#Can someone please make a video transcript for me I'm going back to bed
Been seeing a lot of shit about 'narcissists' on tiktok lately, framing them in a bad light and, whilst I have nothing against narcissists and I understand they're people just like us, the things they're describing on tiktok just seem like undiagnosed autistic people????
Take this one for example:
He starts with "I'm gonna butt into this conversation and make it about myself" and whilst that it something that can be annoying, neurodivergent people often engage and try to relate to conversation content by talking about themselves, we don't understand sometimes that it's rude.
Then it's the "sad story to tell" which is just the autistic thing of talking about certain things at apparently inappropriate times. I know it's something I personally have done a lot, almost exclusively for humour and I understand that sometimes it can genuinely be inappropriate so I'm working on that, but again, it's not because I think everything is about myself. I'm just trying to engage in the conversation and don't know how.
"Master of one-ups"? And we can just go back to the same point. Neurodivergent, and specifically autistic people try to engage in conversation and with other people by replying with something that relates back to us. If you feel like it's undermining you, ask us about it?? Ask we we do it, tell us what it feels like and more often than not, we'll attempt to find another way to communicate because I know that a lot of autistic people have a big fear of making people feel bad (from the autistic people I've met irl).
- side note, not everyone will find another way because that might take up too many spoons, but if they explain to you why they do that, it might stop feeling hurtful when you know that they are just trying to engage with and be friendly with you.
The next point is that they will "have a complaint about everything we order" and will complain that they "know a better spot" the entire time. Don't get me wrong, this can be a bit annoying, but autistic people are mostly notoriously picky eaters, mainly because of bad sensory experiences regarding mout texture, method of eating, temp difference, spicy stuff, and so on. So if you've taken them. Somewhere where every single food item is something they've not tried before, then they're gonna be a bit distressed because they don't know what food is a safe one to eat which is probably why the suggest another place.
Not because their palette is "more refined" than yours, they just know where to go where food is safe.
And this is something I've found can be applied to the apparent 'narcissistic parent abuse' thing, especially when it's neurodivergent kids on tiktok talking about it.
When I say this, that if you think you've suffered with this type of parent, I've no doubt that you struggled through your childhood and were emotionally/mentally abused and/or neglected. And what I am about to say doesn't at all excuse their behaviour, you can resent everything they've done as much as you want, but understanding why can be a bigger step towards healing.
I have seen many tiktoks and posts about these types of parents and I relate to every single one of them, but after spending a few years coming to understand my own autism, going through a traumatic experience with my mother, and evaluating a lot of my parental trauma at the same time, I can tell that many of the things she did were likely a result of undiagnosed neurodiversity, most likely autism and/or adhd because those two are both prevalent in our family.
Whilst sometimes I still do, I am in the process of trying to stop holding what she did against her, I know that she did and does love me an immense amount, she just struggles.
This is not to say we don't still get into massive arguments, and I don't absolutely despise her sometimes. But those moments pass and I no longer feel like I was unloved as a child, which is something I struggled with a lot, just that she was struggling to communicate with me as much as I was with her.
I'm not saying you have to forgive this parent, or even love them like I do mine, but at least try to get some perspective on it, and stop dragging narcissists through the mud, they don't deserve it, they're people like you and me.
Understand what has happened, resent them for it, sure, forgive them, don't forgive them, I don't care, but at least try and understand what happened but their perspective, look at their behaviours and see if you really think it was them being self-centred or simply just a lack of communication.
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marilostfieldblog · 9 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript starts inside what appears to be a hospital room, the camera in someone's jacket pocket as multiple people stand around in a room. Multiple beeps ring through the room before someone finally speaks.]
?: Do you think… Y'know. He'll wake up?
[Voice identified: Sarah.]
?: Maybe? I hope so.
[Voice identified: Ness Kylie Hoffson.]
S: Yeah same… Still do owe him an apology for the whole. Going missing thing.
?: Not really. Almost all of us kinda did that when you think about it.
[Voice identified: Mari.]
?: Yeah, I… he doesn’t exactly know that I’m… alive. So if– when. When he wakes up, that’ll be an awkward conversation that will have to be held pretty much immediately. I’m still mentally preparing myself for that.
[Voice identified: Edgar Elliot Pression.]
M: On the bright… Kinda bright side. We all kinda have to have awkward conversations with Henry. With my face looking like a cat scratch pad, Sarah being… Alive in general. Rose making peace with Eden I guess?
Ne: Excuse me. What?
E: Rose making what with who?
M: Yeah. She forgave Eden for what happened to her. Something about ‘moving on’ I'll show you the transcript later if you want.
E: [A long sigh.] Yeah, sure. Must’ve missed that one.
M: Made peace with Eden.
M: Dude I don't fuckin’ know. Talk to Rose about it.
E: PR is… weird. Any interaction with them is weird. You likely didn’t see the transcript where Cassius and I argued about hot dog buns for like, 15 minutes and then kissed as a diversion.
S: Ness. Don't you kinda work for PR part time now?
[Ness slowly looks over to Edgar. Scared.]
E: Neat, you can ask him about it when you see him again. [A short pause.] What? What’s with that look?
Ne: You aren't mad?
E: [With a small smile.] I’ve learned that sometimes things like this are better when you just accept them.
Ne: Oh. Uh ok…
M: We also have to probably tell him about the AI living in Rose's computer. So his little techy heart doesn't blow up.
E: I’m just hoping he doesn’t have a heart attack when he sees me.
M: Or… Any of us besides Ness.
[Edgar laughs quietly, glancing around the room.]
E: Yeah.
[The heart monitor in the room continues beeping, Ness looking at the head of the person in the hospital bed as the figure's arm moves slightly.]
M: Did his arm just move?
E: Huh? If it did, I’ll… take a step back. He’s your friend, you guys should be in front.
Ne: You’re also his friend y’know?
E: You guys have known each other for years! I’ve known him for a total of like, 3 months. You guys should get to talk to him first.
Ne: Bruh.
[The person's head slightly moves to the side, before one of the figure's legs stretches out and the person yawns a bit.]
Ne: Henry? Buddy you awake?
M: OI! You up dude?
[The person can barely be seen opening their eyes slowly, before looking at Ness.]
?: [Slowly.] N- Ness..?
[Voice identified: Henry.]
Ne: Yeah! Yeah it's me! I'm here!
[Henry slowly looks around the room, before stopping on Sarah. Sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.]
H: [Still slow.] Y- You…
S: Hey. Been a while huh?
H: Y- You're… alive..?
S: Yep. So are they.
[Sarah points at the camera and by extension Mari, who Henry slowly looks towards before turning almost as pale as a ghost.]
H: F- Face..!
M: Yea. It's a little fucked up, but I'm still alive!
S: [Quietly.] Barely.
H: Y- You all… You all here..?
Ne: Except Rose. Cuz she's still in the hospital somewhere.
H: T- The small ones?
Ne: Also here in the hospital.
H: T- That's goo-
[Henry looks towards where Edgar is standing, stopping everything. Before slowly looking back at Ness.]
H: Ness. P- Please call… D- Doctor.
Ne: Why?
H: I'm s- seeing. G- ghost.
E: [Softly.] Oh.
Ne: Edgar. Cover your ears if this is still something that upsets you?
E: I’ll be fine.
H: W- What?
Ne: So you know the show right?
H: O- one with… Jenby?
Ne: Yeah. Edgar didn't actually get… Shot. He got locked in a fucking closet with no way to talk to us or for us to talk to him.
H: O- Oh… S- So n- not a ghost..?
Ne: Nope! As human as the rest of us right Edgar?
E: Last time I checked, yep. Hey, man. Um… sorry.
H: D- don't… a- apologize.
E: … Alright. Welcome back, Henry.
H: H- Hi…
M: So how are you feeling?
H: Eepy.
M: Makes sense. Uh… Should we fully update you or just the semi to fully important stuff?
H: P- Please.
M: First. Edgar kissed Cassius.
H: D- Damn.
[Henry looks jokingly upset at Edgar.]
E: Why that first!?
M: Because it's funny.
E: God, fine. I guess it was a little funny.
S: He also apparently had gay sex twice?
H: D- Damn.
E: Ugh, I guess. I should probably throw in my stuff, too. I got home alone’d twice by a little blond kid named Kevin. Covered in feathers and glitter and whatnot.
H: W- What?
[Henry begins laughing, looking at Edgar.]
E: I know! It was fucking ridiculous!
H: A- anything else s- silly happen?
M: Adam taught Sparrow arson.
H: What.
E: There’s not much to it. He skittered over to Sparrow and taught them how to light shit on fire. I’m going to have to hide the lighters.
H: P- probably…
M: Oh! Cassidy is here. She got unmasked all that stuff.
H: N- Nice…
S: Is that all the… Stuff that won't piss him off or make him sad?
E: Does Nicholas dying count as silly.
H: Ha! B- Bitch. I- Is Eden… A- Also dead?
E: [Cringing.] Ooooh… right…
Ne: Nope but that… Crosses over into the other stuff. OH! You remember trickster?
H: T- The thing… P- Put into S- Sparrow? M- Made them… M- Mean?
Ne: Yeah. Sparrow made them chill out. Their name is Peony now and they live on Rose's computer.
[Henry's eyes light up with joy, looking at Ness.]
Ne: Yeah… So. Who wants to start the bad part of the reunion?
E: I could. Just need to figure out where to begin.
H: W- Will? W- Where's… W- will.
Ne: oh. Oh uh god. Alive. At the apartment. Blind. Long story.
H: J- Jesus…
E: Are we working backwards? If so, I’ll wait to share the closet stuff.
Ne: Going in random order.
E: So… should I?
Ne: Go ahead.
E: Well, uh… I’m hoping that showing you this [Edgar holds his left arm out, sleeve rolled up to reveal the many bite marks on it.] will be enough to fill you in on that.
H: F- Fuck… I- Christ.
E: Did what I had to. You… just barely missed the day I got out. A lot of other shit happened, but I’ll wait for the others to recap before I talk about that.
Ne: My kill count is officially 4.
H: …
E: I… forgot about that.
Ne: Yeah.
H: I- Innocent?
Ne: No… It was in self defense.
M: Rose made peace with Eden.
[Henry sits up, clenching his head.]
M: Yeah.
H: I… Ugh…
S: Mari lied to Showfall about killing me.
E: … Which I have now realized accidentally paralleled what happened with me.
M: OH. My bad. Sorry.
E: Don’t worry about it, how could you have known?
M: Yeah true.
S: The escape went… As well as it could have. I'll let Edgar fill you in on what he did.
E: [Grinning.] I set 7 parts of the mall on fire with molotovs. [The grin fades.] And… brought my kill count up to a number I’m very not proud of. Also, I’m down another rib.
H: I s- see…
E: It was… a very not fun day. Or… hm. Well…? Okay, never mind. Sorry.
M: Rose had a gun pointed at her head for 9 hours. While you did… Whatever so.
E: Fun and not fun. I finally got a small amount of revenge.
M: Yeah but you also missed Ruby fucking ragdolling Emi.
E: Aw, right… I forgot about that. Damn.
H: E- emi dead?
M: Yep. And the only person upset is… Rose for some… reason.
E: They were related. And… hm. I don’t know why else she’s upset, but I kinda get it.
H: Oh…
M: Anything else?
Ne: Henry knows I'm helping PR so nothing on my end.
E: … Speaking of PR, though… That shit with Nicholas. And the… [Edgar vaguely gestures to his back.]
M: Oh yeah… Nicholas remasked and branded Edgar.
[Henry begins coughing, having to lay back down.]
E: Don’t worry, I’m… okay-ish now. Just… a bit uncomfortable to feel on my skin.
M: We could cut it off.
E: NO.
E: Please refrain from cutting my skin off. Please and motherfucking thank you.
S: Hey guys, won't a bunch of doctor's be here soon?
E: … will they?
H: P- probably.
E: Shit, I’ve gotta skedaddle. Can’t be trapped in the damn hospital again.
Ne: Are we sure Rose isn't your birth daughter because fucking hell you two act alike.
E: I’m pretty sure she got it from me.
Ne: Yeah.
E: Bye!
[Edgar does a small salute to the group, and walks out the door of the room, turning a corner and immediately bumping into someone audibly.]
E: [Muffled.] Shit, sorry! I’ll be on my way, uh–
?: [Muffled.] SIR??? Oh my god, I’m going to need you to follow me!
E: [Muffled.] Wh– hey! No! Let go!
[His protests fade as he’s dragged off.]
Ne: Damn.
M: You give him the rope?
Ne: NO! It's still at Marina's old house. I was lying through my teeth for real.
M: Damn. Why?
M: Yeah that's fair.
H: Hm… C- Can I come back… T- To apartment with y'all?
Ne: Yeah probably. After some doctors clear you.
S: Speaking of leaving. Mari you really need to start leaving your phone at home.
M: Is it recording?
S: Yep.
[End transcript.]
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rosetheex-editor · 1 year
[Transcript start.]
[The video starts with a door opening. Someone can be heard sobbing, footsteps on carpet are heard. The footsteps are slow. Almost as if the person is worried, or being careful, or both. The footsteps stop, and the sound of a bed creaking can be heard as Ness sits down.]
Ness: Rose? Rose, are you okay? Listen, I'm really sorry.
Rose: g– go away.
[Rose stands up slowly. And she begins pacing back and forth, her footsteps and crutches making noise in unison on the floor. Ness' breathing picks up slightly, the next words sound shaky, Rose still crying as Ness speaks.]
Ness: R- okay, lis-
[The footsteps stop, and Rose falls to the floor. Screaming. Her tone full of desperation.]
Ness: Rose. You're right, I don't get it. But I want to help…
[Ness stands up, squeezing a water bottle while she walks over to Rose. She sits down on the floor, the camera points at Rose's face, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Ness hands her the bottle and Rose drinks the whole thing.]
Ness: Rose, listen I-
[Rose stops Ness again. Her next words come out shaky and quiet, tears streaming down her face. She puts her hands on Ness' shoulders.]
Rose: g– go. please.
Ness: No. I want to help you. Just let me help you, okay?
[Rose sobs even harder than before. Crying into her palms as Ness grabs the empty water bottle. Rose begins trying to speak, still shaky and quiet.]
Rose: why? ev– everyone that i meet… g– gets hurt.
Ness: I'm not scared of that! I'm gonna be your friend, because you're nice… like, really nice! And you’re funny, and interesting…
[Rose pushes Ness, causing her to shout in surprise, the camera jolting before getting back into focus. Rose is still sobbing. The tears streaming down both sides of her face. Rose continues screaming as Ness sits there.]
Ness: Rose–
[Rose tries to stand, falling to the floor. Ness grabs her to stop Rose's head from hitting the floor. The camera quickly moves around Ness setting Rose's head on the ground softly.]
Ness: Listen, Rose! I'm not leaving! If you're mad about that, then that's too damn bad!
[Ness stands up walking over to the water bottles in the closet. Grabbing two, Rose is still sobbing as Ness walks back handing Rose another water bottle. Before sitting back down, grabbing Rose's forearm.]
Ness: We’re friends… Even though we just met, I think you deserve friends! And I want to be friends. Rose, I want to help you through this.
Rose: you– but– i… th– thanks… i guess.
[Ness hugs Rose, at that time Rose starts crying into Ness' shoulder. The sound of sniffling can be heard, before the hug is broken. Rose looks directly at the camera, noticing the light.]
Rose: shit– the phone!
[End transcript.]
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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21st February >> (@Romereports) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis. Overwhelming testimonies of victims heard by Pope Francis and bishops. These are the transcripts of video testimonies from abuse victims. During the opening of the summit, the 190 participants watched them.
First Testimony (Man from South America)
First of all I want to thank the Commission for allowing me to address you today and the Holy Father for all the support and help he has given us in recent times.
They asked me to talk about the pain that comes from sexual abuse. Everyone knows that sexual abuse leaves tremendous consequences for everyone. I therefore believe that it is not worthwhile to continue to talk about this because the consequences are evident, in all aspects, and remains for the whole of life.
Instead I would like to speak about myself as a Catholic, of what happened to me and of what I would like to say to the bishops.
For a Catholic, the most difficult thing is to be able to speak about sexual abuse; but once you have taken courage and start telling - in our case, I speak of myself - the first thing I thought was: I'm going to tell everything to Holy Mother Church, where they will listen to me and respect me.
The first thing they did was to treat me as a liar, turn their backs and tell me that I, and others, were enemies of the Church. This pattern exists not only in Chile: it exists all over the world, and this must end.
I know that you are there talking as to how to end this phenomenon, how to prevent it from happening again, and how to remedy all this evil. First of all: false forgiveness, forced forgiveness does not work. Victims need to be believed, respected, cared for and healed. You need to repair what has been done to the victims, be close to them, believe them and accompany them.
You are the physicians of the soul and yet, with rare exceptions, you have been transformed - in some cases - into murderers of the soul, into murderers of the faith. What a terrible contradiction.
I wonder what does Jesus think? What does Mary think, when she sees that it is her own shepherds who betray their own little sheep?
I ask you, please collaborate with justice, because you have a special care for the victims, so that what is happening in Chile, that is, what the pope is doing in Chile, be it a repeated a model in other countries of the world.
We see the tip of the iceberg every day: although the Church says it's all over, cases continue to emerge: why? This is because it proceeds like when you are diagnosed with a tumour: you must treat the whole cancer, not just remove the tumour; so you need chemotherapy, radiotherapy, you need to have some treatment. It is not enough to remove the tumour and that's it.
I ask you to listen to what the Holy Father wants to do, not limiting yourself with a nod of ascent made with your head and then do something else. The only thing I ask of you - and I ask the Holy Spirit - to help restore that trust in the Church – that those who do not want to listen to the Holy Spirit and who want to continue to cover-up, leave the Church to give way to those who want to create a new Church, a renewed Church and a Church absolutely free from sexual abuse.
I entrust all this to the Virgin, to the Lord, so that all this becomes a reality. We cannot continue with this crime to cover the scourge of sexual abuse in the Church. I hope that the Lord and Mary will enlighten you and that, once and for all, we work with justice to remove this cancer from the Church, because it is destroying it. This is what the devil wants.
Thank you.
Second Testimony (Woman from Africa)
Q-What hurt you the most in life?
R- From the age of 15 I had sexual relations with a priest. This lasted for 13 years. I got pregnant three times and he made me have an abortion three times, quite simply because he did not want to use condoms or contraceptives.
At first I trusted him so much that I did not know he could abuse me. I was afraid of him, and every time I refused to have sex with him, he would beat me. Since I was completely dependent on him economically, I suffered all the humiliations he inflicted on me.
We had these relationships both in his home, in the village and in the diocesan reception center. In this relationship I did not have the right to have “boyfriends”; whenever I had one and he came to know about it, he would beat me up. This was the condition for helping me economically . He gave me everything I wanted, when I accepted to have sex; otherwise he would beat me.
Q- How did you deal with all these wounds and how do you feel now?
R- I feel I have a life destroyed. I have suffered so many humiliations in this relationship that I do not know what the future holds for me. This has caused me to be very cautious in my relationships, now.
D- What message do you want to pass to the bishops?
R- It must be said that to love, essentially is to love freely: when a person loves someone you think of their future, of their good. You cannot abuse a person this way. It must be said that priests and religious have a way of helping and at the same time also destroying: they have to behave like leaders, wise people.
D- Thank you very much.
Your contribution will be very significant for the Bishops' Meeting.
Thanks again.
Third testimony (Religious priest from Eastern Europe)
R- I am 53 years old, I am a religious priest. This year is the 25th year of my ordination. I am grateful to God. What hurt me? An encounter with a priest hurt me.
As a teenager, after my conversion, I went to the priest so he could teach me how to read Scriptures during Mass; and he touched my private parts. I spent a night in his bed. This hurt me deeply.
The other thing that hurt me was the bishop to whom, after many years, as an adult, I talked about the incident. I went to him together with my provincial. First, I wrote a letter to the bishop, six months later, I had a meeting with the priest. The bishop did not answer me, and after six months, I wrote to the nuncio. The nuncio reacted showing understanding. Then I met the bishop and he attacked me without trying to understand me, and this hurt me.
On the one hand the priest, and on the other, this bishop who .... What did I feel? I feel bad, because neither that priest, nor the bishop answered my letter, and it's been 8 years and he has not even answered.
What would I like to say to the bishops? That they listen to these people; that they learn to listen to the people who speak.
I wanted someone to listen to me, to know who that man is, that priest and what he does. I forgive that priest from the heart, and the bishop.
I thank God for the Church, I am grateful to be in the Church. I have many priest friends who have helped me.
Fourth testimony (Man from the United States)
I appreciate this outreach to survivors of clergy sexual abuse and I am happy to participate in this project.
What has wounded me the most? As I reflect on that question I think back to the total… to the full realization of the total loss of the innocence of my youth and how that has affected me today.
There’s still pain in my family relationships. There’s still pain with my siblings. I still carry pain. My parents still carry pain at the dysfunction, the betrayal, the manipulation that this bad man, who was our Catholic priest at the time, wrought upon my family and myself.
So that’s what has wounded me the most and what I carry with me today. I am doing well now because I have found hope and healing by telling my story, by sharing my story with my family, my wife and my children – my extended family – my friends, and because I can do that, I feel more comfortable with myself and how I can be myself.
Finally what I want to tell the bishops - I think that’s an excellent question: I would ask the bishops for leadership. Leadership and vision and courage. That’s what I respond to, that’s what I hope to see. I have a personal experience of leadership, and how it has affected me personally.
One of my finest memories of Francis Cardinal George is when he spoke about the difficulties of fellow priests who have abused, and I considered those words, coming from a man in his position, even though they must be really hard for him to say, they were the right and proper thing to say.
I thought that was leadership at the time, and I think it’s leadership now. And I thought if he could put himself out there, and lead by example, then I could put myself out there and I think other survivors and other Catholics and faithful people can put themselves out there, to work for resolution, and work for healing, and work for a better Church.
So we respond to leadership, we look to our bishops for leadership, I would ask the bishops to show leadership.
Thank you.
Fifth Testimony (Man from Asia)
I have been sexually molested for long time, over a hundred times, and this sexual molestation has created traumas and flashbacks all across my life.
It’s difficult to live life, it’s difficult to be with people, to get connected with people. I carried an attitude for my family, for my friends and even for God.
Every time I have spoken to the Provincials and to the Major Superiors, they have all practically covered every issue, covered the perpetrators and that kills me sometimes.
It’s been a long time that I have been fighting this battle… and most of the Superiors either because of the friendship are unable to build a catch.
I’ll request the Provincials as well as the Major Superiors and the Bishops sitting in this audience to make strong acts which really put the perpetrator into place. If we want to save the Church, I think the perpetrators need to be given…
I’ll request the Bishops to get their act clear because this is one of the time bombs happening in the Church of Asia. If you want to save the Church, we need to put our act together and get the perpetrators to book. We should not have friendship over here but it is the act, because this act will destroy our whole generations of children. As Jesus always said, we need to be child-like not to be child sexual molesters.
0 notes
marilostfieldblog · 11 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The video begins from someone's front shirt pocket as they run up to a door causing the camera to be blurry, as they open the door someone's hand points in the direction of a room. The person runs to that room slowly opening the door.]
?: Ok A… I'm here!
[Voice identified: Mari.]
[There is no verbal response, aside from a rasping, hoarse wheeze]
M: Shit- Thumbs up or down can I get near you?
[A thumb shoots out, pointing downwards. There are droplets of blood leading in that direction.]
M: Ok… That makes this really tough. Thumbs up or down is it because you're scared you're gonna hurt me?
[A repeat of the previous action, albeit more shaky]
M: Well buddy… I hate to say this… Can't really help if I can't get close.
[Mari begins slowly walking forward, each step takes a second of thought before planting down on the ground.]
[There's a retching sound, and a splatter of something that sounds..a bit too solid.]
M: FUCKIN' HELL! What did they do to you…
?: F-f-fi-ine.
[Voice Unidentified. Please try again.]
[The voice is hoarse, scratchy and sounds horrible.]
M: We both know you aren't fine… But I'm going to help, ok? Just… Let me think.
[Mari begins walking around the room looking for anything to help the person, They stop after roughly two minutes and kick something just out of frame.]
M: No offense but you are staying with the resident showfall murder group. Would it kill you to have ONE KNIFE.
[A hand pops out again, pointing at something, near a plain bed.]
M: Oh-
[Mari walks over to the bed, before looking around and finding something and pulling it into frame. A knife.]
[There's another heave from the figure]
M: Ok, A… I'm gonna need you to try and help me here, lord knows I don't know alot about these masks.
[A thumbs up.]
[Mari slowly begins walking toward A, once again thinking about where to step.]
M: Ok so basically… Just hit me in the arm if I do something dumb.
[The figure, presumably A, makes a small noise of indication]
M: Hm?
A: R-igh-ht.
M: Just breathe.
[Mari grabs their phone, seemingly noticing the transcript light.]
M: You know what? If you're gonna record everything I fuckin' do. You can at least be useful.
[Mari uses the phone as a flashlight to get a good look at the wires.]
[The wires, once not visible by the remains of his mask, are now creeping alongside the exposed flesh. The metal appears to have pierced certain areas of flesh, others making their way down to their throat. These ones appear to be more bloody than the others, and more inflamed, like someone was pulling at them; and some are successfully loose.]
M: Jesus christ… Ok which ones should I y'know… Cut first.
[The figure loosely gestures at its face]
M: Got it.
[Mari begins slowly cutting the wires around the figures face, using one hand to hold the phone the other to cut. Each wire breaks with a snap.]
M: Am I doing good?
[The Archivist shrugs, grasping at his jacket roughly.]
M: Don't worry… You'll be back to yourself in a jif- moment.
[Mari mutters to themselves just quietly enough where they can't be heard. As they continue cutting wires.]
M: You sure I'm not hurting you?
[A makes a 50/50 motion with its hand]
[Mari continues cutting until one of the wires falls close enough to their hand, shocking them and causing them to fall to the floor.]
[The other figure quickly boots the wire out of the way of harm, into a corner. They gesture towards Mari, with a thumbs up]
M: Thanks…
[Mari slowly gets up, grabbing the knife and walking back over to A. before cutting the wires once more.]
M: I'm hoping sparrow is gonna be ok… I know they don't like being alone for long.
A: H-hurry?
[The Archivist, with their visible eye, winces as they speak]
M: What's wrong? Why do I need to hurry?
A: S-sparr-ow?
M: Right! sorry.
[Mari returns to cutting the wires now at a slightly faster pace.]
[The archivist lets out a strained yell once they move onto the wires in his throat, eye scrunched in pain]
M: Shit was that bad?
[It reacts with a thumbs up]
M: Shit- Ok um… Fuck… I can't get the mask off… if i don't cut those wires…
[Mari stops to think. Putting the phone back in their front shirt pocket.]
[The figure opposite them tries to gently pull at a wire, before jolting and stopping]
M: A… I'm so sorry… This is gonna hurt.
[The Archivist tilts its head, confused]
M: I hope you can forgive me…
[Mari grabs the mask from the top and begins pulling at it, as A begins screaming bloody murder. Mari puts the other hand on the top to continue pulling it off.]
[The sound of wires snapping, as blood begins sputtering out of the sides of the figures face. Flesh being torn with the mask.]
[The mask finally is removed as Mari falls to the floor, the camera falling in a way that the mask is visible. Wires and flesh surround the sides and inside the mask, is one eye.]
[With the camera's view, comes the first appearance of A's concealed face. The remaining skin is completely covered in electrical burns and cuts, with bits of flesh and muscle missing here and there. Its usually concealed, eyeball is now missing, leaving a bloody socket and optic nerve still intact.]
M: Shit… A are you ok?
[The Archivist is shaking, racked with sobbing as he grabs at the side of their face]
M: I'm sorry I had to do that…
[Mari slowly stands up, handing a jacket to the figure as they do.]
M: Here… Stole it from some store in the mall..
[His hand shoots out, grabbing the jacket and pressing it to its face]
M: Sorry about that… Genuinely.
A: Ca-ant.. see.
M: Just breathe… We gotta clean that eye…
[Mari begins looking for water, clean out the eye socket. As heard by the footsteps.]
[The Archivist's labored crying is still audible, with it clutching his face.]
M: Archivist… I'm genuinely sorry I had to do that… I couldn't think of anything else.
[There's a little nod from the figure, but no words are spoken]
M: Can I get you anything?
A: u-uhm…band..ages?..
M: Got it… Where are those?
A: T-table..me-medkit.
[His words are strung out, and forced.]
M: Yep.
[Mari walks over and can be heard grabbing the medkit, at this point the camera shuts off due to critical low battery. The rest of the transcript is audio only.]
M: Here.
A: T..thank..yo-u..
[Mari can be heard hitting the ground with a thud, A can be heard gasping as the phone battery dies.]
[Transcript error! Phone battery death: automatically ending.]
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