#Can A Reiki Master Teacher Reiki
ascendingaeons · 6 months
A Dance with Bast
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"Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the Creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The Creator and the creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing — until there is only … the dance."
Michael Jackson "The Dance" - from inlay sleeve of Dangerous (1991)
"I would believe only in a god who could dance. And when I saw my devil I found him serious, thorough, profound, and solemn: it was the spirit of gravity - through him all things fall."
Friedrich Nietzsche - "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
I was participating in a pathworking meditation during my Reiki I° class. I was instructed to focus on my Soul Star chakra (also known as the Vyapani or universal heart) and that I would manifest a sacred space there. To my surprise, the space that I found myself in was a sacred library that I dreamed of many years before.
As I walked around this space, I noticed Bast sitting in a plush, crimson velvet chair. There was a hearth behind Her radiating warmth from a cozy, crackling fire. I approached Bast and bowed with my hands outstretched, a posture of devotion known as henu. Bast smiled and after a period of pleasant silence, I asked Her if She wanted to dance with me. The Goddess rose from Her seat and walked towards me with calm, authoritative grace.
Bast was covered from head to toe in short, black fur. Her eyes were green, Her teeth radiant and sharp. She wore a flowing but simple, turquoise-colored dress in a modern style, accented with gold leaf. She wore gold bracelets on her wrists and ankles, gold armlets above the elbow in a serpentine design, and a stunning gold Wesekh collar adorned with jade, sapphires, blue amethysts, and emeralds. She had earrings of emerald and wore simple but elegant jade pumps on her feet. Her nails (more like claws) were refined but sharp. She was about my height if not an inch or so taller.
She took my hands in Hers and we began to waltz around this space. As we danced, it felt as though we had done so many, many times before. The Goddess spoke and I listened. She told me that I have come a long way and there is much yet that I must do. She told me to relax and loosen up a bit more. “Have fun and enjoy life! Do everything that you desire. That is what life is for.” Her face became brighter, soft, and encouraging, and with a joyous smile and twinkle in Her eye She told me the words that I will remember for the rest of my life, “Life can be beautiful if you let it.”
And with that, we danced on, smiling and free, as my awareness returned to my teacher’s living room. My head turned to the right and outside the tall windows, I could see the sun rising slowly into its zenith.
Life is not meant to be a breeze. Misfortune, mistakes, and loss are there to teach and shape us, if we are so inclined to listen. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder and after that experience, which I chose to believe was authentic, I began to ask myself, “Why not try to see the beauty in life? Why not see the good?”
And so, I began to realize that such a mindset was a choice. I chose to see each moment not in a glass-half-full sort of way, but as an opportunity for creation. I began to cultivate openness, acceptance, gratitude, and ingenuity as a state of being. The more I embodied the beauty and goodness that I wanted to see in the world, the more I found that it was.
Dua Bast!
Image is credited to FelineFire.
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ener-chi · 10 months
Feeling pushed to make a life update so here we go! TL;DR my Path, and fun school stuff - Taiji, Tuina, etc.
Hmm where to start. This program has changed me so much. Due to everything I have to deal with and go through, I feel like all of my unhealthy coping mechanisms and behaviors came to the surface and ended up being changed into something different and healthier. I mean, they kind of had to be - otherwise I wouldn't be able to handle the program.
But... this is kind of what I've been working on lately, and is pretty recent. I've realized that... I have been running. From myself, and also my Path.
I was running from my Trauma, but also parts of myself that I didn't like. But also... I was running from my Spiritual Path. My Path started to change about 2 years ago. It began to get... bigger, broader scope, more responsibility... I realized recently that I got scared, because I knew that following it would result in me changing big time, and I don't think I was ready for that at that time.
But. You can't run forever lol. I've been doing a lot of work, and I think I am finally ready to accept my Path and get back into my Practice. I've been getting a bunch of upgrades, been working with Reiki ALOT. Also... my gifts have been coming back (I've been kind of suppressing them) and that's been super interesting. I feel like I have soo much to learn, and I get to relearn how to do things, too.
In other news - cool school stuff!!
First, Taiji. The teacher I have is INCREDIBLE. He's an older Chinese man, and he is legitimately like a master you would see in movies. I have learned a form of Taiji before, but what he teaches is WILD.
Like we haventeven learned any form or anything - all we've really been doing is learning how to stand properly in two different stances and shift our weight around. But the Qi fucking MOVES. Sooo much. Like during it my whole body shakes as it's releasing blockages, and throughout the week I like have had a ton of emotional stuff come up. I definitely think that it's been contributing to the change I've been going through, for sure.
I mean we get energy blockages in our channels, and we can have big emotions and stress stored there or in our muscles. When you break up those blockages, those things get released. It's very cool to see it happen in myself.
HmmMMM I've been learning some Tuina - which translates to basically Chinese Medical Massage. It's a massage modality, but it serves a medical purpose, and can be used to treat most things, even like cold or flu. BUT where it excels is in orthopedic problems and pain.
Like our teacher - who is incredible, btw, and got his degree in China, and was the first person to have a doctor's degree in TCM in the USA - he has been showing us so many stories and case studies of people that have had near debilitating pain for years, sometimes 10 or 20, and no surgery or anything can make it better, but after about 10 sessions of Tuina, they walk away pain-free.
Absolutely mind-bending stuff. I honestly genuinely am going to recommend anyone in my life to try Tuina before considering getting big orthopedic surgeries. It's crazy.
Hmm what else. I mean I have just been learning so much stuff lol. Like Chinese Medicine can help accelerate the growth and healing of bones after a break, and can also help treat it even years after it happened. Or like how most heart attacks take place around noon and in the summer, and why that is. Just so much cool stuff!
Anywho. That's probably it for now. Gotta rest up and get back to my studies 😵
Hope everyone has a good day!
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theawakenedstate · 1 year
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You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction. It’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Chakras are MORE than color therapy
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system. I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
I distinctly remember when i received the download for this – partly because i RARELY see anyone teach it like this. Most teachings are focusing on surface level techniques that BARELY scratch the surface with the deep seeded internal emotional healing work that can produce such profound emotional fulfillment when you use the chakra system correctly. 
This is part of the reason why I choose Chakra Healing over Reiki.
do not get me wrong here, I personally LOVE both systems but honestly, they are wildly different.
I use them for different things and I find that it’s important to understand WHY they are so different so you can also see the benefit of both. 
It really puts a Name and A Label on what is happening to you
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
I totally understand! This is why I continuously come back to the chakras. They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening. it also helped produce so much emotional healing and helped me rewire beliefs! 
If you’ve ever been curious on how they are different
you gotta take the time to watch this week’s episode!  Watch on Youtube & subscribe for more videos Every week: 
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, hit that bell for instant notifications and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!
BTW – We are like so close to 1k sub, If we get to 1,000 subscribers this month – I am TOTALLY doing a giveaway 😉 just sayin’  😉
p.s. Want to heal your Chakras to improve your Emotional Health, get confidence in energy work and embrace more soul purpose? Check out my Latest FREE training: the Chakra detox Masterclass!
Learn My 3 Step Framework To Detox Your Chakras With The Mind-Body Connection For Amazing Health, Radical Awareness, And Learn To Manifest With The Chakra System: Sign up and save your seat below! https://www.theawakenedstate.net/freechakramasterclass/
Why I Choose Chakra Healing Over Reiki
You may not know this, but I am certified in reiki. I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in […]
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infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
Hi! I'm Amanda, aka The Daemonic Witxh.
I figured there is no better time to do an introduction post than my first one. I'm joining this side of social media after the constant frustration of misinformation being spread on other platforms (not saying it doesn't happen here, but there is more potential for quality posts). I'm a hereditary witch, practicing ever since I can remember. I've been seriously practicing for over a decade however and have plenty of information I'd love to share with y'all.
My practice is a bit all over the place. Hereditary-wise, I come from a line of female witches from an indigenous tribe in southeast asia, technically I am an austronesian mix. I hold those animist customs closely and keep our traditions alive. That being said, women are the shamans & witches, we hold the rituals/ceremonies, contact the anitos (ancestors) & gods, and cast spells.
I am also a demonolatress and work with some wonderful daemons. I absolutely am open to sharing these experiences and helping others out, I know this path typically leads to many questions.
I don't believe in putting a label on myself. Boxes aren't my thing and they didn't exist in the way they do now in the witchcraft community. I practice a little bit of everything magic wise. Being a well-rounded, knowledgeable witch is important to me. I work with deities outside of demonolatry as well. There isn't a specific path I follow when it comes to my craft.
Outside of witchcraft, I am a firefighter. Well, taking a break but getting back to it when I can. That's where my heart and soul is. I also have a side business doing tarot and am a certified reiki master/teacher. I'm a goth & metalhead, love to express myself through cooking, read as much as I can, and like to move my body. I've got a million hobbies and things I love, including my husband and my german shepard, who I refer to as my baby bat.
I'm creating this blog to be a safe space - both for myself and for other witches. You will not be judged here. I'll be sharing my experiences but also am here to answer questions, so please do use the ask box. Ask whatever you want, especially if you have witchcraft related questions. I will help this community as much as I can. This blog, overall, will remain personal to me and somewhere I can share my witchy shit. Please enjoy & welcome in!
Do not contact me if you are a neo-nazi, don't believe in science or medicine, are homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. I'm sure you know where I'm going with that, the list is endless & I do not tolerate any of it. Ever. Don't be an asshole, morally speaking.
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evolvingseasonally · 2 years
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SUNDAY | Making a list and checking it twice. Lots going on. Most of it is fun, some new and exciting. I go back to work this week, and we are about two and a half months away from the school year ending. Oh man, I feel so hopeful and energized. I know I can do this! So can you! How do you get ready for the week? Shops tagged. SUPPORT EVOLVING SEASONALLY BY liking, sharing, commenting, and saving this post. Tag a friend too! Shop the evolving seasonally store too! Links in bio. Doing these things help me spread the word about my work. I appreciate your support. ABOUT JANIE I’m a Self-Love Coach, Holy Fire Reiki Master, and full-time High School Family Consumer Science Teacher. At Evolving Seasonally, I share tools and methods to plan and implement a mindful life during any season of your life. Visit evolvingseasonally.com to learn more. #listing #sundayselfcare #sundayplanning #plan #manifestation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-8i-sOsDq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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templedragon · 1 year
🦋If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog🦋
I'm allergic to alcohol in any contact point (ingestion, inhaling perfume, deodorant spray on skin).
I'm a Reiki Master and teacher.
I can fall asleep straight after drinking tea and coffee.
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skye-yoga-blog · 2 years
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So many more add ons “” to the set up - You can sign up for any of my workshops and learn how and why I do what I do when doing any type of Energy Healing Session. The varieties are many the combinations are SPECIFICALLY chosen FOR YOU AMD CHOSEN by …….. ENERGY HEALING MODALITIES AND WORKSHOP DATES LISTED BELOW INTERESTED IN REIKI LEVEL 1-2 weekend getaway: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/reiki-level-1-2 ALREADY DID REIKI 1-2 and READY TO BECOME A MASTER AND ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES THAT COME WITH IT? : https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/reiki-3-reiki-masterteacher NOT INTERESTED IN REIKI BUT CURIOUS TO WORK WITH CELESTIAL BEINGS THEN This ANGEL LIGHT WORKER WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/angel-light-initiation ONLY INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH MOTHER EARTH AND ITS SACRED MINERAL KINGDOM THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU! All my experience my teachers and my students documented and shared for your LEARNING AND NEW PATH!: https://www.skye-yoga.com/workshops-classes/master-crystal-healer-certification-in-person https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=679772946009031&id=100019289952726 IN PERSON AND Distant Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing Fork Tuning, Vocal Toning Angel Healing, Karuna Reiki Pendulum Dowsing DISTANT OR IN PERSON! #DistantReikiMembershipsHere @houseofskyeyoga #bywaterreikihealer #bywaterReikiWorkshops #bywaterThaiMassage #nolahealer #houseofskyeyoga #soundhealing #forktuning #pendulumdowsingclearing with me.Adelaide #MsAdelaide #KarunaReikiWorkshopsHere #AngelLightWorker #AngelLightInitiationsHere #orboflifeinitiator #orboflife ##DeekshaGiver #reikimastershiptraining #ReikiTraining #CrystalHealerCourse #SoundHealer #TachyonHealer (at House Of Skye-Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjweyl-Obgz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myastrouniverse · 17 days
September/2024🌚♍️HAPPY NEW MOON DAY! 🎁Allegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
"Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey.”
Everyone is a Christ, just like everyone is a Buddha.
We have a high self, self, sub-self. The high self is our enlightened Buddha/Christ = Quan Yin/Magdalene, duality.
Magdalene wasn’t a whore. She wasn’t a fertile cup for a royal line. Magdalene was a TEACHER. It was a cup of knowledge she was pouring over Jesus in the Leonardo painting of the last supper. Psalm 23. “Thy Lord is Thy Shepherd” is the allegory.
Our high self is our dual nature. It guides us to understand what we need to know to grow and learn the lessons of life and LOVE under the WILL of GOD.
(Now if this was enacted in any way, I would hope it was a THEATRICAL PRODUCTION and NOT a literal one. (?) ⭐️Why do barbarians always have to kill 🤡💩 it’s so gross. Fake blood like strawberry/blackberry compote would be much better…on ice cream. Okay. Wine and bread is fine, but I believe it’s the symbol that counts not the choice in food.)
Oh, is the theatrical production of the last super, first communion, on the first Sunday of the month? I think it is. I would hope people attend a theatrical production of ENLIGHTENMENT. (Rather than HARM others or themselves.)
Our self is our PRESENT. Try focusing on your 3rd eye. Focus on a spot and stay there. Focus on a tree and stay there. Stay present somewhere still and safe. It’s okay to focus on breathing in and out. Push chest out when you breath in, push chest in when you breathe out. It helps connect chakras.
Our sub-self is only unresolved issues from EARLY childhood and possible past life regressions. Nicholas had a cruel mother. I understand. Nicholas also had a cruel Grandmother. I understand that too. It was hard for Nicky to find much kindness growing up and the more he shut down, the harder people pushed him down. He HAS such an inquisitive mind and a kind heart. I love Nicky so much. I want him to be safe, happy, free and healthy. I want him to have real friends and real relationships that are supportive and respectful. Sometimes we can’t resolve those past hurts and that’s okay. Put those feelings in a box. You don’t have to think about bad things. You only have to put them in a box and let them resolve themselves in a perfect place where everything functions in a positive manner. Nicholas, remember you are a REIKI MASTER. Remember the BLISS you felt when the rain of dharma fell over you? THAT IS HEALING ENERGY EVERYONE MAY ACCESS IF THEY OPEN THEIR HEART🌱+💖=🌻
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Superorganism - It’s All Good
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ledenews · 23 days
Go with the Flow: Local Reiki Master Provides Mind/Body/Spirt Balance
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Just for today— I will not worry. I will not be angry. I will do my work honestly. I will give thanks for my many blessings I will be kind to my neighbor and all living things Honestly, I struggle with each of these things every single day. I’m a working mother and wife and, like many, I’ve often felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Layoffs, chronic illnesses, tragedies, and autism all presented major challenges. For many years, if my life did not go exactly as I desired, I WOULD worry, be angry, lose focus on work, and be bitter and resentful. An air of negativity and even hopelessness surrounded me. It was as if the universe was working against me. In reality, it was me who wasn’t working WITH the universe.  Lose a job? Worry about the income. Don’t think about the wonderful opportunity waiting around the corner. Don’t have faith that you are simply supposed to be somewhere else right now. Struggling with the kids? Just have a meltdown. Don’t see that this is an opportunity for self-growth, patience and even tough love. Home projects not going as planned? Stress out! Don’t reflect on the fact that your home is the dream of many. Like many, I turned to a higher power for answers. In my case, scripture. Now, I’ve always considered myself to be a very spiritual person, but after focusing my education NOT on what scripture can do for me but what scripture gives me AND what I am supposed to do with it, I realized that higher power was within ME all along. So, I started applying the above to my life each day. Little did I know they are the five spiritual principles of Reiki. My husband, Michael, had been researching Reiki extensively and enlightened me on the practice. And it just so happened a friend of mine in Martins Ferry is a Reiki Master. What is Reiki and Who Is Anissa Picard? Reiki is a Japanese word that means "Universal Life Force Energy." It is considered a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is also believed to promote healing. But in ancient times, many people around the world were using hands-on-healing or energy medicine.  It utilizes touch, but not always, in a way that allows the healing energy from the Reiki Masters into the individual receiving the energy. Anissa Picard was vacationing in Croatia in the late 1990s when she first learned about Reiki. After reading “Essential Reiki” by Diane Stein, she knew Reiki was her calling. She then began training with a Reiki Master in California and opened her first practice there in 2003. “I was a high school French teacher at that time, so I had a home office and just practiced Reiki on the side,” she said.  “In 2004, I was trained in Reiki 2 and in 2005 became a Reiki Master and began teaching students. Five years later, I moved to France to be married and so started my practice there, teaching and conducting healing sessions.” Now she practices out of her home in Martins Ferry. “I usually talk to my clients for 10-15 minutes or so, just to get a feel for their state of being and any issues occurring in their lives on a physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual level,” Picard said. “They then lie down on a massage table fully clothed; the lights are dimmed and soft music plays in the background. I gently place my hands above certain areas of the body for a few minutes at a time and the session normally lasts about an hour. When the session is finished, I allow them 10 minutes or so to wake up gently until they feel ready to get up from the table. We then discuss any concerns or issues that may have arisen during the session.” My Experience Picard trained Michael in Reiki, so, knowing what I was already trying to practice spiritually, I decided to try with him. Now, I’m not one who likes to sit, or lie, still. Doing that usually causes me to dwell on everything I could be doing while sitting. I’m always president of this, volunteering for that, teaching this, spearheading that. My mind doesn’t turn off. But I chose to focus on all the times in my life where I just wished I COULD rest and decided to allow myself to do just that. “Reiki is not an alternative treatment for medical issues but a complementary one as it helps support healing and the feeling of well-being,” Picard said. “I want to point out that the healer does not actually do any healing. It is the recipient of the Reiki that does their own healing while in a mental state of peace of mind.” I went into this seeking healing from physical ailments that had caused me a great deal of pain for about a year. My eyes closed, my back flat on the floor, and heels down, the warmth of the hands on my head awakened something within me, but I can’t describe it. I was able to turn off my mind and just focus on the warmth coming from someone else’s hands. I thought about how we use our hands to do so many good things each day; greeting someone else, giving a hug, saving lives. How the spirit drives these physical acts and how the person laying their hands on me was doing so because they wanted to help. During the session, I slowly realized just how out of tune my mind, spirit and body were. The mind was willing and creative, but also over-thinking and over-ambitious. It was also constantly worried about the physical. The spirit was bogged down and confused by the constant ramblings of the mind, and what once was a driving force within me was now a dying flame. The body was tired, broken, in pain, and sometimes physically unable to do what the mind and spirit told it. And that is where the healing began. I couldn’t heal my body without healing the mind and spirit. It wasn’t completely about someone laying hands on me and being fully healed. That was just the vessel. I had to WANT to be healed of everything causing me problems, problems I didn’t know I had until I allowed myself to lie still for a while and realize them. I had to full embrace the principles above, change my diet and lifestyle to include proper nutrition, sleep and exercise and ASK for healing and ALLOW myself to heal. By that I mean, be willing to do what is necessary to facilitate healing throughout my body. How many times do we pray and ask for something? Likewise, we must ask and allow ourselves to be healed. This started me on a journey of mindfulness. One where I’m truly mindful of my blessings, mindful of my choices and the effects they have on myself and the people around me, and mindful of the responsibility I have to maintain the balance I have received. And I’m just one of many.  “I once had a student who had very bad colitis,” Picard said. “Along with the permission of his parents, we proceeded to treat him with Reiki, alongside his traditional medicines. I gave him about six sessions and he noticed that his symptoms had subsided and later that year stopped altogether!” “I once had a lady who was deeply distressed from a serious family situation,” she added. “She was crying all of the time and could not eat or sleep. I gave her 5 Reiki sessions in a row and it literally healed her from her anxiety and depression!” Reiki Certification Like I previously stated, Picard also does Reiki certification, teaching three levels. The first level teaches a student what Reiki is, how it may be enhanced or depleted.,” Picard noted. “We learn about the main chakra energy centers of the body and I teach students how to keep those balanced so that they can better channel the Reiki energy to the client. We also learn about the Reiki Principles as well as basic hand positions for oneself and others, including animals. There are also certain meditations or breathing techniques that students learn.” “Reiki 2 is mainly leaning about distance healing and Reiki symbols,” she added. “We also learn new techniques to be able to concentrate Reiki in a certain area as well as how to use Reiki with cancer patients and hospice patients. In this level you also learn how to use Reiki to heal the past as well as the future. The Reiki Master level is normally a level in which the Master chooses a student. “In this level you learn various techniques in self-healing (i.e., shadow work, journaling, meditations) and everything you need to know to be able to conduct your own classes, as well as the business side of things. At this level there are also things that you learn that may not be revealed in this interview.” If you would like more information on how to receive Reiki sessions or certification from Picard, you can call or text her at 740-338-9152 or email her at [email protected]. Read the full article
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wanderlust-psifang · 1 month
Anonymity is great because I can be fairly personal without getting doxxed. Let's go!
The Magical Edition (Mundane Edition will follow, because I can and I like to overshare).
I have altars throughout my house for different gods and different purposes.
I have more Tarot decks than I need.
I am a bibliophile and get my fix from specialized publishers, the local bookstore, Amazon, and thrift stores. Anywhere books may be, so will I.
I practice magic just about daily. Lately I've been re-exploring the Necronomicon Spellbook, John C. Lilly's Programming the Human Biocomputer, and working with the DKMU egregors.
I feed at least weekly, if not two to three times a week. Not having a donor it's ambiently and it gets me enough to feel better but I also have to do it more often.
I am an agnostic, but lean towards panentheism. It translates as 'all in god' meaning the divine is both outside of our comprehension as well as an integral part of life, leading to an abstract deific understanding.
I have experienced high weirdness from UAP experiences to glitches in the matrix. There's no way we're alone in the universe, let alone this galaxy.
I am a pop-culture sorcerer, which I contain in what I call the Pop-Cult Urn, where ideas go to die and be reborn on the phoenix pages of fans.
I have been practicing Eastern Martial Arts and qigong most of my life. I learned from various instructors and masters which has informed my philosophical and practical application of my beliefs. Learning from books and videos is informative but an actual teacher that has been to the homeland is even better. Qigong is quite magical with the right instructor.
I am Attuned to Reiki Level 2.
My father taught me the basics of Choa Kok Sui's Pranic Healing, but I am not certified.
I am certified in Theta Healing DNA 2. Well, that was over a decade ago, so I'm not sure if it's still valid, but I learned under a direct student of Vianna Stibal, the founder.
I have been blessed with meeting Amma, the Hugging Saint, twice. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life. No matter what your beliefs are, I suggest meeting her. It was free at the time.
I met Teal Swan when I was super into her not-a-cult at a local talk and book release. She gave me a hug and it felt like electricity. Pretty sure she's a psi-vamp.
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Welcome to Five Elements Energy Therapies
Hello! My name is Rene D’Antona, and I am deeply grateful that you have chosen to visit Five Elements Energy Therapies to explore the world of Reiki and other transformative energy therapies. Whether you are seeking information or looking to schedule an appointment, I am delighted to guide you on this journey toward healing and balance.
My Journey in Energy Therapy
My path in energy therapy began two decades ago when I joined The Balance Health and Wellness Center. Initially, I took on the role of a teacher and eventually became the Insurance Manager of the center. During this time, I had the privilege of working closely with Joseph, witnessing firsthand the development of one of Long Island’s most successful holistic medical practices. This experience was instrumental in shaping my understanding of holistic health and the profound impact of energy therapies.
Academic and Professional Background
I hold a Bachelor’s degree and three Master’s degrees, which have equipped me with a comprehensive knowledge base and a deep understanding of the principles of energy therapy. My academic journey has been complemented by practical experience, allowing me to blend theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice.
The Art of Balancing Energies
Working alongside experienced practitioners at The Balance Health and Wellness Center, I learned the critical importance of aligning and balancing the body’s energies. Our holistic approach treats the entire person, addressing the root causes of issues rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This philosophy is at the core of my practice and is reflected in the services we offer at Five Elements Energy Therapies.
The Role of Energy Therapies
Energy therapies, such as Reiki, acupuncture, and massage, play a crucial role in clearing blockages and promoting overall well-being. My exposure to these modalities has deepened my appreciation for their ability to restore harmony within the body. Reiki, in particular, has become a cornerstone of my practice due to its gentle yet powerful approach to energy healing.
Commitment to Holistic Healing
At Five Elements Energy Therapies, we are dedicated to providing a holistic approach to health and wellness. Our treatments are designed to address not just physical symptoms but also emotional and spiritual aspects of well-being. By focusing on the complete person, we aim to foster long-lasting healing and balance.
How We Can Help
Whether you are new to energy therapies or have experience with these practices, we are here to support you. Our services are tailored to meet your individual needs, ensuring that you receive personalized care and attention. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out. We are here to provide guidance and answer any inquiries you may have.
Thank you for considering Five Elements Energy Therapies as your partner in health. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help you achieve a state of harmony and well-being.
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awakeninnerbuddha · 2 months
Finding Serenity: Exploring Buddhist and Meditation Retreats in New York
In the midst of New York's bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, there exists an unexpected oasis of tranquillity where the ancient practices of Buddhism and meditation flourish. For many, the concept of finding peace in such a vibrant city seems paradoxical, yet Buddhist Retreats in New York and Meditation Retreats New York offer just that—a profound sense of calm and renewal amidst the urban chaos. This article explores these sanctuaries, revealing why they are becoming pivotal to New York's cultural and spiritual landscape.
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Disrupting Stress - The Growing Appeal of Buddhist Retreats in New York
In New York, Buddhist Retreats in New York provide unique opportunities for individuals from all walks of life to explore Buddhist teachings and practices. These retreats are not just about religion; they are about self-discovery and finding peace within oneself. Attendees learn to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom through traditional Buddhist meditative practices, which are thought to be more necessary now than ever in the face of modern stresses.
A Sanctuary for Mind and Spirit
Buddhist Retreats in New York are like havens where people may break off from everyday grind and engage in more thorough spiritual inquiry. From basic courses to advanced meditation techniques, these retreats include a range of activities meant to create an environment of development and knowledge. Along with improved awareness, participants leave with useful strategies to gently negotiate the demands of life.
The Significance of Meditation Retreats in the City
Shifting focus from Buddhist teachings to the broader practice of meditation, Meditation Retreats New York is gaining momentum as an essential haven for mental health and well-being. These retreats cater to both novices and seasoned meditators, providing guided sessions and techniques that help clear the mind and sharpen focus. In a city that never sleeps, these retreats offer a much-needed pause, enabling participants to reset and recharge.
Explore Eastern Mental therapy Sessions:
In such programs often you will also have the opportunity to explore – your mental health issues using Eastern tools and practice that identify deep root causes, and start working on these root causes right from the first session. So bygone are the times, when you would keep going to a therapist for years and sometimes decades and yet feel lost or experience unresolved healing.
Have you been seeing a therapist, have you been working with a Yoga teacher, a guru in New York or maybe a Reiki healer, a cacao ceremony or maybe an ayahuasca session  in the secret hope that maybe things will change for better. Do you feel anxiety, panic attacks , frustration or a sense of breakdown. Well if you answered yes to any of the above and you hope to start healing in the present moment then eastern mental therapy also known as Transcendental Session is your perfect go to haven.
Here in the first session alone ( which could last anywhere between 6 to 14 hours ) you lay your pandora’s box open without looking at the watch and expressing yourself exactly how you feel. Through your dialogue & narration, the therapist Master Vidhi transcends in to your energy field and your subconscious mind to understand what are the root causes, how and when did you form them, exactly who in your life was instrumental in forming your belief systems and your blockages and after identifying these, the master gives you a simple clear guideline on how to reprogram your subconscious mind and how to grow out of trauma – absorbed in your past life in order to heal and be rid of any physical issues and mental ailments. Surprisingly by end of session one, most people are able to achieve understanding and knowledge which otherwise can take years sometime decades working with a western psychologist.
You achieve goals and directions that could otherwise take multiple years. You get tailored life guidance, for your circumstances to heal out of your ailments. Follow up sessions may last from 1-3 hours however in less than 8 months – 98.5 % of all people who do this session report to have overcome more than 85% of their challenges be it mental, psychological or physical. This is a powerful accelerated mental therapy system with roots in Buddhist meditation. 
Tailored Experiences at Meditation Retreats
The experience at Meditation Retreats New York is catered to fit a varied urban demographic. These retreats utilize various meditation styles, such as Vipassana, Zen, and mindfulness, to address the unique stressors of city life. The personalized approach ensures that every participant finds the right tools to cultivate peace and resilience, no matter their background or experiences.
Long-Term Benefits of Retreat Participation
The benefits of attending Meditation Retreats New York extend far beyond the duration of the retreat itself. Participants often report lasting improvements in stress management, emotional stability, and overall happiness. The skills learned at these retreats can transform daily life, promoting continuous personal growth and improved life quality.
For those seeking spiritual depth or a break from the relentless pace of city life, Buddhist Retreats in New York and Meditation Retreats New York offer valuable opportunities to cultivate inner peace and mental clarity. These retreats are transforming events that provide people the means to lead more fulfilling lives, not only places of escape. To discover more about these life-enhancing retreats and begin your journey towards inner peace, visit Awakeninnerbuddha.com for further information and to find a retreat that resonates with your spiritual needs.
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shamballalin · 2 months
Rev. Linda (Lin) Hourihan, HHCP ~ Empathy ~ Compassion ~ Love Can Save The World
Who am I and why might people want to hear what I have to say? I am an international, ordained, interfaith Universal Life Church Minister, metaphysician, author ~ blogger ~ internationally board-certified holistic health counselor, New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ (NPMDT™) Teacher of the School of Esoteric Science™, certified Reiki Master Teacher and Qigong Teacher. I no longer…
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theawakenedstate · 11 months
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There are a lot of trends going on with Energy healing work lately. You might even be asking yourself, How do I know which Energy Healing Tool is right for me?! Well you my friend, are in the right place. You may not know this but I am certified in reiki, I learned a lot of the teachings back in 2012. But I actually learned about the Chakras First FROM a reiki master teacher  – #irony.  
There’s been a lot of hooplah in different modalities and trends around What works and what doesn’t.
BUT – I’d like to offer you a different perspective, There’s often different Energy Tools for Different Energy & Conscious Awareness Needs. Let me explain.
Let’s Go Over a Few Of them: 
If you’d prefer to Listen instead of Read, check out the In-depth Podcast Episode:
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Awaken & Manifest Your Best Life: A Spiritual Awakening Podcast
A Go-To Podcast for Authentic Advice on Spiritual Awakening, Energy Healing & Manifestation! Get your Weekly Soul Fuel and Kick your butt back into Alignment with Empowerment Mindset coach and Manifestation expert, Ashley Aliff from Theawakenedstate.net. Receive your weekly dose of Practical Spirituality, Energy Healing Tips, Mindset hacks, Mind-Body Wisdom, & Spiritual Awakening advice. Hit Subscribe & Join the Mind-Body Revolution so you can transcend to your next level. It’s time to Manifest your Best Life. Weekly Videos on YT: The Awakened State IG: @awakenedstate777 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theawakenedstate/support
#94. How to Know Which Energy Healing Tool is Right for You
byAshley Aliff | The Awakened State
Have you ever wondered or been curious about Energy Healing but don't even know where to get started? Maybe you're curious on Energy healing or want to practice but you're overwhelmed by all the latest trends out there. This episode Let's break it down so it's simple to know Which Energy healing tool is right for you!
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✧ Who is Ashley? ✧
Hey there! I'm Ash creator of ⁠theawakenedstate.net⁠ I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with. I specialize in emotional empowerment, mind-body energy work and manifestation. After having a spiritual awakening, my life has never been the same.  My Mission Help you own your power, transcend the b.s. and learn to empower yourself from the inside out so you can manifest A soul-aligned life of intentional living. I Also believe in removing fluffy concepts and making them practical AF #practicalspirituality
Original Music:  KTSG – Celestial (Sappheiros Remix) 
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Show Podcast Information
Human Design: Energy Awareness Tool
Human Design is causing a massive uprising in the Personal Development space along with the Spiritual Business environment. People are redesigning their careers/businesses, changing their productivity routines, dropping relationships and reinventing themselves all because they downloaded a new personality test from their birth chart 🙂 
Human design is a great Energy Tool to understand yourself and your Body’s rhythms. It can be a deconditioning tool but in my research, i have found this is where it gets a little lost in communication. It feels like playing with a neuro-puzzle: Looking up gene keys, decyphering gates, having to translate different body types of authority and it gets really really complicated unless you are a prof, it’s a lot more difficult to do the deconditioning experiment. If interested in human design I recommend shopping around and doing research to find a certified teacher. 
Best  Energy Tool For: Body Awareness, Knowing your Energy Type, Your Productivity and Workflows, Habit creation,  How your personal energy Operates, Managing your Menstrual cycle better and Understanding if you’re an defined sacral or undefined sacral helps your physical/mental health.  Human design chart I recommend: Mybodygraph
EFT: Clearing Tool
Emotional Freedom Technique is a great tool for Emotional Triggers or anyone who has suffered from trauma, depression or anxiety. It’s a clearing tool that focuses on certain energy meridians in the body. Personally, I don’t use EFT that often because I find it’s only good for releasing work not repatterning, but if it works for you, that’s great! Keep doing it! 
Energy Tool: Best for Clearing Work and Releasing Triggers or limited beliefs from the body 
Breathwork: Self-Regulation Tool
Breathwork is a great tool for Body Regulation and self-regulation of one’s nervous system. It helps with regulating blood flow and oxygen to one’s brain along with getting us out of the fight/flight response. There are numerous forms of Breathwork ranging from Yogic breathwork such as pranayama or breathe of fire with kundalini yoga. Then there are newer practices that focus on extended breathwork for trauma release or deep-seated wounds. there are tons of different forms of breathwork. 
I am personally more prone to traditional yogi styles, as I’ve already done a lot of self-healing and coaching. I find some breathwork practices to be a little bit extreme and not remotely necessary for clearing work.  It’s best to find the practice that serves you. 
Energy Tool: Self-Regulation, Relaxation, recalibrating energy field and if doing extended breathwork workshops: releasing stored trauma. 
Reiki: The Realignment Tool
Reiki has been around for awhile and it’s been popular since the age of Aquarius started. It’s often a great healing tool for people who are looking for more of a Realignment Process or Basic Healing sessions working on the entire energy body. 
I’ve actually done an episode on my thoughts on Reiki here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoBjwfqAoSE
Energy Tool: Reiki is amazing for Healing the entire energy body. It is perfect for Re-alignment or Re-calibrating your energy just like an effective meditation practice. 
Crystal Healing: The Energy Amplifier
Crystals are a beautiful tool to use in your healing session or practice to help with clients who need something particular. They are great for working with the Chakras, meditation or Reiki practices.I find crystals to work as Energetic Amplifiers that help us intuitively heal, guiding us towards what we need to heal subconsciously. They often act as a subconscious guide towards directing us to what needs healing. Observing your thoughts while holding a crystal or asking yourself questions helps with the process.  Crystals are a great external tool for Amplifying your healing process but should be used with other Internal practices or working with a crystal certified healer as well for maximum results.  Energy Tool: Amplifier for the energy field and assistant in your healing journey. Great for Altars, working with Rituals, reiki sessions, and raising consciousness.   
The Chakra System: Knowing Your Energy Systems   The Chakras have been an ancient practice that have been part of eastern medicine since the upanishads, better known as the Vedas. It is NOT a new age concept of western design like most people believe today.  
The Chakra System focuses on each Mental, Emotional, and behavioral system in the body, connecting to our endocrine system. 
I consider the Chakras to be like an Energetic psychological Map system to understanding your entire Energy Network. 
They Connect the Mind to the body merging both Limited Belief work, Emotional Healing and Repatterning Techniques that promote sustainable healing. 
The chakra have been my bread and butter for years on my healing journey.  I continously come back to the chakras.
They have especially helped me put a name to what was happening to me in my spiritual awakening.
it also helped produce so much emotional healing, release many symptoms  and helped me even rewire beliefs for manifesting successfully in my life. 
Energy Tool: Emotional Mind-Body Healing, Healing Ascension Symptoms, Releasing trapped emotion in the body, Promotes Emotional Health and Mental Health, helps with successful Manifestation
The Chakras Go Beyond the Surface Level into your Energy Systems
My understanding of the chakras has been different from the get-go. I am so grateful that I learned the chakras in such a unique way that focused on the Law of attraction as it’s helped me develop my framework inside of The Ultimate Chakra Academy. 
Most chakra teachings are very textbook and surface level. It isn’t unlikely to come across healing methods that focus on color therapy, crystals, doing yoga asanas or god forbid someone saying to go lay in nature to heal your chakras.  – 
this barely scratches the surface of the deep seeded Internal work you are capable of doing with the chakra system – I honestly have to roll my eyes a little…
As I’ve expanded my studies on subconscious reprogramming, I began creating my own system of Merging Limited belief work WITH Emotional healing in the chakra system. 
if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘what the heck is a light body?’ or “how do i understand my energy?” 
The Chakras are a Great Energy Healing Tool to understand your how your Energy body works, your personal Limited beliefs, the deconditioning mindset work, how to manifest better and even Know your Authentic Self.
Which energy tool most resonates with you? Let me know in the comments!
P.S. The chakras are one of thes best Energy healing Toolkits for Awakening! Want to Master the Chakra System? The Ultimate Chakra Academy is NOW OPEN FOR FALL ROUND THE FINAL TIME THIS YEAR!
The Ultimate Chakra Academy is an 8-week program for Spiritual Empaths ready to work with the power of the energy healing tools of the chakras to aid in their spiritual transformation.
Full Details Below or Head to the Link for Full Information on Enrollment options: theawakenedstate.net /empower-the-chakras
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How to Know Which Energy Healing Tool is right for you
There are a lot of trends going on with Energy healing work lately. You might even be asking yourself, How do I know which Energy Healing Tool is right for me?! Well you my friend, are in the right place. You may not know this but I am certified in reiki, I learned a lot […]
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therainbowmiracle · 3 months
Getting Rich with Money Reiki: Developing a Route to Success
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Find out how an Indian Money Reiki teacher can help you achieve financial freedom. With The Rainbow Miracle, you may unlock your potential and build a wealthy future by learning from the best REIKI master in India.
Know More: https://trendsonic.wuaze.com/financial-freedom-with-money-reiki-creating-a-path-to-prosperity/
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yogasthvidyarishikesh · 3 months
Know if you can also do Kundalini Yoga🧘‍♀️...
✨Mahaguru Yogi Buddhadeva: Reiki grand master, past life regression therapist, yoga and meditation teacher, life coach, kriya yoga and kundalini yoga teacher. ———————————— => Join : Sri Yogasth Vidya Rishikesh => WhatsApp: +918557861163
Website: https://www.kriyakundaliniyogarishikesh.com/
Website: https://www.yogasthvidyarishikesh.com/
Check all Link: https://linktr.ee/yogasthvidyarishikesh
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