#Calming Influence of the Ocean
navadurga-2023 · 28 days
The Impact of Coastal Environment on Yoga and Meditation
The coastal environment, with its expansive horizons, gentle waves, and refreshing breezes, offers an unparalleled setting for the practice of yoga and meditation. For centuries, the natural elements found along coastlines have drawn yogis and spiritual seekers alike, providing a space that nurtures both physical and mental well-being. In this post, we explore how the coastal environment influences and enhances the practices of yoga and meditation, creating a deeply transformative experience.
The Calming Influence of the Ocean
One of the most profound aspects of practicing yoga and meditation by the coast is the calming influence of the ocean. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore acts as a natural metronome, guiding the breath and creating a tranquil backdrop for both physical postures and meditative practices.
Sound of the Waves: The consistent sound of waves can have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. This natural white noise can drown out distracting thoughts, allowing practitioners to focus more deeply on their breath and the present moment. The soothing sound of the ocean can also enhance meditation, making it easier to enter a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness.
Visual Serenity: The sight of the ocean, stretching out to meet the horizon, creates a sense of vastness and openness. This visual expanse encourages a feeling of freedom and release, helping practitioners let go of mental clutter and embrace a state of inner calm. The endless horizon serves as a reminder of the infinite possibilities within the self, which can be particularly inspiring during meditation.
Connection to Nature: Practicing yoga and meditation by the sea fosters a deeper connection to nature. The salty air, the feeling of sand beneath the feet, and the sight of the sun rising or setting over the water all contribute to a heightened sense of awareness and presence. This connection to nature can enhance the spiritual aspects of yoga and meditation, reinforcing the sense of unity with the world around us.
Physical Benefits of Practicing Yoga by the Coast
The coastal environment not only supports mental well-being but also offers several physical benefits that enhance yoga practice. The natural elements found along the coast can help improve flexibility, strength, and overall physical health.
Breathing Fresh, Oxygen-Rich Air: Coastal areas are known for their clean, oxygen-rich air, which can invigorate the body and mind. Practicing pranayama (breathing exercises) in such an environment allows the lungs to absorb more oxygen, which can enhance energy levels, improve concentration, and support overall health. The fresh air also helps to clear the respiratory system, making breathing deeper and more effective during yoga practice.
Natural Resistance from Sand: Practicing yoga on the beach introduces a unique challenge due to the uneven and shifting surface of the sand. This natural resistance requires greater engagement of the stabilizing muscles, which can help build strength and improve balance. The softness of the sand also cushions the body, reducing the impact on joints and making it an ideal surface for practicing more intense asanas.
Grounding Energy from the Earth: The practice of yoga on the sand allows for direct contact with the earth, which can have grounding effects. This connection to the earth, known as “earthing,” is believed to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and balance the body’s energy. Practicing yoga in such a grounded environment can enhance stability in poses and promote a sense of security and rootedness.
The Spiritual and Mental Benefits of Coastal Meditation
Meditation by the coast offers unique spiritual and mental benefits, allowing practitioners to connect more deeply with their inner selves and the natural world.
Enhanced Mindfulness: The sensory-rich environment of the coast—where the sound of the waves, the scent of the ocean, and the feel of the breeze are ever-present—naturally encourages mindfulness. Being in such an environment helps practitioners stay grounded in the present moment, which is the essence of meditation. This heightened state of awareness can lead to deeper insights and a more profound meditation experience.
Emotional Release and Healing: The ocean has long been associated with emotional release and healing. The ebb and flow of the tides can be a metaphor for letting go of emotional burdens and embracing the natural rhythms of life. Many find that meditating by the sea helps them process emotions and achieve a sense of emotional clarity and peace. The vastness of the ocean also serves as a reminder of the infinite nature of the self, which can be deeply comforting during meditation.
Inspiration and Creativity: The beauty and power of the ocean can be a source of inspiration and creativity. Many practitioners find that meditating by the sea stimulates their creative thinking and opens their minds to new possibilities. The dynamic, ever-changing nature of the coastal environment mirrors the flow of thoughts during meditation, helping practitioners tap into their creative potential.
Conclusion: Embracing the Coastal Environment for Yoga and Meditation
The coastal environment offers a unique and powerful setting for the practice of yoga and meditation. The calming influence of the ocean, the physical benefits of practicing on the sand, and the spiritual connection to nature all contribute to a deeply enriching experience. For those seeking to deepen their practice, the coast provides an ideal environment where the mind, body, and spirit can unite in harmony.
Whether it’s the soothing sound of the waves, the invigorating sea breeze, or the grounding energy of the earth, the coastal environment has much to offer. Embracing this natural setting can enhance your yoga and meditation practice, leading to greater physical well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
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keisha-short90 · 6 months
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
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So, I was watching ATLA and LOK for the millionth time, and there are so many elements in these shows that I have applied to my life, it's not even funny. This isn’t even really meant to be particularly educating but honestly I could have used atla and lok alone at the beginning of my journey and still come to the same conclusions as I had today. They’re both some of my fav shows since I was a child, and looking back and seeing its influence on me is very nostalgic. Also the live action is getting produced soon so I can’t think of a better time to make this post.
Anyways In Avatar: The Last Airbender," Aang learns about chakras from Guru Pathik. Chakras are like energy points in our body. Each one is linked to a different part of life, such as love, truth, or survival. When Aang clears blockages in these chakras, he can use his Avatar powers better. I had made a post about I will link here but honestly watching the scene in a kids show is more appealing 😭😭
Meditation is used a lot in the Avatar series. It helps characters like Aang to focus, feel calm, and understand themselves better. In real life, meditation does the same thing! It can obviously help reduce stress, improve focus and make us feel happier. In both shows I saw characters use meditation to induce a plethora of things.
Talk to Past Lives: Aang uses meditation to talk to his past lives for advice.
Ask for Help: Aang meditates to ask spirits for help.
Clear Minds: Characters meditate to think clearly and make good decisions.
Astral Projection: Aang and Jinora can travel as spirits, separate from their bodies, and etc
Yin and Yang
Avater uses the Moon (Yin) and Ocean (Yang) spirits to symbolize balance. Yin (Moon spirit) is like the subconscious mind, it's quiet, internal, and creative. Yang (Ocean spirit) can be seen as the conscious mind, it's active, external, and logical.
Just like in Neville Goddard's teachings, both aspects need to work together for balance. In the show, when the Moon spirit is killed, chaos ensues because the balance is disrupted. It's only when the Moon spirit is revived that harmony is restored. This is similar to how our subconscious (inner self) and conscious (outer self) minds need to work together to achieve our desires as we want to experience both of the worlds as they work in unison.
Astral realm and the sprit world
Atla and lok also talks about a spirit world. This is like another dimension filled with spirits and mystical beings. It's similar to what we call the 'astral realm' - so a space beyond the physical world where our consciousness can go. Also Jinora, a character in "The Legend of Korra," has a unique spiritual ability that allows her to astral project. So she can separate her spirit from her physical body and traverse both the physical and spiritual worlds in her spiritual form.
Jinora displays astral projection abilities multiple times. For instance, in Season 2, she uses this skill to guide Korra, who is lost in the spirit world, she also uses it to find and save Kai in seasons 3. Her astral form appears as a glowing butterfly-like spirit, and she used it multiple times to lead her friends to safety.
The Void state
In lok a character named Zaheer learns to fly. He was put in jail for trying to kidnap the Avatar. But he obviously didn't waste time while in jail. Instead, he used it to meditate and try to reach enlightenment. He does this by entering a 'void' state when he meditates. He lets go of all his earthly attachments and desires, and this makes him weightless. His ability to fly is deeply intertwined with his spiritual beliefs and his interpretation of the teachings of Guru Laghima, an ancient Air Nomad.
In the show Guru Laghima, who lived 4,000 years before Zaheer's time, was the first airbender known to have unlocked the ability to fly. According to his teachings, one could achieve flight by "entering the void" - which meant letting go of all earthly attachments and desires to attain true freedom. When his gf dies This emotional event helps him truly let go of his last earthly tether, thus allowing him to "enter the void" and unlock the ability to fly.
Reincarnation and the avatar cycle
I knew the shows were probably based of real life because I’ve seen air nomad clothing, and I know monks are very closely reflected onto the show but really every aspect rings true and is similar to beliefs in Buddhism. This is especially true when looking at the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.
People believe that the Dalai Lama is a new version of Avalokiteśvara or Chenrezig, who is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, it's believed he comes back to life in a new person. Then, high-ranking lamas look for signs to find this person.
This is like the cycle of the Avatar. When an Avatar dies, they come back to life in a new person from the next nation in a set order (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The new Avatar is found using different tests, which is much like how the new Dalai Lama is found.
But there are some differences. For example, the Avatar can remember their past lives, but the Dalai Lama usually doesn't say they remember theirs. Also, the Avatar is special because they can control all four elements, which is a fantasy idea and doesn't have a real-life counterpart in Buddhism.
I was researching my a specific Lama and his story was a reflection of Korra’s character. It's interesting to note that both the Dalai Lama and Korra knew from a young age that they were special. In the show, Korra knew she was the Avatar when she was very young. Similarly, the Dalai Lama also recognized his identity at a young age.
Honestly, it's just a really good show to watch. I probably even missed some elements from the show bc I’m more concerned about watching it than learning something. But I love both ATLA and LOK and I've even shifted to LOK and will shift to ATLA as well! I really suggest watching its so good y’all. Byeee
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mtchee · 4 months
Bubbles Along the Surface - [Zhongli] GN
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A minor god awakened years after the Archon War, and with your brother, Osial, pinned to the depths below, you've made your own way in the world. In the most recent year, sailing with a merchant crew, you've forever decided to conceal your identity as a god, keeping to the life of a mortal with an intense fascination with the land of Geo. In all your years, its only now you have the chance to finally step foot in Liyue, meeting a tall and handsome man who eventually comes to be your beloved--but not without a few misunderstandings.
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cw: not edited, fluff, minor angst, second-person-pov, spoilers for liyue playthrough but nothing major, osial is [name]'s older brother, archon siblings fr, zhongli loving on you, a reassuring zhongli, feat. childe but really he only gets like four lines
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
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Eons ago, after the Archon war, arose a young archon hidden in a dreamless sleep beneath oceanic depths, protecting them from the catastrophe above. Awoken by the change in currents, they rose to the water's surface whilst their elder brother was pinned to the crust below—for they was the beloved sibling of the God of Vortex, Osial.
Their own title, God of Bubbles, and it was they whom were responsible for the health of marine life and the ocean oxidation.
While their followers had either converted or were wiped out in the war, they retreated from their title as an Archon, knowing it would only get them into trouble with the rising seven who battled for their rightful seats in ruling Teyvat.
Though their stories never died.
Sheltered due to the war and then lost without their big brother, they began a new life as a merchant, sailing the high seas and traversing from nation to nation. Although the world had changed from what they had originally thought, they were open minded and of a bright spirit—and couldn't wait to explore.
"To Liyue we sail!" The captain called, a rugged but sweet man who practically adopted you, "they've new silks due for Inazuma on the second moon, if we get there early enough we can rest on some solid ground for a while. Lets give ourselves a holiday, ay?"
The rest of the crew cheered back ecstatically, having been docked in Schneznaya for more than long enough. They could use a change of scenery; most weren't built for this kind of cold.
You laughed at their eagerness, quickly aiding your mates in loading on the last few crates of supplies before the ship was to set off once more.
You made sure your route was clear of storm—well, as much as you could. Your power's influence was better equipped for the water's depths, not its surface.
But you made do.
"Excited, love?" Darla, a Fontaine merchant about ten years your senior (physically at least) approached, a wide and knowing grin on her face, "you've always wanted to go to Liyue, haven't you?"
You grin back, eyes closed as you giggle sheepishly, "You've heard all my rambles, haven't you? Of course I am! And we get to stay there for... how long? Oh! Almost two moons! Two moons! Darla, that's two months of exploring! I've always wanted to visit the adepti shrines..."
"Of course you have," The older woman rolls her eyes playfully, gently bumping into your hip, "calm yourself, dear. We don't want you to combust."
You laugh at her in good nature.
"How come we're staying so long anyway? Not that I'm complaining."
"Why do you think?" Darla gives you an incredulous look, "because you're the captain's pearl, that's why. He's always had a soft spot for you," she nods her head towards the old man by the wheel, "not that the rest of us mind. Gives us a break too."
They watch as while the evening prevails, the ship's leader bounds below deck despite his age and practically hauls up a barrel of drinks for the mates to share, letting out a bellowing laugh all the whilst.
You snort, "Mm, I see what you mean."
After a week or so of smooth sailing, you finally port in Liyue Harbour and settle yourselves at the available inns, unloading any personal cargo and clearing the ship for its future stocks.
The Portside is bustling with life, fishermen promoting their fresh produce and other sailors maintaining their boats. Your eyes are wide in awe at the architecture and vivacity, excitement only continuing to build within you.
"Oh, pa!" You eagerly turn to your father figure with pleading eyes, "the city's just past the docks, may I please—?"
"Just be back before dark, alright?" The captain huffs out with feigned exasperation, "some of the crew and I will be hangin' around the plaza for a bit. Some place called Third around Knockout? I dunno..."
He scratches the back of his head before letting out a puff of air as you launch yourself at him, arms latched tightly around his torso in a hug.
His once narrowed eyes widen while the colour pink tints his sun kissed cheeks, "O-Oi!"
"Thank you, pa!" You pull back with a gleeful smile, "I'll be back soon, I promise!"
You lean up and places a chaste kiss on his frizzy cheek before rushing off past the docks.
The male stammers as some of the crew snicker at him from behind, teasing him for putting up his so called 'cold exterior'.
"Yeah yeah... uh, b-be safe!" He calls out at last. He quickly whips around to those laughing, "who're you chucklin' at, huh? hUh?!"
Eager to explore, you find yourself in the middle of the plaza ahead of your crew and are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of food and a rush of people.
You can't help but grin at the sight.
You wander past the open shops and stalls, simply admiring the sights and everything the locals of Liyue had to offer. You feel your heart swell at the kindness of a sweet granny who ran a toy stall, the elder woman giving you a colourful paper windmill with the only explanation being that you had a beautiful smile.
You express your gratitude and wish for her good health before continuing onwards with more of a skip in her step, gift clutched to you closely.
In the midst of your exploration, you bump into a tall man, profusely apologising as you stumble for your balance, toy falling to the floor.
"Ah, no sweat!" The male replies, and you look up to meet deep blue orbs and a boyish grin. The ginger haired stranger leans down to pick up your fallen gift, handing it back to you whilst introducing himself as Childe.
"[name]," You reply politely, shaking his hand with a bright smile, "it's a pleasure! Uh, a-apologies for the collision..."
At your sheepish expression, the male only chuckles and waves it off, a certain glint appearing in his eyes at the mention of your name.
"You're not from around here, are you?" He tilts his head curiously.
"Oh, no, heh, I'm a—" You stop yourself momentarily, clearing your throat, "I'm a foreigner. I work as a merchant across the waters."
"I see, I see," His gaze grows half lidded, flickering to the glowless hydro vision by your waist, "you like the ocean?" His curiosity peaks as he notices you perk up immediately.
"Yes! Indeed, aha, it's practically my life."
He gives you a nod of understanding, and you indulge yourself in idle chatter before parting ways, the male heading towards the crimson stairs leading to the balconies above. It's then that you realise where you are.
Not in the plaza, that's for sure.
Finding yourself lost, you take note of the increasingly darkening sky, "Oh dear..." your stomach drops.
Your eyes dart around hurriedly in hopes of landing on something familiar, spinning around in a circle and only managing to loose hope.
Your chest tightens as the sun finally dips past the horizon, and you cuss quietly under your breath. Your knuckles grip the stem of the paper windmill closely, the toy being your only sense of comfort.
"Excuse me," A deep voice adresses you from behind and you jump.
You whirl around, wide eyes meeting the chest of the individual talking to you.
Wary gaze trailing upwards, you come into contact with almost luminescent amber isises, and a concerned frown.
"Are you alright? You seem rather... distressed."
You take in a sharp breath, eyes flickering—the man is breathtaking.
He is tall and of a strong physique, with wide shoulders and a toned, but slimmed waist. His clothes are dark, although intricate and rich with black and brown to gold features.
His hair is long at the back, tied neatly in a low tail whilst the front frames his eyes in curt strands.
You blink, "Oh, yes. I—uh, ahem. I-I'm not from here, you see? And, um, I appear to have found myself a bit lost..." you can't help but feel small under his stony gaze, hearing him hum lowly in response.
"I see. From where do you hail?"
"Oh, I'm a travelling merchant. I docked today with my crew and told pa—uh, m-my captain that I would be back before dark, but..."
"Ah, I understand," The male's stern features seem to melt ever so slightly at your stammer, and he gives you a small smile to ease your nerves, "do you recall where you are suppose to be?"
"Somewhere called Third Round Knockout, I believe."
You give him a sheepish grin in return, toy clutched close. The stranger's eyes lighten in recognition of the name.
"A place I frequent in my days of rest. If you would like, may I escort you to your destination?"
"Really?" You brighten hopefully as he offers you his arm, "you wouldn't mind? Thank you, sir!"
"Zhongli," He states as you link your arm with his, "you may refer to me as Zhongli."
He smiles at you softly, causing you to flush, and begins leading you back towards the plaza.
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"Mister Zhongli! Mister Zhongli!" You wave him down excitedly, the male breathing out a chuckle at the notion.
Throughout the following months, the two of you had bumped into each other once more and became well acquainted, soon becoming friends as you met up frequently.
The geo user became acutely aware of his new found friend's fascination with Liyue and was more than happy to show you around and tell you the many tales of said nation.
You got to know each other well within your first visit, you having been rather disheartened when the time came for you and your crew to leave--though the man had assured you that when you next returned, he would still be waiting.
"[name]," He greets with a gentle smile, opening his arms as you gleefully jumps into them, "how have you been fairing?"
"Good," You reply curtly, smiling up at him, "but better now that I'm here."
You laugh when he shake his head at you, "What about you? Are you okay?"
Zhongli tilts his head slightly with a confused hum, "I heard about the Archon's passing, news of it has already reached Fontaine although it was a few days ago. Are you alright?"
"Oh, that, yes," Zhongli clears his throat and composes himself, "indeed, it is tragic. However, I believe the Qixing has everything under control."
"I suppose. Something doesn't... feel right though..."
He leans forwards in interest, a certain glint in his eyes at your words.
"Oh? How so?"
"I'm not sure, I just feel as though Morax—uh," You glance at him momentarily, catching yourself before you blurt out something controversial.
As an Archon yourself, you swore you could still sense the presence of Liyue's God; though you doubt herself, chalking it up to the fact that you were an inexperienced Archon, simply sensing the ramenants of his power.
"N-nothing. It just feels, odd? Someone having the ability to murder a God, and the Geo Archon no less... Um, anyway..."
Zhongli hums, the glint in his eyes ever so prominent, "I understand what you are inferring. In any case, it will be a long time before any such revelations come to fruition."
He takes note of your nerves, watching as you squeeze your left hand nervously and swiftly changes the subject to ease your discomfort.
You traverse towards Yujing Terrace, where Zhongli breaks any silence by running his mouth on about the flowers maintained in the gardens.
"A dear friend of mine, Madame Ping maintains the flora."
"Really?" You hum, "what kind of silk flowers does she grow?"
"All three variations I believe," The man goes on to continue but is interrupted by a high pitched and child-like voice from afar.
"Mister Zhongliiiiiii!"
The duo pause and turn towards the sound, you tilting your head at the sight of a frantically waving, floating mushroom fairy child and a boy.
The unknown blond makes no attempts to hush his companion, simply shaking his head at her loudness before approaching.
Glancing to the side, you notice Zhongli's ease in their presence and calm yourself.
"Ah, Aether, Paimon, hello," He greets with a nod, "what brings you two here?"
"Oh, we were just about to meet Ms. Ningguang! We've got a special invitation to head up to the Jade Chamber!" The mushroom fairy child—Paimon—explains proudly.
"Oh? Impressive, indeed." Zhongli humours her kindly.
"Sorry, did Paimon disturb you?" The blond—Aether—asks, ignoring his companion's offended 'hey!'.
"Not at all," You give the two a smile, "don't worry about it. Zhongli was just going to show me around Yujing Terrace."
Your companion nods, "Aether, Paimon, this is [name]. A dear friend of mine."
"[name]?" Paimon blinks, "you mean like the—"
Zhongli clears his throat, "Anyhow, I suppose the Qixing won't be too fond of waiting. I take it you are prepared?"
Sharing a peculiar look with Aether, the two communicate silently.
"Right!" The blond scratches the back of his head, "we've just picked up a gift for Lady Ningguang. Hopefully it's good enough."
"I'm sure she'll enjoy it." The taller assures.
Paimon huffs and stomps in the air, "Hey! Why are you interrupting—"
"Anyway, we'll see you later then! It was nice meeting you, Mx. [name]!" Aether grins at you and waves before bolting off, leaving his companion dazed.
"I—uh, whaaa? Heyyy! Wait for me!" The floating mushroom fairy is quick to fly after him, the two fading from sight.
You laugh, mildly confusde, "Well, they're an interesting pair."
The male beside you releases the breath he was quietly holding, chuckling softly, "Yes, indeed they are. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, about the silk flowers..."
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You perk up at the sound of your name, peering up from behind the stock of open crates you had been counting.
"Oh, Zhongli!" You brighten immediately, hopping over the boxes to reach him.
"Hi! What are you doing here? I thought you had work today?"
Despite your concern, you give him a grateful smile, a familiar warmth creeping up your neck.
The man smiles at you contently.
"I took a small break earlier than usual, though my boss doesn't mind."
He internally winces and fights back a flush of embarrassment when recalling Hu Tao's thorough interrogation for the sudden departure.
He wasn't in any trouble for doing so, no—but once Hu Tao found out it was to see someone outside of work, oh boy...
"Ah, anyhow," he clears his throat, "I... wanted to ask you something, and I suppose I just couldn't wait any longer."
Your interest peaks. Unfortunately, so too does some of your crew mates--a few of them slowing in their work to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Zhongli takes in a breath, "I was hoping to be able to treat you to dinner tonight, if you would be interested?"
His amber eyes meet yours with a hopeful glaze. Despite his outward composure, he could feel his nerves skyrocketing once he took note of their minor audience.
Your eyes widen and you bite back a squeak.
Is this even real? Or are you just assuming things? Oh, you could feel the excitement bursting within you—wait, but you're an Archon... oh gods you forgot about that. Ugh, but he's so—
You snap out of your thoughts, embarrassment flooding you.
You quickly blurt out, "Yes! I-I mean, uh," you straighten yourself up as to not seem so flustered, "sure, ahem. Um... a-are you...?"
Zhongli let's out a subtle sigh of relief, closing his eyes as he allows a ginger smile to grace his lips.
"Yes, [name]. If you would, may I take your hand in courting?"
You tense and fight to push down an unholy squeal, mind racing. You could feel your mouth go dry the moment he reopened his eyes and made contact with yours.
You only manage to give him another giddy smile, nodding shyly with sore cheeks. Zhongli chuckles at you, taking a step closer and gently grasping your dominant hand in both of his.
"Then, I will see you tonight by the stairs of Yujin Terrace. Do not fret, my dear, you are perfect as always."
He brings your hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss upon its skin whilst maintaining eye contact.
He gives you one last charming smile before stepping away and leaving the harbour, ignoring the light blush coating his cheeks.
Later that day, as the sun kisses the horizon, you make your way from the inn and towards Yujing Terrace.
The night life in the plaza is bustling, the noise and chatter growing faint as you move farther from the docks.
Well into the city and past Luili Pavilion, the moonlight glinting across the shallow water catches your eye.
You slow and stop for a moment to peer into the pool, smiling softly as the golden bass and koi curl towards you. You glimpse a shadow passes from behind.
You giggle softly and, with a wave of your hand, summon gentle currents beneath the water's surface to play with the fish.
While the bass laze and let the gentle currents drag them along, the koi play along with the hidden tides, weaving in and out of the streams.
"Ah, there you are."
With a gasp and a jolt, you drop your hand to your side and step away from the waters edge.
"My apologies, [name]," Zhongli chuckles light heartedly, "I did not mean to frighten you."
"No! Not at all, aha," You quickly smooth any secret crinkles in your clothing and give your suitor a sheepish smile, heart racing in mild panic, "j-just nervous, I guess."
"Nervous?" The male quirks up a brow, "do I make you nervous, my dear?" Though his eyes--sharp as always--watch you attentively, the cheeky glint and subtle smile gives him away.
Stumbling over your tongue, you simply sigh and give him a pleading look, warmth creeping up behind your ears. Zhongli just smiles at you before offering you his arm; henceforth, commencing your date.
As evening turns into night, the moon rises higher and higher into the darkening sky with the two of you remaining arm in arm.
You find yourselves at the very top of the Terrace, where the annual Rite of Descension would have taken place.
Overlooking the sea of clouds*, you lean yourself against the railing, sighing softly as you gaze down at the waters fondly. Zhongli remains behind for a moment, watching you and getting lost in his thoughts before finally approaching.
He leans down beside you, facing the ocean although his attention is drawn to your being.
You hum in response.
"May I... tell you something?"
Your attention peaks at his hesitancy, and you turn towards him curiously.
Zhongli keeps his glowing eyes out on the ocean.
"What I am about to say must remain secret between us. It is something that only a select few know," His gaze never wavers, "and I hope it changes very little, if it changes anything at all, between us."
Your brows furrow slightly, and you give his profil a soft smile, tilting your head to the side.
"What do you mean?"
Zhongli takes in a breath, "You know my name, correct?"
Your frown deepends, "Zhongli?"
The male nods slowly, "Indeed. Although, prior to this name, I used to go by many others—the most famous of which is one, revered, throughout all of Liyue."
You lean towards him in your puzzlement, and it is only then that he looks at you.
"My name, is Rex Lapis."
He doesn't blink, and your heart stops.
You can't breathe.
Disbelieving of your own ears, you search his gaze for any sign of deceit.
Alas, he remains firm.
His sharp amber irises seem to glow in the low light, glinting beneath the moon.
You swallow nervously and take in an uneven breath, a single word passing through your lips.
Dread fills your entire being, and fear overturns your heart.
Why would he tell you this?
Why would he tell you now?
Why should he have ever told you? You don't just say that you're a dead archon to your friends—
You feel deathly cold all of a sudden.
He knows.
All tension in your being drops into the weight of lead as the entirety of Teyvat comes to a halt.
He knows. 
He knows who you are, he knows you're a God, he knows all about you.
And for how long?
You feel sick to your stomach, and so you take a step back.
Seeing you fumble and your dreadful silence, Zhongli's firm gaze softens. He sighs quietly through his nose and moves towards you as he speaks.
He stops, face falling at the amount of fear in your eyes. He sees the unwavering fright in your very being.
The horrors of the war echo in your memories--whereby from stories or the experience of its aftermath.
Unadultered terror regarding your ultimate death as an archon sits like cement in your bone and tissue.
Zhongli watches, and you don't dare to breathe.
This wasn't how it was suppose to go.
He steps towards you again, but you fear to step back.
"Please don't."
Your voice wavers, almost a whisper.
It takes every fibre of your being not to retreat in immediate terror. But you know the power of a God, even if they no longer claim the title.
Zhongli's heart clenches, eyes widening as his mind begin to race once he notices your form trembling.
Though your hands were tense and nearly hidden by your sides, he could see their tight tremors. Barely glancing off to the side, he could see ripples surfacing from beneath the shallow pools of water decorating the Terrace.
They slowly grew bigger, and began to bubble.
"[name]... My dear, please. Calm yourself—"
"D-Don't!" Your voice barely raises, though your fear and desperation are apparent.
"Please... I...I don't have any followers. I don't have any land. I-I don't plan on taking anything, I swear I've basically only just woke up—"
His brows furrow, "[name]—"
"—I'll leave! I promise!" Your legs give out, and you collapse to your knees.
Your terror filled eyes no longer dare to look upon him, "I...I'm not a part of the seven but... I-I didn't..! I'd never..!"
A pitched cry forces itself passed your lips, "if I had a choice I wouldn't be here in the first place so p-please! Please... Banish me to the seas! I just--I... I don't want to die..."
Zhongli's stomach drops, "Oh, my dear—no..."
Sickness fills him to the brim and despair overwhelms him in waves.
He slowly lowers himself to your level, gaze soft as he does so.
"[name], please, look at me," Your lack of response causes him to sigh, but his patience is ever present, "here, how about you take my hand?"
Sniffling quietly, you tense when he draws closer.
"...I couldn't... M-Morax—"
"Whilst I retain the name of a former archon, the name you have come to know bares no such burden."
He keeps his hand outstretched, "So please, won't you look at me?"
It takes a moment of tension before you feel you foolishly dare attempt to make contact.
Your head lifts ever so slowly, and though you refuse to meet his eyes, you gradually reach out a trembling hand to meet his.
Zhongli breathes out a silent sigh of relief, gently tracing his thumb across your tense knuckles to soothe your nerves.
He whispers small praises of strength and gratitude, smiling gingerly when you look at him in alarm and embarrassment when he presses a kiss to your stiff fingers.
"There you go," He hums softly, "nothing is going to harm you, lest of all me, my dear..."
Slowly, slowly, the tremors stop and terror fades from your body. Exhaustion clouds you once you you're conscious of your senses.
Your embarrassment only grows at the awareness of your state: settled on your knees and with tear stained cheeks—not just in front of another archon but your (once upon a time) date no less.
Uh oh, you forgot about that.
You take in a sharp breath and look away to hide your face, clearing your throat as you attempt to pull away your hand.
Zhongli refuses to let go.
Instead, he stands, and gently pulls you up with him. Your voice wavers, feeling the dryness of your tongue, but Zhongli is patient.
He waits for you to gather your bearings.
"How," You sniffle quietly, "ah... how long have you known..?"
You refuse to meet his gaze.
Zhongli smiles gently, "From the very moment you mentioned your name."
"What?" You blink.
He chuckles lightheartedly, "No mortal would dare name a child after a God, my dear. Besides, your youth as an archon means you have yet to master how to conceal your presence."
While mortals may not be able to detect a God among the people, there is always a connection from archon to archon unless they wish to mask it.
As you are a young archon (though two thousand years old, you've been asleep for the past five hundred) with your elder brother trapped beneath the ocean depths, you lacked the guidance he would have provided.
You've managed to figure out a few things on your own, but your isolation from others of your being have left you clueless.
Zhongli smiles at you softly, "Not to worry, my dear. While I may have officially, well, unofficially, really—retired from being an archon, you are no longer alone. Do not carry this burden by yourself, hm?"
You take in a bashful breath, "R-Right. Thank you, uh, Zhongli."
He offers his arm to you once more, keeping a soft look upon his features as to keep you assured.
You glance between him and the ground, hesitation clouding your mind before you rationalise your thoughts—he had known about you from the moment you met. If he really wanted you gone, you would be.
But you weren't.
And so you give him a shy smile before accepting his arm, and you continue your night at a slower pace.
Though you both remain oblivious to the soulless blue eyes that observe you from within the shadowed darkness of the night.
A sly smirk traces his lips—a that plan would soon come to fruition.
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Nearly two weeks since that night, you help load up at the docks on a bright sunny day.
The ramp creaks slightly with every heavy weight carried over from land and on board, the workers chattering about as they go on with their business.
Zhongli and you had continued to meet up, occasionally for lunch, but more so in the evenings so you had more time to spend together. Your crew mates teased you relentlessly, but they were nice about it—thanks to your pa, that is.
He was in near tears when he first heard about it, sniffling about how his little one was all grown up, even when you've never been a child in the time he'd known you, but it was funny (and sweet) nonetheless.
Darla was ready for all the gossip, and gave you all the romance talk you could ever need.
Needless to say, you were incredibly embarrassed that day.
Particularly when Zhongli came to pick you up at the docks after seeing you were late. Never again will you let Darla speak to him.
Zhongli was amused though.
It was around midday when things began to get weird.
It was only you who noticed at first, though you brushed it off seeing as you would be the only one to notice.
You'd noticed the currents beneath the water's surface began to quicken, gradually turning into a swirl. Then the sky darkened, and the swirling currents moved further out to sea before breaching the surface—a vortex.
Thunder clouds rolled in and lightning struck the ground. At the sudden change in weather, the people of Liyue slowed in their works.
Panic came to fruition as the vortexes rose into the air, connecting with the storm clouds above.
Harsh rain pelted down on Liyue Harbour, the ocean waves rising and crashing down like a dominoes on the docks; the water became so rough it began to damage the boats and ships, fiercely pulling the wooden stakes of the docks.
"Run! Run!" People screamed, "move inland!"
"Away from the waters!"
"Move! Quickly!"
The harbour was in hysterics.
You felt pain grip your heart at the fearful screams of the people you had come to love, worry flooding you as the wooden stakes began to rock.
"[name]!" Your pa comes barrelling towards you with heavy footsteps, his rain drenched clothes weighing him down, "stay away from the boats! Get inside the buildings!"
He hurriedly nudges you away from the docking point, eyes rapidly blinking to get rid of the water.
"What about you?!"
You have to yell over the sound of the thunder and heavy rainfall.
"I'm getting the rest of the crew!" He calls back, "stay put!"
You can do nothing but nod, dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events.
As you turn to leave the harbour, a deep voice calls for you.
It's quiet, yet it rings throughout your head and echoes in your ears, and your eyes widen.
You recognise the voice, though it had been many centuries.
"Big brother..." You mutter under your breath.
You move your gaze towards the violent waters, seeing a small, snake like tendril beckoning you forwards. You feel a sting in your eyes--and not just for the pelting rain.
Nervous butterflies flurry in your chest as the rain falling around you grows lighter.
The voice beckons you, and you move closer.
It repeats your name again, "little one... follow..." the tendril falls back into the water, and you gasp.
"W-Wait! No!"
You rush towards the rough waters edge and collapse to your knees, peering into the depths.
Desperation clings to you and you loose all rationale, a cotton haze in your mind forcing you to no longer pay heed to the life you had built since your awakening.
"Brother! Brother, where are you!?" Your eyes dart around before spotting the tendril once again, and relief floods your system. It motions for you to follow before disappearing once more.
You follow.
Chasing it across Liyue Harbour and spying it from the ocean border, it popped up each time before dropping down and appearing someplace else.
Before you knew it, you found yourself by the cliffs of Wuwang Hill.
You struggle to see through the veil of rain, the thunder grumbling louder and louder. Through the thick of it, you spot the faint outline of a man, his back turned to you.
Shock almost paralyses your body. You find yourself slowly moving towards the man nonetheless.
The closer you gets, the better you can determine some of his features.
While tall, he maintains a lean build, ocean hued locks cascading down his pale back. His body is adorned in a loose hanfu, colours corresponding with the oceanic depths.
Your eyes widen when he turns his head toward you, lapis blue irises meeting with the [colour] of your own.
The smallest of smiles tugs at his thinned, pale lips, fondness softening his gaze.
"Hello," He greets, voice—though with a slight rasp—is rich and otherwise smooth, "little one."
Your heart races, a heavy breath leaving you before you bolt towards the man, tears streaking down from your eyes and mixing with the rain.
"Big brother!" You cry out, embracing his form from behind.
Despite your affection, the male keeps himself facing the cliffs edge. He places his hands upon yours, tracing your knuckles softly.
He hums softly, "My dear, sweet sibling," a sad look overcomes his features, and he gazes out towards the harbour.
At his lackluster, you sniffle before looking up confusedly.
"Osial..?" You question, eyes glistening.
He does not ordain you with a response.
Your attention slowly draws towards the city of Liyue, absolute horror filling you to the brim at the sight of it—vortexes reaching from between the sea and the sky threaten to swallow the buildings and wreck the stone mountains, whirlpools drawing closer to the bayside.
You spot giant tendrils of a hydra composed of water thrashing amidst the chaos, roaring and hissing as the rain pours heavy.
"Osial!" You cry out in terror.
"Brother—what's going on?! What are you doing?!" You remove your arms from the figure of the God, pushing yourself in front of him in a panic, "brother, please!"
The male's firm eyes do not falter, and he merely glances at you.
"It is for the best, dear one," A frown makes itself known on his once passive features.
You feel a swirl of emotions well up inside you, "What? No, no! Please—brother, Liyue is my home!"
Osial's gaze hardens, and anger clouds his view.
"Liyue," He spits the name, "has corrupted you, dear one," his fists clench by his side, and the large tendrils of water grow even more fierce, "he has corrupted you."
Your stature falters, "W-What..?"
The man only huffs, crossing his arms across his chest as he holds his chin high, "Do not act so naïve. I know who you confide with. You have betrayed me, little one."
"Betrayed you..? Betrayed? Brother, what are yo—"
"You have made treason with the one whom trapped me under our depths for millennia. You have taken side with Rex Lapis, the Geo Archon—he has taken you from me!"
The God's hair rises in opposition to the heavy downpour, locks twisting into the form of snakes that hiss, "and so I too, will take something precious from him."
His voice booms across the hills and across the waters.
From the edge of the Jade Chamber, Aether and his comrades divert their attention towards the sound of the yell, and their eyes widen.
You feel your heart break in your chest, "What..? No.. no! Osial! Brother—" you begin to scream, tears, like a waterfall, steaming down your face, "brother, please! Think for a moment! Brother!"
The elder ignores your cries of anguish.
Staring you down sternly despite the ache in his chest. He says nothing as he pushes you to the side, walking towards the cliffs edge once more.
He turns to you one last time, a sharp bite present in his tone.
"Once this is over, I will be back for you, dear one. And him," His eyes glint dangerously, "I will kill."
And then he leaps, vanishing into the furious, crashing depths below.
Your stomach drops, and the amount of panic coursing through you makes you dizzy.
You can't lose your brother.
But you can't lose him either.
And you surely wouldn't be able to cope without your beloved city.
So you run.
You race through the forest on foot, terror coursing through your veins.
While it would be faster to traverse through the waters in your bubbled form, it's current condition would render you immobile, and it would only be easier for your brother to hunt you down.
You hiss at the rain hitting your eyes, pushing through the irritation and the pain as you continues to run.
Not to the harbour, no.
It would be much to easy for him to find you there.
You must get away, far away.
Away from the waters, away from your brother, and away from him—your beloved, Morax.
Your body aches and your heart shatters, but you persist--never once sparing a glance over your shoulder at the chaos that ensues.
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You didn't know where you were, but even if you were far, the distance between you and the harbour still could not disguise the explosion from afar.
Your eyes widen at the light booming from whence you had gone, hands covering your gaping mouth as you fall to your knees with a stifled cry.
That was it.
It was done.
The fight was over, but you could feel it, in your heart, that it was not your brother who had won.
The breath in you chest is forcefully taken from you, and you can't find it within yourself to fight for it back.
You stumble into the nook of a mountain base you had hidden in, falling onto the cobbled and cold ground with tears. Your shoulders heave with your heavy and silent cries, before a loud scream escapes you, rocking the land and rippling the waters.
A searing pain grips your heart.
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Despite their victory and with their feet on solid ground, the traveller and the rest cannot help but feel unease.
After their win is assured, a shrill shriek of pain ruptures the air, having echoed from afar. The people of the harbour shudder and almost collapse, looking around in fear, worry, and wonder.
But the group know better, and Aether shares a look of alarm with Paimon—their attention is yet to be caught by the figure slowly and weakly rising through the bubbling of the ocean water.
Through your tears and anguished cries, your exhausted mind forces you into a deep slumber—your body rested in the cave.
You remain undisturbed for days.
Panic and worry consumes those who know you, unknowing of your whereabouts and your condition.
Zhongli, putting aside his contract, feared for you the moment of the attack.
News reached him quickly of Osial's anger towards Rex Lapis for having 'stolen' his beloved sibling, though information of Morax's mortality remain only with the adepti and the Qixing.
By request of the former archon, the traveller sought the help of the fellow adepti to track down the missing god, the Qixing keeping an eye out, though having to prioritise the chaos of the people.
Within the time of their search, you awaken in a daze. Though still heartbroken, your mind is in more ease.
You peek outside of your little cave, stepping out and glancing around. It seems that you made it to the border between Cuijue Slope and Tianqiu Valley, near the adeptus mountains.
About to leave your enclosure, a cold fear consumes you as a shadow obscures you overhead. You look up, spotting the retreating form of Cloud Retainer from above.
Panic grips you again, and you immediately return to your stone cold haven.
They've discovered your existence—they're after you.
After the defeat of your brother, they've come to deal with you next. Since the destruction your brother had caused, surely only death would befall you as punishment in suit.
Tears gather in your eyes again and you muffle a weep. Your body stiffens at the sound of a shuffle from the cave's mouth, and your throat tightens.
Slowly, you stand, keeping silent as the intruder grows closer. You take in one last breath, deciding to play defense as there was no where for you to go.
You summon your catalyst which rotates with your elemental, encased in a bubble with strands of water circling around it. In your spare hand you generates the first burst of hydro, ready to attack.
Anticipation and anxiety flood you as a head pops around the corner, followed by a body with a sword in their hand.
Without hesitation, you clench your eyes shut and let out a battle cry, throwing down your elemental and attacking at a rapid pace.
While your original attack is not powerful, it's continuous onslaught is fast and taxing.
Yells of alarm and pain are heard from the intruder, voices reverberating around the cave.
"Wait! W-Wait!"
"[name]—Wait! It's me! Aether—t-the traveller!"
"A-Aether..?" You slowly cease your attack and peek your eye open, gasping at the sight of the familiar blond male and his floating mushroom fairy companion, "oh! Archons..! Aether, Paimon—I'm so sorry!"
The traveller gives you a sheepish grin whilst Paimon shakes the remaining bubbles off her head, smiling at you.
"Don't sweat it!" The little fairy dismisses.
"So this is where you've been hiding, huh?" Aether comments, "are you okay?"
You shrug, weapon dissapating, "I..I don't know. I've been too afraid to leave, and had fallen asleep in my grief... I don't know how to feel."
The male hums, "Liyue has been looking for you, you know," his voice is gentle, "come on. Everyone is worried."
With a bit more coaxing, the traveller and his companion manage to lead you out of the cave.
You freeze at the sight of someone waiting outside.
Xiao had been standing guard the mouth of the cave, waiting for Aether's return. His hardened eyes meet yours, and you cower in fear, re-summoning your catalyst on a whim.
Your hands bubble with hydro.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy!" Paimon flies in front of you, waving her arms about frantically, "it's just Xiao! Paimon knows he looks scary, but Paimon promises he's really nice! Deep, deep down!"
You glance between Paimon and the adeptus, who eyes you back wearily.
"He...he's not here to kill me..?"
"Kill you?" Everyone is taken aback by the statement, "why would he kill you?" Aether furrows his brows worriedly, "we've been searching for you for days."
"And Zhongli's been worried sick!" Paimon chips in.
"Z-Zhongli..?" Your eyes flutter, and your guard lowers, "oh no... please—take me to him..!" And so they do.
A weary but rushed trip back to Liyue Harbour consisted of Paimon fretting over you and lowkey (okay, highkey) freaking out over the fact that you were indeed another archon, you fearing for your life whenever Xiao so much as glanced at you, and Aether reassuring you that no one wanted you dead. 
Reaching the harbour was like a slap in the face for you, of both uncertainty and relief--relief at the fact that most were safe, and casualties were little, but uncertain of how those who knew you would react to you returning, especially the Qixing and Zhongli.
You wondered if the Qixing will let you roam or imprison you for your brother's acts, or if Zhongli will shadow you in favour for his city--though that would be fair, you conclude.
They are his people after all. 
"Baby pearl!" Your head perks up at the name, head darting around in search for the source of the watery call, "oh, thank the archons!"
Your papa comes barreling towards you, unshed tears glistening in his dark brown eyes as he wraps his arms around your frazzled form, "you're safe..! You're safe..." 
"P-Papa..." Tears, once again, well up in your pretty [colour] orbs, and you sniffle at the tightness of his hold, "...papa..!"
You let out a cry, sobbing into his shoulder, "I-I'm so sorry..!" 
"You're okay, pearl, you're oka-y!" The usually stoic captain's voice cracks, and he sniffles with you. As your tears die down, he straightens himself and clears his throat, turning towards your onlookers, "thank you, for bringing [name] back safe." 
Paimon tiltes her head slightly, "Hm? Doesn't he know that they're...?" She eyes you shaking your head rapidly and a lightbulb goes off in Paimon's head, "Ooh! Paimon gets it. Yes! We kept them very safe indeed! Hehe." 
"Of course, sir," Aether nods respectfully, Xiao simply dozing off into his thoughts. 
"Papa," You gently call his attention, "have you seen Zhongli anywhere?"
The man scoffs, "Where haven't I seen him? He's been frantic since you left. He's either by the pavillion or the terrace. You've given the young man quite the fright."
You sweatdrop.
"Ah, y-yes..." You give your papa one more shaky smile, planting a grateful kiss on his scruffy cheek, "I'll be back soon okay? I promise I won't be going anywhere again."
"Hmph, you better... now, come on you lot! We could use a few more hands down by the docks!"
Xiao promptly disappears at that, with Paimon groaning and Aether simply smiling and giving a polite nod before heading off to help. 
With that, the young archon begins making their way towards the destinated areas, checking the pavillion first before heading up to the terrace.
Anxiety pulses in your heart momentarily, but you quickly dismisses it--like papa said, Zhongli had been frantic, so you have nothing to worry about. 
Making your way up the stairs, you ignore the eyes of a certain ginger who walks opposite to you, watching as you pass him by.
Reaching the top, disbelief takes over your very being.
Your jaw drops and your shoulders sag at the amount of shock coursing through you. 
There, atop the end of the terrace, was Zhongli talking to a man only a few blue hairs taller than him.
His clothes are slightly tattered, and still loose, reflecting colours of the ocean depths. His skin, though pale, is slightly bruised. And although his brows are furrowed ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles rests confortably on his thin lips. 
It was Osial. 
Your brother.
Your brother. 
Talking to Zhongli. 
The geo archon. 
How in the abyss were you suppose to react to this?
How the hell are you suppose to approach them?
Do you say hi to your brother first? Would Zhongli be offended? Or do you greet your lover? But wouldn't Osial be mad then? You couldn't really just waltz over either, you'd just been recovered from hiding. What does someone even say after that?
Your mind races with these conflicted thoughts, eyes dazed and mouth still agape in shock. 
You blink.
"Ah, [name]," Your brother addresses you first, the two men turning their attention to your figure, "dear one..."
His gaze is soft, a regretful look on his features. His shoulders are no longer held back and squared, and his chin is no longer held up so high. Sadness overwhelms him at your lack of response.
You continue to stare, only taking small, slow steps towards them. 
"I..." He sighs, "my dearest kin... I am so... sorry. Truly. It was I, who was corrupt, not you. Never you." His throat tightens, but he continues.
"So many years under trapped under the surface made my mind weary, and I was easily influenced by those you call the Fatui. I had not meant to hurt you, or cause you great fear... My mind was overwhelmed by anger when I was told that the very God who entrapped me had stolen you, forcefully entrapturing you," Osial closes his eyes in remorse, "it is only now that I learn it was all a ploy, and for that, I deeply apologi--"
He stops mid sentence, eyes snapping open in surprise with a silent breath. 
Once within arms length, you had thrown your arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest with watery eyes. Osial looks down at you in bewilderment, Zhongli quietly chuckling at his expression off to the side.
You sniffle. 
"I'm just glad you're still here, big brother..." 
Blood rushes to the male's cheeks at the sentiment, and his own eyes begin to gloss over with unshed tears. He takes in a sharp breath, holding you close and tight. He rests his chin atop your head.
"As am I, dear one... I had taken you for granted..." Osial is the first to pull away, smiling down at you gently.
He cups your cheek in his hand, caressing it gently, "My, how you've grown... so beautiful and mature now. I've missed you, little one." 
"And I, you, dear brother..." You smile tearfully back up at him, leaning into his familial touch. He places a loving kiss on your forehead before releasing you, stepping away and looking towards the former geo archon.
Your eyes draw towards the dark haired man, stomach fluttering while your heart does flips. 
Zhongli smiles down at you fondly, gaze soft. He steps towards you, outstretching his arms before pulling you into a secure embrace. He nestles his nose unto your head, breathing in your familiar scent.
"You had me so incredibly worried..." You flush at his bold affection, nuzzling him back. 
"I know... I'm sorry." 
He pulls back to look at you, cupping your face in his hands, "It's alright, my love. You're here now, and we're safe. Everyone is."
Your breath hitches in your throat, heart thumping from his endearment. He leans closer to you, nose brushing against your as his eyes grow half lidded.
"...I'm overjoyed that you're safe--"
"Ahem," Osial clears his throat, interrupting you.
Your face blossoms in heat with embarrassment, and you turn away in shame from your brother. Osial's arms cross with a deadpan look on his face.
"Not in front of me, you overgrown reptile," Osial hisses.
Zhongli rolls his eyes. 
"Blink, then, you water-born cretin." 
With that, Zhongli leans down and captures your lips in a long overdue kiss.
A squeak escapes you at his uncharacteristic vigor, though you figure he's doing so to get on your brother's nerves. Despite that, you can't help but indulge, eyes fluttering shut and humming into the kiss.
Your mind goes haywire at the feeling of his tongue gently running over the plump flesh of your lips. You can feel his breath through his nose caressing you, the air breaking upon contact with your skin, and he moans lowly against your mouth. 
Osial gags at the sight, "Alright--alright! That's enough! Get your filthy hands off of my family, you decrepit fossil!" 
It's safe to say that his protests went on unheard. 
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 7 months
i have a headcanon that when percy is anxious or he has a panic attack he feels like he is trapped in the water and it suffocates him and he cannot escape it. but when he feels down, if he is not near the body of water, he imagines himself floating in the sea like a starfish and how the water gently hugs him and how the sound of the waves calms him down and brings him peace. it is simultaneously his nightmare and his saving grace.
His relationship with water is so beautiful, its his saving grace as you mention but also somewhat his weakness. It can make him do dangerous things at high levels. My headcanon to add on to this is that Percy's emotions influences the water that is nearby, even going as far as changing the colour and temperature. The idea that Percy's emotions can influence the water around him is so intriguing and can really amplify the symbolic connection between him and the sea. Also this is a fun thought but what if Pefcy often ends up on different beaches because he fell asleep while he was laying down on the water. One second he's at Long Island and the next he's at Atlantic Ocean nearly 2 hours away. He floats "faster" than normal people, like he can go from Camp Half-blood to Falmouth NY less than an hour.
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dahliarosebud · 3 months
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- Love Is A war Series ~ Aemond x Reader
• Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Warnings: nail biting, mentioned war, conflict, hinted abuse, mentioned grief/just grief, mentioning of funerals
Synopsis: After bending the knee, Rhaenyra is now your Queen. You have made your bed, but the question still lies whether you will lie in it or just ruffle the sheets. All the while your father - Daemon - is quick to jump into war.
It was beautiful. You had to admit. The way the orange illuminated under the table. The way the cold room warmed from the fire after the biting cold of outside which the stone never truly kept out.  
I stood beside Baela awaiting Rhaenyra, my heart thumped with every impending echoey footstep that haunted the halls. I was not afraid. No. More in awe, in a sense, to see a woman sit the throne or will sit the throne. It was breathtaking. That was the true beauty. 
The orange glow was hers. Her castle. Her council. Her crown. Her throne. Her war table.  
But our war. 
I bowed my head as my father's voice rang through as he listed Rhaenyra's titles. They swam in my head - so surreal. Rhaenyra stepped forward, honking metal following until she fell short, the men only one toe behind. None of them blinked. A warning. The unsettling feeling of unbatting-eyed clunking metal men behind you, are all too familiar. But they listened to her. Their Queen. 
They stepped back some and remained in place.  
I watched as Rhaena moved forward cup in hand, "Wine my Queen." Rhaenyra seemed unsettled, hesitating to take the cup, but still my mother's smile lay perfect on my little sister's face. 
"Thank you, Rhaena." Her voice was still soft. Mothering. "Come." 
Rhaenyra continued her path forward with Rhaena a step behind her before she turned to Baela nodding for her to follow with a small gentle smile as her eyes met mine. Baela looked at our grandsire for permission before moving in step just a short pace behind. They all gathered around the table.  
I moved closer to Rhaenys. 
It was silent. For a minute. Nothing, but crashing waves and flittering ocean breeze. All eyes remained on the Queen. Awaiting judgement. Awaiting anything at all.  
"What is our standing?" The only place she seemed to be able to look was at my father.  
"We have thirty knights, one hundred and three hundred men-at-arms. Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest, our army leaves a lot to be desired..." my father's voice seemed to drone on, but all I could hear still were his silent cries on the beach. Mournful cries. So similar. Like those I cried at my mother's funeral.  
Strange how age doesn't influence grief. Just the person who was lost. 
I watched as Jace placed pieces onto the board. Each house which has (so far) rallied to our side. "Lord Boris Baratheon will need to be reminded of his father's promises." Rhaenyra's voice carried and silence followed.  
I looked to the floor. The way my dress skirted across my shoes. The clinking of metal against wood was loud. Like when Aegon used to whack at Aemond's wooden sword with his steel one. I jumped as the Queen's voice flowed in my direction. 
"What news from Driftmark?" I raised my head to look at my grandmother. Her head remained high, her shoulders back. She emanated confidence. Embodied it even. I followed suit. 
It was unnerving how Rhaenyra's eyes bore into what almost felt the space in-between. Unwavering. "Lord Corlys sails to Dragonstone."  
Her voice was soft compared to my father's biting tone, "To declare for his Queen." Confidence never wavered between the two of them. It was clear to anyone here that they had never seen eye to eye.  
No addressing my father, "The Velaryon fleet is in my husband's yoke. He decides where they sail." Her voice was steady, soft and calm. Despite my father's glaring from the head of the table. 
"We shall pray for both you and your husband's support. Just as we prayed nightly for the Sea Snake's return to good health," Rhaenys looked down and swallowed as Rhaenyra's words sat on her shoulders, "There's no port on the Narrow Sea would dare to make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet." Rhaenyra turned away. 
I studied my grandmother's face. Stoic, but with a small smile. Pride? Jealousy? One would not know until it falls from the lips that stayed purse on the face of a woman who should have been. She turned slightly to look me in my eyes. I smiled softly at her. Her lips remained unmoving. Permanent. Unwavering.  
Unlike loyalty it seems.  
"Pray forgive my bluntness, Your Grace, but talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons." Silence once again cut. Deep and harsh.  
"The Greens have dragons as well," Rhaenyra seemed nervous as she rang her hands.  
"They have three adults, by my count," my father cut in, "We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys." Rhaenys tilted her head. "Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer and Y/n has Selene." I bit the inside of my cheek.  
"Daemon. None of our dragons have been to war," Rhaenyra's tone seemed final. 
Yet, my father persisted. "There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless." I looked over to Rhaena. She looked nervous as she watched my father, "Then there are the three wild dragons, all. of whom nest here." 
"And who is to ride them?" 
I turned away to the sound of slapping feet on stone. Erryk moved to meet him. A messenger. A harbinger of sorts. "...surround King's Landing with the dragons. And we could have every Green head mounted one spikes before the fucking moon turns." 
"Your Grace. A ship has been sighted offshore: a lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon," I felt my blood run cold and my mouth sour. Sweat began to prickle on my skin.  
"Alert the watchtowers. Sight the skies," my eyes trailed after my father. He seemed at home, interwoven with chaos. The blue in his veins. Rhaenyra remained.  
I stood in the middle of the mass. I could see the top of my father's head pacing as he awaited the opposition. My chest squeezed in distaste as Otto Hightower came into view, his own men - his grandson's men - his daughter's men trailing behind him.  
Otto stopped just far enough that he'd still be able to hear over the waves, the sun painting an orange sky behind him. Ember-ed fire. "I come at the behest of the Dowager Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon, Second of His Name, Lord and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. I've been directed to deliver her message only to Princess Rhaenyra. Where is the princess?" 
I smiled a little at the familiar screech of Syrax as the beat of wings flew overhead. Rhaenyra circled Otto and his men as they all looked up, bodies twisting to follow her movements. And in the setting sun you could proudly see the glowing gold that sat upon her head. She landed behind the knights who all turned quickly as they leaned back as Syrax bellowed from where she is perched on the ledge.  
They all parted as she walked down the middle, head held high. Her silver hair swayed gently as she came to stand next to my father. Otto stared after her, his mouth slightly ajar. "Princess Rhaenyra." 
"I'm Queen Rhaenyra now." She did not waver. My gaze drifted to see my father staring at her before my eyes fell back onto her, "And you are all traitors to the realm." 
"King Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name...in his wisdom and desire for peace..." Syrax gently gurgled and snapped her jaws "...is offering terms." I rolled my eyes. Aegon can hardly get a sentence out over his blubbering. Were these Aegon's terms or his mother's? 
"Acknowledge Aegon as King and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne. In exchange, His Grace will confirm your possession of Dragonstone. It will pass to your true born son, Jacaerys, upon your death. Lucerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to Driftmark and all the lands and holdings of House Velaryon." I could see my father growing restless as he shifted from one foot to another. 
"Your sons by Prince Daemon will also be given places of high honor at court: Aegon the Younger as the King's squire, Viserys as his cupbearer," my tongue kissed at my teeth. My little brother's cupbearers, practically servants to a drunken man who calls himself King while his mother practically sits the throne for him, "Finally, his King, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his ascent." Otto's voice grew rough as he got louder. 
No one moved. And I didn't dare breathe, scared to make sound or the tiniest movement. "I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shield and cups for your drunken usurper cunt of a King." I chewed at the sore spot of my cheek to keep from laughing. 
"Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror's crown, wields the conqueror's sword, has the conqueror's name." And still a man pretending to be someone he's not. Like a child playing dress up before her being caught by one of her Septa's. "He was anointed by a sexton of the Faith before the eye of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him." 
I felt a pit form, ready to gather dread, at the bottom of my stomach as Otto began to list Noble Houses who are all considering siding with the Greens. With Aemond. "Stole oaths will not put you on the throne princess," Otto moved forward and the Queen's Guard all moved, ready to draw their swords. Awaiting the words. 
Ready for warm crimson to drip from the cold edge.  
I fell back from the mass as Rhaenyra moved forward as I turned to make my way back inside the castle. "Fucking traitor," rained out across the loud as Syrax once again gurgled. I turned to see the Hand's Pin flung into the crashing sea below.  
I felt content.  
I hurried up the winding walk, my hands picked up the skirt of dress so I could move faster. Syrax's agitated roar called behind me just as I made it through the doors where two men allowed me in. I raced through the courtyard to where people still battled in quiet corners of their own, before the doors were opened to allow me in.  
I retraced my steps back to my chambers. The fire was dim, casting dancing shadows all around, for my eyes to trace as I removed my cloak. Allowing it to pool to the floor. Quickly I made my way back to the war room. 
I stood in the spot I was previously watching my father's and Rhaenyra's argument unfold. Rhaenyra doesn't want to rule over "ash and bone" and still my father does not, will not offer her such luxury. It is clear he lives through her. He wishes it was his head haloed by a golden crown. But alas it is not.  
My father all but marched to stand in front of the fireplace. The whole room was set alight, my father's shadow cast small across the table, but still large enough to loom. 
"Clear the room." Simultaneously, everyone made their way out. Rhaenyra still staring at my father. Neither have moved from their current positions. My father's chest is heaving with anger. Like that night. 
I fell into step with Jace and Luke. "Hello," I greeted both, kindly, awkwardly. Jace stared at my face before turning away and walking up ahead, Luke turned to offer me a smile before quickening his pace to walk with his brother once again. I stopped as knights and men and the Maester weaved around me as I watched the two boys walk away.  
This is what it is to mourn a friendship rather than someone individually. The hairs on the back of my neck raised as I felt a hand press on my left shoulder, my hand moving to grab the handle of my dagger. "It is just me sweet girl," I felt the tension ease, but my shoulders ache. Everything aches. 
I smiled a tired smile. Only now I realize why Rhaenys’ is so familiar. It’s the same. 
I paced in front of my - now reignited - fireplace. My dress was uncomfortable with the way it rubbed against my collar bones. My thumb nail had started to bleed as the skin around it is tared and snagged at by my clenched teeth. My eyes are turned down watching my fast and careful repetitive steps. My stomach lurched with dizziness.  
I stopped to look at the exposed steel of my sword that rested on the chest at the foot of my bed. The mirror like metal glittered orange licks of fire. I sucked gently at my wounded thumb before dropping it to my side and grabbing the arm with my other hand. An insecure sense of security that could break with simple rejection. 
I turned to the soft knock at my door. I sucked in an aching breath before walking forward. Scoldingly freezing iron grasped in my hand as I released my breath. I pulled the door open. My heart stuttered in my chest with surprise. Having half expected my father or Rhaenys, but neither stand in my door. Instead Jacaerys stands in their place. A welcome, nerve-racking sight. 
“Jace,” I breathed as he pushed past me, “what are you doing here?” The question felt foreign in my mouth, my back turned to him as I softly shut my door with a quiet ‘clunk’. 
I stopped, my hand still on the metal doorknob, “What?” 
“I just want to know why him? Out of everyone why him?” His voice seemed far and yet; I could feel his eyes so close. I could practically feel his breath on the back of my neck. My skin itched. I wanted to scratch it raw. 
I pressed my forehead to the wood and squeezed my eyes shut, “it’s simple really,” I opened my eyes to brown before turning to see the younger stood where I was pacing moments ago, “I love him. I always have.” 
“And yet you bent the knee.” 
“And yet I bent the knee.” 
I huffed at his constant questions, but he deserved an answer. A reason rather than an excuse. I walked towards him, were ye level now. How strange. I remember when he was shorter. How he was so small. How quiet and high his voice was. But here he is all grown up in front of my eyes and still I blinked, and I missed it. 
“Because Jace, my duty and honor lie with family rather than love that can easily be lost as easily as it was found, and yet still...” I paused trying to swallow around the lump in my throat. 
“Still?” he questioned his eyes watching my face for anything. Anything at all. 
“Still, I love him despite everything. I still yearn for him. I know that you know that feeling all too well. Wanting something you can’t have that is.” 
His face bloomed red, “I don’t know what you speak of.” 
“I was there you know. I saw how you looked at Haelena when you danced together, but that’s all it can be, a look. Anything else is dangerous, jeopardizing. As you have seen,” my voice fell tight at the end. My bones ached for Aemond and still my chest stirred with unease. “Do not worry Jace you will make for a wonderful husband for my sister, I have no doubt.” 
He nodded as he looked down at his shoes. I smiled. I have missed Aemond, but all the while I had never realized how much I have missed this. Missed my siblings. “Get some rest, we will both need some for tomorrow.” 
I escorted him out, my head peeking out the gap as his silhouette faded into the black of the hall. 
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f4ll-for-you · 11 months
love it if we made it
warnings: drug use, angst, driving while under influence
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Rafe Cameron. Fratboy, fuckboy. These thoughts ran through your head as you watched him, curled up with a vodka coke next to your best friend. He looked good tonight, put together. Those last couple months of rehab had done him good, you thought. 
Before he’d left, the pair of you had a confusing relationship. You’d never made things official, but everyone knew you were his and Rafe adored you. You’d spent parties flirting, teasing and staring at each other the whole night, as if you were the only two people in the world. 
That was before things got bad with Rafe and his family, before he sought out drugs to numb his system, clouding his mind and letting him forget for a short while. Until the pain consumed him and he decided he didn't want to be himself anymore.
Two months ago
Rafe had promised to pick you up before the party in his brand new car. He arrived late, as usual, moving to the passenger door to open it for you. He’d always treated you like a princess, even if your relationship hadn’t been officially labeled. 
Once he’d plopped himself down in the driver's seat, he’d cupped your cheek, bringing you in for a deep kiss. As you pulled away, you noticed something off about him. You looked up into his eyes, noticing his wide pupils. “Rafe, what have you taken?” you asked softly.
“Nothing,” he replied, clearly annoyed at the reaction you were about to have.
“Rafe, I know you do this at parties, but you can't drive like this, it's not safe,” you continued, your voice trembling.
A click indicated he’d locked the car from the inside.
“I’ll be fine, you worry too much, it was only one line,” he brushed off, not looking you in the eye as he turned the key, the car rumbling loudly.
Your heartbeat quickened, he wasn't going to listen to you.
“Rafe, no,” you reached over, trying to grab the keys.
That was when he turned on you.
Rafe's hand came around your neck harshly, slamming you back into your seat. “I said, I’ll be fine,” he growled.
Tears fell down your cheeks as you looked at him, you didn't recognise the boy in front of you.
You froze as he removed his hand from your neck, your own hand tracing where he had been, your throat tight and sore.
He slumped back into his own seat, starting the car and pulling away. 
As he drove, he sped up, the drugs in his system heightening his confidence, but inhibiting his awareness. Constantly swerving away from other drivers as he drifted onto the other side of the road.
Until one car, with a broken headlight went unnoticed. You shouted his name, but he ignored you, as if he had some kind of deathwish, too wrapped up in his own thoughts. The car moved closer and closer, until you could make out the number plate. “Rafe,” you screamed, your hand instantly grabbing the handbrake, pulling him out of his drugged fulled trance. 
“Fuck,” he shouted, swerving away, stopping immediately as he other car drove past, honking their horn.
“Rafe, what was that?” you whispered.
“I, I don't know, I'm so sorry,” he sobbed, tears running down his cheeks.
You managed to convince him to swap sides, driving you both back to your place.
It took hours to calm Rafe down, after he’d apologized to you profusely, explaining he’d forgotten you were there, letting his bad thoughts consume him.
The pair of you had been flirting all evening. Rafe whispering dirty comments in your ear whenever he passed you, dancing with you to all your shared favorite songs. 
For two weeks you’d pretended nothing happened, that the night in question was a dream, that Rafe didn't mean to do it. He’d agreed to stop using, and you’d stupidly believed him, until the next frat party.
“Rafey,” you smiled, walking over to him and a group of his frat brothers. 
“Hey baby,” he smirked, cupping your cheek with one hand.
You smiled, looking up at him, before noticing his eyes. His stupid, goddam ocean blue eyes. His pupils were huge, his hands twitchy. Immediately, you pushed his hand away, turning around to walk away from him. He’d promised to stop, to do better.
“Baby, please,” Rafe begged, he knew instantly what had upset you. 
You turned around quickly, full of rage. “No, I’m not your baby, not like this,” you spoke, your voice cracking at the end of the sentence, quickly running off before he could grab your arm.
“Ugh, fuck!” he shouted, throwing his glass against the wall, making everyone around him jump.
Tears filled your eyes as you ran out of the house and into the garden. You sat in the grass, not caring about the damp or the mud, your body shaking with tears. Fucking Rafe, he always had to do this, to fuck things up. 
Thoughts of that night clouded your mind, the night Rafe promised you he’d stop using drugs. 
After that night, you’d ended up telling his father what he’d done, and with that, he was shipped off to rehab.
Your heartbeat increased as he looked at you, you had no idea how he felt about you now. Was he angry that you were the reason he’d just spent two months in rehab? To your surprise, he smiled, making his way towards you. “Oh gods,” your friend whispered, she was the only one to know what had happened between the pair of you, “I guess I’ll leave you two to it,” she spoke, Rafe now in front of you.
He plopped down on the couch, making your body instantly tense up. “Hey,” he said softly, a trace of guilt lingering in his voice.
“Hey,” you whispered back.
“I never thanked you,” Rafe replied, looking into your deep brown eyes. “For all of it.”
“I thought you’d hate me,” you replied, dragging your eyes from his and picking at your fingernails.
“How could I, I almost killed the person I loved most,” he murmured, as if scared to admit it out loud.
You looked up at him, his tear filled eyes mirroring your own as your lips met his.
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urdnotstxrm · 2 months
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Rhaenyra Targaryen: Champagne Toast
This lively and celebratory scent captures Rhaenyra's ambition and her status as a central figure in the Targaryen dynasty, with its bright and sparkling notes reflecting her fiery spirit and determination.
Daemon Targaryen: Leather & Brandy
With its rich and complex notes, this candle embodies Daemon's rebellious and unpredictable nature, as well as his charisma and penchant for living on the edge.
Alicent Hightower: White Gardenia
This classic and elegant floral scent reflects Alicent's poised and graceful demeanor, as well as her strategic thinking and influence within the court.
Viserys I Targaryen: Sandalwood Vanilla
The calming and warm fragrance mirrors Viserys's desire for peace and stability in his reign, and his struggle to balance the demands of the realm with his own desires.
Corlys Velaryon: Ocean Driftwood
Reflecting his connection to the sea and his adventurous spirit, this candle's fresh and marine-inspired scent matches Corlys's determination and naval prowess.
Rhaenys Targaryen: Rose Water & Ivy
This sophisticated and resilient scent captures Rhaenys's grace and the strength she shows despite being passed over for the throne, highlighting her enduring influence and wisdom.
Otto Hightower: Mahogany Teakwood Intense
This intense, woodsy scent captures Otto's strong, authoritative presence and his political acumen as Hand of the King.
Criston Cole: Bergamot Waters
This fresh and invigorating scent reflects Criston’s honorable and disciplined nature, as well as his evolving role within the story.
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meafortuna · 2 years
I was thinking this was going to be a synastry one, but it turns out it will be a mix. 😅 Enjoy and don’t take anything personal! 🫶
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• Mars in Aquarius it’s so unpredictable when it comes to their anger. It will be easier to explain, if you imagine the following situation - The native tries to unlock the door 9 times and the door doesn’t open. Our person seems pretty cool… and then on the 10 time they just start to 🌪️, u know. 😁 Well after five minutes everything is just fine, but that 5 minutes would be hell for you if you stand in their way. And don’t touch them, ok, that will make their craziness go even worst. ⚠️
• Moon in Gemini u are so bi polar, everything in you is such a mess. I mean… your emotions swinging with your thoughts, just like the Moon changing her phases. Ocean of thoughts, that’s you guys. 💭 Really moody, always overthinking, anxious, but deserves the world. *at least that’s the funniest Moon sign and who doesn’t love to laugh?! love ya! 🫶 ♊️
• In synastry if there is a Chiron conjunct Moon or vice versa it can be really helpful for the natives. The Moon person recognise the pain in Chiron person and tries to heal them from their past traumas. For the Chiron one it seems easier to open up in front of Moon and that doesn’t make them feel ashamed of their wounds. Really beautiful connection, accept there are some hard aspects. ❤️‍🩹🌓
• Does anyone have problem to recognise a Pisces Sun?! 🐠I don’t know if i am crazy, but they all are so different from each other, and i have a lot pisces around me… Maybe cause Pisces collect in themselves all the qualities of the other 11 signs, or maybe because they are ruled by Neptune and can afford to be whatever they want or don’t know who they are, because of that Neptune influence. Like the water they can be calm, stormy, deep… And one more thing which it’s not necessarily true, just my observation. Most of the Pisces i know have a water rising. 💦
• Mercury RX = Mercury conjunct Uranus or in Aquarius. 🤝 They just don’t know how to express themselves in a right way. Super smart, different point of view, innovative, but it’s hard for them to explain what they wanna to say. Always thinking they are misunderstood or some kind of weird, which only feeds their God complex, they love to feel different. ( Aqua guys are with the biggest God complex of all zodiac signs). 😅
• Pluto conjunct Nessuss it’s so powerful aspect to have. These natives transform the pain into strength, very healing power! 🧡On the topic of Nessuss i want to warn you, if you have personal planets conjunct/square Nessuss in synastry, please be careful with that person, especially with the conjunctons to Moon, Venus and Mars. That’s an indicator for having a violent relationship. I noticed Moon conjunct Nessuss most of the times it’s a sign for emotional or mental abuse. Mars square Nesuss for physical abuse. If you have some of this aspects with someone, please don’t ignore. 🙏
• You can always spot a Taurus men, because they will do anything to see them. 🤡 They will try so hard to get your attention in some kind of funny way, with their silly jokes. But they are not funny at all, I mean their sense of humor it’s so… conventional. For me is irritating, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m wrong. 😅
• Native with Saturn in Pisces in sixth house it is an indicator for the individual have to grown earlier, also there can be some cases where there is a violence in the family or an abscent father. Person with this position of Saturn was forced to take care for things and people that are not their responsibilities, since they were a kid. There are so many suppressed emotions in them. Really important for them will be to learn how to set healthy boundaries and to look more often what’s going on with their health. The good thing with this placement is that after their 30 (Saturn return) the things going to start getting better. I promise! 🫶 🪐♓️
~meafortuna 💙
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Healing power of waves
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Listening to the sea can provide numerous scientifically-backed benefits, particularly through its influence on the brain and body:
1. Stress Reduction and Cortisol Levels:
Research has shown that natural sounds, including the sound of the sea, can reduce levels of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. Lower cortisol levels are associated with reduced stress and anxiety .
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation:
The sound of waves can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for 'rest and digest' activities. This can lead to a state of relaxation and calmness by reducing the heart rate and promoting a sense of well-being .
3. Alpha Wave Production:
Studies have found that natural sounds, such as the sea, can increase the production of alpha brain waves. These waves are linked to a relaxed, yet alert mental state, often associated with meditative and restful experiences.
4. Improved Sleep Quality:
The consistent and rhythmic sounds of the ocean can mask other noises that might disturb sleep. White noise from ocean sounds can enhance sleep quality by creating a stable auditory environment that aids in falling asleep and staying asleep .
5. Pain Management:
Listening to nature sounds, including the sea, has been found to aid in pain management. The calming effect can reduce the perception of pain and the need for pain medication, making it a useful non-pharmacological intervention in medical settings .
6. Cognitive and Emotional Benefits:
Natural sounds can improve mood and cognitive performance. They have been associated with increased positive affect and better task performance, possibly due to their ability to restore mental fatigue and enhance concentration .
7. Physiological Relaxation:
Ocean sounds can lower blood pressure and heart rate, contributing to a state of physical relaxation. This effect is partly due to the soothing nature of the sounds, which can counteract the body's stress response .
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Nightbunny here!
It's summer here in Italy, and the heat waves are challenging our mood and inner peace while there are still many things to do.
To find relief and rejuvenation, many Italians love to go and enjoy the sea.
As spending time by the sea can improve your mood and overall well-being, trust me, a trip to the beach can be even to you a simple yet powerful way to boost your mental and physical health during this sweltering season.
Let's all meet at the seaside these hot days!🍋✨🌇
1. Stress Research, Journal of Health Psychology
3. Parasympathetic Nervous System, Frontiers in Psychology
4. Alpha Waves and Relaxation, Clinical Neurophysiology
5. Brain Waves and Relaxation, International Journal of Psychophysiology
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harkonnin · 3 months
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* The heart is not meant to rule *
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader
Tag list: @wo-ming-bai
Slow burn, knife kink, blood kink, strangers to lovers, softer!Feyd-Rautha, CONSENT, 18+, arranged marriage, assassination, poison, murder, etc
Previous Chapter - Blood for Blood Current Chapter - Herald of the Change
“I will not accept this outcome, you obviously cheated!”
The Baron, fuming with anger and disbelief, had no choice but to step down. His plan had failed, and now he faced his own demise.
“The people have spoken, uncle. And you tried to poison me.”, Feyd outright smirked.
The servants behind him making defiant glances at the Baron. For whatever time he had left, they had to admit they were glad to see him go. Most had already seen the influence you had on Feyd, knowing that being under your rule would be a better life than the miserable one they had now. And they would gladly fight for it.
“And yet you’re still standing, how?” the Baron questioned.
Feyd looked away and laughed, twisting the dagger in his hands.
“Let’s just say lady Harkonnen’s blood is more twisted than you can imagine.”
Fully exposing himself to the Baron, eluding to the blood transfusion and immunity to the poison, it took him a few seconds to understand what Feyd was implying.
“…Heresy! I told you she is a witch! YOU WILL DIE BY HER HAND!” He screamed at him. "Your time is over," Feyd stoicly declared, drawing his blade.
The Baron barely had time to react before Feyd's strike was true, his dagger twisted in his neck, causing him to choke up blood, ending his reign with swift finality.
A new Baron arises.
On Caladan, Paul Atreides sat cross-legged, his eyes distant as another vision engulfed him. He saw Feyd, triumphant, ascending the throne of House Harkonnen. He saw battles, alliances, and an unexpected bond forming with you. It was all a blur and nothing clear, which it never was. The implications building up to both the houses having a strong rule in the galaxy, is what it seemed like.
He emerged from the vision, breathing heavily. Without hesitation, he sought you out, finding you outside, watching the sunset in the damp grass. The pendant twirling in your hand as you watch the setting sun glimmering on the ocean nearby.
"I had a vision," Paul said, his voice urgent and out of breath.
You turn on the grass to look at him, his face flush red from the running. He didn’t seem scared however, more so excited.
“What is it Paul?” you question him.
Now that he came to you he had no idea how to properly phrase it. The implications of his words and if they were true or not looming heavily on his shoulders.
"I saw Feyd conquering House Harkonnen” he sort of burst out, laughing kind of.
This felt like an uninformed prank, cruel even for your brother. Did he get a vision or was he just annoying you at this point, because you couldn’t tell the difference. You frowned, unaware if you were walking into his trap or not.
"What does that even mean Paul?" you sounded annoyed and turned your face back to the ocean, the frown not leaving your face. “I’m not sure, but it felt good at least,” he tried to calm himself down a bit.
You stayed quiet after that, not knowing what it all meant and not willing to speculate. There was no way Feyd would be able to overthrow his own house without multiple people wanting to kill him for it. Nor would the Baron consider making him Baron before his own death, the man craved power, well both of them did in different ways. But Feyd promised to not take any risks. He promised.
The next morning, Duke Leto summoned you to his study, his expression grave. He held a formal invitation in his hand, sealed with the Harkonnen crest. The vision Paul told you about made your throat close up and you didn’t get much sleep, but this was worse. Before saying anything you speculated it might be a letter to tell you about the death of Feyd, the Baron must have seen the letters you wrote to each other or figured out how you two stayed in contact. Not that it was illegal, but he pretty much hated your guts.
"This arrived today," Leto said, handing it to you.
Somehow shaking you took the letter from his hands, staring at it for a long time before looking back up at your father. He nodded at you to find the strength to open it, as he also didn’t think it would be a fun read. You break the seal and read the letter aloud:
"To the esteemed House Atreides, It is with great honor and sincere intentions that I extend a formal invitation to the noble members of House Atreides. Recent events have led to significant changes within our house, and it is time to forge new alliances and strengthen old bonds. I invite you to Giedi Prime to discuss matters of mutual interest, to explore opportunities for collaboration, and to foster a relationship built on respect and shared goals. The political landscape is ever-changing, and it is crucial that we stand united in the face of forthcoming challenges. This invitation is extended not only as a gesture of goodwill but as a testament to the respect and admiration I hold for your house and, more personally, for my wife, Lady Atreides. Our destinies have long been intertwined, and it is my sincere hope that we can build a future together, stronger and more resilient. Please consider this invitation with the gravity it deserves. I eagerly await your response and hope that you will honor us with your presence. With highest regards, Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen."
Your hands trembled slightly as you finished reading the letter. As you look up at your father, you can feel your heart pounding.
"He did it," you whisper. "This is a significant step," Leto said, his voice gentle but firm. "You must be certain of your decision. Being the wife of a Baron, especially of House Harkonnen, is fraught with complexities and dangers. It is a life that demands strength and resilience."
He paused, his expression softening.
"But if this is truly what you want, if your heart is set on Feyd, then you have my blessing. The choice is yours, and yours alone."
She took a deep breath, her thoughts racing back to Feyd and their shared moments.
"Yes, Father. I do."
You go to bed pondering what it would be like to see him again. As you drift to sleep a smile spreads on your face.
The sleek Atreides ship descended onto the landing pad of Giedi Prime, its engines humming softly. You step out, heart pounding with anticipation and a mix of apprehension and excitement.
Feyd awaited you, in full on Baronesque clothing. His stance confident yet his eyes revealing a depth of emotion. As you approach he breaks character and moves forward to meet you halfway, his body moving on its own, fueled by the need to feel you again.
"I knew you would come," he says as he bends down on one knee. “My lady”.
He takes your hand into his and kisses your knuckles like before. He looks handsome as ever, the title of Baron suiting him well. As he comes back up to face you, you take his face in your hands, eliciting a huffed gasp from the people nearby, watching you.
You smiled at him, happy to see him alive, happy to feel his heat again in your hands. It had been months of touch-starved letters only to be able to feel him again in real life now. Feyd didn’t await any more words from you and instead just decided to kiss you. He wanted to make it clear that the both of you were equals in this marriage, also for Giedi Prime to see that they should respect you as an extension of himself.
“My lady! MY LADY!-“ you shoot up from your bed, confused at the voice shouting you awake. “You should be getting ready now, my lady,” a member of staff waking you up.
Great, this had been a dream.
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nhoirr · 8 months
KEEP A PLACE FOR ME. | Album by gojo satoru
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1/3 ★ : TRACK O1, = chapter one. — “SPRING CAME TO KEEP A PLACE FOR ME.”
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PREFACE : A love that sprouted way back during early days, young eyes too naive to see the truth — what would unfold in later events are the weight of the lies spoken that very faithful night.
PROMP & THEMES : Childhood sweethearts, foolish teens inlove, fem-reader, some-implied-misunderstandings.
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#.smitten!gojo, #.ooc?, #.fluff, #.angst, #.cliché-scenes, #.bittersweet.
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#.ALBUM? — 💽 : SPRING CAME - g. satoru.
❒ .TRACK-LIST • O1. keep a place for me • O2. [no place other than home] • O3. [too soon, too late] – RECORD SLEEVE.
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you first met GOJO SATORU when you were young, a formal meeting of the clans to discuss their collaboration — a momentary meeting, a fleeting bow and starlike eyes meets at a place where time seems to stop.
innocent eyes staring at the abyssal ocean depths that never seemed to have its end, threatening to swallow you whole.
never did you think such pretty eyes could be so terrifying.
".. do you want a tart?" you nervously push your plate to the glaring boy, his eyes following your fingers like guarded cat.
but infront of the sweet treat does the ocean waves calm, glancing at you once or twice before finally accepting the offer.
It was not at all a pleasing meet, but it was then did your friendship start.
from polite knitted poise of greeting, to whispers under the table with interlocked pinkies, stifled laughs during late night escapees through his bedroom windows — you were a menace, and your influence seemed to rub off on him.
the once less than a glance now turned to longing stares speaking a million words, from the many times it's happened, you could read each other's intentions through it — like a special messenger where only the two of you could read what the letters contained.
one time, across the meeting table where the two clans flock together, prideful geeks speaking like birds of a feather. always so passionate when it comes to matters about their clans, status and what not — like peacocks flexing their plumes.
with eyes glazed with tiredness and boredom, a burning gaze had you seeking where it came. your tense shoulders immediately slacken when you meet a familiar pair of eyes, glaring at you with the words you've been waiting to hear since this god forsaken meeting had started — let's run away.
and you take your chance, watching the way the younger boy disappears down beneath the tables — panic quickly quelled when you realize no one noticed, nor seemed to really care to at the moment. so you follow suit, ducking down to crawl within the small but long meeting table. almost immediately meeting eyes cheekily with the boy, but he moves a finger to his mouth, stopping you from speaking.
Just then, clan leaders immediately shout in panic — scuffling to their feet, breaking their neck by looking all around for the two heirs that have gone missing.
you nod along, trying to bite down the laugh bubbling up inside of you, while your eyes following keenly when he points at the door. the exit.
he glances at you — extending a hand for you to take as he counts to three with his fingers.
and once he counts to three, you both ran like there was no tomorrow.
little you held his hand and hid behind bushes, leaves dusting both your forms and you've never seen such a lively expression on the boy's face, laughing for once like a child of your age.
"its clear, I think." he murmurs beneath what was left of his breath, heaving a sigh of relief with his hand to his beating chest, heart still drumming in his ears with adrenaline from the run.
you give a stuttered laugh, chasing your breath to say, "that was so awesome."
there was a moment where you both meet eyes, cheeky expression and a victorious grin — one stifles a laugh, causing the other to laugh in sync. melodic fits of giggles you both sounded in harmony underneath the starry night.
"you almost got us caught," he reminds you without any bite, almost teasing if you really read between the tones. "and we didnt," you bark back smugly puffing out your chest, which he laughs to.
time seems to subside and laughs begin to fade into the night, you find yourself watching the stars. even when you've finally caught your breath, your heart still thumps with adrenaline at the sight.
"hey," he starts, breaking the silence yet peace still seems to fall. "can you still run?" you perk up at his request, seeing there was no jest, you smile as an answer.
standing up first, you repeat your answer; vocally, "you think?"
and.. never in your life did you think you could run. you knew you ran fast, but for that long?
you were starting to regret your past words of confidence, internally screaming at your past self for your own foolishness.
should you even mention the boy who was the same age as you, having the stamina of a lion?
"w-wait!" you shout, feeling your knees buckle and your hands fly to your knees - catching your breath. "where.." you breathe, "where are we going anyways?"
you could faintly hear the sounds of the grass moving halt.
"somewhere," you feel a vein pop - immediately taking back the words of thanks you were going to say for waiting. "cant we rest?" you reason, raising your head to see he was looking else where. as if pondering your words.
there was a secondary pause, hesitating before he tilts his head to the said to say, ".. come with me."
you feel the energy lost come back at his words, enough to ignore the aching of your legs as you follow him with a skip to your steps.
.. whatever hope you had disperses in matters of minutes when your form slouches from tiredness, and now returned to a groaning, noisy complaining fit.
"you said we'll rest!" you complain.
he shrugs his shoulders, not batting an eye when you seem to fall behind, "I never said that," he answers - annoyance building up inside of you so much that you remember this was how much you hated him before, as much as you feared him atleast.
merely you let out a bummed sigh, and you wonder if you would ever get the time to rest your poor tired feet. "were almost there," he answers your thoughts and you raise your head to speak with a scoff, "really? where-"
the words on your tongue seems to drift to be forgotten with your latter annoyance, your eyes now enchanted by the view of the falling stars and lush garden.
there was such a place? you dont think you would ever find out if it weren't for him, you give him credit for that.
too dazzled by the sight, you don't notice the way he looks your way. "its beautiful," feeling his gaze, you look his way with a smile, catching the way he tenses like deers in the headlights - swiftly turning his head to look at the night sky, "yeah," he coughs out, but you catch the pink tint coloring his ears, uncovered by his white locks.
"it is."
"were you looking at me?" you call him out and he almost jumps, looking at you with annoyance that has you fulfilled - a bit petty of you, but you wanted revenge for his annoying behavior earlier. "you could've sai-"
"I wasn't!" he shouts causing you to blink, mesmerized he was showing more emotion to this than any of your findings - apart from sweet treats. "so defensive," you puff out a breath, thinking if you should rile him up more.
.. ofcourse, would that even be a question? "then why are you red?" — you'd take all the reactions you can with this rare opportunity.
he 'calmly' sighs, "its simply.. hot today."
almost perfectly on cue, the wind blows with the coldness of the night, as if to betray him for his lies.
"right.." you don't press on further, saving him the embarrassment.. not like he'd ever live this down.
he opens his mouth to save whatever was left of his dignity, but you beat him to it. "do you think this will happen again?" you slowly walk your way over to the fountain laying at the center of the garden, sitting by the stones beside it - careful not to fall.
curiously, he follows you with cat-like eyes, "what will?"
you pat the space beside you, beckoning him to sit with you, "come look at the view."
carefully he sits, keeping a distance away but not enough where your hand seem to hover on his own for a fleeting moment.
from embarrassment or disgust, you both recoil away as if the touch burnt you.
realization dawning with a synchronized 'oh' - your eyes meet once again, a pause for a moment or two before you both laugh at each other.
"this is what I mean," you suddenly say, and he stops. "this?" - he repeats your words as if to test if the meaning would change if he says it, but it seems to inquire more of an answer.
an answer you couldn't give, not into words atleast.
you could describe it as a feeling.
"this moment," the answer flies over his head when he stares blankly, but doesn't push forward. if he did, perhaps you could've explained that day what you meant.
"i.. also get lost in the moment here, whenever I look at the skies." he seems to create a meaning of his own to your words, and you don't correct him either, "you come here often?" he pauses, looking down to the flowers blooming at his feet, "when I want to escape.. from everything."
there seemed to be more weight to his words, was it a sensitive topic?
"no one knows about this," you freeze at his words, giving a lopsided smile when he turns his head to look at you, halting again to return your smile - awfully menacing considering you felt guilty and threatened, if this was his secret hide-out, why did he tell you?
as if to answer the thought - "thats why I showed you," you don't know if this was a threat or a comfort..
"am I your accomplice now?"
he gives you a smile that makes you shiver for the first time this cold night.
he presses a finger to his lips, whispering not any louder than a voice pretending someone could hear, "keep it a secret between us."
that night he whispers a secret, and the stars became the witness to the birth of a newfound secret sealed by a promise.
you faux to think it over, entertaining his shenanigans when you too, whisper back, "okay, its a secret."
his eyes sparkle with your answer, for once, the ocean waves were calm. you've seen it before, but never at you - so gently smiling with warm that made you feel giddy.
you've exchanged so many laughs with one another, you could almost think you were friends..
but alas, for children your age, naivety was futile to the innocent eyes beheld the world. not enough to be understood, not enough to understand. maybe and perhaps, may the regrets lie in the future, you knew you would always turn back time to relive this moment where you both felt more alive than alive.
only if..
the tranquility of the moment was broken by the sound of shouts, hurried footsteps and faintly, you could hear the call of your name.
you stand before you realize, already starting to walk away if not for the hand grasping at your wrist - telling you not to go.
"wait," he spoke but you knew a second was a luxury, a minute longer would be when you get caught.
he feels the panic flicker through your features, making him spit out the words before his brain could comprehend, "will I see you again?" desperation clings to his tone, as if there was something more he wanted to say.
you pause to think but knew you had no such time, glancing at the light of torch fire growing closer - so were the sounds of rustling leaves and hurried footsteps.
so you gave him a promise you never knew if you could live through, "next spring," you spoke without thinking, heart beating out of your ribcage to the point that it was all you could hear through your panic state of mind.
"when?" he tightens his grip on your wrist as if afraid to let go, more than getting caught.
you glance back at the light somehow disappeared in the night, darkness once again envelopes your form where only the moonlight helped you to see; although not enough to read his expression, once again staring at nothing but those glowing blue eyes - you swear you'll dream about it.
"next month? after this winter, or next year?" this time, he was the one panicking, not noticing the way he was continuously tugging for your hand.
so you give him the bitter truth, coating with the sweetness of lies to give flavor to the indigestible truth.
"I don't know," a lie but not - you really didn't know, but you were sure your father would never let you leave again once he hears about the elder's mishaps of keeping an eye on you.
you bit the insides of your cheek, staring endlessly at his eyes to the point that you're drowning before you know it - drowning at the raging waves flickering with unbridled emotions threatening to consume.
within the depths of the sea, you are pulled out of the abyss by your reflection in his eyes - pleading.
"Keep a place for me here," you turn to look at him softly, almost enough to comfort him - but he remains stubborn, motioning to stand up but you sit him down with both hands to his shoulders.
'here' - he doesn't know if you meant a place by the way you were looking, enough to say you were looking through his soul, like you knew who he was when he never found it himself.
silently he stares back at you, knowing he never found the answer to your words either.
"when we meet again.. promise me-" he answers before you finish, "I promise," his hand finds its way back to your wrist, and when you don't recoil away, he moves to stand.
with the unsaid words remaining forever unsaid, he swears an oath - kissing the back of your hand, lashes fluttering gently with the caress of the wind - for the first time, he used proper etiquette with you.
when you try to speak again, he steals the words you wished to say and somehow — a part of you was also whisked away, and you wouldn't know what for a long time.
"ill keep a place for you when spring comes."
.. two people, two hearts and promises for the future - where only the stars would bear witness the past to be remembered.
in spite of all that, fate will always be relentless to those who never knew the unknown — where the doe-like eyes would one day remember, how cruel the world could be.
that night, you were yanked away from his hold.
watching the way you way forcefully taken from him - ripped away from his hold where he watches you smiling at him despite getting dragged away.
you were so unbearably cruel, telling him to stay. to not fight back when that was all he wanted to do at that moment; because he feels like he'll regret if he doesn't, that this will be the last he'll see of you if he doesnt.
but dear, oh dear..
your words always go before his, and he doesn't recall to when he developed such a mindset.
so he stays - still, so eerily still until his figure fades in the night, covered by the bushes and leaves as you get dragged further and further away.
the image still remains - where he was standing there ever since that day, at that garden during the same eternal night, he'll stay still - and ever waiting for the promise of the past, acting as his chain.
maybe the momentary emptiness that follows the bittersweet farewell he has to swallow will one day catch up to him in the future, forever haunting him. like the abyss reaching the depths of his soul, to one day tug him down when the burden weighs heavy on his tainted heart; now had its first scar.
gojo satoru will now carry the same weight as your promise - he, the guilt if he ever tried harder; while you, the burden of a promise you cannot keep.
that night, two hearts met, and only one left with a heavy heart carrying the weight of a future filled with endless rue.
may the world take pity.
somewhere, you could hear the first chirps of spring birds awoken from hibernation, singing for the day of a new beginning - the month of spring came. marking the start after the end, the aftermath of that night. a start of a path beckoning you to stray from the path, to the path of lies and regret — first spring after winter, a spring without the other.
.. thud.
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want to be tagged in the next chapter ? comment or reblog, interact to tell me and ill write you a letter (tag u) when the next track comes out !
[📨] : Hey! chapter 2 will be soon, it will be longer since there are many things I have to solidify in the fic.. oh also, I tried a new writing style, any constructive criticisms? or at least a little feedback? ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧
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greycaelum · 2 years
Hello,how are u?
I've been a fan of your writing for a while now,and im really in need of some comfort
If you can,could u pls write a oneshot gojo x fem!reader where reader is also a sorcerer and one year younger than gojo and they've been friends for so long,and one day reader's mother talks about her marrying someone she doesnt like (her mother tells it from kindness) and it messes reader up to the point of panic attack and crying?and she calls satoru so he could help her calm down?
(you decide whether reader and gojo are in a secret relationship or not.)
Im in need of comfort rn and i would love to see ur writing on this matter
Kaleidoscope Series—Love Me Now, Love Me Never Chapters: {Pacify Her}
—Gojo Satoru X Sorcerer Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
𑁍 Genre: angst to comfort, traditional arrange marriage
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (2k)— spoilers for anime only! mentions of teen years & Hidden Inventory Arc, arrange marriage, secret relationship— use of endearments (baby and sweetheart), crying, locking self in the closet, implied panic
𑁍 A/N: Hi sweetheart, work has been keeping me, I'm sorry that this one took a while even though I tried to do it as soon as possible, I hope everything will get better soon and this one helps to comfort you. Sending you a very tight hug! —Grey,
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He's obnoxious.
Gojo Satoru in his teens is a menace. One that crawls up on you every time he spots your shadow to pull your hair and poke fun at you.
You've known the man since your first year in college. Nanami often looks at you in worry and helplessness whenever Gojo Satoru comes over to tease you. Haibara looks up to him and would often join in the fun, unbeknownst of your irritation.
Good old day, you've come to treasure deep in your heart. When everything was easier. When life seems to be lighter.
You came from a fairly influential sorcerer clan. Prized for your reversed curse technique that paved your way in the jujutsu society in the less physical struggle over brutal means. But that didn't spare you from stomaching the horrendous scenes curses can inflict. Haibara was the catalyst of your life's turning point.
Everyone started falling out. You see your raven-haired senior left without a goodbye, leaving nothing but the biggest tragedy in your generation. Nanami left as well, unable to take the bullshit of the people behind the power sacrificing the lesser ones as pawns to maintain their status and influence. And Satoru...
"Are you leaving?"
On a cold night, he found you staring at the stars under the tree nearby the training grounds. A bag strapped on your back, and normal clothes you'd wear for your day off. You could see exhaustion brimming around him even though he was in the shadows.
"Everything is in shambles." You sighed, tucking your chin on your knees. "Are youleaving?" You watch him slip his hands into the pockets of his pants and look up at the sky.
You watch your senior's face, he looks so young as you trace his jaws to the softness of his cheeks, the faint glimmer in his ocean eyes from the slit of his sunglasses holds the weariness he has to suppress for so long, slipping through the night.
You have to think again that this man is just a year older than you, still, a teenager in adolescence that is forced to play soldier. Gojo Satoru has become so distant you can barely recognize the youth despite the pretty face he has.
"I can't." He answered after a long time.
And you just know the indifference of that answer. The feeling of being unable to walk away despite wanting to.
"Thought so. Guess we have a long time annoying each other, senpai." You chuckled and stood up, dusting yourself and turning in the direction of the dorm you started walking.
A force collided against your back and your ears are being rubbed until you squirm and glare at the perpetrator.
"Uh-huh? Looking forward to that brat." He just grinned and ruffled your hair.
You can't pinpoint it anymore. Was it when you covered him with your overcoat so he could just hide and swallow his exhaustion as you sit beside him, holding his hands inside his Infinity? Or was it when he started finding you every day, dragging you with him and Shoko? Or was it when he took your hand and your heart felt at peace amid the chaos?
"I'm tireddddddd~" Satoru let out a long sigh and rub his face against your back while his long arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you perched on his thighs.
"Satoru, there are people outside!" You tried squirming away, even pinching the man off of you but to no avail. He's latched unto you like a leech. It's so embarrassing to be caught like this, the only ones who knew are Ijichi, Shoko, and Principal Yaga. Other than that, you're viewed as Satoru's favorite kouhai. Unbeknownst to them, you and this menace have been going out since you were 19.
"Who cares?" He pulled down his blindfold and batted those pretty lashes. Satoru blew you a kiss and giggled at your sour expression. "How could you be so cute? Just like me." He coos at you.
You turned away huffing with your arms crossed over your chest and let yourself be cradled into your beau's arms.
"I have to go to the ancestral house later, my Mom asked me to come. Just reheat the food I left in the fridge and don't stay up late."
Satoru nodded and shifted you to the side, tucking your head underneath his chin.
"Should I pick you up?" Satoru quietly asked, even though he already knows the answer.
"No, they'll get suspicious." You bit your lip. "I'm sorry..."
It's been years and yet your relationship is kept behind the curtains. Satoru has never thought he'd be one to be kept a secret, but after your persuasions even though he badly wants to drive off the men lurking around you whenever they think you're single. Risking your safety to prove your relationship is not enough, he agreed this is for the best.
"Nothin' for you to be sorry for sweetheart." Satoru kissed the top of your head. "Just call me when you're done then I won't worry much."
Being brought up in a more dynamic and liberated childhood, growing up, you know you had it easier than other sorcerers. Your clan may not be part of the elites, but it is an established and recognized clan that is important to the jujutsu society for the special ability of reversed curse technique.
"Mother," you called the regal woman talking with your distant relative.
"Dear, we've been waiting for you. How about you changed into comfortable clothes first then look for us in the study?" She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
You did as you were told, changing into a furisode prepared for you and led down to the study. When you opened the door you found your grandmother, and mother waiting inside. Seeing the stern look on your grandmother's face you suddenly felt the pressing matter this talk is about to make. Your heart pounded and anxiousness started filling you up as you took a seat across from your mother.
"It's the time for you to get married Y/n. Do you like any man right now?"
"G-Grandmother?" You stuttered and look at the straight-faced woman in disbelief. Her eyes held nothing but seriousness. It's as if he could slice through anything with her gaze.
"You've never brought a man home, I'm afraid you'll be a spinster if I do not intervene. The son of the Chiba Clan is a proper and respectable man. He can provide for you and keep you safe." There's finality in her voice that has no room for your reason. When you look at those eyes, you see your Grandmother has already finished everything before you could speak anything about this matter. "Life is short, in this world we're moving. Don't waste that time being all alone." Your Grandmother stood up and pat your shoulder, she quietly left the study leaving you and your mother.
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal. You never want to be angry at her. You know she loves you and looks out for the best of your interest. But this one simply breaks your heart.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
Your mother looks at you, and sadness clouds in her eyes. "I'm very sorry, but please try. You give yourself away too much in your work, is it so bad to wish that you have someone stay by your side?"
"No mother. But I—" Satoru's face flashed in your mind. Really, you were just scared to be used out of political means so you hid your relationship. You knew it was unfair to Satoru who loved you regardless of anything but he never asked you to go against your principles just to give in his wishes. He has always valued you more than anyone's opinion. "—I will never any man besides the one I chose."
Your tears threatening to spill. But you kept it in. And walk out of the door despite your mother's call. You ran to your room, having a hard time keeping yourself focused from the trembling of your hand.
You shut your door and ran to the closet, squeezing yourself inside the large and dark wooden wardrobe. With shaking hands, you held your phone and ran through your call logs. Every ring you feel your heart hammer against the cages of your chest, your feet getting cold despite the socks. Static ringing through your ears.
"Baby? You coming home?" Satoru's groggy voice, answered.
A sense of relief flooded you as you listen to the faint shuffling in the background. You wanted to cry, but you bit your lips so you could hear his breathing. 
"Sweetheart? Somethin' wrong?"
"'T-Toru," you hiccuped, angry at yourself for sobbing hard.
"Why are you crying? Where are you?" Worry filled in his voice. "I'm coming to get you." You heard hurried footsteps and the slight panic in his voice.
"Baby? Are you there? Don't hang up alright?"
"Toru, 'T-Toru, Toru," you chanted in desperate sobs, grounding yourself in his name despite the darkness you're in.
"Yes Baby, I'm here. On my way to fetch you. Calm down alright. I'm here."
You shut your eyes close. Wishing the next second you open it Satoru is in front of you. But every second that ticks, the colder your palm gets, the harder your heart pounds, dreading the mere idea of marrying a stranger you barely know. Your throat is constricted, and your chest heaves out the intangible pain seeping into your heart.
To give up Satoru? Not a chance.
"Open up baby," the call turned off and a knock bumped your wardrobe. "We're going home, sweetheart." You could hear the panting that the person is trying hard to mellow down and calm his voice.
The door opened and Satoru squatted down. His clothes are disheveled from the hurry. Your bleary eyes locked on him and you saw his shoulders slacken, but they immediately squared up as he beckon you out of the closet.
You didn't have to be told twice, crawling out and into his arms, your clutch his shirt as his arms wound around you.
"What happened? Tell me so I can understand what upset you, sweetheart." He coos to you, settling you between his propped knees while pressing a kiss on your temple.
His cool spicy scent invaded your panicking senses. The more you listen to his heart the slower your breathing gets and eventually, you're pushing yourself closer to him, throwing your arm around Satoru's neck.
"They thought I'm not in a relationship and arranged a marriage partner for me."
You felt Satoru's grip over you tighten. He didn't speak but you could feel his sour mood.
"Are you scared?" He moves you to look him in the eye. A flicker pass through his eyes, but before you could recognize it, that pained glint was gone.
"I'm upset." You replied honestly.
You know your mother never meant to hurt you. But your family is meddling in your life too much that it's not even needed. How could they decide on it before asking you when you'll be the one living that marriage?
"Who am I, baby?" Satoru cup your cheeks and pressed your foreheads together.
"You're Gojo... you're my Satoru." You whispered, warmth spreading in your chest.
"Mnn, that's right. Who would dare take you away when you have me, sweetheart?" Satoru opened his eyes and could see the steeled resolve in those ocean eyes.
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General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey
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campbells-content · 2 years
Guys, I don't think you understand. If you keep pushing the sun and moon agenda for wenclair we need to get one thing straight.
Wednesday is the sun. She burns those close to her and anyone that gets in her way, albeit half of it is unintentional. However, she's in control of herself and much more. If she wants something to happen it will eventually happen. The gravity of her influence leaves no one unmoved, except the moon, who stays in its own obit and not dragged away by sheer force. Unless, of course, the sun moves the earth, of which the moon will follow.
Enid is the moon, one with the tide. She's calm when everything is happy and bright but can turn the ocean of their relationship into a minefield of tsunamis. She gets angry and upset, and shows her emotions in the tides. Like everything else, the ocean is also influenced by the Sun, warm when it is present, cold when its away.
Anyways, I'll shut up for now. I just binge played stray and i am so upset cause I only missed the sewer memories.
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mayapapaya33 · 1 month
Things they better put in TLOVM in no particular order pt 2 of ?
*Kima fighting like a badass then frantically running to take care of feebleminded Allura, not knowing what happened to her or if it can be fixed. Holding her and comforting her, the only one Allura trusts fully in this state. (This is where Keyleth learns the Feeblemind spell so narratively that would be a super important scene plotwise as well. It's not JUST because it's my favorite characters being romantic and dramatic and in danger lol.)
*The kiss!
*Just everything about Kima and Allura really
*Allura being a mentor and calming influence to Keyleth
*Allura stepping into the transportation circle on Opash's island then Kima noticing the magic went wrong and instantly stepping in after her anyway because of true love and loyalty. She will always follow her into danger no matter what with 0 hesitation.
*Keyleth's desperation and sadness and everyone else's resignation that they're dead and then her high perception roll to find them waaaaaaaaay out in the middle of the ocean.
*Allura keeping Kima (who is in heavy armor) from drowning.
*The nat 20 of love for Allura's skinny wizard arms holding up Kima as they fly to safety.
*Just all of it I NEED it.
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ghoul-foolery · 3 months
Dirty Windows | 10 | Nora x Hancock
A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
When Nora thought for sure she was going to die too, the pain stopped – and then there was nothing. Nothing but the emptiness. Nothing but the grief. Half of her soul was suddenly gone forever. She was dropped in the middle of the ocean, drifting among the waves with no land in sight. Then just as suddenly she had been cast adrift, she found land. The hole was filled the moment it had been created. As she gripped Nate’s vault suit and begged him to open his eyes, Nora found herself battling with the horrifying realization that she had another soulmate; that some stranger had taken Nate's place.
[ 1 ] <- [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] - [ 11 ]
Nora Morrison was a woman who firmly believed in law and order; she believed in the justice system. She believed that those who infringed upon the law must be judged by a group of their peers, and given a just sentence. The problem was that there was no room for old world ideals in the Commonwealth. These people were murderers who showed absolutely no hesitation, and they had no fear of any potential consequences, because there were none. These people were wild, and they were crazy, and for some reason they really seemed to want Nora dead. During her stint as a prosecuting attorney, Nora had been on the receiving end of a whole lot of ire – but this was something else entirely.
The, admittedly petty, endeavor to hate her soulmate and drive him away crumbled the very moment he came barging back into her head. It should be strange, how he was consistently there whenever she needed him. Like he would always come and check on her at just the right time. It was typically deeply annoying, and she often wished him away. This time she not only welcomed the man, but she finally reached out to him willfully. Their connection became firmly set, so steadfast that it felt like a tangible thing. The man gasped softly.
Nora’s vision was clouded with the man’s view of whatever room he was in – there was a chair sitting in front of an open window, a couch tucked off to the side of a room – before she pushed the image from her mind and focused on his emotions. There was a feeling of absolute panic, but there was an underlying layer of anger. He would have to work on controlling his own emotions when accessing their bond; he was letting her feelings influence his to a noticeable degree.
She took a slow breath, catching the smell of phantom cigarette smoke, something like burning petrichor, and something else that was tangy-sweet. That was from him. Those were his senses.
Another breath and she was picking up the smell of dust, coppery blood, and rotting wood. Mold. Mildew. That was her environment.
It took her a handful of precious seconds to make the connection to his mind, and then sift through all of the accompanying sensations until she was left with what she wanted. It was his emotions that she needed, and even though she was seeking out some sort of level-headed calm, she could work with his anger – she could feed off of it.
Nora struggled under the dead weight of the man she killed as she tried to prop his corpse up against the old desk she hid behind. Even the slightest bit of anger helped take the shake out of her hands, and brought some strength back to her limbs. She’d definitely need to be nice to her soulmate after this.
“Do you have time to reload?” His graveled voice was rasping low and threatening. “Find some more mags t’pack around after this. Running into a goddamn firefight with just one was real damn stupid.”
Nora scoffed. She slid the magazine free and started shoving in bullet after bullet until the magazine was full. “It’s not like I did it on purpose,” she growled, her tone matching his. More gunfire punctuated the statement, more yelling followed.
“How many you got left?” Her eyes dipped down to her gun. “Not bullets. I saw how many bullets you got. How many assholes are there tryin’ t’kill ya?”
Nora chanced a quick peak, yelping as the edge of her cover was torn away by a bullet. It wasn’t really much cover, it was an old heavy wooden desk but it was doing a mighty fine job at keeping her safe at the moment. “Three?”
“Was that a question or an answer?”
Biting down on her tongue was the only way to prevent herself from swearing at him. Ultimately, she didn’t mind swearing – Nate had a military mouth – but she herself tried to avoid cursing. It wasn’t lady-like, for one thing. A visceral memory of her mother forcing her to bite down on a bar of soap for having a “dirty mouth” was another.
“I counted three,” she ground out.
“Yer gonna hafta kill ‘em,” he replied. “And yer not gonna have the time to be gettin’ sick every time you do it, ya feel me?”
The connection she established faltered when her eyes drifted to the corpse she sat beside. She had killed a man. It wasn’t her first time seeing a dead body; she hadn’t shied away from crime scenes and morgue visits in her career. It was so much more different, though, knowing that she was the one that made the kill. She took someone’s life. Despite the situation, a surge of guilt had her eyes growing misty.
“Hey, sister, get yer head in the game!” Her eyes snapped to the side, away from the body, the connection stabilizing.
The man was irritated, she could feel it right along with his anger. She could use that, too. The only problem with utilizing those emotions was that she found herself snapping right back at him, “I told you to stop yelling at me!”
“Then focus!”
“You focus!”
It had been bound to happen. The stranger was overly receptive to her emotions, incapable of blocking them from affecting his own. During his last visit, he had come barging into her headspace only for his intentions to be broken down under the assault of her own grief. In Nora’s current circumstance, with both of them reaching for the other, and with the man incapable – or unwilling – to block out her emotions, they were creating a feedback loop of sorts. His anger affected her, affected him, affected her…
Even though Nora was aware of it happening, having a building white-hot rage burning in her chest was leagues better than the raw guilt that was roiling in her gut. She leaned into it, embraced it as tightly as she could.
The stranger growled. It was a deep, rumbling sound that carried more gravel than a quarry. It sounded like a feral animal. “Shoot at them. Stay below cover.”
She did. Remaining tucked low behind cover, she fired in her assailant’s direction blindly. There was a surprised yelp from their end of the fight this time, and then resounding laughter. She fired again, and the laughing fell silent.
“Okay. You’re going to push our friend away from you. Out from cover. Use him to draw fire.” His words were clipped, and precise, and they left very little room for argument. Nora took hold of the corpse’s shoulder just before her soulmate continued. “Hey.”
She paused.
“You’re going to get one shot at this. Make it fuckin’ count, you hear me?”
“I hear you.”
Nora gave the corpse a firm push, and his body toppled out from behind the overturned desk she crouched behind. The movement caught her assailants’ attention, and the corpse promptly became riddled with bullets. From the other side of the desk, Nora peered out from cover. She caught her first target crouching out in the open, a look of shock on his face. He started to redirect his aim just as she settled hers on him.
“Shoot him.”
Nora pulled the trigger. The gun jumped in her hand, and she ended up shooting too wide.
“Lean into the shot! Pull the trigger and fuckin’ MEAN IT! This is your life or theirs! Kill them!”
She did.
She killed all three.
Tags: @takottai
As a note, dear tag lister: I have 41 (almost 42) chapters of this thing ready to go. Holler if you ever want off the ride.
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