#Cabo Properties
rosellacwrites · 3 months
I wanna be someone who believes
summary: Dieter knows it when he sees it.
pairings: Dieter Bravo x Reader
rating: teen maybe? I never know what to call this shit if it isn’t smutty 🤣
warnings: reader is a real estate agent and uses she/her pronouns but is otherwise undescribed; gratuitous use of double negatives; Dieter being Dieter
word count: 1650 (oops)
author’s note: posting late but written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May Drabble Challenge — the prompt was a meet-cute with “Do you believe in aliens?” Please be kind, I’ve never written for any of the Pedro boys before 🫣
Happy reading! ❤️
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Please,” she coaxes you over the phone. “I’ll owe you big time.”
This is not the first time you’ve heard this from her, and you sigh. “What?”
“I need you to cover a big buyer for me this weekend. Dave got some kind of crazy deal through work, and he wants to take me to Cabo for the weekend, and my in-laws actually agreed to take the kids for once, but this is the only weekend he’s gonna be in LA between projects and I swear to God I’ll make it up to you, I’ll take your biggest pain in the ass buyer off your hands — “
“Danielle.” You take a sip of your coffee and rub the spot between your eyebrows. “Who is it?”
She takes a deep breath on the other end. “Okay — hear me out — he’s not quite as wild and crazy as you hear, more like… sexy eccentric? And the budget is good, all cash, I’ll send you his proof of funds — “
“Danielle,” you growl. “Who. Is. It.”
There’s a beat of silence, before she speaks. “… it’s Dieter. Dieter Bravo.”
“Are you fucking with me right now?” She’s your best friend in the industry, and you’ve watched her build her business, a solid roster of low-key celebrity clients who can trust her discretion, but this — this is the big time. “You really want to take a referral on this one?”
“It’ll be a healthy referral,” she points out. “He’s looking at five to seven, but he’s willing and able to go to eight for the right property. He won’t buy sight unseen, though — he’s gotta visit them all. The vibes, you know.”
You’re mentally calculating two and a half percent of eight million, minus referral, and you like what you’re coming up with, maybe even enough to genuinely enjoy this. “God save me from the vibes. Okay. Fine,” you say, exhaling. “I’ll do it — does he have a short list already?”
It’s her turn to sigh. “Vibes.”
“Vibes,” you echo, shaking your head. “Got it. Have fun in Cabo, you lucky bitch.”
“Have fun with Dieter,” she sing-songs. “You lucky bitch.”
As soon as you set eyes on him for the first time, you know you will. Everything about Dieter Bravo proclaims the fun kind of trouble, like sunshine that didn’t mean to burn you.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greets you, looking like he just rolled out of bed and wants nothing more than to get back in it, preferably with you. “Do you come with the house?”
“Only when the earth moves,” you retort sweetly.
He looks stunned for a moment, and then the grin breaks over his face like sunrise and he laughs, long and loud. “I like you,” he proclaims. “Danielle said I would.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” His laughter is contagious, and you can’t help liking him too. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bravo.”
“Babe,” he says, looking pained, and you belatedly remember what Danielle had told you.
“Dieter,” you correct yourself, and he beams.
“That’s more like it,” he says cheerfully.
His assistant materializes from somewhere behind him, handing you a stack of papers. “Standard NDA,” they say. “I’m sure you understand.”
Dieter groans. “Do we have to do this?”
“I’m not offended, I promise.” You smile at him, and start to skim over the contract. It’s all fairly standard stuff, really, apart from the alien invasion bit inserted neatly into the force majeure clause. But it’s not the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen turn up in a legal document — this is Hollywood, after all — and you shrug, and sign.
“Amazing!” Dieter claps his hands like a child. “Let’s go buy a fucking house!”
Six showings later, you’re exhausted, your feet are killing you, and Dieter’s assistant looks as fried as you feel.
“Food?” Dieter asks hopefully. “Or weed? Or both?”
“I’m not feeling great,” his assistant says, rubbing their forehead. “I’m starting a migraine. Dieter, do you think you can manage without me for the afternoon?”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be fine.” Dieter waves a hand dismissively. “Go sleep it off.” He turns to you, and before he can say anything else, you nod and lead him away.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re seated at a tucked-away patio table at your favorite cafe, and Dieter’s looking much more relaxed, sunglasses pushed haphazardly up into his hair. “How’d you meet Danielle, anyway?” you ask him over the rim of your matcha latte.
“Hit on her in a club in West Hollywood,” he admits. “She was like ‘haha I totally would if I weren’t married, but hey, do you want to buy a house instead?’”
You can’t help laughing. “Yeah. That’s on brand.”
“It was fate,” he says. “Because I did want to buy a house, I just didn’t know it until she said it.”
“All that Cliff Beasts money burning a hole in your pocket?”
“I’m sick of hotels.” He shrugs, looking almost serious for once. “I travel all the fucking time, but — I want someplace I can come home to, you know?”
“Yeah. I do.” You look down at your drink and smile, toying with the already-disintegrating paper straw. “It’s such a stressful job sometimes, and the money’s not as great as everyone thinks it is, but when I can make that perfect match for someone, and I see their face light up when they walk in because they’re finally home — there’s nothing like it.”
“Yeah?” When you glance back up, he’s giving you the softest look you’ve ever seen, and it makes you wonder what his agent could possibly be thinking. The genuine sweetness he radiates is made for rom-coms, not half-assed action flicks. “Well, I’m glad you’re the one matchmaking for me.”
“Me too,” you say softly, your eyes locked with his, and you realize as you say it that it’s true.
It’s hard to remember that you’re working; you’re having more fun with Dieter than you have on any of the actual dates you’ve had recently. You linger at the table far longer than you should, talking about everything and nothing.
Finally, you crack, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the table. “I gotta ask,” you begin, and you see him tense, just slightly. “Do you believe in aliens?” He looks at you quizzically, clearly not expecting the conversation to take that particular turn. “It’s in your NDA. Alien invasion is one of the situations that gets me out of the contract.”
“Oh, I never read that shit.” He yawns and stretches, and you get an eyeful of his tummy when his shirt rides up. You try not to look — you’re sure there’s something in the realtor’s code of ethics about not ogling your clients, even if they are celebrities — but it’s impossible to look away from all that freckled golden skin. “But… I don’t not believe in aliens, you know? Who knows what the fuck’s out there? My lawyers know better than to leave my ass in the wind.”
“Fair enough, and I appreciate the loophole.” You shrug. “If aliens landed on the roof during one of our showings, you bet your ass I’d be calling TMZ real fast.”
“And I’d support that. Get your bag, babe.” He grins at you. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
You consider your next words very carefully. “I don’t not want to have sex with you,” you admit, and his face lights up. “But I have to do my job, first.”
“Okay, so let’s go do your job and get it out of the way.” He stands up, all business for the first time all day, and extends a hand to you. His hands are warm, slightly calloused, and big, and you find yourself praying that he gets good vibes from this last one.
“I’ve saved the best for last,” you tell him. “I think you’re gonna love this one. It’s been on for a while, and they just knocked the price down to seven-four. I think if you offered a little low, they’d take it.”
“What’s the vibe?” he asks.
“Think Zen, but casual about it. It was built ten years ago, but it feels a little seventies in a good way — lots of stone, warm wood, skylights. Indoor-outdoor living. There’s a koi pond that goes under the house.”
“Funky,” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Go on.”
“Separate guest wing with kitchen, ideal for live-in staff — yoga room with adjoining massage area — detached guest house with art studio potential — “ you recite. He’s weakening by the minute, you can see it. “Pool and hot tub, of course — there’s like a waterfall thing, it’s pretty cool — “ His eyes go all dreamy and you know, you just know, he’s thinking about having sex there.
Almost there, you think; it’s time for the clincher. “Six minutes to the Whole Foods on Sepulveda.”
He whistles, reluctantly impressed. “That’s the good one.”
“It is indeed.” You nod sagely.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he groans, tugging you by the hand he’s still holding. “Let’s go.”
A few weeks later, you surface to the sound of your phone ringing.
“Can you look and tell me who’s calling?” you call out, hooking your elbows over the side of the pool. “I’m all wet.”
Dieter wiggles his eyebrows at you and answers the call. “Hey, babe,” he says. “How was Cabo? Did you get pregnant?” He laughs. “Yeah, yeah — she knows I have her phone. She’s in the pool.”
“Tell Danielle I’ll call her back,” you shout.
“Yeah, she found me the perfect house,” Dieter says, ignoring you. “It’s fucking awesome. Moved in last week — you should come over and hang. Bring the kids. There’s this koi pond — ” He pauses for a moment to listen to her, and you shake your head fondly.
“Dee,” you warn. “Get off my phone.”
“You were right, you know,” he tells Danielle, grinning and blowing a kiss at you. “I liked her.”
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Thanks to @freelancearsonist and @reallyrallyauthor for convincing me this was worth posting 😂
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northameicanblog · 7 months
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Los Cabos, Mexico: Los Cabos is a municipality located at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, in the state of Baja California Sur. It encompasses the two towns of Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo linked by a thirty-two-km Resort Corridor of beach-front properties and championship golf courses. Wikipedia
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by Raymond Ibrahim
A few November headlines from the ongoing jihadist-genocide of Christians in Nigeria follow...
Coptic Christians suffer the double injustice of living under systematic discrimination by the Egyptian government, and also from regular members of Egyptian society who attack Copts and their property with impunity. The reality for Copts in Egypt is one of life as second-class citizens.
"Most of the native population converted to Islam over six centuries to escape the jizya [protection tax] and humiliations of dhimmi status. The term 'Copt' came to define the native Christian population that had not converted to Islam..." — Coptic Solidarity, a human rights organization, in a report titled, "Advocacy of Hatred Based on Religion or Belief."
Mozambique: Muslim terrorists raided a Christian village in the terrorism-plagued Cabo Delgado region, and killed four. The Islamic State later took credit for the attack. According to one report:
"Through propaganda channels, the group assumed that the attack on the 'Christian village' took place on Friday November 10, using machine guns by 'soldiers of the caliphate.' The attack took place during a ceremony in preparation for a female initiation ritual that was scheduled for Sunday November 12, with the terrorists entering the camp, firing bursts of gunfire."
Nigeria: A few November headlines from the ongoing jihadist-genocide of Christians in the African nation follow:
At Least 10 Christians Slain in Taraba State
Kidnapped Pastor Killed in Nigeria after Ransom Payment
Terrorists Kill Christian, Kidnap 25 Others in Northern Nigeria
Pastor Slain, Wife Kidnapped in Kaduna State
Pastor's Wife Shot Dead in Taraba State
General Muslim Violence and Hostility against Christians
Ireland: On Nov. 23, a Muslim man of Algerian origin stabbed a group of preschool children attending Saint Mary's, a private Catholic primary school in Dublin, as the children were leaving school around 1:30 pm. Three children — two girls and a boy aged between 5 and 6 — and a care assistant who tried to defend them, were stabbed in the assault. Stabbed near the heart, a 5-year-old girl was critically injured and, as of the last reporting from December, remains hospitalized in critical condition. According to one report:
"The motivation behind the attack remains unclear; however, considering the assailant's background and the specific target being children leaving from a well-known Irish Catholic primary school, an anti-Christian motive seems not unlikely."
Although the Algerian attacker had a prior criminal record, his order of deportation was revoked and in 2014 he was granted Irish citizenship. In response to the stabbing, angry Irish citizens took to the streets and rioted that evening.
Greece: On Nov. 11 in the town of Colonos, a 38-year-old Muslim man of Afghan origin knifed a 56-year-old Egyptian because the Egyptian had converted to Christianity. He was stabbed in the head and in one of his hands. He told police, who arrived on the scene and arrested the Afghan, that he was attacked "because he was a Muslim and was baptized a Christian."
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We were bitching about hot and dry.
So, now we in SoCal are on track to receive the first tropical storm warning in history. Yes, in history, because the last time this happened the NWS did not yet exist.
Here's the deal.
Meet Hilary, she's currently southwest of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico as a Category 4 hurricane.The red track is her projected course - and yep, she's heading right for Los Angeles.
*prays to dear baby jeebus for a direct hit on any properties owned by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and assorted studio heads while also praying for it to rain money into the actors' and writers' strike funds*
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My boss picked the wrong weekend for a romantic Catalina Island getaway for his 25th anniversary. Then again, he's from Florida. He's probably going to sit out on the balcony drinking beer, taking bong rips, and hollering at the store, "THAT ALL YOU GOT?"
Anyway, we might look screwed, but honestly... we are. Just not completely screwed. See that down there? That's water temperatures.
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Hurricanes need to get their feet into warm water to be powerful, which is why Hilary is a hurricane now. In contrast, once you get off the tip of Baja, you get into colder waters the hurricanes don't like. Cold slows them down, so that's the only thing saving us from a hurricane our infrastructure is not designed to handle. We have had some 'bomb cyclone' storms - cold and wet with up to 75 MPH winds. Lots of damage, but the lights stayed on. We have Santa Ana winds, and what most people call a windstorm we call November. Still, winds are forecast between 40 and 60 MPH.
Lets go to the scary part - rainfall and flooding.
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From Sunday night, my area is looking for between 3 and 6 inches of rainfall. We normally do not get that much in a year. The strongest storm I can remember dumped an inch and a half over 24 hours. This is a minimum doubling of that amount. Some areas could see as much as 10 inches.
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According to my local forecast, the rain will start about 6:00AM on Sunday and ending on Monday afternoon. The heaviest rain and winds will tale place Sunday evening.
I ought to be okay. I'm on the 2nd floor, so no flooding, and the building has a new roof.
Here we go!
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi Gina! Sorry to burst any bubbles, but the pictures that Louis posted are of a different place than the ones Tommy posted. Louis' photos are from a 5-star resort in Los Cabos that's famous for secrecy and security so celebrities can go stay there with peace of mind. I've stayed at the place where Louis did and I have like the exact same photo of that pool lol.
I do think it's interesting though that Louis could have stayed inside the resort, it's a huge property, for his entire vacation (I definitely did when I was there) but instead he went to Cabo San Lucas like every day and took a bunch of photos.
If you're interested in the specifics of the resort I can give them, I just wasn't sure that would be appropriate lol
Hi honey. Thanks for this. I’d love to see the photos or a link to the resort, just so I can check that myself, if you don’t mind. But I appreciate you not spreading the info. And you’re right. It’s interesting that he stayed at that high end, private resort, but spent every day just hanging out in Cabo so he could be seen. What was the purpose?
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Ever since the discovery of the two-dimensional form of graphite (called graphene) almost twenty years ago, interest in 2D materials with their special physical properties has skyrocketed. Famously, graphene was produced by exfoliating bulk graphite using sticky tape. Although it was good enough for a Nobel Prize, this method has its drawbacks. An international team of surface scientists has now developed a simple method to produce large and very clean 2D samples from a range of materials using three different substrates. Their method, kinetic in situ single-layer synthesis (KISS) was described in the journal Advanced Science on 1 June. 2D materials have physical properties that are not shared by bulk material. The confinement of charge carriers is one reason for this. There are two ways to produce these 2D materials: exfoliating a larger crystal or growing a 2D layer. Exfoliation means peeling off layers from a larger crystal until you are left with just one layer. 'This process is time-consuming and requires specific skills and equipment,' says Antonija Grubisic-Cabo, a surface scientist at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and first author of the Advanced Science paper. 'Furthermore, it often results in very small flakes, while the adhesive tape that is used can leave polymers on their surfaces.'
Read more.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
rande’s insta stories, cabo?
was just trying to figure that out myself LOL. the photos look diff from what are out there re: public photos of the casamigos/gerber/clooney owned property there but the hats on the tequila bottles are giving. well it’s giving mexico. so yeah i’d say *he* is probably maybe there, the we maybe referring to cindy and/or george?
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I think that’s the exact property her family owns. She’s been pictured there quite a bit. She was pictured there with jacob too. I don’t think they’re pr because for the most part i think that term is so overblown but i think the reason you don’t take them seriously is probably a similar reason i don’t. Kaia is super young and she has seemed to go from relationship to relationship with older guys since she was like 18. She dated Pete Davidson, possibly Cole sprouse during the pandemic, Jacob and now austin. She’ll prob move on to the next guy eventually 🤷‍♀️. Maybe they’ll surprise us who knows but that’s just the pattern I’ve noticed with her. She just turned 21.
Yea, her and her family like to go there a lot... and who wouldn't blame them? Cabo is gorgeous 😍, and if you own a place there, even better! It looks exactly like the spot she and her family were at back around NYE, so I'm just assuming that it is. And yea, Jacob was there with her at one point too lol 😅
I don’t think they’re pr because for the most part i think that term is so overblown but i think the reason you don’t take them seriously is probably a similar reason i don’t. Kaia is super young and she has seemed to go from relationship to relationship with older guys since she was like 18. She dated Pete Davidson, possibly Cole sprouse during the pandemic, Jacob and now austin. She’ll prob move on to the next guy eventually 🤷‍♀️.
Lol let me clarify.... I don't ACTUALLY think that Kaia and Austin are PR lol 😅 I'm not one of those delusional fans lol. I've even said on my blog before that I actually think they're in a real rlshp and that they love each other. I think she's also living with him in his house already (if I'm not mistaken), so I don't think that's smthg you do with someone who you're just in a "fake" rlshp with. 😅
I just feel like when I look at them in most photos, I don't sense any real closeness there.... That's what I meant by they may NOT be a PR couple, but that's the vibe I get sometimes with them lol. 😂 Idk.... just the vibe is different I guess. I know you can't read body language all the time in split-second pictures, but idk.... His vibe seemed totally different with Vanessa. I hate to bring up an ex, but they were so much more "in sync" with each other imo. 👀
Kaia is pretty young (no matter how "old" she says she feels lol), so maybe that's why I don't really take their rlshp all that seriously lol 😆
Idk what it is honestly 🤷🏾‍♀️ Then again, she kind of gives me that vibe with ALL of the guys she's dated tbh lol. 😅 It might just be her lol.
Maybe they’ll surprise us who knows but that’s just the pattern I’ve noticed with her. She just turned 21.
Yea, they may very well surprise us Anon! 😂 I mean, she might end up being "The One" for him and he might put a ring on it lol.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
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I'll just say, that as of right now.... I'm def not getting that impression from them. Idk why, but they just seem like they're having fun and enjoying each other's company... 🤷🏾‍♀️
Right now I'm honestly just more concerned about how much weight Austin has lost in such a short period of time....🥺 Just hoping he's doing okay and getting some much-needed rest (and food lol). 🥰
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brandonimhotep · 2 years
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#SadNews Shanquella was part of a group that traveled from Charlotte to Cabo on October 28 and rented out a villa to celebrate a friend's birthday. Her mother, Salamondra Robinson, told Fox affiliate WJZY that she last spoke to her daughter moments after she had settled down for a meal with her friends. They agreed to talk the next day, but the phone call that she received instead was from one of Shanquella's friends, who told her that her daughter was sick and they were waiting for a doctor to arrive. 'They said she wasn't feeling well. She had alcohol poisoning,' Salamondra said. 'They couldn't get a pulse. Each one of the people that was there with her was telling different stories.' She later received a tragic call from one of Shanquella's friends claiming the young woman had died from food poisoning. 'No one told the same story, so I never believed them anyway,' Salomondra said. A man, who appears to be filming the sickening assault, taunts Shanquella 'can you at least fight back?' Shanquella attempts to get away from her attacker and replies 'no', before the woman slams her to the floor next to the bed. The woman then punches and knees her in the head. The woman then yells at Shanquella to 'get up, I'm tired of the ****.' A representative for Villa Linda 32, the property where the group was staying, told WJZY that the concierge contacted a doctor who attempted to revive Shanquella. She was declared dead at 3pm local time, reportedly about 15 minutes after she was beaten. A copy of the autopsy report obtained by Salamondra indicated that Shanquella's neck was broken. WJZY reported that the area in the death certificate that would show if Shanquella had been intoxicated only indicated that she 'was found unconscious in her living room'. The certificate also has an area where authorities note whether the death was accidental or violent. They inscribed 'yes' into the section, but did not choose accidental or violent. Shanquella's body was flown back to Charlotte last Thursday and a funeral service was held over the weekend. #dailymail https://www.instagram.com/p/ClC_I2NuxSo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuveeblog · 16 days
4 Epic Rocky Mountain Destinations Where You Can Experience a Season of Snow
Can you feel a slight chill in the air? It may still be summer, but it won’t be long before snow starts to fall across the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Mountain towns like Aspen and Vail will bustle with wintry delight. Ski resorts will start to open their slopes. A whole new season of adventure will begin.
There are premier destinations throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains that seem to take on a seasonal glow as the snow falls—and you can experience them for yourself. From the exceptional accommodations in Aspen to an unbeatable experience at Vail luxury rentals, here are a few Colorado destinations where you can experience the season of snow.
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Experience Quintessential Colorado in Aspen
For many winter wanderers, Aspen is the quintessential Colorado destination. When the snow begins to fall—and when it falls in earnest—the town starts to buzz with bundled-up activity. In Aspen itself, you can experience some of the finest dining the region has to offer. If you love to shop, or know someone who does, you can also find a number of world-class boutiques.
Around Aspen, you can also find several ski resorts—and a seemingly endless array of slopes. If you time your arrival to Aspen just right, you can take advantage of the fresh powder and leave your mark as you fly down the mountain.
Explore the Resort Village of Beaver Creek 
Unlike other, more well-known Rocky Mountain towns like Aspen or Telluride, Beaver Creek is more of an intimate resort village. However, once the snow starts to fall, Beaver Creek can take on a new personality as winter enthusiasts arrive to test their skills on the mountain.
Beaver Creek Resort is home to well-groomed slopes and black diamond skiing and snowboarding. If you, too, want to test yourself and try something new this snowy season, Beaver Creek is one Rocky Mountain destination that’s calling your name.
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Ski Forever in Telluride 
No matter where you venture around Telluride, you’ll find incredible views. From the balconies of the luxury rentals Telluride has to offer to the ski slopes nearby, views abound. Come the first snow of the season, the views can transform in an instant, turning Telluride into a genuine winter wonderland.
This winter wonderland is home to seemingly endless skiing. Many luxury rentals around Telluride feature ski-in/ski-out accommodations. It’s an amenity you can find in Aspen, Beaver Creek, and Vail, too! As the snowpack accumulates at the mountain resorts around Telluride, you can ski to your heart’s content.
Get Lost in the Beauty of Vail 
Every mountain town and resort in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is surrounded by natural beauty. For some, however, Vail represents a pinnacle of mountain majesty. Vail is known for epic views every season. As the snow begins to fall, these epic views only magnify. There’s something special about snow-covered scenery.
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Once the snow settles, you can enjoy a horse-drawn sleigh ride to experience your surroundings in a completely new way. Or you can go snowshoeing. Or simply slip into an outdoor hot tub and let the views of the snowy Rocky Mountains wash over you.
About Cuvée
Enjoy your next escape with Cuvée. They’ve curated a portfolio of extraordinary properties all over the world. From the Hawaiian Islands to the Colorado Rocky Mountains to the Tuscany Region of Italy, you can discover world-class luxury vacation house rentals. Plus, Cuvée offers more than extraordinary properties. They also have a devoted team of Experience Curators at every locale. Do you want to venture to the luxury villas Cabo has to offer? Cuvée’s Experience Curators can work with you to create your ideal Los Cabos itinerary. Whether you want to go whale watching, surf Pacific waves, or merely lounge on the beach with a beverage in hand, the Cuvée team can make it happen. Awaken your sense of adventure with Cuvée.
Get ready for a season of snow in the Colorado Rocky Mountains with https://www.cuvee.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4cUV5Jh
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yvonnewatkins · 2 months
Choose Your Ideal Paradise With Our Variety of Luxury Villas in Los Cabos, Mexico.
Find your perfect retreat with our collection of luxury villas for sale in Los Cabos, Mexico. From contemporary architectural marvels to serene beachfront estates, our expert team ensures you find the ideal property to call home in this vibrant coastal paradise. Explore Cabos Finest’s exclusive listings today!
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zumpietoo · 2 months
the real question is how is PP able to afford all that Botox and expensive skincare... i seriously doubt hard & harder paid that well
Hard and harder lmao!!!
And yeah, verrrry much doubt it paid anything—-perhaps it’s why her first vacation in over a year was 4 notes max in even hotter in off season summer Cabo—-and an obvious pee arr/shill for the property.
Bonus that “old $$$” sweatboi popped up for his obligatory pee arr freebie meal
Double bonus - also see hard and harder still hasn’t been unloaded anywhere. Maybe eventually it’ll pop up as a vhs in Walmarts bargain bin?
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top10usa · 3 months
Destination Wedding Planner Mexico
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Planning a destination wedding is an exciting yet daunting task, especially when choosing a picturesque location like Mexico. With its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and luxurious resorts, Mexico offers the perfect backdrop for a fairytale wedding. At DestinationPick, we specialize in creating unforgettable wedding experiences tailored to your vision. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about planning a destination wedding in Mexico, including top venues, essential tips, and how DestinationPick can help you create the wedding of your dreams.
Why Choose Mexico for Your Destination Wedding?
Breathtaking Locations
Mexico boasts a diverse range of breathtaking locations, from pristine beaches and lush jungles to charming colonial towns and modern cities. Whether you envision a beachside ceremony in Cancun, a cultural celebration in Oaxaca, or a luxurious resort wedding in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico has it all.
Vibrant Culture and Traditions
Mexico’s rich cultural heritage and traditions add a unique charm to any wedding celebration. From traditional Mariachi bands and folkloric dances to exquisite Mexican cuisine, incorporating local elements can make your wedding truly special and memorable.
All-Inclusive Resorts
Mexico is home to numerous all-inclusive resorts that offer comprehensive wedding packages. These packages often include everything from venue setup and catering to accommodations and entertainment, making it easier to plan your big day.
Top Wedding Venues in Mexico
Known for its stunning beaches and turquoise waters, Cancun is a top choice for destination weddings. Many resorts offer private beach venues and luxurious ballrooms, ensuring a perfect setting for your special day.
Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen offers a more laid-back vibe with its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife. The town’s charming atmosphere and top-notch resorts make it a popular destination for couples looking for a mix of relaxation and excitement.
For a bohemian and eco-friendly wedding, Tulum is the ideal choice. Its pristine beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, and boutique hotels provide a unique and intimate setting for your nuptials.
Los Cabos
Los Cabos, located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula, is known for its dramatic landscapes and luxury resorts. The area offers a range of stunning venues, from cliffside locations to beachfront properties.
Puerto Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta combines the charm of a traditional Mexican town with the amenities of a modern resort destination. Its cobblestone streets, vibrant art scene, and beautiful beaches make it a romantic spot for a destination wedding.
Essential Tips for Planning a Destination Wedding in Mexico
Start Early
Planning a destination wedding requires more time and coordination than a local wedding. Start your planning process at least a year in advance to secure your preferred venue, accommodations, and vendors.
Visit the Destination
If possible, visit Mexico before your wedding to scout potential venues, meet with vendors, and get a feel for the local culture. This will help you make informed decisions and ensure everything meets your expectations.
Hire a Local Wedding Planner
A local wedding planner, like the experts at DestinationPick, can be invaluable in navigating the logistics of planning a wedding in Mexico. They have established relationships with local vendors and can help you handle legal requirements, venue selection, and other essential details.
Consider the Weather
Mexico’s climate varies by region, so consider the weather when choosing your wedding date. The dry season (November to April) is generally the best time for a wedding, as it offers pleasant temperatures and minimal rainfall.
Incorporate Local Elements
Incorporating local elements into your wedding can enhance the overall experience for you and your guests. Consider adding traditional Mexican music, food, and décor to your celebration.
How DestinationPick Can Help
Personalized Wedding Planning
At DestinationPick, we understand that every couple is unique. Our personalized wedding planning services are tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring your wedding is a true reflection of your love story.
Extensive Venue Selection
We offer an extensive selection of venues across Mexico, from beachfront resorts and private villas to historic haciendas and modern event spaces. Our team will help you find the perfect venue that matches your vision and budget.
Vendor Coordination
Coordinating with local vendors can be challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the area. Our experienced wedding planners have established relationships with reliable vendors, ensuring you receive the best services for your big day.
Legal Assistance
Navigating the legal requirements for a destination wedding can be complex. DestinationPick provides assistance with obtaining the necessary documentation and meeting local regulations, so you can focus on enjoying your wedding.
Comprehensive Wedding Packages
Our comprehensive wedding packages include everything you need for a seamless and stress-free wedding experience. From venue setup and catering to photography and entertainment, we handle all the details to ensure your day is perfect.
The DestinationPick Experience
Initial Consultation
Our process begins with an initial consultation to understand your vision, preferences, and budget. This allows us to create a customized wedding plan that aligns with your dreams.
Venue and Vendor Selection
Based on your preferences, we present you with a curated list of venues and vendors. We accompany you on site visits (if possible) and assist in finalizing contracts with selected vendors.
Planning and Coordination
Our team takes care of all the planning and coordination, from creating a detailed timeline to managing RSVPs and guest accommodations. We keep you informed throughout the process, ensuring you’re involved in every decision.
On-Site Support
On your wedding day, our team is on-site to oversee every detail, ensuring everything runs smoothly. We handle any last-minute issues, allowing you to relax and enjoy your special day.
Post-Wedding Services
After the wedding, we assist with any post-event logistics, such as coordinating transportation for guests and managing vendor payments. Our goal is to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience from start to finish.
A destination wedding in Mexico is a magical way to celebrate your love, surrounded by stunning landscapes and vibrant culture. With DestinationPick, you can trust that every detail of your wedding will be expertly handled, allowing you to focus on creating beautiful memories with your loved ones. Contact us today to start planning your dream wedding in Mexico and experience the DestinationPick difference.
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twopoppies · 2 years
I took one for the team and Briana was last seen at that house in September of 2022, she posted a selfie on her story in that main bedroom. She was there over the pandemic, the backyard/kitchen is the exactly the same. So she definitely lived there until recently. The house was up for sale in 2018, but it never actually sold and Briana stayed living there until it was just sold this past December. So it definitely has to do with Louis!
🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t deal with all the different details and everyone saying theirs is the correct info. 😅 I just don’t care enough to dig through and check for myself.
So, anyone looking through my posts, please double check if this is important to you!
But, if it was still his property, then it’s quite interesting that he finally sold it. Maybe he went and celebrated by going to Los Cabos. 😆
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Discover luxury villas in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, offering stunning ocean views, private pools, and top-notch amenities. Perfect for a serene retreat or an adventurous getaway, these exquisite properties ensure an unforgettable vacation experience in a breathtaking paradise.
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What is Mexican Car Insurance, and Why Do You Need It?
Are you planning to drive your car to Mexico for some fun or relaxation? Whether you want to visit the beautiful beaches in Cabo, eat amazing street tacos in Mexico City, or see Tijuana's vibrant and lively markets, you must have Mexico car insurance. A good policy will ensure you can drive around Mexico with zero worries.
Here's why Mexico car insurance is necessary to stay protected on your road trip.
Learn the Mexican insurance laws.
If you are driving to Mexico, you should know that your car insurance from the US is not recognized there. Mexico has unique insurance requirements, and they require driver’s (including tourists from the US like you) to have liability coverage from a Mexican insurance company. Liability coverage is what pays for bodily injuries or property damage you might cause to other people in an accident.
Without liability coverage, you are taking a significant risk. You could get jailed or pay hefty fines if caught driving in Mexico without it. Therefore, your insurance situation must be sorted out before you start your drive in Mexico.
How much insurance should you have?
While Mexican law only requires a minimum amount of insurance (around $5,800 for bodily injury and death liability coverage and around $2,900 for property liability damage), you should have more than the bare minimum. You should instead consider getting at least $300,000 in liability protection.
If you get in a car accident in Mexico and are found at fault, you could have to pay for the other person's car repairs or medical bills. These costs can add up quickly. With more insurance, you will not have to empty your savings if something goes wrong.
What kinds of coverage can you get?
When exploring your Mexico car insurance options, you will find several types of coverage for different situations:
Physical damage covers damage to your car from collisions, fire, and natural disasters.
Partial theft coverage helps replace certain stolen parts of your car, like tires, mirrors, or radio.
Coverage for medical expenses for occupants helps pay for medical treatments if you or your car passengers suffer injuries in an accident.
Third-party liability coverage is a legal requirement when driving in Mexico and it covers the costs if you hurt someone or damage their property in an accident.
If you are in an accident and found at fault, legal assistance coverage helps with your bail and legal fees.
You also get roadside assistance coverage that pays for roadside services if your car breaks down or you need a tow.
Can you get Mexico car insurance for a short trip?
If you plan to visit Mexico for only a few days, you do not have to get a long-term insurance policy. For these short trips, you can get temporary Mexico car insurance through US-based insurance agencies like West Coast Global Insurance Services. These agencies work with insurance companies licensed in Mexico and offer Mexico car insurance policies that provide coverage from one day to one year. If you plan to drive into Mexico multiple times a year, a 1-year policy can be more cost-effective.
Get your Mexico auto insurance quote today!
The takeaway is that driving in Mexico without the right insurance is a significant risk. So, make sure you have the right Mexico insurance policy before you hit the road to explore what our neighbor to the south has to offer. West Coast Global Insurance Services can help you find the right policy for your needs and budget. Click this link for a free quote and apply for Mexico auto insurance or visit www.westcoastri.com for more information!
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