#Caine OTH
musicpromotionclub · 2 years
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fancyfade · 2 years
i think that people who think damian is ripping off cass's character because he was also raised as an assassin haven't read any comics with either character they just read a quick character synopsis and are like 'i know everything now time to get into pointless arguments online'
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ijumpbridges · 1 year
Scp x Child!Reader
This is platonic, dont get yourself confuse.
Looking at all of you proshitters
(Ft. 035, 049, 073, 076, 682, Deleted Bright it can be found on wattpad, Dr Celf, Kondraki, Glass)
Scp 035:
'They good with kids, but don't let them babysit them"~
He is good kids, but bad a babysitting them.
One time he left in the middle of breach thinking you were behind him.
He hella freak out when he turned around and didn't see you.
But a good think is that he is really protective of you and othe scp kids too.
When he expires from a host he worries and tries to hurry you up to get a host because he really is scared something happening to you and not being able to protect you.
He is also a bit of a bad influence, he does stuff like curse infront of you which some of the foundation members dont like even though some of them do the same thing + plus sometimes treat you really shitty.
They kinda have like mood swings too sometimes, so there will be times that he doesn't feel in the mood of you either being around them, or not wanting to play with you or just someone to listen to him.
This doesn't happen a lot cuz you guys don't see each other a lot, but it rarely happens.
But still he is okey.
Scp 049:
Now, he is great with kids, but his problem is that he cannot control himself around you or other scp kids.
If you are immortal or you can regenerate you are fine, but if you are not then you are not safe with him.
Don't get me wrong he is really good with kids, but also cannot take care of them.
He is like 035 they spend some time with you, but can't stay long or babysit you.
Let's remember he goes crazy the moment someone, sniff, cough, sneeze, etc... And even if fall down and you are still fine he chases after.
Because he thinks something is wrong, and he needs to fix it, to cure it and he won't stop himself on doing so.
He will do it, he will try to fix you, but when he realizes he cannot do it himself he breaks down.
He sits in a corner crying because he did something bad to you he hurted you and it was the first time he did it.
He knows it isn't good and he feels bad about it.
Even if he harms you he still apologizes about it.
He is good with kids, he is also protective in a breach he would never leave you alone, might even lock you in his cell with him and other scp kids so nothing bad happens.
Overall he is good with kids, but cannot babysits them cuz he harms them.
Scp 073:
He is good kids and a good babysitter.
If you dont like vegetables you can purposely go near him and say  that they got rotten.
He reads books to all of you.
Sometimes he lets all of you go out for a walk around the facility.
He keeps yall save too in case of a breach.
But his bad thing is that he cannot always be there for you.
You see even if Cain takes care of you, looks out for you, but he is never there, he is a busy man, cuz he does a lot of favors for the foundation to the point that your meetings end that you guys have.
If he doesn't know you at all he makes awkward conversations with you, but he slowly tries to make less awkward.
He tries his best on making a small connection with you.
But still isn't always there for you.
Scp 076:
Just no.
Look, i cannot say he is good, but i cannot say he is bad with them i guess tries, but does not do a good job at it.
Let me remind y'all that he did hit scp 134 because of a fit of a rage, cuz she was too 'slow'. (Y’all don’t know how much i hate him for doing that)
So him with a kid is just no.
More cuz of his anger issues he causes a lot of breaches.
If he was with you, he wouldn't open up to you at all.
But he would definitely keep you and the other scp kids safe.
But if he is the one causing the breach he wont contain himself and might try to harm you himself.
And when he realizes this he will start avoiding all of you.
To the point that he sees you and he is like stray out leaving.
So yeah, not good at all.
Scp 682:
What kind of child are you to let this lizard just simoly leave you alone.
Cuz he is hostile to children, you must be someone hated like abby to be around him.
He would protect you and also causes breaches with you.
He isn't good, but he is patient i wouldn't say he is a good influence.
He doe and wilm manipulate to do some thing for him.
He tries to make a relationship with him and to make you go against the foundation.
Either way you don't get to see him a lot.
He also intimate you and more when he is mad.
You can ride his back and he lest you use him for playtime, like putting him a some nail polish on his... nose?
Overall this lizard will give you some trauma.
(Deleted Bright - it still can be found on my wattpad)
Dr. Clef:
He is in the middle.
He can be really good and really bad the same time.
Let me remind you that he killed 239.
So he has no mercy on you in case if he tries something.
Such as a cruel prank or simply kill you.
Babysitting is not his thing, he will try to carry you and will slip away from him.
And then he doesn't know what to do.
He will definitely leave you at a random corner.
Might not protect you.
Definitely do not trust this man.
He brings you a snack and levaes you in a safety zone.
Also bad influence.
Overall no, just no.
Dr. Kondraki:
He is okey with kids.
But babysitting them is a no-no.
You don't want an alcoholic taking care of you.
Even sober he cannot take care of you.
Although he would protect you from something happening to you.
When he is also drunk he asks you to buy him a tampon.
He does really dumb stuff when drunk.
He might even confuse you with anything that he grabs.
He could grab even air and think.
Had tried to give you alcohol.
"Last night at 10am i went to put on my shoes cuz i needed to go to the cafeteria to buy a sword, but them when i went in i remembered that they dont sell sheets so that's why the president is a robot"
Overall another no.
Dr. Glass:
He tries his best.
He is a good Caretaker.
Of course he is cuz he is a therapist and also a retired agent.
So, that mean he can keep you safe.
He will give you some activities to do.
He gives you some snacks.
He also tries to check on you too.
In a breach he is able to protect you.
He tries to engage with you.
But he will not tolerate an attitude.
So behave.
And i mean it.
He might seen sweet and kind, but he has a really bad side so behave.
Overall he really is good someone not to worry about in case of taking care of a child.
I feel kinda did this a little sad, while also listening to bimbo y2k music. Im living the best life.
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bingusbongu · 10 months
Ok ok so hear me out-- romantic or platonic tadc jax x fem! reader-where the reader is kinda a meanie like him but more so in an oblivious feral way-like they just love pulling pranks & dont rlly think of the consequences of there actions ( idk if youve seen the show but just ignore this if not ggbgghfvgv but theyd remind me of max & nikki from camp camp-) cant wait to c what you do with this !! 🐇💜
Authors note: omg, this was an intresting request! This one ended out shorter than the other one, but i wanted to squeeze out another one for today! Sorry if its abit wonky! I hope this works!!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Jax × Fem! Prankster reader
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○ when you first showed up in the circus, Jax could really care less about you. He really only thought of you as another didgital meatbag that he could try to push around, figuring that you wpuld either end up shy like gangle, or a mom friend like ragatha
○ what he didnt expect was you being the one pranking him first
○ it hadnt even been a day since youve been in the digital world, and you already stole and hid all his keys for him to find himself, which was tough mind him, the circus was a huge place, and you managed to hide them in places he never even thought of
○ at first, he would be annoyed with you, when you sometimes made snarky comments to him, like his appearance, calling him the 'bun boy' which got on his nerves
○ though, once he sees you pranking the others, almost out doing his own pranks. Like putting more than one centipede in Ragathas room, writing a fake document for Pomni, like an old record of the circus and make her go on this wild goose chase, etc.
○ he got a good laugh out of it
○ one time, you attempted to prank Caine, and nearly sucessed at it, befoe you were caught ad trapped in time out, and no one liks time out
○ and befoe you knew it, Jax wooshed in and found a way to release you from your prison
○ "i didn't do it because i like you, i did it because i need a good laugh"
○ Jax got intrigued by you, and eventually started up a prank war, going againts eachother and seeing who can pull off the funnist prank, either on someone else or on the other competitor
○ you always found a way to out do him, which annoyed Jax, but in the end youd both get a punishment and it was worth it. You two just laughed a storm right after
○ after that, Jax and you became close friends. Hardly seen around without one hanging around the other. It was annoying to everyone else, because wherever you two went, chaos followed
○ you were a frightening duo lemme say that
○ he unironically finds you funny, especially when your making comments to one of the othed characters
○ you and Jax would do pranks together, though you were the one who took it farther sometimes, abd usually faced the harder punishments, but Jax always would come aroubd and free you so you werent waiting to long
○ def uses his keys to get into your room when he is bored just so you two can plan your next prank plan
○ no one likes you two but you guys could hardly care
○ once he realized how oblivous you were to when someone asked why you were so mean, amd you were like, "huh????" he made it his duety to keep you that way so he could actually have a friend (he needs one)
○ it would still be the same, with the pranking, but instead it would be more like dates. You two would hold hands if he allowed, and watch tge entire circus glow ablaze with smiles on your faces
○ would call you 'doll' as your nickname, he really just does it to tease you
○ definitely takes you outside the tent to plan a trap for whoever walks outside next, and you two would just sit outside and watch and wait
○ jax likes seeing how your face lights up when one of your guys's plans go off, especially if it was one he planned. It makes him all proud.
○ Jax isnt the type to really care about what happens to others, but he cant help but admire how unafraid you are to take your pranks to anothsr step. He likes that about you, but he would be dead before he ever admitted that
○ when im private, will let you sit in his lap as you two plan. He would complain about it at first, but he really dosnt mind
○ i think he would be touch-starved, after being in the circus for who knows how long.
○ All you need to do is put your hand around his cheek and speak softly to him for Jax to immediately agree with you
○ watches you closely, just to make sure you donf get into trouble with caine while he is doing something else (will save you regardless)
○ now that you are together, Jax always has plans on how to get you out of caines punishments. Almost exactly when it happens, he is freeing you and running away with you close behind
○ jokes about you being a damsel in distress
○ he lets you use his keys, to get into other people rooms, he likes to snoop, and if you like to snoop, it makes ut even better to have a snooping partner
○ you two share all the gossip in the tent istg
○ youre one of the first people he actually likes in this place, so expect him to go wherever you go, youre not getting him off of you
○ points out flaws in your plans and helps you with making a better, fullproof one
○ never admits it, but he admires and loves your personality. Just like him! But not the same gender, and with a few more extra steps
○ again, everyone hates your duo, but you two are inseparable
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soisaidfine · 4 months
and she feels so alone as she leaves the fans' barricade - Ethel Cain, Primavera Sound Barcelona 2024, A House in Nebraska
A House in Nebraska Primavera Sound Barcelona The Childish Behaviour Tour
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'And you might never come back home, and I may never sleep at night But God, I just hope you're doing fine out there, I just pray that you're alright And I feel so alone, and I feel so alone out here I feel so alone, I feel so alone out here And I feel so alone without you, I'm so alone out here I feel so alone, I feel so alone I'm so alone out here without you, baby'
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 21/23
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TW: Mentions of past torture and death
Well, here we are, the next chapter. After this, there will only be two chapters left and maybe an epilogue. Enjoy
Danny and his family helped the Justice League clear out technology and explain what it did. Justice League-approved doctors were looking over Jason.
Danny felt his heart squeeze at Jason’s vacant expression. If only Danny had been faster. If only he could’ve gotten rid of the GIW sooner. If only—
“You’re blaming yourself again, little badger.”
Danny scowled at the older halfa. Vlad Masters stopped by Danny, looking well put together for someone who just came out of a fight.
“So, another one joins the ranks of the halfa. Good to see our population is growing.”
Danny snarled, “Stay away from him, Vlad. He won’t be your son; he already has a father.”
Danny and Vlad watched as Batman flittered around Jason.
“Yes, I suppose you’re right,” Vlad said, “How’s Danielle?”
Danny’s scowl deepened.
“Listen, I know we made a temporary truce to eliminate our enemies; that does not make us allies, Plasmius. Stay away from my daughter.”
Danny left the older halfa behind and went to Bruce.
“He’ll get better, B,” Danny said as he approached the distraught man. Jason still hadn’t acknowledged their presence, “He needs to process what happened to him. Let him rest.”
A doctor came up to them. She eyed Danny’s white hair and glowing eyes and slightly shuddered before getting herself together.
“Good news, Mr. Batman. Jason’s vitals are a bit slow but they seem to be his new baseline. He will be physically fine and will make a full recovery. He can stay with us overnight, or you can take him somewhere you feel will be more comfortable for the both of you.”
Bruce said nothing as he picked Jason up. Jason rested his head on Bruce’s chest (right where his heartbeat would be.) and finally closed his eyes. His breathing tempered out, and he lost consciousness.
Danny walked alongside his biological father, not knowing how to comfort the man.
“It’s not your fault,” Danny said.
After a moment of silence, Bruce said, “It’s not yours, either.”
They both stayed silent after that. Neither knew what to say as they walked toward the Batplane. Despite that, the silence didn’t feel awkward. (It was somber.)  Danny’s parents, sister, and the rest of Batman’s brood stood by the plane. Even mother was a bit further away from the rest of them, with Damian the closest to her.
Once they saw Bruce holding Jason, everyone ran (or, in Talia’s case, walked) toward them. Nightwing put his fingers on Jason’s neck, feeling his pulse.
“How is he,” Red Robin asked.
“The doctor said his vitals are a bit lower than they should be, but that’s his new normal baseline. He lost consciousness when I picked him up, but he wasn’t responsive before that. He needs rest.”
“Dying and coming back is not pleasant,” Danny started, “I died violently but quickly. Jason was tortured to death and then brought back. It was slower. He’ll need time to process what happened to him.”
The Bat clan nodded in understanding. Mother approached Bruce and put her hand on Jason’s chest, watching his rising chest. She gave a bitter smile and kissed Jason’s forehead.
Talia al Ghul didn’t want to say goodbye to her children, but she had things to do. Things her beloved would not approve of. (Like destroying any remaining GIW bases she could find.) She looked at Bruce, “Take care of them this time, beloved, or I will take them away as is my right as their mother.”
Talia and her assassins melted into the shadows before disappearing altogether.
Samantha was allowed to stay in the manor that night. She mostly ignored the Batfamily and talked to the Fentons. Damian was fine with that; he wasn’t there to make friends. (Though she seemed a bit too close to his older brother.)
‘They like each other,’ Cassandra signed. Damian scowled. He didn’t want to share his brother’s attention more than he had to.
‘Stop that. They make each other happy.’
Damian let his scowl fall. Well, if Samantha Manson made Danny happy, he supposed he could learn to deal with her. At least she was vegetarian.
Soon, Samantha bid the Fentons a good night, and Pennyworth escorted her to the guest room. Maybe Damian could tell father to keep an eye out for Danny and Samantha that night… No, he was better than that.
“How you feeling, Dami,” Danny asked while approaching him.
“Fine,” he lied. One of his older brothers had died. He had seen his strong father break down, and Damian feared his time with Daniel was limited.
Danny took Damian’s hand, “You know it’s okay not to be, right?”
“Tt,” Damian looked away from his older brother’s understanding gaze. Damian felt tears burning behind his eyes and stubbornly held them back.
“How are you,” he asked instead. Thankfully, Danny let him change the subject.
“Tired, pissed,” Danny sighed, “We got their main base, but this won’t be over if the government that doesn’t change those damned laws.”
Damian watched their father fluff Jason’s pillow. The man hadn’t taken his eyes off Jason since he brought him into the Batplane. (He even allowed the Fenton’s to pilot it while he held Jason.)
“Father and the Justice League will repeal those laws,” Damian reassured his brother, “And I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”
Danny smiled at his younger brother and hugged him. For just that night, Danny allowed himself to break down in his younger brother’s arms.
Meanwhile, Jason opened his eyes. He stared at the familiar ceiling, noticing the lack of white. (Noticing the absence of pain.) Something was different; he could tell.
“Dad,” he mumbled.
Bruce Wayne’s worried blue eyes came into view.
“Jay-lad, you’re home. You can rest.”
Jason hummed before falling into a restful sleep.
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @luer-mirin @mur-ururu @insufferablecrab @skulld3mort-1fan @meira-3919 @aethernorwood @mimilikey @marshmelloe @latheevening226 @ahyesanerd @lexdamo @chrysanthemum9484 @spooky-fm @gmkelz11 @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @supershot73199 @starscreamlover @booberrylizard @pastalavistamf @itsberrydreemurstuff
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astral-corner · 5 months
Welcome to MDM
MDM is short for Monday Dusk Monolith, which is the (cancelled) FNF mod that this au is based off of. (Warning for body horror; including extra eyes/eyes where they don't belong/things in place of eyes, and spiders.) Or, well, originally based off of. Collaborating with friends, we've taken a lot of creative liberties and gone off in our own direction. The two of us have a focus on the main human(ish) characters, and as a group we've added plenty of mod and other outside characters to the roster, along with incorporating lore tied to things like Pico's School and Spooky Month.
Due to not owning every character, we can't definitively answer every question, but this will hopefully give a good jumping off point for the things we can answer. Plus we can always ask our other friends for clarification.
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Before we dive too deep, let's establish some of the characters:
Adam, aka Boyfriend Hatsune, (he/him) is a head empty, bi disaster of a man. He has the ability to go back in time whenever he dies or loses a rap battle, allowing him to try over again and do better next time. He is borrowing this power. He left his parents and sister behind in Japan, and his brother is currently MIA.
Lilith, aka Girlfriend Dearest, (she/her) has half a braincell, though most of it goes towards her interest in science. She gained her love of science from her dad, who she now sometimes offers help in searching for a cure for the infection that's taken over. Her and her dad try to keep close enough contact in this wasteland, but her mom is MIA.
Cain, aka Pico Newgrounds, (he/him) is tired of being the main braincell holder of this trio. He's not quite sure how the other two survived long enough to find him again, let alone survived curing him. Basically adopted by an army (literally) and forcefully adopted a member of an opposing faction as a cousin/sibling figure.
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While the main plot of this mod, and the inciting incident we've been playing around after, is still the monolith landing in the city, there's some backstory we should give an overview of first.
Back in the day, in the fictional city of Newgrounds, Pennsylvania, (no, this is not a coincidence) Adam (Boyfriend) and Cain (Pico) went to the same high school. While there, the two of them were dating and often hung out with Val (short for Valentine, aka Nene) and Moses (Darnell). Around this time, the other three loved to tease Adam about a friend who "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school." None of them realize that he really did know Lilith (Girlfriend) back then, having traded names with her at one point while the pair of them were transitioning.
One year, Adam's parents got a job offer in Japan, and moved across the sea with his younger sister Lydia (Miku). Given that Adam was in high school and thus close to finishing schooling, they decided to let him stay with his young adult older brother, Abel (Michael), to finish it out.
Unfortunately, Abel ended up in an altercation while trying to protect Lilith during a hangout with her and Adam. In keeping with the Big Bro mod that Michael originates from, Daddy Dearest quite literally saves his life.
This is not the only gun related incident Adam would be unlucky enough to get caught up in. Within weeks of the event with his brother, the shooting from Pico's School took place. While Cain saved the day as Adam barely survived, Adam's parents were naturally worried about their son staying in America after both gun violence incidents. He was given only a few weeks to pack his things in preparation for leaving, and nobody was quite okay in this situation. As a parting gift, he was given his now iconic hat.
Without Adam for emotional support or a positive influence in the wake of the shooting, the remaining three friends turned into mutual bad influences. With Cain getting scouted by Assassin Corp, the trio slowly turned to a life of crime together. While the trio all turned to contract killing, they aren't afraid to turn to other illicit activities on the side.
It was somewhere around this time when the events of various Pico related things took place; such as Pico vs Überkids, Pico vs Bear as alluded to with the mention of Assassin Corp, and the Pico's Cousin games.
Adam lived in Japan with his family until a few months before the monolith arrived, when he finally moved back stateside at the age of 19. It'd been 5 years since he'd been made to leave, and, having lost contact with all the friends he'd left behind, he had no idea where any of them were. He did manage to reconnect with Lilith, and the two of them ended up dating.
That leads us into the events of the mod: The monolith falling and causing the infection; discovering music is the cure through it stopping Lilith in her attack against Adam; using that to save Daddy Dearest; an adventure to meet two strange children, their spider mom, and a weird creature in a lemon costume; and stumbling across an infected Cain, who very much wanted Lilith dead.
And then off we are into even more original content for this au which includes meeting a bomb man, a cloud man, and stumbling across Pico's family which led to the discovery that Cain has the ability to respawn, just to name a few.
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miercolaes · 1 year
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@gareththegreat , i've warned you the legend is true ... now you have been cursed with this interaction .
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my  body’s  a  temple  and  i  intend  on  destroying  it        —        those  were  the  exact  words  she  uttered  to  herself  before  making  the  final  decision.  engraving  a  mark  on  her  skin,  less  than  cain’s  but  just  as  powerful.  something  that  has  meaning.  it  was  only  logical  to  approach  the  only  person  she  knows  that  designs  and  inks  such  everlasting  scarification    …      gareth.        ❝  do  you  have  any  pressing  matters?  ❞        she  queried,  acknowledging  that  the  sentiments  swirling  within  were  just  bats  in  the  belfry.  wednesday  was  enthralled  by  the  notion  of  having  a  permanent  mark  on  her  skin,  as  a  way  of  remembering  and,  therefore,  commemorating  the  passing  ephemerals  in  her  life.    a  memento  mori,  to  remember  that  one  must  die  while  also  appreciating  the  wickedly  good  parts  of  her  life.    even  if  it  regarded  her  associations  with  othes.        ❝  i  wanted  to  talk  about  …  these.  ❞        a  feeble  explanation  in  conjecture  with  her  index  finger  pointed  at  gareth’s  own  set  of  tattoos.  that  should  suffice,  or  at  least  that’s  what  the  voices  inside  her  head  kept  wailing.
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cerseiwexler · 1 year
thanks for the tag, @selfproclaimedunicorn!
favorite color: pink
currently reading: n...othing but i might reread sharp objects soon
last song: family tree (intro) - ethel cain
last series: that I finished? oh jesus. i don't remember tbh. probably bcs rewatch #5405395
last movie: i don't remember the name but it was this wild european horror movie about a haunted windmill. it wasn't that good but it wasn't offensively bad
sweet/savory/spicy: ALL OF THEM my cravings are varied!
currently working on: unpacking, a scarf (as soon as i find it amongst the moving boxes), updating my driving playlist, coming up w/ something to write
tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to!
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bridgertonopinions · 4 months
Hi, so a new follower here, I've seen some kind of agressive comments here so I choose to remain anon.
I'm from Nottingham, England and here we have a cool place that have live bands and big party nights called Rock City. Seeing that they have made some more appereances together, in late April I went to one of the concerts nights here and I saw Perry Fitzpatrick with Harriet Cains , I actually was next to Perry when he was getting drinks and recognized him from Line of Duty. Later I saw them with othe rpeople too. I didn't think much of it cause they are obth from here, but maybe/possibly they were together as a date.
Thank you for sharing! 🤍
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cainenterprisesllc · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men’s size XL Poggianti 1958 by doppio ritorto top.
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musicpromotionclub · 1 year
‘Meet The Reaper Mixtape’ Exhibits the Very Best of Las Vegas Rapper CAINE OTH
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
by CanYouBeCarr Taken alongside Jason, Ivar tries to survive through the torture the Joker inflicts on his body and mind. But once split from Jason, Ivar is no longer the soft-spoken boy he used to be. Now he’s the Joker’s puppet, The Jester. Words: 31, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: DCU Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake Relationships: Jason Todd & Original Male Character(s), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: I Don't Even Know, Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, I think I forgot a few othe batfamily members via https://ift.tt/LvV19x0
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imtellingbatman · 7 years
Duke Thomas and/or Cass Cain?
can’t answer for duke thomas because i haven’t read any of his stuff yet (tho i really should, i have links somewhere) but definitely cass!!
i really want to explore cass’s relationship with Batgirl and being batgirl because it meant SO much to her and i want to show who she is when she’s no longer using that name
oh if you cant tell i dont look at the new 52 so this stuff is basically an extension of preboot etc etc
i’d definitely write a lot of stuff about her and babs’ relationship! because for a long time babs was the most important person to her, she was her mentor, cass lived with her, babs helped teach her how to speak
speaking of that, i’d def address cass and language - does she still struggle with it? and since now she’s working in hong kong, is she able to learn any other languages or is it harder for her, especially since the psychic who altered her brain probably only spoke english? cass & language is a really intriguing subject and i wish writers would work with it more
i want her to explore her relationships with her family besides babs too! she seems to be good friends with tim, and she’s bonded with nightwing, but i want to see her interact with more of them, especially out of costume
for a long time cassandra didn’t really have a life outside of being a hero (she didn’t even have a name for a while), so i really want to see her do more things with her civilian life as cassandra cain-wayne. 
love her
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mianavs · 3 years
(can you read my mind?) i've been watching you
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content: memoir, angst, implied smut, baji x reader (past), sanzu x reader
note: Crush by Ethel Cain screams ode to toman so i wrote a lil something because i couldn't stop thinking about this. rushed and not proof-read <3
words: 793
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Anyone that watches the black-uniformed teens strolling down the street or zooming down the street on their motorcycles always says that their window has already passed and they’ll never amount to anything.
Gripping your bookbag and resuming the loud angsty song that blasts through your headphones, you partially agree with the corporate zombies glaring at the Toman guys. They won’t just be anything, they’ll be something–someone–and make everyone that doubted them eat their words.
Some people already do.
Eat their words, dirty, and other shit as Toman defeats rival gangs and conquers more and more territory.
But they’re still young and immature, only in middle school and dealing with the growing pains that affect everyone your age.
The ones that still go to school–some for reasons other than studying–get bitched out by teachers, get into fights with other students, share mags, kiss other students in empty classrooms, and scream while they cry or cry while they scream. They wear black like it’s a personality trait and you suppose for some of them it is. Others hide guns in lockers and vehemently deny it. A select few move dope and other drugs during gym class or lunch under the guise of simple handshakes.
And it wouldn’t be real teenage angst without a frustrating home life.
For your brother who still hides his black Toman uniform underneath a mountain of clothes in his closet, it’s just an overbearing mother and an emotionally absent father. For others, it’s calling a brothel a home, watching over hundreds only to come home and watch your younger sister that wants to grow up fast, or burying festering guilt for a friend doing time while assuring your mother that you’ll pass your classes. A mother you meet occasionally when her son has you over to tutor him, tutoring sessions that also teach you a lesson in love no matter how vehemently you deny it.
Others don’t have what the guy who wears reading glasses has, and the suffocating four walls of their homes is probably why they take to the streets like caged dogs eager to stretch their legs and run, play, and just be free. They fight every fight like it’s their last. They run away from the police with snacks and petty cash stuffed in their pockets. They make promises and threats like nothing because most of them haven’t lived long enough to see the harsh consequences of such words.
Not until they see witness death and it acts as a crossroads for the Toman guys. Do they avert their eyes and leave while they can still salvage their grades and get into good schools? Or do they look death in the eye and turn their membership into a career.
Time passes and Toman’s name isn’t the only thing that changes. Some members, like your brother, leave while others join. The gang you once knew and followed around like a moth drawn to a flame is barely recognizable despite the administration having two of the original members
Regardless, you go back looking for the guy that punched you during a chaotic brawl. He’s a sadistic bastard with pretty eyes and a scarred mouth he used to hide but now wears with pride. He’s also a drug addict but that doesn’t hinder his ability to recognize you one night in a seedy club that’s beneath Bonten’s number 2.
You punch him because it’s what you swore you’d do when you saw him again. He tries dodging, but his movements are slow thanks to the shit he shot up moments prior, and your fist lands on his eye. He chases you to a dark corridor away from the pounding music and flashing light, pinning you against the wall with a single arm. Instead of shoving the barrel of his handgun, however, it’s his tongue pushes between your lips and ravages your mouth before it travels south to give your other set of lips the same attention.
Weeks turn into months but you don’t stop seeing Sanzu. You don’t know if it’s the sex or if it’s the fact that he hasn’t moved on from Toman like your brother or Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Hakkai, Pah, or Peh. He chose to continue believing and supporting Mikey, who still represented Toman and the ghostly first love from your past, so you bury your face in his chest after another one of your trysts. You ignore the intrusive thought that says you wouldn’t be with Sanzu if Baji was still alive.
“Why are you here?” He asks, pupils still blown out so you know he’s high.
You swallow and close your eyes, pushing a wicked grin and long tresses of black from your memory.
“Good men die too, so I’d rather be with you.”
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laufire · 2 years
Who are your favourite characters in OTH?
Brooke and Haley are at the top, and I can’t pick between them. They’re simply amazing and incredible and flawed and beautiful and perfectly acted.
There are other characters I enjoy on screen, mainly in relation to the two of them, although I wouldn’t call any of them “favourites” (Nathan, Sam Walker, Rachel). Maybe if I had watched the show properly that’d be different, but alas.
There are two examples that are strongly related to Brooke and Haley but that I also enjoy in their own right: Victoria Davis (Brooke’s aaaaaawful mother. Although I hear she softens up lmao), and little Jamie (Haley’s son. He’s precious and very emotionally intelligent xD). Although with Victoria my enjoyment is heavily dependant on the mother-daughter dynamic with Brooke -likely my favourite relationship on the series.
Hilariously? If I had to pick a third favourite........ it’d be DAN FREAKING SCOTT LMFAOOOO.
He is theeeeee worst and everytime he’s on screen I just KNOW I’m in for a treat. The other day I watched the episode where the stalker nanny that wanted to kidnap Jamie (again, after Dan saved him from her lol) FREAKING RAN HIM OVER WITH HER CAR. RIGHT AFTER HE *JUST* GOT A HEART AVAILABLE FOR TRANSPLANT. *JUST* AFTER HE’D MAGNANAMOUSLY DECIDED NOT TO MURDER THE PERSON BEFORE HIM ON THE LIST. I seriously HOWLED WITH LAUGHER.
Like seriously, what would the show be without him lmfao. He’s entertaining as fuck when he goes around doing evil shit AND when he fails at redemption. Perfect love-to-hate-’em character. Who’s doing it like him.
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