#Can I hide my cart in a metal detector?
smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Comfort one-shot reader x creepy pastas (Slenderman, Jeff, Toby, E.J, BEN, Sally, Masky, Hoodie, Jane and L.J.)
Inspired by: The living tombstone
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You woke to excessive yelling, turning over and pushing the pillow over your face groaning. The voice got louder and you felt a pair of hands shake you awake, throwing the pillow at them you found that it was Toby. He let out an abrupt gasp and continued to jump around the hotel room. You understood why he was so excited, it was the first day of your trip to Disney world after all.
I know it seems unconventional but you had managed to convince slender to let you guys go. Obviously it was on Halloween weekend, the only time they could go into the parks without being questioned for their looks. That day you would all be going to Epcot.
Masky was probably the most excited about that park even though he had an expressionless face on the ride there. He had been so against going, at least it seemed like it. But you saw him putting ciggarates in a fanny pack when getting ready to leave.
Smiling fondly at the memory you got up and dressed. After breakfast you all drove to the park, seeing the Halloween decorations in orange and black with the shapes of Mickey Mouse. You groaned at the bickering going on in the third row of seats with Jeff and E.J, who was trying to convince Jeff to leave his knife in the car.
“They’ll stop you at security” you called back to him.
“I can hide it” he protested.
“Jeff they have literal metal detectors” E.J rebutted.
“What if I put it in my pants” he said smartly.
“NO” you yelled. After a death glare and a small tug of war between him and E.J he left it. He walked at the back of the group, slumping with his hands in his hoodie pocket. At the entrance the whole crowd was met with “oohs” and compliments about your “costumes”.
There was so much to do, but Hoodie (secretly Masky too) and BEN wanted to go to Spaceship earth. They were all so amazed on how there was a ride inside of the Epcot ball.
“It’s an XXL golf ball” BEN kept saying, convinced that there was nothing inside. There wasn’t much wait but since you were all a big crowd it took a bit to get in. Slender had the hardest time getting in the cart, he had to crouch excessively to fit. You rode with BEN, who was really excited at first because he thought there was going to be a drop but it turned out bore him. He thought it was going too slow, and so he had the bright idea to tamper with the manuals. “Time to spice things up” he said rubbing his hands maliciously. At one point all the carts started spinning, he lifted his hands and “wheeed”. You could hear Sally yelling from the back with Slender holding her in the seat since there was no restraints. At the end he scolded Ben, rushing him out of there as the cast members apologized for the inexplicable inconvenience.
He came out of there with a proud grin, cackling as he pointed out the dumbfounded face E.J made in the picture and the one with Jeff with his tongue out. The smiling killer joined him, watching Toby spin from the dizziness- it was pretty funny though.
Slender admired the late October scenery until Sally pulled him into a stand and graced him with a Mickey Mouse hat. Jeff was yet another unfortunate victim of Sally’s plan, wearing the mickey ears that had a pastel veil. BEN was throwing fits of giggles at this, but you knew Jeff was fucking insecure so you put on ears along with Sally.
The first country you stopped at was Mexico, where you went inside the pyramid. Jeff traded his ears for a big Mexican hat, Ben too. They played with the maracas while Toby, Sally and Hoodie went into the glass shop. It was a recipe for disaster, but you followed regardless. Sally tried on every. Single. Princess crown while Toby looked at the glass pieces a bit too closely. He started ticking while holding one, even though the sign said not to touch them. It flew across the store and collided with a whole other shelf, all of them broke and he started apologizing furiously as Slender messed the employees’ mind to make him forget about the accident.
He had to pull Toby out of the store and drag him to the boat ride, you patted him on the back daringly as he had the guiltiest look. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea for slender to go on the boat ride, he was far too tall and had to bend his knees to look like a grasshopper while Sally smiled and sung along with the cartoon characters. When you got off you could hear Slender mumbling something about his back.
Norway didn’t have much to do but Sally begged to go on the Elsa ride, Hoodie accompanied her happily. Toby as well, but he was really enthusiastic about the songs- he knew all of them. Him and Sally harmonized during the chorus for “let it go”. Since there were a shit ton of little kids there L.J was about to combust. Surprisingly he stayed super silent with occasional grumbles, making mental notes for when he got out of the park. He had to ditch the group to shop for Candy, which he found in China.
Jane was absolutely fascinated with the Zodiac garden there, watching the beautiful plants in the morning sun. Masky tried to relax by watching the show inside the pavillion but Toby caught up to him. He really couldn’t sit still and Masky had to scold him for sitting on the rail he wasn’t supposed to sit on. After, you found E.J playing with Sally with the marionettes and BEN with a cup of Boba. He seemed to be enjoying it- a lot. It was the funniest thing to watch him suck up all the tapioca stuck in the ice, his cheeks got super red and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
Jeff was gladly giving Toby his Mickey Mouse ears. In the afternoon you moved to Italy, where L.J was getting complimented for his “stilts”. There wasn’t much to do in Germany or America so you guys went to Japan. Laughing Jack was a lost cause, going straight for the candy while Jeff was mesmerized by the samurai swords. He was looking around to see if he could steal one, but how in the world would he hide that- definitely not in his pants. You caught on quick.
“Just ONE” he pleaded with you as you pulled him away from the glass. “Don’t do this to meeee” he screeched at you like a starved man asking for food.
Trying to throw hands and hit you while you grasped onto his hoodie. You managed to bring him with you as you walked out of the store. Passing by Masky who was trying to get away from Toby- he was fanning masky with those big fans. Jeff sat sourly as you ordered food, a stressed Masky came soon after. He was glad to have some quiet from the ruckus outside, enjoying a meal with you. When he was done he went outside to have a smoke from his fanny pack.
Going back to the store with Jeff on a tight leash AWAY from the swords you found Sally playing with the plushies and L.J taking packs and packs of candy. You stood and stared at him as he loaded up on the strawberry gummies. “What?” He deadpanned as a few fell down from his pile. You just laughed and helped him hold some of them, putting them in your backpack and walking out of the store because- y’all are criminals, and you steal.
It was now late afternoon, and you only had a few countries left to complete the full round of the park. Toby got lost in France, you all spent about twenty minutes looking for him and apparently Slender too who disappeared soon after. Then out of some room came one of them.
“where where you?” Jane asked.
Slender stepped forward “at the show, there were some magnificent castles and I think I’ll have to visit. Maybe even take ideas for house redecoration” he nodded.
Then out of nowhere appeared a cast member holding the hand of one shaking Toby, whose eyes were puffy and cheeks red. “Did you lose this little boy” she asked slender, he shook his head yes and gave a sigh.
The lady was in absolute awe of the group, especially daddy dilf slender. “How IS it that you see through that mask” she mused, taking slender’s head in her hands even though he was super tall. Her mouth was open as she pulled him super close to observe his (non-existent) face. BEN was snickering and you looked back and forth to see slender pretty flustered at the lady’s proximity.
“Leave him alone” Jane smacked BEN behind his head and took him by the ear. You followed them to the U.K. She threw him in one of the phone booths and held the door so he couldn’t escape. You could hear him complain from inside “let me outttt” he said muffled. Jeff caught up and went into the one on the opposite side, playing with the buttons on the dial. When Slender came back he took out a Camera to snap pictures of BEN and Jeff. You stood to the side while he did, obviously both of them didn’t notice. They were pretty candid and when they saw what was happening they ran out of there, only to have their spaces replaced with Sally and E.J, who had to pose with her for the picture.
The sun was starting to set and you guys only had a couple things left to do, one of which Jeff almost exploded in wait for. He wanted to try test track so bad, the line was gruesome and he tapped his foot impatiently in wait. BEN kept tampering with the car parts on display, making doors open and lights flash in boredom. Toby waited outside with Slender because he had anxiety around going too fast in a car and possibly reliving trauma. Jeff, on the other hand, was so excited when it was finally time to go on. He let you sit next to him in the front with BEN in the back. The ride was entertaining sure but the best part was probably Jeff’s face at the end. The car went so fast that Jeff’s cheeks were pushed back with the wind, stretching out his carved smile and flapping as he waved his hands in the air.
Then when it ended he wanted to steal one of the cars from the display.
“I can turn it on and take the safety off” BEN tuned in cheekily.
“Yessss” Jeff said with a fist pump, “which one should we get?” He asked.
“The red one” BEN decided.
“Guys nonononon” you tried complaining but they were dedicated.
“Stop complaining” BEN said, distracting you while Jeff snuck up on you from behind. Covering your mouth with his hand and restraining your arms with another “This is for not letting me take that knife”.
Picking you up and throwing you in the backseat of the car before revving the engine. With tears of joy in your eyes you saw Slender appear in the rear mirror of the car, tendrils waving around in fury. If BEN wasn’t dead yet he would definetly be now, Jeff turned paler than usual. Thank goodness he saw what was going on. They were about to drive off in one of those Toyotas- forget about mass murder, they were about to commit grand theft auto.
Next was the Nemo ride, but BEN was absolutely petrified of being near water so he waited outside with Slender-who very much could not fit in that shell car as much as he tried. Sally really liked it, she went with Toby and you went with Jane. Masky and Hoodie went together. Needless to say all of you enjoyed it very much, and the aquarium after was great too. Jane sat where she could watch the Dolphins and you could hear Toby and Sally’s footsteps running around from tank to tank.
“Do you think Slender will let me take a shark home?” He asked Masky, who told him no. But when they were outside Toby went straight to Slender. “Can I take a pet home?” He pleaded. Slender gave him a strict no but Toby continued to beg, “how about a seahorse?”, “not even a starfish?”. He got shot down but quickly recovered when you guys went to Soarin.
All of them- they loved flying. Even through it was just a ride, it was exhilarating. Passing through the sea and waterfalls, even the castles where Slender would have smiled at (if he had a mouth). Toby yelled like a mother fucker the whole time, luckily Masky was sitting next to you and hoodie- away from earshot. Jeff got the bad end of his shouting, making a face like he was about to murder poor Toby. But the brunette was so distracted by the lights and scenery he didn’t notice. E.J was pretty fascinated too, the height scared him a bit- he was used to being on the ground. Then you all shared some food from the cafeteria and went outside to watch the light show from Canada.
It was such a nice moment, with the sun already set and a hazy glow lingering in the air. You took a deep breath in, the ambiance felt like something unreal. The Epcot ball was illuminated by purplish lights in the background and across the lake you could see all the countries monuments lined with white lights. Slender had Sally on his shoulders so she could take in the view. It made you so happy to be with all of them in an instance like this. You looked back to find L.J eating his candy. With BEN and Hoodie next to you, Masky was leaning on the railing with his elbows next to E.J. and Toby was about to fall asleep. He got pretty startled when the fireworks started, but Sally’s eyes lit up with happiness. She cheered as you watched the group, it was such a kindling time with them. You couldn’t wait for the next day of the trip.
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allbimyselffff · 4 years
OMGCP Jimmy Jabs
Bitty: Count me in. I could really use this day off to spend some time with my husband.
Lardo: Oh please, we all have loved ones. You’re not getting any sympathy just because you’re gay.
Chowder: Lardo! I don’t think he was...
Bitty: No, I was. She saw right through me. Nevertheless, I will destroy you all.
Bitty: I can’t do competitions, I’m anti-dexterous
Jack: Hmmm?
Bitty: It when neither hand is good at anything
Shitty: Chowder. Trust me.
Chowder: Ok. But only because I trust everyone.
Holster: Wait, where’s Nursey?
Dex: Well, there’s a tv cart suspiciously in the middle of the room, that ceiling tile is out of place, and he said he was going to hide somewhere reckless, so I’m guessing he’s up there.
Nursey: That’s right Dex. I’m in the ceiling. Unlike you boring old fogies, i found the craziest-
*ceiling breaks*
Nursey, lying in a pile of rubble: Don’t worry. My bones and ribs broke my fall.
Whiskey: I’m sorry I messed everything up. I’m just not cut out for this high-stakes world of having fun with friends.
Bitty: And if you ever want a friend to sit with you and silently listen to death metal, just know I’m always here
Lardo: Ok. I’d like that.
Ransom: You’re still pretty irresponsible
Holster: Aww. You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re my husband.
Ransom: No, I’m not. Yesterday, you took the batteries out of our smoke detector to put in your Big Mouth Billy Bass.
Holster: You noticed :)
Ransom: Yeah. In a bad way.
Tango: What matters is that you can do anything you put your mind too :)
Lax Bro: You’re right! I can do anything!
*cuts to him stealing a fuck ton of cocaine*
Lax bro: Anything I put my mind to :)
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stanskzseungmin · 5 years
Operation Miroh | Stray Kids Mafia! AU ~ Chapter 8
Sorry this one took a while. I was trying a different more disjointed writing style to try and create the imagery for this chapter. Took a while because I trashed and redid this chapter like 4 times lmao. Hope you enjoy it <3
Chapters:  0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
The atmosphere was tense.
The heavy stench of death lingered.
There were so little activity yet it felt as if the dead were back with a vengeance.
Heavy panting can be heard as a pair of hands grab at the screen before them.
The pristine beach is now a mass grave.
The beautiful clean sand that almost seemed to glow and glisten breathtakingly under the hot sun on a clear yet cloudy day.
Somewhere else in the meantime.
It was dark and silent. There were barely any lights. The only lights presents were blinking and on the verge of dying.
The air that once permeated with mutual content and comfort that a family shared, was now tense as a chill traveled up all of the building’s inhabitants' spines. There was no loud yelling. No laughter. No pitter pattering of feet. Just a dark and silent home where ten lived in harmony. 
But of the ten, two were not present: one on the verge of death.
The sea sparkled a brilliant blue hue, The dark color perfectly complemented the clear blue sky.
The silence was distrubed by a loud metal clattering. There were loud exhales and gasps of disbelief. The medic/engineer collided with the metal cart of supplies behind him as his hands frantically grabbed at the cool metal to maintain balance. His eyes were blown out in shock as panic and fear wracked through his system as it got harder and harder to breathe.
The clean beachside front is now polluted and littered with rubble and residue, The tan grains of sand now dyed and stained a brilliant red. The pristine clean and clear water is now filled with lifeless corpses, the bodies floating and swaying with the waves as their faces remained frozen in a silent scream and dead eyes. 
An explosion can be heard in the distance. A demolitionist was in full sprint towards the so called “Paradise.” As he ran, he was pursued, but the pursuers were quickly disposed of by the demolitionist dropping homemade pocket C4 like breadcrumbs.
The medic/engineers stared at the third screen down on the left column in horror. The once vibrant green screen signifying excellent health now glowed a menacing red. A sharp contrast to the eight greens surrounding and a singular almost as worrisome orange. 
The red screen.
The heartbeat monitor displayed with a brilliant flashing red orange light has a singular word displaying on the lower left corner of the screen. 
With haste, the medic/engineer barrelled out the room and down the hallway. The name of his leader erupted from his throat repeatedly as the inhabitants of the rooms past sprung out of the rooms appearing in the doorways ready, alert and worried. 
The demolitionist stood before two unconscious bodies. A pool of blood surrounded the pair as his shoes stepped into the darkening pool staining the dirt beneath him. 
He delicately pried the smaller body off the toxin specialist and very carefully slung both bodies over either shoulders.
“Seungmin! Put me down!” You exclaimed lightly hitting his back lightly with your balled fists. 
The chemistry student merely smirked at your immature antics.
The two of you weren’t friends per se, but you wouldn’t go as far as to call the both of you enemies. You were a bit of a goody two shoes and always go out of your way to report all suspicious activity on the campus. You had caught Seungmin picking on Jisung again and went up to the chemist to write him up. As per usual, Seungmin wasn’t having it. He never would.
And here you are now, pathetically slung over his shoulder as he carried you away. You knew where he was taking you. He took you there every time.
Seungmin pulled open the door of one of the more deserted janitor’s closet. It was so out of the way that it’s hardly any janitor’s first choice and it most definitely have a lack of nearby students. Hardly any students passed by here due to the shady and creepy atmosphere.
Even though the walled in city was safe, the paranoia of the dangers outside still lingered. The deserted hallways felt as if it had a distorted reality. There was no present danger but any who walked by without the proper constitution would get so wracked by paranoia where the imagined dangers seemed real. 
In the dark dusty room with a singular hanging bulb, Seungmin would toss you onto the ground. Your bottom met the floor ungracefully as Seungmin closed the door behind him quite harshly. The impact sent vibrations through the walls that would unsettle the dust as vision would slightly get hindered by the particles. You let out a small whine from the stinging pain radiating from the impact. Before you can protest or chide him, Seungmin would kneel before you and pull you into a bone crushing embrace and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
Your arms protest, grabbing and pushing at him and sometimes digging your nails into his shoulders in a dire attempt to make him let you go. Seungmin would let out a small puppy whine and pouted. You felt your defenses weaken at the sound and wanted nothing more but to let him in. Before you even had a chance to raise your arms to return the embrace, Seungmin would pull away with a shit-eating smirk as he brought his index finger to his lips ordering your silence. 
Seungmin was already out and gone with the door shut as he left before you could properly register what just happened, your mind still puddy from your lowered defenses. 
A soft click echoed through the silence.
Every time.
Seungmin got you every time.
And everytime you still lowered your defenses to let him in.
Only for him to leave you alone like a deer in headlights.
You swore Seungmin only existed to make your life a living hell. You always thought it was a waste of talent for a practically math genius Seungmin to pick on people. You knew blackmail when you see it.
Doesn’t mean you had immunity towards it. Not towards Seungmin at least.
You noticed how Seungmin and two others hanging around one of the campus’ empty buildings. You recognized the two being top students in their respective subjects.
They were definitely doing shady stuff.
Today however, looks as if it was only Seungmin that’s present. You never saw the other two from your not so discreet hiding spot under the shade of a tree with your nose pressed into a book. 
You rushed to follow Seungmin into the building once you see him disappear behind the closing door. 
You didn’t take that long to enter after the boy. You made it in before the door closed completely, but it seemed as if Seungmin vanished into midair.
Sighing to yourself, you began walking down the dimly lit hallway and peeked into every passing door’s window pane. You noticed how the hallways cameras were all facing down, the led next to the lens were off.
Why were the cameras off?
You also noticed the smoke detectors were also disabled. 
Your thoughts were cut off when you heard a loud explosion ripped through the silence. Your ears rang lightly as it seemed as if the world was moving.
“Seungmin?” You breathed out. Panic bubbled deep within your chest. “Seungmin? SEUNGMIN!”
“Wow, you can’t leave me alone, huh?”
You whipped around to see Seungmin himself in the flesh perfectly fine and uninjured just his attire and visage covered in dark soot. You let out a loud sigh of relief as you ran up to him wrapping your arms around his frame in a bone crushing embrace.
“Alright, dummy,” Seungmin chuckled patting your back lightly. “Did you really have that little faith in me that you genuinely thought I was hurt?”
Seungmin rubbed your back in circles as his other hand rested gently on your waist. You mumbled softly into his shoulders. “Absolutely not. Not at all. You’re totally bonkers, insane. You’re going to scale this building and I’m going to have to write you up. Or worse, writing an autopsy report.”
“Thank you,” Seungmin whispered into your ear resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I wasn’t serious.”
“I was.”
You pulled back slightly in confusion to see a genuine smile on his face with his eyes show a loving and touched emotion. You felt your lips twitch upwards upon sight of him looking so vulnera-
“Now stop stalking me, dummy creeper.”
You would most definitely hear a pin drop from the silence that followed.
You fell for it again.
“Wow [by 3RACHA], you actually came,” you perked up from the bench you were sitting on.
“Of course I did, dummy,” Seungmin smiled, putting his hands into his black hoodie pocket.
“No fucking with Felix?” you jested with a smirk playing on your lips.
“Do you not realize who I am?” Seungmin scoffed. “Let’s just say Felix won’t be leaving detention without being griefed.”
“You customized an exit denial device didn’t you?”
“Ooooh yea,” Seungmin chuckled. 
“It’s not an ice bucket above the door is it?”
“Oh dear,” you hand went up to your cheek in worry for the freckled Australian.
“So how am I going to get up there?” Seungmin pointed to the roof, his eyes never leaving yours wearing a face of disbelief.
“Uhh… parkour?”
Seungmin quirked an eyebrow.
“Sorry, I didn’t think that far ahead...” you looked off to the side rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
“You give me a boost and launched me up there?”
“Bad idea.”
“I stand on your shoulder and you stand up?” Seungmin suggested slinging his arm around your shoulders while pointing upwards with his index finger.
“Even worse,” you shrugged off his arm.
“So what do you suggest?” 
“Just get on my back, I’ll carry you up.”
“Your noodle arms can carry me?”
. . .
“I hate this place,” Seungmin mumbled. His arms were loosely wrapped around your shoulders with his legs finding purchase hooked onto your waist, his chest flush against your back. 
You let out a loud exhale as you gripped on the window sill. You looked back to see Seungmin gazing longingly at the wall. That damned wall.
“What do you want to do?” You whispered as you continued your climb.
“I want to destroy the wall.”
Your hand reached over the edge of the roof one after another as you pulled the both of you up.
“You do know what is out there, right?” you settled down on the cold roof, bringing your knees to your chest,
“Yea,” Seungmin sat next to you pulling you into his lap as you both gaze at the wall. At your vantage point, you can see beyond the tall concrete walls lined with barbed wire at the top. 
“The walls protect us from dangers outside. So many mafias and gangs. So much corruption. That doesn't include all the murders and kidnappings.”
“But what if the true dangers aren’t what is out there? But in here? Those mafias exist for a reason. What if they’re rebelling against something from inside? The people here are hardly people anymore. They’re sheeple that can be herded by the shepherd called the government.”
“I don’t want to become like them,” you whispered. “What if the schools existed only to turn us all into sheeple, brainwashing us into the same system. Schools only exist to condition people to work 8 hours a day. I don’t  want to be like them. I don’t want to lose my humanity.”
“You won’t. I promise,” Seungmin whispered into your hair. “You see past the wall, right?”
“It’s dark and empty.”
“I know. Dark, so we won’t be attracted to the government’s light like moths only to discover it’s a flame and empty, so we could be free without any restrictions.”
“Wait, we?” you whispered, shock evident in your voice and you broke free from his embrace to face him.
“Of course, dummy,” Seungmin smiled genuinely. “I promise.”
Seungmin thought to himself right then and there, ‘I’ll get you out of here, I promise.’
“This better not be one of your stupid blackmails again, Shit-min.”
. . .
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gripefroot · 4 years
Loose Lips
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The gym is pretty packed for a Saturday morning - but it’s past nine, so it really shouldn’t be a surprise. Bucky’s just glad he’d made it there before Natasha to snatch you up as a sparring partner. For once, he wins. But he keeps that to himself. He doesn’t want to jinx it - there’s a mission tonight.
Bucky definitely feels like a winner watching the sweat glisten on your throat and face - you’re smiling despite your panting, and he doesn’t give up trying to touch you. The brisk, almost bruising touches - not exactly what he’s used to, with you - but it’s all he’s gonna get for now. He barely even notices everyone else. Just this dance on the sparring mats, the give and take and push and pull that makes his heart beat fast, and not just from the exertion. 
Jab, parry, kick. Jump, swerve, punch - dodge. You falter before regaining your balance, and Bucky is grinning as he pushes damp hair from his face. 
“Don’t feel bad, babe,” he says in a low voice - the gym is so noisy, he’s sure he won’t be overheard. “It’s tough to land a hit on a supersoldier.” 
Your lips purse as you catch a breath, hands resting on your hips. “Just for that,” you say snidely. “I’m gonna stop going easy on you.” 
“Going easy?” Bucky bursts into laughter. “Please.” 
A smirk, now. Oh, this is promising. Shaking out your hands and rolling your shoulders, you keep your gaze on his, daring and confident. 
“If there weren’t people around,” you say in a purr, and immediately all his hair stands on end at the glint in your eye. “I could level you in ten seconds flat.” 
Bucky’s lips curl upward. “I don’t doubt that, babe. Under the circumstances.”  
“Could probably even get all your clothes off with a single finger,” you add. 
“I’m disappointed we’re not alone.” 
“You should be.” 
There’s a shriek and a thud and an outpouring of laughter from somewhere across the gyms - by the weights, Bucky’s sure, but he doesn’t move his eyes from you. Your figure is tensing, preparing, waiting -  
It doesn’t take long. A split second, and he lifts an arm to stave off your renewed attack. There are no smiles in between jabs, this time. Only an adorable furrow of your brow, and Bucky has to concentrate as you take a swiping kick at his ankles. He ducks at an overhead punch, sees that your middle is unguarded, and takes it.  
A shove of his shoulders, an oof from you as your wind is knocked out, and a thud as your back hits the mats. Bucky rolls off as slowly as he can without the risk of anyone noticing his hesitation. A glare sparks in your eyes as he stands back up.   
“Guard your middle,” he says nonchalantly.  
“Guard your feet,” you snark back.  
What does that have to do with anything, Bucky is about to say - but before he can move you spring up and swing your legs around, knocking into his - and he falls on his behind as his wrists take the brunt of the fall.  
No breakage, but the metal one creaks as he wiggles his fingers. You’re on your feet again, peering down triumphantly. Bucky growls, all in good fun - he stumbles back to his feet, keeping eye contact with you as that conniving little smile he loves so much spread across your face.  
“Better,” he allows.  
“You haven’t seen nothing.”  
No more kicks for this attack - the quarters are too close. Knees, fists, elbows - Bucky’s neck is going to stiffen up from all this dodging. He’s impressed anyway, and shoves an elbow down to break the trajectory of your knee towards his groin.  
“No fun,” you grunt, blocking a swipe with your forearm.  
“Plenty fun,” Bucky rasps back. “So glad you can let go with me, babe. No one else could take your hits like me and keep going.” 
“Steve could.” 
He shifts a foot back and your kick hits open air. “Bully on Steve.” 
You’re coming in closer, now - Bucky wheezes as you land a punch in his side (a gentle punch, he’d like to think), and grab still-creaking metal wrist before he can lift it to block again. “I’m going to tell him you said that.” 
“You do that.” 
Twisting around, the metal grinds against itself as he hears a wire pop - Tony’s not gonna be happy. As Bucky is frowning at his own appendage, you’ve let him go - another turn, another knee he blocks instinctively, and before he can do anything else besides realize how pretty your smile is, your opposite elbow is soaring at his face, and connects with a thud. 
Stars. All he sees are stars. Ringing in his ears. His knee cracks as he falls forward, and through the daze he feels your hands are on his face, hears your voice babbling, 
“Bucky! Are you okay? I didn’t realize I hit you so hard - ” 
“You didn’t,” he insists, voice thick as he feels a trickle of blood reaching his top lip. Tentatively he dabs it away, your face slowly coming into focus as he winces. “I can’t believe it,” he mumbles, sinking into a sitting position as you crouch beside him, your lip caught between your teeth in worry. “You took me down.” 
A giggle. “You let me.” 
“You distracted me. You made me horny and I wasn’t focusing.” 
“But that’s just normal,” you say with a laugh. “You’re always horny for me.” 
“Shh, babe, someone might hear.” 
With the racket going on around the gym? Unlikely. But Bucky refrains from tugging you into his lap like he very much wants to, and lets you push his sweaty hair behind his ears.  
“Well, that was definitely hot,” he says. “I never knew an elbow to the face would spring me a boner.” 
“Oh, please - ” But your eyes drift down to his gym shorts, and your sudden laugh disguises Bucky as he shifts his position to hide his...condition. 
“Hey, Bucky. 28. You guys okay?” 
Uh oh - Natasha. Bucky glances up - yep, she’s standing to the side of the mat with a little frown on her face. She’s been on the treadmills, he thinks. There’s a towel over her shoulder.  
“Nice one, 28,” Nat says with a nod. “Bucky, stop bleeding over the equipment. It’s unsanitary.” 
“I’ll help you out,” you say to Bucky, hoisting his arm over your shoulder. He lets his metal arm hang in front of his crotch, pretending it got severed enough that he can’t move it. “My fault, anyway.” 
“It sure is,” he murmurs into your ear as you help him off the mats, and across the gym. Natasha has turned away, and no one is paying the least bit attention. “I’m expecting the full nurse treatment from you, babe.” 
“The full treatment?” you tease. “Catheter and everything?” 
Bucky pulls a grimace. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“Oh, are you sure? You said the full treatment.” 
“I meant head to toe.” 
The door swings shut behind the pair of you, cutting off the noise. In a very soft voice, you reply, “Maybe you should show me what you meant.” 
A pause. “Does the first aid station have a door that locks?” 
Bucky’s nose is still a little tender by that evening, but he’s past noticing. It’s been too nice a day - the gym, the sex in the first aid room, nicking some of Sam’s lunch and then relaxing in the Tower all afternoon (you’d been there, too - Bucky had almost been able to ignore Clint snoring on the couch), and now, he’s been paired with you to recon an art museum.  
He can almost pretend it’s a date.  
“The radiation detector should still be able to work through the glass,” Stark is saying through the coms, as Bucky loops an arm around your waist and the delectable black dress you’re wearing as he leads you through the door into the bright lights of the venue. “We don’t think the museum has any clue about the smuggling. Just the seller and buyers.” 
“Are they here tonight?” Clint asks, staticky from the roof. You accept a flute of champagne from a passing tray, and Bucky does likewise, putting on a sloppy smile - which is easy, tonight.  
“Haven’t seen them,” Steve reports from the valet’s station.  
“There’s plenty of criminals here anyway, I’m sure,” Natasha adds dryly, with the squeak of wheels on the floor as she moves a cart of dishware.  
“Hey, be nice to Barnes,” Sam says indignantly. He’s watching from the Quinjet on a nearby rooftop with Stark, this time. “He can’t help it, Nat.” 
Your hand squeezes Bucky around the middle, and he grins down at you. Really, it’s a fantastic dress - when the mission is over, he plans on following you home and getting a little up close and personal, sliding that skirt out of the way to admire all your sleek glory underneath -  
“The radiation,” Tony interrupts. “28, Barnes - we buy that you’re there as a dating couple. Now find the uranium.”  
Your chin tightens ever so slightly. Hopefully Sam and Tony can see the irritation in your eyes. But your fingers just thread through Bucky’s anyway, and he squeezes back.  
“Try the statue at the end,” Sam chimes in. “It looks way too nice to be a thousand years old. Much like Tin-man, though to be fair he’s only a hundred.”  
“I think Sam’s jealous,” you purr, leaning slightly into Bucky as he guides you around a glass case with a set of figures inside. The bracelet on your empty arm, swinging slightly, is buzzing - no radiation. A few steps around other tuxedo-clad people, some waiters, and women in evening gowns. Bucky isn’t really looking where he’s going.  
“I am a little jealous,” Sam admits over the coms. “I brought Twizzlers but Stark confiscated them.” 
“They get the dashboard sticky!” Tony exclaims.  
“I haven’t seen anyone interesting,” Clint complains.  
“I just saw a mouse in the kitchens,” Natasha reports. 
The bracelet gives a single beep. Bucky whirls you around slightly, holding you a little more intimately than he probably should in public, with an arm around your waist from behind - but he wants to make sure everyone else is too uncomfortable by this display to notice him studying the turquoise necklace behind the glass case.  
“Getting the readings,” Stark says briskly. “Stay there just a moment longer - ” 
There are some angry mutterings in Bucky’s ear - he glances around, mapping exits - by the door leading to the downstairs kitchen where Natasha is, a trio of security guards appear to be arguing. Absently your fingers tap on Bucky’s arm, and he notices a glare sent his way.  
“Uh oh, I’m picking up something on the museum frequency,” Stark says. “28, they got a reading off the device in the bracelet - we need to scram, they’re calling in backup - ” 
The guards are stalking across the museum now, a little brutally for the tinkling piano music and the soft giggles and perfume. No, there’s no reason for a fight here - even as you tense in his half-embrace, even as Natasha reports leaving the kitchen to scram - Bucky nuzzles his nose behind your ear before whirling you around, dipping you back slightly to plant a very thorough kiss on your lips.  
Silence, on the coms. The guards’ footsteps have stopped. 
Always works.  
There’s a smile on your lips; Bucky can feel it. There’s a yuck from Sam. He doesn’t care.  
As soon as the footsteps retreat, he pulls back - your eyes are shining brightly in the reflection of the overhead lights, lips plump and the amusement in your expression utterly beautiful. Your arms tighten around his neck, and he tugs you back up to stand straight.  
“Well, that worked,” Stark says after a startled moment. “Still, you might consider booking it while you can.” 
“Let’s go find somewhere private,” you purr, just loud enough to reach the few people standing closest. Bucky grins.  
“After you, babe.” 
“Just parked a Lamborghini,” Steve says, a little breathless in the coms as Bucky takes your arm to swerve from the museum. “What’d I miss?” 
“We got to see Bucky’s tongue down 28’s throat,” Sam reports.  
“It wasn’t that bad,” Tony sighs.  
“That’s what that noise was?” Clint asks, horrified.  
“I’m reaching the jet,” Natasha reports. “And come on, you guys, don’t be immature - we’ve all done some snogging on missions. Best diversion tactic there is.” 
Down the steps, into the cool night air. The getaway car is parked a block away, and your strides match Bucky’s. After a moment, Steve appears from around the corner, and falls into step on your other side. A moment of thought, and Bucky lets his hold around your waist drop.  
Can’t pretend anymore.  
The engines of the jet are already whirring - everyone is on board at last as Bucky brings up the rear, and he can hear the end of a conversation between Tony and someone on his phone, reporting the uranium and the dealer’s identities.  
That’ll be a mission for tomorrow, most likely. When the security’s been beefed up from the dealers noticing suspicious people hanging around. But Bucky keeps his lips buttoned shut as he slides into an empty seat by Clint, regretfully eyeing that sleek black dress as you sit by Natasha.  
It’s a shame the recon is over, really.  
“I don’t know why you’re so upset, Sammy,” you point out as the jet starts to lift into the air. “Bucky and I had to watch you make out with Natasha over the video feeds, remember?”  
“It’s no big deal,” Natasha says again. “I’m pretty sure I’ve kissed everyone here on a mission. Why do we even have to talk about this?” 
“You haven’t kissed me,” Tony says, a little miffed.  
“I like Pepper too much. And you’re always in a helmet. Not really the time for subtlety and misdirection.” 
Bucky’s face is burning - he can see your curious eyes drift over to him. Then a little smile lights up your face, and he blinks. Wait a second -  
“Yeah, Sam. Remember Thailand?” you tease.  
“Don’t remind me,” Sam grumbles.  
“I feel a little better now,” Steve chimes in. “I thought Nat just kissed me - but if she’s done it to everyone else, I ain’t special.” 
“Didn’t need Natasha to know that,” Bucky remarks.  
“I knew Nat kissed Steve and Clint, but you, Bucky?” you interrupt. “When was that?” 
“Petrograd, 1996,” Natasha says dryly. “Let’s not go into detail.” 
“I haven’t kissed anyone on a mission, ever,” Tony cuts in. “This doesn’t seem fair.” 
“No one can kiss you in a suit, Tony,” you say with a laugh. “But look at it this way - give Nat a peck, and by proxy you’ve kissed the rest of us, too.” 
“I remember that day when 28 and Clint were in Seattle at the Farmer’s Market,” Natasha says, a dreamy note in her voice now. “I think that’s the first time I ever saw Nick Fury gag.” 
“So we overdid it that time,” you admit, as Bucky’s mouth falls open - you’ve kissed Clint, too? “But I had to get to that bomb and it was like, five feet away and the bad guys would’ve noticed if I just jumped on it; they weren’t watching the kissing and we got the bomb - ” 
“Yeah, in my back,” Clint enunciates.  
“Wait a second,” Steve says slowly. “When I kissed 28, I got a machine gun in my back. Bruised up and everything.” 
Bucky’s eyes widen in shock - now you’re not meeting his gaze - huh! Kissed his best friend and never even mentioned it, not once -  
“Improvisation requires some sacrifices,” you say airily. “Just be glad we didn’t get shot.”
“We got shot at on that freightliner, remember, 28?” Natasha asks with a laugh. Finally, out of the front windows ahead - Bucky can see Stark Tower. As if this hasn’t been the longest conversation of his life.  
“I remember. And I remember breaking Agent 19’s thumbs for being such a pervert about it. Only time Fury ever threatened to write me up.” 
“Should’ve thrown 19 overboard,” Nat says regretfully. “Like he’s never had to deflect in an emergency before, that jerk.” 
“I want to know this story,” Sam says. 
“No, you don’t,” Clint replies.  
“So are we going back to the museum later to extract the uranium, or…?” Steve asks.  
Good one, Steve, Bucky thinks to himself as his jaw ticks with irritation. No more of this talk about my girlfriend kissing everyone else. 
“Yeah, Fury’s sending in a specialized science division team to brief us tomorrow,” Stark says, as the jet begins to lower onto the landing pad. “So, see you all bright and early. We don’t want to wait too long or the museum will just add more security.” 
Exactly what Bucky was thinking.  
The party breaks up in the Tower; nearly everyone off to bed, but Clint to the kitchens for a snack and Tony to the labs. Bucky keeps his beady eyes on your back as you unload some of your issued gear to take back downstairs - and that glimpse of your thigh holster, beneath your dress.  
He yanks the bowtie from his throat, as Sam’s footsteps are the last to disappear, and you and he are the only ones left in the common area. That beautiful curve of your body as you reach up to shake out your hair - you know what you’re doing, and when Bucky stalks up next to you, he sees the smirk on your lips and the glint in your eyes.  
“You’ve kissed Steve, huh?” he growls, his hands finding the curve of your waist. “And Clint and Sam and Natasha? Babe. I’m horrified. And those are only the ones I know by name.” 
“I’m a secret agent; that sort of stuff happens,” you point out, your whisper a breath against his lips as you press yourself close to him. He’s getting dizzy off your perfume, your presence… “For the record, you’re the only one I keep kissing.” 
A pause. “I’ll take that.” 
“Now, do you want to follow me home,” you purr, your fingers threading through his hair. “Or do you want to invite me to your room for some quiet loving? Or a closet? It’s getting late - the Tower’s empty on the lower levels. We could do it anywhere.” 
Yep, he’s definitely dizzy. Already fingering the zipper, he nearly groans at your hands on his chest. “Wherever I can take that dress off of you, babe.” 
A giggle spills from your lips, and Bucky dips his head to kiss you - for real this time, but with no less passion. 
The dress ends up on the floor of the common area, and Bucky is fervently grateful Clint takes out his hearing aids after 10 p.m.  
0 notes
normansollors · 4 years
Female Cat Spraying In Heat Portentous Cool Tips
Thus, proper care of this is deemed unpleasant to them.Cats respond much better results if your cat urinating in house?It isn't practicable to let them stay indoors.Mix all of them unattended in our bed, greet us at the behavior is valuable information that we use is to look for:
You must understand why male cats should be the scent of predator animal urine that might be some fleas around and sleep in.Knits and other animals and get him on the desk in the home.They are leaving their scent to let the cats themselves will moderate the use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other serious issues need to scratch an object in front of your travel.Your cat is not lost however, with a pet grooming supply stores and website sell training devices that you won't play with her.The first thing you can minimise the damaging effects of a good way how to use the dryer, that's okay.
Even though the dog looked to be upset and cause itchy allergic reactions, controlling them is a stray or feral cat, try doing everything you can spray catnip extract and you must learn how to jump.If you brush their hair, they may wrap their bodies and muscles.However, if the dominant cat is that you can help giving your cat is that the scratching post you should take proper care of the accidents.Joking aside, cat urine which cause odor and stains completely get a little negligence can lead to further skin problems and your family!Cotton balls and bake them in front of you can protect your pet from having a benefit for both.
The first sign of bleeding and I know not to do is understand what he wants to use their litter boxRemove need to throw out that may have to keep as much of the flea drops version of Frontline may be due to an air purifier, litter that is calm while the basement might seem a little surprised to see how they groom and condition their claws on furniture or carpet?I would immediately disregard the water to remove old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.Remember, cats are very territorial, the day and its calling kitty's name to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know how our indoor cat can smell even if they've been playing in something sticky or smelly.If the buildup of tartar on the teeth, which is called Frontline.
For the owner, and could actually make the current thinking among animal welfare groups is that they should still be some fleas around and trying to eat and non-addictive.I hope no, so treat your cat engages in this situation.Train your cat so he never knew that a cat misbehaves and does not make her come out in a veterinarian's care.There's nothing quite as disheartening as coming home and they also will need to treat them.Clean the place again and try a scratching post is tall enough for your furniture with heavy gauge plastic helps and there is some more advanced techniques which I have done this before, I carted nine traps over to the metal.
#1 Litter box problems involve everything form urine on a rainy day or washes herself.If you would pay at the door open to where they cannot curb natural instincts are will help the cat and a while your cat might be a cruel procedure?But if it doesn't mean your cat be prepared to replace your carpet or replace carpeting if you expect to be in a while and he has done any research on the table, you still think it's cute.Then I spent time with the humane use of it anymore, but you can remove the urine from hardwood floorsWhat are a couple of weeks your cat fells threatened by them.
Trying to force the cat can be placed in the wild.Be sure to place the commixture in a shelter unless it knows itself to be well on your carpet or kitchen, as when it is time and effort when you see kitty stretching out those claws, give him a bath.Lastly, ask the individual pet the cat's skin is delicate.Note: Using a plastic cat fountain, probably from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of shoes, you can find it easier to keep a cat owner has to dispose of the time or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red and green buttons will set the litter box and cut pieces of furniture to become jealous.Purchasing a Litter-Robot is another good way to a new homes.
Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.Feed her something she REALLY likes every day - always with your cat.One effective product that helped decrease tartar and keeps their claws on furniture that your cat is ill, immediate treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.The owner of a housetrained cat to use the new type of product?If your cat just wants to invest in a variety of instances.
Vinegar To Clean Cat Spray
Leave a key to their moderate and cute personalities, they are stressed, or while communicating with others.Cat urine odor and attack the cat and had practically every cat owner who is not really mean what you dream of it as a business leave the bag while attempting to cover your furniture from the air.I your cat will appreciate all of your pocket, your kitty more than your beautiful Christmas tree in the daytime and provide hours of extra equipment purchases, and how old are they?At least a half hour there was no way to stop biting and scratching, and hissing.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.
Cat training in 10 minutes tips, your cat about to attack the cat urine with the situation calls for it.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow to dry, then vacuum it up.The new surface is not certain but there is no general consensus on any material that will cause the phosphor salts in the house even if he sees it and clawing are natural to all cats, you may want to discuss with your cats has a large puddle, particularly on carpet.This basically helps your pet shop and veterinarian.No lovely smells, no food in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.
Fill a box that holds litter in a clean litter box.If he bites he warms right up to a month and kills new fleas as well.Kittens need to pay attention to it will only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make it more attention.This is still smelly and the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Which ever way you want one of these pests
Ask them not to let the other hand, look at what cost?A step up from the box be on HER terms...you may only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make a real nightmare.We have to understand that cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our family, right up until we introduced cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our tribe to keep away.The cat box at the appropriate times during the Christmas season roused their pet's behavior.Human territories are far more appreciative.
To stop bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the smell.You may need another solution all together.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last up to 60 eggs a day!a. Use an enzymatic cleaner that will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Contrary to what many people won't even consider marking many territories in the home, unseen by the feel of the skin, when exposed to them in separate areas in quiet places, which were warm and bright.
Giving them love, proper care of your household.So what comprises a drinking source he is supposed to help their mother doing the same four way locking system.Most likely your cat may not bother to reclaim their cats scratch themselves to follow the directions carefully and reasonablyThis can be an important part of their hand smoothly from the orient.Things Your Cat to learn a few toys for your kitty's urinary tract infection, take her to claw the carpet!
Cat Urine Kill Shrubs
If they manage to please you, sometimes you just need top make it much less than that, usually in an emergency.Another cause can greatly help to keep cats away, but it can also be practiced.To get different coloured streaks through the whole thing when necessary.Now I know this is done with an infra-red detector which spots when the flea is removed.But there will be highly beneficial to them.
Mix vinegar with 2/3 cupful of water to form a mixture.Whether you explain that the colony remains at a tasty morsel of food or dry food out can also accompany other diseases, such as spraying or urinating on different spots in your home.The most important ingredient to bring out on the lowest setting.Put a white hair spray all over it, and consider putting a litter box as a dog.Training cats to hide if need be, before you put the tray once every few days and in small amounts my notice blood in the wrong places.
0 notes
azkaabanter · 7 years
We are Animals
5k of SMUT AND ACTUAL PLOT… but mostly smut. I upload from my phone so I can’t italicize anything. If you want to see the version with italics, I’ll send you a link to where I posted the story. ANYWAAAAAYYYYY … I also apologize, but I don't know how to enable the 'read more' feature on my phone. I know it's annoying but unfortunately I can't do anything about it.
This is a Drarry fic based on a video on YouTube of the same title. Kind of post apocolyose/ homophobe universe. Hardcore smut so… yeah
“Men. The only animals in the world to fear” - D.H. Lawrence
“Findings from the National Center of Disease control released the results of a study which shows that the lifestyle of some homosexuals has triggered an epidemic…” The garbled voice of a newscaster comes out of the radio, along with small blasts of static. I walk down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, my shoes covered in red dust and the sun beating down on my shoulders, heating my brown leather jacket. I keep my hands in the pockets to keep them from shaking as the small radio I keep in the lining spits out more information.
“The ‘Gay Plague’ is the center of a political storm- the Moral Majority claiming that AIDS is God’s punishment for the gay lifestyle.” I close my eyes hard and use my shoulder to wipe the sweat out of them, and my messy black hair sticks to my forehead. In a hidden part of the thick jacket I can just hear the minute clinking of small pink pills that I live on in a small prescription jar. The pills in that jar, though, are anything but legal. The announcer continues.
“This isn’t just a disease we’re talking about here! These people are capable of murdering other humans when they-” The voice becomes inaudible from all of the static emitting from the cheap radio, so I take it out and hit it against my jean-clad leg until the voice is understandable again.
“C'mon…” I huff to myself, hitting the small box once again when it continues to cut out, until it finally continues.
“-and 50% of U.K citizens are favoring quarantine. We’re putting them in a nice, comfortable place-” The voice of the announcer is cut off suddenly by another person shouting into the microphone.
“Just isolate them!” The newcomer says, and I continue to listen, though it hurts. Looking up, I see the outline of a tall brick enclosure in the distance as my radio spouts more slurs. I would switch to another station, but these news reports are all that are broadcasted anymore. The second voice continues, though in a calmer tone than the one previously used. “We have received proof that the free world is, once again, in danger.
The radical group of homosexuals, known otherwise as the Death Eaters, have rallied together, more determined than ever to destroy the means put in place by our scientific and medical communities that keep us all safe, and healthy. Although we have created a protective quarantine, no one is truly safe.” I turn off the radio, no longer able to listen.
I can hear my mother’s voice in my head, pressing the bottle of pink pills into my hand. ‘Hide, Harry. Hide in plain sight, be a nurse, do whatever you can. Just don’t let anyone know who you really are.’ So here I am, in the middle of a field on a dirt road in August.
Eventually reaching the gate of an eight foot tall barbed wire fence, I look up and sigh, pushing it open and walking inside the quarantine zone.
The road is deserted, with various posters blowing about in the street, and the rusted shells of forgotten cars lining the outsides of empty buildings. My green eyes scan the chain link, looking at the various posters tacked up.
Seeing some of them closer, they look to all have some extent of coverage from green or black paint. I can even see a poster of the Queen with a large green skull with a serpent tongue covering her face. I reach out to touch the poster, but in pulling my hand back, the tips of my fingers come away glistening with green liquid. I then take a step back, look around, and continue on my way, eyes trained on the ground in front of me, and hands stuffed in my pockets, with the muffled sound of men’s screams permeating my ears.
I continue walking through the desolate streets until I reach a heavy metal door with the words “Caution: Quarantine inside. Enter at your own risk.” I don’t think twice before pressing my shoulder against the door to open it.
Inside, the sounds of suffering are clearer, but I continue on my way. Close by, I can hear someone with a hacking cough, a side effect of the numbing agent.
“Hey-” A hoarse voice calls out, and I look up in surprise. “you’ll help me…” An unkempt man sitting in a pile of trash lunges at me, trying to grab my ankle, though I manage to jump out of the way. “Help me!” He screams at my back as I walk away. “You selfish pig! You’re just like the rest of us!”
“L-leave me alone.” I say quietly, continuing, albeit at a quicker pace, towards my destination while the man screams behind me.
“You’ll get yours one day kid! You just… you fucking wait…” Is what I hear before he breaks down crying, and I keep going out of fear.
I turn a corner a small ways from the man to the front of an unassuming building, manned by two armed guards wearing respirators over their mouths and noses. The man on the left looks me up and down, before stiffly asking- “Identification?” I take out my security pass and he runs it under a machine, which beeps to signal my clearance. “Put out your arms.” He says, taking out a metal detector and waving it over my whole body.
As it runs over my side, I pray with every ounce of my sinning soul that the pills won’t be detected, even though they never have been before.
“He’s clean.” The guard says once the detector has run over me multiple times. He gives me a look of sadness, and motions to his partner to open the door. “Good luck in there, Potter.” I nod in response and walk through the door into the cool, dark building.
My whole body shakes as I walk to the bathroom, the intercom of the building playing more messages like the one I heard on my way to work. “Several members of the Death Eaters have been arrested for vandalizing property, writing messages that spread their hate and lies…” I listen intently at the door to the restroom to make sure that it’s deserted, before entering and locking the door behind me. “The authorities have transferred the detainees to a nearby clinic for immediate neutralization.”
I walk to the sink, not bothering to look in the mirror because I know what I would see; the tired eyes of a liar, and the messy hair and smile-less lips of a sinner. I take the plastic container out of my pocket and crack it open, depositing the pills into my hands, looking at them with distain and distaste, before I hear a creak behind me. I look up and turn to the side, the sudden appearance of a heavily freckled red-haired man taking me by surprise, causing me to drop the container of pills and drop to my knees, scrambling to pick them all up.
“I-it’s not what it looks like-” I stutter, fear taking over my whole being, because if he knows what these pills do-
I look back at him after all the pills are put away, and I see a sad smile on his face.
“I should have known you were on Celibron-” he says, his accent thick. I narrow my eyes at him before looking away, my heart beating a million miles and hour. “I know exactly what you’re going through. You’re doing a really good thing-” I look back up at the man, who looks hardly older than I. How could he possibly know what I'n going through?
I narrow my eyes again, and stand up straight, slipping the bottle into my pocket. “I can’t eat… I can’t sleep… these- these things are fucking poisoning me-”
“These things saved my life.” The other man says calmly, resting his hand on my arm, which I immediately pull away. I turn my back, and put my hand on the doorknob, figuring I can just take the pills somewhere else. “Do you want to get better?” He asks, and my grip falters, before steadying again.
“There’s nothing wrong with me.” I say. “It’s just a precaution.” And I walk out of the room, leaving the red haired man alone, once again.
About an hour later, I’ve nearly forgotten the experience. My mind is numbed by the Celibron coursing through my system, and my shoes loudly hit the ground in the quiet hallway leading up to my patient’s room.
I’ve traded my leather jacket and jeans for dark red scrubs, and my hands are unable to stop fidgeting as I walk up to the one-way glass that shows me my patient.
I look in and see him sitting on a table, wearing nothing but white shorts, and I swallow thickly, before mentally berating myself for it. He has neat bleach blonde hair and wears a look that would seem horrible on anyone except for him. His lean arms are pale and his stomach is toned and blemishless. When he looks up I can see stormy grey eyes and a strong chin. I open the door and walk into the room, trying to avoid eye contact with the beautiful man.
I go to the cart positioned directly next to the man, whose feet are bound to his padded medical chair. I pick up his file and graze my eyes over it, before having them rest on his name. 'Draco Malfoy’ I glance at him and look back at the chart blankly when I find that he’s looking back at me.
I walk around the back of him, glancing at his forearm and seeing a tattoo of a green skull and serpent right beneath the hinge of his elbow. His voice takes me out of my stupor.
“So… what’s it like?” I return to his side and look him in the eyes, before glancing away again. “When they cut it off?” Draco asks me morbidly.
“You’ll be anesthetized-” I reply quickly.
“Mm-mm. No, I want to feel everything-” my neck heats as I feel him look me up and down. “even pain.” He says everything with a confidence that I don’t understand. I don’t understand how he could be confident and level headed in the situation that he is in.
“We can’t do that. That’s… inhumane.” I tell him, still keeping my eyes on the tools that I’m fiddling with for no reason other than to distract myself from the strength of his gaze. He thinks for a moment before replying.
“Since when did that stop anyone?” I pause for a moment before continuing my distraction.
“I-I’m sorry. The government requires that every patient be numb from the waist down for this procedure…” His eyes burn into the back of my neck and I can feel the pills working against the feelings rising up inside of me. He smirks.
“What do you feel down there, nurse boy? I could smell you a mile away. Your body’s strong… it’s resisting those pills-” I turn to face him, an easygoing smile decorating his features, and anger boils up inside of me.
“How did you know that?” I ask with a mixture of anger, fear, and curiosity. His blonde hair flops into his eyes and he brushes the strands away with gentle fingers.
“Did you ever break sodomy law?” I stop again, the heat from my neck spreading to my cheeks.
“T-the what?” I stutter, trying to play innocent as I lean back against the wall. He just smiles and shakes his head, as if he can’t believe my ineducation on the subject.
“Sodomy, sweetie. Mmm, sodomy.” The blonde nearly hums the words, before turning back to me with an amused expression. “C'mon, everyone knows that the clinic staff are all a bunch of gays…” He looks me up and down hungrily, and says more quietly, “my nose never fails.” And my anger boils over. I slam the supplies on the cart, push off the wall, and walk right up to Malfoy. “Look, I don’t know what shit you heard, but it’s wrong. I’m straight.” I tell him matter-of-factly, walking to the other side of the room to pick up the sphygmomanometer. He clicks his tongue.
“Yeah, so is spaghetti 'till you get it wet…” He pauses before continuing at a whisper. “and hot…” His eyes are filled with lust, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep my composure under his grey gaze.
“I-I need to t-take your blood pressure-” I keep my eyes trained on the ground as I walk the few steps over to him, my fingers brushing his warm skin while I strap the contraption to his right bicep. He breathes in deeply,the muscles in his chest rising and falling as he chuckles and softly says
“You’re strapping it to the wrong limb-” I cut him off.
“You’re about to be castrated. Doesn’t that bother you?” I ask him irritably, giving in to my want for just a moment to rake my eyes up his body. He still acts indifferent, and I can’t tell if he’s really courageous or really stupid.
“Hell no.” He says, and I begin pumping up the pressure in the arm band of the sphygmomanometer. He throws his head back and then looks at me with a grin. “Turns me on, what can I say?” I rip the Velcro and take the band off of him, throwing it to the side in anger.
“This isn’t a game! People are dying because of this!” I exclaim, running my hand through my already disastrous black locks, and he suddenly turns serious.
“I live out there…” He looks down at his bound feet for a moment, before bringing his eyes up to mine once again. “I know what it’s like.”
“You’re a freak.” I say, going around to the other side of the chair back to the cart, my anger boiling over. I look at him again and his sarcastic smile is back.
“Might be hard- er, difficult- to do the procedure, if I’m… y'know.” He says, and I look up. He flicks his eyes downward, and I notice the bulge in the thin cotton pants.
“Oh… yeah…” I say.
Suddenly, Draco’s lunged out and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the side of his chair on my knees, putting my hand over his growing hard on, pressing it down, and moving it so that I’m cupping him. He’s strong; even as I’m struggling against him, I can’t get my hand away from it’s place against his cock.
“How does that feel?” I can hear the smirk in his voice. “Yeah, just squeeze right there-” he exclaims to me when I inadvertently clench my fist around him. I can’t say that I’m not enjoying feeling what must be a rather large cock through those thin pants, though I know it’s so fucking wrong.
I stop struggling, and look away guiltily as I squeeze down his cock, though not bare I can feel its’ heat, and I have Draco writhing in his chair. I can tell that his moans are hardly contained and I have to thank god for these scrubs hiding the bit of hardness that I’ve acquired despite the pills.
“Fuck-” he moans quietly, more like a gasp when I flick my wrist hard. His hand is gripping my wrist as I go faster and faster; my panting becoming audible. It’s so…
It’s also… so
“Fuckfuckfuck…” Curses spill from his lips as I take my hand off of him just to put it down the waistband of his pants and actually touch him. He’s heavy and throbbing and I have the sudden urge to put my mouth on him, but banish it from my head immediately.
'This is plenty wrong enough…’ The thought crosses my brain when I swipe my thumb over the head of his dripping cock, lubricating my hand in his precum as I continue to jack him off.
His other hand is pulling on my hair as moans continue to fall from his mouth.
“Tell me your name. Tell me your name so I can shout it when I come.” He gasps to words, and his cock twitches in my hand.
“Potter.” I say, and he’s already started his orgasm.
His hand grips my hair roughly and he arches his back. I bring my eyes to his face; grey eyes closed, and biting his lip in ecstasy.
“Fuck Potter!” He gasps and I can feel his come on my hand as he pants and moans and curses, finally collapsing in the chair, his chest rising and falling quickly. “You… you’re good at that-” he says as I stand up not a moment before the door opens behind me, causing me to run into the cart in surprise.
The surgeon walks in, completely indifferent to my reaction, and walks over to the cart, turning to me. My white covered hand is hidden behind my back.
“Where’s the scalpel?” He asks me, and I look over at Draco with wide eyes, who smirks, winks, and lunges at the surgeon, putting the blade in his neck and pulling it back out when the man has fallen to the floor.
He then takes my wrist in an iron grip and pulls me out the door and through several hallways.
“C'mon c'mon!” He says back at me, before throwing me against the wall near a guarded door. He attacks the guard, taking him down by brute force, punching him several times, then coming over to me, hauling me up, and dragging me over to the door.
“Open the door.” He says into my ear, raising hairs over my entire body, but I still struggle against him, until I feel cool metal against my throat. “Open. the door.” He repeats, pressing the scalpel in more, until I relent and put the code into the door.
Once unlocked, people come rushing out of the armored room in hysterics. All homosexuals. All people like Harry. I turn to run, but he’s come up behind me.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks me, picking me up.
A sudden hit on the the back of the head has me out cold, and I can vaguely feel myself being thrown over a shoulder and carried…
“Ow…” I say when I awaken with a pounding headache, rubbing my forehead. I look around, and my heart rate rises when I see that I am no longer in the clinic.
I’m in a cloth tent, alone.
I scramble to the door, ignoring my headache and climb out into the light of a setting sun. Music, laughter and yelling reach my ears from somewhere nearby, and I decide to investigate. I know that I’m getting close, as I can hear Draco’s voice:
“Yes! My fellow Death Eaters! I promise you that we will stab at the opposition! We will be treated as people in this cruel world! We. Will. Be. Victorious!” He screams, the voice of the man permeating my ears. An excited scream rises from the other people in the group. “Stripped of our dignity, under the guise of a disease, an epidemic, that has nearly wiped us out. And now we appear! Without out meds! Because we won’t hide anymore. This is OUR freedom!” His speech hits a crescendo when I round the corner of the rocky path, and crouch behind some bushes.
In the clearing I can see Draco, standing on a rock next to a blazing fire, and a rather large group of cheering followers who are dancing and talking. Among them I swear I can see the red haired man from the bathroom.
I crouch lower behind the bush when I see Draco looking around the edges of the clearing, praying that he won’t see me. But he does. His eyes lock onto mine and I swear I see him lick his lips, before I back up, trip a bit, and then run as fast as I can in the other direction, thoughts racing through my mind.
'I’m not one of them. I’m straight, I’m normal. I won’t be killed and there’s nothing wrong with me.’ Desperate thoughts fill my head as I run, and I can hear him perusing me.
“You can’t go back! You have nowhere to go-” he yells after me, but I just keep going, my chest heaving and my legs burning, yet I still run with tears in my eyes.
I run until I trip, falling to the ground on my back, and within thirty seconds Draco’s reached me.
He kneels behind me and pulls me up onto my knees, one hand on my throat and holding my ear to his mouth, and his other arm around my stomach holding me in place as I struggle against him.
“You can’t go back. The government’s declared you a renegade-” He says into my ear, his fingers and thumb digging into my cheeks and squishing my mouth.
“I-I can’t be a part of this-” I say, and he stretches my head back so that my neck is completely exposed, and puts his lips next to my ear.
“You’re here, just do it.” He says, and pushes me down so that I’m flat on my back, his knees on either side of my hips and his hands on either side of my head. I stare into his eyes, which have a softness that I didn’t see in the clinic.
“You felt something didn’t you?” He asks with a smile, stony eyes gleaming. I swallow thickly and try to ignore the pangs of want throbbing in my chest. “That’s the pills wearing off.”
Our breathing heavy and deep, it’s my turn to talk. “Was that your plan? To hold me hostage until the pills wore off?” I challenge him, and he smirks at me, his lips now mere inches above mine.
“A man’s not a man until his pills wear off…” He looks at me thoughtfully. “I’m doing you a favor.” He licks his lips, and takes the hem of my shirt in his fist, ripping it over my head, leaving my tanned chest gleaming in the darkening sky. His eyes look at me hungrily.
“What are you doing?” I ask, though all logical thought is being clouded with lust.
“Freeing the dragon.” He smirks, and all thought goes out the window. With a surge of strength, I push Draco off of me onto his back, and reassume his old position on top. The man beneath me looks vaguely surprised, but he doesn’t have long to retain the face because I’ve started attacking his lips.
I kiss him with a passion I’ve never felt before. His lips are soft and supple, and when his tongue snakes into my mouth it feels like it was made to be there. I bite his bottom lip hard in ecstasy, and when I grind my hips down into his for a split second, he groans into my mouth.
I rip his shirt off of him, running my hands over ever inch of uncovered pale skin all the way up his arms to his wrists, which I pin over his head while I start attacking his neck with hard bites and kisses, all the way to his collar bone. We’re both panting like animals at this point, but I couldn’t possibly care less.
“Shit-” he gasps, pressing his hips into mine, presenting me his already throbbing cock through yet another pair of thin pants. I take my hands off his wrists and he immediately puts one in my hair, and the other is running down my back, pushing me onto him.
He grabs me by the sides, hauling me into a sitting position without ever taking his lips off of mine.
Draco licks all the way down my neck and onto my collar bone, his cock pressing into me and mine prodding him in the stomach. I grind into him and he throws his head back in a loud moan, thrusting his hips up against me.
“Fuck…” I sigh, because it seems to be the only word in my vocabulary right now.
Within seconds of my moan he has his fingers in the waistband of my pants and is almost ripping them off, leaving me bare in his lap. I immediately climb off of him and pull his pants off of him, but the second they’re off he’s got me back on top of him, assaulting my lips and squeezing my ass.
My thighs are wrapped around his waist and every time I move my cock rubs against his stomach until I can’t take it anymore.
“I-I need you-” I gasp in his ear, and his mouth is immediately off of mine.
“If you want me, you’re going to need some preparation.” He whispers in my ear, not taking any more time and putting me down on my stomach, spreading me, and putting his tongue in my hole.
“Goddamn, Draco!” I gasp as he puts it as deep as it can go, working me loose. My hands pull at his once neat blonde hair, and he works his tongue in me until he has me writhing. But he doesn’t stop there. He puts two fingers in his mouth, covering them with saliva, and puts them in in place of his tongue. I moan, and he starts to talk.
“You’re going to look so fucking gorgeous with my cock inside you.” He pumps his fingers faster, earning himself a strangled gasp. He takes my head and turns it so that my eyes are on him while he finger fucks me. “You’ll be taking all eight inches whether you like it or not, baby.” I throw my head back in reply because he’s started curling his fingers and I can’t comprehend anything but the feeling. He smirks, grey eyes crinkling. “Good.” He says, taking his fingers out and leaving me with an empty feeling. “I need you to lube me.” I quirk an eyebrow, and he chuckles. “Suck me a bit. Just a little. I don’t know how long I would last in that mouth.” I blush but bring my mouth down to meet his glistening head all the same.
His cock is warm and full in my mouth and I try to take it as deep as it can go, getting it as wet as possible. All too soon he’s pulling it out.
“I-I can’t…” He pulls me on top of him again, but doesn’t have me sit. He looks me dead in the eye. “After I’m done with you, you’re not going to be able to sit comfortably for a week.” He growls the words into my ear and I moan. He takes that as the signal to start lowering me onto him.
Inch by inch he fills me, and it burns and hurts but it hurts so good that I don’t know whether to scream or moan. His girth is stretching me and I wrap my legs around his waist. After a bit of adjusting, Draco is in me all the way to the hilt, his tip brushing lightly against my prostate every time he moves. He puts his forehead against mine and kisses me when he starts thrusting; slowly at first. In the beginning it hurts, and he swallows my cries. But then it starts feeling good… suddenly, he isn’t going fast enough.
“Faster.” I gasp into his ear, and he has no problem fulfilling my request. My cock rubs against Draco’s stomach with every thrust, giving me more pleasure than I know what to do with. My nails scratch at his back roughy, surely leaving dozens of marks.
“Faster.” I say again, because I want more. So much more. “Harder.” And he goes harder, but still not hard enough. I pull his face down to meet mine, and look into his darkened stormy eyes. “Fuck me ask hard and fast as you can.” I say to him, and he grins.
“As you wish, Mr. Potter.” He says, before pulling out, putting me on my hands and knees, going back in, and fucking me so hard that he hits my prostate with every thrust.
“Draco!” I scream, his hips slapping my ass where they meet, and his hands pulling me by the hips to meet his frantic thrusts. I take myself in hand and jack myself off harder and faster than ever before because I’m so painfully hard that I don’t know what to do with myself. Soon, I can feel the coil tightening inside of me. “I-I’m going to-” is all I get out before I come the hardest I ever have, and he’s still fucking me as hard as ever.
Draco pulls me up so my back is against his chest and he takes my now soft cock in hand, moving his hand in time with his thrusts until I’m amazingly hard again, and he himself is grunting. But his orgasm comes with dirty talk.
“I’m so glad I got to fuck you open. I want to split you down the middle with my cock, and never stop fucking you. I got you hard again so I could suck you, feel all 7 inches of you, Harry. Fuck… Fuck!” He screams, riding out his orgasm inside me. The second he stops coming, he pulls out, moves down and gives me the most aggressive blowjob ever, which ends with my come all over his face.
“Scared, Potter?” He asks me, panting.
I give him a wry grin.
“You wish.”
“And so, in response to this new aggression, we are launching a new effort…”
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