#Calm amidst the city
In the bustling city of Sharjah, amidst the fast-paced life, lies an oasis of tranquility and rejuvenation – the Sharjah spas. If you’re in search of a serene escape from the daily grind and want to experience the epitome of relaxation, look no further. This ultimate guide will take you on a journey through the world of spa bliss in Sharjah, with a special focus on the delightful offerings of Ragini spa.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Lean On
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler Owens, an avid storm chaser, takes his friends Javi and Kate to meet his estranged wife YN and their son Noah, rekindling old tensions. During a fierce tornado, they seek refuge in a cinema, where Tyler and YN rediscover their love amidst the chaos. YN begs Tyler to never leave again, and he promises to stay, solidifying their connection he broke all those years back.
Warnings: Natural Disasters, Family Conflict, Romantic Intimacy, Strong Language
A/n: I only watched twisters and I just had too
Word count: 8,525 (holy fucking shit)
Tyler Owens had always been a free spirit, driven by an obsession that had gripped him since childhood: tornadoes. The power, the unpredictability, the sheer force of nature—it all fascinated him. He’d dedicated his life to chasing them, studying them, understanding their every whim and fury. Over the years, he’d assembled a crew, a family of sorts, who shared his passion and drive. Among them were Javi and Kate, friends and fellow storm chasers who had been by his side for two years.
It was a rare sunny day, with the sky an unbroken canvas of blue, that Tyler decided his team deserved a break. The adrenaline, the sleepless nights, the constant state of readiness—they needed a holiday from the storms, if only for a little while. The rest of the crew scattered to their own respites, but Javi and Kate chose to stay with Tyler, curious about his plans.
The three of them piled into Tyler’s truck, a rugged beast of a vehicle that had weathered countless storms. As the tires crunched over gravel and onto the open road, Kate glanced over at Tyler, who was focused on the horizon, his eyes alight with a spark that was hard to ignore.
"Where are we going, Tyler?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.
Tyler's lips curled into a mysterious smile. "I want you to meet my family."
Javi, sitting in the back seat, leaned forward. "Like your mom and brother or something?" he asked.
Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. "Something better."
They drove for hours, the landscape changing from the bustling outskirts of the city to the serene vastness of the countryside. The sky, which had been clear and calm, began to change, dark clouds rolling in from the distance. It was a sight all too familiar to the trio, but this time, there was no urgency, no race against time. They were simply observers.
Eventually, Tyler turned off the main road, guiding the truck down a narrow path that led to a quaint, rustic bar. The sign above the entrance read "The Tipsy," and it depicted a tornado with two people dancing inside it.
Javi raised an eyebrow as he read the sign. "What are we doing here?"
Tyler smiled enigmatically. "You'll have to wait and find out."
He led them inside, the wooden door creaking as they entered. The interior was warm and inviting, with low lighting casting a cozy glow over the patrons scattered around the bar. A jukebox played soft country tunes in the corner, and the air was thick with the scent of aged wood and beer.
Tyler guided them to a booth near the back, the plush seats a welcome comfort after their long drive. As they settled in, Tyler glanced around the room, his expression one of contentment and nostalgia.
Kate looked at him expectantly. "So, what’s the big surprise?"
Tyler leaned back, a playful glint in his eye. "Just wait. It’ll be worth it."
Tyler’s eyes perked up from the booth, drawing the attention of Javi and Kate. They followed his gaze and noticed a beautiful woman behind the bar. She was effortlessly juggling bottles with perfection, her cowboy hat slightly tilted, her white tank top and jeans hugging her figure, and a pair of worn cowboy boots completing her look. Despite the bar being loud and overcrowded, it was clear who had captured Tyler's attention.
With a blink of an eye, she noticed him too. Her hands paused mid-juggle, and she delicately slammed a rag onto the bar before setting the bottles down. She made her way over to their booth, her expression a mix of surprise and something unreadable.
Tyler quickly smirked at her, the familiar gesture laden with unspoken words.
"You're finally here to see your son," she said, her voice carrying over the din of the bar, stunning both Kate and Javi into silence.
Tyler leaned back, his smirk unfaltering. "Javi, Kate, this is—"
"Your wife?" Kate interrupted, her voice a mixture of disbelief and curiosity.
The woman cut him off coldly. "I left you."
Tyler's smirk hardened slightly. "You threw a shoe and your rings at me. You never signed any papers."
A tense silence hung in the air, the lively noise of the bar feeling oddly distant as Kate and Javi exchanged bewildered looks. The woman’s eyes flashed with something fiery and unresolved, and Tyler’s demeanour remained unyielding, the confrontation a clear indication of a long-standing, complex history.
"This is YN," Tyler finally said, his voice softer but firm. "She’s my wife."
"Ex-wife," YN corrected, though her voice lacked the finality the words should have carried.
The revelation settled over Javi and Kate like a storm cloud, both of them struggling to process this unexpected twist. The woman standing before them was more than just a bartender; she was a pivotal piece of Tyler’s life that he had kept hidden until now.
"Well," Javi said, breaking the silence with a forced chuckle, "this just got interesting."
Kate nodded, her gaze flicking between Tyler and YN, trying to piece together the story that lay between them.
Tyler held YN’s gaze, his eyes conveying a mix of regret and determination. "I’m here now. We’ve got things to talk about."
YN crossed her arms, her expression unreadable. "I’m going to get Noah," she said, turning sharply on her heel and heading toward the back of the bar.
Tyler watched her go, his face softening as he turned back to Kate and Javi. "I wanted you guys to meet my family."
Kate opened her mouth to speak, but the words seemed to escape her. Javi simply shook his head, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events.
The tension was palpable, but beneath it all was a thread of something more—an unfinished story, a connection that hadn’t yet been severed, no matter how frayed it had become.
As the noise of the bar began to filter back in, the dynamic between the four of them had shifted irrevocably. The past had resurfaced, bringing with it questions, emotions, and unresolved conflicts that would need to be addressed.
The noise of the bar buzzed around them, but Tyler, Javi, and Kate were lost in their own thoughts, processing the revelation and the tension that had just unfolded. Moments later, the door to the back of the bar swung open, and a small figure came running out.
Seven-year-old Noah, with tousled hair and bright eyes, darted through the crowd. His face lit up with pure joy and disbelief as he spotted Tyler. "Dad!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.
Tyler’s eyes softened, and he stood up just in time to catch Noah as he launched himself into his arms. Tyler engulfed his son in a big hug, lifting him off the ground as he held him tightly. The boy’s arms wrapped around his father’s neck, holding on as if he were afraid to let go.
"I can't believe you're here, Dad!" Noah exclaimed, his voice muffled against Tyler’s shoulder. He pulled back just enough to look at his father’s face, his eyes wide with happiness and surprise.
Tyler chuckled, ruffling Noah’s hair. "Of course I’m here, buddy. I’ve missed you."
Javi and Kate watched the reunion with a mix of emotions, their earlier confusion and tension melting away in the face of Noah's obvious delight. Kate’s eyes misted over as she saw the unfiltered joy on Noah’s face, while Javi couldn’t help but smile at the touching scene.
Noah glanced over at Javi and Kate, his curiosity piqued. "Who are they, Dad?" he asked, still clinging to Tyler.
Tyler gently set Noah down, keeping a hand on his shoulder. "These are my friends, Javi and Kate. They’re like family to me."
Noah looked at them with wide eyes, a shy smile spreading across his face. "Hi," he said softly.
"Hey, Noah," Javi said warmly, giving a little wave. "Nice to meet you, buddy."
Kate crouched down to Noah’s level, her smile gentle and reassuring. "Hi, Noah. It’s great to meet you."
Noah beamed at that, clearly pleased. He looked back up at Tyler, his face serious for a moment. "Are you staying this time, Dad?"
Tyler’s expression grew solemn as he met his son’s gaze. "I’m here now, Noah. We’ve got a lot to talk about, but I promise I’m not going anywhere."
From the bar, YN watched the reunion with a mix of emotions, her hands resting on her hips. The sight of Noah so happy to see his father softened her stern demeanour, though there was still a guarded look in her eyes.
"Why don’t we all sit down and catch up?" Tyler suggested, his voice gentle as he glanced at YN.
She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. But remember, this doesn’t change anything," she said, though the edge in her voice was less sharp than before.
The initial excitement of the reunion began to settle, and Tyler looked at YN with a mix of hope and determination. "We’re down here for a week," he said, his voice steady. "Would it be alright if I took Noah to stay with me?"
YN’s eyes narrowed slightly, her protective instincts kicking in. "Stay with you? In some lousy motel room?" she asked, her tone dripping with scepticism.
Javi and Kate exchanged glances, noting how Noah seemed accustomed to his parents' tension. He watched the exchange quietly, his small hands clutching the edge of the table.
Tyler sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don’t have anywhere else to bring him for the night," he admitted.
Noah looked up at his mom, his eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Mom. Can Dad and his friends stay with us?"
YN hesitated, her eyes softening as she looked at her son. "Noah, you have your big soccer camp in a different state tomorrow," she reminded him, her voice gentle but firm.
Tyler's eyes widened in surprise. "Soccer camp? I didn’t know you played soccer, buddy."
YN’s expression hardened again, her eyes flashing with irritation. "If you’d been around, you’d know," she snapped.
A moment of heavy silence passed between them before YN sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Fine," she said, her tone resigned. "You can stay at the house for the week. But I’m serious, Tyler—if you touch anything, I’ll cut your balls off."
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys, handing them to Tyler. "I’ve got to wrap up here. I’ll be home soon."
Tyler took the keys, his expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, YN. I promise we’ll be respectful."
Noah's face lit up with a smile, and he hugged his mom tightly. "Thank you, Mom!"
YN’s stern expression softened as she hugged Noah back, brushing a hand through his hair. "Go on, get your stuff together. We’ll leave in a bit."
Noah nodded eagerly and dashed off toward the back of the bar, excitement evident in his every step.
Tyler turned to Javi and Kate, who were still absorbing the unexpected developments. "Looks like we have a place to stay," he said with a small smile.
Javi chuckled, shaking his head. "This is not what I expected when we set out today."
Kate nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. "No, but it’s… interesting. I think it’s good for you, Tyler."
YN glanced back at them, her expression softening slightly. "You three make yourselves comfortable. I’ll be done soon, and then we can head home."
As the night wore on, the bar gradually began to thin out. YN moved with practiced efficiency, announcing last call and starting to kick out the lingering patrons, both men and women, who had stayed for one last drink. The bar's noise ebbed as people shuffled out, some grumbling, others laughing, but all eventually making their way to the door.
Tyler, Javi, and Kate watched as YN’s no-nonsense approach cleared the room. She pulled down the metal protectors over the windows, the loud clanging echoing through the now quiet bar, locking them from the inside. Meanwhile, Noah sat with his dad, chattering about school and his friends, filling Tyler in on all the little details he had missed.
YN made her way around the bar, ensuring everything was locked up securely. She checked the register, wiped down the counter, and flipped off the neon lights, leaving only the dim overhead bulbs casting a soft glow over the room. Finally, she approached the booth where Tyler, Javi, Kate, and Noah sat.
"Alright, time to go," she said, her tone brisk but not unkind. She looked down at Noah, a question in her eyes. "Are you driving back with me or your dad?"
Noah glanced up at Tyler, his eyes full of hope. "Can I go with Dad, Mom? Please?"
YN hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. But you stay close to him, okay?"
Noah nodded eagerly, bouncing off the booth and grabbing his dad's hand. Tyler smiled, a wave of relief washing over him.
The group stood and followed YN to the front of the bar. She unlocked the door, the cool night air rushing in as they stepped outside. Tyler glanced back, taking in the now quiet bar with a sense of nostalgia.
YN stepped out after them, locking the door and pulling it shut with a finality that echoed in the stillness of the night. "You better take care of him," she said, her voice a mix of warning and something softer, something almost hopeful.
Tyler nodded. "I will."
She gave a small, almost imperceptible smile before turning to Noah. "I'll see you at home, kiddo. Behave for your dad, okay?"
Noah hugged her tightly. "I will, Mom. I promise."
With that, YN got into her car, the engine roaring to life as she pulled out of the parking lot. Tyler, Javi, Kate, and Noah watched her go, the taillights disappearing into the night.
Tyler looked down at Noah, who was beaming up at him. "Ready to go home, buddy?"
Noah nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Let's go!"
As they drove through the quiet streets, the hum of the truck’s engine filled the space with a comforting rhythm. Noah, sitting in the front seat in front of Tyler and Kate, couldn’t contain his excitement. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he turned to Kate and Javi, eager to share the details of his upcoming soccer camp.
“I can’t wait for the soccer camp tomorrow!” Noah said, his voice bubbling with excitement. “It’s gonna be so much fun!”
Kate, sitting behind him, smiled warmly. “That sounds amazing, Noah. What’s so special about this camp?”
Noah’s face lit up even more as he spoke. “It’s a big camp where lots of kids from different places come to learn new soccer skills and play games. There’s even gonna be a mini-tournament at the end!”
Javi, sitting in the backseat, leaned forward, clearly intrigued. “Wow, that sounds like a blast! Do you play a lot of soccer at school too?”
“Yeah!” Noah replied eagerly. “I’m on the school team, and we’ve been practicing a lot. This camp is going to be so cool because I’ll get to learn from really good coaches and play with kids from other schools.”
Tyler glanced at Noah, a proud smile tugging at his lips. “Sounds like you’ve been working hard. I’m really proud of you, Noah.”
Noah’s smile widened at his dad’s praise. “Thanks, Dad! And guess what? My Uncle Matt is bringing me down to the camp tomorrow afternoon.”
Javi raised an eyebrow. “Your uncle?”
“Yeah,” Noah nodded vigorously. “He’s my mom’s brother. He lives a few hours away, but he’s coming to pick me up and drive me to the camp. I haven’t seen him in ages, and he promised he’d take me for ice cream on the way.”
Kate looked impressed. “That sounds like a lot of fun. It must be nice to have family supporting you.”
Noah nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, it is! Uncle Matt always makes things fun. He even used to play soccer with Mom when they were kids.”
Tyler’s gaze softened as he listened to Noah’s excitement. “I’m glad you’re so excited about the camp.”
Noah nodded, his eyes shining with anticipation. “I am! And I’m really happy you’re here, Dad. I can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get back.”
Tyler glanced at Javi and Kate, sharing a look that conveyed both appreciation and a renewed sense of purpose. This week was more than just a break; it was a chance to reconnect with his son, to be a part of his life in a way he hadn’t been able to before.
The truck rumbled up the gravel driveway, and as the headlights illuminated the house, the group caught their first glimpse of Noah's home. It was a charming ranch-style house, with a wide, welcoming front porch that extended across the front. The house had a warm, rustic appeal, its wooden siding painted a soft, weathered beige that blended harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. The wind, which had picked up slightly, rustled through the tall grass that framed the property, adding to the serene yet lively atmosphere.
As Tyler, Kate, and Javi stepped out of the truck, they were immediately met with the enthusiastic barking of Noah’s two German Shepherds. The dogs, bounding with energy, leaped toward them, their barks echoing in the cool evening air. Their fur was sleek and shiny, and their eyes glinted with excitement as they approached.
Javi laughed, holding his hands up in a gesture of friendly surrender. “Wow, those dogs really know how to make an entrance!”
Noah, already bursting with excitement, unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out of the truck. He raced across the driveway, his footsteps quick and light as he ran toward the porch. The dogs, recognizing him instantly, turned their attention away from the newcomers and bounded after Noah, their tails wagging furiously.
Tyler and Kate watched with smiles as Noah reached the porch and threw himself into his mother’s arms. YN, standing on the porch with a warm smile, embraced Noah tightly, her expression softening as she held him close. The sight of the mother and son reunion was heart-warming, a clear sign of the strong bond they shared despite the complications.
Kate nudged Tyler gently, a playful glint in her eyes. “You know, the resemblance really proves Noah is definitely your child. Look at him, he’s got your energy.”
Tyler chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice. “Yeah, I guess he does.”
As YN set Noah down, she looked up and offered a polite nod to Kate and Javi, her demeanour shifting to one of friendly hospitality. “Welcome to our home, Kate, Javi. It’s good to have you here.”
“Thanks for having us,” Kate replied warmly, returning YN’s smile. “Your place is beautiful.”
“Yeah, thanks for letting us stay,” Javi added, his tone appreciative.
YN's smile faded slightly as her gaze shifted to Tyler, her expression turning cold. “Let’s get your bags inside,” she said, her tone losing its warmth. “I’ll show you to the guest rooms.”
Tyler, feeling the chill in her voice, nodded. “Thanks, YN.”
They began unloading their bags from the truck, the dogs playfully nipping at their heels. The house, with its wide front porch and sprawling lawn, had a comfortable, lived-in feel. It was a stark contrast to the bustling city and the more impersonal surroundings Tyler was used to.
Once the bags were all gathered, they followed YN and Noah into the house. The interior was cozy, with warm wooden floors, rustic furniture, and an inviting atmosphere. YN led them through the front door, and the scent of home-cooked meals and fresh pine greeted them.
Noah, holding onto his mom’s hand, turned to Tyler with a big smile. “Come on, Dad! I want to show you my room!”
YN’s expression softened as she looked at her son’s excitement but remained cool towards Tyler. “Alright, Noah. Let’s get your dad and his friends settled first.”
She led them down a hallway, pointing out rooms as they went. “Kate, Javi, you’ll be in here,” she said, opening the door to a charming guest room. “There are fresh towels in the closet and extra blankets if you need them.”
“Thank you,” Kate said, her smile appreciative. Javi nodded in agreement, taking in the room with a grateful glance.
YN then turned to Tyler, her demeanour growing even colder. “Tyler, you’ll be in this room,” she said, opening the door to a smaller but comfortable room. “If you need anything, just ask.”
Tyler placed his bag inside, feeling the weight of the tension between them. “Thanks, YN,” he said quietly.
YN didn’t respond immediately, instead turning her attention to Noah. “Noah, why don’t you show your dad around while I finish up a few things?”
Noah nodded eagerly, grabbing Tyler’s hand. “Come on, Dad! I can’t wait to show you everything!”
Tyler allowed himself to be led down the hall, feeling a mix of hope and trepidation. As he looked back, he saw YN watching them, her expression a complicated mix of emotions.
The late evening had settled into a calm, quiet stillness, the only sounds being the gentle creaking of the old ranch house and the occasional rustle of leaves outside. After a full day, Tyler had just put Noah to bed, reading him a story and watching as his son’s eyes grew heavy with sleep. Satisfied that Noah was comfortably settled, he quietly exited the room, closing the door softly behind him.
Down the hall, the dim light of the kitchen spilled into the hallway, casting a warm, subdued glow. Tyler walked towards it, curious. As he reached the kitchen, he saw YN packing a bag on the table, her movements deliberate and methodical. She was gathering Noah’s football boots, kit, and other essentials, making sure everything was in place for the big soccer camp.
YN didn’t notice Tyler at first, her focus entirely on her task. The soft light highlighted the determined set of her jaw and the slight furrow of concentration on her brow. Tyler stood at the threshold for a moment, taking in the scene, before he cleared his throat gently to announce his presence.
YN looked up, her expression unreadable in the dim light. “He’s asleep?” she asked, her voice steady but quiet.
Tyler nodded, stepping into the kitchen. “Yeah, he’s out like a light. I read him one of his favourite stories.”
YN gave a small, almost imperceptible nod and continued packing. “He always loved bedtime stories. Especially the ones about tornadoes.”
Tyler watched her for a moment, then spoke softly. “You’re packing his bag for the camp?”
“Yes,” YN replied curtly, not looking up. “He’s got a lot to take with him, and I want to make sure he has everything he needs or more.”
Tyler moved a little closer, his gaze following her hands as she carefully folded Noah’s kit and placed it into the bag. “Can I help?”
YN paused, her hands still for a moment, then she sighed softly. “Sure. You can check if his water bottle is in the fridge. He’ll need that filled and ready.”
Tyler nodded, grateful for even this small opportunity to assist. He walked over to the fridge, retrieving the water bottle and filling it at the sink. The silence between them was thick, filled with unspoken words and lingering tension.
After a few moments, Tyler spoke again. “He’s really excited about this camp. It’s all he talked about on the drive here.”
YN’s hands stilled again, and she looked up, her eyes meeting his. “He’s been looking forward to it for months. It’s a big deal for him.”
Tyler nodded, feeling the weight of her words. “I’m glad he has something like this. He’s a great kid.”
“Yes, he is,” YN agreed, her voice softening slightly.
Tyler set the filled water bottle on the table and, in a sudden impulse, stepped closer to YN, wrapping his arms around her waist. She jerked back, startled, and pushed him away, her eyes flashing with a mix of surprise and anger.
“Tyler, we can’t do this every time you’re here,” she said, her voice firm and edged with frustration. “We act all happy, kiss, fuck, and then you leave. I won’t allow that.”
But as Tyler’s eyes locked onto hers, filled with a longing that mirrored her own buried emotions, he wrapped his hand gently around her neck and pulled her closer. His lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss, pressing her against the table. YN resisted for a moment, her hands on his chest ready to push him away, but then she caved, her defences crumbling as the kiss deepened.
The world outside the kitchen seemed to disappear as they lost themselves in the moment. The kiss was filled with unspoken words, regrets, and a raw, undeniable connection that neither could ignore. Tyler’s hand slid from her neck to the small of her back, pulling her even closer, while YN’s hands slowly moved up to tangle in his hair.
Finally, they broke apart, both breathing heavily, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air between them. YN looked into Tyler’s eyes, a mix of anger, longing, and vulnerability in her gaze.
“This doesn’t change anything,” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. “You still have a lot to prove.”
“I know,” Tyler replied, his voice equally soft but resolute. “And I will. I promise.”
YN took a deep breath, stepping back and smoothing her hair. “We should finish packing. Noah needs to be ready for tomorrow.”
Tyler nodded, a small, hopeful smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah, let’s finish up.”
YN finished packing the bag, zipping it closed with a final, decisive motion. She straightened up, looking at Tyler with a mix of determination and lingering hurt. “Just don’t disappoint him, Tyler. You had let down enough.”
Tyler swallowed, the weight of her words settling heavily on his shoulders. “I won’t,” he promised. “I’ll do everything I can to be the father he deserves.”
YN nodded, a slight, weary smile touching her lips. “Good night, Tyler.”
“Good night, YN,” he replied, watching as she turned and left the kitchen, the dim light casting long shadows behind her.
The next morning, the ranch was bathed in the soft, golden light of dawn. Birds chirped in the trees, and a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The tranquillity was occasionally punctuated by the sounds of preparation, as YN and her brother Matt stood by his truck, loading up Noah’s bag for the soccer camp.
Noah, bouncing with excitement, was saying his goodbyes to Tyler, Kate, and Javi. He hugged Kate and Javi, thanking them for their visit, before turning to his father. Tyler knelt down to Noah’s level, wrapping his son in a big hug.
“Have a great time at camp, buddy,” Tyler said, ruffling Noah’s hair. “I’m really proud of you.”
Tyler replied with a smile. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Noah nodded, then ran over to where Matt was loading the last of his gear into the truck. Matt, a tall, sturdy man with an easy-going demeanour, lifted Noah’s bag effortlessly and placed it in the back of the truck. He gave his nephew a high-five before turning to his sister.
As Noah clambered into the truck, Matt leaned closer to YN, his expression curious. “Did y’all fuck again?” he asked, his tone genuine and slightly teasing.
YN’s eyes widened, and she quickly elbowed him in the ribs. “No,” she hissed, glancing around to make sure no one else heard. “God, Matt, why would you ask that?”
Matt rubbed his side, a smirk playing at his lips. “Just curious. You had that look in your eye this morning.”
“What look?” YN shot back, her voice low but sharp.
“The one that says you’re all conflicted and worked up,” Matt replied, his tone softening slightly. “Just concerned about you.”
YN sighed, her shoulders slumping a bit. “It’s complicated, Matt. But no, nothing happened. We’re just trying to figure things out for Noah’s sake.”
Matt nodded, his expression turning serious. “I get it. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself too, okay?”
“I will,” YN promised, giving her brother a grateful smile. “Thanks, Matt.”
Tyler walked over to join them, his gaze shifting between YN and Matt. “Everything set?” he asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
“Yeah, we’re all good,” Matt replied, giving Tyler a nod. “Noah’s ready to go.”
Noah popped his head out of the truck, waving enthusiastically. “Bye, Dad! Bye, Kate! Bye, Javi! See you soon!”
“Bye, Noah!” Kate and Javi called back, waving.
Tyler smiled and waved, his heart swelling with pride and a tinge of sadness. “Bye, Noah. Have fun, and listen to your uncle, okay?”
“I will!” Noah shouted back, his excitement evident.
With everything in place, Matt climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. YN gave Noah one last hug and a kiss on the forehead before stepping back.
After watching the truck disappear down the road, YN and Tyler turned back toward the house. As they walked, the silence between them was heavy but not uncomfortable. They reached the front porch where Javi and Kate were waiting, enjoying the fresh morning air.
YN gave them a warm smile. “So, are you two as madly obsessed with tornadoes as Tyler?” she asked, her tone playful but genuinely curious.
Javi chuckled, exchanging a glance with Kate. “Pretty much. It’s kind of hard not to be when you’re around him.”
Kate nodded, grinning. “Yeah, it’s definitely infectious. Tyler’s passion rubs off on everyone.”
YN’s smile widened a bit, and she motioned for them to follow her. “Well, come with me. I want to show you something.”
Curious, Javi and Kate followed YN, with Tyler trailing slightly behind. She led them across the yard to a large shed. As she opened the door, they stepped inside and were immediately struck by the sight of a whiteboard covered with detailed tornado studies, including diagrams, photographs, and various notes. The walls were lined with shelves full of meteorological instruments and equipment.
“Wow,” Kate breathed, her eyes wide with amazement. “This is incredible.��
Tyler stepped forward, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. “YN used to chase tornadoes with me when we became married. She was just as passionate about it as I was.”
YN turned to face them, her expression a mixture of pride and practicality. “Yeah, I was. We made a great team, tracking storms and gathering data. But after I had Noah, things changed. Babies are expensive, and I needed a real job to support us.”
Her gaze shifted to Tyler, a hint of tension in her eyes. “Tornado chasing doesn’t exactly pay the bills.”
Javi and Kate listened, sensing the complexity of YN’s feelings. Javi stepped closer to the whiteboard, studying the detailed notes and diagrams. “You really know your stuff. It’s clear you were—and still are—a huge asset in the field.”
YN’s expression softened, appreciating the acknowledgment. “Thank you. I still follow the research and keep up with the latest developments. It’s hard to let go completely.”
Kate nodded, glancing between YN and Tyler. “It must have been amazing to chase storms together. But I understand why you had to make that choice.”
YN smiled gently, a mix of gratitude and bittersweet memories in her eyes. “It was amazing. And I don’t regret any of it. But priorities change, and I had to put Noah first.”
YN cleared her throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to the whiteboard. She pointed to a specific section filled with charts, graphs, and a detailed map marked with various weather patterns and historical data.
“Based on the latest alerts and previous occurrences, there’s a high probability that a tornado might strike today,” YN explained, her voice steady and professional. “The conditions are almost identical to past events that resulted in tornadoes in this area.”
Javi and Kate leaned in closer, examining the data with keen interest. Tyler’s eyes narrowed as he followed YN’s explanation, his mind already shifting into storm-chaser mode.
“I’ve been monitoring the weather patterns all week,” YN continued. “And everything indicates that we’re due for some severe weather today. The wind shear, humidity, and temperature changes are all pointing towards a potential tornado formation.”
Kate glanced at YN, impressed. “You really haven’t lost your touch, YN. This is some detailed analysis.”
YN smiled modestly. “Thanks. It’s hard to shake off old habits.”
As they looked out the window of the shed, they noticed the wind beginning to pick up. The leaves on the trees rustled vigorously, and the sky had taken on a slightly ominous hue, with dark clouds gathering in the distance.
Tyler stepped closer to the window, his instincts kicking in. “You’re right. The wind’s starting to stir up. We need to be prepared.”
YN nodded, her expression serious. “We need to keep a close eye on the weather reports and be ready to take cover if necessary. This area is no stranger to tornadoes, and we’ve got to stay vigilant.”
Javi turned to Tyler, his excitement barely contained. “Should we gear up and get the equipment ready? If a tornado does form, we’ll want to be ready to gather data.”
Tyler hesitated, glancing at YN. “What do you think? We don’t want to put anyone at risk.”
YN considered for a moment, then nodded. “We can set up some basic monitoring equipment around the property, but safety comes first. We’ll stay close to the house and make sure we have a safe place to take cover if things get serious.”
Kate started jotting down notes, already planning the setup. “We’ll need to monitor wind speeds, humidity levels, and temperature changes. I’ll get the anemometers and barometers from the truck.”
As they worked together to prepare, the tension in the air grew. The wind outside continued to pick up, whipping through the trees and sending small debris skittering across the yard. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting an eerie shadow over the landscape.
Tyler turned to YN, his expression a mix of determination and concern. “YN, would you want to go chasing tornadoes again? Just like old times?”
YN paused, the question hanging in the air. She looked at Tyler, a swirl of emotions in her eyes. “Are you serious?”
Tyler nodded. “Yeah. It’s been a long time, and I miss having you out there with me. Besides, with the conditions today, we could really use your expertise.”
YN looked out the window, the wind howling louder now. Her passion for storm chasing still burned bright, and the thought of getting back out there, even just for a day, was tempting. She turned back to Tyler, a determined smile forming on her lips. “Alright. Let’s do it. But we stay safe, and we stay smart but I bet that's hard for you.”
Tyler’s face lit up with a mix of relief and excitement. “Deal.”
YN and Tyler sprinted toward his truck. The wind was picking up rapidly, whipping their hair and clothes as they ran. Tyler reached the truck first, yanking open the back and checking the equipment. Barrels, sensors, and cameras were all securely fastened, ready for deployment.
“We’re good to go!” Tyler shouted over the roar of the wind, giving YN a thumbs-up.
YN nodded, her heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and anticipation. “Let’s make sure everything is double-checked. We can’t afford any mistakes out there.”
Together, they quickly went through a mental checklist, ensuring every piece of equipment was in place and ready for action. Meanwhile, Kate and Javi were hustling to pack up the radars and additional monitoring gear. They worked with practiced efficiency, their movements swift and precise.
“Radars are set!” Kate called out as she slammed the tailgate of their support vehicle shut.
Javi gave a quick nod, securing the last of the equipment. “We’re ready. Let’s get moving before this thing really kicks off.”
The group piled into Tyler’s truck, the atmosphere inside charged with excitement and urgency. Tyler took the driver’s seat, YN sliding in beside him. Javi and Kate squeezed into the back, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of the impending storm.
As they pulled out of the driveway, the wind was already strong enough to rock the truck slightly. Dark, menacing clouds swirled above, casting an eerie shadow over the landscape. Tyler kept one hand on the wheel, the other adjusting the radio to the local weather station for updates.
“We need to get to the very center of it,” YN said, her voice steady but filled with determination. “That’s where we’ll get the most accurate data.”
Tyler nodded, his eyes focused on the road ahead. “We’ll head west. That’s where the reports are indicating the strongest activity. Everyone, keep your eyes peeled.”
The truck sped down the rural roads, the wind howling louder with each passing minute. Leaves and small branches were whipped into the air, and the sky grew darker, an ominous prelude to the storm’s fury.
Kate leaned forward from the back seat, her voice tense but excited. “I’m picking up increased rotation on the radar. It’s definitely forming.”
Javi was already setting up the portable radar unit, his fingers flying over the controls. “We’ve got about ten minutes before it hits full force. We need to find a safe spot to deploy the barrels.”
Tyler pushed the truck harder, his foot pressing the accelerator to the floor. “We’re almost there. Everyone, get ready.”
They arrived at an open field, a perfect spot to launch their equipment without any obstructions. Tyler brought the truck to a screeching halt, and they all jumped out, working quickly to unload the barrels and sensors. The wind whipped around them, making every movement a struggle.
“Set the barrels here!” YN shouted, pointing to strategic spots around the field. “We need a wide spread to get the best data.”
They worked in synchrony, years of experience guiding their actions. Barrels were placed, sensors activated, and cameras positioned to capture every angle of the storm’s development. The wind was now almost deafening, the first drops of rain starting to pelt down.
“Okay, everything’s in place!” Javi yelled, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.
Tyler gave a final check, ensuring everything was secure. “Back in the truck, now! We need to move to a safe distance.”
They scrambled back into the truck, slamming the doors shut against the force of the wind. Tyler drove them a short distance away, finding a spot where they could monitor the barrels and sensors without being in immediate danger.
Inside the truck, the tension was palpable. They watched as the storm continued to build, the radar showing increasing rotation and intensity.
“Here it comes,” YN said quietly, her eyes glued to the horizon. “Get ready, everyone.”
As they turned the truck around to face the direction they had come from, the tornado materialized in full force. It was a monstrous, swirling vortex, far stronger and more violent than any of them had anticipated. The sheer power of it took their breath away, and for a moment, there was stunned silence inside the truck.
"Tyler, hit the gas!" Javi screamed, breaking the spell as the tornado surged closer, the wind howling louder than ever.
Kate clutched the seat in front of her, eyes wide with terror. "Go, go, go! It's coming right at us!"
Tyler didn’t need to be told twice. He slammed his foot down on the accelerator, and the truck lurched forward with a roar, tires spinning for a moment before gaining traction. The engine roared as they sped away from the impending doom.
YN gripped the dashboard, her knuckles white. “Drive into town! We need to get to the shelter!” she yelled, her voice barely audible over the deafening noise of the storm and the wail of the tornado sirens that had just started blaring in the distance.
Tyler's eyes were locked on the road, his focus razor-sharp as he maneuverer the truck through the increasingly treacherous conditions. Debris flew through the air, and the rain was coming down in blinding sheets, making visibility almost zero. He squinted through the windshield, barely making out the shapes of trees and houses as they sped past.
The wind buffeted the truck from side to side, each gust threatening to push them off the road. Javi and Kate huddled in the back, gripping whatever they could to steady themselves. The tension was palpable, fear mixing with adrenaline as they raced against nature’s fury.
“We’re almost there!” Tyler shouted, though the words were more for his own reassurance than anything else. He could see the outline of the town ahead, the familiar shapes of buildings providing a glimmer of hope.
As they barrelled into town, the sirens wailed louder, their eerie wail cutting through the chaos. People scrambled for cover, but it was clear there was no dedicated shelter nearby. The streets were filled with panic-stricken faces, families huddling together, and everyone looking desperately for a place to hide.
“There!” YN pointed towards the old cinema, its marquee flickering in the storm. “We need to get everyone inside! It’s our best shot!”
Tyler swerved towards the cinema, the truck skidding slightly on the wet pavement but maintaining control. They reached the cinema just as the tornado seemed to roar with renewed fury, the swirling winds growing even more intense.
“Everyone out! Now!” Tyler commanded, slamming the truck into park and jumping out.
They all scrambled out of the truck, running towards the entrance of the cinema. Tyler and YN threw the doors open, ushering people inside. The lobby quickly filled with a mass of frightened, drenched townspeople, their faces masks of fear and urgency.
“There’s no basement!” a man shouted, panic rising in his voice as he scanned the building.
“We’ll have to make do!” YN yelled back, trying to maintain some semblance of order. “Everyone, get to the back of the theatre! Away from the windows!”
They herded everyone into the main auditorium, the old seats creaking as people pressed in tightly. The walls shuddered with each gust of wind, and the overhead lights flickered ominously. Tyler, YN, Javi, and Kate took positions by the doors, doing their best to calm the panicked crowd.
“Keep away from the doors and windows!” Tyler shouted, trying to be heard over the growing cacophony. “Get down and cover your heads!”
The wind outside was deafening, a relentless howl that seemed to penetrate the very walls of the cinema. The roof groaned under the pressure, and with a horrifying screech, a section of it began to peel away. Dust and debris rained down, and the crowd screamed in terror.
“Stay calm!” YN tried to shout, her voice nearly drowned out. She grabbed a young mother clutching her child and guided them to the relative safety of the aisle. “Stay low and cover your heads!”
Tyler ran to the centre of the auditorium, his voice strong and commanding. “Everyone, stay together! We’ll get through this!”
Javi and Kate moved through the crowd, helping to calm people and keep them as safe as possible. But the noise was overwhelming, and the fear was palpable. The building shuddered violently as another section of the roof began to rip away, exposing them to the fury of the storm.
A fierce wind gust whipped through the open space, sending papers and loose objects flying. The sound was like a freight train bearing down on them, and the temperature seemed to drop as the tornado closed in.
Tyler grabbed YN’s hand, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of determination and fear. “We need to hold on. We’ve faced worse before.”
YN nodded, squeezing his hand back.
Suddenly, the main doors blew open, the wind slamming them against the walls. People screamed as the full force of the storm invaded the theatre. Tyler and YN ran to secure the doors, but the wind was too strong, making it nearly impossible.
“Get back!” Javi shouted, pulling them away just as another piece of the roof tore off, sending debris raining down.
They retreated to the back of the theatre, joining the huddled mass of townspeople. YN shielded a young girl with her body, while Tyler did the same for an elderly couple. The wind roared, and the structure of the building groaned as if it might collapse at any moment.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the wind seemed to lose some of its ferocity. The howling diminished to a deafening roar, and the debris stopped flying. The eye of the storm passed over them, giving a brief respite.
Tyler looked up, panting. “We need to move. If we’re in the eye, the other side of the tornado will hit soon. We need to find a more secure spot.”
YN nodded, urgency in her eyes. “Everyone, stay close! We need to move quickly and find better cover!”
But before they could organize the next move, the wind picked up again, signalling the approach of the tornado’s second half. The noise returned, louder than before, and the remaining sections of the roof began to buckle.
“Hold on to something!” Kate screamed, gripping a nearby seat.
The storm’s fury was unrelenting, the howling wind now a deafening roar that consumed everything. Inside the theatre, the panicked crowd clung desperately to the metal railings that lined the aisles, their white-knuckled grips their only anchor against the tornado’s immense force.
“Hold on tight!” Tyler shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony. He braced himself against the railing, his other arm wrapped protectively around YN.
Debris swirled through the air, and the theatre's walls creaked ominously. A sudden gust of wind tore through the room, lifting seats and sending smaller objects flying. A few unfortunate souls lost their grip and were swept away, their screams lost in the maelstrom.
YN’s fingers were slipping on the railing, the sweat and dust making it nearly impossible to hold on. “Tyler!” she cried out, her voice filled with fear as she felt her grip weakening.
Tyler’s heart pounded in his chest as he saw YN’s desperate struggle. He reached out, his hand closing around her wrist just as her fingers slipped free. “I’ve got you!” he yelled, his voice a mix of determination and fear.
The wind howled with renewed ferocity, and Tyler tightened his grip, pulling YN closer. She clung to him, her body trembling with the effort to stay grounded. Around them, the chaos continued, people holding on for dear life as the storm battered the theatre.
A particularly strong gust rocked the building, and Tyler felt his own hold on the railing waver. He gritted his teeth, using every ounce of strength to keep both himself and YN anchored. “Don’t let go!” he shouted, his voice raw with strain.
YN’s eyes met his, wide with fear but also filled with trust. “I won’t,” she promised, her voice barely more than a whisper.
As the storm raged on, the moments stretched into what felt like an eternity. Tyler could feel his muscles burning, every tendon straining to keep his grip. He glanced around, seeing Javi and Kate nearby, their faces set with grim determination as they held on.
“Hold tight, everyone!” Kate screamed, her voice cutting through the noise. “We’re almost through this!”
The theatre's structure groaned under the pressure, the walls and ceiling shaking as the tornado’s full force bore down on them. The wind was a relentless beast, tugging at everything in its path. Tyler’s grip tightened on YN’s wrist, his other hand aching from holding onto the railing.
Suddenly, a piece of the ceiling gave way, crashing down with a deafening noise. Dust and debris filled the air, and for a moment, it was impossible to see or breathe. Tyler coughed, his eyes stinging, but he didn’t loosen his grip.
“Stay with me, YN!” he shouted, his voice hoarse.
“I’m here!” she responded, her voice strong despite the fear.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the wind began to subside. The roar of the tornado faded to a distant howl, and the violent shaking of the building eased. The storm was passing, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
Tyler took a deep, shaky breath, his muscles screaming in protest as he slowly released his grip on the railing. He pulled YN into a tight embrace, relief flooding through him. “We made it,” he whispered, his voice filled with exhaustion and relief.
YN clung to him, her body trembling with the aftershocks of fear and adrenaline. “Thank you,” she whispered back, her voice choked with emotion.
Without thinking, driven by an overwhelming surge of emotion, Tyler cupped YN’s face in his hands and kissed her deeply. It was a kiss filled with relief, love, and a promise of never letting go. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them in that moment.
YN responded instantly, her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back with equal fervour. Tears mixed with the dirt on her face, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that they were together, alive, and safe.
When they finally broke apart, YN looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “Tyler, please,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “Never leave me again. Please.”
Tyler rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “I won’t,” he promised, his voice filled with sincerity. “I’ll never leave you again, YN. I swear it.”
They held each other tightly, the chaos around them fading into the background as they found solace in each other’s arms. The bond that had once been strained was now reinforced by the shared trauma and the depth of their love.
Javi and Kate staggered over, their faces pale but relieved. “Is everyone okay?” Javi asked, his voice rough from the dust and strain.
Tyler nodded, still holding YN close. “We’re okay. We’re all okay.”
Kate glanced around the devastated theatre, her eyes wide with disbelief. “That was… I’ve never seen anything like it.”
YN pulled back slightly from Tyler, her hand still holding his. “We need to make sure everyone’s accounted for and get the injured some help.”
Tyler nodded, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “Right. Let’s do a headcount and see who needs assistance.”
Together, they moved through the theatre, helping those who had been thrown by the wind and checking on the injured. The sense of community and shared survival was palpable, everyone working together to ensure that no one was left behind.
As they helped an elderly couple to their feet, YN glanced at Tyler, her eyes still filled with emotion. “We’ve faced worse storms, but this… this was different.”
Tyler squeezed her hand, offering a small, encouraging smile. "Please let me back to you guys, nearly losing you there hurt me more than leaving you all those years back."
Requests are open!
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pastryfication · 3 months
Hi, so I'm a one:one teacher and I have heavy anxiety (among other things) especially this year and I use colouring as a de stressing method? So I was wondering if maybe you could write something about going to a GP with boyfriend!Oscar and you're caught colouring in the garage (you only do it during red flags or delays or whatever; you're glued to the race at all other times) and you get widely criticised for that and Oscar (and Logan and Estie and Lewis -- bc I love them and want to be their friends) all defend you? Grazie!
thank u so much for this request!! i’ve tried to write it as well as possible, but i know everyone deals with their anxiety differently. i’ve based this slightly on the way my sister deals with hers (though she has adhd and ocd as well so it might be a bit different) to make it as realistic as possible 🫶🫶
colouring books | oscar piastri
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pairing: oscar piastri x anxious!reader
warnings: mentions of anxiety and toxic fans
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your anxiety had always been something you had to manage carefully. you loved your job, and you found immense joy in successfully handling the challenges it faced you with, but the pressure could be stressful and at times very overwhelming. to deal with it, you discovered a love for colouring. the simple act of filling pages with bright, intricate patterns helped mollify your mind and ease your stress. letting your brain focus on something else, something so simple yet calming, became your sanctuary.
your boyfriend had always been supportive of this method. he knew how much colouring helped you stay calm, and he admired the way you balanced your demanding job with your personal struggles and always found peace amidst your daily chaos.
today, you found yourself in the bustling paddock in the city of monaco. the excitement and energy were palpable, even more so than normal, and while you were thrilled to support oscar, the sheer intensity of the environment began to weigh on you.
you stuck close to oscar for as long as possible, your hand holding firmly onto his. it didn’t take long for him to notice your tension, and he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. “remember, if it gets too much, you can always find a quiet corner in the garage,” he reminded you. “you don’t have to watch the entire race.”
“i want to watch the race. i’ll be fine.” you assured him, giving him a warm smile as he left you.
as the action began, you watched nervously from the team’s garage. the roar of engines and the frenetic activity around you was both exhilarating and overwhelming. you tried your very best to focus on the race, but your mind started to spiral. when a red flag halted the race due to a crash, the sudden surge of activity and concern as the garage filled with engineers, mechanics and media personnel—all buzzing with tension and uncertainty—pushed your anxiety to its peak.
needing a moment to yourself, you found a quiet corner of the garage and pulled out your colouring book and pencils. the familiar motions soothed your nerves, gradually calming your mind.
lost in your activity, you didn’t notice the curious glances from some of the team members and fans who had found their way into the garage.
“is she seriously colouring right now?” one fan muttered.
“does she not care about what’s happening?” another scoffed.
“some support she offers . . . oscar deserves a better wag.” came a third opinion.
their criticism stung, each word amplifying your anxiety, but you forced yourself to shrug it off. they didn’t know you. they had no right to comment.
it didn’t take long before oscar entered the garage, the red flag lasting longer than expected.
he immediately noticed you huddled in the corner, trying to hide your distress. without hesitation, he walked over and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, thump moving back and forth on your skin to comfort you.
“hey, what’s going on?” he asked, concern evident in his eyes.
you explained in a hushed voice, looking down at your lap. “some people are upset that i’m colouring. they think it’s unfair to you.”
oscar’s expression hardened. “i’m gonna go talk to them.” he decided.
“no, osc, it doesn’t matter.” you tried to calm him. “i’m used to it.”
your words didn’t help in the slightest, only working to make his frown deeper. he stood up, moving to address the group of fans standing outside with a firm voice. “excuse me, everyone. i would appreciate you not talking badly about my girlfriend. she’s not being a bad support; she’s taking care of her mental health. if anyone has a problem with that, they can come talk to me.”
the room fell silent, a few people looking away sheepishly as they halfheartedly apologised.
you looked down at your lap, slightly embarrassed, but you also couldn’t help but smile to yourself, feeling your heart swell at the actions of your boyfriend. looking pleased with himself, oscar turned back to you, giving you a sweet kiss that made your heart flutter.
later that day, when you where laying next to oscar in the hotel bed, both scrolling through your phone before going to sleep, oscar turned to you with a smile on his face.
“have you seen the way the other drivers stood up for you as well?” he asked. “some fan apparently filmed the whole thing and it was shown to some of them.”
“really?” you asked, excited at the prospect of the other drivers standing up for you.
oscar only handed you his phone in answer, the screen open on a twitter thread.
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elizaleclerc · 3 months
vicious 🍒
charles leclerc x reader (smau)
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summary: singer!reader starts soft launching a relationship with charles leclerc amidst a new album and tour after a messy breakup with lando norris...
song: (literally every single one mentioned lol)
author's note: back on my smau bs! faceclaim is sabrina carpenter bc DUHHH!!!! i honestly just loveee the messy drama and petty posts w this one
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After almost two years of fiery romance, pop singer Y/N and F1 driver Lando Norris split after cheating rumors
Rising pop sensation Y/N had temporarily put her music career on hold to accompany her new boyfriend, F1 rookie Lando Norris, on his journey to dominance. The couple's public debut was in Monaco, following Norris's first Formula One win last year. After being photographed together several times after that, the pair finally decided to be more public with their relationship, with Y/N attending every Grand Prix at Norris’s side. 
The media was ablaze with chatter about their fairytale romance, causing fans of both stars to swoon and declare them the next "it" couple. For nearly two years, Norris and y/l/n were inseparable, gracing every magazine cover and dominating headlines. But suddenly, everything changed. Rumors began circulating that Norris had been secretly seeing a stunning model for the past three months, sending shockwaves through the fandom. Soon, the once inseparable pair stopped appearing in public together, leaving fans to speculate if their relationship had met its bitter end. Now, all eyes are on Y/N as she prepares for her highly anticipated next album. Will she address the rumors and set the record straight, or will we all be left in the dark?
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yourname proud to announce my second album, vicious, will be yours november 15th <3 more news soon x
liked by f1, charlesleclerc, landonorris, and others
-user8465 YES YES YES
-user9902 oh we're about to get all the answers
-user4558 if the album is as good as the cover photo we are about to get FED
-user5041 everyone place bets on how many of these songs are about lando...
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landonorris A steady couple of weeks for the team, ready to take on more tracks soon!
liked by maxverstappen, mclaren, f1, and others
-user4902 sir are you aware you are about to get cooked
-user5506 um id go into hiding if i were you
-user4558 people already jumping to conclusions yall calm downnn
-user1141 have you not SEEN the cheating rumors??
-user4558 we have literally no idea what happened between them tho
-user1141 girl i fear we are about to know tho
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yourname all because i liked a boy :,)
liked by charlesleclerc, sonymusic, f1, and others
-user0402 please tell me the caption is a lyric on the album i might die
-yourname shhhh...
-user0402 I DIED.
-user5903 charles being messy in the likes i cant
-user4304 y/n i don't think we are ready truly
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yourname the first single, feather, is out now for you to love and enjoy!! kisses
liked by charlesleclerc, sonymusic, yourbestfriend, and others
-user3560 oh she's moved ON.
-user2094 "you wanted me, no DUH" we all said in unison
-user3932 im so sorry for your loss lando!!!
-user8856 she really just called this man a waste of time...icon behavior
-charlesleclerc A tune.
-user6678 CHARLES??
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charlesleclerc Feels good to have a couple wins under our belt, the fight for the championship isn’t over yet.
liked by yourname, f1, scuderiaferrari, and others
-yourname red looks best
-user7704 hey so what does this mean
-user5089 charles dominance could bore fans
-user6723 so no ones gonna say anything about y/n in the comments? okay
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yourname the vicious tour, coming to a city near you <3 check my website for more info ;)
liked by maxverstappen, charlesleclerc, sonymusic, and others
-charlesleclerc the ticket is already in my cart
-yourname what a loyal fan <3
-maxverstappen can i tag along?
-user4783 omg what did i walk in on
-user4370 charles and y/n i- um- how did-
-user3904 i need this album like yesterday i cannot wait any longer
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yourname vicious is officially out now!!! creating an album is always so daunting, but everything i went through this past year has brought me to where i am now :,) the lyrics, melodies, and tears flowed out of me like a literal waterfall and this record slowly evolved into something so personal and beautiful, and i hope you all love it as much as i do. for those who have bought tickets to the tour, i'll see you all so soon. xoxo
liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris, maxverstappen, and others
-user3204 i simply have no words this is beautiful
-user5103 how is it possible to both cry and shake my ass to this album
-user0989 i know lando is somewhere sobbing and shaking
-user6434 everyone reply with ur fav songs so far!!
-charlesleclerc Picture You ;)
-yourname cheeky.
-user5568 could it be perhaps...because...its about you, charles?
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charlesleclerc WORLD CHAMPION! It feels so good to finally have a WDC. The team has put in countless hours of work this season and it finally paid off. Red Bull and McLaren challenged us all year, but I've always had faith in myself and this team. This is a moment in my career that I will never forget. I'm ready to enjoy some time off, but I'll see you on the track soon.
liked by yourname, f1, scuderiaferrari, and others
-yourname my champion <3
-charlesleclerc ❤️
-user3579 we all love you charles!!!!
-user9356 charles wdc and y/n soft launch in the comments yall are we okay
-user5602 once again lando is probably crying and throwing up
-user1362 karma tastes so sweet
-yourname tell me about it
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yourname he's good for my heart ☀️
liked by charlesleclerc, f1, sonymusic, and others
-charlesleclerc mon amour <3
-user5412 she's got him using that heart im obsessed
-user7584 going from wag to wag again she's truly iconic i fear
-user0049 girl why hide the face we recognize that man anywhere
-maxverstappen Soft launch of the century.
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charlesleclerc my two loves. welcome to our little fam leo <3
liked by yourname, maxverstappen, f1, and others
-yourname love u both <3
-user6731 oh my god i might cry
-user0823 u can tell charles is so perfect for y/n im so happy for them
-user7803 charles better treat her well or we ride at dawn
-charlesleclerc i'll love her forever
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thx for reading!! might make a part 2 with y/n on tour...
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loveanton · 5 months
melting point | lee anton
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ꕤ DESCRIPTION: after spending the last few months as anton’s hidden secret you finally reach your limit with his inconsistency.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: situationship!anton x f!reader
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2.8k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: desperate anton, some jealousy, kissing, and brief mentions of sex and alcohol
⏤ 𝑎/n: first riize post ^-^
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You’re at your limit.
The bass pounds in sync with the rapid thump of your heart. The club is a kaleidoscope of pulsating lights and swirling laughter, but your focus narrows on one person: Anton. He's across the room, surrounded by a cluster of people, his magnetic charm drawing them in like moths to a flame. And there she is, Minji, hanging on his every word, her laughter tinkling like glass wind chimes.
You clutch your drink, the ice cubes clinking against the red solo cup in a rhythm that matches the turmoil in your mind. This isn't the first time you've found yourself in this position — watching Anton flirt effortlessly, his attention a fleeting commodity you crave but can never fully grasp. 
You take a deep breath, trying to quell the rising tide of emotions threatening to engulf you. It's a familiar battle, one you've fought countless times before. But tonight feels different, heavier somehow, as if the weight of your unspoken desires has become too much to bear. The two of you aren't exclusive, you remind yourself. You’re just...something. 
Yet, seeing him engrossed in conversation with another girl ignites a flurry of emotions within you.
As you stand there, grappling with your emotions, the thumping bass seems to echo the rhythm of your racing heart. A familiar voice breaks through the haze of your thoughts, pulling you back to the present moment. "You okay?"
Turning, you see Heejin, your closest friend and roommate, her concern etched into the lines of her face. She knows you better than anyone, sensing the storm brewing beneath your calm facade.
You offer her a small smile, though it feels feeble against the weight of your emotions. "I'm fine," you reply, though the words ring hollow even to your own ears.
Heejin studies you for a moment, her gaze searching and knowing. "No you're not. I can see it written all over your face."
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you meet her gaze, the floodgates of your emotions threatening to burst open. "It's just... Anton," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Understanding flashes in Heejin's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the pain you're feeling. "I know," she murmurs, her voice soft but steady. "I've seen how much he means to you."
As you stand there, with Heejin's comforting presence beside you, memories flood your mind, tracing back to the moment when you first met Anton.
It was a late summer night in Seoul, and you were still adjusting to the bustling city, the unfamiliar sights and sounds overwhelming your senses. A craving for a midnight snack led you to the nearest convenience store, where you stumbled through the aisles in search of something familiar amidst the sea of unfamiliar products.
Lost in your own thoughts, you barely noticed the figure standing nearby until he spoke, his soft voice breaking through the fog of your confusion. "Need help finding something?"
You turned to see Anton, a friendly smile on his face, his easy demeanor putting you at ease. Relief washed over you as you realized he spoke English, a rare find in a country where you struggled to navigate the language barrier.
With his guidance, you found the sweet treat you were looking for, and as you parted ways, a sense of gratitude swelled within you. Little did you know, that chance encounter would become the start of something more.
Every Friday night after a long week of lectures, like clockwork, you found yourself drawn back to the same convenience store, hoping to catch another glimpse of the stranger who had shown you kindness in a foreign land. And without fail, there he would be, waiting for you in the back near the ramen section, a knowing smile on his lips as he greeted you with a simple "Hey."
In those moments, surrounded by the hum of refrigerators and the soft glow of fluorescent lights, you found solace in Anton's company.
You shared stories and laughter over steaming bowls of ramen, forging a bond that grew stronger with each passing week. And as you navigated the complexities of life in a new country, Anton became your anchor, a constant presence amidst the chaos of change. Eventually though the late night ramen runs shifted into late night hookups at his dorm.
You never intended to fall so hard and so fast for Anton but something about his soft spoken nature and charming smile rendered you a fool and now, as you stand here, grappling with the ache in your chest, you can't help but wonder if your bond with Anton was nothing more than a fleeting moment in time. The uncertainty of your situationship weighs heavily on your heart, overshadowing the warmth of those Friday night encounters.
You take a shaky breath, the weight of your unspoken feelings heavy on your chest. "What should I do?" you ask, your voice tinged with desperation.
Heejin listens to your question, her gaze softening with empathy as she considers her response. She reaches out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder before speaking. "You deserve someone who sees you for who you are, not just a fleeting lay in the dead of night," she says gently, her words carrying the weight of truth.
You bristle at her words, a surge of defensiveness rising within you. "But maybe he just... he's busy, you know? Maybe he's just not good at showing his feelings," you protest, the familiar excuses falling from your lips like a well-rehearsed script.
Heejin's expression remains unchanged, her gaze unwavering as she meets your eyes. "You've been holding onto this hope for so long, but deep down, you know it's not enough," she says firmly, her tone gentle but resolute. "Anton's status as an idol may complicate things, but that doesn't excuse his lack of effort outside of those late-night meetups."
You falter under her scrutiny, the weight of her words sinking in with each passing moment. She's right, of course. Anton's gestures, while comforting in the moment, were little more than crumbs of affection scattered at your feet, never enough to sustain the hunger in your heart.
"He invited you to this party, right?" Heejin continues, "But look around you. Do you see him anywhere near you? Or is he off, charming someone who's 'socially acceptable' to be seen with?"
A bitter taste rises in your mouth as you glance around the room, taking in the sight of Anton across the crowded space, his attention focused on Minji, someone who fits seamlessly into his world of fame and glamor. And suddenly, the illusion shatters, leaving behind nothing but the harsh reality of your situation.
You take a shaky breath, the truth settling over you like a heavy blanket. "You're right," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the noise of the party. "I've been fooling myself, thinking there was something more between us."
Heejin squeezes your shoulder in silent solidarity, her presence a source of comfort in the midst of your turmoil. "It's okay to let go," she says softly, her words a gentle reminder that sometimes, the hardest part is acknowledging when it's time to move on.
Tears sting your eyes as you feel the weight of regret settle upon your shoulders. "I feel so stupid," you admit, your voice trembling with emotion. "I wasted half my summer on a boy who wasn't worth it."
Heejin pulls you into a comforting embrace, her arms a shelter from the storm raging within you. "You're not stupid," she reassures you, her voice soft but firm. "You took a chance on something that felt real, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."
Despite her comforting words, you can't help but feel a pang of disappointment in yourself. You had allowed yourself to be swept away by the allure of Anton's charm, only to realize too late that it was nothing more than a facade.
"But hey," Heejin continues, her tone brightening with a hint of optimism, "at least you made some fun memories to last you through the upcoming semester, right?"
You manage a small smile through your tears, grateful for Heejin's unwavering support. "Yeah, I guess you're right," you concede, the weight on your heart easing ever so slightly at the reminder of the good times you shared.
Just as you and Heejin decide to leave the club, your resolve wavering but firm, you excuse yourself to use the restroom. As you navigate through the crowded space towards the restroom, a familiar voice calls out to you, stopping you in your tracks. "Hey, can we talk?"
You turn to see Anton standing there, his expression unreadable as he pulls you aside, away from the prying eyes of the partygoers. Despite the ache in your chest, you can't help but feel a flicker of curiosity at his sudden appearance.
"He invited you to this party, right?" Heejin's words echo in your mind, a stark reminder of the reality you had tried so hard to ignore.
Anton's voice interrupts your thoughts, his words cutting through the noise of the club like a beacon in the darkness. "I missed you, angel," he confesses, his arms encircling your waist in a familiar embrace.
You freeze at his touch, the conflicting emotions raging within you like a storm. His warmth against your skin, once a source of comfort, now feels suffocating in its familiarity. You remain silent, unable to form coherent words amidst the chaos of your thoughts.
Unfazed by your lack of response, Anton leans down, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers softly, "Do you want to head home with me tonight?"
The question hangs in the air between you, heavy with unspoken implications. But before you can consider his offer, a surge of frustration and indignation rises within you, breaking through the haze of confusion and growing horniness.
"No," you reply firmly, your voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "I need to know, Anton. What are we? What do you want from me?" You pause, your gaze searching his face for any sign of sincerity. "Because this... this isn't fair to me."
Anton's expression shifts, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before being replaced by a mask of indifference. "What do you mean?" he asks, his tone casual, as if your question holds no weight.
But you refuse to back down, the fire burning within you fueling your resolve. "You know exactly what I mean," you insist, your voice rising with each word. "You reel me in with compliments and empty promises, but you never follow through. You only ever want to see me at night, where no one else can see us. I deserve more than that, Anton. We both do."
Anton's grip tightens slightly around your waist, his brows furrowing in frustration. "It's not that simple, okay?" he retorts, his voice tinged with defensiveness. "You know how hectic my schedule is with my job. I can't always be there when you want me to be."
You shake your head, the bitterness of his words leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. "It's not about being there all the time, Anton," you counter, your voice tinged with disappointment. "It's about making an effort, about showing me that I actually mean something to you."
He opens his mouth to respond, but you beat him to it. "I'm tired of the excuses, Anton," you continue, your tone weary but resolute. "I need more than empty promises and late-night hookups. I need someone who's willing to put in the effort, someone who's not afraid to show me off to the world."
Anton's jaw tightens, his frustration palpable as he struggles to find the right words. "You think I don't want that too?" he finally blurts out, his voice edged with exasperation. "Do you have any idea what it's like to live under the constant scrutiny of the public eye? To have every move you make dissected and judged?"
His words hang in the air between you, heavy with the weight of his own insecurities. You understand the pressures of his career, the sacrifices he's had to make to maintain his image in the spotlight. But it's hard to reconcile his struggles with the hurt you've endured in silence.
"I know it's not easy," you concede, your voice softening with empathy. "But that doesn't excuse the way you've treated me, Anton. I've been patient, I've been understanding, but I can't keep pretending like everything's okay when it's not."
Anton's gaze flickers with a mixture of regret and resignation as he takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to brush against your cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice laced with sincerity. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just... I don't know how to do this."
Your heart aches at the vulnerability in his eyes, the raw honesty of his confession stirring something within you. But before you can respond, he closes the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a desperate kiss.
For a moment, the world falls away, leaving behind only the heat of his touch and the softness of his lips against yours. And in that fleeting moment of intimacy, you're tempted to forget all the pain and uncertainty, to lose yourself in the familiarity of his embrace.
As Anton pulls away from the kiss, desperation flashes in his eyes, pleading with you not to leave him. "Please, don't go," he whispers, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't lose you, not like this."
His hands tremble as they cup your face, his lips trailing soft kisses across your cheeks, each touch a silent plea for forgiveness. "I'll do better, I promise," he murmurs against your skin, his breath warm against your ear. "I'll put a label on what we have, I'll make it official. Just give me another chance."
You feel a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through you, torn between the pain of the past and the hope of a future where things could be different.
"I don't know, Anton," you murmur, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "I want to believe you, but... how can I be sure this time will be different?"
Anton's expression softens, a flicker of determination crossing his features. "I'll show you," he vows, his words laced with conviction. "I'll make it up to you, every single day. Just tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it."
You hesitate, torn between the desire to believe in him and the fear of being hurt again. But as you meet his gaze, a glimmer of hope flickers within you, a belief that perhaps, just perhaps, there's still a chance for redemption.
"Okay," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the chaos of the club. "But this is your last chance, Anton. No more empty promises, no more excuses. Show me that you mean it this time."
Anton leans in once again and captures your lips in another kiss, this time with a depth of emotion that leaves you reeling. It's as if he's pouring all of his love and regret into the fervent press of his mouth against yours, a silent plea for your forgiveness.
When he finally pulls back, his forehead rests against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the space between you. "I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so sorry for everything."
You feel a lump forming in your throat as you listen to him speak.
"Can I make it up to you?" Anton asks, his voice barely above a whisper. “Come home with me, let me show you how sorry I am, angel.”
You take a step back to look into his eyes but Anton quickly scoops you back towards his body. His other hand is on the side of your face, pulling you in. He dips his head and crashes his soft lips against your waiting lips. You let out a moan at the force behind the kiss but don’t object. He turns his head to deepen the kiss and slips his tongue into your mouth.
The kiss only gets hotter and hotter as you continue, Anton tilts his head to the side and you move yours in the opposite direction. Parting from your lips, he moves down gently to the corner of your lips, the tip of his nose buried in the junction of your jaw to take deep breaths of your intoxicating scent.
The male lays more open mouthed kisses down your neck, making you feel nothing but pure bliss. Your eyes shut as you moan into the air.
His hands move from your waist downwards, sliding over your jeans to caress your ass and thighs. He places one more love bite on your neck before bending a bit and lifting the back of your thighs as if you weigh nothing. You gasp in surprise and wrap your arms around his neck tightly so as to not fall.
You tug at his hair before responding to his previous question. “Take me home, Chanie.”
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valkyriexo · 5 months
You have the Flu | Felix
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ᑉ³pairing; Felix x Reader
ᑉ³genre; Sickfic, Comfort, Fluff,
ᑉ³warnings; use of pet names
ᑉ³Authors Note; Other members coming soon!
Part of the "He helps you when.." collection. Other members parts: Chan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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As you leave the office, the weight of the day begins to lift. You're looking forward to heading home, maybe even curling up with a good book or binge-watching your favorite show. It's been a long week – Thursday afternoon, the anticipation of the impending weekend is palpable, yet one more day of work still looms ahead.
The rain catches you off guard, a sudden onslaught that seems to mirror the weight of the week you've just endured. Dark clouds hang low in the sky, casting a somber shadow over the bustling streets below. The sound of raindrops hitting pavement fills the air, drowning out the usual cacophony of city life.
You hadn't expected rain today – hadn't bothered to check the weather forecast, too consumed by the demands of work to think about anything else. Now, you find yourself standing on the sidewalk, unprepared and unprotected against the elements.
The air is thick with the scent of wet asphalt and the sound of rain hitting the pavement is a constant, soothing rhythm.
With a heavy heart, you reach into your pocket for your phone, hoping to call for a taxi and escape the downpour. But as you bring it out, you notice the battery icon blinking ominously – a glaring red warning that it's about to die.
You curse under your breath, frustration mounting as you realize the extent of your predicament. Without a working phone, you're stranded in the rain, with no means of summoning help or seeking shelter.
Reluctantly, you tuck the phone back into your pocket, resigned to your fate. The cold seeps into your bones as you huddle beneath the feeble shelter of an overhang, watching the world pass by through a curtain of raindrops.
Minutes stretch into what feels like hours as you wait, the anticipation of a taxi's arrival your only source of hope amidst the relentless downpour. With each passing moment, your patience wears thin, your spirits dampened by the relentless assault of rain.
Finally, a taxi pulls up to the curb, and you practically leap inside, grateful for the warmth and shelter it provides.
As you settle into the backseat, you let out a long exhale, feeling a chill creep into your bones. The sound of rain against the windows is muffled now, replaced by the hum of the engine and the soft patter of droplets on the roof.
You give the driver your address and sink back into the seat, closing your eyes for a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the storm. The gentle rocking of the taxi lulls you into a state of calm, the tension in your shoulders slowly melting away.
Outside, the rain continues to fall, a steady rhythm that serves as a backdrop to your journey home. But inside the taxi, you're safe and dry, cocooned in a bubble of warmth and comfort. And you watch as the city lights pass by in a blur of color.
But as the night wears on, you start to feel worse. Your head throbs, your throat feels scratchy, and your body aches all over.
As you stumble through the door of your apartment, you can't shake the feeling of exhaustion that weighs heavily upon you. But you're grateful for the familiar surroundings of home.
Dragging yourself to the bathroom, you strip off your wet clothes and step into the warm embrace of the shower. The hot water soothes your aching muscles, but it does little to ease the pounding in your head or the scratchiness in your throat.
After what feels like an eternity, you emerge from the shower and clumsily towel off. You're too tired to bother with your nighttime routine, so you simply crawl into bed, shivering despite the layers of blankets.
After what feels like an eternity, you emerge from the shower and clumsily towel off. You're too tired to bother with your nighttime routine, so you simply crawl into bed, shivering despite the layers of blankets.
You glance at the clock on the nightstand, its glowing digits informing you that it's now 9:26 PM. Your phone, now charging, sits on the nightstand, but you can't summon the energy to check it. Instead, you drift off into a fitful sleep, the fever burning through your body like wildfire.
As you slowly awaken from your fever-induced slumber, you're greeted by the persistent pounding on your door. Every muscle in your body feels heavy, and the thought of moving seems impossible. You try to call out, You try to call out, but your voice comes out as nothing more than a raspy croak, barely audible even to your own ears.
The persistent pounding on your door feels like a distant echo, a sound from another world intruding upon your fragile consciousness. With each thud, your heart beats a little faster, a sense of unease creeping into the edges of your mind.
The pounding grows louder and more urgent, reverberating through the room like a drumbeat. Then, above the din, you hear the unmistakable sound of keys jingling in the lock, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your heart skips a beat as anticipation and anxiety intertwine within you.
Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Felix rushes into the room, his face a whirlwind of emotions – concern, relief, and something else that you can't quite place. His eyes lock onto yours, searching for reassurance amidst the chaos of your fevered state.
"Felix," you manage to croak out, your voice barely above a whisper. Relief floods through you at the sight of him.
"You didn't answer any of my messages or calls," Felix says, his voice tinged with worry as he rushes to your side. "I got really scared when I went to check up on you at work and you weren't there, so I came straight here. Are you okay?"
"Felix," you whisper. "What time is it?"
"It's 3 PM," he replies. "I've been so worried about you. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
You manage a weak nod, reaching out to grasp his hand. "I... I think I caught the flu. I feel awful."
Felix's expression softens with concern as he feels your forehead. "You're burning up. Let's get you some water and medicine, okay? We'll make you feel better."
You nod gratefully, letting Felix guide you to sit up as he hurries to fetch a glass of water and some fever-reducing medication. As he fusses over you, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by his care and concern.
Felix's brow furrows with concern as he settles beside you, his worry evident in his voice. "How long have you been feeling this way?"
You sigh. "Since last night. I... I think it's because of the rain," you admit reluctantly. "I got caught in it on my way home from work yesterday, and I didn't have an umbrella or anything. By the time I got home, I was already feeling sick."
Felix's expression darkens with concern and a hint of frustration. "You were out in the rain without proper protection, and you didn't say anything?" he asks, his voice tinged with worry and reproach.
"I didn't think it was a big deal," you mumble, feeling ashamed for not taking better care of yourself. "I thought I'd be fine, but... I guess I was wrong."
Felix's features soften as he reaches out to cup your cheek, his touch gentle. "You should have told me, sweetheart," he says softly. "I would have come to get you, or at least made sure you got home safely. I hate seeing you like this."
You nod, feeling tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. "I'm sorry, Felix," you whisper, feeling overwhelmed. "I should have said something. I won't do it again, I promise."
Felix pulls you into his arms, holding you close as he presses a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay," he murmurs, his voice warm and comforting. "Just focus on getting better now, alright? I'll take care of you."
With a tender smile, he rises from the bed and heads to the kitchen, returning moments later with a steaming mug of his favorite tea. Its aroma fills the room, carrying with it a sense of warmth and comfort.
"Here," he says softly, offering you the mug. "This always makes me feel better when I'm under the weather. Maybe it'll help you too."
You take the mug gratefully, the warmth of the tea seeping into your hands.
As you slowly try to drink the tea, your hands trembling slightly from weakness, Felix notices the sadness etched on your face. then, he suddenly disappears into the other room.
A couple minutes later he returns with BbokAri cradled gently in his arms, a soft smile gracing his lips as he approaches you.
"Here," he says gently, placing the plush toy in your hands. "This little guy never leaves my side, but tonight, I want him to keep you company. I thought he might help cheer you up too."
Taking the plush toy into your hands, you can't help but marvel at its softness and the love that emanates from it. As you hold it close, feeling its comforting presence, you notice Felix's gaze lingering on you, filled with concern and tenderness.
Seeing your body tremble with chills, Felix's heart wrenches with concern. "You're so cold," he murmurs. "Let's get you warmed up."
He quickly rises from the bed, leaving you momentarily bereft of his comforting embrace. However, he returns moments later with an extra blanket, which he wraps snugly around you. Then, he retrieves a heating pad, placing it gently near you.
As you shiver from a combination of fever and cold, Felix notices your discomfort. Returning to your side, he slips under the covers beside you, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle embrace. He holds you tightly, his own body heat radiating against yours, as he murmurs soothing words of comfort.
You snuggle closer to him. Felix holds you close, his steady heartbeat a reassuring rhythm against your ear. You hold BbokAri close to your chest, feeling its softness against your skin. Felix wraps his arms around both you and BbokAri, and you feel a sense of safety and security wash over you, banishing the cold and the fear that had gripped you moments before.
Felix presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering as if to convey all the love he holds for you. "I'll do whatever it takes to see you smile again," he murmurs, his voice a gentle caress against your skin. "You mean everything to me, and I can't stand to see you like this."
"Do you want more medicine, or is there something else I can do to ease your discomfort?" he asks gently, his voice filled with a desire to help.
"Having you here, holding me like this," you say softly, "is all the medicine I need."
Felix's smile is tender and full of affection. "I'm glad I can provide some comfort," he replies, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "But if there's anything else I can do, just let me know. I'll bring you more tea, medicine, anything you need. Or we can go on a walk? Get some sunshine and fresh air."
"You already bring the sunshine with you, right here in this room," you say, your voice soft with love.
Felix's eyes shimmer with warmth at your words, a soft glow of affection enveloping him. Pressed against each other for warmth, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, the sound of Felix's steady breathing lulling you into a sense of calm.
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N's cozy cottage becomes a refuge for Matt, but it's not just the house that encloses him, but who's inside; OR, where Matt and Y/N are in love, but afraid to confess. Until one day.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @mattscurlygirly
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Los Angeles was buzzing with life when the triplets moved there, looking for new opportunities for their YouTube career.
It was a sunny day, the day after they settled permanently in their own home, when Matt found himself wandering around the local market, on a somewhat clumsy mission to buy fruit and vegetables for a Wednesday video that Nick had come up with. He wasn't exactly an expert in grocery shopping, and the confusion of colors and smells left him a little lost.
It was then that he saw her - Y/N, standing in the middle of the fruit stands, examining a pile of apples with a serene smile on her lips. She radiated a calmness and natural beauty that instantly caught Matt's attention.
With an inexplicable impulse, Matt approached her, determined to overcome his usual shyness.
"Hi, excuse me." He began, nervous but determined. "You seem to know what you're doing here. Can you help me pick some fruit?"
Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting his in an instant. Her smile widened when she noticed his hesitation.
"Of course!" The girl responded, kindly. "What do you want to get?"
What started as a simple exchange of words quickly turned into a lively conversation. Matt discovered that Y/N was a plant lover and an avid supporter of local agriculture. Her passion was contagious, and he found himself sharing more stories about his own life than he expected.
When it was time to leave, Matt found himself reluctant to leave her.
"Hey, do you want to go out sometime?" He asked suddenly, his courage increasing with each word.
"I'd love to. Why don't you come over to my house on Saturday? We can do something together." Y/N smiled, her eyes shining.
Matt agreed immediately, feeling a bubbling excitement in his chest. He couldn't explain the feeling, but he knew there was something special about Y/N from the moment he saw her.
A week later, Matt was standing in the doorway of Y/N's house, his heart beating a little faster than normal while waiting for her. When she opened the door, her warm smile enveloped him almost instantly, dispelling all his worries.
As soon as the boy entered her home, he was immediately captivated by the warm and cozy atmosphere. It was as if he had found a refuge amidst the chaos of the city and even the crazy acceleration of his home.
Over the next few weeks, Matt found himself returning to Y/N's house more and more frequently. He couldn't resist the feeling of peace he found there, nor her company.
Gradually, his feelings for her intensified, but he was hesitant to confess. He was afraid of ruining the friendship they had built - and one of the only true ones he had created in the crazy city of LA and among so many celebrities -, and even more afraid of being rejected.
Little did he know, she felt the same way.
The gentle afternoon breeze danced across the fields around Y/N's small home, whispering secrets among the leaves of the trees and caressing the petals of the flowers in her garden. The golden sun cast its rays through the windows, painting the interior with tones of warmth and coziness.
Inside the house, Y/N was busy watering her plants in her kitchen, an activity she considered as essential as breathing. Her refuge was a veritable green paradise, with foliage that hung gracefully from shelves and vines that snaked up the walls.
The sound of soft knocks on the door in a rhythm already very familiar to her took her out of her reverie, and a smile immediately formed on her lips.
"Come in, Matt!" She called, letting out a nasal laugh at his sudden appearance in her home as she continued to water her plants.
Matt opened the door with a wide smile, his blue eyes shining beautifully in the sunlight.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greeted, entering and closing the door behind him. "How are you? I couldn't send you a text yesterday. We finished recording during the night."
"Better now that you're here." Y/N responded with a playful smile, turning her watering can over and throwing some water towards him.
"Hey, I came in peace!" Matt feigned horror, quickly dodging away, watching the droplets fall on the floor.
"You always say that." Y/N teased, laughing as she put the watering can back in place. "Come on, I made pie. Your favorite."
Sitting down at the kitchen table, they began to talk while eating, as they always did when they were together. It was that easy with Matt. The words flowed effortlessly, and the silence was never uncomfortable.
"Oh, I brought you something." Matt said, taking out a small package from his backpack and placing it on the free space above the table.
"What is it?" Y/N raised an eyebrow while finishing chewing the sweet in her mouth, curious.
"Surprise." Matt replied in a whisper, his smile widening.
The girl opened the package carefully, revealing a pair of small, colorful flower seedlings. Her eyes instantly lit up, rising to his face as a smile gradually grew on her cheeks.
"Matt, they're beautiful!" She exclaimed, holding one of the seedlings gently. "Thank you."
"I knew you would like it." He pressed his lips into a thin line in an attempt not to smile like crazy, watching her tenderly, his eyes traveling from her eyes bright with joy to her wide and excited smile.
With Y/N's help, they prepared pots for the new plants, sharing laughter and lively conversations as they worked together. It was crazy how Matt found an immense interest within himself in plants. It wasn't news that he loved nature with all his being, but Y/N awakened something different in him.
As they worked, their fingers occasionally touched, sending subtle shivers down their spines. It was nothing new for them - there was always electricity in the air when they were together, a gentle tension that they both recognized but chose to ignore.
As the sun began to set, they finally finished planting the flowers, admiring their work with satisfied smiles.
"They're perfect." Y/N murmured, looking at the flowers fondly and clasping her hands together in front of her body in admiration.
"Just like you." Matt said softly, his eyes meeting hers.
A familiar warmth spread through Y/N's chest, and she looked away, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. Matt always had a way of making her feel special, even with the simplest compliments.
"You're so silly, you know that?" She said, trying to hide the emotion in her voice.
"But it's true." Matt insisted, his smile never wavering.
It was Friday night, the perfect time to escape the routine and get lost in the city's bright streets. Matt parked his car in front of Y/N's house, feeling excitement pulsing through his veins. With a hint of anticipation, he pressed the horn twice in succession, a sharp sound cutting through the stillness of the air.
A few heartbeats later, the door opened and Y/N appeared, observing the car for a few seconds before bending down slightly, looking at Matt in the driver's seat with a mixed expression of surprise and confusion.
"Matt? What are you doing here?" She asked with a frown, her voice thick with perplexity. "Oh my, we had no plans for tonight, right?"
"No, we didn't. But today's video was too stressful to record, and while I left Nick and Chris at home, I thought it would be a good option to drive around for a bit, I needed to clear my head. But it's no fun alone." Matt shrugged, smiling small and raising his right eyebrow, his expression brimming with expectation.
Y/N arched her own, but the mischievous glint in her eyes indicated that she was interested. She shook her head, a smile playing on her lips.
"Why not? I'll get my jacket."
Matt watched as Y/N ran back inside. He knew there was nothing special about just driving around, but the simple idea of ​​spending more time with her was enough to make him happy.
When Y/N returned, he stretched his upper body across the car's console and the passenger seat, pulling the inside handle and pushing the door open, adjusting his posture again and watching her get in and sit down next to himself.
Matt quickly turned on the car after making sure she was comfortable, leaving the familiar streets of Los Angeles behind.
As they drove through the city, they talked and laughed like they always did, the radio playing Y/N's favorite playlist in the background at a low volume, letting the night guide them wherever they wanted to go.
Matt felt at peace next to her, her closeness filling him with a comforting feeling, his mind finally emptying itself of problems and all stress, and focusing completely on the girl he loved.
Suddenly, Y/N's favorite song started playing, filling the car with an infectious beat. Her eyes lit up, a scream of excitement escaping her lips followed by an excited laugh. Her right hand worked on opening the window on her side, allowing the wind to play with her hair.
Matt couldn't take his eyes off her.
As the girl sang at the top of her lungs, her eyes closed tightly, and a beaming smile opened on her cheeks, Matt felt like he was witnessing pure euphoria personified.
He was in a trance, his mouth slightly open, and his pupils almost completely dilated, his heart pounding in his chest.
She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Matt tried to keep his attention between her and the road, making sure they were safe while Y/N gave herself over to the music and the night, the strong wind circulating through the inside of the car and moving the boy's fluffy hair.
His heart filled with warmth at seeing her so happy, and he knew without a shadow a doubt that he was right where he belonged.
A cool autumn breeze danced through the tree leaves, bringing with it the comforting scent of dry leaves and spices. In Y/N's room, autumn-scented candles cast a soft, welcoming light, serving as the only source of living light, while the warmth of coziness filled the walls.
Y/N and Matt were cuddled up in the double bed under thick blankets, their bodies pressing gently against each other as they watched a horror movie on the television.
A bowl full of freshly baked and fragrant chocolate cookies rested on the girl's lap above the duvet, consequently warming her legs, both of their hands fishing for the treats from time to time.
The atmosphere was filled with the tranquility of an autumn night, Matt's favorite, but the boy struggled mightily to concentrate on the movie as his heart beat wildly in his chest.
The feeling of Y/N's warm skin rubbing against his made his own goosebumps, the natural smell of her hair filled his nostrils, leaving him in a state of almost drunkenness.
As the movie progressed, a scary scene appeared on the screen, causing Y/N to jump in fright and snuggle even more against Matt's chest.
The boy felt a shiver run down his spine almost automatically, and his heart beat even harder in his chest, so that he could hear it in his ears, the sound of the voices coming from the television becoming muffled to him.
When Y/N looked up with an amused smile on her face, ready to make a joke about the scare, she found Matt's eyes already fixed on her in a different way, a good one. There was something there - a quiet intensity that made her own heart race.
Her smile slowly faded, her throat swallowing hard at Matt's intensity.
Their gazes remained fixed for long minutes, or seconds, and before Y/N could find the courage to say anything, Matt raised a trembling hand, taking it to the apple of her cheek, caressing the flushed and warm skin lightly, his expression full of tenderness and emotion.
"Y/N." He whispered, his voice soft to the ears. "I need to tell you something."
Y/N's heart lurched in her chest, her cheeks burning slightly under Matt's touch, feeling anxiety and anticipation rise through her body like a shiver.
"What is it?" She asked just as quietly, barely able to contain the emotion in her voice, the movie already long forgotten.
Matt swallowed hard, summoning all the courage he had within him.
“I love you, Y/N.” The boy confessed, knowing that if he thought twice, he wouldn't say it. His eyes never leaving hers. "I love you more than I ever thought possible to love anyone. I would do anything for you, anything to have you."
Matt's words echoed in the room, filled with sincerity and vulnerability. Y/N felt tears threatening to overflow her eyes, a wave of heat flooding her chest.
She wanted to say something, express the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling, but words escaped her, and she knew that in that moment she had gained what her heart longed for most, having him for herself.
Then, in a moment of pure connection, Y/N leaned up, resting her hand on Matt's chest, and finally captured Matt's lips with hers, initiating a sweet, passionate kiss.
Their lips moved in perfect harmony, conveying all the love and affection they felt for each other. Y/N's free hand traveled to the side of Matt's head, playing with his curly hair lightly, as Matt brought his hands to her hips, lightly squeezing the covered skin between his fingers.
When they pulled away seconds later, Y/N blinked long and hard, her eyes shining with tears of happiness, a radiant smile lighting up her face.
"Matt, you are every flower I have ever admired." Y/N muttered, her voice cracking. "That means I love you too. With all my heart."
And there, on that autumn night, under the glow of the candles and the warmth of the blankets, Matt and Y/N could finally allow themselves to feel and love, without fear of rejection, because they already belonged to each other.
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its-avalon-08 · 8 days
Hi. Could you do a Fernando Alonso one where reader are Carmen's sister and sometimes accompany her to races to spend time together due to reader's busy schedule with her modeling career and to the point where Fernando becomes interested in knowing more about her while George and Carmen try to set them up, since they realize how well the two get along and the tension that is in the air
meddling and podiums (fa14)
✦ pairing - fernando alonso x female!reader
✦ genre - friends to lovers, meddling george and carmen, cute, fluff,
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The paddock was buzzing with the usual energy of race day. The sun beat down on the vibrant F1 scene, with fans filling the grandstands, drivers making last-minute preparations, and teams moving swiftly to ensure everything was ready for lights out. Amidst all this, Carmen and her sister, Y/N, walked through the paddock, turning a few heads.
Y/N hadn’t been to a race in a while. Her modeling career kept her moving from city to city, but today, she managed to carve out time to support her sister and spend some quality time together.
“I'm so glad you could make it,” Carmen smiled, looping her arm through Y/N's as they navigated through the McLaren garage. “Feels like I never see you anymore."
Y/N laughed, adjusting her sunglasses as she glanced around. "Tell me about it. I've missed this vibe. You know how crazy my schedule’s been. But I needed this. A break, some racing… and, of course, hanging out with my favorite sister."
“Your only sister,” Carmen teased.
As they walked past the garages, Y/N caught sight of the familiar green of the Aston Martin team and its star driver, Fernando Alonso. His presence was impossible to ignore—tall, rugged, and oozing confidence as he discussed strategy with his engineers. She had seen him on TV countless times but seeing him up close was something else entirely. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly commanding he was.
Carmen noticed her sister’s gaze lingering. "Interesting view?" she asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, though a smirk played on her lips. "Just… observing. No harm in looking, right?"
"Right…" Carmen said, clearly noting the spark of interest. "Come on, George is waiting for us at Mercedes. But, I wouldn't mind taking a detour near the Aston Martin garage later."
Y/N chuckled. "You're not that subtle, you know."
As they made their way towards George, Y/N felt someone’s eyes on her. Glancing up, she met Fernando Alonso’s gaze for the briefest of moments. He looked curious, like he was trying to place her face. She wasn’t just another person in the paddock to him. And then, just as quickly, the moment passed, and he turned back to his conversation.
They reached Mercedes, where George Russell was leaning casually against a wall, spotting them from a distance with a wide grin on his face. "Well, look who finally decided to show up—Miss World herself," he teased, pushing off and walking over with a playful bounce in his step.
Y/N smirked, rolling her eyes as she hugged him. "Oh please, as if you don’t love having me around to boost your popularity. Admit it, you’ve missed me."
"Missed? Try celebrating the peace and quiet since you've been jet-setting across the world," George shot back, ruffling her hair in a brotherly gesture. "Now you're back to ruin it all."
"Ruin it? I make everything better, Russ. Without me, you'd be bored out of your mind."
Carmen laughed as she watched them banter, but George wasn’t done. “Honestly, I think the paddock’s been too calm. Carmen’s always talking about you, and I’m like—great, now I have to deal with two of them. Double trouble."
Y/N punched him lightly on the arm. “Admit it, you love having me around to keep you on your toes."
George laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright! You win. It’s nice to see you here, Y/N. It’s not the same without you stirring things up."
Y/N smirked. "That’s what I thought."
As they exchanged more playful jabs, George's expression turned more mischievous. "Oh, by the way, Alonso's been… asking about you."
Carmen and George shared a knowing look. "Well, you did just catch his eye. Plus, he's been asking questions like… ‘Who’s the girl that sometimes comes with Carmen?’ And ‘What does she do?’ You know, the usual."
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile tugging at her lips. "He could just ask me directly, you know."
“Oh, I’m sure he’s thinking about it,” Carmen said, nudging her.
As they chatted, George’s phone buzzed. He glanced down and grinned. “Speak of the devil. Fernando’s just invited us to the Aston Martin hospitality. Care to join?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, pretending to think. "Isn't this a bit of an obvious setup?"
Carmen laughed. "It's not a setup if there's already chemistry."
George nodded, backing her up. "Exactly. Come on, Y/N. Just join us. I bet it’ll be fun."
Y/N sighed, though a flicker of curiosity burned in her eyes. "Alright, alright. But if this gets awkward, I’m blaming both of you."
"Deal," George smirked, already texting Fernando back.
As they made their way toward Aston Martin, Y/N felt the flutter of anticipation rise in her chest. She hadn’t expected to feel like this, but there was something intriguing about Fernando. The way he carried himself, the quiet confidence… it piqued her interest.
And if the way George and Carmen were looking at her was any indication, they were already rooting for something to happen.
The Aston Martin hospitality suite was buzzing with activity when Y/N, Carmen, and George arrived. The gleaming green branding and calm atmosphere contrasted sharply with the chaotic energy outside. Fernando was standing near a table, engrossed in conversation with one of the team members, but as soon as they entered, his eyes flicked toward them.
George waved, leading the way. “Fernando! Hope we’re not interrupting anything important.”
Fernando glanced up, a subtle smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Not at all,” he said smoothly, nodding at George before his gaze shifted to Y/N. “I see you’ve brought company.”
Y/N felt a slight flutter in her stomach as his dark eyes locked on hers. His presence was even more intense up close, and though he kept his tone casual, there was something in the way he looked at her that made her feel like they were the only two in the room.
“This is Y/N,” George said, clearly enjoying the moment. “You know, Carmen’s sister. We thought we’d drag her to more races since she’s been so busy.”
“Nice to finally meet you in person,” Fernando said, extending his hand toward Y/N. His voice was deep and calm, carrying a sense of quiet authority.
Y/N smiled, taking his hand in a firm handshake. “Likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she replied, her voice steady despite the unexpected jolt that came from the contact.
“Only good things, I hope,” Fernando said, his tone light but his eyes lingering on hers.
Y/N tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. “Mostly.”
Carmen shot George a look, clearly noticing the subtle tension between them. “So, Fernando, you’re ready for today’s race?”
“Always,” he responded, but his attention was still on Y/N. “And what about you, Y/N? How does this compare to the excitement of your world?”
Y/N laughed softly, breaking eye contact for a moment. “A little different from the fashion shows, but I think I prefer the noise and chaos here. Plus, watching these races is a nice break from my schedule.”
Fernando’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. “I imagine modeling takes you all over the world.”
“It does,” she replied. “But I try to make time for things that really matter. Family, friends… experiences.” Her eyes flicked up to meet his again, and there was no mistaking the subtle undercurrent in her words.
George, sensing the building tension, decided to jump in before things got too intense. “You two are making me feel like a third wheel,” he said, laughing awkwardly. Carmen elbowed him, but George just grinned. “Maybe we should give you a little more space.”
Carmen chimed in, smiling innocently. “That’s not a bad idea. George and I were going to grab some food, actually. You know, let you two get to know each other without us butting in.”
Y/N shot her sister a look, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. “Carmen…”
But George was already pulling Carmen along, leaving Fernando and Y/N standing there alone. "We'll be right back!" he called out, far too chipper as they disappeared into the crowd.
Y/N turned back to Fernando, trying not to laugh at her sister and George’s obvious meddling. “They’re not exactly subtle, are they?”
Fernando chuckled, his gaze softening. “Not at all.”
There was a moment of silence, but it wasn’t awkward. The air between them felt charged, like there was something simmering beneath the surface. Y/N could feel his eyes on her, the weight of his attention making her heart race.
“You’re close with George and Carmen?” Fernando asked, his tone casual, but his interest was clear.
“Yeah,” she replied, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Carmen and I are really close. It’s hard with my schedule, so I try to come to races whenever I can to see her. George is like an annoying older brother, but… we all get along.”
Fernando nodded, his eyes following her movements. “I can see that. They seem like good people.”
“They are,” Y/N said. “George is always looking out for Carmen, and by extension, me. Which is probably why they’re trying so hard to—” she paused, catching herself before finishing the sentence, but Fernando raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.
“To…?” he prompted.
Y/N smirked, shaking her head. “To do exactly what they’re doing right now—setting us up.”
Fernando’s lips curved into a small smile. “Ah, so you noticed.”
“Hard not to,” she replied with a light laugh. “They’ve been dropping hints for weeks now.”
Fernando’s expression grew more serious, though the smile never left his face. “And what do you think about that? Being set up?”
Y/N paused, meeting his gaze again. There was something about him—he was confident, sure, but not in an arrogant way. His interest in her felt genuine, and she couldn’t deny the chemistry that was already building between them.
“I don’t usually like being set up,” she admitted, her voice softening. “But… I guess it depends on the person.”
Fernando’s smile widened slightly, and he took a step closer. “And what do you think of me so far?”
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat, the intensity of his gaze pulling her in. She smiled, tilting her head slightly as she held his gaze. “I think you might surprise me.”
Fernando’s eyes darkened with interest, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. “I hope that’s a good thing.”
Before Y/N could respond, Carmen and George reappeared with mischievous grins on their faces, carrying trays of food.
“Did we miss anything?” George asked, far too casually.
Y/N glanced at Fernando, her lips curving into a knowing smile. “Nothing you two don’t already know.”
time skip
As the race weekend unfolded, it became clear to everyone in the paddock—especially to George and Carmen—that Fernando and Y/N were inseparable. Every free second, whether it was between practice sessions, during lunch breaks, or even casual moments walking through the paddock, they were side by side. Their conversations seemed endless, filled with easy laughter and stolen glances.
George and Carmen watched from the sidelines, their plotting almost becoming a sport of its own.
Friday afternoon
“Look at them,” Carmen whispered to George, nudging him as they stood by the Mercedes garage. Fernando and Y/N were sitting on a bench a few meters away, deep in conversation. Y/N was laughing at something Fernando had said, her face lighting up in a way that was hard to miss.
George smirked, crossing his arms. “I think we’ve done quite a job here.”
Carmen giggled, leaning into him. “You think they even notice how much time they’re spending together?”
“No way. They’re too busy making heart eyes at each other.”
Saturday, after qualifying
As the sun began to dip, the paddock was alive with chatter. Drivers were heading off for briefings, and team members bustled about. But Y/N and Fernando stood off to the side, leaning casually against a wall, completely in their own world.
“So,” Y/N said, leaning closer to him with a teasing smile, “you and George seem to get along surprisingly well. He’s not too annoying for you?”
Fernando chuckled, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “I think I’ve learned to tune him out when he starts talking too much.”
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes. “That’s the secret to dealing with George. He loves the sound of his own voice.”
Fernando raised an eyebrow, his voice dropping just slightly. “And what about you? Are you as good at tuning him out?”
“Sometimes,” Y/N said, biting her lip, her tone playful. “But mostly, I just out-talk him.”
Fernando’s smirk grew, the tension between them unmistakable. “I can’t say I mind that.”
The air between them grew heavier, but before the moment could deepen, George’s voice cut through the tension.
“Hey, lovebirds!” he called out, grinning widely as he approached with Carmen. “Need any more help getting through this weekend together?”
Y/N groaned, laughing despite herself. “You really don’t know when to stop, do you?”
Carmen elbowed George, shooting Y/N and Fernando a playful wink. “Ignore him. He’s just jealous he’s not the center of attention.”
Fernando chuckled, his gaze lingering on Y/N. “I don’t think anyone could take attention away from Y/N.”
Sunday afternoon, post-race
The crowd was roaring as the podium ceremony wrapped up, and Fernando had just claimed an impressive P2. Y/N stood at the edge of the celebration, smiling as she watched him pop the champagne and soak in the cheers from the fans. There was something exhilarating about being part of this world, but today it felt even more electric. Fernando’s win wasn’t the only thing sparking the excitement in the air.
As the drivers made their way off the podium, Fernando spotted Y/N standing by, clapping and grinning at him. His eyes lit up as he made a beeline toward her, weaving through the crowd. Still in his race suit, champagne dripping from his hair, he looked like a man on top of the world.
As the podium celebrations wound down, Fernando made his way through the crowd, eyes scanning for Y/N. He spotted her standing just off to the side, her smile wide as she clapped along with the cheering fans. Despite the chaos surrounding them, she was a steady presence, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.
Still in his race suit, with champagne glistening on his hair and skin, he approached her, wiping a hand across his face as he grinned. “Not bad, huh?”
Y/N beamed up at him, her eyes bright. “Not bad at all. You looked like you were in your element out there.”
Fernando chuckled, slightly breathless but clearly energized. “I had some extra motivation.”
“Oh yeah?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, her voice teasing. “And what might that be?”
He took a step closer, the noise of the paddock dimming in his mind. “You.”
Her smile faltered for just a second, surprise flashing in her eyes before she tilted her head, amused. “Me?”
Fernando nodded, his voice lowering as his gaze softened. “Yeah. Being around you this weekend… I haven’t felt like this in a while.”
There was a moment of silence between them, the air heavy with unsaid words. Y/N’s heart was racing, the playful teasing that usually colored their conversations giving way to something deeper.
“Listen,” Fernando said, his voice gentle but sure, “I know this weekend’s been crazy, but if you’re not flying out tomorrow… I’d like to take you out. Just us, somewhere quiet. No paddock noise, no distractions.”
Y/N’s breath hitched slightly, her gaze locking with his. There was something sincere and almost vulnerable in his eyes, and for a moment, she forgot about the crowd, the race, and everything else.
“So,” she began, a small, teasing smile playing on her lips, “you’re asking me out, Alonso?”
Fernando smirked, his usual confidence creeping back as he held her gaze. “I am.”
Y/N bit her lip, her smile widening. “I think I’d like that.”
His eyes brightened with a mix of relief and excitement, the tension between them palpable. “Good. I'll make sure it’s worth your while.”
Y/N stepped a little closer, her voice dropping to match the quiet intimacy of the moment. “I’m counting on it.”
For a brief second, the world around them seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of them standing there, caught in the electricity of something new.
As George and Carmen celebrated their success from the sidelines, Fernando and Y/N exchanged a look filled with the kind of tension that only comes when two people know they’re on the edge of something more.
And for once, the noise of the race weekend faded into the background, leaving just the two of them in the moment.
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sleepydeprived · 8 months
A Chance for Redemption
—A mysterious high school student appears out of the blue, bearing the face of the late Martha Wayne and puzzling even Gotham’s greatest detectives.
[chapter 1]
| Platonic!Yandere!Batfam x Reader
| Inspired by the work of @e-nonsense “GHOST OF A LONG GONE WOMAN”
The Gotham City skyline stretched across the horizon, its towering structures standing as silent guardians in the night. Inside the dimly lit study of Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne sat alone amidst shadows that mirrored the complexities of his own mind.
A sudden beep from the Batcomputer broke the stillness. Bruce glanced at the screen, and his piercing gaze narrowed at the news report flashing across the monitor. The headline sent a ripple through him.
"Wayne Heiress Emerges: Striking Resemblance to Late Martha Wayne. Who is she?"
His heartbeat quickened as images of the young girl filled the screen. The uncanny resemblance to his late mother, Martha, struck him like a blow. The gentle curve of her smile, the warmth in her eyes — it was as if a much younger version of Martha had been reborn in a face he had never known.
For a moment, the air in the study thickened with silence. Bruce's jaw tightened, and a flood of memories surged, carrying him back to the night of his parents' tragedy. He saw Martha's face, radiant and full of life, before the darkness took her away. Now, that same face stared back at him from the screen.
"What is this?" Bruce muttered to himself, his fingers tapping impatiently on the polished surface of the mahogany desk.
With a decisive gesture, he rose from his seat and moved toward the Batcave. Alfred, his ever-watchful confidant, observed the turmoil in Bruce's eyes.
"Master Wayne, might I inquire about the cause of your distress?" Alfred's calm voice cut through the tension.
Bruce handed Alfred a tablet displaying the news report. As Alfred scanned the images, the lines on his forehead deepened in concern.
"An unexpected development, sir. Shall I investigate further?" Alfred offered, his loyalty unwavering.
"No, Alfred. I'll handle this myself,"
In the heart of the Batcave, surrounded by the symbols of his dual life, Bruce Wayne accessed the Batcomputer with purpose, initiating a search that would unravel the truth behind the possible Wayne heiress.
As information unfolded on the screen, Bruce's stoic demeanor flickered with a kaleidoscope of emotions. The mystery of his potential blood-related daughter, bearing the face of his beloved mother, demanded answers that eluded even the World's Greatest Detective.
In the shadows of Wayne Manor, a silent storm brewed. All veiled behind the haunting gaze of a daughter who bore the visage of a long-lost woman.
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doumadono · 8 months
ainful sunday!!
thinking about izuku coming back from a long, agitating mission and just fucking his girlfriend for hours on end due to the fact he couldnt fuck her for two months..
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Warnings: aged-up Izuku
The door swung open, revealing a dimly lit bedroom bathed in a soft glow emanating from a little lamp placed on a nightstand. The atmosphere was both calming and intimate, a thoughtful touch from someone who knew him all too well.
Izuku's eyes widened as he spotted your silhouette by the window, your gaze fixed on the city skyline. The scent of a familiar perfume hung in the air, triggering a wave of nostalgia and warmth. He cleared his throat, not wanting to startle you.
You turned, your eyes widening in surprise before giving way to a radiant smile. "Izuku," you breathed, crossing the room in swift strides. Your embrace was a testament to the longing that had built up over the weeks of separation, the relief of being back in each other's arms.
"I missed you so much," you murmured against his chest, fingers tracing the lines of his hero costume.
The sensation of your touch grounded him, a stark contrast to the chaos he had faced on his long mission.
As you pulled away, Izuku's eyes met yours, gratitude and love reflected in the depths of his green orbs. "I missed you too, Y/N," he confessed, his voice a mixture of exhaustion and genuine affection. "It felt like an eternity out there."
You led him to the bed, urging him to rest while you fetched a glass of water.
Sitting there, he found solace in your presence, the weight of the world momentarily lifted from his shoulders.
You spoke of the challenges faced, the victories achieved, and the moments of doubt that had haunted his journey.
"Coming back to you makes everything worth it," Deku admitted, his gaze unwavering.
You nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. "You're my hero, Izuku, in more ways than one."
Izuku enfolded you in a snug embrace, his lips leisurely planting tender kisses across your face. After delicately removing his gloves, his calloused fingers traced a gentle path along the nape of your neck. Amidst the soft caresses, he murmured affectionate words against your lips, "My babygirl, my little love."
Soon, he found himself pinning you down onto the mattress, his adept hands delicately removing your nightgown. His slightly chapped lips planted kisses along your exposed shoulders, traced the neckline, and lingered in the valley between your breasts.
Effortlessly, Izuku shed his hero uniform, the sound of zippers echoing in the room. Your laughter bubbled as you witnessed his struggle, prompting you to assist. A small smile graced your lips as your fingertips traced the contours of his toned body, a tangible reunion after the prolonged absence.
Foreplay was unnecessary - you were already drenched, just for Izuku.
Deku encountered no obstacles entering your pussy - your slick wetness facilitated an easy slide of his aching manhood right into your snug core.
He started with deliberate slowness, his thrusts mirroring the measured precision of his heroics.
Your quiet moans intertwined with his labored breaths, marking the end of a prolonged hiatus from your sex sessions. Despite your initial tightness, the reunion felt blissful for both, a testament to the longing that had built up during your time apart.
"Oh, Izuku, I've been dreaming about this moment for so long," you whispered, arms enveloping his neck.
He grunted, gazing down at you, hands cradling your face. "Me too, babygirl. Missed your warmth."
As pure passion took hold, Izuku found himself completely consumed by desire, his thrusts quickening in response to the escalating intensity of arousal.
In no time, you succumbed to pleasure beneath him, becoming a moaning mess. Every thrust seemed to expertly target those incredibly sensitive spots, sending waves of pleasure through you as the tip of his dick brushed against your spongy walls.
After a particularly forceful thrust, you screamed his name as your head tilted back onto the pillows. Overwhelmed by the intense sensation, you instinctively wrapped your leg around his hips, drawing him closer and subtly altering the angle for heightened pleasure, allowing Deku to penetrate your pussy even deeper than before.
Following his climax, you soon experienced your own, your body spasming from overstimulation.
Deku, catching his breath, tenderly kissed your forehead before withdrawing his cock out of your snug cunt. He then requested you to turn to your side. As you complied, he positioned himself behind you and reentered your pussy; his cock got hard again in no time.
Breathless, you gasped and bit your lower lip, feeling the intensity of his thrusts and a bulge his cock formed within your lower tummy whenever he pushed in, the tender kisses of his mouth placed to your cheek, and the warm breath fanning the back of your neck and ear as he grunted, quickening his pace.
In this specific position, Izuku could easily cup your breasts while reaching maximum depth with his dick buried in you, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with each of his thrusts.
Time blurred, but when Izuku cum yet again, emptying his balls in your pussy, he settled beside you on the bed, and slid his hands under his head with a smirk. "It was amazing, babygirl," Deku whispered, gratitude evident. "Thank you for the warm welcome."
You nestled against his robust chest, cheeks flushed as you felt your mixed cums trickling down your thighs. "Thank you for taking me to heaven, Izuku," you whispered, kissing his chest lightly.
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Hiiii! How are you???
I loved the love-quirk piece you wrote for Touya/Dabi and was wondering if you could do the same trope for Hawks please please please??? 🥺🩷
Ugh I lovvveee Hawks and I hope you enjoy!
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Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Summary: Love-quirk trope but Keigo Takami edition because he deserve some nice fluff
Warnings: Language; suggestive
Word Count: 2.9k
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The wind whipped through the stray strands of your hair, stinging your eyes as you ran toward the scene. It tousled the fabric of your hero suit, wrapping around your body as you took a moment take in your surroundings.
Despite the fact that the commotion seemed to have calmed down a bit, it was easy to see that chaos had just recently erupted. Haphazard concrete was littered across the street, a lamppost smashed through the middle strewn directly in front of you. Its dying bulb flickered amidst the debris, a beacon of energy among all of the destruction.
You had gotten the call maybe seven minutes ago. At the time, you had been peacefully drinking your morning serving of coffee. The word of criminals attacking the Northern side of the city rumbling over the agency forced you to push the steaming cup aside, ignoring the look of dejection stemming from the kind intern who had brought it.
Hawks had gotten there significantly earlier, thanks to his widely known speed and the fact that you were on the opposite side of town.
Speaking of your partner, he was nowhere to be seen, but the stray streaks of red plumage floating through the air alluded to him being close by, most likely taking down remaining villains in the nearby vicinity.
If the multiple unconscious bodies were anything to go by, he had already taken care of most of the assailants. Still, there seemed to be a few scattered around, all of which immediately began gunning for you.
You weren't exactly worried, however. Groups like this believed their abundance in numbers would make up for a noticeable lack of skill.
There was one left moments later, armed to the teeth, but visibly sloppy when it came to close combat.
Arms forward, you readied yourself for a quick win as a flash of color registered in your peripheral vision. You turned, almost positive that it was your partner, but wanting to make sure. That recognizably cocky grin and friendly wave confirmed your suspicions.
That grin faltered for a moment as he watched you pause, fists growing limp and face showing no reaction to the scythe-wielding villain running straight for you.
Reaction time as extraordinary as ever, Hawks shot forward and rammed his body into yours, the both of you colliding into the road as he tried your best to protect your head within his arms. A wall of feathers were unconsciously sent towards the criminal, the man currently screaming and banging on the now iron-like plumes.
Hawks took a breath, your face still buried in his shoulder and cradled beneath his biceps. His attempts to ignore the speed of his heart at your nearby demise went in vain, even as he forced that usual lighthearted upswing into his tone. "What the hell happened? Trying to keep me on my toes or something, sweetheart?"
Pulling away slightly, he readied himself for that usual glance of annoyance he'd receive when using the nickname. Surprisingly, your features held none of that discernible exasperation.
One of embarrassment and guilt lay there instead, your eyes flitting towards the ground.
"I'm sorry... I guess I got distracted." You lifted your gaze to meet his. "I just was thinking that you looked really nice today."
The absolute deadpan expression he wore would've had you chuckling any other day, laughter bubbling at the way his eyes seemed to almost double in surprise. Regardless, a saccharine smile, sweet and alluring, was what you offered.
His flirtatious remarks towards you were nothing new. He had liked you for a while, sure, but his usually amorous persona was known by many, so he wasn't sure you thought much of it. You had definitely never indulged in it, however, usually brushing it off with some sassed retort for the sake of professionalism.
The way you looked at him had his mind in shambles. It looked like you were on cloud-nine, blithe and unbothered despite your near death experience.
"Excuse me?"
Hawks jumped up, lacing an arm beneath your shoulders to take you with him.
A navy-clad police officer stared back at you both.
"Thanks for your help." She cleared her throat, trying to wipe away the look of surprise she was wearing. "We can take the cleanup from here."
"Thanks," he offered her a friendly nod before turning around and walking away, a hand wrapped protectively around your wrist. Craning his neck slightly downward, he muttered a quiet, "You okay?"
"Mhm. I feel fine."
"Uh-huh." Golden eyes glazed over your form, unconvinced.
"I am kind of tired, though. Can you fly us back?"
He stopped.
There had been a few instances where Hawks would fly you back to the agency's building after a mission.
Or, more so, he would offer, you would kindly decline, and he would sneak up from behind, pulling your body into his before taking off without warning.
It was something about the way you were forced to wrap your arms around his neck, hanging tightly in fear despite the fact that he would never allow anything to happen to you.
And even though the display of your annoyance didn't go above the usual huff of complaints after landing, you had definitely never asked for him to do it.
There was something wrong with you, that much he could tell. And while he was covertly enjoying this overly affectionate version of you quite a bit, the worry he felt for your well being easily overshadowed any satisfaction he was feeling.
Still, he nodded, not keen on letting you out of his sight as of now, sliding a hand behind your back and under your knees before pulling you close and rising into the air. He watched your expressions closely, well enough versed in the layout of the city to be able to not pay attention to where he was going.
As usual, your features were brimming with quiet anxiety, but nothing else exactly seemed to be all that different. Besides the way you clung onto him without the slightest bit of protest, of course.
It had been mere minutes before the agency faded into view, mirrored windows reflecting the splendor of an early evening sunset. His landing was just as graceful as the departure, combat boots sliding just barely across the cobblestone road.
You hopped out of his hold, but kept an arm laced around his own as Hawks led the both of you inside. Photojournalists were a constant outside of his agency and he was sure a shot of you two, your head resting beneath his shoulder as you practically hung off his side, would make them go crazy.
And while he didn't exactly mind, he was almost certain that you would be peeved if the paparazzi began spreading word of some dating scandal.
That could wait until you were more than just rumors.
Keigo was nothing if not persistent.
Especially when it came to you.
Automatic doors shut behind you, the soft click of shoes against polished marble echoing off the lobby's walls. The receptionist, a elderly woman with silvery hair and glasses much too large for her face, offered Hawks a wave, expression faltering slightly as she saw your hand laced with his.
"Are you okay, hon?" She leaned over her desk as you came into hearing range, aged voice lowering into a whisper. "He bribe you or somethin'?"
You laughed, the sound light and carefree. It gnawed at the edges of Keigo's chest. "Not at all!"
The older female flicked her eyes up to her boss, eyebrow raised in overt suspicion.
"Yeah, I'm not really sure what's going on yet," he sighed, running a hand through his golden bangs. "Can you get me the security footage from earlier today?"
She took a moment, face wrinkling in thought before looking up. "You!"
The subject of her call, an intern carrying a tray of steaming cups from a nearby coffee shop, jumped in surprise. Hawks had recognized him from around the office, but his name was lost, mix up in the sea of other employees that came on for the Summer.
"You're good at the screen stuff, yeah?"
Nodding hesitantly, the worker moved closer, eyes locking with the both of you. Panic washed his features as his gaze went back and forth over the heroes in front of him, each orbital shift making it seem like he was trying not to vomit.
As he reached the desk, he practically ducked under your line of sight, reaching the receptionist's computer, fiddling with it for a moment, and scurrying away without another word.
The suspicions in regards to the intern followed Hawks as he took you upstairs, ignoring the looks of confusion from some of his other coworkers. As the door to his office shut with a soft click, he pulled out his desk chair, slumping down with a sigh.
"Alright, lovebird. You're gonna stay in here while I look through some videos. Got it?"
You flashed in a grin. "Think I'm gonna get in trouble or something?"
"Seeing as I had to save your ass half an hour ago, maybe." A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Ya know, I don't think I got enough groveling for that."
"Yeah?" You moved over to where he was sitting, sliding a leg over both of his and sliding down until you were able to straddle his lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you looked up at him, eyes glossy and voice dripping in temptation like honey. "Thank you, Hawks, for saving me."
If there was ever a time he wanted to tell someone his given name, it was now. Every inch of him wanted to hear that needing tone lilt through his name, not the famed honorific the world knew him for.
Hearing you moan it would be even better.
Still, the possibility of some mind control or body swap being behind your strand behavior gnawed at the peripheral of his mind.
He was desperately trying to ignore the thought of how nice your hips would look between his hands.
Responsibility and desire wrestled in his mind, the latter getting dangerously close to a KO when the knocked sounded from behind his door.
"What?" The sound came out sounding significantly ruder than how he'd usually like it, but that couldn't be helped.
The frosted glass entryway slid open slowly, a trembling hand pushing it forward. A figure followed it, the fidgeting intern from earlier that Hawks had almost forgotten about.
"May I speak with you, sir?" He swallowed, eyes flickering from you both to the ground. "Alone?"
Cocking an eyebrow, Hawks turned to you. "I'm just gonna be a few minutes. Can you wait outside for me, sweetheart?"
You nodded, but the slight pout running through your bottom lip displayed your aversion to the idea.
It easily had Keigo's pants tightening.
Once the door had shut behind you, the intern took the open seat in front of the desk, hands wringing one another in a desperate attempt to smother some anxiety.
Based on his expression, it definitely didn't seem to be working.
"So, uh... I know why she's acting like that..."
Those unanswered suspicions from earlier jumped in Hawks' chest, despite the fact that they had been forgotten mere moments before.
You were a distracting little thing.
Maybe this debacle was as dangerous for him as it was for you.
But if you were his undoing, he wasn't sure that he would mind.
"I promise I wasn't trying to do anything wrong," the worker continued, voice meek and entangled with nerves. "I just... I just wanted to see if she liked me back."
Jealously burned in the back of Keigo's chest, a feeling distasteful enough to be difficult to ignore, but your well being was currently more important.
He ran a hand through his hair, one of the few physical tellers he exhibited when exasperated. "What did you do?"
Swallowing, the man in front of him continued. "Well, um, I have a love quirk and I usually bring the other heroes their coffee, so I kinda sorta used it while it was handing it out to her this afternoon."
Silence hung in the air like some toxic, poignant type of humidity.
The worker bowed in an apology, the top of his head barely missing the wooden edge of Kiego's desk as it was thrown downward. "I know it was stupid and I promise I'll never do it again. Please don't fire me."
The number two hero wasn't exactly known to get angry.
But dammit, if he wasn't downright terrifying when he was.
"Are you serious? Didn't you stop to think that she could've gotten hurt?" Hawks stood up, the heels of his chair skimming across the floor. Golden irises flared in vexation, matching the sneer resting on his mouth. "She could've died! Fuck, she almost did!"
Now trembling a bit, the intern let out a sniffle. "I'm sorry. It's just... she's so pretty and is always nice to me."
Sitting down, Hawks took a minute to breathe, letting the indignation filter out before he said, or did, something he would regret. Some part of him couldn't exactly blame his employee; he had fallen for you just as easily.
He sighed, rested his face on the palm of his free hand. "And how the hell would making her fall in love with you prove whether or not she was interested anyway?"
The worker looked like they were about to keel over. "The quirk only works if the effected individual makes eye contact with someone they have feelings for."
Fireworks went off in his mind, blowing a usually cunning train of thought to shambles. To say he was fucking giddy was an understatement and if he hadn't been so pissed off at his own intern, he might've thanked him.
Still, he had one more question.
"So, how do you, ya know, turn it off?"
"You gotta," his employee cleared his throat. "You gotta kiss her."
Anger from moments before and pure glee were fighting for dominance in Hawks' head.
"If anything like this happens again, you're out. Understood?"
The intern nodded fervently, practically sprinting out of the office and offering sputtered words of thanks all the way. You followed shortly after, eyes darting around to make sure you weren't interrupting any meetings.
Hawks stood, immediately walking over to you.
"Is everything okay? That guy seemed kinda ner-"
He pushed his lips against you, swallowing your words with a soft moan as he hands found their way around your waist.
When he pulled back, he watched you blink away the confusion. He could practically see the gears of your mind turning. It didn't take long for embarrassment to wash over your features, a look of amusement falling over his own as you lifted a hand to your face in awe.
"Oh, shit," you breathed. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I swear I didn't-'
"Ah, come on, you don't have to be shy. I thought it was cute." A smirk found its way onto his expression.
You turned away from him, trying to ignore the blistering heat finding its way into your cheeks. "What even happened?"
"You're just too trusting." He looped his arms around your body, leaning down to rest his chin on your left shoulder. "What am I gonna do with you?"
Boyish charm dripping off his features, he continued. "But don't worry, I think I might like it better when you're pretending you aren't obsessed with me. It's more satisfying when I get you flustered that way."
"I'm not..." If the lack of confidence coating your words were any indication of their untruthfulness, the way your heart beat seemed to increase with every syllable was the real betrayal.
That was one of Keigo's favorite parts of his quirk, the way his heightened senses could pick up on every hitched breath, every quickening of the muscle in your chest that reinforced your lies.
He spun your around in his arms, gently taking your burning face in his fingers and forcing you to meet his eyes. They raked over your body, hungry and arrogant. "Liar. You were practically grinding on me earlier."
"Fuck." You groaned, the sound seeming to do nothing but widen Keigo's grin.
"Don't worry, gorgeous. I like you too." He gave your waist a little squeeze using his free hand. "And you can get off on me all you want. I'm free right now actually if-"
"Shut up." You gave a lighthearted smack to his chest, but the soft smile brimming from his own confession seemed to abandon any real animosity.
"So, you gonna let me take you out or what?"
You huffed, trying to ignore the way the flirtation lacing his tone made your chest constrict. "Fine. We can go out for coffee or something."
His expression darkened, limbs tightening as he pulled your body into his, head resting atop your like he was scared you would slip out of his grasp. You tried to wriggle out of his hold, cursing those annoyingly attractive muscles that had built up over years of hero work. "You're not allowed to drink coffee anymore."
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dark-and-kawaii · 7 months
Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
Haarlep x F!Tav/Reader
⋆˙⟡♡ Summary: Two separate little stories for Raphael & Haarlep being parents!!
⋆˙⟡♡ Notes: Purely self indulgent!! I just really love the thought of them both being parents okay! Especially Haarlep!!! I brought back Impsy from a previous story as well for Haarlep’s story!! Enjoy xoxo
⋆˙⟡♡ Parenthood | Dadphael | Fluff | Haarlep As A Parent ♡
Prt 2. - Prt 3.
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Raphael tended to his duties amidst the solemn quietude of his archive. Engrossed in the scrutiny of a newly inked contract, the rustle of hurried steps reached his ears. With a practiced motion, and without a glance away from his script, he caught hold of his daughter's tail as she attempted to dart past.
The abrupt interruption of her sprint sent her tumbling, "gah!"
"Pray tell, to what urgent destination are you racing?" Raphael inquired, his attention steadfast upon the curling letters of the contract.
"Nooowhere..." came the sheepish, drawn-out reply.
Raphael's voice, still calm and measured, carried a note of paternal admonishment, "Venture not too far, and refrain from such reckless haste within the archive. These relics are delicate, their histories irreplaceable.”
The little devil, a mischievous glint in her eyes, nodded slowly, her tail now still in her father's firm but gentle grasp. With a reluctant sigh, she straightened up, her posture mimicking the elegance she so often saw in her father.
"Sorry, father," she said, her voice a mix of feigned contrition and lingering excitement. "I'll be more careful. But, um, can I ask you something?"
Raphael finally lifted his gaze, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that belied his calm exterior. "Of course, child. You know you may always speak freely."
She shuffled her feet, the earlier urgency replaced with a sudden shyness. "Yoooou are going to meet with a client later, and I... I was wondering if maybe I could watch? I promise I'll be silent and still as a statue!"
A small, knowing smile crept onto Raphael's lips. "A client, you say? Very well. You may observe, but under two conditions: You shall not interrupt, and you shall learn. There is much to be gained from understanding the art of negotiation and the binding of contracts."
Her face lit up, a beaming smile cutting through her attempts at decorum. "Yes, father! Thank you! I'll be the best statue you've ever seen!"
Raphael released her tail, and with a gentle push, he encouraged her toward the door. "Go then, prepare yourself. But remember, should you break your promise, there will be consequences. We are, after all, a family of our word."
The Apple of his eyes nodded vigorously before darting off, this time with a skip rather than a sprint, her excitement barely contained as she vanished from the archive.
Raphael's eyes returned to the contract before him, the smile lingering a moment longer before the mask of the composed dealmaker settled back into place. He placed it down on the table so he could focus on you, the mother of his heir who slept soundly at his side on the opulent sofa, your head resting upon his lap as he stroked your head. His gaze shifted to the crown of karsus, the brown irises tracking its form, “A family of our word, indeed."
The day arrived when the cries of a newborn half demon echoed through the halls. Haarlep approached the cradle, where a tiny creature with horns just sprouting from its head and a mischievous glint in its eyes lay. The tiny creature a perfect mix of you both. The incubus's heart, though not often given to warmth, swelled a tad with a strange pride.
"Ah, my little impling," Haarlep mused aloud, a smirk playing across their lips. "How I long to see the chaos you'll unleash."
It didn’t take long, Haarlep could barely believe their child was growing so fast…
"Come now, offspring," Haarlep spoke with a softness no one would believe they possessed. The incubus opened the curtains to your room, the moon casting down upon the city, "You see this world? It's yours to play with, to bend and to shape. I will teach you the art of emotional manipulation, to dance with the hearts of mortals as one plays the lyre." The child clung to their parents leg, its tiny tail giving an excited twitch, Haarlep could only grin.
“Haarlep~” You sung their name, catching your lovers attention.
You crossed your arms, your infamous imp, Impsy, standing next you, doing the same with an arched brow. A subtle smile crossing your features, “…She’s 3…”
“You are just no fun, are you?”
As the child grew, it became clear that she was indeed Haarlep's progeny, causing minor chaos with a mere giggle, and using her innate powers to toy with the emotions of those around her. But Haarlep's teachings were not yet complete.
"One must never be alone, my little tyrant," Haarlep instructed one evening. "Tonight, you will summon Impsy. A loyal playmate for all your days."
Their child, eager and wide-eyed, nodded and began to chant under Haarlep's careful guidance. The air shimmered, and with a pop, a small imp appeared, its face unamused with its little foot tapping on the ground.
"Hells…” Impsy held the bridge of its nose, “I can’t believe there’s two of you now.” The imp shook its head, “But I mean look at her!“ Impsy’s eyes sparkled wide as it walked up to the tiny little halfbreed, pinching her cheek, “Awh she looks perfect as always! Let’s thank the gods for Tavy’s good genes-“ Impsy smirked at Haarlep, “would’ve been a shame if she got your looks!”
Haarlep watched, a proud smirk etched on their face, as their child and Impsy ran off to pull their first prank together. The bond between them was immediate since her birth, and the imp proved to be a fitting companion for the young thing.
Time passed, and the little half demon grew bolder, often attempting to slip away to explore or cause mischief beyond Haarlep's or your watchful eye. On one such occasion, the child tried to race out of the room, her tiny tail swishing excitedly behind her. With a swift movement, Haarlep's foot came down upon the tail, causing the little demon to tumble onto her rump.
"And where do you think you're going?" Haarlep asked, his tone playful yet stern, the smirk on his face belying his true delight in the little one's antics.
The child pouted, looking up at her father with a mix of annoyance and admiration.
"To explore, to play!" She exclaimed, her eyes shining with the promise of trouble.
Haarlep chuckled, lifting their foot. "Tut, tut. Patience my little one." Haarlep’s mind reflects back to when they were gifted to Mephistopheles… Then Raphael… The incubus’s features twisting at the memories. They wouldn’t allow such a fate for their offspring, “I shall join you, we’ll play a little game! Together! In the city with all those fools.”
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monst · 2 months
Watching the sunset
Tim Drake x Gn. Reader 
Extra Info: Established relationship, Watching the sunset with your favorite bird, Fluff 
WC- 1.1k 
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     You know those moments. When everything stops and a single deep breath leaves your body utterly relaxed? Well, this was one of those moments. You feel the tension slough from your body with each exhale, your body tingling with the sudden calmness. You let your gaze drift, lazy eyes taking in the view of ‘the most crime-ridden city in the country’. For such a damning title, Gotham was truly stunning. 
     You couldn’t decide which buildings flattered the skyline more, the sleek new Wayne-founded high rises or the old but sturdy gothic structures that refused to stop reaching for what little light penetrated Gotham. You couldn’t ignore the large colorful billboards! They were a treat for your eyes amidst all the grey. Or maybe it was the lights. And while the odd flash of red and blue vied for your attention what you liked most were the everyday lights. 
    As the seconds pass more light infiltrates the city, office buildings look like Christmas, while the lights of the smaller buildings remind you of fireflies. The lights let you know that although the sun was setting Gotham was just beginning to yawn awake. Most of her residents were active during this time, and you could barely make them out from your perch. Their voices merge with the sounds of the city transport. The sound paired with the twinkling lights fills you with tranquility. 
       It almost looked like the city was winking at you. An odd pattern that could be Morse. Tim would enjoy that thought. You smile at the thought of him. You wonder if you could spot your bird from your roost. If ever there was something someone that could add to your peace at the moment it would be
     “Hey” Speak of the devil. 
     “Hi,” You smile. You look down to see that the gravel didn’t betray his arrival. “You’ve seriously gotta teach me that.” 
      “Only if you sign the waiver” He chirps. 
      “Waiver?” He hops onto the ledge with you, fussing over something in one of his pouches. You lean in when you hear his ‘Ah found it!’ You're not looking at a waiver but a crumpled brown paper bag and his very pleased grin. 
       “...Oh.. Wow.. It’s a bag.” 
       You're sure he rolls his eyes underneath his domino mask. “I come baring gifts and you treat me so coldly?”
       “My bad,” You pause “Oh wow, a very brown paper bag. How exquisite.” He sighs pretending to be put out by your reply. 
     “I see. I guess that means you don’t want any of these freshly baked, still hot and fluffy churros right?” 
     “I didn’t say that!” You lurch forward, hand striking forward to grab the bag from him. 
    “Careful” He yelps, the whites of his lenses wide, his arms stretched out to keep you from falling off the ledge. His eyes skirt from you to the easiest way off the building. 
    “I’m okay” You reassure. You can see when his shoulders relax, the rest of his body trying to shirk off the adrenaline. You want to avoid a lecture on safety so you quickly move past it. “Now hand them over before they get cold.” 
    He lets you know that you're ‘bossy’ as he hands it over and once the package is secure you let him have it. 
    “I know you are but what am I.” His face spasms going through so many expressions in the following seconds before settling on a deadpan. 
   “Why’d I introduce you to Bart.” He groans. 
   “Because it was a canon event” You open the bag, practically drooling when the sweet steam hits your face. “Want one?” 
   “Just one?” He teases. 
   “You could have zero.” You reply, setting the bag between the two of you as you begin to pull apart the first sugary stick. 
   “Not happening.” He watches you hum at the taste and remembers. “I have sauce.” he procures said sauce from a random zipper. “Chocolate” He adds, tugging his gloves off to snack alongside you. He chomps into his first churro and notices that you're gazing at the skyline and follows suit. It’s silent between you two, nothing but a passing of the chocolate cup as you continue to watch the darkening city. 
         After a while the concrete beneath you does its best to distract you by stealing your warmth but it’s swiftly foiled when Red Robin ushers you up and sets his cape down. The material is scratchy and cool against your bare legs. “I don’t think this is any better.” You laugh. 
       “Isn’t it the thought that counts?” He snarks, You roll your eyes a grin stretching your lips as you dip your finger in the chocolate sauce to spread it across his lips. He hums, licking his lips unbothered. Looks like you're not getting a rise out of him that way. Shame. 
       “Do I really have to sign a waiver to learn how to sneaky sneak?” You ask around a bite. 
       “No. But you have to promise to use your new powers with great responsibility.” You snort into your churro. 
      “Okay, Uncle Ben.” Tim exhales in amusement, leaning his head down onto your shoulder. Silence falls over you again but you're not ready for it to take over. “When do you have to leave?” 
       “Not for a while.” He replies, lacing his fingers with yours. You can’t stop the heat from rushing to your face when he brings up your entwined hands to press a kiss to the back of your hand. “I have to be at the Hill by 10. Jay said he had something to show me, I’m guessing it’ll only take all night.” 
       “If you're lucky.” You joke. 
       He groans, his fingers go to flick off sugar crystals from your shorts, while you go back to looking at the sky letting out a pleased sigh. 
       “Gotham is low-key beautiful” You’re about to take another bite before realization strikes you, and you turn over to Tim to say. “You better not say the thing.” 
       His grin is ecstatic “Can’t help it.” His fingers reach out, thumb brushing against your lower lip to remove some crumbs before continuing with the script “Not as beautiful as you.” 
      “Stop being so cute!” “Or what?” “I’ll kiss you.” In response to that, he just leans in, you hear the bag crumpling before he bumps his shoulder to yours. 
      “Go ahead then.” He whispers. “Kiss me.”
You lean in as well, you wish you could see his eyes. Your sticky fingers rest on his cheek, his cinnamon breath ghosting over yours as you both lean in to close the small distance. He tastes sweet. When you pull back he doesn’t move, letting his forehead rest against yours. 
“What are you doing?” You smile.
“Watching the sunset” He grins back at you. “Why?”
“Hey, that’s funny. I’m watching the sunset too.” 
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faithfulren · 4 months
a night in the rain
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i have such a fat crush on him but at the same time he looks terrifying 😭
caught in a relentless storm, you are pursued by villains after witnessing their crimes. just when fear overwhelms you, deku appears, guiding you to safety in a hidden alcove. as rain pours around you, an intimate moment unfolds. you share your fears and discover deku's own vulnerabilities. amidst the chaos, a tender kiss solidifies your bond, promising to face the dangers ahead together.
the sky was a dark canvas, painted with heavy clouds that rumbled ominously. the rain poured down in relentless sheets, turning the city streets into rivers. you hurried through the alleyways, your heart pounding in your chest, the sound of your footsteps masked by the constant drumming of raindrops.
you weren’t alone. somewhere in the labyrinthine network of the city’s underbelly, a group of villains was on your trail. you had stumbled upon their illegal activities, and now they were hunting you. fear gnawed at you, but you kept moving, hoping to find a place to hide until they gave up the chase.
as you rounded a corner, you collided with a figure dressed in dark, rain-soaked clothes. strong arms wrapped around you, steadying you before you could fall.
“it’s okay. i’ve got you,” a familiar voice whispered, cutting through the storm.
you looked up into the intense green eyes of deku. relief flooded through you, mingling with the rain on your cheeks.
“they’re after me,” you gasped, clinging to him.
“i know,” he said, his voice calm and reassuring despite the chaos around you. “we need to find a place to hide.”
with a firm grip on your hand, deku led you through a series of twisting alleys. his knowledge of the city’s hidden paths was impressive, and soon you found yourselves in a small, covered alcove, shielded from the worst of the rain.
you leaned against the wall, catching your breath. deku stood close, his presence a comforting shield against the fear that had gripped you.
“are you hurt?” he asked, his eyes scanning you for injuries.
you shook your head. “no, just scared. thank you for finding me.”
he smiled, a brief, warm flash that lit up his features. “i told you i’d always protect you.”
the rain continued to pour outside your little refuge, creating a cocoon of sound that seemed to isolate you from the rest of the world. you could see the concern in deku’s eyes, the way his brows knit together as he looked at you. despite the danger, there was something comforting about being here with him, sharing this moment.
“why do you do this, deku?” you asked softly. “why risk your life every night?”
he glanced away, the rain casting shadows on his face. “because someone has to. the heroes can’t be everywhere, and there are people who need help.. people like you.”
you reached out, touching his arm. “but what about you? who looks out for you?”
he looked back at you, and for a moment, you saw the vulnerability behind the mask of the vigilante. “i guess… i just hope that someone will.”
the air between you was charged with unspoken words. the rain created a barrier to the outside world, and in this small space, it felt like you were the only two people that existed. you took a step closer, your hand sliding down his arm to entwine with his fingers.
“maybe… maybe i can be that someone,” you whispered.
deku’s eyes widened slightly, his breath hitching. he looked at you, really looked at you, as if seeing you for the first time. then, slowly, he lifted his free hand to cup your cheek, his touch gentle and hesitant.
“y/n…” he murmured, your name a soft plea on his lips.
you leaned into his touch, your heart beating in tandem with the rhythm of the rain. time seemed to stand still as you gazed into his eyes, seeing the emotions swirling within the fear, hope, and something deeper, something that mirrored your own feelings.
without thinking, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a kiss that was both tender and desperate. the rain outside seemed to intensify, as if reflecting the storm of emotions within you. deku responded, his kiss filled with a longing that matched your own, his arms wrapping around you to pull you closer.
in that moment, under the cover of rain and shadows, you found a connection that transcended the chaos of the world outside. for a brief, stolen moment, you were not a hunted witness and a vigilante, just two souls seeking solace in each other.
when you finally pulled away, breathless and trembling, deku rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closed as if savoring the contact.
“we’ll get through this,” he whispered, his voice filled with determination. “together.”
you nodded, feeling a renewed sense of strength and hope. “together.”
as the rain continued to fall, you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them side by side, finding solace and strength in each other’s embrace.
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thedensworld · 2 months
How to Summon Demon
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Pairing: S.Coups x reader
Genre: Supernatural AU, humor, angst
Summary: your friends and you playfully played game to call the Hot Demon in high school. What if he actually summoned?
"Nothing's happened to Jinah, right?" Sonhee asked anxiously once they were done spelling. Jinah, sitting in the middle of the other three girls, sighed with relief. Despite her brave front in offering herself as the bride of the demon, deep inside, she was a bit scared.
"Why do we even play this game?" Hana scoffed, pushing herself onto the bed and lying down, looking at you, Sonhee, and Jinah with a mixture of exasperation and amusement.
You shrugged and followed Hana, mumbling, "Just wanted to make Sonhee happy." Sonhee threw a playful protest, her face lighting up in mock offense.
"Hey, I just said it would be fun. Wasn't it fun?" Sonhee turned to everyone, seeking validation. Jinah nodded slightly, still feeling the remnants of her fear, while you and Hana exchanged glances before shrugging noncommittally.
"It's almost midnight; let's sleep. We have school tomorrow," you reminded them.
Sitting in the café years later, you watched with pride how your friends had grown. Sonhee, now with her little girl in a stroller, Jinah with a baby on the way, and Hana recently married to a Singaporean man she met on a business trip. Each of them had blossomed in their own way, their lives a testament to the passage of time and the enduring strength of your bond.
The four of you laughed, the tension dissipating as you reminisced about old times. Living together in the same dorm room 15 years ago had forged an unexpectedly intimate relationship among you all. You remembered the countless nights spent talking until dawn, the shared secrets, and the unspoken bond that had formed over time. The room had witnessed your collective fears and triumphs, your tears and laughter.
You felt a warm sense of pride and nostalgia as you observed how much the four of you had grown over the past 15 years. Meeting at 15, you were now on the brink of your 30s, each of you carving out your own path in life. The years had flown by, but the connection remained strong, a comforting constant amidst the changes.
"Can you believe it's been 15 years?" you mused aloud, smiling at the thought.
Sonhee laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Time flies when you're having fun, right?"
Jinah nodded, gently rubbing her baby bump. "And when you're with the right people."
Hana raised her glass of iced coffee, a twinkle in her eye. "To us, and to many more years of friendship."
As you all clinked glasses, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the journey you had shared, and excited for the many memories yet to be made.
As you all clinked glasses, your phone rang, breaking the moment. Glancing at the screen, you saw it was your manager calling. You answered quickly, noting the urgency in their voice.
Jinah grinned playfully. "Look at you, Mr. Rising Star. Who would've thought our quiet and calm 15-year-old would become a famous actor?"
Everyone chuckled, and you shrugged with a modest smile. "Yeah, who would've thought?"
Your manager's voice interrupted again, reminding you of your upcoming salon appointment. "Sorry, guys, I have to go. My manager is waiting for me," you said, standing up.
"Always busy," Hana teased, but her eyes were warm with understanding.
Sonhee added, "Thanks for making time for us, even with your hectic schedule."
You nodded, feeling a pang of regret for leaving so soon. "I'll see you all soon, I promise." With a wave of goodbye, you stepped out of the café, the cool breeze a contrast to the warmth you felt inside from the reunion.
As you approached the car, you saw your manager waiting impatiently. "Sorry for the wait," you said, sliding into the passenger seat.
"No problem. We have to keep moving if we want to stay on schedule," your manager replied, already pulling out into the street.
As the car sped through the bustling city streets, you felt a sudden, jarring jolt. The car veered wildly, and you heard the heart-stopping sound of screeching tires. The world seemed to move in slow motion as another vehicle collided with yours, the impact sending a shockwave through your body. The sound of shattering glass filled your ears, and the force of the crash threw you violently against the seatbelt. The world around you faded into an ominous silence as everything went black.
You got into a car accident.
In the darkness, you found yourself in a strange liminal space, caught between life and death. A surreal atmosphere enveloped you, a mix of chilling stillness and an ethereal glow. Memories of your friends, your career, and your life flashed before your eyes, mingling with an eerie quiet. Time felt distorted, stretching out endlessly, as if you were floating in a void.
Suddenly, you felt a pull, an irresistible force drawing you back to consciousness. You opened your eyes to find yourself in an unfamiliar, opulent room. The high ceilings were adorned with intricate designs, and ancient tapestries lined the walls, depicting scenes of otherworldly realms. The air was thick with an intoxicating scent, both alluring and unsettling.
Before you stood a man of striking appearance. His features were almost otherworldly—sharp, chiseled, and undeniably handsome. Yet, there was something intimidating about him, an aura of power that made your heart race with unease.
"Welcome," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "You've crossed a threshold few ever do."
You struggled to sit up, confusion and fear mingling in your mind. "Where am I? Who are you?" you managed to ask.
The man took a step closer, his intense gaze never leaving yours. "You are in a place between worlds," he replied enigmatically. "As for me, you may call me S.Coups."
You jolted awake, your last memory of the car accident with your manager flashing vividly before you. "Am I... dead? Are you Death?" you asked hesitantly, the urge of panic clear in your eyes as the man named S.Coups stared at you.
He smiled and walked over to a nearby sofa. You realized that you were lying on a bed in what appeared to be a luxurious bedroom. The sheer comfort and opulence of the room sent waves of confusion through you. If you were dead, how could you be in such a paradise-like place? Had you lived your life so righteously that you deserved a place like this? And who exactly was this S.Coups?
"I saved you," S.Coups said, breaking the silence.
You watched him breathlessly. "From the accident?" you asked, and he nodded.
You sighed in relief, thinking you weren't dead yet. But your relief was short-lived as he continued. "Yet," he added, as if he could read your thoughts. "Your body is likely in the hospital now, undergoing surgeries and treatments. What you are right now is your soul, caught in between."
His words echoed in your mind: a place between worlds. The gravity of the situation began to dawn on you.
"I'm a demon. I've been waiting for you for 15 years."
You watched his face intently, then suddenly burst into laughter. Your head turned around to find the hidden cameras as you said, "Is this a prank? Was the accident earlier part of the setup?" You smiled, still half-believing it was a joke.
"If it is, you better stop. It's not funny anymore, and I'm going to sue everyone involved," you continued, standing from the bed and walking toward him.
S.Coups smiled and laughed softly at your boldness. He stood in front of you, his tall figure towering over you as he approached closer. Your breath hitched, intimidated by his presence.
"I'm the demon you summoned 15 years ago, and I saved you from death because you're my wife," he stated calmly.
You laughed again, shaking your head. "Stop it. How do you guys know about the little game I played with my friends? Did they tell you?"
Suddenly, you felt your body plummet, as if falling from a great height. Your legs weakened, and your head spun. The room around you distorted, everything warping and blurring except for S.Coups and his intense gaze. Your body fell toward him, and he caught you, his hold steady and strong. In an instant, you were back in the bedroom, gasping for breath.
You pushed away from him, your heart pounding as the realization hit. This wasn't a prank. It wasn't a real bedroom. It was indeed a place between worlds.
"Do you believe it now?" S.Coups asked, his voice steady and unyielding.
You stared at him, the truth settling heavily in your mind. The memories of your friends, the innocent game, and the promise you had made all those years ago now seemed to carry a weight you hadn't understood at the time. The opulent room, his enigmatic presence, and the surreal experience all pointed to one undeniable fact: this was real.
"What do you want from me?"
Seungcheol, once trapped in an eternal detention, was finally released. The 700-year-long punishment had ended, but he couldn't return to his world. Instead, he found himself once again in the place between worlds, now known as the demon S.Coups.
S.Coups' role was to punish evil in the human world, a decree from God for Seungcheol's past transgressions when he was a human. "You will harvest what you planted," was the divine edict, and Seungcheol, now as S.Coups, had to enforce it.
He thought his penance was complete, but God had another plan. A future wife. When Seungcheol learned that his future wife would be a human soul, just like him, he felt a wave of relief. But days turned into years, and no one was given to him. The endless wait began to weigh heavily on his spirit.
Until one night, a group of teenage girls summoned him. Among them was the girl who offered herself as his bride, but another girl caught his eye.
His eyes widened in recognition. After a thousand years, he could finally see you again. "You can have her now," he heard the voice of God, instructing him to claim his bride.
"What will happen to her?" Seungcheol asked, his voice trembling.
"She will die. Her soul will be bonded to you," came the solemn reply.
Seungcheol's gaze shifted to the girl who had captivated him. "How about her?" he asked, pointing to you.
There was a pregnant pause before he heard another voice, filled with a knowing sadness. "So you still remember her?"
Seungcheol closed his eyes, the weight of centuries pressing down on him. "Is this part of the never-ending punishment? That you won't let us be together?"
As you stood there, grappling with the enormity of the situation, you couldn't help but feel a strange mix of fear and curiosity. The life you had known felt distant and fragile, replaced by a reality that defied all logic and expectation.
"What do you want from me?" Seungcheol heard you ask, your voice tinged with a mix of desperation and anger. "Why me? Jinah was the one who sacrificed!" you shouted, and Seungcheol took a step back unconsciously, taken aback by your sudden rage.
He watched as you shook your head, your hands running through your hair in frustration. "What about my family? What are they going to do without me?"
Seungcheol closed his eyes, a flash of your family—your mother and siblings—discussing your inheritance while you still lay on the operating table, clenching his heart. Even after years, you were still a people's person, and yet you were still betrayed by those you loved.
Seungcheol took a deep breath and gently took your hand, touching you for the first time in a thousand years. He was glad you didn't fight his touch. "I chose you. That's why you're here," Seungcheol said softly.
Your eyes softened as tears welled up, ready to stream down your cheeks. He watched as you sighed and then sobbed, your emotions overwhelming you.
"Why did you choose me? Tell me the reason!" you demanded, your voice cracking with emotion.
There was a pregnant pause before Seungcheol looked you deeply in the eyes and asked, "Do you really want to know the answer?"
"Yes, this is part of your punishment. I planted her into your heart, but you decided to kill her in your past life. Fate has turned its back on you," the divine voice intoned.
Seungcheol cried out in regret, "Forgive me! It was an impulsive move driven by emotion. I love her, I really love her."
"That's your consequence," the voice replied sternly.
"What must I do to have her as my wife again? I'll do anything, I'll take any burden," Seungcheol pleaded desperately.
"Are you sure?" the voice asked, its tone grave.
Seungcheol nodded, desperation evident in his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure."
The voice continued, "She will die in 15 years in a car accident. You will have a chance to claim her soul at that moment. However, once you save her, her soul will awaken without any memory of you. She will hate you and treat you the opposite of how she used to. Your powers will fade. And lastly, you will be haunted by the memory of how you killed her until she finally comes to love you again."
As Seungcheol stood there, tears streaming down his face, the weight of the punishment and the path ahead seemed almost unbearable. But his love for you was unwavering, and he knew he would endure any hardship to be with you again.
Seungcheol jolted awake, his heart pounding. He stared at his palms and breathed a sigh of relief when he found no blood. The haunting had started, and he wasn't sure how long he could survive seeing himself kill you over and over again.
He covered his face, and sobs escaped his mouth. He couldn't control his emotions as his powers faded once he claimed your soul. This was the worst punishment ever given to him—loving you more and more but also being haunted by the memory of killing you repeatedly.
Seungcheol had been a crown prince, married to you, the daughter of one of his father's ministers. It wasn't an arranged marriage; in fact, he had liked you from the first time he saw you. However, as he became increasingly distracted by military duties, he grew distant from you.
Your father, the minister, was discovered to be one of the emperor's betrayers, plotting to murder the king and his family. The order to eliminate everyone in your father's family became serious, and even you, the prince's wife, were targeted.
"Seungcheol," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Please, tell me this isn't true. Tell me my father’s actions won't tear us apart."
Seungcheol's heart ached at the sight of you, his beloved wife, so vulnerable and frightened. But the bitter taste of betrayal gnawed at him. "I wish I could," he said, his voice cold. "But the betrayal runs deep, and the emperor has decreed that your father's entire family must be punished."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you gripped his hands tighter. "I had no knowledge of his plans. I swear to you, Seungcheol, I am innocent."
He pulled his hands away, stepping back. "How can I trust you? Your father plotted to kill the emperor and his family. How do I know you weren't part of it?"
You looked at him, shocked and hurt. "You really believe I would betray you? I am your wife, Seungcheol. I love you."
His eyes flashed with a mix of anger and sorrow. "Love? How can I be sure? Maybe you were waiting for the right moment to strike, just like your father."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "No, that's not true. I would never harm you."
Seungcheol clenched his fists, struggling with the turmoil inside him. "Your father betrayed the kingdom. The law is clear. Everyone in his family must be punished."
You stood up, desperation in your voice. "We can run, leave the palace, start a new life somewhere far away from all of this."
Seungcheol's face twisted with pain. "Running would only bring more misery. We would be hunted, and our lives would be filled with fear and uncertainty. I cannot bear to see you live like that."
Your eyes locked with his, and for a moment, there was a silence filled with unspoken words. "Then what will you do?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper.
His face contorted with sorrow as he reached out to touch your cheek. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice raw with emotion. "But I cannot let them harm you. I would rather end your life myself than see you suffer at the hands of others."
You stepped back, shock and disbelief written on your face. "You would kill me? How could you say such a thing?"
Tears streamed down his face as he dropped to his knees. "Because I love you," he cried. "I cannot let you suffer. If there is any way to spare you pain, even if it means taking your life, I will do it. But please, know that I do this out of love, not malice."
You shook your head, tears blurring your vision. "How can love lead to this? How can you claim to love me and still be willing to take my life?"
Seungcheol sobbed, his heart breaking. "I don't know, but I cannot bear to see you in pain. Please, forgive me."
You fell to your knees beside him, your tears mingling with his as you held each other. "I love you, Seungcheol," you whispered. "But I cannot forgive this. I cannot understand how love can lead to such a cruel fate."
In that moment, Seungcheol knew that he had lost you, not just physically but emotionally. The bond that had once brought you together was now shattered by the weight of duty and betrayal. He held you close, the two of you wrapped in a final embrace as the night closed in around you.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with sobs. "I'm so sorry."
With a heavy heart and trembling hands, he prepared to do the unthinkable, driven by a whirlwind of emotions—love, betrayal, and regret—praying that one day, in another life, he might find a way to make things right.
As he brought the dagger closer to your chest, your eyes met his, filled with a mixture of sorrow and resignation. "I wish I would never love you," you whispered, your voice barely audible, the last breath escaping your lips.
Seungcheol's heart shattered at your words, the weight of your loss crashing down on him with unbearable force. He held you close as life slipped away from you, his soul forever marked by the tragic end of your love.
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emotionaldamages · 9 months
coffee shop- lando norris
summary- lando decides to take time away from f1 talks and goes to a coffee shop where he meets someone
pairings- lando norris x nurse student!reader
authors note- not sure how to feel about this one but hopefully you enjoy
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Lando Norris, had always lived life on the edge, pushing boundaries as he sped around racetracks as an F1 driver for McLaren.
Y/N, a nursing student with a heart full of compassion and eyes shining with determination, always had a knack for finding beauty in the simplest of moments.
Their paths had never crossed, until one cool, crisp autumn day, fate intervened and brought them together.
It was in the bustling city of London where their story continued. Y/N, her mind preoccupied with the pressures of exams and the weight of her dreams, sought solace in a small café tucked away on a quaint side street.
As she walked inside, the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her senses, instantly soothing her racing thoughts. With a sigh, she found a cozy corner table, hoping the calming atmosphere would provide some respite from the chaos of her daily life.
Meanwhile, not far away, Lando had escaped the whirlwind world of racing for a few precious moments of peace. Dressed in casual attire, he craved some semblance of normalcy away from the never-ending attention that came with being a celebrated athlete.
With curiosity guiding him, Lando stumbled into the same café, his eyes scanning the room for a sign of familiarity amidst the sea of faces. And there, in the corner, his gaze locked onto Y/N, captivated by the gentle grace that radiated from her.
An inexplicable force drew them closer, as if the universe had conspired to bring them together. Lando, his heart pounding, walked over to her table, his confidence masking the nervous flutter in his chest.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice laced with a charming undertone.
Y/N, startled yet intrigued, gestured for him to take a seat. And so, as they sat across from each other, a connection sparked between them, like an invisible thread weaving its way into their souls.
Conversations flowed effortlessly, as if they had known each other for a lifetime. Lando shared stories of his adrenaline-fueled races, igniting Y/N's passion for adventure, while she painted vivid pictures of her experiences caring for others, igniting a flame of empathy within Lando's heart.
They laughed, they pondered, and they shared secret dreams that they had never dared to voice aloud before. The hours slipped away, unnoticed, as the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the enchanting dance of their words.
Little did they know, their chance encounter in that cozy café would be the beginning of a love story that would defy all expectations, transcending the boundaries of their individual worlds.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Lando and Y/N realized that fate had brought them together for a reason. And as they left the café, hand in hand, hope soared within their hearts, for they knew their journey had only just begun.
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