#Caleb hackett
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elklounge · 4 months ago
Werewolf Lore Book found in The Quarry Game
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Okay, where do I start? A few days ago I was playing The Quarry and trying to get screenshots of Travis. However, while in the Hackett House, I saw this book. I was curious if it said anything. Part of me wondered if it was just gibberish since the player can't really see it and it would just be for dressing the set and making the room look full. However, as I squinted I realized it said Curse of the Moonlight. I began to try multiple different methods to read the two pages of text. I couldn't find it in the game files and searching book didn't get me anywhere. However after some clipping and eye strain through using my glasses as a magnifying glass. Maybe this has already been discovered if so that's okay. I still just wanted to point this out. I am unsure which character was reading this. I want to say Chris Hackett since there are cigarettes present and the only other time I've seen them is in Chris' office as he smokes.
The text reads as the following:
Before the creation of the curse more than 23,000 years ago, the people of the old town, recognized the presence of an evil spirit, which successfully escaped from hell, broke all the spells which imprisoned it since the initial establishment of the Earth. Mankind had been struggling to fight and hopelessly defend themselves before the cruelty and the brutal behaviour of the beast. Finally, through all the tears and bloods, prayers and desperation, mankind lost to the creature and vanished. However, becasue of the vital impact and the destructive damage the conflict resulted, the Mother of Nature abandoned it from the ground, kept it in captivity under thousands of earth layers, for million of years.
The curse is supposed to be timeless. But unfortunately, some unconscious individuals summoned the beast with a deadly ancient magics and spells. Following the guide of the devils, they were forced to wake the monster from the deepest place that the humanity may ever know. Hence, every night when the moon shines the brightest, it will rise and hunt for human lives, as many as he can find, as much as he can fulfill the hunger through so many years, just until the sun rises to the fullest. And that became the story, which is then conveyed and spreaded from ears to ears, about this enigmatic forest.
Once upon a time, there was one said every journey is always full of unexpectancies and moreover, inevitable incidences. Stories have been told through centuries and decades, from villages to towns, from the elder to the youth. But not as the generations pass by or as the time fades, the curse has never been once broken. Whenever the reading is started, the moon will shine and the untamed creature will be released from your worst nightmare. Danger is triggered. And death follows.
Now, one is here in this place, reading these ambiguous is and wondering about everything. But he did not even noticed the wind has begun to blow harder and colder. The surroundings are frozen, not because of the weather, but due to one thing which is coming for the thirst of blood. The shelter is no longer a place to settle. It is now a deadly hunting area, dangerous obstacles, damaged constructions and mysterious blood stains.
In every step he takes, the traces will stay to wait for the beast. Like the last footprint he left during the last moment of his life. His scream will not be heard and his prayers will not be granted. He may survive but the terrified soul will last forever. His curiosity was the cause of the unfortunate event. And now he has to pay the bloody price and no savior would come to rescue.
Every moment he has now is priceless and vital. His life and the journey of survival depends on how he uses his last breaths. Which means now is the time that he needs to start to run.
My most insane attempt to read it which got me 2/3s of the way down the first page.
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harbingermotelsblog · 8 months ago
hypothetically chris could've locked himself in the cellar again and gave the kids his car
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thewolfaroo · 2 years ago
Werewolf Models
this is for all the werewolf fans out there (tumbleweed rolls by). i've long since memorised all their features by heart, but they're still hard to differentiate sometimes, so here are the isolated models for all the werewolves in the game!
i'll also have the names of each in the alt text so they can be read voluntarily (by clicking/tapping the 'alt' symbol), just in case you'd prefer to test yourself and guess :)
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that's all of them! here are some things i'd like to note.
the older werewolves of the bunch (silas, caleb, and kaylee) are all noticeably different from the others. as they get older they appear more wolf-like, with longer snouts and more haphazardly-positioned teeth.
they also all look eerily like their human counterparts, no? some less than others of course, but werewolves like kaylee and dylan look very similar. i remember reading somewhere that they were made to fit the faces of the actors, though i may be making that up.
it's also worth noting that the fresher werewolves (nick, jacob, emma and laura) are also very similar to one another, particularly their teeth- at a guess, they all used the same base model which was then morphed to look more like the character they transformed from.
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he's Stressed .... (i got a pc that can actually run tq at ultra with a good framerate isn't that fun??? hq freecam screenshots incoming)
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unhingedlesbear · 2 years ago
I believe I forgot to post this. A while ago I was drawing the quarry werewolves but like… as regular wolves. I originally was just gonna do the ones we see as werewolves but then one thing led to another and I just did every character that gets infected at any point. So yes, that includes Abi, Ryan and Kaitlyn. It also includes Bobby and unfortunately Travis so I included them too.
Did them in sections which is why they look a bit weird together.
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Wolves are fun to draw guys
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ghostradiodylan · 1 year ago
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I will never stop finding it hilarious that the besties just leave Caleb Hackett in the freezer to die. 🤣🤣🤣 It’s so unlikely and so unnecessary. I love it.
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stuckinthedeadlights · 1 year ago
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The Quarry Werewolf Icons
free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary. if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
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embraceyourdestiny · 3 months ago
Whoaaa the ending where Travis and Caleb is the only hackett’s left is so sad. That boy is fully Travis’ responsibility now. :(
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dylanlenivyy · 10 months ago
thinking about an au where the wolves infected directly by silas have a connection to eliza, and she can influence the things they do.
once the next chain starts by silas' wolves, that connection is broken.
also, theyd form a small pack and just. be extremely dangerous to the counselors and the hackett family. oh, you wanna kill silas? you gotta get through caleb hackett and dylan lenivy first.
calebs wolf being more loyal to silas than his own family, and dylans being more loyal to silas than the counselors.
everyone thinking silas is the actual leader of the pack when its instead eliza, who may or may not be wolfy herself.
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thingsasbarcodes · 1 year ago
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The Quarry - Everybody Lives Ending
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hedwig123 · 1 year ago
If I could add one thing to The Quarry it would be
A real epilogue
An option to switch Ryan & Kaitlyn for the last 3 chapters
Another female counselor because why was Laura scheduled for 2 jobs
A Hackett family tree that actually made sense
A picture frame in the drawer under the counselor’s ledger that Dylan can find of an 8-year-old Ryan and Caleb smiling in front of the lodge camp sign, causing Ryan to explain that he asked Chris to put it away during camp but it's usually on his desk with the picture of him and his kids, because MAYBE if they made it a little more explicit just how much Chris and his kids meant to Ryan and how much Ryan meant to Chris then MAYBE every single streamer wouldn't go "is Ryan in on it?" when he expresses concern for and faith in people he loves and MAYBE they would appreciate just how much hurt he goes through when he realizes that faith was misplaced
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be-side-my-self · 1 year ago
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Happy new year Quarry Fandom!
I hope 2024 is as kind to you as you are to others!
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elklounge · 6 months ago
Travis Hackett being pulled down to the bottom of the well. Family is the most important thing in the world…right?
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harbingermotelsblog · 8 months ago
why did jacob have the rotor arm in his underwear? i've been thinking about this, because if not his underwear where else was he keeping it?
why wasn't it in his pocket? why was in his boxers?
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thewolfaroo · 2 years ago
back again!! recently i went through the quarry's texture/model files and here's a collection of the notable things i've found. :)
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DYLAN HAS HIS OWN WEREWOLF MODEL!!!!! i cannot describe the excitement i felt when i found this oh my god. i was shaking uncontrollably. anyway, if you're unaware (or haven't seen my freecam post) when dylan transforms he uses silas' model for the brief moment he is on-screen. but in his files, as shown, he has his own unique werewolf model! i'm not sure why it was unused- perhaps silas' model was a placeholder they never changed? who knows!
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here's a model i found under 'werewolves' called 'prototype'! naturally this is unused. he looks a little silly but i am so fond of him honestly
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THE SHINING REFERENCE ON CHRIS' PILLS!!! never seen it myself but a friend pointed it out. also yeah these are the pills dylan takes in the poolhouse. YEAH, THEY'RE SLEEPING PILLS. AND HE DOWNED THEM ALL. what is his problem
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these are the only things i found interesting enough to post rn tbh . if there's anything u guys want me to check out then lmk :33 !
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unhingedlesbear · 2 years ago
Look I am just obsessed with fluffy werewolf blood pact au rn, so here you have it. Wolf pile + Abi
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As much as I’d love to include them, in canon, the only way to achieve a permanent blood pact run includes the deaths of both Laura and Ryan. In a better world, they’re also in this pile.
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durorholmes · 2 years ago
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Hackett House aesthetic
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