#Can't stop thinking about that time my mom grabbed me tight threw me into the bathroom wall and forcefully shoved soap down my throat
enekorre · 9 months
I really need to leave my apartment but I was sick yesterday and the day before, and it's negative 18 outside. But being in here is just making me relive bad memories for some reason
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nemobeatrice · 8 months
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Deep fried Bruabba so people can have a nice picture to look at. I would've drawn more, but I couldn't. Wasn't in the mood. You'll see this image every time I post a fic.
I should tag the blog, yeah? @februabba2024
Februabba Day 1: What If
Before I post the fic here, donate. 😘💨💋
It was 1992, and Abbacchio sat at his desk in the classroom. Every student was present except for Bruno. The two were very close to the point where Abbacchio developed a little crush.
Curious to know where he went, Abbacchio threw a small paper ball at a girl, grabbing her attention. "Where did Bucciarati go?"
"I'm sorry. I don't know," she replied. She then asked another student.
"He's at the hospital. Yesterday, something bad happened to his dad," answered a boy. "Couldn't his mom drop him off or something?"
None of them knew that Bruno's parents got divorced except Abbacchio.
"Could you tell me the hospital's name or maybe write it down?"
The boy tore a piece of paper, wrote it down, and handed it to Abbacchio.
The teacher walked in, and then class started. While the lessons were going on, he couldn't concentrate, wondering what had happened. Once school was over, he headed to the hospital, speaking to the man at the reception desk.
"Uh, hello," Abbacchio said.
"Is one of your family members here?" he asked.
"No, but—"
"Then you should leave."
"Is Bruno Bucciarati here?"
"Family only."
"The only family Bruno has is his dad, but something happened. I am the closest person to him!" he yelled.
"Abbacchio?" He heard Bruno's voice, turned to face him, and examined his tired face.
"Bruno!" He rushed in to hug him, holding him tight. "I missed you. You usually call me whenever something happens, but someone told me something bad happened to your dad. I'm sorry I didn't know. Will you be alright?"
Bruno returned the hug. "Yeah, I will, but I'm worried about my dad. The surgeons worked all night to keep my dad alive." He moved closer to Abbacchio's ears and whispered, "But those guys will be back, I know it. Leave. I don't think I'll return to school ever."
"What?" He withdrew from the hug.
"Leone, go home."
"No," he whispered. "Can I at least help you?"
"I'm not dragging you into this."
"Why won't you let me?"
"Why are you so persistent?"
Abbacchio blushed. "I like being with you."
"Are you sure about this?" Bruno continued whispering. "I'm going to hide under the bed to strike them. What will you do?"
"Let me hide under the bed with you. I have a pair of scissors."
"Are you ready for this? We're about to murder two people. What about your dreams of becoming a police officer? You can't be a cop if you murder someone."
"I— I don't care! I want to protect you and your dad!"
Bruno embraced him. "Thank you."
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paralyze-fic · 1 year
Chapter 12
An alarm woke me up from my deep slumber, and I moved to turn it off, but I felt a weight on me. My eyes opened slowly as I blinked repeatedly, trying to get rid of my blurry vision, and I looked down slightly.
"Eek?!" A tiny squeal let my lips when I saw Bakugou's spiky hair so close to me and felt his hot breath against my neck. "When...? How...? Why?"
So that wasn't a dream.
I thought I dreamed of getting up and climbing on Bakugou's bed because I got cold and hugged him tight to me. Well, now he was also hugging me. I have to do something about this, I can't let him know about this. He would explode... literally.
First, he didn't seem to hear the alarm just yet, so I would just have to turn it off. But how? I can't reach it, and there's a high chance he would wake up if I move. The only other thing I could think of was prying his arms off of my waist and getting up, acting like I was all night on the floor and that I woke up with a sore back... yeah, that might work.
My mind was way too active to have just woke up, jeez. I'm gonna have a headache.
Taking a deep breath, I grabbed Bakugou's arms and slowly attempted to lift it, but his grip on me got tighter.
"Shit," I bit my tongue and waited a couple more seconds, thank god the alarm had stopped on its own, but I'm sure it would go off again soon. "Please. Just let me go... let go Bakugou~," my voice was hoarse as I was whining in my desperate attempt to get up from his bed.
Before I tried the same thing for the third time, I decided on something else and took the pillow from under my head.
"Oof. Finally." I had managed to sneak the white fluffy pillow under his arms, replacing my body. A sigh left through my lips as I grabbed my uniform and a towel from Bakugou's closet. "I need a shower." Walking inside the bathroom in the room I yawned while I scratched my head. It's best if I just act like nothing happened, he doesn't know and doesn't have to know either way.
I turned the shower on and took off my clothes as I waited for the right water temperature.
Ten minutes later, I was drying my hair after I washed my teeth, and Bakugou had just woken up. He got out of bed and walked in. "Get out of my bathroom, extra," he grumbled with an even deeper voice than usual, but with his hoarse tone he sounded more... soft? His voice was a bit sweeter.
Might be his fogged-up mind. He's probably still half asleep.
I went downstairs and I saw Mitsuki coming out of the kitchen. She saw me and stopped. "Oh, (M/n) just in time, breakfast is ready, could you tell Katsuki to hurry?" I nodded and turned around, getting inside the teenager's room again.
My knuckles knocked against the bathroom door softly. "What?!"
"Your mom says breakfast's ready. Hurry your ass up." He growled and I giggled, but decided to wait for him sitting on his bed.
The bathroom door opened. "Did you use my toothbrush?" I hummed a denial 'uh huh' while tearing my eyes away from my phone.
"I used my finger," he made an 'ew' noise and I chuckled, "I know..." I said to myself.
Breakfast with the Bakugou family was silent. Surprisingly. Mitsuki said so herself. The very moment Bakugou went upstairs, she told me about how his son would always be complaining about her food, but how this morning he was weirdly calm.
Masaru said something about being because of me, and just when I was panicking, thinking I did something wrong, Bakugou appeared and threw my backpack at me.
"We're going," he growled and grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the door.
"Katsuki, is not nice to treat your friend that way!" Mitsuki yelled at him and I waited for his usually disrespectful comeback, but he just 'tsk'-ed and mumbled a "whatever" and put on his shoes.
I did the same and bowed to his parents as he stood up and opened the door.
"Goodbye, Mr and Mrs Bakugou, and thank you for having me here," I quickly said and rushed behind Bakugou before he would leave me behind.
The classes were kinda boring. That and I was falling asleep on my desk, Bakugou might have been tired too but if he was, he didn't show it while on the other hand, I was like a zombie when we entered the cafeteria.
"(L/n), you want me to get you some food?" Kirishima asked me when I sat down at our usual table. I responded with a slow nod.
Since Bakugou and I started to hang out and talk every day, I had left Midoriya aside and I did not like that, he was nice and cute but I couldn't talk to him because Bakugou was all day on my tail. He was like an actual puppy.
The noise of somebody sitting by my side made me lift my head. Speak of the devil...
"I won't bother you 'cause I'm tired too, but we'll train again after school," I whine and let my head fall on the table, making a loud noise.
"I don't wanna~," Bakugou groaned but before he could say something, Kirishima's voice rang in my ears. My back straightened immediately. Food.
Thanks for the food. I smiled at Kirishima as I picked up my chopsticks and happily ate what he brought me. As expected from Lunch Rush, this is delicious.
While everybody at the table talked amongst one another, I felt a stare on me. Discreetly, I took some tiny glances around the nearest tables and made eye contact with purple eyes that immediately looked away.
"Shi-chan..." All of a sudden, I wasn't feeling hungry anymore as I placed down my chopsticks and lowered my head to stare at my fingers.
"Oh yeah! (L/n), that Shinso guy from 1C is your friend, right?" I flinched at Kaminari's words and tried to make myself smaller.
"Sort of..." my voice got out in a soft whisper and out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugou turning to look at me.
"What do you mean?" This time, Ashido asked -she told me to call her Mina, but I wasn't comfortable yet-, and I swallowed while I debated if I should tell them.
They're my friends now... and friends tell each other their problems, right?
"Since I told him about me being transferred to the Hero Course, he wouldn't talk to me," even if the cafeteria was loud as fuck at the moment, I knew they heard my mumbled words clearly. Bakugou scoffed by my side and pulled me closer to him by my shoulder.
Shocked and confused, I looked up at him.
He got close to my ear, "That's his loss then, we've got ourselves a great friend." He whispered to me so the rest wouldn't hear him, his deep voice and his warm breath so close to me made heat rush to my face.
He released me and kept eating, I glanced at the other three people sitting with us, they didn't seem to have been paying attention to us, which made me sigh in relief. Taking a glimpse at Bakugou, a tiny smile tugged the corners of my lips upwards and I resumed eating my lunch.
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cravingbro · 2 years
Friday Stroll
siblings oneshot au : 2,5k words — hurt-comfort, travelling, gallery date, city walk, quality time, quarter life crisis, public argument, harsh words, suicidal.
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“I feel so useless,” he suddenly shouted as he stood up from the sofa. He looked desperate and unfortunately that was not the first time. So I asked, “What makes you think of that?”
“I achieve nothing in this age. Maybe they were right, I— uh …,” he stopped mid-sentence to look at a glimpse of his phone. I followed his eyes, then I saw a notification. There were red mark, so I assume that was his trigger.
“A failure?“ Another question came out of my mouth. He sighed and nodded. Had our mother were there, she would have confirmed his thought and told him to try harder, as if what he had done all these time was not worth to be appreciated. But I am not our mother. So, I came closer to embrace him and put my head on his shoulder. He automatically leaned his head on mine, then stroked my hair. We did this a lot. The hug, I mean. It has been a common thing for us and it never ceases to amaze me how comfortable it is to be hugged and to hug my brother, nonetheless what situation we were in.
“What’s so wrong in being a failure anyway? Are you becoming a parasite?” I whispered, asking another question since I had no idea what to do. “At some point, I will,” he answered.
“But you’re not,” I replied. He chuckled as he shook his head. "You see ... I always admire your optimism, but the world maybe different with what you really think," he uttered. I hummed without stating anything else, then he continued, "I wish I could live in the world you planted inside here." He knocked my forehead slowly before giving me a soft peck.
"What is it this time? Another no from company?" Finally I got the gut to directly ask and he nodded right away. "I don't know how long should I do this. If mom finds out—"
"She won't," I cut his words as I arose from his shoulder. "Let's go somewhere to heal first," I continued along with a wide smile, but he did not respond. Instead, he looked far behind me with empty eyes.
"Jaehyun," I called. He shook his head slowly and whispered, "Nope."
"Why not?" I raised my voice as I stood up. Then I pulled both of my brother's wrist to force him stand, but he did not move an inch.
"Going out means spending money. I can't spend anymore money if I'm not getting any job soon," he stated, made me froze instantly and mumbled, "Ouch."
"Money is our problem ... okay ... then how about free trip?" I threw a random idea, hoped his face would light up even just a bit. But he just gave a fade smile and shook his head.
"Oh, fuck! Why is your life sounds so hard to bear?!" I curse-yelled while stomping my feet on the floor. "You, my brother, you do not deserve this stupid sadness!" I continued, brutally pointed at his face.
"How is it stupid—"
"Whoever rejects you is stupid. You're the most hardworking brother I've ever known," I declared in such a loud voice. He covered his face with both of his hands then replied, "Of course, I am your only brother."
I was tongue-tight for a few seconds. But then I argued, "Well, your life is not just about getting a job, right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Be a good brother and drive me anywhere I want," I insisted. He took a deep breath as he spoke, "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm being dead serious," I replied with a exagerrated-sharp look. He looked away for a few seconds and sighed.
"Okay, what's your plan?" He finally opened up to my idea. So I sat back and explained, "First, I want gelato! Then, we'll go to this gallery— wait, don't give me that look! This is free entry! I believe it'll take forever and the sun will set when we're in the gallery. So, in the evening ... we'll have street food marathon!"
He was quiet as I proposed my idea using my phone as the media. I showed posts from social media and he silently scroll down, zooming in and out, and read every caption carefully.
"Okay, if it's under—"
"Shut up. It's on me," I grabbed his lips with my thumb and index. "I'd like to celebrate your failure as a human-being," I added.
"Fuck!" he shouted. Before he reached me, I ran as fast as I can and changed my clothes. It took me approximately ten minutes to prepare, while my brother obviously did much faster than me. He turned the motorcycle on and I was shocked as soon as I arrived at the garage. I thought we would ride a car just like we usually did.
"We're on sudden budget trip," he said then pointed on my outfit. "I don't like you wearing mini skirt and crop tee as well. Change 'em quick," he demanded. I sighed as I walked back to my room.
When I got back, he pulled me closer, stroked my hair before put the helmet on me, then whispered, "Why would nobody wants to date someone as pretty as you?"
"Not this outdated pick up line again," I protested. He chuckled even when I flicked a finger on his forehead. Not long after that, we left our home.
"Hold tight," he shouted. I held his waist tight as he requested and he raced the street in rage. I guessed he somehow released his tension on our way to the gelato shop because when we arrived I could see satisfaction was already painted on his smile.
"Five minutes, I just break another record," stated my brother while he took off his helmet and shook his head. "Seems like you risk our life before. That was too fast and dangerous," I replied, pointing at the crowded street which he ignored. "If you hate how I ride, you should've do your own trip. Why bother taking me with you?" he yelled as he rolled his eyes. I sighed immediately since I started to feel that his desperation kicked in me as well.
"Why do you want to risk your life so bad everytime anything bad happened?" I asked.
"Why do I need to survive in a world that doesn't need me?" he replied my question with another question. Because of that, I rolled my eyes and hissed aggresively. I could not believe that he chose to argue with his own sister in a parking area.
"Then why do you have to do that in front of me? Every single time ... I've watch you desire death. Sometimes you say it out loud, sometimes it's just the things you did. You're so reckless and stupid—"
"Precisely, that's why I'm a failure—"
"But you're the only person I truly trust in this world," I raised my voice, causing some people secretly glared at us. They must be thinking that we were fighting as a couple. "Or am I the crazy one?" I added, after a while. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes.
Later he grabbed my palms and locked my fingers with his, then whispered, "I'm sorry." Without a doubt, I put my forehead on his shoulder and sobbed, "You see ... I want to help. But I can't do anything. Everytime you go downhill, I can't even comfort you. It's like everything your sister did, doesn't matter to you. I'm so sad. I'd like to join you ... I don't know ... at least crying with you? But you kept saying it's not my business to worry. Why do you have to be alone all the time?"
"I don't want to drag you in my misery," he whispered as he put my palms on his pocket.
"But you look so lonely," I argued.
"But then I'll be fine. It's just temporary. You know that. You know me best—"
"No." I disaggreed. I kept repeating that word while shaking my head. Then I moved backward just to look into my brother's face and uttered, "You keep getting worse, honestly. It was just minor fistbumps on the floor, but now racing on the street. The way you channel your emotion ... I'm such a bitch if I said I'm not worry."
"That much?" he asked, followed by my nod. "You worry that much?" he repeated. I nodded once again.
"If I eat gelato and smile in front of you, will you stop worry?" he asked. My jaw dropped immediately, so I covered my mouth. He blinked several times, waiting for my respond.
"I still can't do anything to help you," I mumbled then laughed. "I'm sorry," he whispered another apology.
"Should I die with you?"
"Why would you even think of that?"
"I don't want to live in a world without you. But it seems like you find no joy in living anymore," I answered. My brother suddenly stood up and grabbed my wrist, then he brought me to the gelato shop without saying anything else. He even ordered a big cup lf gelato with three different flavors.
"Jaehyun ...," I called as soon as we sat down. Yet he avoided my eyes and ate his gelato in silence. I decided to quietly enjoy my gelato since I did not want to corner him even more. However, even without saying anything else, I could see that he was going to break. His tears were almost falling, so I touched his index and pinched it.
"If we're done eating, let's stroll around. The gallery is two kilometers away and the weather is nice," I stated.
"Alright." He smiled and quickly nodded.
Hence we walked along the street during that windy afternoon. I forced him to walk before me just so I could watch his back. He wore a white sheer-silk shirt and an oversized patterned pants. It was terrible choice of style, yet he still managed to look okay.
As we passed the street, I could watch him looking right and left, paid closer attention to his surrounding. Strangely, his steps went slower as our distance to the gallery got closer, as if he was lowkey enjoying our two kilometers walk. He did not even bother to check me who was five or six steps behind.
He entered the gallery first, but then decided to hold the door until I walked in. Then, he followed me to the ticket booth and glared. He must had sense my lie when he saw me taking out my wallet, so I said, "I have money too, you know—"
"You said it was free—"
"Free for you since I paid for us— thank you," I replied as I thanked the cashier while accepting two paper bracelets as our entrance tickets. Later I handed him the ticket but he just frown in disappointment. Thus I grabbed his hands and put the bracelet on his wrist.
"Lesson number one, my brother, you cannot control everything ... you cannot control ... your job seeking result ... you cannot control ... me ...," I murmured after we stood in front of a huge three-dimentional installation which was placed right in front of the entrance. "Sometimes you have no other choice, but to deal with it ... and not by faking it just to satisfy your sister, like what you were tryna do before ... but more like ... how I accept the fact that you'll always noisy when you play games ... or that you're so fucking annoying, bothering me like a real parasite whenever you're bored." He listened carefully as he locked his eyes on me. Meanwhile, I ain't wasting my money even just for a second so I keep focusing my view on the installation.
"You should've complained," he replied. I bursted out laugh before I slapped his cheek jokingly. "You think I never did? I've done that thousand times, yet you never listen. You're the stubborn one, yet the moment I accept it ... the moment I realized ... oh, this is just how my brother show his existence ... then it doesn't feel like a burden anymore. Turns out, I kinda feel empty when you're quiet or when you're not around," I described him, crystal clear, then he chuckled. Maybe it cringed him bad, but I did not care.
"I don't even realize it before, but ... sometimes it starts to creep me ... I'm scared knowing that I can lose you anytime—"
"You won't—"
"I almost did, Jaehyun, I knew it! You just never took it that far. But somehow I know you can and you will ... one day. That's why I keep dragging myself into— just please ... keep dragging me like this when your having your worst days," I begged as I held his shoulder tight. He held my hands that were on his shoulder then we walked towards another installation.
"You never have any idea on how much you've helped me, don't you?" he asked while deeply looking into a painting. I raised an eyebrow as a sign of curiosity. Few seconds later, he declared, "It's always you ... who see me go downhill and it's been you ... who I reach out first whenever I feel like I'm not myself."
"But I don't do anything significant—"
"Why must you? I don't need you to change my world to make me feel better. I need you to be my brake," he continued. "And you never fail me," he added.
He walked before me right after he widely smile, so I catched the rythm of his steps and walked beside him. "What's that suppose to ... mean?" I asked. He pinched my nose then answered, "As long as you're around, I know I'm not going to die."
I almost shouted had he did not shut my mouth with his palms. "We're in the gallery," he added.
"Don't fucking die! I swear to God if you choose to kill yourself from whatever happen in the future, I'll haunt your soul in hell," I threatened while giving him a middle finger. Instead of slapping my face for disrespecting him, he just whispered, "Ugh, rude."
"By the way the blue ice cream taste weird. Don't order that ever again," he implied. I gave an instant death glare then shouted, "Bubble gum is my favorite flavor!"
My brother tried to shut my mouth but it was too late. Few people already stared directly at us, so he apologized for the noise I made by bowing to every directions.
"Don't shout—"
"It taste good!" I added my complain, whispered. Yet the tension was there, it was shown through my neck muscles.
"It's too sweet for me—"
"But you finished that!" I argued.
"You stopped eating and spare too much blue ice cre—"
"Gelato," I corrected him.
"Blue gelato, yes. You said you were full—"
"You ate too little and I'm concerned. So I gave you my favorite flavor, but then you said it taste bad," I complained, moving my lips as if I was mocking him.
"I said it taste weird," he corrected me, followed by some hand gestures.
"Same thing!" I defended myself. He sighed as he rolled his eyes. He walked away from an installation and went for another while rambling, "I just got rejected by a company and here I am arguing in a gallery for a fucking ice cream—"
"Gelato!" I corrected him once again. But that time, my tone was not a serious flat tone anymore. It was giggly. Hence, he stopped walking all of sudden and I obviously crashed him. "Ouch," I yelled.
"Next time, I choose the flavor," he insisted. I almost complained but he was already walked away. I could heard him chuckling, so I cancelled my argument and kept it for myself.
"How about the other two?" I asked. He gave me a flash look before focusing on the installation ahead him. "Fine. I like plain yoghurt and pistacchio," he answered.
"I like it too," I cheered. He chuckled as he took his phone out. Then he took photos of me without saying anything first, but since I am a pro, I posed-on-cue.
The day passed just like that. It was always me forcing him to go here and there. Then he would state a dissagreement and complains. Then we would argue on spot. Then one of us would went silence because it was tiring and not-so-important.
The cycle went on and on. Yet in the garage, the evening we went back home, he said, "It was fun. Let's do this shit again in the future."
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dumb-admins · 3 months
Trauma/childhood headcanons pt2
...hey y'all... :3, i'm so sorry for our very very extended hiatus, we both just kind of lost the passion for these characters and writing and I apologize, I will try and post as much as I can to make up for lost time. - Admin K.
!!Tw!!- child neglect, child abuse, underage drug usage, homophobia , self harm and implied infidelity, money struggles, shitty parents all around
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★Child Ash who once overdosed on mommy's "special candy" and got beat once he was home for using up all of her "candy".
"Mom stop! Please stop I'm sorry!" Ash cried, biting onto the sleeve of his hoodie, the loud sound of the belt's"Thwap!" deafening as it collided with his backside and thighs. "I fucking told you and your piece of shit siblings to stay away from my candy! I wish you would've just fucking choked on your vomit and died!" his mother screamed out, beating him relentlessly with his brother's belt.
★Child Sara who cut up her thighs and arms when her mother threw insults her way or parentified her, by the time she was a teenager her body was scarred and bloody.
"Didn't I fucking tell you to clean this shit up!?", "Please mom, I was doing homework! I'll clean it right n-" Sara was cut off her mother slapping her across the face harshly, before she could react her mother grabbed a glass plate and shattered it on the floor. "Clean that up while you're in here, god you're fucking useless." Her mother stormed out of the kitchen and Sara slumped to her knees, grabbing a glass shard and hiding it in her sleeve.
★Child Kanako who was never a daddy's girl, infact her father never made an effort to take care of her.
"Daddy..?" the young girl spoke softly, in her pajamas as she saw her father sitting on the patio, taking a drag of his cigarette, the smell burnt in her memory. "I told you not to call me that Kanako, if you want a dad you can go talk to your mom's co-worker." he spat out coldly, snuffing the menthol cigarette out on the porch, kneeing Kanako to the side as he went inside the cold, loveless home.
★Child Light who never felt "right", he often sat in his bedroom sobbing while clawing and pushing at his chest. Wiping away the makeup his aunt put on him, how sweet and clueless she was to his dysphoria.
He sat on his bed, staring at his Mary Janes, black tights and pastel pink dress in the mirror, tears in his eyes as he looked down and saw he was developing breasts. He started pushing and pumping them down until his aunt walked in, his aunt walking inside happily, makeup bag in hand, he quickly dropped his hands to his side and avoided eye contact. His aunt stared at him for a while until she spoke in a quiet voice "..I think your dad has a purple suit you can wear..it might be a little big though.." she smiled kindly at him and shifted the makeup bag behind her back.
★Child Lindsay who never saw her tests and assignments graded with A+ and A's, instead seeing her brother's participation medals and trophies hung up and displayed like precious things.
"Dad, did you hang up my test ? I can't find it on the fridge." She answered calmly, studying at the kitchen table as her dad was grabbing his 4th beer from the fridge. "No, I think I left it on your bed or something." His words slurred from alcohol intake, he stumbled out of the kitchen, she shuffled out from the kitchen island and walked past the trashcan, seeing her test stuffed lazy under beer cans and soaked in old spaghetti sauce and the remnants of her father's beer.
★Child Lucy who knew about her family’s finance and always worried about how much or what food her family would have on the table and looking to make sure everyone got enough food too the point of stealing
“Mamma! I got some bread” Lucy would walk in quietly sitting at the dinner table and sneaking the money her mother gave her for the bead back into her purse. “Oh Lucy dear thank you come on let’s eat shall we” the small family of three would sit and have a prayer before Lucy mom separated the food. “Mamma did you get enough..papa what about you..” Lucy’s mom and dad would look at her with a sweet look. “Oh honey don’t worry about us your are first priority” Lucy’s father gave her a kiss on the forehead let Lucy would still go out of her way to say that she was full and give half of her plate to her parents.
★Child Phoenix who argued with her father loudly in the kitchen, missing out on her Valedictorian speech for her brother's soccor game
Her father took off the black plastic sunglasses, pinching his nose bridge as his daughter stood across from him at the kitchen island, loudly yelling and slamming her fist against the white and grey marble countertop. "Dad are you fucking serious? How could you miss my Valedictorian speech for Enrique's soccer game? He'll have a hundred more but this is the only time I'll get to do this-" She was abruptly cut off by those same glasses shattering against the white wall behind her "Phoenix will you shut the fuck up!? I don't care about your stupid fucking speech, you can read it to me later. Now get the fuck out of my way, I need to get your brother in the car." He shoulder checks Phoenix as he claps his hand, ordering her brother to get in the car while she watches teary eyed and shaking.
★Child Valentine who listens to her Grandma read fairytales and never understanding why it was always prince and princess, feeling guilty for never wanting to meet a prince and instead wanting a princess
She sits on the floor in front of her grandma, the fire crackling, warm and cozy as her grandma's smooth voice uttered out the classic fairytale books. prince and princess living happily ever after, the prince saving a damsel in distress and they live happily ever after. Valentine zoned out, the whistling of the woods outside their cottage shushing, the crackling fire quiets down, her grandma's comforting voice becoming nothing but background noise for her thoughts. "Why don't I want a prince charming?" She thought for a second, grimacing at the very idea of kissing a boy, the idea of being picked up and carried into a horse pulled carriage by prince charming leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Her face softens thinking of the princess, "Why is it never two princesses?" She thinks quietly for a bit longer, her ears heating up thinking of a princess swooping her away from a castle with a fire breathing dragon. Her grandma's soft wrinkled hands brush Valentine's hair from her face, "Honey? What's on your mind dearest?" Her face soft and loving, curious to her grandbaby's thoughts, Valentine looks up happily, smiling as she chirps out "Why is it never two princesses? I wanna marry a princess!" She sung out happily, her eyes shut for a brief second as she showed her gummy smile, that smile fell once she felt the sting of her grandmother's wedding ring against her freckled skin. She held her face, the spot now sore and tinted pink as her grandmother looked down in disgust before mumbling, the words almost burning her tongue as she spoke. "You will never utter those sinful words under my roof Valentine."
HIIIII, I'm so sorry we haven't posted (I'm even more sorry for how long Valentine's part is, sorry!) I lost the passion for writing but it's coming back, I'm just gonna start writing for fun now because yk :3, hi again!!- Admin K
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allbutnone86-blog · 1 year
My Mom the Tickling Dom (f/f)
My name is Amy, I'm 19 years old and I live with my parents. I have a job, but I can't afford to move out. Rent is too high and wages are too low. I wondered how my parents ever afforded anything.
I was going through some old stuff when I found some letters. They were addressed to my mom. The first one was a formal business letter. It talked about an arrangement to have someone, tickled? The other letter also mentioned tickling. I had no idea what these were about and decided to go to my mom to ask.
"I was going through some things and I found these," I handed the letters over to my mother.
"These must have got mixed up with my other things. I thought I got rid of all these damn letters," she said looking at them.
"What are these letters about?"
She sighed, "My old job. People used to hire me to tickle them or others. I got a lot of my money from that job. Your father has a pretty good job now, but most of our money came from this."
"You never told me."
"I was hoping you never knew," she threw the letters away and went back to cleaning dishes.
I thought about what she said about the money, "Hey mom, how much were you paid for it?"
"It depended on the job, but generally it was very good pay."
I was getting an idea I wasn't sure my mom would like.
"Do you think I could do something like that?" I asked.
Mom stopped what she was doing and looked at me, "It's not an easy job. Do you think you can do a job like that? One where you must always be in control, always ready to tickle someone completely?"
"I think I can," I didn't know what I was getting into, but I was motivated by the money I could get.
Mom thought for a minute, "Okay, let me take you somewhere and show you something."
We got into the car and mom drove us into town. She lead me to an unmarked building. The inside looked like a normal doctors office. The woman at the front desk looked up from her computer.
"Do you have an appointment- Mistress Amanda!" she was surprised to see my mom.
"Hello Danielle, it's been a long time. I'm surprised you still work here." my mom said.
"I like it here, but it hasn't been the same since you left. What brings you back here?" Danielle asked.
"This is my daughter Amy, she's taken an interest in the job."
"Nice to meet you Amy. You look just as beautiful as your mother."
"Thank you."
"Are any rooms empty? I would like to show her what this job is about."
Danielle went back to her computer, "It looks like we have some open."
My mom leaned over the counter, "Could you book one for two hours. That should be all the time I need," I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear that.
Danielle typed a few things into the computer, "Okay I have room 6 booked for you."
"How much will that be?"
"I'm not going to charge our founder. Enjoy your time here."
"Thank you Danielle."
Danielle unlocked the door and we went in. There were lots of rooms with the doors closed.
"You founded this place?" there was a lot I didn't know about mom.
For as long as I could remember, she's been a stay at home mom. She took care of me and the house every day. She didn't seem interesting to me. I remember even calling my mom boring at some points. I never would have imagined she did anything like this. I can't recall during my life that she's ever done anything.
"It was a long time ago, but yes I did found this place. And here we are room 6."
I stepped inside and I was both surprised and confused by what I saw. There was a pillar, some stocks, cuffs, feathers, brushes, and more.
"You stay here, I'm going to go grab something," she left me alone in the room.
I checked out the different things they had there. Much of it I didn't know the use of. Mom was soon back, but she was now wearing a tight leather outfit that left her very exposed.
"They still had my old outfit here. Although it's a little tighter than I remember," she tried readjusting her outfit, "Now let me introduce you to the world of tickling," she walked over to the wall of items, "You see these? These are the many tools used for tickling. Each tool has a different use, so it's important to know what they all do."
"Do I have to wear a leather outfit like yours?" it didn't look very comfortable.
"The outfit is a must. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it," she walked over to the pillar, "These and the stocks are used to restrain a person. Where you want to tickle them will determine which you use."
She continued explaining restraining your victim and a few other things.
"Allow me to show you how it's done," she began preparing the pillar.
"Are you going to bring someone in to use as a demonstration?" I asked.
"No," I realized where this was going, "Amy, strip down to your underwear and get over here."
I hesitantly did as she said. I went over to the pillar and she secured my wrists and ankles.
"You're going to tickle me even though I'm your daughter?" I thought she would be kinder since I was family.
"Being family never stopped me. How do you think I get your father to listen to me?"
She lightly stroked her fingers down my sides, making my lips tremble and my belly tense. I fully expected her to attack my belly but she quickly began tickling my underarms. I was caught completely off guard and I burst out laughing.
"The more unpredictable you are, the more laughs you get," she began tickling my ribs now.
"Tickling is a job that requires skill," she moved down to my belly and began using her nails, "There are many techniques. And different techniques work on different people."
She continued to skillfully use her fingers all over my belly and side. I was amazed at how good she was.
"You should explore different parts to see where they are ticklish. Since they won't always tell you," she moved to my hips and tickled them.
"Tickling also requires lots of stamina. As the tickler you aren't using as much energy, but you will still use up some. You may need to tickle for hours and you need to have the energy to do that."
After a few more minutes of tickling, she stopped and went over to the wall and grabbed something.
"This is a weapon all ticklers know well, the feather," the one she had was large, white, and very fluffy. She began using it on my belly, waving it up and down.
"It's a very different sensation huh? Mixing things up every so often is also important. It keeps them from getting used to anything."
She moved the feather from my belly to my sides and then to my ribs. She kept changing the pace and pattern of her tickling making me laugh nonstop.
20 minutes of feather tickling later, she stopped.
"You're probably wondering why this place exists, why we do this. Some people will pay good money to get tickled by one of us. Some people want to be tickled. But, tickling can be used for pleasure or torture. That is the darker side of tickling and this job. I sometimes did deals with some that would pay me a small fortune to tickle someone. I tickled them to get information out of them, or get them to give something up, or agree to something. In that case, you need to be a sadistic tickler that will torture your victims and satisfy your clients."
"How often did you do that?"
"Very often, I wasn't cheap to hire, but I was effective and so they would come to me for my services. And I enjoyed tickling every single victim they gave me, mostly," she had a look on her face I was unfamiliar with and it scared me, "Not all days are fun. Some days are bad, but other days are a hell of a lot of fun."
She quickly went back to tickling my belly, catching me by surprise again.
"Only another hour to go."
I was amazed I made it an hour. But I was already done. But mom wasn't done at all. Her fingers didn't let up for a second.
Tears were streaming down my face and my cheeks hurt from all the laughing.
"Pay attention to how they react to different things. Their words can lie, but their bodies don't."
She leaned down blew a raspberry on my belly while using her nails on my sides making me laugh uncontrollably.
"Also don't forget to have fun. You have to enjoy tickling and be passionate about it to really do it well. And you will be more motivated to keep going."
Her fingers skittered down from my sides to my hips.
"As the tickler, you are the one in charge, always. They have to listen to everything you say or you will punish them. Some need to be reminded of their place."
She intensified her tickling a bit as if to demonstrate.
"Remember to be careful. You don't always know who you are dealing with. Especially, when dealing with tickle torture jobs.
She continued tickling.
"Oh, and one more thing. Never show mercy!"
She spent the last ten minutes on severe tummy tickling.
After that, our two hours were finally over. She untied me and helped me over to a chair. While I sat and rested, she left and changed her clothes. I put my clothes back on too.
"You really went hard on me," I told her.
"Oh no, I was very much so holding back."
I suddenly felt very sorry for who ever had the misfortune of being tickle tortured by my mom.
We left the room and went back to the front office.
"Thank you for coming by Amanda," Danielle said waving goodbye.
"Thank you for letting us in. We'll have to meet and catch up some time," mom said before we left. We got back in the car and mom turned to me, "After being in there, do you still want to do it? Do you want to become a tickler?"
"Yes, I do. I can do it," I had some doubts, but for some reason I decided I would. Maybe tickling was in the blood.
"Alright, I'll call up Jade, she runs the place now. I'll see if she can get you a job."
Things seemed to work out perfectly. I was let go from my other job because they were cutting back on workers. But, Jade agreed to meet me. One week later, I met Jade back at the place mom had brought me.
"So, you're Amanda's daughter?" Jade asked.
"Yes, and I would like to get a job here as a tickler," it felt funny saying that at first.
"I'm sure your mother has told you what it takes to be a tickler here."
"She has. I may be inexperienced, but I'm determined to do what it takes."
"Your mother was a legendary tickler, and no doubt the best to have ever worked here. I‘m sure that you will be a great tickler too," she reached out and shook my hand, "Welcome to The Tickling Dungeon Amy."
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buckydeniro · 3 years
This Is Trouble
part 1
dad’sbestfriend!bucky barnes x reader
a/n: okay, i’m prettyyy new to writing and this is my first jab at writing a series or something that isn’t a hc so please be gentle with me. this could be complete shit and suck ass but ya know what, oh well! i’m a slut for dad’sbestfriend!bucky so here ya go! i really hope you enjoy it!! :-)
summary: you didn’t plan this. he didn’t either. you thought you would come home from college, spend some time with your dad, and find a place for yourself to live. but you soon found yourself in a sexual tension filled challenge with your dad’s best friend. but what happens when feelings develop and they become too strong to deny?
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"Dad." You groan as he covers your eyes with his hands. You had just graduated college and after a few days spent packing up your stuff from your apartment near school and saying your goodbyes to your friends, you're finally back home. Your dad had the biggest grin on his face when he picked you up and you had a feeling he was up to something even though he swore he wasn't.
Now with his hands over your eyes in front of the door of your childhood home, you knew he was up to something.
"What's going on?" You ask, hearing the sound of people shuffling and a few shushing each other behind the door. "I know you hate surprises but you're back home so you're going to have to deal with it for the sake of your poor dad who has missed his daughter." You chuckle, a smile pulling at your lips.
You loved your dad. Your mom left when you were fairly young, hadn't even hit the double digits age range yet before her and your dad decided it was best to part ways. She never called or wrote, just left. But you made your way with your dad.
The sound of the door opening shakes you from your thoughts. Your dad removing his hands from your eyes to reveal a moderate sized group of family and friends before you.
Your eyes go big the exact moment they all yell out "Surprise!!" A red hot blush rushes to your cheeks and you smile bashfully, never having been one to like being the center of attention. You don't catch it but if you did you would have seen your dads best friend leaning against the kitchen doorway, lips moving up into a smile at your reaction.
"Okay, this was a pretty good surprise." Your smile blooms from shy and uncomfortable to happy and touched. You immediately hug your father, "Thank you. So much."
He gives you a tight squeeze causing you to choke out, "Dad." Chuckling at him as he lets go, letting air refill your lungs.
"I'm gonna give you some time with everyone. Good luck." With a kiss to the side of your head, Everyone begins rushing up, congratulating you, hugging you, commenting on how much you've grown and changed.
After nodding at one of the older womans dramatized comments about how she could hardly recognize you now, you feel someone watching you. Your eyes smoothly and quickly find Bucky, and you're almost thrown off actual physical balance at how good he looks. Holy shit. You swallow, your stomach doing a flip. Okay, what the fuck was that, stomach?
Not only have you changed but so as he. You breathe in through your nose as you take him in. The light stubble dancing on his jaw, a tight black shirt, the chains of his dog tags peaking out from the shirts collar. See he still wears those, you think to yourself. His black jeans matching his black boots have you trying not to bite your lip. You blink and quickly turn away, zoning back into the atmosphere around you.
He's always been attractive but jesus, when did he get that attractive. I guess you've both grown.
Apparently the lady, Lila, had still been talking to you, unaware your attention was pulled elsewhere for a moment. Firing questions off at you at a rapid speed, not stopping to hear your answers. So she's basically just having a conversation with herself and you've been deemed the appropriate audience for aome reason.
You hear footsteps coming towards you, flicking your eyes up, you see Bucky walking and stopping right in front of you. Oh my god. He smells amazing. No. What the fuck are you thinking? Reign it in, Y/N.
"Lila, don't wear the poor girl out." His bright, friendly smile drifting from her to you and you can't help the smile mirroring his on your lips. "Oh, I'm not." She chides, squeezing your arm softly with affection, "But I'll go." She playfully sighs and walks away.
Bucky's eyes haven't left yours, that contagious smile still on his face. "Welcome home, kid." That Brooklyn drawl has you biting your lip as you smile. It was a completely innocent movement, a habit you picked up a few years ago but it causes Bucky to look down at your lips, quickly flicking his gaze back to you as he inhales, mentally shaking thoughts from his head.
"Thank you, Mr. Barnes." You say politely. Bucky pulls a face and laughs, causing you to laugh along with him. Why is everything he does so contagious? He shakes his head as he speaks. "No, no, kid. Call me Bucky."
You nod your head once before pulling a face of your own. "Okay, but you can't call me 'kid' anymore. I'm 22, Bucky." The new 'title' leaving your mouth like an acception to a challenge.
He nods his head, lifting his hands up in mock defence, smirking at the way you said his name.
"Okay, okay. I got it. Y/N." His voice falls soft, almost sounding like he just found out what your name was and was calling you by it for the first time.
"Ah, Y/N, see you've caught up with Buck." Your dad grins, slapping a friendly hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Come on, party is out back."
Steve leads the way, both you and Bucky following. You purse your lips, fighting off a smile and Bucky snorts. "Party." You say quietly, glancing at Bucky as he retorts back speaking quietly so your dad doesn't hear, "Oh yeah, it's raging, can't you tell? Might just give them college parties of yours a run for their money."
You hum in acknowledgement, "You might be right, Barnes. But, I have been to some good ones."
"Barnes, huh?" You can't quite read the look on his face. All you know is that you're both looking at each other with some kind of playfulness, like the beginning of a new game has just started and you're on opposing sides.
"Mhm. Barnes." You overly dictate the 'B' in his name, drawing the 'A' out a bit, making a clicking sound with the side of your mouth, your focus forward.
Your dad turns around, clapping you softly on the shoulder, "Have fun, hon. One of the guys is calling for me. Sam! I'm coming!" You watch as your dad huffs, jogging up to his friend, swatting the spatula away from his hands, focus on the grill Sam was, I guess, butchering.
"So, you still do that." You turn your head back to Bucky, furrowing your eyebrows a little, tilting your head slightly, confusion lightly appearing on your face. "Do what?"
He puts his gloved covered hands into his jacket pockets, clearing his throat, "You make that sound when you're focusing on something or are nervous." There's a slight pause before he speaks up again. "You nervous with the get together or bein' back home or somethin'?"
You didn't realize you even did that. You were a little nervous but it wasn't because of the party your dad threw for you. It was because of Bucky. It's a good nervous but it confuses you none the less.
"Yeah. Just being back home." You nod, lips tugging up at the corner for a smile. "The change and everything."
Bucky doesn't look quite convinced but lets it go. Your attention is drawn forward, wanting to look anywhere but Bucky. The way he looks at you was fogging up your brain.
"You still wear the dog tags."
This time he tilts his head, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. "I can notice things too, Bucky." You whisper with a smile, your attention turning back to him, causing him to chuckle.
"Well, they are mine, Doll." You both freeze. Fuck, he thinks. It just slipped out. He couldn't help it. He's fucked it now, shit. But you chew on your bottom lip, fighting back a smile but the hint of it is there and Bucky catches it and feels as if he can breathe again.
"Doll, huh?" You repeat his words back to him.
With a slight cocky tilt of his head, a subtle smirk and something dancing in both of your eyes, he throws it right back at you. Repeating your own words, the exact way you said them to him, "Mhm. Doll."
Before you could react, say anything, he had turned and casually walked away, yelling a hello at one of his and your dad's old friends and although you couldn't see his face, he had the biggest smirk on it. You let out a breath, not knowing what to make of yours and his interaction.
It was Bucky. Just Bucky. Your dad's best friend. He was just being friendly and teasing. Normal. But as you walk to grab a beer from the cooler near by, you can't help but question a little, "Right?"
Straightening your back, you feel eyes on you and you immediately know whose they are. Turning your head, you lock eyes with the brown haired man, taking a swig of his beer.
Your brain repeating the question again, "..Right?"
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eroslove88 · 4 years
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✽ Pairing: Stepdad Shigaraki x Stepdaughter Reader
✽ Warnings: Kidnapping, non-con/dub-con, machine, riding, overstimulation, recording, daddy kink, drugging, begging, humiliation, cream pie, slight bondage, choking, punishing, fisting, and Somnophilia
✽ AU: Quirkless (Alternative Universe)
✽ Note: This was a request from, @eyebowlsworld, hope you enjoy sorry it took a while 🐱 anyways have fun! Also you are of age in this story....
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You didn't know why but you never liked your mom's boyfriend. Well there were many reasons, one being he was dry.... literally and when talking too, two he hardly showered, three he was weird. You always tried to talk to him and get to know him but he never seemed interested in trying to get to know his girlfriend's daughter. After 6 months you gave up and tried to stay away from home because he started living there now. Believe it or not your mom didn't noticed this, and after a year and 2 months they got married.
Of course you felt happy for your mom but you also upset that you never had to see him more now. 3 weeks after the marriage things were getting strange. Some of your stuff started disappearing, it started with just a pen, then your diary, your underwear, your bra.... There had to be an explanation to this.
You walked into your house and looked around before sighing an placing your bag down, "Mom, Shigaraki! You home?" you called out. No response, "So not home yet" you mumbled already used to your mom's tardiness. But what did you expect from a doctor. After pouring yourself some water you went to turn on the TV but you heard creaking, it was coming from upstairs. You stood up and grabbed for your phone but only it wasn't where you left it. "What the fuck?" you whispered out. "Maybe I misplaced it" you thought looking under the couch.
"Looking for this?" a familiar scratchy voice called out. You felt your heart stop realizing who it was. Slowly you looked up and then to the staircase. "I never liked your mom coming home late it made me mad" he said scratching his neck.
"Oh you came home early today?" you asked nervously taking a step back.
"No but I had a day off" he said with a crazy smile. Immediately you felt uneasy and uncomfortable. You looked over to his hand and saw a pill container and realized he had done to your drink.
"D-did you drug the water?" you asked voice shaking and eyes burning with tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
His eyes wondered to you looking you up and down, "Sit down" he pointed to the couch. Gulping you nodded and sat down looking at the ground. He reached for something in his bag and then he pulled out your diary, "September 16th..." he paused looking down to you. You slowly realized which entry this was, "Dear diary, today when I came home my step dad slut shamed me for my outfit. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it but the worst part was my mom agreed, that was a dick move on his part. Damn why can't they just break up?" he smirked looking away from the book then back to you. "Your so cute when your scared" you whimperd hearing his footsteps coming closer.
"I'm sorry" you said voice barely above a whisper cracking. Your face was red and due to the tears wet. You never knew why but he intimidated you and now you felt dizzy and tired. Out of your last efforts you reached for the house phone but, "You cut the-"
"Wire? Yes couldn't have my little girl try leaving" his voice got quiter and that's when you realized you were falling asleep. Even after many attempts to stay awake you still knocked out. "Sweet dreams" you heard before you saw black.
After chaining you to the bed back at his place he waited for a couple of hours before getting bored. So he decided that you owed him this....
He took off your skirt and began pushing in one finger at a time slowly into your tight cunt watching you squirm and let out small quiet moans. Slowly started picking up the pace and left small comments, "Your so tight for me baby"
You slowly started to wake up and to your horror you saw as he put his last finger in going in with a pop. He looked back up hearing your chocked sob and protest, "S-stop Stop Please" you begged trying to go as far away as you could from him. He only chuckled and went faster, "Nghh- I-I can't it hurts" you complained shaking your head eyes burning from the tears.
"Aww my poor baby" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes with a sadistic smirk. You were getting close, "Don't you dare cum until I say so!" he warned not stopping. Almost immediately after he said that your eyes rolled back and you came all over his hand. "Tsk tsk tsk" he said pulling his hand out. "Look at the mess you've made" he walked to you slowly, "No clean it up" he demanded leaving his fist in front of your lips. Slowly you stuck out your tongue but he thought you were to slow so he shoved his fist into your mouth, "Hurry up! I don't have all day"
You swirled your tongue around his fingers until he pulled out his hand. "P-Please Shigaraki, can I do home now?" you asked pathetically.
He chuckled, "I told you not to cum until I said so" he said not bothering to turn around walking out of the room.
Before you knew it you were in a squat position chained unable to move while being fucked by machine. "Aww I thought my baby wanted to cum" he cooed as you threw your head back onto his shoulder sobbing after you came for the 3rd time.
"Sh-Shiga-" before you could finish your barely manageable sentence he cut you off. "That's not my name" he said wrapping a hand around your neck giving a tight squeeze. "Think about it" he whispered into your ear after seeing you slightly confused. You groaned feeling the machine slow down so close to your climax. Your face already red from crying now even darker from the embarrassment as you stuttered out a beg, "D-Daddy please stop"
He patted your head before pushing a button making the machine go faster, "One more time for me baby" he began to chuckle, "Say hi to mommy" he said pointing to a camera with a red light shining. You were so stupid no to have noticed it, "Come on" Shigaraki squeezed your face making you look at the camera. You shook your head before you came all over the machine again.
"Please daddy! No more!" you practically yelled. He got up and turned the machine off leaving you with shaky legs and a tear stained face. "W-What are you doing?" you asked hearing a the sound of a belt buckle.
"You not stupid put two and two together" he said annoyed. Before you could say anything he had untied you and made you sit on his already hard cock. "Come on ride daddy's dick like a good girl then this will all be over" he said moving a piece of hair from your wet tear stained face.
"It hurts" you complained from the past orgasms. Slowly he rocked his hips and you began shifting. "You promise daddy?" you asked.
"I promise" an obviously lie but you were desperate. You began to move slowly at first but you soon sped up. "That's it cum all over daddy's cock" he said watching you sob but you started slowing down, "Don't slow down?" he demanded, "Or do you want the machine again?" he asked trying not to laugh at how cute you looked crying and shaking your head violently speeding up. "Don't stop until I cum" he demanded.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck" you chanted tipping over the edge. You did as he said and came all over his cock. You still kept going praying he'd cum soon. And he was, you felt his cock twitch inside of you, "No, Not inside please" you exclaimed stopping. But it was to late as soon as you ended your sentence you felt hot thick ropes shoot inside of you.
You collapsed immediately as he reached for the camera ending the live. He patted your head pulling out. "You did a good job" he praised. "C-can I go home now?" you asked weakly and tired. He shook his head, "No, I want to keep my little girl" he said leaning down and kissing your forehead then giving your pussy a nice smack causing you to whimper, he only chuckled at this though.
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Stark's Girl
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part 015/015 "the real hero"
previous part
word count nearly 9k whoops
an: okay so... this is long and honestly... be prepared for an ending that took me days to write. i do not take any ownership on dialogue/scenes used from endgame, and i tried to make it original as well... anyways, here's the final part, and i can't wait to see what y'all think of the ending :3 oop i cried three times in this so be ready.
Was this actually going to work? Were the Avengers really about to get everyone back? According to Tony.. No. There were too many factors against it.
You tried to talk to him about it that night, but Tony avoided the conversation like the plague. By the morning Tony had disappeared and you were set to head back to the Compound that evening. You hadn’t heard from anyone if they had gotten anywhere beyond Tony’s involvement but it raised the question.. Who would even be able to make it work besides him? Hank Pym had been blipped, and as far as you knew this must be outside of Banner’s expertise. Tony was avoiding you, and that bugged you.
You understood the hesitation, but you knew how tore up he was about losing the Parker kid, even to this day. Morgan and Pepper were his world, this was his fresh start, so if it didn’t work then it was all for nothing. But what if it did? Then everyone would be back, and things would go back to how they were.
You zipped your bag shut and reached for your phone that laid on the bed. There were no new messages and you couldn’t help but sigh when there was a light tap on the door frame behind you. You glanced over your shoulder before tossing your phone into the bag and picking it up, and facing your brother fully. “Look who decided to say goodbye.”
“Got everything?” Tony asked and motioned his hands. “Clothes, toiletries-”
“I have everything,” you reassured him. “Was that all or.. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Tony sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. You dropped your bag to the floor and sat down on your bed, and pat the spot next to you. Tony pushed himself off the door frame and ended up by your side, and you hit him with your shoulder. “Go on old man.”
“I hate it when you call me that,” Tony grumbled before he sighed and looked at you. “I just don’t see it working. And I can’t risk losing all of this.”
“I get that Tony, I really do,” you replied. You slid closer to him and snaked your arm through his and rested your head against his arm. “What you have here it’s.. Well I haven’t seen anything like it since mom and dad.”
“But you want me to figure it out,” Tony said. You sighed and looked up at him.
“I just.. I want to know if you really think it won’t work.”
Tony sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know.”
“It’s never been explored, I get that,” you told him. You unlatched yourself from his side and stood, and grabbed your bag before placing a hand on your brother's shoulder. “I have to get back and see what they’ve come up with though.”
Tony placed his hand over yours and gave you a tight squeeze. He spent the rest of the day with one question on his mind.
Would it work?
When you got back to the Compound the sun was nearly setting, and you sat in your car after switching the engine off. You pulled out the velvet box from your bag and ran your thumb over the top a couple times before pushing the lid open and staring at the contents. The ring inside still had a gleam to it, and you smiled a bit at it. You snapped the box shut and got out the car with your bag in tow, and headed inside. There was a strange brown van parked in the large hangar that made you slow your pace a bit, but you shook it off and continued on your way to the common room. As you got closer you could hear more and more chatter, and prepared yourself for what you were about to walk in on.
“I only have enough Pym particles for a few more goes,” you could hear Scott saying. “So I hope you were able to figure it out.”
“I got it down.. Mostly,” another voice said. It sounded almost like.. Banner?
When you came around the corner you were met with what looked like equations, workarounds, and everyone’s back to you. You had heard about “Professor Hulk” (that’s what his students called him at least) but you hadn’t seen Banner since after the blip. It was definitely, well, something. You came to a halt and couldn’t help but smile. “I see you guys have made progress since I saw you.”
Everyone turned around and Natasha approached with a smile. “Did he come around?”
“No,” you admitted. “He has a family now Nat, they mean the world to him.. And he doesn’t think it’ll work.”
“Well,” Nat looked back at Banner before he moved out of the way. “We might have a start.”
Bruce (Hulk?) explained everything. Tomorrow they would attempt time travel by sending Scott back to the 1950’s, and pull him right back. He said it would be easy, and checked his work multiple times to prove it. It sounded plausible, but until the morning no one would really know if it could work. Your nerves were shot at just the thought of it, and decided to make yourself some tea. You weren’t a huge fan, so as you dipped your tea bag into the hot water of your mug, the smell made you shake your head.
“You should try adding some honey.”
You glanced up from your mug at Steve walking into the kitchen. He stopped at a cabinet and pulled out a container filled with golden honey. He made his way to your side and set it on the counter, and you graciously took it and swirled some of it into the steaming cup. You lifted the cup to your lips and took a small sip, and turned to rest your hip against the counter and face Steve. “You think it’ll work?”
“It has to,” Steve said. His hand came up to rub one of your arms. “We owe it to everyone we lost to at least try.”
You nodded at his words and tapped your mug lightly in thought, and something surged through you. You set the mug down and reached into your pocket and pulled out the velvet box he had given you just days prior. Steve felt his heart stop at the sight, and his stomach twisted as you placed it on the counter between you both.
“I know you said you’d give me as much time as I needed, but.. I don’t need time to decide my answer.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve mumbled. “I guess I read too much into things-”
“Steve,” you cut him off from even finishing that thought. You placed your right hand up on his cheek, and Steve met your gaze. “The answer is yes.”
“Yes?” He asked quietly, and you nodded.
“Yes,” you repeated, and couldn’t help but giggle when a smile spread over his face. Steve pulled you into his arms like you were going to disappear right in front of him. When he set you back down you watched as he grabbed the velvet box and opened it, and pulled the ring out. He gently grabbed your left hand and as he slid the ring onto your finger, it felt like both of you weren’t breathing. You held your hand up to look at the gold band and diamond on your finger, and Steve’s smile fell.
“Are you okay?”
You met his gaze again and nodded. “I just never thought this would ever happen for someone like me.”
Admitting that to him felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Steve’s look turned more understanding and he took your hand and placed a chaste kiss to your fingers. He pulled you into his embrace and your arms wrapped around his waist and head laid on his chest, while his arms held your body close. You had the sneaking suspicion the last few months that Steve did know what had been running through your mind, and this felt like confirmation. Your confession was absolute, and Steve understood it. And he would spend everyday making sure you knew you were worth it until the end.
It was the first night you spent together, welcoming one another’s embraces in a quiet and tender moment. To you, you had felt like it would be one of the last quiet moments before finding out if time travel was possible, because from there it would be non-stop until they got everyone back. You knew it, and Steve did too. One last night of quiet, then one last time saving the world. So Steve took residence in your room once more, sharing your bed and holding you so you knew you were worth this.
The next morning came too soon, peeking through your shades until FRIDAY opened them higher like you had scheduled. Steve traced his fingers up and down your arm that draped across him for awhile before duty called. Begrudgingly you both changed and went to the hangar hand in hand, only separating when you got in view of everyone. Natasha though never misses anything.
“Good morning love birds,” she quipped while typing away on a computer near Banner. As you two neared you came to her side and nudged her with your arm gently to take over.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you replied back and met Steve’s gaze with a little smile.
“The ring on your finger says different,” she threw back your way. Banner looked down over the exchange and saw what Natasha had been talking about.
“What? Since when!” He asked.
“Recently,” Steve offered. Banner tapped his rather large hand on your back and shot a finger Steve’s way.
“I always knew you two would work it out, congratulations.”
“Speaking of working out,” Natasha cut in. “Are we ready?”
“Almost there,” Banner said as he worked on a couple more calculations. “I’m going to go over this with (Y/N).. Cap do you mind setting the breakers and getting the emergency generators ready just in case?”
“Got it,” Steve said. With one final glance between you both he casted a smile and walked back into the compound. Banner hovered over your shoulder and walked you through the equations running through the sequence, and also working in the Pym particles into that. You followed it for the most part, but for some reason something didn’t add up, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Tossing caution to the wind (you weren’t a genius like Banner was of course) the sound of footsteps echoed in the hangar, and Steve made his way back.
“Alright, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott you can fire up the uh, the van thing,” Banner instructed. Scott, in what looked like a retro Ant Man suit, powered up the Quantum tunnel and you double checked Banner’s work.
“Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby,” Steve said as he walked back to your and Natasha’s side.
“Good. ‘Cause if we lose the grid I don’t want to lose Tiny here in the 1950’s,” Banner said lightly. Everyone’s gaze went to him in shock.
“Excuse me?” Scott asked from near the van.
“He’s kidding!” Natasha told him, before turning and whispering to the group. “You can’t say things like that!”
“Yeah, just a bad joke!” Banner said loudly for Scott, and offered him a thumbs up. Scott nodded hesitantly and smiled nervously.
“You were kidding right?” You asked. Banner lowered his voice again.
“I have no idea. We’re talking about time travel here. Either it’s all a joke or none of it is,” Banner explained, though it didn’t calm any of your hesitations. Banner looked back to Scott and gave him a nod. “We’re gonna send you back a week, let you walk around an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?”
“Perfectly not confusing,” Scott tried to level with humor.
“Good luck, Scott. You got this,” Steve offered in encouragement which Scott gave a more confident smile.
“You’re right. I do, Captain America.”
You met Scott’s gaze for a moment before giving him a nod of approval, and with Banner’s direction you pressed a button and Scott disappeared into the tunnel. Silence fell over the group, and you exchanged glances with Steve, who put his hand on the small of your back. Banner, with his arms crossed keeping track of time on his abnormally large watch gave you a nod.
“On the count of three. Three.. Two.. One!”
In the same sequence as before you pressed the button and the Quantum Tunnel spit a figure back out… But it was not the same one you sent in. They were younger, and your heart dropped as Banner moved you out the way.
“Guys? Uh this doesn’t feel right,” the teen said, and everyone’s attention shot to Banner.
“What is this?” Steve asked.
“Who is that?” Natasha asked next and Banner mumbled to himself.
“Jesus, is that Scott?” You asked this time and Banner huffed.
“Yes, it’s Scott!” Banner exclaimed. Before anyone could get a grasp on the situation, Banner hit buttons and teen Scott was sucked back into the Quantum Tunnel, only for an older man to be spit back out.
“My back,” the old Scott said and Steve shuffled next to you to face Banner fully.
“Can you bring him back?” Steve asked and Banner tapped the buttons furiously.
“I’m working on it!”
Tensions were high as old Scott got sucked back in and in a flash another body was spit out. The Ant-Man suit had fallen to the floor and inside was..
“It’s a baby,” you said matter of factly.
“It’s Scott,” Banner countered.
“As a baby!” Nat said again, matter of factly.
“He’ll.. Grow,” Banner offered and Steve shook his head.
“Bring Scott back!” Steve ordered. And Banner looked to Natasha and motioned to the generators.
“When I say kill the power, kill the power,” he instructed her. Natasha nodded before rapidly walking towards the generator and grabbing a hold of the lever. You came up by Banner’s side again to see what he was doing and he pointed at Nat. “Kill it!”
Nat pulled the power and out shot regular Scott, which made everyone sigh in relief. Scott, on the other hand, stood there in disbelief and admitted something quietly. “Somebody peed my pants.. But I don’t know if it was baby me or old me.”
You glanced Steve’s way and offered a sad smile. Tony was right, this wasn’t going to work. Natasha came back to the group and mumbled a thank god, while Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
It wasn’t going to work. It was a grim thought, and everyone got their hopes up for nothing. Though Banner still tried to remain optimistic, and threw his hands up in triumph.
“Time travel!” Banner exclaimed, only earning a few shakes of the head. Steve motioned his head in a direction and off you two went, leaving behind Nat and Banner, and Scott who didn’t know what to do about his situation.
Steve had led you outside into the sunlight, where he removed himself from your side and let you walk out of the shade and close your eyes. He felt defeated, and took a seat on a hard surface and casted his gaze to the ground.
There was no victory, not even an opportunity for it. He had to once again come to terms with the fact he would never see Bucky again, or Sam, or Wanda. Wakanda would never get their King or Princess back, and the kid from Queens would never get to step foot back in the city. Steve was so lost in thought he nearly missed what you said.
“Holy shit,” you said out loud. Steve averted his gaze back to you, only to see what you had referred to. A car was fast approaching, and he knew just who was behind the wheel. Steve was by your side before the car came to a halt before you and the window rolled down.
“Why the long faces?” Tony asked.
You couldn’t help the smile that broke out over your face. There would only be one reason why Tony would come here (voluntarily)... He figured it out.
“Let me guess.. Lang turned into a baby,” Tony said and you covered your mouth to hide your grin. Steve nodded beside you and shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?” Steve asked. Tony removed his sunglasses and tossed them onto the passenger seat before stepping out the car. He walked around the back, and opened the trunk.
“That’s the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you must’ve pushed time through Lang. It’s tricky, dangerous even. Somebody should’ve cautioned you on it,” Tony went on explaining. Steve smiled a bit and nodded at him.
“You did,” Steve admitted and Tony put his hand over his chest, acting shocked.
“Did I? Well thank God I’m here,” Tony replied while fishing something out of his pocket. It looked like a funky little watch, which he promptly tossed your way and you caught easily. “Regardless, I fixed it. That is a fully functioning Time-Space GPS.”
“Son of a bitch,” you mumbled to yourself looking at the device in your hands.
“And don’t think I didn’t notice that,” Tony pointed from where he was. You looked at where he was pointing and smiled at the sight of the ring on your finger. “I just want peace, if you’re okay with it.”
“Of course I am Tony,” Steve confirmed and Tony sighed as he lowered his voice for the two of you.
“We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost? I hope so, yes of course. Keep what I got?” Tony paused while focused on you and nodded at him. “I have to, at all costs.. and maybe not die trying would be nice.”
“Sounds like a deal,” Steve agreed and offered Tony his hand, and you watched them shake on the promise. Tony pulled one last thing from the trunk of his car and Steve looked uncertain to take it. “Tony-“
“Why? He made it for you,” Tony insisted. And finally.. Steve took the shield once more.
“Looks good, Cap,” you commented, earning one of those looks from Steve and Tony shut his trunk.
“Ew. Please I don’t need to hear that.”
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The Compound was about to be bustling once more. It was one of the more festive dinners the Avengers compound had seen in awhile, nearly every seat occupied and chatter among everyone. Pizza was the easier choice for the evening, and you had found yourself looking for a seat near Nat, Tony, and Steve who had engrossed themselves in early talks.
Clint had proven that Tony’s way of time travel worked, though it had taken a couple weeks to get it ready. You learned the calculations for entry points and exits, then re-entry back to the present. It was confusing, but the thought of getting the world back to normal was worth the late night lectures with Tony.
So now it was down to figuring out where and how to get all the stones as they are scattered throughout time. There wasn’t a clear path though, not yet anyway. But as you came up to the trio you could hear them still discussing it.
“I’m so glad we have the Three Stooges figuring this out,” you commented as Steve welcomed you to sit in his lap. Tony tossed a napkin your way and you chuckled before taking a glance around the room. “It’s nice to see all these faces again.”
“Hopefully soon it’s everyone,” Natasha offered. Her hope never died these last five years, and it made you nod in agreement as you bit into your slice of pizza. One of Steve’s hands ran up and down the side of your hip, and everything felt a little more normal.
“Lang only has enough particles for ten round trips, one for each of us,” Tony went on about, though you quickly swallowed the bite of pizza you had to inject.
“What about me-“
“No,” Steve and Tony said in unison. You narrowed your gaze at them both and took an angry bite of your pizza. It was ridiculous that they made the decision you were to stay here and track them on the time heist.
“Thor and Rocket could go for the Reality Stone in 2013,” Steve offered.
“Clint and I can get the Soul Stone, Nebula and Rhodey can handle the Power Stone.. We know where those are in 2014,” Natasha said out loud.
“That still leaves three stones and four of us,” Tony sighed. You shrugged your shoulders and took a bite of the crust you had left.
“I mean if you pick the right year, there’s three stones in New York,” you said off the top of your head. When silence fell among the group and you looked up to see them all staring at you you raised a brow. “What?”
“What did you just say?” Tony asked and you blinked at him.
“I said if you pick the right year there are three stones in New York?” You replied and when everyone still looked confused you sighed. “The wizard had the Time Stone, you guys had the Space Stone aka the Tesseract, and Loki’s scepter had the Mind Stone.”
It was silent, everyone seemed to be processing what you said when Banner came up to the group, but Tony was already in motion. “There’s only one pizza left can I have it-“
“Jolly Green take a look at this,” Tony said as he whipped out a small device and displayed images in the room. His actions made everyone else look on as he moved pictures, air typed words, and took a step back to show everyone. Tony put his hands on his hips and Banner looked surprised.
“Shut the front door.”
“This is it,” Natasha stood and looked on. “This is how we get all the stones in one go.”
For once you were glad to have caught up on all those confidential SHIELD documents on what you had missed.
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No no no. No it wasn’t supposed to be like this. This wasn’t supposed to happen, no one was supposed to die.. This was supposed to fix everything, but not this. No.. No it wasn’t true. What Clint was saying couldn’t be true.
He fell to his knees, he had to be picked up from the floor as he recounted what happened. A soul for a soul, he said. It shouldn’t have been the price but it was, he said.
It couldn’t be true.
The thought just ran over and over again in your mind the rest of the day. Everyone had gone to the lake and discussed it more but that one line just kept running over you. Clint insisted there was no other way, there was no give backs.
She bet her life on it.
Tony crafted a gauntlet to house the stones in. He carefully placed each like where Thanos had them originally. He was precise, this was delicate after all. Someone died to make this happen.
Steve was distant. You chalk it up to being focused on the situation at hand.
But who should snap?
Thor offered but was met with (quickly) apprehension from everyone. Tony said he was in no condition to do so, so Bruce said it should be him.
“You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive,” Banner said.
“How do we know you will?” You asked. It was one of the first times you had spoken up in days, and seemed to shock everyone a little bit.
Honestly, you couldn’t handle someone else dying right now.
There was no way to know for sure, but it was time to find out. This time you weren’t letting anyone tell you not to join, and you grabbed the nano suit attachment Tony had made for you. The chest pendant stuck to your shirt and like a second skin it dispersed the suit over your body, leaving your face still exposed.
You came up by Steve’s side and he glanced your way and sighed. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Let me be here for this,” you said lowly. Steve didn't question you again, and strapped his shield tighter to his arm as Scott came to his side and gave him a ready nod.
“FRIDAY do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol will you?” tony asked.
Barn Door Protocol was simple. There were protective blast doors that closed the Compound in the event of a catastrophic event. It protected every square inch of the facility-
You get the point by now. It’s in case some shit goes down.
The room got slightly darker, and Tony gave you a nod across the room and both your helmets covered your faces. Tony projected a shield before him and Clint, and you shifted in your place.
This was it: one last mission.
Banner slowly put on the gauntlet, the metal growing over his enlarged hand, and when it fit snugly the stones began to glow and you could see their power begin to surge through him. Suddenly, Banner fell to his knee and grunted in pain.
“Take it off!” Thor hollered.
“No, wait,” Steve called over the chaos. “Bruce you okay?”
“Talk to us, Banner,” you tried to reason over the conflicting voices.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Bruce reassured everyone and even attempted to give a thumbs up. But the scene unfolding told you (and probably everyone) that Bruce was not okay. He screamed in pain, holding his hand that housed the gauntlet and just when you thought he was going to pass out from the pain he was in--
-- He snapped.
Bruce fell to the ground and the gauntlet slid off his hand and Clint kicked it away. Steve rushes to his side and you move to do the same but Tony stops you.
“Don’t move him,” Tony instructed and Bruce gripped onto Steve’s arm.
“Did it work? Bruce asked immediately. Everyone glanced around, unsure if it did or not.
Nothing felt different, nothing screamed yes it worked. Tony iced Bruce’s affected arm and just when the dust was settling-
A bad choice of words. Suddenly everything evaporated around you. Explosions, debris, rock and dirt flying everywhere. Everything was disorienting, nothing truly felt settled for minutes. You weren’t sure how long time had passed, but there was chatter in your ear and you gasped back to life.
“We’re drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!” Rhodey’s voice rang a little choppy.
You groaned as you pushed yourself up, feeling the same water building around you. Rhodey, Rocket and Hulk came into view and you forced yourself up, having to crouch because of the fallen pieces of cement. You rushed over as water continued to fill the small cramped area, and came to Bruce’s side.
Your boots cemented themselves to whatever ground you stood on and helped push the cement that was threatening you all. “I got you, big guy.”
See you on the other side, man,” Rhodey said to Rocket who was next to him. The water was quickly rising, and this didn’t feel real.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Bruce and you couldn’t bear the weight, not with the water circling your necks. It was an ironic death, because your life did flash before your eyes. Seeing your parents death, seeing Tony again, that date with Steve where he kissed you in the rain, then the flashes of Siberia, Natasha’s last smile.. You wouldn’t admit this to anyone until much later, but you welcomed this ending.
Suddenly something cupped you all and air rushed around you. The large hand hugged you all carefully, and when they released you the scene of the outside world was a punch in the stomach, but there was no time to reflect. You could see that Purple Titan from this far, and you could also make out the size of his army.
And by the looks of it, Bruce’s snap worked.
Bruce leaped out of Scott’s hand and Rhodey, back in his suit hovered with Rocket, and you landed by his side. The chants of the Wakandan tribes ring in the air, but one voice cuts over the comms in your suit and you clutch your fists.
“Avengers!” Steve calls out.
Both forces charge one another, Thanos still on the battlefield pointing his legion on. You had flown in with Rhodey by your side as both sides met in a chaotic middle, and landed before one of the ugly Sakaaran aliens and ricocheting them backwards with the repulsors in your palm. Asgardians, Wakandan forces, wizards, and fellow Avengers fought all around you. Landing by your side, your brother shot another alien backwards past you.
“You alright?” his voice projected into your suit. An alien charged you and you grabbed it around the neck and propelled yourself upwards before using the momentum to slam the body back down to the ground.
“Oh just the usual Tuesday,” you replied before someone landed beside you two.
“Mr. Stark! Hey! Holy cow-” the young kid started. You gave your brother an understanding nod, and flew back up into the air, eyes landing on an incoming Leviathan, heading straight for Clint.
“Anyone have my back with the big space worm?” You asked over the comms, while cycling through the weapon options of your suit quickly.
“I got it!” Scott called over the comms and you took a play out of your brothers book. Scott was charging forward and as the Leviathan came near the forces fighting below, he punched the space worm, and with your charge ready, a small missile shot out from your suit and into a now exposed piece of flesh and exploded the Leviathan. Scott continued on, but in your state of distraction one of the Chitauri from the ground leapt up and pulled your downwards.
Shocked, the alien slammed your back down to the ground, and with a scepter like device flourished downward to pin you. You stopped the scepter just before impacting your chest and huffed and you tried to push them off, but they’re a lot heavier than they look. Before you have time to panic, the alien is thrown off of you, and a couple shots ring through the air.
Standing above you is Bucky Barnes.
Barnes lowers his gun and looks down at you, before offering his exposed vibranium hand for you to take. Without hesitation, you grip his hand and he pulls you up but not without lingering his hand in yours before letting you go, and you give him a nod.
“Thank you,” you tell him. “That’s two I owe you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Barnes replied. Both of your attention is pulled away when chatter erupts in your ears.
“We have incoming!” Someone shouted. Everyone turned their attention above as the looming ship Thanos arrived in began to fire. The same explosions that rocked the Compound hit the ground in the same destructive way, but the wizards (you really needed to learn the correct term for them) began to make shields to cover the people around them. You projected the shield Tony had integrated into these new suits and held it above you while Barnes shot at a couple more aliens who were still attempting to attack.
“Guess that’s only one you owe me,” Barnes said next to you and you let your helmet disappear to look at him fully.
“Did you just make a joke?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I do that sometimes,” he replied and you smiled a bit before your helmet reappeared over your face.
Above, you could just barely make out the Spider kid with the gauntlet being carried away on a Pegasus before you see them get knocked off the winged horse. But there was no telling how to get the ship to stop firing on both forces below, and that started to sit badly in the pit of your stomach. But in near perfect timing, the cannons stopped, and everyone around looked at one another in question (including you and Barnes). Your shield disappeared and the cannons moved to point upwards, and shot into the sky.
“What are they firing at?” You asked over the comms, before FRIDAY answered that something was entering the atmosphere.
In a blazing ball of glory shoots down from the sky and into a part of the ship, straight through, and then back in, all before shooting out as the ship began to crumble below her. You smiled behind your helmet before refocusing on the scene before you.
Get the gauntlet to the brown van, and put an end to Thanos once and for all.
“See you on the other side, Barnes,” you commented to him before shooting back off into the thick of it all. In a matter of seconds Thanos threw his sword towards the brown van and almost in slow motion, the gauntlet is lost in the dirt. You land besides Steve, who seemed to have almost forgot you had been here during this.
“We can’t let him get that gauntlet again,” you said to him, your eyes trained on your brother who was heading that way. “We can’t lose anyone else.”
Instead of arguing with you, Steve nodded in agreement and he outstretched his hand, and Mjolnir flew into his grasp, his shield on the other arm. Side by side you charged towards Thanos just as he smacked your brother away, Thor arriving at the same time. The two men teamed up to distract Thanos, and you focused your attention on the gauntlet, whose stones shined under the grim that now governed it. You could see Thanos overpower both Thanos and Steve, and with no one else in sight you picked the gauntlet up and back into the air you went. But you didn’t get very far, a large hand grabbing ahold of one of your legs and pulled you backwards, and for the first time you came face to face with the Titan who ruined everything.
Thanos used his free hand to grab a hold of your neck and released your leg, and you felt the metal of your suit dig into your sin as you gasped for air. Thanos looked you over, as if he could see your frightened expression behind your suit, and with his free hand he plucked the gauntlet from you and looked it over. His hand still was tight around your neck, and your vision began to fade before he looked back at you.
“Pathetic,” he muttered to you, before tossing you away. You weren’t sure how far you landed, but the impact shocked your body. You could feel yourself come in and out of consciousness, hazy vision of the dark clouds in the sky moving ever so slightly each time you came too. It wasn’t until the snarl of an Outrider nearing you did you finally find the strength to push yourself up, but before it lunged at you.. It disappeared into the wind like dust.
Pushing yourself up, you watched as all around all of Thanos’ different forces began to crumble away into dust. The Chitauri, the Sakaraans, and the Outriders all disappear before your very eyes in the same manner half the world did five years ago. You pushed yourself forward, over a heap of debris in what seemed like just enough time to see Thanos sit himself down in the middle of an open area. Thunder crackled above, and Thanos crumbled away into dust as well.
It.. It was over. It was really over.
Your helmet disappeared so you could see the spectacle for yourself. The only people still around were the Avengers, and everyone who helped that day (you would call them Avengers as well). You smiled a bit as your eyes landed on Steve who was focused somewhere else, but then he looked around frantically before spotting you. His expression made your chest hurt as you looked to where he had been staring previously.
You could see Tony fall to the ground and people begin to surround him. There was an urgency in each step you took and when someone tried to stop you you pulled your hand from their grasp to get closer. You needed to see your brother, he had to be okay.
He just had to be.
When you finally got to his side you felt your heart stop. Peter was being pulled off the ground by Rhodey, while Pepper took his spot. She was stroking the side of Tony’s face, and whispering something to him you couldn’t hear. You found yourself taking in every detail, but still you couldn’t believe what you were witnessing. Tony stared off into the distance, his body was… It was just completely eaten up from what you knew were the stones. He was the one who snapped, and you shook your head in disbelief.
He was supposed to go home after this.
People looked at you, and Pepper glanced behind to meet your gaze. She held out her hand and you took a heavy step forward, until you kneeled down in front of your big brother… But his eyes held nothing in them anymore. Carefully you grabbed his hand that Pepper wasn’t holding and you gave him a squeeze, not really sure what to say.
With a shaky hand you reached out to stroke the side of his face that wasn’t burned, but your touch did nothing to get a response from him. You could feel the tears fall down your cheeks as you watched him barely breath, and you shook your head.
“I love you so much,” you managed before the sobs in your chest ached to be released. “I love you-”
Just as you were struggling to get the last words out, the light of his arc reactor went out. You gasped lowly as Pepper fell forward to sob into Tony’s shoulder, and someone pulled you off the ground as your sobs were just starting. Steve had pulled you into his embrace as you cried, and the somber feeling carried through everyone else.
You had lost the last piece of family you had left.
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Uncertainty. That was the one thing that had settled into your life those days between the battle and Tony’s funeral. Those of you who needed it found yourselves in a hotel in the city, and each of your days blended together in the same way. You slept all day, most of the time waking up and opting to stay in bed and stare ahead.. Your eyes burned, and you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
Steve stayed with you, though it was hard on him. When you first arrived, you nearly immediately got into the bed and under the sheets, and he couldn’t coax you out for two days. He opened the blinds to the windows, but you stared blankly out, and when he came with food you told him you weren’t hungry. He tried to help, but he didn’t know how.
The day before the funeral, when he finally got you to eat oatmeal (even if it was just a couple spoonfuls) and managed to get you into the shower, he tucked you back into bed and you went to sleep once more. He stayed in the room for a while, his own thoughts heavy on his mind, before going to the one person he knew would understand him the most.
When Bucky answered the door, he gave him a sad smile and let him into his room. Steve walked in and stopped in front of the windows overlooking the city, which was now bustling with life again. Bucky came up behind him, and Steve could hear him open the mini fridge in the room and pull something out.
“How is she?” Bucky asked. Steve sighed and turned back to face his friend while crossing his arms.
“I got her to eat a bit, but Buck… I’ve never seen her like this and I.. I don’t know what to do,” Steve admitted. Bucky sat himself on the edge of his bed with a water bottle in his hand and sighed.
“You just have to be there for her, Steve,” Bucky offered. “No matter how long it takes.”
The guilt on his conscience was too much, and Steve nodded in response. He took a seat in the chair across from the bed and rubbed his hands together, all while Bucky took sips from his water and watched him closely. Bucky knew he was holding something back.
“Steve.. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Steve looked up to meet his best friend's gaze, before looking back down to the ground. “I… I don’t think I belong here anymore, Buck.”
Bucky’s brows narrowed as he looked at his friend. Where was this coming from? Hethought you two would’ve worked things out in the five years he was gone, Bucky had only assumed so since Steve was by your side during this.. He thought Steve moved on from this kind of talk. “What do you mean Steve.”
“What if I should go back?” Steve asked him, meeting Bucky’s gaze again. “There’s a way now and… And I saw Peggy-”
“You saw Peggy?” Bucky asked, and Steve gave him a nod. “Steve now think about this… I thought you were over this, I thought you were set on making things right with (Y/N)-”
“I was,” Steve cut him off this time. “But Buck when I saw Peggy… There’s something telling me that… That it was always supposed to be her.”
“Yeah, maybe back then,” Bucky conceded. “But Steve think about now. You’re here for a reason, not back there… I thought you passed this.”
“Maybe I never was,” Steve asserted. Bucky looked over his friend, and he shook his head and stood up again.
“I think you should consider this a lot more than you have… Because there is someone really hurting right now, and she needs you,” Bucky told him. “I don’t know if you two worked it out over these last few years but Steve you need to think about this.”
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Tony was… Exceptional. He was what you had always wanted to be when you grew up. And maybe that was more true now than ever.
You found yourself unable to do a lot of things the last few days, including dress yourself for this funeral. You felt sickly, but the cries had drawn themselves out and left you too tired to continue today. You were there for the entirety of Tony’s message to his family, and Steve was still by your side as Pepper set a wreath with an old arc reactor into the lake by their home.
You felt empty. Emptier and more alone than you had ever felt.
When you managed to be alone you had wandered off by yourself to Tonys’ work shed and pried it open. Dust lingered in the air, and you entered slowly with hands shoved into the pockets of the coat you had been wearing. You were chilly, probably getting sick, but you ignored the thought as you turned the light on to see better.
What you had been searching for was staring at you like it had been weeks ago. Slightly discolored, the photo of Tony and you from when you were younger screamed at you of a feeling you’d never feel again. You reached out for it with a shakiness you couldn’t control and grabbed it, and traced your fingers over the glass front before holding it to your chest in an effort to comfort the pain in your heart.
The floor echoed as someone entered, and you wiped the tears from your face as they came up behind you. They didn’t sound like Steve’s footsteps, and you turned to face the person who must’ve followed you out.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Bucky Barnes said to you. You found yourself nodding and looked back down at the photo you were clinging onto.
“Me too,” you admitted quietly. When you met Bucky’s gaze again he looked like he wanted to say something, but Steve came up behind him and the moment was stopped. Steve glanced between you two before refocusing on you, and he cleared his throat.
“Happy has something for you,” Steve admitted and you gave him a nod. Steve waited for you to pass him before Bucky turned his way and gave him a knowing look. Though they hadn’t discussed it since, Bucky hoped Steve had come to his senses.
Things never felt normal for you, not as soon as people seemed to hope it would. You tried to be more.. Enthusiastic. But how could you just be okay after that?
Weeks had passed since the funeral, and you didn’t feel any better. Happy had given you a drive with a message he said Tony had left for you, but you couldn’t seem to bring yourself to listen to it. Not yet, maybe ever. It was hard enough seeing his face plastered on the news, and in depth reporting on the Stark legacy, with people questioning what you would contribute in the family’s wake. Even Steve had asked you about your commitment to one another… You hate to admit it but you told him you couldn’t right now, not with this pain in your heart. He told you he understood. You weren’t sure if he noticed, but you tucked the ring he had given you back into the velvet box, and then away safely.
But things were uneasy between you two, and you did what you always do. When Bruce called with work, you accepted it. Anything to get you mind off the thoughts that ran rampant. There was one last thing that needed to be done: the stones needed to be returned.
You had memorized every detail of Tony’s work when it came to the Quantum portal. Bruce and you had replicated one in record time, and on a sunny day you stood there beside him double checking the trajectories. Steve had volunteered to return the stones, with no arguments from anyone on the matter.
“Now, remember,” Bruce explained to Steve. “You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”
“Don’t worry Bruce, clip all the branches,” Steve said as he messed with the com in his ear. You were too focused on the conversations that unfolded, your mind drifting off for a moment before being pulled back with Bruce setting his hand on your back.
“You okay?” He asked, and you nodded and returned to finalizing the jump.
“I’m fine,” you reassured him and looked up to see Bucky and Steve hug for a moment. Steve stepped up onto the platform and the familiar Quantum suit appeared over him. He picked up the case that had all the stones, and Mjolnir as well.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asked.
“For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds,” Bruce explained before meeting Steve’s look. “We’ll meet you back here, okay?”
Steve looked at you, with a look on his face you couldn’t quite place. Your stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot, even though he gave a nod and looked back Bruce’s way.
“You bet,” Steve replied.
“Going quantum in three, two, one..” Bruce counted down before Steve disappeared. You intently watched his stream disappear on the monitor you had before you, and Bruce started counting again. “And returning in five, four, three two, one-”
When Steve didn’t reappear you frantically looked for his stream location, only to see it shoot past his return point. “He blew right past his time stamp-”
Bruce moved you out the way and your gaze focused on the empty Quantum portal, and you shook your head a bit. You could hear the conversations around you, but couldn’t quite make out the words being said. All you knew was Steve didn’t come back. When everyone went quiet your attention went to the three men who were focused in the distance, with Sam heading towards a figure who hadn’t been there before.
You stepped off the platform you had been working on and took a few steps in the grass closer to where Bucky was standing and watching whatever was unfolding. You had your disbelief, but that was crumbled the minute you saw Sam take the shield, and you could now make out it was an old man.
When Tony died time had all but warped together.. But what you were seeing right now had felt like the ground was taken out from under you. The older man had stood and shaken Sam’s hand, and when they looked back at Bucky, when you could see those eyes even from this far you stumbled backwards. They were Steve’s eyes.
Confusion… Panic… Hurt. Everything coursed through you at once, and ignoring the calls from whoever tried to get you to stay, to probably talk about it, you turned away from the scene and pulled the arc attachment from your pocket and desperately threw it onto your chest. The suit that you hadn’t worn since the battle appeared out your body, hid your face behind a helmet and you shot off from the ground with only one destination in your mind.
You had never used the fastest flight power Tony’s suits had to offer but you did that day for the first time. You needed to get back to the hotel you had been staying at quickly, and when you landed on the roof and your suit disappeared as you ran for the entrance to the building, you needed to find it.
Out of breath by the time you made it to your room and threw open the door and it shut behind you, you overlooked your room and couldn’t get your mind together. You hurried over to the bedside table you had hidden what you were looking for and pulled it out the housing completely, only to find it empty.
A frantic panic flooded you, and in a matter of minutes you had nearly destroyed the hotel room, overturning every piece of furniture, overlooking every crevice you could find. You rested your back against a wall and breathed heavily, before sliding down and for the first time in weeks, fresh sobs left your body.
Steve Rogers had taken his ring back. And now you were truly alone…
...In 1974, Howard Stark was going to unveil his City of the Future to the world, but was having a hard time coming up with the right words. Tony had interrupted him once, though he couldn’t hold it against the kid, he was only four and Howard worked late nights. With Maria talking about wanting another kid, Howard was doing whatever he could to set them up for success, and here he was, getting ready to record a message for them.
He just needed to get something off his chest, and he leaned back against his desk with his arms crossed before him, and searched his mind for the right words. He tapped his foot lightly before sighing under his breath.
“I’ve never been a man of many words, as crazy as that sounds. But trying to build all of this, I’ve had to put my best foot forward,” Howard started. He touched the model beside him and looked at the camera. “You don’t know it yet but your mother is talking about having another baby, and I’m… I’m looking forward to that, when it happens.
“Tony, you are too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you. I built this for you, and by the looks of it your brother or sister, and some day you two will realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world.”
Later on Howard would go on to edit this message, just weeks before his death, to include another message. This one would go unheard for years. Until you were ready, this message sat alongside Tony’s on the drive he left for you.
“You turned five this year. When someone told me that I would become a sucker for my little girl, man did they mean it,” Howard chuckled. Something caught his attention off screen, but he looked at the camera he had set up in his study and on a rare occasion he smiled. “With Tony, he became my vision, the reason why I wanted my work to make the biggest impact on the world… So that he would have the best future. But you? You’re my aspiration. And just like Tony, I know you’re going to change the world… If you both sat through these messages, I just want you to know one last thing.
“What is, and always will be, my greatest creation... is you two."
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freakynct · 5 years
「 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 」
— 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 —
warnings: church boy!mark, unprotected sex, praising, dirty talk, public sex, slight corruption kink, fingering and degradation if you squint
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every week you would patiently wait for sunday to roll around, the day when you would wear that cute white dress, slightly too short for the ocasion, which would make your mom throw a cardigan over your shoulders to compensate for the skin exposure, and you would do your hair and makeup all pretty even tho you knew that mark was going to fuck you so good that all of that would go to waste. but you still did it, because you knew how much his eyes sparkled and darkened when he saw you all pretty for him.
you saw mark at the end of the hall next to his dad when you and your parents entered church, everyone sitting down waiting for the mass to start. his eyes met yours and you could see a little smirk forming of his lips, making you rub your thighs together at the anticipation.
"i'm gonna go sit in the back with my friends, ok?" you asked your parents already walking towards the seats in the back. "ok, but i don't want you playing around while the mass is going, you hear me?" your mom almost shouted at you and you just replied with a simple "yes mom", watching them finally settling down in their seats.
you weren't going to meet any friends, it was just an excuse to wait for mark so you could escape in the middle of the ceremony to go somewhere quieter. and so it was, a few minutes after the mass had started you felt mark sitting down next to you. you didn't look at him, focusing on what his dad, the pastor, was saying but he grabbed your hand that was placed next to you on the seat, his thumb gently rubbing over your skin.
"you look beautiful." he whispered, his lips getting closer to your ear. "you really know what turns me on, don't you?" you almost jumped from your seat when you felt his hand slowly going up your thigh, lifting the hem of your dress in the process. oh you knew. you knew he loved this dress and this was exactly what you wanted.
"i missed you." you whispered softly, finally turning your head to look in his eyes, your lips almost touching due to the fact that he was still leaning over you. his eyes darkened at your words and he grabbed your hand again, both of you getting up and exiting the building carefully so no one would see you.
mark pushed your back so hard against the concrete wall that you had to close your eyes for a second and he took advantage, kissing you so desperately, groaning when he saw the string of spit that connected your lips to his when he pulled away. his hand went under the skirt of your dress, feeling the wetness on your cotton panties with the tip of his fingers.
"i see you've been thinking about me." he chuckled, rubbing your clit over the fabric, a whine coming out of your mouth. "everybody thinks you're such a good girl. i wish they could see what a slut you really are, soaking your panties just from thinking about fucking the pastor's son." you let out a louder moan when you felt two of his fingers pushing your underwear aside, easing their way through your folds, pumping them at a painfully slow pace.
you threw your arms over his shoulders, trying to pull him closer to you, the back of your head resting on the wall behind you, moaning and whimpering at the feeling of his long fingers inside of you, but you wanted more. "m-mark..." you whined and he smirked, looking at your fucked out expression. he slowly took his fingers out of you and grabbed your chin so you would part your lips, allowing him to push his fingers, covered in your juices, inside your mouth. you sucked on them immediately, hearing a soft grunt coming from mark. "god, i can't wait to have you cumming on my cock." you clenched your thighs at the thought.
he grabbed your waist and turned you around, your hands flat on the wall for balance. he bunched your dress around your waist and slid your panties down your legs, putting them inside the pocket of his pants. they would keep him company during the week when he couldn't be with you, just until next sunday, when he would be able to touch you again. you heard him unbuckling his belt and you looked around, nervous but excited at the thought of having someone walking in on you. fucking outside in the back of the church wasn't the smartest idea but it turned you on, made you feel naughty which you never were. mark interrupted your thoughts by slamming his cock inside of you, stretching you out around him. you bit your bottom lip hard, trying not to scream at the feeling of him fitting inside you perfectly.
"f-fuck baby, you're always so tight." he moaned, sliding your hair out of the way, exposing your neck to his lips, leaving wet kisses all over the skin while he slowly started moving inside you, the feeling so good that you rolled your eyes back, resting your head on his shoulder. mark's hands grabbed your hips tightly and he moved slightly to get more confortable which made his cock touch your sweet spot, catching you of guard, a loud whine leaving your lips. you quickly covered your mouth with your hand and mark chuckled. "does that feel good, baby? s-shit... if you keep clenching around me like that i'm gonna cum." he groaned with his lips still pressed against your shoulder. his arm came around you and his fingers started circling your clit, so fast that the feeling made you light headed for a second.
"m-mark... i... mark i think i'm g-gonna." and you were coming undone around his cock, body quivering from how strong it hit you, your hand coming down to hold his wrist, his fingers still working on your clit, guiding you through your orgasm.
"b-baby, i think i'm coming too." mark moaned and you could feel how his thrusts were getting sloppy, your eyes widening when you remembered he wasn't wearing a condom.
"you can't come inside me!" you turned your head to try and look at him but his eyes were closed in pure bliss and you realized how cute he looked when he was about to cum, the bad boy persona fading away.
"i'll just come on your b-back." he responded but you couldn't get your dress dirty, what would your parents say if they saw your back stained. his cock twitched inside you and you were quick to pull him away, hearing him gasp when he suddenly felt empty, looking at you confused.
you turned around and quickly dropped to your knees, opening your mouth. "come in my mouth." was all you said before seeing mark furrowing his eyebrows and biting on his bottom lip, his hand coming down to stroke at this cock.
"you'll be the death of me, baby." he moaned, the sound so sweet in your ears that you let a small smile appear of your lips. he let his cock enter your mouth just slightly and you sucked on the tip and soon enough you were feeling the thick warm liquid filling your throat and mouth, being careful not to let anything slip out. he pulled away when he was done and you swallowed everything, gaining a grunt from his part.
you quickly got up as soon as you heard the church bells ringing, indicating that the mass was over. your eyes widened and you pulled your dress down, trying to fix your your hair and makeup to the best of your habilities while mark was busy tucking his cock and shirt inside of his pants again. "fuck, my mom is going to kill me if she sees that i'm gone!" you said now walking towards the front of the church in a hurry, mark following right behind you.
"wait!" he shouted, grabbing your wrist and turning you around, his lips slamming against yours for a passionate but slow kiss and you melted in his embrace. he pulled away when he heard the sound of the main door opening and everyone started to get out, distracted talking to each other. unfortunately your mom and dad were already rushing your way, anger visible in their faces and you cursed mentally.
"where were you, y/n?!" your mom shouted, stopping right in front of you and mark.
you were about to make an excuse but mark beat you at it. "mrs. y/l/n, y/n wasn't feeling well so i took her outside to get some fresh air. i'm so sorry if i made her miss the mass but i didn't want her to throw up inside, you know?" you looked at mark and saw how his facial features had changed completely now that he was standing in front of your parents, almost like when he was about to cum, minus the moaning and orgasm face. his eyes were big, almost puppy-like and he just looked so innocent and cute, you couldn't help but smile and so did your mom.
"oh, don't worry mark. thank you for taking care of our daughter. sometimes i wish she was more like you." she leaned to him to whisper the last part and they giggled as if you were not just standing there next to them. "tell your dad that the mass was great, ok son?" your dad patted him in the back and mark flinched a little, almost as if he was terrified of your dad's touch which he probably was, considering what he had just done to his daughter.
everyone waved goodbye and as you were walking to the car you turned around, seeing mark staring at you with a smirk on his face. you looked down and you saw how he had pulled a part of your white cotton panties from his pocket, only now realizing that you weren't wearing underwear all this time. you made eye contact with mark, blushing, and he winked at you, turning around and walking towards his dad.
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racheloveyunho · 3 years
Till death do us part - 3
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Y/N grew up in a wealthy family, she always was seen as a beautiful and smart kid and was most likely to take her father’s place as the CEO of one of the most important companies in South Korea. However, after the death of her mother, Y/N’s family slowly started to break apart. Her father was always working to forget his uncalled pain while his kids were left alone at home.
She was 17 years old when her life took a sudden turn when she met him in a dark alley. He was a bloody mess, bruises everywhere but behind blood and dirt, she could see his beautiful features and his addictive gaze. Maybe she should have walked away, maybe she shouldn’t have helped him, but the moment his gaze locked with hers, she was already his.
Choi San was his name.
Genre: Mafia AU, smut, angst, fluff, stranger to lovers
Words: 2479
TW series:  Y/N is described as an OC. Please be aware that this story will contain  a lot of triggering content such as smut, blood, death, murder, drug,  kidnapping, etc. Do not read if you are under a legal age!
TW chapter: reader got slapped, reader run away from home, abusive and manipulative father, swearing.
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The beating of my heart quickened. For the past two years I had dreamed about him every night and now, I was finally able to see him again.
"San!" I shouted happily, finally looking back at the handsome boy. He smiled back at me but his expression became cold again as he stared at Jinyoung. My so-called husband let my wrist go and hardly swallowed his spit.
"Y-you! What are you doing here?"
Chapter 3
"What? Do you know each other?" I looked up at San for an answer
"His father is a customer of mine. I worked for him a couple of times, right Mr Hwang?"
Jinyoung stepped back with fear written all over his face. He was afraid of San. I somehow understand his feeling, I knew too well how San could be intimidating.
"I wouldn't ever touch Y/N again if I were you." San said with the most cold voice I ever heard in my life "I get upset pretty easily and I can't think straight when anger come over me. I guess you can understand."
"Why are you protecting her, I don't understand!" My fiancé shouted with fear in his voice.
"Because she's mine."
I blushed madly at San's words. Hana squirmed like a fangirl and clapped her hands while making embarrassing noises. I wished she wasn't there at this moment, I was over embarrassed and she wasn't helping me AT ALL.
I hide my face behind my hands. I wasn't paying attention to the two men's conversation anymore until I felt San's grip lightly tightening around me.
I looked up, Jinyoung was gone without my noticing.
"Are you okay?" San whispered to my ear.
‘Does he have to look at me like that? He’s driving me crazy!’
"He left?" I asked.
San nodded before letting me go. Strangely enough, I felt a wave of sadness and disappointment from the loose of contact even though I couldn't say it out loud, San would probably think I'm crazy since I met him just twice.
Quickly, Hana went to my side, grabbing my arm and shaking it with all her strength.
"Are you THE San?" She asked San with her eyes sparkling.
The moment I saw San's smirk I wished I could have run away from here. I looked at Hana with wide eyes and whispered "Could you stop being obvious for God's sake!"
It was no help, Hana was too happy to finally meet the man I talked about every day and she wasn't paying attention to what I was saying "You are indeed handsome!" she exclaimed "Do you have a girlfriend?"
'Oh God.'
"I don't..." he paused "yet" San looked at me with his sharp eyes.
I turned back and hide my red face the best I could. I was not the kind of girl to turn shy easily but San had this effect on me, he made me feel weak in my knees and made my heart raced.
Meanwhile, Hana was the happiest in the world at this moment, she knew that I never was on a relationship before so she was surely excited to play cupid for the both of us.
After a quick chat, which boiled down to Hana asking questions about everything and nothing, San told us that he was going back to his work and had to leave. 
He walked away, but I followed him and with all the courage I could muster up, I grabbed his wrist to stop him. He looked back at me with a surprise expression.
"Can...Can you give me your phone number? It will be easier to see each other this way..." I looked straight at him, facing his usual strong gaze.
However, I wasn't as brave as I wanted to pretend and San wasn't dumb, my shaking hand grabbing his strong wrist was a clue enough for him to know how I really felt.
He smiled at me with a sincere and warm smile for the first time, his dimples in full display, before he gave me his hand. I looked at it, confused, and put my hand on his own.
"Not your hand, give me your phone. Don't you want my number anymore?" he laughed at my action and again, my face turned red.
"Yeah, sure!" I stuttered, giving him my phone. He quickly entered his number on it before giving it back to me.
"Let's talk more often then, Kim Y/N"
Hearing him saying my whole name was something special, a mysterious feeling grew inside of me but it wasn't an unpleasant one.
I waved my hand at him as he walked away, disappearing from my sight.
"I think I need holy water" Hana breathed out.
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It was already 9 pm, the sun was giving way to the dark night where the moon reigned as a queen.
It had been a long day, a very long one.
I met Jinyoung, my unwanted fiancé, San helped me against him and Hana hadn't let me get home until I admitted that I had a crush on San.
It was weird to say it, I wasn't familiar with this new feeling. Was it love? Was it possible to feel love towards him already or was it just a physical attraction?
I threw my head on my pillow and yelled on it while shaking powerfully my legs on the bed.
Yes, San was handsome, but he wasn't just that. He had something that attracted me and I couldn't explain what. It was like he was the answer of all my doubts and all of my issues. He was strong and intimidating but at the same time soft and reassuring. The last time I’ve felt this safe in someone’s arms was in my mom’s.
Bip Bip.
I looked at the small screen, a small notification indicating me that I had a new message.
I jumped out of my bed and stood up, excited by just some few words.
"Did you get home safely?"
Yes I did! I hope you got home without any issue too :)
No answer.
San didn't seem like the talkative type. I had to choose a topic to continue the conversation or else he wasn’t going to answer.
So...How old are you exactly? Do you still live with your family?
To my surprise, San answered me right away and we both talked for a few hours, totally forgetting about sleep. He talked to me more than I initially thought he would and I was glad for it.
I found out that he lived with his father, mother and older sister in Seoul in a rather affluent neighborhood. He was the same age as me and told me he had always been home schooled so he had a lot of free time.
He was following his father's path and helped him with his work.
I didn't asked him about it but I could easily guess that his dad worked with politicians since he San and Jinyoung knew each other from his dad’s work.
After a three hours long talk, I finally fell asleep while writing a message to San.
Sleep tight Y/N.
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I slowly opened my eyes when the warm morning light hit my face. It had been a long time since I last sleep that well. I stretched my body and directly texted San.
Hello San! Sorry I fell asleep, I slept well, maybe thanks to all the things that happened yesterday lol!
I waited some minutes but he gave me no response. Was he still asleep?
I went downstairs and only found my father, eating alone. The table seemed bigger than usual without Jin there and I couldn’t help but think about my brother, I hadn't see him since the argument between him and my father and it was worrying me.
"Where is Jin?"
"I don't know where he is living now." My mouth opened at his statement. My unstable eyes were reading his face, trying to figure out and hoping that I heard things wrong.
"What do you mean? He lives here!" I shouted, my voice sounded less confident than usual.
My worry was growing at an incredible speed pace. I felt unwell for some reason and was afraid to understand the real meaning behind my father's word.
"Not anymore. He's an adult now, I no longer have any obligation to keep him home."
I couldn't believe what I was listening to. He kicked his own son out? How dared he?
I was about to shout out at him but his phone rang at the same moment. He took the call and started talking with an unknown correspondent.
His face quickly dropped and then glared at me with angry eyes. I gulped, unaware of the situation.
When he hung up, he angrily stood up and harshly slapped me on the face "What have you done!" he yelled.
My eyes were watering. He hurt me. It was the first time he laid a finger on me.
"Mr Hwang called me! His son, Jinyoung, met you yesterday and want now to end your engagement."
"It's for the best, I never wanted this anyways" I replied curtly.
He was about to slap me again but put down his arm and chuckled darkly "Fine, if you want to be a brat then I will treat you as one"
My father strongly grabbed my arm and dragged me to my bedroom, he was so angry and so harsh, he was, without any doubt, going to leave bruises on my body.
He threw me on the bed and took my phone with him.
"You won't be needing your phone anymore, I'm confiscating it. In the meantime, I want you to think about your behavior." he said "If you don't want to listen to me, then I will show you who is in charge here." he walked away "Ah, and just to say, this week you will took a plane and will go abroad to study." He informed me before locking the door and leaving me alone in my room.
"You can't do this! You can't force me to leave!!" I banged on the door fiercely. It was a nightmare, it couldn't be happening. I sat down, my back against the door and my head on my knees, silently crying. 
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It was already late at night, I didn't do anything the whole day. The only thing I could do was crying.
I finally wiped my tears away and stood up, determined to leave this house. I took a small bag and filled it with some clothes, wallet and other essential stuffs. I waited until no more noise could be heard in the house and quietly leave the house through the windows.
It wasn't as hard as I thought it will be, I found myself a new talent that night.
I went to the bus station, it was too late so there was no bus anymore.
I walked to the nearest hotel and went to the reception.
"Excuse me, I broke my phone and I really need to call someone to pick me up to go home. Is it possible to use your phone?" I asked with puppy eyes.
The male receptionist fell right away for my charms and gave me his phone, glad to help a young girl in distress. I thanked him and called my brother.
I silently thanked my good memory and was glad I remembered all the numbers on my phone. "The person you have called is unavailable right now..." the voice announced.
“No way...” my shoulders fell from disappointment. I had no other choice but to let him a message on his phone.
"Hey Jin, it's me... Listen, I had some...problems with dad, he took my phone away so I don't have a lot of way to reach you. I heard that he kicked you out, I hope you did find a place to sleep, hope you're eating well, hope that..." I sniffed, not able to contain myself anymore. "I'm scared Jin, dad wants me to study abroad cause my fiancé brook our engagement. I picked some stuff and now I'm out of the house but I don't know where to go and..." my voice broke because of all the emotions I had inside of me. "I'll call Hana and see if I can sleep at her place or else I'll sleep in a hotel. I love you, I'll call you again tomorrow." I stopped the voicemail message.
This time I tried Hana's number, fortunately she was a phone addict so she would answer to my call. "Yes my love~?" I heard her sleepy voice "Hey Hana" I said, my voice still trembling "What happened? Are you okay?" Her voice suddenly turned serious.
I quickly summarized my situation to her. "Listen, sweetie. Tonight I can't come to you, you have still money right? Sleep in a hotel and tomorrow you will took the first bus and come to my house, okay?" I agreed and hung up before asking a room to the receptionist.
The hotel room was half smaller than mine but it was better than nothing. There was a phone on the side of the bed.
'Should I call San?' I wondered while looking at the phone. Without a second thought, I entered the number of San and waited.
"San! You answered!" I shouted through the phone, happy to hear his voice "I...I'm sorry I..."
"Where are you?" he asked "What?" I answered, surprised.
"You are not fine, are you? You're voice isn't as clear as usual."
I waited a long moment, I couldn't control my tears as they were running down my cheeks.
"Where are you?" He insisted.
"Dongdaemun hotel, room 322"
"I'm coming. Don't move." his voice softened.
My wait didn't last 20 minutes until I heard a knock on the door. I jumped and opened the door as soon as I heard the sound.
Here it was, the silhouette I liked the most
He hugged me tightly as if there was no tomorrow. I noticed how he was sweaty and out of breathe, probably from running to get to me faster.
I breathed in his unique scent, it was woody scent, something fresh but still manly. I felt safer with him, everything was easier when he was by my side. I didn't want to let him go and my feelings seemed mutual as he tightened his grip on my waist.
I was like a piece of metal attracted to a magnet.
We sat down on the bed and he let me cry my heart out, listening every word I had to say. I told him my story, my conflictual relationship with my father, how harsh he was with me and my brother since my mom passed away and my arranged wedding with this Hwang Jinyoung.
We talked for two good hours about my problems but also about the future we both wanted.
As time went on, I started to feel sleepy, my eyelids were heavy and my mind was cloudy. I slowly closed my eyes until I fell into a deep sleep into San's arms. He gently patted my head to help me fall asleep.
"Don't worry Y/N, I will protect you from now on."
San hummed a song before falling asleep by Y/N’s side.
I hope you enjoy this story so far! In the next chapter, Y/N is going to make a choice for her future life so the story will truly start in the chapter 4.
Of course, I’m not encouraging anyone to run away from home, mostly if you are minor.
Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter~
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@hijirikaww @pinkchampagne2 @xduygu-arsx @joongiebug
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Just a dream } Lim Sejun [victon]
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genre: yandere, mild smut, fluff (,angst?)
warning(s): mentions of killing & stalking, suggestive!, mentions of other idols (subin&byungchan)
word count: about 3.3k
note: If u feel uncomfortable with any of the warnings above, feel free to skip! I will probably do more parts :)
I'm not that good in writing smut but I wanted it to be not too dirty, like there's sexual tension but everything is on a comfortable level
Third person's POV
at school
Lim Sejun was your best friend, along with his stepbrother Jung Subin. You actually met Sejun through Subin.
At first only Subin was your classmate since 5th grade and you too eventually became really close. And later on, about two years, Sejun joined you because he moved here, when his Mom wanted to marry your other friends Dad.
You never never had romantic feelings for Subin, you just loved him as a friend.
But his stepbrother was something different. It wasn't like you had a crush on him, he just made you so nervous all the time.
You didn't show it, but inside you always slightly get butterflies everytime he stares at you or uses his deep voice to convince you to something.
Not to mention his looks, but he could do many things that made him get most girls attention. Though he never cared about girls except for you.
He was a rather cold person, kept most things to himself and didn't laugh very often. But when he did, it always made you happy aswell.
It was mostly you that made him giggle or smile but you never questioned it.
You were just grateful to have them as your friends. Even though the brothers fought like literally almost all the time.
But what you noticed is that Sejun was very protective over you. What you didn't know was caused by the obsession he had over you.
In the Beginning it was only a little crushing, adoring you secretly. This soon turned into serious, strong feelings, and desire that he kept inside and eventually real love.
Of course you obviously didn't know about his "little" possession, but you were everything to him and nothing would steal you from him.
Anyone that touched you inappropriately, wasn't blessed to live a long life. And he made sure of that. The killing wasn't a big deal for him, as long as you were safe it didn't matter.
School was long over, but you and Sejun were still sitting in the library to do homework and explain math to Subin when he had problems, which was like constantly.
"God, Subin! I explained this to you like a hundred times. It's Sejun's turn now, he is even smarter than me." You groaned at your friends intolerance.
You desperately looked at the dark haired boy, who sat on a chair and concentratedly wrote something on a paper.
When he was just giving you a look with a frown you sighed.
"Help your brother for gods sake! I can't do this anymore. I finished anyways, I could just go if I wanted to." You complained in a whiny manner.
Sejun still looked at you and than shortly at Subin. He shook his head.
"I'm not helping him. He has to learn himself. And he's just my stepbrother. Not my problem." He shrugged and turned to his paper.
Subin just looked absolutely cluelessly at the many numbers and even letters.
"Please Sejun! Your Mom told me to help him. She will think I'm dumb as well!" You continued, to stubborn to give up first.
"Hey!" Subin faked a hurtful look, laying his hand on his heart.
"Sorry, Binnie. But I won't explain this to you again." You touched his shoulder, smiling exclusively.
Now Sejun also noticed the contact between you too and made a noise to seperate you again and get your attention.
Your head turned to him, hoping he changed his mind.
But he just saw one thing at this moment; your thigh that was exposed because of the skirt that had slipped up 'til the beginning of you lace slip.
His eyes fixated on your beautiful legs and his mind went wild automatically. He was aroused immediately, imagining he was the one who could take it off of you.
You didn't bother to look down, where he was looking. You were just thinking he zoned out for a moment at waved your hand on front of his iced eyes.
"Sejun? Are you okay?" You wondered.
When he came back to reality he noticed how tight his jeans felt so suddenly. But managed to look up at you finally.
"Huh? Oh, yes. I will only explain this once to him, and I wanna get a treat." He wanted to compromise.
You waited a moment to process and decide if you wanted to compromise.
"Okay. What do want as your treat?" You asked innocently.
Sejun thought. How could he indirectly say that he wanted to be alone with you?
"You will go with me studiying tomorrow, after school." He grinned, secretly so excited to have you to himself for some hours.
Your eyes widened. Another study session?
"Fine, but why so obsessed with studiying? School's not everything, Junnie." You told him.
He stayed silent. If you knew what I want to do to you right now, Y/N. He thought, very aware of his bulge, growing even harder. But he couldn't do anything about it, he had to hide under the table until it would hopefully disappear.
After about half an hour, he had made everything clear for Subin. Well, supposedly. And the three of you went home.
Subin couldn't hold a moan back as he touched his boner through his black jeans. He hadn't been able to hold back the dirty thoughts of you telling him that you wanted him as much as he did. And now that he was finally home, he could release some of his inholded sexual sounds. He rarely listened to anyone but gladly would accept you as his domme.
He just loved you so much, of course he was craving for your touch. You were his only weakness at this point.
the next day
You could walk to school because your house wasn't that far away. You didn't know that Sejun was always behind you, to make sure you came home safe and to enjoy your pretty features a little longer.
When you arrived and waited for you two only friends and greeted Subin happily with hug and a minute later Sejun with a sweet "Hey." Because you knew he didn't really enjoy skinship.
He greeted back politely. And thought about how pretty you looked again, although he saw you everyday in the same school uniform.
He secretly hated that the girls had to wear skirts in school. So he gave every boy who dared to look at you a second too long a warning glare to fuck off. And if they wouldn't hear, he would made sure they would never look at you again.
It was normal for him, he would keep you forever. And no one would destroy his plan.
School had ended fast and you bid your goodbyes to Subin and went to the library.
You sat down next to each other and your knees would touch every now and then, making Sejun wanting to already moan your name out loud, by just this simple touch.
One hour had passed and you slowly got bored, as you were just too done to concentrate on school stuff any longer.
"Sejun~" You whined, tucking on his blazer.
Holy fuck. He thought. I want you to whine my name like this again.
He tried to not look much affected and hummed as a response to you.
"I'm bored. I don't wanna study anymore. Let's just do something different, yes?" You tried to convince him with puppy eyes.
"What can we do?" He asked quietly, unsure if he would maybe be alowed to touch you a little.
"Kiss?" You said, leaning forward.
It wasn't really your intention but he could see some of your cleavage in this position. He told himself to keep control.
You laughed sweetly. He was so cute when he blushed.
You were just joking. But didn't know he was actually craving for the touch of your lips, just once. Once would be enough and he would be the luckiest man alive.
Now you frowned, he still wasn't looking away from your lips.
"Sejun, I was just jo-" You couldn't finish.
His hands snaked around your waist to sit you on his lap in a fast motion, disrupting you.
Him touching you in this way, affected you more than you wanted to admit.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
Your butt sat on his thighs, your feet touched the ground. And your faces weren't that far away from each other either.
"I thought you were bored." His raspy voice made you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, but what do want now?" You still whispered, so exited for his next move.
He grabbed your hips with more force, to shove you even further to his face.
A groan escaped his throat at the sudden friction he felt of your core grinding on his.
"You don't wanna know what I want to do to you Y/N."
He let his finger slide over your lower lip.
Why was he so changed all out of the blue?
He had waited for years to feel you right there where you sat on in this moment.
"Do you want me to stay still or move?" You asked as you were ready to risk it all.
You were feeling so out of this world, like someone would have drugged you. But you liked it, yeah, you enjoyed it.
"It's your choice, kitten. But be aware that if you cross a certain line I won't be able told back and take you right here, right now." He warned you in a husky voice, while breathing in all of your body right in his hands.
You let out a whiny moan at his dirty talking. You were kinda ready to get to his limits.
"It's okay, just tell me when I have to stop." You breathed out, against his neck.
As he felt your hot breath hit his exposed skin and at the same time, your hips moving into his he fekt like in heaven.
"Y/N~ah." He moaned out and threw his head back.
He felt like he would come right on the spot.
Between your movements you also let out hitched breaths at the immense pleasure your where giving and receiving, although you both still where having all your clothes on. But you forgot about that long ago.
Your bodys where still rocking together as he was watching all of your little expressions that showed on your face.
Though, at some point when you begin to settle kisses on his neck, jaw and cheeks, he couldn't hold himself back any longer and wanted to warn you again so it wouldn't escalate.
"Y/N, Y/N-ah, stop, it's too much!" He almost cried out for you.
You obeyed and stopped, panting a little.
"It's okay." You stroke his cheek. "We can continue this another time, Junnie." You promised.
His eyes flashed with exitement, as he struggled to come down from this so unreal seeming experience with you.
"I- I will just finish this work sheet. I have to calm down." Sejun told me as he got his ability to talk back.
He never thought, he would be able to find the confidence and touch you like this.
And you even agreed!
It was like a dream.
Well, maybe it really was.
Sejun's POV
"Junnie, wake up!" Y/N shook me gently.
I was suddenly torned from my deep sleep. I breathed out and groaned.
I had dreamed everything?!
I felt so disappointed. I wished it would have happened in reality, it was the most pleasureable thing I had ever experienced in my life.
And it came out as just another wet dream of mine.
At this moment I told myself to be more confident and don't behave like a creep that hated skinship.
I had to be more cool with it, orherwise I would never get what I was craving for desperately.
"Are you okay, Sejun-ah?" She looked at me a bit worried as I still wasn't reacting at all.
But her voice finally brought me back to reality.
"No Y/N, I'm not okay." I answered.
"What is it?" She wondered.
I struggled to come up with an excuse, so I decided to be honest with her.
"You and me, we were here in the library and-"
"Oh, that? You weren't dreaming, Junnie. It happened."
I widened my eyes. It wasn't a dream? I blushed.
"But why did I fell asleep then?" I wanted to know, since it all didn't really made sense.
"You wanted to finish your paper to calm down. Well, it worked, you fell asleep." She explained
Suddenly I remembered. I had never dreamed. It had happened in real life.
Maybe I should consider sleeping more instead of watching her. I thought to myself, it was unacceptable to fall asleep during spending time with her.
Third person's POV
You were sitting in the cafeteria of your Highschool, talking to your two guy friends.
It was a day like every other and everything was normal, except for Sejun's behaviour.
He was getting more confident in touching you but immediately blushed when he noticed that you were looking at him with a concerned face.
It was not like you lost interest or anything, you were still reacting to his teasing as intense as before. But you didn't thought he would want the two of you to keep doing these things.
Everything began two days ago in the library. He was getting more and more crazy for you each second.
Right in the moment he was secretly watching you talking to his stepbrother.
You were pure beauty in his eyes and he couldn't stop looking at your soft features and feminine body.
How you used your whole body while demonstrating something to Subin was something Sejun found absolutely adorable.
Every now and then you also glanced at him so he had to act like he wouldn't been staring at you the whole break long and mostly just nodded when you asked for his opinion or just wanted to include him in the conversation.
Sejun almost forgot to eat while being so busy admiring you.
When the bell rang for third period all the students stood up and he noticed that he wasn't the only one who didn't eat most of his food.
"Y/N you only ate your salad." Sejun walked next to you and pointed at your still full tablet with his finger.
You both were walking the same direction to put your tablets away and turn to your class after.
"Oh yeah, I'm not that hungry." You tried to explain.
But the actual reason was something else. You couldn't ignore Sejun's attentive look on you the whole time. You tried your best to ignore this weird feeling in you stomach but it was difficult when you knew that you had to endure that until you would be home.
"But you need to eat, to have enough energy for class." He pointed out while you made your way to the classroom.
Even if all his actions were meant to be innocent without any dirty intentions, it was hard for you to forget how you were sitting directly on his hard boner and could hear these pornografic sounds coming out of his mouth.
You liked how he had reacted to you in some way. Because no one ever had made you feel so wanted like he did that evening.
And you really gave your best to delete it from your memory but you just couldn't when you saw him every single day and felt how tensed he sometimes was. It reminded you of the Sejun that had called you Kitten.
You noticed you hadn't answered him yet and snapped out of your wild thoughts.
"Yes, I know but I have enough energy left. I promise, Junnie." You assured as you two arrived at the right room.
He just gave you a worried look and settled down on his seat like you did.
The three of you weren't directly seated next to each other but close, so the boys could still have an eye on you.
The teacher came in as well and the lesson began soon after.
Byungchan was sitting next to you since a few days, but you have no problem with that because he's very nice. Sometimes he would try to flirt with you and you would just act like you wouldn't know what he was doing.
He was also very handsome and popular at your school, though that hadn't had any affect on you. You just cared about the work you had to do together, nothing else.
Although... you do blushed when he made you a compliment, simply because you found it charming and sweet of him to care about how you looked.
What you didn't know was that Sejun was on the verge of killing him every single day since he sits next to you.
He even asked himself how to quickly and inconspicuously as possible have this done. So he would get rid of him finally.
He was so angry inside but told himself to keep his control awhile longer. You shouldn't suffer under his death too much so Sejun wanted to wait a little longer and threathen Byungchan first, to better stop flirting with you or else he had to be killed.
After a while the class was dismissed and for you, school had ended already. You completely had missed the time and were happy to be able to leave the school building already.
You packed your stuff and didn't even notice that Sejun was standing in front of you.
While he waited he stared down at you until he finally spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N. Do want to go eat ice-cream and hang out a bit maybe?" He asked as he restlessly scratched his neck.
You looked up, surprised to hear his voice instead of Subin's.
"Umm yeah, sure. But where's Subin?" You wanted to know, furrowing your brows and scanning the room to find you other friend.
"He had to leave early today. Mom told him to do his homework once in a lifetime." Sejun's monotonous voice was back and he was a little sad that you wanted to have Subin with you so badly.
You chuckled and put on your blazer and then your backpack, before you nodded at him to move on.
All students had left the classroom already so you were alone.
He started to shiver instead of leaving the room as he knew that he had to speak about what had happened between you two.
"Y/N.. I think we maybe need to talk." His shy self was back again.
"About what?" You asked, as you were wondering if he really would mention the incident again.
"About that day.. when you and I.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence, he was too insecure.
She probably doesn't want me to touch her anyways. Sejun thought and closed his eyes in brief.
"It's okay, Sejun-ah. We can just forget about it if you want." You patted his shoulder as you weren't really sure what to say or do.
"That's not it, Y/N. I want your permission to my touch. I want to be closer to you and not make you uncomfortable." The black haired boy looked to the ground, expecting you to be grossed out.
"You have my permission Sejun-ah, it's okay with me if you touch me more. I like it because I always enjoy your company. You have to know that, alright?" You gave him a warm smile when he finally found the courage to look at you.
He kept quite and nodded before leaving school with you.
He couldn't say it, but he deeply wanted to hold your hand.
You thought and felt the same so you just took the first step and interwined your hand with his.
You didn't expect this to be more than a close friendship but you enjoyed it anyways. As he always made you feel so safe and loved.
And Sejun was feeling like he just got everything he wanted in a matter of seconds. He would protect you, not caring about the rest of the world.
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I edited the story cover by myself but the pictures are not mine (so is the gif), credits to the owners :)
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magics-protector · 4 years
The Mate of the Trickster
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Pairing: Gabriel x HalfDragon!Reader 
Warnings/Notes: none really, kind of a Soulmate AU i guess
Summary: Following the events of 13x17, Gabriel, with the aid of Ketch, breaks free from Asmodeus’ hold. However, there is an even bigger problem he faces: his girlfriend, who thinks he’s dead. 
It was kind of relieving for Gabriel; watching Asmodeus beat the crap out of someone else for a change.
Yet, it was also terrifying, to say the least.
Once Asmodeus had finished beating Ketch to a pulp, he monologued about them being the same, typical villain style, and how Ketch belonged to him before leaving the two men alone.
All Gabriel could do was hope that Asmodeus didn't return for a while and that, if he did, that he wasn't next to face the demon prince’s wrath.
Ketch was hunched against a pillar across from Gabriel's cell, pulling what remained of a bloody, broken tooth from his mouth. He leaned over to his left, moaning in pain and spitting out blood, he glanced up and saw Gabriel staring wide-eyed at him.
"What are you looking at?" He grumbled. "If I had half your power, I'd..." Ketch looked away in thought and then looked around. "In fact..." He said.
Ketch stood up and went straight to Gabriel's cage, causing Gabriel to shrink back away from the bars.
"I believe it's time to go." Ketch grasped the bottom part of the bars and lifted, opening the cell. He leaned down and looked at Gabriel. "Consider this a rescue." He turned around and went to the lockers that Asmodeus kept Gabriel's archangel blade and went back to Gabriel, who huddled further into the corner, whimpering.
"Come on, you. Come on!" Ketch beckoned Gabriel towards him, but got no compliance. Ketch, done with Gabriel’s attitude to the situation, then grabbed the archangel’s ankle and pulled him out of the cell, while Gabriel frantically resisted.
Ketch pulled Gabriel through the hallway and said, "This would all go so much faster if you just flapped your bloody wings."
They turned the corner and ran into a Demon, whom Ketch killed with the blade. He turned back to Gabriel, "Where were we?", grabbed his arm, pulling him along, Gabriel still struggled.
"Would you calm down?" Ketch snapped. "I'm taking you to somewhere safe. To the Winchesters. You remember them, right?"
Gabriel struggled some more.
"They're much different from when you saw them last, I assure you. Now that they've got that dragon-woman back with them."
Gabriel stopped struggling. She was with the Winchesters and, more importantly, still alive. Knowing that made him feel somewhat better.
Thoughts raced around his mind as Ketch pulled him along; was she alright? Did she remember him? Would she forgive him?
He met her back when he was pretending to be that university janitor. He knew she was his from the moment he laid eyes on her; her beautiful face, her hair, god her eyes. He fell in love then and there, but she wouldn’t give in without a fight.  He knew she knew what he was to her but her stubbornness had pulled her away from him, her love for the men she called family and what he had done to them made for a rocky relationship. But, all the tension and false hatred came to a stunning conclusion after a very complicated argument, which led to a night that would put Casa Erotica to shame.  
For years, they hid their relationship from the two hunters she called 'the brothers she never wanted but was glad to have' and Heaven, seeing as an archangel and a human-dragon hybrid being together would upset a lot of people up there. And it did, immensely.
When the boys found out, shit hit the fan, but they had come to accept it with great difficulty, after seeing how happy he made her.
When he 'died', he knew it would kill her inside but everything he did was to protect her. She wasn't there that night, Gabriel and the Winchesters agreed on that.
She would be a great asset to have, but Lucifer could have used or hurt her and the three of them couldn't stand that. She meant too much to all of them.
As Ketch led them to the exit of Asmodeus’ stronghold, Gabriel could only hope and pray that she could forgive him.
"Man, I can't believe you almost became an inter-dimensional booty-call, Dean." Y/N laughed as she and the Winchester brothers walked down the steps of the bunker.
Dean chuckled. "That's something I never thought would happen."
"Well." Sam said as they plopped their bags on the table. "We have the Seal. Right? So, all we need now is an archangel, and we're set."
Y/N frowned, sadly, her thoughts went back to Gabriel. How she missed him.
"Sure, that sounds easy." Dean grumbled.
Y/N looked over to the library and put her arms out in front of her, setting them ablaze.
Sam and Dean drew their guns at Ketch, who stood in the library entrance with his arms up in surrender. "Wait." Ketch said. "I come in peace."
"Yeah, right." Y/N growled.
"And I brought you a gift." He leaned down and from behind the wall, pulled Gabriel out into the open.
Y/N's  eyes widened and her flames extinguished. "Gabriel?" She asked, her voice cracked.
He looked at her with wide eyes.
She took a few long strides over to where Ketch placed Gabriel down onto a chair and placed her hand on his cheek, her full attention on the broken angel. "Gabe..." Her eyes watered. She leaned forward enough for him to place his head on her chest. Her mood shifted quickly as she glared up at Ketch. "What did you do to him?" She growled at him, her eyes glowing white.
Ketch flinched back in fear, he raised his arms up to shield himself. "Not me. Asmodeus. The Prince was holding him prisoner until I liberated the poor man. And I understand you may need an archangel for a spell, perhaps."
Sam and Dean looked at one another before they  lowered their guns slightly.
"Well, what luck." Ketch mused.
"We need his grace." Sam said.
That one word seemed to set Gabriel off. He started to panic and shake, shrieking out which was muffled by the stitches that sealed his mouth. Y/N held his shoulders and shushed him. "Gabe, Gabe. It's ok. Shh, shh."
When Gabriel had settled, Ketch pulled out a vial of grace from his pocket and then an archangel blade.
"Why would you..." Sam thought for a second. "What's the catch? What do you want?" He demanded, his voice dry.
"Protection. From Asmodeus."
"The one you're working for?" Y/N sneered at Ketch while holding Gabriel's head lightly against her chest, his chest still heaving with fear.
"Was working for?" Ketch replied. "But when he finds out that I stole his prize milk cow, well, I imagine that he'll hunt me to the ends of the Earth. So, this is the only safe place I know." He looked around the war room.
"What? Do you think you're just gonna move in?" Sam asked.
The corners of Ketch’s mouth perked up before falling back down. “Dibs on the top bunk?" Ketch jested.
"No." Sam said, while Dean replied with “Deal.”
"What?" Sam looked to Dean.
"Look, I don't know what the hell's going on here. But if this helps up get Mom back, helps us get Jack back, then... sure. Whatever you want." Dean threw his gun on the table.
Y/N sat as still as she could while she tried to remove the stitches over Gabriel's mouth, apologizing everytime he whimpered and flinched. It killed her inside every time he flinched and whined.
When she finished, she set the knife down and ran her hands delicately over his cheeks, placing a kiss on his forehead, ignoring the dried and fresh blood.
"All right, let's do this." Dean walked in with a bag full of stuff and supplies for the spell, Sam following him closely.
"Well, shouldn't we wait?" Sam asked, unsure.
"Wait? Why?" Dean asked. "We got everything we need. Everything else is just burning daylight. Come on. Let's open this door."
Sam looked to Y/N and she looked back at him with a look of unsurity.
“All right." Sam grumbled. "I'll grab my gear."
"Uhhh...." Dean stopped Sam. "Hold on. I'm heading in alone."
Sam and Y/N looked to Dean with shocked faces.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"Look, we got a busted up archangel here. And who the hell knows what else? Okay? Somebody's gotta stay here just in case."
"And I'm coming with you." Ketch said, walking over to the group. "As I said, Asmodeus will be hunting me to the ends of the Earth, so it's better if I'm not on Earth."
"It's not much better over there." Y/N said. "You know it's a war zone, right?"
"Won't be my first, shan't be my last. Hmm?"
"Fine." Dean said.
"Fine?" Sam asked, offendedly. "So you want Ketch to go and not me?"
"I don't care if he dies. Hell, I'm kind of rootin' for it."
"Still, you can't--"
"No, I have to. It's something that's been over there before to open up the right door, so that's either you, me, or Y/N and I sure as hell know she's not going anywhere."
"Damn right, I'm not." Y/N said, as she held Gabriel close, his head nuzzled into her neck.
"So I'm gonna go." Dean said. "And if something happens to me, if -- if time runs out, then I need you two to come and save me and save Mom and save whoever else, okay?"
Sam argued, "It's safer if we go together."
"Oh, there's no such thing as safe over there. You know that. I know you don't like this, okay? I don't expect you to. This is the way it's gonna be."
Sam, reluctantly, agreed after a few minutes and started to conduct the spell. Dean put a piece of his hair in the concoction, Sam used the Seal they recieved and the portal opened. Dean and Ketch suited up and prepared to enter the vortex.
"Dean." Y/N called.
He turned to her.
"Good luck." She smiled warmly.
Dean smiled and nodded back and the two men entered the portal.
After Dean and Ketch left, Sam and Y/N moved Gabriel to Y/N's  room, where he could find comfort, and Sam left to grab some food.
Gabriel sat on their, well her, bed but now that he was back she assumed he’d stay there with her, his hands clasped with his knees pulled tight against his chest. Y/N sat across from him, staring at his worn-down face.
She wanted answers; why he left her, what happened to him, but her questions would not help the situation any further so she stayed silent.
With a low breathe, and the hope of getting some reaction out of him, she stood up and went towards the door, to find Sam, when Gabriel's hand sprung out and grabbed her wrist and he pulled her in, putting his arm around her midsection and holding her tight against his chest, his face pressed into her hair, pushing through to reach her neck.
She didn't move, it had been so long since she had even seen him, let alone touched him, so she savoured this moment before he let go and jolted to the corner of the room.
Y/N looked to him in confusion when she heard Sam and Cas' voices in the hall.
The door opened and the two men walked in.
"Cas." Y/N acknowledge the other man.
"Y/N." He greeted. He looked down to Gabriel, who was curled in the corner. "You didn't tell me it was this bad."
"Yeah, well, years of isolation and torture and Asmodeus draining his grace. Come here. Help me out." Sam walked slowly over to the dresser by the wall and placed the food tray on top of it, Cas walking slowly behind him.
"Hey, Gabriel." Sam said, softly and quietly. He placed a gentle hand on Gabriel's shoulder and within a second, Gabriel jolted.
The two men calmly and gently moved Gabriel back to the bed where he went back into his fetal position. Y/N shifted back, moving to sit beside where Cas stood, just far enough to not spook Gabriel but to also be of comfort.
Sam tried to remind Gabriel of the video he sent them but it didn't work, he remained silent.
The boys then tried to get Gabriel to take some of his old grace back but he fought against it, he pushed the two men away and bolted for the other corner of the room.
Y/N was heartbroken at the sight.
Since Gabriel was in her room, Sam let Y/N use his room for some rest.
When she woke up, she went back to her room and found Gabriel sitting criss-cross on her bed with an empty vial while Sam and Cas stood in front of him. She once again felt a stronger pull than she felt when he arrived. She walked further into the room and he looked up to her, offering her a vague smile and his arms raised a bit. She smiled and sat down in front of him, he pulled her into his arms and held her close.
But something was off when he let out a brief little growl that only she had heard, but then she remembered that angels can get particularly territorial when it comes to soulmates, and she had been sleeping in Sam’s room. She let out a small giggle and kissed the crown of her angel’s head.
Then, Sam's phone buzzed and, within seconds, he answered, putting it on speaker.
"Samuel." Asmodeus' voice said through the phone and Gabriel jumped back slightly, keeping a hand on Y/N, looking at Sam. "I hope you're having a pleasant day. It's come to my attention you boys have something that belongs to me and I'd like it back."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sam said.
"Oh, I believe you do. And I'm-a give you one chance to return him to me. No harm, no foul."
"I'm hanging up." Sam said.
"Do not hang up on me. Gabriel is of no use to you in his current condition. Should you choose to resist me, I will have no choice but to take him by force."
Gabriel started to breathe heavy with fear.
"I will reduce you and that sad little bunker of yours to ashes. You got 10 minutes to decide. Now you can hang up."
The call ended with everyone on edge. Y/N looked back to Gabriel and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"He's not coming anywhere near here. I'll kill him first." She growled lowly, it was as though she was telling herself that. The only one to hear her was Gabriel, who shrunk closer to her.
Gabriel sat on the bed, rubbing his temples, while Y/N rubbed his back.
Sam came running back to the room after he left to touch up all the wards in the entire bunker. "All right, I did what I could to help the bunker's warding but who knows if it's enough. How's he?"
"I don't know." Cas mumbled and Y/N just shrugged her shoulders, doing her best to comfort the anxious angel.
Gabriel stopped rubbing his temples when the lights went out and the emergency lights and sirens went on.
Everyone looked around frantically and Sam and Cas ran off.
Y/N stood up and went to run when Gabriel caught her wrist with both of his hands, repeating 'no' over and over again. She looked back to see him shaking his head frantically. She leaned down, placed a gentle kiss on his lips, and said, "I'll be back." She pulled her hand out of his grasp and ran out the door.
She caught up with the boys, her hands ignited with a white flame while Sam had his gun and Cas with his angel blade.
They made their way, cautiously, to the war room when three Demons snuck up behind them.
Each one of them was preoccupied with a demon.
Y/N placed her hand on the Demon's stomach and a white flame engulfed it's body as it screamed in pain. She stood back and let the demon fall when she was forced back with Sam and Cas. She looked up and saw Asmodeus.
"You're warding wasn't designed for the likes of me, Samuel. I've come to claim what's mine."
That's when two demons entered carrying Gabriel.
Asmodeus walked up to Gabriel with a wicked smirk.
"Oh, I've missed you, boy." He said. "I'm-a have to punish you rather severely, I'm afraid."
Gabriel looked up in fear and struggled as the demons led him away.
"You stay away from him, you sick son of a bitch!”  Y/N growled, as she fought whatever power Asmodeus used to hold them to the wall.
"Y/N , stop!" Cas and Sam begged as she rose to her feet.
Asmodeus turned to her. “Ah, so this must be the Archangel's soulmate. The all powerful Dragon."
Her hands lit up with white fire. "I'm not letting you take him away from me." She snarled.
"Oh, I'm-a afraid I am, my dear. Maybe I'll take you with me. Give the angel a reason to comply while I keep a blade against your gut." He then grabbed her throat and lifted her in the air, her efforts with her magic unsuccessful.
Drowning out Sam and Cas' cries of protest, Asmodeus squeezed her neck tighter. "But, then-a-gain, it is best just to kill you now. You won't be a problem later on."
Y/N scratched at Asmodeus' arm, drawing blood from underneath the white cloth,  when she gasped out, "Gabriel."
That's when both Demons were flung off the balcony and Gabriel stood, clutching the railing.
Asmodeus looked to him in shock. "Gabriel! What are you doin', son? You know too well what I can do to you. I broke you!"
Gabriel looked up at Asmodeus with the look of a feral animal. A beaten, broken and angry feral animal.
He looked upon the man who tortured him for years now and what he sees is the horrible image of that man with his hands on his soulmate. Harming the one thing in their tiny little universe that belonged to him and him alone. That would be enough to drive a man insane.
Asmodeus was touching what was Gabriel's and now, he was going to kill him for it.
"You're too weak!" Gabriel stood tall, his injuries gone and the blood cleaned,  his wings spread out wide as sort of a way to assert his dominance.
Asmodeus dropped Y/N onto the ground and threw a ball of grace at Gabriel, which he deflected it with ease.
"Not anymore. Oh, by the way,"
Y/N looked up to Gabriel with a smile, years of unshed tears filling her eyes.
"I always hated that dumbass suit." Gabriel's eyes glowed and he pushed his hand out.
Asmodeus slowly became engulfed in flames and, while screaming in agony, quickly disappeared into a pile of nothing.
The three on the ground looked up to Gabriel and Y/N smiled. She placed her arms under her and started to lift when suddenly, she was lifted of the ground and into the arms on Gabriel. The familiar warmth of his body filling that large void in her heart.
"You're back." She whispered, tears streaming down her face. “You’re back.” She repeated, almost to try and convince herself that it was real.
"I'm back, baby, I'm ok." He whispered, holding her as close as he could.
"Whoa." Gabriel said, waving his hands quickly in front of his face. “Too much information. Okay, slow down. I'm not... processing." He sat on the edge of one of the pillars with Y/N at his feet.
"And there's more." Cas said. "Michael wants to come to this Earth and destroy it, and we may need your help to fight him."
"What?" Gabriel asked.
"Yeah." Sam said. "Welcome to the team."
"Uh... yeah. Not so much." Gabriel moved past Y/N to stand up. "I mean, thank you for the rescue and for the redemption arc. But, uh, I'm not really a team guy, so... I'm gonna bounce, okay? Um, but, you know, it's been, um... What's the opposite of fun? That."
"No, Gabriel, don't-- you-- you can't just walk away." Sam argued. "if Michael comes here, he will end this world."
"And the last time the world was ending, I put my money on you. I think you can pull it off again." Gabriel turned to leave.
"No." Castiel clenched his teeth. "You cannot turn your back on your father's creation."
Gabriel turned around and looked to Cas. "Castiel, my father turned his back on his creation. Guess it just runs in the family."
"Gabe?" Y/N's voice was soft and he looked at her, guilt swelling up at one look of her sad eyes. "Are you seriously leaving me again?"
He huffed and walked towards her. "No, never again. I'm not leaving."
Y/N  smiled.
He placed his hand on her shoulder, the other pushing a large piece of hair from her face. "Not without you."
And, before Sam and Cas could process what was happening, Gabriel took off, taking Y/N  with him.
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leeknowsredeyeliner · 4 years
break up - choi hyunsuk
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hyunsuk x fem reader x yoshi (?)
summary: you finally confront your boyfriend and get everything off your chest. how does it result into a break up?
genre: college au, break up au
word count: 3.8k+
warning: minor cussing, mention of anxiety, minor anxiety attack (passing out), mention of anxiety pills/meds, break up
note: the first sad fanfic i’ve ever written so i hope you enjoy :)
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You're trembling at the sight of the audience from backstage, basically the entire university is present. Having anxiety and dreaming of becoming a performer is obviously not the best combination, you always need to have your pills ready in case of an emergency. You're completely used to performing in front of your classmates and a large crowd but they opened the theater until every seat was filled, you can barely see the people in the back.
The only thing that keeps you going is your best friend, he's always front seat at your recitals and other performances. Even when Yoshi's not physically there to cheer you on, you know he's watching from a FaceTime call with your moms. You've been best friends since freshman orientation, you've even thought you would end up together but there was someone else that caught your eye -- your current boyfriend, Hyunsuk.
Most people suspect that Yoshi's your boyfriend because he's always seen around you, but you don't blame them, it logically makes sense. Even you sometimes feel like Yoshi treats you as more than just a best friend. Hyunsuk tends to be busy on weekends which is totally understandable, you just wish he'd make the time and effort to see you perform just once. He's never been to any of your performances or recitals, you wouldn't be surprised if he was unaware of them. Your moms are concerned for your relationship but you repeatedly remind them it's no big deal to you and he's just a busy guy.
"30 seconds," one of the backstage staff whispers passing by you. You mentally prepare yourself for your last performance of the year. 'I can do this.' Is all you repeat in your mind. The only way you can survive is by searching for your silver haired best friend in the audience and he'll give you all the encouragement you need.
"You’re up," the same person from earlier whispers from beside you. You take a deep breath in and out to slightly calm down the rollercoaster of nervousness mixed with puke in your stomach. You make your way on the stage and before the song starts, you don't hesitate to distinctively skim the first row. Your eyes stop near the middle as you see Yoshi with a big smile on his face. He gives you his iconic thumbs up of motivation and the song starts.
You sing your heart out to the audience but caught yourself looking at Yoshi a bit too often. Then again, he's the only one out there that came for you. Not even your moms could make it because of how close the performance is to the holidays.
You gather your belongings from the dressing room and speed walk out of the hall. Opening the door to the main hallway, Yoshi is leaning against the wall holding a box of chocolates. You run up to him as his arms open wide, ready for you to tackle him. Your bodies clash together, pulling him into a tight hug. His head nestles into your neck as he mumbles, "You killed it as always, (Y/n)."
"Only because of you. You know I can't do anything without you around," you giggle. You both pull away from the hug then he takes your bag away from you, slinging it over his shoulder.
"What? Am I like your lucky charm?" He jokes and you both laugh but in the back of your mind you take it seriously, he technically is. Whenever he's watching over the phone, you make the slightest mistakes and just pray the audience doesn't notice. His live presence is much more comforting to you. "These are for you. I know you hate flowers because you consider them a waste of space in your apartment." He hands you the box of chocolates -- your favorite box of chocolates.
"Thank you. I'll finish these tonight. Do you wanna go for some cheesecake?" Yoshi and you celebrate after every performance with food or if he's feeling generous, he takes you out to go shopping.
"Ooh, I can't. I'm going out with Asahi and Jihoon. I'll make it up to you tomorrow though."
"There's no need to make up for it, the chocolate's enough." The two of you don't always need to celebrate with food afterwards. Maybe going back to the apartment and spending the rest of the night with Hyunsuk will be better anyway.
"You don't need a ride home?" He asks as you make your way outside of the building.
"It's across the street, I can walk." Perks of living close to the university means saving cash for food.
"Alright, you be safe. And don't forget to take your anxiety meds once he get home," he orders, throwing your bag at you. You say your goodbyes then part ways.
You unlock the door to your apartment and while taking your shoes off, you see Hyunsuk's daily pair. It seems like he casually threw them onto the floor with no care in the world. You neatly place them in an available cubby and put your shoes away in their rightful spot.
You walk into your room to see Hyunsuk passed out across the bed. You clean out your bag, putting your belongings away where they belong. While getting dressed into your house clothes, you hear movement from outside the bathroom. Walking out of the bathroom, you throw your hair up into a ponytail.
"When did you get here?" Hyunsuk asks as you join him in the kitchen.
"Around 10 minutes ago? How long have you been home for?"
"I came here straight after school. Where were you?" He casually responds, grabbing a popsicle from the freezer. "Out with Yoshi again?" He asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice, but maybe you're just annoyed with the words that came out his mouth. It's obvious he doesn't listen to a word you say. He really had no idea about your performance? Also, what's the reason for bringing up Yoshi in that way?
"I had my monthly performance," you bluntly say. If he really had no clue, there's no way you'd be able to tolerate his ignorance. The list of things he does that piss you off keeps growing longer and longer.
"Since when do you have monthly performances?" Your eyes follow his body moving from the kitchen to the couch. The TV flickers on and you notice his interest beginning to fade away like in any conversation you've had in the past.
"Can you please turn the TV off when we're talking?" You order him like you're his mother. Does he have even the slightest drop of respect? He treats you like his sidepiece, like you're there to entertainment him whenever he feels like it.
"Don't worry, I'm still listening," he responds with his eyes glued to the TV. His eyes haven't met yours since you've arrived.
Hyunsuk is your first boyfriend. You were never the type to date before college because the only thing occupying your mind was school. Although you started off clueless in relationships, after being with Hyunsuk for a year, you eventually learned the attributes to a toxic relationship and how certain behaviors are formed.
In the beginning, it was never like this, Hyunsuk did anything and everything just to gain your attention for more than 20 seconds, trying to win you over every day. You loved playing hard to get with him, testing his limits. One day, you gave in to him and his constant courting. The two of you became the happy couple everyone aspires to be.
"But I don't want coffee today!" You whine and jump a bit in place to show how desperate you are. "Ice cream please."
"Fine, only because I love you." The word 'no' doesn't exist in his vocabulary, at least when it comes to you. He feels bad when he sees how disappointed you get when things don't go the way you want. You and Yoshi walk through the campus on your way to the ice cream parlor nearby.
Acting like a child is a natural instinct to you. You're the youngest in the family so you were babied the most and those behaviors never faded away. You enjoy your foot to stay in the squares, never touching the lines as you walk along the sidewalks. Yoshi found your actions interesting and would sometimes copy you when he felt like it, other times he'd watch you from behind as your pace quickens.
"Do it with me," you say. It was supposed to come out as an order but the baby side of you stopped yourself. You take Yoshi's hand in yours to line him up to your speed. As you hop over each line, Yoshi walks beside you looking like a loser. "You're so lame. You owe me two ice-"
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Hyunsuk chirps from beside you, cutting you off. Hyunsuk's been convincing you to let him take you on a date for too long. Every day it's the same thing, 'How does this weekend sound?' 'Just one date.' It's not that you didn't want to go out with him, you'd actually enjoy it very much. You just want to test his patience, see how long he can last, and to what extent he'll go to.
You let go of Yoshi's hand and bring your hands to the straps of your backpack. "Uh, hi?" You act totally uninterested. You like to see him stutter and think of ways for you to say more than four words at a time.
"Did you tell Yoshi you want two ice creams? I can buy you two ice cream cones, if that's what you want." If someone is willing to buy you more than one of any kind of food, you're not passing up on that opportunity. Hyunsuk willing to pay for the food just to win you over is quite worrisome though, it's a sign of easy manipulation.
"I guess," you keep your response short.
"It's okay, dude. I can buy for (Y/n)." Yoshi says from the other side of you. He may have not gotten the message that this was a test for Hyunsuk.
"I just got paid, paying for her ice cream won't hurt," Hyunsuk throws a sassy smile at Yoshi. Hyunsuk runs in front of you to get to the ice cream parlor before you and Yoshi.
"You really got him using his money for you, huh?"
"Yup! You know, he seems to like me a lot," you state the obvious.
"Really? Hm, I don't know. To me, it seems like he doesn't even want to be around you," he sarcastically says.
"I kind of like him now," you blurt out.
"A Hyunsuk confession to me? That's a shocker." He's known about who you felt about Hyunsuk for a few days now. He was neither happy nor upset about the news, he must've seen it coming. "What? Are you finally going to answer him today?" He laughs with no idea that you've already created a plan before today.
"Um, yeah." Yoshi stops in his track but you continue to walk, not caring if he gets left behind or not. "Can you walk? I have ice cream waiting for me."
"You're going to tell him? Today?" He sounds absolutely shocked. It's hard to tell whether it's because he's afraid you'd abandon him or maybe he'll feel bad if things don't work the way you'd want.
"Is that not what I just said?" You walk back over to him and wrap your arms together. "Now, let's go."
The two of you walk over to the ice cream parlor and Hyunsuk's already waiting at a table with your two ice cream cones in hand. Yoshi orders his ice cream while you sit with Hyunsuk. "Thanks," you say as he hands you both cones.
"Yeah, no problem. I remember you always had strawberry ice cream at uni so that's what I got you," he flashes a cute smile.
"Do you not have some for yourself?" You ask and he shakes his head. A frown forms on your face, it's unfair that he's bought you dessert but left himself empty-handed. You extend your arm out and force him to take your extra ice cream cone.
"Are you free this Saturday night?" You blurt our before taking a lick of your ice cream.
Hyunsuk's taken by surprise, you're never the one to initiate any conversation that demonstrates interest but you had a sudden burst of boldness. His eyes widen and he begins to stutter, "Oh. I- Well- It's a weekend- Uh-"
You cut him off, his stuttering's cute but you want a straight up answer, "If you're not free, just tell me. We can figure out another day."
"Thursday night?"
"It's a date."
The date is what initiated your relationship, it was a new beginning as a couple and for you as an individual. By the end of the date, Hyunsuk's impatient self had asked you to be his girlfriend and you proudly said yes.
You can't put your finger exactly on when your relationship went downhill, all you know is leading up to your one year anniversary, things changed.
Hyunsuk started off sweet, caring, a whore for your attention but turned into an unsupportive and distant boyfriend. He never takes you out on random dates, walks with you to school in the morning, and most importantly, you don't sleep in the same bed anymore and if you were, there'd be a line of pillows separating you. You're the only person putting in the effort nowadays and it's tiring.
You snatch the remote from beside him and turn off the TV. "What the hell? Give me back the remote!" He slightly raises his voice but it doesn't bother you. He's done it way too many times for it to have any sort of effect you.
"Oh? You want the remote back? Here, take it." You rip the batteries out from the back and slip them into your back pocket. Mercilessly, the remote is thrown onto the couch next to him.
"What the fuck was that for?" He yells yet again. His eyes meet yours for the first time, his eyebrows furrowed and face burning red.
"I can't take this anymore! I've been taking your shit for way too long. What happened to you the past few months, huh? You are a whole 'nother person. You're not the Hyunsuk I met in literature class my freshman year," I scoff. "The old you would do anything to see me, spend time with me. Please, just tel-"
"What do you expect? People change, (Y/n)! Do you want me to stay the same for the rest of my life?" He has a point, people change but never to the extent where they begin to lose interest in their girlfriend's life.
"I expect you to act like my boyfriend! You're never there for me. I'm always at your dance recitals and soccer games but never have you been to one of mine." Your vision becomes blurry because of your teary eyes. "I- I'm so fucking tired. Tired of- of having to look in the crowd and not see my boyfriend's face. Do you know how helpless I feel up on stage? You're supposed to be my number one supporter."
"You have never mentioned your performances before. How was I supposed to know?" This is his excuse? That's the fattest lie ever made on the planet.
"What do you mean?" You raise your voice. Your voice is very unstable and so is your mind, you could break at any second. "I've been bringing it up even before we started dating. I'd tell you every month, 'I have a performance next week. Do you want me to buy you a ticket?' You always have an excuse, it always has to do with work or going out with your friends. Do you just not have time for your girlfriend?"
"No! I don't! I have a social life and I need to pay the bills. All you do is go out with that stupid Yoshi boy!" He had absolutely no business bringing him into this. Is he using Yoshi as an excuse to ignore his own girlfriend?
"Pay the bills?" You quietly say to yourself before repeating it as loud as possible, "Pay the fucking bills? Your money goes straight to drinking with your friends. I am the only one paying the bills here. Me!" His head lowers down from embarrassment because he knows he's wrong. Yes, he makes money, but where does it all go? To food and drinks with his friends the night after earning it. It's a complete waste of money and a complete waste of your time. Because of how much money he spends, you end up working night and morning shifts to earn the money that he's responsible for paying off.
"And what the hell does Yoshi have to do with this? The only reason why the two of us are together so much is because he actually makes the effort to support me. He's my best friend and you're supposed to be my boyfriend. Instead of being a jealous brat, bringing up his name in an argument that has nothing to do with him, why don't you try to act your part?" You say all in one breath.
Just then, you break down into tears. You were holding it all in for too long that the pain and frustration hit you all at once, bringing you down into a ball of tears. Your breathing was obviously uneven as you were crying but it soon became hard to breathe. Hyunsuk stayed quiet the whole time, not knowing what to say or do. Was he supposed to comfort you or let you cry on the floor by yourself? After listening to your constant hiccuping and sobs continuing for god knows how long, he kneels in front of you.
Your cries were longer than usual and from the sound of his voice, he was concerned. "(Y/n)? Di- Did you take your pills when you got home?" You shake your head in response. This is why Yoshi is always there to remind you to take your pills, he knows you tend to forget at night.
"Okay." Hyunsuk disregards everything that's been said the past few minutes to focus on you and your health, "We're going to stand up and get you to the bed." He holds you up from your armpits, lifting you up from the floor. Once all of your weight is on your feet, nothing.
You see absolutely nothing. Pitch black.
You open your eyes to face the ceiling and stretch your arms and legs. "You're awake," a voice from beside you says.
"Yo- Yoshi. What are you doing here? What time is it? Where's Hyunsuk?" The questions flood out as you have a hard time remembering what happened to you.
"A lot of questions, huh? It's a bit past 9. Hyunsuk called me and told me about the fight you had and how you passed out. He didn't know how to handle you so he asked me to come over and help. He also didn't know how you'd feel if he was the first person you saw," he lets out a soft giggle at the end.
You forgot about your fight with Hyunsuk. Everything's coming back to you: The annoyance, the slight confusion of his words. You know if he were to walk through the door right now, you wouldn't hesitate to pounce him.
"You forgot to take your medicine when you got home, didn't you?" He breaks your train of thought. He knows you so well.
"Ho- How did you know?"
"Who's the one to call you at 7:40 every night to remind you?" He asks pulling out your phone to show you a missed call from him at exactly 7:40pm. Sometimes, you learn new things about yourself, like how high maintenance you are to the point where you need another person to remind you of what to do every single day.
"I didn't have to take my meds. I just shouldn't have went off on Hyunsuk, then this would've never happened."
Yoshi sighs and gently pats your head, "We both know it was bound to happen. There just needed to be something to trigger it." Again, he knows you so well, a bit too well.
"Can you bring him here? I want to finish my conversation from earlier." Maybe you won't pounce him, you have absolutely no energy for that. But you do need this weight to be lifted off of your shoulders.
"Only if you promise to not attack him or yell at him," he holds out his pinky. You connect your pinkies and do your quick handshake.
Yoshi leaves the room and shortly after, Hyunsuk walks through the door sending you a soft smile. You pat the spot next to you on the bed and he respectfully and quietly sits, waiting for you to say something.
"I think it's time," you softly say. You avoid eye contact with Hyunsuk because you knew if you were to look into his eyes, all it'd reflect is pain. Even though he wasn't the perfect boyfriend, maybe didn't even act like your boyfriend at all, he loves you and no matter how he acts, you both knew that. You never stopped loving him despite how many times he angered and tested you.
"Can we please try again? I swear I'll be the perfect boyfriend to you, (Y/n). I- I was thinking while you were asleep, looking back at the past few months. You put up with so much shit that you shouldn't have had to go through and I'm truly sorry. I want to make it up to you by making things right," he says with hope in his voice. "Please, (Y/n)." You look up at him, he genuinely is sorry. The regret and pain in his teary eyes are strong, no one could see past it.
You take a deep breath to quickly recollect your thoughts, "I'm sorry, Hyunsuk. I'm not happy in this relationship anymore. This could be the time to better ourselves." You keep it short, not wanting to hurt his feelings even more.
"I- I don't get a second chance?" A tear rolls down his face.
"I've given you more than just a second chance these past few months. Maybe in the future we'll have a chance to try again together." You still love Hyunsuk. There's no such thing as a perfect relationship, there's bound to be mistakes and obstacles in the way to drive you apart. If the two of you are truly meant to be then you'll meet again.
"Maybe," he softly says. "Or maybe it's Yoshi that should be given a chance."
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Tingling | Diego hargreeves x reader
Requested by @infinitelyforgotten who asked for: fluffy Diego where the reader dropped into 1963 with him. When he gets admitted to the psych-hospital the reader visits him everyday and promises to get him out (but even with her powers she can’t think of a way to spring him out-until Five shows up). Diego is so glad to be out to stop JFK’s assassination, but mostly so he can hug & kiss the reader again. Maybe when they (Five, Reader, Diego, and Lila) head to find Reginald, Diego dances with the reader and they get caught up in each other for a while before remembering their task.
Word count: 1369
Warnings: none!
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long!
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"Here to see Diego Hargreeves?"
You shot to your feet. "Here."
The orderly raised an eyebrow at you and said, "You're in here everyday, doll. Must be one hell of a guy."
You smiled, "He is."
He opened the door to reveal Diego sitting at a table, hair unruly and hanging over his eyes, wearing a white uniform.
"Y/n," he looked up and grinned at you. You sat down across from him.
"How are you?"
He shrugged. "No different from yesterday." He leaned in, "You got any new ideas for an escape plan?"
You shook your head sadly. "No. Unfortunately, air manipulation is kinda obvious. If they caught us, you'd be locked up even tighter, and they'd probably ship me off to some government facility for experiments." You shuddered.
Diego reached across the table and held your hand. "Hey, I won't let that happen."
You glanced up and stared into his eyes, deep brown pools conveying as much comfort as they could.
"No touching the patients!" The orderly by the door snapped.
Diego retracted his hand slowly, not wanting to stop the only physical contact you'd had in weeks.
You felt a tingle, like electricity, where he touched you.
"Any news on the others?" He asked.
"No, but I'll keep looking. They must be somewhere, right? They can't have just disappeared."
"Unless they're dead."
You gasped, "Diego!"
"What? Y/n, you have to consider all the possibilities."
You thought about crazy, flamboyant Klaus, sweet Vanya, kind Allison, wicked smart Five, Luther's leadership, even of Ben and his crazy book obsession. To imagine them gone seemed unthinkable.
"No. They're not gone, Diego."
"Y/n," he spoke softly. "I'm just trying to protect you. I want you to be prepared for the worst."
You shook your head and frowned. "If they were gone, I'd feel it."
"I'd know, Diego."
He didn't look convinced, but let it go.
"So, made any friends yet?" You teased.
He narrowed his eyes at you. "More than you."
You feigned an insulted expression, "How dare you! I am a delight."
He smirked, "Oh, I know you are."
Leaning forwards, you said, "Once you get out, I'm gonna show you just how much of a delight I can be."
His eyes lit up. "Is that a fact?"
"When have I ever lied to you?"
He tilted his head, "Well.."
"Time's up."
The man by the door's harsh voice put an abrupt end to your teasing. This was the worst part, leaving. You stood up solemnly and said, "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise."
Diego gave you a small nod. "Good."
You gave him one last tight smile before turning and leaving.
Diego's head was spinning. Five would be back. He would get out. Save the president. Be with y/n, really with her, not just sitting a couple feet apart.
Everything would be fine. It had to be.
The sound of gunshots brought him back to reality: being chased by three maniacs with Lila.
Once they finally made it outside, he collided with something- or rather, someone.
"Ow!" You cried.
Warm hands gripped your upper arms, "Y/n?"
You stared up at him, eyes shining brightly. "Fancy meeting you here."
Diego shook his head with exasperation and surprised you by grabbing your waist and crashing his lips onto yours. You shut your eyes and placed your hands on his chest, melting into the kiss.
"While this is lovely," An accented woman's voice interrupted your kiss, "We are currently being chased by some very scary men with very scary guns, so if we could maybe pick this up later.."
Diego shot her a glare, "Shut up, Lila."
She shrugged.
The doors burst open revealing three white-haired men who did in fact have very scary guns.
"Go," you said, turning to face them. "I go this"
"Y/n-" Diego started, but Lila yanked his arm saying, "Don't be an idiot. If she says she's got this then she's got this."
As they ran, he glanced back to see you raise your arms, causing a gust of wind to divert the bullets' path into a nearby car. He loved watching you use your powers, you were so graceful and your movements so fluid.
You threw the gunmen back, knocking the weapons from their hands and raced over to Diego and Lila, who was trying to jump start a car.
"That was cool," she commented, still focused on the wires in her hands.
"Thanks," you replied, breathing a little heavier than usual.
Diego kissed you. "What would I do without you?"
You pecked his nose, making him blush, "Probably die."
"Got it!" Lila cried as the car roared to life.
"I've never been to the Mexican consulate," you said, walking beside Diego, Five, and Lila into the stone building.
Diego raised his eyebrows, "Really? Why not?"
You bumped your shoulder into his. "Shut up."
Soft trumpet music was playing in the back round, and looking around the room, couldn't help but feel under-dressed in your simple purple dress.
As if sensing your discomfort, Diego leaned in and said, "Don't worry, you look beautiful." To Five, he said, "I don't see dad anywhere."
"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve."
You snorted, which earned a sharp look from Five. "Sorry, but it's a ridiculous title."
"That may be," Five said, "But trust me, nothing about them is ridiculous."
"So, what's the plan?" Diego asked, eyes still scanning the room.
"You and y/n stay down here. Lila and I will take the upstairs."
You heard him hiss quietly to Lila, "I want to keep an eye on you."
You frowned. What did that mean?
Diego distracted you by pulling you into the next room. "They're playing our song."
He pulled you close, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist and taking your hand gently in his. You placed your other palm on the back of his neck and felt the tingling again travel through your fingertips. He spun you, getting lost in the music, and ran his hands down your sides sending a shiver up your spine. You whirled around to face him again.
"Someone's got moves."
"One ever knows when dance will mean the difference between life and death,” he did a terrible impression of Reginald making you laugh brightly.
"You're an idiot."
He moved closer, so you were swaying more than dancing, and pressed your foreheads together.
"I love you."
You rubbed your nose gently against his, "I love you, too."
He suddenly dipped you, making you jump. You smirked and took a step back.
"Switch," you deadpanned.
You grabbed his waist and pulled him to you. "Just follow my lead."
He scoffed, but let you lead him.
Eventually, you reverted back to your initial roles and rested your head against his chest, tucked under his chin.
His fingers brushed a few loose strands of hair off your cheek, leaving a trail of electricity in their wake.
Suddenly, you felt a cold, heavy weight against your back.
"Mind if I cut in?" An unfamiliar voice shattered your peace. It belonged to a tanned, blond man who clearly spent way too much time on his hair.
Diego's gaze hardened and you felt his arm tighten around you, shifting you so the other man's hand dropped back down to his side.
"Yeah, I do. So back off."
The other man gave you a sneer and said, "Now, see, I wasn't really askin'."
When he took a step closer, Diego whipped out a knife faster than you'd ever seen him do before and held it to his throat.
"I said, back off."
The creep's eyes widened and he quickly fled.
Diego watched him go with dark eyes.
"Hey," you whispered, cupping his cheek. "You okay?"
He looked back at you and softened.
Wordlessly, Diego put his knife back in his belt and hugged you tightly.
"No one will every take me away from you, Diego." You reassured him quietly.
"Good." He murmured, his breath dancing lightly across your face.
And even as he rushed off in search of mom, that tingling feeling never left.
A/n: Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think and feel free to send me a request! :)
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kiralaufeyson84 · 3 years
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Love is a b*tch
Loki Laufeyson x Irene Scarlett fanfic
Fic by Kira
Summary: Irene never thought she'd enjoy the company of Loki. But after many dates, getting engaged and having sex while also planning the wedding, she realized that she loves his company more than she thought.
Warning(s): Language, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT KIDS), vaginal fingering, oral sex (male receiving), multiple orgasms, Daddy kink, master kink, breeding kink, fluff, light crackheadness (DON'T READ IF U R UNDER 18)
A/N: My first smut that I hope ain't a shit show- Lord have mercy on my poor soul-
Irene sat up in her shared bed with her fiance. She
glanced over at the clock and noticed it was 5:30 AM. Irene put her hands on her face and thought What the hell is wrong with me. Irene's been having recurring dreams about Loki and her after the wedding getting down and dirty. She then glanced over at her sleeping fiance and she smiled. She then started to play with his hair, carefully as to not wake him up. Irene then touched Loki's pale abs and bit her bottom lip.
"Take a picture, darling. It'll last longer," a gravelly
voice remarked with a smirk. Irene looked and noticed Loki was awake. Irene blushed and took her hands off Loki's abs.
"What's wrong, darling? Why are you up at this
ungodly hour?" Loki asked, a hint of concern in his voice. Irene shook her head and replied with "Nothing. Just a dream." Loki then moved closer to Irene and started kissing her neck. When Irene moaned slightly, Loki smirked against her skin. Irene whispered her fiance's name with pleasure. Loki continued.
"Loki, wait," Irene moaned softly. Loki lifted his
head and kissed his fiance's lips. Irene moaned into the kiss softly. Loki just groaned as he got harder. Irene's beautiful, tan body glistened in the pale moonlight of the night, peeking out from behind the curtains.
"I love you, pet," Loki growled softly as he bit Irene's bottom lip softly. Irene moaned and grabbed Loki's hair, weaving the soft, raven locks in her fingers.
Irene woke up from her trance and memory of her
and loki having sex this morning by Tony snapping his fingers and calling her name.
"Huh?" Irene asked. Tony replied with "I asked if you wanted any coffee." Irene nodded and said "Sorry. Loki and I woke up early and we um...Sort of…Nevermind." She then took a sip of her coffee. Loki walked in and smirked at Irene.
"Hello, darling," Loki purred to Irene. Irene smiled at her fiance. She then glanced at her engagement ring - a silver band with hints of gold with an emerald in the center. Loki's was the same color scheme except larger for his long, slender ring finger. Irene bit her lip thinking about what his fingers could do - both in public and in the bedroom. The thought made wetness and warmness shoot to her core, dampening her panties. Loki then sat by his fiance and put his arm around her. Irene had her hand on her panties, cupping her clothed sex. She blushed when Loki put his free hand under her panties and started to rub her clit. Irene then bit her lip.
"And on this note, I'll leave you two love birds
alone," Tony said as he grabbed his cup and walked off. Irene then moaned softly and Loki chuckled. He then inserted his middle finger in Irene's cunt. The goddess then tried to grip the table while biting her lip to quiet her moans and whimpers.
"Oh come on. Let your moans out, my darling little
pet," Loki cooed. He then nipped at Irene's ear and then whispered "My Lille Kanin (little rabbit)." That nickname was Irene's favorite because it riled her up inside. That made her even wetter as Loki added his pointer finger and thrusted his fingers in her wet cunt.
"God yes! Loki!" Irene moaned as she reached closer and closer to her orgasm.
"You're getting close. I can feel it," Loki growled. "Let go. Cum all over my fingers, Lille Kanin." And that she did. Irene came all over Loki's hand with a scream of Loki's name. Loki chuckled and kissed Irene. The goddess and god forgot about Irene's breakfast as Loki picked her up bridal style. The next thing Irene knew was that the two of them appeared in Loki's living quarters of the tower. Loki then threw Irene on the bed and, with a green glimmer, their clothes vanished and appeared on the ground. Loki then laid down by Irene. The goddess looked down and noticed Loki was hard. She drooled at the sight of her fiance's cock. Now, she's seen Loki's dick multiple times but it was so thick and veiny and perfect.
"I can see you eyeing my cock, little rabbit," Loki
purred. "If you want it so bad, beg. Beg to use it however you want. And maybe, master will allow you to do it." Irene then thought about what she wanted to do and then she did as she was told. Except she wanted to add a little spice to it.
"Please let me make you feel good daddy. I wanna
suck your cock and make you cum down my throat. Then I wanna ride your dick until you cum in me and I cum on your cock. I want you to fuck me until I can't walk in the morning. Please fuck me, daddy," Irene begged. Loki grabbed Irene's hair and passionately kissed her. Irene opened her mouth and let Loki's tongue in. The two of them then pulled back and Irene slowly went down to face her lover's hard dick. Pre-cum was dripping a bit from the tip. Irene smiled and kissed the penis face (or the tip of the cock- I need to stop watching Bad Moms-). Loki groaned a bit at Irene's action. Irene then put the cock in her mouth half way (so like 6 inches) and started sucking.
"Fuck. Such a good pet. Sucking her master's cock
perfectly. This never gets old. Don't - god damn - fucking stop," Loki groaned with pleasure. Irene went deeper but stopped at Loki's shaft. She then stroked at what was left and felt herself getting wetter. The goddess then made her hand go to rub her clit. Irene moaned against her fiance's cock. Loki grabbed Irene's hair tightly and tugged. Irene moaned a bit louder around Loki's dick and sucked faster.
"By gods you know how to suck my dick. That's it.
Good Lille Kanin," Loki moaned softly. He was getting close and Irene could feel it. That is until Loki pulled her off his cock.
"Wait, Daddy, you didn't cum down my throat,"
Irene whined a bit. Loki chuckled and purred "Oh no, darling pet. Because I want to cum in that pretty pussy of yours. Maybe even get you pregnant before we wed." Irene bit her lip at the thought of doing something so sinful. She wasn't any religion really but she still felt like she needed to consume holy water when she and Loki did anything "sinful".
"Let me ride you, daddy. Please," Irene begged.
Loki's breath hitched at the nickname/pet name. Loki nodded and Irene sat herself on Loki's cock, painfully yet beautifully slowly. Once she got fully seated, the 2 gods let out satisfied groans. Irene then started moving her hips slowly. Irene let out a quiet "Fuck~" as she moved. Loki's cold hands then met Irene's warm hips, making her go faster.
"God you're so tight," Loki groaned. Irene was
moaning in pleasure. She moaned curses and Loki's name as she drew closer and closer to climax. Loki smirked and growled "You look so pretty riding my cock, Lille Kanin." There was change in position when Loki put Irene on her back. Loki then thrusted into Irene at an inhuman like speed. Irene gripped the bedsheets and then scratched Loki's already scratched back.
"Oh fuck! Loki! Daddy!" Irene whimpered. Tears of
pleasure peaked at the corner of Irene's light lavender eyes. Loki kissed Irene passionately once more and groaned. Irene's moans got louder as the two broke the kiss. Irene then whimpered "Fuck! Loki, I'm so fucking close. Please let me cum. I gotta cum. Please. Loki please fucking make me cum!" Loki growled in Irene's ear "Cum on my fucking cock, pet. Do it. Cum with me. I command you." Loki and Irene's pants, moans and groans filled the room.
"Irene, if you don't cum in the next ten seconds,"
Loki growled. He got closer to her ear and growled deeply "you won't get to." And with that growl Irene came with a scream of Loki's name, Loki following only a few seconds later. The two of them stayed still, catching their breath. When the two caught their breath, Loki pulled out, leaving Irene feeling empty and leaving a bit of cum dripping from Irene's cunt.
"Are you ok, darling?" Loki asked as he turned to
face his woman. Irene smiled and looked at Loki with a reply of "I'm better than ok." Loki smiled and snuggled with Irene, kissing her head.
It was 2 in the afternoon when Tony approached
"Hey, Stark. What's-" Irene said. She noticed Tony blushing a bit.
"Next time you and Loki have sex, please do it quietly or at your place- Evryone heard you-" Tony told Irene. The goddess became red. Loki was walking past and heard. All he did was smirk as a reminder that he's proud of what happened.
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