#Camren One Shot
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lolocamzharmony · 11 months ago
I'm back finally........and ready for any Fifth Harmony imagine requests you have for me so please send them in (smut or fluff / Ships or Y/N)
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dreamwrwolf · 2 years ago
cry baby
☆ cry baby - the neighbourhood publicado en wattpad: 21.01.23
Resumen: Lauren es un bebé llorón y Camila la ama aún así.
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I need to cry, baby. Cry baby, cry baby. You need to cry, baby. We need to cry. And if we do, I know that would be alright.
Necesito llorar, amor. Bebé llorón, bebé llorón. Necesitas llorar, amor. Necesitamos llorar.Y si lo hacemos, sé que estaría bien.
Advertencias: bullying (flashback), (avisame si me faltó alguna).
Palabras: 802
Lauren: 18 // Camila: 19
El texto escrito así indica que son flashbacks.
También disponible en wattpad y ao3.
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Miami, Florida.
Lauren es el tipo de chica que cuando la miras piensas que es fría, seria y sin sentimientos, pero en realidad es todo lo contrario. 
Lauren se dirige a la casa de sus padres con su novia Camila, su madre las había invitado a cenar aunque la ojiverde no tenía muchas ganas de ir pero aceptó porque no podía decirle que no a su madre.
Bajaron del auto y caminaron a la entrada, la pelinegra tocó el timbre mientras que con su otra mano apretaba ligeramente la mano de la castaña sin darse cuenta, Camila notó esto pero no entendía porque su novia había hecho eso, iba a preguntar si estaba todo bien pero su suegra apareció en la puerta.
—Hija —Clara abrazo a su hija mientras esta corresponde lentamente el abrazo, mira a la castaña y la abraza—. Hola Camila.
—Hola Clara —la castaña corresponde al abrazo de su suegra. 
—Pasen, la cena ya está lista.
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La familia Jauregui cenaba tranquilamente hablando entre ellos.
—Hija, has subido de peso, te noto la cara un poco más ancha —comentó Clara, sin pensar que su comentario le dolería a su hija.
—Concuerdo con tu madre, hija.
La pelinegra estaba cabizbaja en silencio. Por esta razón es que no quería venir, siempre alguno de sus familiares hacía comentarios sobre ella, realmente no entiende porque la necesidad de hacer eso, ella es consciente de ello.
—Tengo que ir al baño —Lauren se levantó y salió del comedor. Camila la miró preocupada, se levantó y se disculpó diciendo que también tenía que ir al baño.
Camila se dirigió al baño pero no encontró a su novia. La buscó en varios cuartos de la casa y cuando iba a revisar el último cuarto escuchó sollozos provenientes de el.
—Amor, ¿estás bien? —preguntó la castaña pegándose a la puerta. No obtuvo respuesta—. ¿Puedo pasar?
No volvió a obtener respuesta así que la morena decidió entrar. El cuarto estaba a oscuras e iba a prender la luz pero la voz de su novia la detuvo.
—Por favor no prendas la luz, no quiero que me veas así —rogó la pelinegra en voz baja. Lauren tenía miedo de que su novia la viera en este estado
—¿Por qué? —preguntó la castaña.
—Porque te burlaras de mí como lo han hecho los demás.
—No lo haré, lo prometo —dijo comprensivamente la morena. Prendió la luz y vio a su novia sentada en el suelo abrazando sus piernas con la cabeza en sus rodillas. Camila se acercó y se sentó al lado de ella abrazándola. 
—Siempre he sido una persona débil —afirmó—. Cuando era niña lloraba mucho, paré de hacerlo un día que no puedo olvidar.
Una pequeña Lauren de 8 años se encontraba en el salón de clases dibujando un gato con un corazón en su pecho que había visto en el patio de su casa. El timbre aún no había sonado pero había pocos alumnos en el salón. 
De repente un niño agarró bruscamente su dibujo. 
—De-devuélveme mi dibujo —Lauren tartamudeó, lágrimas amenazaban con salir de su ojos color esmeralda.
—Que horrible dibujo, no merece la pena que lo vean los demás —dijo con malicia, el niño rompió el dibujo en pedazos y los tiró al suelo.
—Nooo —Lauren se arrodilló tratando de unir las piezas del dibujo. Las lágrimas no tardaron en salir y caer en los pedazos de su dibujo, dibujo que había hecho para su hermana pequeña.
—¿Enserio estás llorando por ese horrible dibujo? No seas un bebé llorón —esas dos palabras la perseguirían gran parte de su vida.
—¡Bebé llorón! ¡Bebé llorón! —los alumnos empezaron a burlarse de ella. La pequeña Lauren salió corriendo del salón sin rumbo alguno.
—Lamento que hayas tenido que pasar por eso, amor —comentó. Camila ahora entendía porque su novia actuaba fríamente con los demás, no quería que vieran ese lado vulnerable.
—¿Le dijiste a tu madre sobre lo que pasó? —preguntó la morena.
—Lo hice pero solo empeoraron las cosas —respondió la pelinegra—. Me dijo “Lauren, ya no eres un bebé, tienes que crecer y dejar de llorar” —citó Lauren. A la pelinegra le dolía recordar aquellas palabras, todo el tiempo se preguntaba porque estaba mal llorar. 
¿No se supone que eso hacemos los humanos sin importar nuestra edad?
Pensar en ello hacía que le doliera el corazón. Lágrimas comenzaron de nuevo a salir de sus ojos esmeralda. La morena notó esto y acercó a Lauren a su pecho.
—Lamento que las personas te hayan hecho creer que llorar está mal —dijo la castaña—. No tiene nada de malo ser un bebé llorón. Camila beso las mejillas húmedas de Lauren. La ojiverde se sentía afortunada por tener en su vida a Camila.
Ese día Lauren lloró por primera vez sin que alguien le dijera que estaba mal hacerlo.
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Estoy feliz de por fin comenzar a escribir, he querido hacerlo desde hace mucho tiempo pero no me animaba por miedo a escribir horrible. He iniciado primero con one shots para después poder pasar a escribir fanfics y así tener un poco más de experiencia escribiendo.
Déjame saber tu opinión✨🐝
Si te gustó, no olvides dejar tu me gusta♡ y compartir con más fans del ship<3
Recuerda que no tiene nada de malo llorar♡
― Danny🪓
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problematic-camren · 15 days ago
A new ENGLOT one shot, check it out.
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fa-by · 8 months ago
Hiiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗. I'm back with a new Q&A post. And I know, I know, I've been gone for a few months and I'm sorry 😭. My life is a mess between work and my health especially. I haven't been well for 3 years in a row now and I haven't had peace since then 🥺. I'm sorry to disappear like this but you must also understand that answering your asks takes time which unfortunately I don't always have.
Before starting I'd like to add that I haven't answered all the asks. I don't think there's any need to post the various  “I miss you” (I missed you guys too btw❤️), “come back”, or questions with the same type of topic such as Camila's coming out. In that case, I chose just one ask to answer the many. A special virtual hug 🤗🤗 to the purple heart 💜 Anon: Thank you as always for your understanding and all your kind words, my dear. The answer to your ask about my thoughts on I LUV IT can be found in the last ask.
Having said that, now let's move on directly to the answers. Enjoy 🙃.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yeah, sadly. Unfortunately, there are so many who believe in the narratives because they don't really know how things work behind the scenes.
The link in the ask for those who want to see it: https://x.com/iblf1317/status/1775326171971862734?s=46&t=4knNAwPkOIO0jCg9CscblA.
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Anon, have a good day too 😄.
No, it wasn't real. I think I've talked about this before, but anyway. They've spread that rumor for years and on different occasions, but it's never been true. It was, and probably still is, just the fantasy/hope taken from the fanfictions of some fans who tried in every way to pass it off as reality.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
That's what I've been saying for years... People like those who put out and spread this bullshit are the shame of this ship.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yeeep. They were as subtle as an elephant in a glass store 🤣.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
1) [Do u believe personally that Camren are still together?]
Yeah, I do 😉. Even though they had and still have their ups and downs with periods of breaks.
2) [If so why do u think they have stopped giving us hints like they used to?]
They haven't 🤣. They never stopped 😜. The hints are no longer daily as they were years ago, but they're still there.
3) [Unless I’ve missed them-] Lots apparently 🤣.
[-in which case do u have an example?] A recent one: boobs 🤭. *if you understand, you understand*.
I saw what you did there 😍 my favorite CC1 song 🥰 Have a great day too 🙃.
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Leasing Tumblr forever to whom? And of course not 🤣. Unless you meant leaving and not leasing? I know it was a typo, don't worry I'm just joking 😜. Anyway, yes, I've thought about it many times due to my unwanted long absences, but I don't want to 🤷🏻‍♀️. I in fact come back every time I have a little freer time to write 💪🏼.
Thank you for your nice thoughts about my health, dear 🤗.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
Brazil has no comparison with any other for Camren 🤣🤣🤣. Naah, they've never been super popular here in Italy. Both Camren and 5H unfortunately.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
I did in 2018 if I'm not mistaken. It's a great one-shot! And I remember having teary eyes in some parts. I recommend everyone who hasn't yet to go and read it 🙃.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Yep, it was Laur. I have no idea why they thought that 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe they thought so because of their especially at the beginning stereotypical images as Mila “the innocent doll” and Laur “the intimidating badass” 🙄🙄. If that's why, a lot of people portrayed Lo as the top 🤣. I don't know what to tell you, dear. They're still fanfics so Camren's perspectives from their fantasies or maybe they simply perceived them in that way in reality as well. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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Hi to you too, dear German Anon 👋🏼😄.
I must admit that with “texts”, for a second, just a tiny lil second, you had me worried there 🤣. You know, because texts is mainly used to refer to phone text messages 🤣. I understood immediately that you were referring to my posts, don't worry, dear 🙃. I just wanted to point that out to make you laugh 😉.
Thank you for your kind words 😊. I really appreciate it 🥰. I'm here if you have any questions for me, although there's a possibility that you'll get the answer late 😅. And don't worry about your English. I'm Italian and therefore it's not my mother tongue for me either.
Have a nice day, and stay safe and healthy too 🤗.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
I do actually. Just mobile games. I have a few but I'm obsessed with one in particular called Hustle Castle (you have to have loooooots of patience for this type of game).
I used to play a lot more when I was younger and had a lot freer time. I've had the Game Boy Color, two PlayStations (1&3; the latter still in my room gathering dust for I don't know how many years 😅), the PSP (like the PS3, still in my room in some drawer gathering dust for I don't know how many years 😅), and I've played a few PC games.
What about you?
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Hi to you too, my dear K 👋🏼😄.
[Hi faby sorry to hear ur still not been good health wise but glad ur feeling better.]
[hoping there not gonna pull some shit for the talentless boy]
They won't, don't worry.
[Can’t remember if u have been asked this b4 but what’s been ur fave collab C’s done? There’s a few I like but god have they made her do some awful once’s where is obviously totally for the guys benefit. Think my fav would be bad things I can’t say I like the guy but love the song.]
Even though I love Bad Things and I absolutely love all the collaborations she's done on her albums, movies, and outside of her albums like Hey Ma, Find U Again, and KU LO SA, I think it's a tie between Beautiful with Bazzi and South of The Border with Ed Sheeran and Cardi B.
[Also don’t know about u or anyone else but I miss her posting about thunder he seems like a complete handful and I still piss my self laughing when I think of that pr vid walking all her dogs 🤣🤣]
Same 🤣. It's a forever meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
[I’m curious if that training camp thing they did with thunder if it worked but feel like we need more content with him after that stunt particularly think the whole fandom fell in love with thunder 🤣 I’ve always loved to have a German shepherd. What dog breed is urs?]
My baby girl is a Yorkie and Jack Russell crossbreed 😍.
[Maybe u could share a pic of him? U totally don’t have to but as I’m sure ur aware by now I love animals 😂]
Part of me would love to with all my heart believe me, especially to proudly show you how beautiful she is 😍😍😍, but I don't wanna show my private life here. Maybe in the future, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks for your understanding and don't worry, I love animals too 🥰.
By the way, to give you an idea of what she looks like, she's similar to this awesome young man: https://images.app.goo.gl/GibAuesAin3X2PkV8
[Btw do u know why D and C haven’t shared any pics etc with each other hanging out or when/if they ever will?]
They finally have the freedom of likes and comments, so I think we'll have pics in the future but only if they're gonna see each other at public events. Not private meetings' pics. Too soon for that 🙄.
[I really miss them together for me it was always them and L I didn’t like N and A sorry I know ppl won’t be happy but we all individuals with our own likes and dislike 🤷🏻‍♀️ at the end of the day]
I understand, don't worry. As a lover of all 5H, however, I'm sorry you don't like Normally 🥺.
[Sending u a virtual hug 🤗 and well wishes and look forward to ur reply in a few months time 😏😂 I’m kidding 😘]
No joke there 😅. It really was like that. Sorry 😅. A virtual hug and well wishes to you too, my dear K 😘.
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Heyyy to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm still fighting to get healthy again, what about you?
You mean this?
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Link: https://twitter.com/Camila_Cabello/status/662777249486237697.
@ alrenajou is private now and that's why the comment “I’ts camren yo” is no longer visible, but as you can see, Mila's response is still there.
Anyway, what do I think about it? I think that as I already explained in my Inauguration post (penultimate question), the sun and the moon have and have always had a special place in their hearts regardless of Camren and that therefore Mila simply explained this with that answer 🤷🏻‍♀️.
May 2024 bring a lot of happiness to you too, dear 🙃.
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Hiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you? Aww, I'm here, don't be sad 🥺. I missed you guys too 🥺.
I did and I was/am in love 😍. Tell your friend the snippet goes: “Can’t stop looking at her. Caught up in every curve. She knows she’s divine. I can’t take my eyes off her”. 😉
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Can I say it's both? 🤣 I'll explain myself better.
My story is based on true events that occurred from July 2016 onwards. It's based on the real them. Like, if I say that Camila likes a certain song, or that Lauren likes a specific food, or that they were wearing that dress, or that they did something specific during that day it's because it's true. It really happened and it's proven and “documented”. But it's obviously a fanfic, so I included things that didn't actually happen and fictional people that serve the purpose of the story. This is the AU part (for those who don't know what AU means: alternate universe/alternate timeline/alternative reality).
So, it's both? 🤣
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Taylor Swift is waaay more popular than either of them. Taylor Swift is pretty much the music industry, and yet, do you see her out and proud?
Some artists can come out, some can't. Many artists want to and can't for a million reasons which you can also go read in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ post. And then there are those who don't even want to do it and are super okay with that. Have you ever thought about that?
An advice, dear? Don't be so pressed about it. This is something that has been going on for years. If it happens, it will happen at the appropriate time for their careers and especially by choice in the case of those who don't wanna do it yet 💁🏻‍♀️.
P.S. Don't be so pressured about it especially because I know the truth, you know the truth, we know the truth, AND SHE KNOWS AND SAYS THE TRUTH: https://x.com/ijustshippeople/status/1793806403720618264?s=09&prefetchTimestamp=1716859323652 🎤🎶 This is for the gays and the girls and I'm both, thanks 🎶🎤
Alexa please play the post-chorus of We Know by Fifth Harmony 🤣.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thanks 🥰 and please don't be sad 🥺 I'm here and I missed you guys too.
Well, considering that queerbaiting is a marketing technique and strategy, literally a bait, the answer is yes, my dear. But it's movies (like in Pitch Perfect), TV shows (like in Supergirl), and the media in general that do it, not celebrities. It's the people behind the scenes like celebrity teams that do it, and it has existed for years. An example? When Madonna kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the 2003 MTV VMAs (Madonna is queer but Britney and Christina are not). Do you really think it wasn't premeditated by their teams? It's been 20 years and it's still a “scandal” today. The term queerbaiting didn't even exist at the time, yet that's exactly what happened 💁🏻‍♀️.
As for Mila, why is this so upsetting to you? Aren't there those out there who believe that she's really been with all the PRs? Aren't there those who believe that she's gay but that Camren never existed? Or those who, as you also said, believe that she's straight? Or those who don't even like Camila in the first place? And who cares? Let people think what they want, dear Anon. We don't all think the same way. Everyone has an opinion, and it's also right that it is like that. There's no need to be upset or sad or angry about it. The important thing is what you think and what you believe. Fuck the rest.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
Let's put it this way. Has it ever happened to you that someone, like your mom, or a friend, or a sibling if you have one, was angry with you but wouldn't tell you why? I can picture a mom saying “you know what you did”, but you have absolutely no idea 🤣. And what did you do in those cases? You were trying to remember and understand what you did, right? What if you couldn't? You had to get them to tell you why otherwise you would've continued to rack your brain and they would've continued to be angry.
Another example. Four people, four friends. Person number one tells a funny secret of theirs to two of them but not to the third one. The two who know the secret are chatting and laughing among themselves when the third one arrives, who curious about their laughter, asks what they're talking about. The two tell the third that they can't tell because it's person number one's secret. How do you think person number three feels about this? Left out, hurt, angry, and can't do anything but fantasize about this secret because, literally, they don't know what it is.
Babies don't talk, but moms try to understand their needs through their sounds, facial expressions, and body gestures/movements. My dog doesn't talk, but she sure as hell barks, growls, howls, groans, and whines. Those besides her tail, ears, eyes, her facial expressions, and her body posture are all nonverbal ways to communicate with her hooman mom 😍.
Communicating is the most important way for human beings to express and exchange ideas and thoughts. Without it, misunderstandings, disagreements, fights, and so on arise. You can apply this to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones. So, what I'm trying to say with all this, is that no one can read minds. Camren are no different.
Ego, fears, insecurities, anxieties, constantly hurting one another, and other factors led to their closing up. But the problem wasn't only that they didn't open up to each other, but that they didn't talk at all. They didn't talk about their problems. And if they weren't talking, how could they understand what they were feeling or what they were thinking or what they needed or what was truly going on? It's normal that the not communicating has led them to close up and automatic to distancing. As they say, communication is the key.
I hope it makes sense now, my dear 😄, and to understand even better, you can go and read these analyses: Let Me Know (penultimate ask) -  Always Love & This Love (the last two asks) - Consequences (penultimate ask).
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Hii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I've been better, what about you?
No bother, dear, don’t worry I’m happy to help 😉. Let's start by explaining the fake relationship in detail. And sorry for all the links, but since Tumblr has limited the possibility of posting more than 30 pics, I have to adapt 😤.
So. The “story” with Austin Kevitch (July 5, 1991,*same year I was born* 30 years old when they started “dating”) lasted only 8 months. It was born thanks to Nicholas Galitzine (Cinderella) because “Austin asked him to set him up with Camila”, and this not-at-all organized introduction because her team wasn't also there no 🤨🤣, took place at Mila's 25th birthday party (https://images.app.goo.gl/SWii7EJAgrX4dJuAA he has the same outfit https://twitter.com/justmyneverland/status/1717430804861858155).
First spotting and first speculations on June 15, 2022, in LA (https://images.app.goo.gl/6XVQsBaHbvo8rV3N8).
As I explained in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648193061847023616/pr-stunt-relationships-%C9%9F post: “To give the couple more credibility, also friends, family, and artists friends of the couple get involved many times”. Indeed, on July 3, 2022, they were on the beach in Miami with a bunch of their friends. The press however already tried to create a scandal with articles about “a mysterious man” (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10978909/Camila-Cabello-goes-swim-hunky-mystery-man-beach-Coral-Gables.html). That was just a friend and Austin was there (she has the same swimsuit and earrings https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJHkKms_--/?igsh=MWlmcm1jM2pndGhsYg==). Just an excuse to get people talking more about her 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Usual mistakes that are made during PRs: on July 16, 2022, Austin was at a concert with his friends and a girl in particular (perhaps his real girlfriend) who he kissed during the evening (https://www.tiktok.com/@isleywalker23/video/7128998171874807045  &  https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgo6sMxAeiM/?igsh=bmJqbmI5YmxkdjRi).
On July 27, 2022, they were together at the after-party of the third season premiere of  HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: THE MUSICAL (https://www.tiktok.com/@ccromancemusic/video/7125646229312244998).
On August 6, 2022, in San Diego with his friends (https://www.tiktok.com/@ccromancemusic/video/7129091570619403525?lang=it-IT).
On August 7, 2022, in LA. Actual official confirmation of their ‘story’ from the press (https://images.app.goo.gl/LyvKAcnbbAeXfhEc6)
On September 17, 2022, at the Coldplay concert (she was the opening act) in Bogota, Colombia (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VYgsBRt4Lro). They weren't alone tho. In the video you can also very well see Sandra and Marielle (her friends who, like her parents, were with her for the whole tour and who saw the concert with them and whom she introduced to Dua Lipa), Patrick (makeup artist), and Gian Mitchell (her manager).
On September 20, 2022, arrived in Santiago, Chile, for the tour with the Coldplay (still cause she was the opening act) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0cBtgzYzak). And on the afternoon of the 22nd at the Mall Casa Costanera Center (https://www.fmdos.cl/musica/camila-cabello-en-chile-va-a-un-reconocido-mall-y-regala-entradas/).
On November 19, 2022, via Austin's sister's instastory: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKHhXmM0J0/?igsh=cDlwM2JrMDh3ajJq.
On November 21, 2022, in LA when Mila duetted Liar with BLACKPINK's Jisoo (https://www.koreaboo.com/news/blackpink-jisoo-rose-jennie-lisa-camila-cabello-liar-born-pink-world-tour-unseen-footage-interaction-collaboration/), and in addition to some members of Mila's team, his friend and Lox Club co-founder Alec Lorraine was also there with them (https://www.instagram.com/jisooyaachu/reel/ClLLkhlgCT_/).
On November 17, 2022, out for dinner in LA (https://www.justjared.com/2022/11/18/camila-cabello-boyfriend-austin-kevitch-spotted-on-rare-outing-they-could-barely-control-their-laughter-photos/).
And lastly, during the trip to Africa with her family in early January 2023 (https://twitter.com/WWCamilaCabello/status/1611479321251663880). Last time seen together before the breakup.
End announced on February 15, 2023, via the newsletter of the Lox Club itself, which he owns:
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Ended because “they couldn't balance their relationship with their schedules”.
Now, you said [I know you will say it’s PR but I don’t understand how…from what I have seen it was pretty low-key compared to Shawn’s and Matthew’s.]
Yes, it was PR, you can already tell by the fact that their pics are marked with Backgrid, and yes, it was pretty low-key because it had to be. The one with Matryoshka was pushed a bit more than this one, first of all, because it was her first one as an adult outside of 5H, and second of all, because it was supposed to represent her “first love” and her “first relationship”. The one with Shrimp, well 🤣, the friends-to-lovers crap. It's not comparable with anything because it's and will be for quite some time “her most important love story”. In Snape's voice (in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix during the legilimens spell): “I may vomit” 🙄.
The PR with Austin, again, was pretty low-key because it had to be. It had to be out there to get people talking just enough (I indeed don't think you knew all those details), but not completely in our faces. Something else had to continue to be in our faces. One of two reasons for this PR: Shawn Mendes Shall Menstruated.
Every headline or directly in the articles, every news always included his name: …before her relationship with Shawn Mendes – Shawn Mendes who? – …she moved on from her ex-Shawn Mendes – Shawn, are you okay? – …following her breakup from longtime boyfriend Shawn Mendes – What will Shawn Mendes think about… – Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn Shawn FOR FUCK’S SAKE!! 🤨😑😒🙄
And indeed, what happened to the breakup with Austin? More news bombardments. And right after that? Coachella 🤢🤮 arm-in-arm with ‘June Gloom’.
ShitMila was all over our faces again on April 14, 2023 (until June 7, 2023, official news released by The Sun; luckily only 1 month and 24 days). On April 12, 2023, Mila recorded a snippet titled ‘CC JUNE GLOOM 041223b’ which she later posted on IG on April 19, 2023, and deleted a few hours later. The caption itself said 4.12, meaning April 12th when she recorded it as I just said. Of course that was the BIG confirmation that she was referring to Shitto. And then, among other things, where’s the logic of June Gloom in April? Does it even have any logic? Like their entire PR, nope.
Anyway, I told you the first reason for the PR with Austin. Now I'll explain the second one: attention and publicity. Again, as I explained in my PR stunt relationships - ɟ post: “A PR stunt relationship is nothing more than a PUBLICITY STUNT, as the word itself implies, aimed to get people and media attention”.
Imagine the various news as accessories to staying relevant. I can give you lots of examples, even quite recent ones:
Camila Cabello debuts red hair for the KU LO SA remix. Camila Cabello was seen stepping into sex shop Adam & Eve in West Hollywood. Camila Cabello and Drake papped together. Camila Cabello shared a new Instagram video showing off her new unrecognizable platinum blonde hair. Camila Cabello tried multiple hair colors and wigs before she settled on blonde. While walking the Met Gala red carpet, Camila Cabello shared her $22.5K handcrafted ice block purse and her gown, which Vogue reports weighed 15 pounds and was encrusted with 250,000 Swarovski crystals. Camila Cabello & Lil Nas X throw condoms at a gay bar to promote their new collaboration.
All that, all of it, is an ‘accessory’ to get people talking about her. To publicize HER first and foremost and to promote something else at the same time. Like, the sex toy shop example was an example to publicize only her as a person in general. A silly scoop to get the public talking about her. Why? Because it happened in January 2022 and she wasn't promoting anything at that time.
Why would something like that be used to publicize her, you may be wondering? Because a silly scoop like that, or another one like the platinum blond reveal she did before she even started the promo for I LUV IT, makes her stay relevant. Those types of publicity are purposely made to get the public to talk about celebrities and stay in their mouths even when they're not doing anything inherent in their careers. A way that seems stupid but that is actually very effective in ensuring that people don't ‘forget’ about them but keep up with them and their lives. Different, on the other hand, from the examples that serve to publicize her and something else at the same time, that is those for the songs KU LO SA and HE KNOWS in those examples. Those are more targeted.
Her PR with Austin was nothing more than another accessory like these. Again, low-key because it had to be, and because it was a light PR that was meant to contribute to the ‘love’ visibility and the promotion of some projects. I'll explain better.
[Also why she was in a relationship with him right after like with Shawn.] She didn't indeed. Almost 7 months passed.
Mila and Shapeless Mentality officially broke up on November 17, 2021. Since then, in addition to small projects, collaborations, brand promotion, events, and other non-major things, Mila was busy with the promotion of Familia (April 8, 2022) for pretty much the entire 2022. In between the continuation of the promotion of Familia and the start of the filming of The Voice, bam, Austin entered the scene. Precisely in the middle of these events: Wango Tango 2022, June 4, 2022 – Austin, June 15, 2022 – The Voice, start of filming on June 23, 2022.
Austin was the accessory she needed to get people talking about her love life in the midst of promoting all the other projects Mila had throughout the year. A small push in promoting Familia, The Voice, collaborations, and other small projects with brands aside, but above all, a way to create yet another fake narrative ‘she's moving on with someone else’ by always keeping Sandalwood in the mind of the public. Same thing with him in reverse btw: Shon Mentos with his cult Jocelyne Miranda, 51-year-old chiropractor to the stars, and with singer and actress Sabrina Carpenter.
They were basically making preparations for their return. These little side PRs of theirs, served their own PR (ShitMila). The fucked-up bullshit of the bullshit: “they realized how special their love story was and wanted to try again”. A reminder for the public to remember that they did try with other people, but no one else was comparable. Excuses and justifications for the narrative of their ‘story’ and their future songs to hide their real private lives.
I hope I've helped you understand how now, my dear Anon 🙃.
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The link in the ask for those who want to see it: https://indepreneur.io/articles/5-reasons-never-sign-record-deal/
Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄.
I can help you with 2 posts I wrote about the topic (read them in order): How the music world works and this one.
After reading the second post (come back here and read this 😄), I can add that:
X-Factor contracts usually have a duration ranging from 6-7 years minimum, to 9-10 years maximum. Through the individual contracts signed in the semi-final week (December 12/13, 2012), Syco obtained the exclusive right to sign a recording contract with Fifth Harmony. Connecting to those signed contracts, on January 17, 2013, 5H officially signed the contract as group members with Syco in collaboration with Epic (both Sony), to which Simco Ltd. gave the exclusive licensing rights for 5 albums that they should've completed in the duration of those 10 years (2012-2022). A 5-album deal is a 4+1. This means that a label has the ability to collect 4 studio albums (LPs), and the +1 could also be considered an EP.
Due to the 5-album agreement that 5H should’ve completed in the duration of what we fans initially hoped would be either 6 or 7 years (2012-2018 or 2019), it was believed that, initially the years would be 6 and therefore Better Together, Reflection, 7/27, Fifth Harmony (self-titled), and Camila (self-titled) were the end of that deal, and that the release of Camila (self-titled) completed the 4 contracted LPs. This meant that the girls were free from their group obligations with Epic/Syco and could either disband or go on hiatus, and pursue their personal options with other labels. But despite this being the case because on March 19, 2018, the group decided to take an indefinite hiatus to pursue solo projects, none of the 4 girls (LAND) released an LP.
Fast forward to a year later, we saw the first LAND member release something other than a single and a collaboration: an EP. The release of Dinah Jane 1 released on April 19, 2019, made people believe that the years of that agreement were actually 7 also because Romance was published the same year. It was therefore believed that Reflection, 7/27, Fifth Harmony (self-titled), Camila (self-titled), and Romance were the end of that deal and that Romance had completed the 5 contracted LPs because Better Together wasn't considered the +1 by the labels.
Fast forward again to 5H's 10th anniversary and therefore the 10-year (2012-2022) X-Factor contract, and none of LAND released an LP yet. But, Mila released Familia and left Epic Records that same year, which makes me think that that deal didn't even count Fifth Harmony (self-titled) as an LP when they renegotiated the terms for Camila's exit from 5H.
For those who don't know, among the various renegotiations made in March 2015 after Mila turned 18 there were:
1) the designation of Roger Gold as her manager and also as her attorney,
2) the abandonment of the FIFTH HARMONY PARTNERSHIP brand (explained in the second link),
3) the renegotiation of her original contract by signing a solo deal for music, distribution, and management also with Sony. The contract basically implied the same things as the one she signed with Syco Entertainment in 2013 (which I remind you that only she and Lauren signed – they could make music both individually and together with the group). Since then, Mila was under Syco Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment, and Syco Music and Epic Records with Fifth Harmony, which were all owned by Sony in the first place anyway.
So this means that that new contract, not only stipulated that Mila would’ve stayed only one more year in the group as we already know, but that it was a 3-album solo contract that would’ve completed 5H's original deal for the 5 X-Factor contract's LPs. As a result of all this, 5H's original contract of 5-album (4+1) considered these as the 5 LPs: Reflection and 7/27 as a group, and Camila (self-titled), Romance, and Familia on Camila's part. Fifth Harmony (self-titled) was basically just an exit deal for LAND in the contract they re-signed as a quartet in 2017 with Sony Music.
In 2023 and therefore 10 years after the signing on January 17, 2013, none of LAND released an LP yet, but since after Familia and Camila's public exit from Epic in September 2022, all 5 of them are presumably free from any contractual restrictions they had with X-Factor and Epic musically speaking. Even though we had no LPs, we were still fed and the girls were all on the move: 1) Mila with Trolls 3, Rob Peace, and the album recording, 2) Laur with her second EP and the album recording, 3) Dinah with 3 songs (one of which with Ally) and the album recording, 4) Mani with Freaky Tales' end of shooting  (in January 2023) and the album recording (she was also far too busy, rightly so, taking care of her parents who both had cancer), 5) Ally with a single, the Christmas EP, and the album recording despite having a complete and ready Spanish one but which is now in the vault.
Fast forward again to the present, 2024. Surprise-surprise, Laur, Dinah, and Ally are completing their LPs, Mani's ready to release Dopamine, her first LP, and Mila's ready to release C, XOXO, her fourth LP.
2023 basically served all 5 of them as a reorganization and a planning for their future, but LAND were already free to release LPs. They're ready now.
I hope I've helped you, my dear, and I hope you are well too 🙃.
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Hiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I hope you're good too and about your ask, sure 😉.
So. I LUV IT ft. Playboi Carti released on March 27, 2024, is the first single for her fourth LP: C, XOXO. It's a hyperpop/experimental pop song and it samples Lemonade by Gucci Mane and interpolates Cockiness (Love It) by my queen RiRi (Rihanna). The studio recording with Carti was completed on Dec 17, 2023: (Carti's instastory)
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Let me tell you something, this song was meant to shock. She pulled a Yes, and? and it worked 😎. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to by that, I meant that Yes, and? was Ariana Grande's single for her album Eternal Sunshine and it's a diva house/dance-pop song, which was a different and unexpected genre especially then comparing it to the rest of the songs in the album when it was later released. It's a great song, but if it weren't for the concept that connects to two other songs, it would have nothing to do with the rest of the album musically and sonically speaking. It was a calculated idea to make it different from the rest. It's very smart and it's a good strategy for both a comeback and an album. I feel like I LUV IT is exactly the same thing. An impactful comeback was needed and this, together with the platinum blonde and the new era in general, served the purpose. The song was meant to be talked about for better or for worse. And guess what? Mission accomplished 😜.
This song is not for everyone. There are those who loved it right away, those who hated it and still do, and there are those who hated it and then slowly loved it. In reality, most people hated it and then loved it 🤣. I personally didn't hate it but I didn't love it right from the start either, not gonna lie. I just liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️. But after the third listen? Bouncing ass, tongue out, aaaand I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it 🤣!! This song is definitely a grower! The more you listen to it, the more you become addicted to it 😍.
But anyway. Unlike the video, the lyrics talk about sex. So let's get started. Oh and, of course, I won't include Carti's mumbled Atlanta rap or as his fans say, the Cartinese, simply because he wrote his part.
***Btw, I can no longer listen to Carti’s “Oh, you on the road now? - Oh, you grown now? - Oh, you too grown now” without bursting out laughing ����🏻‍♀️🤣. I can't help but hear Nas' imitation of Carti's voice in the HE KNOWS music video🤣🤣🤣. For me, those three sentences have now become just one repeated X3: “Oh, you on the floor now” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣***
Oh oh oh, last thing before starting. If you're a prude, LEAVE NOW. Skip the whole lyric analysis and go straight to the music video analysis. The song is about sex like I just said and I therefore won't hold back from explaining certain things, okay? I warned you 🙋🏻‍♀️. I don't wanna see complaints in the comments as happened years ago. Thank you.
Verse 1:
“Supersonic, in your orbit”
So, supersonic. One word from which two derive: super and sonic. Super: above the rest, better than the rest. Sonic: derived from the Latin ‘sonus’ which means sound. Super-sound. Basically a loud noise, a sound/sonic boom that (the actual meaning of supersonic:) breaks the acoustic barrier by traveling at a speed faster than the one of sound. A flight can be supersonic. As well as a missile and even a gun bullet.
An orbit is an ever-changing path one object in space takes around another. An unscientific example? A dog with its favorite toy often orbits their owner insistently because they want to play with them. Speaking from personal experience here 🤣.
***Oh and, lil fun fact. In prostitution specifically, orbit was, and perhaps still is, a code word for oral sex***
Ultimately, “Supersonic, in your orbit” means that Mila is this supersonic boom, this let's even say supersonic shock that orbits around her prey. As I've said many other times in my analysis, Mila likes to use wordplay in her songs and this is basically her artistic way of explaining sexual provocation. She's provoking her target.
“And I’m bad, diabolic”
It's giving intense energy and mischief out of the ordinary 😜. She knows she's good at it (provocation). She has a goal (to sleep with her) and succeeds because we have the aftermath of her intent in the next sentence.
“Bottle rocket, on the carpet”
Her favorite lyrics because many people didn't grasp the meaning 🤣. Definition of bottle rocket: a firework typically consisting of a cylindrical case that is partly filled with combustible material and fastened to a guiding stick which may be placed in a bottle to control the direction of the rocket's launch.
In this case, in sex, bottle rocket is the representation of cuming hard in an explosive way.
Rockets have a phallic shape, so the first thing that's assumed here is that it's the sperm that's on the carpet, also because the song acts as straight 🙄, but where's the deception? Even girls can give someone a bottle rocket. How? By being an explosion and not a normal female cum orgasm, with female ejaculation also known as squirting.
Ergo, she's talking about herself. This song is not about sex with a guy and I can even prove that with the next sentence.
“Threw it back and he caught it”
Round two, doggy-style position. Movements: “Threw it back” her ass “and she caught it” with the hands by placing it directly back on the face aka mouth-tongue (clue about the lil fun fact I mentioned earlier) or by directing the entrance of the cave of wonders on the dildo (since Camren loves toys so much 😜🤣🤭). But, given the “he” because, again, the song acts as straight 🙄, the meaning should make you think of the guiding on the dick. But no. As I said before, I can prove it.
When guys cum, it literally takes them a while before they can go again. Some need 10/15 minutes, others hours or directly the next day because they literally physically can't. It's rare anyway that they manage to go beyond the second round (unless they're in the midst of adolescence and are like 14/15 years old 🤣), and those who miraculously can make it, also last very little and their cum is also very little. And mind you, I'm not saying these things to belittle men. I'm not making anything up. It's the pure truth. Not only have I experienced it myself (cause yes, hi 👋🏼, I've been with my gf for 3 years but I'm bisexual and I've had relationships before her), but these are facts that you can even look up if you don't believe me.
It's obviously not the same for all guys and they're all different, but us girls literally need 5 seconds or nothing at all to recover, and we don't have limits like they do. Unlike males, we females can have multiple orgasms. Sexual arousal and orgasm are possible again right away. So no. It's impossible she was talking about a guy.
If she was really talking about a guy, it's impossible that immediately after his Bottle rocket, on the carpet (yet another proof that Mila was talking about her cuming, her squirting) he didn't need some enough available time for round two (Threw it back and he caught it). Let’s move on 💪🏼.
“I go soprano, baby, go down low”
Soprano in music is the highest note, so in this case, going soprano means she's screaming with pleasure. And in her euphoric state, she guides her partner back down there into her buried treasure.
“And when he leads, I gotta follow”
The movements. Like in dance. In partner dancing, there are those who lead and those who follow. They're designed roles to facilitate the movements. The one who leads manages the body of the one who follows and decides the dance steps and direction of travel from time to time.
The thing that makes me laugh about this part is the “when he leads”. “When” 🤣🤣🤣. Because she's the top and she's the one who leads most of the time because Laur's the bottom (even though they're both also switch) so when Lo leads, when, sometimes, occasionally, I gotta follow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Oh Mila 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤣.
“I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral”
She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out).
“I need you now and tomorrow”
And forever.
I’d also like to add a deeper meaning of sex to I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral – I need you now and tomorrow. Although she said the song is about sex, she also said:
“Part of that cocktail is also the emotional drama between you and that person, and the chaos and butterflies and nerves and passion. It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I LUV IT.” – “Now I feel kind of lonely and small and weird, but at the same time, I’m an adult and I feel so strong in other areas of my life, but not this one. There’s just the wrestling of those feelings without it being kind of neat or in a box. You can’t really say that it’s a sad song, you can’t really pin it down. It’s just kind of me wrestling with these feelings and me kind of being really present on a particular feeling and exploring it. I feel like a lot of songs on the album are that”.
So going deeper, “I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” indicate her anxiety. Being on a spiral or simply spiraling, is an emotional state that rapidly worsens in a way that becomes increasingly difficult to control and often leads to short-term periods of anxiety or depression. Aka her OCD gets triggered. Which by the way, I remind you that for her leads to obsessions and repetitive thoughts. And in a certain way, we can also see it in the repetition of the same phrase in the chorus.
So here she's saying: 1) I’m blackin’ out, aka I'm going crazy, I'm freaking out (connection/thing that reminds me a lot of “Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind?” Bad Things [analysis here (eleventh ask)]) 2) I’m on a spiral, aka I'm anxious, distressed, worried, fearful. Why? Because I don't wanna lose you aka 3): I need you now and tomorrow. This alludes to the desire for connection and intimacy that goes beyond sex.
Both meanings (sexual and deeper) however indicate the intensity of her uncontrollable and erratic emotions towards as she said “that person” Lauren. But she doesn't care. “It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I…?” She…? She what? Sing it all together🎤🎵🎶👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼:
“I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, ooh
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…...
27.   27……
27 times, huh? 😜 What a wonderful coincidence! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 of all the numbers, precisely the 27. Would you look at that 🤣🤣.
No seriously tho. The words have to fit and respect the tempo of the song, but coincidence or not it's still funny for me 🤭.
Post-Chorus 1:
“Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X2)
Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x2)”
This part was sampled from the song Lemonade by Gucci Mane. Lemons are basically yellow diamonds (known as Canary Diamonds) cut/engraved in the shape of the letter V (an expensive method of cutting diamonds).
The meaning behind that would be that people would “freeze up” in shock at seeing this display of wealth and success, these lemons/diamonds, “in their face”s. They're oh so surprised and intimidated that they even freeze up for this luxury lifestyle thrown in their faces.
Umm………. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do we really care? Of that? Okay 🤣. About something she didn't even write? Something that she literally took copied and pasted into the song? Pfft, okay. Can we move on? Thank you 🤣.
Verse 2:
“Super twisted, sick addicted”
Twisted: someone who's mentally or emotionally unhealthy or disturbed: sick. -> Sick addicted: someone who's unable to stop doing something as a habit. Ergo, she's saying that she likes/enjoys it a lot and wants to spend as much time as possible doing what they're doing: sex.
Nonsexual meaning: She's using strong words to describe not only herself but also what their relationship is like. They may be twisted, and addicted, and toxic, and all the other things we've seen in their songs, but no matter what, she/they LUV IT, cause they luuuv each other.
“Kiss me hard, someday you’ll miss this”
A dig for all those times they break up or take breaks.
“Meteor shower, in your power”
What's a meteor shower?
The meteor shower is nothing other than what we commonly call shooting stars. These are obviously not stars, but meteors. Meteors are the aftermath of asteroids and comets that ORBITATED the SUN.
Asteroids (celestial bodies composed of rocky bodies) and comets (celestial bodies composed of frozen gases) become meteoroids when they fragment. In turn, meteoroids ignite and disintegrate when they enter our solar system, becoming meteors, ergo shooting stars. Those that don't disintegrate and manage to touch the earth's ground instead become meteorites.
How does a meteor shower happen?
The meteor shower happens when the earth, in its ORBIT around the SUN, crosses an area in which fragments of rock and dust (meteoroids) lost from a comet or an asteroid (celestial bodies made of rock, dust, and ice coming from the outermost areas of the solar system) are concentrated. When an asteroid and a comet heat up as they pass close to the sun, they reach such temperatures that they fragment even more (meteoroids) and when these very tiny fragments enter our atmosphere, they ignite and burn due to friction by generally developing tails, luminous trails (shooting stars) until they vaporize or leave debris (meteorites) behind.
Lil fun fact: some meteorites found on earth come from the MOON 🤭🤣. Most come from destroyed comets and asteroids, but some come from Mars or the moon.
So, after this compelling little science lesson, I can explain what Mila means by “Meteor shower, in your power”.
It's very simple actually. A meteor shower is a celestial event. She's comparing their sex to this astronomical phenomenon, the “Meteor shower”. The “in your power” is due to the fact that Lo’s the one who’s leading as we saw in “And when he leads, I gotta follow” in the first verse.
“Seein’ stars, oh my God”
The retina sends light signals to the brain by making sparks, stars, or flashes of light appear in the visual field. When does this happen? It usually has to do with the head. You've made a movement too fast, like standing up suddenly, or you've been hit on the head, or you're about to lose consciousness, etc. These are all negative aspects, but we're talking about something positive here. Sex.
This amazing sex (Meteor shower), this second round (Threw it back and she caught it), brings her to another orgasm (maybe even another Bottle rocket 🤷🏻‍♀️😏) during which she feels so bewildered, so dizzy, and she experiences this very surreal feeling that overwhelmed her by even Seein’ stars during it. Seein’ stars: to climax, to achieve orgasm.
This can very well be connected with ““I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out)” that I explained earlier.
Oh and, the “oh my God” was her, um 🤣, comment, to express that ending if it wasn't already obvious enough 🤣.
“Slow down, baby”
All of Playboi Carti's “Uh, uh, uh, uh” before Mila's “Slow down, baby”, at least to me, indicate the thrust of the act. Again, he “sings” them to prove the song is straight 🙄, but we know the truth. Anyway. The “Slow down, baby” means exactly that. Either Mila's settling down from the end of round two and needs a tiny bit more time to go as fast as they were going before, or she simply wants this third round to go at a slower pace than the previous one, or better yet, Slow down, baby like in ‘stop, it's my turn now’ (to lead).
Another proof that this doesn't talk about sex with a guy. As I said before, it's rare for guys to get beyond 2 rounds, so let alone a third one 🤣. Sorry, not sorry, but it's literally the truth 🤣.
And that's it. I luv the fact that Camila's lyrics in this song talk about sex but she uses words that still perfectly capture the magnetic attraction between the two of them. I luv how she's quite unapologetic about it. And I LUUUV how she also used these cosmic references in general, but above all, how they anyway hide in a certain way the two important celestial bodies in our sky and solar system: their representation, aka the moon and the sun.
Now let's move on to the music video where everything that could go wrong happens 👍🏼🤣. What is she trying to convey here? Let's find out.
Music video
Opening scene. A Robin Hood wannabe who takes coins from his pocket.
Three empty stationary police cars in a driveway while an aspiring lumberjack cop is, for what initially appears to be, cutting down a tree to prepare for winter.
KhaleesiMila enters the scene 5 seconds before she starts singing. She looks like she just came back home from the night before given her outfit and her slightly messy hair. But not her makeup. The makeup is perfect of course because it's still a music video 😉.
She enters the kitchen with a chocolate cake in one hand while with the other she nonchalantly tosses her heels in a spot where it's very usual for us girls to leave them 🤣: at the doorway or in the bedroom on the kitchen counter. She starts singing and eating a piece of chocolate cake at the same time.
At the same moment as the first bite of the cake, we have a really well-done perfect transition of her spitting her mouthguard out in a somewhat snobbish but challenging and provocative way because she's ready to fight against a professional female wrestler.
Soon after we have a 3-second split shot of her chewing the cake in the kitchen again and her and Carti in the gas station, before cutting to a long one where we have the reappearance of the archer from the opening scene.
From this moment on, all the small shots, the little introductions that we initially had, are explained a little bit more extensively with longer scenes and shots. Still messy 🤣, but longer.
Hospital part 1
Now that we see the surroundings, we notice how Legolas wannabe is in the corridor of a hospital and that the coins he took from his pocket in the opening scene, he needed them to get something like a chocolate bar from the vending machine. After taking it, he walks back to a white-dressed Mila who's sitting with an arrow in her heart.
A flash passed before my eyes and for a moment I was back in 2019. Why? Liar. The cover art picture of the song portrays her as an angel with wings. Camila explained that Cupid strikes her with his bow to make her fall from heaven and unmask her, by making her not so angelic anymore because she's actually a liar who's hiding something, that is a secret [hmm, I wonder which one 😏😎🤫🤐🤣]. This whole story created for the song inspired the visual for the entire album Romance (whole album inspired by the surrealism of a museum of love stories in heaven).
So I asked myself, what is this? A connection to Romance but direct to Liar? No. I'd say more that she paid homage to it since even though the lyrics are about sex, the ideology of the video is about their toxic relationship and how she knows it's toxic but she LUVs IT anyway.
Anyhow, I guess that at the arrow in the heart scene, you all thought that the Green Arrow wannabe was Cupid. Same thing here, mostly because of the connection with Liar. I initially thought: “Oooh, it's Cupid! Cupid shot her with his arrow, ergo she's in love. But she's lovesick, and because of this the hospital: love - sick”. Then I saw the whole scene (plus the ending which I'll explain, well, at the end 🤣) and I realized: “Nope. Not Cupid. Not Cupid at all. Hi, Lauren 👋🏼”.
***Let's be clear. This is a music video. A creative and imaginative way of portraying objects, people, and scenarios in general. Yes, it's Camila's POV, but Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life. Okay? Every artist does it. It's art. Literally, as the word implies.***
So, back to the scene. Rewind. Lauren Hawkeye wannabe takes the candy bar from the vending machine and goes back to Mila. *This is the point where I got to before.* He doesn't even look at her. He just sits. Contrary to her who follows him with her gaze as he sits down and she also turns her head to look at him one more time before looking straight ahead.
That chocolate bar or whatever the fuck it is, it's not even for her. He took it for himself without even having the thought of taking it for her or taking something for her as well. I mean he's like, he's there for her. He went with her and he accompanied her also because he hit her with an arrow. Like yeah, we know that. We can see that. But even though he's there for her, he at the same time doesn't acknowledge or address her at all. He's just there. Present and not. Waiting for her turn.
While she, even smiles with her mouth closed as he's returning to her, but it's a smile I'd say forced. A kind of smile that masks how uncomfortable she feels. It's a wan smile that shows no energy or enthusiasm. It's a stoical ‘grin-and-bear-it because you're used to it after all’ kind of expression. That smile alone makes you understand how ‘normal’ this situation is for her. She's so used to it that it's a standard routine for her. It doesn't come as a surprise.
In a situation like this one, in a hospital, with an arrow in the chest/heart, anger or pain or both reactions are what you expect to be shown by her. But no. She's just there. Waiting for her turn.
Meaning behind this? The arrow in the heart represents a metaphorical way to express the idea that love can be both powerful and overwhelming, capable of causing joy and pain in equal measure. In this case however, the arrow in the heart doesn't represent a tender sweet and romantic symbol of Cupid and Valentine's Day. It represents a heart-piercing emotional pain. In this case, that arrow is nothing more than a heart-stopping arrow through the heart.
Fight & Dogs
In the next scene we have the professional female wrestler again. Like when she spat her mouthguard out in the opening brief shot, Mila continues to have this defiant attitude *she’s so hot there btw 🤤🥵*. She shows herself as very self-confident with this superior aura and this cockiness that gives off an ‘I can kick your ass’ vibe. All of this flies out the window the moment the wrestler makes her move against her and Mila shits in her pants and starts running away 🤣.
At the same time that she starts running, we have another perfect transition of a running dog. Then we have another very brief shot of her continuing to eat the cake in the kitchen, before alternating the fight with the wrestler and not just one dog running randomly, but her being chased by no less than three dogs 🤣.
These two scenes are connected on the part of running for your life. Literally as far as the dogs are concerned 🤣. And speaking of the dogs, the scene represents the danger and risks of being in love with someone. It represents all the feelings of chaos that go along with it. It represents feeling afraid and helpless with a constant internal battle of anxiety and fear. Being chased by dogs is stressful, scary, and unpleasant, BUT, it's even adrenaline-pumping and the depiction of it, is basically like an excited nightmare that represents not knowing where things are leading. Running into the unknown. She's scared but she does it anyway because the journey is electrifying.
Going back and talking about the scene with the wrestler, the running scared to avoid the actual physical fight is the representation of avoiding the confrontation. And that's something we know Mila does thanks to both her and Lauren. We also know this because in 2016 she herself said that she avoids conflicts with people. It's a vice/bad habit that she's always had.
BUT, no matter how much she tries to run away and avoid this confrontation, it always happens. Sooner or later, she eventually always finds herself having to face the problem unwillingly or not. The representation of this in the video is when she's captured. We actually see this section almost at the end of the video after Carti’s “🎵tursin-eh-oh-and-halloh-eh-halloh-eh-halloh-I'm out o-controool🎵” 🤣🤣🤣. We see the wrestler chasing and catching Mila, which leads to the headlock wrestling move.
Now let's talk about this section with the headlock that we see both at the end and currently in the first chorus of the part of the video where we are. Specifically this one here. We see several headlocks in sequence, but the one I want to focus on is the second one, where the wrestler is enacting the chokehold with only one arm.
Like, umm… 🤭 The way you caress her arm and look at her, and the way you sing “I luv it” with your tongue sticking out in that seductive way 🔥 I mean... Mila, honey…😏 I see you! 🤣
No wonder in the BTS of the video she said: “I've been the most excited for this scene all day”. Hmm 🤔, I wonder why is that 🤣🤣🤣. Just as I'm not surprised by the other clue she gave in the interview with Bru On The Radio when talking about the scene: “It's like a little homoerotic. It's cool! But um- * she bursts out laughing by looking to the side* -yeah”.
Homoerotic: 1) (especially of art, literature, drama, or the like) using symbolism, allusions, situations, etc., that invoke sexual attraction or activity between people of the same gender. Example: There's definitely some homoerotic subtext in that book. 2) having sexual attraction to people of one's own sex or gender, especially when that attraction is repressed. Example: To say a man has a “streak of lavender” means that he has homoerotic desires. 3) relating or involving sexual activity between people of the same sex. Specifically: marked by, revealing, or portraying sexual desire between people of the same sex.
I have nothing else to add, Your Honor. I have nothing else to add 😎🤣.
No but seriously now. She doesn't act that way during the other headlocks. In those, she tries to fight back and somehow defend herself by trying to free herself. We see her react in a rather normal way to that type of situation. But in that particular hold? Nope 🤣. We can see how much she likes it. How attracted and aroused she is. The reactions she has during the other headlocks represent her external side, what really happens and what she lets see. While in that particular one, we see the toxicity of what happens in her inner part. The “I luv it” to the choking which on a larger scale, represents her toxicity in loving the pain. Even though they're fighting and she hates the confrontation and is in pain, she LUVs IT anyway because she luvs HER.
***Mind you that this is only an additional representation and seen in a more generic way. I don't see it as fitting to the theme of the music video as much as the one I've already explained to you now.*** A broader meaning could also be the representation of how the love for Lauren is so strong that she can't fight it. We've seen this other times in the lyrics of songs like This Love [analysis here (the penultimate ask)] and Señorita [analysis here (the last ask)] where Mila was having an inner struggle because, on the one hand, she wanted to protect her feelings, and on the other, she couldn't resist her. Ergo, the scene where she tries to fight this love, the professional wrestler, but she loses and thus is ultimately defeated.
Next scene we have her continuing to eat the chocolate cake plus this guy who comes in and rides around her house on his motorcycle and she does nothing.
Let's dwell for a moment on her eating.
Where have we seen something like this before (besides the reality of everyday life)? In every damn movie and TV show since forever 🤣. Someone is sad for some X reason like they had a fight with someone, or they're going through a breakup, and what do they do? They eat either something chocolate or ice cream. 90% of the time it's something chocolate related. Why? Because when consumed, it releases endorphins in the brain that produce a mild feeling of euphoria by mimicking the feeling of being in love. This is why chocolate is called the love drug. It gives comfort and joy and when we're down, we emotionally crave chocolate because we're unsatisfied with something.
Her eating chocolate cake in this case is an indication of unsatisfied desires and emotional needs.
Now let's go back to the guy with the motorcycle. He's destroying everything in his path and she's simply there, munching on her cake unbothered. He's causing a mess but she doesn't even try to stop him. She doesn't get angry, she doesn't scream, nothing. And why? Because as I said before by talking about that type of smile in the hospital, this situation is ‘normal’ for her. She doesn't react simply because she's used to it. The chaos of their relationship doesn't surprise her also because, I mean, it's been years and years.
The house depicts her head and what happens in it. Him destroying the house is a representation of how she sees his bringing chaos into her life and their relationship. On a deeper level, her not reacting to the destruction of the house represents the fact that she's so in love that she ignores bad and toxic behaviors. The whole scene represents the toxicity and destruction that a relationship can bring into your life but you keep trying because you LUV IT. Lauren brings love, happiness, passion, euphoria, but she also brings chaos which also encompasses mess, confusion, disarray, whether all good or bad. We also saw this type of example in the lyrics of Consequences [analysis here (penultimate ask)].
Successively we have a mix of scenes, among which are the cop one of the opening scene, the car one, and the bathroom one.
Palm tree
We can finally see that this aspiring lumberjack cop is chopping this palm tree because Camila is on top of it.
Now, I have two interpretations for this. The palm tree represents Lauren/their toxic love in both interpretations.
N° 1, she's stuck on the tree. Being stuck represents her way of saying that there's no way out of their toxic relationship even though someone (represented by the cop) or more than someone (since there are 3 police cars even though we only see one cop) tries to get her out of this situation.
N° 2, the one I see as the most truthful, the most right one. She's not stuck on the tree. Mila is Walzing it 🤣🤣🤣 (for those who don't know, Dinah used to call Mila ‘Walz’ and here you can find the reason why the nickname was born). Her koalaing the tree also represents her co-dependence. She's clinging to it and doesn't want to let go.
She's on the very high point of the tree; visual meaning: danger. If she were to fall, she would die or be seriously injured. But she doesn't care. She's ready to risk her life. Deeper for the representation: her love is so strong, that she's ready to risk it (“I'll risk it all”, as we've already seen in Used to This [part of the interpretation that you can find in the analysis of Only Told the Moon here]). She's ready to risk everything/risk it all even if she were to lose her heart and if it were to affect even her mental and physical health as we've already seen in the lyrics of Consequences.
Even in this case, the cop represents someone or more than someone in her life who tries to get her out of this situation. They use extreme ways to do this, representative of getting her down: cutting down the tree. Why? Why doesn't this cop who clearly knows that this person is experiencing some kind of problem call the fire truck to bring a ladder to save her since that's what's normally done in these situations? Or he doesn't go directly and find one himself? Why doesn't he talk to her and try to reason with her to get her down?
Because it's not the first time this has happened. The cop (her family, her friends) is so used to and tired of seeing their on-again, off-again/cycle/loop/circle, that he decides to help her in a more brutal way in this case. Representation: chopping down the tree. It doesn't matter tho. It doesn't matter that other people try to help her in hard ways. She doesn't wanna lose her, and therefore she depicts how even though she knows it's a toxic relationship, she's clinging (codependent) to it and continues to love her because she doesn't want to depart/separate herself no matter what. Reason why we even see her singing “I luv it” while she’s glued to the tree.
Speaking of falling (and how these two scenes are connected). Instead of that tree, here we see her having fallen over a car. Part of the car is destroyed, as is she. It's a representation of being in love and how it can sometimes destroy you. But again, we even see her singing “I luv it” because she doesn't care. She doesn't care about falling and being crushed by/for her. They've taken a lot of risks over the years. They've suffered, they've hurt each other, and they've fallen down and gotten up every single time. And those wounds, in the video are represented as real wounds with cuts, bruises, gashes, and all that jazz.
She doesn't even care when we, the public and the fans, see her destroyed like that. We've seen it many times, especially after years and years spent growing up in the public eye. By this, I'm obviously referring to the woman who's immortalizing the scene with her phone. Although that, it's also a representation of what would actually happen in today's world: instead of helping or calling an ambulance, the woman is filming or taking pics.
Bathroom & Bedroom
Contrary to the connection that the tree and the car scenes have, this one is connected to the ones of the dogs and the professional female wrestler.
We first see her in the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and even lifts her shirt up to look at her belly. Let's say normal things that we all do, and so far, nothing strange. Then we also see her perplexed and undecided tho (when she sighs with her finger in her mouth). And we see her rehearsing. We see her change her expression to a determined one and make the gun gesture with the fingers of her hand.
***Sorry but I have to tell you guys 🤣🤣🤣. I found it extremely funny how she made the gun gesture with her fingers precisely at “someday you’ll miss this”. THIS and bam: fingers out 😏😎🤣. I'm sorry, I'm sorry 🤣🤣 one day she'll miss, what, Mila? Your gay fingers?🤣🤣🤣 Oooooookay 😉🤣***
Back to normal. All that represents her mentally preparing herself, and for what? For what we then see in the bedroom. Before heading there, we can see her expression of determination but more importantly, we can see her pissed-off expression.
She walks into the bedroom with this imaginary automatic machine gun that she uses to shoot and destroy the bed. As she does that, the footage also shows us the rest of the room, and what do I spy with my little eye 🧐? A frame hanging on the wall. And what's in that frame? Five boys with the word ‘sorry’ written on their backs. Wait a second, wait a second… FIVE???? 😲 Five as a reference to Fifth Harmony? 😱 Five as in 5H because it's a hidden clue to confirm that she's talking about Lauren? 🤯 WHAAAAAT??? 😵
Yes, guys, yes. For those who haven't noticed, the answer is yes. Camila doesn't do things shittily. There's always meaning in the things she does, whether it's hidden or not. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise or something different about that clue, don't be fooled. Why 5? Explain the 5 otherwise? They could've used a thousand different things like, for example, an apology/sorry note left on the bedside table, or even just one guy with sorry on his back in that frame since all of this is supposed to be straight and about a guy 🙄. But no. They used FIVE of them specifically.
Moving on.
The rehearsals she was doing in the bathroom that we later saw lead to the destruction of the bed with the imaginary automatic machine gun, were all due to Mila being pissed off about something Laur had done. Something we know thanks to the not-so-hidden apology message in the frame. Now I don't know about you 🎤🎶but I'm feeling 22 🎶🎤 sorry but I had to 🤣 but I know that even though Camila is magical, she doesn't really have powers 🤣. So even though this is the representation of her being pissed at Lo, she didn't actually shoot the bed. It was all in her head. She was just imagining doing it. Yeah, she was angry, but we also know that she'd run away in reality to try to avoid conflicts as we saw in the scene with the dogs and in the scene with the wrestler (aka Laur herself), during which, however, we also saw that the wrestler captures her and that therefore Mila was then forced to face.
Hospital part 2
During the mix of these three scenes (Palm Tree - Car - Bathroom & Bedroom) just discussed, we have two small shots of Mila in the hospital. The first during “oh my God” and the second during “I luv it”.
We see her looking in one direction before saying “oh my God”. It's an exasperated “oh my God” because no one's assisting her yet.
She sings “I luv it” by tapping her finger to her temple in rhythm but we can see how impatient she's starting to get for the wait. Yeah, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, but she's irritated and frustrated.
Gas station
Mila and her friends pull over into this gas station. A guy with long hair immediately approaches to serve them, but instead of refueling the car as we normally expected, he does it to them. He takes the pump and fills their glasses with gasoline, even though we know very well that it was actually nothing more than “some disgusting water-down apple juice”, according to Mila herself.
All this during “Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X4) - Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x4)” Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade Camila Cabello drinks gasoline 🤣. Sorry, sorry 🤣. Joking aside now.
Drinking alcohol produces euphoria. It's stimulating, exciting, and lowers inhibitions and control. It's intoxicating, and although this word usually indicates something positive, it can also represent something negative especially when associated with alcohol. Drinking alcohol is intoxicating in a good way, but if done too much, it's intoxicating in a harmful way. In this case, alcohol is the representation of another hyperbolic metaphor. It's yet another concept represented in an exaggerated way. Gasoline, fuel, or whatever the hell it was, is obviously toxic. Ingesting it is dangerous. It's yet another representation of their toxic relationship and tendencies and how she doesn't care going against all common sense because she LUVs IT.
There would also be another possible meaning behind this scene due to Playboi Carti's verse. He talks about drugs (Novocaine and Mary Jane), luxury cars (Lamborghini Aventador SVJ), and rebellious life in general.
Novocaine is a drug used as a local anesthetic normally by dentists. Mary Jane is the literal English translation of the name Marijuana. Spanish: Maria/Mari. English translation: Mary. Spanish: Juana. English translation: Jane. Ergo, Marijuana: Mary Jane. In the past when drug users talked about marijuana, they called it Mary Jane so as not to arouse police suspicion.
I explained all this because specifically his talk about drugs made me think of a different possible meaning behind this scene. You see in the US, many drug dealers operate out of gas stations. Mila and her friends are getting gas at the gas station. In slang, ‘gas’ is a noun made popular by rappers to refer to weed/marijuana.
It might be that the scene has both meanings. Alcohol for her and drugs for him. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe we would've seen it for real if Carti hadn't arrived late for the video shoot. But anyway.
Right after that, we have the dance scene. I have two interpretations for that even here. Both true.
The first one: Don't expect me to say sweet and predictable things like that she's dancing hypnotized because she's drunk on love 🤣. Nope. The blindfold is supposed to represent how blinded she is by love and shit, right? The typical phrase ‘love is blind’ that makes someone unable to see the flaws of the person they love. True, but at the same time in her case, bullshit tho. Buuuullshit! Because we saw throughout the video how she's aware of everything.
She chose to put the blindfold on and dance freely whether it's just for fun or distraction or to literally dance the pain away. She chose to put it on to ‘not see’ the flaws, the toxicity, and all the negative things. She knows. She knows they're there. It's just her choice to ignore them because, once again, she doesn't care because she luvs it and her.
The second one: Based on the getting gas in the previous shot, whether it's just alcohol or whether it's also marijuana, that's why right after that scene we see Carti with his hoodie backwards before he starts singing and Mila and the girls dancing together blindfolded with X’s over their eyes. It represents the beginning of the effect. 😵: literally the dizziness of drunkenness and/or stonedness. In a deeper way, it represents love being a drug/addiction to live to the fullest (dancing).
Again whether it's just alcohol or weed, that's also the reason why at the end of the video they're both comfortable and relaxed in eating calmly as if they don't have a care in the world (despite the video being completely the opposite). Both alcohol and weed increase hunger and appetite, sometimes leading to strange and uncontrollable cravings. That represents half to almost the end of the effect.
Hospital part 3
She's still waiting. She's still waiting for someone to help her remove that fucking arrow from her chest. The whole reason she's been there waiting for probably hours. Nurses even walk past in front of her but still no one assists her. As before, she's still annoyed, but now she's also discouraged and sad. Not only that, but the male version of a Katniss Everdeen wannabe is also gone. Representation of a breakup or one of their breaks. Mila's alone, and suddenly, the wound begins to bleed.
In this case, the arrow through her heart symbolizes feeling emotionally hurt. Since loving someone is not always a walk in dreamland, but it also consists of twists and turns and can really fucking hurt you, here we see how her heart starts dripping blood. The bleeding can also represent how toxic relationships leave you in the end. Again, love is pain but she LUVs IT.
Thing more important, the wound begins to bleed because she's no longer with her. It didn't do it the entire time Laur was with her, but her heart started to bleed in pain only after she left. Representation of how her heart, although already wounded (arrow) by her/for her, cannot bear to be without her (bleeding). As I also explained in my This Love’s interpretation, the choice over the years has often been between having her and suffering, or not having her at all, and as we know, she always chose her.
The end
So, that was the music video. It gave me Miami and Florida. It gave me GTA and crack house feelings 🤣. It gave me wildness and adrenaline. It gave me roller coaster. It gave me college students traveling for the holidays/Spring Breakers movie. *For those who don't know what I'm talking about 👇🏼*
Tumblr media
Especially here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59su9PJ7f2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== with this promo.
*Last minute edit: she just said Spring Breakers is one of the inspired aesthetics for the new era*
She in specific, gave me addicted to pain. She gave me impulsiveness. She gave me a fast-paced lifestyle, full of passion, desire, and disregard for consequences. She gave me vibe. She gave me boujee. She gave me dance. She gave me actress and humor as has also happened in other videos in the past (although less than those ones) such as for example Havana, Liar, My Oh My, Bam Bam, Don’t Go Yet, etc. (it's not the first time Camila's been in ridiculous situations in her videos). She gave me chaos begets chaos, and in order to maintain sanity, one must embrace the insanity. Or in her case, a palm tree 🤣🤣🤣.
I mean, all in all and in its complexity, I really enjoyed it. She said the theme of the video is chaos and danger, and we saw that. In the interview with Bru On The Radio, still talking about the video, she said: “This complex feeling of loving the pain of something, or loving the messiness of something, or loving the chaos of something, really kind of like finding the beauty in that part of our humanity”. And we saw that too.
And as if it wasn't clear enough already, the video is an artistic representation of the toxic tendencies and behaviors of their toxic relationship in general throughout all these years. And yes, their as in both of them, not just her as in Lauren's. I told you guys in the beginning that it's Camila's POV and I explained that Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life, but we don't just see Laur's toxic tendencies and behaviors from Mila's POV in the video. We actually see Mila's a lot more. Let me explain.
We saw how Laur brings chaos into Mila's life and their relationship (house scene). She's hurt her (shot her with an arrow through the heart), she doesn't acknowledge her in the hospital, and she also leaves at the end. The leaving her there (breakup or break) in those conditions as well as not taking something for her too from the vending machine is a neglect; another trait of a toxic relationship. That's all. That's what we see as far as Lauren is concerned. Mila on the other hand…
She's the one who's unbothered, especially in the beginning, in having an arrow in her heart, aka being hurt. She's the one who doesn't react when Lo destroys the house, aka when Laur has toxic behavior towards her. Still her the one who runs away from her problems so as not to face them and avoids conflicts (dogs and wrestler). In fact, if that's why, I wanna put in a good word for Laur in this case since she fights her by forcing her to confront her, aka talk about their problems. Still Mila the one who uses an imaginary automatic machine gun to shoot and destroy the bed symbolically in her head just because she’s angry with her. She's the one who crashes herself on top of a car and risks her life on other occasions with the dogs, the palm tree, and by drinking gasoline. I mean, see what I mean?
Who's the most toxic one we see here? And again, this is just a video. Not the reality. I feel like I always have to specify these things with you guys because one never knows you misinterpreted it 🤣. But anyway. I'm happy Mila did it. I'm happy that Mila represented even her toxicity since for many years due to her songs people only and always blamed Lauren. It's something I've been saying for years 💁🏻‍♀️. They both have their faults. There are two people in the couple and there are always two sides to a story. Not just one.
In any case, that's it, dear Anon. I hope you enjoyed both analysis 🙃.
Aaand I'm done 👅. Thank you all for your asks and I hope I've been helpful this time too 🙃. As usual, I'm always available for those who have questions, so ask away 😄.
Remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗. I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️.
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rosejergi · 2 years ago
what’s your all time favourite camren fanfic?
Probably “I Heard Your Voice In A Dream”
Every time I listen to Long Live by Taylor Swift now I sing it with my full chest not caring how bad it sounds. I just remember it from that book.
“Carry Me To Bed” Is also such a good one shot.
Mature wise that would probably be “Test Subjects.”
There use to be a story about Camila being a personal trainer and Lauren was a bartender, both being roommates who didn’t care about each other until they did. I forgot the name, but that was the one that inspired me to write my own. It was so so good and so damn funny.
0 notes
effy-ruth-kingdom · 6 years ago
Never Have I Ever Kissed A Girl || Camren One Shot
It was stunningly cold outside for a summer night in July. I was already shivering just after the sun set. I still didn’t know why on earth I agreed to this. Dinah, my best friend, invited me over to a little house party of hers with all our old friends from High School. I hadn’t seen any of them since I graduated last year, except for Dinah of course, so I was more than sure this would turn extremely awkward sooner rather than later.
From the distance I already heard the bass of the music blasting through the street and short after my best friend’s house came into sight. I was just about to turn around and go back home and would’ve told my Polynesian friend I got sick, but right in that moment that said best friend spotted my small figure and cried out my name in excitement, ”Mila! You made it! I almost thought you’d bail on me, Walz.”
When I finally reached her I only got a few awkward and quiet sounds out of my mouth. “Yeah…. here I am” I added a slight wave to my greeting to increase the awkwardness even more. Dinah being her fast forward self and being a little tipsy as well, as I figured from her slight slurring, looked at me with a raised eyebrow and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug right after.
“You can go inside already and grab yourself a drink, I’ll come soon as well.” Dinah told me after she had let me go out of her arms. Obliging her wish I trotted into her house and made my way into the kitchen where I guessed the drinks would be. My fear of being left alone to myself with no one I really knew had come true, so I figured I’d just get some alcohol into my blood system in hope of loosening up a little.
As my legs carried my body into the kitchen I had been in so many times before I kept my gaze down, trying to avoid making any eye contact with already intoxicated people that rushed past me. I hated being so unbelievably shy and insecure, but I just couldn’t help myself since this was a character trait I had to live with.
Whilst I didn’t pay much attention to where I was going with me head kept down, I slightly bumped into a person ahead of me. Being my uncoordinated self, I tripped over, instantly lost my balance and fell to the floor with a loud thud, becoming the centre of attention.
The soft hands of the person I ran into helped me up since they weren’t nearly as clumsy as me and didn’t land on the floor like I did. As I finally regained my balance again and pushed the hair out of my face which blocked my sight I petrified in the moment I laid my eyes on her.
“Oh my God, are you okay, Camz?” her sweet voice echoed through the room leaving me startled. Staring right into her piercing, emerald eyes instantly threw me back to the time I would’ve done anything for this precious girl in front of me. The time when everything my mind revolved about was her and all my eyes yearned for was her gorgeous figure. I felt my heartbeat raise and my breathing quicken forcing me to inhale her intoxicatingly lovely scent I had enjoyed so many times she walked past me when we were still in High School.
When she removed her hand, she used to steady me with, from my arm I got ripped out of my thoughts and back into reality. The girl looked at me questioningly with her eyebrows raised so high they almost reached her hairline. In that moment I realized I had been staring at her for quite some time without saying or doing anything. In addition to that my jaw had unwillingly dropped as well and probably let me look like some dumbfounded weirdo.
“Yeah, I’m-… I’m fine, thanks” I finally brought out stuttering after what felt like hours. Right there in front of me stood Lauren Jauregui in all her glory. The most popular girl back then in High School and the girl I was madly in love with for years. I never had the balls to tell her that, though. Not that it would’ve made any difference since she made it very clear that she was straight when we played Truth or Dare at a party once and she got asked if she’d be open for a relationship with a girl which she answered with a simple “No” a split moment after the question filled the room, destroying all my hopes. Nevertheless, would it be a lie to say I didn’t have any feelings for her anymore, even if they were only sexual.
“Do you want something to drink? You kind of look like you could use one.” Lauren offered with a chuckle as she put a hair strand of mine back into its right place and brushed some dirt off my shoulder.
Everything my body functioned to in that moment was a simple nod, earning another chuckle out of the beautiful girl looking at me. My eyes automatically followed her as she turned around and poured some sort of booze into two typical red plastic cups.
I hadn’t moved an inch when she came back with the cups in her hands, handing me one of them whilst she casually sipped from the other one herself. I surprisingly managed to get out a faint “Thanks” while my eyes immediately darted to the point where her delicious looking lips met the plastic cup leaving me open-mouthed again. This time I realized sooner than before that I was staring and started drinking from my own cup to distract myself. God, this girl was so mesmerizing, how was I supposed to survive this night?
I felt the green-eyed girl’s gaze on me making me extremely nervous. “You look good.” she suddenly complimented me, probably trying to start some sort of small talk to get out of this uncomfortable silence between us. I was still totally stunned by the girl in front of me and was sure that I wouldn’t get a single word out of my mouth. So, I just decided to continue drinking from my cup until some angel sent by God saved me from this awkward situation.
Right when I drank up the last bit of booze left in my cup, practically chugging all of it, I got interrupted by a loud voice. “Walz, come over here! We’re playing ‘Never Have I Ever’!” Dinah yelled at us from the living room. And I couldn’t have been quicker to leave that kitchen and therefore Lauren behind and swiftly sat myself down on the floor right next to Dinah, my sweet little angel.
“Oh, I want to know all the dirty stuff you’ve been up to this last year, Dinah, I’m in!” a voice said form behind me which I recognized as Normani who had been in the same class as Dinah and I. Short after the beautiful black-skinned girl sat herself down next to me giving me a side hug as greeting. Followed by the sweet little Ally to complete our group of the four girls from our old class.
“Hey guys! It’s so nice to see you again.” Ally said excitedly as always with her sweet little voice. I gave her a little smile as she took a seat on the huge red rug we all sat on as well. The three girls instantly engaged into some energetic chatter as I spaced out again thinking about the earlier events. I still couldn’t get this damn girl out of my head after all these years. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to talk to her again this night since she practically left me speechless with just a blink of her emerald green eyes.
My train of thought got interrupted by this old familiar voice. “Hey guys, would you mind if I joined you?” Lauren asked timidly as she had never been a real part of our group of girls even though she probably came really close to being one. Sure as hell something like that was going to happen. Sometimes I felt like life hated me.
“Sure thing, Lauser.” Dinah was the first to reply and scooted over to me to make some room for Lauren in the circle we were sitting in. After the girl I tried to avoid made herself comfortable on the soft rug all five of us sat on now, I met her addictive eyes. She was looking right back at me and I froze for a second, losing myself completely in the pool of that warm green colour. Her pupils were slightly dilated, which I blamed on the alcohol she consumed, making her eyes look even more incredible than they already were.
The invisible electricity I felt between us after we’d been looking into each other’s eyes for what felt like hours got immediately cut when Dinah handed me a new cup of booze and spoke into the room. “Let’s start, girls!” I was able to tear my gaze away from Lauren, but I couldn’t quite set my mind to why she was as captivated as I was. Perhaps I just had something on my face.
“Can we also say, ‘I have…’ and everyone who hasn’t done that drinks?” Normani asked before someone was able to start.
“Yeah, sure, why not.” Dinah replied casually with a shrug followed by a slight sip of her red cup. “I’ll start with a basic one.” Dinah continued as she eyed me with a smirk. “I have kissed a girl.” The words rolled off Dinah’s lips and instantly made something inside of me boil.
“I hate you so much.” I addressed Dinah as I took a long sip from my cup giving Dinah an annoyed look which only made her burst out into laughter. Ally and Normani joined her with a few chuckles knowing very well why I was so annoyed with Dinah. As I met Lauren’s confused gaze I realized that I had been so triggered by that remark of Dinah I hadn’t even payed attention to who took a sip from their cup. The girl looking at me questioningly was the only one in our group right now who didn’t know I was gay. So, I decided to fill her in. “I am the only one here who actually likes girls and yet I haven’t kissed a girl. That’s why I was kind of mad” I brought out for the first time this night a coherent sentence whilst looking into this green pool that formed her eyes. Apparently, the alcohol did loosen me up a little bit.
Something changed in her eyes as those words slipped off my tongue and her pupils dilated a little bit. She was still looking a bit confused but there was something else in her eyes as well, but I couldn’t quite decipher what it was with my intoxicated state. “I didn’t know you were into girls. Why did you never tell me?” Lauren finally spoke up and I almost felt like there was a slight hint of hurt in her fragile voice.
“It never really came up.” I shrugged looking away from her eyes trying my best to avoid that topic with Lauren next to me. Even though I knew that wasn’t a satisfying response considering that I actually had been quite close to Lauren back in High School.
“Maybe you’ll find some volunteers tonight, Mila.” Normani threw in with a suggestive raise of her eyebrows and a wink guided at me. I guessed that she was already pretty tipsy saying something like that and knowing too well all about my history with Lauren.
I just rolled my eyes dramatically as a reply to Normani’s suggestion and tried to change the topic by continuing with the game. “Never have I ever been in love with a boy.” I said quickly before anyone else was able to add something to the previous topic. As expected I got met with a few groans and an “Mila, you’re so lame” by Dinah after everyone took their sip except for me, of course.
“You know, Mila,” Normani turned to me after she took a huge sip from her red cup “only ‘cause you’re gay, doesn’t mean you can get all of us drunk so easily without consequences and that was seriously just plainly lame” she started to slur already, and I had a difficult time understanding every word she said. “Never have I ever given someone a lap dance” Normani finally finished.
“Guys!” Ally shouted when she saw Lauren and Dinah drinking from their booze “Y’all need some Jesus.”
When Dinah finished chugging her cup she pointed her hand with the cup still in it right at Normani and started to slur some almost incomprehensible words. “You my girl,” she looked her deep in the eyes, “have wasted so much talent over the past few years.” She concluded with a serious and unashamed voice.
I only payed half of my attention to the girls’ interaction whilst my eyes occasionally darted to the green-eyed girl sitting next to me, which made me notice how her head was ducked down all the time and it even looked like she had a faint tint of red on her face in contrast to her ashen skin tone. A few seconds later when my head turned to the older girl again I wasn’t met with a ducked down head but instead with her inhumanly eyes staring straight into mine. Right when my eyes met hers the blush on her cheeks got unmistakable. I crooked an eyebrow and added a little smirk to it, communicating with her inaudibly. A tiny chuckle escaped her mouth short after and the slight hint of embarrassment suddenly turned into sexiness when she looked at me with her infamous intimidating and yet daring look. The smirk left my face and plastered itself on the face of Lauren when she saw my jaw dropping slightly and how I eyed her with wide eyes. The electricity I felt earlier this night between us built itself up again and we looked into each other’s eyes like we were the only ones in this teenager crowded room.
For the first time this night I actually took a look at her body and noticed just yet what sort of clothes she actually wore. She was wearing a black long-sleeved crop top which exposed her beautifully toned stomach. I almost couldn’t tear my eyes away from those well pronounced abs, but my gaze went lower to be met with slightly ripped white shorts showing off her legs perfectly. As I was finally able to force my eyes back up, I got met with an even bigger smirk on her face followed by a quick checking me out. We were looking right into each other’s eyes for the umpteenth time that night and I dared to think there was a glint in her eyes radiating pure lust.
This just couldn’t have been true. I must’ve drunken more than I actually thought I did. I turned my head away from her and took in my surroundings again. Ally looked horrified listening to the still ongoing conversation of Dinah and Normani about lap dances. Either time just passed by really slowly whilst I got lost in those familiar green eyes or those two had been arguing for several minutes straight.
“Can we continue?” I interrupted them in order to restrain myself from spacing out again and losing myself all over again in the surreal girl.
“Yes, please!” Ally replied urgently trying to stop this conversation as fast as she could. “I have gone to church to a specific time in an attempt to meet someone.” The shortest girl continued with the game and all eyes were immediately darted to her in pure shock.
“Allysus, what happened to you?!” Dinah gasped out loudly before all of us took a sip from our drinks. “Was it at least worth it?” the tallest girl kept going with a curious look on her face behind the drunk glaze that formed itself over her eyes.
“None of your business.” The Hispanic girl responded quickly with a nonchalant shrug wanting to tease Dinah. “I believe Lauren is next.” She added making sure to quickly change the topic once again.
“Uhm, okay, I guess.” Lauren’s voice filled the room after she had been so quiet this entire time. “Never have I ever sexted.” She casually said causing me to unwillingly widen my eyes knowing that I had to take a sip of the drink. Followed by Normani and Dinah.
“That is almost as disappointing as Mani never having given someone a lap dance.”  Dinah commented, followed by a desperate voice from the smallest figure of our little group. “What have I gotten myself into, oh dear God?”
Right in that moment my eyes got drawn back to the black-haired girl like a magnet. She was looking at me with that lust filled smirk of hers again and her eyes exuded nothing but attraction whilst she quirked an eyebrow at me. I clearly must’ve been drunk already. This just couldn’t be real, could it? This entire electricity that built itself up over and over again between us couldn’t be one sided, could it? It was so surreal in that moment and the fact that looking into her eyes made me space out causing me to feel like I was on an entire different planet didn’t quite contribute to believing this situation was real.
“Never have I ever used a lame pickup-line on someone.” Dinah ripped me out of my thoughts and back into reality again by continuing with the game I totally forgot about for a split second. I diverted my gaze to my best friend to resist the temptation sitting right next to her. To my surprise Dinah looked straight back at me with her eyebrows raised questioningly.
“What? Have I got something on my face?” I asked confused as to why she eyed me with this strange look on her face. I apparently knew all along this entire time, I did have something on my face.
However, my assumption got denied when Dinah continued to speak. “Don’t you wanna drink?” my best friend questioned me sort of provocatively. I was still not catching up with what the girl on my left was referring to and maintained my confused gaze. “Don’t you remember that one time we were at this party and you tried that really dumb pickup-line on that girl with that huge ass? What was it again? Is your ass from space?” Dinah finally mad me realize what she was talking about, making me gasp out loud in realization.
“Are your pants from Mars? Cause your butt is out of this world.” I corrected her. “But what the fuck, though, that pickup-line is awesome.” I objected with her opinion on that obviously great line.
“Oh my God, that’s one of my favourite pickup-lines!” Lauren threw in joining the argument between us. “And yes, I have to agree with Camz, it isn’t lame at all.” Camz, oh, how I missed that word slipping off her tongue.  
“I am the host, I make the rules, now drink my little, innocent child.” Dinah quickly stated out before I was able to object and in addition to that the stronger girl lightly pushed my cup of alcohol to my mouth making me take a sip in obedience. “Yeah, just like that, good girl.”
“Just so you know” I spoke up drunkenly after I finished my gulp, “I am older than you and not your child!” Dinah just shrugged with a little giggle attached to it. Right in that moment my eyes got drawn back to the delicate girl sitting next to my best friend and I got met with a sweet smile of her precious lips which I instantly reciprocated.
I got whipped out of my little trance again by a slap on my thigh followed by a loud voice. “Your turn, Mila!” Dinah practically screamed into my ear making me jump slightly. All eyes were darted on me now expecting some sort of sentence from me. I quickly looked down on the ground before I would lose myself in that emerald pool again and thought of something that wasn’t as lame as my prior phrase.
After I spent some seconds contemplating what I was about to say I raised my head again and looked past those expectant pairs of eyes at first. “I have been in love with a girl from this group.” I finally brought out after this uncomfortable silence had filled the room for quite some time. When I looked around those expectant looks turned into wide eyes, raised eyebrows and opened mouths. My eyes stopped at some particular pair of eyes, looking right back at the ones that were only fixated on me. I followed her every move from taking a sip from her cup to putting the booze back on the ground, but in not a single second did our eyes lose contact. Her eyes were practically screaming at me to elaborate what I just said but we both knew that this wasn’t the right time so we just continued with that game of ours.
“Never have I ever stared at a girl’s butt in jeans.” Normani continued the game and was able to destroy that uneasy feeling that built itself up again.
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girlssnrosess · 8 years ago
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Even after 1000 times of promising she wouldn't fall asleep during the film, she did. Camila had been exhausted and fully passed out as soon as she touched Lauren's chest. Lauren just found her cute little snores endearing as she combed the younger girls brown locks. Smiling to herself, then reaching over to her phone she took a few pictures of the sleeping beauty on her chest. Flicking back at the recently taken pictures, Lauren found herself mindlessly scrolling to multiple other times she had taken pictures of Camila without her acknowledgement. No matter what Camila said, Lauren had always insisted that she looks beautiful 24/7, and she has pictures for proof. Then opening her Twitter app she looked back down at the young latina with her slim arms wrapped around the older girls torso, tightly. Just like they always used to. And tweeted:
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delusionalass · 8 years ago
inspired to Camren - The Sun and The moon by @fellowhuman-being 🌹
Lauren laying in the couch with Camila's head on her chest
Camila: Are you tired?
Lauren: No baby i'm not. Are you?
Camila: No baby i mean protecting me? Always the one who speaks in front of everyone? the one that has drama? And everything ...
Lauren sits and turns to face Camila
Lauren: Baby you know that i'll do anything for our relationship, i'll always protect you no matter what and there aint no kind of situation where I wouldn't cross a line for you.I would get up there and lie for you. For us. So to answer your question I am not tired and I won't be. Remember that Camila, always. I love you.
Camila: I love You so much
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barclaysangel · 4 years ago
Sooo I made a manip cause I'm bored af of Selina Kyle x Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak because I ship them.
I used to have a fanfic of them on my Wattpad account but Wattpad locked me out and I was unable to save the two one-shots I had in there.
I might make another one-shot where it's a soulmate AU because I have ideas. I'm not sure if I'll post it on here but maybe I will if you guys are interested in reading it.
But for now, enjoy the manip :)
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we-build-bridges · 8 years ago
this is so cute so like lauren works at a mattress store and finds camila asleep on one of the beds
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The Revenge of the Shadows (Who wants to see the world BURN) - Camren
47° edition of The American Music Awards ceremony - Microsoft Theatre Los Angeles, CA.
Lauren PoV
The day had come. It was the AMA's 2019 and I was screwed. Fucking nervous! Brenda insisted on accompanying me and I decided to bite the fucking bullet and appear alone at the ceremony. I didn't want to repeat the same scene last year with Ty and be his "companion." I went alone to this event despite knowing that the couple of the year would be here;
Camila and Shawn.
I knew that. I knew perfectly well that this day would be the same as my girl spent last year having to see Ty and me kissing in public because yes, last year Tara forced me to do a fucking show and apparently this year Roger and Andrew are forcing Camila and Shawn to continue theirs. I had had my share of shit with the birthday of the pretty boy. The bastards of Roger and Andrew created another circus on August 8th for Shawn's birthday, but I prefer not to think about that. I am already thinking about disappearing in the bathroom to smoke a roll of weed and relax. I promised myself that I wouldn't do it and I won't. The flashes blind me and I can hear the excited screams that announce the arrival of the couple of the year. When I finish going through the red carpet to parade for the press, Brenda approaches me and tells me that Camila and Shawn are giving a kissing show before parading through the same carpet that I already passed. I didn't curse and didn't say anything because I expected it but that didn't take away the fact that I died of jealousy inside. I can understand how Camila felt last year now and I have to say that the feeling is fucking shit. How we had to wait for the interview round I decided that I could take some pictures and upload them to my Instagram stories. I had already uploaded some, with my black Valentino dress, similar to last year's model but with a princess cut instead of the mermaid. I had dark brown ironed hair and black heels. I wanted to look elegant and Brenda helped me along with Carlene who did my makeup. I handed my Iphone to Brenda and she took a couple of photos asking me to smile but I did not, I wanted my fans to know that I was not very well with the Shawmila circus and I left that posted next to the legend: "Enduring the storm ..." I knew that my fans, our fans would understand. They have been the only ones who have not changed much during all these years and Camila and I know it very well. I had finished uploading my stories and I saw some photos of Camila, I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful dressed in red. It was a dress very similar to the one I used for the 2018 Grammys but this one had braces and showed her beautiful curves that I loved to draw but without any clothes. The dress looked very luxurious like all of it. Camila also looked nervous and sad. Her smile was false and did not reach her eyes. I hated that Camila. To the one who had to act on her feelings, the one who didn't feel anything she said she felt. The one that hid everything that she really was. And I missed her. To the real one. I was meditating on the subject until Brenda interrupts me and tells me that Chelsea Briggs wanted to interview me. Damn blonde who decided to stop supporting us ... I understand why she did it, even when still is fucked up that she denied my relationship with Camila when she knows the whole story, and that the story is fucking real. She did it for Camila and I understand it but there are too many mixed feelings and I hate having them right now. I looked at Brenda also dressed in black with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged. - It's Billboard - she warned me - You know how this shit is. - I know - I nodded and sighed mentally preparing not to make the same mistake as last year with this blonde. It was not long before the stunning blonde appeared with camera men and her microphone. She was dressed in white and looked so excited that I couldn't help smiling because her energy was contagious. She greeted me with the same enthusiasm that characterizes her and asked me the obvious questions about my musical career, my debut album and my music. I answered all the questions with an excited smile and she was happy with my answers until of course, She had to ask the awkward questions. About Ally and Normani who were also at the ceremony and about Camila of course. - What do you think that Ally and Normani are also here this year? - Chelsea wanted to know - Have you talked to them? Have you seen them? - I think it's great that the girls are at the event and that they present their respective music because that is what we have come to - I responded nervously fighting with my desire to twist my hands - We have come to enjoy tonight and music because it is the most important. And no, I haven't seen them yet or talked to them but I'm sure I'll find them out there and we'll do it. - That's awesome Lauren - Chelsea smiled delightedly - And what do you think of Camila's new music? Have you managed to see her again? - Camila's music is amazing - I answered sincerely without being able to contain myself despite my nerves - And no, I haven't seen her either but I don't know ... if I see her there maybe. I don't know... Chelsea looked at me smiling, the freaking blonde knew that her questions about Camila made me nervous but she saved me by taking the conversation to my career and my music again so I could relax. After answering a couple more questions about my singles and my tour, she signaled to the cameraman who turned off the camera and walked away, leaving Chelsea and me in an awkward silence until she apologized for making me nervous. I shrugged and smiled at him knowing how everything was and she came closer to me showing me her cell phone. - I have Camila in her interview - she told me while still smiling - Do you want to see her? I had never seen her as nervous as last year. I looked at Brenda who made an affirmative gesture and she lifted three fingers. I had three minutes to do it. - That's more than enough - Chelsea agreed and showed me Camila's interview that she had asked to send to her cell phone and advanced it to the part that interested me: She talking about me, about Ally and Normani - How about Ally, Normani and Lauren being present tonight? - Chelsea asked to my sun and Camila was very nervous looking at the blonde - Have you seen them or talking to them? - I think it's amazing that the girls are here sharing their music with the audience tonight - Camila responded with a completely acted attitude because she was nervous. I know that Normani is breaking it right now and Ally is on the same path as ... Lauren and I am very proud of them. And no, I have not seen or talked to them but I am sure that if I see them I will. I saw Chelsea nod in the video and Camila smile nervously looking where I assumed Roger was watching the interview. I saw Camila nod with a hint of sadness and Chelsea cut the video just as Shawn appeared next to Camila. Jealousy attacked me again but I was able to repress them. - Sorry - Chelsea apologized - I should have cut the video before ... - I already knew - it was all I could say until Chelsea said goodbye wishing me luck and Brenda joined me again. - Do you want to talk about that? - It was all she asked me. - Not now Bren - I suddenly sighed feeling tired - Not now.
When the AMA's started I knew that I would have to endure a new circus and I was not mistaken. Our seats were on the left and in the center was Camila next to Shawn and Taylor. I was very surprised when I discovered Karlie Kloss and Zac Stenmark in the same row as me. Zac was Shawn's boyfriend and Karlie was Taylor's girlfriend. I could not believe my luck. I couldn't help saying hello to both of them and of course talking about our respective partners that shone throughout the show. In spite of that, the three of us seemed to have the same fucking downer when we saw our loved ones at the hands of their beards. Tonight Taylor had also decided to bring Joe Alwyn but she was forced by the actor's manager so Karlie was on the ground. - Enough ... - I complained looking at Zac and Karlie who didn't understand my words - We have to do something. We can't let them beat us. - And what can we do? - Zac was elegantly dressed in black and his model bearing showed it - We are forbidden to approach them. I looked at Brenda and I knew she couldn't forbid me approaching Camila, exactly. I could not because of the contract and because the one that forbade it was actually Sylvia Rhode's daughter of a bitch and of course, Roger. Brenda looked at me and shook her head, approached me and warned me: - She will have problems, you know that? - she looked at me suspiciously - I know what you plan to do but be careful. - I will - I agreed and it was all I needed to get close to the guys and tell them about my plan. They looked at me, smiled and nodded. We already had it. They gave us a circus. And we were going to give them another one. But in  that moment Zac enjoyed Shawn's song that was for him, Lost in Japan. Karlie enjoyed Lover, the song Taylor dedicated to her I did the same with Camila when she sang Consequences. I went back to enjoy it and cried like the first time I did it. Camila was nervous again singing it but she did it in a spectacular way. - That girl loves you - Karlie encouraged me with an excited smile. I had changed places with Brenda and had her on my left side while Brenda was on the right side and Zac next to Karlie. "Camila loves me as much as Taylor loves you, girl," I said with a smile just as excited as Brenda handed me a tissue. I hated crying but I know that Consequences always It will make me cry - I've already seen them. - Well, it's true - the tall blonde dressed in white Armani shrugged - we are your mentors for something, right? - Touché - I laughed. This blonde always made me laugh every time I saw her. She and Taylor made a beautiful couple. It was my turn to get on stage. Camila had sung a couple of songs from her new album in addition to Consequences and Taylor, Ariana, Normani and Ally had already taken the stage. My presentation would be short because I had to choose between two songs. Of course, I chose Burning and Expectations. I had a couple of dancers for both songs and I tried to give my all with Expectations knowing that Camila would be the one who would see me sing this time. I prayed to be able to master my nerves behind the scenes before going on stage but my nerves increased when I heard murmurs, some laughs and Brenda cursing loudly in Spanish: -  ¡Niña! No puedes estar aquí, ellos pueden demandarnos! (Girl! You can't be here, they can sue us!) I turned around to ask Brenda what the hell was going on but a red shadow was all I saw before being surrounded by a pair of thin arms that hugged me tightly and a pair of lips that literally ate mine. - What...? - I tried to look at Camila but she just kissed me and I tried to kiss her back - Camz ... What ...? - You will do well my moon - she told me with an excited smile that I corresponded and kissed her again. - Five minutes Lauren! - Brenda yelled at me and then I saw Camila being ripped from my arms by an almost terrified Taylor Swift. - Mila we have to go! - She almost dragged my girl because she didn't want to leave while I tried to comfort her with soft kisses in her check - Shawn is desperate trying to distract Roger and Andrew, come on! - Taylor looked at me trying to apologize - I was supposed to accompany her to the bathroom but she ... lucky on stage Lau. - Thanks Taylor - I nodded with a nervous smile and saw Camila letting go of Taylor to run into my arms for the last time. - I love you Camz, but go with Taylor. Come on love, go now, okay? - I don't want to leave ... - Camila complained and I couldn't contain my emotions when I heard her scream my name from the door. Taylor had managed to take her away and I knew she must be crying in the blonde's arms. I hated what they did that to us. Keep us apart as if we were enemies knowing we were far from it. We could be together but our time was short. Measured and scarce but we enjoyed it very much. Brenda and Carlene helped me with the makeup because I had run so in record time the girls helped me to be ready just in time to go on stage. I sang Expectations dedicating it to Camila even though I couldn't distinguish her from the public. I looked where I knew she was and smiled as the audience applauded. I left the scene full of energy directly to my hotel room sending a message to Zac and Karlie to start with our own circus. Nor Camila, Taylor and Shawn  didn't know anything about that, but Carlene and Shawn and Taylor's assistants knew it too. They had the mission of taking our loved ones to our respective hotel rooms when the ceremony ended and they did so. Before that, of course, we needed food. Above all Camila needed food. She had posted about wanting to eat chicken nuggets and ice cream so that was what I asked for it at the hotel buffet. I switched to more comfortable clothes, black sweatpants and a white T-shirt and waited five minutes until our food arrived and three minutes later Camila appeared still in her ceremony dress without knowing that I was waiting for her in bed, with food and roses that I ordered Carlene to send to the room along with Camila's suitcase. I learned that Shawn and Camila and Taylor and Joe made a show that they were going to their hotel rooms together but everything was done for the press. When Camila arrived she was surprised to see me in the room and kissed me. I was so happy to have her in my arms again that I didn't stop kissing her and then we enjoyed the food until dessert arrived. Camila was so hungry that she ate with her dress on and left dessert for last. It was there when I took advantage of doing a couple of insta stories in the same way that Camila did with me last year. I recorded myself with my cell phone saying how tired I was and how I wanted to spend the rest of the night "alone" in my room. With good food, drink, (and ice cream with two spoons) and then I panned to the mirror where you could see the blurred silhouette of Camila in her red dress trying to take it off. I burst out laughing when I saw her almost fall off when she took off her dress but I quickly covered it up as if the phone was falling. I cut the video just before I heard Camila screaming my name and cursing because she was stuck with the dress to half removed. - Lauren! Stop playing with the phone and help me ... - she complained loudly - I'm freezing my ass here. I did it. I helped her with the dress while watching her finish undressing to make herself comfortable. Sweatpants and a long t-shirt of Ed Sheeran. We finished taking the ice cream and I sent Zac and Karlie a picture of Camila in my room. They sent me back other photos, Zac sent me a picture of him without a shirt lying on the bed next to Shawn also without a shirt and half asleep. Karlie sent me a picture of herself in a white bathrobe accompanied by Taylor that in that moment she was drinking a glass of white wine and was also wearing a white bathrobe. - It's done .... It was the three answers we needed to know. We won. The motherfuckers of Camila's teams, Shawn's teams  and Joe's tried to fuck us with the circus but we screwed them back knowing the risks we would run when the day came. But it was worth it. Our loves were worth it and the rest of the world could go to hell. The sun and the moon had their own eclipse and we would see the world burn. Literally.
First of all, I have to say that this is my first Camran fanfic in English. That means apologizing for bad grammar if it exists. I had help with spelling but I'm still not sure of the rest (Tiff, thanks you so much for your help) This story is my idea of having a night like the one we had with Camren at the AMA's last year, but this time from Lauren's point of view. It's a one shot so it's a short story that I hope you like it.
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5hfanfiction · 6 years ago
So We're Kind Of Like, Perfect For Each Other (Camren One Shot)
Summary: Lauren walked into a Starbucks, and there was a pretty girl working the register, and then things kind of just like, happened.
laurenjauregui i am 90% sure that darkness follows me 12 posts. 4,259 followers. 1,027 following.
Lauren had the same Instagram bio ever since she had first created her account five years ago, back in sixth grade.
i am 90% sure that darkness follows me
She didn’t necessarily like it, but she never cared enough to change it, so that’s what it was and that’s what it is.
I should really change that, shouldn’t I?
It’s pretty lame…
Eh, whatever.
She pushed open the door to the Starbucks.
Lauren’s favorite Starbucks was a mere five minutes away from her house, but she had compromised with her friend, Ally, to meet in this Starbucks because this Starbucks was located right between their houses—a nine minute walk for the both of them (since neither of them were too fond on the idea of using up precious gas for such a small travel).
They always did best on their homework when they worked together—it had been that way ever since elementary school. But trying to work on homework together through FaceTime was getting monotonous.
Green eyes looked up from her phone to scan the Starbucks, and Lauren settled for occupying an empty table in the far corner when her shorter friend was nowhere to be found.
She looked back down to her phone, thumbs typing out a text message to Ally.
Lauren: ally wyaaaaaaaaa
Then, she went back to her Instagram page.
She bit her lip as she stared at her bio.
It’s really stupid.
Like, really stupid.
I should change it.
Okay, I’m going to change it…
But what would I even change it to?
Trade a stupid bio for another stupid bio?
That was when a short, blonde girl came running through the doors, colorful clothes and an even more colorful smile dawning her exterior as she ran up to Lauren.
“I have to pee, order for me!” she quickly let out before she made to speed walk towards the bathroom.
“The regular?” Lauren called after her, laughing to herself at the sight of Ally’s small figure scurrying to the restrooms.
Lauren hates ordering in Starbucks—even in her favorite Starbucks, the one that wasn’t this one. 
But only because the employees were normally people her own age, and she didn’t enjoy ordering something from somebody the same age as her—made her feel weird and uncomfortable. She was a junior in high school, a freshly 17 year old. So there were a bunch of other students from her school who worked at a bunch of different Starbucks locations, which often times made for some awkward interactions. And, as an extra special little wonderful added bonus, she is more often than not forced to order from the same person who has to make whatever she orders.
Lauren glanced up from her phone to analyze the person she’d be ordering from, hoping that they weren’t the same age as her and simultaneously hoping that they weren’t somebody from school.
But to-fucking-day, she really wanted the employee to be the same age as her.
Holy nut.
The girl at the register, waiting for a customer with a lukewarm expression on her face, was a long-haired brunette with brown eyes that were shimmering from the rays of sun shining through the windows, and she had an adorable nose and perfect lips, and then she adorably furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes when the sun had clearly become too invasive on her vision, and Lauren full-on became the heart eyes emoji.
And Lauren wasn’t bad at flirting by any stretch of the imagination, but she’d be lying if she said that her heart rate didn’t pick up at the thought of being face-to-face with this one.
It wasn’t a busy day, rather slow with the customers, and Lauren was certainly glad about it.
She walked up to the counter, lamely telling herself to lay on the “Jauregui charm” (which was only an inside joke between herself and her friends), and she easily returned the warm smile that the girl gave her.
“Hi,” the girl’s voice was light and she cutely waved, and Lauren found it adorable.
“Hi,” Lauren’s voice was relaxed and raspy with morning, and she looked down to the girl’s name tag to finish, “Camila.”
She didn’t know if the other girl was just nervous to be speaking to a customer, or if she had pronounced her name wrong, or like, what, but Camila’s face definitely reddened and she definitely looked down to hide the very fact.
Lauren smirked at the crystal clear blush on Camila’s cheeks, her confidence now fully restored as she moved forward to lean against the counter with her elbows, satisfaction seeping through her when the redness on Camila’s face grew deeper at their closeness, “I’ll have two tall Caramel Frappuccinos, both with almond milk.”
Camila’s nose scrunched up in disgust, “Bleh, almond milk.”
“Almond milk is amazing,” Lauren laughed as Camila’s nose returned to scrunching up in disgust, a giddy feeling rising inside of her at Camila’s willingness to further their interaction. “You don’t like it?”
Camila shook her head, a wide smile on her lips, “Only weirdos think almond milk is amazing.”
“Wow, okay.”
Camila giggled, and Lauren wanted to catch the sound in a bottle.
The brunette shrugged, “It’s true.”
Lauren nodded with a feigned expression of indignation, and after a short moment of the two just staring at each other; Camila’s face was reddening again and Lauren’s ego was boosting through the roof.
Lauren stood back from the counter, fixing her posture as she slid her wallet out of her pocket. Camila’s brows furrowed, and Lauren chuckled to herself at the adorable confusion on her face. She pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet and held it up, wiggling it around for Camila to see, and reached across with the intention of putting it into the tip jar.
Camila laughed loudly, maybe a little louder than the joke permitted but she didn’t care, and her hands flew to catch Lauren’s wrist before she could drop the twenty dollar bill into the tip jar.
“I haven’t even given you your drinks yet, dummy!” Camila exclaimed, smiling hard.
“You have called me a weirdo and a dummy within the span of such a short amount of time. So, like, I’m just going to drop this into this jar-”
Camila threw her head back with laughter this time, needing to step forward to catch her balance as her hands remained clutched around Lauren’s wrist, “No! That’s such a frickin’ waste of twenty dollars.”
“Oh, okay. I get it. So, you just want me to like, slide this into your pocket-”
Camila was quick to cut her off, laughter around her every word, “I just want you to put it away.”
“Why? It’s for you,” Lauren frowned, voice reduced to a pathetic whimper.
“People don’t give Starbucks baristas twenty dollar tips, that’s just…that’s too much.”
“Well,” Lauren seemed to be in thought for a moment, but she continued only half a moment later to drop the twenty dollar bill into the jar with a shrug, “I guess I’m giving you too much.”
Camila’s blush flared as she dropped her hands from Lauren’s wrist, their hands brushing on the way down.
“Thanks,” Camila smiled to herself and she finally tapped the order into the register, searching her mind for something more to say because she really didn’t want this cute (like, cute-cute) customer to walk away.
It happened all of the time. Every now and then, a person would walk into Camila’s Starbucks and would start flirting with her (or at least, she would think that they were flirting) and would sweep her hopeless-romantic ass right off of her feet. But once their order was done, they wouldn’t so much as glance Camila’s way, and Camila would be sad whenever she’d have to watch them walk out the door.
So eventually, she concluded that maybe this customer is straight, and maybe this customer isn’t even flirting, and maybe this customer is in a relationship, and maybe this customer is just a friendly person, and maybe this customer gives all Starbucks baristas twenty dollar bills just out of kindness, and maybe this customer is just a naturally funny and charismatic person.
Camila would just have to watch another one leave.
Although, thisone in particular, was being really charming and was sweeping her off of her feet a tad bit more than anybody else had before, and she couldn’t help but think that it might be slightly more difficult to watch this one leave.
Nevertheless, as Camila finished entering in the order, she mindlessly muttered to nothing, “Okay.”
She turned around and reached over to grab two cups, her smile significantly smaller than it was a second ago, “Name for your order?”
“Lauren,” the green eyed girl answered with a friendliness in her tone, and Camila had to turn around to busy herself with making the Frappuccinos as to prevent herself from getting lost in the stranger’s eyes.
Well, she’s not like, a complete-complete stranger. Like, I know her name now. That totally makes her not a stranger, Camila thought, looking over her shoulder to see that the sunlight was hitting Lauren perfectly as the green eyed girl stepped off to the side and looked out the window in waiting for her order.
She bit her lip and returned her focus to making the drinks.
Camila tried really hard to not overthink about the way that Lauren stared at her lips when she handed the raven haired girl her Frappuccinos, but she couldn’t help her mind from immediately drifting to it the moment Lauren’s back was to her.
Then when she realized that Lauren had actually ordered two Frappuccinos and proceeded to sit at a table with another girl, the gears in her mind began turning (like, turning-turning) and she all but ran to the back room.
“Dinah! Dinah! Emergency!” she jumped up and down, tugging at Dinah’s arm to lead her around the corner to the front counter.
“Walz, this better be fucking good ‘cause you’re cuttin’ into my precious break time. I literally just started my break too,” the tall blonde whined as Camila dropped her arm and walked up to the register.
“I need your help,” Camila mumbled, catching Dinah’s wrist when she groaned and turned to walk away. “No! Not with like, not with working the register.”
Dinah furrowed her brows, but followed Camila’s gaze and easily put the pieces together when there was a pretty green eyed customer staring back at Camila from across the room.
And then the pretty green eyed customer smiled, and then Camila smiled and blushed and looked down, and the customer is beautiful, and Camila is beautiful, and it was such a cute moment, and Dinah officially began shipping them.
“Oh my gosh, Walz! What the hell was that?” Dinah harshly whispered, glancing over to the customer to find that green eyes were taking consistent glances over to her best friend. “Walz, she keeps looking over here.”
“She just ordered, and she was being really cute, and I think she was flirting, and she gave us that twenty dollar tip, and she said my name correctly, and she’s really cute, CheeChee. I don’t know what to do, like I don’t want her to leave. And she might be straight, but what if that girl is her girlfriend? What if they’re on a date right now?” Camila rambled, running a distressed hand through her hair, suddenly self-conscious of her appearance after Dinah had said that Lauren was still looking over.
“What’s her name?” the blonde asked.
“Lauren. God, that’s such a pretty name,” Camila dreamily answered, taking another glance over to the raven haired customer.
Her brows scrunched together as she watched Lauren’s company hand Lauren a pen, growing more curious when Lauren began writing onto a napkin.
“What do I do, Chee-” she began, turning around to face her taller friend; only to find that Dinah was making her way towards Lauren’s table. Camila instantly panicked and she aggressively whispered out, “No, CheeChee! CheeChee!”
Dinah looked over her shoulder with a quick, “I got you, Walz,” and a less than subtle wink.
“No! No! CheeChee! Stop!” Camila whispered through a fit, about ready to cry as her face reddened at the sight of her Polynesian friend occupying an empty seat at Lauren’s table.
“She’s so fuckin’ pretty, Ally,” Lauren mumbled, looking down to mindlessly stir her straw around her Frappuccino. “What should I do?”
“Why don’t you just do that little trick of your’s?” Ally asked, taking a sip from her drink.
“The napkin thing?”
“Ally, the last time I tried that, I had a drink thrown at me.”
Ally snorted, nearly choking on the sip of her Frappuccino that she had been taking, “Wait, what? How come I don’t know about this?”
“Well, I used it on this one girl who worked at a Starbucks. Her name was Kate. And apparently, Kate was friends with another girl who worked at a different Starbucks that I used the napkin trick on. And then, Kate only went and ruined one of my favorite shirts with a latte. So, I’m kind of never going to use that trick ever again.”
“Well, maybe it would work better if you’d write more than just your Instagram and 'hit me up, mamí’ with an ugly little winky face on the side.”
“Hey, I am more than capable of getting creative. I was just getting comfortable with my bisexuality, and I just wanted random hookups with random girls. Give me a break.”
“Do you want Camila to be a random hookup?”
“Not at all.”
“Well then, get creative,” Ally said as she handed Lauren a pen.
CheeChee’s going to make me seem like such a loser.
I don’t think I’ll be able to hear them from here.
I hate this.
I wish I never met Lauren.
Actually, no I don’t.
I hate CheeChee so much right now.
“Hey, so you met my friend earlier, right? Camila? The one with the big ass?” Dinah asked as she easily sat herself down on an empty seat at Lauren’s table. “Hi, I’m Dinah, by the way, Camila’s best friend in the entire universe.”
Lauren chuckled, glancing over to Camila who was clearly trying so hard to keep her eyes forward, face sporting the reddest shade of mortified.
“Hi-uh, I’m Lauren.”
“Yeah, I know. She told me all about you,” Dinah stated, thumb pointing behind her shoulder in Camila’s direction. Her eyes lit up as she saw a little note written on the napkin in front of Lauren, and she excitedly asked, “Ooh! Is that for my best friend?”
Lauren glanced over to Ally, and her face went a little red at the smirk on her shorter friend’s face.
The raven haired girl looked down to the napkin, “Uh, yeah.” She bit her lip and handed the napkin to Dinah, “Is she-um, is she like, taken?”
“She has been single her entire life.”
Camila groaned when she glanced over to the table to find that Lauren was handing the napkin over to Dinah.
What’s on that fucking napkin?
A rejection letter?
“Sorry, you’re ugly. I’m never coming to this Starbucks establishment ever again. K, bye.”
And Camila wasn't that oblivious, but she was trying to keep her hopes to a minimum as to avoid disappointment if this turned out to be the worst case scenario.
“Aw!” Camila heard her best friend coo from across the room, and her curiosity and excitement to know what was on the napkin spiked ten-fold.
“But please don’t give it to her yet,” Lauren quickly let out. “Give it to her during her break or something.”
“This is so cute,” Dinah gushed as she reread the note on the napkin, stricken with a strong sense of happiness for her best friend (because she knew that to meet somebody special in a coffee shop had always been a secret dream of Camila’s).
Soon, Dinah was standing up from the table, tightening her uniformed apron. Camila’s heart rate picked up watching Dinah saunter over, clearly boasting her ownership of the napkin.
“When’s your next break, Chanch?” Dinah asked, confusing Camila because what did that have to do with giving her the fucking napkin.
Camila frowned, “An hour and a half.”
“Cool,” Dinah nodded.
The brunette continued to stare at Dinah expectantly as the Polynesian waved her off to the side in order to take her position behind the register.
“Uh, Dinah?”
Camila blanked for a moment, feeling as though she had teleported into another dimension in which Dinah had never even received the napkin, but nevertheless she followed up with, “Was that napkin for you, or-”
“Oh, right!” Dinah exclaimed, as if she didn’t know exactly what she was doing (hint: she knew exactly what she was doing). “I can’t give it to you until your break.”
Camila took a step closer to her taller friend and pouted, “What? Why?”
Dinah turned her head up to the sound of another customer walking in and she flashed them a kind smile, muttering to Camila, “Your girlfriend said so.”
Camila groaned, eyes drifting off to the fair-skinned cutie.
And she hadn’t known that she was staring (like, staring-staring) until:
“Walz, switch to register,” Dinah interrupted her thoughts as she moved to make the customer’s order, a knowing smirk on her lips when Camila had to visibly snap herself out of staring at Lauren.
The Cuban brunette tapped her nails against the countertop, trying hard to keep her eyes from diverting back to the clock in the back room in her poor attempt to make her break arrive quicker.
A few customers had walked in, but other than that, Camila’s only option of distraction was to keep up with the flirty-eyes thing that she had going on with Lauren.
Eventually, she looked into the back room to see that she still had thirty minutes left until her break. And when she turned back, she was met with the disheartening sight of Lauren and her friend packing up their schoolwork.
Apart of Camila wanted to jump the counter and run after Lauren when the two girls walked out of the Starbucks, but of course she didn’t.
She watched with a heavy heart as Lauren’s figure got further off into the distance until the pair turned a corner and she was gone. The feeling of a flirty customer leaving was all too familiar, but there was a lingering hopefulness as Camila fantasized about what Lauren could’ve possibly written on the napkin.
“What if she thinks the little note that I wrote is stupid?” Lauren stressed, pale hand running through her hair as her and Ally walked along the Miami sidewalks.
“It was cute, Lauren.”
“Are you sure, Ally? 'Cause-”
“Lauren,” Ally’s voice was more firm that time, and Lauren went quiet, “it was cute. I promise.”
“Here you are,” Dinah perked, placing a folded napkin atop of the counter in front of Camila.
The brunette’s eyes lit up and she glanced back at the clock in the back room to find that she could start her ten minute break, all but ripping her visor off of her head.
Her small frame excitedly jumped up and down and she refrained from giving her best friend a koala hug.
“Thank you, Dinah!” she smiled, grabbing the napkin and leaning up to give the Polynesian a kiss on the cheek.
“Read it,” Dinah laughed, grateful for the uncharacteristically slow day in terms of customers.
Hi, so I’m Lauren. You’re really beautiful. That visor and that apron really suit you. I’m too much of a wuss to say this in person. Anyways, you’re really beautiful. I already wrote that. I really liked talking to you.
Camila giggled to herself, an immensely happy feeling rising within her (because stuff like this just doesn’t ever happen to her).
Heat rushed to her ears as she turned the napkin to the back.
I hope you’re not straight…feel free to slide into my instagram dm’s if you want to @laurenjauregui :)
She couldn’t help the squeal that left her once she had finished reading, and neither could Dinah, and they only stopped once a few customers started to turn heads.
It was later in the afternoon when Lauren got the notification that a certain @camila_cabello started following her, and once Lauren had clicked on the profile to see who it was, her normally relaxed demeanor was significantly reduced to running around the house and jumping around the walls and yelling at her little brother, “I get more girls than you!”
camila darkness is my best friend 8 posts. 1,072 followers. 953 following.
“Make her work for it, Walz,” Dinah stated, mindlessly tapping against the side of the register as the two waited for a customer.
It was the following day now.
Dinah’s statement made Camila frown, “But what if she thinks that I don’t like her back?”
“No, here’s what’s going to happen. She’s going to stress about you all day long. And then if she doesn’t come back here today, then you’ll have a reason to slide into her dm’s later. And then she’ll think, ’Wow, this girl is sexy and flirty as hell.’ And then you’ll reel her in with your cuteness,” Dinah added, leaving Camila awestruck at her flirtatious brilliance. “But if she actually comes back today, then it shows that she doesn’t care about looking desperate, therefor she’s a keeper.”
Camila had just opened her mouth to say something when there came a gentle ringing at the door to announce that a customer had just walked in.
“Oh my gosh, Walz, I wasn’t expecting her to come back, I really wasn’t expecting her to come back-”
“Let me switch to the register!”
“She actually came back-”
“Switch with me, woman!”
“Hi.” The whispered panic was put to an instant stop as they looked forward to see an endearing smile and twinkling green eyes.
They both cleared their throats and fixed their aprons, emitting a soft laugh from the green eyed girl.
“You’re Camila’s girlfriend, right?”
“Dinah,” Camila groaned, her body slumping as she took a mortified step to the side and turned her reddening face away.
Please shut up, Dinah. Please shut up.
She could feel Lauren’s eyes burning into her and she heard the raspy voice say, “I wish.”
Then Camila felt a rough pat on her shoulder and registered the sound of Dinah’s boisterous voice saying, “She’s all your’s, Walz.”
Dinah walked off to the side, just out of ear shot, and as Camila took her place behind the register her knees felt significantly weaker than they normally were, completely aware of Lauren’s eyes watching her every move.
“So-um,” Lauren’s statement trailed off, grabbing Camila’s attention, a face splitting grin on the brunette’s lips at the shyness in Lauren’s tone, “you followed me on Instagram.”
“Yeah,” Camila grinned, her gaze down, willing for her blush to dissipate.
Damn, she’s sexy, Lauren thought, eyes flickering around the beautiful features of the smaller girl’s face.
Flirtatiousness danced amongst Lauren’s tone as she said, “I can’t lie, I did a little bit of stalking.”
Camila rested her elbow atop the counter and placed her chin into the palm of her hand, a playful expression written all over her still-flushed face.
The raven haired girl shook her head, a chuckle in her throat as she said, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Well I’m just wondering why you stalked my page and didn’t like any of my pictures.”
“Well I’m just wondering why I wrote on the napkin to feel free to slide into my dm’s and you didn’t.”
“Maybe I didn’t want to.”
Lauren’s jaw slacked, the seriousness on her face ripping a loud laugh out of Camila.
“Well, you should consider because I think that we might be soulmates,” the green eyed customer joked, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth as she happily drummed her fingers against the edge of the counter.
“Oh, really?” Camila lilted, her eyebrows lifting in anticipation as her cheeks began to hurt from the stretching of her smile.
“And why’s that?”
Lauren shrugged, “Well, your bio says darkness is your best friend, and my bio says I’m ninety percent sure that darkness follows me.”
The taller girl shot an expectant look at Camila, eliciting a wholesome laugh from the brunette.
Lauren continued with a cute grin, gesticulating between the two of them as she spoke, “Darkness follows me and it's your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other.”
“Wow,” Camila nodded, feigning an impressed diction in her voice. “That was good, that was good.”
Eventually, another customer walked through the door and they became all giggles as Lauren cleared her throat and pretended to order something.
Throughout the rest of Camila’s shift—up until Lauren bashfully asked for a hug once Camila’s shift ended and they had to go their separate ways—the two continued to stare at each other, blushing and grinning and finding each other adorable across the distance of the Starbucks (the one that wasn’t Lauren’s favorite, but it’s her favorite now).
A week passed of dm'ing, and then texting, and Lauren’s consistent visits to the Starbucks, when at the end of Camila’s shift, Lauren asked for a date to see a movie instead of a hug (but then they still hugged afterwards).
Then came another week of texting, and hugging, and going on dates, when Lauren got sick so she couldn’t go to the Starbucks one day, and Dinah sent her a video on Snapchat of Camila pouting and saying, “I miss Lern Jergi.”
Then came another week of dating, and making heart eyes at each other between a random table and the register (at this point, Lauren only came into the Starbucks to stare at Camila; she was no longer even ordering anything), when they were standing outside of the Starbucks and Lauren leaned down to kiss Camila instead of asking for a hug or a date (but then they still hugged and went on a date afterwards).
Then came another week of dating, and of Camila walking over to leave quick pecks to Lauren’s cheek in between her breaks every now and then (one time, Lauren turned her head to press their lips together and Camila almost fainted), when Lauren passed her a napkin that said, “Will you be my girlfriend?” on it and then on the back of that same napkin, “…please don’t reject me.”
Camila didn’t reject her.
Instead, she grabbed a pen from the back room, and wrote onto another napkin in big letters (as big as she could fit onto the napkin), “I WOULD NEVER REJECT YOU!” and then held it up for Lauren to read it from across the room.
Then came another week of being girlfriends, and their Instagram bio’s changed.
laurenjauregui  darkness follows me and it’s your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other. @camila_cabello 💕☕️ 14 posts. 4,364 followers. 1,183 following.
camila “darkness follows me and it’s your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other.” - lern jergi @laurenjauregui 💕☕️ 10 posts. 2,162 followers. 1,091 following.
(Author’s Note: hopefully you enjoyed this lil’ one shot, thank you for reading. find me on wattpad @Ondatbeat <3)
107 notes · View notes
itsmymie · 6 years ago
its camren yo
Lauren estava estranha.... Depois que eu a beijei, ela não olha nos meus olhos.
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6 notes · View notes
lemoncakedragon · 7 years ago
A Superhero’s Favorite Sound
What if your favorite sound was your strength and your weakness?
The house is quiet when Lauren flies through the open window. She hovers a little before touching the ground. Closing her eyes, she listens for the most important sound she’ll ever hear, a heartbeat.
A beautiful even beat coming from the upstairs bedroom gives her all the relief she’ll ever need.
With quiet steps, she follows the rhythm up the stairs and into the master bedroom. There, lying bundled up in blankets, is her everything. Her strength, her power, her love, and her weakness.
“Lauren,” says a sleepy voice. The bundle of blankets start to move. Lauren watches as a dark silhouette sits up on the bed and reaches out for her. Even having god-like strength, Lauren still couldn’t move fast enough into the inviting arms of the silhouette.
“Hi, baby.” Lauren gently whispers. Afraid that even the sound of her voice might break her everything.
“What’s wrong? You’re shaking.” The dark silhouette in her arms shifts away to turn on the bedside lamp.
Beautiful brown-eyes stared back at her. Her face panic and worry stricken.
“Tell me what happened? Talk to me please.”
Everything seemed to stop at that moment. All Lauren could hear was the steady rhythm of a heartbeat pick up. Her body started to tense as a reaction to the beat getting louder and faster. She was going into protection mode, mind spinning trying to find the threat in the room.
A soft hand touched the side of her face. Bringing all her senses back to the woman sitting in front of her.
“I...lost someone today,” Lauren says brokenly. She can feel her eyes start to well up with tears. Her guarded facade crumpling as she thought of the little girl she couldn’t save.
“I-I don’t know how I--” The tears finally falling from her eyes. A loud sob left her mouth and a heavy weight crashed into her chest. Lauren felt like she couldn’t breathe. The woman in front of her grabbed her and pulled her fully onto the bed. Gently guiding the crying woman to the middle of the bed, she held onto her tightly as more sobs racked her body.
After what felt like eternity, Lauren finally shifted so she could look at the woman holding her.
“Camila, promise me we’ll let nothing bad happen to our kid. Promise me they’ll grow up in a better world then one we live in now.”
Camila stared deeply into Lauren’s green-eyes. There was so much sadness reflecting in them.
“You know I can’t promise nothing bad will happen. We can’t protect our kid from everything. But I can promise you we’ll always try. As for a better world, you’re already making our world better. Everyday our city gets a little safer because you take another robber or drug dealer off the streets. It may seem like the rest of the world is going to shit, but you’re doing everything you can for this city.”
Camila cupped Lauren’s face. She watched as Lauren took everything she just said in. For a split second, Camila saw doubt.
“Please tell me what you’re thinking.”
“What would happen if we just...got out of here? Would crime go back to what it was? If I stopped being a superhero, could I actually make it to school plays or parent teacher conferences? Would I stop feeling like this?”
Camila didn’t even hesitate to answer.
“No. No, we’re never leaving. No, crime would get even worse. No, because sometimes there’s traffic or some project will hold you up at work. And no, you’ll feel like this whether you’re a superhero or not. Lauren, you want to help people. You want people to thrive and live every moment of their lives the best that can.”
Camila pushed Lauren’s bangs out of her face and gently stroked her cheek.
“You’ve hidden your powers once and it killed you inside. I would never ask or want you to do that again. You are who you are and that will never change.”
Lauren could feel herself start to smile. Every mixed feeling she had coming home dissipated. She could not have found a better woman to love than Camila.
“I love you,” she said leaning in to kiss Camila softly.
“Yeah, yeah. You still going to love me when I’m throwing up in the morning and eating weird shit? Ally said she used to eat pickles wrapped in cheese. Like, what? This kid better like Takis or I’m going to riot.”
Lauren laughed. She started to imagine little scenarios of her waking up after a long night of crime fighting and flying to the corner market to pick up a jar of pickles. She honestly couldn’t wait for those moments.
“You’re getting ahead of yourself. We just took the pregnancy test yesterday. You might not even have morning sickness. Also, food cravings are the least of your problems. Don’t you have to give up coffee? Isn’t that bad for the baby?”
The look Camila gave Lauren was as if Lauren just told her Leo, her family’s dog, just died.
“No coffee?” Camila said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t give up coffee. That’s like asking me to never talk about Friends!”
Lauren started to panic. She remembered Ally saying something about how giving up coffee was like shooting yourself in the foot.
“I’m sure one cup a day would be okay. Look, I’m sorry for bringing that up. All I’m trying to say is what you told me ‘Whatever happens, happens. All we can do is try’.”
This seemed to calm Camila down. Lauren leaned in to kiss Camila again. The way Camila took a deep breath as she kissed Lauren deeper, told her everything she need to know, she was right.
“Whatever happens, happens,” Camila said pulling back from the kiss. She pulled Lauren into the crook of her neck and wrapped her arms around her body. Now content, Camila spoke softly, “I’m just glad I’m trying with you.”
Lauren softly smiled, she lifted her head slightly and kissed Camila under her chin. Self doubt nights like these can’t be easy, but she hoped Camila knew she was just as glad to be trying with her too.
Using her cap as a makeshift blanket, Lauren draped it over herself and Camila. Closing her eyes, Lauren fell asleep listening to her strength and weakness, Camila’s heartbeat.
----------------------------------- god! that ending was sooo cheesy! haha, oh well. hoped you liked it. been a long time since i updated so sorry for the wait and any mistakes.
i got inspired by watching the Strangers teaser and Man of Steel. so, shoutout to Halsey for starting this idea. i honestly can't wait for the influx of boxing fics, haha.
anyone have any boxing fic recommendations? would love to read them!
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sapphiccrazyshipper · 7 years ago
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Camila for CK - My model (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/9XLaTgwGqN Inspirado numa conversa de Whatsapp ;)... " Vamos logo que eu quero olhar de perto essa campanha- Lauren dissse, recolhendo suas coisas. Era só mais um ensaio fotografico para CK, mas ela gostava de acompanhar de perto tudo, como boa controladora que era. " Naquela filial nada passava sem o crivo de Lauren Jauregui, muito menos a nova garota propaganda..
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delusionalass · 8 years ago
Lauren washing the dishes and Camila arrives and she's behind the isle
Camila: so?
Lauren: what?
Camila: hmm we don't have to say anything after what happened? we have to talk about it.
Lauren: *turns around*
Lauren: what's the point?
Camila: why? we could try. I know you like me ...
Lauren looks down
Camila: *voice shaking and about to cry* I like you too and I keep thinking about you even before this happens. So can we try?
Lauren finally looks at Camila and made her way towards her and kisses her passionately
*after their kiss*
Camila: So is that a yes? *with happy tears*
Lauren: *rolls her eyes* It's a yes baby *kisses her forehead and they hug*
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