midmorninggrey · 29 days
Corny Combat Dialogue: OC Edition
One of my favorite parts of playing Dragon Age is when all the companions start yelling. So I started a list of weird things my OCs might yell.
Cal the Canary
"We've got company."
"Cut them down!"
"Come on then!"
"Right, they're coming at us now."
"Was this part of the plan?"
"Whoops, watch out for that one."
"I've got your back!"
"You should've run when you had the chance!"
"First time?"
"I'm going to hit you now!"
"My arms don't have the reach."
"I can't hold them much longer!"
"I'm feeling a little peaky."
[Low Health/KO]
"Andraste's arse, Anders!"
"Merrill - not good!"
"Get up, Isabela! Pretty please!"
"How'd they best Aveliene?"
"They got Varric!"
"Oh no, there goes Sebastian."
"No, Bethany! You'll regret that, you bastards."
"Fenris! Not while I live!"
"Hawke! Hold on, Hawke!"
"Fall back, Hawke!"
"Get to Hawke."
"I'm stuck...(Again.)"
"I walked into a trap."
"There's a trap over here! You'll never guess how I know."
"Oh, bother."
"I'm not the one to ask for that, sorry."
"Why don't you let me take a try?"
"There you go."
[After Combat]
"Everyone here?"
"I felt braver when they were trying to kill us. Now they're just...on the ground, aren't they?"
"Maker, what a mess." 
"That was fun. Let's never do it again."
"Hawke, have you ever thought of staying in? With a hot drink or something?"
Arden Trevelyan 
"Be ready."
"Don't try me."
"Pray that you come back stronger in the next life."
"Is this how you thought you'd die?"
"Do not fear the pain - it is your teacher."
"Not today!" 
"Stop sniveling."
"I'll break your skull."
[Low Health/KO]
"Seeker! The Maker does not will it!"
"Don't touch them!
"No, it's not his/her time!"
"Sera! Shit!"
"Bull! Gods."
"Ah, Solas is taking a nap."
"Dorian - no! You will not take him!"
"Let us meet this moment with quiet contemplation."
"Fuck! More demons."
"Don't ask me where I learned to do that."
"I've been told I have nimble fingers."
"Blasted - shit assed - what bloody arsehole?!...And praise be to Andraste. Sorry."
[After Combat]
"Is everyone alright?"
"It's done. For now."
"May the Maker show us mercy."
"Take a breath if you need it."
"Let's move on."
Celeste Trevelyan 
"They're coming this way!"
"There are things worse than death! I think."
"That hurt." 
"Back to the shadows!" 
"I don't fear you!"
"Take that! And that!" 
"Got one! Did you see?"
"I don't feel so good."
[Low Health/KO]
"Cole! I won't let them hurt you!"
"Wait, Solas fell!"
"I think Vivienne's hurt."
"I have to help Varric!" 
"Blackwall - Get up! Victory!"
"I need to help them!"
"Why won't it open...?"
"I don't want to do that."
"I guess so."
"Aha! It's not so tricky."
[After Combat]
"Is it over?"
"I think I'm ready to go."
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
In the Fix it AU what is Caleb's reaction when Kal falls in love with Merrin. How dose Caleb meet Merrin
he meets her completely against cal's wishes <3
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animatedjen · 8 months
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Cal Kestis | Jedi Survivor
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calwasfound · 1 year
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woe! c0 soulmate au be upon ye
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bottledkriegmen · 1 month
t4t caldre will never not be on my brain
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necr0mancers · 1 year
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gold0kapi · 3 months
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Omgomgomg Okay I have centaur characters but I've never drawn them because I don't want to fiddle about trying to design them BUT THIS makes it so easy and fun. (I'm gonna have a MILLION centaurs soon aren't I? 😭)
Anyway, some very quick messing about in HeroForge this AM and I'm OBSESSED. (Also dapples are life)
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wrencatte · 5 months
Do you have a fav whump trope for Cal? Or my beloved Jason Todd if you don’t have one for the trauma Jedi
There is sooooo much overlap if I'm being completely honest. I have my preferences yanno? Trying to pick a favorite whump trope for a specific character would just be listing my favorite whump tropes in general (and I have soooooo many). BUT you asked a question so I'll do my best to answer....
Cal: electrocution definitely, there are a bunch of canon instances across both games from the stim introduction in fallen order, the 'trooper weapons, the Bedlam raiders, and those shock grenades that even Bode uses (did somebody say friendly fire???).
Also, falling. First off, falling is so broad. Why did he fall? Slip? Animal attack? Trooper attack? Seizure? Echo? Whump him before the impact. Second off, what did he fall onto? Water? Impact and drowning risk. Tar? Same. A creature's den? Oh boy. Into a room full of Imperials or raiders? Craggy rocks? I read a fic where someone pushed off a scrap ship on Bracca and he got impaled. The options are endless. (Also, what did he climb? One of my wips his forcing him to climb orange hot metal grating >:3c)
And then seizures and echo induced emotional breakdowns and/or catatonia, I have a fic planned where he's in solitary confinement for like a few hours at most but he gets to experience echoes of dozens of people whose confinements lasted much, much, MUCH longer - and they all died in the end. Having to experience first-hand hours, days, weeks of being utterly alone condensed into just a few hours? Echoes are soooo ripe for whump
OH AND ORDER 66 TRAUMA. That's my jam. I like it when time travel stories (I've read them all I'm 99.99% sure because I looovvveeeeee time travel fics) have him understandably freak the fuck out around clones while also struggling with the knowledge about the chips.
Jason: *gestures to all of my posted stories* How can I pick just a couple as my favorite? Can I pick a favorite fic or two and extrapolate from there? Cos let me tell you wiretrapped and dragged along were some of my favorite straight-up whump fics to write, and oh just hangin' out. I also like giving Jason panic attacks, too, I'm now realizing. Fear toxin is also so much fun - Sheila being the starring member of those hallucinations is just so good.
Thank you for the ask!! Have an avcacdo 🥑🥑(have them all! I'm allergic)
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sadwizardlover · 9 months
Magic Comes From Pain, Chapter 10: Departure
In which Rolan and the tieflings depart Elturel and run into trouble on the road Link to chapter on AO3
We’re making a terrible mistake, Rolan grimly thinks to himself as he scrutinizes his family’s traveling companions for the next tenday.
They’re gathered just outside Elturel’s walls at the northwest gate: the final bunch of tieflings to leave the city and begin their forced exile. A group composed of all ages and genders, varying levels of physical fitness, and—at least to Rolan’s eye—in possession of absolutely no common sense or practicality. When Zevlor told him a caravan would be departing for Baldur’s Gate, he’d imagined an orderly but expeditious procession of carts and wagons making their way towards the coast, with armed guards to protect them from bandits on the road. If he’d known they would be expected to walk all the way to their new home in the company of old women, children, and other people who are destined to become arrow fodder should they encounter any trouble along the way, he never would’ve allowed his siblings to cajole him into being here. There’s safety in numbers, yes; but that protection is severely diminished when the “numbers” in question can’t move faster than a brisk crawl, or when less than a third of them look like they could hold their own in a fight.
Truth be told, Rolan would still be bitter about joining the caravan even if it had been comprised primarily of Hellriders on warhorses. He’s restless to begin his work with Lorroakan, is terrified that with every second he’s delayed his new master grows more impatient. From his offer letter alone, Rolan can tell the Archmage is not a man who tolerates tardiness, no matter how valid the excuse. What will happen to his family if they arrive in Baldur’s Gate only to find that Lorroakan has rescinded his apprenticeship? Rolan has only just begun to accustom himself to having a tentative sort of hope for the future. For that to be taken from him once more would destroy him entirely. But trying to persuade Cal and Lia they should make their way to the city with all haste—and that the best way to do this was by traveling alone, just the three of them and what few possessions they had left—had been like pulling teeth from a Mimic.
“We’re not abandoning them, they’re our people!” Lia had yelled in outrage. “I know you’re selfish but I can’t believe you’d even think of doing something like that!”
“They’re not 'our people', they’re a bunch of bloody strangers with whom we have no ties apart from being gods-forsaken tieflings! I doubt our absence would even be noticed!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Rolan, if you’re so preoccupied with your precious apprenticeship that you’d turn your back on our kin, why don’t you just go to Baldur’s Gate on your own? Cal and I can travel with the caravan and meet you there, problem bloody solved!”
This stung worse than any other insult or curse his sister could have flung at him. Everything he’s done since they were dragged to Avernus has been for the benefit of his family; he’s kept them alive, devoted every ounce of energy he has to their wellbeing, driven himself near to madness finding someplace for them to go where they could be safe and happy, together. And while, yes, he is eagerly anticipating all the opportunities for magical scholarship that his apprenticeship will afford him, its primary appeal rests in the fact that it’s the best chance, the only chance, the three of them have to begin a new life together. He loves his family. They’re all he has. For Lia to so blithely suggest that he sod off and travel alone—leaving his younger siblings at the mercy of whatever rogues the caravan will indubitably encounter—cuts into his heart like a knife. Does she truly believe him capable of abandoning them—when he can’t bring himself to even think of his life without Cal and Lia? Or is she fully aware of his feelings and merely trying to manipulate him into accompanying the rest of Elturel’s hapless tieflings to Baldur’s Gate?
Rolan had thought he might be able to convince Cal to see his side of things, that together they could stand up to Lia’s ridiculous hero complex. Their baby brother has always been reasonable and level-headed, with a maturity that belies his age; surely he would see the foolhardiness of throwing in their lot with people they barely know. Alas, Cal has lately begun to exhibit symptoms of the same imbecilic altruism that afflicts their sister.
“We should stay with the others, Rolan. It’s what Mum would’ve wanted.”
Fighting the urge to knock their stubborn heads together, Rolan had finally relented (with no small degree of acrimoniousness). “Oh, well if it’s what Mum would’ve wanted then of course we must do it! Never mind that if she were actually here she’d have my head on a spike for even considering something that could endanger you two idiots.” Bickering with them any further would’ve been a waste of his time. 
Now, as he disdainfully watches a man struggling to wrangle three oxen into line, he wishes he’d stood his ground more firmly. Hardly anyone here appears to know what they’re doing; there’s no order, only chaos and confusion that’s guaranteed to add days onto a trip that under ideal conditions would only take a tenday. I hope Master Lorroakan will be understanding of my late arrival.
Read the rest of the chapter on AO3
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unspuncreature · 2 months
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thank y’all so much for the well wishes. i feel very loved ♥️
here’s a pic from yesterday’s birthday beach picnic :o)
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 11 months
well obviously Bro oughta dress up like Cal, and dress Cal up like himself.
BRO: Ain't it a little cruel to have a guy dress up as the puppet who influenced and possessed him for most of his life? You're lucky this kind of fucked up thing is right up my alley, ironic shtick and all that. Though unfortunately, or fortunately dependin' on how ya look at it, I no longer have that demon puppet from hell.
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BRO: This guy's the next best thing. Hope he's a suitable replacement.
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monellian · 1 year
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After getting saved from the dog, Quantum refused to go home, not wanting to leave Dream's side. And.. well, who was Nightmare to tell him no?
OSD is by @calcium-cat
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halrazor · 2 years
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animatedjen · 4 months
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You're a Jedi. I know what you're capable of— and what you're not.
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llumimoon · 2 years
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The Talk (page 3)
Doodler AU post || start || previous || next ||
Three pages in and I finally remember to draw the tattoos! Oopsies.
This comic takes place shortly after the Doodler’s homunculus body was made. Lark and Sparrow try to figure out how they feel about the situation.
Dialogue under the cut!
Lark: You can’t just- We can’t just-
Lark: That’s not how it works! There’s no going back!
Lark: You can’t just forget about all the people you’ve hurt, and start all over again!
Sparrow: Wait, wait, wait-! Back up! I think I missed something here.
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treasure-goblin · 7 months
Well that's not good
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