#Camp in new york Summer Camp in NY in new york Sleepaway Camp  in new york Overnight Camp in new york New york Camp in NY Northeast Camp in
brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Overnight summer camp may be an excellent spot to urge fresh ideas, make new friends, and refill on energy for the approaching year.
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arthurgodsell · 3 years
Sleepaway Camp Opportunities through FAF
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Based in Long Island, NY, Arthur Godsell is the president and co-owner of Godsell Construction Company, which he has managed since 1975. In his free time, Arthur Godsell is actively involved in his community and contributes to many charities, including the Fresh Air Fund. Founded in 1877, the Fresh Air Fund connects children from underserved New York City communities with fun summer experiences. The organization manages many programs, including sleepaway camps. There are five camps at Sharpe Reservation, a plot of 2000 acres in Fishkill, New York, just two hours outside of the city. The sixth camp, called Camp Junior, is found at Harriman State Park. There are different camp programs for different age groups. Camp Anita Bliss Coler is specifically for girls ages 9 through 12, while Camp Hayden-Marks Memorial is for boys 9 through 12. Named for a 15-year-old victim of gang violence, Camp Junior is for both boys and girls from the Bronx. Camp Tommy focuses on leadership development among boys ages 12 through 15, while Camp Mariah includes a career awareness program and requires a 3-year commitment from boys and girls in the seventh through ninth grades. To learn more about the different camps and who is eligible, visit www.freshair.org.
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charitywaterblog · 6 years
Meet our 2018 Summer Interns!
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This summer, charity: water has 13 excited and dedicated interns working to support our staff in incredible ways. They help us run the office, work with our supporters, and so much more. Needless to say, they’re a crucial part of the charity: water team. Meet our phenomenal summer interns!
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Jordan Goldberg
School: The University of Texas at Austin Team: People and Culture Hometown: Houston, Texas
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I wanted to be immersed in an environment where I knew everyone was passionate about what they were doing and actually wanted to come to work every day. The first time I interviewed with charity: water, I could tell that it was filled with young, creative, and inspiring individuals and that I would be lucky to learn from them. charity: water’s mission keeps me aware of the water crisis and makes me hopeful that there is a solution to this problem. I know that the individuals at charity: water will be a huge part of the solution.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? I love the strong culture at charity: water. Everyone genuinely wants to meet you and learn more about you. charity: water promotes respect, openness, and fun while also keeping you motivated to work hard. I see that everyday in the office.
Fun Fact:  I love to travel. I just spent 2 weeks in India, visiting cities like Bangalore, Agra, Udaipur, and Jaipur. I hope to visit Switzerland or Iceland next! 
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Adrian Voysey
School: University of Miami Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Weehawken, NJ
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? When I started researching charity: water it became apparent that it operated with a significantly different business model than the typical non-profit. I couldn't get it out of my mind and watched just about every single Youtube video on charity: water I could find. I was inspired not only by the work charity: water was doing but how they were doing it, and I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you? I'm consistently updating donor data and organizing donor lists by whatever criteria our UK managing director wants to search for, but I can also be found doing anything from shipping gifts to researching the philanthropic culture in Germany.
Fun Fact: When I'm not at the office, I love shooting and editing videos.
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Keelin Moran
School: The College of New Jersey Team: Brand Partnerships Hometown: Montvale, New Jersey
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I first learned about charity: water after a life-changing mission trip to Nicaragua where I witnessed the water crisis firsthand. I was in awe of the organization's 100% model and its different approach to charity, so I decided to get involved and donate my 21st birthday to clean water. Since then, it has been a dream of mine to work at charity: water, and I am thrilled to be interning with the Brand Partnerships team this summer!
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? The best part of interning at charity: water is being surrounded by people that truly embody the mission and values of the organization. There is a palpable energy that you feel when you walk into the office, and you know that the work you are doing everyday is changing the lives of people around the world.
Fun Fact: Outside of work, I love anything related to interior design! I am a certified paint color specialist and am always looking for my next DIY home project.
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Jenny Poon
School: Yale School of Management Team: Finance Hometown: New York City
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? To put it simply, I wanted to intern at charity: water because of its mission. I was drawn to not only charity: water’s amazing work around world to bring clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations but also to its 100% model and its commitment to transparency. I thought that this was a great opportunity for me to learn more about the nonprofit sector.  
What does a typical day in the office look like for you? I am working on two projects for the Finance team. This involves data crunching and research. I am also in meetings with different people to learn more about how charity: water functions and about resources I can use to solve questions I am given this summer.
Fun Fact: I won the Top Chef competition at my school with my team, and I made over 200 oolong tea-infused madeleine cookies.
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Jed Starr
School: Tufts University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: New York, NY
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I learned about charity: water through a program at my university, and I was taken by the idea of spending the summer working for the public good. I have also always been interested in our relationship with water as a species -- it's something we can't live without, of course, but also a resource that we consistently abuse. Working to solve the water crisis satisfies this interest very well.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? The donors! They're the people who allow us bring clean water to so many communities around the globe, and their stories never cease to amaze me. The passion, creativity, and diversity of our supporters is incredible.
Fun Fact: I'm a certified SCUBA diver and an avid rock climber!
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John Willis
School: Missouri State University Team: Water Programs Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I wanted to intern at charity: water because I’m sold on its mission and vision for both the nonprofit sector and the world at large. I’m amazed and inspired by the combination of creativity, hope, passion, and innovation that exists in charity: water’s everyday operations, and I wanted to be a part of a team that championed all of those values for an amazing cause.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you? I have a little bit of background in computer science, so I spend some of my time writing code that can help our team organize data in useful and efficient ways. I also spend time doing research on various aspects of our programs, projects, and partners in the field, and I help review photos from completed projects for charity: water’s website.
Fun Fact: I can do the splits, though I require adequate time for stretching if a demonstration is required.
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Paris Welker-Widell
School: The King's College, NYC Team: Finance Hometown: Vero Beach, Florida
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? Since watching Scott Harrison's TED Talk in high school, I have had a passion for the water crisis and was excited to contribute to an organization that is dedicated to transparency and accurate reporting through the 100% model.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? My favorite part about interning at charity: water is the people. I love the office environment and the fact that you can see how passionate every employee at charity: water is about taking steps to solve the water crisis. Even though the work I do on the finance team is tedious, the fact that it's benefiting a charity I believe in is what makes this internship enjoyable.
Fun Fact: I've hiked almost 90 miles of the Appalachian Trail.
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Lindsay Hoyle
School: Wake Forest University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Durham, NC
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? Once I heard the story behind the founding of charity: water, I knew I wanted to be a part of the amazing work charity: water does everyday. I loved charity: water's concept of reinventing charity. I have a passion for helping others and charity: water is an amazing place to learn from and work with others with the same passion.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you? No one day is the same at charity: water. I do various tasks such as donor outreach and prospecting, creating impact reports, sending gifts to donors, collecting and organizing data, writing thank you notes, and hopping in on phone calls with our amazing Water Project Sponsors.
Fun Fact: I have never had a cup of coffee!
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Lauren Berman
School: Duke University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Armonk, NY
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I remember learning about charity: water in middle school and being amazed by the organization’s immense impact. After seeing the job posting and doing some research, that same sense of wonder came back. Watching videos and exploring the website showed me just how important and good charity: water is. I wanted to do my part in moving the mission forward.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? I love learning about charity: water and sharing that information with people. Whenever anyone asks me about charity: water, I tell them all about the water crisis, water projects, transparency, and the 100% model. Most people are very impressed by charity: water, and I’m proud to be a part of such a great organization.
Fun Fact: I went to sleepaway camp for nine years.
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Zsuzsa Williford
School: The King's College, NYC Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Why did you want to intern at charity: water?  I heard about charity: water a couple of years ago through friends who interned here. I was so impressed by the 100% model and the way they portray the people they've helped in such a beautiful, hopeful way. I've been interested in nonprofits that aid in economic development, fundraising, and donor relations. The Key Relationships internship was a perfect fit for the fundraising & donor relationship experience I was looking to gain!
What does a typical day in the office look like for you? I always head to grab a cup of coffee first to get the caffeine flowing. I check in with my manager and with my basecamp to-do lists for tasks for the day. My projects range from donor research, making updates in our donor database, helping organize and curate event invite lists, writing birthday cards to our donors, and really whatever my boss needs help with! I've gotten to help assist with some really awesome events outside the office as well with the rest of the KR team.
Fun Fact:  Outside of work and school, I love going to concerts at any of the amazing venues in NYC-- I’ve been to over 50 in the past couple years. (starting to lose count!)
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Jake Weronski
School: The King's College, NYC Team: Supporter Experience Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I've been a huge supporter of clean water charities since I was twelve. I have a friend who interned at charity: water a few years ago and she loved the experience, so I knew I had to intern here. I immediately fell in love with the amazing work each team devotes themselves to each day.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? The people that work in this office are some of the most passionate, warm-hearted individuals I've ever met. They truly care about connecting with all the interns, about doing their job well, and they know how to have fun in between! I have so much respect for every person that works here, and I feel like I've already learned so much by being here. I also love hearing people's stories, so talking on the phone with our supporters about their passion for charity: water is something I'll never get tired of.
Fun Fact: I really really love dogs! (Okay, who doesn't?) My family and I are puppy raisers for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. This means that we take a puppy in at around eight weeks old, train them for a little over a year, and then they are able to become fully-trained guide dogs. It's a process that takes a lot of patience and care, but is so rewarding in the end! We also have dogs of our own, so in total, I've lived with 11 dogs in my lifetime!
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Rachel Garofoli
School: Santa Clara University Team: Water Projects Hometown: Darien, CT
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? I wanted to intern at charity: water because I believe that every person on earth deserves the basic opportunities to progress in their lives, and access to clean water is the master key that opens doors to many. It brings a base of good health and time which allows for opportunities such as education, work, and family. In my mind, what charity: water does is extremely important to humanity and that's why I wanted to be involved.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? I have really loved my time at charity: water so far. However, my favorite part about interning at charity: water is that I feel like it is an environment that brings everyone that touches it joy. My coworkers are enthusiastic to work on projects, visitors seem happy, donors are ecstatic, and the people who receive our water projects are super elated. A lot of good vibes around here!  
Fun Fact:   I am a DJ on my university's radio station. My name over the air is DJ Dori$ and I love to play all types of music (except for country and screamo).
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Kitty Park
School: New York University Team: Key Relationships Hometown: Wayne, NJ
Why did you want to intern at charity: water? Like most people, I was initially drawn to charity: water because of the mission. I was also intrigued by the 100% model and wanted to learn more about how the organization operates in such a unique way.
What is your favorite part of interning at charity: water? It’s hard to say, but I think my favorite part about interning here is that the organization puts a lot of time and effort towards cultivating a great work culture and it shows. Everyone I’ve met so far is genuinely hardworking, passionate, and happy to be doing what they do.
Fun Fact:  I have a very impressive high score on 2048.
Want to be a part of the next class of interns at charity: water? You’re in luck, fall internships just went live! Apply here today.
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But- where is Camp Campbell?! California or New York?! The one in California feels like the real one, I can't say much for the NY one cause we don't know the activities! Then who's David Campbell?! I'm starting to lean towards NY now cause of the sleepy hollow thing. I'm so confused.
Welp, I’m not sure why I’m being asked this but,I’m confused myself but, I have some theories [NOTE:  I might have put a little too much thought into this, today I had a LOTTTT of time on my hands.  Even did some crazy research for this, watched some eps again.  I LEGIT HAVE NOTHING TO DO TODAY OTHERWISE, THIS RESPONSE WOULDN’T HAVE MUCH TO IT] In order to make these theories work we must forget some logic for a second and expand our imaginations.  [Like this loser, a.k.a mod did.] Or not, all up to you:
David Campbell: 
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We all know how awful Cameron Campbell is: From using Space Kid as a shield
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Doing anything for a buck (even if it involves the fate of the camp and campers)
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He almost murdered a camper to protect his ass:
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HECK!  Even using David to cover things up for him, and David’s been loyal
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My thoughts on this are:
He is secretly betraying David.  Or at a point he did.  He might have put his own information and maybe some of David’s description wise or maybe David’s address, only changed his first name to David.  So he would be safe and David would be going to jail if David were to somehow run into the Feds.  Making it look like they had the wrong person all along.  OR this could have been done BEFORE the feds figured out what Cameron looked like and evidence that Cameron is indeed the man they’re looking for.  Then ‘David Campbell’ is now nothing more than an imaginary person.
Or if we’re going with the so-called “real and logical”  *mutters* totally boring and fake…. *end muttering*   Just a guy, I have no clue who he is.  That happens to live in New York!  David Campbell if you see this, I’m sorry for saying where you live state wise.  You randomly popped up on google when I was searching for Camp Campbell with that wide open.  :P
Now, the second question:The Truth a.k.a Where is Camp Campbell REALLY Located?!
1:  Why it might be in New York:
As stated before:  The Camp Campbell located in New York is located on Sleepy Hollow Lake.Sleepy HollowSleepy Peak.
David.  Freaking.  Campbell.From NEW YORK!Look at first theory at top for my logic on that, cause I won’t explain again!  [and maybe David could be from NY too?  D:]
The platypus isn’t native to California.  They’re not even native to North America.  However, some people have claimed to see some in the northeast.  They are most likely people’s pets that got loose or were let it free.  He could have got some eggs imported into the US since he mentioned at the end of season 2 episode 5 that they’re going to incubate platypus eggs.  It is illegal to own a platypus as a pet in the U.S. 
This is stereotyping but, from some lists Ive seen that have ‘most popular sleepaway camps’ [note: I could be wrong since I’m basing it a lot of INTERNET findings but on what’s most common. A lot of these lists could very well be bias]  a lot of popular sleep away camps that are deep in the woods that have the traditional summer camp experience:  Nature hikes, surrvival skills, campfires, just strictly natureish or all that along the lines of that.  Are located in Northern states.  Northeast in particular.  [most of them are located in New Hampshire but, most of the other camps from NY seem to pop up second or thrid on a lot of these lists, when you weed out the specialty camps.]
Yes, Camp Campbell might be very diverse now but, not only is it implied from Season 1, Episode 1:  Escape from Camp Campbell that it wasn’t the same years back. As Cameron said:“Kids, I’m going be blunt and honest with you.  When I opened Camp Campbell all those years ago, I had one goal, and one goal only. To create the most popular and successful summer camp in the world!  But times have changed.   Things like the internet, video games, and the Affordable Care Act are ruining this great country of ours- and the children of today aren’t interested in a traditional summer camp.  But America isn’t a traditional country!  So why settle for anything less!”It implies that he changed it to adapt. [and get more money of course].  There is also proof of it being a ‘traditional summer camp’ in the flashback in Season 2 Episode 5: Jasper Dies At the end, when David was telling his story on how he fell in love with Camp Campbell.
I’m from New York State [this one is looking too deeply into this] but Max said in the first episode that the bus comes in from ‘The city.’ to pick up campers.  Sure it can mean ANY city but, it’s not specified which city.  In New York, or most places in New York state.  If people say ‘the city’ not saying any name, just ‘the city’ they mean New York City.  [especially if they’re not in the city]
I’ve seen some head canons floating around lately [from a lot of people] about a few of the characters living in New York [not just the city] and claiming to have seen moments that in the show that back this up. [don’t ask me about it for, I never really looked to see where everyone is from. But, totally open to all these ideas.]  The most common characters mentioned are:1. Max.  [I’ve also read quite a few fanfictions that focus on Max outside of camp and even some AUs and a common thing that pops up is he lives somewhere in New York.  Some say city, some say some places a little farther up ]2. Preston being from New York City.3. Gwen might have lived in NYC at some point but, this was foiled for most when Season 2 Episode 8: Gwen Gets A Job, came along.4.  Neil [no specific area this one seems to be fairly new and popped up after Parent’s Day came out]5.  Harrison is from somewhere in New York State as well.To be honest, the only character that makes sense to me right now being from New York is Preston.Sure, we all know that’s fanon.  and it’s only five of the characters.  Plus, at summer camp people come from all over the place, not just the state the camp is in. [People have been saying David might be from Canada.  Which, is a pretty good head canon]  But seeing this ‘trend’ pop up, it might lead to something.
2.  Why it might be in California:
When you look at the lists of great sleep away camps, [once again, weed out all the specialty camps] there are quite a few in California. [More are still in NY and other places in the Northeast though] 
I’ve been looking up history for that camp.  It may have been around since 1884, BUT it had quite a few owners and went through MANY different name changes.  Cameron might have bought it at a point to see if he could make a quick buck out of it then obviously, named it after himself.
And I agree with you anon.  The one in California is pretty close to Camp Campbell in the series, since it seems to offer almost everything.  Even WEDDINGS!  And camps for all ages.  Seems like the ultimate camp to me!  And we know squat about the one in New York.
Nikki and Neil are two of the main characters:-Nikki signed up for Adventure Camp-Neil signed up for Science CampAccording to most of the reviews [real ones, not the joke ones on google] and some videos the camp itself put up; Adventure Camp and Science Camp are two of the most popular camps they offer.
A review of a kid that signed up for science camp said they did archery there.  Camp Campbell in the series overlaps on activities.  You sign up for one, you end up doing them all.
And last but not least,My third and final theory…Cameron own/ed more than one camp.  BOTH CAMPS ARE CAMP CAMPBELL!
Why?  Let’s look at the evidence that my mind might have seen too much:
1. Cameron’s rich.  How the heck did he get rich?  It’s obviously not from Camp Campbell alone [or the one the campers are in]  or even being a con artist. 
ONE of his camps might be doing better than the other one.  Due to how popular it was, he was somehow able to get more people willing to work there and with more people, it’s easier to keep it clean and prevent it from falling apart.
He saves money by not bothering to repair the other camp that’s falling apart, which somehow happens to be the first camp he opened  [though to get money out of it, he added on different camps to be on point with the other one]
2.  He’s gone most of the time:
trying to hide from the feds
While on the run, he might be visiting his other summer camp.  But, he visits it, just as much as he visits the other camp.  Very rare.
He stopped caring about the other camp that was becoming less popular
3.  This one does tie into the reason he’s rich.  He was losing money, and by how cheap he is, felt it was expensive to keep both camps and wanted to avoid some rules and regulations.  Someone offered him a lot of money for one of them so, he took it.  But, that camp decided to keep the name.
And that, is my theory.  It’s long, put too much thought into it but… Here you go!   : )
Edited:  I made a mistake on where Roosterteeth is located, I got a bit confused,
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chasecampen · 5 years
Now is the time to start registering for summer camp!
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Each year, more than 14 million campers attend summer camp in the U.S. In Los Angeles alone, we have over 450 summer camps to choose from, ranging from Sports Camps, Day Camps, Sleepaway Camps, Academics, Science, Tech, Acting, Special Needs, STEM, Drama and Improv, and many more. Below are 6 options that caught our eye, including one for families and one for grownups only. Happy planning, and we hope you and your family have the best summer ever!
Tom Sawyer Camp, Altadena, CA
Established in 1926, Tom Sawyer Camp has been committed to the idea that every child should experience carefree, constructive activities in the outdoors like Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher. Ensuring lots of adventure with friends, campers participate in a range of outdoor activities from horseback riding to rock climbing, windsurfing and even secret quests. Located in Hahamonga Watershed Park – above Devil’s Gate Dam in the Arroyo Seco.
Got Game Sports Camp, Hancock Park
Got Game Sports offers a day camp program for children ages 4-14 in the heart of Los Angeles. Providing campers the opportunity to personally customize their day based on their interests, the camp prides itself on a fun, stimulating and bully-free environment. Got Game Sports is located in Mid-Wilshire at Hancock Park Elementary School.
Camp Hollywoodland, Bronson Canyon
The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation & Parks girls’ residential camp has been operating for over 90 years. Nestled in the Hollywood Hills, right under the Hollywood sign, Camp Hollywoodland provides an out-of-town experience right in the middle of the city. Offering swimming, climbing wall, outdoor living skills, nature awareness, field trips, and themed programs. For girls age 6-14.
Gold Arrow Camp, Lakeshore, CA
Since 1933, Gold Arrow Camp has provided campers with a supportive community where their lives can be enriched through friendships and experiences that teach valuable life skills. A structured program of over 20 different non-competitive water sports and traditional camp activities encourages campers to try new things, build their skills, and take risks. Gold Arrow Camp also offers programs for families, and is located in the heart of California's Sierra National Forest, approximately 5 hours north of LA.
French Woods Sports and Arts Camp, Hancock, NY
French Woods Sports and Arts Center is one of America’s top teen-only coed summer camps. A fully elective and affordable design allows campers to choose from traditional and not-so-traditional camp activities. Programs are offered in extreme sports, arts, technology, circus, rock music, music production, dance, DJ and radio, theater, magic, cooking, gymnastics, equestrian and more. Campers ages 12-17 come from all around the U.S. and abroad to their campsite in Hancock, New York, about 2.5 hours from NYC
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Looking for something just for yourself, browse through Esalen’s workshops ranging from arts & creativity, body & movement, leadership, meditation, spirituality, nature, relationship & self. Located in beautiful Big Sur, recharge yourself in any one of their retreats.
For more information on hundreds of other local summer camps, please visit lasummercamps.com or momsla.com/summer-camps-in-los-angeles. 
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nypaenergy · 4 years
NYPA New York State News Roundup – February 19
Welcome to a cold and snowy edition of NYPA’s New York State News Roundup. This week’s stories include great news for New York State’s camps and entertainment centers, mass vaccinations set to begin at Albany Armory, and New York area vaccine sites stay open in the face of winter weather.
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Governor Cuomo Announces Indoor Family Entertainment Centers Can Open March 26, Outdoor Amusement Parks Can Open April 9 & Camps Can Begin to Plan for Summer Opening
This week Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that indoor family amusement centers can open with a 25% capacity limit beginning Friday, March 26. Outdoor amusement parks can open with a 33% capacity limit beginning Friday, April 9. All facilities must submit reopening plans with health protocols to their local health department. Face coverings and social distancing will be required for everyone, and customers will be required to have a health screening with temperature checks prior to entry. Additionally, both day camps and sleepaway summer camps in New York State can begin to plan for reopening. The Department of Health will issue specific reopening rules on timing in the coming weeks. 
"In New York, we base our decisions on the science and data and adjust as the virus adjusts," Governor Cuomo said. "With continued decreases in the infection and hospitalization rates, we have been able to take steps toward beginning our post-COVID recovery and we are excited to now be in a place where we can bring back our recreational industries with safety protocols in place. As we've said time and time again, our success will be dictated by our actions and as long as we stay united and keep carrying this momentum forward in a positive direction, we will be able to see more and more sectors of our economy reopen." 
Read more details in Governor Cuomo’s press release.
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Mass Vaccination Site to Open March 3 at Albany Armory
A mass vaccination site will open at Albany's Washington Avenue Armory to deliver 7000 shots a week, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced this past Wednesday. The site, best known as home court of the Albany Patroons basketball team, will open March 3, along with three others in Yonkers, Buffalo and Rochester, joining two mass-vaccination sites opened in Queens and Brooklyn. All six are designed to reach socially vulnerable communities who would otherwise have less access to the vaccine. The vaccine supplies provided to the sites, run jointly by federal and state entities, are in addition to the regular amounts received by the state. The Federal Emergency Management Agency also announced that it is sending a "National Incident Management Assistance Team" team to Albany to help with the vaccine distribution. Read more in the Albany Times Union.
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New York Vaccine Sites Stay Open Through Snow; Virus Positivity Declines
State-run vaccination sites at Jones Beach and Stony Brook University plowed ahead with their operations through this week's multiple winter storms. The sites continued to vaccinate people Thursday as officials kept a close eye on the weather. "The vaccine is the weapon that will win the war against COVID, and as long as conditions remain safe, we will not let winter weather slow down our efforts to vaccinate as many people as humanly possible," Jack Sterne, a spokesman for Governor Cuomo, said Thursday afternoon. He also said that any New Yorker concerned about making it to their appointment through the snowstorm should call the state's vaccine hotline (833-NYS-4VAX) and workers will try to come up with a solution. Read much more at Newsday.
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thejewishlink · 4 years
New York: Judge Denies Permission For Sleepaway Camps To Operate
New York: Judge Denies Permission For Sleepaway Camps To Operate
In a disappointing development on Monday, a federal judge ruled to deny New York sleepaway camps to operate this summer.
The story began on June 12, when NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced his decision to shut down all sleepaway camps this summer due to COVID-19.
Cuomo then reiterated his decision on June 13. “Summer camps we have studied with a great deal of diligence because it involves…
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znjancitybeach · 7 years
Summer Camp for the Family by AMY TARA KOCH
Summer Camp for the Family by AMY TARA KOCH
Archery, sailing, horseback riding and more: Resorts and ranches are offering a sleepaway experience that parents and children can share.
Published: May 9, 2017 at 02:00AM
from NYT Travel LINK:NY Times The New York Times
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Best broadcasting sports camp for children in New York. We provide training in  Basketball, Baseball, Football, Tennis & Dance for boys and girls in the northeast of  NYC.
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Best broadcasting sports camp for children in New York. We provide training in  Basketball, Baseball, Football, Tennis & Dance for boys and girls in the northeast of  NYC.
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Best broadcasting sports camp for children in New York. We provide training in  Basketball, Baseball, Football, Tennis & Dance for boys and girls in the northeast of  NYC.
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
BrookWood enrollment is available for both Boys & Girls. We offer Camps at affordable prices Starting from Saturday to Friday in NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, W D.C, CT, Miami, & Northeast.
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
BrookWood enrollment is available for both Boys & Girls. We offer Camps at affordable prices Starting from Saturday to Friday in NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, W D.C, CT, Miami, & Northeast.
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Most of our summer camps are very international, no matter the destination you select , with students from 30 or more countries all meeting at camp and spending several exciting weeks together.
Website: https://brookwoodcamps.com/
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Most of our summer camps are very international, no matter the destination you select , with students from 30 or more countries all meeting at camp and spending several exciting weeks together.
Website: https://brookwoodcamps.com/
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brookwoodcamps · 3 years
Best broadcasting sports camp for children in New York. We provide training in  Basketball, Baseball, Football, Tennis & Dance for boys and girls in the northeast of  NYC.
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