#Caleb Reaves
trekkiehood · 6 months
Fandom: Supernatural (Brotherhood) Rating: K+/PG Words: 4.5k Characters: Caleb Reaves & Dean Winchester Notes: Sick Dean. Weechesters. Past Medical Trauma.
Summary: A hospital visit with a very sick Dean Winchester unlocks less than pleasant memories for all involved. (Brotherhood AU)
"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” - Psalm 82:3-4 (ESV)
Been working on this one for a couple of weeks. Finally found the time to edit it. Call it an Easter present.
Which brings me to timeline. This is Caleb's spring break when he's sixteen but I put it there before remembering that "Crucifixion and Kryptonite" by Ridley takes place that same Easter. So. We're saying that Caleb has a two week spring break and this is at the beginning and that fic is at the end lol.
This is kind of a sequel to my story "Meant for Good" so while it's not strictly necessary to read it, it would certainly be helpful.
There's nothing to graphic but it does deal with sickness and medical trauma so be warned.
Please enjoy!
Dean wasn’t okay.
That was Caleb’s first thought upon waking in a cold sweat.
His bed sheet twisted around his foot, nearly causing him to faceplant at his attempt to escape the bed.
John had dropped Sam and Dean off two nights ago. Dean hadn’t been feeling well and with Mac having come to drop Caleb off at the Farm for his early Spring Break, it made the most sense. John would likely return at the end of the month for the actual Easter Service. It was a good thing he’d dropped them off. It wasn’t even two hours later that Dean began throwing up. Caleb didn’t want to think about what would have happened had the boys been left alone in a crappy motel room when it started.
At first Mac had thought that it was just a stomach bug, quarantining Dean to his bedroom. But the longer it lasted the more he became convinced that it was food poisoning. Unsurprising considering the life that the Winchester’s lived.
But the kid was okay. Was sick a lot. Had trouble keeping down the anti-nausea meds. But it had been close to forty-eight hours now and the worst was over. Now the eight year old was sleeping safely in his bed. Or was supposed to be.
Caleb opened the door that connected his room to the boys’. It was dark, but the shine of a Ninja Turtle night light allowed him to make out an empty bed. The panic that had awoken him swelled as he scanned the room, his eyes finally landing on the small body collapsed on the floor.
“Deuce?” He quickly came forward, kneeling down. When there was no response, he reached out a hand, feeling his own anxiety echo around him, threatening to pull him under like the ocean waves that still caused nightmares. The kid was burning up. “Dad!” He called out, searching for a pulse. It was there. Fast, but there.  “Dean, hey, come on buddy, wake up for me.” He lightly patted Dean’s face before once again shouting for his father.  
Despite the great heat, Dean was barely sweating. His skin was dry, his breaths coming out in small puffs of air.
“Mac!” he called out again just as the door swung open.
“I’m here, Caleb, what’s wrong.” The doctor was disheveled, hair a mess and still in his nightclothes. Despite this, he quickly took in the situation, kneeling across from his son. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. I felt something was wrong and when I came to check on him he was like this.”
Mac frowned, checking vitals with a skilled hand.
“Hand me the thermometer.”
Caleb glanced up, seeing the thermometer resting on the nightstand.
It was uncomfortable watching Mac force Dean’s mouth open and then holding it shut. It was a necessary evil, but it made Caleb bite his lip to keep silent.
Of course Dean would choose that moment to come around.
He jerked his head away, groaning as his eyes became tiny slits for only a moment, before squeezing them together.
“Dean, it’s alright.” Mac lightly readjusted his head. “I’m taking your temperature. Don’t fight me.”
His breathing sped up as his eyes cracked open, still attempting to evade the doctor’s grasp.
Caleb leaned over, capturing the kid’s attention while Mac pulled out the thermometer.
“You with us Deuce?”
He didn’t answer, but stopped fighting, blinking as if trying to clear the glassy stare.
“Dad?” He shot his eyes up to his father who was frowning deeply at the thermometer.
“103. Will you go get me a glass of water.”
It was not a good idea for him to leave. For him or for Dean. “But Dad-”
“I’ll do it.” Both looked up, unsure when the pastor had appeared in the doorway. Mac didn’t acknowledge his appearance, but nodded his thanks.
Caleb placed his hand against Dean’s cheek. The boy leaned into the cool touch.
“‘M hot.” Dean whimpered, finally breaking his eerie silence.
Mac nodded to himself, seeming relieved that the boy had spoken.
“What are you doing out of bed, Deuce?” Caleb used his other hand to smooth back Dean’s disheveled hair.
“Couldn’ find Sammy.” He mumbled before his eyes snapped open, weakly pushing at the ground in an attempt to sit up. “Where-”
“Easy,” Caleb offered, gently pressing him back down. “He stayed with Pastor Jim tonight, remember? You didn’t want to get him sick.” Food poisoning wasn’t contagious, but it had been the only way to get Dean to agree to let his brother out of his sight.
“Dean, do you remember what happened?”
“Dizzy.” He whispered, licking his lips. “Head hurts.”
Mac smiled softly, clearly pushing away his no-nonsense doctor persona to offer Dean some comfort. Despite the reassuring manner, Mac began lightly feeling along Dean’s head. Clearly trying to find any problems that might have arisen from the fall.
Jim returned, remaining silent as he passed the water to Mac.
“Caleb, will you help Dean sit up?”
“You ready to try and move?” Caleb addressed to Dean.
The boy nodded, clearly regretting it as his eyes screwed shut. He let out a shaky breath before opening them again. “Yeah.” He tried again.
Caleb highly doubted that, but his father gave a tightlipped nod.
Dean pressed his hands against the floor, starting to push up. Caleb came up behind him, supporting his back and letting him lean up against him. The small movement seemed to exhaust him.
Mac moved the glass next to Dean’s mouth, “Can you take a sip for me?”
Dean turned his face away, pressing further into Caleb. “Sick.”
“I know, but I need to see if you can keep water down. You’re dehydrated.”
The whimper that was Dean’s response had all of Caleb’s protective instincts going off.
“Dean,” The doctor's voice was gentle but stern. “If you can’t keep the water down then we’ll have to go to the hospital. You’re sick.”
And Caleb knew that Dean was only eight. Eight-year-olds whined and complained and even cried. Especially when they were sick. But this was so unlike Dean. He always acted so much older, so much more put together. But Caleb had never seen this Dean before. Dean became sullen or angry. He didn’t whimper. Or Cry. Or bury himself in your shoulder.
“Dad?” His panic that had only just begun to calm now seemed to double.
Mac moved the glass away with a sigh. “Carry him to the car, I’ll-”
“No!” Dean sat up. “No I don’t wanna go!”
“It’s alright, Deuce.” Caleb hated hospitals more than most and he wasn’t thrilled with the fact that they were going. But he was more terrified about what was happening with Dean.
“If you can drink this,” Mac held up the glass, using his best negotiating voice. “Without getting sick, then we can wait. But you need to prove to me that you can drink this, okay?”
Dean nodded, but was shaking when he reached out for the glass. “Let me, Dean.” Mac lifted the glass to his lips and Dean took a tentative sip. “Slowly.”
Only a few sips were managed before Mac pulled the glass away. “Let’s let that sit for a moment, okay?”
Dean closed his eyes, once again leaning into Caleb who lightly stroked his hair.
It didn’t take long to realize that Dean wouldn’t be able to keep even that small amount down.
Mac reached for the basin, barely shoving it into place before Dean lost his battle.
The only thing in his stomach was the water, and yet the retching and gagging lasted almost five minutes. Caleb rubbed his back, trying to comfort him while avoiding his own gag reflex. By the time he was done, there were tears streaming down Dean’s face. He collapsed back into Caleb, clearly fighting sobs.
The panic he was feeling was well warranted. Mac’s face confirmed that.
“Jim, can you grab my keys?”
“No! Please! I don’t want to!” Dean choked on a sob, curling further into Caleb. He could feel the heat radiating off of the small body, burning through Caleb’s clothes and making him feel overheated.
“It’s okay, Deuce.” He tried to hide his own panic behind the comforting words. “Just a quick little trip. We’ll be back before you know it.”
The shaking increased as he rapidly shook his head. His breaths were shallow and panicked. “Damien, please don’t make me go.”
He looked helplessly towards his father, his heart wanting to give in, but his head knowing that Mac was right. Dean was sick. Very sick.
“Caleb will come with us, Dean. You’re sick and I don’t have what I need to make you better here. It will still be me taking care of you. And we’ll come right back when you’re better.”
The boy shook his head. “I promise I’ll be good. I promise. Don’t make me go.”
Caleb frowned. “You’re not in trouble, Deuce. You’re sick.”
Jim joined the trio. Caleb had forgotten he was there, but now he crouched down, taking Dean’s hands in his own and drawing the boy’s attention. He nodded to Mac, and the doctor stood, presumably going to grab the keys.
“Dean, my boy, you’ve been very sick I see.”
The boy’s lips quivered as he nodded.
“Well we need you to get better. And to do that you’ve got to go where Mac can help you.”
He rocked his head back and forth. “But-”
“Sam will stay safe here with me. And you’ll come right back to us when you’re all better, okay?”
“I want to see Sammy.” That at least sounded like Dean.
Jim smiled, glancing at Caleb. “I think that can be arranged.”
Caleb gathered the boy in his arms, cautiously standing. Dean seemed even lighter than usual. He was already small for his age and had probably lost half his weight over the last forty-eight hours.
Sam had somehow managed to sleep through all of the excitement. Dean stayed clutched to Caleb as he watched his brother sleep.
“He’ll worry about me.”
“I’ll make sure he knows that you’re okay. I’ll take care of him. Do you think I’m up for the job?”
Dean frowned as if weighing the statement. “I guess.”
“I won’t let you down Dean.” Jim smiled softly. “Now, you focus on getting better, okay?”  
Dean didn’t answer, burying himself into Caleb.
The older boy took this as his cue to leave.
Mac had already started the car as Caleb slipped into the open back seat. Caleb tried to set Dean down in order to buckle him up, but Dean dug his fingers into Caleb’s shirt, refusing to let him go. He really didn’t have it in him to fight the kid on this one.
Caleb caught his dad’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “I called it in. They should be waiting for us.”
The fact that Mac elected to go to the ER instead of the local clinic had fear warring with relief. Clearly Mac thought that they would be okay for the longer trip, but it also meant that he wanted the better stocked hospital at his disposal.
The ride was almost completely silent. The occasional sniffling of Dean in his lap caused him to clutch the eight-year-old tighter.
Mac actually parked instead of swinging around the front, another sign that Dean wasn’t in any immediate danger. He carried Dean in, the boy's legs wrapped around him, clutching tightly to the front of Caleb’s shirt. The air was cool in the dead of night, but Caleb was becoming overheated due to the fevered Dean pressed against him.
Once inside the hospital, Mac spoke quietly with the front desk clerk. The waiting room was practically empty. Apparently New Haven and the surrounding areas weren’t a hot bed of spring break activity.
“This way son,” The doctor returned to them, leading them to one of the back cubicles.
Now Caleb hated hospitals, his own fear could be paralyzing at times. When it mixed with the absolute terror rolling off of Dean it became nearly unbearable. He gently sat Dean on the bed, but the boy refused to release the hold he had on Caleb’s shirt.
“It’s all right, Deuce.” He ran a hand over his hair. “Just let Mac take care of you.”
Mac had set up the IV while Dean was distracted, but now came to the bed, standing across from Caleb.
The boy in question, looked to Caleb, waiting for the reassuring nod before he released Caleb with one hand, allowing himself to roll slightly towards Mac. As soon as he saw the IV line his breath caught, scooting so far toward Caleb that he almost fell off of the bed.
“This is just an IV.” Mac continued slowly, as if speaking to a wounded animal. “You’re dehydrated. We need to get some fluids in you. It will make you feel better.”
Dean vehemently shook his head, panicked gasps of air coming out as he tried to fall further into Caleb.
“Woah, woah, hey.” Caleb hushed quietly. He lifted Dean, allowing enough room for Caleb to squeeze underneath him and join him on the bed. “What’s going on dude. Talk to me.”
Dean didn’t answer, returning to his previous position with both hands clasped tightly in Caleb’s shirt, face pressed into the older boy’s shoulder.
The boy was shaking, tiny panicked gasps, the only sound in the eerie quiet.
“Dad?” He ventured, unsure of what to do or say.
Mac’s lips pressed together. “We don’t have a choice, Caleb. I wish there was another way, but if we don’t find a way to hydrate him…” He sighed. “Dean, son, I promise it will be okay. You’ll barely feel it.”
If Dean had a thing about needles neither of them had noticed it up until now.
“I’m sorry.” Dean finally spoke again. “I’m sorry, I promise I'll be good.”
“Dean, you're not in trouble.” Mac frowned.
The boy pushed away just enough to look Caleb in the eye. “I’ll keep talking, I promise I’ll keep talking.”
Caleb couldn’t seem to get his mouth to work. He sat there, slack jaw, unable to look away from the eight-year-old’s wide, tear filled eyes. Before he could come up with anything to say, the visions assaulted him.
It wasn’t a full story. Flashes of images he could only place because he knew. He’d been there. The bright rainbow painted on the wall. Unintelligible condescending tones. Hands holding him down as they insert an IV. Bright fluorescent lights. The ominous click of locking industrial doors. Overwhelming emotions of fear and pain and alone.
Caleb came out of it, chest heaving. Dean’s wide eyes were on him, seeming to match Caleb’s panicked breaths.
“Caleb. Breathe.” He snapped towards the voice. His father was watching him, lips pressed together in concern. “You need to calm down. Let Dean know that everything is going to be okay.”
The kid was getting his cues from Caleb. If he seemed worried, Dean would too. He took a brief moment to bring his own emotions under control.
“Hey, hey Deuce, look at me, okay? It’s okay. You’re okay. It’s not like that. It’s not like… there.”
“It makes me feel bad, Damien. I don’t like it. Please.”
“Deuce, I promise, it’s not like that. Please. Do you trust me?”
Dean looked at him, the tears finally broke free, falling down his cheeks. Caleb almost lost his resolve. If he could, he would take the IV for him. He’d take all of it for him.
After a long moment, Dean fell back into Caleb, his left hand slowly released Caleb’s shirt. He hesitated another moment, burying his face further, before finally rolling over enough to offer his hand to Mac.
“Thank you, Dean.” The doctor said sincerely.
Caleb readjusted Dean so that he could be more comfortable as Mac worked. It always disturbed him how quietly Dean cried. He almost never did. But all kids cried, the biggest difference with Dean is that he didn’t want people to know.
When kids cried, they wanted you to know. Even Sam would wail in the hopes of getting someone’s attention or because he didn’t get his way or to make a point. But Dean cried silently. Like he was afraid someone would find out. Afraid someone would hear and know that he had feelings. That he was human. Even now, shaking, terrified out of his mind, he was silent. The only sound, an occasionally hitched breath.
Caleb rubbed his back as Mac placed Dean’s hand back on Caleb’s chest. Dean didn’t move it. Didn’t say anything. His right hand was still intertwined with Caleb’s shirt, but now clenched and released the shirt in a steady rhythm.
The IV was in the back of Dean’s hand, tape and gauze holding it in place. Dean didn’t even look at it, didn’t move it. Like it wasn’t even a part of him anymore.
Dean had promised he would keep talking, but he must have decided the deal was off.. No matter how hard Caleb and Mac tried to get him to open up, he remained silent.
“I believe it’s just dehydration. He’s not sick anymore. Between the dehydration and irritated stomach he wasn’t able to keep anything down. I think once we get through the IV he’ll be fine. I can run some tests if I need to but I think it’s best to wait for now.”
Dean didn’t react, keeping with the obsessive clenching of Caleb’s shirt. Caleb wasn’t even sure if Dean was hearing them. But kids heard and understood more than adults ever seemed to give them credit for. This ordeal proved it.
Caleb felt kind of dazed himself. He knew that Dean had been outpatient at Brooklyn. That the admittance process was nearly complete when Mac stepped in. But Dean had never mentioned it. The Triad seemed convinced that Dean was too young to remember. Too shell shocked to comprehend what was going on around him. But he did. They had confused silence with catatonic. Caleb had gotten just a glimpse of what Dean remembered and it was nothing good. Enshrouded in fear and pain and yes confusion, but not because he wasn’t aware. Because he didn’t understand. What child would?  
Dean had said that the IV made him feel funny. Bad was the word that had lingered in the back of the boy’s mind.  Caleb could relate. The drugs they had used on him during his own time at Brooklyn were disorienting, making him docile, easier to control, but not fixing the actual problem. In fact, making them worse. If one of the drugs they’d pushed on him had stopped the death visions or the constant noise of people’s thoughts, than maybe it would have been worth it. Maybe. But they hadn’t. It had made the nightmares so severe that he had struggled to know what was real and what was in his mind.
Something Dean was clearly afraid of.
Every time he would start to drift, Dean would jerk himself awake. The silent mantra of Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Echoed across their connection.
Mac had left, saying he had been called in to consult on someone’s brain scans, but would be back soon.
Caleb continued rubbing Dean’s back, hoping he would eventually give in to the much needed sleep. “You can sleep, Deuce. I’ll wake you up if you start to have a bad dream.” He wondered if one day he’d be able to do something more. If maybe his powers would actually be useful. But if nothing else he could tell when the nightmares started and put a stop to them.
Dean’s hand stopped moving, gripping his shirt tightly, a small hitch in his breath.
“Are you going to leave me here?”
Caleb’s hand stopped along with his heart. He tried to reposition himself, craning his neck in an attempt to look into the boy's eyes.
“Hey, no, I would never. How could you think that?”
A sniffle.
“Come on, Deuce talk to me.” He pleaded.
“They said if I didn’t get better I’d have to stay.” The small voice broke. “That Daddy was going to leave me. But who will take care of Sammy if I go away? He needs me.”
Caleb found himself completely speechless, not for the first time tonight. A dark pit seemed to open up in his soul, devouring any and all feelings or emotions. His mouth moved a few times, unable to force any words out.
“I- no Deuce, no. I swear. I would never- I wouldn’t- You’ll never- no.” Caleb wrapped both arms around the boy clutching him to his chest and starting a rocking motion. He wasn’t sure if it was to comfort himself or the silently crying child. “I won’t let that happen. Ever.”
The little hand gripped him even tighter. “You promise?”
“I swear. I swear on my mother, Deuce. I will never let that happen to you. We’re going home. You’ll be better really soon and I’ll stay here until you are. I’m not leaving you. Okay? I’ll never leave you, okay?”
The silence stretched on and Caleb was unsure of what that meant. If it was a sign of trust or fear. Then finally the broken, far too trusting voice. “Okay, Damien.” It was said on a breath, Dean finally relaxing, melting into Caleb in a show of complete faith.  
Caleb felt the change. The fearful and closed off child drowning in terror, finally letting go. Trust and love nearly overwhelming him. He held the child tightly against his chest, thankful when he finally drifted into a hopefully dreamless sleep.
The older boy felt drained. Exhausted. And it had nothing to do with his own lack of sleep.
Mac made his way back into the room, not long after Dean had drifted off. He gave a weak smile. “Good, I’m glad he’s finally getting some rest.” He looked at his son, the smile falling. “What’s wrong? Is Dean okay?”
“He thought we were going to leave him here.”
“He said…” He said a lot of things that Caleb didn’t want to think about. “He was talking about the psych hospital. About Brooklyn.” Caleb bit his lip trying to keep his own breathing calm so as not to wake the sleeping child. “He remembers more than you thought.” It wasn’t a direct accusation of his father but rather the adults around him as a whole. The adults who had assured him that Dean didn’t remember his time spent at the psychiatric hospital.
Mac let out a breath, running a tired hand over his face. “That must have been very hard for you.”
“For me?” He scoffed. “Dad, he's terrified. I caught glimpses of…” He trailed off, shaking his head.
“Dean tends to understand more than any of us give him credit for.” The doctor ran a hand over the sleeping child’s hair, echoing Caleb’s thoughts from early. “He was only five and it was generally assumed that he spent much of that time unaware-”
“He wasn’t catatonic Mac, I could have told you that.”
Mac pressed his lips together. “Yes I know, and you did. And we were able to help him through it.”
“Not before traumatizing him! What did they have him on? He was totally freaked by the IV. Convinced it was going to make him feel bad and give him nightmares.”
“He was a sick child, Caleb. The doctors were trying to-”
“I don’t want to hear it.” He snapped, stilling when he felt Dean move, hoping he didn’t wake him.
Mac sighed, going over to check the IV bag and then the sleeping child. “I think his fever’s gone down.”
Caleb hadn’t noticed, been too filled with ice to notice the heat or lack thereof. “That’s good, right?”
“Yes, I think we should be able to head back soon. I want to wait until he naturally wakes up. We should probably make sure that he can keep down water too. We don’t want a repeat.”
“Yeah,” Caleb sighed, rubbing a hand over Dean’s sweat soaked back. The boy was still clinging to Caleb’s shirt like it might be the one thing that might save him. The thumb of his other hand had found a way to his mouth. Caleb noticed he was biting it instead of sucking on it like most children would. A habit Dean had broken not long after regaining his voice. Caleb worried it spoke of Dean’s headspace.
“He’ll be okay, Caleb.”
“Physically maybe.” He muttered, psychically reaching out to make sure no nightmares had started. They seemed in the clear for the moment.
“I know Jim talked to you about Dean’s situation. It wasn’t like with you.”
“Yeah, that’s what Jim said. But it still messed him up. He was worried about what would happen to Sammy if they locked him up, Dad No eight-year-old should have that at the top of his fears list!”
“He also shouldn’t have people bursting in flames and demons coming to get him.” It was said clinically. Cold. Uncaring in a way that set Caleb on edge. “It’s not a life any of us would wish for him but it's the life he has.”
It was familiar hearing John talk like that, but hearing it from Mac made him oddly uncomfortable. He accused his father of treating him like a kid, claimed he hated it and wanted to be treated like an adult. And he did. But… it was also nice. Mac had a way of making him feel safe. Making him feel like just maybe he would be okay. Maybe he would make it through to the other side in one piece. Fully human. But that cold, cut and dry description of Dean’s childhood made him feel anything but safe. It made him feel scared. Terrified. Sick to his stomach. What kind of life was that for an eight-year-old? What kind of life was that for Dean?
“It’s fine, Mac. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“He’ll be okay.”
“He shouldn’t have to just be okay. He should get to be safe.”
The doctor didn’t seem to have an answer for that, busying himself with the IV bag.
Caleb barely even thought about his own safety anymore. He was practically an adult. He’d already seen most of the horrors the world had to offer. Both the human and supernatural kinds. It didn’t bother him. Much. But Dean deserved better than that. He deserved a safe, normal life. It wasn’t fair.
“We’ll take care of him, son.”
“Yes. I will.” It was a resolution. A promise. A solemn oath to anyone who cared to listen.
Mac looked like he wanted to say something. A strange look that Caleb couldn’t place crossing his eyes. In the end he only pressed his lips together. His father’s mental blocks were up, Caleb unable to read what his father had been thinking. It didn’t matter. Not really.
The silence stretched out, Caleb taking comfort in the slow falling and rising of Dean’s chest. In the knowledge that for the moment at least, Dean was safe.
I'm quite pleased with how this turned out. I really just wanted to write young Dean clinging to Caleb so I did. What will my next fic be you ask? No clue. We'll see where the muse goes.
Please let me know what you thought of this! Or just scream at me. Whatever you so desire.
Have a very blessed Good Friday and Easter. On a personal note I finally got to visit my best friend and the coffee shops here are superior to anything back home :)
Flood me with comments please.
Much love and God bless, Jamie
Read more of Brotherhood fics on Ao3
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Does anyone happen to know the ages and approximate birthdays/years of the triad and adjacent? Obviously we know Sam, Dean, Bobby, and John’s, but I wanna know about Caleb, Jim, and Mac. Even if it’s just a “X is this much older than Y”
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lila-unfortunately · 2 years
Nasty Little Habits
Supernatural (brotherhood au)
Whumptober 2022 | no. 2 | “cornered”
@whumptober-archive :)
tw: disordered eating & child abuse/neglect
“Alright, Deuce,” Caleb hummed, all sorts of amped up, “You ready to head out?”
“I was ready to head out awhile ago. Not my fault you had to do your whole,” Dean waved his hand, gesturing at Caleb, “pretty princess routine.”
Caleb snorted, “You’re an asshole.”
Dean smirked.
Caleb had wanted to take Dean out for awhile. After Flagstaff, all of the stress from hunting, and, of course, the responsibility for a brooding teenager and a father intent on living off the reservation, Dean needed a night out.
Mac was pissed, John probably was too. It didn’t matter, though, Caleb decided. He wasn’t exactly a fan of the two right now. In fact, the entire Triad could go ahead and suck it. They all knew John was unreasonable, unstable, and, yet, somehow, Dean was alone with his hormonal little brother and psycho soldier father without Triad contact. That was asking for trouble.
Jim and Mac had tried (and failed) to reason with him. “John will contact us if they are in trouble” they said. Yeah, fucking, right. Johnny was his mentor, he’s known the Winchester’s ‘didn’t accept charity’ from his first time meeting the three. And looking at Dean now, shit had definitely gone down.
Caleb could tell Dean wasn’t exactly the Dean he had to walk away from three months ago. He looked different, in a way Caleb couldn’t quite place but also acted different. The kid was on edge, big time. Caleb watched him case the joint three times before joining him in their room. Dean carried more weapons now, too.
Dean usually carried, that wasn’t abnormal, after all, he was a hunter. His colt, a couple of knives, maybe a flask of holy water, that was usually enough unless they were on a hunt. Apparently, Dean had become Johnny 2.0 in Caleb’s time away.
Trained as he was, he couldn’t see all of which his friend was hiding, but the kid was armed to the teeth. Paranoid bastard Johnny was and, undoubtedly, the sentiment trickled down.
“What’s with the armory?” Caleb asked, not missing a beat.
Dean frowned, pointedly avoiding Caleb’s trademark what-are-you-hiding gaze. Which meant, of course, the kid was hiding something. He didn’t mean to corner him, or maybe he did, but secrets for the Winchesters? Always a bad idea.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Dean declared.
What a weak defense, Caleb thought, he’s definitely been hanging around Sam too much.
“Y’know,” Caleb replied, examining the kid again, counting, “the seven different weapons that are visible to my hunter eyes.”
Dean scowled, “Well, I guess Dad was right, you are off your game. Seven?”
Caleb frowned and spoke cooly, “Listening to your father while he is angry is never wise, Deuce. Would you like to see just how “off my game” I really am?”
Yeah, Caleb was livid. The heartless bastard angrily talking shit when he wasn’t there to defend himself? Low. Dean parroting the said heartless bastard? Caleb was gonna kill him.
“What?” Dean asked, frown reforming, “no. It was a joke, Damien. Remember how three months ago you could take a joke?”
Caleb blinked. He was pissed at John and taking it out on Dean… he needed to calm down. Now. Dean wasn’t in the right headspace to fight with him too.
“I…I don’t know what that was,” Caleb murmured quietly, “didn’t, uh, mean to start something.”
Dean bit his lip, still scowling, but relenting slowly with a deep exhale, “It’s good, man. You’ve been asking about me, but, really, how have you been?”
Caleb shook his head, “Just worried about you. I’m fine.”
Dean quirked half a smile, “I know you worry but you can’t worry yourself sick. I really can take care of myself, Damien.”
He sighed, soon realized what the younger man was up to, “Seriously, man, what is with the armory?”
Dean fidgeted, still trying to wriggle out of answering, but Caleb wasn’t relenting until he got an answer.
“It just helps. I- I’ve just gotten used to it.”
Caleb frowned, “Deuce, what the hell has been going on?”
He could sense his friend’s discomfort, but that discomfort was a neon sign in Caleb’s book. If he was that intent on keeping it a secret, it probably meant he needed to know. Dean was his best friend, but also his family. He couldn’t protect him from his three month long punishment, but he was sure as hell going to pick up the pieces.
Dean sighed, relenting, “Look, man, don’t go and blab to Mac, okay? But we’ve been in some seedy places recently.”
“Johnny always leaves you in seedy places?” Caleb replied, voice lifted in a question, urging Dean to keep speaking.
“It’s, ah,” Dean paused to look at Caleb’s feet instead of his face that was probably radiating anger and worry, “well, it’s been worse, than usual. Like, bad enough I almost called Jim myself.”
Caleb’s eyes widened. He loved Deuce, but he was the type of guy to always follow his old man’s orders. Didn’t want to cause a confrontation, would never risk John’s ring because of an inconvenience. It had to of been bad.
“Are you okay? Is Sam-“
Dean cut him off with a wave of his hand, “It’s old news now, we got through it. I’m standing here, Sammy is probably following Mac around like a lost puppy. Right as rain, dude, don’t worry.”
Something about the way Dean said ‘don’t worry’ made Caleb worry even more, but he knew that Dean would eventually reveal the finer details eventually, the kid couldn’t hide shit forever, especially not with half the bar inside of him and Caleb’s strategic line of questioning.
“Okay,” Caleb said, feigning deference, “enough of the chick-flick. Let’s get out of here, already.”
Dean exhaled, in obvious relief, “I’ve been saying that for about an hour, dude.”
Caleb smirked, hiding his concern, but grabbed his cell and followed Dean out the door, in pursuit of a bar.
Caleb regretted not taking his car. He had assumed that the pair of them would be too shitfaced for either of them to drive, but Caleb had held back. He had his eyes on Dean, who, as predicted, drank about half the bar that night. While his friend was fantastic at taking his liquor like a champ, tonight, Dean was drunk as a skunk and it showed. He never lost his contents but the kid was unsteady on his feet. Caleb practically scraped him off the pavement when it was time to go.
He had decided to carry Dean back to their place, because the kid was probably going to get hit by a passing car if he didn’t.
It took Caleb about ten minutes to actually reach the place and he was thoroughly exhausted. The kid was mumbling half to himself, half to Caleb.
“Mmm ‘atch the goods,” Dean babbled.
Caleb grunted, readjusting Dean’s body on top of his shoulders, rolling his eyes.
Finally, after some mock horror from the front desk workers and a slow trudgen journey, the pair were back inside their room, of course, no thanks to Dean.
“Alright,” Caleb started, propping Dean up against some pillows in his bed and fixing him up with a glass of water, “Let’s talk.”
Dean groaned, cradling athe glass of water, “About whattt?”
“What’s been up the past few months?”
Dean took a sip of his water, pointing at Caleb in mock anger, “Tryin’ to set me up, huh, Damien?”
Caleb smirked, “Nah, you promised earlier we could talk after we hit the town, not my fault you hit the town a little too hard.”
Dean nodded, almost enthusiastically, “You’re right. Should’ve ate something before we started drinking. I thought about it and then I was like no because I already went this long and-“
Caleb went pale.
“Deuce,” He interrupted gingerly, yet borderline frantic, “what are you talking about?”
Dean waved his hand passively, “No biggie, man. One of the nasty little habits I picked up over time. Nothing to worry your little tits over.”
Caleb closed his eyes for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next. Truthfully, he thought the kid was hiding some hunting details or maybe under exaggerated how badly shit had happened. What he didn’t expect was him fully admitting to having problems with eating.
“When did this start, buddy? And when’s the last time you ate?”
Deuce’s eyebrows were furrowed in thought and Caleb couldn’t help but feel some sort of panic in the pause.
“I guess it started awhile ago. I was already kinda used to not eating when me and Sammy were getting low on food. And then, well, recently Dad’s been leaving not enough money. Well, he never really has, but he used to leave a lot more but he’s all mad ‘nd shit so he’s been leaving less and then I really can’t get a job or even really leave ‘cause Sammy will dip out so fast, I just kinda stopped eating. It’s been good, though, like nothing crazy or anything. I guess the last time I ate was, erm, Sunday? Yeah. Sunday. ‘Cause Jim made pancakes for us and he was watching me kinda hard so I had to eat one and then I got out of eating the rest ‘cause Dad needed Jim and then Sammy said he was still hungry so it worked out sort of perfectly-
“Caleb sort of froze, letting Dean babble away because what the hell happened? Why did Johnny allow this to happen? Hell, Sam’s a genius, why couldn’t the kid step in? Dean’s sitting over here talking about not eating in about five days, like it ain’t a big fucking deal and Caleb is just sitting next to him wondering how his friend got so screwed up, so quickly.
“Why do you do this? To help your brother?”
Dean smiled a little bit, “I mean, yeah, Sammy is a growing boy. He’s gotta eat. That’s how it started ya know? I mean it’s not like I deserve it anyways. And actually, man, I’ve gotta be honest, I’m starting to get this gnawing sensation. Starting to feel like maybe we weren’t supposed to be talking about this?”
Caleb could feel himself getting worked up, his jaw was clenched, knuckles white from how tightly he had them clasped together, he could almost swear his eye twitched. He wasn’t mad at Dean. Of course not. He was pissed at the son of a bitch who put the kid in situations where Dean felt like it was him or Sammy and convinced him to have such low self worth that he never even considered putting himself into the equation.
“Yeah, it’s alright, man. I’ve heard enough. You just get you some sleep. Sorry for cornering you. Just wanted to get a feel for how badly Johnny screwed up this time,” Caleb replied with a laugh that was far from humorous, “Turns out, it was worse than I thought. But, it’ll be handled. Don’t you worry.”
Dean nodded, not comprehending much, but fell asleep with ease.
Dean was gonna kill him in the morning and he was gonna kill Johnny, but even though tomorrow was gonna suck, Caleb couldn’t find himself regretting the conversation he had with his drunken friend, especially looking over his sleeping body.
Without his usual layers, Caleb could see just how skinny he had gotten. He was paler than ever, ribs protruding, jawbone sharper, and cheeks slightly sunken. He looked like shit and Caleb supposed it was all kinda hard to miss once the boy’s guard was down. But that was the problem. Save Caleb’s alcohol tactic, there was no way to reach Dean’s melon at all. Scary, now that Caleb knew all about his self loathing.
God, there was so much work to do.
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samanthasgone · 6 months
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Credit: penaltyboxpodcast ( Instagram )
Shining a spotlight on the trailblazers and game-changers who bring power, skill, and diversity to the ice. 🏒🌟 #NHL #Hockey
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valencepod · 1 year
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Of course, you can never really go back home. It’s time to stop repeating patterns. Let’s look ahead. And always, always remember: protect your magic.
Listen to Season 3, Episode 13 of VALENCE now wherever you get your podcasts.
And for the last time... protect your magic. ⚡️
VALENCE is a serialized fiction podcast meant for adult listeners. You can find more information, including our full cast list and transcripts, on our website.
For ongoing support of this show and others like it, please consider supporting Hug House Productions on Patreon.
VALENCE was created by Wil Williams. This episode was written by Wil Williams and Katie Youmans, and edited and sound designed by Wil Williams. This episode was directed by Anne Baird and Katie Youmans, transcribed by Katie Youmans, and produced by Anne Baird. The VALENCE Season 3 theme was composed by Travis Reaves.
Performances by:
Josh Rubino as Liam Alden and Liam’s Inner Voice
Naomi McMillan as Morgan Reilley
John Westover as Nico Salvai
Caleb Del Rio as Flynn Velasco
Jordan Cobb as Sarah Harris
Katie Chin as Grace Chen
Ishani Kanetkar as Mahira Varma
Alex Welch as Noel Alden
Izzy O’Connell as Cass
Madison Dabbs-Petty as Elisha Dawes
Miracle Fonmanu as Zoe Kafoa
Elena Fernandez Collins as Soledad Marquez
Maddi Albregts as Jessi
Khalila Roney as the Therapist
Giancarlo Hererra as Luis Acebo
and Roscoe Baird as Roscoe. We miss you, big baby.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
by Sensue
Dr. Mackland Ames has spent weeks working to stabilize his son's mental well-being after their visit to Gotham following the events of "Perspectives". The vision of Jason Todd's horrific death caused Caleb to spiral back into believing that no one was safe around him; that people who got close to him died violently. It caused a regression to their early days together... but, finally, things were looking up in the Ames household.
Then, the door knocks, and an emotionally gutted Bruce Wayne makes an unexpected house call.
Words: 3884, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Batman x Supernatural Brotherhood AU Crossovers
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Caleb Reaves (Brotherhood Series), Mackland Ames (Brotherhood Series)
Relationships: Caleb Reaves & Mackland Ames
Additional Tags: Inspired by Brotherhood Series - Ridley C. James & Tidia, Batman: A Death in the Family, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Suicidal Thoughts, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Mental Breakdown
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46838257
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jilicasino · 9 months
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meileanreaves · 4 years
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trekkiehood · 6 months
Brotherhood Fanfic Masterlist
Updated: 4/15/24
Original Canon by Ridley C. James and Tidia
Brotherhood Breakdown
Other Fanfics
Stats: 22 Fics - 156k Words
Weechesters (1984-1992)
Meant for Good (1/1) -2.6k
Matthew 5:40 (1/1) - 2.5k
Justice to the Weak (1/1) - 4.5k
Coping With Memories You Don’t Remember (2/2)- 4.6k
Teenchesters (1993-2000)
McDonalds and Chats (1/1)- 2k
A Gift and a Curse (2/?)- 4.4k
Home Is Where the Hurt Is (5/5) - 9.5k
Black Eyed (1/1) - 2.2k
Love Ruins (1/1) - 2.8k
Better This Way (2/?)- 4.3k
Haven't to Deserve (33/33) - 62k
Standford Era (2001-2005)
Never Again (3/?)- 9.2k
Spiked Drink (1/1) - 1.3k
Bleeding Out (1/1) - 892
Dragon Tears (1/1) - 2.2k
Face-Heel Turn (11/11) - 17k
Seasons 1-5 (2005-2012)
Secrets Leading Home (1/1) - 1.2k
Impossible Decisions (1/1) - 4.3k
Fading Scars (1/1) - 1.8k
Active Thanatology (2/3) - 9.7k
Legacy Era (2012+)
The Unimaginable (1/1) - 2.5k
Love and Vengeance (1/1) - 3.2k
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Not me looking through the whumptober 2023 prompts and thinking out an entire story that uses every prompt in order and immediately starting an outline
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fiiingertrap · 4 years
|| A Bit About Roman Ezekiel Warren ||
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Age: Late Thirties to Early Forties  Birthday: July 8th || Cancer  Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama  Current Location: Manhattan  Occupation: Army Veteran, Private Security  The Warren Of It All Roman is the only living relative of Cora and Caleb Warren. While they don’t know about him, he’s recently found out about them. It, as these things do, started with a DNA test - you know, one of those little home test kits. Then he decided to see if there was anyone else out there - his father, well... he never really knew the guy, and his mother was long gone, so there was a need for more in terms of family. He thought it was a long shot, but maybe there was something dangling on the Warren side of his family tree.  Lo and behold the wonder of finding out there was a female cousin living somewhere in Kentucky (Cora had taken a similar test, got bored as soon as she got her results, and never took it further...), so he set off on the road for a trip. 
The thing about Alston was... well... He didn’t know it, but when he rolled in with the last name Warren? It wasn’t hard to get pointed exactly in the right direction. What was harder? Getting Caleb to open the goddamn door. Eventually he did, cursed Cora (the female relative, Roman assumed) for ever ‘taking that damned test’, and slowly a relationship began to be built. 
About Roman  He grew up poor in Alabama, raised by Helen Reaves. His father’s last name had been tacked onto his in a move of spite, because, according to his mother, Theo Warren (Half-brother to Martin Warren, the men never had a relationship and details on whether they knew of one another are unknown), denied being his dad when she knew that he was. So she gave him his father’s name, whether his father wanted him to have it or not, as a loud move of passive-aggression. The exact way anyone wants to come into the world.  Roman knew he had a couple of options by the time he turned 18. He could run off, he could stay on the wrong side of the tracks or he could, right around the time of the Iraq War, enlist in the army and ‘make something of himself’. He was a good soldier which meant he did some bad things and after a eight years of service it was time to call it quits. An honorable discharge and some unique experience under his belt, a buddy roped him into private security work.  He now owns his own security firm, mostly so he can be his own boss (he isn’t interested in working for anyone else ever again). He’s worked for some high-level celebrities, dignitaries, etc., when they’re stateside.  He currently resides in NYC, though he’s been making more trips down south to get to know his cousins. His relationship with Cora is, shocking I know, much better than his relationship with Caleb. 
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valencepod · 2 years
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Nico has a type. Sarah breaks down. And Flynn speaks up.
Listen to Season 3, Episode 5 of VALENCE now wherever you get your podcasts.
And remember… protect your magic. ⚡️
VALENCE is a serialized fiction podcast meant for adult listeners. You can find more information, including our full cast list and transcripts, on our website.
If you’d like to listen to the next TWO episodes in advance of their public release, you can purchase access to them now in the free Apollo Podcasts app! Learn more at ApolloPods.com.
For ongoing support of this show and others like it, please consider supporting Hug House Productions on Patreon. For support tiers at $5+/month, you'll get early episode access to ALL of our shows, including the next episode of VALENCE today!
VALENCE was created by Wil Williams. This episode was written by Wil Williams with Protest 101 consulting from Tuck Woodstock, creative consulting from Katie Chin, and edited and sound designed by Wil Williams. This episode was directed by Anne Baird and Katie Youmans, transcribed by Katie Youmans, and produced by Anne Baird. The VALENCE Season 3 theme was composed by Travis Reaves.
Performances by:
Josh Rubino as Liam Alden and Liam’s Inner Voice,
Naomi McMillan as Morgan Reilley,
John Westover as Nico Salvai,
Caleb Del Rio as Flynn Velasco,
Jordan Cobb as Sarah Harris,
Katie Chin as Grace Chen,
Ishani Kanetkar as Mahira Varma,
Alex Welch as Noel Alden,
and Allen Chan as Marc.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jK1inpS
by Sensue
Dr. Mackland Ames has spent weeks working to stabilize his son's mental well-being after their visit to Gotham following the events of "Perspectives". The vision of Jason Todd's horrific death caused Caleb to spiral back into believing that no one was safe around him; that people who got close to him died violently. It caused a regression to their early days together... but, finally, things were looking up in the Ames household.
Then, the door knocks, and an emotionally gutted Bruce Wayne makes an unexpected house call.
Words: 3884, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Batman x Supernatural Brotherhood AU Crossovers
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Caleb Reaves (Brotherhood Series), Mackland Ames (Brotherhood Series)
Relationships: Caleb Reaves & Mackland Ames
Additional Tags: Inspired by Brotherhood Series - Ridley C. James & Tidia, Batman: A Death in the Family, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Suicidal Thoughts, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Mental Breakdown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jK1inpS
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logarto · 6 years
the advisors bit from the gay and wonderful life reave is caleb carm and oxton are the advisors and beaux is mike wake
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meileanreaves · 4 years
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The Brotherhood story "and all was silence" (on fanfiction.net) inspired me to this. So it's still only a sketch. But I hope to bring it to life in color one day.
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trekkiehood · 6 months
New Brotherhood fic coming out tomorrow. No specific time, just whenever I get around to posting it.
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