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14 Key Benefits of Business Process Automation
Process automation offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact businesses and organizations. Some of the key benefits of process automation include:
Increased Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual intervention in repetitive tasks, leading to faster and more streamlined processes. This allows employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities, improving overall productivity.
Cost Savings: Automated processes can lead to significant cost savings by reducing labor costs, minimizing errors, and optimizing resource allocation. It reduces the need for human resources to perform repetitive tasks.
Improved Accuracy and Quality: Automation minimizes the chances of human errors, ensuring a higher level of accuracy and consistency in operations. This results in improved overall quality of products and services.
Consistency and Standardization: Automation ensures that processes are executed consistently according to predefined rules and standards. This standardization leads to uniform outcomes and better customer experiences.
Faster Process Execution: Automated processes can operate 24/7 without breaks, resulting in faster task execution and quicker response times to customer needs and market changes.
Enhanced Compliance: Process automation helps businesses adhere to industry regulations and internal policies by enforcing standardized procedures and generating accurate documentation.
Scalability and Flexibility: Automated processes can easily handle an increased workload without the need for significant adjustments, making them scalable and adaptable to changing business needs.
Improved Data Management and Insights: Automation generates data and analytics that provide valuable insights into process performance. Making data-driven decisions and locating bottlenecks can both benefit from these insights.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Automation can lead to faster response times and improved customer service. Features like automated emails, chatbots, and self-service portals can provide immediate support to customers.
Streamlined Collaboration: Automation facilitates better collaboration between different departments and teams by automating workflows and ensuring seamless information flow.
Business Agility: Automation enables businesses to respond quickly to market changes and opportunities, allowing for faster adaptation and decision-making.
Time Savings: Automated processes can save considerable time, allowing organizations to complete tasks and deliver products or services more quickly to customers.
Competitive Advantage: Embracing process automation can give a company a competitive edge by enabling faster, more efficient, and cost-effective operations, leading to better customer satisfaction and retention.
Employee Satisfaction: By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, employees can focus on more challenging and creative work, leading to higher job satisfaction and engagement.
Overall, process automation can transform how businesses operate by optimizing workflows, increasing productivity, and enhancing overall performance. However, it's crucial to carefully plan and implement process automation to ensure it aligns with the organization's goals and processes. Additionally, continuous monitoring and improvements are essential to maintaining the effectiveness of automated processes over time.
#process automation#ai automation#what is automation#Cambay#Robotic Process Automation#Business Process Automation#Benefits of process automation
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German soldier with disabled British tanks during the Battle of Cambrai, Nov 1917
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σαλπαρουμε μας περιμενουν στο μπραζιλι το προσωπο σου θα το μουσκεψε τ' αγιαζι ζεστον αγερα κατεβαζει το μπουγαζι μα ουτε φουστανι στη στερια........ κι ουτε μαντηλι...
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Peringati Maulid Nabi, Polsek Cambai Gelar Safari Jum'at
TOPIKBERITA.CO — Dalam rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1446 H / 2024 M serta menjalin tali silaturahmi antara Polri dengan masyarakat, sebagai wujud kedekatan Polri dengan masyarakat, Polsek Cambai, Polres Prabumulih menggelar Safari Jumat. Safari jumat yang di pimpin langsung oleh Kapolsek Cambai, IPTU Yogie Melta, S.Sos ini berlangsung di tiga masjid di Desa Muara Sungai, Kecamatan…
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Review: Three Revolutionary Films by Ousmane Sembène on Criterion Blu-ray
Together, these films constitute a complex, interlocking portrait of Senegal’s past and present.
by Derek Smith May 30, 2024

Where Ousmane Sembène’s first two films, 1966’s Black Girl and 1968’s Mandabi, each focus on myriad struggles faced by an individual during Senegal’s early post-colonial years, his follow-up, Emitai, takes a more expansive view of the effects of colonialism two decades earlier. Centering on the defiance of a Diola tribe during World War II, 1971’s Emitai sacrifices none of the immediacy and urgency of Black Girl and Mandabi. Indeed, the film is perhaps an even more damning and incisive take-down of French colonial rule.
Painting a concise and pointed portrait of oppression in broad, revolutionary strokes, Emitai exposes the modern form of slavery that was France’s conscription of Senegalese men to fight on the deadliest frontlines of European battlegrounds. The film simultaneously details the meticulous taxation methods the French employed during this period, which, in attempting to seize a majority of tribes’ rice supply to feed their troops, is tantamount to starvation warfare.
Sembène, however, is less interested in the methodologies of the oppressor than in the unwavering, often silent protest of the Diola people, especially women, in the face of forces that threaten to wipe out the rituals and traditions that define them. In depicting the tribe’s refusal to turn over their rice not as a means to avoid starvation but as a matter of preserving the central value rice has in their cultural heritage, Sembène adds new dimensions to the conflict and complexity to the resistance of the villagers. The inevitable tragedy that concludes the film is quite the gut-punch, but in counterbalancing it with the rebellious enacting of funereal rites by the village women, Emitai becomes equal parts an indictment of colonial violence and a celebration of resilience and self-empowerment through revolutionary means.
In 1975’s Xala, Sembène presents a searing, often hilarious satire of the greed, corruption, and impotence of the new Senegalese governmental leadership following the eradication of French colonial rule. In the opening scene, we see government officials throw out the current French leaders and proudly proclaim that Africa will take back what’s theirs. This moment of triumph, which includes the removal of statues and busts of various French leaders, is swiftly undercut when the Senegalese officials each open a briefcase packed to the brim with 500 Franc bills.
This sequence, laden with anger and biting humor, is indicative of Xala’s absurdist, comedic tone. And as the film shifts its focus to one corrupt official in particular, El Hadji (Thierno Leye), who upon marrying his third wife is cursed with impotence, its satire becomes more metaphorical than direct. Sembène uses El Hadji’s gradual downfall to reflect the moral and political failings of the entire bourgeois class that came into power under the government of President Léopold Sédar Senghor. Through Sembène’s sly, cutting use of irony, claims of modernity and equality under a new “revolutionary socialism” are revealed to be empty promises, barely concealing the anti-feminist and pro-capitalist motives lurking behind them.
Sembène’s critique of a supposedly freed Senegal is intensely savage when it comes to unveiling the hypocrisies of a patriarchal leadership that betrayed the trust of the people it was supposed to aid and protect. Building to a conclusion that’s as funny and gratifying as it is pitiful and physically revolting, Xala captures the continuing repercussions of colonialism and how the forced delusions of a nation would leave its people perversely feeding on one another.
With 1977’s Ceddo, set in Senegal’s distant pre-colonial past, Sembène follows the conflicts between a growing Islamist faction of a once animistic tribe and the Ceddo, or outsiders, who refuse to convert and give up their animistic rituals and beliefs. This is certainly the most didactic entry in this set, but it’s enlivened by the sheer precision of its dialectical oppositions, through which the many hypocrisies of religious fundamentalism and colonization are laid bare.
Ceddo also reveals the complex intersectionality of religions and cultures that were at play in Senegal long before its colonization. Along with the Muslims, who were attempting to seize political power through religious conversions, white Christians and Catholics are present in the form of priests, missionaries, gun runners, and slave traders. The latter are silent through much of the film, but their presence—much like the white French adviser who remains in constant contact with the Senegalese politicians in Xala—speaks to the monumental power and influence whites held in Senegal even before colonialist rulers took over.
While the film’s subject is historical, Sembène draws clear parallels between the past and the post-colonial present of 1977, with the condescending paternalism of the Muslims, particularly the power-hungry imam played by Alioune Fall, mirroring that of the colonialist French. And rather than using traditional Senegalese music, Sembène employed Cameroonian musician Manu Dibango to compose a jazz-funk score that even further connects the events in Ceddo to the time of its release in the late ’70s. For whenever Sembène sets his film, he’s steadfast in his mission to draw meaningful correlations between Senegal’s past and present—each equally integral to the story of the country he loved and helped to define.
All three transfers come from new 4K digital restorations and they, by and large, look terrific, with vibrant colors and rich details, especially in the costumes and extreme close-ups of faces. There are some shots where the grain is chunkier and the image isn’t quite as sharp, and the Ceddo transfer shows some noticeable signs of damage in several different scenes, but these are mostly minor, non-distracting imperfections. The mono audio track bears the limitations of the production conditions, so some of the dialogue in interior scenes is a bit echoey though still fairly clear. Meanwhile, the music comes through with a surprising robustness.
A new conversation between Mahen Bonetti, founder and executive director of the African Film Festival, and writer Amy Sall covers a lot of ground in 40 minutes. The two discuss Ousmane Sembène’s early career and discovery in the West before delving into his use of cinema as “a liberatory force” and his sly, caustic use of irony. The only other extra on the disc is a 1981 short documentary by Paulin Soumanou Vieyra in which Sembène espouses much of his philosophy of filmmaking, particularly the importance of understanding history and political complexities of the society one chooses to depict. (Amusingly, Sembène’s wife casually insults American moviegoers, as well as complains about her husband putting film before family.) The stunningly designed package also comes with a 26-page bound booklet containing an essay by film scholar Yasmina Rice, who touches on Sembène’s humor, feminism, and politically charged subjects, while forcefully pushing back against the notion that the director wasn’t much of a formalist.
These Ousmane Sembène films from 1970s brim with a revolutionary passion and, together, constitute a complex, interlocking portrait of Senegal’s past and present.
Andongo Diabon, Michel Renaudeau, Robert Fontaine, Ousmane Camara, Ibou Camara, Abdoulaye Diallo, Alphonse Diatta, Pierre Blanchard, Cherif Tamba, Fode Cambay, Etienne Mané, Joseph Diatta, Dji Niassebaron , Antio Bassene, M’Bissine Thérèse Diop, Thierno Leye, Seune Samb, Younouss Seye, Miriam Niang, Fatim Diagne, Dieynaba Niang, Makhourédia Guèye, Tabara Ndiaye, Alioune Fall, Moustapha Yade, Mamadou N’Diaye Diagne, Nar Sene, Mamadou Dioum, Oumar Gueye.
#Andongo Diabon#Michel Renaudeau#Robert Fontaine#Ousmane Camara#Ibou Camara#Abdoulaye Diallo#Alphonse Diatta#Pierre Blanchard#Cherif Tamba#Fode Cambay#Etienne Mané#Joseph Diatta#Dji Niassebaron#Antio Bassene#M’Bissine Thérèse Diop#Thierno Leye#Seune Samb#Younouss Seye#Miriam Niang#Fatim Diagne#Dieynaba Niang#Makhourédia Guèye#Tabara Ndiaye#Alioune Fall#Moustapha Yade#Mamadou N’Diaye Diagne#Nar Sene#Mamadou Dioum#Oumar Gueye#The Criterion Collection
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Women’s defiance
Against French colonizers
To preserve their rice
#emitai#random richards#poem#haiku#poetry#haiku poem#poets on tumblr#haiku poetry#haiku form#poetic#criterion collection#criterion channel#ousmane sembène#Andongo Diabon#Robert fontaine#Michel Renaudeau#Ousmane Camara#Ibou Camara#Alphonse Diatta#Pierre Blanchard#cherif tamba#colonialism#fode cambay#Etienne Mane#Joseph diatta#Dji Niassebaron#Antonio Bassene#Youtube
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ખંભાતની સુવર્ણ સાંસ્કૃતિક ધરોહર પ્રાચીન તસવીરો
◼️ખંભાત ની સુવર્ણ સાંસ્કૃતિક ધરોહર ….હું સેજલ પટેલ આજે તમને ભારત દેશના પશ્ચિમ ભાગમાં આવેલા ગુજરાત રાજ્યના ચરોતર પ્રદેશ ના આણંદ જિલ્લામાં આવેલ મારી જન્મ ભૂમિ ખંભાત ની અનોખી ઐતિહાસિક ગાથા ની ઝલક કરાવું. ◼️એક સમયે ખંભાતના બંદરની જાહોજલાલીથી વિશ્વના દેશો અંજાયા હતા, એ ખંભાતની ઐતિહાસિક ઈમારતોના વિખેરાઈને પડેલા કાળમીંઢ પથ્થરો મુક બની ને જાણે મારી સામે એમને વીતાવેલા સુવર્ણ વર્ષોના ઈતિહાસની સાક્ષી પુરી…

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#khambhat#-શૈલેષ રાઠોડ&039;અભિધેય&039;#ખંભાત#old cambay#old khambhat#prachin khambhat#shaileshrathod
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Bro please for thr love of God tell me why ppl are saying Hindus are not native and what is up with the indo aryans being invaders and like north indians are indo aryans right because of the features I suppose (like light eyes and eking and big ears etc) and south indians are Dravidians right? Then who are adivasis like wtf is happening I don't get a thing😭
No matter how many times, one regurgitate the same, multiple times debunked hypothesis - by DNA, by timeline, by archaeology, isn't gonna make it true. 🤷🏻♀️
According to Max Muller, evil aryans invaded India 4000 yrs ago but.
The lost city of Dwarka was found 120 feet underwater in the Gulf of Cambay/Cambhat off the western coast of India. The total length of the city is 7 to 8 kms and it is 3 to 4 kms wide. After carbon testing this city, it was found that this city is between 7000-9500 Years old.
Scientists from IIT-Kharagpur and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) have uncovered evidence that the Indus Valley Civilization is at least 8,000 years old, and not 5,500 years old, taking root well before the Egyptian (7000BC to 3000BC) and Mesopotamian (6500BC to 3100BC) civilizations.
There is no proof of invasion, but they did however find various hindu iconography on indus valley site
more importantly the finding of the river saraswati and it’s river bed. The now disappeared river that was considered a myth but is mentioned in Ved. And the last time it was like that was 6000 years ago so the rig ved is older and this has been established beyond doubt. Hence, there's ample proof hindusim is infact Indigenous to Bharat.
And the tribes? Well they came long after all this. Post indus valley. Tribes are a mixture of different languages speaking groups and have a wide range of genetics from austoasiatic to indo European and tibeto burman. So the claim, everyone other than The tribes are outsiders is plain stupid.
DNAs of all Indians also doesn't cater to Max Muller and Fans Delusion.
#esther shrieks*#ask#answered#Wait till they say dinosaurs are the real native of the land and Brahmins colonised them.#hindublr#aryan invasion myth
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Process Engineering in the Oil and Gas Sector: Challenges and Innovations

The oil and gas industry has long been a cyclical industry influenced by global hydrocarbon prices. However, even by industry standards, the volatility of the past few years has been unprecedented. Cycle times between highs and lows have compressed, and the transition to lower-carbon energy and fuels has added another layer of complexity to the oil and gas industry. Buckle up! However, it's important to note that while oil and gas have undoubtedly seen advancements in process engineering services, there are also numerous environmental and sustainability challenges associated with these industries. For example, the extraction and refining processes not only contribute to air and water pollution but also exacerbate climate change through the release of greenhouse gases.
What's Oil and Gas Process Engineering, Anyway?
Imagine a giant puzzle. The oil and gas industry is like that puzzle, and process engineers are the master puzzlers. Their job? To figure out how to extract, refine, and deliver oil and gas to our homes and industries. It’s a big deal because, well, our world kind of runs on these energy sources!
Challenges: The Rocky Road
Complexity Overload: Oil and gas processing is as complex as rocket science. Well, almost! Engineers deal with intricate processes, ensuring everything runs smoothly from drilling to refining. One hiccup can cause major problems.
Environmental Hurdles: Mother Earth isn’t always happy with how we extract oil and gas. Engineers face the challenge of making processes eco-friendly, ensuring they don’t harm our planet.
Cost Conundrum: Extracting and refining oil and gas can be expensive. Engineers need to find innovative ways to cut costs without compromising safety and quality.
Safety First: Working in oil and gas can be risky. Ensuring the safety of both workers and the environment is a constant challenge that engineers tackle.
Innovations: Riding the Technological Wave
Smart Sensors and AI: Imagine sensors that can predict when a machine might break down. With the power of Artificial Intelligence, engineers can now foresee issues and fix them before they escalate.
3D Printing Magic: Need a specific tool on the spot? 3D printing allows engineers to create custom parts quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources.
Cleaner, Greener Tech: Engineers are investing in renewable energy sources, making the shift from fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives like solar and wind power.
Digital Twins: Picture this: a virtual copy of an entire oil rig or refinery. Digital twins help engineers simulate processes, identify problems, and test solutions without any real-world consequences.
Conclusion: The Future Shines Bright
In the ever-evolving world of oil and gas process engineering, challenges are met with incredible innovations. With smart technology, eco-friendly solutions, and a commitment to safety, engineers are shaping a brighter, cleaner future for us all.
So, there you have it, folks! Oil and gas process engineering might have its challenges, but with innovation at its core, the industry is not just keeping up; it’s racing into a future where energy is efficient, safe, and sustainable. Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring the wonders of our world!
How can Cambay Engineering help you?
In the challenging landscape of oil & gas process engineering, Cambay Engineering shines as a trusted partner. Specializing in tailored solutions, they offer innovative approaches to industry complexities. Their expertise, commitment to excellence, and focus on sustainability make them pioneers in the field. By collaborating with Cambay Engineering, companies gain access to cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, ensuring a greener and more efficient future for all.
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For reference, while i work on my dossier: Amina's paternal grandfather was Arab from Oman, her paternal grandmother was Gujarati, her mother's family hailed from Pemba, & her maternal grandfather was Chinese. Saying that she speaks enough of their languages, I'll take the four languages she can fluently read & speak are Arabic, Gujarati, Swahili, & Chinese. She can also understand & speak a good bit of Malayalam, & can get by with Greek.
Amina herself was born in Sur. With the timeline we are given, Amina is likely 41 or 42.
In Amina's own words, her family are not "true Sirafis." her grandfather, an orphan, simply chose the name for himself once becoming a pirate as he found it to sound "romantic."
Amina has stirred trouble everywhere from Sofala to Malabar. She has been to the Maldives, to Calicut. There is a bounty on her head in Hormuz, Basrah, Mombasa, Cambay & more.
The Marawati — her beloved ship — has belonged to the family for three generations. Her grandfather stole it & made a name for himself as a pirate. Eventually it'd be handed to her father, however in his attempt to stray away from piracy & into legitimate work, the family fell into debt. The ship was handed to creditors upon his death to cover for those debts, only for Amina, sixteen at the time, to steal it back. The crew, as it was, would all leave, not wanting to follow a female captain — save for one, her good friend Majed.
She'd go on to spend fifteen years at sea without returning home, however in that time away she would send letters & money back to her family, & notably funded her younger brother's education & early career. She only returned home upon the birth of her daughter, though as we know, Amina's retirement did not last as she intended.
#⚓ ooc.#should go to be noted despite all the years of piracy amina herself did not retire with much wealth. but that may be#expanded on at a later time.#anyways#now to actually attempt & remake my carrd. i do not like how it looks & i think the blue might be harder to read than i#originally thought so. off to fix that
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tagged by @markrothkono61 to put my repeat playlist on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that play! @medalsofgold here i use this blog for tag games hiii!!
tagging @thalassiokhtos @staliaofatreides @toddandersonsblog @iveneverbeenmorestressedinmylife @loukoumia if u want :)
#uhhhh. yeah. that's basically my oc playlist which i've been listening on repeat for months so#i listen to other stuff too i promise#also sorry for changing blogs djrhrjkdkj thanks for the tag <333#tag games#markrothkono61#greek tag
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Safari Juma'at di Masjid Ar-Rahim Sindur Bersama Polsek Cambai
PRABUMULIH, TOPIKBERITA.CO – Polsek Cambai, Polres Prabumulih, menggelar kegiatan Safari Jumat di Masjid Ar-Rahim, Kelurahan Sindur, Kecamatan Cambai, Kota Prabumulih, Jumat (16/08/2024). Acara ini dipimpin langsung oleh Kapolsek Cambai, IPTU Yogie Melta, S.Sos, dan dihadiri oleh sejumlah tokoh masyarakat serta warga setempat. Kegiatan ini dimulai sekitar pukul 12.00 WIB dan berlangsung dalam…
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Cambay Agates is a leading manufacturer and exporter of gemstone and crystal products based in Khambhat, Gujarat, India. They offer a wide range of items, including tumbled stones, healing wands, chakra sets, and gemstone spheres. Their products are crafted from natural stones like amethyst, rose quartz, and lapis lazuli Gemstones are natural stones valued for their beauty and believed healing properties. Many cultures think these stones can influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For example, amethyst is often associated with promoting calmness and clarity, while turquoise is believed to offer protection and balance. Wearing or carrying these stones is thought to help channel positive energy and support overall health.
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