#Caelan Zamfir
savage-rhi · 3 months
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Gene Dawkins (Death Stranding)
Caelan Zamfir (FFXV)
Sonja Ainsley (RE8)
Sawyer Kiddo (Resident Evil)
Rhi aka JT-121 (Ravage)
Tav/Khal (BG3)
Decided to give my baby girl ocs some love. I'm proud of them all. Even when they done goof and fuck up real bad cause they're all flawed bitches in some way.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 17: Gifts
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Tagging: @seradyn​
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“This doesn’t feel right,” Caelan furrowed her brows. Her eyes glanced about the hotel lobby Ardyn decided to pick out for their stay in Lestallum. The establishment was quite beautiful. A far cry from the rustic look most hotels within the city limits contained. She couldn’t help but feel out of place while watching Ardyn retrieve their keys. 
 Despite Ardyn being disheveled, Caealn could see how he would fit in at such a decadent place. Ardyn had that kind of powerful charisma being a former politician and all. She, on the other hand, felt like trash from a dumpster that managed to tumble weed itself through mud and debris to get a taste. This was a far cry from what she was used to. Even when she lived the life of a crownsguard, her home life was middle class compared to the likes of this place. She felt outclassed here in every sense of the term. 
 Caelan’s negative thoughts fell on the wayside when Ardyn approached, tossing her a keycard that almost slid past her fingers. He chuckled at that while she shot a playful glare his way. 
 “You seemed to be having a grand ol’ time up there with the receptionist.” Caelan said sarcastically, checking out the black piece of plastic in her hand. Her thumb combing over the texture of the keycard. She was used to being handed actual keys at establishments she frequented within Lestallum. It was amazing how something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things could cause a culture shock. 
 “I was ensuring we are not to be disturbed during our stay,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact while he gestured with his head for Caelan to follow. He led the way through one of the grand corridors and up a flight of stairs. The place seemed to be growing in size with every turn they took as Caelan let out a puff of air she had been holding back. 
 “We could’ve stayed somewhere less, I don’t know, rich?” Caelan offered, raising a brow as Ardyn laughed. 
 “Please don’t tell me you’re frightened being here.” 
 “I’m not afraid. I’m a little put off if I’m being honest. Posh and me don’t mix well like it does with you.” 
 “Are you saying I’m spoiled?” Ardyn teased while looking at Caelan, seeing the unimpressed look that swept over her eyes as she shook her head. He couldn’t get enough of it. 
 “I’m saying you should humble yourself if anything.” Caelan countered jokingly. Her brows knitting into a concerned stare. “Do you feel embarrassed having me here?” 
 Caelan was surprised as Ardyn stopped in his tracks. His hand grabbing a hold of her shoulders to cease her movements as his features became serious. His eyes conveyed a hurt that had her astonished. His head canted curiously as he spoke. 
 “Why would you say something like that?” 
 “I mean,” Caelan gestured at herself. How there was grime and debris on her clothes from their trek. Her hair a mess from sleeping on a mattress and sometimes the ground itself. She couldn’t finish the rest of the words. Feeling embarrassed and thrust into the spotlight. Self consciousness was getting the better of her by the minute. 
 Ardyn shook his head. His left hand gently cupping her face as he smiled. “I like you the way you are. Dirty or spoiled, it doesn’t matter to me. ”
 “That sounds so wrong,” Caelan murmured, trying her best not to laugh because she knew he was trying to be sincere. Ardyn himself shifted his gaze for a moment, biting his bottom lip as he too held back. His head leaning in a bit closer to hers as he continued. 
 “As much I despise these words, you need to walk tall. You’re a shield to one of the most powerful beings of Eos. Not many can say they have quite the title.” 
 “Maybe if I had your confidence it would help,” Caelan shrugged. Giving a shy smile as she averted her gaze, unintentionally towards the hand that was holding her face. She could feel her cheeks flush at how warm his hand was. A sadness briefly graced her features while Ardyn let go and playfully nudged her. The latter had her smiling again. 
 “What sort of confidence do you believe I exuberate?” Ardyn mused as they continued on. 
 “I’d call it standing up straight and thinking murder.” Caelan teased. 
 Ardyn chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. Nonetheless, he had to admit to himself Caelan did have a point there. He seemed to radiate such energy towards folks. He could recall during his earlier years before he was chancellor, how he seemed to give off that impression unintentionally towards people of the public. It didn't help for his feeble attempts at friendship, but it did score points with Aldercapt and Ravus at one point. 
 “I’ve had thousands of years to perfect the technique,” Ardyn teased. As they approached another flight of stairs and were getting closer to their room, he furrowed his brows. The concerning gaze that crossed his face didn’t go unnoticed by Caelan as she called him out. 
 “You look like we’re suddenly marching to your execution,” Caelan laughed. “Why the long face?�� 
 “It dawned on me that we do have a rather peculiar situation regarding our room. I could only select a single king to ensure we had plenty of space.” 
 “Yeah, that’s not a cliché’ waiting to happen,” Caelan muttered to herself, resisting the urge to snort. She could feel her nerves getting the better of her. 
 “Beg pardon?” 
 “I said it’s not a problem,” Caelan began, clearing her throat before he had the opportunity to call out her lie. “It’s not like we haven’t slept next to each other while we camped.” 
 “Valid point,” Ardyn nodded in agreement. “If you’re uncomfortable, I don’t mind taking the couch. The one in our room is the size of a queen mattress.” 
 “Let’s worry about that later.” Caelan murmured. 
 Ardyn decided not to press the issue as they arrived towards the end of the hallway. The black doors to the room were rather large, carved out of some ancient tree from the looks of things. It radiated otherworldly. He couldn’t suppress the smirk that crossed his lips seeing how intimidated Caelan looked when they arrived at their destination. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention as he used his keycard to unlock the front. 
 “I assure you’ll be singing praises to my accounts when you see what amenities we have at our disposal. You'll forget all about not fitting in.” He said, then gestured with his right hand for her to open the doors. There was a quiet and contemplative look on Caelan’s face as she pushed the the doors open and took her first steps into the room. 
 Her eyes went wide immediately. There was so much happening and yet not happening all at once. The room was elegant and spacious. The warm colors playing up to theme as she felt ensnared and didn’t want to leave. If Caelan had any estimation, it was the size of a whole apartment. A far cry from the small spaces she was accustomed to at inns. There was a large living room, the bed, and a spacious kitchen area. As much as she loved camping, it was an afterthought as her brain rapidly began to process all the things she could do in such an environment. 
 “I love you Ardyn’s bank account!” Caelan yelled aloud. The excitement brimming in her voice had Ardyn resisting an urge to laugh hard as he observed her quickly move from one spot of the room to the next. Murmuring all sorts of commentary about things, and asking a barrage of questions. Most of which Ardyn ignored because he couldn’t keep up. At some point she disappeared out of his sight. Ardyn worried she might've got stuck somewhere as he entered the room and shut the doors. As he made it to the bed, he heard her scream out.
 “The bathroom has a jacuzzi! What the hell?! Ardyn, have you seen these windows, they’re ginormous! Oh my gods!” Her overenthusiasm had him cackling for a time before he sighed and collapsed face first into the sheets and closed his eyes. They had arrived in Lestallum around noon, and he could already feel the pull of sleep beckoning him to turn in. He eventually rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling as he stretched his legs out, not hearing Caelan pop back in. 
 “How much did you spend on this place?” 
 “That’s classified,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact, his right hand gesturing upward for emphasis before the appendage flopped back down. “Don’t even think about interrogating me. If I didn’t have the means, I wouldn’t have suggested otherwise. I take it you’re comfortable?”
 Caelan hummed, giving a shrug before she too collapsed alongside him. “Very much so.” 
 A wide smile spread across Ardyn’s lips as he let out a deep breath then forced himself to get back up. He encouraged Caelan to do the same before they got too comfortable and would pass out. 
 “I’ll call for the Scepter to be towed here while you bathe,” Ardyn began. “Then I’ll go after you and we can resupply what we’ve lost on our run.” 
 Caelan nodded, a discontented sigh pulling from her mouth. “I have a feeling the car is going to be wrecked.” 
 “You needn’t worry,” Ardyn shrugged. 
 “Easier for you to say,” Caelan huffed. She was surprised when Ardyn flicked her forehead, his expression unimpressed to say the least. Her hands quickly reached to rub at the inflamed spot. 
 “What was that for?” 
 “I need you to quit being a pessimist, it’s so unbecoming.” Ardyn smirked, followed by an honest grin as he shook his head at her. “We’ve been through a lot. Let’s take this time to enjoy ourselves and not think about other problems. Now, go bathe.” 
 “Or what, you’re gonna make me?” Caelan stuck her tongue out. The petty look Ardyn gave had her laughing until he lunged. Caelan let out a scream as he picked her up, hauling her over his left shoulder and strode off with her body as if it was a sack of flour. Her hands squirmed as she demanded he put her down in between laughing fits. He entered the bathroom, plopping her into the large tub then made his way to the doors, pointing at her almost accusingly. 
 “Stay.” He commanded, his voice firm as Caelan rolled her eyes. 
 “Alright, you don’t have to order me like a dog.” 
 “Ah, a fitting beast for one such as yourself, considering you can be a real bitch.” 
 “Oh, fuck you!” Caelan exclaimed, throwing a bar of soap right at the door. Ardyn laughed, slamming the door shut before it could hit him.
 Caelan got out of the tub, letting out a deep breath. There was hesitation before she turned the water on, worried she might break something. When the tub filled, Caelan stripped down and slowly got into the water. A sigh of relief swept past her lips while she looked out one of the large windows. From their view, she could almost see the entirety of the city and make out the signature landmarks of Lucis. It was quite a beautiful sight. Nothing she ever thought would be experienced by herself. 
 Lestallum hadn’t changed much after the Dark Decade. The tropical charm remained despite Eos falling into an apocalyptic wasteland. Caelan observed there were several new buildings. The city having expanded further into the mountains once the population started to boom due to refugees and Insomnia allocating more resources outside of itself. It was one thing to hear about the expansions on the news, but another to see in person. 
 The last time Caelan was here, she had joined up with war refugees after fighting off daemons before uniting with a group of Hunters that were dead set on returning to Leide to reclaim territory. Despite how terrifying the ordeal was, there were many pleasant memories about this place. Especially the food. Locals of Lestallum were big on hospitality and cuisine. That was something she greatly missed being on the run. 
 Caelan’s eyes went to the door. Ardyn’s presence still lingered. She wondered how he felt being back in the place where he kickstarted his bitter rivalry with Noctis. He had mentioned it during their trek to Lestallum how the city marked a turning point; a true beginning of the end when he encountered Noctis and the rest of his friends before they came face to face with the Archean. She made a note to ask him about it later then dunked her head under the water. 
 Hours had passed since Ardyn and Caelan both bathed and pampered themselves. Caelan wasn’t going to lie, as much as she was enjoying the sights and being back in Lestallum once again, she could’ve easily fallen asleep in the tub and wouldn’t have complained about the manner of which she died via drowning. 
 Caelan was able to recollect most of her camping equipment that she had to leave behind in the woods. Her and Ardyn split off once they reached the plaza; he going for the parking lot to meet up with the company towing the Scepter, and she remained in the market. Caelan had about twenty minutes to herself before meeting up with him and decided to finish the last of her shopping. 
 While passing a stall that was selling an array of fruits and vegetables, Caelan took notice of a crafts booth that had a variety of clothes and other garments. Mostly accessories. Given the kind of life she led, she didn’t have needs for things such as necklaces, earrings or the like. However, there was a deep crimson colored scarf with skinny black tassels at the end that captured her attention. As she inspected it closer, there were various organic maroon stripes that really made the initial color pop out more. She checked how much gil she had on hand before approaching the shop owner. 
 “How much for that one?” Caelan asked, gesturing at the scarf. 
 “Only 500 gil today,” The keeper said warmly. 
 “Here’s 800,” Caelan smiled. 
 “Are you sure?” 
 “Absolutely,” Caelan said. 
 It was worth the price considering who she was going to gift this to. 
 Once Caelan finished shopping, she ventured back to the hotel to drop everything off minus the scarf. She kept it in a bag on her person while traveling back to the plaza area to meet up with Ardyn. She was surprised to see he was already waiting for her, standing nearby a large fountain that had recently been installed. If she didn’t know better, Ardyn looked absolutely delighted to seeing her come his way. As if he hadn’t laid his eyes upon her in centuries. It was a peculiar expression, and she thought maybe it was the light of the sun reflecting against his golden eyes playing tricks on her.  
 “You seem peppy.” Caelan joked as Ardyn approached her once she got close enough to the fountain. 
 “Your automobile is one piece. Save for the windows being broken into. I fear the Einherjar did pillage what remained of the camping equipment and tools for your car. I hope your exploits at the market will make up for the loss.” 
 Caelan sighed, furrowing her brows. It sucked to hear that, but in the grand scheme of things, having only broken windows was a scratch compared to other wounds the Scepter sustained over the years. 
 “I just dropped off everything at the hotel. Knowing what you told me, it probably wouldn’t hurt to do another round of shopping this week. I know you said you had everything covered, but at least let me pay for the towing service.” 
 Ardyn chuckled. “You simply won’t ever give up on doing everything yourself, will you?” 
 “I can’t break out of the strong independent woman mentality,” Caelan teased. “It’s not the way I’m wired.” 
 Ardyn playfully rolled his eyes. He wasn’t going to argue with her there. She had done well taking care of herself being on the run for so many years. A feat many he had met in his time wouldn’t be able to accomplish without throwing in the towel early. 
 “I suppose so,” Ardyn said in defeat. His eyes narrowing at the bag Caelan carried as he gestured. “What’s that you have?” 
 “Oh,” Caelan suddenly felt put on the spot. Her fingers traveled up the sides of the bag, giving a squish here and there to make sure she didn’t leave the scarf back at the hotel before she extended her arms out, presenting it to him. 
 “I saw something at the market that screamed you. Couldn’t resist.” Caelan let out a shy laugh. She watched Ardyn take the bag and rummaged through. 
 “No way,” The grin that traveled across his face had Caelan smiling from ear to ear as he took the scarf out. She watched as he examined the material, his fingers feeling the texture before looking up at her sincerely. “You really went out of your way to get me something?” 
 “Why not?” Caelan shrugged, letting out a laugh as she glanced between the scarf and Ardyn. The admiration in his eyes grew as he averted his gaze to the clothing.
 “You bought me a whole ass sword, fixed my car, and took care of miscellaneous stuff I’ve lost track of. This is the least I can do to say thanks.” 
 Ardyn laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t normally have the opportunity to say such things, but I’m appreciative. It reminds me of my old one I used to wear as chancellor.” 
 “The one with the gold circles and squares, right?” Caelan asked for clarification. 
 “Yes,” Ardyn furrowed his brows in amusement. “How did you know?” 
 “I saw you on TV when I was younger, remember? Can’t miss that. It popped out like the rest of your old attire.” 
 “Ah, but of course.” Ardyn started to snicker and he could see he had baited Caelan already much to his delight. Her expression was screaming for him to come out with whatever he had on his mind.
 “I forgot you very much liked to observe me way back when. You found me, what was the word you used? Oh yes, intriguing.” 
 “Don’t you start,” Caelan pointed her right index finger at him accusingly. Her voice stern as Ardyn snorted, letting out a laugh at her expense while her cheeks turned pink. He decided to quit while ahead, for once in his life. 
 “Would you do the honors?” Ardyn presented the scarf back to Caelan. He found joy in her confusion before she put it together what he meant by that. She stepped closer to him, careful wrapping the scarf over his neck. She repeated it a few times, Ardyn watching closely as she made sure it wasn’t too tight on him and had enough slack here and there.
 There was a certain vulnerability Ardyn felt having her do this for him. He knew when he was chancellor, he’d be caught dead letting anyone get this close to his throat. The fact she was mindful of where she touched and how she gently pushed strands of his long hair out of the way further added onto the fondness that was growing in him. He was disappointed when she took a few steps back, missing her presence being so close. 
 “How am I fairing?” Ardyn asked, striking something of a pose while Caelan laughed.
 “You look majestic. In a 'I just rolled out of the bed and this is as good as its gonna get' kind of way.” 
 “You wound my pride.” Ardyn teased. 
 Caelan made a face, shaking her head as she waved him off. “Nah, you look almost regal.” 
 “Is that so?” 
 “Of course, your highness.” Caelan said sarcastically.
 Ardyn approached Caelan, stepping off to the left side of her as he brought an arm around her waist and pulled her close. He didn’t feel her tense up at his action and felt some relief wash over himself. 
 “I found a place we could grab dinner while on my way to meet you. I promise it’s nothing luxurious.” 
 “Thank the gods for that,” Caelan laughed, Ardyn joining soon after. 
 They walked for a time through the city. Passing by small shops, houses, and winding narrow streets. Their conversations were rather simple, like things most normal Lucians would talk about. Insomnia, their overall mission, all of it was an afterthought while the urban environment drew them in and allowed both to be present in the moment. It was a welcome change of pace. 
 At a certain point, Ardyn was intrigued by one of the shops and had to venture inside. He had been wearing clothes that had been tattered and torn for a while and wanted something fresh, inviting Caelan to join him getting a new wardrobe put together. Both of them were having a good time playing around and trying on different things, eventually settling on a couple garments that they couldn’t pass up on. 
 As they waited to be seen at the front end, Caelan couldn’t help but fixate on a rather beautiful dress near the display. The deep blue colors reminded her of the ocean, along with a memory she had thought was long dead. 
 Caelan couldn’t have been older than eight. She held onto Aila’s hand as they strolled down the Pax District of Insomnia. Mother and daughter enjoying a day to themselves while Julian watched young August. The district was calm compared to most within Insomnia’s walls which was bustling with typical city commotion. Nevertheless Pax was busy in its own right. People walked more than drove in this part of the city, and as Caelan looked at every person that passed them both she was soon transfixed by a deep cerulean colored dress on display at a local shop. She stopped walking, her mother following suit. 
 “Mama, you’d look pretty in that.” Caelan said looking up at her. 
 “I don’t think so,” Aila began, a bright smile following her lips as she could see Caelans’ puzzlement at her remark. “I think between the two of us you’d look far more beautiful.” 
 “You’re embarrassing me.” Caelan let out a laugh, her mom reached down to pinch either side of her cheeks out of playful retaliation before rummaging her hair. She could feel her mom gently tug at the two small braids on the right side of her scalp, fingers carding over the beads that signified she was a crownsguard in training. There was a heavy look in her mother's expression. 
 “Mama are you alright?” Caelan asked, sensing there was something amiss. Aila’s eyes betrayed a certain sadness even though she smiled. 
 “Are you happy, Cae? Training with the crownsguard for most of the week?” Aila asked honestly. 
 “I think so,” Caelan shrugged. She averted her gaze for a time before meeting her mother’s eyes. She had no idea why, but a sense of shame could be felt as she confessed. 
 “I miss hanging out with my friends at school. Sometimes I see them when I go to meet Hector for training. They look at me different. Like they’re scared of me. I don’t know why.” 
 “Crownsguard training changes people and makes them strong. It’s a high honor. The other children are intimidated by it. It’s not your fault. I'm sure if you just be yourself, they'll come around.” Aila furrowed her brows, crouching down to her daughters level and pulled her into a hug. “I’ve seen how training has hurt you and how much you miss school. I’ll talk with your dad about calling it good.” 
 “Do you think he’ll be mad that I want to go back to school fulltime?” Caelan asked as her mom pulled back. The adoration in her eyes soothing whatever fears she held. 
 “He might be for a time, but I believe he loves you and he’d rather see you happy.” Aila reassured her daughter, then pointed back at the dress. “One day, when you end up working for the kingdom but on your terms, I’ll be sure one us is wearing that at your ceremony. You, my little one, are going to be great. No matter what that looks like.”
 "What do you think I should be?" 
 "It's not a matter of what I want. It's what you desire. What sounds like a fun job to you?" 
 "Hmm...a librarian?" The uncertainty in Caelan's tiny voice had Aila laughing. 
 "That's a good start!" 
 “Cahl?” Ardyn’s voice snapped Caelan out of her thoughts as she blinked. 
 “You’ve been staring at that dress for a while.” He pointed out. A sly smirk traveled on his mouth as he gestured towards it. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d want it.” 
 “Pfft, don’t be ridiculous.” Caelan waved him off. She did take another glance over it, a sad sigh escaping her throat as the memory of her and Aila once more tucked away.
 “Besides, there’s nothing practical about it. Not for a shield.” 
 “I could buy it for you?” Ardyn offered.
 “No. Let’s hurry so we can eat. I’m starving.” Caelan let out a laugh, trying to keep herself from falling apart in front of him as she walked past Ardyn to pay for her clothes. 
 Ardyn could tell there was something amiss about her. He turned his head to focus on the dress for a while, truly wondering what went on through her mind. He could see it in her eyes earlier, how Caelan went off somewhere else. It reminded him of the Behemoth incident when she froze. She was still tense after what happened with the Einjerhar back at the pitstop too. Even though she appeared to be having fun, Ardyn could sense from the little nuances she was on guard. Always double checking her environment. The hypervigilance was well needed to be a shield, but it also aggravated him. Mostly because he came to the realization she never really had peace. 
 He could feel the sparks of an idea come to mind. It further grew when he watched Caelan interact with the cashier, both of them exchanging a joke from the looks of things and he could see for that split moment how happy she was to be engaging with someone. The idea blossomed and soon enough, Ardyn couldn’t get it out of his head. He wanted to make her happy. Never did he believe he’d ever feel such a thing again in his miserable existence. 
 There were several ways this plan could backfire on him. He downright knew the consequences that could result, and he knew of the rewards that may also be born from it. His devotion to Aera attempted to tamper down the flame, and he chose to ignore it. Not because he didn’t care for his beloved, but because he knew there was no way he could pull this off for Caelan if he lingered on the past. If the shoe were on the other foot, Ardyn could easily see Aera pulling his idea off to make someone else feel better. He had learned a thing or two from Aera on how to unlock certain emotions people held back by going out of her way to do something sincere. He credited his beloved greatly for his compassion when he first began healing the people of Eos all those centuries ago. 
 Ardyn smiled towards Caelan as she called for him to come bring his stuff. His mind ever growing comfortable with what he would make his mission for the next week. 
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Master List (AO3)
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Chapter 1: Resurrection 
Chapter 2: Caelan
Chapter 3: A Truce
Chapter 4: Pit Stop Bickering 
Chapter 5: U-Turn
Chapter 6: Healers Touch
Chapter 7: Vote Abandon 
Chapter 8: Behemoth 
Chapter 9: Storytelling 
Chapter 10: Rakshasa 
Chapter 11: Obscura Materia 
Chapter 12: The Battle of Formouth I 
Chapter 13: The Battle of Formouth II
Chapter 14: Reunion 
Chapter 15: Sparring 
Chapter 16: Chocobos 
Chapter 17: Gifts 
Chapter 18: Lestallum Jive 
Chapter 19: Taelpar Crag 
Chapter 20: Vows 
Chapter 21: Prophecy 
Chapter 22: Hunted 
Chapter 23: Rampage I 
Chapter 24: Rampage II
Chapter 25: Vesperpool
Chapter 26: Oath Breaker
Chapter 27: Hesitation 
Chapter 28: Oath Keeper 
Chapter 29: Devotions 
Chapter 30: Insomnia I
Chapter 31: Insomnia II
Chapter 32: Union (18+)
Chapter 33: Day One
Chapter 34: Gods Bane I
Chapter 35: Gods Bane II
Chapter 36: Gods Bane III
Chapter 37: Repercussions 
Chapter 38: Bargaining 
Chapter 39: The Summit 
Chapter 40: Allies 
Chapter 41: Eripere I
Chapter 42: Eripere II
Chapter 43: Loss 
Chapter 44: The Pact 
Chapter 45: Final Acts 
Chapter 46: Paradise 
18 notes · View notes
savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Master List (Tumblr Edition)
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Chapter 1: Resurrection
Chapter 2: Caelan
Chapter 3: A Truce
Chapter 4: Pit Stop Bickering
Chapter 5: U-Turn
Chapter 6: Healers Touch
Chapter 7: Vote Abandon
Chapter 8: Behemoth
Chapter 9: Storytelling
Chapter 10: Rakshasa
Chapter 11: Obscura Materia
Chapter 12: The Battle of Formouth I
Chapter 13: The Battle of Formouth II
Chapter 14: Reunion
Chapter 15: Sparring
Chapter 16: Chocobos
Chapter 17: Gifts
Chapter 18: Lestallum Jive
Chapter 19: Taelpar Crag
Chapter 20: Vows
Chapter 21: Prophecy
Chapter 22: Hunted
Chapter 23: Rampage I
Chapter 24: Rampage II
Chapter 25: Vesperpool
Chapter 26: Oath Breaker
Chapter 27: Hesitation
Chapter 28: Oath Keeper
Chapter 29: Devotions
Chapter 30: Insomnia I
Chapter 31: Insomnia II
Chapter 32: Union (18+)
Chapter 33: Day One
Chapter 34: Gods Bane I
Chapter 35: Gods Bane II
Chapter 36: Gods Bane III
Chapter 37: Repercussions
Chapter 38: Bargaining
Chapter 39: The Summit
Chapter 40: Allies
Chapter 41: Eripere I
Chapter 42: Eripere II
Chapter 43: Loss
Chapter 44: The Pact
Chapter 45: Final Acts
Chapter 46: Paradise
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savage-rhi · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @likesugarandcyanide 💙 here's some of my female OCs using this picrew!
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1. Rhi (Ravage, original novel)
2. Gene Dawkins (Sky of Atoms, Death Stranding)
3. Caelan Zamfir//Cahl (Immortal Shield, FFXV)
4. Sonja Ainsley (The Sacrifice, RE8)
Tagging: @vodkafolie @astrandofgold @seradyn @guildwarsgirl @valkyrie-of-the-light @disneymarina @nemodoren no pressure! Participate if it resonates, discard if you're not feeling it!
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 13: Battle of Formouth II
**DM or comment if you want to be tagged in updates on tumblr
**To read previous chapters, hit this link
Tagging: @seradyn​
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Caelan and Kurt were surrounded by almost fiffty men and women that guarded the Formouth with an iron fist. Both of them were fearful of their current predicament. Kurt immediately retreated behind Caelan's back. His own pressing to hers as she held her ground. 
Caelan could feel her legs wanting to bolt and flee. It was a natural instinct most people would latch onto the moment they were in danger. Years of training in the crownsguard had her standing firmly like a stone. The philosophy of remaining like a rock as its beaten by the ocean waves played over and over in her mind. Yet, there would come a time where the rock would be smoothed to the point of breaking if it kept in one place for too long. Caelan understood her and Kurt had a finite amount of time before it would be raining bullets. She needed to make every second count as she stared down the chief and her cohorts. 
 “Jericho, where are you taking this captive? Or should I address you by another title given there was no one named that in the Haraakis unit.” The chief taunted. The laughter from her fellow colleagues made the situation more daunting. 
 Caelan swallowed, taking in a deep breath as she smirked. 
 “I decided to see the condition of this man’s cell. It’s important that crimes against humanity be thoroughly documented before prosecution. Wouldn’t you agree?” Caelan’s haughty attitude seemed to rattle up the chief. She could observe the woman going for her sword at her side, prepared to unleash hell, but relented. There was a scrutinizing look in Caelan's eyes at the action, wondering what the catch of it was. 
 “Funny you say such a thing, considering who you are.” The chief proclaimed with a laugh. The reaction had Kurt visibly confused while he listened to the conversation, all the while doing his best to hide behind his helper. 
 “Caelan Zamfir,” The chiefs voice echoed mockingly within the building. “The Homicida in the flesh. Your reputation precedes you. I’d thought someone such as yourself would appreciate what we are doing here at this facility, given all the Nif’s you’ve killed.” 
 Caelan flinched upon hearing her infamous title. A pet name gifted to her by the Lucian officials once arrested Einherjar members started to spin false narratives about her exploits. For a brief moment, Caelan recalled Ardyn looking uncomfortable being called Adagium. How his face contorted into disgust and he looked like he had been punched. She understood then how he felt, more so than before. She felt stupid that it had to click now of all times. 
 “That was all Julian’s doing, I can’t take credit for his work. He’d turn in his grave.” Caelan huffed, trying her best to not let any of them see she was afraid. 
 “Is it true you committed patricide?” The chief asked, curiosity oozing from her lips as Caelan glared in disgust. She didn’t need to say a word as the chief smiled big, letting out a laugh. “You really are a despicable rat.” 
 “You know, given my reputation, it’s incredibly stupid to bait me. I could make you fall where you stand.” Caelan forewarned with a sigh, feeling her adrenaline beginning to rush throughout her body. Bracing itself for the inevitable.  
 “Like you have a chance,” The chief scoffed. There was no sign of backing down when it came to verbal onslaught. “You’re outnumbered, outgunned, and apparently you don’t even live up to your own legend. Why should I be afraid?” 
 “This is why!” Caelan hissed, gesturing her arm out as she summoned Raksasha. The red blade seemed to take several guards aback, gasps lingering in the grand hallway of the second level as they barely registered what transpired next. 
 In a swift motion, Caelan sprinted forward with the Raksasha head on. Her legs powerfully working to their full extent before bullets could disengage. Rage fueled her eyes, her breathing becoming rugged as she could feel an energy radiating off the blade itself. As if it was encouraging her to take this risky shot. The Raksasha gleamed under the flickering lights of the facility as Caelan propelled herself, and with a powerful thrust, pierced right through the armor of the chief and plunged the blade straight into her abdomen. 
 The chiefs body wriggled and squirmed, her hands instinctively grabbing the blade in a vain attempt to pull it away from herself. Caelan quickly pulled back, the Raksasha leaving the warm body as blood pooled from the open wound. Caelan rose the sword up and struck down hard upon the chief’s head. The clean cut, severing spine from skull momentarily had Caelan in shock at the ferocity the blade had. Not even her spear could perform such a feat in such a fluid motion. She imagined the carnage that Ardyn could perform with Rakshasa when he was fully enraged. She herself bore witness to a small sample of it in the past. A tremor went down both her arms at the thoughts, distracting her from the present. 
 Time began to pulse for Caelan, registering a painful sting to her lower right leg. She had been shot. A sense of foreboding came upon Caelan sweat began to trickle down her face, her hands instinctively guiding the blade to the closest guard by her, followed by the next. The pattern simple yet the motions her body went through to perform the actions visibly caused ache to where she had been impacted. Cut after cut, Caelan was killing the Lucian troops like they were flies who unfortunately met the end of a swatter. Her speed further enhanced by Rakshasa made it all go by fast. 
 “Kurt, go! Look for a flight of stairs!” Caelan shouted, hoping the old man would take cover while she handled the onslaught of men and women attempting to bring her down. 
 Kurt didn’t say a word, he immediately with shock and utter fear in his eyes bolted out of the area. Guards chasing him all the while he grabbed and tossed whatever was in his way in order to create obstacles. There were a million questions the elderly man had, but one fixation outweighed them all: he needed to get away. He needed to get out. He needed to see his Florens again. 
 Left and right the Rakshasa went, carving through armor and broken bone as Caelan did everything she could to get within close range of her attackers. With one hand using the Rakshasa, she used her other arm to punch, choke, or shove. She felt unstoppable even with the injured leg. The power of the sword greatly enacted a boost of confidence. Caelan received dose of reality in the form of a bullet go through her right arm. She yelped as her left side flung from the impact, dropping the Rakshasa by accident with a loud bang, and soon met the foot of a guard that managed to drop kick her to the ground. 
 Grunting, Caelan struggled against the weight of the man’s foot attempting to lock her in place for a clean shot. Her head and neck rapidly moved from side to side as he tried to blow her brains out with his gun, but missed. Caelan could feel her ears ring from the rounds being in such close proximity. Her blood felt like it was attempting to jump from her flesh given how piercing the noise was. Her right arm gestured out to the Rakshasa while the left desperately tried to fend the guard off. Caelan managed to throw the guard off his balance, giving her time to roll over and grab the blade. The man either miscalculated or didn’t know better, but he jumped towards Caelan with the back end of his gun to hit her face in. The Rakshasa cut right into his plender gap, sticking through the back of his throat as he gagged before Caelan threw him off. 
 Panting heavily, Caelan winced while forcing herself onto her feet. Her eyes rapidly looked around, seeing she had bested everyone thus far. The sound of reinforcements marching had her sprint the way she last seen Kurt, her body dulled the pain from her wounds as she concentrated on finding a way out. A sharp sting here or there had her face contorting into pained expressions, yet she persisted. 
 Caelan hoped Kurt had left, because at this point despite the power behind the blade and how confident she was in her years of training as a former crownsguard, she needed to jump ship and save her own hide. Caelan knew the chief was right earlier. She was easily outnumbered and took two hits thus far going up against a good forty or so people. If another forty or even hundred guards came with guns, Caelan knew she’d be a sitting duck. Her endurance wouldn't be able to cope with such a high number of bodies. 
 Conflict began to resonate at the thought of running and leaving Kurt behind. Self preservation and honor collided. Memories of all the times she had ran off instead of staying to fight replayed in her head. There were heavy regrets Caelan carried. Leaving fellow Hunters to die from daemons, or abandoning them to Lucian officials to save her own skin because she was afraid ran amok within herself. The utter grimaces of shock and betrayal from those she had sacrificed for her own survival stayed with her as she sprinted. Even the haunting face of the girl she unintentionally got killed by Tempus lingered. Popping in when she least expected it. 
 “This way!” Kurt hollered from afar. His voice was loud enough to pull Caelan out of her thoughts. She came to a screeching halt against the slick flooring of the facility, following the direction of where his voice was coming from. 
 “Go, go, go!” Caelan hollered to Kurt when she caught up with the old man, the two heading for the emergency stairs and they bolted. Alarms all over the base began to erupt in a frenzy. The lights illuminating the stairs flickered on and off with deep shades of red. The atmosphere felt like something out of a horror fiction, then came the screams of the prisoners from earlier on as Caelan and Kurt made it to the bottom. She could only imagine the confusion the poor souls felt at the commotion. 
 “It’s locked!” Kurt exclaimed, trying hard to push at the door. 
 “I got this, move!” Caelan commanded. She summoned the Rakshasa, the blade of the weapon blended almost supernaturally with the alarm lights as Caelan hacked at the door. Almost a minute in, and there was nothing left of it. She carefully helped Kurt move his legs over the rubble, only exiting when he wasn’t at risk for getting caught up in the debris. The cool night air of the Leide region was a blessing as either of them sighed while the wind picked up. The two then sprinted as far as their legs could carry them until there were familiar shapes in the distance. 
 “Oh no,” Caelan whispered under her breath, her eyes widened as she could see not more than a hundred feet away there was a large fence keeping them from going anywhere. She stopped and looked around, realizing they were boxed in. The stairs that she had taken for the emergency exit, was just another path to hell in the form of a courtyard. The barbed wire at the top added further intimidation while Caelan winced. The pain in her leg starting to become more recognized as Kurt grabbed a hold of her arm with the Rakshasa and flailed it around. 
 “What are we to do? Where do we go?!” Kurt’s eyes were watering. He sounded like a child, terrified for his life as Caelan swallowed. 
 “I’m thinking, I’m thinking!” 
 “They’re going to kill us! No one gets out of here alive, I should’ve known. I shouldn’t have trusted you!” 
 “Kurt, please shut up, I need to think!” Caelan snapped. Her grip on the blade tightened as the silhouettes of troops began to pour in. One by one, guards began to swarm until it looked as if shadows were encroaching. The sounds of their heavy feet and weapons on hand was enough to make Caelan feel the primal fear of being trapped. No way out but through death. Her eyes could count at least a hundred men and women thus far flooding into the courtyard. Yells and orders for her to give up the chase now began to permeate the atmosphere, blocking out the whispering hollow screeches of the wind. 
 Caelan glanced down at the Rakshasa. There was a familiar low hum she recognized emitting from the weapon. Her brows furrowed, trying to recall where she had heard the sound before. The humming grew until the noise reverberated through the arm that was holding onto the handle. Caelan winced from the growing strength. 
 “What are you trying to tell me?” Caelan muttered to the weapon. She felt crazy. As if a weapon could talk back. Then again, knowing who the swords master was, Caelan knew anything was possible. 
 “We need to disappear! We need to make ourselves small,” Kurt was rambling horrified nothings, his legs trembled and almost gave out on themselves as he held onto Caelan. 
 That’s when Caelan connected the dots. Her eyes widened as the memory of Ardyn teleporting her to the Scepter the day they were ambushed by the Einherjar processed through her head along with Ardyn’s words of how he was able to pull it off. Her body remembered what it was like, feeling fuzzy everywhere. As if every part of her being fell asleep at once then suddenly jolted with a powerful thump.
 “Kurt, make sure you’re holding onto me. Close your eyes.” 
 “Just do it!” Caelan ordered. She grimaced feeling Kurt’s grip become tight on her arm. Caelan visualized the Scepter, where she parked it and in particular the energy coming from the Ashenhorn herd that were close by. How they were relaxing by a rock formation, preparing to turn in for the night. The image was serene by all accounts compared to the hell she had encountered this night. 
 A powerful rocking hit Caelan’s chest, letting out a pained gasp while her body become heavy. The humming pulsed in her ears, and all the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. Caelan couldn’t register a sound. Nothing but all her blood and every nerve shooting off like stars falling across the cosmos. It was only when she had an epiphany that Kurt was no longer holding onto her arm that Caelan opened up her eyes. 
 Everywhere was dark, save for the stars that lit the way for night travelers of Eos. Blinking rapidly, she looked around. There were no search lights on her form, nor was there a screaming echo of alarms. Up ahead in the distance, Caelan squinted her eyes and noticed the Ashenhorn herd from afar. The enormous rhinoceros like beasts yawned and stretched. Their heavy breaths reverberating through their large lungs as they enjoyed slumber. 
 “Oh my gods, oh my gods you did it!” Kurt exclaimed, snapping Caelan out of her focus while feeling the old man grasping her shoulders. Kurt was jubilant as he cried, pulling Caelan into a tight embrace. She ignored the pain of his palm pressing nearby the gunshot wound, smiling big as she let out a sigh of relief. 
 “Guess I did,” Caelan murmured with pride. She watched Kurt sprint over to her car, assuming the Scepter was hers and fell upon his knees. The old man shouted a plethora of prayers and praises to the Astrals. Caelan knew based on her time with Ardyn, Kurt’s generous words wouldn’t mean a damn thing to the celestials. If they were still out there somewhere. Nevertheless, she dare not take this away from Kurt. He deserved his celebrations. His joyful hoots and hollers reminiscent of when Caelan finally escaped her old life. She could visualize herself on her knees much like Kurt. Screaming her heart out that she was no longer part of the Einherjar. Screaming to whatever was listening that she was done.
 Caelan felt compelled to look down at the Raksasha. The crimson color of its body briefly illuminated a lighter shade of red before returning to normal. Shaking her head out of disbelief, Caelan smiled down at the blade. 
 “Ardyn,” She murmured, wondering if he truly was behind saving them. His words about knowing if she used the blade or not echoed through her mind. Seeing him again soon brought a great comfort. 
 Hours later, the first rays of the sun began to shine through the Scepter as Caelan drove. Kurt was wide awake, not able to sleep as he was too enamored to see everything outside of the prison walls he had been accustomed to for a year. The old man radiated an innocent warmth Caelan could relate to once upon a time, when she was a child before her crownsguard training commenced. She couldn’t help but observe him every once in a while, and wondered if she would feel the absolute joy he was experiencing one day. 
 “You holding up okay?” Kurt asked and gestured to the wound points on her body, breaking Caelan out of her thoughts as she nodded. 
 “Nothing I can’t handle,” Caelan said with a faint smile. “My friend that’s waiting with your wife can help me.” 
 “He’s a doctor?” Kurt asked curiously. 
 “More or less. Doesn’t have a medical license, but he’s great.” Caelan shrugged with a laugh, letting out a wince. The bullet wound wasn’t too deep in her arm but enough to strain nearby muscle tissue. “What are you going to do when you see Florens again?” 
 Kurt let out a puff of air. Uncertainty twisted his features as the wrinkles on his forehead became more pronounced. 
 “To tell you the truth, I’m not sure. There’s not many ways to say ‘I love you and I won’t leave you again’. There also aren't enough ways to say I’m sorry I left you waiting.” Kurt answered, rubbing the back of his scalp. He made a face, catching a whiff of his scent. He could feel a years worth of grime and debris caked on the back of his neck and grimaced. Self consciousness pulled at him with a painful grasp. 
 “I apologize for stinking up your car.” 
 “I’m not offended,” Caelan reassured. The smell coming off of him was atrocious, and she couldn't bring herself to say anything about it. “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me or anyone. Not after what you’ve been through.” 
 “What’s going to happen now?” Kurt asked.
 “What do you mean? I’m going to take you home, back to your wife.” 
 “I mean are you going to notify Lucian officials about what’s really going on at Formouth?” 
 Caelan went silent as she contemplated. Taking in a deep breath, she glanced over at Kurt with uncertainty. 
 “I have photographs I took initially before retrieving you. I’m not sure what I can do after, or who I can trust with this information.”
 “Because you are wanted?” Kurt watched as Caelan visibly swallowed. He could see her fingertips grip the steering wheel more tightly as he made a face. A content sigh left him as he slouched back against the car seat. 
 “I won’t tell a soul about you,” Kurt said sincerely, his dark eyes and honest smile met Caelan’s worried look as she nodded. 
 “You could get a lot of gil turning me in,” Caelan forewarned. “Florens and you could live a good life to make up for the year you spent in hell. I’m up there in reputation like the chief said.” 
 “That may be true,” Kurt nodded in agreement. “But if you were a terrible person, there’s no way you would’ve risked it all to save a crippled old man. A life for a life: you gave me mine back, let me allow you to keep yours.”
 Caelan couldn’t help but smile wide from the compliment. She hadn’t heard such a thing in years. She fought the urge to correct him, that he was giving her life back, but alas decided against it. Her eyes began to water as she sighed, catching Kurt's attention as he smiled her way. The unruly hairs of his beard smoothed down as he took a hand and carded through.
 “You know how Florens and I met?” Kurt asked as Caelan shook her head, wiping away at her eyes as the old man sighed contently. 
 “We met outside of Pallinor. She lost her first husband to imperials during the war. I traveled from Niflheim to sell wares and attempt to bridge community between fellow imperials and Lucians at the colonies near. It didn’t pave well, you can imagine.” Kurt chuckled as Caelan grinned, keeping her eyes on the road. 
 Kurt cleared his throat. “We met at a survivors group, for people who have lost loved ones during the war. Either side was welcome to join. That night, she shared what happened to her husband and my heart went out to her. I shared that I had lost my brother and several cousins. We hit it off after the session, and had been joined at the hip since then.”
 Caelan felt a calm wash over her, hearing a heartwarming tale. It had been a long time since she had a conversation this sincere with another person, and she treasured it. There were questions that came to mind that had her worried about what Kurt and Florens went through. 
 “If you don’t mind me asking,” Caelan started. “Did you guys face much prejudice being together?” 
 “Oh honey,” Kurt let out a tired laugh, his throat sore from being parched. “You don’t know the half of it! Florens family, they were shocked considering what she had lost to Niflheim, but once they met me, I was more than welcomed. It’s a shame they perished during Insomnia’s fall. I miss them terribly at times. My family on the other hand despised our relationship. Hated Lucians. They gave me an ultimatum: return home and be with them, or remain in Lucis and never come back. The choice was rather simple for me. I chose her.” 
 “No regrets?” Caelan teased as Kurt grinned, shaking his head. 
 “None whatsoever,” He admitted then breathed deeply. To say he felt overwhelmed was an understatement. Tears were threatening to leave his eyes, but alas he decided against it. He had already done enough crying for one night since Caelan broke him out of the Formouth. 
 “So, your friend from Niflheim,” Kurt began as Caelan looked at him from the corner of her eye. 
 “What about him?” Caelan asked, taking note of the slight smirk on Kurt’s exhausted features. 
 “How did you two meet?” Kurt asked 
 Caelan made a face, letting out a yawn while attempting to keep her eyes focused on the road. As the dawn began to break through, she started to realize how utterly exhausted her body was becoming. They would need to stop at some point so she could sleep. 
 “We met at Galdin Quay. He wants to go to Insomnia to see the king. It’s kind of a big deal for him. Huge fan as you can imagine. I offered him a ride.” Caelan debated with herself, deciding to withhold some details about her and Ardyn’s first meeting, especially anything that could give away he was the former chancellor. Caelan wondered if Kurt saw Ardyn, would he recognize him. Alas she continued, putting the thought away for the time being. 
 “Anyway, we got side tracked from the main journey. We've been traveling all over Lucis. Sight seeing mostly.” 
 “Ah, does he know about your past?” Kurt questioned as Caelan gave a nod. 
 “He knows enough,” Caelan murmured. “Why?” 
 “You should share more with him,” Kurt said as a matter of fact. “Not that it’s any of my business, but we imperials are good at that sort of thing. Listening.” 
 “Well, you’ve never met Adrian. He's not someone I'd trust with a license in therapeutic practices.” Caelan let out a snort. It still felt weird using Ardyn’s alias. She reminded herself to ask Ardyn where he came up with it. Same thing with Izunia. The name seemed out of left field coming from him.  
 “Tell me more about him.” Kurt mused, watching Caelan closely. 
 “He’s a bit eccentric. Vain. He drives me crazy. Nine times out of ten it’s at my expense. He can be a jerk, doesn’t know when to shut up, interrogates and pry's, I highly dislike him,” Caelan was smiling from ear to ear, unaware of it as Kurt observed her. 
 “Adrian’s not bad, no. He’s helped me more than anyone has in years. Saved my neck too.” 
 “You sound like you enjoy that.” Kurt chuckled teasingly. 
 “I don’t think I like what you’re implying, gramps.” Caelan said bluntly. 
 “There’s no implication on my end when your reactions have been plenty.” 
 Caelan could feel her cheeks burn from the remark. Her pulse rose a little, thinking about Ardyn in the sort of light Kurt was hinting at. She let out a disgruntled sigh, hands gripping the steering wheel a little more tighter than she usually would. 
 “There’s a pit stop ten miles ahead. We can refuel, get you some new clothes, and rest.” Caelan said, trying to change the subject. 
 “Take it from an old man, you should tell Adrian how much he means to you.” 
 “I’m not going to enlighten this any further,” Caelan said bitterly. Talking about Ardyn in this context had some unknown seeds begin to plant in Caelan’s mind. She briefly recalled when they were hunting the Behemoth, how she saw him undress at the spring. Her eyes looking a little too much at his body. Blinking several times, she felt her face growing hotter by the second. It was wrong to linger like that, especially regarding someone who would be considered her captive. If there was anyway Caelan could have pulled the car over and slapped herself, she would’ve done so. 
 Kurt merely shook his head, looking out the window as he closed his eyes. Enjoying the warm rays of the sun hit his skin. Everyday he had been allowed in the courtyard to bask in the warmth, he always imagined Florens embracing him. He couldn’t believe how close he was to the dream becoming reality. 
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 6: Healers Touch
**Let me know if you want to be tagged in updates. 
Readers: @seradyn​
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Caelan could feel her lungs wanting to catch aflame. The air within Insomnia, once pristine was now ransacked with smoke and debris. With every step she took, more ash would fly around. She tried her best to keep her steps small while traversing through the city center and all its broken homes and mangled towers. Caelan’s eyes began to water as every so often she’d step over body parts. Feet, arms, an occasional head. Appendages that were once part of a living breathing person.
Julian had told her to stay put in the Pax District when the first of the bombs went off in the citadel during the treaty signing. Caelan didn’t protest while her father joined the rest of the crownsguard to defend their king. She stayed put while preparing herself to fight. The TV in the background of their residence blaring as reporters desperately tried to keep up with the chaos unfolding. It wasn’t long until the TV died, along with most of the power and then she could hear Niflheim troops begin to occupy the Pax District. Caelan knew her only shot at safety at this point was being near her father. So she disobeyed orders and left Pax. Fear and duty keept her alive as she tried to shut out the terrors unfolding around her home.
Caelan ran at first, going through the back alleys and passages that only young folk could truly traverse. Her mind cancelling out the screams and barked orders from Niflheim soldiers. Caelan’s adrenaline was high as she stopped to catch her breath, then heard the booming echo of a Niflheim Dropship fly overhead. Her neck and head turned to follow, seeing the large machine was flying towards the same destination as she was headed.
For what seemed like hours, Caelan braved through hordes of strangers and dodged bumping into magitek troops. Eventually she found herself in the present. Walking among the remains of Insomnia and the home of the king. Caelan coughed as she drew close to the epicenter, flames from the attack still carrying on their light without having much to hold onto. The groans then started to sneak into her ears. The pleads and broken cries of citizens and troops under rubble creating a haunting melody as she prayed to the Astrals her father wasn’t among the dead.
“Zamfir,” A familiar voice though croaked and broken radiated in Caelan’s ears. She followed the sound, then came across a member of Julian’s Einherjar. The thirty two year old was trapped under a huge piece of rubble that once belonged to a monument. His legs were beyond recognition. She couldn’t even make out if he had feet. Once the initial horror passed through Caelan’s vision, she was quick to meet his side.
“Hector!” Caelan didn’t care that she broke protocol and honors of her fellow crownsguard. He had been a huge part of her life. One of her father’s finest.
“Hector,” Caelan’s eyes rapidly glanced over him, trying to conjure up a plan to get him out. She then started ripping away chunks of debris here and there, but alas there was only so much the body of a 14 year old could handle. Regardless of her training. She panted heavily, removing another large piece as Hector shook his head against the ground.
“Zamfir, please stop.”
“I can’t give up! I’m gonna get you out!” Caelan pleaded. She rose once more, only to let out a gasp as Hector grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled Caelan to her knees.
“Zamfir, it’s okay.” His voice choked out as Caelan shook her head in protest. Her whole body quaked as emotions of sadness and rage took hold of her heart.
“The king is dead, Zamfir--” Hector paused, choking on his own bile as he used every last bit of his strength to relay what happened and what had become of everyone so they weren’t mere lost ghosts to Lucis. The truth of what happened would be known to someone, even if they were still a child.
“They’re gonna say some awful thing about us---that Lucis started it. The treaty, it was a trick. They took the crystal. They took everything. Insomnia is no longer ours. Find your father, and get out of here. Go as far as you can. They’re--they’re rounding up crownsguard and their children as we speak.”
Caelan’s eyes widened in horror at the news. The gravity of the situation within Insomnia had now become more apparent to her.
“Cae, did you hear me?” Hector raised his voice, snapping Caelan out of her thoughts as she nodded. With that, Hector smiled.
“Atta girl,” His right hand coated with his own blood reached up and caressed Caelan’s face. She instinctively grabbed a hold of it, squeezing the flesh tight as the remainder of Hectors life began to leave.
The piercing sound of a bullet meeting between Hector’s skull caused Caelan to suddenly turn around, her spear summoned as she screamed aloud at Hector’s killer ready to impale whoever it was. She hesitated seeing a familiar face, her fingers trembled against the shaft of her weapon as warmth in her father’s cold eyes showed themselves for the first time in years.
“Dad,” Caelan mouthed. She watched as he stepped past, ignoring her altogether as he knelt before Hector with his head bowed and eyes closed.
“Duty by blood and duty by faith. Be with the Gods and our late king, Custos Hector, Ad Astra.”
Julian made the gestures of the rites with his hands, his voice solemn as he closed Hector’s eyes. He was careful to put the handgun away on his belt, then turned to face Caelan. There was a long silence between the two as Julian registered that she was alive. That somehow throughout the calamity that transpired, his daughter hadn't met the hands of death.
“I thought I told you to remain in Pax.” Julian said firmly, curbing whatever emotions threatened to breach his stoic exterior. Disappointment lingered in his gaze as he watched Caelan stumble on her words.
“I--I--Pax was overtaken. I was scared you were dead, dad. I came to find you and--”
“Don’t disobey me again, Zamfir.” Julian commanded. His voice rose as he watched Caelan quickly bow to him.
“Sir, I am apologetic. I thought I could help!”
“Like you helped August and Aila?” Julian bitterly yelled as the gore around them triggered memories of the last time the Nifs took something precious away. He stopped himself short, seeing Caelan wince as she kept her head low. Her sobs now becoming prominent. Though Julian blamed her with every fiber of his being, he couldn’t fully disown the instincts he had as a father to show his child things would be alright. That she was safe for now.
“I thought I lost you.” Taking in a deep breath, for the first time in years, Julian pulled Caelan into a tight embrace. Ignoring the commotion around them to show that he still loved her despite being harsh.
The kind gesture only lasted for precious moments, and when Julian pulled away his commanding presence returned. Julian knew from this point forward he could no longer afford to be sentimental. If he was to become judge, jury and executioner, he had to give up what was left of his heart. It was the only way to beat Niflheim at their game.
“Zamfir, we need to evacuate as many Insomnian’s as possible. Then we’re going to round up whoever is left of the Einherjar, and we’re going to bring the men responsible for this to justice. We’re going to avenge Custos, your mother, brother, everyone that the Nifs took. ”
“Justice?” Caelan murmured, watching as the last sparks of humanity in Julian’s eyes died along with King Regis and the rest of the city.
“That’s right, justice.”
Caelan shot up from sleep in a cold sweat. Her breathing irregular for a few moments as she registered being awake. Calming breaths soon took over as Caelan pushed back strand hairs out from her face. There was a painful throb that followed suit, and her eyes glanced to her left shoulder seeing the clean dressing that had been applied.
This must’ve been Ardyn’s doing . Caelan thought to herself as she blinked, getting a good look around. The familiar texture of the tent was a comfort. A strong smell of petrichor went through her nose as she breathed. Furrowing her brows out of curiosity, Caelan unzipped the opening of the tent. The light from the sun briefly blinded her as she crawled out. Her mind taking in the new scenery as a landscape of trees and foliage hit her. Wherever Ardyn had made camp, they were long gone out of the Leide region. There was no trace of the desert within her field of vision.
“Ah, you’re awake!” Ardyn’s voice made Caelan cringe for a moment. The action didn’t go unnoticed as he laughed, standing in front of her as she looked up.
“You’re blocking out the sun,” Caelan muttered unenthusiastic as Ardyn shrugged.
“They didn’t call me the bringer of darkness for nothing,” He teased and then crouched to get on level with her. He had a cup of something warm in his right hand, careful to balance himself as he looked her over.
“How are you fairing?” Ardyn asked as he handed the cup to Caelan. His lips contorting into a mischievous smile seeing the look of disgust that flocked to Caelan’s face when she caught a whiff of the concoction he had brewed.
“I feel like I blacked out from being stabbed, that’s what.” Caelan said bitterly, and then glanced between Ardyn and the drink. To say she was cautious was an understatement as memories of Ardyn daemonified came to her head, along with the fact the tea or whatever it was, had a strong earthy scent comparable to moist dirt.
“What is this stuff?” Caelan asked.
“An old remedy from my time,” Ardyn said with a certain fondness that had Caelan ease up. He then sat down, legs too tried to keep crouched. “It helps replenish blood. I promise I won’t poison you.”
Caelan rolled her eyes, then with a sigh decided to try and drink it with a quick gulp. She stopped halfway. The taste was rather potent as she cringed. A shudder traveled down her spine as her tongue began to tingle. The look of disgust she displayed had Ardyn more amused as he shook his head, his features akin to a parent that was proud their child finally took their medicine.
“Where are we right now?” Caelan asked calmly, her eyes glancing around further.
“We are near the Slough region. I decided to take the Scepter off road to avoid further run ins with your former compatriots.” Ardyn looked straight ahead, his brows knitted as he let a sigh escape.
“You okay?” Caelan asked.
“I’m good, yes.” For the past two days while Caelan recovered and he as well, Ardyn had been rehearsing what he was going to say to her upon waking. Now that the opportunity presented itself, he wasn’t so certain about sticking to a script. Much less knew what he wanted to talk about now.
“Back at the checkpoint, when I was fighting Tempus I saw that you looked drained.” Caelan began. Ardyn’s attention on her now as she continued. “Like whatever outburst of energy that initially set you off was fading away fast. Was it the weapons, the royal arms?”
Ardyn, for as relieved as he was that Caelan decided to steer the direction of the conversation, felt mixed. He was reluctant to share details regarding what happened, yet Ardyn also toyed with the idea of getting a second perspective on the issue.
“The arsenal was draining my life force,” Ardyn admitted. “The royal arms extract a heavy toll from their user. The phantom limbs of former dead kings. Back when I fought Noctis, and the Astral Bahamut, I didn’t have to pay the price. Now it seems the debt has caught up with me.”
Caelan contemplated his words for a time. “So you’re not immortal after all?”
“Yes and no,” Ardyn responded. “I think there is a limitation placed upon me. To what extent, I’m unaware. The cut on my cheek healed fast, but slow in comparison to what I am normally acquainted with.”
The uncertainty in his voice had Caelan wondering just how confident Ardyn was about his theory. It didn’t take long for her to reach a conclusion.
“You could technically off yourself with the royal arms without having to see the king.” Caelan offered, though she was quick to add further. “I don’t mean for that to sound cruel, but its an option if you still want to die without going through the trouble of reaching Insomnia.”
“I did think about that,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. “Though two factors came into play: one, I’m quite certain my grand nephew has to make sure its permanent, or another Caelum blood. Secondly, I didn’t feel it would be polite to leave you with a corpse to dispose of.”
“How very generous of you.” Caelan teased. Though there was a sincerity in her tone that matched Ardyn’s as he explained himself. She smiled as he chuckled at the remark. They both quietly regarded one another for a time.
“May I ask about what happened with your father?” Ardyn piped up, being mindful not to sound too nosey despite the topic dragging on his mind since Caelan blacked out. He was about to downplay himself, offer a later time in the day while she got her bearings, but Caelan had beaten him to it as she raised a hand to him and shook her head.
“It’s as I said. I killed him.” Caelan’s voice was numb as she confessed. Her eyes drifting up to the tall branches of the various trees within their camping post. “After Insomnia fell, Julian went on a murderous rampage and hitched me along for the ride with the Einherjar unit. He murdered many imperials. Individuals or families, it didn’t matter. So I put a stop to it.”
“So you didn’t partake in his bloodshed?” Ardyn asked.
“My hands aren’t completely clean,” Caelan admitted, knitting her brows as she felt her mind wanting to travel back to a memory she wasn’t prepared to check in with. Shaking her head she sighed. Brushing it off for the time being. She didn’t have the energy to reconcile with what she had to do to survive being around Julian.
“I’m not in a place to share that right now, and I understand that you’d think low of me.”
Ardyn shook his head, offering a solemn smile. “I’d be a hypocrite considering the many I’ve slain and the role I played in your unfortunate circumstances. Being the chancellor, I helped orchestrate the false treaty.”
“So it was you,” Caelan’s voice grew firm as Ardyn tensed. “Julian told me I should’ve been wary of you and all the imperials that came to Insomnia that day, that much I remember from back then. Everything that happened to me after the fact was your fault. You were the catalyst.”
“He was a smart man,” Ardyn returned a serious gaze, though he became contemplative. "For the record, there were certain initiatives in our little coup that I didn't play a hand in."
"Such as?" Caelan asked, tone clearly indicating she wasn't buying his words.
Ardyn furrowed his brows, a soft glare coming to his features upon her reaction. "The murder of crownsguard and their kin as a matter of fact. I'm sure you are aware of what happened to the ones rounded up that night Insomnia fell. Assuming you were present that unfortunate day."
Caelan's eyes widened some as she fixated her gaze upon Ardyn. A quiet yet tense sigh escaping her breath as she gave a nod.
"Who could forget? It's not everyday you see kids you trained with having their heads on pikes." Caelan simply replied. She wasn't sure of how to carry on the conversation as memories of the night Julian and her escaped traveled across her mind. It was a terrifying ordeal. So many had been slain for no good reason, and yet the Niflheim officials managed to spin a web of lies stating the crownsguard, the glaive, anyone associated with it were attempting to cause trouble or harm others. The unfortunate matter was so many people, including fellow Lucians fell for it.
A question danced in Ardyn's head as he kept his eyes on Caelan. He braced himself before unleashing it.
“What is your gut telling you right now, about me?”
Caelan was stumped by the inquiry. Not expecting the conversation to take this sort of direction. However she found herself checking in with her instincts. There was a long pause as a battle took place inside herself. Despite there being many warnings, and traumas wanting to steer Caelan elsewhere, she settled on a singular truth that felt real.
“My gut is telling me that if there was a part of you that didn’t feel remorseful, you never would’ve told me your involvement.”
Ardyn was taken back, yet he held his composure. An amused huff escaped him as he looked elsewhere.
“You’re quite perceptive.”
“So, where does this leave us?” Caelan asked.
“Beg pardon?”
“Well, I’m your shield. You still want to get to Insomnia, right? With my baggage out in the open, it won’t be easy. We’ll have to travel around for a bit and lose the Einherjar. Not to mention the Accordo and Lucis troops hunting war criminals.”
“You’re still going to help me?” Ardyn was visibly confused. His tone further conveyed it as Caelan shrugged.
“Yeah, I mean I got nothing better to do than running away from my problems, per usual.” Caelan said bluntly.
“It's honorable, considering what were discussing just now. However, I’m not sure this is a good arrangement for either of us. I’m certain your adversaries are going to spread rumors about my reappearance thus casting a bigger shadow upon you. You’d do well without me lurking close.” Ardyn admitted. Recalling this is what he wanted to talk about in the first place, what he had rehearsed upon. The irony didn’t leave him, that things were coming full circle.
“I think you’re wrong,” Caelan said. Her tone exuding a confidence as she continued. “Look at this way, we’re both not liked by any kingdoms--”
“An understatement, I’m sure.” Ardyn joked, nonetheless he was serious too.
“Anyway,” Caelan suppressed a laugh. “We stand a better chance making it to Insomnia together. You said so yourself, the Einherjar are probably going to open their mouths about you then you’ll be in the hot seat just as bad as me. Then you’re still reconciling with the fact your powers have deteriorated. There’s no point in flying solo at this rate. I still want to be pardoned, and if you can help me with that, I’m not giving up so easily delivering you to the king.”
“Ah, there it is. The catch.” Ardyn mused. “You still want to turn me in for your own selfish needs, and not out of the kindness of your heart to help this old soul rest in peace?”
“I--” Caelan made a face, feeling another bout of inner conflict begin to rise. She only snapped out of it when Ardyn laughed.
“You made some fair points,” Ardyn interrupted before Caelan could say anything further. “I suppose you’re stuck with me a little longer.”
“Don’t get it wrong, I’m not going to treat you any better. I was kind and put up with your horseplay because I assumed you’d be out of my hair by now.” Caelan said defensively. Not wanting to give away that she was actually relieved this ‘trip’ wasn’t over.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Ardyn smirked. He then adjusted where he was sitting on the ground, scooting closer to Caelan. His hands reached out to her shoulder, the wounded one, causing her to hiss. A sharp pain radiated down her nerves as she was tempted to shoo him off until Ardyn held his right hand up.
“I want to heal that arm of yours now that you’re awake.” Ardyn made his intentions clear as Caelan appeared confused at his statement.
“Why didn’t you do that when I was knocked out?” Caelan asked fairly. “I’d think that would be an easier time for you.”
“Not when I am unsure about my ability,” Ardyn admitted. “I haven’t properly healed anyone for thousands of years. I need to be certain if I hurt you. Can’t well voice your opinion on the matter if you’re out cold.”
“Have you done this on anyone else?” Caelan watched as Ardyn began to undress her bandages. His focus was entirely on the wound and nothing else. Much like the doctors Caelan had met a few times in her life when crownsguard training had nearly cost her an arm and leg.
“As of late, no. Save for an animal with an injured leg.” Ardyn said nonchalant. He carefully lifted the gauze on the cut as Caelan cried out. The material from the soiled piece had stuck onto what little scabbing her wound created.
“This won’t daemonify me, right? I don’t know if that’s true or not, but word of mouth said you could do that years ago. Turn people into monsters.” Caelan couldn’t help but ask, feeling the gentle hand of fear creep into the back of her head.
“Look at me,” Ardyn’s tone hardened. The authoritative cadence he carried had Caelan instantly looking up at him with no hesitation. The action was rather primal on her part.
“If there was any chance I could daemonify living things once again, I’d be insane to offer healing you.” Ardyn spoke earnestly. His eyes were burning into Caelan’s, making the situation all the more intense. Once he had a good indication she understood the grimness of his words, Ardyn focused on the cut. The entirely of his left palm covering it as he squeezed.
Colorful words escaped Caelan as Ardyn’s grip applied more pressure. She could feel the pain of the full injury down to the bone of her shoulder blade. It was almost as if Tempus once more jiggled a knife into her flesh and twisted. Seconds later, a pleasant warmth enveloped the spot and began to radiate through her body. It was a satisfying numbness, as if a hand had gone inside of her body and kneaded out every sore muscle, tissue, and vessel at the point of impact.
As soon as the sensations came, they easily went as Ardyn withdrew his hand. Caelan’s brows knitted as she immediately turned her gaze to where the wound once was. There was nothing left, nothing even remote as a scar.
“Wow, that was--” Caelan’s breath hitched as she met Ardyn’s eyes. Seeing that they were pitch black save his signature golden irises. He didn’t say a word. Only watched her.
Once the initial shock wore off, Caelan couldn’t help but turn her attention to Ardyn’s left shoulder. It seemed to throb with pain as he did his best to remain neutral, but it became increasingly clear he wanted to wince or do something to take the edge off. Nevertheless, he shifted around Caelan and made his way inside of the tent, minding to zip the entrance up.
“I’m going to take a nap. Try not to disturb me.” Ardyn’s voice was icy as he lied down on this left side and curled up.
“Are you going to be--”
“Cahl, please.” Ardyn pleaded with a growl. “I need some time alone.”
Caelan dismissed herself from as far away from the tent as she could be. Once she was several feet off to the side, she rubbed the back of her head. There was still so much that needed to be discussed, and much planning to do. Though Caelan was the one to initiate they work together again, she would be lying if she wasn’t nervous about the whole thing.
As her reminiscent dream from before started to seep into her thoughts, Caelan took in a deep breath. Maybe this whole situation with Ardyn was yet another sign. That she needed to find the courage within herself to confront the Einherjar, and bring them to justice as a crownsguard would. She briefly allowed herself to play with the idea, imagining dragging Tempus and the rest of Julian’s followers to the king or anyone who would listen and had power to change her fate. No, now was not the time to be thinking of idealistic expectations. Not when she was still a damn coward.
Caelan alas shook her head, the thoughts drifting away with each swipe as she decided to walk to the nearest gas station and grab something to eat at the Mini-Mart. She did stop to turn her head back to the tent, wondering if Ardyn truly needed to sleep before pressing on.
Ardyn meanwhile had been watching. A small section of the tents entryway unzipped, he was able to see that Caelan had left. Once she was out of the vicinity, he curled up on the sleeping mat and quaked.
There was no way he could keep his daemonic powers from leaking out. Not at this rate. The energy from her wound seemed to stir said powers up further. It didn’t take long to realize Caelan had been scared of him because of his eyes changing. He didn’t like the way she looked at him.
Ardyn closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath to focus on himself. There were no other voices. No sniveling creatures with only a primal impulse to consume and purge echoing through his brain. Yet it brought no comfort and only more questions than answers. The only comfort Ardyn took from this, was that he knew he couldn't turn people or living things into bloodthirsty creatures. The scourge couldn't be passed from him as far as he was aware.
Maybe he’d never know why he remained cursed. The thought troubled Ardyn to no end as he attempted to not dwell on the fact that Insomnia would be a distant memory for now.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 1: Resurrection
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The first thing the lifeless body felt was the air. How cold and rigid the environment was. Much like a newborn taking in its first experience post-birth, it reacted with a shudder. There was no consciousness in the body; no ego to pilot the suit of meat. Not yet at least, as the body began to turn itself back on like a switch to a light. Little by little, systems began to reboot.
Ardyn tensed. His skin was littered with goosebumps as instinctive whimpers escaped past his pale lips. Sensations long thought extinct began to awaken as his lungs beseeched him to take in a deep breath. The rush of blood to his heart was enough to cause Ardyn to stir though he was still under the illusion of death. The dark was comforting much like a mother's womb, where there was a potential yet dreamless sleep. No, not yet…he for the briefest of seconds thought aloud before he went back to being nothing.
A blank slate of darkness within a half-dead corpse began to blossom into a mind, with memories pouring like water over a broken dam. Bloodshed, hope, familiar faces, and monstrous creatures rapidly encroached, infecting the calm void with a chaotic dance of colors. The only means of escaping the sudden influx was to open his eyes and acknowledge the truth he had been desperately trying to cling away from; he was alive once more. By the curse of the Gods, he was alive yet again.
“N-no,” Ardyn whispered to himself. His breathing became more labored. “N-no. Not again. Not after--I’m--n-no…”
Alive . The word ran amok in his head. Everything about it from tone to definition felt wrong in the core of his being. This had to be a mistake. Some cruel joke. One last laugh from the Astrals. That or his great nephew the would-be king screwed something up to make this wretched curse come to pass once more. God, he felt enraged. Though the anger served to mask the deep sadness Ardyn had dwelling within himself. His dignity had been taken away yet again. His autonomy was cast into the wind without care, much like how his naked body felt. It added further insult to injury, not being resurrected with clothes this time around.
Ardyn managed to flail onto his left side weakly and threw up, curled in a fetal position as his mind began to process how he got from point A to point B. Ardyn was used to pain in his previous life, but this time around it felt as if his body had been beaten to a pulp, something that was a foreign concept to him in all his 2,000 years of being immortal. It hurt to move, and it hurt much more to think about anything else other than the pain of being a living creature.
Hours laying on his side passed, and Ardyn began to feel the cloudiness of his mind settle, unlike the sea storm currently ravaging Angelgard. There was something off about his retention nonetheless. He could recall the final battle. How Noctis, himself, and Lunafreya took down Bahamut and brought the dragon god to his knees. The bitter feud between himself and Somnus which resulted in the loss of his love Aera, a split kingdom, anger, and retribution from 2,000 years ago. His time as a Chancellor of Niflheim and the schemes he concocted to ensure his revenge against the Lucis bloodline. It was all there. His tragic story from beginning to end like one large textbook had been rebooted in his brain, but he felt there were missing pages. Chunks of text missing from the overall picture.
It slowly began to dawn on Ardyn that his mind was much more quiet than usual. The voices of thousands that he had daemonified in the past were not present, not sharing centuries of information at his beck and call. He may still be a cursed immortal, but his brain belonged to that of one man--himself. Ardyn wasn’t sure if he should be overjoyed or scared shitless at the fact. Both came naturally to him as he wrapped his arms around himself, a vain attempt to keep his body warm from the cold.
It didn’t take long until Ardyn was screaming at the top of his lungs until they felt like a fire had caught hold of them. The sorrow in his heart was too great to keep locked away. He had never felt so broken in a long time. Not since the night, he had been condemned to Angelgard and whatever was left of his loved ones were struck down by Somnus's most loyal like his beloved Aera. He bellowed until not a sound would move past his lips, his throat ached from shrieking vocals that shouldn’t have left the body of a man.
“Why, why am I not allowed to rest?” Bitterness laced his voice as he swallowed. He didn’t know if there was an afterlife, or if he had been reunited with Aera. He couldn't remember. Nonetheless, the dreamless sleep had been a comforting friend for a period of time. He craved the void like an addict, and much like an addict who had his drug of choice taken away without consent, the withdrawal angered Ardyn with seething rage.
Rain from the coastal storm surrounding Angelgard gently caressed Ardyn’s skin. The sensation of the water cascading off the fine hairs on his body snapped him out of his stoic contemplations. He tiredly blinked. Aching groans left him as his body began to move of its own volition. He instinctively tilted his head back, opening his mouth to allow the drops of water from the sky to soothe the scratchy sensation on his tongue. It wasn’t much, but enough to jolt him further. Ardyn shivered as the storm picked up speed. The rain matched the tempo of his mind as he saw the irony in the fact he was resurrected at Angelgard yet again and defenseless.
“The damn gods…Noctis. How--how could you screw this up?” He hissed.
Ardyn contemplated whether or not he should get up and try to live again. There was no doubt his body was beginning to feel the first stages of hypothermia being out in the storm. The fumbling hands and utter exhaustion were indicators he was tiptoeing on the line of mortality. Perhaps if he merely waited for death, it would return him to its embrace. Even though he couldn’t recall an afterlife, he had a feeling Aera in some shape or form was waiting for him. He had to go back. If only for her.
As the minutes ticked on it began to seem less appealing to die in this fashion. Ardyn had perished many a time, but it wasn’t quite like this experience. So uncomfortable, and his pain tolerance felt weakened. It was almost as if he was a mere human once more and not the Adagium; the creature who never truly felt the strangle of mortality. There was also the creeping superstition that even if he succeeded, he’d just come back again. That was the last thing Ardyn wanted. To live through this hell over and over. He had to find the answers to his predicament. No matter how much he despised the situation.
With great resentment, Ardyn forced himself up. He let out a numbing groan as he stumbled to his feet. His skin felt hot and cold at the same time. Like fire and ice trying in vain to come to an agreement. His body swayed as it attempted to right itself. The clumsiness of his actions nearly caused him to topple as he trekked the environment. Goosebumps kissed his flesh, and he wished more than anything he had clothes to cover himself with. Hugging himself wasn’t doing much to sate the stinging sensation of the cold.
Ardyn’s vision blurred in and out as he came upon a clearing, and shock graced his features as he could see below there was a settlement of some kind. Lights illuminated in the dark as the storm raged on. At first, he thought it to be a comforting hallucination until there were only so many blinks he could perform to make the lights go away.
“This--can’t be right.” He said softly to himself.
Ardyn recognized he was on the island of Angelgard due to the strong petrichor scents and rugged terrain, but this was something he knew for sure didn’t exist the last time he was on Eos.
“How long has it been?” He asked aloud, knowing no one would answer for him.
A blinding flash of light hit the direction to his right. Ardyn snapped away from his thoughts to shield his eyes from the onslaught. A tightness surrounded the outer part of his pupils as he jumped back. Muddled voices flocked to his ears and he tried deciphering what was being said but to no avail. He hoped that whoever stumbled upon him wasn’t about to hitch his sorry hide back to Niflheim as a lab rat. Those seven months were hell being poked and prodded in the shallow labs Verstael ruled with an iron fist. Ardyn would’ve preferred being left to rot in the caves on this godforsaken island than to endure something akin to Verstael’s experiments once more.
“I asked if you’re okay!”
“I--” Ardyn was speechless as he began to register what was being shouted his way. He lowered his arm in time with the flashlight as it traveled over his body aside from his face. Ardyn could make out three men, one in his late fifties while the others appeared to be young twenty-somethings. Their attire was very much modern, which gave Ardyn’s mind some reprieve. He wasn’t too far into the future from the looks of things.
“I may have--ran into some trouble.” Ardyn forced himself to reply. Despite being utterly exhausted, he began to craft a lie to protect himself. Instinct told him he needed to keep a low profile until he could figure out what year he was in. So far he felt he was doing a poor job, but it seemed to be working on the older man as he approached.
“Damn. You cold, son? Here.” The old man took off his coat and wrapped it around Ardyn’s shoulders, making sure it didn’t slip off of. The man made sure to pat it down further so Ardyn was no longer exposed. The last thing anyone needed to see in town was a sickly naked guy no matter how humorous his tale might’ve been on how he got to that sorry state.
The warmth immediately had Ardyn sigh in relief as he shuddered into the soft material.
“Thank you,” Ardyn muttered, keeping his head down.
“Don’t mention it. What happened if you don’t mind me asking? Were you robbed?” The old man gestured as the two younger men watched on with caution.
Ardyn shook his head as his bottom lip trembled. Another wave of cold air from the storm hit him as he tried to bundle up more into the oversized coat.
“Afraid not. You see--I was shipwrecked. I lost everything.”
“Shipwrecked?” The old man made a face.
“Yes. Not the--brightest idea I had. Going into the storm from Galdin Quay.”
“You don’t say.” The old man shook his head. A disappointing sigh escaped his mouth, causing the fine hairs of his mustache to blow upward as he ignored the rain pouring hard on him. It wasn’t his first time hearing an experience such as this. Concern lingered in his voice as he questioned Ardyn further.
“Was there anyone else with you?”
“N-no. Just old me.” Ardyn replied.
“In that case, let’s get you to town. C’mon, the boys and I will give you a ride to an inn. Get you settled. Can you walk alright?”
Ardyn merely nodded, not in the mood for further conversation. He wanted nothing more than to curl up somewhere warm and not feel this miserable. Despite not giving an answer regarding if he needed assistance, the two men from afar came to his side and helped guide Ardyn to the truck. The times he stumbled, they helped him back onto his feet. These acts of kindness were a far cry from the Niflheim troops that dragged him out of the caves at Vestael’s command. The contrast in experiences was interesting to Ardyn, to say the least.
During the ride into town, Ardyn passed out in the backseat before the old man could pry further into his tragic tale of becoming stranded in a storm. His body fell into a deep slumber. Dreamless and dark. For a good while, Ardyn assumed he was dead until he awoke to the comfort of a soft bed. The sheets smelled floral as if they had been imbued in rose oil. The pleasant scent was enough to stir him from sleep. From afar, he could make out a window with the sun pouring in to greet him.
“I must’ve been out for hours,” Ardyn mumbled to himself. He turned to his side to enjoy more precious sleep, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door and a man with medical attire ventured in along with a woman whom Ardyn assumed was either a nurse or another medic.
“You’re awake!” The man greeted warmly. He pulled up a small stool nearby to Ardyn’s side of the bed and smiled.
If Ardyn had the energy to roll his eyes at the doctor’s happy-go-lucky demeanor, he would’ve and then some. A disgruntled groan left his lips. He sighed before speaking.
“I guess I am now,” Ardyn muttered, rubbing his head as he rose up. “I’m assuming I’m not at the inn?”
“Afraid not. You scared the people that brought you here. You wouldn’t budge when they’d try to wake you. How are you feeling? Are you comfortable?”
Ardyn nodded. He winced upon feeling something sharp in his upper left arm. He pulled back one of the blankets, seeing he was connected to an IV. His eyes followed the hollow tube and up to the sack of liquid hanging beside his bed. While he made his observations, the doctor continued to speak. Ardyn didn’t register a word, not in the headspace where he wanted to begin a long conversation. He was too tired for long-winded rants.
“How long has this been inside me?” Ardyn asked, ignoring the rambling of the doctor. He briefly looked the way of the nurse who had been taking notes and making small adjustments to the IV now. Suspicion was clear in his gaze, recalling when Verstael brought him back to base and lulled him into a sense of security before the experiments commenced.
The doctor furrowed his brows, slightly taken back by the change in discussion. “A few days. You were dehydrated and suffering hypothermia. It’s only fluids we gave to speed up your recovery, I assure you. You should be well for discharge this afternoon.”
Ardyn sighed in relief, closing his eyes for a moment. “Good.”
“You seem upset. Is this about what happened to your ship?” The doctor asked.
Ardyn raised a brow, his gaze looming over the man as if he had said something idiotic. He caught himself though, blinking a few times as he cleared his throat.
“You can say that,” Ardyn began then started to steer the conversation in his favor. “I’m not familiar with this side of the world, perhaps you could enlighten me. I didn’t know Angelgard had a town. I could recall it being too desolate for life to flourish on its soil.”
“Oh!” The doctor exclaimed. “You must be from Niflheim. Angelus Vitae has been functioning on the island now for five years. Many that were misplaced from the war between Lucis and Niflheim immigrated here after King Noctis purged the daemons from the world. This year we vote if we get sovereignty or not since we now have almost 3,000 people.”
“3,000?” Ardyn furrowed his brows.
“Yep! 3,000 and counting.”
Ardyn made a face. He could have sworn he had merely seen a few buildings. Not much of anything to qualify as a town or city. Then again he had just been brought back to life and wasn’t himself, nor was his mind as sharp as it could be especially on the night of his resurrection.
“Why did you assume I am from Niflheim?” Ardyn asked. His body tensed as if bracing itself for an impact, worried that perhaps the doctor knew who he was; the former chancellor who doomed everyone and everything for the sake of vengeance. He was caught off guard when the doctor kept smiling and remained calm, not knowing he was looking into the eyes of the Adagium.
“Many from Niflheim aren’t aware of Angelus Vitae, nor the other changes on this side of the world unless word of mouth travels. Did I mistake you for an immigrant?”
Ardyn shook his head, deciding to go along with the doc’s assumptions. “No, no you didn’t.”
“I understand it might be a little jarring in Lucis, especially with your country trying to patch itself up with the limited resources it has. Communication between all the kingdoms has been abysmal at times because of the damages the Astrals caused, but I believe it’ll get better.”
Ardyn quietly contemplated. So it seemed that the people of Lucis at least knew a piece of the truth, that the great Gods themselves were ready to condemn the world. He wondered to what extent Noctis and the rest had shared of their final battle. So many questions, and so little patience to deal with them.
Ardyn glanced towards the window, seeing some elegant trees from the distance swaying back and forth against the southern air. The storm he had fared had long passed. A mental one now took its place as Ardyn attempted to figure out how long it’s been since he died. Noctis was still a king, and it seemed that the world was in an alliance of sorts to fix up the mess the Astrals and Ardyn himself left behind. Culture shock didn’t necessarily capture how he felt, but it was close enough.
“I must tend to other patients. What’s your name? I need it so we can discharge you.”
Ardyn took in a deep breath, furrowing his brows as he watched the nurse leave the room after making a note on the chart by his bed that the IV had been adjusted. He scarcely felt anything, much less her presence due to distraction.
“Adrien,” He paused and debated with himself about using Izunia before settling on a different last name. His features softened while he picked the first thing that came to mind. “Adrien Calamitas.”
‘The next summit of the National Restoration Project (NRP), a global truce between all kingdoms to rebuild Eos post-starscourage, will be taking place within Insomnia’s borders. Representatives of King Noctis stated that discussions assisting Niflheim with returning running water to its citizens will be the first on the agenda, followed by announcing new immigration policies for Lucis. Provisions for those who were displaced by the war and the starscourage are expected to continue for the next three years, however, according to Insomnia’s treasury, it may run out sooner than expected.
“...Everyone’s hearts are in the right place, but the fact of the matter is that economically, Insomnia will not be able to take care of so many people at the rate we are spending.” A treasury spokesperson reported over the weekend.
“...The Lucis and Niflheim kingdoms played a hand in the suffering of many due to the years of contempt and war between lands. Insomnia will do its part to ensure that everyone, regardless of citizenship, will be taken care of in Lucis while the restoration of Eos continues.” King Noctis proclaimed in response to the treasury’s warning.
Accordo and Tenebrae will bring their agendas to the summit regarding territory borders and rebuilding their respective government's post-Niflheim rule. Queen Lunafreya is anticipated to give her feedback on Tenebrae’s governmental policies in the coming days.
First secretary Lady Camelia Claustra is continuing her efforts to find war criminals within the lands of Accordo. “...Our forces will stop at nothing until we have rounded up every last man who took advantage of the fall of not only our country but other nations due to the starscourage and the Lucis-Niflheim war. Justice will be swift and Accordo will deliver.”
Lady Camelia last month sent more men to the Lucis kingdom to work alongside King Noctis’s new Crownsguard to search for war criminals. The focus on finding crimes related to genocide remains first priority for Accordo troops.
The Niflheim Committee has reported that Lady Solara Aldercapt Antiquum, granddaughter of the late Emperor Aldercapt, has declined ascension to governing Niflheim. Lady Solara finalized the documents of her relinquishments this past Friday. A spokesperson from the Niflheim Committee stated the following, “...We are deeply saddened, nonetheless we acknowledge and support Lady Solara’s decision. Niflheim is undergoing many evolutions of change, and we will continue doing our part in making sure the needs of the people are spoken for until a new ruler or form of government will take its roots.”
Niflheim continues its struggle to bring clean water to its citizens. It is unknown what actions the Committee will take regarding governmental policy, but it is anticipated to be brought up at the summit.
Ardyn sighed, furrowing his brows as he attempted to digest the news that appeared on the small TV set within his hotel room. That was something that didn’t change within the last couple of years, how insufferable the media was reporting on every little thing. He could barely keep up with how rapid-fire subjects were lain out. It was convenient for kickstarting disdain between citizens and nations, but now being on the other side, Ardyn could understand why this was annoying.  
“At least everyone seems to be taking a break from trying to slaughter one another,” Ardyn said with relief as he turned off the television and sat at the edge of the bed, removing the new shoes he purchased recently.
The black boots were a far cry from what he had years ago, but they would help with the rough terrain outside of the Quay. His clothes were simple too. A white dress shirt, green trousers, and a long black coat reminiscent of his custom garb from Niflheim were all that he owned for the time being. He smirked some upon looking over the coat after shoving his boots to the right. He missed the old thing more than he thought he would.
Weeks flew in a blink of an eye for Ardyn as he settled in Galdin Quay upon leaving Angelus Vitae. To keep himself inconspicuous, he performed odd jobs around the outskirts until he could accommodate the new knowledge of the world to mind and find shelter. Ardyn hadn’t worked a regular job in ages, not since he was a boy. There was something nostalgic about not having to worry about the gripe of politics and living simply that he appreciated. He did miss some things from when he was chancellor, taking a break at his leisure for one thing.
Despite the contentment, struggles of a different sort appeared that Ardyn wasn’t used to. Without access to the memories of people he had corrupted with the starscourage, Ardyn had to adapt slowly to life. Learning the basics of how to work a phone among other advancements was beyond frustrating, especially when at one point in time it was second nature to him.
Ardyn recalled feeling like an idiot asking people in passing how to update his phone. Biologically, he was thirty-three, but at that moment, he felt he could’ve easily passed for being over 2,000. He was never one that felt self-conscious about his true age, but it seemed in this lifetime there was always something new to be discovered, and he had a hard time keeping up.
Stretching he reached for his phone. Ardyn looked at how many credits were left on his account with an app. His golden eyes for a second looked towards the nightstand where two previous phones were sitting at the top, smashed in due to stress from not figuring out how to use the blasted things. He hoped the third one would be the last for a while if he could keep his anger under control.
As he scrolled through his banking account, Ardyn was surprised that his earnings from being chancellor wasn’t confiscated during the restoration movement. Whoever was keeping tabs on Niflheim’s treasury department was doing a piss poor job. Despite how lazy he admitted himself to be with the task, Ardyn knew he could’ve called upon better security.
With a few calls, Ardyn was able to access some of the wealth he earned while serving the empire. It paid to be gifted with a silver tongue and able to concoct stories on the fly, lying to the workers that he was a former associate of the chancellor that was promised a sum for his services years back. The new war displacement policy in Lucis worked in Ardyn’s favor as well to get his money transferred to a new account. Alas, the funds weren’t enough to allow a life of luxury like he was accommodated to in Niflheim, but he could easily settle if indulgence was what he sought.
Putting the phone away, Ardyn relaxed into the bed and stared up at the ceiling. An empty space began to fill his heart as he made an attempt to relax after working a night job for some locals. He felt like a ghost living inside a body he didn’t recognize. A ghost who lost his way in life. Nothing inside. No heartbeat despite there being a pulse. No racing thoughts, only a peculiar numbness with a tunnel vision of morose feelings and regret nudging him closer to a precipice that was indescribable. The emotional pain of his resurrection felt excruciating despite how collected Ardyn appeared on the outside. He could easily be yelling at the top of his lungs, and no one would notice.
Everything he had done, from slaughtering whoever got in his way to manipulating the highest, Ardyn had no regrets. Not until he had put on the ring of the Lucii and acted as the blood sacrifice in Noctis’s place to take Bahamut back to whatever hell he crawled from. Ardyn’s story and his quest to fill his bloodthirsty nature amounted to nothing in the end. So many lives were destroyed all on account of the Gods treating humans like playthings in the cosmos. And he played a huge hand in them nearly wiping out the planet.
Ardyn’s fingers grasped onto the blanket out of hate. If he could slay the Astrals over and over, he would’ve done it in a heartbeat for the misery they had caused.
He lost count of how many times Aera’s death replayed in his head as of late. The what ifs plaguing him regarding Somnus and the Gods’ scheming agenda. If only he could’ve talked with his brother. If only Somnus would’ve allowed such a request. If only Aera had stayed with him and not gone back home. If only he could’ve approached Regis years ago and pleaded his case. If only Niflheim didn’t find him on Angelgard. If only he had stuck to his convictions and didn’t feel the persuasive pull of war from Verstael’s crafty proclamations. If only. If only.
If only he had never been born.
“Aera,” Ardyn choked out. He could feel himself becoming emotional as thoughts lingered on his love. She was the only solace he could hold onto when the agony stroked his heavy mind.
“I promise I will be back to rest. For good this time. There’s nothing here for me. Eos will be for the better after I find permeance. Please wait for me again.”
The journey to Insomnia to confront Noctis once more was around the corner. And Ardyn prayed before he felt sleep carry him off that his great nephew would strike him down for a final time.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 2: Caelan
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The temperature outside of Galdin Quay was abysmal. It felt like the Astrals themselves set the air on fire. For someone passing through, it would be sweltering but nonetheless an easy trek if one was in a vehicle with ample air conditioning. For Caelan, she felt like she would collapse at any moment. Then again carrying the large corpse of a rogue Flexitusk in 100-degree weather without a car would be well justified for sudden death in the heat.
As she adjusted her weight to her left to compensate for the numbness on her shoulders from the Flexitusk’s corpse, Caelan cursed herself for not servicing her car when it needed to be done. Not to mention allowing the Flexitusk to rip the car in half. The dread of turning in her Hunt and getting the reward money only for it all to go back to her towed Scepter at Hammerhead had Caelan pissed to no end at her lack of foresight. She wondered if foregoing her old vehicle would be better in the long haul, just leaving it for scrap metal instead of painstakingly building the engine from the ground up. Then again unlike most folk, she didn’t have the luxury of waiting idly nor could she escape on foot from the men hunting her down.
A few cars passed Caelan, some traveling slow to get a good look at what they were witnessing. The pale white creature upon Caelan’s back reeked of death as if it had been sitting out for days. The fruity undertones combined with the sulfur were enough to make drivers gag and speed off, long before Caelan had the chance to say hi and ask if they could offer a lift.
“Okay, nice knowing you too…jerk.” Caelan said aloud with a sigh, seeing yet another driver take off at the mere whiff of the monstrous corpse. They even went so far as to flip Caelan off. Despite the agitation, Caelan couldn’t blame folks for wanting to avoid her. She had three days to get well acquainted with her Hunt and its endless bouquet of smells. An advantage she wouldn’t wish on anyone, even if she hated them. The situation didn't suck any less however.
Arriving in Galdin Quay an hour later, Caelan breathed deeply as she took in the familiar sights. What was once a beach resort dedicated mostly to the upper class was now a thriving coastal town. Many who were displaced by the war of Lucis and Niflheim made their homes there, especially during and after the starscourage ransacked the world. Of all the places to be stranded, Caelan was content living here until she would need to move once more.
Much like the travelers outside of the town, Caelan was avoided like the plague itself came strutting through. From the reactions of the Quay’s citizens, Caelan estimated she’d probably have to shower more than once to get the Flexitusk’s residue and juices off her skin and clothes. Up ahead she could see the Hunter’s Trading Post that was connected to a café. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she grinned. The mission would be over soon, and she’d take a much-needed break before traveling back to Hammerhead for her car.
“One rogue Flexitusk ready for inventory!” Caelan greeted with amusement as she slammed the deceased creature onto the counter near the Trading Post Master. Caelan was so relieved to get the corpse off her shoulders that she didn’t notice the looks of disgust, people backing out of the way, or downright leaving the establishment.
The Trading Post Master covered his nose impatiently upon catching the wretched smells tickle the hairs in his nostrils. He made a face at Caelan, a look of disappointment before he began inspecting the Flexitusk. The rough porcelain hide of the canine creature looked intact despite the obvious decay. A good sign that the body could be salvaged for tools among other things despite its grotesque condition.
“So, what do you think?” Caelan asked, taking pride in the fact she was able to hunt down such a rare creature. One that had been causing problems for many outside of the Quay. The beast had killed and maimed more than a dozen folks in recent weeks.
“I’ve seen better,” The Trading Post Master grumbled then sighed while taking in a deep breath. “Nonetheless I’d say this earned you 1,000 gil--”
“Now wait,” Caelan interrupted before he could finish. “The Hunt said it was well worth 1,500 gill with a 300 bonus.”
“300 gil if you brought it back before it could decay as per the contract statement, and the other 200 I took off because you done scared off any customers I was servicing. Not to mention the gil will be going to make the place smell cleaner. Also, this beast is so far gone on the right side that I can’t barter anything from it. It’s a waste of good meat.” The Trading Post Master huffed, taking out a blade from one of the cabinets below the servicing dock to begin processing the Flexitusk.
“Do you have any idea what I went through to bring him back here?” Caelan argued her case as she glared. “This creature killed many and cost me a damn car. I have to travel by foot to Hammerhead for it. I deserve at least 1,300 for the trouble.”
“1,120. And I am being generous.” The Trading Post Master paused, giving Caelan an aggravated stare before he slammed a pouch full of gil onto the counter and shoved it in her direction, not before taking out the amount he intended to keep “Take it or leave it, honey.”
Caelan growled, not bothering to hide her disdain. Nonetheless, she was in no position to argue.
“Fine. Here are my tags.” Caelan turned in her contract and after going over the formalities and signing off, she took the gil and left.
Outside she made sure to count the gil on hand along with what she had left from having her car towed. The amount the Trading Post Master awarded would set her back financially. Caelan knew she’d have to either take on an additional five hunts or do something else to repair her car. She swallowed, knowing she was in a bind.
“Damn it, this is bad.” She muttered to herself, rubbing her forehead and strands of hair from her eyes. She had a pitiful 2,120 gil to her name. Not enough for a hotel much less a trailer for a night's stay and a far cry from the estimated repair cost she received from Hammerhead. Even with the changes that had come to the Quay, the officials seemed to find a loophole in charging ridiculous prices for basic necessities. Caelan didn't think to get camping supplies since she assumed she'd have enough gil to rent somewhere decent for the night. She mentally beat herself up for not thinking about it.
“Excuse me.”
Caelan’s eyes widened, withdrawing from her current thoughts as she quickly turned around to find the source of the rich voice. Her gaze fell on a tall male with golden eyes. The initial shock began to wean as he smiled her way.
“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation at the Trading Post. Are you alright?”
Caelan nodded, her eyes roaming over the man’s frame carefully. It was a habit built upon being jumped by those that wanted to carve a reputation in her own hide. The mannerism seemed to put the man on the spot as he briefly turned his head to the side and cleared his throat.
“Oh!” Caelan blinked a few times, snapping out of it. “Sorry. I’m not trying to ogle you. I didn’t know if you had any weapons. Thievery is haphazard when you walk out of the Trading Post with a lot of money, you understand?”
The man smirked for a moment seemingly amused by Caelan’s justification, then gestured his arms out, doing a playful and slow spin so she could examine every inch of his person. He rest his arms to the side after the performance and his smile returned.
“As you can clearly see, I haven’t anything dangerous of the sort. Nor would I care to steal from you. I wouldn’t be so bold as to kick someone when they are already down. Unless of course it was well deserved.”
Caelan let out a sigh of relief, crossing her arms as she briefly looked to her side to see some folk walking to the beach. She turned her gaze back to the man, keeping her eyes on his.
“You proved your point, so why were you eavesdropping on the conversation when it didn’t concern you?” Caelan asked. Despite his friendly nature thus far there was something familiar about him Caelan couldn’t pinpoint. She decided to err on the side of caution. Better to be on the defense than to unknowingly get captured by one of her father’s men or an Accordo troop.
“I wouldn’t call it eavesdropping when your voice carried on several feet away.” The redhead smirked. He seemed to delight he struck a nerve, yet quickly made amends.
“You mentioned having lost a car on your hunt. I’m assuming the pitiful scraps you were thrown for that Flexitusk won’t be enough for the repairs. Correct me if I’m wrong?”
Caelan made a face, getting over the remark that she had been rather loud at the establishment. She didn’t like coming off as entitled, despite the circumstances, and feared perhaps she came across as such to the stranger.
“You can say that,” Caelan relented from giving out further information. Still unclear as to what his angle was in the conversation. “Look, if you’re trying to sell me something, the answer is no.”
“Far from it!” The redhead said immediately after. “I need to make haste to Insomnia. I don’t have an automobile myself, you see. I was planning to travel to Hammerhead by foot, and hearing your plight, well, I believe we could come to a beneficial arrangement.”
“Such as?” Caelan gestured for him to get to the point.
The man chuckled, shaking his head.
“You seem quite impatient.” He remarked.
“Time I waste talking to you could be the time I’m putting into another hunt or other odd job.” Caelan shrugged. “It’s nothing personal, but either get to it or I’m leaving.”
“A trait you and I yet share. How intriguing.” He paused for a time. His amber-colored eyes searched over her gaze for...something. It was enough to get Caelan to look away for a moment, then forced herself to focus. She felt intimidated but kept quiet as he spoke up.
“If you would be so kind as to give me a lift to Insomnia, I don’t mind footing the bill for your car.”
Caelan looked at the man as if he had bugs slinking out of his nostrils. The shock was an understatement as she laughed, seemingly not believing his offer in the slightest.
“Are you serious? Do you have any idea how much an engine replacement costs these days?”
“I assure you I have the means,” His voice lowered as if hurt by the assumption he was worse off much like Caelan was money-wise. “If you require proof, I have no objections to showing you statements.”
“There’s no need,” Caelan shook her head. By his tone and the way he carried himself, Caelan had the feeling he was someone important. The way he talked too gave way he had to have some form of authority.  
“I apologize. I’m a bit grouchy today. I don’t have the luxury of putting my faith in one person. And I don’t think you’d want to be around me for too long. I don’t exactly have a great reputation in Lucis.”
“Is that so?” He tilted his head thoughtfully. “You don’t strike me as the type to get into trouble, save for having rotten luck with vehicles. Surely you can’t be that bad?”
Damn it. Caelan was mentally beating herself up. This had been her go-to in order to get people to quit while they were ahead, but it seemed her statement only piqued his interest further. It didn’t help that his gaze never left her eyes. A shiver went down Caelan’s arms when she caught him looking over her face, lingering on her mouth at times.
“Do you have somewhere else to go?” Caelan asked, trying to dodge answering his question.
The man chuckled at how flustered she had become, alas giving a look of defeat as he sighed. “I can tell I overstayed my welcome. Here, for your trouble.”
Before Caelan could say anything further, her eyes widened as a small sack of coins was tossed her way. She nearly fumbled catching the bag, looking down upon it questionably. To say she was shocked at seeing 900 gil was an understatement.
“What’s this for?”
“Consider it proof of my income and hospitality. It should cover you for a night at a caravan.” He began to take his leave only to stop himself short when he had forgotten to say his peace. He offered a final smile, turned his head towards her, and spoke.
“If you do reconsider my offer, I’m staying at the Inn. By the way, I go by Ardyn.”
At hearing his name be said, Caelan could feel her skin turning white. Her blood ran cold as she watched him leave. Goosebumps ran up and down her arms, her spine stiffened as if bracing herself for an onslaught. The uncanny feeling she had from seeing the man before finally started to make sense. The long red hair and garb, the way he approached her, she couldn’t have mistaken him for anyone else. It had to be Niflheim’s notorious chancellor, the one who should’ve been dead and rotting for the past five years.
Caelan closed her eyes to calm herself, and she was transported. 14 years old and watching the TV alongside her father.
Emperor Aldercapt and Chancellor Izunia arrived to discuss the treaty between Lucis and Niflheim with the king and his advisers. It is anticipated they will reach some sort of agreement within the coming days. More to follow after the latest regarding Tenebrae and their opinion on the matter.
Julian Zamfir sighed and debated turning off the TV set. Shaking his head in disbelief he took a swig from a large bottle of wine. The creases on his face and his hollowed eyes were evidence that he had been on a bender. A war of conflict raged inside of him seeing the Emperor and his lapdog walking on the roads of Insomnia, paved by the blood, sweat, and tears of all who defended and died by the city.
“August and Aila would be turning in their graves if they could see this now,” Julian said to Caelan. “To think that the men who played a hand in their deaths are here. Already prancing towards the palace as if they own the place.”
Tears threatened to spill from the corners of the warriors eyes. Julian couldn’t believe how low King Regis had stooped to welcome such treacherous men onto his turf. Especially after Julian returned home from a recent altercation with Niflheim’s troops, losing well over a hundred men in the process.
Caelan watched the camera pan in and zoom on the emperor and chancellor while they got out of their vehicles. Aldercapt looked ancient. As if he hadn’t slept in days yet he smiled every so often while Izunia appeared to do more of the talking between themselves and some of Insomnia’s political advisers. Aldercapt looked like he could be a resident in one of Insomnia’s nursing homes, while Izunia was quite the character, to say the least. He stood out compared to the other Niflheim politicians that traveled to the city with their emperor. Like he couldn’t be bothered when it came to presentation. If someone instructed him otherwise, he’d ignore it and do his own thing. Caelan could only dream of breaking the mold when it came to how she was raised.
A faint smile crossed Caelan’s mouth. They looked like mere men. Strip away the titles and fanciful get up, they were no better off than anybody else involved in the war. It gave her hope that the truce between the nations would work out. Maybe her father would find peace, somehow from the union.
Julian turned his head to the right, watching as his daughter Caelan continued to watch the screen with fascination. He made a face, staring daggers into the back of her head as he caught onto where most of her attention was centered.
“What’s caught your eye, Zamfir?” He asked.
“Nothing in particular,” Caelan was quick to say. “Just observing them is all. Seeing if there is another motive like you’ve been teaching me. This whole situation could be a ruse for something dangerous.”
Julian furrowed his brows, glancing between his daughter and the screen as if he was trying to pinpoint where she was fixating her eyes. He grunted as he got up to fix himself another bottle, realizing he had run out of the drink.
“For a moment there, you had me worried,” Julian said, his tone holding malice as Caelan watched him venture to the kitchen.
“Worried about what, Commander?”
“You seem transfixed by Izunia. Don’t deny it. I saw the smile on your face. The man and Aldercapt are bastards that play to theatrics. The whole lot of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. Anyone from Niflheim, especially the politicians, are murderous shits. Don’t let their fancy clothes and curtseys get the best of you. I raised you better than that.” Julian spat bitterly as he slammed the fridge upon grabbing another red wine.
Julian was quick to pop the top off, sighing as his gaze fell upon Caelan. She had her head bowed, standing at attention as a good soldier would do.
“I’m sorry. I won’t be swayed by their presentation.” Caelan said firmly, keeping her gaze to Julian’s feet. She didn’t dare look up until he would allow it. The years of training at her father's hand to become a Crownsguard shut out any and all other thoughts.
“See to it that you aren’t,” Julian’s voice was soft. With his free hand, he firmly grabbed Caelan by the chin. The hiss she let out had his gaze firm as he glared right into her eyes. “If I catch you lingering on anyone from Niflheim, I’ll put you in the ground. Do you understand, Zamfir?”
Caelan nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Good.” Julian was quick to shove Caelan out of the way as he returned to his post, the seat in front of the TV to drown in his sorrows, and await for the Crownsguard or Kingsglaive to give any orders.
In the present, Caelan was beside herself as the memory replayed in her head. She couldn’t believe that after all these years she’d hold onto something so trivial at 29. Sighing, she swallowed nervously and decided to shower, clear her thoughts, and hopefully, the memories of her youth would wash down the drain with the grime that collected onto her clothes and skin.
After departing from Ardyn, Caelan decided to rent out a trailer for the night. It was the smallest on the lot, but it had running water and was well stocked with basic foods. Whatever trepidation she felt towards Ardyn was gone for the moment. She wouldn’t be in this place if it wasn’t for his random act of generosity. Nonetheless, as she bathed, thousands of questions threatened whatever peace attempted to plant itself in her mind.
The funeral held for Ardyn Lucis Caelum was broadcast over several networks throughout the kingdom as soon as power and electricity returned to Insomnia. Even on the outer rim of Garex, Caelan could remember seeing folks glued to their screens as King Noctis proclaimed that his ancestor, the brother to King Somnus had been the rightful founder of Lucis and that he had died giving his life to protect Eos. Ardyn’s second life as chancellor was revealed shortly after through the media grapevine. Controversy followed his name ever since.
Most of the world hated Ardyn for playing a hand in ruining Eos, and incurring the wrath of the Astrals. There were some that argued in his favor when the king revealed a further history that had been purged from records, even going so far as to have a statue of him and Somnus erected in the private gardens of the renovated palace to solidify that peace had been gained between the two men. There were even Niflheim citizens who vouched for the former chancellor in passing, claiming that although what he had carried out couldn’t be justified, Ardyn had done a better job taking care of the empire’s citizens than Aldercapt himself.
Now he was wandering Eos, alive once more, and Caelan had been approached by none other than the Adagium himself. The creature her mother used to tell stories of at bedtime, the one who would bring ruin to Insomnia until the true king of light would emerge. The man she was fond of for his outspoken attire and mannerisms on TV when she was a teen had been the devil in the flesh. Shock and bewildered didn’t quite convey the weight of this situation. The gravity of it followed Caelan as she stepped out of the shower, rinsed off her clothes in the shower itself, then fixed something to eat.
Caelan estimated she had less than three days left in the Quay before her father’s men would come snooping along to find her, not to mention the Lucis and Accordo troops that had been patrolling for war criminals like hawks within the Leide region. She knew she would be cornered. It was not a matter of if but when, and time wasn’t on her side.
As much as she wanted nothing to do with the man considering his notoriety among being a legendary monster, Caelan understood that she needed to work with Ardyn. He might be the one to clear her name, especially if she could hand him over to the king and let the nations decide the fate of his current incarnation. She had to try even if he killed her. She was dead anyway at this point.
Caelan filled her lungs with fear. Exhaling, she threw on some fresh clothes after eating some cup noodles and departed from the trailer in search of the Inn Ardyn was staying at.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV, FFXV - Fandom, final fantasy fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ardyn Izunia/Original Female Character(s), Aera Mirus Fleuret/Ardyn Izunia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia/Caelan Zamfir Characters: Ardyn Izunia, ardyn lucis caelum, Caelan Zamfir, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Aera Mirus Fleuret, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Regis Lucis Caelum, Solara Aldercapt Antiquum, Verstael Besithia, Emperor Aldercapt, Camelia Claustra, Cor Leonis, Cid Sophiar, Cindy Aurum, Julian Zamfir (Final Fantasy XV OC), Caelan Zamfir (Final Fantasy XV OC) Additional Tags: Canon X OC - Freeform, original character x canon, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, mature content, Blood and Violence, Daemons, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Straight up sex, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Male-Female Friendship, Timeline What Timeline, Whump, Original Characters - Freeform, Original Male Characters - Freeform, platonic, Dawn of the Future (Final Fantasy XV), plot mostly based off the dawn of the future ending, Einherjar - Freeform, Ardyn Izunia Being Ardyn Izunia, Ardyn Izunia Redemption, Ardyn Izunia Being An Asshole, Protective Ardyn Izunia, Episode Ardyn Spoilers Summary:
Ardyn finds himself alive yet again and seeks his true death. A disgraced Crownsguard, down on her luck, encounters the former Chancellor of Niflheim. After swearing to be his shield, Caelan and Ardyn travel to Insomnia, however, they are met by dangerous characters pursuing them causing the trip to go off course. With a wrench thrown into their plans, both Ardyn and Caelan contemplate and facedown their reasons for running away and for seeking fate while traveling the Lucian kingdom.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Round 2...
I’m torn between some names. Want to help me narrow it down? Here’s the criteria:
Sounds powerful/feminine but can easily be interpreted as masculine
Could fit in a Final Fantasy context/seems natural for one of the games
Flows well; feels right for a character that is assertive and or still unsure about themselves to a degree
Cute nickname +
Sawyer Zamfir (Sy)
Charlie Zamfir (Charles) 
Caelan Zamfir (Kay)
Elliot Zamfir (Ellie)
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Alright it's come down to this. The final two. Between these two chosen names, which one sounds more appealing to you?
Charlie Zamfir--Char-lee (Chal *said like Kahl)
Caelan Zamfir--Kay-Len (Kay/Cale)
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