, “I’m listening, sweetheart.” The reverberation of her words sends shivers down your spine and your voice is weak and shaky as you continue, “But don’t take too long because your driver—Ah! Wait Billie not again!”
The blonde laughs against that one ticklish spot before teasing, “The driver what?” You squirm to get away, but she easily keeps you pinned up against her as you giggle and plead for her to stop. In response Billie says against that sensitive spot, “Finish your sentence and I’ll stop.” Your eyes get misty from laughing so hard and you whimper, “The driver—ah, Billie!—will be here—No! Please! They’ll be here at 9! Ok!”
Finally she grants you reprieve and backs up to look at you with a wicked grin, cupping your heated face with her hands while you gasp for air. But she doesn’t give you a long break, skimming her thumbs along your flushed cheekbones as she taunts, “You seem so tense, y/n. But I think I know a way to help you out.”
You’re sure she does know a way to ‘help you out.’ 
Before you decide to stay here for the night and forget this trip altogether, you breathily plead, “I’ve got to pack.” The blonde smiles at your voice and pats your cheek while mimicking your innocent tone from earlier today, “Oh don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be 10 minutes tops.” Now you chuckle at your own idea from earlier being used against you. By now you can actually breathe and whimper, “Billie—”
But she kisses your lips and purrs, “I owe you from earlier.” Then she moves to place her hands on your shoulders before gently pushing you to lay back on the cushioned bench. 
Of course you could totally stop her at any point if you wanted to, but her methods of seduction worked and the only thought that crosses your lust-clouded mind is how good Billie Dean Howard’s tongue is going to feel on your already soaked pussy. 
Once you’re completely laying down you tell her in what should be a stern voice but sounds more like a moan, “Only 10 minutes.” By then the medium is already undoing your pants but pauses to look at you with a devilish grin as she replies, “Oh baby, you’ll be lucky to make it 5 minutes.”
Part 5
Tagged:  @marilynroselleprentiss, @saviorinsilk, @chokemepaulson, @versonstar, @find-me-a-constellation, @cordwliagoode, @psychobitchtess, @midnight-lestrange, @mysweetdelia, @venablesbitch, @peachesandlesbians, @nerdaroo, @cordeliafoxxe, @leskaksel, @lovelymspaulson, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @whatabluddymess​, @natasha-danvers, @saucy-sapphic​, @marvelfansince08love​ 
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in later works!
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gogogobarry · 3 years
It’s an unannounced visit on a temperate June morning —- when her lifelong bestie takes his first steps outside, Hikari is already there to greet him on the front porch ; a large black box, adorned with a scattering of lightning bolts, is clutched within her hands ( she gives him no time to inquire about its contents ):“ Limited-edition Luxray coat with luminescent bolts. ” Just like his Shinx PJ’s. “ Some brand’s anniversary. It was a hassle. ” Sigh ( yet she smiles now ). “ Happy birthday. ”
The morning begins like any other: Barry bursts out of bed, runs downstairs in his timeless Shinx pajamas, and throws open the front door excitedly, ready to wake up the rest of Twinleaf Town with his usual early ritual.
“Goooood morning, Twinl-augh! Oh hey, Hika...!”
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Shock quickly turns to happiness as Barry notices his best friend waiting on the front porch, an unusual box cradled in her arms. Hikari doesn’t even seem fazed by his startled reaction (perhaps she’d been expecting it...she knows him better than almost anyone, after all) so Barry decides to just play it cool as the former champion explains her surprise visit. However, he can’t entirely keep the grin off his face. She remembered...and what an awesome-sounding gift!
“Some brand’s anniversary?! You’re not talking about that mega-exclusive streetwear launch event in Amity Square, are you? I heard that they didn’t even allow every Gym Leader to attend...Candice was so mad...” Barry pauses to carefully lift the box out of Hikari’s grasp, setting it down to pop open the lightning-adorned top. His jaw hits the floor upon seeing its contents, and he can only look up at his friend with wide, shocked eyes. “Arceus, Hika...you didn’t.”
But she did. And Barry’s excited expression says everything as he extracts the flashy coat from its confines, beaming as he hugs the warm material close to his chest. “Are you kidding me?! This is so awesome! I’m totally gonna wear this all winter...and whenever I visit Snowpoint, or trek up Mount Coronet again...you get the picture! Wow! An exclusive jacket from the Thunderbolt Project!”
Unable to resist any longer, Barry throws the coat on (tags and all) and tries out a few cool poses in the new fit. “How do I look, Hika?” he asks eagerly, flashing his best friend a pair of finger guns to elevate his coolness to levels unseen. “Move over Volkner, am I right?!”
Barry revels in the moment for a bit longer before carefully stowing the jacket in its box once again. The smile on his face--ever genuine--falters for just a moment as a flash of fleeting guilt crosses his features. “I love the jacket, Hika...but I’m thinking about how you probably had to sit through the fashion show, deal with paparazzi, cope with stuck-up Amity Square organizers...I know that’s not your scene. You must’ve hated it. So the fact that you went out of your way to get this...” he pauses to gesture at the coat with an apologetic look, “...makes it extra, extra special to me. I appreciate your sacrifice, Sinnohan.”
Barry offers Hikari a jaunty salute before stepping forward to give her a quick (but heartfelt) hug. “Thanks, Hika. I owe you big time for this one.”
“...Now, what’re you doing for the rest of today? We should show off the new threads to Professor Rowan! Or we could go hiking...or just walk around Jubilife...in the coat, of course...”
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Newly reinvigorated by his friend’s unexpected visit, Barry’s mind is always, always moving forward. Even if he’s still wearing his Shinx pajamas.
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saidelia-draconis · 4 years
✖ - a repressed memory
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  A strange, guttural retch. The searing light. The promise of new opportunity and a new day. The man recoiled as sunlight crept into the room and flooded his vision. It made him ill. As did everything at this hour. He could hear the chirp of birds and the whirring of insects deep within his skull. The sounds rattled through him, leaving an uncomfortable buzzing sensation. The pillow beneath him that smells of sweat was especially pungent. He felt unsettled. He felt like retching.
  With the delicacy of a wounded man, he pushed himself to his feet, stumbling to the washroom. The basin laid out the night before still held the tepid waters within. He cast a nervous glance down at it. He cupped his hands, bringing the cool water up to his face, attempting to wash away the events of the night before. The water was tinged slightly red as it ran down his wrists, giving him pause. He allowed the bowl to steady, examining himself in the reflection of the small pool. Shrewd and glowering, beady little eyes stared back at him. A broad, and high forehead. What little hair he had left was thinning, and disheveled. Wide, rosy cheeks, and a bulbous red nose. A visage he hardly recognized any longer. Barely a man in his early thirties, he had aged years in a short span.
  What drew his attention this morning was the unusual turn his nose took. Black blood dried on his upper lip. He hadn’t the faintest idea who, or what had been so cross with him as to knock him across the face. He only knew it was likely justified. A wave of shame washed over him. For a time, it almost distracted him from his splitting headache. He finished washing, no longer interested in the face staring back at him. When he had finished, he clasped the neck of a bottle, gazing down at the soft, amber liquid inside. ‘Next week,’ he told himself with a resigned sigh. He would have time to prepare that way.
  He raised the bottle to his lips, choking back several mouthfuls of the acrid liquid, wiping his mouth. He also dashed a bit of the liquid over his nose. He nearly dropped the bottle. Tears welled up in his eyes. He clutched his nose, stopping short of touching the injured tissue. He balled up a fist, pounding the wall to distract himself from the pain. With slow, measured breaths, he recovered from the ordeal to find a figure standing half in, half out of the doorway. A wave of guilt washed over him. No doubt she had thought his fist in the wall was him trying to summon her.
“Papa? I heard you knocking. Are we going to the stable?”
  He crouched down to her level, his eyes trying to meet hers. Her gaze remained downcast. The resentment she carried was almost palpable, though she would never voice it. She was six, maybe seven. He had lost count. The vibrant red hair that framed her face made him sad, bitter and, nostalgic all at once. Still, he quashed the ill feelings in favor of magnanimity. Or at least, as much as he was capable. He dropped his hand from his nose, holding his arms open. She did not approach.
“No, Sadie, I’m sorry. That wasn’t to you, I was...”
  He stopped short, having no excuse.
“Never mind, I’m sorry, Sadie. I’ll be ready in a minute. Are you ready to get to the stables with me?”
“Yes, papa.”
  He hardly stopped to dress. The clothes from the previous night hadn’t many more stains on them than the rest of his wardrobe. He threw on his drab overcoat, slipping the bottle into a sewn pocket inside. Just enough to carry him to the day’s end. He tried to take the girl’s hand as the two left the semi-dilapidated shack. She recoiled from his touch. He did not pursue.
  The pair trod the dirt path towards the stable in silence, Oreyn still left with a gutted feeling. Worse still that he had none other to blame than himself. The bottle kept hitting him in the belly as he walked, a near-constant reminder. They were heralded with the stench of horses shortly before their arrival. The pair changed their boots in silence, stepping into the stable. The smell of horses only caused Oreyn’s stomach to turn. He handed Saidelia her shovel, nodding stiffly.
“You start with the new arrivals. I’ll start in the back.”
  He left the girl to tend to half of his work. The easier half, he told himself. It did little to make him feel better. She should have started schooling recently. But it was a worry for times more plentiful. Holing himself up in the pen with the mare, he fidgeted with his coat, choking back more of the bottle in secret before starting. It did little to help his work, but the disquiet in his stomach was stilled for at least another few moments. Though it’d be back. It always was.
  He worked in silence, the bottle stowed in a netting with nearby equipment. He took nips throughout his work as needed. Little by little, his troubles seemed less poignant. He felt better, less worried by his surroundings and his situation. He smelled the stables less. Instead, that sour, sterile smell that hissed in vapors up from his mouth to his nose. Before long, he was back in stride.
  Without the little distractions, he worked tirelessly. Perhaps not efficiently, though he could muck the stables adeptly enough not to draw the ire of the stablemaster. He doubled back, checking the girl’s progress. Less than halfway done, he found her in the midst of trying to push the last of the soiled sawdust out of a pen. He felt a twinge of anger. What had she been doing all this time? He worked nearly half as fast as her, and she hadn’t woken up in any state similar to hers. He hit the head of his muckrake against the stone floor to get her attention. She jumped, dropping hers. It was several times taller than her. He tried patients, ultimately failing. His eyes scrutinizing her.
“Saidelia. I’ve gotten all my pens done by now, what the fuck is the holdup?”
“Sorry, papa. I--”
“You what? They’re either done, or they’re not. Are they done, or are they not?”
“Not, papa...”
“We’ve got shit to get done after this, pick up the pace.”
  He shook his head, wandering down the rows of pens. He revisited his first stable, retrieving his bottle and taking another hearty slug before pocketing it. On his way back, he was approached by a lanky, tired-looking man in a tailored suit. He had wispy grey hair and a semi-permanent scowl. His face was contorted into a look of disgust as he surveyed the stablehand. His bloodied shirt, the various other stains that decorated his clothes.
“Mister Harrington. You need something?”
“I take it you didn’t receive my note, then.”
“I got shit to do, Harrington. Spit it out, or let me get back to it, yeah?”
“Very well. Since you evidently can’t work it out on your own, pepper was to be saddled and hitched prior to my arrival.”
  He reached towards Oreyn, snapping his fingers inches away from the man’s face.
“That means get off of your pickled ass and get to work before I have words with Mr. Tember about the discrepancy of your instructions and your work.”
  The rage within Oreyn roiled once again as he was ordered about by the domineering man. Unlike the child, Harrington posed a threat to him. He settled for sloppily applying the saddle, leading the horse to the post and handing the reins off to the scowling man. He thrust the bridle into the man’s chest with a venomous glare. Harrington smirked, starting the process of mounting his horse. Oreyn elected not to help.
“You know what I find so amusing about you, Draconis?”
He did not answer.
“You seem insistent that you’re above your station. Your... Noble heritage, as it was. Myself? I was the son of a cheesemonger. You were the son of some Grand Alliance general. Now I have business to tend to that involves more gold than you make in a year. And you? You stink of cheap bourbon when you wake up late in the morning. Not to mention your business with that fisherman last night... What is his name, Francis? You don’t even fight like you used to be a guard. But I suppose that’s hard when you’re piss drunk. Have a good day, Oreyn. Give my best to that little one of yours. Light knows she doesn’t deserve to have you.”
  Harrington departed before Oreyn could retaliate. Just as well. He ran after the man, shouting curses that seemed to go either unheeded or unheard. He was left alone in the road, feeling foolish. He turned back to the stables, finishing his day with little more than a few murmurs of discontentment. It seemed that the girl was actively avoiding him now, not that he cared at this point.
  The setting of the sun was sign enough that the day was over, the two of them walking back home together at a distance. The door swung open and shut with a loud clatter, almost threatening to fall off its hinges. The man ignored it, shaking his head. Instead, he rummaged about in the cupboards, pulling out anything he could make for dinner. Saidelia glanced up at him nervously, stepping out of arm’s reach. Her voice was uncertain. He paid her little mind, having given up on dinner, sitting at the table.
“Papa? Do we have dinner tonight?”
“No. Get your shit and go see Esther and Francis. I’ll figure it out tonight.”
  He took a pull from his bottle as he waved her away. She didn’t need to be told twice. The sound of the door opening, and clattering against the frame once again. He didn’t bother to check for her, finally content with his solitude.
“Fuck sakes... Why’d you do this to me, Candice? Out in the boondocks, and I have to raise a kid by myself. I didn’t ask for this shit. I never even wanted the girl.”
  The door opened once again. Saidelia had forgotten to grab the grubby blanket off of her bed. The man turned, realizing his error. Saidelia was already gone. The door clattered against the frame once again leaving the man sitting alone at the table with a fresh wave of guilt. Even in his haze, it managed to sting. He took another swig off of the bottle. He could only hope that the girl wouldn’t remember his remark. Neither of them would.
(Thanks for the ask, @kevyn-thornrough-deactivated202! I hope you come back to us soon.)
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turnaboutwriter · 6 years
Safe Travels, Part 1: In Abundant Relations - Chapter 3
Fandom: Pokémon
Pairings:  Paul/Dawn, May/Drew, Dawn’s Togekiss/Paul’s Honchkrow, Wallace/Winona, Candice/Zoey, Steven Stone/Cynthia
Rating: General
Summary: Paul loses to Brandon at their rematch in Snowpoint City and intends on challenging him once more in Hoenn. Dawn, who intends to participate in Hoenn contests, runs into him on the ship ride to Slateport City. Paul seeks Dawn’s coordinating expertise for a contest that Cynthia tells him he should participate in, and so, while Dawn is puzzled as to why Paul has to partake in the contest, so begins their journey together — ikarishipping.
Notes: It's a pain in the ass sometimes to write battle scenes, but this time, I didn't have much trouble at all. I guess it was because it's a battle important to the plot as it sets a lot of things up for the rest of the series. I hope you enjoy it, and the rest of the chapter. My grad classes will be starting next week, so things will get busy, but I have the next three chapters completely written out and will space out updates appropriately, and will write as much as I can in between those updates. Thank you for reading as always! (Below is an excerpt of the chapter — the full version can be read on AO3, which will be linked at the end of the preview).
After eight long days travelling by sea from Sinnoh, they’ve finally made it to Slateport City.
As she and Paul walk down the ramp and off the cruise ship, Dawn inhales the warm air of the Hoenn, feeling her eyelids close for a moment. It’s so different . . . it’s so refreshing.
It’s also very hot.
Dawn is grateful that she stowed away her hat and scarf in her backpack, and that she tied her hair up into a ponytail. She notices that Paul, too, has shrugged out of his jacket to reveal a teal-colored, sleeveless turtleneck underneath – but doesn’t he still feel hot in that? (Dawn is extremely hot, even in her skirt and v-neck sleeveless top, and can’t imagine how Paul must be feeling with his neck covered.)
Paul stops walking and turns to Dawn. “What time is it?” he suddenly asks her.
“Um.” Dawn, who has stopped short and nearly bumps into him, looks at her Pokétch. “It says 9:16PM, but that’s the Sinnohan Standard Time. What’s the time difference?”
“Sinnoh is three hours ahead of Hoenn. So, it’s 6:16PM.” His gray eyes then widen in realization. What he realizes, Dawn doesn’t know. “Let’s go.” He grabs her arm, prompting a surprised cry out of her, and begins running.
“Pip, lup!” her Pokémon cries out, as Dawn’s other arm curls around him tightly and hurries with Paul. She stumbles a bit, and pulls her other arm away from Paul so that she can hold onto Piplup better.
“Hurry up!”
“What’s . . . wrong, Paul!?” she gasps out, pushing her legs to go as fast as she can. “Where are we going?”
“Dammit, we’re going to miss it!” He’s panting as well. “Run faster!”
“I’m trying!”
They race from the city’s port, all the way down to the large beach outside of the city. It’s harder to run in the sand, Dawn realizes, once they reach the beach area. Paul sprints ahead of her now, headed towards the shore, where a small dock is located.
“Hey, wait for us!” she protests, her legs picking up speed, as Piplup complains in small chirps with her. It takes her a minute to catch up to the dock, where he now talks to a sailor.
“ – yeah, but like I said, rides to Dewford Town are done for the day.”
Paul runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “All of the boats are gone?”
“Yeah, the last boat left at 6:30.”
Dawn checks her Pokétch, mentally subtracting three hours from the time displayed on the screen. “Aww, it’s 6:37 now. We just missed it,” she informs them sadly, announcing her presence, which causes both the sailor and Paul turn towards her.
The sailor shrugs. “Sorry, little lass.”
Paul simply lets out a small “Tch.”
Dawn furrows her eyebrows. “Isn’t there any other way for us to get to Dewford Town?” she asks. “Please?” Her hands are folded, and Piplup follows suit – though he takes a more pleading approach to it with his wide eyes and pout.
The tall man reaches up to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uh, well, I suppose there is one way you and your lad here can get to Dewford Town, if you’re willing to put up with Mr. Briney and his small, slow boat. He’s also really picky, but, hopefully, a young couple like you will melt his heart.”
Dawn, who feels her cheeks flame, is about to open her mouth and correct him, but Paul beats her to it.
“That would be great, thank you.” He bows respectfully, discretely turning his head to Dawn in the process and glaring at her sharply.
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 150+ Costa Rican faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Eugenia Fuscaldo (1953) Costa Rican - actress.
María Bonilla Picado (1954) Costa Rican - writer, actress, director, screenwriter and teacher.
Giannina Facio (1955) Costa Rican [Spanish, Catalan, possibly other] - actress and producer.
Madeleine Stowe (1958) Costa Rican [Spanish], German, Dutch, English - actress.
Maribel Guardia / Maribel Del Rocio Fernandez Garcia (1959) Costa Rican - actress, singer, model, and tv host.
Guadalupe Urbina (1959) Costa Rican - singer and artist.
Ana Istarú / Ana Soto Marín (1960) Costa Rican - actress and writer.
Marcia Saborío (1963) Costa Rican - actress, comedian, humorist and actress.
María Pretiz (1964) Costa Rican - singer-songwriter.
Tasia Valenza (1967) Costa Rican - actress.
Anastasia / Anastasia Acosta (1974) Costa Rican - actress and model.
Sasha Campbell (1977) Afro-Costa Rican - singer, journalist, broadcaster and television presenter.
Nancy Dobles Morales (1977) Costa Rican - presenter, model and actress.
Candice Michelle / Candice Michelle Beckman (1978) Costa Rican / German - actress, model, and retired professional wrestler.
Rosa Mendes / Milena Roucka (1979) Costa Rican / Czech - model and retired professional wrestler.
Shirley Álvarez (1980) Costa Rican - famous presenter and model.
Viviana Calderon (1980) Costa Rican - model and tv host.
Debi Nova / Deborah Nowalski Kader (1980) Costa Rican [Polish Jewish] - singer-songwriter, bassist, pianist, and dancer.
Veronica Bastos (1980) Costa Rican - tv host.
Francis Brunette / Francis Brunette Pastor Núñez (1982) Costa Rican / Mexican - actress, model, and singer.
Johanna Fernández (1982) Costa Rican - model and Miss Costa Rica Universe 2005.
Leonora Jiménez (1983) Costa Rican - model.
Marianela Quiros (1983) Costa Rican - model.
Veronica Gonzalez (1983) Costa Rican - model and  Miss Costa Rica 2007.
Mia Rauz / Mia Araujo (1984) Costa Rican - singer.
Jessica Perez (1984) Costa Rican - actress and model.
Bali Rodriguez / Bárbara Laura Rodríguez Bonilla (1985) Costa Rican - actress and model.
Marva Wright (1985) Costa Rican - beauty queen.
Jale Berahimi (1985) Costa Rican - model and tv journalist.
Teresa Rodríguez (1986) Costa Rican - former beauty queen and  television presenter.
Mariluz Bermudez (1986) Costa Rican - actress.
Heather Hemmens (1988) Afro Costa Rican / English - actress, producer, and director.
Wendy Cordero / Wendy del Carmen Cordero Sánchez (1988) Costa Rican - model and Miss Costa Rica World 2007.
Melissa Mora (1988) Costa Rican - singer, model, and tv personality.
Jessica Umaña (1988) Costa Rican - beauty queen.
Marcela Negrini / Marcela Negrina (1988) Costa Rican - model, tv presenter, and instagrammer (marcenegrini).
Brenda Kellerman (1988) Afro Costa Rican - actress, model, and tv host.
Maria Amalia Matamoros (1989) Costa Rican - model and beauty queen.
Tanner Mayes / Tanner Mayberry / Tanner Maze / Evangeline / Tanner Tanner Vivian Mayes (1989) Costa Rican - porn actress.
Amalia Matamoros (1989) Costa Rican - Miss Costa Rica World 2008.
Juliana Herz (1989) Costa Rican - model.
Carolina Rodríguez Durán (1989) Costa Rican - beauty queen, model, teacher and translator.
Fabiana Granados (1990) Costa Rican - model and Miss Costa Rica 2013.
Nazareth Cascante / Maria Nazareth Cascante Madrigal (1990) Costa Rican - model, Miss Costa Rica 2012, and Miss Teen International 2009.
Silvana Sánchez (1990) Costa Rican - Miss Costa Rica World 2012.
Elena Correa Usuga (1990) Costa Rican - is a beauty queen, model, and medical student.
Fabiana Granados Herrera (1990) Costa Rican - model and Miss Costa Rica 2013.
Johanna Solano (1990) Costa Rican - tv host, model, Miss Costa Rica 2011, and Miss Latin America 2009.
María José Castillo (1990) Costa Rican - singer.
Natalia Carvajal Sánchez (1990) Costa Rican - model, beauty queen, actress, presenter, publicist and student of literature.
Cata Freer (1991) Costa Rican - model.
Karina Campos (1991) Costa Rican - model and instagrammer (kariinacampos).
Nicole Carboni (1991) Costa Rican / French - model, athlete, presenter and beauty queen.
Joha Bermudez (1991) Costa Rican - model and instagrammer (johabc).
Brenda Castro (1992) Costa Rican - model and Miss Costa Rica 2015.
Gloriana Calderón (1992) Costa Rican - YouTuber.
Karina Ramos / Karina Ramos Leitón (1993) Costa Rican - model , queen of beauty, presenter, broadcaster and buisnesswoman.
Valerie Sibaja (1993) Costa Rican - singer.
Kimberly Noèl (1993) Afro Cuban, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican, Italian - model, youtuber, and tv personality. - Trans!
Pamela Alfaro (1994) Costa Rican - model and tv presenter.
Steph Gonzalez (1994) model, tv presenter, and instagrammer (stephgj94).
Ruby O. Fee (1996) Costa Rican [German / French] - actress.
Krizz Solano (1997) Costa Rican - singer and YouTuber.
Adriana Mora (1998) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (moracmora).
Darianka Sanchez (2002) Costa Rican - model, instagrammer, and VSCO personality.
Danioverhere / Daniela Lopez (2002) Costa Rican - musical.ly star.
Sarai Gonzalez (2005) Costa Rican - actress.
Beatriz Brenes (?) Costa Rican - actress.
Aisha Duran (?) Costa Rican / Dominican - actress.
Raquel Almazan (?) Costa Rican - actress.
Carolina Solano (?) Costa Rican - actress, voice over artist, and director.
Laura Avila Tacsan (?) Costa Rican - actress and producer.
Kimiko Yeni Rojas (?) Costa Rican / Okinawan - actress.
Nadja Holtz (?) Costa Rican / German - actress.
Marianella Jimenez (?) Costa Rican - actress.
Amalia Chaves (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (amaliachr).
Natasha Jiménez (?) Costa Rican - author. - Trans!
Camille Valverde (?) Costa Rican - model and Insagrammer (camillevalverde).
Natalia Carvajal (?) Costa Rican - model, Miss Costa Rica Universe 2018, Miss Eco International 2016, and Instagrammer (natalia.carvajal_).
Paola (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (paoqm99).
Krista Browne (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (krista_browne).
Ivonne Cerdas Cascante (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (ivonnecerdas).
Lucia Alvarenga (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (lualvarengac).
Amélie (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (ameperera).
Swami (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (swamiaudino).
Mariajose Bonilla (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (mariajose.bonilla).
María González Roesch (?) Costa Rican - model,TV Host, Journalist, and Instagrammer (ameperera)
Vale / dondeestavale (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (dondeestavale).
Stephanie Msoto (?) Costa Rican - model, Instagrammer (stephanie_msoto) and Miss Tropico Costa Rica 2018.
Stephanie Sánchez (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (realsteph_sanchez).
Maki / mariajose.bonilla (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (realsteph_sanchez).
Déborah Dixon (?) Costa Rican - singer.
MishCatt / Michelle Gonzalez (?) Costa Rican - singer.
Marian Li (?) Costa Rican [Chinese / Unknown] - actress.
Walter Ferguson (1919) Afro-Costa Rican - calypsonian.
Lencho Salazar (1931) Costa Rican - musician and folklorist.
Benjamín Gutiérrez (1937) Costa Rican - composer of contemporary classical music.
Manuel Monestel (1950) Afro-Costa Rican - musician and researcher.
Carlos Guzmán Bermúdez (1957) Costa Rican - musician, composer, producer, arranger and musical director.
Manuel Obregón López (1961) Costa Rican - composer and producer.
Rafael Rojas (1961) Costa Rican - actor and model.
Mario Maisonnave (1962) Argentinian, Costa Rican - singer, songwriter and producer.
Danilo Montero (1962) Costa Rican - singer and composer.
Isaias Gamboa (1963) Afro-Costa Rican - music producer, songwriter, musician, arranger, author and filmmaker.
Danny Burstein (1964) Costa Rican [Spanish] / Jewish - actor.
Juan Carlos Soto Marín (1965) Costa Rican - musician, builder and restorer of stringed musical instruments.
Richard Raphael (1966) Costa Rican / Jewish - actor and stuntman.
Tito Oses / William Federico Villalobos Oses (1967) Costa Rican - singer-songwriter, composer, actor, painter and music producer.
Rafa Ugarte (1968) Costa Rican - musician and composer.
Akinyele / Akinyele Adams (1970) Costa Rican / Afro Panamanian - rapper.
Manuel Marín Oconitrillo (1971) Costa Rican - writer and singer.
Daniel Moreno (1974) Costa Rican - actor, writer, and director.
J.P. Calderon / John Paul Calderon (1975) Costa Rican - model, reality tv personality, and volleyball player.
Luis Montalbert-Smith (1975) Costa Rican - singer.
Mario Alberto Chacón Jiménez (1975) Costa Rican - comedian and actor.
Roberto Zeledón (1977) Costa Rican - actor and producer.
Ari Borovoy (1979) Costa Rican [Polish Jewish] / Mexican - singer-songwriter and actor.
Jose Pablo Cantillo (1979) Costa Rican - actor.
Pieter Schlosser (1980) Dutch / Costa Rican [German] - film and television composer.
Hernán Jiménez (1980) Costa Rican - actor, comedian, director, and screenwriter.
Augusto Mejia (1980) Costa Rican - singer.
Ricardo Sossa (1980) Costa Rican / Colombian - singer.
Julio Nájera (1981) Costa Rican - musician.
Mauricio Herrera (1981) Costa Rican - singer and showman.
Alonso Fernández Alvarez (1982) Costa Rican - model and Mister Costa Rica 2009.
Harry Shum Jr. (1982) Costa Rican [Chinese] - actor, singer, dancer, and choreographer.
Italo Marenco (1983) Costa Rican - former soccer player, television presenter, actor and model.
Mauricio Hoffmann (1983) Costa Rican - tv host and reality star.
Renier Murillo / Renier J. Murillo (1984) Costa Rican / Ecuadorian - actor, director, and writer.
Lonrot / Gabriel Meoño Barahona (1986) Costa Rican - YouTuber.
Esteban Calderón (1987) Costa Rican - singer.
LobosJR / Mike Villalobos (1987) Costa Rican - Twitch streamer.
Bartosz Brenes (1989) Costa Rican, Polish, Belgian - house DJ, producer, remixer and record label owner.
Daniel Zovatto (1991) Costa Rican - actor.
Jefferson Kellerman (1991) Costa Rican - model and reality tv personality.
JimmyTutoriales (1996) Costa Rican - YouTuber.
Daniel Rövira (1999) 1/8 Costa Rican, 7/8 mix of Italian, Catalan, French, German, Swedish - actor.
Chris Tavarez / Christopher Tavarez (1992) Costa Rican, Dominican, Panamanian - actor and model.
Alex Badilla (1992) Costa Rican - Beauty YouTuber.
Alex Sanchez (1995) Costa Rican - actor, recording artist, songwriter, viner, musical.ly star, and instagrammer.
Charlie Herrera (1999) Costa Rican - YouNow star.
Adam Gifford (?) Costa Rican, Jamaican, Cherokee, Italian - actor.
Steve Howard (?) Costa Rican / Unspecified White - actor.
Andrew Rush (?) Costa Rican / Unknown (Presumably White) - actor and stuntman.
Byron Quiros (?) Costa Rican - actor, director, and choreographer.
Jose Palma (?) Costa Rican - actor.
Gustavo Bricno (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (gustvobricno).
Luis Morera Claramunt (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (luismoreracla).
Alejandro Q (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (alejandro.quesada).
Ariel Arguedas Devoto (?) Costa Rican - model and Instagrammer (arielardev).
Walter Flores (?) Costa Rican - musician.
Arnoldo Castillo Villalobos (?) Costa Rican - musician.
Kaya Jones / Chrystal Neria (1984) Jamaican (Unconfirmed), Nicaraguan (Unconfirmed), Costa Rican (Unconfirmed), Panamanian (Unconfirmed), Chinese (Unconfirmed) / Apache (Unconfirmed), Unspecified White - singer, violinist, DJ, model, actress, and dancer - Trump supporter who even has said she would like to put down the first brick in the wall on the Mexican border, has used multiple racial slurs, has compared the residential school system of Native Americans to white people willingly sending their kids to boarding schools, and honestly so much more.
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toobelieverperson · 3 months
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superjaysons · 5 years
Nikki Sanderson opens up about 'fun' Corrie return as hairdresser Candice
Nikki Sanderson opens up about ‘fun’ Corrie return as hairdresser Candice
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Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has opened up about returning to Coronation Street as ditsy hairdresser Candice Stowe.
The soap star, 35, currently plays single mum Maxine Miniver on Hollyoaks, and made a surprise comeback to the cobbles earlier this year.
Nikki soared to fame when she played the Candice for six years and made a surprise comeback to Weatherfield to mark the work…
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andrewguzaldo · 5 years
Within two months of starting work at an Amazon warehouse in Eastvale, California, Candice Dixon ruined her back. Dixon had to bend, lift and strain at a feverish pace to meet Amazon’s demand that she scan and stow one item every 11 seconds. If she didn’t keep up, she’d be fired. But the grueling
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hamptcnshq · 5 years
hunter schafer, emily vancamp, ginnifer goodwin, jennifer morrison, zendaya, sydney sweeney, barbie ferreira, alexa demie, krysten ritter, candice accola, lana parrila, kaya scodelario, taissa farmiga, jessica lange, aja naomi king, eva green, maggie q, sarah paulson, elizabeth hurley, kristine froseth, megan fox, elizabeth lail, jamie lee curtis, jessica chastain, julianne moore, gabourey sidibe, jessica lowndes, viola davis, karla souza, kristin kreuk, janel parrish, ashley benson, bruna marquezine, sasha pieterse, malese jow, rose byrne, aishwarya rai, madeleine stowe, mia kirshner, famke janssen, madelaine petsch, monica bellucci, imogen poots, keke palmer, ashley greene, melissa mccarthy, claire holt, priyanka chopra, jennifer love hewitt, cara delavigne, ashley madekwe, arden cho, grace phipps, anne hathaway, angela bassett, abigail breslin, stana katic, taraji p. henson, sarah bolger, odette anabelle, emmy rossum, kristin bauer, alexandra daddario, alexandra breckenridge, nicole kidman, catherine blanchett, catherine zeta jones, rochelle aytes, evan rachel wood, aj cook, samara weaving!
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nznetworkblr · 6 years
Hollyoaks’ Nikki Sanderson reveals her hair was set on FIRE by vicious trolls when she joined Coronation Street
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Nikki Sanderson has revealed the shock bullying she faced. Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson has revealed her hair was set on fire by vicious bullies when she joined Coronation Street as a teenager.  The actress, 34, joined the ITV soap when she was 15, starring as Candice Stowe. Nikki has now revealed the torment she faced after being bullied when she started her career in TV.
Source : http://bit.ly/2GGM6Qs
via Fashion Ideas
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secretlymysti · 6 years
Nikki Sanderson Biography Weight, Age, Birthday, ethnicity, Religion, Body Measurements, Net Worth, Family, Marriage, Spouse, Children and More
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Nikki Ann Sanderson was born 28 March 1984. Nikki is an English actress and former glamour model who is known for playing Candice Stowe in the television soap opera, Coronation Street. During her time at Coronation Street and since, she has also been a glamour model and television presenter on programmes such as CD:UK, Junior Eurovision, and Ministry of Mayhem.
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Sanderson was born in Blackpool, Lancashire and joined Coronation Street in 1999 and left in autumn 2005 when her character left Weatherfield to become a stylist for Status Quo. She had also appeared in children drama Children's Ward.
Nikki Sanderson Biography Weight, Age, Birthday, ethnicity, Religion, Body Measurements, Net Worth, Family, Marriage, Spouse, Children and More
Nikki Sanderson Biography:
Age:34 years 9 monthsBirth Date:March 28, 1984Horoscope:AriesBirth Place:Blackpool, EnglandProfession:Actress, Glamor Model, Television Presenter
 Nikki Sanderson Net Worth:
Net Worth: 1.5 Million Dollars
Nikki  Body Measurement:
Height1.63 MOrientationStraightMeasurements 34-25-36  Shoe size8Bra Size32BEye ColorHezalHair ColorBrown
Nikki Sanderson Pictures:
View this post on Instagram Kisses 💋 A post shared by Nikki Sanderson (@niknaksanderson) on Oct 21, 2018 at 10:08am PDT View this post on Instagram Kisses 💋 A post shared by Nikki Sanderson (@niknaksanderson) on Oct 21, 2018 at 10:08am PDT View this post on Instagram Thank you @nbhdrestaurants @scottyspecial .... @noisyboy03 and I are having a bloody fabulous night #greatfood #greatcompany #fabdrinks #datenight ❤️ A post shared by Nikki Sanderson (@niknaksanderson) on Jun 29, 2018 at 10:26am PDT View this post on Instagram Me and mine 🖤 #boyfriend #love #datenight #drinks #nightout A post shared by Nikki Sanderson (@niknaksanderson) on Dec 30, 2018 at 5:00am PST Read the full article
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