#Calc Phos 6X for teething
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sblhomoeopathy · 4 months ago
When Does Your Teething Child Take Calc Phos Homeopathy?
Calcarea Phos, also known as a “teething addition” among moms, is a homeopathic remedy with therapeutic effects. Calcarea Phos is mostly utilized in homeopathy to address specific dental concerns. In this post, we will look at when your child needs calc phos homeopathy supplements.
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wwwbastrophomenhealth · 3 years ago
Hyland's No 2 Calcarea Phos 6x - 1 g - 500 Tablets
Hyland’s No 2 Calcarea Phos 6x – 1 g – 500 Tablets
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learningdays · 8 years ago
Hi, I am a mother of 5 1/2 years old autistic boy, he has communication & social issues, his speech is not clear, behaviour is repeatitive, problems in understanding things etc. any mudras or yogas suggestions. Thank you
I am sharing myexperiences related to treatment of behavior seen in children with ASD (AutismSpectrum Disorder). No child is completely autistic. A right treatmentsupplemented with certain therapies works in almost all of the cases, sooner orlater. The first thing you must do is remove the word autism from yourvocabulary.
Now first understandthe possible causes that have triggered the behavioral issues in your child.During the first three years after his birth, the child might have faced theseconditions.
Delay in hair growthon scalp. Delay in teething and dentition.
Atopic Dermatitis orsimilar skin condition that might have been treated with Antibiotics, topicalSteroidal creams, Antihistamines and Anti-Allergy medication.
Recurrent Colds andUpper Respiratory Tract infection that were again treated with Antibiotics,Cough Suppressants and Antihistamines
Chronic constipationfor a prolonged period (over 6 months)
Regression in speechand communication after taking charted cocktail of Vaccines. The pediatricvaccination charts now consists of vaccination for even non fatal and non debilitatingailments like Varicella, Influenza etc. MMR is also known as suspect in ASDthough sufficient data is yet to be collected. There is a huge profiteeringalliance between medical fraternity and pharmaceutical companies which ishappening at expense of health of our future generations. So I recommend you toskip booster doses (at 5 years) of any vaccine that is of non fatal and nondebilitating ailment.
As a mother you haveto invest lot of time and effort to reverse the damage that has happened tilldate. The first step is to activate the liver and detoxify it from cocktail ofmedications/vaccinations received till date. The second thing is to preventconstipation. The third thing is to supplement his diet with minerals andvitamins that can help in alleviating the deficiencies and fourth is takingexpert help of speech and occupational therapist for a short period.
Here is what you cando.
Give your child ateaspoon of pure honey in hot/lukewarm water first thing in the morning. Thiswill help improve his gut.
Give a safe livertonic after lunch and dinner for activating the liver function. If you are inIndia then you can give Bakson’s LIV AID syrup. The dosage will be half ateaspoon after lunch and dinner.
For about 2 months,give you child 2 pellets each of Calc Phos 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x in themorning and similar dose in the evening. These biochemical tissue salts willhelp in fulfilling mineral deficiencies. Also supplement his first meal with4-5 drops of sublingual Vitamin B12. Sublingual drops are kept on tongue forabout a minute for absorption. If you want faster results then you can also gowith an injection mode (consult a nutritionist before that) .
Reduce his consumptionof milk and packaged food. He should take fresh organic home cooked food. Replaceiodized sea salt with Himalayan Rock Salt (Sendha Namak).Replace Sugar withorganic Jaggery.
Immediately startspeech and occupational therapy sessions. An expert help will definitely workin improving his condition. You can also learn the therapies from videos onyoutube. But do start with the experts.
Last thing is to avoid“opportunity deprivation” for your child. It is seen that parents andgrandparents of children with ASD provide everything for them without thesechildren asking for it. The child then does not feel any need to speak. So, youhave to avoid this trap and let him ask for things.
You might be doingmost of these things. You can adopt more for betterment of your child. I am not suggesting mudras and yogic kriyas as your child is too young for applying them. I wish for his early recovery.
Check out my book on practical detoxification techniques.The Morning Cleanse is now available on Kindle App and Kindle device.   
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years ago
SBL Five Phos Tablets, Brain And Nerve Tonic
SBL Five Phos Tablets, Brain And Nerve Tonic
SBL Five Phos Tablets, Homeopathy Brain And Nerve Tonic. Promotes tissue building & provide the necessary nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. Excellent tonic for all anemia, general debility, chronically wasting diseases, women weakened by frequent child bearing, general exhaustion with lack of vitality in all people. It is also beneficial in neurasthenia, anxiety states and impaired memory.…
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years ago
Natural Dental Care for Children using Cell Salts
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/natural-dental-care-for-children-using-cell-salts/
Natural Dental Care for Children using Cell Salts
    By Jodie Meschuk, Contributing Writer
It took many years for the light bulb to go off and change my set of beliefs in regard to dental medicine. You see, I was riddled with cavities my whole life and felt crippling fear when faced with invasive procedures. Knowledge of holistic care was just not a part of my vocabulary, I went about my business of using highly toxic toothpaste and flooding my body with chemicals that starved me of true health. It was not until our son was diagnosed with autism, that I woke up! I became aware of the untruths marketing geniuses sell on commercials and print on tubes of toothpaste. We are all told the incredible lie about fluoride helping our teeth to remain cavity free, when in turn, it is the exact opposite.
The kicker for me? Learning that a contributing factor to my sons autism was from toxic dental fillings and procedures done to supposedly make my teeth healthier. And more fluoride was pushed onto me each time.
We can take care of our children’s teeth and provide a lifetime of strong dental care without the use of mainstream toxic ingredients, period!
A Brief Lesson in Fluoride
Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease, not even tooth decay, is caused by a “fluoride deficiency.”(NRC 1993; Institute of Medicine 1997, NRC 2006). Not a single biological process has been shown to require fluoride. On the contrary, there is extensive evidence that fluoride can interfere with many important biological processes. Fluoride interferes with numerous enzymes (Waldbott, 1978). In combination with aluminum, fluoride interferes with G-proteins (Bigay 1985, 1987). Such interactions give aluminum-fluoride complexes the potential to interfere with signals from growth factors, hormones and neurotransmitters (Strunecka & Patocka 1999; Li 2003). More and more studies indicate that fluoride can interfere with biochemistry in fundamental ways (Barbier 2010).
NIH-funded study on individual fluoride ingestion and tooth decay found no significant correlation. A multi-million dollar, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study found no significant relationship between tooth decay and fluoride intake among children.
Fluoride may cause non-IQ neurotoxic effects. Reduced IQ is not the only neurotoxic effect that may result from fluoride exposure. At least three human studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and impaired visual-spatial organization.
So…why are we using this incredibly dangerous ingredient every day? Its time to fight back and educate your dentist on the use of natural ways to strengthen the teeth and even have potential to reverse the signs of cavities.
Why are we believing lies that fluoride will help our children’s teeth stay healthy?
Why We Use Homeopathic Cell Salts
According to Healing Teeth Naturally,  the use of homeopathic remedies is “a very valuable energetic modality and an important additional dental healing avenue. Homeopathy can strengthen, detoxify and help heal teeth and gums. The following contains several examples of its application such as, abscesses, gangrene, cavities, and root infections.”  It is important to note that homeopathic remedies are typically patient specific, not disease specific, so two patients with the same disease may be prescribed two completely different homeopathic remedies to address the same disease.  To read more about the dental use of “tissue salts, or cell salts, and for a list of antidotes to homeopathic remedies, click HERE.
Cell salts were discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German doctor, in the late 1800s. He discovered 12 mineral salts in the ash residue of human cells. He theorized that many diseases and maladies were actually caused by mineral imbalances within the body (a lack of these necessary minerals), and the body would be brought back into balance by using these cell salts over a period of time.
These 12 minerals are essential to our bodies. They are given in homeopathic form and work at the cellular level (“cell” salts). They are absorbed by your mucous membranes and not the digestive system, which is often faulty and has trouble with absorption.
Calcium Phos 6X – bone health, gives solidity to bones and assists in building strong teeth.
Calcium Fluor 6X – assists with improving enamel of teeth and strengthening bones.
This strengthens the tooth enamel so it is helpful for children who get cavities easily, also it is helpful for sensitive teeth, both chronically and acutely, sensitivity after eating pineapple or a lot of citrus or fruits. Teeth that come in rotten, crooked, deformed. You can give it to children between the ages of 1 – 7 the new teeth will come in better and better. This remedy along with calc phos can fix the metabolic problems in children. The remedy is often taken for periods of 3 to 6 months. Excellent for the elderly and young children.
Magnesium Phos 6X – bone development & quick pain relief associated with toothaches.
Silica 6X – assists in building strong connective tissue to support deficient assimilation..
Other Natural Approaches to Consider
Oral acid can be a large cause of all cavities, regardless of any other factors – it is interesting to note that brushing really isn’t a critical factor in preventing tooth decay. It is all about managing the bacteria. Bacteria can’t survive in an alkaline environment, so if you wish to target something and be effective, kill the bad bacteria.
Drinking xylitol water can be very effective. A good practice is every time after you eat or up to 4-5 times a day.
It doesn’t take much to ensure your children’s teeth remain strong and healthy. Ultimately you will save mucho dinero on dental bills plus their brains will remain toxin free.
What is your favorite natural toothpaste for children or natural remedy?
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<![CDATA[/* Layout */ .ck_form /* divider image */ background: #fff url() repeat-y center top; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; overflow: hidden; color: #666; font-size: 16px; border-top: solid 20px #3071b0; border-top-color: #3071b0; border-bottom: solid 10px #3d3d3d; border-bottom-color: #1d446a; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3); box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3); clear: both; margin: 20px 0px; .ck_form, .ck_form * -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; #ck_subscribe_form clear: both; /* Element Queries — uses JS */ .ck_form_content, .ck_form_fields width: 50%; float: left; padding: 5%; .ck_form.ck_horizontal .ck_form_content border-bottom: none; .ck_form.ck_vertical background: #fff; .ck_vertical .ck_form_content, .ck_vertical .ck_form_fields padding: 10%; width: 100%; float: none; .ck_vertical .ck_form_content border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa; overflow: hidden; /* Trigger the vertical layout with media queries as well */ @media all and (max-width: 499px) .ck_form background: #fff; .ck_form_content, .ck_form_fields padding: 10%; width: 100%; float: none; .ck_form_content border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa; /* Content */ .ck_form_content h3 margin: 0px 0px 15px; font-size: 24px; padding: 0px; .ck_form_content p font-size: 14px; .ck_image float: left; margin-right: 5px; /* Form fields */ .ck_errorArea display: none; #ck_success_msg padding: 10px 10px 0px; border: solid 1px #ddd; background: #eee; .ck_label font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; .ck_form input[type="text"], .ck_form input[type="email"] font-size: 14px; padding: 10px 8px; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #d6d6d6; /* stroke */ -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; /* border radius */ background-color: #f8f7f7; /* layer fill content */ margin-bottom: 5px; height: auto; .ck_form input[type="text"]:focus, .ck_form input[type="email"]:focus outline: none; border-color: #aaa; .ck_checkbox padding: 10px 0px 10px 20px; display: block; clear: both; .ck_checkbox input.optIn margin-left: -20px; margin-top: 0; .ck_form .ck_opt_in_prompt margin-left: 4px; .ck_form .ck_opt_in_prompt p display: inline; .ck_form .ck_subscribe_button width: 100%; color: #fff; margin: 10px 0px 0px; padding: 10px 0px; font-size: 18px; background: #0d6db8; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; /* border radius */ cursor: pointer; border: none; text-shadow: none; .ck_form .ck_guarantee color: #626262; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; padding: 5px 0px; display: block; .ck_form .ck_powered_by display: block; color: #aaa; .ck_form .ck_powered_by:hover display: block; color: #444; .ck_converted_content display: none; padding: 5%; background: #fff; /* v6 */ .ck_form_v6 #ck_success_msg padding: 0px 10px; @media all and (max-width: 403px) .ck_form_v6.ck_modal .ck_close_link top: 30px; @media all and (min-width: 404px) and (max-width: 499px) .ck_form_v6.ck_modal .ck_close_link top: 57px; ]]>
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carolynwallace1104 · 4 years ago
How can I stop my Labrador Retriever from biting (it is 30 days old)?
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Give him Homeopathic Cal carb 30 +chamomila30 2 drops daily in 1 teaspoon of water and calc phos 6x Biochemic 2tabs /powder dissolved in water 60 ml daily and tell me after 3 days here . his bitinng will surely reduce to just 10 % or may stop at all,just see the magic of homeo . This med to reduce the teething process irritation ,physical and Mental both irritations without any side effects.And facilitate the teeth eruptions smoothly as well as for his over all calcium need during growth you can continue Calc phos 6x
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carolynwallace1104 · 4 years ago
How can I stop my Labrador Retriever from biting (it is 30 days old)?
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Give him Homeopathic Cal carb 30 +chamomila30 2 drops daily in 1 teaspoon of water and calc phos 6x Biochemic 2tabs /powder dissolved in water 60 ml daily and tell me after 3 days here . his bitinng will surely reduce to just 10 % or may stop at all,just see the magic of homeo . This med to reduce the teething process irritation ,physical and Mental both irritations without any side effects.And facilitate the teeth eruptions smoothly as well as for his over all calcium need during growth you can continue Calc phos 6x
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years ago
Reckeweg Biochemic Tablets Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Reckeweg Biochemic Tablets Calcarea Phosphorica 6x is the biochemic remedy for teeth and bones. It is widely used and recommended for teething in infants and difficulties associated with teething like diarrhoea, Loss of appetite, Low grade fever, Irritability and biting. It addresses calcium deficiency in adults. Biochemics are also known as tissue salts or cell salts and are recommended in low…
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years ago
Natural Dental Care for Children using Cell Salts
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/natural-dental-care-for-children-using-cell-salts/
Natural Dental Care for Children using Cell Salts
    By Jodie Meschuk, Contributing Writer
It took many years for the light bulb to go off and change my set of beliefs in regard to dental medicine. You see, I was riddled with cavities my whole life and felt crippling fear when faced with invasive procedures. Knowledge of holistic care was just not a part of my vocabulary, I went about my business of using highly toxic toothpaste and flooding my body with chemicals that starved me of true health. It was not until our son was diagnosed with autism, that I woke up! I became aware of the untruths marketing geniuses sell on commercials and print on tubes of toothpaste. We are all told the incredible lie about fluoride helping our teeth to remain cavity free, when in turn, it is the exact opposite.
The kicker for me? Learning that a contributing factor to my sons autism was from toxic dental fillings and procedures done to supposedly make my teeth healthier. And more fluoride was pushed onto me each time.
We can take care of our children’s teeth and provide a lifetime of strong dental care without the use of mainstream toxic ingredients, period!
A Brief Lesson in Fluoride
Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. No disease, not even tooth decay, is caused by a “fluoride deficiency.”(NRC 1993; Institute of Medicine 1997, NRC 2006). Not a single biological process has been shown to require fluoride. On the contrary, there is extensive evidence that fluoride can interfere with many important biological processes. Fluoride interferes with numerous enzymes (Waldbott, 1978). In combination with aluminum, fluoride interferes with G-proteins (Bigay 1985, 1987). Such interactions give aluminum-fluoride complexes the potential to interfere with signals from growth factors, hormones and neurotransmitters (Strunecka & Patocka 1999; Li 2003). More and more studies indicate that fluoride can interfere with biochemistry in fundamental ways (Barbier 2010).
NIH-funded study on individual fluoride ingestion and tooth decay found no significant correlation. A multi-million dollar, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study found no significant relationship between tooth decay and fluoride intake among children.
Fluoride may cause non-IQ neurotoxic effects. Reduced IQ is not the only neurotoxic effect that may result from fluoride exposure. At least three human studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and impaired visual-spatial organization.
So…why are we using this incredibly dangerous ingredient every day? Its time to fight back and educate your dentist on the use of natural ways to strengthen the teeth and even have potential to reverse the signs of cavities.
Why are we believing lies that fluoride will help our children’s teeth stay healthy?
Why We Use Homeopathic Cell Salts
According to Healing Teeth Naturally,  the use of homeopathic remedies is “a very valuable energetic modality and an important additional dental healing avenue. Homeopathy can strengthen, detoxify and help heal teeth and gums. The following contains several examples of its application such as, abscesses, gangrene, cavities, and root infections.”  It is important to note that homeopathic remedies are typically patient specific, not disease specific, so two patients with the same disease may be prescribed two completely different homeopathic remedies to address the same disease.  To read more about the dental use of “tissue salts, or cell salts, and for a list of antidotes to homeopathic remedies, click HERE.
Cell salts were discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German doctor, in the late 1800s. He discovered 12 mineral salts in the ash residue of human cells. He theorized that many diseases and maladies were actually caused by mineral imbalances within the body (a lack of these necessary minerals), and the body would be brought back into balance by using these cell salts over a period of time.
These 12 minerals are essential to our bodies. They are given in homeopathic form and work at the cellular level (“cell” salts). They are absorbed by your mucous membranes and not the digestive system, which is often faulty and has trouble with absorption.
Calcium Phos 6X – bone health, gives solidity to bones and assists in building strong teeth.
Calcium Fluor 6X – assists with improving enamel of teeth and strengthening bones.
This strengthens the tooth enamel so it is helpful for children who get cavities easily, also it is helpful for sensitive teeth, both chronically and acutely, sensitivity after eating pineapple or a lot of citrus or fruits. Teeth that come in rotten, crooked, deformed. You can give it to children between the ages of 1 – 7 the new teeth will come in better and better. This remedy along with calc phos can fix the metabolic problems in children. The remedy is often taken for periods of 3 to 6 months. Excellent for the elderly and young children.
Magnesium Phos 6X – bone development & quick pain relief associated with toothaches.
Silica 6X – assists in building strong connective tissue to support deficient assimilation..
Other Natural Approaches to Consider
Oral acid can be a large cause of all cavities, regardless of any other factors – it is interesting to note that brushing really isn’t a critical factor in preventing tooth decay. It is all about managing the bacteria. Bacteria can’t survive in an alkaline environment, so if you wish to target something and be effective, kill the bad bacteria.
Drinking xylitol water can be very effective. A good practice is every time after you eat or up to 4-5 times a day.
It doesn’t take much to ensure your children’s teeth remain strong and healthy. Ultimately you will save mucho dinero on dental bills plus their brains will remain toxin free.
What is your favorite natural toothpaste for children or natural remedy?
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