#Calathea Roseopicta Crimson
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kierancampire · 4 years ago
Starting with the first one i am most confident with for a variety of reasons: Calathea Makoyana. On closer inspection it's actually such a beautiful plant, and a lot healthier than i thought! The roots were great! It had these bulbous things that reminded me of rotten potatoes, i had to cut one off. Otherwise it wasn't damaged in the repotting process, and due to it's light/humidit requirments i snuck that on my small coffee table with my monstera deliciosa, strelitzia, nephrolepis fern, cordyline fruticosa mumbo, and my mini cacti/succulent garden. I dunno how long all those can stay on there together, but we'll give it a go!
Now for the not so confident one for a variety of reasons: Calathea Roseopicta either Rosy or Crimson. So besides the leaves looking awful, brown, and the entire plant looking drab, the roots were not so great either. Also i found out the one i decided to pass up with the stripes was a Calathea Roseopicta Dottie! I think name was that woulda been cooler to have. I had that lower down in my living room, which receives less light
I know this may be a bad idea, but i did gove them food/water, the food was very watered down, and i may just give them a quick spray too. Usually I'd wait a bit due to plant stress and such, but i think they need the support, specially the Calathea Roseopicta! I know this can be quite fussy plants, so i dunno how I'll fair with them, specially the CR and it's current health, but might as well try!
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prayerplanthoarder · 3 years ago
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They're here! 😍 Syngonium erythrophyllum and a string of hearts! Really happy with those two, they look great and very healthy. Would buy from this shop again! The syngonium was at a really good price too, considering how rare it is and in comparinson to how other shops do price them.
Fun fact about the string of hearts: I never paid a lot of attention to this plant, but one night my brain made up a dream of me buying a string of hearts in person from Amanda Switzer from Planterina 🤣 and from this day onward this plant was always on my mind, so I HAD to get one irl lol. Hopefully it will produce the reddish leaf undersides again, I love that look!
Also went to a garden center for a couple white pots and new Erica gracilis plants for the property annnddd I found another mini Calathea rosy (or maybe a picturata crimson, I can't tell them apart) which I thought I could combine with the one I already have to fill it up a little, but I actually may be keeping them in different spaces and see what lighting it needs to produce these consistently pink with almost black bordered leaves instead of the more washed out pinkish leaves with greenish border (which my first one is producing right now in a pretty bright spot... maybe it's too bright or maybe it's not bright enough yet).
And then I also found this incredibly full pot of Maranta kerchoveana for only 10€ and that's just a really good price for a plant that size. Tbh the sole reason I picked that one up was so that I can split it into more plants to either sell or trade, as the one I already have will take a good while until I want to snip anything off of it. The new one has a few spotted leaves and it had 1 or 2 mealy bugs, so it's going into quarantine and get treated, but other than that it looks pretty good and promising for the intended purpose!
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tagarnews · 4 years ago
8 Jenis Calathea Cocok untuk Memperindah Ruang Rumah
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Jakarta – Calathea merupakan tanaman hias yang memiliki banyak jenis dan termasuk keluarga tumbuhan Marantaceae. Tanaman yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan dan Asia ini populer karena memiliki daun yang besar serta warna yang beragam sehingga cocok diletakan di dalam rumah.
Tanaman calathea ini sendiri dapat tumbuh subur di dalam ruangan dan cocok diletakkan pada ruangan dengan intensitas cahaya sedang hingga rendah. Itu mengapa tanaman ini bisa menjadi pilihan tanaman yang tepat untuk memperindah ruangan di rumahmu.
Kamu cukup membasahi calathea mu dengan semprotan untuk menjaga kesegarannya dan menyiram tanahnya saat tanahnya kering, pastikan tanaman hias ini tidak sampai kekeringan karena jika kekeringan daunnya pasti akan berubah kecoklatan.
Berikut, delapan jenis calathea yang telah dirangkum dari beberapa sumber yang terlihat indah dan juga memiliki daun yang unik sehingga cocok untuk memperindah rumah selain artikel tentang Lidah Mertua yang disajikan di blog ini;
1. Calathea lancifolia Jenis yang satu ini memiliki daun yang lebat dan berbentuk selayaknya tombak. Daunnya berwarna hijau muda dan disertai dengan corak hijau tua yang terlihat cantik, bagian bawah daunnya memiliki warna yang berbeda yakni berwarna ungu tua.
2. Calathea zebrina Tanaman yang mudah untuk dirawat ini memiliki daun dengan bentuk agak lonjong seperti telur, daunnya berwarna hijau muda dengan pola garis-garis hijau tua yang terlihat seperti zebra. Sementara bagian bawah daunnya berwarna ungu sehingga akan terlihat sangat cantik apabila diletakkan di atas meja.
3. Calathea Ornata Salah satu jenis dari tanaman yang mudah dirawat di dalam ruangan ini memiliki daun yang besar dengan warna hijau tua yang menarik dan ada garis-garis putih di daunnya.
4. Calathea Medallion Jenis yang satu ini merupakan salah satu calathea yang populer, daunnya berukuran besar dengan bagian atas daun berwarna hijau tua dan hijau muda yang disertai bentuk garis yang indah, sementara bagian bawah daunnya berwarna merah tua atau ungu. Untuk satu pot calathea medallion ditawarkan harga sekitar Rp 2 juta.
5. Calathea Warscewiczii Calathea yang satu ini memiliki ukuran daun besar berwarna hijau tua dengan warna merah marun di bagian bawah daunnya. Tanaman ini akan terasa seperti beludru saat disentuh.
6. Calathea Crimson Calathea Crimson, jenis ini memiliki daun berwarna ungu muda atau ungu tua dan memiliki corak garis pada bagian daun yang terlihat indah. Harga yang ditawarkan pun mulai dari Rp 700 ribu hingga jutaan rupiah.
7. Calathea Orbifolia Jenis ini menjadi salah satu calathea yang populer dan memiliki harga jual yang tinggi. Tanaman ini memiliki ciri khas daun berwarna hijau yang mengkilap dan memiliki garis-garis berwarna hijau muda di daunnya. Sementara bagian bawah daunnya berwarna merah marun. Harga dari anakan daun calathea orbifolia satunya dihargai Rp 500 ribu.
8. Calathea Roseopicta Calathea Roseopicta memiliki daun berwarna merah marun dan populer karena memiliki pola yang kaya pada bagian ujung daunnya. Jenis ini pun termasuk pada jenis yang mudah untuk dirawat dibandingkan dengan calathea orbifolia.
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kierancampire · 3 years ago
I am happy with how this is all looking minus a few bits!
No idea what is going on with the cordyline fruticosa mumbo still, as the new leaf grew wilted and brown. That random plant i got given in the silver pot is slowly getting worse, but as i have no idea what it is i dunno how to mend it! The caldium is slowly dying, again, no idea what is wrong with it as i am sure i am keeping it in its proper care requirements. The calathea roseopicta crimson is ALMOST dead thank god! I loved her, but a better plant needs to take her place, hopefully she fully gives up soon. I'm kinda tempted to get a new rubber tree as i kinda ruined mine. Then lastly, my kalanchoe, like the other was bushy, full, lovely flowers, looking great. Then suddenly it's dropped everything! Hopefully this one recovers unlike the last
Otherwise, all the plants are doing quite well, they're all full, they're big, healthy, givibg me no issues, they're serving looks and jungle vibes, and i love them! I'm so happy to finally have a golden pothos and it just completes that shelf i feel. It needed a centre piece and it has it! (By the way, my peace lilly looks better from the other side, but i am trying to rotate it and encourage growth on this side)
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kierancampire · 4 years ago
Sad as i am to be back. MY BABIES. GOD I MISSED MY BABIES. My Monstera Deliciosa still needs to unfurl a leaf. My Calathea Makoyana weirdly had a new leaf shrivel and die and seems to be going brown :/ Andmy Calathea Roseopicta Crimson. Ooof. We knew she was on her way out anyway. Otherwise they all seem fine and like they did okay without me for a bit! Augh my god i could crrryyyy just seeing them again :') So happy to come back and see them all waiting for me :') Damn they look gorgeous, so many now too!
Hopefully the Dracaena adjusts better to the family then the Calatheas have seemingly done so
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prayerplanthoarder · 5 years ago
Plant list
A list of all the different plants I currently own or have owned in the past couple of years.
Current count (Oct ‘23): 45 different species/ cultivars
Adiantum raddianum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/adiantum
Aloe aristata ‘Cosmo’
Calathea bicajoux 'Gecko' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20bicajoux%20gecko Calathea 'Freddie' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20freddie Calathea lancifolia Calathea leopardina https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20leopardina Calathea lietzei https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20lietzei Calathea lietzei 'Fusion White' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20fusion%20white Calathea louisae 'Maui Queen' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20maui%20queen Calathea louisae ‘Misto’ Calathea louisae ‘Thai Beauty’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20thai%20beauty Calathea makoyana https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20makoyana Calathea musaica 'Network' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20musaica%20network Calathea picturata https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20picturata Calathea picturata crimson OR roseopicta rosy https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20picturata%20crimson Calathea rufibarba Calathea warscewiczii Calathe White Star Calathea zebrina
Callisia repens ‘Bianca‘
Carmona microphylla
Ceropegia woodii https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ceropegia%20woodii
Chlorophytum comosum 'vittatum' Chlorophytum comosum 'Ocean'
Cordyline terminalis 'Firebrand'? Cordyline terminalis 'Kiwi'?
Codiaeum variegatum 'Curley Boy'
Coffea arabica
Crassula ovata
Ctenanthe burle-marxii https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20burle%20marxii Ctenanthe burle-marxii 'Amagris' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20burle%20marxii%20amagris Ctenanthe lubbersiana/ pilosa 'Golden Mosaic' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20golden%20mosaic
Dendrobium ‘Berry Oda‘
Disocactus ackermannii
Dracaena fragrans 'compacta' Dracaena fragrans 'Golden Coast' Dracaena fragrans 'Jade Jewel' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/dracaena-fragrans%20jade%20jewel Dracaena fragrans 'Lemon lime' Dracaena fragrans 'Malaika’
Dracaena sanderiana ‘??’ (a variegated one)
Epipremnum aureum 'Golden' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/golden%20pothos Epipremnum aureum ‘Pearls & Jade’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/pearls%20and%20jade%20pothos Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20manjula Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20marble%20queen Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/neon%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'N'Joy' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20n%27-joy Epipremnum aureum 'Global Green' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/global%20green%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'Glacier' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/glacier%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'Jade' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/jade%20pothos
Epipremnum pinnatum ‘variegata‘ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20pinnatum%20variegata
Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke' ('aurea maculata')
Ficus benjamina (the regular green one - only kept the one with a white sport) https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ficus%20benjamina Ficus benjamina 'Anastasia' Ficus benjamina 'Danielle' Ficus benjamina 'Natasja' Ficus benjamina 'Kinky' Ficus benjamina ‘Twilight‘ or ‘Starlight‘ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ficus%20benjamina%20twilight
Ficus elastica 'Tineke' Ficus elastica 'Burgundy'
Hedera helix 'Variegata'
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hibiscus rosa sinensis 'variegata'
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20var%20kerchoveana Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana variegata https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20var%20kerchoveana%20variegata Maranta leuconeura 'Lemon Lime' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20lemon%20lime
Monstera adansonii Monstera deliciosa Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo variegata’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/monstera%20albo
Peperomia caperata 'Rosso' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/peperomia%20caperata%20rosso Peperomia caperata 'Napoli Nights'
Phalaenopsis (a mini one)
Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20pink%20princess Philodendron erubescens 'White Princess' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20white%20princess
Philodendron hastatum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20hastatum
Philodendron hederaceum 'Micans' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodedendron%20micans
Phlebodium aureum
Pilea cadierei 'minima' Pilea peperomioides
Polystichum sus-simense
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/rhaphidophora%20tetrasperma
Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Black Prince' Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Campfire' ?? Solenostemon scutellarioides 'FlameThrower™ Chili Pepper' ? Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘5th Avenue’/ 'Chocolate Covered Cherry'/ ... ?? Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Wizard Mosaic' Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Electric Lime'
Stromanthe thalia https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/stromanthe%20thalia Stromanthe thalia 'Triostar' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/stromanthe%20sanguinea%20triostar
Syngonium erythrophyllum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/syngonium%20erythrophyllum
Syngonium podophyllum 'Albo variegata' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/syngonium-albo
Tradescantia zebrina Tradescantia zebrina 'purpusii'
Zamioculcas zamiifolia https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/zz%20plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/zz%20plant%20raven
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kierancampire · 4 years ago
I really didn't want to, cause i hate doing it, also yeah, putting the plant through a lot today, but these were by far the worst leaves and there was just no salvaging them, and the way the roots were, this plant doesn't need to waste energy on dead leaves. Plus these two stems were kind of away from the bulk of the plant! But i did trim them, if there was one good thing to do doing so i saw it is growing a new leaf, which is a good sign!
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Starting with the first one i am most confident with for a variety of reasons: Calathea Makoyana. On closer inspection it's actually such a beautiful plant, and a lot healthier than i thought! The roots were great! It had these bulbous things that reminded me of rotten potatoes, i had to cut one off. Otherwise it wasn't damaged in the repotting process, and due to it's light/humidit requirments i snuck that on my small coffee table with my monstera deliciosa, strelitzia, nephrolepis fern, cordyline fruticosa mumbo, and my mini cacti/succulent garden. I dunno how long all those can stay on there together, but we'll give it a go!
Now for the not so confident one for a variety of reasons: Calathea Roseopicta either Rosy or Crimson. So besides the leaves looking awful, brown, and the entire plant looking drab, the roots were not so great either. Also i found out the one i decided to pass up with the stripes was a Calathea Roseopicta Dottie! I think name was that woulda been cooler to have. I had that lower down in my living room, which receives less light
I know this may be a bad idea, but i did gove them food/water, the food was very watered down, and i may just give them a quick spray too. Usually I'd wait a bit due to plant stress and such, but i think they need the support, specially the Calathea Roseopicta! I know this can be quite fussy plants, so i dunno how I'll fair with them, specially the CR and it's current health, but might as well try!
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