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zouisexo · 3 months ago
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amanuliminal · 7 months ago
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an engineer wiring up her prettyboy <33
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ullasart6 · 1 year ago
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mikrokosmcs · 11 days ago
El  chillido  de  la  tetera  hirviendo  le  hace  salir  de  sus  cavilaciones,  tomando  uno  de  los  trapos  más  cercanos  para  apagar  la  estufa  y  servir  dos  tazas  de  café,  uno  más  cargado  que  el  otro,  recordando  exactamente  la  formula  con  la  cual  le  gustaba  tomarlo  a  Dowoon.  La  tienda  y  por  consecuencia,  los  apartamentos  superiores  estaban  en  silencio,  haciéndole  recordar  que  dos  de  sus  pupilos  y  sus  familiares,  no  estaban  ya  en  casa.  Namkyu  era  técnicamente  tranquilo  y  a  pesar  de  ser  el  único  con  dos  familiares,  estos  eran  felinos  independientes  y  no  causaban  estragos  haciendo  que  la  ligera  soledad  se  sintiera  dentro  de  un  complejo  de  apartamentos  que  siempre  tenían  mucha  vida  en  el  pasado.  Tomando  ambas  tazas,  se  dirige  hasta  la  mesa  de  trabajo  en  la  tienda,  las  flores  se  emocionan  de  sentirlo  cerca  y  abre  sus  pétalos  inclusive  si  ha  oscurecido  afuera  y  el  clima  está  lluvioso.  -  —Aquí  tienes,  lo  necesitaremos  si  queremos  buscar  toda  la  noche  en  estos  libros  —  -comenta,  ya  acostumbrado  a  tener  a  Dowoon  de  nuevo  en  su  vida,  pero  sin  sentirse  completamente  cómodo  de  volver  a  ver  a  su  ex  novio.  Si,  terminaron  en  buenos  términos  y  sus  vidas  les  hicieron  separarse  hasta  que  el  contacto  se  volvió  cero,  pero  no  creía  que  existieran  rivalidades  o  asperezas  entre  los  dos.  Al  menos  no  más  allá  de  sentir  que  si  se  hubiesen  esforzado,  ahora  serían  algo  más  que  solo  dos  desconocidos.  -  —Nunca  he  visto  un  brujo  con  dos  familiares,  Namkyu-ah  es  realmente  especial…
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madame-fear · 5 months ago
Acá te tengo otra motivación: si no continúas con tus fics, vas a hacer llorar a Fran. Literal te va a mirar con carita de 🥺, eso querés? Querés que Fran llore? (?)
Saben qué es lo peor de todo? Que Fran es el tipo de persona que si te miraría con ojitos de cachorrito triste con tal de convencerte en algo, y lo peor de todo es que a mi me convencería de hacer cualquier cosa si me mira con esos ojitos tan tiernos JAJA 🥲 (???
Me preocupa que ustedes sepan muy bien mis debilidades,, y que consigan convencerme para escribir con esas debilidades mías... 👀
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xandcv · 7 days ago
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A pesar de que inicialmente creería que recibiría otra crítica el comentario que recibe no es tan malo. Podía ser ligeramente más amable ante ese escenario, la mayor parte de las veces su actitud dependía de la contraria. "Mi madre decía que el arte es mal pagado, una lástima que tuviera tanta razón. Por eso los sobornos son bien recibidos." Expresa con la sonrisa extendiéndose por las comisuras ante la mención de su mamá. La vista descendería al vaso de cocoa y esta vez reiría con genuina diversión a pesar de ser burla la que escucha. "¿Esto es un soborno o una burla? Decidiré que lo primero." Toma el vaso entre manos, dando un pequeño trago que le sienta bastante bien. "En este momento estoy siendo completamente accesible, es el poder del chocolate. ¿Entonces no te animarás a que te dibuje algo?" La pregunta, distante al tono inicial, suena a invitación.
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Siv observó con cierto entretenimiento la escena mientras limpiaba rápidamente un vaso que alguien había dejado a medias en el puesto de bebidas. No pudo evitar que una pequeña sonrisa se asomara en sus labios al escuchar la pregunta de Xande. "¿Y arruinar tu obra maestra? No, gracias. Aunque," hizo una pausa, inclinándose ligeramente hacia un lado para observar mejor el diseño que llevaba, "debo admitir que el artista parece tener bastante talento... aunque claramente trabaja mejor bajo sobornos de niños." Le ofreció un chocolate caliente, arqueando una ceja con fingida seriedad. "Por cierto, deberías mirar tu reflejo antes de volver a ponerte gruñón. Ese animalito en tu cara te da un aire... ¿cómo decirlo? Mucho más accesible." Su tono estaba cargado de una burla ligera, pero había algo en sus ojos que sugería que también estaba disfrutando del momento.
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catastrofewaitress · 10 months ago
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Dune: Part Two (2024) directed by Denis Villeneuve
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mintakababe · 1 year ago
Si, se supone que no te puedes enfadar con una lectura de tarot pero guess what!?
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yugsly · 18 days ago
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"Un cachorrito para una mamacita"
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wooynseok · 11 days ago
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identifica la voz de su melliza antes de siquiera poder divisarla, encontrando alivio con su simple presencia. aunque no se permite bajar la guardia, por el contrario, está listo para olvidar cualquier clase de etiqueta social si es que grosero hombre arremetía contra su hermana. éste no estaba contento, se notaba claramente en sus expresiones, mas la severidad al ser confrontado junto el incremento del murmullo de los demás clientes hacen su efecto cuando se da media vuelta para retirarse. ' gracias ' exhala entre suspiro, casi desplomándose con dramatismo sobre mostrador al deshacerse de la tensión en su cuerpo. ¿desde cuándo los eventos de caridad eran tan estresantes? ' wonyo~ ' con tonito quejumbroso, prepara la clásica mirada de cachorrito. ' ayúdame a tomar los pedidos que restan, ¿sí? sólo estos y tengo mi descanso. ¿por favor? '
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está un par de personas atrás en la línea, pero ha sido la voz de su mellizo que ha llamado su atención y le ha hecho enfocarse en la escena delante. el hombre, quién no parecía aceptar una nueva negativa, continúa sin moverse a pesar de que en el murmullo que se extiende en el resto de la fila comienza a sentirse la molestia e impaciencia. ‘ ¿es necesario que llame a seguridad? ’ pregunta, acercándose a los protagonistas de la escena y perdiendo su lugar. su tono de voz es firme y severo, con una expresión que no deja lugar a la duda. ‘ es un evento infantil, hable con los organizadores si hay algo que le está disgustando, pero permita continuar disfrutando al resto de la comunidad. ’
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mywritersmind · 3 months ago
pookieeee how are youuu 💗 I'm in NEED of a Franco fic where the reader is João Félix's little sister...
So she obvi speaks Portuguese and English (maybe some Italian in there too) butttt unlike her brother her Spanish is rusty. So when reader drags her brother (and of course some of the guys from the team) to support her best friend at a race, he's listening in to every little comment Franco makes about her in Spanish and trying to subtly give hints to reader that he likes her, and of course some good brother teasing! Just hardcore fluff, friend pining and good old family banter!
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listen up : i used google translate don’t come for me. not proofread! super cute and fluffy! loved this request sorry if i didng execute it well😭
word count : 2281
“Franco!” I jump into my best friends arms as he laughs. The moment I asked for three Grand Prix tickets, he sent them over immediately and went on a rant of how excited he was to see me.
“Y/n!” He grins widely at me, “I’m so happy you’re here!” He's in his race suit, his hair messy and extra wavy. I run my hand through it, fixing it a bit.
“You’re a mess.” I laugh as he pushes my hand away and rolls his eyes, “Oh!” I suddenly remember that my brother is standing behind me. “This is my brother, João! I can’t believe you two haven’t met!” I smile at both of them as my brother shakes Franco’s hand.
Oddly professional for someone he knows I love. “Nice to finally meet you. Y/n never shuts up about you.” I slightly blush at his words as Franco lets out a laugh.
“Good to know…” Franco gives us a mini tour. I'm so beyond happy for him. This has been his dream since forever, the first time I met him he even jokingly flirted and said I could be a WAG.
Franco is charming and hilarious so my brother likes him instantly. We end up in the William’s garage, everyone scrambling around and talking in languages I can’t understand.
Since it’s race day, i’m genuinely surprised Franco had the time to see us. Especially since Qualifying was earlier today.
But my best friend works in magical ways.
I watch Y/n talk to Alex’s girlfriend. I watch as her hair flows down her back and her hand covers her mouth as she laughs. “So,” João turns to me, sort of intimidating for his height but so far I think he approves of me. “You’ve known Y/n for a while, huh?”
I nod, “Yeah, she hasn't been able to shake me yet.” He laughs, nodding his head.
“You care about her?” Why do I feel like i’m getting interrogated?
I nod, “Of course. She’s my best friend.”
“I mean as more than a friend.”
I laugh uncomfortably, joking with him, “Are you asking me my intentions?” He does not find this funny. I clear my throat and breathe out, “We’re just friends.”
Y/n comes skipping back over to us. I’ve always been taught to not lie, but i’m not about to confess that I like her to fucking brother.
“J, you’ve got to see his car!” She takes his arm and pulls him away, “You coming, Fran?”
I’m about to follow after them but my engineer taps my shoulder, “Gimmie one second! Don't touch anything, Y/n, I know how you are!”
She gives me one of her signature smiles, making my pulse quicken and my smile falter. I catch her brother giving me an odd look before I sit up and wave.
I turn to my engineer who’s smiling, big, “Dios mío, te estás sonrojando.” (My god, you’re blushing.) I roll my eyes at him, turning to see Y/n point to my car and start asking questions to someone in blue.
“¡Cállate por favor!” (Shut up please!) Her Spanish is more than rusty. I've tried to teach her some but she gets distracted and she always ends up persuading me into something different. Still, it’s weird talking about her when she’s right there.
“Vamos, ¡te gusta! Es la forma en que la miras... como si fuera el sol.” (Come on, you like her! It’s the way you look at her… like she’s the sun.) I push his shoulder at his words. Christ, is it that obvious?
“Actúas como si fuera un cachorrito enamorado.” (You act like i’m some lovesick puppy)
“¡Porque lo eres! Siempre hablas de ella, tu pantalla de bloqueo es ella, ¡siempre le estás enviando mensajes de texto! Admítelo.” (Because you are! You always talk about her, your lock screen is her, you are always texting her! Just admit it.)
I cross my arms at him, not daring to glance back at her. “No voy a arruinar mi relación con ella…” I shake my head and tease him, “¡Ahora vuelve a trabajar!” (I’m not ruining my relationship with her… now get back to work!)
I join Y/n and João again, smiling and doing my duty as a tour guide. João gives me another weird look and i’m hoping it’s not because i’m losing his trust. I know i’m not her boyfriend, but I still want him to like me.
They are soon asked to step into the visitors area as I warm up for the race. Y/n kisses my cheek before she goes, “Good luck, Fran. Be careful!” I know my cheeks are red but all I can focus on is her so close to me, her lips on my cheek.
I nod, “Thank you. Have fun watching.” I wink at her and turn, getting ready.
“I’m so nervous! It’s so rainy!” I bite my lip as the cars go out on track in a second formation lap. The race hasn’t even started and someone’s already out!
My brother eyes me, he’s been acting weird all day and I hate it. He suddenly turns to me, “You don’t like Franco?”
It catches me off guard, “Uh… of course I do?” He rolls his eyes.
“I mean can you see yourself with him? I think you’d be cute.” I laugh out loud.
“João, when have you ever wanted me to date someone?” Especially Franco. I mean, maybe i’ve thought about it.
Okay maybe I've fantasized about it�� a lot.
But what am I supposed to do? Confess to my best friend who’s always been there for me that I think he’s irresistible and criminally hot? No.
“I just think if you’re gonna date anyone… He’s a good option.” My cheeks heat as I shake my head, “You’re blushing! Come on, Y/n, why not?”
“Just shut up, the race is starting!”
The next time he brings it up is at a yellow flag, “He’s definitely nicer than your ex.” I give him a death glare and attempt to tune him out, “And who did you go crying to after he broke your heart….?” Franco. The answer is Franco because he’s always there.
It’s been hard recently because of his races, but he’s constantly texting or calling me. I think he just wants someone to gossip with.
“Again, he’s my friend. Just because you have a girlfriend now doesn’t mean you know everything!”
“No but I know everything about you, and you don’t look at your other friends like that.” I hate that stupid smug smile on his face. And I hate that he’s right.
My stomach drops when Franco goes into the wall. I grab onto my brother's arm who doesn’t look concerned at all and more happy that i’m so worried! I slap his arm, “You have no empathy!”
I cross my arms, biting my lip as I watch him exit the car. Thank god he’s okay.
Franco gives me a small thumbs up when he’s back in the garage. I can tell he’s absolutely gutted, the air is awkward and thick with tension since Franco’s crash meant that the whole team's weekend is over.
The race is long and honestly scary. Still, all I can think about is Franco.
Maybe this weekend, his attention to me, my brothers comments, and how Franco’s been looking at me, has finally sealed what I've been dreading.
I’ve known I like him for a while, but I don’t want to ruin us. I can’t be embarrassed by my closest friend!
I’m not an idiot, I see how he flirts with interviewers or even fans. Part of me wants to believe that’s just his personality, but the other part is screaming at me that he doesn’t like me.
His eyes though, he looks at me so deeply that sometimes I feel like I'm apart of some big trick.
“Hey,” My brother nudges me, “Race is over.” I snap out of whatever daze I was in and nod, “I gotta pee, go talk to Franco!”
When I look to where he points, Franco’s already looking at me. His race suit is unzipped and he looks so tired. “Hi.” He smiles softly but I can tell it’s forced.
“Sorry your first race with me sucked.” He frowns, leaning against the little barrier from the garage and friends and family.
“Hey…” I touch his arm briefly, “It did not suck! And It’s not your fault. It was scary though…”
His eyes look sad and I know it’s not just because he crashed. Franco feels so deeply and this weekend has been especially hard for him. I can tell he sees the worry on my face, “I'm really really happy you’re here. We’re getting dinner later, right?”
I go to the hotel with João first. We change and meet back at the restaurant. “I’m so hungry!” I groan as we sit down, Franco said he would be here soon but I am not above ordering early.
João sits across from me, “Gotta wait for your boyfriend.”
I eye him, “You better not say anything in front of Franco. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.” He laughs a bit.
“I really don’t think I will.” He’s so ominous today. “I can tell i’m making you uncomfortable though. My only question is… why?”
“Why can’t you accept that you like him? He’s obviously not going to turn you down. He’s practically got hearts in his eyes when he talks to you.” The waiter brings water which I gulp down immediately.
“I- No! I can’t like him. He’s my friend.”
“So you’ve said… but the best relationships start out that way.” Why is he pushing this so much?
“I just… I don’t want to ruin our relationship.”.
“Funny…” he mumbles something, “That's what he said too.” but I can’t hear him because Franco sits and starts saying hello.
Our dinner is amazing, the food is perfect and I can’t stop laughing at Franco and João. “You’ve gotta come to a match sometime!” My brother laughs, “The team would love you.”
Franco grins, “I would be honored! Y/n always talks about your games, you’re pretty good apparently.” This boosts my brother's ego far too much and we end the night while talking about football and childhood stories.
“He always teased me with his friends!” I roll my eyes at the memory, “They were all learning Spanish in highschool so I never understood them!”
Franco laughs as João shakes his head, “Why didn’t you take spanish in highschool?”
“I did! I just never caught on. Plus João became fluent after school anyway so his schooling barely helped.” I shrug as Franco’s expression turns odd.
He blinks, looking to João, “You’re fluent?”
“Si.” He looks almost smug about it as Franco nods slowly, swallowing.
“Así que escuchaste…” (So you heard…)
“Todo.” (Everything) Franco’s smile drops completely at my brothers words. But my brother still carries on with a smile, “Eres muy obvio, pero lo apoyo.” (You’re very obvious, but I support it.)
I frown at their communication that I can’t understand, “Okay, can you two stop gossiping? I’m ready to leave.” Franco smiles at me, nodding slowly as we stand.
Our walk back to the hotel is short and luckily no fans interrupt it. The warmth of the inside makes me smile and the ding of the elevator makes me yearn for my bed.
“Uh, Y/n?” I look back at Franco as he talks, “Could I speak to you for a moment…” I look at my brother who nods, a smile still on his face as he disappears behind the elevator doors. “Let’s go outside.”
It’s no longer raining so we venture out into the hotel's garden. It’s beautiful with tall plants and trees, a small path that we walk on, and flowers that I've never seen before.
“What did you walk to talk to me about?” I turn to him, he looks oddly scared and a bit chilly. He starts to speak but then closes his mouth and thinks, “Franco…?”
“I like you.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, I freeze, “I really like you and not just as a friend… like way more than that.”
I blink, “You’re kidding?”
The panic on his face is immediate, “No?”
“Shit. Okay!” I realize i’m so caught up in my own world that he probably thinks I don’t like him, “I feel the same.”
He breathes out, stepping closer, “You fucking scared me.”
I smile, not believing this is even real, “You really like me? Because my brother has been making me feel delusional all day!” He takes my hand in his and I swear my heart skips a beat.
“He heard me talking about you in spanish…” I raise a brow, “My engineer was teasing me and I didn’t know he spoke it!” I laugh, shaking my head at his story, “But I'm glad he did. I probably would be sitting in my room all alone if he hadn't.”
I grip his hand tighter, stepping closer, “I’m really glad too. I didn’t want to ruin anything but fuck I really like you.”
He grins and leans in, He paused before I nod. Franco presses a kiss to my lips softly, “I can’t believe you have a crush on me.” I whisper as groans and rolls his eyes, trying to walk away.
“No! No taking it back now!” I laugh, pulling him back to me, my hand going to his neck and my lips meeting his, “You’re stuck with me now.”
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amanuliminal · 7 months ago
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aniitc · 13 days ago
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cruza mirada con la primer persona y no duda en cambiarla de inmediato a la de un cachorrito espantado. "¿qué hago?" pregunta señalando con disimulo a la taza rota en el suelo, rogando por ayuda. "se me cayó…" explica suspirando con mucho dramatismo. "la llevaba a secar y– pum" usa sus manos para simular una explosión.
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mintakababe · 1 year ago
Pumpkin spice latte!???
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yugsly · 28 days ago
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A zoom in… cachorrito…
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skirino · 1 year ago
no la llamaría anticuada por eso, pero una vez más opta por guardar silencio. si bien aquello no era algo que la assamita aprobaba tampoco le generaba tanto conflicto. ' ¿disculpa? ' sin pensarlo dos veces gira hacia mai, conflictuada por las disculpas. no había existido tal cosa entre ellas hasta ahora, así que era más que comprensible que no entendiera el motivo por el que tuviera que disculparse. las siguientes palabras, aunque escasas, se lo aclaran. ' ah, te refieres a eso... ' frunce la naricita por inercia. ' no hay problema. no quisiera ver a ningún assamita en esas circunstancias, no es la imagen que deberíamos dar. ' se excusa con la voz más lógica dentro de su cabeza, esa donde metía a mai en el mismo saco que los demás. la verdad es que no le había molestado ayudarle, independientemente de si desconocía si la contraria era o no capaz de hacer lo mismo por ella. ' sé que somos independientes, nuestro sentido de fidelidad entre nosotros es un poco... inexistente, ¿cierto? pero de vez en cuando tenemos que cuidarnos entre todos. no le importamos a ningún otro clan o secta. ' @maigawa
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“no me gusta que le falten el respeto a las tradiciones, puedes llamarme anticuada pero ¿es necesario?” la mira aunque sólo un instante, no quiere volver a influirse de la furia de una oscuridad ajena a su persona “gracias, kirino” le dice, y por más afinidad que existe odiaría tener que estar en ese lugar. se gira para enfrentarla e inclina la mitad de su cuerpo hacia adelante “me gustaría formalmente pedirte disculpas” no lo hacía porque sentía que había actuado mal, eso no era parte de su perspectiva. el bien, el mal, la línea no existía dentro de su mente, sólo su imagen y la relevancia del clan. vuelve a erguirse “espero que nada de lo que haya sucedido sea capaz de complejizar nuestra alianza” decir amistad era aún un trabajo costoso para mai, pero significaba eso para ella. esperaba que kirino comprendiera. al recobrar parte de su cordura, entendió por primera vez lo que yuichi le había dicho, que no tenía que temer de ella para con otros, sino de ella y su falta de control sobre ella misma. @skirino
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