#Can You Get A Refund On Cash App
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: It’s not the usual suspects trying to summon the undead this time, and it’s proving to be a massive headache for John Constantine. They seem...Competent. 
When John sniffed out a new plot to summon a ghost, he kind of laughed it off. Ghosts were not more than shades of the people/creatures they used to be, without all the right resources and enough buy in from the greater spirits of the Infinite Realms, most entities that came thought might scare some kids at a slumber party but that was at most. Plus, kids were scary resilient these days thanks to the internet, so really, John’s not worried. 
Then he hears about the gathering of artifacts and he has to care a little more. He learns that one Jasmine Fenton is involved and he’s... Surprised. She’s got a public record of dismissing her parent’s inventions and causing stirs at supernatural conventions (not to mention a great reputation as a research focused psychologist). Jasmine’s credit cards report a great deal of cash (refunded to her account by an unknown off-shore account) being taken out and her location is right next to the last place anyone could find a shard of the Crown. 
Yeah, that Crown. The Infinite, ancient blessed and deity cursed one. John had meant to get around to investigating if the shard of obsidian (fire forged) was legit, so he begins to set his sights on Jasmine for a ‘chat’. 
Then Sam Manson, a scary ass Heiress, pulls up in a limousine and all but kidnaps him and dumps him outside city limits. She tells him that he’s been cursed for the next 48 hours to stay out of their city- If he comes close, any plant will identify him in a heartbeat and come to life to kill him. (Fun fact: there are a goddamn lot of plants surrounding this stupid town, even the dandelions are forging knives to kill him.)
THEN worse, Red Robin gets on his ass about cybersecurity of all things. Turns out another player, identified by the moniker TooFineTooFurious has been tracking John’s phone and has been rummaging around official JLD documents- How was John supposed to know that keeping his passwords on the notes app could be hackable? Red Robin declares him incompetent and John can only sigh, crush his phone and move on. 
That all leads him to the summoning portal in front of him in this weird ghost themed high school gymnasium. It’s far too competent. It gives him goosebumps even before he can read out that they’re summoning the King of the Infinite Realms himself. John clicks the panic alarm on his JL communicator before engaging with the Trio before him. 
They’re not wearing any capes, no candles are lit, but this is the scariest cult he’s ever seen. Jasmine Fenton, ghost denier, Sam Manson, Heiress and Plant Witch (?), Some other dude with a beret and fucking DRONES (he considers this might be the man who hacked him). John pleads with them, they don’t know what they’re trying to do. Pariah Dark will kill them all, eat their entire planet for breakfast!! Everyone rolls their eyerolls at him, and he’s taken aback by their nonchalance. 
Plant guards grab him and a drone has a laser sight on his forehead. He fights but is subdued- They’re almost done chanting when Superman, Green Lantern, Red Robin and Cyborg all appear. Despite their disruption- the chanting ends with the green illumination of the circle. Despair fills the air. 
And then- Poof- a groaning young man appears. 
“Dudes you have no idea how unhelpful the Infi-map is sometimes. I was lost for like weeks and CW was being such a bitch ab- What. Wait, who are all- Holy shit did you guys summon the Justice League?” The Ghost King in full Regalia stared back at them in questioning concern. The three summoners start bitching  at the monarch and John... isn’t sure if this is going to be an interdimensional incident yet. 
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rene-darling · 1 month
Jjk men redflags
These aren't all original I was inspired by some TikTok's I saw as well as some comments,
Toji, does not believe in nor agrees with signing a prenup, "if you loved me you won't make me sign it," "babe-, who even does prenups nowadays" "your acting like you're all high and mighty, and above me- not just in bed, but as a person jus cuh you got a couple more doller bills then me-"
Gojo, will make you sign a prenup, it's like he doesn't trust you, trips up little kids.
Sukuna, himself. He's him, doesn't believe in abortion. Says the only way to get rid of it is to stab oneself in the stomach with a katana.
Itadori, nothing. Complains if you don't have a fat ass, has definitely brought up you getting plastic surgery to "fatten it up" best to shut him up quick.
Toji, doesn't believe in spending money on dates, thinks it should be 50/50, his idea of a romantic walk is taking a nice long walk through the hood,
Toji, you can definitely hear gun shots outside his 'house' lives in a hut best compared to where denji from chainsaw man lives. Calls it his man cave
Sukuna, if you call him your hubby for fun he denies it and gets mad "so you don't want to get married" "stop putting words in my mouth woman" "oh! So you do wanna get married!!"
Toji, calls you "shawty bae", your name in his phone (that you got him) gotta be smth like "suger hoe" "the one with the money"
Gojo, your name in his contacts is "number 50?" On what's app it's "the 5th one I met at the ______"
Gojo, has pictures of himself and geto all over his house, has a big portrait of himself right above his bed so he can fall asleep looking at it
Sukuna, refutes technology, likes it the old fashioned way, does not know how to use a phone, thought yours was a bomb when it rang the first time so he broke it.
Toji, snores really I mean really loudly, dad snores frl.
Sukuna, wakes up like a vampire from their coffins.
Toji,you propose and first things he asks is "Is that a real diamond?" Later in the week you get a call from the diamond place that someone's tryna get a cash refund on the ring
Gojo, he wants you to spend, spend and spend money on him like he isn't rich, he's not giving princess treatment he wants it, baby him. This grown ahh almost 30 year old
Gojo, doesn't agree with commitment. Your relationship is best described as a 10 year long situation ship. You'll have to propose one day cuh he won't. "I'm still young-" "you're 30."
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finndeservesbetter · 2 years
Hey so I know I’m not on here much anymore but I need help and this is literally the only place I have a half decent reach at.
I’ve been struggling financially for about 6 months now but I’ve been trying my best not to ask for help, but last month I had a medical scare (I know most people go into specifics but honestly it was pretty scary and I’d rather keep the details to friends and family and others I trust) that thankfully doesn’t seem to be too urgent yet, but I have to go in for at least two more check ups and depending on what the doctors decide is wrong with me exactly and what my insurance will cover, I might need at least 500 dollars to cover all of this.
On top of that I did my taxes and found out I owe the government money /112 dollars I think/ for the first time ever apparently which really put me in a terrible mental space for a while since I usually get refunds, or at LEAST not owe anything.
Since it’s Black History month I’m hoping if any of you can spare the money to send some my way, I was hoping with a new year my financial struggles would finally ease up a bit but things have only gotten worse and it’s exhausting living pay check to pay check and worrying that your health will possibly only make things worse in the near future. If you can spare anything at all I’d be incredibly grateful.
Cash App
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rose-milkteaa · 9 months
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Took me almost a whole 3 months but I did it. Anyway, commissions are OPEN.
Anyways, let’s get into the prices and what I do/do not do.
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• I will NOT draw anything NSFW. This blog is clearly and strictly SFW.
• I will not draw any tickle kinks.
• This is the rest that I’ll not do/will do.
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• I only take payments through cash app! I will ask you to pay me first before I get started on the drawing.
• I’ll send a picture of the sketch so you can ask me to change anything about it or if I huh forgot anything.
• Please make sure you’re 100% SURE you want to buy a commission. If you ask for a refund while I am either sketching, doing the lineart, etc. I am required to keep half of the money you have originally sent me for the commission. Please be very sure if you want to buy a commission.
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Basic lineart
• Bust: $10
• Half Body: $15
• Full Body: $20
This is what my basic lineart looks like:
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Flat Color
• Bust: $15
• Half Body: $20
• Full Body: $25
This is what my flat coloring looks like:
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Colors + Shading
• Bust: $20
• Half Body: $30
• Full Body: $35
This is what my full shade looks like:
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• If you want to add another character to the art, the prices are the same as the ones above.
• Backgrounds will be an additional $5.00-$10.00 depending on the difficulty or time I take on it.
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• If you use the commission for the following:
Profile picture
Tumblr thumbnail
Any other site, etc.
Then please credit me and/or @ my tumblr account.
• I will ask for your permission if I can post the commission on any website. Tumblr, instagram, etc. I won’t do anything without your permission first.
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lordfreg · 2 months
Commission Information!
Are you looking for a NEW PROFILE PICTURE? a CUSTOM DESIGN? BOOK CHARACTER that you just simply haven't been able to draw? I AM HERE FOR YOU!
Of course, there are some RULES;
NO FORM OF racism, pedophilia (includes problematic ships), Nazism, politics, NSFW (straight up porn), tcest (turtle incest), ect.
NO rushing, hustling and/or pressuring the art or artist into hurrying/doing something they are uncomfortable with
NO delayed payments, late payments and/or taking the sketch and trying to refund the art work
also NO REFUNDS; sorry, but these are extremely cheap for the amount of work I put into this, so if you are unsatisfied, you can commission again.
there will be ONLY FULL RENDERED pieces, because the sketch will automatically be included in the purchase.
there will be NO DISCOUNTS/HALF PRICES/PRICES OFF for any followers/friends. i dont hate you, i simply must be consistent for each customer.
PAYMENT UPFRONT. to prevent art theft.
here are some GUIDELINES;
GORE must be minimal and/or representative (that means no suggestive poses with gore and/or fetishism of gore; or is used to represent emotions)
OC/CHARACTERS are completely fine; please send me any/all references of them.
BE SPECIFIC about what you would like for me, i am autistic and I would prefer to give you something you like. Examples are sending a pose, the frame (circle or square), and weather or not you want it transparent
SUGGESTIVE POSES/ACTIONS are fine, as long as it isn't straight up porn and/or fetishism
SHIPS are fine as well, but I have every right not to accept and deny your request. (I will always do this privately, and I will never put you on blast and I am always grateful for any/all support)
OC (/SELF INSERT) x CANNON ships are encouraged and completely acceptable as long as they aren't problematic/pedophilic
↬ the written characters are NOT AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW
I will request a face claim/mood board to gauge what your character looks like
I will request specific outfits
I will ask for details about the character to better understand how to draw them (wrinkles, skin texture, freckles, etc.)
↬ turn around sheets are NOT AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW
I will ask about clothes, body type, weapons, patterns and other markers. Please have everything you'd like to have in the message.
You must specify on WHAT KIND OF REFERENCE SHEET you would like. (i.e. alt clothes, main body and 2 emotions, full turn around, half turn, etc.)
now, let's start with some PRICES;
FULL BODY is $25.00 USD
HALF BODY is $12.50 USD
↬ if you want any pride flags/background please send me a picture! and specify what kind of frame you'd like (i.e. square for tumblr, circle for insta, etc.), and any emotion you'd like (anger, fear, happy, etc.)!
FULL BODY is $30.00 USD
HALF BODY is $15.00 USD
HEAD SHOT is $7.50 USD
HALF TURN (3 angles) is $25.50 USD
OUTFIT CHANGE (3 outfits) is $12.75 USD
FOR 25₵ MORE you can get a SMALL EDIT of your art (yes, an edit with music/capcut)!
FOR $1 MORE you can get rid of my WATERMARK. this means you can REPOST/EDIT/TRANSLATE my art WITHOUT CREDIT!
↬ HOWEVER, i do NOT CONSENT to MY ART being posted without credit on ANY OTHER PLATFORMS WITHOUT THIS ADD ON or the OKAY from me!
FOR $3 MORE you can have the TIME LAPS VIDEO/SPEED PAINT of your commission!
↬ you can also tack on another 25₵ (making this $3.25) for a video with music! please tell me what song you'd like and how long the video should be!
my discord is lordfreg
tumblr DMs (though I get notifications late)
Instagram DMs
Cash App
↬ HEY! this is an 18 PLUS PATREON! it is 18+ because there are descriptions of NSFW TOPICS; gore, sex, mental illness, etc.) IT DOESNT MATTER HOW RICH YOU ARE, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS SPACE!
↬ Nothing yet!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
mvm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best day of the week:)))) could i please get some rockstar!james maybe it’s r first time touring and he’s just so excited to show them everything and introduce them to everyone and take them to all the places but after like two days r is exhausted and he feels so bad so they have a day in together 🥹🥹
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
James is pacing, actually pacing with excitement, phone clutched in his hand as he walks past the end of your bed.
"-then after lunch we'll go to the art museum, it's just down a block from our restaurant. And afterwards at about 3PM, there's gonna be a karaoke event at this cafe I found, so I figured that would be fun, and-"
You nod along to each item on your itinerary, but you're exhausted. Spending time with James is fun no matter what you're doing, but right now, napping with him sounds best. You'll barely be able to muster up the energy to fill out this crazy checklist of his, but he's excited to share his time with you, and you'd feel awful not returning the enthusiasm. You let a yawn slip from your mouth, trying not to sigh too hard as you raise your hand to cover the expression.
"-when karaoke's done, we can head over to-" James glances up from the notes app of his phone where he's laid out your schedule, watching as you shut your mouth, eyes slightly teary from the yawn, "Uh- darling, are you tired?"
"A bit," You nod, voice scratchy with a plea for sleep, "Go ahead, Jamie."
He makes his decision in a split second, locking his phone and leaving it on the dresser as he heads for the bed.
"No, it's alright," He hums, pulling back the covers to slide beneath them, "Let's have a rest."
"There's no time," You lament, "Don't we have to be to the amusement park by 9 AM?"
"Our passes are refundable," James lies through his teeth, mourning the loss of his cash, "It's alright, darling, you need rest. I've been dragging you around quite a lot, haven't I?"
"No, James-" You start, but he shushes you with a single shake of his head.
"Rest, love." He urges, burrowing under the covers himself and relishing in the feeling of relaxation that he didn't know he needed, "We can order lunch in, and karaoke isn't important. I'm a bloody rockstar, for fuck's sake, I can sing whenever I want."
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im-thirst-trapped · 3 months
Hey! 💜 I think its finally time to put myself to the hounds ~ I'm doing voice things and might as well put it to use 💜 The worms of capital have finally struck since I'm struggling to find work and my income is fairly low, so its time to do what I can Feel Free to DM directly for this use; My price is $2/min I'll say just about whatever you want, I'll refund you if I refuse ~ My cash app is $majkill Send me a script or a prompt and I'll run with it ~ I'll send a short demo first before I'll ask for anything, just to make sure you're getting what you're asking for.
If you're doing anything commercially with it then we'll need to talk more about it 💜 Thanks for helping out ~ even if its just a reblog to get out the word Tips are also appreciated
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
I'm finally getting seen by specialist for my left wrist today. It was a July appointment, but someone cancelled and I got the slot.
But...we may not have enough fuel for my appointment to get my lungs looked at. My asthma has been been pretty back for the last several weeks and steroid treatment hasn't need effective.
Please help. Even $5 can make a difference. For donations on ko-fi, please use PayPal. The money is immediately available. You can also donate directly through PayPal, but you must mark it as a gift or I will have to refund it.
Thank you!
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soapshippingyaoi · 3 months
im new to this, and so i might be a little .. stupid when it comes to posting on here but hai!! my name is maverick, and i'm turning to every platform ever, asking for some help! i need to pay for college because it's way, way more that i expected, and i need to get out of my household! i think i've set these pretty low so that anyone can buy them, but honestly... any help is accepted!!
throughout this post i'll include examples of my art ^^
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while prices depend on the complexity of a character, my base prices are: 
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 headshot; which is just the head of the character, and will typically be rendered completely: $5 
 bust — from the shoulder to the bottom of chest; $10 
 half body (waist-up); $15 
 half body (thigh-up); $25 
 fullbody (including feet); $30! 
 doodle page, traditional or digital; $5! 
 ref sheet; $45! 
more complex designs will be charged extra, as well as props! just ask in advance!
i take payment through cash app mostly, but also, i recently opened a ko-fi account, though i’m not as experienced with that! if through cash app, i’ll take half payment before i start drawing, and then once i send a finished version, i’ll take the rest of the payment!
the wip will be heavily watermarked to stop art theft, and the finished will have a small watermark.
if through ko-fi, i’m afraid i can only take the full payment upfront. no refunds after paying! 
 what i can draw: 
humans / humanoids 
favorite characters 
suggestive art (ish?)
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 what i can’t draw:
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please help! any support is heavily accepted! my dms are open or you can message me on disc at @/zweigracket or twitter @/farleighisms !! https://ko-fi.com/zweigracket
thank you for all your help!
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zerger33 · 1 year
Hello! I'm a trans girl currently in need of some extra cash to deal with medical bills as well as to save up some money for some other personal things. Figured I might do what I do best to get that! So, I'll be opening up commissions!
What will you write?
I'll write most things, though currently, I'm best known for my Pokemon stuff. However, I'm willing to try my hand at most things. I'll write OC, Fanfiction, or original stories of most genres. I'm mostly good at Romance, Angst, and Horror, but I'm willing to try my hand at whatever.
For OC or original stories (Or even fanfiction for fandoms I don't know.) I will ask for descriptions of the characters, as well as their personalities and backstories, as well as some references for how they act. Whether these references are art, videos, audio, or other writings, any references help a ton!
So, what won't you write?
Explicit NSFW: While this may change in the future, as of now, I will not be doing anything explicitly NSFW. Steamy romance and mildly horny scenes are fine, and so are fade to blacks, but I will not do anything directly explicit.
Extreme gore: As much as I'll do gore, I have my limits, and if it's enough viscera to make a slasher film, that is far too much.
Anything that is Racist/anti-Semitic/anti-LGBT/Hate speech: Anything that fits into this general area is by far a no-go for very obvious reasons.
Fanfiction of real people
Incest or Minor/adult romance: No exceptions.
Do you have examples of your work?
Yes indeed! My AO3 has all my references, so if you want to see how my writing looks you can see there. You may also find some of my writing under the "#Writing stuff" tag!
What are the prices?
It'll be 15 USD for 1k words and an extra 10 dollars for every thousand after that.
I will do up to 5000 words!
Payment will be through either PayPal or Cash App.
How does it all work?
First, you send me a Tumblr PM and we discuss what exactly you want for a story. Then I'll send you a rough outline, after which you'll pay half, and I get to writing.
After I finish, I'll send you a small preview of the final product. After you pay the second half, I'll send you the .docx and .pdf files of the commission and do small tweaks and fixes as needed at the end.
Anything else I should know?
Please keep in mind that writing can take time, and while I will try to get you the commission ASAP, stuff sometimes gets in the way. I will keep you informed on progress as best I can.
Also, I can and will decline any commissions for any reason, and if I have started working on it when these reasons come up, you will be fully refunded.
With that, you have all you need to know! I hope to hear from some of you soon!
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Hello everyone! I know it has been a while, but I hope you are all well.
I’m happy to be here with everyone, but I have an ulterior motive (and I apologize for this being my comeback post). Recently, there was a fire in my sister’s neighborhood and it spread to her house.
Why is this important?
Due to the fire spreading, my sister’s house took a lot of damage. With damage comes (expensive!!) costs to repair the building and replace furniture. Fortunately, no one was in the house at the time of the fire and my sister is safe.
To help my sister out, I am opening commissions where all profits go to her. As long as the rules are followed, I will be writing something personal for you! Down below, my rules, what I refuse to write, fandoms I write for, what I will write, and costs.
Here is the link to our Cash App for all purchases or donations. - Pay $LittleButterflyWrites
Note: Anyone who has made a request before the date of me posting this (07/02/2024) will get their requests free of charge as originally intended before my unannounced hiatus.
This is available until July 30th, (07/30/2024), so please act fast since I'm not sure if I'll open them again! Read more if you're interested!
Rules *read and approved by my sister
I have the right to refuse any request. Respect my final decision and read what I will not write for before making a request.
Refunds will only be available 24 hours after you place the order. If you do not tell/ask for a refund within 24 hours of your transaction, I will write what you requested and you will  NOT get your money back.
Before making a request, please consult with me about what you want for your writing. See below on how to request. This makes things easier in case I am unable to fulfill/accept a request, AND it prevents you, the buyer, from spending money before you get an answer.
If you want any changes to the details, let me know within 24 hours of talking to me.
If you request for a character letter, you will have to give PROOF OF PERMISSION by an adult if you are a minor. You will also have to be comfortable with giving me your address.
If I find that you request anything NSFW as a minor, you will be BLOCKED AND REPORTED. I will reject your request and you will get your money back.
What Do You Refuse To Write?
Hate towards another group of people (race, orientation, gender, etc.)
I will NOT write NSFW for certain characters. Said characters will be in a bracketed list after their name. (example: [Character] = no NSFW). The NSFW list of characters will always be BEFORE the NO NSFW character list.
Anything I am not comfortable writing. Again, I reserve the right to refuse any request. If you are unsure and need clarification, please message me with questions.
What Fandoms Do You Write For?
With this new post comes some new fandoms!
Mystic Messenger
- Yoosung Kim, Zen/Hyun Ryu, Jaehee Kang, Jumin Han, 707/Saeyoung Choi, Ray, Saeran Choi, V/Jihyun Kim, Rika Kim, Vanderwood
Mr. Love, Queen’s Choice
- Lucien Xu, Victor Li, Gavin Bai, Kiro Zhou, Shaw Bai
Stardew Valley
- Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Abigail, Emily, Hayley, Jodi, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Robin, Sandy, Willy, Wizard M. Rasmodius - [Clint, Demetrius, Evelyn, George, Gunther, Gus, Jas, Kent, Krobus, Leo, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Pam, Pierre, Willy, Wizard M. Rasmodius, Vincent]
Monster Prom/Camp
- Vera Oberlin, Damien LaVey, Zoe, Polly Geist, Miranda Vanderbilt, Calculester Hewlett-Packard, Scott Howl, Liam de Lioncourt, Joy Johnson-Johjima, Dahlia Aquino, Aaravi Mishra
Ikemen Sengoku
- Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, Date Masamune, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Ishida Mitsunari, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sauske, Kennyo
The Walking Dead - Up to season 5 in the TV show OR first comic compendium. I can write apocalypse TWD or non-apocalypse lives, just tell me your preference.
- Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Shane Walsh, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene, Daryl Dixon, Tyresse, Sasha, Abraham Ford, Carol Peletier, Michonne, Negan, Tara Chambler, Rosita Espinosa, Gabriel Stokes - [Herschel Greene, Dale Horvath] - *I will write NSFW for Beth Greene or Carl Grimes BUT they will be AGED UP TO BE 18 or OLDER.
What Will You Write?
Character x Character
OC x Character
Unnamed FemReader x Character
Unnamed MascReader x Character
Unnamed GenNeuReader x Character
CMC x Character
What Can I Get And For How Much?
*Before making a request, please consult with me about what you want so I can give you a set price before I start working. Some prices depend on the details like how many characters you want, so talk to me before paying!
Personalized Playlist - $2
I make you a playlist for your character x character, OC x character, or CMC x character. I will give you links via Spotify or YouTube using my taste in music along with your taste. Minimum of 20 songs.
Headcanons - $3-6 (Depends on the amount of characters. Maximum of 8 characters)
I write headcanons about the character, how they interact with other characters within their fandom, and how they interact with your OC/CMC.
Matchmaker - $3-9 (Depends on amount of characters
You choose between 1-3 characters from any fandom (can be different fandoms) and give a description of yourself to me (including MBTI, hobbies, likes/dislikes, and preferences). Can be SFW or NSFW.
Dabble (500+ words) - $4
A small piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
Character Letter (Only within the US and Canada) - $6 + any mailing fees
A letter from a character of your choice. Must show PROOF OF PERMISSION if you are a minor as we mail it to your address.
Fic (1000+ words) - $7
A piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
Oneshot (1500-2000+ words) - $10
A larger piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
How Do I Order A Commission? *Very important!
Look at the list of fandoms/characters I will write for.
Choose what you would like me to write for you. (Example: FemReader x Character, SFW, Dabble, with [insert details]).
Consult with me BEFORE PURCHASING to determine if I will accept the request and set the price.
Once all details are given and the request is approved, continue with purchase using the link to the Cash App linked above.
Here’s another link for purchases or donations in case you don’t want to scroll up! - Pay $LittleButterflyWrites
Reblogs are always helpful if you are uninterested or want to help :)
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mayhemmaws · 4 months
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EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS! I have to change, draw then charge again. It can't even run my art program right now so hopefully I can get this charger soon! ^^
TERMS ARE BELOW HERE! (I would post an image but it only allows one at a time TwT)
Will not do, haggle prices after full price has been agreed on, pedophilic depictions, putting minors in unsafe environments, humans, (I can't draw humans sorry!) any drawings endangering non anthropomorphic animals, hateful art.
Do's, send me ref images, keep in contact, use any fursona you'd like I am willing to draw all and any species, send dnd oc's, fan characters!
That is all I offer as of now! Custom ones like kimono and chibi can be requested though I've not drawn in my new style, and they will cost extra, I hope you guys decide to commission me or help spread the word! Now onto the free commissions, they won't be done often but when I have free time I gladly will! This right now is what I'm trying to make into income right now and so any commissions would be appreciated
Payment! I go through cash app, do not pay me before I have agreed to a slot and requested for the payment. Commissions can be either paid 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.
Communication! Please leave a comment if your interested! I'll follow you and we can talk over dms!
Process and delivery: I will notify when I have started on your commission, you will lose the right to refund past this point unless I fail to complete your drawing, in that case you'll receive a full refund. While I'm working on your commission I will be checking in and verifying to make sure you enjoy the drawing! I'll notify you how long I think said commission will take once everything has been finalized, once the time I will take has been approved I'll start working! If anything comes in the way of your commission being made, I will make sure to let you know as soon as possible! Once the drawing is complete you will receive the image, note that there is no physical product
Terms: All my drawings have a signature you do not have permission to remove. I may post or record the art I have drawn, this does not mean I will claim the character as my own. Prices will change based on demand. I have the right to reject any order that makes me feel uncomfortable drawing for any reason. I do not allow anyone to sell my art without permission, this includes turning it into nfts.
The buyer is allowed to, Sell my drawing along with your other drawings if you were to be selling or trading your character off. Post on their social media with credit, this includes videos. Print the artwork and claim they own the character(s) as their own but not the art drawn.
The following is considered copyright infringement: Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially means making money off of it in any way. Claiming the artwork as your own. Removing my signature. Altering the artwork without my consent. I reserve the rights to the image and it's use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon.
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robertdowneyjjr · 11 months
Tony as a PHD student/young man working on his own start up and Steve as his usual Uber Eats delivery driver. Steve eventually getting concerned about his health considering the sheer amount of caffeine and junk he orders and how late he does, Tony ordering healthier things to make him feel better while also scolding STEVE for driving so late, Steve canceling/refusing orders to get Tony’s food to him faster and fresher (really it’s good business considering how good Tony tips, really that’s it), Tony getting extra dishes he gives to Steve to enjoy while he does other deliveries once he finds out Steve misses meals sometimes.
If Tony is rich, Tony finding out the app thinks Tony’s steadily higher tips are an error and aren’t getting the full amount to Steve (Tony not realizing he’s getting partial refunds lol rich boy) so he starts giving him cash even tho Tony hates touching (shudders) physical money. It ends with Tony hiring Steve as his own delivery man and then Tony starts ordering all his meals for 2 and them enjoying them together. Maybe this prolongs the dance they are doing cuz Tony doesn’t wanna date his employee (again, Pepper showed it was a bad idea).
Or if Tony isn’t rich, he does the 2 meals thing while Steve is still with Uber, who is losing out on orders by spending more time with Tony to eat together. And once Tony realizes this he starts going with Steve in his deliveries, man can work from anywhere and/or he needs a break. Maybe Tony makes an algorithm to find Steve the most profitable and efficient route. Them just spending all night talking while they drive around town delivering food dreaming of a future where they can do midnight drives together for pleasure rather then business
steve only ever works the late late late hours when he's driving for uber eats because he's got so much going on during the day. he has his own classes to attend part time and he still has his day job at staples, which unfortunately has cut his hours by quite a bit hence his need for another source of income. he didn't deliberately set out to work such late hours when he signed up as a driver for uber eats, but it just so happened that the first day he finally found some time to start taking orders, it was late at night after he'd finished all his assignments and he had bills to pay within the next week so he was a bit desperate.
there are really only a limited number of restaurants that are still open and taking orders past 10pm on a weeknight, and luckily steve actually lives pretty close to a few of them. when an order comes through he taps the accept button without really bothering to look at the details and grabs his keys to head out to the restaurant. it's only when he's sitting at the takeout corner waiting for the order to be packed that he notices the outrageous tip left by the customer. steve knows that this kind of a tip has to be an anomaly but he also thinks that if this is the kind of beginner's luck he's got for his first order, then maybe being an uber eats driver a few nights a week might actually help more than he originally thought.
so he grabs the bag of chinese food and heads over to the address for this "Tony S", making extra sure the food is secured in his car and the drink wouldn't spill as he drives. tony's tip alone can pay for his entire phone bill this month, and steve can't do much to thank him but at least he could do this.
when he rings the doorbell to tony's home, the last thing he's expecting is how handsome this generous customer is. not only that, but tony actually takes the time to say what seemed like a very heartfelt thank you for making a delivery this late. tony speaks to steve like he's his personal savior for bringing him food at such an ungodly hour, and his smile is so dazzling that steve is still stunned as he makes his way back to his car. that night steve dreams are filled with sparkling brown eyes and he almost wakes up late for class.
a few nights later, as steve finishes up his dinner he turns on the app again and so he can start to take orders. just as he's drying his hands after doing his dishes, four orders pop up on his screen and he rushes to take the order that's the first one on the list. he pauses just as he does, though, when he notices an order for Tony S. two rows down. he thinks of the tip he had received that first night, which was nice. then he thinks about the smile that greeted him when tony opened the door, which was even nicer.
he opens the order page for Tony S. and taps accept.
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celiah-draws · 6 months
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Here's my character commissions sheet. I can do landscape / architecture commissions too but those are less popular and harder to price so I don't have a sheet for them.
Additional notes:
If your character has a super detailed design I may upcharge a little, for example if your character has some crazy armored suit that makes them take longer to draw
I prefer payment through PayPal but I do have a Cash app if that's easier for you
My process goes as follows:
COLOR COMMS: I will send a sketch and if you are happy with it, then you can pay 1/2 the full price of the order. I will send watermarked versions of the finished product until you pay the remaining cost. Once all that's done, I'll send you a Google Drive link with the uncompressed image with variants as requested.
SKETCH COMMS: I do an up-front payment for these, once you pay then I'll start work on it and get it to you shortly.
No NSFW comms, if it's questionably suggestive then I might do it, just ask me and I'll let you know.
Delivery will take anywhere between 4 days and 2 weeks depending on the piece/ character. I will communicate an ETA, but if you have a deadline then I will do my best to meet it. If I fail to meet the deadline I will offer you a refund.
I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ORDERS! If I do not believe I am the right artist for the job I will tell you so. If I can't match a deadline, then I won't take the order. If I'm not too good at your desired subject then I'll tell you.
If you need a traditional paper artwork, shipping costs will just be tacked onto the commission price. Also know that traditional pieces are much more expensive due to the necessary materials.
I can draw:
Characters (male and female)
Most animals
From photographs
I CANNOT draw:
Mechas / mechs
Porn / NSFW
Layout designs
Furries / fursonas
If you want examples, just ask and I'm happy to share!
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
List of Contents🩵
Past, Present and Future Tarot Reading-$15
Twin Flame Tarot Reading: Up to 3 questions-$25
Twin Flame Tarot Reading: Up to 6 Questions-$35
Are They The One? Reading-$15
Birth Chart Readings-$20 (includes Big 6 as well as Rising sign; Must have time of birth)
Synastry Chart-$30 (Includes all aspects, house overview and planets of each person)
Please include your name and DOB (and possibly birth time depending on which reading you’re purchasing) in all readings as well as your POI Name and DOB (and possibly birth time depending on which reading you’re purchasing).
I will not be able to go forward with the readings without proper information.
How to book your reading 👇🏻
You can reach out to me through email or send me a message here on Tumblr.
Or send me a message through here. Let me know which reading you’d like, and we’ll take it from there!
When will you receive your reading👇🏻
Depending on which reading you purchase, you will receive your reading between 10-24 Hours of purchase.
Please remember that time is fluid, so energy can change. It’s important to get a new reading every 3 months in order to keep up with new energy, timelines etc.
If you don’t like what you hear, that is not mine or the cards fault. So please take each reading with a grain of salt, since I’m an honest, direct reader and not a sugarcoating reader.
DISCLAIMER: Please be transparent in your readings. If you’re not giving accurate names, DOB or being open about your questions/situation/concern then I will not continue the reading and I will refund you. I do not have time for those who are “testing” and purposely withhold information about their questions and self. It will only make it harder for me to connect with your energy and give you a proper reading, so always be comfortable and willing to open up. No time wasters.
This is for entertainment purposes only.
Payment Methods 👇🏻
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madame-noir · 4 months
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⧏۝𖣓𖣓𖣓 Prices 𖣓𖣓𖣓۝⧐
Sketch: 6$
Color: 12$
Shading: 15$
Background: 18$
Double Shade: 19$
Sketch: 7$
Color: 13$
Shading: 16$
Background: 17$
Double Shade: 20$
Sketch: 8$
Color: 14$
Shading: 17$
Background: 21$
Double Shade: 24$
Sketch: 9$
Color: 15$
Shading: 18$
Background: 22$
Double Shade: 25$
Shipping: + 10$
Custom OC:+ 10$
Smut: + 10$
Oc: +10$
⧏۝𖣓𖣓𖣓 T.O.S 𖣓𖣓𖣓۝⧐
⚙I only take cashapp at the moment.
⚙Dont pay before it's done, I do not do refunds. my card will steal the funds, and if you pull out of the com I might not be able to send it back. (Yes I have attempted locking the card)
⚙I don't do refunds (same reason above)
⚙I can draw mostly anything, anything aside from ferals but I can draw furries, humans, and other misc creatures.
⚙If you get nitpicky I will not continue the com, I will require you to explain exactly what you want before I begin drawing, so I don't have to change everything afterwards. You can ask for creators freedom if you'd like, but preferably I don't like changing things later in the peice.
⚙I can do most nsfw art (that's legal) but you will require proof of you being an adult with a ID (only show age on it, nothing else), with your profile name preferably on a peice of paper by it.
⚙you will require proving you have funds to pay, just screenshot your cash app $ tag with your profiles name on it.
⚙This isn't a tos thing but more of a explination, the oc optional thing, is just adding characters to a peice of art, the Origional is the main cost, if you add more ocs it's just adding 10 dollars the more you add.
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